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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This plan is the culmination of nearly 12 months of hard work by Strategic Committee members who are comprised of both KOSE members and staff. During that period, the Committee customized and distributed a statewide informational survey to KOSE members. The Committee carefully analyzed the respondent data and made assessments as how best to apply the information to the overall strategic outlook and plan of KOSE. Through careful examination of the data the Committee generated the following strategic priorities: 1. Build a robust, statewide political program to ensure a proactive voice for power and unity at the statehouse. 2. Increase membership to build upon the collective strength of our growing mobilized union. 3. Use education as a catalyst to develop an informed and mobilized membership and community. Each strategic priority has concerted goals and tactics designed to grow our union, engage our membership, and promote our philosophy. These strategic priorities were formulated through profound introspection of our vision, mission, and values. In the following pages you will find a detailed plan of our strategic goals accompanied by a timeline of our history, our vision and mission statements, and list of our values. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Prior 2007 - Fragmentation Kathleen Sebelius hires Peter Pachler who issues report on classified positions PERB realigns bargaining units. Splinter Groups, no coordination.

2007 - Building Identity Merger begins. KOSE Mobilization Days identity begins 1


KOSE gains seats in Kansas AFL-CIO Convention. First newsletter. First billboards.

2008 - Small Wins HB 2916, market adjustment signed into law. KOSE testifies for the first time. Rep. Pat George: Call off the dogs Work that Matters campaign First Master Agreement (MOA) effective AFT Pride of the Union Award for explosive growth and lobbying First Lobby Day Finally get a voice, management afraid of losing power First KOSE Steward Training Sen. Laura Kelly march, door to door

2009 - Building Capacity to Grow First supplemental for Units 1 2, 3, 4, 6, 16 Steward Manual, 3rd Edition. Lobby Days Founding convention, Constitution adopted, first election Paycheck held in hostage situation Speaker ONeil trys to hold paychecks. First KOSE member elected to KPERS Board of Trustees, Ron Hagen. KOSE expands into social media.

2010 - Bigger Wins


Second Master Agreement (MOA) ratified Funeral leave for domestic partners Employees limited to 12-hours shifts (Unless consenting otherwise)

Adjusted post rotation unit 6 Lobby Days Cut to the Bone.

2011 Sustaining Wins After more than 50 years of Democratic and Moderate Republican Governors, Kansans elected one of the most conservative leaders in the nation, Sen. Sam Brownback in 2010. KOSE braced for attacks on our Union and our services similar to what was seen in Wisconsin and Ohio. We fought hard and steadfast. Achievements of KOSE were marked not by wins, but by winning the battle against those who proposed anti worker and anti union legislation. We faced the following battles: HB 2130 Paycheck Deception: Using a maneuver not seen in recent years, Pres. Morris double referred HB 2130, requiring two committees to both favorably pass the legislation. HB 2130 resurfaced other times during conference committees, but ultimately died HB 2194 Non-compete privatization: A bill that would have privatized nearly all of state service and required that the state not compete with the private sector surfaced early in the session. After passing the house handedly, the bill did not receive any action in the Senate Committee. In an added twist, Pres. Morris did a gut and go to this legislation, and inserted language from the KOSE-supported Senate KPERs bill (see below). Sen. Sub for HB 2194 KPERs legislation: Preserving the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) defined benefit plan, rejecting an attempt by the Kansas House to create a new defined contribution plan. FY 12 Budget: In addition to supporting a much less devastating budget, the Senate supported state employee market adjustments for below-market employees. This battle for market adjustments was ultimately lost, however, furloughs and salary cuts were removed from negotiations. Closure of State Hospitals: The Senate's moderate caucus openly opposed the closure of any state facility. In the final budget negotiations, no state facility was marked for closure. Additionally, the House proposed sweeping cuts to our salaries, including a 7.5% pay cut, which was ultimately removed during floor debate. The House budget that was sent to negotiations included a 2.5% tax on state employees healthcare. In the final showdown, the Governor vetoed the tax.


In July 2011, KOSE will complete the planning process and development of a strategic plan. Implementation will begin upon adoption by the board. Throughout the summer of 2011, KOSE staff and members will conduct organizing blitzes across the state in Larned, Wichita and Kansas City. The blitzes not only train members on organizing techniques, but also spur membership growth and interest in our Union.

KOSE Vision KOSE builds upon the collective strength and power of a growing, mobilized membership. We fight for economic stability and an educated, motivated voice at the worksite and at the statehouse. We are a proactive force for power and unity.

KOSE Mission KOSEs mission is to advocate for and empower union members and state workers, who provide quality public service for the community in which they serve. Values Trust Hope Respect Knowledge Loud Voice Friendliness Commitment to Service Pride Helpfulness Accountability Solidarity Honesty

Strategic priority: Build a robust, statewide political program to ensure a proactive voice for power and unity at the statehouse. Goal: Increase participation / turnout at Lobby Day


1. Stewards to promote Lobby Day at 50% of worksites (Topeka State Office Buildings, all D.O.C. facilities, all state hospitals, etc.) one month prior to Lobby Day 2. Each confirmed member attendee to bring one non-member. 3. Send email alerts with video and link to registration (track online) Goal: Increase volunteers for political action /mobilization during election season 1. Implement texting campaign with follow thru capabilities by July 1st (reaching 12000+ members via text, with expectations of reaching 200+) 2. Begin political program in August 2012 cycle. (VMO and Staff release) 3. Each steward sign up volunteers at 1 per month or 12 per year per steward 4. Statewide phone banking on Thursdays (or a specific day) Goal: Increase KOSE member relationships with legislators in districts with large KOSE density . (D.O.C., Statehouse, Target Legislation Committee and Wichita) Promote shadow lobby day and increase participation Set up worksite tours with legislators during session Invite legislators to local/monthly meetings Attend coffee hours / town halls meetings (four minimum) and update KOSE website with information 5. Increase voter registration with members to 50% in 2012 and 75% in 2013 Strategic Priority: Increase membership to build upon the collective strength of our growing mobilized union. Goal: Show a net increase of new members 1%-2% year 1, 2%-3% year 3, 5% year 5 1. 50% of active stewards recruit at least 1 new member each quarter 2. Increase attendance by 10% by holding monthly quarterly meetings where each member brings a potential member to recruit (each year) 3. Build structure by blitzing and targeting 10 worksites 4. Welcome phone call to each new member Goal: Retain current membership 1. Reduce processed drop cards by 20% 2. Use MAT teams to communicate KOSE activities / accomplishments / challenges on at least a monthly basis via bulletin board postings 3. Decrease INLE drops to 20% of overall drops. Strategic Priority: Use education as a catalyst to develop an informed and mobilized membership and community.

1. 2. 3. 4.


Goal: Identify, recruit, and develop new stewards. 1. Evaluate current steward structure 2. Determine Steward vacancies 3. Fill vacancies Goal: Institute MAT training to develop new activists where current activists are scarce. 1. Evaluate current range of activists by agency and geographical location 2. Determine areas where activists are lacking by agency of geographical location 3. Initiate training schedules for prospective activists

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