E-Learning Week 4

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Podcast: Children with phones

Express their feelings

Expressing emotion while talking each other
1. Oh, I’m glad you agree. (Ruth)
2. Oh yeah, they are.(Akena)
Don’t you think they are really expensive though? I mean, don’t…(Ruth)

State facts and their opinions, or make

-Using the words “think”, “could”, “would”, “ shouldn’t”
For example:
1. Akane answers Ruth’s question by stating her opinion
Yes if I was parent I think I would feel safer knowing that my child had
mobile phone.
2. Ruth states her own opinion
 If I was a parent though I would not want my child to be phoning
people left, right and centre because it would cost so much money.
3. Akane has given her own opinion
Well you could be right about that.

How they take turns speaking.

1. Ruth gives a turn talking to Akena by mentioning name in order to
invite Akena to take the turn.
- So Akane, what do you think about children today having mobile phones?
2. Ruth gives Akena a turn talking by asking questions as a signal
-Don’t you think they are really expensive though? 
3. Both of them slowing down and lowering the voice pitch for signalling one
Podcasts: His Do-over

Express their feelings:

The speakers express their feelings by saying the key word such as
a) I might change my major. I studied education, and while I enjoy what
I’m doing right now, my free time I really like watching movies about
science and astronomy.
– The word “enjoy” shows he is happy while doing somethings.

The speakers express their feelings by changing their tone while talking such
a) I might have made different decisions about my girlfriends at the time. I
had a really good girlfriend in the beginning of college, and things didn’t
work out because of a variety of reasons. But I think if we would
have worked on it, we could have. We could have made it, made it
happen. So yeah, that’s something I think about sometimes about
life in college. It’s always, you know, college love is kind of a
crazy thing. – Adam has a low pitch voice while saying those
sentences shows that he feels pity for not doing a right decision at that

State facts and opinions or make suggestions:

Stating opinion by using the words “I think”.
For example:
a) I think that those topics are really interesting and on the cutting
edge of science and just fascinating to explore.
b) I went to one training day and kind of tried out, but I didn’t really pursue
it as much as I would have liked. I think it would have been fun to be a
part of that culture and that environment.
c) It’s always, you know, college love is kind of a crazy thing. So yeah,
we’re too much like kids, I guess, I think at that age.
Stating opinion for a decision.
For example:
a) I pierced my ears in high school because that was the cool thing to do.
But now I don’t wear earrings. And yeah, looking back on it, kind of just
a silly thing to do.

How they take turns speaking:

a) Sarah gives the turn to Adam by mentioning his name.
-So Adam, today we’re talking about do-overs. So what is something
that you wish you would have done over? For example, maybe
something in your university life?

b) Sarah gives the turn to Adam again by asking him question as a signal
- Interesting. Anything else you wish you would have done?

c) Adam lowers his voice pitch signaling the end of his turn.
- So yeah, that would be something that I wouldn’t do again.
Podcast: Going to Mars

Express their feelings:

I agree with you that more should be spent on education, but we don't need the next
Einstein if we’re not doing space travel -joyful , both of the speakers laugh for the

State facts and opinions or make suggestions:

Stating opinion by using “I think”
a) And I think that a joint effort is the best way to do space missions.
b)  I think that we could go back to the Moon and learn much more by
going there than we can learn if we don't go there.
c)  I see what you mean, but I think we could learn more and we could
improve more if we can help the people on Earth.
d) I think that it would be nice if we could have all the rich countries spend
money on education for poor people, but if you look at the numbers,
the cost of one space mission is much cheaper than the things we
spend money on now.
e) I think we could get rid of a terrible disease like malaria for as much as
we would spend on a trip to Mars.

Stating facts
a) The International Space station has astronauts from different countries
working together.

Making suggestions
a) So, do you think we should sent people to Mars or Moon to spend all
this money on space travel?
b)  I think that we could go back to the Moon and learn much more by
going there than we can learn if we don't go there.
c)  I see what you mean, but I think we could learn more and we could
improve more if we can help the people on Earth.
d) I think that it would be nice if we could have all the rich countries spend
money on education for poor people
e) I think we could get rid of a terrible disease like malaria for as much as
we would spend on a trip to Mars.

How they take turns speaking:

a) Sarah gives the turn to John by asking him question as a signal
- But do any countries work together to travel in space?
- So, do you think we should sent people to Mars or Moon to spend all
this money on space travel?

b) Interruption
John: One day of war costs more money than one space mission.
Sarah: Yeah, that’s true
Interjection, after which the speaker will simply continue

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