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Masion, Nhea France T.

BSED English 1-A

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and provide what is asked. (5 items x
1. In what year did we have the least number of disasters? And in what year did we have
2. In what year did we have the most number of fatality? And in what year was the least?
3. Which year did we have the most economic losses? And the least?
4. Which year has the largest number of individuals affected because of the disasters?
which year has the least?
5. What can be implied from the trend shown in the data shown below? Explain your


1. The Philippine Disaster Report shows that we had the least number of disaster at the
year of 2009. While we have the most number of disaster in the year of 2012.
2. We had the most number of fatality in the year of 2013. While we had the least
number of fatality in the year of 2008.
3. 2014 is the year where we had the most economic losses. On the other hand, 2008
is the year that we had the least number of economic losses.
4. The data shows that the year which we had the largest number of people that are
affected by the disaster is during the year of 2014. It also shows that the year we
have the least number of people that affected by the disasters is in the year of 2007.
5. The data that has been collected by the year of 2007-2014 shows the Philippine
Disaster Reports. This implies the awareness of everyone for every calamity and
disaster that we are facing in our country. This includes the number of Disasters,
Fatality, number of people that affected, the economic damage, and the year from
2007 until 2014.

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