Sadness and Unhappiness Through All The Life

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Argumentative Essay

Juan Manuel Prado Ramirez

Code: 1005087271

Professor: Carlos Eduardo Hurtado Arevalo

University of Quindío

Education Faculty

BA Modern Languages with emphasis on English and French

Reading comprehension and Writing production VI

Armenia, Quindío, 2022

Sadness and unhappiness through all the life

In most cases, it has been evidenced that the human being has had temperamental and
physical changes that go hand in hand with the growth and development of diverse perspectives.
Sadness had been and is the biggest problem that society has to handle with all their lives.
Despite it, the problems growing and spread through the three stages through which people have
to examine, since then, take as references the cycle of childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old
age; of which will be discussed both positive and negative points regarding the initial idea.

To begin with, in childhood, the child sees opportunities that the adult no longer
understand, such as the fact that they "want to be like them in the future". Something interesting
about the explains it as "children who want to be adults so bad, and it is one
paradox of life that so many children want to grow up fast but when they do, they want to
become young again" (admin, 2020). One of the clear situations is when they play role-plays as
adults or they have referents for job opportunities. Take into consideration that they are in search
of the unknown since they could not experience it from their point of view; however, this does
not happen with the next cycle which corresponds to what I would believe to be the most unstable
of all.

Already in adolescence, sadness or unhappiness becomes more noticeable, since all young
people today feel an emotional lack of control, as they feel controlled by their parents and want to
have that "freedom" that adults normally have. Probably the people who read this article have felt
this hormonal change, which scientifically is proof that the mind and actions change within each
person. They feel the family pressure to maintain a status in society without thinking about
themselves. Another of the most serious blows that leads them to emotions of decadence is the
first love most of the time is not the one they were once told as Prince Charming or the princess
that had to be rescued in fairy tales. By the way, as explained by Dr. Eben Alexander quoting
Isaac B. Singer, "We must believe in free will. We have no choice" (Alexander). Trying to guide
young people is a challenge when parents decide to take on the role of educating and being
responsible for the children they have. In particular, cases were young people in the most serious
case cut their veins or commit suicide, although no one gives them enough attention they need to
feel lonely and unhappy.
This paragraph is going to be explained two types of adulthood that can be developed in
the same person. It presents itself as a roller coaster of emotions. One moment you can be at your
best and the next you can feel you cannot go on any longer, that you are drowning in all the
problems you are examining. Let's start with the negative side since everything is a process to
achieve what you want. Within this, finding the stress of achieving everything that is proposed,
the monotony of having to comply with his work, the payments to be made, and the fear of losing
something because his life is unstable. It is in those difficult moments that you learn to value
everything you have at the moment; in their search for stability, that person wants to find
someone who has similar goals, and that goes hand in hand to improve their intrapersonal and
interpersonal intelligence. After a while, the positive side achieves some points to prove it are:
the person has stability, loves his life as it is since his job is stable, has a family as a pillar of his
life, feels that romanticism for life and lives grateful for everything; not everything is as rosy as it
represents frequently; for which they reach the final stage of old age.

Last but not least, there is old age, which usually shows itself to be a decline because of
certain situations. Therefore, all the loved ones who used to be their parents, grandparents, aunts
and uncles, and so on are dying as time goes by; so they feel they are losing people they used to
go to, and now they can no longer discuss. The above emptiness is mixed with some children
who abandon them in a nursing home, or an old person's home or leave them on the street to fend
for themselves. There are thoughts of dying since for health and body reasons they no longer can
sustain themselves; unless they have an oxygen pipe, pills to keep them alive, and a lot of follow-
up appointments to check what they need besides what they already have. There is a quote from
Albert Einstein quoted by Dr. Eben Alexander that says, "There are two ways to live. The first is
to think that nothing is a miracle. The second is that everything is" (Alexander). That is why it
has been understood that older adults at the end of their days live full of all that they decided in
their life and what they did and that after that death is the proof they need to abandon all those
who did the same with that person; Something close to explaining it is another quote from Albert
Einstein from what Dr. Eben Alexander understood in his experience, who says "I must give up
what I am to become what I will be" (Alexander). Before's quotation is referring to the fact that
people will become a spiritual being and leave the material world.
To conclude, sadness comes from the time people are born crying; until they die when
others are leaving the material world crying; It can show sadness and unhappiness in a way that
society can only understand as we go through each stage of life. Although we are not physically
or mentally equal, there is something that afflicts us and brings us together, as is death. Not at all,
the emotions out of control can damage everyone no matter what, and teach things you will have
to work complicated to not let it happen again. An example is in childhood, where you have to
learn the complicated way when you crawl, walk, or in school when you miss a school subject. In
adolescence, which is more sentimental, you crash into people in making friends and dating
which leaves people wondering what to do. In adulthood, you have problems with yourself when
you do not have what you want, such as financial and emotional stability with someone. Old age
comes calm but with intermittent loneliness that leaves feelings that strengthen but sweeps away
everything that has made up that person. With all this I would like to finish by leaving a question,
considering what it exposed, and is what is worse to fail in the attempt to do things or not to have


admin. (2020, August 9). Why Do Children Want to Become Adults Faster?;
Alexander, Eben. La Prueba Del Cielo : El Viaje de Un Neurocirujano a La Vida Después de La
Vida. Barcelona, Booket, 2015.

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