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Gerunds are verbs used as nouns. They are formed with the base form of the verb + ING.
The role of a gerund can be : subject or object

Drinking can be lethal Here DRINKING is a noun and it works as subject of the sentence
I am a convinced teetotaler: I dislike drinking Here DRINKING is an the object of “dislike”

Some verbs are always followed by gerunds:

I dread flying
I can ‘t help loving her

See the list here below and select 5 of them to write on your notebook and memorize them.
Try not to choose those you already know

Gerunds are mandatory after prepositions

Looking forward to hearing from you
By buying this car you will take part of ….
Some verbs change their meaning depending whether they are followed by Infinitive or
Gerunds. Copy and study the following examples

Introduction to the reading

Read and remember the definition of “imagery” (do not copy it)

Copy the examples on notebook paper

Now choose a favorite song in English and together with your partner find out examples of
the repetitions given above.
1. write these examples on your notebook
2. solve Workbook page 111 and paste on Hacer UNIT 4 John Henry
READING 3: John Henry

This is a tall tale and a folksong.

Read with a purpose: ask yourself what is needed to beat the odds? Superhuman qualities?
Do not forget to search for an answer to this question during the readingg
ACTIVITIES Copy and answer on notebook

1. Answer the questions encountered during the reading on your notebook

2. Report the new vocabulary highlighted in yellow on your notebook
3. According to the dialogue between John Henry and Cap’t Tommy and the dream
from the beginning of the story. What conclusions about the ending can you draw
from this information?
4. 2. What is the slight difference in meaning between these words? strength, power,
vigor, might, force, potency. Report the difference to t¿ your classmates and on your
5. What imagery does the writer use to help you visualize the sunset? Can you find
other literary devices?
6. In the tall tale what were John Henry's last words?

Listen to the song about Jack Henry by pete seeger
Interpret the dialogues (points go to Hacer Speaking…)
Go to Hacer Unit 4 and paste the answers to the questions

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