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Official Changes in Generations

Move Changes for HeartGold Rebalanced After DPPt, HGSS

If the move you are looking for is not here, check the official
changes in the red box to the left for any updates from generation 4 onwards Here for reference
Move Name Changes Reasoning Updated each move to Gen 8,
however did not apply nerfs to
Should help Grass types have a better offensive presence in the early and things like Surf, Thunderbolt, etc..
Absorb BP: 20 --> 30 mid game
Accuracy: 95 --> 100 Unable to edit things like Tail
BP: 75 --> 85 This should give special Flying types more power and a move that is more Glow's updated effect without
Air Slash Effect %: 30 --> 15 similar in power to things like Fly, Thunderbolt, etc. ASM
Ancient Power PP: 5 --> 15 Fairly weak move -- shouldn't have such low PP
Priority moves are far too weak, especially ones like Shadow Sneak that do
not hit many things for supereffective damage.
All of them will be increased based on how good they are, with the weaker
Aqua Jet Power: 40 --> 45 ones receiving the biggest increase in BP
Astonish BP: 30 --> 50 Too weak previously; should help Ghosts in the early and mid game
No reason for this move to be weak (15BP instead of 20 or
Barrage Accuracy: 85 --> 100 25 like other multi-hits) and inaccurate
Power: 35 --> 50
Bind Accuracy: 85 --> 95 Same reasoning as Clamp and Fire Spin
Power: 65 --> 75
Bone Club Accuracy: 85 --> 100 No reason for this move to be weak and inaccurate
Bonemerang Accuracy: 90 --> 100 To be like Pin Missile, Icicle Spear, etc.
Accuracy: 85 --> 100
Bounce PP: 5 --> 15 Dive and Fly have perfect accuracy and more PP
Bug Buzz PP: 10 --> 15 Increased PP just to alleviate some of the nuisance of running out of PP quickly
Priority moves are far too weak, especially ones like Shadow Sneak that do
not hit many things for supereffective damage.
All of them will be increased based on how good they are, with the weaker
Bullet Punch Power: 40 --> 50 ones receiving the biggest increase in BP
Bullet Seed BP: 10 --> 25 To be in line with other multihit moves
Power: 65 --> 75
Chatter This move should be buffed so that Chatot is more useful
Power: 35 --> 50
Clamp Accuracy: 85 --> 95 Same reasoning as Fire Spin. Binding moves should not be so worthless
BP: 18 --> 25
Comet Punch Accuracy: 95 --> 100 To be on par with other multihit moves
Power: 10 --> 50
Constrict Needs a power increase to be relevant at all
Power: 50 --> 60
Accuracy: 95 --> 100
Cut Type Change: Normal --> Steel Should make an underwhelming HM better
Effect: Remove's hazards on
user's side of the field
BP: 0 --> 50
Type: Flying
Defog Attack Style: Special Special attacking, Flying type version of Rapid Spin
Since it takes two turns to deal damage with Dive, its power should be
increased. Also, this will make it have the same BP as Fly, so it will be a
Dive Power: 80 --> 90 Water equivalent of Fly
Double Slap Accuracy: 85 --> 95 Weak moves shouldn't have bad accuracy
Double-Hit is too weak to see any real use. Technician Ambipom comes to
Power: 35 --> 40 mind as benefitting from this buff, but there are also things like Girafarig that
Double-Hit Accuracy: 90 --> 100 would appreciate the increased power.
Seems more reasonable since the next best physical Dragon moves have
Dragon Claw Power: 80 --> 85 recoil, low accuracy, etc.. Dragon Pulse, the special counterpart, is 90
This should help Dragon types whose best move is Dragon Rush be better,
Dragon Rush Accuracy: 75 --> 85 and other moves around this power range have ~85% accuracy
PP: 10 --> 15
Drain Punch Later gen buffs applied Increased PP just to alleviate some of the nuisance of running out of PP quickly
The only Pokemon that get this move are Exeggcute/Exeggutor and
Egg Bomb Accuracy: 75 --> 90 Chansey/Blissey... none of them are physical attackers anyway
Extremespeed PP: 5 --> 10 To alleviate the irritation of running out of PP quickly
False Swipe Power: 40 --> 60 This seems more reasonable given what False Swipe is meant to do.
Physical Fire, Electric, and Ice types should not be as inferior to their special
counterparts with Flamethrower, Ice Beam, and Thunderbolt being 95 BP
and 100% accurate. This will make Pokemon like Luxray who are stuck
with a 65 power move as their best moves much better in battle, and will benefit
Pokemon that use these moves as coverage. So many special attackers
Fire Fang / Ice Fang / Thunder Power: 65 --> 85 gain access to the aforementioned three moves... why should physical
Fang Accuracy: 95 --> 100 attackers who have this coverage be limited in comparison?
Fire Punch / Ice Punch / Thunder This change will make the punches just as effective as the fang moves,
Punch Power: 75 --> 85 but they have different secondary effects
Fire Spin is a worthless move with low power and unnecessary
Power: 35 --> 60 low accuracy. This will help Fire types have a special move between Ember
Fire Spin Accuracy: 85 --> 95 and Flamethrower
Flash Cannon Power: 80 --> 90 Should help special Steel types be more offensively threatening
Focus Blast Accuracy: 70 --> 80 Hydro Pump has the same BP and has better accuracy
Effect: Recharge turn --> harshly
lowers special attack, like Leaf
Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, Storm These moves should be incredibly powerful and still have a massive downside
Hydro Cannon Accuracy: 90 --> 100 to them but not be next to worthless because of recharge turns
Fury Attack Accuracy: 85 --> 95 Weak moves shouldn't have bad accuracy
PP: 10 --> 15
Giga Drain Later gen buffs applied Increased PP just to alleviate some of the nuisance of running out of PP quickly
Effect: Recharge turn --> lowers
Attack and Defense by one stage,
like Superpower Lowering attack and defense is a much better drawback than having a
Accuracy: 90 --> 100 recharge turn, allowing you to U-Turn out, use a special move, use a status
Giga Impact Power: 150 --> 130 move, etc.
Grass Whistle Accuracy 55 --> 65 55 accuracy is abysmal
Grudge PP: 5 --> 10 It's not an exceptionally powerful move, so it shouldn't have low PP
Gyro Ball PP: 5 --> 15 It's not an exceptionally powerful move, so it shouldn't have low PP
Effect: Recharge turn --> harshly
lowers special attack, like Leaf
Storm Lowering special attack harshly is a much better drawback than having a
Accuracy: 90 --> 100 recharge turn, allowing you to U-Turn out, use a physical move, use a status
Hyper Beam Power: 150 --> 130 move, etc.
Hypnosis Accuracy: 60 --> 65 55 accuracy is abysmal
Priority moves are far too weak, especially ones like Shadow Sneak that do
not hit many things for supereffective damage.
All of them will be increased based on how good they are, with the weaker
Ice Shard Power: 40 --> 45 ones receiving the biggest increase in BP
One of the best Steel moves and way too inaccurate

Iron Tail Accuracy: 75 --> 80 Cross Chop, a move with the same BP, is 80% accurate
Last Resort PP: 5 --> 10 Seems more reasonable to have more PP
Lick BP: 30 --> 40 Too weak previously; should help Ghosts in the early and mid game
Luster Purge should not have such low PP for being a move that is weaker than
PP: 5 --> 15 Psychic.
Effect Change: 100% chance to 100% chance to lower the stat since it is weak and it's exclusive to a legendary,
Luster Purge lower opponent's Special Defense warranting a greater effect.
Priority moves are far too weak, especially ones like Shadow Sneak that do
not hit many things for supereffective damage.
All of them will be increased based on how good they are, with the weaker
Mach Punch Power: 40 --> 45 ones receiving the biggest increase in BP
Accuracy: 70 --> 85
BP: 120 --> 90 To be in line with Legends Arceus, but also nerfed in power
Magma Storm Effect: 100% chance to burn to be able to be given to Magcargo and Magmortar
Mean Look PP: 5 --> 10 It's not an exceptionally powerful move, so it shouldn't have low PP
Should help Grass types have a better offensive presence in the early and
Mega Drain BP: 40 --> 50 mid game
Mist Ball should not have such low PP for being a move that is weaker than
PP: 5 --> 15 100% chance to lower the stat since it is weak and it's exclusive to a legendary,
Effect Change: 100% chance to warranting a greater effect.
Mist Ball lower opponent's Special Attack Snarl is like this too.
Power: 65 --> 75 There is no reason for this move to be inferior to Mud Shot in accuracy and
Mud Bomb Accuracy: 85 -->95 to be the only weak special move for Ground types until Earth Power
Night Shade PP: 15 --> 30 Increased PP just to alleviate some of the nuisance of running out of PP quickly
Octazooka Accuracy: 85 --> 100 No reason for this to be weak and inaccurate
Ominous Wind PP: 5 --> 15 Weak moves shouldn't have low PP
Pay Day Power: 40 --> 60 No reason for this to be so weak
To be in line with other early attacking moves like Ember and Water Gun
Peck Power: 35 --> 40 in power
Accuracy: 85 --> 100 Same reason as Rock Blast: other moves like this have 100% accuracy (other
Pin Missile Power: 14 --> 25 than the weak Normal multi-hit moves)
Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, and Pluck are effectively the same move with different PP
and nominally different effects.
Pluck should be the better version since it is a TM exclusive move for most
Pokemon and already has the most unique effect. It will be the bridge between
Pluck Power: 60 --> 75 60BP Wing Attack/Aerial Ace and 90BP Fly
Power: 50 --> 40
Increase its chance of badly Lowering the power of Poison Fang while increasing its chances of
poisoning to be 50% instead of poisoning will make the move better in the long run. Basically more powerful
Poison Fang 30% Nuzzle, just for poison
Poison Sting Power: 15 --> 30 Generally a poison type's first move and it shouldn't be so weak
Poison Tail BP: 50 --> 75 Better midgame move
No reason for this move to be so dependent on RNG in both
Present Accuracy: 90 --> 100 accuracy and power
Psycho Cut Power: 70 --> 80 Underwhelming without the critical hit, so it needs a boost for non-critical hits
Punishment PP: 5 --> 15 It's not an exceptionally powerful move, so it shouldn't have low PP
Priority moves are far too weak, especially ones like Shadow Sneak that do
not hit many things for supereffective damage.
All of them will be increased based on how good they are, with the weaker
Quick Attack Power: 40 --> 45 ones receiving the biggest increase in BP
Rage BP: 20 --> 30 Should make it a more worthwhile move
Shouldn't be an inaccurate move at 55BP (yes, the critical hit ratio is
Razor Leaf Accuracy : 95 --> 100 higher than normal, but it's also higher for Night Slash, a 70BP move)
Rock Blast Accuracy: 85 --> 100 Bullet Seed and Icicle Spear, very similar moves, have 100% accuracy
Accuracy: 90 --> 100
Power: 75 --> 85 Rock types' most standard move should have perfect accuracy, like
Rock Slide Effect %: 30 --> 10 Thunderbolt and Flamethrower, and decent power
Rock Smash Power: 40 --> 55 Same reason as Cut
Rock Throw Accuracy: 90 --> 100 Weak moves should not have low accuracy
Effect: Close Combat clone
(lowers Defense and Special
Rock Wrecker Defense) Recharge moves are awful
No reason for this move to be so weak and inaccurate. It's basically Mud
Bomb but only for Hitmonlee and Hitmontop (w/o breeding on Electivire and
Power: 60 --> 80 Machamp). Now, Hitmontop should be much better in addition to the
Rolling Kick Accuracy: 85 --> 100 Triple Kick change
Power: 35 --> 55
Sand Tomb Accuracy: 85 --> 95 Another worhtless trapping move that will benefit from the increased power
Special attacking Ghost types should have a move of comparable BP to
Shadow Ball BP: 80 --> 85 moves like Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Air Slash, etc.
Shadow Punch/Claw are the only notable physical ghost attacks outside of
Shadow Sneak, which is a priority move and therefore should keep its low
BP, and Shadow Force, which is exclusive to Giratina. Shadow Punch
Shadow Punch Power: 60 --> 80 should be on par with special Ghosts' best move, Shadow Ball
Priority moves are far too weak, especially ones like Shadow Sneak that do
not hit many things for supereffective damage.
All of them will be increased based on how good they are, with the weaker
Shadow Sneak Power: 40 --> 55 ones receiving the biggest increase in BP
OHKO moves are bad. This way, it will be much better, and it is balanced by the
only Pokemon receiving it having low speed stats. Kyogre and Articuno can
use Choice Scarf with Sheer Cold to great effect, but you will not encounter
them in the game.
I considered applying this same change to Fissure, but since Dugtrio learns it
and has 120 base speed, it would be giving a fast 'mon a free 150BP move
Power: OHKO --> Eruption/ most of the time with few Pokemon outspeeding it. Yes, Flying types and
Water Spout effect Pokemon with Levitate exist, but Dugtrio would be far too good against the
Sheer Cold Accuracy: 30 --> 100 majority of Pokemon.
Silver Wind PP: 5 --> 15 Weak moves shouldn't have low PP
Sing Accuracy: 55 --> 65 55 accuracy is abysmal
Due to this have a charging turn, that is enough of a downside to not warrant
Sky Attack Accuracy: 90 --> 100 low accuracy on top of that
No reason for this move to have lower power AND accuracy than High
Sky Uppercut Accuracy: 90 --> 100 Jump Kick
BP: 80 --> 70 Should make it better in the midgame to hold Pokemon over to late game
Slam Accuracy: 75 --> 100 when they get Body Slam
Power: 30 --> 40
Smog Accuracy: 70 --> 95 No reason for a weak move to be inaccurate
Snore BP: 50 --> 75 Worthless move before
It is a niche coverage move for many Pokemon. It shouldn't be
weak and inaccurate, especially considering that Steel is not a
Steel Wing Accuracy: 90 --> 100 good offensive typing
Strength Effect: 10% chance to raise Attack Seems fitting for the move and this will give it more of a purpose
Submission Accuracy: 80 --> 100 No purpose for the low accuracy AND recoil
Sucker Punch PP: 5 --> 10 Seems more reasonable to have more PP
Take Down Accuracy: 85 --> 100 Wild Charge clone
Thunder Accuracy: 70 --> 80 Hydro Pump has the same BP and has better accuracy
Trick Room PP: 5 --> 10 It's not an exceptionally powerful move, so it shouldn't have low PP
Hitmontop's signature move is dreadful. This way, it will effectively
Power: 10 --> 20 be a 90BP move instead of 60BP and make this Pokemon much
Accuracy: 90 --> 100 better
Triple Kick PP: 10 --> 15 Lots of other multi-hit moves are 25BP
Twister Power: 40 --> 50 Should help weaker Dragon types be more offensive when you first get them
Priority moves are far too weak, especially ones like Shadow Sneak that do
not hit many things for supereffective damage.
All of them will be increased based on how good they are, with the weaker
Vacuum Wave Power: 40 --> 45 ones receiving the biggest increase in BP
Vice Grip BP: 55 --> 70 Essentially to be a version of Slam but for other Pokemon like Corphish
Weather Ball Type Change: Normal --> Flying Makes more sense conceptually and was supported in #polls
Power: 15 --> 50 Just like the other continuous damage moves (Wrap, Bind, etc.) --
Whirlpool Accuracy: 70 --> 100 doesn't make this HM so useless
Power: 35 --> 50
Accuracy: 85 --> 95
Same reasoning as Clamp and Fire Spin and Bind
Wrap New type: Grass Wrap and Bind are pretty much the same, so change the typing to Grass
Wring Out PP: 10 --> 15 It's not an exceptionally powerful move, so it shouldn't have low PP
New Effect: Increased critical hit
X-Scissor ratio Should help it to not be a completely worse version of Leech Life
Zen Headbutt Accuracy: 90 --> 100 It's a weaker move than things like Thunderbolt and yet it has lower accuracy

Generally, the buffs in later generations to weak moves like Leech Life were
Updated to later generations like, very good (some moves were nerfed, but these nerfs to moves like Surf have
Other moves Leech Life, Bubble, etc. not been applied to HGR)

***Setup moves like Dragon Dance and Calm Mind, as well as weather moves like Rain Dance, have had their PP amount decreased
in Challenge Mode only. This is to discourage weather abuse and cheesing the game with spamming setup moves***

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