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Zadanie 1 .Uzupełnij zdania wstawiając w nie There is / There are.

1. ………………………. a big garden around the house.

2. ……………………… two bedrooms in the house.
3. ………………………. a wall opposite my house.
4. ………………………. some trees and flowers in the garden.
5. ………………………. a small lamp in Ben’s bedroom.
6. ………………………. some books on the shelf.
7. ……………………… some clothes under the bed.
8. ………………………. a dog sleeping on the sofa.

Zadanie 2. Popatrz na obrazek. Uzupełnij zdania zgodnie z tym co widzisz na obrazku. Użyj:
There is / There are / There isn’t / There aren’t.
1.…………………….. 4 people in this
2…………………… two big windows
in this kitchen.
3……………………. microwave next
to the fridge.
4……………………. some drawers.
5……………………. any animals here.
6……………………. mum next to the
7………………….. any pictures on the
Zadanie 3. Popatrz na obrazek. Odpowiedz krótko na pytania używając: Yes, there is. / No,
there isn’t. / Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
1.Is there a TV set in this room? ……………….
2. Are there 2 sofas in the living room?
3. Are there any people in this room?
4.Is there a computer in this room?

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