Plan G4 Sci Week 6 Plants Life Cycles

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Beaconhouse School System

Primary and Middle Campus F-7/3, Islamabad

Science plan
Plants Parts and Life Cycles
Monday 19th Sept, 2022 to Friday 23rd Sept, 2022
(Grade IV)
Tooba Mahmood

Name of Teacher: Tooba Mahmood Class: IV Subject: Science Week- 6 Day: 1,2
Topic: Plant’s life cycle (seed dispersal) Suggested Duration: 80 min Date: 19th Sept to 23rd Sept 2022

Book Reference : Cambridge Primary scientific methods and skills

Attainment Target

Know that not all plants produce flowers and classify plants as flowering and non-flowering based on their characteristics

Learning Outcomes (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes)

Students will be able to:

● Explain seed dispersal as the part of life cycle of a flowering plant.

● Sort, group and classify seeds according to how they disperse.
● Compare their predictions with results and comment on the accuracy.

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and Formative Assessment
Time Resources
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) 80 (What resources will you use
selected) mins that will support the teaching (How do you plan to assess
and learning activities?) learning as it is happening?)


Students will be asked questions related to their

prior knowledge about the first three steps of life Students feedback will be taken.
cycle of a flowering plant. 10 min ✹ Students’ verbal feedback


Development: Whole-class discussion: 30 min ⦿ MMP ✹ Students’ verbal feedback

Whole-class discussion: Students will watch the presentation and solve ⦿ PPT presentation
the worksheet after discussing with a partner.
1. Students will be asked to pre read the Students will answer the triggering questions. ⦿ Marker, tissue
textbook pg. 25 to 26
2. Students will be shown the PPT to
introduce the topics
3. Worksheet at the end of the PPT
presentation will be done on MMP
through students’ feedback.
4. Teacher will take her board marker
and a tissue paper and ask students
to assess if each was a seed what type
of seed dispersal method would each
take? Now show to students that if
both drop, marker rolls and tissue
5. Now the teacher will ask students to
give examples of their own things as
seeds and their method of dispersal in
their view and give reason for each.

Students will complete the workbook pg. students will complete the written task
30 min workbook ✹ Students’ written task
● Pg. 15 Q1
● Pg. 16 Q1,2

Wrap Up: Evaluate:

10 min Slide 6 ✹ Students’ verbal feedback
▪ Slide 6 will be discussed Students will reply to the questions.


Students will make the table using the activity on

textbook pg. 24 activity 1 in their notebooks.

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

By using open discussions as a tool to increase students' interests and engagement, maintain their focus, generate different perspectives and help them make connections between
concepts and ideas.
Name of Teacher: Tooba Mahmood Class: IV Subject: Science Week- 6 Day: 1,2
th rd
Topic: Plant’s life cycle (germination) Suggested Duration: 80 min Date: 19 Sept to 23 Sept 2022
Book Reference : Cambridge Primary scientific methods and skills
Attainment Target
Describe seed germination and know that seeds require water and an appropriate temperature to germinate.

Learning Outcomes (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes)

Students will be able to:
• Explain that germination is a part of the life cycle of a flowering plant.

• Label the steps of germination in the flowering plants.

• Judge the conditions that a seed needs to germinate such as water, warmth and air. (not light and soil)

• Predict the right condition for germination of a seed.

• Interpret and discuss results in graph form.

• Record results from observations using tables.

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and

Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Time Resources
Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) 80 (What resources will you use
(How do you plan to assess
selected) mins that will support the teaching
learning as it is happening?)
and learning activities?)
Recap/ Development:
Students will be asked to name the seed dispersal ● Unit 2 Video 2:
they will be asked to give one example each of https://
every type. students will watch the video.
feedback will be written in a mind map form. u/0/d/
Watch Unit 2 Video 2: Germination (boost- 10 min ✹ Students’ verbal feedback
Students' feedback will be taken. This video shows time-lapse footage 8pu6beKdsrYRzDoY/
of barley grass seeds sprouting. Discuss what view?usp=drive_web
learners observe happening.

● Display Unit 2 Slide 7 (boost- Ask learners to discuss the
● What conditions do seeds need before Students will watch the videos and slides and ● Unit 2 Slide 7
they can germinate? 10 min ● through feedback
discuss them in pairs to find the answers.
● Which grows first: the root or the shoot?
● Where does the plant get its food from
before the leaves open?
● Where does the plant get its food from
after the leaves open?

Whole-class discussion:
Whole-class discussion:
Students will watch the presentation.
6. Students will be asked to pre read the
Students will answer the triggering questions. ⦿ MMP
textbook pg. 27 to 30 20 min
⦿ PPT presentation
✹ Students’ verbal feedback
7. Students will be shown the PPT to
develop the topics.
8. feedback will be taken
Students will complete the workbook pg.
● Pg. 17
students will complete the written task
30 min workbook
✹ Students’ written task
● Pg. 18

Wrap Up: Evaluate:

▪ Slide 8 will be discussed Students will reply to the questions.
10 min Slide 8 ✹ Students’ verbal feedback
Students will solve the worksheet at home.
How will you make the lesson inclusive?
By using open discussions as a tool to increase students' interests and engagement, maintain their focus, generate different perspectives and help them make connections between
concepts and ideas.

Teachers note:
germination. Learners may be familiar with the conditions plants
typically need for growth: warmth, water, air, light and a source of nutrients (usually soil). However, learners
may not be aware that two of these conditions are not required for seeds to germinate. Seeds do not need
soil or light to germinate – only warmth, water and air.
Learners are introduced to the new concepts of germination rates and germination times. Germination
rates (the percentage of the total number of seeds planted that germinate) and germination times (the
number of days a seed takes to germinate after being planted) depend on the conditions (such as soil
temperature and the amount of water).

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