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It replaces alkali in reactive Dyeing & Pretreatment has Excellent BUFFER action to ensures even pH
till termination of the dyeing cycle. Yields Even dyeing, brighter / sharper shades. BUFFER LSN is
OEKOTEX & GOTS Version 6.0 certified and ZDHC registered Auxiliary. REDUCES TDS, BOD, COD

BUFFER LSN is a replacement for Soda Ash
in reactive dyeing and it also has a specific
pH control Buffer activity during reactive
dyeing due to its chemistry. It is an
economical proposition to replace alkali, ADVANTAGES
which ensures MUCH better color yield BUFFER LSN replaces ALKALI (soda
and, fixation efficiency is better than soda ash) at 1/6th ratio and also has Good
ash. It is also effective in the BUFFER action for REACTIVE
PRETREATMENT Bath as alkali gives DYEING
better whiteness and even dye pick up Ensures even Ph during dyeing cycle
till the termination
Biodegradable & Reduces effluent
Conventional alkali gives uneven Ph, load, SUSTAINABLE chemistry
particularly there is a drop towards the Better Color yield (K/S) value
end of the dyeing cycle whereas BUFFER Fixation efficiency will be much
LSN ensures uniformity in the dyeing bath better
which ensures proper uptake and Lesser acetic acid required to
exhaustion for best results. There by it neutralize
ensures stable pH approach right till the Good color pickup & uniformity
end of dyeing and Good Color Uniformity. Ensures Good cost economics.

ECOFRIENDLY: It reduces TDS Load
substantially. It requires lesser acetic acid/ Physical Appearance Pourable Liquid
neutralizers to neutralize the core alkali, Solubility Soluble in water
Most Important it is less stressful on ETP pH of 2% solution >12- 14
due to less BOD and COD
Below Table shows the operational temperature,
Suitable for Hot brand, ME HE, VS dyes. It
achieves better reproducibility

It can be easily removed post dyeing and OPERATING PARAMETERS

uses lesser acid during neutralization, and Operational
also helps in saving inventory space and Process Parameter Range
thereby achieves overall Much better pH >10.5 - 11
economics and sustainable solution for
the Textile Industry. Temperature >60’C
Time 30-70minutes
Dosage 1/6 th of Soda Ash


Email -, Ph - +919845014390

BUFFER LSN is used at a small dosage and Inhalation of chemicals dust and mists should
hence gives maximum benefit to the end be avoided. In case of contact with the skin or
users eyes, promptly rinse with water for at least 15
minutes and obtain medical attention.
BUFFER LSN can be applied in Low MLR
and HIGH MLR machines with many For detailed handling information, please refer
advantages. to the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet, .
All are available from Manufacturer / seller on
BUFFER LSN replaces Conventional alkali request.
(SODA ASH) very effectively and has been
well received with Textile dyeing units
mainly Knits, Yarn dyeing, Garment DISCLAIMERS
dyeing, and Jigger and in Exhaust baths. The information provided herein is based on data
believed to be reliable, to the best of the company's
knowledge, and does not apply to use of the material
BUFFER LSN helps reduce the effluent
in any process or in combination with any other
load in the ETP. material.
It is provided at the request of and without charge to
our customers. Accordingly, the manufacturers / seller
PACKAGING cannot guarantee or warrant such information and
BUFFER LSN is available in standard package assumes no liability for its use. Other than as set forth
sizes. 125/ 250kg in a contract of sale, the manufacturer / seller makes
no warranty, express or implied, as to the material set
forth herein, including the warranty of merchantability
or fitness for a particular use.
STORAGE In case this product literature is a translated version of
the original and internally approved English version,
the manufacturer disclaims responsibility for any
BUFFER LSN will maintain stated activity for at editorial changes and errors caused by the translation,
least six to eight months when stored in a and shall not be liable for any losses caused by reliance
sealed container at room temperature. on the accuracy and reliability of translated
information. The original and internally approved
English version is and shall remain the controlling
Shake well on long storage before use to
version of this document.
ensure uniform solution.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a
representation by manufacturer that the use or resale
Recommended to store in air tight containers of the product or processes described herein will not
in shade. STORE away from any source of violate any rules or regulations of any countries,
contaminants which impair activity Storage regions, localities, etc., or infringe upon patents or
other intellectual property rights of third parties or
and Stability information is available upon that the recommendations and usage suggestions
request. described constitute any authorization or inducement
to infringe any such rights.
This document is subject to change without
further notice.

We are Manufacturers of wide range of Following certified Auxiliaries


Email -, Ph - +919845014390

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