Jyotish The Drekkana A.K. Gour

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H1ndu Astrology Series

The Drekkana
an originalresearcb

R.S.Pamvar, Avi11asl1 Venna,

Dr. (Mrs.) S.R. Mishra, Ms. PreityDewedi,
Ms. Meera Srivastva, C N. Ghosh

Guide and Editor

Col. A.K. Gour
Group researches have been pioneered by Sh. KN. Rao. This
book on Drekkana Is the result of one such group research.
Thi<; group of astrologers was intrigued by the allocation of
Vlmshopak bala to the shadvargas. The natal chart gets 5 1>oints out
of a total of twenty points (VImshopak stands fur twenty). Navamsha
gets 5 points and the Drekkana gets 4 points. The utilisation of
Drekkana was not commensurate with this value. To ensure usage of
this varga In conformity with Its potential It was decided that the
group would.
a Collect and collate all available data on Drekkana.
b. Research the various uses of Drekkana.
The effort would have been with the readers earlier but
Sh. KN. Rao directed that this grou1> also examines "Kanll Phala" as
per the Varanasl Drekkana to ensure that the researches give, to the
readers, some thing totally new.
Thi<; group of eminent astrologers worked with me. on behalf of
every member of this group I thank our astrology guru Sh. KN. Rao
fur his guidance, encouragement and SUJ>l>Ort.
The financial support given by "the Society for Vedic
Researches and Practices" for the production of this piece of
research with evidences supJ>Orting the researches Is duly
acknowledged and admired.

9 March 2008

Col. A.K. Gour


The late Gopesh Kumar Ojha whom I used to see in my

childhood come to our house to learn from my late mother south
Indian classics like rhrua Deepika, ]ataka Parilata, Beda (.1takam etc.
with the help of Telugu translations and commentaries, told me
many years later that In Varanasi there was a real great astrologer
schol.v, the late Rarna Yatan Ojha who advocated different versions
of dreshkona. hora. etc, and that they were given In Kashi Panchanga
year after year. I introduced it among our research students batch by
batch. I st.vted called them Varanasi Hora. Varanasi Dreshkona
though they could also be described as Arsha Vargas meaning
ancient divisional hOroscopes.
The late Sheshadri lyer referred to the use of the divisional
horoscopes In his books and showed some uses here and there. But
I used It most extensively as all my published .vtldes and later. books
show. I asked my students to use them extensively to overcome their
temptation to become victims to the doubtful validity of Nadi or
Bhrigu methods of predictive techniques. Many of our students of
the Bharatiya Vldy.l Bhawan have been giving brllll.1nt predictions,
particularly some women. and they use many divisional horoscopes.
I talked about these Varanasl vargas many times and once
during our discussion. Col.Gour offered to get a comprehensive
research done on It by a team of students chosen by him. This book is
the product of that effon
Divisional charts the unique gift of Hindu Sages and Rishls are
not only being taught but are increasingly being used In teaching and
research at the largest astrology teaching centre In the world, at the
Bhartf)ra Vldhya Bhawan New Delhi.
Drekkana - The one third division of ra~l Is an lmponant
divisional chart. Maharishi Prashar has assigned 4 Vlmshopak Bala
points to this chan, the Natal chart gets 6 and the Navamsha get 5,
In the 20 point allocated to the Shadvargas. It Is also Important to
mention that Maharishi Prashar decreed that all predictions be given
after analyzing the Shadvargas.
A laudable experiment has been made by Col. A.K. Gour and his
team to examine all facets of this chart. The complete data that is
available on Drekkana In our classics has been collated in Section- I of
this challenging work. This Is an Immense service to the astrological
world. Col. Gour and his team deserve praise.
The applicability of this divisional chart. to fine-tune the predictive
process, in all conceivable areas has been explained In different
chapters of Section - 2.
Each chapter has been authored by our faculty members or
senior researchers.
A brief introduction of the authors would be in order -
Shri R.S. Panwar - He is a Sr. Telecom Engineer. He is Bronze
Medallist and a senior researcher who Is on the faculty of Institute of
Astrology. Bharriya Vldya Bhawan. New Delhi. He has the ability to
peruse doggedly an astrological point to its natural culmination. He is
he co-author of '7he Dw.ld.1Short,Jf}Dasha" - An excellent book on
conditional dasha. He has authored several research articles in the
(oumal of Astrology. He has contributed the chapters "Drekkana and
Nature, Drekkana and Yoga. Varanasi Drekkana and Karamphal" in
this book.
Dr.(Mrs.)Sri Rama Mlshra- She has taught Economics in Delhi
University. She after several years of researches at the Bhawan joined
the faculty where she is admired as a lucid astrology teacher. She has
co-authored the book "Dwadashottary Dasha". Her contribution to
the book are the chapter "Drekkana and Profession. Varanasi
Drekkana and Karamphal".
Late Air Commodore Shrl Chandan Ghosh- A fighter pilot, a
musician, an author and an astrologer, he was a multl faceted
personality. He lived a full vibrant life of happiness and achievements.
In this book he has contributed the chapter on "Drekkana past and
future life". He Is the one who Is practically testing his own
Mrs. Pretty Dwlvedl- A house wife who was a silver medallist
of her course. She has a few research articles to her credit. A
researcher with an incisive mind that ferrets out obscure astrological
gems. She has authored the chapter on "Drekk.1na and Siblings" in
this book.
Mrs. Meera Srlva.stva- A senior researcher. She lsan excellent
Bhajan Singer. She has a sharp mind and quick uptake despite the
housewife pressures. She finds time to peruse astrology books. A
regular subscriber of articles to the journal. She has contributed the
chapter on "Drekkana and Disease" in this book.
Shrl Avlnash Verma • A Charted Accountant who got the
Gold Medal In his batch. His work leaves him little dmc to devote to
Astrology. He has the authored the chapter on "Drekkana and
Navamsha" In this book.
II is gratifying to note that group researches pioneered by us
has resulted In group of astrologers coming together to write a book.
The first such book was ·Sadhe Saatl · why such fright?. later
came "Famous Women" authored only by women astrologers and
edited by me In the International Year of Women ZOO I.
Then came a mono~rraph on "Simhast Guru* (or Jupiter In
Leo") and Marriages' by seven woman authors.
A book on divisional charts guided by Col. A.K. Gour is a
welcome addition. This book would open new areas of research and
would enable practising astrologers as well as the students in
sharpening their astrological skills.

K.N. Rao
6 Mardi 2008
(Maha Shivaratri)

Section One
Introduction ........................................ .

by Coi.A.K. Gaur

Chapter 1 .... Drekkana - General................................ .10

Chapter 2 .... Divisional Horoscopes

(Varga Charts)........................................ .17
Chapter 3 .... The Drekkana......................................... .27

Chapter 4 .... Drekkana and Navamsha. .............. .......... 51

Section Two
Chapter I .... Drekkana and Nature...............................76
by R.S. Panwar
Chapter 2 .... Drekkana and Yoga. ................................98
by R. S. Pan war
Chapter 3 .... Birth Chart. Drekkana
and Navamsha ................................ .... .114
by Avlnash Verma

Chapter 4 .... Astrology of Profession
through Drekkan Swaroop..................... .123
by Dr. (Mrs.) S.R. Mishra
Chapter 5 .... Drekkana and Relationship
with Siblings.........................................141
by Ms. PreityDewedJ
Chapter 6 .... Drekkana and Disease. ......................... .164
by Ms. Maera Srivastva
Chapter 7 .... Drekkana Past and
The Future Birth.................................... .I 80
by C.N. Ghosh
Chapter 8 •••• Drckkana and Yatra...............................191
by Col. A.K. Gour
Chapter 9 .... Varanasi Drekkana and Karmaphala .......197
by Col. A.K. Gour,
Dr. (Mrs.)S.R. Mishra.
RS. Panwar

Books by Vani Publications....................228

Section One
Tbis exhaustive treatise on Drekkana has been laid out In two
parts.ln Part •I the treatise covers all the available data on the Drekkana
as given the classics. There is a brief over view of the basics of
Astrology. There Is then a detailed discussion of the Divisional charts.
containing the method of constructing the Divisional charts along
with the specific areas that .ue the domain of the sixteen divisional
charts followed by a brief discussion on how these charts are analysed.
The treatise In the next step deals with the Drekkana. It lists all
available data of this divisional chart. The Drekkana lordships, the 36
Drel<kanas and their ·swaroop· (description of the imagined pictorial
identity). The categorization of Drekkanas by their nature IAyudh,
Pakshl. Chatuspad etc.) Drekkanas and the body parts. The results of
planets In different Drekkanas. the results of planers In the Drekkana
of another planet and the result of planets In different Navamsha in
each of the 36 Drekkanas is also culled and collated from the classics.
The attempt Is to collect all the details about tills Divisional chart
In one place.
In 1\ut·ll of the treatise the practical predictive application of
the Drekkana Is given. Its Chapters are:·
(a) Drekk.'n..' llnd Its nature as given to It by Narad. Agastya and
Durvasa the three ruling deities of the Drekkanas.
(b) Drekkana and the Yogas.
(c) Use of Rashl, Drekkana and Navamsha.
(d) Use of Drekkana "Swaroop" and Significations In assessing
(e) Drekkana and Siblings.
(1) Drekkana and Oise.\SCS
(g) Drekkana and past/future blnhs.
(h) Use of Drekkana In Yatras.
(i) Varanasi Drekkana and KNcllT1 J'hal,,
This. Is also an attempt where the eminent Scholars of Astrology
have contributed a chapter each thus bringing the collective strength
to understand and explain the subtlety and complexity of this
extremely Important though less used chart.
Drekkana - General
Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra. the premier "Granth" from which
we learn astrology commences with a prayer to Sage Parashar by his
disciple Maitreya.
The prayer Is -

Namastasmay bhagwate bodhrupaye sarvadha

Parmanad kandaye guruveagiandwanseneya.
Loosely translated this would mean:- "My salutation to the
Guru who makes me understand complicated issues, who gives
eternal joy and who destroys my "Agyan".
We are starting our endeavour of understanding the various
nuances of Drekkana by praying to Parashar Rlshl with the Maitrya
In this chapter the basics of Astrology are enumerated for ease
of reference.
Houses and significations
Signs and symbols
The planets
The Nakshatras
The Karakas
The Aprakash Grahas.
The Dasha and Transit
A. Houses/Bhavas - There are twelve houses/bhavas In any
horoscope. Each of the twelve houses has its own specific area of life:
signifying very special activities. A brief of the same is identified in the
table A.
The said significations of the houses/bhavas are only an
indication of major area. There are numbers of significations relating
to each house/bhava.
B. Signs/Rashis - Signs/Rashis are the next grouping of
horoscopic firmament. Every sign signifies numbers of characteristics
and represents one of the houses In the horoscope. In all there are
twelve signs Identifying each of the twelve houses/bhavas. A brief

The Drekkana Drekkana - General

Table-A (Housa/Bh.vas}
s. House Technical Nomenclature Signification
I 111'$1 House Tanu 81\3va Body
it Seoond House Dl1.lna Bhava Wealth
Thm House Sallaj Bhava V;~IOut

IV. Fourth House Matru Bhava Mothet

v Fifth House Putra Bhava Son
yt Sixth House An Bnava Enemies
II¥ Seventh House Kalall'3 Bhava Spouse
VIII Eighth House Mntyu Bhilva Age (Ayu)
IX Ninth House Bhagya Bhava Fortunes
• Tenth House Karma Bhava Profession
XI Eleventh House L.abha/Ay a Bhava GainstAya
xn Twe!l'..h House Vyaya Bl'tnva Expenditure

Tabic - B (Sfgn/R,uhl}
Sl l'Qme of Sign Name of Ruhl
No. (English) (Hindi)


II Taurus Vnshabtla

Ill Gemini Mununa

1'1 Cancer Karl\3

v Leo Simh:J

VI V1rgo Kenya

VIi Libra Tula

V1il ~ vI"'Vddi)o;
IX Sagittarius Dnanu

> Capricorn M<Jkar

XI Aquarius Kumbha

XJ Pisces Meen-a

Drekkana - General

detail Is given in table B.

Name of each of the signs speaks something about its nature.
The symbols further signify them. Again the significations are not
C. Planets - Major thrust area of horoscopy Is the influence of
various planets on the creation of Almighty In the universe.
Sdentlnc.llly. this influence is experienced in terms of gravitational
power In the modern days yet the great seers visualized this In their
time with the help of their divine power. There are seven planets:
Sun. Moon. Mars. Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn and two
shadowy planets: Rahu and Ketu. These arc considered In Vedic
Astrology of great Influence on the mankind. The western world
includes the three farthest planets: Uranus. Neptune and Pluto.
Uranus. Neptune and Pluto are at such a distance that their Influence
on human being Is considered insignificant. In a fresh dispensation
Planet Pluto has been deprived of the status accorded to It as a
Planet. It Is too small hence it Is no longer eligible to be treated as a a
Table- C (Piilnets}
Eastern Wor1d
Planet Symbol Signification
Sun Father
Moon Mother

Man Brother
MDII urv Uncles & Aunts
Jupiter Preceptor
Venus Spouse
Saturn Servants
Shadowy Planets considered only in Hindu Astrology
Rahu Grandfather (Patemal as we~ as maternal)
Ketu Grandmother (Paternal as weft as maternal)
A det.JII ts1 of signlrabons of the planets «s oppondOd at Ap;:xmda-111

Planet. Planets and their symbolic significations and identifying

symbol are listed In table C.
D. Constellatlons/Nakshatras - Nakshatras are the finer
beauty of the Hindu Astrology of Indian seers. There are 27
constellations In the Zodiac of 3000. Each constellations Is of 13°20'

The Drekkana Drekkana -General

comprising of four Padas or Charanas of 3 40' each. Each conslellalion

is given lordship of one of lhe nine planels (seven main planels and
lwo shadowy planels). Even each Pada/Charan of a conslellation is
given lhe lordship of a planet. Constellalions are given cover of a
sign/rash!. This i::omplele speclrum of 27 nakshalras is covered by 12
Table·· 0 (Nakshatra and Its Extent)
Nakshatras Astr.Wli Bharanl Kntol<a
Aries Extent 0-13"20' 13"20'·26"~0' 26"40-30"
Lord & Charan Ketu (4) Venus (41 Sun(1)
Nakshatras Krill!< a Rohml Mrigshira
Tauras Extent 0-10" 10-23"20' 23"2 ()"-30"
Lord & Charan Sun (3) Moon (4) Mars (2)
Nakshatras Mrigshira Ardra Punarvasu
Gemini Ectcnl 0-6"40' 6"40'-20° 20"-30"
Lord & Charan Mars (2) Rahu 141 Jupoter(3)
Nakshatras Punarvasu Pushya Ashlesha
Cancer Extent 0-3"20' 3"20'-16°-40' 16"40'-30"
. Lord 8. Charan Jupiter (1) Saturn (4) Mercury l41
Nakshatras Magha P. Phalguni U Phalguni
Leo Extent 0-13"20' 13"20'-26"40' 26"40-30"
Lord & Charan Ketu (41 Venus (4) Sunil)
Nakshatras Li. Phalgun i Hasta Chitra
Virgo Extent 0-10" 10-23"20' 23"20'-30"
Lord & Charan Sun (31 Moon (4) Mars [21
Nakshatras Chitta Swau Vishaka
Libra l~octcnl 0-6*40 6"40-20° 20°-30"
Lord & Charan Mars (2) Rahu(4] Jupoler(3l
Nakshatras Vishaka Anuradha Jyeshta
Scorpio Extent 0-3"20' 3"20'·16"-40' 16"40'-30"
Lord & Charan Jupiter (11 Saturn (4) Mercury (4)
Nakshatras Moo! a p Ashad U Ashad
Sagitanus Extent 0-13"20' 13"20'-26°40' 26"40-30"
Lord & Charan Ketu (4) Venus 141 Sun (1)
Nakshatras u Ashad Shravan Dhanisla
Capricorn Extent 0-10° 10-23"20' 23"20'-30"
Lord 4 Charan Sun 131 Moon (4) Mars !21
Nakshatras Dhanisla Satbl1isha P Bhadrapad
Aquarius Extent ().6"40' 6"40'-20" 20"-30°
Lord & Charan Mars (2) Rahu (4) Jupiler(3)
Nakshatras P Bhadrapad U Bhadrapad Rev ali
Pisces Elctenl 0-3"20' 3"20'-16"-40' 16°40'-30"
Lord & Charan Jupiter ( 1) Saturn (4) Mercury (4)

Drekkana - General The Drekkana

signs. A clear picture emerges with the help of the table D.

Some seers consider that there are 28 constellations not 27.
Abhljlt Nakshatra Is considered as the 28th constellation. Some area
of 21st and 22nd constellations viz. Uttarashadha and Shravana
respectively Is taken create this. Abhljlt Nakshatra Is thus counted as
the 22"d Nakshatra and the counting further goes on from Shravana.
Segment of Uttarashadha. Abhijit and Shravana constellations is

Table - 01 (Nakshatra and its Extent)

21 Uttarashadha 8 '27°40' 9'6°40'
22 Abhijit 9'6•40' 9"10"13'20"
23 Shravana 9'1 0"13'20" 9'23°20'

recast as shown in the table Dl.

Each of these constellations has its own characteristics and
significations and blesses an individual with the qualities depending
upon the constellations of Ascendant and also that of Moon. Similar
improvisation of the nature of other planets Is experienced provided
due weight is extended to their constellation.
In India, name of an individual Is selected traditionally on the
basis of Moon's constellations. more specifically on the basis of Pada/
Charan of Moon's constellations. Every Pada/Charan is assigned an
alphabet of Hindi Varnamala and logically first letter of a child's name
is identified with the alphabet representing the particular Pada of
Moon's constellations in which the child has taken birth. Similarly
Dasha/Period is also identified with Moon's constellations.
E. Slgnificators - In Hindu Astrology every house/bhava has
Table - E (Significators}
1" House Sun
2"' House JuCI!er
311-' House Mars
4111 House• Moon, Mercury. Venus
5111 House Jupiter
6"' House Mars. (Saturn)#
7' House Venus
8"' House Saturn
9"' House (Sun)', Jupiter
10"' House• Sun. Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn
11 111 House Jupiter
12'" House Saturn
• 4th & 1Oth houses have multiple significators
t1 Some savants see Saturn as stgnificatorot 6th and Sun as significalorot
Blh & 1Oth houses.

The Drekkana Ofdkkl~l - General

its Axed slgnlnc.,tor(s)ln the tbnn of planets. These do have their role
In fine-tuning the analysis of a horoscope especially when events
signified by the house arebeingjudged. House-wise fixed significators
are detailed In table E.
These significators provide additional scope to Improve the
analysis of a particular horoscope. The significators help In fine-tuning
the analysis and prediction related to the house concerned. One
school of thought considers that horoscope should be analyzed
taking the slgnlflcator as Ascendant along side the birth Ascendant.
Moon Ascendant etc.
F. Non Luminous Planets/Aprakasha Grahas- Alongside the
nine planets the Vedic Astrology does consider existence of some
sub-pl.mets which are not luminous as the seven planets are. They
also play significant role in analysis of horoscope. These r>lanets are
also overlorded by some of the representative planets. They are
dMded In two grour>s namely Gulikadl and Dhoom.,dl as detailed In
Table- F (Non Luminous P/lf!(lts/Apr.rklsh,Grahas)
The Gulikadi Group
I Gul&u Saturn
2 YIIINk~ntau Jupiter
3 Mntyu_ Mars
4 Kill~ Sun
5 Ardhaprahara Mercury
(Dhoomadl Group)
1 Dhooma Mars
2 Vyallpata or Pata Rahu
3 ParlvoshofPoridhl Moon
4 lnderellapOJ_ Chapa or Kodanda Venus
5 Upketu or Ketu Ketu

the table F.
I. The Gulikadi Group - Dinamaan and RaUimaan plays
Important role In calculation of non-luminous r>lanets of this
categorywhlch has 5 sub-planets represent this grou11.
2. Dhoomadl Group - Longitude of Sun plays pivotal role in
this group and 5 sub-planets are identified which arc again ruled by
planets as presented In the table F.
G. The Pranapada - A Prana)1ada is equal to IS padas of
vlghatl or 6 minutes. Its calculation depends upon Sun's placement in
a particular sign I.e. moveable, fixed and dual. It does help In malting
our system of analysis finer.
H. Dasha - The vast vista ofVedic Astrology does not rest with

Drekkana • General The Drekkana

the static analysis of hou~. signs, pl.l!lets. sub-planets, significators

etc. which indicates the promise. II moves further In the dynamic
area keeping pace with the changing planetary positions to identify
the time of occurrence of an event. This Is done on the basis of Dasha
period running in a particular horoscope at that time. There are
numbers of Dashas of planets or signs. Some are conditional while
others are general. Vlmshottml Is the most prevalently used Dasha
system In the Vedic Aslrology. Yoglnl Dasha and laimini Char Dasha
are other non-condltlon..'\.1 Dashas used in different pans of India. ln
any Dasha. there Is specified system of calculation. Some begin with
the lord of Moon's constellations at the time of birth whereas some
begin from the Ascendant. Events related to the Dasha Lord I Dasha
Sign take place during their Dasha period. In this way a static promise
is converted Into a timed event.
Transit - The static promise as indicated in the horoscope duly
prepared for delivery by dynamism of Dasha Is delivered by proper
transit. Transit Is the dynamic position of planets at the time of
occurrence of the event. Transit is the delivery boy who delivers the
fruits of the promise. An adverse transit of planet may nullify even an
outstanding promise and sometime momentarily decision on the
basis of transit may prove favorable to the individual. Thus the
effectivity of transit is not less in any manner.

chapter .2.

Divisional Horoscopes
(Varga Charts)
The divisional charts are unique feature of Hindu Astrology. Our
Rbhls have gifted to us the divisional charts so that we can chart our
way amidst the complexities of human lives and relations
Take the case of the birth of twins they have similar horoscopes in
cesarean births the twins separated by 5 odd minutes will have an
identical natal chart. h is the divisional charts. which would pin point
the difference In two lives.
The divisional charts also throw light on our relationships, be it
the spouse, siblings or parents. Our religious lndln.,tlons. our rebellions,
our anger, our langu.'8CS, our tears all are contained In the "divisional
The Natal chart In the display of the planetary position at the time
of the birth of an Individual. These planets are displayed In the 12
zodiacal signs (Rashls). Fhm the natal chart our learned seers
developed 'Shodash Vargas", The 16 divisional charts. Each charts is
meant to delineate Is specific area with precision. The details are given
in table I.
The divisional charts must be analysed to guln the correctness of
any prediction.
Sage l'ai<N1ar has emphasized that "Shodash Vargas"- The 16
divisional charts be studied to competently analyse horoscope. He
however said that If time is of essence then " Dash Vargas" could be
used, however. "Shad Vargas" Is the basic minimum. No astrologer
should venture a prediction without the study of "Shad Vargas". These
'"Shad Vargas" are Natal. Hora. Drekkana. Nav.vnasha. Dwadashamsha
and Trimshansh. Sage Parashar went a step further and he
mathematically defmed the corresponding value of a divisional chart
on a 20 point scale. This Is caUed the "VVrruhop.\k Bala-. Virnshopak
means twenty.
The Vlmshopak BaJa of Shad Vargas. Sapt Vargas. Dash Vargas
and Shodash Vargas Is as given in Table 2.

Table· 1
51. Name
Indicator Degree
Value (Total
Area of Analysis
No. and Division Represented
20 units)
1 Rash. [).1 30* General macro analysis, Physical well being of an 35
individual, body and character
2. Hora 0.2: 1 12 15° Wealth and prosperity 1
3 Drekkana [).3,. 113 10" Co-borns, and their well being, results of past 1
4 Chaturthamsha D-7=1n 7°30' Fortur~es, luck. residence contentment, vehicle etc. 05
5 Saptamsha D-7 = 1 n 4"1T Children and grand-childrer~, character and 05
temperament of individual. number of brothers and
6, Navamsha [).9" I 19 3"20' Micro analysis of Rashi: All things combined strength 3
and weaknesses of planets and houses. spouse
7. Dashamsha D-1 0= 1/ 10 3" Professkm. specific benefits 05
8. Dwadashamsha 0.12 =1112 2•5· Parents Spouse 05
9 Shodashamsha [).16 •1 /16 1°52'30" Pleasures and troubles from vehicle. horses. 2
alephants etc.
10 Vlmshamsha D-20 = 1 /20 1"30" Spiritual pursuits, penance 0.5
11 Chaturvlmshamsha D-24 = 1 124 1°15' Education, learning 0.5
12 Bhamsha Splavimshamsha D-27 = 1 727
13 Trimshamsha [).30 = 1 130 ,.
1"6" 40' Strength and weaknesses
Miseries, troubles. problems. Death
14. Khave<lamsha D-40 = 1/40 0"45' Auspicious and lnaU$pldOUS happeniiiQS, overall 05
strength of planets
15 Akshavedamsha D-45= 1 /45 0"40' All things combined, overall strength of planets 05
16 ShashUamsha D-60 = 1 :so 0*30' All things combined 4
Italics as per Mar~sagari
OtviJIOfli/Horoscopes (V~ Charts)

A. Shadvargas (6 Divisions)
81.No. Name of Divisional Chart Vlmshopak Bala on a 20 point scale
1 Rash I 6
2 Nor. 2
3 Drekkana 4
4 Navamsha s
5 asna .... 2
6 Trlmshamsh" 1
B. Saptvargas: (7 Divisions)
1 Rashl 5
2 Hora 2
3 Drekkana 3
4. Saptamsh~ 25
5 Navamsha 45
6 Dwidashamsha 2
7 Tnmshamsha 1
C. Dasv~l]las: 10 Divisions)
1 Rasi"W 3
2. Hora 15
3 Drekkana 15
4 Saptamtha 15
5 Navamsha 15
6 Da~hMISh:l 15
7 Dwadashamsha 15
8 Shodawmlha 15
9. Tnmshamsha 15
10. Shasht•omsha 5
D. Shodash vargas: (16 Divisions)
1. Rashi 3
2. Hora 1
3 Drekkana 1
4. Chathulthamllla 1
4 Saptamllla 05
5 Navamsha 3
6 Oashnmsha .5
7. Dwadashamsha 05
8 Vmsarnsa 05
9 ChatuMmsamsa 05
10 Tnmshamsha 1
11 Saptavlmsomsa 05
12 Khavedamsa 05
13 Aksh::tvedamsa 05
14 Chaturthamsa 05
15 Shodashamsha 2
16 Shashtiamsha 5

Divisional Horoscopes (VIrg.J Charts) The Drekkana

The grouping of divisional charts In clusters of 6 (Shad Vargas). 7

(Sapat Vargas). I 0 (Das Vargas). &. 16 (Shodash Vargas) and allocation
of points on a twenty point scale Indicates the following :-
(a) In Shad Vargas &. Saptavargas the natal chart has maximum
points 6 and S respectively. Navamsh has one point less in Shad
Vargas It has S points but only half a point separates the
Navamsh and Rash! In Sapatvarga. This is what makes it
mandatory for an astrologer to study the Navamsha In as much of
detail In which he studies the Natal Chart.
(b) In Dashavargas and Shodash Vargas. Shashtly,\nsh gets the
highest bllllng at 5 and 4 points respectively. The Rashi is pushed
to the second place at 3 and 3.5 points. Shastyansh can. however
only be used a horoscope where the time of birth is actuality
known, which Is a rare occurrence.
In our normal astrological work we should use minimum three
divisional charts that Is the Natal and the Navamsha charts along with
the divisional chart specific to the task In hand. For example for
education related Issues use Natal. Navamsha and Chauthlrvimshansh.
For occupation related Issues use Natal. Navmasha and Dashmansh.
for children use Natal, Navamsha and the Saptmansh and so on.

Casting of Varga Charts/Divisional Charts

There may be different thoughts of schools for casting of
divisional charts using different methodologies In this regard. However.
standard methodology of casting of Varga Charts Is what Maharishi
Parashara enunciated In his Brahat p,,rashara Hora Shastra. The
methodology In this regard Is quite simple In blo-model taWes except
for Trlmshamsha. taWe for which casting goes separately for odd and
even signs as given below:
I. Identify Sign and Longitude of Ascendant
2. See across in the Blo-Noodel Tables of Sign and Longitudes and
determine the lnteiSectlon/box in which the relevant degree falls.
These tables are aHached at Annexure I at the end.
3. The Sign number for the cross junction will be the sign of the
4. Placement of other M.lnets shall also ben nallzed In the same way
as was used to Ascendant
5. Arrange the Ascendant and the Planet In a horoscoplc framework.
This Is the Varga Chart.
6. In the Trimshamsha the scheme of casting of divisional chart is
different. The sign/degree taWe are sub divided according to odd
~ Drekkana Divisional Horoscopes (Varna Chans)

and even signs of the b."\Sic horoscope. The Trimshamsha position

of the Ascendant and the Planets Is to be Wought out separately
for odd and even signs Planets. according to the table X-12 the
detailed casting is attatched as annexurc:s at the end.
With the casting of the divisional horoscopes, stage Is set for
analysis and delineation of the Varga charts.
The Vargottama horoscope: A horoscope Is vargottama when the
ASC In Natal chart and the Navamsdha is the same sign (Rashi). This is
a source of Strength to the ASC and ensures healthy body. A strong
ASC also ensures that the results of Yogas and Dashas are likely to be
enjoyed in full by the lataka.
Angles and Trines are the basic pillars of a horoscope. It is
generally said a Vargottam Horoscope has multifold strength, reason
being all the bhavas are maintaining the status quo: not losing
strength in any way as far as their position Is concerned ln the
Navamsha. An individual having such a combination finally succeeds
in his deeds. Apparently it could be easily inferred that Kendras and
Konas of a horoscope should not move to the malefic/neutral Bhavas
In divisional horoscopes. If they do so, they lose strength and the
Individual falls to gain the reward of the promises enshrined in the
Rashi chart.
Ascendant Is the prime Bhava of any horoscope. Therefore, it
should never move outside the periphery of Kendras and Konas in the
divisional horoscope If we are unable to have a Vargottam horoscope
the Ascendant's placement in better houses would give strength to
the horoscope.
Vargottama Planet - A planet in the same Rashi (Sign) in natal
and Navamsha Is Vargottama. This Is a source of strength to the
planet. This strength permits the planet to weld Its significations with
its lordship In natal and navamsha and then give beneficial results to
the lataka.
The Vargottama status pertains only to Natal and Navamsha. If
Asc. is in the same rashi In natal and any other Division chart it is not
Vargottama. Such a placement ensures mutual liking for the events of
that divisional chart and the fataka.

Position of planets of Rashi charts in divisional charts

Benefic planets placed In the benefic houses that Is In Kendras
and Konas and malefic planets malefic houses that Is in Trlk,
Trishadayas or even Neutral houses do good. This view holds good
not only in respect of R.lShl but also In the Vargas. All pf.mets, except

Divisional Horoscopes (V~ Charts) The Drekkana

the lumln.1rlcs. rule two Signs. The lordship of two signs also becomes
the lordship of two houses once the horoscope is cast and the Asc.
gets known. An planets have power to dispense the results of the
houses that they own. The results conform to the slgnlnCdtlom of the
planet the house and the sign in that house. These results are ftn1her
modulated by the significations of the houses and sign where the
planet Is placed.

Analysis ofVarga Chart

The divisional charts are an unique gl ft of our Rlshls. These charts
are the derivatives of the natal chart. The divisional charts have been
assigned specific responsibilities we know - Dwadashamsh is for
parents and Hora ftr wealth. The divisional charts ffiuminate, expand,
explain their specified area, within the bounds of the natal chart.
The lnter·se Importance of the divisional charts is Indicated by the
Vimshop..'\k BaJa. Consider the Shadvargas. They are Rash! (Natal
Chart). Hora. Drekkana. Navamsha. Dwadashamsh and Trimshansh.
Their Vlmshopak BaJa is and I respectively The Natal Chart
and the Navamsha chart at 6 and 5 Vlmshopak points ate not only
nearly equal but are indespensibie as they account of II Vlmshopak
points out of the twenty points allocated to these six Vargas. It is thus
in1perative that a horoscope be examined only when at least the Natal
chart and the Navamsha are available. Ideally Shadvargas are required
to be used. It Is worth noting that the divisional charts need a correct
WI1h time and the finer divisions like Vlmshilmsh, Ch.1turvlmshansh
and Shastiansh can only be used if the birth time I:\ accurate.
In addition to the Vlmshopaka BaJa of the divisional chart Rishl
Parashar has given us a method of calculating the Varg.1.Vbhva bala
Clrtf- flntlllfl'l) of each planet for each Varga.
This method Is as explained below -
(a) Planetary Vlshwas - A planet gets the strength. In Vlswas.
depending upon his placement In a rashl. This sn~gth Is as
indicated In the table I.
Table 1: Varga-Vlshwal
Planets placement Varga-VIshwa Bala
OwnHouse 20
Ahmitra• House I !I
Mitra 15
Snm (Neutral) ICI
Shllln.t 7
Ali-Shatn.t 5

Divisional Horoscopes (V'IfPI Ch•lbl

1. Panchdha·M.lltrl of the Natal chart Is applicable to all divisional
2. V.uga·VIshwa Bala needs to be worked out for each Varga
Let us take an example
Work out the Pancbda Maitri of the horoscope given below:·
Once the Panchda maitri Is worked out the planetary strength in
divisional chart Is worked out as under:
(a) Note the Vlmshopak Bala allocated to that Varga. Call it

(b) The planets Vlshwa Bala for that Varga based on lhe planets
maltrl with It! dlsposltor.
(c) a x b above are multiplied. The multiplied sum Is divided by 20.
(d) The result Is the Varga Vimshopak Bala of the planet.
(e) The varga Vlmshopakbala of all the vargas areadded to give the
Shadvarga strength of the planet.
See the eGmple:

Wnahopak BaJa x Varga Vishwabala

20 Varga Vimshopak Bala

I. Sun· Natal Chart

Vlmshopak Bala of Natal Chart Is 6. This Is to be multiplied by
Varga Vlshwa Bala of Sun and then divided by 20. The Sun Is in
Saturn's House who Is Neutral to him in the Panchda Maitri as worked
out above, The Varga Vlshwa bala for a neutral planet as per Varga
Vlshwa taWe I is I 0. So we have the equation : 6 x I 0 I 20 • 3.

Divisional Horoscopes (Varga Charts) The Drekkana

The maximum bala allocated to the Natal chart is 6 hence 3

denotes 50%. The result giving capability of the Sun Is 50% In the
Natal Chart.

2. Navamsha
2.5 is 50% of 5 the strength (Vimshopak Bala) allocated to the
Navamsha. So Sun result giving capability in Navamsha would also be
50%. (5 X 10/ZO = 2.5)

3. Drekkana
4 is the bala of Drekkana Sun result giving capability is 3.6.This is
72%. (4 X 8/20 - 3.6)

4. Dwadashamsha
Result giving capacity is L8when maximum possible Is 2. This is
90%. (Z X 18/ZO. 1.8)

5. Trimshamsha
5 of 1 Is 50%. (1 x 10/ZO • .5)

6. Horo
1 ofZ Is 50%. (Z x 10/ZO = I)
The detailed working of one Planet (Sun) is shown for ease of
understanding. A summarised method for this planet and one more
planet (Mars) is as under:-

I. Natal Chart: 6 x 10 /ZO- 3. Sun is in Sat's house. Sat in Panchda
maitri is Neutral. 50%
2. Navamsha: 5 x 10/20 a 2.5. Sun is in Venus's house. Venus is
neutral. 50%
3. Drekkana : 4 x 18/ 20 - 3.6. Sun in Jupiter's hosue. ]up is
Atlmltra. 72%
4. Dwadashamsha: 2 x 18/20 = 1.8. Sun in Jupiter's house. Jupiter
Atimitra. 90%
5. Trimshamsh: I x 10/20 = .5. Sun is in Venus house. 50%
6. Hora: 2 x 10 I 20 - 1. Sun in Moon's house. Moon is neutral.
\1mshopak Bala of Sun = 10.8

DtvlsloMI Horoscopes (Varga Chans)

1. Natal Chart : 6 x 20 /20 - 6. Mars In own house. I 00%
2. Navamsha : 5 x 15/20 - 3. 75. Mars 1n Mitra Venus House. 75%
3. Drekkana . 4 x 20/20 - 4. Mars in own house IOO'lb
4. Dwadashsha: 2 x 18/20 a I. Mars In Neutral Mere's house. 50%
5 Trim~: I x 15/20- .75. Mars in Friend Saturn's house.
6. Hora: 2 x 18 I 20 - 1.8. Mars in Atl Mitra Sun s Hora. 90%
Vimshopak Bala of Mars • 17.3
Note: The result giving capaWIIty in each varga Is Indicated in
We now have the strength (BaJa) of a planet In two measures. The
first measure of strength pertains to all the Divisional Charts for Sun It is
10.4 Vimshopak 8.'11<1.5 and for Mars it is 17.3 Vlmshopak Balas. Suns
result giving capdty Is 54% and Mars result giving capacity Is 86%.
The second measure that has secured pertains to each divisional
chart. Sun in Natal Chart would give 50% resul1s where as Mars would
give I 0010 results.
The overall strength highlights the s.lgnlllcatlons of the planet and
the Varga specific strength highlights the planets result giving
capaWIIty In that Varga based on its Lordship and PAC relations.
The Vlmshopak Bala has provided a numerical Input to the
Interpretation of divisional charts. Its twin measures the Vlmshopak
Bala and the VMg.l Vlshwa Bala are akin to the Ashtakvarga where
there are SAV and Bhinashtak (BAV) balas and are to be used In similar
manner. Parashar Rlshl has stated that the Vlmshopak Bala and the
Varga Vlshw.l Balas are the "lzek.k" for the result giving capability of
planets during their Dashas.

Using the Divisional Charts

The Divisional Charts orignate from the Natal Chan. Each
divisional chart has its specific portfolio clearly spelled out. Bhava
Bhavesh and K.vak.\ (House. House Lord and the Significator) control
the link between the Natal Chan and concerned divisional chart.
A Divisional Chart is to be analysed In the same manner as the
Natal Chart. Independently and conjointly with the Natal Chart. The
following steps layout the process of analysing ,,divisional chart:
(a) Analyse Lagna and Lagna Lord ol the Divisional Chart
Independently. Lagna Lord of the Natal Chart Is compared with
Lagna Lord of the Divisional Chart for friendship. Mutal
Friendship promotes the significations of the divisional chart in

Divisional Horoscopes rvl'lll Charts) The Drekkana

the nre of the Jataka.

(b) Analyse the divisional chart treating the slgnlflc.ltor house as the
Lagna In concerned divisional chart. For example for Mother treat
the 4th house of Dwadashmasha as Lagna and analyse the chart.
(c) Transpose the slgnfficator house fords of Natal and concerned
divisional charts and discern their suength
(d) Analyse the strength of the significator In Natal as well the
divisional chart I.e. to know about younger siWings Mars needs
to be analysed In Natal as well as In the Drekkana chart.
(e) Transpose the significator planet of the Natal and divisional charts
In case of mother transpose Moon In the Natal and the
Dwadamsha charts and study lt.
(0 Synthesise the results with the condition of relevent House
Lord(s) of Natal and Divisional Chans.

The key to prediction lies in the divisional chart. If hlnt in the
divisional chart is not taken into account. one may fall In prediction.
Parashara himself said to read the divisional chart as an independent
chart. Its just like relationship. if we are good in our profession, its not
necessary that we may be good with our relationship. The same planet
can turn for best or worst in the Saptam.msh or Navamansh. The
planetary strength as given above should be considered before
making any prediction after properly analysing the divisional chart.
Out of 20 Vlmshopak Bala Natal. Drekkan and Navamsha account for
IS Vlmshopak Bala. So, how can we predict an event without atleast
analysing these three charts and how many of us take this Into account
before predicting.
Prediction has no short cuts. One needs tot of patience in
astrology to analyse a chart.
We must give importance to what is given In our Classical books.
which Is the secret to successful predictions.
We are confident that serious astrologers will use these finer
techniques and IMII come up with its applicability for future researches.

chapter 3

The Drekkana
The Drekkana Divisional chart of a horoscope Is primarily an
elaboration of third house of the horoscope. The 3~<~ house signifies
Siblings. Courage, Efforts, Vlkram. Valour, Talents, Hobbies.
Perseverance, Fitness amongst others. The Drekkana Is also used to
delineate "K.,r,,mphala".
Every sign of 30" each is subdivided In three parts of 10" each to
identify them as First Second and Thinl Drekkana. The first Drekkana
lies between 0 - 10". second Drekkana between 1()4 -20° and third
between 20" 30'. The computation of I" Drekkana begins from the
sign Itself. of the 2"" Drekkana from the 5* sign from It and of third I
Drekkana from the 9* sign. The following table e1aborates various

Dreldwul 1•orekkana -r- Drekkana 'f' Drekkana

Sign 0-10" 10"-20" 20"-30"
Anas Aries Leo SaQillarius
TSLnlll Taurus Virgo Capncom
Gemini Gemini Ubra Aquarius
Cancer Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Leo Leo Sagittarf~ Aries
Vitgo Virgo Capri com Taurus
Ubra Ubra Aquanus Gefrini
Scorpro Scorpio PisCeS Cancer
SagAanua ~ Anes leo
Capncom Taurus V!vo
Aquarius Aquanus Gerrinl Ubra
Pisces Pisces Cancer Scorpio

The signs the houses and the planets of a horoscope maintain

the trlnal movement when placed in Drekkana horoscope. Why this
happens? It Is the basic construction scheme of the Drekkana chart as
e1aborated In the previous paragraph where It was stated that I"
Drekkana starts from the sign itself, second from the 5* sign from Itself
and third from 9* sign from itself. There are 36 Drekkana In all. each

·Ole ~kkana

Lao Form of vulture and a A man of horse shape, A man at bell llka race,
jackal sitting over the ~ weanng on hiS head monkey like
cotton tree and resembles some flowers sightly movements ana
a dog and a man In ctorty \11.11.!ish n colour. gestures carrying stick.
clothe*, ~ aloud covered wnHI ceer stun trues and flash 11'1 his
owing to separation from and a blan.~.et. ~'I"CUll toIUnds. cur1y ha* and
r,..pa~ be found or met Wl!h kke IOnll DeOifll
a ton. came$ a bow 1n
1\:s hand and hiS nose G
somewhat bent
Dirty man w111'1 the face of Horse shaped man Willi HaJIY and bear faced
~UI!Urtl weapon m•n
Virgo A young demael holding a A black coloured man A tall yellowish
pot full of flowers With her holding a pen IR his complo~lonod woman,
limbs fully covered up by hand, head tiod with body covered by well-
dirty g11rments, desirous cloth. spends as well as washed fine garments.
of clothes, wealth and of earns. cames a large holding 111 her hand a
going 10 father's bow. body IS covered wale> pot
residence willl dense nair
Flower ~ young Van W11h weapon A good looking woman
.-Nil wrtll 'nlll II«
Lbll A man entered a shop on A vulture face !nOlO, A m~ decorated wnHI
the way Wltl'l a balance ., hungry and thirSty and jewels and a rTIM coat
hand, stuffed r.measunng wants to fly away ~king made of gold, monkey
and weight tn IWICI, thinks ll".e DOS1 a10ng,. 111. him. U.e ~PPe.~Dnce, cames
of hiS wears inCluding thlnlcing of hili w;:e and IJV4S and flash and
gem, and mcti:S and of children stands frightening the
their OQd I)OC:H ~ 111 I he forest
A Man holding Balance Vulture faced man Monkey faced man wit/1
Scor- A beautiful woman shorn A woman desiring all A lion hke shape with
pio of bar garments and kind of comforts for her broad and flat face like
jowtls, coming from the residence. serpent thai of a lurtlo. acanng
great ocean to the shore, coiled round her for lha dogs, lackals. deer,
ejected from her position, sake of her husband, p~s and foxes, guards
feet bound together by a turtle or water pot hke the sandalwood region
Serpent body
A beautiful women ~ A gentry women of f41ty ~f<JC1XI man
I!Nle. body \Wh snake
~ A man of horse eke body, A woman of very A man Wl!h long han.
in l'oiS be at.-:tul fotm. bnglll as
ua:lus holding a long bow golden and cNmpaka
lUnd, stops >n the ~~Ita flower kke ., COlOur. seated ·n
he~ and guards the sealed in a throne and a dUel and prominent
several articles to* the middle in statue and piece WI'JI a stick 111
wooden, ladles etc separating the gams 111 lUnd. weanng saX
required for sacrifice and the ocean clothes and a deer skin
attends to lhll needs of
ascetics residing 111 the
A man holding weapons Beautiful woman sitting Man holding weapons
on a throne
The Drekkana n:~ Dreld<ana

one of which has its own identity represented by different figures as

elaborated In the following table on the basis of identifying details
given in classics by the seers:

1.. Drekkana 2"" Drekkana 3'" Drekkana
0-1 0' to•- 2o• 20' - 30°
Aries A man wearing a white A woman dad 1n red, A man cruel in
cloth round his waist, fond of jewels and disposition. skilled in
black in colour, able to eatables, lil<e a water arts. of reddish colour,
protect many, fierce in pot in form (pot belly}, active but foiled in his
appearance, reddish with the face of a horse, attempts and with a
eyes, an axe in hand lifted suffering from thirst and raised hand holding a
up. standing with only one stick. wears red
feel (single footed) garments and is angry.
Man with weapon Horse like female Man With weapon
Taurus A woman with curly and A man skilled m matters A man possessing a
cut hair. body like water- relating to wet lands, body like that of an
pol, wearing a garment grains, house. cows and elephant with white
partly burnt. thirsty and fine arls, well-verse.:f in teeth, with feet similar
intent on eating and fond use of plough and to those of Sharabha, a
of jewels. keeping conveyance, form of brown in colour
bull like ned<. suffers fond of sheep and deer
from hunger, ram like and his mind is agitated
face wears dirty as perplexed.
Fatty woman with lots of Farmer A brown coloured
hairs elephant like man full of
Gemini A woman with raised A ram faced man living A man decked in
hands, fond of needle 1n garden, clad in ornaments, gems, rich
work. beautiful. keen Armour, sporling in jewels. fastened with
desire in adorning work, attitude, fond of his a mail coat and a quiver
attained puberty but have children, penchantment and carrying a bow.
no children for ornaments and Skilled m arts of music
wealth. armed with a and dancing, poet,
bow, valiant a drumming
professional warrior,
face of garuda, long
A homely lonely women Garuda face man with Man with weapon
Cancer Man holding leaves, roots A woman with her head A man started on a boat
and fruits and elephant decorated by lotus in the ocean to procure
like body residing on flowers and carrying a ornaments for his wife,
amidst sandalwood trees snake. rough in serpent coiled round
1n a forest and having behaviour, crying loudly him, flat faced, wearing
Sharabha like feet, Pill alone in forest, resting gold ornaments
like face and horse like on a branch of phalasa
neck tree
Pig faced elephantine A woman with shape, A flat faced man with
body man snake.

rhe Drol<kana The Drekkima

Capri- A man full of hairs with A woman skilled in all A man with a body of a
corn teeth similar to that of a arts with eyes as broad ki~nera_ wearing a
crocodile and a hog like as lhe petal of a lotus. woolen blanket over his
body, carrying a rope and dark blue in colour person, having Armour
net aspiring for various and a quiver and
things decorated with carries on his shoulders
ornaments and weanng a pot inlaid with
ear ornaments made of precious stones: gems
1---+:-:-:-----:-::'--~-:-+c;::.o":p"'pe""r~,gold or iron
Hairy man with rope/chain Colourful & skillful artist Man with weapon and
ir: woman gem/stones.
Aqua- A man sorrowfuVd1 st A female seated in the A man black in colour
rius orbed by oil, food. carriage shalmall wood with hair in his ears and
carrying blanket clad in m it collecting metals wearing a crown or
silk and also got wilh him seen in the forests In diadem. carry metallic
the skin of a black dirty garments with pots pots containing barks,
antelope, vulture like face. on her head. leaves, gum and fruits
(interchanging from
place to place) on head.
Vulture faced man A woman wearing dirty A majestic man carrying
clothe canying woods vegelab/es.
Pisces A man handling wilh his A young female sailing A man standing naked
hands several articles with her retinue to the in a forest near a hole
consisting for the most other side of ocean (in with a serpent coiled
part of ladles, pots, search of coast) and round his body, agitated
pearls, gems and conch with a facial colour in mind being
shells and carrying resembling champaka tormented by thieves
ornaments crosses a lake flower. and fire and is weeping,
by means of a boat for the
sake of getting ornaments
for his wife
A man with weapon Champaka flowered A man with serpenl
bringing ornaments for his faced water woman.

The ldentlftcatlon of all 36 Drekkanas reveals that these Drekkanas

can be broadly divided on gender basis in the following manner
Drekkana division based on Gender
Rashi 1" Drekkana 00
2 Drekkana 3"' Drekkana
Aries Male Female Male
Taurus Female Male Male
Gemini Female Male Male
Cancer Male Female Male
Leo Male Male Male
Virgo Female Male Female
Libra Male Male Male
Scorpio Female Female
Sagittarius Male Female Male
Capricorn Male Female Male
Aauarius Male Female Male
Pisces Male Female Male

The Drekkana

Lordship of Drekkanas
Each of the 36 Drekkanas has Its own lord. Lordship Is again
needed by one planet out of the seven. A very Interesting feature of
the lordship concept Is that lords of all the Drekkanas of a Sign are
friends In themselves. This 1s due to the reason of trln.ll movement of
the Drekkanas. First Drekkana of each Rash! is headed by the Rashi lord
hlmself I herself and restS of tilt! two are followed In trlnal orde~ of the
ra.shllords. This fact Is elaborated in the table given as under: •
Lordship of Drekkanas
Ruhl 111 Drekka na 2"" Drekkana :iii~ Drekkana
Aries Mars Sun Jupiter
Taurus Van us Mercury Saturn
Gemini Mercury Venus Saturn
Cancer Moon Mars Jupiter
Leo Sun Jupiter Mars
Virgo Mercury Saturn Venus
lba Venus Saturn Mercury
Scorpio Man Jupiter Moon
Sagatanus Jupi!er I.Ur!l Sun
Capncom Saturn Venus Mercury
MUirion Saturn Mercury Venus
Pisces Jupiter Moon Mara

The Analysis of Drekkana charts has much widen spectrum and

classification/categorization of Drekkana from different angles, each
one has Its own peculiarities and contribution In Identifying facts while
delineating the Drekkana charts of a basic horoscopes.
(a) Ascetic Identification of Drekkana -Each of the sign of 30 has
3 Drekkana termed as IM Drekkana (0 -10) 2m HO -20) and 3'~~
(20 -30 ). These have been identified with the three great seers of
Indian Mythology, each one of which has his own distinct
Identity, temperament and influence on the general masses:
besides their characteristics leading to identify an Individual in
the table.
(b) Status wise identification &.. their signification categorization of
Drekkana based upon the Avastha of Drekkana Is as under:-
The names themselves suggest the results of the Drekkana in
relevant sign will give good, moderate and bad results. This can
be summarized as under:·

The Drekkana The Drekkana

Table - Ascetic identification of Drekkana

Every sign in
1" Drekkana 2"' Drekkana 3" Drekkana
Basic Horoscope
(0"-10°1 (10"-20") (20"-30")
AsceticJSeers Narad Agastya Durvasa
Characteristics Wise. noble sharp Determined, Hot tempered
versatile, fond of strong willed
blunt, ill-dressed.
travelling & a back-biter helpful to noblefull of ego.
taste communicator & persons follower of
messenger from God to destroyer of
human being & vice- enemies. traditions
versa preaches humanity strongly harms
& spirituality, all round others, lack of
Genius patience.
Constantly wanderer determination & Short tempered
stores & passes capable to do angry Rishi
information creates difficult task harsh and rigid &
disputes for general - Vindhyachal traditionalists.
public good. -Sea

Yogi, Gyani and Bhakti steadfast &

susceptible to base steady,
desires withdrawing and
retiring nature

Table - Avastha of Drekkana

Moveable (1,4,7,10) Fixed (2,5,8,111 Dual (3,6,9, 12)
I Uttam Ad ham Madhyam
II Madhyam Uttam Ad ham
Ill Ad ham Madhyam Uttam
(As per BPHS)

Table - Nomenclature and its Meaning

Nomenclature Nature of Resu Its Results
Uttam Good Individual will be happy, healthy, valorous,
industrious. achiever and resourceful.
Madhyam Moderate The results may be moderate vis-a-vis
results in case ot Uttam.
Ad ham Bad The results will be very poor, inconsistent.
pessimistic, and slow.

(C) Categorization and Nature of Drekkana (Ayudh etc.) and their

effects. (As per BPHS)
(Strictly as per BPHS)

T:~bl• - Categorization and N:~turool Dr!lkkllna
1" Drekkana ~ Drekkana 3'" Drekkana
1 Ayudh Cfla:>..tShtlac" Ayudh
2 Chatushpad Sarpa!Cha:ushpad Cha:u~aa
3 c~:usl>oad Avudh/Pakstll Ayudh
4 Chatushpadl Sarpa Sarpa
s. Ayudh Chatusnpad Ayudh Chatuahpad/Ayudh
6. Pakahl Pakshi Pnkshl
7 Pakshl Pakshl Chatushpad
B Sarpa SarpaJPasha Chatushpad
9 Pakshi Ayudh
10 Chalushpad/Pakshr Chatushpad Chatushpad
11 Ayudh A•"'!:t Tic., Ayudh
12 Ayudh .M.v ~~ Sarpa

Besides the above listed Drekkanas. some other categories are as

Agnl Drekkanas of malefic Planets
Jala Drekkanas of Benefic Planets
Mishra Drekkanas of both benefic and malefic or those
aspected by both beneflcs and m.llcncs.

Total No. of
Name of Drekkana
Drekkana In ParaUcuLlr Effects
Ayudh 13 Voo:etll & murderous
Sarpa 5 t~rwaar.-e
Nr;ad.J 1 lm;Jnsonmenl
Paks~a 9 Fond ofwand~a~.
Chatushpad 14 Tendency to have •be4 relationship Wllh
teachers spouse/person, elder to tum 111
Varaha 1
Pasha 1 Suicidal tendoncy, death punishment by

Agnl Fl~ nuturo,!lcrt lemperpmflnl
Jala Big and emotional
Mishra Mixed results

The Drekkana The Drekkana
(As per Brihat Jatak Translation by V. Subrahamanyam Shastri -
1929 Edition)
The above categorization of Drekkanas has much significance for
Karma/profession of the individual as well as his nature as Is detailed
in the following table:
Table - Categorization and Natureof Drekkana
1•' Drekkana 2"" Drekkana 3' 0 Drekkana
1. Ayudh Chatushpad Ayudh/Pasha
2 - Chatushpad Chatushpad
3 - Ayudh!Pakshi Ayudh
4. Chatushpad Sarpa Sarpa
5. Chatushpad Ayudh Chatushpad I Ayudh
/Pakshi Pasha
6. - Ayudh -
7. - Pakshi/Pasha Pasha!Chatushpad
8. Sarpa Sarpa Chatushpad
9. Chatushpad /Ayudh - A y LK:Ih
10 Ayudh/Pasha/ - Pasha/Ayudh
11. Pakshi/Pasha - -
12 - - Sarpa
(As per Brihaf Jatak Translation by V Subrahamanyam Shas/ri- 1929 Edftion)

The categorization of Drekkanas by B. Subrahamanyam Shastri

Total No. of
Name of Drekkana
Drekkana In Paraticular
Ayudh 11 Violent & murderous
Sarpa 5 Aggressive
N>gada 1 Imprisonment
Pakshi/Khaga 4 Fond of wandering/traveling
Chatushpad 9 Tendency to have illicit relationship with
teacher's spouse/person, elder to him in
Varaha 7 Suicidal tendency, death
punishment by hanging
Pasha - Fiery nature, hot
Agni - Big and emotional
Jala Mixed results.
Mishra 11 Violent & murderous



under various categories as per their nature are as under along with
their effects which ate similar to ones discussed in the table below
categorization of Drekkanas as per nature by Sage Parashar In BPHS :-
(D) Another category ofDrekkanas (Kroor etc.) and their clfect:
(As per BPHS and Brihat jatal<a translated by V. Subrahamanyam
Table- Categorization and Its Effttts
(As per BPHS and Bnhal Jataka translated by V Subrahamanyam Shastn)
N1moot Total Order of the Desig-
the Rnhl Number Drekkana nation
5.1 '11 ,8, 1 0, 5 I Kroor Evil or wicked minded. of roving
5.7,8.12. 4 Ill (wandering), naruro, engaged in
4.8 2 II wicked. sinful deeds &
11 quarrelsome
4.12 2 I Watery Giver of alms, pleasure loving,
12.6 2 II kind hearted, getting wealthy by
2.3 2 IN farming, watery objects (FISh
etc) merchant navy etc. large

1, :;&!.9.10.11
'5 II Sau:nya
booked and emobonal
HapPtleu. wealth. * having
7.3.6 3 I son. kind hearted handsome
6.9.11 3 Ill bod1.
1,4,10 3 Ill MIXed Of bad conduct and character.

29 I desiring anotncr's wife, stem.
3,5,7 3 II evil eyed and volatile nature
Total 36

Drekkana as representative of Body Parts.

Table - On!kk.an.a as representative of Body Parle
1" Drekkana 2"" Drekkana 3"" Drekkana
10"-10"\ (10.-201 (20.--30')
I Head Neck r.rm
II RJghleye Right shoulder f'elltS
Ill Right ear Right arm RIQhlteste*
IV Right No-stnl Rigl:thand R.ghrthigh
v Right cheek Right Slde of heart Right knee
VI Right Jaw Right lung and breast Right calf
VII Mouth Naval Leos and feet
VIII left JDW Left lung breast Loll calf
IX LoncMc'·. Lett side of heart 1.oll knoo
X Lcfl n:lstril Left hand Loll thigh
XI Loll e111 Left arm Lett testicle
XII Loll eye Lett shoulder Anus
The Drekkana The Drekkana

Drekkana Is a very Important divisional chart links the present life

with the past and future lives. A common person has no consideration
or aspirations to know about past or future as he has to struggle within
the domain of the present life. However, it has its own significance
and meaning. A linkage between the three lives can help us to
formulate the course of present life with a way to extinguish the
negativities of the past life and move on the course of framing the
future life. The basic (rashi) horoscope is what one's previous life/lives
has made for the individual. whereas the Drekkana indicate about the
present life.
The Drekkana horoscope which represents the trinal blending of
the four forces of life: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Dharma Is
represented by I. 5, 9 houses. Artha is represented by 2. 6. 10
houses, Kama by 3, 7. I I whereas Moksha by 4, 8, 12 houses. What
an interesting blending I The four forces of the llfe are trinally linked.
indicate the basic strength of these forces wherein one of the houses
represents the present and the other two represents past and future.
Every activity of the life has its meaning for the three lives. Really an
Interesting feature! In the Drekkana chart these four forces maintains
the similar equation and this happens only in this divisional chart,
nowhere else. It suggests the signification of the Drekkana chart with
the allotment of second highest numerical number in Shadvarga,
Saptavarga and in other Varga groupings

Delineation of Drekkana
Most of the classics suggest that Varga charts/horoscopes are
precisely the expansion of one of the 12 houses of basic horoscope say
Hora of 2"" house. Drekkana of 3'u house, Dashamsha of the I 0"' house
and so on. Not much detail is available in classics on the delineation of
Different viewpoints emerge on the basis of reading of number of
classics for delineation of Drekkana. The Drekkana chart helps to reveal
the significations related to third house of the basic horoscope In a
much finer manner to be more skillful in coming out with the
prediction in the specific area. The prime most significations are to
ascertain or judge the valour, bravery, courage, resourcefulness,
industriousness, determination of the Individual. This also reveals
influence and impact of co-borns preferably the younger ones on the
life of the individual. It does so because it is considered expansion of
third house.

I. fkM!1~.1C•l(f/fl.g_ofJJ1Ul.QY.KL~P.!..~!Jt<:<Lby_rfJcl',rrs,LC!J.1fJ~!Y
oU'I_j]QJ1~_ czL.bl.!.lh.Jl.OL0.&9Jl!:Jl911LD.L(}\1f.,, '1•1)_(If:, I(i ng_cw_,l
CC!l1p/crcl!QJJ2KO!X for the sJgnitic,,Jlo.ILo!JtJcJJou~cQ!K~~
Drekkana chart is primarily the expansion of third house of a
horoscope. Apparently this provides more de.\1 and accurate
Information regarding the signification of the 3,. house: Siblings
and happiness love and affection there from. skill of
communlc.ltlon. writing, courageousness, valour, optimism.
Industriousness. ,,dvcnturlsm. friends. relatives. upper arms of
the body. Similarly significator of the tllird house I.e. Mars if it
Improves In the Drekkana, becomes stronger ,,nd grants better
2. Io_,,~<·~sJ!rCfJSl!J£{., weaknes~·s of t/Jc..pl.f!Jt:(s_,rm:t_rflc..yog.~
~d,!J/QJLiLUt·llVLRQ~itlon oLJ]J.J!l.f:.()_,,~-~':c:IJ_,,L.Y..Q&J..L;
/mpro_v_rolCllLOLctc~d.or.ttion /e.lcfing_J'l•'$!'<:~~-tfJu_ou/J.glillJ.g
C••P.KiJI~ofJh<'rn. It Is .~other est.lbllshcd fo\Ct th.lt ~trength and
weaknesses of planets should be considered only alter seeing
tlleir status position sign-wise as weD as house-wise In the Varga
charts. This equally applies foc the Drekkana dwts. If planets
gains strength both wa•j<:. -sign-v.isc as weD as house wtsc. their
result giving power enhances and better resuJts are promised by
them. However. if planet loses strength proportiOMtcly adverse/
unfavorable resuJts are likely.
J. lacf.CJ;'f:adc.•nt,,S$<:llil1<'..alQf.11J.t:J!Js!lY.Mv,,l. 1btougtr. v.,,rg,,_ c/J,tlL/!1
•lcf.(fltlolllcLL~l.~lcJIQJ.OX<'/~. Drekk,,n,, ch.l!l cnloy~ 4/7.0 Units
relative value In Shadvargas. 3/20 Units relative value In
Saptavarga. 1.5/20 Units relative value In Dashvargas. This
indicates tllat Drekkana is one of the most important ch.vtS.
almost at llar with Navamsha. Therefore this may be read or
delineated as an independent horoscope similar to tllat of basic
one IR.\Shll. Independent assessment does not mean tllat resuJt
may go beyond the purview of the b.\Sic (Rashi) horoscope
Identity of basic horoscope is unique. No Varga chart can take it
over. However. Improvisation on the promises of b.\Sic horoscope
with much finer and accurate assessment Is always there. The
Independent assessment ofDrekkana Is to be done with a nomml
methodology of delineation of horoscopes.
4. The following shall be the additional pom1 for con~klcr,,tlon <and
examination of the Drekkana foc final assessment within the
periphery of the basic horoscope.

The Drekkana The Drekkana

I. Results of Drekkana of Ascendant as per classification. Identity,

significations. Avastha, status etc.
ii. Results of Drekkana Lagna.
iII. Standard Result giving capacities of each Drekkana of every sign.
rv. Standard result giving potency of each planet In Drekkana of all
the 7 planets lndudlng that of his own.
v. Planets In various (36) Drekkana.
vi. Death and Drekkana.
vii.Trljanma relationship and Drekkana.
While delineating a Drekkana chart these points need be
assessed so as to come out with the prediction with these help to
settle queries in the particular area of activities In the life of the native.
Question arises from where to begin with? It is well established fact
that any analysis of Astrology has to begin with the ascendant or the
first house of the horoscope. Ascendant is the body of the Individual
whose chart Is under examination. This is irrespective of the Varga
being analyzed. Therefore the prime most analysis, to be made by an
Astrologer relates to the ascendant of the concerned Varga chart from
all angles Including classification. Identity, significations. Avasthds,
status etc. This should be related to the basic chart. The favourable co-
relation indicates positive aspects, whereas unfavourable status and
co-relation reveals the negativities. Similarly one must relates the
ascendant of the basic chan in the similar fashion In the Varga chart.
Once the status of the ascendant and their co-relation has been
analyzed one must move to the similar analysis of their Lords
Individually and relatively: Individually in the chart ltselfand relatively
in the other chart - basic chart In Varga and Varga chart In basic. This
analysis sorts out numbers of points present therein and helps the
Astrologer In prediction in a more vibrant fashion. Certain tips on this
are given as under:
Placement of ascendant lord of basic horoscope and Drekkana
ascendant lord in Kendras indicate the birth In a royalty I royal family/
highly reputed or wealthy families. It means some has come in this
world with silver spoon in one's mouth.
I. If the ascendant lord or basic chart and of Drekkana charts are
exalted In the respective chart or In the cross charts. It further
confirms that one Is born with the royalty I wealth, similar to that
of birth with silver spoon in mouth,
?.. Placement of ascendant lord of basic horoscope or Drekkana
ascendant lord In Konas indicates that the person Is of highly
religious decendancy. The level of religiousness will depend

TM Drekkana The Drekkana

upon the status of enhandve is the lords are result Individually or

3 Ba.slc c.h.vt ascendant lord and Drekkana ascendant lord. If placed
in own signs individually or relatively birth Is considered to be in
the families of leading personalities.
4. Placement of the two ascendant fords In friendly signs indicates
one Is considered to be born in learned. discipline and respectable
5. Placement of ascendant lord of basic horoscope and Drekkana
ascendant lord In Kendras indicates the birth In a royalty/royal
family/highly reputed or wealthy family. It means some has
come In this world with sliver spoon In one' mouth
However, the negative connectivity will prove deterioration In
the above referred status position. Good connections and status
always provides good and favourable results whereas bad status
position and malefic connectivities brings In sorrow, grief, agony.
pain, r.lllurc. frustration. miseries. humiliations and sufferings. These
negative traits viz. debllitaticn. combustion. set posltlon, malefic
association: both In terms of natural rnalefk planet and fonctional
ma!cftc planet bring In all these sufferings. However. any association
with ~neflcs both natural as well as functional reduces the
maleficscence and thus help in the extreme situations and paves the
way for survival and movement. Avasthas from different categories do
contribute favourably and unfavourably.
Similar analy~s is warranted for other eleven houses both In basic
chart and Drekkana chart to assess their lndlvldulll and relative
positions which would be further helpful In predicting the probable
results related to those houses.
There are 12 signs from Aries to Pisces. each one having three
Drekkanas thus there are 36 Drekkanas. What was the need to divide
each sign Into three equal parts? Every degree of a planet has Its
significance. Planet has its own potential to give results at every
degree starting from 0 second to ending on 30 degree. Thus every
Drekkana of tc n degree of each sign has different meaning and result
orientation The standardized version of result giving potential of all
the 36 Drekkan.u are tabulated as under which Is based upon their
identification and skeleton details available In various classics and
Table -Standardized version ol Elfects ol all 36 Drekkanas ,.....
Rashi 1" Drekkana 2"d Drekkana 3'd Drekkana
Aries Generous, genius, valorous, Artlslic. music loving, advenlurous. Loved and served by the friends and
charitable, bright, fluctuation rn romantic, wealthy, smart and beautiful, relatives. serves in Govt, intelligent,
fortunes. Affliction will make cruel nirtiest. enjoyment in others wealth. learned. talented, bodily strong and
towards co-barns and children and powerful. virtuous. egoist.
desirous of others money
Taurus Soft, womanish appearance. beautiful, Beautiful and attractive, sober, sauve, Valorous, cunning, dirty, not blessed
delicate. interested rn good, richness, rich and wealthy, mild temperament, with fortunes. never bother about foul
tasty food, blessed with gems and rich steady. intelligent, knowledgeable, means while earning, suffers for his
costumes. agonized from separation successful in affairs. engrossed with misdeeds
from life partner beautiful aggressive and greedy woman
Gemini Tall. wealthy, rich, smart and Short. small face, handsome. gentle, strong body, rough dry skin. narl and
allraclive. trustful, virtuous. enjoys. wise. scanty hair, famous, fortunate, nose lips. obstinate. full of
luxurious and comfortful hie. mannerful. full of etiquettes determination, steady, rough, dry and
outstanding orator. blessed with rude behaviour. not interested in
eloquent speech opposite sex,
Cancer Beautiful. helpful, considerate and Unsteady, talkative. greedy, romanllc. Beautiful and attractive, gentle, nature
sympalhetic, intelligent, enjoys the fanatics, immoral, enjoys charms of lover, enjoys gems and luxuries, easily
company of noble and virtuous, woman, suffers Ill heallh. blessed with charmed by wine and woman,
intelligent brothers attractive towards every foreign
(videshi), set and follows morality of his
own standards
Leo Generous and charilable. rich and Wise and intelligent, charitable and Strongly built of medium height.
wealthy, brave and valorous, religious. religious, brave and valorous intelligent but confused. afflictions may
respectably placed in Govt make him big and greedy
Virgo Slightly dark whitish complexion, Wise and Intelligent. command over Short stature, beautitul Impressive face,
golden eyed, brownish hair, tall, numbers of subjects and references sharp eyed. industrious and
'~'e a:od gentle, modest, blessed thereupon. noble, independent nature. enterprising, d~lcrmined. talented.
w1th woman and wealth of stature and artist 1c. business orientation leading to business oriented, music lover.
bea~t~ earn wealth enjo~s visiting foreign lands
Libra Smart. charming. intelligent of Beautiful. charming face With btg beautiful Dun. crook and wlcke<!. th;lnkles.s.
financial and business orientation, eyes. valorous and adventurous. deceiving nature and deed$, doubtful
knowledge of religious rext. helpful to progressive and socialite. good and inconsistent In nature and action.
needy. kmd and considerate. full of communication skill fortunes and k!e '' restless
erool10ns. can be motivated lnfluen£~ b~ near an~- ~ear ones.
Scorpio Strongly bUilt. tall, big eyed, brave. Beautiful. fairly complexioned. restless Big buill wrth long arms and pale eyes,
valorous and courogeous. aggressive eyes, Vvise and lntelligonl, enjoys other's envious pursuer of occult sciences and
and furious. fighter, intelligent and wealth enjoys oily and spice food psychology, gemus, dynamic and
shrewd, leading a hfe of dignity and progress1ve, patient

Sagittarius Beautiful face with big eyes. modest Impulsive, nervous. highly religious and Beautitul, smart, noble. clever.
leader. effortful and self made, honest 'karamkandt'. good orator rCIIQIOUS, adulterous, considerate,
and helpful, broad thinker and loving, sympatllelic, intuitive
qenerous. extra V:1<l:Jnl
Capncom Lean. taU structure with long arms. Small faced. restless eyes. reserve Lean and taU stature, crook and wicked
dark complexion, modest but a!ntli"!J, nature of traditional conserval~. preferably 1n align land. l.lllkative.
deceitful and Q"ilftive. self reliant ;,ntl orthodox temperament. craver. never say helpful. determine and intelligent
determine. ambitiOUS, earn bounties Ole nature charitable
wnidl rna~ !;lUI him to disrer;!ule
Aquanus Lean and tall. laborious. e:wly Fa1r complexion V.1lh large pale eyes, Lean. tan. statute With big eyes and
influenced by dear and near ones. wise and intelligent, determtne<!. joyous, small arms. romanltC. cunning, cheat.
happily married. ability to read human successful educationist'b!eral)l figure. nch rich and wealthy, love celibacy, evasive
nature Government emr;!IO~ment. and orosoerous but areedv
Pisces Fair complexion. pale eyed w1se and Ambitious. trained 1n comforting woman. Dark complexion, tall stature with long
intelligent, kind and considerate, just adjustable, gain love and respect ot feel. artist ic. self centered and seltish,
and judicious, full of emotions, society preferably the woman, good jealous ot others, enjoys spicy and
romanltc. enjo~s sex. nobl': orator, enjo~ rich_and Sr;!ic~ food delicious food. helaful humorous
The Drekkana TheDrekkana

Standard results of each planet In the Drekkana of all the

seven planet lndudl•g that of his own

Sun in Sun Valorous, courageous. restless, sick, foreign loving
Sun in Moon Sickly. adulterous. many enem1es. poor, ill-fated, no care for
virtues and self respect
Sun in Mars Suffers from diseases of eyes and mouth, wicked, dull, crook,
aggressive, laborious, no family comfort
Sun m Mere Depressed, inhuman, cruel. mreputed, faces debt-full situation

Sun 1n Jup Crook, cruel, ill-reputed, devoid of shame. lethargic, devoid of

fair means eammg
Sun 1n Ven Devoid of good manners and behavior, happiness and wealth,
poor. malicious temperament, narrow minded
Sun 1n Sat Dull, crook and wickecl. father of many female child. hardworking
for attaining the goal
Sun in Sun Valorous, courageous, restless. sick, foreign loving
Sun in Moon Sickly, adulterous. many enemies, poor, ill-fated. no care for
virtues and self respect
Sun In Mars Suffers from diseases of eyes and mouth, wicked, dull, crook,
aggressive, laborious, no family comfort
Moon m Sun Religious, p1ous, wealthy, music loving
Moon in Moon learned and intelligent, nch and prosperous, contended and
happy, enjoys friends and near and dear ones
Moon 1n Mars ModesL kind, friendly, gams respect in Govt.• enjoyed good traits
Moon 1n Mere W1se, intelligent and learned. devoid of enemies, quarrelsome,
master of many languages
Moon in Jup Beautiful, charming attractive handsomely, rich and prosperous.
modesl, kind hearted. religious, famous
Moon in Venus Learned and intellectual. wise and intelligent, religious, devoted
to parents, JOYS and contended. grateful
Moon in Saturn Wise and intelligent, polite and modest, wealthy and prosperous.
skillful. artisan of many arts. devoid of opposition and jealousies
Mars in Sun Loss of wealth. loss of children, suffers from obstructions, enjoy
company of crooks. many enemies
Mars in Moon Lazy, sorrowful, always looks for others wealth and woman.
devoid of friends and happiness
Mars in Mars Dull, sick, tempered _(both hot and short), devoid of moral values
Mars in Mere Religious. ausplclous, indulge in religious activities, enjoy living
1n joint family
Mars 1n Jupiter Wasteful, purposeless, illogical speaker, suffers from eye
diseases, loses his prosperity and wealth, to criminals and
enemies including from relatives

Mars 1n 0eYOtd or "'r1ues, adctic:ed to VOICeS •ncJuo,ng crook-ness.
c:tlea:,ng. fr;;:.X:s e::.. crcr.e to mmor a~m~nt ilnd C•sea!>es
Mars m Sa:um DeVOtO ot !rer.cs and ....r.t.:es. lull of vOJCes o! cruelty, srome.
~a:.ng c-ece.:. :,":~fo~ l'la·.-e :o con:.:J~n'!d .... ,:n
C!lty low le•el JCO
Me rt:vfY m Sun lln:elb;~n: and !earned. refog.ous and r.tu.llht IC. express
• uncommon L"lmgS
M~rcury m r.~oces:. •n:en.;em and :a'en:C'd. e•per11s.e m c.ticrent anlst 1c
Moon illeas. ef1JOY good traits
Mmcury m l.~ars Dyn:.mrc, laborious. fuU cl dcterm•nai!On, 11th nnd prosperous.
gA•n honors
Mercury in More Handsome and beautiful, attracuvo, rch!JIOUS, chant able,
Mercury m Lc:uned. rchg1ous. highly educated. SilUV(!, modest.
Jup1:cr re~cectab!e
Mercury in Ha'<J and heart/. teau:itul and auractt\'c!. ronunale. COJOYS
Venus cos~:, ana lu~unous ma~enal •:ems. h,,.rng good dl•ldren.
s•.~l!uls·~·ual car.:.er
Mercuri'" \'/cs.e <lnd w.:e:&gen:. orillia:-:: and tearr.ed. good command on
Sa:um rc!.g"OVs ooc•..s a."ld re:;.;:ous aC!M:.es. ajOrncd oy nc!lles aoo
w~ues oeop!e)
Jut>~:er rn Sun MoCC$t ll'l:~ll·;t'!:\t, vir.LIOJ!o, 1'10Spo13!:ll';!, gx.:s orJ:cr
Ju;>1ler 1n Calm an;:J cocl, ncs;><ta~. generous., lruth!ul. religious.
Jup1ter '" Mar~ lo'odosl and gen:le. w1se and tntclltgcnt, rc:.pectlul, extend
r.;gards to the deserv.ng
Jupiter In Mercury IJflllUIIful, handsome, attractive porsonallty, nch nnd wealthy,
beloved of pretty woman lor sati!lly•ng th<:m phys1cal need,
Jup1ter •n Jup•ter Wealthy, polite and mOdest. well !l'!hiiVCO, 1cspectful to
nobles learned and sen;ors and elderly.
Ju;lol'!r 111 Venu~ Handsomely OUJ!t c.'larm•ng po~r~all:y. fnend or rnenas.
s:.Jil:ut an tst cf many ar.s. "Ncat:ny. rc~I"CC!.:l~!e. ln;tnful,l
Jup.:er 1t1 Sa:um s·h~e:tong::e. mo:es:.. en:nu~·a~~. C:)rumse ge~rovs.
:O:e:ar.:. res;-ecta~~. r~~ts tn.e noo~es and u-.e
lcamed. o'ess.e-:3 "~ V>r:~,;cs l.!c pat1n-Jr
Venus 1n Sun Hea~tny and ~aut•fut, trutn:ul and JUCliCious, hOMst, respec:s
2ood noole people and lelned ones
Venus m Moon Truthlul, respectlul. nghl?.ous, master of art~. onju,·s love and
rc~poct from illl spheres. enJoys vehicle
Vcnu!l1n Mars Huallhy, beautiful. enthus1ashc and oncrgohc, plcasuro lov1ng
wom;m, blesses With ccstl•er malcriall!cm~
Vcnu:~ 1n M~rcury WcJI:~.y. modest. well mannerctJ, dcvo:d of enemies. cultured,
'la~r. ·pprcCiahor.s
The Drekkana TheDrekkana

Venus in Jup•ter Well r~arded by the king. enJoys costly luxurious material
•tems In t~'l life
Venus in Venus Hale and l'leany lrom body and mtnd, wtues, nch, good moral,
Venus 1n Saturn DcV01d ol enem·e~ and addtcttons. earn nches lrom sell effort
'" tra::e, rel.g.ous. b~es~ w.\h ma:enal ha~pmess. er.joys
c;orr.pany ol s•ncere lnend~ and U!!.'ltl~e!y
Sa:um tn Sun Soly. :han~.less ammoral, .gnoced by CM-n pecp:e, suffers
from bad haMs
Saturn tn Moon Rouo;n. lll'.moral. so!y, ~lf'l!ul faces ~:ruc:t,.cr.s .., ~fe.
sul'ers from trO\.e:es of ur.l.nCMn oc~.n
Sa:urn .n f.~'S S·n!vt. gef\lus. ~.'000 of mora! vat..-es. loo!:sn. su".ers 111 me
1'\and of lam.ry ilnd ln-!nd
Saturn '" l.~ercury Ptlysoc;any wea•.. at,.·a~s 1n \1'\c t.''llrti< ct quarrel al'.:l conf»e:s
and detts and de!.lrous ollr•lfl9 bto.ld
Sa:urn '" Jup.:er Ill tempered, Ctoo>.. cruel, Wl(j.ea, lrwot;e::l m an;, sooal
ae1Jvrtres. lonely. dt!vood ol happ.ness
Saturn in Venus DevOid of wt~s and tun of vo.ces, devo-:l ol s.t>hngs. suffers
in pnson. ,ealous. aour.erous
Saturn 1n Sa:urn Hale and t\e.,ny, JO)'!l and conten::led, nghteous. d•sMgu•sh
personal•ty, earn laurels from lhe kmg. enjoy company of
ded•ca:ed near and dear ones

Moon In Drekkana
Moon Is sub-planet of earth .u1ronomlc.1lly. She Is not a full-
fledged planet. Still It has much more significance than the planets In
Astrology. Why? Moon Is closest to the earth. Moon is the fastest
moving entity In thr: group of seven pl.1ncts in astrology. It changes a
sign In 2 or 2 days at the most. She changes her Nakshatra in the range
of 24 hrs depending upon Its pace of movement: normal; slow or
faster (atlcharl). She is given status of the planet at par with the Sun.
the core of the solar system. These qualities of Moon make it the most
influential planet of our ur~. Mental Inclination of an individual
depends on the Moon primarily. There is no dearth of Astrologers who
give prediction only on the basis of movement of Moon in 12 houses/
12 signs and 27/28 Nakshatras. She Is also considered one of the
Ascendant. And she is also considered prudent to analyse the
horoscope-taking Moon as Ascendant. Most of the important Dasha
systems are based on Moon's longitude. AppiUently, it becomes
essential to analyse the horoscope from Moon.
When Moon Is considered so important in natal horoscopy. her
importance definitely stands lnt.'\Ct in the analysis of divisional
horoscopes. In Drekkana divisional horoscopes Moon moves in every
I The Drekkana
Drekkana prior to any other planet can do that therefore she can play
vital role In analysis of Drekkana. Brihat Jatak has given interpretation
of Moon·s presence In all the 36 Drekkanas. spelling out peculiar
signification of Moon In each of the 36 Drekkanas convincingly. In
each Drekkana Moon gives a different picture. This is elaborated in the
table framed as under:
Table- Interpretation of Moon in Drekkanas
(Strictly as per Bnhat Jalalca of Varaha IM!If}

1"' Drekkana r'" Drekkana 3,. Drekkana
{0"-10•) (10"-20") (20"-30•)
1 Arios Beaut1lut. Brilliant. Beautiful, cunning, Handsome, short
Murderous illicit relation Wilh intellectual
teacher's wife
2 Taurus Adulterous. i Desirous of Othllr'S Killer
as peeled by Venus. woman
3 Gemini Bold. brave. beautiful Wanderer. Virtue Lacking In virtues and
less beauty
4 Cancer Healthy. Handsome h"ot~ Aggressive, Angry.
Happy A!U~
5 Leo Bold, ~n\ KiSer Handsome, ~- Sex Wl:h others.
wr.n olherwomen Aggressive,
6. Virgo Wanderer Wanderer Wanderer,
7. Libra Soft. Loves travel Lack lustre, travel Handsome. sex With
a. Scorpio Aggressive Brave, Virtuous, Bold. Beautiful
takes initiative Pa!t'l>onam
~gittarius Brllllont. Murderous Aggressive Beautiful killer
10 Capncom Illicit relation YI!Ul Sex With others Sex relations 1n
teacher's Wl!e neighbourhood
11 Aquanus Murderous Murderous Murderous
12 Pisces Murderous Murderous. Aggressive

The Drekkana The Drekkana

The 22nd Drekkana

Death is one of the certainties of life. In rashl chart to analyse
death one has to see the following points:
1. Death lntllctlng Planets (Markesh). Standard identification of
Markesh is the planet who is the Lord of Second and Seventh
2. Malefic planets
3. Trik lords : lords of 6"' ,8"', 12"' houses
4 22nd Drekkana Lord.
5. Operation of Dasha of death lnfiictlng/maleHc planets influencing
the Ascendant and the Ascendant Lord -Moon/Moon Sign Lord.
6. Concentration of malefic energies on the Ascendant/Ascendant
lord in transit.
7. Weak Ascendant lord of Drekkana on being debilitated combust
inimically placed etc. either in rashi or in Drekkana or in both
causes death in infancy. Connection of benefics Improves the
status of the weak planets competent to cause death.
8. One may lntllct death on himself: Suicide. Association of
ascendant lord of Drekkana or 3"' lord of natal chart with the 6"',
8"' or IZ"' houses in either of chart makes one susceptible to
suicidal tendencies. However association of benefics modifies
such tendencies.
9. Sun or Mars as Ascendant lord if placed in a strong eighth house
one may be prone to burns, heat, affliction, electric shocks etc.
10. Medicinal reaction, food poisoning may cause death if ascendant
lord is placed in 8"' house and associated with Jupiter and or
Among these factors one of the important factors is 22""
Drekkana. This is basically the derieved Drekkana of the eighth house.
This can be calculated by placing the Ascendants longitude in the
eighth house and working out the Drekkana. It plays very crucial role
in giving death or death like problems in the life of the individual. The
number of malefic influences on this ZZ"" Drekkana provides the clue
to mark the crucial period. How 22nd Drekkana influences the death
when it falls in different Drekkanas of various signs? Kalyana Verma in
his classic Saravali has given the clues In this regard which are
tabulated as under:

TheDrekkana 'rha Drekkana

Table -The 22"* Drekkana

Decanate one Decanat11 two Decanate three
Ruhl (0"-10") (20"-30")
Ane1 By Crov.11UI9. boloou, lnsecD bo:a. ley or In water ~1ei'VOotl
mbalanco, poison forest area and dirty ~tra:.on
watet tanks. wells etc
Taurus By pet animals I'IQ(se, F•m. e.loOUS VehiCUlat
bull, camel etc conditions, thieves, ac:Qdent,, fall from
windy conditions animals. weapon,
preferably dunng
Gemini Pulmonary or respiratory Poison, animals By elephant
OVI!nts, tuberculosis preferably buffalo conflict v11th tribes
Cancer Frightening ctream. Poison. beaung. Urinary problem.
crococt•IOS, alcohol respiratory
problem. blood
infection. exertion
Lao Ailmentsf•nfectlon In forest or water Fall from height,
effecting feet, polson. weapon quoted
water. Wilh I)OI,On,
Vtrgr: Violent stoan:squal, Poison. snake or Envious inimical
braln diseases Scorpion bites. In femllle. anmats.
forest or Ill the hils. wellpon, poson
old forts preferably in food.
w:~:et ~r.s

I.Jl:lra Envious mlmlcal fe male, Indigestion, mtestme Water amma:s.

fall. Quadrupeds InfectiOn. ~ver problem SMile bite.
Scorpio Envious imm1cat female, Fall. any ctrseaso. Stone pelting,
weapon. food poisoning clothes bona Injury.
Saglllotlua Disease of secret organs, Windy trouble, poison Stomach
windy trouble Cornering by elders upsetting,
as punishment drowning 1n water.
Capricorn Animals preferably !l~er Walet animals. Envious 1mmca1
group, govt putlrS/VTient damages to legs female
I)OlSOO, ailments, bre
Aquarius Dirty water. 11'1 hal- locks. Venereal d.seases Sexual p.'Ob!ems,
IDCOfTIInal disorder. ~
inunicel 'o\OT'Ien, elephant quadrapeds.
PlSCC1 Infections, disorders Sinking of boaVShill 1n Deadly dreadful
preferably of stomach, !he sea diseases [Jte
kidney, spleen, dirty cancer etc
water InimiCal women,
furious ele;lhanl

The Dnskkana The Drekkana

Tri Birth Combinations and Drekkana

The trines in any horoscope have much more significance.
Primarily one will come in this world (ascendant) with some past
karmas (fifth house) and take with him while leaving this world (ninth
house). The totality of the life is linked with these three trines. In
Drekkana charts the houses and the planets therein moves ln trinal
way - a house or planet therein can either be vargottam or move in
fifth and ninth from its own position. Every activity of life signified by
any house or planets therein is thus connected with the past lives,
present life, and life after death (next birth). Different classics have
given clues on this aspect. Thus the Drekkana chart has rightly been
selected as an indicator ol three janams. Sage Mantreshwar in Ph£\1
Deepika has come out with a revelation to identily the past and luture
birth of an individual.
Past Births: Ninth house and its lord, planets placed in the ninth
house gives clues about the past/previous births. The connecting
planets being benelics and strong indicates prosperous and wealthy
individual enjoying high place in his professional field and in society in
the previous birth. This status cnanges with the association with
malefic weak planet. What happens to the ninth lord In the Drekkana
charts If it improves, it indicates strength of body and mind thus
physical and mental traits ol the individual in the past birth? The status
position, strength and weakness of the ninth lord ol rashi chart
indicate the category of living beings represented by the individual in
his past birth:

Tabel- Past Births

Strength and Weakness of the Ninth Lord of Category ol Living Being in
the Rashi Chart the Past Birth
a Exalted, in own house or in friendly sign ol Human being
ascendant lord
b. Debilitated, in Inimical s1gn of ascendant Birds
lord, combust, said. associated with
malefics Quadruped
c In neutral sign of the ascendant lord

Future Birth: 5'h house has been considered a house for future
indications of birth by sage Mantreshwar. Strength and weakness of 5 111
house. its lord, and planet associated with 5 111 house and associates of
5* lord both in terms ol house and planets indicate about the next
birth. A lew people are always worried about their luture birth. They
too want to act in this birth so as to improve their future birth. Can they
do? Mythlogically and mentally they do believe that our karmas in the

The Drekkana

present birth do play vital role in this regard. Apart from this kanna
based Improvement we can get and Idea In advance at the time of
birth of an individual about the prospects of the next birth. A standard
version of categorization of future birth Is similar to that of past birth
with a difference that lordship of fifth house plays that Important role.
Tabel- Future Births
Strength and Weakness of the Fifth Lord of the Category of Living Being in
Rash. Clun lha Past Birth
a EnJ:ed lfl own house or m fnendly Slgf'l of Htmanbeing
ascendant lord
b DebiLtated. m mimical ~~gn of ascendant Birds
lord, c:ornbust Uid. associated wtth
c In neutral SIQ!l of the ascendant lord Quadruped

Mythlogkally it Is said that our sages and seers were trl k.t/.JsYd-
they were able to see and to know about all the three births - past,
present and future. Dining the two births there may be time gap.
Where one will live during this Intervening period. Our seers through
their d/vy,l drlshthl were able to know or pinpoint abode of the
Individual after the death but prior to the next birth. Precisely this
depends on the of 5"' house/5"' lord and the planets Influencing them.
If more than one planet Is Influencing the 5"' house/5* lord, the
strongest among them will decide the Issue. The abode or the
Individual during the Intervening period have been Identified by the
seers In the following manner:
Tabel- Abode after Death
Strongest planet Abode of the Individual after Death
Sun Shlv:alok (abode of lord Shiva)
Moon Shivlllok
Mars Bhoolok (Earth l
Mercury Vaikunthalok (abode of lord Vis.hllul
Jupiter Brahmalok (abode of lord Bhrahm.l
Venus lndralok I Swarga (abode of lord lnclra)
Sa tum Yamlok (abode of lord Yoma)
Rahu Bhoolok (Any other country/region on earth)
Ketu Narak (helll
Similarly it can also be identified from wlhlch place/abode the
lndMdual has come in this world. The Identification system will follow
the same criteria as Is applicable In the case of Intervening period of
death and next birth. The point of difference Is that Instead of the
connectivity of 5* house/5'" lord we have to see connectivity of 9*
house~ lord.
This relationship shows past, present, future births shall not only

The Drekkana the Drekkana

depend upon the 9* house/9* lord. ascendant/ascendant lord, 5"'

house/5* lord of rashl chan but also in Drekkana chart In absolute as
well as relative term. Absolutely when the consideration of Individual
charts takes place whereas relatively when the two charts are
interconnected on the similar consideration. For example to ascertain
past birth one sees 9* house/9"' lord and associated planets therewith
In tashl chart Itself and Drekkana chart itself besides their
lnterconnectlvlty I.e. 9* house/9* lord of rash! chart In Drekkana chart
and of Drekkana chart In rashi chart. This Is the final confirmatory point.
Trijanma Yoga: Trijanma means three births. This includes past
birth, present birth and the next birth. Ascendant/ascendant lord deals
with the present birth. 5* house/5"' lord deals with the next birth
where as 9* house/9"' lord deals with the past birth. An association In
any form astrologically of the said three houses/lords and other
planets connecting each other will indicate that the three births of an
individual relates to one place. It means the individual have enjoyed
the patronage of only one family in all the three births. He is
descendants of himself. This connectivity should not only be seen in
rashi chart but also be related in the Drekkana chart and Inter-chart
relationship will cement the point

cbapter 4
Drekkana represents one third part of Ascendant and planets on
the basis of their longitude whereas Navamsha represent one ninth
part of the same Ascendant and planets. Can these two be Inter-linked
excluding the Birth Horoscope to make the prediction finer than
otherwise? Definitely Yes. Both originate from the same Birth
Horoscope. Linkage Is Inherent. Here point Is can they be linked In
themselves only without going back to Birth Horoscope. One sign
house of 30 degree is sub-dMded In three parts m Drekkana to make
out 36 Drekkanas for 12 signs/houses. Whereas one sign I house of 30
degree is subdivided In nine parts In Navamsha to make out 108
Navamsha. This further points out that Navamshas are three times the
Drekkanas. App.llel'ltly, each Drekkana covers three Navamshas.
Certainly, each Navamsha represents something different. Say Aries
sign, Aries Drekkana and Aries Navamsha signifY differently than the
significations of Aries sign. Aries Drekkana and Taurus Navamsha. So
are the significations of Aries sign. Aries Drekkana and Gemini
Navamsha and so on. Thus a finer prediction Is bound to corne and
reveal much closer view of a horoscope. Here one must know the
significations of each of the Drekkana and each of the Navamsha
lndMdually and relatively Identification and significations of Drekkanas
have been discussed In the previous chapter of Drekkana.
A compact view of significations of signs In Rashl Ch.m. Its three
Drekkanas and also its nine Navamshas are tabulated here under:

as hi Birth Horoscope Drckk.ana Horoscope Navamsha Horoscope
ries Lean, pinkish red complexion, Aries • Generous, Aries • Sheepish face. small nose and eyes small arm. strongly buill. ugly,
egg- shaped face. long neck gemu$, valorous. harsh speech
slighUy big cur1y brown h:alr. charitable bright. Taurus • Dark complexlol"le<l, strongly buln shoulder and arm small head
symmetrical teeth bushy eye fluctuation in fortunes bnlf1311l longish faced and nose. sweet tongue. weak legs, be.-Jutlful
brows. round eyes, medium Affliction wiD make. Panldlur
helghl, stammering eyes, cruel towards co-boms
Gemini • Fair complexioned, beautiful eyes and nose. weak arms and legs,
badly shaped nails short and children and
least hairs on the head
tempered, miser, effidenl. desirous of others
coward jealous, hardly monev
contended. clever and cunning Leo- Artistic music Cancer· lean and lhin. dry Sllln. short and hot lempered, rough coarse
(chanc/1/ll), suffering from lOving, adventurous. hair. dry short nails short nose. uneasy restless eyes, devoid of Sitllings
cough and bile and stomach romanuc. wealthy. high social status
diseases. religious generous smart and beautiful. Leo - Strongly built, lion hko bright eyes with sharp eye brows. scant, dry.
Famous. weallhy, indulgent, flirtiesl enjoyment 111
devoid of brolhef, deserted by rough and thick hair, prominently marked forehead dry skin. sharp nose
others wealth hot tempered. nch and powerful
father. lmpalient, modest
wanderer eager to go to Virgo • Taa. long <Jim$. broad shoulders and waste dark complexiOn,
foreign counlrles. ambitious. CSeeli$h (mrtgnayan) beautiful eyes rough and dry leel weak stomach and
ralional. indusbious, orms. timid and cowardice. excessive taii<AIIve important
systematic in scientific Sagittarius • Loved libra ·Toll. big handsome, lustrous face of soft glow slllno. bright restless
approach, Impulsive, fond ol and served by the eyes, beautiful eye brows and forehead. broad chest, sweet langue,
acquiring knowledge valorous fnends and relatives beautiful llall dark complexioned. crueL bravo. independent nature.
firm and determined. serves In Govt.• itlduloent. spouse of an adulterous oerson.
independent nalUre. strong wiD lnlelflgent. learned. Scorpio· Big face, strong and well built chest and forehead, monkey llke
power and ultimate wmnor. lalenled. bodily strong facial appearance, rough dry akin. suffers from incurable venereal dlseasos.
quarrelsome, stubborn. name and powerful, virtuous. cruel. violent, nor. deceiver
and fame in the society, egolsl,
Sagittarius ·Thin. lean. !aU body beautiful bul~ lips and Ieeth. big
successful in jobs related to
forehead and ea~. horse like facial appearance, honey eyed, foolish.
fire. armament engtneer,
strong, traudulenl rulhles5. impe~nator, It to be a servant
Tau- Short and lat. squ01r~us butll, Teuru1- Soft C.prkom- Strongly bull, attradive body, dillll complexioned. eroot.ed,
rul big face. thick ne~. st®t. womanish appearance. cruel. ptlrtess eyes. sinful. engaged in ev~. base acts and deeds preferably
strOI'Ig. righteous, hon~ Beautrful, delicate. in the beginning and eroding period of ltfe.
Jud>ciouS. cou~us. ante res!~ .n gOOd, Aquatius- Dull.. t.uy. lethargic. o~c:cesSlbly talkatNe. ~nt.ny weal\, lace
~a!orous. v~-tuous. $lo.•:tul. richness. luty food. and fOiehead grwe an appearance of bent body, har, senous look rn ctyes.
e!f.c.~t. bro3d shoulders. pro· blessed vr•th gems and partiCJpate In QUi'StiOnabte activibes 3nd hosble ads.
feministiC. shre-"'d tldl costumes. Piscn- Tan. weu b\:~"1 strong bod'/ wttll beauhful and ~.1pely e)es al'ld
b\:s.r.~n. de"o!ed to dut)' .)9011C:~from
nose aoo so!\ U-in, f~artess and ~tenninant SIIOI'Ig Wl!lell, rel~cus.
and respons~. sacr.ftCiJI, ~parahOn from ~fe
rnvol•ell 1n rehgious rrtes and hom.l etc • supportiVe,
matenah~tic. lu•ur~ous, Pilrtner
3rTOglnt. prejudiCi.ll. greedy. Virgo - Beaut.1ul 3nd Aries - Me01um height, slm waist, brownish compleJioned, sl.m alld
se:f.sh,I.J!y, IJUSt~iOrthy, ilttradive, sober. suave, halldsome, shOrt tempered Vt'!th pale sheepish e,-es. greelly of othcus
amb:tious, affedionate, fond ol rrch alld wealthy. m•kl weai!h, a thief
3rt. pertorming arts and tempor01ment, steady. Taurus- Tall. hands~ wrth bull hke broad shoulders, long arms, lair
literature, devoted to God and intellrgllnt.
compte•ioned. lhiclo. curly bta<:X long hair. shapely built pointed nose.
Guru. preferred profoss10ns ~.nowk!dge3bl~. lu·•unous. attractrve person3L1y. adored by co-borns.
are med1cal.lrterature. frn01nce. succes~futn1 a!lair$,
Gemini- Lean, thin body w1!h smooth Skin, beautrfullong blacl< h3ir,
lawyer, Venusian professions engrossed wrth
- ho:elier, onema. modelling serious and e•presslve llyes. steady finn mind. deaver, e•pert, o~er·
beautrful aggressive ta!katrve, humorous. sk1lled worker. hMJhly ~ucated and leJrned. s~t
etc alld ~reedy v.-oman ton;;ue.
Capricorn- Valorous. Cancer - ran. &trongty bu'"· tono fe9s. small feet. scanty harr. pointed brg
cunning. d1rty. not nose and eyes. beiulrfulteeth. ~ssionate, julous of near lind ~ars.
blessed With lcnu~. su1!ers loss and ~ned because of ch11dren
r.e ..er l)()ther ~boul fO'.JI
means v.h1le earning.
suffers for hiS mrS<jeeds Leo- Tall. shinif19 bluish ho~ir, rnv.nc1ble. tall< all~. avoid h.ud ~rl<; Iron llio:e
eo,es. ~autlfulteeth. big na•ls. cour~. krngly lr.ong
Virgo- Strn. tan. handsome. a!'Ja::tl'.e body. aggressive. hOI tempered.
auet. deceptive and trichter, psychological complexes, famous, vreak,
coward1ce. cunnrng. accumulator of vrealth. suffers from~· diseases I
impotendes. WTathful
Gemini Tall. stra'9hl. oval laud. thiCk Gemini- Tall. wealthy. libra- Tall. slm, bfoad shoulder. thin long arms, elevated long nose.
neck. ~auhlul bladl e~~. rich, sman and beautiful bright penetrating black eyes. hatry skin, we.s~ arms and le~. dark
curly bladl hair. elevated nose. allradove. trustful. (dry grass) complexioned, bold and brave. suffers from shoulder and arm
long weak hands. intelligent virtuous. enjoys. diseases. wicked
versa:ole. amoable. charmong, luxurious and comlon Scorpio- Big head (po!loke). !hon waist, small. depressed no~e. over
wi!:y and humorou~ fond ol Ide. outs!ando~ orator. !JJikatrve. hard working. noble. high status. con~ous. violent e~ages in
!he rea<long, WTOt!ng and ottler blessed wo!h eloquent cruel tonurous actM!ies.
indoor ac!o111toes. arts. SPi'eCh Sagittarius- Well buo!l body. lair complelioned. long lace. beauhlul nose.
imagonatoon, music, helpful. sharp eye brows. reddish eyes, sharp in!elhgen! mind, and eloquent noble
lorgivong, modes!, humane.
kind. eloquent speak<:lr. broatl
muv.led. artoC\Jia!e. well- Libril -Shan. small Capricorn- Fa or complexioned wo!h darkosh glow, beautiful b~Ck eye broW!i
mannered and well-behJ>ed. face. handsome. gentle. and prominent forehead. hairy skon, broad che~l. Wlde neck and Ieeth. an
quick learner. doplomatoc. "1se. sc.1n1y haor, al!radive personal~y. gentle and passionale, ond~ndenl nature. Sv.i!el
principled. dosCiphnaroan, famous. fortunate. longue. Indulgent and sinner
culious, ea~1ly dissectoblc manner, lull of Aquarius- 819 head (skull), broad chest. big lace, strong arms, beaul1lul
Prelcr~cd professions arc
ellqueltes eyes, well buol!, deceotful nature, cruel and l<oiiCI. w1cked and elusive. though
mar1o.ehng, transport. appears mpartoJJI
)OUrnah~m. pubt.sher. Pisces- Medoum buoft, strong beau!olul bod)'. promonenl forelleild. red
::ommunoCJ!ion. inlormatoon ponkosh lops. honeyed eyes. beJu!olul creamy tet'lh. fraudulent, abler,
technol()9y. mathemahciJn, obstina~e and shameless. meanmgless over lalkahve. gamble loving
accountanl. consul!anl. lawyer, Aquariua - Strong Arlos- Tall. handsome. brownish copper hke complexioned, honey eyed,
eduCJtoonost . body, rough dry skin, broad ctles!, cleaver. inlel~gent. crafty, humorous, profoeoenlln many arts.
naol and nose tops. eduCJ!ed, a thoef, smuggler
obs!onate. lull of Taurus- S!longly buin big body of drsproponoanate grOOM h. dark
determon;~!oon, steady. complexooned. big beautiful black e•pressrve eves, thoughtful. admorable,
rough, dry and rude ond sweetlongued. proficient in n~any arts. highly educated. hogh achiever
behJVIOUr, JlOI OICJdemlcally. comfort life. reputed.
interested In oppos11e Gemini- Plea:o.1ng physical appearance of beaut1lul complexiOned, round
sex black eye-s. prohcient in handoerall and love makong poetry, mtelleclual and
learned, Willy and humorous. ever cheerful face. good knowleodge of
loterature and science. intellogen!.
C.ncer Medrum height, while pinkiSh Cancer- Beautiful. Cancer- Tall. lean and thrn body, fair complexioned, peas, diVIne face. pot
colour. round lace. snubbed helpful. considerate andbellred. long thin arms. beautiful hair and face. big eyes. handsome elegant
nose. broad waist • Wide c:hesl. sympathellc, llltellogenl,
personahty. lonqlhrn arms. senior execuhve or businessmen.
long hand. -ak physic.ll enjoys the company of Leo- Well shaped, slm, strong body of prnkiSh comple:llon, lion ldo.e lace
constrtution. 5enS~ive. CUrl.)uS. noble and wtuous, and e)'t!$, weak thighs. mpreurve persona:rty, royalloolls. generous.
infell.gent, hard wor1<rng. rntellrgenl affedoonale, learned and sacnfocing nature With a tendency of renu~lion,
independent and se" rebanl, bold, bra~e. lnvrnoble. fond of ans. leads a kingly hie
honeSt hosp4able, ju<IOOUS Virgo- Farr complexiOn wrlh beautiful eyes. $011 hands. thll'llong ~s v.11h
and fair. sympathetoc. s.ncere. heavy buttodl, woman hke soli body,lazy, intelhgent. rnlerested in hghter
methodical, v.ltty and
works. eloquent speaker. Clea~er, mlelhgent modest and sweet tongued,
humOfous, patrenl, good face suffers from sexual disease and impotency.
reader. a family man. caulrOus
Scorpio- Unsteady, Libra- Tall, attractr~e. darlush complexron, ha~ing bow hke eye brows and
approac:h. economrcal.
receptive, luxunous, rich, talkatrve. greedy, beaulrful eyes, beautrlul nose. passronate. c:hantable, luxurious. generous.
highly imaginative, prefe11ed romanltc. fanatics. bold, brave. took pain to work for the progress of his communtty.
professions are trading and Immoral, enjoys charms Scorpio -Large 11pe11ng bell shaped head. long arms. thickly grown eye
of woman. suffers Ill· brows, $ad look on the lace. obstinate. mean, stupid, bended lace,
manufacturing of hquld Items -
chemical, mrlk etc, performrng heallh. blessed with courageous. strong burl!. laborious. lnvincrble, belongs to service clas~.
brothers Saglturlus- Tall, big, strang body with anradr~e teeth and nose. wide jaw,
ga~nts. texllle. jewellery, sharp brg greenish eyes and broad shoulder. fair complexioned. ~alorous.
musical instruments etc. a glonous. prosperous, learned. eloquent speaker. modest. well mannered
bOfn leader and bel'ta~ed. articulate con~ersationaltst _
Places - Beautrful and Capricorn- Tall. slom, rough and hard harrs. trm thighs, scanty ha•r. v1srble
anradi~e. gentle, blood ~etls, c.tow loke agr14y. e~r to defend and protect others, wicked and
nature lOver. enjoys Sinful. reside~ 1n ochers house
gems and lu•unes. Aquarius- Well 1haped head. beautiful face and arms. tapered nose. dark
easoly charmed by wine complexiOn, attractive Jool<s. slow beginner, cruel and k•ller, engaged In
and wom3n. attractrve mean. manure and low paid works
towards everything Pisces- Tall, wen built. broad c:hest. protrudrng cheeks. small belly, thin
forergn (vldeshr), set long lips, beard. cupid face. trim catves. stout lh.ghs, weak knees. beautrlul
and follows moralrty of
fish lrke eyes. farr complexion. noble. gentle. esteemed pos4ion in the
his own standards
Leo Strongly wen buih body ot Leo - Generous and AtiH- Tall. muscular body. prominent verns. slm waist. small beDy. thiCk
med1um herght. o·1al faced. charrtable. nch and neck. btg head. red tipped no5e. muscular protruding chest bold aggressive
broad shoulders. copper weailhy, brave and valorous. thief or a cheat.
colour. brg head. and valorous. relrgious. TauNs - Brg square body Wllh big prom1n~tnt forehead. beautrful eyes. long
prominent lore head. a royal respectably placed in neck. long arms. broad chest. high nose. squinted beau!Jiul eyes. hot
appe.1rance. ambrt1ous. Govt. tempered. enjoys lwrurious life.
cnthusiashc. a smiling lace. Gemini- Sort lustrous body, round neck. hrgh nose. restless teasing eyes.
man olleasl words. longhoiry_ arms. wise. intelligent. learned. lender heart. wavering mind.
courngeous. charming and
checr1ul. modest and Sagittarius - W1se and Cancer- Fair creamy smooth skin, sort hair, strong long arms and teot. big
1ntelllgont. charitable e~pressive black eyes. hoarse voice. hog hke belly.
gttnerous. creattve. dynamic.
and religious. brave and Leo- Brg body conslttution. lull of hair on the body bul scanty on skull,
SinCere, energel•c. sensit1ve.
car.ng. 1udocious. rntolerant, valorous large flat bell hke head. prominent nose. broad chest. long belly, Wide jaw.
egooshc. arrogant. man of all bold an<lltoars. broad c.heek. ugly teeth. ;urogant nature
seasons. rnnovatove, introvert. Virgo- Tall. dark compleliOned. ~nly ha11 on the body. charmong
CllJel ~r>d aggressive personality wrth beautrfuf big affectionate eyes, tactful boasting nature,
especially towards enemoes. eloquent speaker. adored by females. sweet tongued. inlell.genl.
conscrvahve. fond of Arias - Slrcngly buon of Libra- Tali. lean and thin haory body Wlth longish lace. and promonenl
per1orming ails. achiever, .avod medium herghl. veins. stoutly bu1n, harsh speech, cunning, aggressive. drplomalic, sh011
reader, god fearing. inlclhgenl but confused, tempered, deceive and deceived by woman.
commanding nature, honest, afflictions may make Scorpio- Strong buill with form Imps and mature majestic looks, eloquent
truthful. tudlcoous. lradttionaliM, him b1g and greedy speaker. fraudulent, lnendly, serious minded, poor. sweet tongued. Involved
proferrl.'d professions .11e In objectionable activrt•es. manufacturer of duplicate items.
politocalleader. admimstrator.
doplomat. senior executoves.
StglHar!us- Hor!.e hke longtsh lace, slm wa1s1. shapely buoh lh1ghs, long
scl~ntolic:/lechnocal person.
arms. darldsh eyes. suffers from breathlllil PfOblem.
deak!r '" bUilding material.
jeweller, teacher. sportsman.
3r1i~t. geologist •
Virgo Fair complexion, handsome VIrgo- Slighlly darl< Capricorn- Tall. handsome, charming personality wrth beautiful deer hke
personaf;ly of medium height, whitish complexion. eyes. dark complexion, eloquent speaker, charrtable. generous, tich, fodlle
With bro3d chest, elevated golden e)·ed. brown1sh minded. l.lrge hearted, luxurious, foolish. may confront some physical
cheek bones. broad face. hair, tall, suave and defects.
beautiful piercing eyes. gentle. modest. blessed Aquarius- Tall. attractrJe, fair complexioned. charming face. pot bellied,
poin:ed nose. drooping woth woman and wealth aflectiona:e. sweet tongued. gentle.lively, beautiful eyes. big thogh.
Shout<rers. youthful of stature and beauty argumentative. soh. fodlle monded.
appearance. methodocal, fond Pisces- Fair complexioned, sweet hearted. beautiful feet, large strong
of fine arts and music. arms, fluttering nosttols, frank and fun loving.
knO't.11!0geable, intellogent.
economocal, hot tempered, Capricorn- WISe and Aries- Tall, slom, beautdul face, pinkish complexion, charming eyes, thick
lack of self confidence. intelligent, command eye brO>ws, boautdul forehead and hairs, hot headed, attractove, pass1011ate,
impractocal. symmetrical, over numbers of intellectual. sharp. bust With a women, knowledge scriptures.
impuls1ve. good subjects and references Taurua.- Btg butlt With broad chest, strong arms and th1ghs, !hock lips and
communication skrll, rntellogenl, thereupon, noble, thick haor on the head, illustrious and patronizes noble per,on.
sensible, diplomatic, clever, independent nature. Gemini- Chamung attractive personality, sweet tongued, Intelligent, noble
mode$!, religious. ambrlious, artistic. business
hearted. compassionate, good orator, proficient in many arts, fond of
soft spoken, passionate, orientation leading to travelling, linguist , skilful writer. exponent in scriptures, Intelligent.
analytical. devoted, sharp and earn wealth. enjoys humorous
quick mind, prelerred vis111ng foreign lands
professions are professor, Taurus- Short stature, Cancer- E~tremely la11 complexioned. small face, elevated nose, s.mooth
councillor, la,.,yer, doctor, beautoful impressive hands, soft hairs. pot bellied, broad shoulder and Slorm all1l$, large feet,
mathematician. slatrshcian. lace, sharp eyed. rear of water.
accountant, management. indusuious and Leo- Tall. hand,OIM. fait complexiOn and soft body, iUrictiVe personahty
art1st, je-hel~r. communic<ltlOn enterpnsing. Wllh large beautiful eyes, long and strong arms. golden hair, honourable,
industry. determ111ed, talented, I aggreslPive. imtable.
business Otiented. VIrgo- Charming ph~ique. broad eyes. droop•ng snoulders. soft. modest
music lover, and happy, famous, wrder and learned scholar. skilful, learned~
incomparable vigour.
Ubra Tall, lean, bul handsome ol lair Libra - Smar1, Ubra- Fau complexioned wrth big eye~ and long lace. skilful, rnnovalive.
complexion. curly hair, broad dlarmrng. inl~igent of ~crellve. trust worthy. progressiYe, artlculale In business. accumulator of
lace. beaullful attractive eyes. frnanci.ll and business wealth. famous.
appears younger than his age, or~enlation. knowiedge Scorpio- Unattradrve body, bushy eye brows. wide jaw. round eyes Wl!h
intelhgenl refined tules. lapering sighl. slm uneven wars I , big leelh, charming ned<. ~I in his own
of religious lext. helpful
harmonrous. peace loving. lo needy, kind and thoughts. large hearted.
impartial, judiCious. fond ol art consld4!rale, full of Sagittarius- Fair complexioned. lean and lhin, glonous. ho~ hke face,
and music, motivalor. emohon~. can be
beauhful syrnmelricalleelh, large eyes. lamous, long hair and nose,
lndecrslve, susceptible lo mollvaled beaulrful feel, long arms. smoolh finger lips and toes.
ftirtahon. not amenable to
Aquarius - Beaulilul. Capricorn- Lean weak body. dark complexion, ill-formed teeth. small
reasoning, syrnpalhelic.
evt!rlasling friend. balancrng. charming lace with big arms. dropping shoulders. big 1aw, small nose, watery shining deensh eyes.
beauhlul eyes, valorous :gentle. unhappy, clever and cunning, weak arms. cowardice.
lrad•honalrst • religious. keen
observer. insensitrve. ~rious and advenlurou~. Aqu.rlus- Genlle. atlecbOnate. modesl. st.n waist. dry rough haw.
progre~s1ve and beautiful sincere eyes and flal no~. sober and simple allleart. •ntelhgenl.
looking. and spanngly
laughing, luxunous. indulgent. soc.ahle. good reserve and p.111ent
communication skill,
ambrtrous. idealistic. preferred PlsCH- Tall. lair complexioned. fleshy lm~. big beaullful eyes and no~.
professions are judicial. fortunes and hie is smooth nail. intellectual. diplomatic. famous. leamed. well versed In
rnnuenced by near and
teaching, medocal. jewellery scriplures.
and cosmetic, fashion induslry, dear ones
performing arts. sophisltcaled Gemini - Dull, crook Arlea -Short, fat, 1a11 pinkish complexioned, long arms. nanow forehead,
consumer rtems, textile, and wicked, thankless. plump. charming. wise. learned. greedy, aggressive and hot lempered.
rubber. ptaslic. transport. deceivrng nature and Taurus- Tall. strong well bUIH, dark complexion, elevated shoulder. broad
deeds, doubtful and beautiful chest. broad thick black eye brows, narrow forehead. high neck
inconsiStenl in nature menially balanced, peaceful nalute. luxurious, indulgent. rich and
and ae1•on. restless prosperou~. polrte.

Gemini- Well proportioned sharply beaulrful body of fair complex ron and
charming eyes. skrllul. fond of art. lund hearted. happy, hUII'I()(OUS,JOyou~
Scor- Tall, well built, strong body: Scorpio - Strongly Cancer -Short, strongly built with beautiful forehead. prominent nose and
pio upper part being larger, fair built, tall, bog eyed, lips. small froggish belly, fair complexioned, pious, wise. tong love. cunning.
complexion. broad shoulders. brave. valorous and having beautiful spouse. marriage broker,
strong legs, big teeth. void jaw. courageous. aggressive Leo- Strongly buin. big body, fair complexioned. broad chest, high
deep plain eyes. thick blunt and furious. fighter. shoulde-r, reddish (bloodshot) eyes, courageous. bold valorous. conqueror
nose. shm waist, curly hair, intettogent and shrewd, of enemies. invincible, thick hair, large hearted, violent. rude, well
round thighs and knees. clever leading a l~e of dig My mannered, virtuous, truthful, knowledge of past and future. may be an
and intelhgent, conservationist and contra Is astrologer .
. tradotionalist • generous. Virgo- Fair. attractive. strong shoulder and arms, beautiful lips and hair,
charitable. fond of art and sharp intellect. straight forward, clear speech, eloquent speaker, earn
music, passionate and through self assertion. illegitimate child, teamed.
omputsive, secretive, fearless.
strong. intelligent, imaginative. Pisces - Beaullful, Libra- Tall, big body, broad hairy shoulders, dark complexion, long black
firm and determined, fairly complexioned. haor and black deep expressive eyes. energetic, adulterous, patient,
industrious. luxurious, fond of restless eyes. wise and treacherous. sadist, perfect in dance. nature of promoting others to work.
fine arts. high position in intelligent, enjoys other always interested in others wife and quarrels.
U1 society, inflexible and wealth. and oily and Scorpio- Majestic appearance. bloodshot eyes. black nose. pot belly,
obstinate, penetrating spicy food strongly built, famous. patient. interested in hard works, firm and
intensove, sarcastic. cruel, determined, adventurous. brave. self confident.
preferred careers are medical. Sagittarius- Strongly buon. high nose. scanty hair, thick Interconnected eye
chemical, industry, diplomatic, brows. overbeanng and dearing, clever, intelligent. impudent. skilful end
detective. arts and fine arts. diplomatic, knowledge of law. cruel, egoistic, sarcastic. happy, splendorous.
jobs onvolving/related to adamant.
females Cancer- Big buill with Capricorn- Strongly built, growing skin, prominent. veins. uneven teeth.
tong arms and pale large open mouth, restless excited squinted eyes. slim waist . depressed
eyes. pursuer of occult belly. uneven sight.
sciences and Aquarius- Unattractive appearance. dark complexion, fluttering nostrils,
psychology, genius, rough and thick hair, prominent veins, impatient, characterless. bad
dynamoc and temperament, stupid. devoid of virtues.
progressive, patient Pisce-s- Tall, handsome. well built body, fair complexioned, soft skin.
golden hair, pale eyes, modest, gentle. simple, peaceful, loved and
respected by teachers and the nobles.
Sag I· Reddish complexion, Sagittarius- Beautiful Aries - Fair complexioned, beautiful symmetrical teeth, long nose, goal ish
ttarius handsome attractive face, face with big eyes, divine eyes. beautiful hair, channing personality, knowledgeable and
beautiful eyes, egg like face. modest. leader, effortful hyprocreable, fears and blunt. sometime unbearable, straight forward.
long neck, pointed nose. fat and self made. honest Taurus - Tall, big head, big defective eyes, heavy buttock, crooked nose,
thighs and belly. sympathetic, and helpful, broad thid< beard. wide chin, learned, steady. peaceful, finn.
kind heaned, versatile,
dynamic. generous. optimist ic.
thinker and generous.
Gemini - Majestic In appearance, cheerful. attractive, intelligent.
passionate. thoughtful. bold, learned, diplomatic, popular among women.
modest, god fearing, skilful in teaching and fine ar1s. humorous. patient.
resourceful. sincere,
excellence. amb~ious. Aries - Impulsive, Cancer - Te11 and big body, attractive. fair complexioned, big roundiSh
nervous. highly (t0r1oise like) belly. beautiful hair, golden round eyes, intelligent, travel
humorous, over anxious.
indecisive. sensitive. religious and hungry. wise able, distressful. efficient.
irresponsible. tactless, karamkandi, good Loo- Lion like well propor1ioned strong hairy body, broad face, strong neck.
courageous. hard worker of orator wide jaw. thick eye brows, large ears, big eyes, finn and violent, destructive
utmost devotion and sincenty, nature. graceful.
honest, simple, self driven, VIrgo - Big body, with prominent forehead and compassionate large black
m judicious. traditionalist , kind, eyes on broad plump face, learned. well mannered. poetic, preaches.
enthusiastic. preferred careers helpless. devoted to Intelligent people. mean and miser. unchamable.
options - high positions. Leo - Beautiful, sman. Libra - Strongly built beautiful body having dark complexioned, charming
minister, adviser. executive, noble, Clever, religious. and attractive, beautiful big eyes. prominent forehead. eloquent speaker.
lawyer, professor. writer, adulterous, considerate, skilled, practical. tactful in money making, modest and liberal.
doctor. army commander, loving, sympathetic. Scorpio - Flattened nose, long forehead, erratic sight. restless eyes,
finance consultant, spor1sman. intuitive Iglorious and quarrelsome, very talkative. loved by elders.
Sagittarius- Horse hke face with big black eyes, strong buttock and thighs,
fair complexioned, lntrover1, sad, truthful. gentle, man of least words, erratic
Capri· Tall. lean and thin, bends Capricorn- Lean, tall Capricorn - Lean and thin. darlt complexioned. rough dry hair and nads.
com sl~ghtly forward wtule moving. structure w~h lOng gaps in teeth, stammering voice. unstable -allh, smal teeth, tond ot
big headed. btoad faced • arms, darlt complexion. travell•ng. amusement and music. haW)'.
pointed IIO$fl, dropping modMt but cunning. Aqu.rius- Strong big body, broad chest. crooked nose fond of music and
shoulder. ha.ry body, pradlcal. decellful and creative. women, obsessed with sex. ~zy, decellful. taltabve. day dreamer.
drsciplined. dedicated and Hll reliant and adulterous. cleaver and cunning. wicked. garrulous.
determined. patient. futuristic. determined. ambitious. PitcH - Fair complexioned, anractwe and charming wrth beautrlul lace,
generous. sympathetic, sharp earn bounties which nose and eyes. affectionate. sensuous. fond ot dance and music. luends
memory, secretive, vindictive, may put him to end relatives. beautiful. achiever. famous.
clever, pessimist • short diSrl!jl_Ule
tempered. cruel. harsh. Taurus- Small laced. Arlea - lean with thin arms and prominent forehead, beautiful eyes wtlh
cunning, raltonal. firm and restless eyes. reserve pink edges. long arms, scanered hair. wide teeth. -ak body constitution,
determined. modest. gentle .. nature oftradttional under talkaltva.
extravagant. fond of science. conservative. onhodox Taurus - TaU, darlt complexioned, prominent neck and belly, anracttve
r~erature and philosophy, temperament. clever. personality, high nose, plump cheeks, roundish thighs and arms. strong
luxunous. ambitious .. never say doe nature. willed, su<:CHsful achiever, famous. lururious and pleasures. anxlled to
hardworlung. skilful. sutlers c:harttable women
from tensions. anxiety. knee
injury, prefetred career ophons Gemini - Charming personaltty, glowing beautiful lace. small symmetrical
teeth, wide chin with big !hick beard. prominent forehead, s - t voice, fine
- construction industry. water
based product. marltet analyst. taste. strong sexual drive
conage Industry VIrgo - Lean and tall Cancer - Tall. big and strong, dry skin. soft hand!l and feel. darlt
stature. crook and complexioned, slow and lazy, gentle. curly haired. modest. eloquent
wicked preferably In speaker. Intelligent. hard at heart. virtues.
al;gn rand. talkative. Lto- Tall. big. strong. po-rfully butll. large prominent forehead, beautiful
helpful. determined and noM, dry natls. scattered hair, chubby face. smple and straight eyn,
lntelhgenl reddish face. majestic:aly appearance.
VIrgo - Strongly built Wllh bro.d che$1 and chubby lace haVfllll large
beautiful eyes, good looking amU.ble. generous. intelligent. noble.
diplomalic. fond of music.
Aqua- Slm, tall, handsome Aquarius - lean and Libra - Slim, dart! complextoned, soft skin, pointed ch1n, beaut1lul and
rius personality, fair complexiOn, tall, laboriOUS, easdy anrad~Ye, modest passionate, poehc, well versed in scnplures. mterested
rosy cheeks and lips. beautiful 1nfluenced by dear and 1n carnal. pleasures. splendorous
nose and eyes, mtellectual. near ones. happoly Scorpio - Tall Wllh coal$!! skin, nads and scanty hair, $1Tlilll eyes. foolish.
Idealist ic, generous, helpful, married. abtllty to read !gentle. helpful. variable unanract1ve head.
hardworking. land ol human nature, Sagl1tarlus- Strongly bUilt and compact. extremely anradove. gloWing skin.
performing arts. philosophy Government charming, splendorous and sensuous. rtch. prosperous. learned and well
and l~erature. judicious. employment. versed In scriptures. innovative and expt>r1 debater. loved by women.
eccentnc, obstinate. 111
tempered. sympathetic,
sens~ove, friendlier. orderly,
Gomlnl - Fair
complexion Wllh large
Capricorn - Majesllc appearance, lair complexioned, large mouth,
courageous, passionale, adullerous. luxurious, fond ol pleasures. conquer
canng. skilful, possessive, pale eyes. wise and ol enemies. patient. firm.
good grasping power, inlelligcnl. determined. Aquarius- Dark complexioned. dry lips and skill, $1T13U thick necJo. and ears,
phtlosophical, pleasant. JOyous. successful coarse hair, aggressive. learned, rehgious command, well versed in
prelerred professions are educoolllontSl'l~erary scnptures and l.ne ar1s. shor1tempered
occuN ~nces. l~erarure. l.gu1e, nch and PIKft -liOn ltke lace. GUrly hatr, courag~ous and bold, confident and dear
comptJter, philoSophy, space ptOSpt'rOUS but greedy headed, appreciated by people in power, ruthless in kilhng, Wild animals and
scientist • molllary man, snakes.
electroniC engineer Libra -Lean. tall Arln- Goallsh lace. strong bu1J!, bold, courageous, cruel, loves village ltkc
stature with big eyes doml naled by women. simple, patient, hot tempered, suffer from b1lious
and small arms, diseases. lnsulled by females.
romantic, cunning, Taurus - A!lraclive personaltty wtth prominent jaws and big eyes, firm and
cheat, rich and wealthy, determined, strong, lnlelligent. loving, affectionate, wi$1!, for1unate, well
love celibacy, evasive behaved, warrior of a king
Gemini - Dark compleKioned, handsome. powerfully bu•lt. wealthy, d111y
Ieeth, blessed with a good w1fe and son, eloquent speaker. famous, sweet
long!Jl!d and efficienl
Pisces Fair compleldon, medn.m
heighl proportioNte lmbs.
PIKes -
complexion, pale eyed,
Fair C1ncer - F1ir plnkrsh complexioned. shm waist , sman neck, soft skin,
lovely, modest. hvely and fiCkle mrnded i1ke a women. adored by women,
round shoulders. large head. wise and intethgenl, kind hearted
big belly, oval faced, silly hair, kind and considerate, Leo- Allradrve, weU burl!, tall personality With promr~nt verns. big head.
beautiful eyes, swift wall and jusl and jud•cious. fuU of bloacl chest, parrot like nose leadrng to making a charmrng physique, fond
talk, learned, rec:eptrve. emo!tons. romantoc. of non-~Jaroan food and wondenng in foresl and h.:Js, eff~nl, clever,
emotional, intutlive, fond of enjoys sex. noble skrlful.
travels. k•nd. rel.goous, truthlul. Virgo- WeN burl!, pinkosh whde complexion. be.au!Jful eyes, ctever, c:unnrng
-althy, saMy, 1ustoce loving. and crafty, modest. krnd, humble. righteous. courteous. rel.gious. rn!eUogent
charrtable, fond or good ltvrng. elfoc:ien!
tradrtoonaltsl, sens4rve,
prejudoc:ial. power hungry, Cancer - Ambrtious, Libra - Slrongly bu•ft. virtues. trust wor1hy, wise, respectful. elfrc:ient.
extravagant. oc:casoon.ally tra1ned in comlort•ng drplomalic, sk•tful, rrotous. helplul and respectful to eldflrs, charrtable.
confused. cunning selfish, woman. adJustable, chartltet leads hrmto oroblems. hiQh nose, inlelhgen!, learned
indecisrve, suffers fron~ cough ga1n love and resped ot Scorpio - Tall. dark complexioned. small nose, beautrlul eyes and Ieeth,
and cold, preferred career society, preferably the violent nature, Invincible, glorious, agitated, impatient enjoys torturing
woman. good orator, others, wa5tefully talk alive.
options are - luxurious Items.
f•ne ans. holel, interna!lonal enjoy rich and spicy Sagltlarlu• - Powerfully built, unsteady, righteous, talented, competent
Jrade. water related projeds. valorous, famous. clever. virtuous. respeelable, strong sense or sell resped,
hotel. hospital, prison. nursing egoist. crooked face, allraelive.
home etc Scorpio Dart< Capricorn - Decert1ul. unsteady, ethics. unhappy, arroganl, c:rrtrcal ol
complexion, tall stature others. egoist , enjoys company of inftuentral people, loves other rehgion.
With tong feel artistic. aCQuires hiQh posrt10n as sec:relary or minister.
self cantered and Aquarius - Tall, prominent veins, large skull. weak body consl4ut10n. dry
settosh, jealous or eyes and hai~. lazy, rich, expert in foghtrng. miser, suffer on account of
olhers, enjoyS spiCy fooliShness have lew chrldren, quarrelsome. mvolve<l '" acc:umulation of
and dehcious food, wealth
helpful. humorous Pisc:n - Shon stature With broad chest large eyes. high nose. soft. brighl
glowing skin, courageous. simple nature. patren!, virtuous, gentle. talented.
famous. affedronale. steady.
Compaqttve Analysis of slgnlflc.ttlons of Sun In the Rashl, Dmlulna and Navamsha of various Planets
Name Slgnlflutions In
Planet Rashl Chert Drekkana Ctulrt Navamaha Chart
Sun Easily angered; destroyer of his enemies; frequents hillS and jungles; Valorous, courageous. Strong and powerlully bul~
full of strength and vigour; learned; versed in muhople arts. relishes restless. sick, foreign loving melancholic, alcoholic.
animal food; nell; royal beanng; consistent and suffenng from ear unhappy, promoler of stnfe
trouble. CIOOI!ed, unirr1lfessive,
Mcvn Poor. ignorant servole; opposed to his lather and other near ones; Rel~glous, pious, Wf!lllthy, lean .:1nd weak body
tonnenled by hard labour; good r.peaker, religiously inclined, music loving conshlut•on. suffers miseries
conce4ed; suffering !rom ailments ol kapha and P•Ha; having royal and do small jobs. effiCienl.
bearing (il under benefiC 1nlluence). -Mse. skilful, r~uted. weafthy,
Note; llle Sun ~ royal planet. Karaka is Chl'med by I he Moon which 1s leader ol hiS communly,
also a royal planet. Closely retated to rulels
Mars Courageous. fighter. famous for book wntmg. wanderer, aggressive. loss of weallh, k.ss of Sickly (windy and gastric
ol strong bones, am1cted by d~rders ol blood and Prtta, lacking children, suffers Irom problem), pdiable, s'"lul,
wealth. and earning his livelihood from the use ol weapons. It the obstructions, enjoy company humiliated, wretclled, thief
Sun IS elCa/lod, his adverse influences are less marked. at crooks, many enemies
Note: The Sun is exahed at Aries 10'. Aries is a sign ol Mars which is
an aggressive planet and also rules bone marrow. Aries is also a
movable sign, hence 'wandere(.
Quarrelsome. eas•ly angered, keen to pidl up fights. slul'led in the use
ol weapons; cruel and daring; opposed to his parents; prone to be
hurt by poison, weapon or fire; waste his earnings: fonows the
proscribed norms ol religious discipline.
Mercury Good to look at. learned. weanhy, sweet-tongued; well-versed in Intelligent and learned, Rich, prosperous, luxuuous
aSirology; keen learner, famous, ~vong t..-o mothers. rel~gious and utuahstic. and comlort life, attached to
H.Jving a body hke that ol a woman; physicaUy ~~oeak; skilled in eapreu uncommon things daughter. sickly (ga$1ric),
writing. painting poetry and malhematic:s; sky nature; linguist; learned
respectful to elders; sweetlongued; capable of earn1ng money.
Juprter R1ch; liked by the ruler; scholar; devoted to gods and Brahm1ns; Modest .ntelhgent, wtuous. PIOUS, chaste. devout.
skilled in the use of weapons: worthy of reverence. lntelhgent; having hospitable. good orator religious, spiritual,
knowledge of med10ne; and strong of body. pros~rous, respedab~.
Blessed wrth friends and il long w1fe, ttarned; deslroyer of enemies: enjoy$. nobitty of friends
l'arn•ng through the sale or artiCles procured from water, or through
land and irrogahon; respected by women; having many brothers: and
suffering from some secret a1tment.
Venus Tolerant, w1se, slldful in dealing with others; earning through scents, Healthy and beautiful, truthful RICh, VICIOilOUS, confident,
clcthi!s as 'M!II as from s•nfut acts: drsl""es feminine association. and judiCious. honest, reti9ious. resped.lble. in his
skd!t>d in .nslrumental mus•c. suffers from dtseases of the oral c.1vrty respects good noble ~ople own dans. dtSCJeet. eastly
and the eye and leaned ones lnltuenced by dtseases
Stnner, overcome by opponents; serv•le, quarrelsome; bereft of
wealth, dtshller ol liquors. goldsmtth, or a blacksmtlh. Inconsistent,
tnteresled in others' WIV(!~. humthated by the ruler. courageous
Note· The Sun is debdrtated tn ltbra I 0'
Saturn Covetous, coward, wandewr, poor. bereft of comforts, Indulgent In Sickly, thankless. tmmoral. Weak, sickly, poor,
unworthy acts; adept; opposed to his dear ones and enjoying the ignored by own people, suffers passionate, unlortunate,
wea~h of others. from bad habits suffers separatiOns from lo'ed
Bereft of comforts as "'-ell as ch•ldren, ~trong of limb, indulgent tn ones, delea:ed
base and unNOrthy acts. short temperl'd. too f1xcd 1n his ideas;
inconsistent In friendship, prone to heart drsease.
Note. The Sun is uncomfortable in the signs of Saturn who happens
to be his b1ncor enemy aHhough also his sun The Sun also signtfies
the heart
Comparative ANiysts of slgnlflutlons of Moon In the Rashl, D,.llktna and Navtmsha of various Pt.nets
Name Sign lfieations In
Planet RHhiChar1 Drtkkana Chlr1 Navtmthl Char1
Sun Frequents hills and aungtes; broad taco. neck and bones: energetic; Sickly. adu"erous, many Wicked, stupid. adu"erous.
scanty hair on the head: haler of women: tormented by hunger. thirst. enemtes. poor, ill·lated. no defeated. flirtatious. sinful
and abdomonal and dental aolments: h~es anomal food. chanlable; care f:-• virtues and self
aggressive: lew sons. devoted to his parents; Indulges on phys.cal resj)«t
Moon 01 nuctuatong wea"h; knower of astrology; last in walking. blessed learned and inlefl~genl. IICh Handsome and aHractwe.
with houses. land, fortune and friends: indulgent In ph~sicat and prosperous, contended modest. lntelltgent and
pleasures: liable to lose his cool, likes water sports. orchards and and happy, enjoys friends and talented, educated. fortunate.
watery places. near and deer ones gifted, respttded, adored by
females. popular
Mars Euoly artgered. wea"hy; Wllhout brothers ( and sisters). blessed with Lazy, sorrowful. always looks Weak body conSIJtutcon.
sons: courageous: wanderer. inconsistent. lustful. pleasmg to women: !Of othets wealth and woman. diSease prone. lustrous.
honoured by the ruler. scared of goong into water, weak-kneed. devoid or friends and suffers from brOIIen love
having round and pretty eyes, disf~gured nads end scarred head: happiness affairs
scanty hair on the body.
Sickly 1n early age; strong of body; covetous: athel$t : preHy eyes,
wealthy, fond of others' wives: etuel hearted; bereft of relatives;
deptrved of his wea"h by the ruler: havirtg ptominent abdom-en and
forehead: indu'~Jes In seetet sins.
Mercury Poet. blessed woth physical pleasures. skilful in sexual act; good Modest. intefl~genl and Graceful. onustnous.
toollirtg; highly Intelligent; jovial; versed In scriptures, Interprets hidden talented, expert1se '" d1llerent affectionate, delightful,
thoughts: pleasant eyes. sweet tongued artistic arees, enjoy good tr:~its courteous. learned. rich.
Fond of women and tormented by them; of pleasing looks; very wise. devoted to teachers
learned. teacher; rel~giously inchned. sweet tong~d. truthful, and elders
composed does good to others. forgovong nature: many daughters and
few sons: tokes song. dance and musoc: enjoys the wea"h or others:
lives in a foreign land.
Juprter R1ch; liked by lhe ruler; scholar; devoted lo gods 3nd Brahmms: Modest. inlelbgenl, VIrtUOUS, PIOUS, chaste, devout.
skilled in I he u~ of weapons: worthy of reverence. lnlelhgenl: having hospitable, good orator rehglous, spir~ual,
knowledge or med10ne; and strong ol body. prOSI'erOUS, respectable.
Bles.sed wrth friends and a long wofe. ~arned; des!royer of enemies: enjoys, noMty of friends
!'arning through the sale of artJdes procured from water, or through
land and irr.gatlon: respected by women; having many brothers: and
suffering from some secret 31tmenr.
Venus Tolerant, WISt.', sk11ful in deal1ng wrth others, earning through scents. Healthy and beaul1ful, truthful RICh, VIC!OIIOUS, confident,
clol~s as well as from smful acts: drslilles feminine ass.ociahon, 3nd judocious. honest. reli9ious. respectable. In his
skd~d in .nslrumental mus•c. suffers from diseases or the oral cavrty respects good noble people own clans. diSCieet. easdy
and the l!)'e and leaned ones lnftuenced by d1seases
Sinner, overcome by opponents: serv•le. quarrelsome; bereft or
wealth, d•shller of liquors. goldsm11h. or a blacksm•th. Inconsistent,
Interested in others' w•ves. humohalcd by the ru'er. courageous
Note· The Sun is deb•lrtaled 10 L•bra I 0'
Saturn Covetous: coward. wandertJr, poor. bereft ol comforts. mdulgenl In Sickly, lh3nkless. 1mmora1. Weak, sickly, poor,
unworthy acts: 3dept; opposed to his do3r ones and enjoying the ignored by own people, suffers p3ssionale, unfortunate,
weahh of others. from bad hab~s suffers separahons from lo\ e<1
Bereft of comforts as v.1!11 as choldren; sl•ong ol ln1b; indulgent 111 ones. delealed
base and unii'Orlhy acts. short tempered, too f1xed 1n his ide3s;
inc.onsislenlln friendship; prone to heart d1sease.
Note. The Sun is uncomfortable in the signs of Saturn who h01ppens
Ia be his boner enemy anhough atso his sun The Sun also sig n1fies
lhe heart
Comparative ANiysis of slgnlflutlon$ of Mars In U. Rashl, Drekkana and Navamsha of various Planets
Name Significations In
Planet Rashl Chart Drekkana Chart Navamaha Chart
Sun Valorous: poor; frequents leresis; undertakes strenuous work; Sulfe11 from diseases of eyes Firm and determined,
intolerant likes hunting; lnehgious tendencies; tends to lose his first and moulh, wicked. duU. etook. hospitable' bold, generous,
wtfe. aggrenive. laborious. no family restricted by nobleS on
coml011 account of ho5 virtues. greedy,
miser. cheat su1le11 in bad
company, sufle11 from heart
ailment voracious ealer
Moon lives and eats In the house of others; sickly; miserable; earns from Modest kind, friendly, gains Handsome and attradive,
land and water-related pu11uits respect in GoV'I , enjoyed good noble and hospdable,
tratls peaceful. respectable. happy
Mal1 TIU1hful. bold; eager far battle; endOWI!'d wtlh lame and wea~h. good Dull, sld!, tempered (both hoi Fierce, moghty, hosble 10
speech; hked by an. blessed 11orth uttle and agricuHural produce; and sh0r1), devoid of moral noble people, restless.
easily angered, and associates W11h many women. values agda!ed, quarrel$ome. cruel,
Conqueror; lrulhful, leader of a gang of thieves; lormenlor of foes: immorOJI, murderous
sustOJins injury from poison, f11e or weapon.
Mercury B19 family; good looking, knows many subject; poe!, ~ulptor; Dynam1c, laborious, lull ol Courageous, patient
rel19oously inchned; inchned to go abroad determina11on, rich and IOr1un.11e, ontellogenl, wea~hy,
Weafthy; large lam.ly. sweet tongued, longued; learned. spend-!hrrft; prosperous, gain honours sober. generous. devout !O
reloolously indoned, lrk;Jh!ened by enemon nobles
Jupiter H.gh status; weakened from injunes by weapons; biller lonogued; Modes! and gentle. wtse and Brave, form and determined,
Inclined towards hOJrd labour, disrespeclful lo his preceplors and in!ellogenl. respectful, exlend courageous. mighty, warrior,
elders. regards lo lhe deserving rich and lu•urlous, head of his
Humiloa!ed by his own people; diSrespectful lo Brahmin$ and vollage/CJiy, foee from enemtes
preceplors: sidlly. WICked: re$idong abfoad. enjoys being praose<l.
Venus M.lny enemies; lew comforts; lou~!ongued. a sonner. sonner; lends !o HeaHhy, beautiful. enthus1.1stoc Humorous, enjOying. loving
cOtrupt vittuous women. and energehc, pltoasuoes and caring rebgious, eloquenl
Wanderer; speaker, good looking; loves his Wife; preceptors and woman, blesses with cosliter speaker, sweet, blessed wtlh
fnends: hkely to lose his first wife. ma!enal items faithful serv<~nl, eye on others
wealth end wives,
Comparative Analy~ls of slgnlfleatlons of Mercury In the Rashl, D111kkana and NavamsNI of various Planets
Name Significations In
Planet Rashl CNirt Drekluina Chart Nlvam~NI CNirt

Sun Wanderer. devoiO of learning. famous: liar; poor memory; betel! pi Depreswd. lnhLman. cruel. til- ~lancholoc:. aggressrve and
\o\'l!a~h and property; dtSJ:ked by women. and servile. reputed. laces. deblfut Situation agttated, wicked. cruel. sinlut.

. mtnOfal, devoid ot happy

rna~ hie, gamblef, ~rvanl
ol cruel and ruthless master
Moon Scholarly; residing in foreign country, addtded lo prelty women; Wise, intelligent and learned, Handsome. strongly butil.
excessive talker; wickedly indtncd; opposed lo hts friends and devoid ol enemies. healthy. attractive.
relahves. poet. s1nger. a dancer: earns through wafer-related quarrelsome. master or many respecllble generous.
pursurts languages famous, reltgious. righteous,
victorious. poeti<:
Mars Wrd<.ed, quarre!$ome; cunnin9. shm·bo.11es; bar; o! changtng mtnd; Relogious, auspioous. tndu'ge Wrd<.ed. jealous. enVlOus.
versed in sing•ng and dance; fond ol ~xual union; voracoous eater; tn religious acthlftii!S, enroy cunn1ng, harmful to friends
wastes money; suffers debts and impnsonment. living in joint lam~y end relattves. mean1ngless
Industrious; trrehgious; shameless; cruel. greedy; associ~les wtlh latkllrve, suffers in lhe hand
wicked women, deceitful; covets the wealth and belongings of others. of Governmenl and also from
blood dtseases. lhief.
Mercuty Fine clothes; wea~hy; good speaker or orator. proud; d1Srncl1ned Handsomtt ind beaut1ful. Handsomtt and altractrve.
towards se•: brought up by two mothers: versed 1n Vedis and attradrve. relogoous. charrtable. rich and prosperous. sober
Shlstras; and generaUy comfortable. friendly and modest. hospclable.
Rel>giousty incl1nes: learned. poet. wnter. orator. honoured, fealtess: fortunate. learned. happy,
argumentatrve: forgrv1ng in nalure. helpful. faithful. adJusting,
eloquenl speaker and a poel
Juptler Learned; scholarly; famous, forgiving; versed In saiplure$; a Beaullful. handsome. attractive Rtch and wea~hy, gtonous.
renunclanl; brave; wealthy a teacller ol preceptor, writer. clever personahty, rich and wealthy, amiable. peaceful,
speaker. associates W11h worthy women beloved ol prelly woman for comlor1ab~. lnteaigent
Good natur~; ptous. lives tn dtsl ant lands; capable, hk~ by friends: satislyi~~g their physical need. enjOY$ respectable pos4ton.
helps others while htm~lf poor hea~hy lr~ends and wea~h. interest in
poetry and taeralure,
Venus Wea~hy, trustworthy, char•tabte; slot led tn many arts: clever, ~n sua!, Weafthy, modest. wen R•ch and prosperous,
famous ver~d Ill mu~IC. w.lty mannered, devoid ol enemies. res~able. fa4hlul.
Clever in speech. ver~ 111 sevcral ans: keen to spend hts money; cu~ur~. gain appreciahons hosprtable, generous. noble.
de·iol~ to gods. Brahmins and preceptors; tra~r. indulges tn devout, fortunate, singer,
phys•cal p~asures stage artosl
Sa:urn Servole, fooltsh; impotent, !tar; baek·b~er, shunned b~ hts relatrves: Physocally weak, always tn the WICked. evol-doer, evil-
very ficl<le; desirous ol pllysteal pleasures ugly and coward. lhtek ol quarrel and confltels mind~. adu~erous. greedy.
Troubled by opponents: Impotent; shuns and prescribed dulles; and debts and desirous ol slnlul. Immoral. poor.
unclean; uncullured; defooive speech; servile and coward hvmg abroad unlor1unato. free lrom
doseases. Interested rn
3cqulrlnQ olhets weaHh and
wives, fraudulent. har.

Comparalivo Analysis ol signification$ ol Jupiter In the Rashi, Drekkana and Navamsha ol various Planets
Name Significations in
Planet Rashi Chart Drekkana Chart Navam~ha Chart
Sun Strollg. learned; wealthy, poous. equl\'atenl to a kmg. leader of an Crook. cru~l. dt-rtputed. devoid Physically we a~. mentally
anny: aggress"·e. resides •n Ions. looests and mountams ol shame. lethargiC. devoid or dull. hoi tempered. VICIOUS
11111 means earntng nature. ltnancial poor. sinlul.
evokloer. lowly employed
Moon Wea~hy; learned; beauloful bod~. religiously inclined; strong; IMhful, Beauhlul, channrng attractive Handsome, adored by
adorable, equal to a king. handsomely, nch and beautiful women, wise,
prosperous. modest. kind- hospitable, generous,
heart~. religtous, famous fortunate, wea~hy.
Mars Of a p1ous nature, argumentative, ~ul!d With ornaments and Wasteful, purposeless. Illogical Arrogant, firm and
preoous stones: wea"hv; famous; adorable; spender of money; speaker, suffers from eye determined. pre-determ1ned,
opposed by many, cruet, body scarred by lnJunes d1seases. loses hi$ prospenty suffers from diseases ot
Versed in several scnptures: commentator of books; clever: and wea~h. to crim.nats and mouth ond unknown fear,
associates With worthy women; sickly; toilsome: easily angered: enem1es Including from sinful
Indulging in forbidden pursuits. relaiiY&I
Mercury A min1ster. b!essl!d w1th fnends and sons: good looking. beautiful Learned, religious, hi!jhly
Handsome. attractive.
eyes. orator. religiously 1nclllled. educated. suave. modest. virtues, kind, respectable.
Learned; p1ous: effiCII!nl; fond ol scents and flowers; tormentor of his respec1able wealthy, resPKtfulto others,
opponents. versed in several branches of learning. victOriOUS, sweet longue,
lntelltgent. land of good
clothes I dresses. perfection
in poetry, craft and fine arts,
Igood debater.
Jup~er A rel.gious pre-uptor. very wealthy; cllamable; helpful to others: Wea"hy, pal~e and modest. Noble, righteous. royal,

...., learned: ol a high rank, frequents lore.gn lands as -~~ as
well behaved, respectful to humorous and joyous,
nobi!S learned and seniors reiJ!IiOus, intelligenl. weanhy,
Versed in Vedas and other scliptures; adorable famous, hairy b<ldy. and elderly prosperous. blesses Wllh
good wife and happy married
Venus Obese; hea"hy; devoted to gods. Brahmins and cows: good In lOOks: Well regarded by the k1ng, Virtues. religious, lntell.gent.
fortunate. devoted to his own Wlfe: bk.>ssed wrth lands and cattle; enJOys costly luxunous material celebrated, righteous,
~and benevok).tl items in the hfe grateful. happy. advisor or
W11e. learned, earns from foreign lands; soft in speech, versed in consu•ant. enJoy company ol
scn!Jiures: good In looks: a trader devout w1le
Saturn Serv1le and to1lsome: bereft ol phy51cal pleasures, lacks strength; Ill tempered, crook, cruel. Mentally dull and distressful.
Indulgent in forbidden deeds; Irreligious; coward; lives In dis! ant w1c.ked, Involved In anu social financially poor, politically
lands activll~t~s. lonely, devoid of fearful. suffers from diseases
Sickly, greedy; loses money; tacks w1sdom; attached to the Wife ol is happ•neu of eyes and nose. prone to
preceptor; suffers trom abdOminal and dental d•seases. Accord•ng to addiCtiOn. harsh in speech
V:.rahamlhira. Juprter 1n Aquanus g1ves the same results in Cancer.
Comparative Analysis of significations ol Venus ln the Rashl, Drekkana and Navamsha of various Planets
Name Slgnlticatlons ln
Planet RashiChart Drekkana Chart Navamsha Chart
Sun Monetary gains from women; lew children: seiVile to women: Devoid of good manners and Physically weak and lazy,
destroyer of enemies: devoted to the preceptor and Brahmins: behaviour, happiness and mentally dull and cowardice,
generally comfonable and wealthy. wealth, poor, malicious fraudulent and agitated,
temperament. narrow minded suffers in the hands of
enemies, restless. strict and
cruet leader
Moon Engaged in good deeds; learned; strong; reltgiously inclined; Learned and intellectual, wise Well mannered. cullured and
blessed with objects of des1re: good looking; balanced in judgment; and intelligent. religious. modest, well- behaved, rich
clever talker; two wives: suffers sickness from indulgence in women devoted to parents. joys and and prosperous, adored by
and liquor contended, grateful friends and relahves. se!Ved
by beauhful, righteous and
faithful wife, free from
enemies, enjoys association
of brothers and family, skilful
In love making
Mars Leader of an army, a town or a group of people; addicted to women Devoid of vinues. addicted to Jealous. mischievous. suffers
not his own: suffers imprisonment because of women: eager to go voices includ1ng crookedness. from blood diseases,
abroad; undependable; keen to oppose others, l1kely to suffer night cheahng. frauds etc , prone to criminals and rulers, keep
blindness. minor ailment and diseases extra manlal relalions so is
Quarrelsome: haled by others; irreligious; excess1ve talker: shunned the spouse
by brothers; infamous: skilled in physical violence; poor; d1sease of
private pans of the body.
Mercury Well versed In scriptures: very famous; beaut1ful body; engaged in Hale and hearty, beautiful and Noble, great scholar.
writing; poet; fnendty; earns from song and dance; devoted to God attractive. fortunate, enjoys religious. disciplined. learned.
and Brahmins: sensuous. costly and luxurious material fond of pilgrimage, righteous,
Very rich: clever in talking to women: simple natured; visrts holy rtems. having good children, devoted to elders Brahmins,
places: lacks physical comfons: learned. skilful sexual panner nobles. deities. guests, fond
of music and sex
Jup.:er Given to virtuous deeds. t•~cd by others. wea~h)~ ~~arned. hogh r.an~; Haoosomety bu•n charming Strongly buo~. courageoos.
obese Olll<l tO! II. adored :Jy those aroun<l him. personaloty. fnend of friends. h~hty cdUC<I!ed, learne-d
Very v.eanhy, overcomes his opponents. lamous: given to ch;Jrol•es;
f01voured by the ruler. fond or swimmmg, soll-spo~en. learned
skilful arttS! of many arts. schOlar.
weal!hy, respectable. truthful, scr~p!ures
and "'''"
forgiving !hereon, respectful to elders
and nobles. a family man,
poetic. discreet
Venus Blessed w1th many women and ch•ldren; taken to agncullure and Hale and hearty from body aoo PIOuS, chaste. modest.
c.ante r~Jflng, land of scents and Oov.-ers: berell of enemoes. good in m•nd. v•rtues. rich. gOOd moral, relog10us and spirllual. free
locks spir~ual from enemies. rich aoo
Earns money through his efforts: fooo of garlands and gooo clothes, pr~rQIR, tooo or gOOd
lokes forergn vis~s. learned; rei~JOusly •nclined. lacks f1mmess in fOOd. drink and woman,
dlff"ICu~ soluahons modes!
S011urn Very sensuou~; addicted to women older in age, spendlhnll; lean Devoid of virtues aoo full of Sickly, devoid or weatth, w1fo
body; Indulges In proh•bited deflds: suffers from hear! d•~>oase. voices. devoid of sibhngs, and Children. suffers in tho
impotent. covets the wealth of others. suffers In pnson. jealous. hands of mean. wicked, low
Add•~ed to other J)'Jople's wives. urehgious. opposed to hiS own adulterous people. suffers from
pr~ptors and ch•ldren; ugly; be rei! of good clothes; wornsome. frustration and failures,
sorrows and poverty
Comparative Analysts of significations of Saturn In the Rashl, Drekkana and Navamsha of various Planets
Name Significations In
Planet Rashi Chart Drekkana Chart Navamsha Chart
Sun Skilful writer. quarrelsome; deviates from accepted social norms: Dull, crook and wicked, father of Envious, and Jealous.
miserable: servile: bereft of wife and friends: indulges in prohibited many female child, hardworking destructive mind. ill
deeds: easily angered. for attaining the goal tempered, suffers defeat,
and adored of nobles, from
diseases and defects, serves
as slaves
Moon Weak constitution: bereft of mother; poor; sickly in childhood; WISe and intelligent, pohte and Religious, piOUS, chaste.
learned; opposed to his relatives and friends: famous. modest, wealthy and saintly, keen researcher of
prosperous, skilful. artisan of scriptures, charitable.
many arts. devoid of opposition blessed with a noble wife.
and jealousies may seduce woman to
abandon them
Mars Weak body; troubled by indulgence in excess1ve physical labour and Devoid of friends and virtues. Adulterous, vulgar. devout of
pleasures: Ill-tempered: deceitful: opposed to his near and dear full of voices of cruelly. shame, good friends. immoral. ev1l·
ones: wicked; unclean: hated by others; a sinner. cheating, deceit, theft, have to doer, murderous. backbiter
lnj~ry from fire: weapon or poison: ill-tempered; conce~ed; capable contended with dirty low level
of acquiring others· wealth: indulges in prohibited deeds: insincere; job
suffers tosses and Illness.
Mercury Tormented by debts: imprisonment and physical labour. deceitful: Wise and intelligent. brilliant and Handsome and charming
Inclined to sexual pleasures: lazy; wicked. teamed, good command on personality. fortunate.
Wicked: a failure: fickle; of the nature of a eunuch; addicted to religious books and religious hosp~able, religious. joyous.
women of easy morals; a sculptor; helpful to others: possesses activities. adored by nobles and humorous. fun loving.
wealth and progeny. virtuous people charitable, progressive and
prosperous. artisan
Jup~er Wodely lamous: content(>d, good e3rn10gs. well versed on several S~ longue. modest H19hly educated. prof~ntrn
branches of know'.edge. gOOd chrldren. man of a lew words: enlhusia5tJC. dynamic ge~rous. the affluent kn~ge ol
honoured by all patient. tolerant respect.:~ble. wi;l:ures. learned. relogious.
W<Jely respected; helpful to others. wear.hy. engaged in religious respects the noble$ and the r19hleous. 11\Jlhful. wea~hy
pursurts: molk mannered: cool tempered; possesses knowledge learned, blessed W11h virtuous (even with evil de.xls)
about precious stones lofe partner
Venus Poor; servrle. altached to elderly women; assoctales w•lh wlc.l<ed Devoid of enemies and Relogoous. pocus. chaste,
people, yielding to wives of others; versalole; follows socially addrctions, earn riches from sell learned. grateful, fond ol
prohibrted nomos in the sclectton of his male. effort in trade. religious. blessed pilgrimage. fond of peculiar
Equal to a king; exoosstvety given to sexual pleasures; good woth material happiness. enjoys positions related to poster
spe3ker; honoured in an assembly; wanderer; associ01tes wrth company of sincere friends and and work of woman
wom~n who are given to dance or wrckedness. relalrvely
Saturn Devoted to the ruler; controls women and property belongong lo Hale and hearty, JOyous and Powerfully burn strong body,
others. learned; sculptor. ador3blc, famous: VJS~.s foreign coun1nes; contended. nghteou~. steady foot wor1<. thar~.:~ble
courageous drS!onguish personality, earn and generous. ltt'al!hy,
Vert roch; deceMul. grven to dnnking. addrcted to other people's laurels from the king. en,oy victorious and tuxuriouli,
'MVes. 'MCked and fickle, orrel.gious company of dedrcated near and blessed with good ~use.
dear ones wealthy but ol bad Character.
Section Two
cbapter I

Drekkana and nature

The Drekkana chart Is an important entity In Hindu astrology and
Is of prime significance In natal chart reading. Though all the divisional
charts are inherently linked to Natal chart. l11e Drekkana chart ranks
third among the Vargas. In term Vlmshopaka (out of gross value of 20
units). Parashara has allotted 6 units to Natal chart, 5 units to
Navamsha chart and 4 units to Drekkana chart and among other 3
Vargas, 5 units. Therefore It has become important to study Drekkana
chart along with the Natal chart and the Navamsha.
According to the ancient rare work the Drekkana is mooladhara,
ruled by the Sun. and represents the Bhurloka (the earth). Its prime
concern is the same as that of the Sun. Hence, the Lineage
(concerned) as well as the present status of the jataka, his appearance
and the characteristics, his temperament, nature, destiny, fortune,
nobility and worldly success, all full within the domain of the

The roots Drek' and 'Aana' mean to inspire, or to encourage, to
arouse Is the meaning of Drekkana.

Temperament and Drekkana

Parashara says Narad. Agastya and Durvasa are the three ruling
deities of the three respective Drekkana In each rashl. Person born In
first Drekkana may have traits like Narad and the person born In
second and third Drekkana may have traits like Agastya and Durvasa
respectively. Let us see the traits of these Seers. What do ruling deities
signify? Ruling deities have had certain significations of fueir own and
these significations have bearings on the lineage aptitude, ambitions
The Drekkana Drekkana and Nature

and present status of the individual.

Mythological Traits of Narad - The Seer

Narad Is easily recognizable figure INith "' lute In one hand and a
pointed and knotted tuft of hair in the center of the otherwise dean •
shaven SG.lfp, plays a subsidiary but a very lmport.Ult rote in numerous
mythological stories and religious scriptures of the Hindus. The word
'Nara' means knowledge useful to mankind and Da' means a giver".
So 'N.vad' means the one who gives useful knowledge to mankind
and guides It on the right path. In Bhagwat-Geeta Bhagwan Krishna
says Devrlshlnam cha Narad ('Geera ' 12/6) of the Dcvrlshl I am
Narad. Devrlshls are celestial Missionaries. Devrlshls Narad often plays
the deliberate fool and uses this ploy to guide the deluded mortals to
the blessings of heaven.
Narad was a musician of first order. He always loved to 51ng
songs praising the glory of Narayana. It Is said of Narad that he was the
inventor of the musical instrument VE.ENA. He played on hls Vee\a.
which was named 'MAHATI'. Among the Dcvrlshh;', Narad Is one of
the holiest. He commanded the respect ol alL It was his habit to travel
and to go round preaching to people, uttering his words of wisdom
and telling people stories carrying an ethical message. All loved him·
be It Gods. demons or human beings
He had one weakness • that of disclosing to Gods and Demons.
the secrets about each other. however for welfare of the shrlshtl. Gods
and Demons had natural hatred for each other. Narad's deeds often
created trouble and friction among Gods. Demons and Humans. and
such friction often led to war. Hence Narad acquired the name.
'KALAHAPRIYA' or the lover of quarrels. Narad's Intentions were to
espouse a good cause. It was his constant desires that bad people
should be punished for their deeds that the haughty ones should learn
their lessons and the good should live happily.
Narad Is a wtll'lderer. traveling around ail the three worlds:
Swargaloka. Bhurloka and Patalloka. There Is an interesting story about
this. The children of DAKSHABRAHMA were called HARYASHWAS.
One day Dakshabrahma called them to his side and said: "0 my
children! Observe penance and you will derive strength and spiritual
splendor. Later you must get married and lead a contended life.' In
response to the command of the father, the children went to the
Himalayas and commenced a rigorous penance near the NARAYANA·
SARAS. Narad happened to go there. ·o sons of Dakshabrahma. why
at all are you observing such a penance? There Is no loy In married life.

Drekkana and Nature The Drekkana

You must develop devotion merely to get lord. Our aim must be to
escape from the sorrows of family life. Must you observe penance only
to get trapped In misery? Practice renunciation. aspire for deliverance."
Saying thus, Narad went away. The advice of Narad made a
tremendous Impact on the minds of the children of Daksha. They took
an oath not to marry. This news upset Daksha. He called his other
children who were named SHABALASHWAS, and Instructed them
properly and sent them for penance. But. sure as ever, Narad came
and taught them too the ways of renunciation.
Dakshabrahma's anger knew no bounds. He said to Narad: '0
Narad, It was my desire that my children should marry and lead a
happy household life. But you interfered and misled them. Don't you
have any other occupation? I am cursing you to remain a vagabond
eternally" Narad was not upset by the curse. The entire better indeed!
1 shall spend all my time wandering and preaching to the people he
Narad is said to have cajoled and motivated Vedavyasa and
Valmikl to write the lord's stories in the form of Mahabharata and
Ramayana respectively. Many Richas" of Rig-Veda are also attributed
to Narad Jl. He was the main motivating force behind the marriage of
Mata Parvatl to Lord Shiva. He only kept the morale of 'Dhruva' and
'Prahlada' intact during their trials and tribulations.
Another account says that he sprang from the forehead of
Brahma. Another Puranic story tells us that he was the son of Rlshl
'Kashyap' and one of the daughters of Daksha,
In fact Narad is the cause ofShri Ramavatara. (He cursed Vishnu li
for the illusion created by him - he was keen to marry and got a face of
monkey instead. (Reference: Ram Chari! Manas)

Main Characteristics of Narad

I. Narad is a wanderer. traveling around all the three worlds (fond
of travelling).
2. Stores and passes information and some times fond of giving
sarcastic remarks and suggestions (a messenger)
3. A yogi, Gyanl and bhakt and advisor (spiritual leader. Guru,
4. Creates disputes for the benefit of a deluded soul (diplomat).
5. He is wise, noble, sharp, versatile and a backbiter (tale-carrier)
6. Guide and guru to the people for improvement in life (upayas
long range).
7. Swinging ideas and actions. firm and adamant.

The Drekkana Drekkana and Nature

8. Likes water, springs and nature. Is elitist and artistic.

9. Musician of tall order (dedication, meditation and peace)
10. A firm devotee of Narayana (unflinching loyalty)

Mythological Traits of Agastya

Agastya was a great Rlshl. He is said to be born out of an earthen
pot (Kumbha). Therefore. he Is also known as Ghatodabhava. Kalsisuta,
Kumbhaja, Kumbha Sambhava. He was of short stature. His Tapas,
however, had power which no man could equal. He was not to marry
at all. But he saw his "Pitras" hanging upside down in Patala- awaiting
water from the son of Agastya. He therefore, created a wife for himself
taking the best from the Universe e.g. eyes of Gazalle, Black-hair of
Bhanwara (Black Bee) etc. Since the best was taken away (Lop) and a
new face (Mudra) was created therefore she was called Lopamudra.
She was brought up by King Vldharbha. She was a princess. Yet she
married him because of his Tapas. When God Siva married Parvati at
Kailasa all men and women went to Kailasa In the North to attend the
marriage. Therefore the weight of Kailasa became so heavy that the
earth here appeared to sink while its other end seemed to tilt upward.
Siva at once sent Agastya to the south to balance the weight. Agastya
was skillful. The word Agastya also means he who balanced the
Kailasa Mountain with his Skill.
Sage Agastya's story has been depleted in many Purans. He was
a man blessed with great divine and yogic power. Just to pay his
ancestral debt (Pitra Rina) he married to princess of Vldharbha,
Lopamudra. To fulfill the materialistic desires of her wife he did not
misuse his divine power. During the exile of lord Rama he helped him
to attain the divine weapon of Lord lndra. In Shiv Mahapurana there is
dear mention the Sage Agastya was the "ansha" of Lord Shiva. He had
witnessed the 'Vlrat Roopa' of Lord Shiva. There after he promoted
Shiv Bhakti in every comer of the world. He was blessed with such
divine yogic power that once he digested the demon Vatapl. During
the war between Rama and Ravna he gave the secret to Lord Rama for
winning the war by reciting the Aditya Hridya Strotram. He is
considered the father of Tamil language. There was an unusually hot
summer prevailing In South India and Sage Agastya went to Mount
Kailasa to ask Lord Shiva for water. Kaveri happened to be worshipping
Shlva at that time. Shiva picked her up and put her In Agastya's
kamandalu. The Sage thanked his benefactor and set out for home. To
uphold the laws of nature he crossed Vindhyachal Parvat. Vindhyachal
Parvat was his disciple. He was very proud and thought to become the

Drekkana and Nature The Drekkana
higher mountain so that he would stop the motion of Sun. He started
growing and the path of the Sun was endangered to be blocked.
Devtas prayed to Agastya, who went to Vindhyachal. Looking at his
Guru. Vindhyachal bowed down his head. Agastya asked him to
remain In that state till his return from the South. Agastya Rlshl never
returned and settled in the South and Vindhyachal remained In that
bowed head state. He bestowed South India with holy water of Kaveri
by setting her free from his kamandalu. He was a noble soul who was
more Inclined to uplift the entire society without violating any law of
nature. He drank the ocean in Chullu.

Main Characteristics of Agastya

I. Strong will power and determination.
2. Nature loving.
3. Highly knowledgeable and wise.
4. Adventurous but aloof (lonely): lives away from home.
5. Serious and withdrawing by nature and sincere character.
6. Helpful in promoting a noble cause and noble people and
destructive to enemies.
7. Strong appetite.
8. Devotion and dedicated to achieve the goal.
9. Capable to fight for removal of obstructions.
I 0. Devoted Shlvbhakt.

Mythological Traits of Durvasa

Durvasa means Our (Dirty) Vasa (Clothes) - one who does not
mind wearing any kind of clothes. He was one of the three sons of
Risht Atri and mother Anusuya (other two are Datatreya and Chandrma).
Durvasa's blessings made Kunti an unwed mother of 'Karna'. Knowing
that her future husband would be unable to produce children of his
own. Durvasa gave this blessing to Kunti. Subsequently, Pandavas
were born due to the same blessing.
Sage Durvasa was a great ascetic. Once he was walking along
holding In his hand a garland of Rowers called SANTANAKA. INDRA
was coming from the opposite direction riding Airavata, the elephant.
Durvasa gave the garland, which had mystic powers to him. lndra did
not accept the gift with grace and placed garland on Alravata.'s head
from where it fell down and was trampled by Airavata. Durvasa lost his
temper and cursed: The pride of wealth has entered your head. Let
Lakshml forsake you." Then lndra realized his folly. He bowed to
Durvasa and sought his pardon. Durvasa said. 'Sri Vishnu will do you

The Drekkana Drekkana and Nature

good.' and left.

On account of Durvasa's curse. l.akshml left lndra and went
away. Because Lakshmi the Goddess of power, bravety, enthusiasm
and radiance left, Devendra's life became miserable. The Demons that
were waiting for such an opportunity, Invaded he.wen, defeated lndra
and Gods In war and occupied heaven. lndra lost his kingdom and hid
out of sight of the demons The Gods In due course lost their
Immortality and valor.
A number of years passed. lndra's teacher Brlhasp.1tl thought of
finding a way out for lndra's troubles. He went with the gods to
Brahma. who went to Vishnu with all of them and put forth the appeal
of the gods. Then Vishnu s.1id, don't fc.u, I will show you a way out.
The sea of milk must be churned. It Is very difficult lob. therefore. gain
the friendship of the demons and get their assistance. Use MANDARA
Mountain as a churning rod and VASUKI. the king of the serpents, as a
I will come to your assistance at the proper time. When the sea is
churned ambrosia will be produced. Let the Gods drink It and become
lmmort&\1. They will then attain superb strength. It will then be possible
for you to defeat the demons. When the sea Is churned, Lakshmi who
has disappeared will appear again. Her grace will be bestowed on
you. He consoled the gods and arranged for the churning of the sea.
They were able to get back their lost glory after Samudramanthan
which produced along other things/ Lakshmi and the Amrlta.
Ambarlsha was pious and devout and adhered firmly to the truth.
He performed a Yagna with such great devotional fervour that Lord
Narayana was pleased to bless him with 'SUDARSHNA . which means
'good vision', and which manifested as a wheel of prosperity, peace
and security to his kingdom. On sage Vashlshta's advice. Ambarisha
performed a yagna called the 'Dwadasi Vratha'. An Important rite to
be observed In this Vratha was that the king must start a fast on the
day prior to Dwadasi (the twelfth day after new moon) and break it at
the start of Dwadasi and feed all the people. As the moment of
breaking the fast was drawing near. the mighty sage Durvasa arrived
and was received with all honour by Ambarlsha. Durvasa agreed to
the king's request to be his honoured guest, and asked the king to
wait till he finished his bath in the river and returned. As the auspicious
moment approached when the king had to break hls fast to fulfil the
vow of the yagna, Durvasa did not turn up. On the advice of the sage
Vashlshta. the king broke his fast by taking a tulsl leaf with water. and
waited for the arrival of sage Durvasa to offer him food.

Drelrkana and Nature The Drekkana

Durvasa. who was well known for his short temper, felt that
Ambarisha had violated the respect due to a guest by breaking his fast
before the guest had taken his meal, and in his rage created a demon
to kill Ambarisha. Lord Narayana's "SUDARSHAN" Intervened,
destroyed the demon and started chasing Durvasa himself. Durvasa
went to Brahma and Shlva for protection. Both pleaded their inability
to save him. He went to Lord Narayana himself, who said that he
could do nothing as he was bound by the blemishlessness of the
devotion of Ambarisha and suggested to the Sage to seek the pardon
of the king. Durvasa went to Ambarisha. who prayed to lord Vishnu to
recall the Sudarshan and save Durvasa.
The lesson of this episode is that God regards himself as a servant
of his true devotee. It is not enough if one does good work, but should
do so with humility and devotion. Ambarisha was the embodiment of
At the behest of Duryodhana, once while passing through the
forest the sage Durvasa. accompanied by his many disciples, and
reached the hut of Pandavas. Sage Durvasa was known giving "Shaap'
(curse) to the people who violated the Rlshi's wishes.
Draupadi welcomed the sage and after proper salutations
enquired about the needs. Durvasa told her that they were all hungry
and would be happy to receive proper meals. Draupadi was at her wits
end as there was nothing in her kitchen to offer to these hundred pious
guests! Unfortunately the vessel that could have solved her problem
was already used for the day and washed clean. Now it would yield
the food the next day only. It was. at the same time essential for her to
make some arrangements as per the command of Durvasa lest his
curse might prove disastrous for her and Pandavas.
To buy time, she requested the sage and his disciples to take bath
in the nearby river, and In the meantime she could prepare meals for
them. The sage agreed and left for the river with his associates.
Krishna's timely help on the call of Draupati lead Durvasa and his
disciples to make a hasty retreat when they found their hunger
satiated when they were taking bath In the river and never turned up
at the hut of Draupati for meal.
We very well know the story of Dushyanta and Shakuntala the
abandoned daughter of Rlshl Vlshwamltra and Menaka, who grew up
In the Ashram of Rishi Kanva. Since, she was left near the group of
birds called Shakunt, she was named Shakuntala. While she was
deeply lost in the memories of King Dushyanta, her misfortune visited
her in the form of Durvasa. Shakuntala was oblivious of hls presence.

T1lfl Drekkana Drekkana and Nature

As a consequence, she was cursed that the one. In whose thought she
was so engrossed as to Ignore the great sage Durvasa. would fall to
recognize her at the most crucial and appropriate moment. And when
Rlshl Kanva. along with Shakuntala visited the court of Dushyanta. he
refused to recognize her. And on account of the curse. she had lost the
ring that Dushyanta had given her as the only e:vtdenc:.e of their cosmic
marriage. Let us not forget that despite being so cursed apparently, it
was he who had blessed her about the happy ending love story. As a
result, one fisherman brought the very best of his catch. a big fish, to
offer the same to the king. The fish had swallowed the famous ring.
And like a flash, the king remembered every thing, rushed back to
Shakuntala and gave her the rightful place of the queen. They were the
parents of Bharat.
Main Characteristics of Durvasa
I. Durvasa has strong personality and Is be devoted In doing
aradh.tna (Bhakti).
2. He Is .mgl)'. ugly: Ill dressed and short tempered Rishi.
3. He Is haM, blunt. rigid, egoistic and impatient leading to him
being Irrational on occasions.
4. Has uncaring attitude for other for the sake of his beliefs which
may even turn out to be cause of sufferings for others.
5. Traditionalist and religious In nature (strong belief).
6. It Is difficult to please him.
7. Nature Is secretive: he has a furious temperament and mysterious
8. A good planner to test others.
9. Whimsical and fanciful.
Drekkana and Nature

Methodology for identification

Case- I Shri K. N. Rao

0.0.8. 12-10-1931;T.0.8. 7:48:00 hrs.; P.O. B. Mochlllpatnam




Sat ~ Sun
v.n Mer
Mars Kel

ug Mars

Jup Mer

Ven Ra,
Sa1 Moon

Jup Mer Lao

Sun 1,\ats

Dnkkana Ra,
Example ·1
Kel Sat


nr.~ Drekkana and Nature

Drekkana detail* ot different planet*

Llg~Lord Lordship Sign Drekkana Sign Drekkana
Tula Tula Gemini Durvasa
Sun Ulh lord Virgo Taurus Durvasa
Moon 101h lord Tula Tula Narad
Mara 2nd &7th lord Tula Gemini Durvasa
Mercury 9 412th lord Virgo Taurus Durvna
Jupiter 3rd & 6th lord Cancer Pisces Durvasa
Vanua Lag & 8th lord Tula Tula Narad
Saturn 4 55th lord Dhanu Leo Durvasa
Rahu Pisces Cancer Agastya
Ketu Virgo Capricorn Agastya

The best example is of my Jyotish Guru Shrl K.N.RAO II who is

bom In Tula Lagna.
His Lagna and 5 planets (Sun, Mars, Mer.~ and Sat) ruled by
Durvasa. He Is honest. fair. and discriminative. He Is llnn In taking
decisions rather he can take hard decision too.
Further nature can be seen by dividing each Drekkana Into three
Navamsha i.e. Devta. Manushya and Rakshas. Out of Lagna and 5
Durvasa planets. Two planets are In Durvasa Devta and four are in
Durvasa Manushya. which shows lnnet core of his nature and behavior
with people. That is why his decisions and thinking ate for welfare of

Case-2 (A Senior executive)

D.O.B. 2· I 1940: T.OB. I 8:3Shrs.; P.O. B. Montgumrl (Pakistan)
This person born in Pisces Lagna In the 3rd Drekkana or Durvasa.
As the 6th house rashl Is rising in the 10th house of Drekkana. this
person was in service. His 9th house rashi is rising In Lagna of

Ug 5.1!{RJ
Kel Jup(RJ


Mit Sun
Moon ~

Dnskkana and Nature r7le Dnskkana

Ven Sun Rah

Example ·2

Ket Met Moon

Sun Ven

Sa!tR) Lag Moon Mars

Jup(R) Mer

ureKKana aetans or atfrerent planets

Lagna Lord Lordship Sign Drekkana Sign Drekkana
Pisces Pisces Scorpio Durvasa
Sun 6th lord Virgo Capricorn Agastya
Moon 5th lord Tula Tula Narad
Mars 9 & 2nd lord Virgo Virgo Narad
Mercury 4 &7th lord Tula Tula Narad
Jupiter Lag & 10th lord Aries Dhanu Durvasa
Venus 3 S Bth lord Leo Leo Durvasa
Saturn 11 & 12th lord Arias Dhanu Durvasa
Rahu Virgo Capricorn Agastya
Ketu Pisces Cancer Agastya

Beginning with Moon and its Nakshatra lord, which gives some
idea of mental lndlnatlon and nature oflataka. Moon and its Nakshatra
lord Mars, both are in Narad Drekkana. This Moon is associated with
another planet Mer who is also in Narad Drekkana and all the three

Drekkana and Mall.lre

planets Moon/t.A..vs/fth!r influencing the 2nd house ( Dhan Bhava) of

this horoscope, therefore this person will speak like Narad and should
have extra lndlnatlons towards wealth. since there is a connection of
8th house shows earnings through unsaupuiOUS/hldden/scaetmeans.
This person has behavior like Narad, who wanders here and
there for want of money. This person is also ~. blunt and never
cares for any body In his working or In earning wealth by any means.
as his Lagna lord . 1Oth lord and I I th lord are In Durvasa and
aspecting these three Narad at 2:8 axis. All these planets are
participating In Dhan yoga.

Casc·l (Mala)
D.OB./1·1·1973: T.O.B 4:20/trs.; P.OB.Delhi
Agastya Drekkana: His Lagna and Lagna lord are In Agastya
Drekkana. He has good physical stature and determination and in
general he tries to help others for common cause.
Durvasa Drekkana.- 6 planets are in Durvasa (especially Moon

l.loon ~!<RJ ~

Eaamplo ·3

l.le< l•IQ

-:~ Ven

Moon Sa:(RI
Eaarnplo • 3

Jup l.lQ H.1h Mer

Drekkana and Nature The Drekkana

Lag Mer

Example-3 Rah
5at(R) Jup

Ven Moon

ureKKana aetans or OITTerent planets

Lagna Lord Lordship Sign Drekkana Sign Drekkana
Scorpio Scorpio Pisces Agastya
Sun 10th lord Dhanu Leo Durvasa
Moon 9th lord Pisces Scorpio Durvasa
Mars LL& 6th lord Scorpio Pisces Agastya
Mercury 8L& 11th lord Dhanu Aries Agastya
Jupiter 2nd &5th lord Dhanu Leo Durvasa
Venus 7th& 12th lord Dhanu Dhanu Narad
Sa tum 3&4th lord Taurus Capricorn Durvasa
Rahu Dhanu Leo Durvasa
Ketu Gemini Aquarius Durvasa

and 10th lord). There is crowding of planets In 2nd house and 2nd
house pleasures are uncontrollable in general.
The conjunction of 2nd. 5th lord Jupiter and lOth lord Sun is a Raj
yoga .Sun and Jupiter both are In Durvasa conjoin in 2nd house (house
of wealth) that is the lOth house from Moon. The Moon is 9th lord in
Durvasa Drekkana indicates this person will not compromise In money
matters .will be rigid w.r.t. 2nd house significations, rather can do
harsh acts for earning wealth.

Case-4 (Union leader)

D.O.B. 4-9-52; T.O.B. 14:30hrs.; P.O.B. Delhi
Jupiter as Durvasa
Lagna lord Jupiter is In 5th house aspecting Lagna and all trines
making Lagna stronger. Jupiter is strongest planet in Shadbala making
a powerful Raj yoga as this Jupiter is aspecting Lagna of Natal chart,
Navamsha Lagna and Drekkana Lagna.

The Drekkana Drekkana <1nd N<1ture


Moon Ket

Rah Sun

Lag Mars Sal


Ket Mer Lag

Ven Moon


Jup Mars Rah


Mars Sal

Example-4 Mer

Jup Moon Ven
Sun Rah

The Conjunction of Lagna lord Jupiter and 9th lord Sun in Lagna
of Drekkana chart shows strong belief in traditions and religion.
Moon as Durvasa
Moon Is placed In 3rd house (house of activity) and also In
Nakshatra of Jupiter.

Drekkana and Nature

Drekkana details ol different planet*

Lagna Lord Lordehlp Sign Drekkana Sign Drekkana
Dhanu - Dhanu Dhanu Narad
Sun 9th lord Leo Dhanu Agastya
Moon 8th lord A.Quarius Tula Durvasa
Mars Sth&12th lord Scorpio Recta Agastya
Mercury 7th 41 Oth lord Leo LM Narad
Jupiter LL 44th lord Aries Dhanu Durvasa
Venus 6th &11th lord ilirgo ~ Narad
Saturn 2 4 3rd lord Virgo Taurus Durvasa
Rahu - Capncom Virgo Durvasa
Ketu - Cancer Pisces Durvasa

a The 3rd lord from Lagna is Saturn who is Durvasa placed in lOth
house aspecting the 3rd lord from Moon (Mars) and 3rd lord
from Moon is aspecting the 3rd house from Lagna.
b. Jupiter and Moon are In Durvasa and in Ayudh Drekkana showing
good fighting ability.
This is the horoscope of a trade union leader who is chief
executive of Engineers Association of Delhi from last 20 years.
He has a strong personality and capability to light back. He is
egoistic, rigid angry, harsh, never forgive other. Ill-dressed strong
traditionalist and religious In nature. He can cause sufferings to other
or punish other, daring as his Lagna and Lagna lord and Moon are in
Durvasa and Ayudh Drekkana.

Case 5 Harivanshrai Bachhan

0.0.8. 27·1 1·1907; T.O.B. 5:37:00 hrs.; ROB. Allahabad
Special feature - Six planets are In Durvasa shows devotion in
doing aradhana or devotion to work.


..S;Jt Moon

Eumplo · 5

Kel Sun lag

The Drekkana Drekkana and Nature

4 2
l.loo'> R.1h ~
Ven l.''l!f ~
) 1
II Navams~
12 of
\VI E.umpl• ·5
7 II
II 10 ·~ l<el

'""" ~

4 2 Moon
v.n Jup L~
3 1
5 t..lg
K.c Mer
IS IA.lts Ven
Ra., OrnkuM
1.1oon.Ml of
Sal Eumple ·5 Ke!
7 ~
s. R.:>'l
e 10

Drokkana details of different planets

Lagna Lord Lordship Sign Orekkana Sign Drekkana
Tula - Tula Gemini Durvasa
Sun 11th lord Scorp•o Po~ces Agastya
Moon 10th lord Cancer Po sees Durvasa
Mars 2nd& 7th lord AQuarius Aquarius Narad
Mercury 9th & 121h lord Tula Gemini Durvasa
Juprter 3rd &6th lord Cancer Pisces Durvasa
Venus LL&Bth lord Scorpio Cancer Durvasa
Saturn 4:h&51h lord Aquarius Tuta Durvasa
Rahu - Dhanu Aquarius Durvasa
Ketu - Gemini Leo Durvasa
Two Durvasa's are forming G.-\1-kesari yoga In I Olh house
indicating egoistic nature. rigid-ness and impatient attitude In working.
The two 3rd lords of Natal and Drekkana chart are placed In I Olh
house with I Oth lord shows some outstanding quality In the field of
artistic activity.
Drekksna and Nature The Drekkana

All Durvasas planets are placed In same house of Natal chart and
Drekkana chart. Like Ketu in 3rd house. Satum in 5th house, Jupiter in
lOth house, Moon In 10th house. Mer In Lagna and Venus In 2nd
house In birth and Drekkana chart both has made him traditionally and
religiously strong in nature.
This Is the horoscope of a famous writer SH.HARIVANSH RAI
BACHHAN who has given new dimensions to Hindi poetry. His
MADHUSHALA Is still listened to with fondness and joy.

Case-6 (A Senior executive)

D.O.B. 26-03-/952; T.O.B. 18:13:00hrs.;P.O.B. Panlpa
Special feature
This Is the horoscope of General Manager of a Navratan
company. This person has impressive Voice and speaks like Durvasa
and try to emphasize his decisions in day to day life. This nature is due
to the two planets Mars and Jupiter ruled by Durvasa. The Mars is
placed in 8th house aspecting its own house (house of speech) and
Mer Jup

Mars(R) Sat(R)

Ven Mars(R) Ket
Jup Sai(R)


Rah Moon Sun Lag

The Drekkana Drekkana and Nature

I II lag I~R)
R;, \len
12 10
R-. s,....,
3 DrHkllana
Mln(R) 9
\ltn of
Eumple ·I
Sai(R) Ket
6 ....,
7 JUfJ
5 Met

l)rel(q,. der.lls of diHerent pl•n•ts

lAgM Lord Lordship Sign Orekkana Sign Drekkana
Pisces - Pisces Pisces Narad
Sun 6th lord Pisces Cancer Agastya
Moon 5th lord Pisces Cancer Agastya
Mars 9th&2nd lord Tula Gemini Duntasa
4th & 71h lord Pisces Scorpio Durvau
Jupiter Ll &10th lord Pisces Scorpio Ountasa
Venus 3rd&8th lord Aquarius Gemini .~_a
Saturn 11th& 12th lord Virgo CapriCorn Agastya
Rahu - Aquanus Aquarius Narad
Ketu - Leo Leo Narad

I Oth lord Jupiter placed In Lagna In own house has given him mling
power. He Is also successful In his working because Luminaries has
given him art of balancing. The Moon (Mind) and Stm (AtmaJ both are
ruled by Agastya placed with his Lagna Lord and I Oth lord Jupiter
ruled by Dwvasa.
Some children
An exercise was carried out in a lunlor School aimed at assessing
the impact of the codal names of the Drekkana on the nature of these
Kids. The results are given below: •

Cas~-7 (Mate)
0.0.8. r2·02·1995;T.OB. 9:50:00 hrs.; P.OB.Delhi
To assess nature of children. one should take Moon and Its
Nakshatra lord. In this case Moon Is In Ardra Nakshatra and Rahu Is
lord of Ardra. who Is mled by Agastya.
He Is a I 0 years old boy bom in Pisces Lagna. His 5 planets are

Drekkana and Nature The Drekkana

Lag Kel Moon

Sal Mars(R)


Ven Jup Rah

Mars(R) Mer(R)

Rah Navamsha

Jup Sun

Jup Ven Mer(R) Sal



lag Moon Sun

ruled by Agastya. Hls Lagna lord. lOth lord and Moon are ruled by
Agastya, he has a very balanced kind of nature and behavior. He is
knowledgable. sincere and serious and some times seems lonely. He
Is adventurous, confined to his work and fond of doing some thing

The Drekkaua Drekkana aud Natura

Case-S (Male)
0.0.8. 29·01·2001; T.O.B. 15:50:00 hrs.: P.O.B.Delhi
He is Just a 7 years old boy. He is born with Gemini Lagna. His
birth Nakshatra lord Is Saturn and Saturn Is ruled by Narad, he should
behave like Narad. His 4 planets are mled by Narad. He always found
wandering here and there. some time It Is difficult to trace hlm where

Moon Jup IJg

v.,., Sal Rah



Ket M.tr•

~~ Rah Sun loWs


Example ·8

Mer Kel Moons

Wn Sun "I.Jr5
Moon Jup



Drekkana and Nature The Drekkana

he is. He likes playing with water and play in a very natural way and
hardly seen sitting normal. He is a very good Informer.

Case-9 (Female)
D.O.B. 20-10-2002; T.O.B. 14:08:00 hrs.P.O.B. Delhi

Moon Rah Sai(R)



Ket Ven(R) Mer

Sun Mars

Mars Rah Lag

Ven(R) Mer


Sai(R) Sun

Ket Lag Sai(R)



Moon Sun Rah


The Drekkana Drekkana and Nature

She is going to complete her 6th year of lire In Oct. ZOOS. She is
born In Nakshatra of Mercury, who is ruled by Agastya. She is very
lncclllgent and shrewd even at this stage of Sch year she is able to use
her mind In making people agree to her desire.
Cbapter 2

Drekkana and Yoga

The Drekkana chan ranks 3"' among the Vargas. In Vimshopakd
(out of the gross value of 20 units), according to Parashara. the Lagna
chart accounts for 6 units. the Navamsha 5 units and the Drekkana 4
unlts. among the six Vargas. The Hora. the Dwadashamsha and the
Trimshamsha together account 10C 5 units only out of 20 units. This
emphasises the importance of studying the Drekkana chart as an
essential pan of chan an.llysls, along with the study of the natal chart
and the Navamsha.
The meaning of Drekkana Is the roots -Drek 11 and 11 A ana 11 means
to Inspire, to Inspirit, or to encour.'Se, to arouse or redeem life.
Drekkana is exposition of 3o~ house. Some common signification's are
Ventures. efforts, status, siblings, style of work, nobility, karmaphal.
basic instinct (lndln.ltlonl
Rlshl Parashar has clearly Indicated In BPHS CHS Sh-15 that aD
rules of planetary disposition; i15pccts: and yogas as described foc
Lagna chart can also be applied In Drekkana chart. Therefore Drekkana
chart can be seen/analysed as natal chart.
We know that the lords of three Drekkana of a sign ate the lord of
same sign, lord of 5"' sign from that sign and lord of 9* sign from that
sign. It is said that the planet placed In own sign in Drekkana is ever
strong and it Is comfortable when II Is placed In Its friends sign in
Drekkana. This triennial movement of the planets In Drekkana
indicates that Drekkana Is simply a transformation of the natal chart
energies which signifies Sewa·l (self or soul). Buddhl-5 (or wisdom)
and Dharma ·9 (character)
When Drekkana chart can be Independently analysed like a Natal
chart, one can therefore see some standard yogas In Drekkana as
under. One is likely to have success in life when following features
manifest inDrekkana.
I. The Lagna rashi corresponds to Drekkana rashl and two or more
planets are Vargottam In Drekkana chan.
2. One or more planets are exalted. In Mooltrlkona or in own sign,
in Kendras.
The Drekkana Drekkana and Yoga

3. Several planets are exalted and well placed, housewlse. Th. y

make the native a King.
4. A debilitated Drekkana lord normally leads to lack of success and
woridry comrons.
5. The Drekkana lord, associated with or aspected by any neecha
planet or a natural malefic. or hemmed between malefics.
indicates lack of siblings.
6. A benefic Durdhura of Moon will give good results while a
malc::nc Durdhurawlll give poor results.
In view of the above yogas of Drekkana following things can also
be observed.
1. See rise In life. because Drekkana Is the expansion of the 3~<~
house and 3111 1s kMmapha/ through seH efforts.
2. See rise of siblings through yogas of Drekk.tn.l.
3. See rise of students/ players I Pupil from the Drekkana chart of
Teacher /Coodtes/ Gurus (efforts of teachers and rise of student)
RaJ Yogas ate formed by PAC Connection of Kendra and Trikona
lords the same applies to Drekkana also. Some Standard Raj yogas are
I. A planet that aspects or occupy L.agna of Natal chart. Navamsha
L.agna and Drekkana L.agna generates to a powerful R.'i yoga.
2. A planet placed in own sign/In its exaltation sign in first or 7*
house of Natai/Navamsha and Drekkana L.agnas simultaneously
leads to powerful Raj yoga.
3. Drekkana chart become strong like a Vargottam Navamsha.
when natal L.agna and Drekkana L.agna Is same and many planets
falls In same sign in Drekkana as they ate In natal chart ,this
promotes Ral yoga.
4. A strong Moon placed in Cancer Drekkana associated with a
strong benefic generates Raj yoga.
5. The PAC connection of 3"' lord of Natal. 3• lord of Navamsha and
3• lord of Drekkana give rise to powerful Rajyogas which will
manifest to rise of a person through self efforts and out standing

Strength of Rajyoga - When A Rajyoga Produces its Best

The Ralyoga Is likely to give the Uttam results when L.agna lord
and at least 3 more planet are In moveable Signs In first Drekkana,
Madhyam results when placed in 2"" Drekkana and Adham results
when placed In 3d Drekkana. for details see table-Strength of Raj
Drekkana and Yoga The Dnskkana

yogas given below:

Table - Avastha of Drekkana
Moveable (1,4,7,10) Fixed ( Dual (3,6,9,121
u~m Ad ham Madhyam
II Madhyam Uttam Ad ham
Ill Ad ham Madhyam Uttam
(As per BPHS)

There Is another rule given In UttMkaldiTiitrd which states that a

planet will give its full results when placed in first Drekkana of movable
sign, the 2"" of a fixed sign and 3"' of a dual sign. In the same manner
planet will give medium results In 2nd, 3"' and I" Drekkanas of
movable, fixed and dual sign respectively. They give poor results
when placed In the 3"'. I" and 2"" Drekkana receptively of the
movable. fixed and dual slgn.

Case- I Sanjay Gandhi

0.0.8. 14-12-45; T.O.B. 9:27hrs.; P.O.B. Delhi

A Story
This is a story of a mother and her two Sons as enunciated by our
revered Jyotlsh Guru Shri K.N. Rao ji that the mother promoted her
younger son as politician and elder one as pilot. The one who was
politician died while flying and 2nd who was pilot died as politician.
The story belongs to former PM of India Mrs. Indira Gandhi and her
two Sons Rajeev Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi.
The horoscope of politician Sanjay Gandhi, who has Vargottam
Natal Lagna, Navamsha Lagna. and Drekkana Lagna. has been so

Moon Rail


Ket Ven Jup

The Drekkana Drekkana and Yoaa

Sun Ke!

La a

Ven P.lcr(R) Mars(R)

Rah Jup

1/.c<(R) Jup Ra~


Drwkbq Mer(R)

Ke! Moon

powerful! In ltsself that he enjoyed limitless authority In the

administration though holding no official chair. However the strength
of Drekkana helped him and ultimately favoured his elder co-born.
Saturn. Is the only planet in the horoscope, aspecting Natal
Lagna. Navamsha Lagna and Drekkana Lagna and creating power full
Raja yoga. The strength of yoga Increased tremendously because in all
three lagans. Saturn Is aspecting its own house. Thus clearly indicating
about rise of co-bom. The association of the Drekkana chart favours
whom? The native or the co-born? This Rajyoga In Drekkana chart
culminated In the rise of his elder co-born and made him the Prime

Case-2 Rajeev Gandhi

D.O. B. 2CJ.II·44: T. 0.8. 8: I 0 hrs.; P.O. B. Bombay
The same Rajyoga can be seen from the horoscope of Rajeev
Gandhi as Saturn is aspecting the Natal Lagna. Navamsha and

The Drekkana


Ket Sun Jup
Ven Mer



Sal Jup
Ke1 Navamsha
Mars lag

Mer Moon


Kel Sun

Moon Sal Mars

Same rash! is falling in Natal Lagna and Navamsha Lagna. The

Lagna is Vargottam. Jupiter gets own sign in Drekkana. Notice the
exaltation of 3rd lord (Saturn) in Drekkana chart. The 9th lord in 9th
house generates the lucky phase, giving kingship. lOth lord in 5th
house and 5th lord in I Oth house (Mars 8.. Mercury) cement the ruler·

The Drekkana Drekkana and Yoga

ship. The Drekkana Is power-packed. Rahu In the 8th house of

Drekkana aspected by 3rd lord Saturn spell danger to the sibling.
Thus SMurn Is the key planet giving Rajyoga In both the
horoscopes. Strength of one horoscope Is benefiting the other. The
horoscope of the younger one was the stronger of the two but the
native was afp.,yu. That is why it did not p..umltthe promotional effect
to the elder one till younger was alive and kept him In oblivion. That Is
why the 2nd one flourishes after the death of first one. This Is the
beauty of the analysis of any case with the Varga chart (Drekkana in
this case)

Case-3 (A Senior Executive)

D.O.B. I 9·4-46: T.O.B. I5:50:00 hrs.; P.O.B.AIIfarh (UP)
The horoscope belongs to a person who bam in a medium class
family. This person Is an engineer by profession. The chart Is showing
good strength, which has given excellent rise In life.

II<:!< v~ IQ~ 5..lt





Ket Sun


lilQ Vton Jup

Drekkana and Yoga The Drekkana

Mer Lag Jup


Sal Mars
Drekkana Ket
Rah Case-3

Ven Moon

The horoscope has a power full Rajyoga, Lagna lord Sun is

exalted in 9th house with lOth lord Venus.
These Rajyogas are available In Drekkana chart also. Lagna is
Aries has exalted Sun.
Four planets are Vargottam (Sun. Moon. Mars and Mer are in
same rash! In Drekkana as they are in Natal chart) and Sat is in
Mooltrikona sign. Thus showing power to rise through self-efforts.
This Saturn is aspecting Lagna of birth horoscope, as well as
Drekkana Lagna. This Gentleman promoted as Board of Director of a
Biggest Telecom Company of INDIA on just starting of Sun/Saturn
Dasha. Thus yogas in Drekkana manifest.

Case-4 (A Millionaire)
D.O.B. 23-8-1965; T.O.B. 23:45:00 hrs.; P.O.B. Hubll (Karnatka)
This horoscope belongs to a person who is a big business
consultant of India.

Lag Jup
Rah Moon

Sa!(R) Mer(R)

Ket Mars Ven

The Drekkana Drekkanaand Yoga

S..~RI Moon FU.'l

VM s.....


Mars Jup

K~ l~Q Jop

\'en s..._.,

S~l(R) Rah

The strength of 3rd house/3rd lord gives the extent of utilization

of promises Indicated in 9th house. The 3rd house Is one of the houses
of Kama Tr1kona where desire exists. so It also Includes the motivation
for rise In life. Drekkana Is the exposition of 3rd house. Therefore 3rd
nouse/3rd lord/Drekkana are best tool for analysing the horoscopes
promising rise through self-efforts.
Many Raja yogas and Dhan yogas ate there in this horoscope that
makes the horoscope stronger. Lagna lord is in 5th house, 9th lord in
10th hOuse, exchange of 2nd and 3rd lord. two planets Saturn and
Sun In own sign, all Kendra are occupied with planets.
Dhan yoga
lith lord In 2nd house. 2nd and 5th lord Is aspected by
Retrograded 9th lord Saturn.
Yogas in Drekkana
Lagna r.~hl of Drekkana Is same as that of the Natal Chart .
Sun In own sign and Vargottam
Mars and Jupiter are also vargottam while Saturn becomes

Drekkana and Yoga The Drekkana

Lagna lord Venus In 9th house
In Drekkana chart 3rd Moon (miracle baba) In I Oth house.
Exchange between 2nd and 1 1th lord. the 2nd and 5th lord in
1 th house in the Drekkana generate a powerful Dhan yoga.
This person left his house when he was IS years old. He rises in
life with self efforts during the Dasha of Saturn. Saturn Is yogakarka
placed In Mooltrikona sign in Natal chart and in exaltation sign in
Drekkana as I Oth lord of natal and Drekkana chart.

Case-S Haivansh Rai Bachchan

0.0.8. 27-11-1907; T.O.B. 5:37:00hrs.; P.O.B. Allahbad (UP)
This is the horoscope of a famous writer who wrote Madhushala.
The main features of Horoscope are:
Gaj Kesari yoga/Dhan yoga/Rajyogas are there In birth horoscope
as well as In Drekkana chart.


Mars Moon
Sal Jup

Ket Sun Lag

Ven Mer

Moon Rah Lag

Ven Mer Sal


Mars Sun


Moon La~
M> ,~


II.Jr! v~


3rd lord Jupitfr In I 01h house with I ()(h lord Moon. Same
combination is repeated In Drekkana. The 3rd lord of Drekkana Sun is
placed In I Olh house with lOth lord Jupiter.
Ketu In 3rd house. Saturn In 5th house,Jupitfr and Moon In I 01h
house. Mercury in Lagna and Venus is placed in 2nd house In Natal
chart as well as In Drekkana chart.
These arrangements of planets confirm the fuHillment of promises
made In horoscope.
Saturn Is exalted in Drekkana chart.
This placement of3rd lord in I Olh house with I Olh lord has given
him talent to write a wonderful book Madhushala. Thus yogas
menlfest In Drekkana.

Case-6 (A Union Leader)

D.O.B 4-9·1952; T.O.B. I 4:30:00 hrs.: P.O .B. Delhi
This is the horoscope of a union leader who is the Chief executive
of the Engineer's Association of Delhi for the last 20 years.


Moon Ket

Ra!l Sun

La~ Mar! Soli


Drekkana and Yoga The Drekkana

Ven Moon Lag

Ket Mer


Jup Mars Sun


Mars Sat


Jup Moon Ven
Sun Rah

Some features of horoscope

I. Lagna lord Jupiter placed in 5th house aspecting all trines and
Lagna thus making Lagna stronger. This Jupiter is a strongest
planet in Shadbala .
2. The aspect of this [uplter on Lagna of Natal chart. Lagna of
Navamsha and its placement in Lagna of Drekkana is generating
a powerful Raj yoga.
3. Moon ·This is full Moon birth Moon is the significator of the
mind placed in the house of activities (3rd house) and Its
Nakshatra lord is Jupiter. This Moon and its Nakshatra lord both
are aspecting 9th house/9th lord and 1Oth lord showing
lndlnatlons towards activities Dharma and Karma. In Drekkana
also this Jupiter is placed in Lagna from where it is aspecting all
4. In this case 3rd lord from the Lagna Saturn is placed in the lOth
house aspecting Mars (3rd lord from the Moon) and 3rd lord
from the Moon is also placed in 10th house from Moon and

The Drekkana Drekkana and Yoga

aspecting 3rd house from the Lagna.

ln Drekkana also 3rd lord Saturn aspecting 3rd house Indicating
rises with self efforts.
5. Venus and Mercury ate Vargottam.
Saturn/Jupiter ((rom 1983 tol985). This was Dasha Chhldra.
Elected as chief executive of the Engineers Association. This
Dasha established Mm as good leader. as today after 20 years, he is
able to maintain the status of unbeatable Chief executive of Engineers
and Accounts Association of Delhi.
He got this promise from Garbhaslsta balance (I.e. lupiter I
Saturn) and yoga In Vargas especially planet like Jupiter who Is
generating a Ralyoga In the Drekkana which has given him a big
success In life.

Case-7 Shankaracharya ji of Kamkoti Pccth

D.O.S. 18-7-1935: T.O.S. 18:39:00 hrs.;P.O.S. Thanjavur
The horoscope of Shankaracharya ji shows good strength. Lagna


Moon Sun
Lag Ven

Rah J.,p

JLo;J Kel

~t(R) Sun
Lag Ven

Rah Moon M.11~

Drekkana and Yoga The Drekkana


Moon Sun
Kel Drekkana
Case-7 Rah

Ven Mars

Is Vargottam and Lagna lord is aspected by Jupiter. He attained Chief

post of Kanchl seer because his Navamsha is extraordinarily strong 6
planets (Sat, Sun, Ven, Mars, Rahu and Ketu) are Vargottam In
Spiritual Connection
His 9th lord Is placed in own sign 6th house. 6th house is 1Oth
house from 9th house. (Dharma hi Karma hai)
Lagna lord, 5th lord and lOth lords are in mutual aspect.
In Drekkana, Lagna lord is associated with 3rd lord in the 6th
house. This lagna lord Is aspecting 5th and lOth lord Venus in 12th
Rajyoga in Drekkana
Lagna rashi corresponds to Drekkana rashl i.e. vargottam
Sun is Vargottam aspecting Lagna of birth horoscope. Navamsha
Lagna and Drekkana Lagna, generating powerful Rajyoga.
His 3rd lord In 1Oth house showing miracles In life. Drekkana is
exposition of 3rd house, his Drekkana chart also confirms the same as
Lagna lord of Drekkana chart is in 6th house with 3rd lord and the 3rd
lord Jupiter is aspecting the lOth house. (dhyan to dharna)
Mars is in the same sign in Natal chart. Navamsha chart and
Drekkana chart 9th lord In 1Oth house with 4th lord aspected by
Jupiter is generating a powerful Rajyoga in the Drekkana Chart.
The Yogas in horoscope are showing very good strength and rise
In life.
Problematic area
Lagna lord Saturn is influencing Lagna as it retrograde
5th lord in 8th house In Natal as well as in Navamsha. (Buddhi
and Karma In 8th house) and 8th lord aspecting Lagna.
9th lord in 6th house.

The Dnskkana DttJdr.:zn.t and Yoga
Lagna lord and 6th lord are in the Nakshatra of Rahu . Rahu
placed In 12 house In last degree. 6th lord under RKA.
In Navamsha 6th lord and 9th lord are aspected by Sun and Mars.
In Drekkana Lagna lord In 6th house and 6th lord In lOth house
aspected by 12th lord.
The horoscope Is with Rajyogas in Drekkana also and combination
of Jup/S.'t In 6th house lndlc.atlng his efforts in the field of Spiritualism.
But 6th house Is a Trlk house also that is why during the Dasha of Mer/
Sat he was litigated In a court c:.ase. as Sat In 6th house and Mer Is 6th

Case-S (K.R. Narayanan)·2·1921; T.O.B. 17:00 hrs.; RO.B. Chocin {9N58:16£14)
This Is the horoscope of the President of India. The Lagna Is
Cancer at 2 degree 02min. In the Drekkana dwr. the Lagna is
Vargottam and Lagna lord is placed in the I Oth house with Jupiter.
Venus Is exalted In 9th house in both Natal chart as well as In the

\~ ~~

Mer lag
Sun Jup(R)

Moon R~n ~IIR)


Sat(R) ca....a Moon

Jup(l~) Ven

Drekkana and Yoga The Drekkana
Ven Moon
Mars Jup(R)

Mer Lag

Rah Sai(R)

Drekkana chart also.

There are other Rajyogas also: there is exchange of 9th and I Oth
Saturn/Mercury are Vargottam planets. This strength of yogas in
Natal and Drekkana lead him to President of India.

Case-9 (Rabindranath Tagorc)

D.O.B. 1·5·1861; T.O.B. 4:02:00hrs; P.O.B. Calcutta
Chart is strong Lagna is Vargottma in Drekkana
Lagna Is occupied with 3 planets and 9th house of Drekkana
occupied with 3 planets.
I. Lagna lord Mars is placed in 3rd house and aspecting the 6th, 9th
and 10th house In Natal chart as well as in Drekkana chart
generating Rajyogas. There Is an exchange between Lagna lord
and 3rd lord in both Natal and Drekkana indicating rise through
self efforts. Jupiter aspecting 4th house of Natal. Navamsha and
Drekkana has promoted wisdom to him. Moon the 4th lord is
Moon Mer Mars
Ven Ket




lll'l Mer

.1\.-;> 5-)t

1.'1000 Cue-t

Hah M.trr.
Sun Von

Jup lAO M.us


Caw·t Rall

S.ll Moon

aspected by highly benefic planet the 9th lord Jupiter In both

Natal and Drekkana chart indicates about his happiness and type
of Rajyoga.
2. Connection of 2nd and 5th lord (Venus and Sun) in Natal and
Drekkana chart has given promotion in the fteld of Literature.
Aspect of lOth lord Saturn on lith house In both Natal and
Drekkana has felicitated him with Noble Prize on his work. If we
see Navamsha 2nd and 5th lord Mercury Is aspected by Jupiter.
3. 3rd lord and 6th lord In lagna and L.agna lord Mars In 3rd house
of both Natal and Drekkana. Aspect of Mars as LL on 6th house
and on 10th house in both Natal and Drekkana has given him
fight back capacity which is resulted into a great freedom fighter.
He was conferred the little Mahtma Gandhi.
This strength of Yoga In Natal and Drekkana lead him to peak of
his life. Hence Rajyoga manifests in Drekkana.

cbapter 3

Birth Chart, Drekkana

and Navamsha

Birth chart is of utmost importance in the astrology, it's the basic

chart and all the other divisional charts derive their existence from this
chart. Maharishi Parashar has advocated the use of divisional charts in
cohesion with the birth chart for accurate analysis and assessment of
various promises and to render the prediction more minute and
correct. He has stated in his Varga Viveka Adhyaya' that
Vargavimposhaka Bala (20 Point Strength) of various planets In various
divisional charts should be considered to know about their good or
bad results. He has prescribed use of various Varga Kundlls (combination
of divisional chart with birth charts) for the purpose and has assigned
specific vlmposhaka bala to various divisional charts. In the Shadvarga
Kundlls he has included Lagna, Hora. Drekkana, Navamsha,
Dwadashamhsa, and Trimshamsha. Out of a total vimposhaka bala of
20 he has assigned 6,4 and 5 points to Lagna, Drekkana and
Navamsha charts respectively, which forms 75% of total vimposhaka
strength of 20. Clearly, Maharishi Parashara has given utmost
importance to these three charts. In shadavarga analysis of an
individual, a combined study of these three charts should reveal 75%
of an individual.
In this chapter we are not attempting to give detail of how to
read a horoscope, which is a separate issue altogether. What we are
attempting to do here is that whether these three charts can be linked
together in some manner to know more accurately about a person.
Linkage in these chart is inherent as two divisional charts derive their
existence from birth chart. The birth chart is person, navamsha. the
second most important chart. is innerself of Individual &.. Indicates
achievable heights of the person and drekkana indicates quantity and
quality of efforts of an Individual. Various classics have also linked
these three charts but somehow or other they have concentrated more

The Drekkana Both Chart.Drekkana andNm•amsha

on physical appearance and some traits of the person and have

prescribed results accordingly. A compact view of various results
given by various dasslcs.linking signification's of signs on Birth Chart.
its three Drekkanas and nine Navamsha ate tabulated In earlier
chapter. Obviously these results as indicated do not match word to
word In a horoscope. Reason being the classics have given these
results In a generalised manner i.e. without considering a specific
horoscope and other planetary influences. Still that doesn't mean that
the results as Indicated by the various classics are not worth
consideration. They do provide us with some hints that can be used In
study of a horoscope subject to modifications according to various
other Influences In a horoscope.
Maharishi Parashar while depicting how to prepare Drekkana and
Navamsha Charts has also given the lords ol these Drekkanas and
Navamsha. Hr Drekkana these three lords are Narada. Agastya and
Durvasa respectively and for navamsha the lords are Deva. Nara and
Rakshasha respectively in a sequential manner. All these three lords
have their own significations. Narada RN1i had qualities such as wise.
noble. pre.lCher, all round genius. Augustya Rishi had qualities such as
determln.\tlon. strong will power, ability to do difficult deeds etc and
slmlllarly Durvasa rishi is associated with qualities like Hot &. Short
Tempered, egositlc etc. In the same way Deva. Nara A. Rakshasa
Navamshas basically represent Sata. Rajo 8.. Tan1o Guna respectively.
These significations can be made use of to know about the traits or
nature of a person.
In every horoscope lagna is of utmost lnlportance and indicates
about the physical appearance, personal traits and nature of an
individual. We have made an attempt by applying the same to Birth
Lagna. Drekanna Lagan A. Navamsha Lagna in a horoscope. to know
about the personal traits or nature of persons and have found this
principle applicable to a large extent.
Take the horoscopes of Late Sh. Jawahar LaJ Nehru and Late Mrs.
Indira Gandhi, both have Cancer Lagna A. Pisces Drekkana but different
navamshas. The lords of these as per ~ ate as follows:
No Person Ligna Drddala Codal Codal
Name of Name of
Drekkana Navamsha
1. J.L.Nehru Cancer Pisces Durvasll Deva (Capri)
Indira Gandhi Cancer Pisces Durvasa Rakshasa
Fhm the above It can be seen that both have the same Lagna 8..
Birth Chan Drekkana and Navamsha The Drekkana

Drekkana, and to a major extent their nature should have been the
same, yet they both differ so much in personality and nature with each
other. The difference is caused by the navamsha in which lagna &.
drekkana are falling. Lord of Navamsha In case of Late Sh. Jawahar lal
Nehru is Deva representing the Sata Guna and negative qulaltles of
Drurwasa (Lord of Drekkana) were to a major extent set off by the
Deva Navamsha. Whereas in case of Mrs. Indira Gandhi the lord of
Navamsha is Rakshasa, representing Tamo Guna. Here the Rakshasa
Navamsha increased negative qualities of Durvasa to a large extent.
Both these were the great leaders of our country and served the
country well, yet we know that Late Jawahar Lal Nehru was a much
more mild, gentle & parliamentary leader than Mrs. Gandhi.

Case. I 0 L. Nehru)
D.O.B. 14-1 1-1889; T.O.B. 23:06 hrs.; P.O.B. Allahabad (UP)




Jup Sun Mer Mars

Kel Ven


Navamsha Sal
Lag Case-1
Rah Jup


lag Jup


Sat Sun Ven Mars

Moon Rah

ase.2 (Indira Ghandi)

.0.8. 19·11·1917; T.O.B. 23: II hrs.; P.O.B. Allahabad (UP)

Jup(R) Ke1

Moon Mars

Rail Sun
Ven Mer

lag Jup(R) Rah


Sat Case-2 Sun

Ket Ven

5.1: Kcr

Moon Cue-2 Vcn

1.1..1-s Sun J\."PiRJ


Case- 3 (Mahatama Gandhi )

0.0.8. 2·1 0·1169; T.O.B. 1:35:00 hrs.; P.0.8. Porlxmder(Gujrat)
The Dcv.l NavamsiM very positively uplifted the result of
Augusty.l Drckkana. All the slgnllic.ltlons of Augusty.l Drekkan.l can
be found in full bloom in his life. A grNt lc.lder with strong will power.
almost sin. le h.lndedly threw out the Brit~h Empire out of India.



5.1: Met Sun

1.'.00<1 \'en St:n

l.l~ of

Jup(R) RA!l

The Drekkana BJnn Chart Drekkana and Navamsha

P.Coon 1\cl Ven


Lag 5.11
Sun Cne·l

Jup(R) H;1h

Case-4 (A Chartered Accountant)

0.0.8. 1·-6·1959; T.O.S. 23:50:00 hrs.; P.O.S. CRihl
A thorough gentleman, ch.utered .lccount.\nt by prof~slon.
vers.trlle busln~sm.1n. H.mdling with gre.1t ,\l:>lllty v,ulous large
buslnes~ ,,long with CA profession.

P'..el s-..... ,_.,.,

Lag Ven

5.11(R) Jup(R) l~ah



l.'.:lon Ju:>iRI
Lag Cno-4

Kcl M,115 Sun


Birth Chad. Drekkana and Navamsha The Drekl<ana

Sal(R) Lag


Rah Case-4

Ven Mer Moon

Case-S (An Advocate)

0.0.8. 20-12-1958; T.O.B. 19:30:00 hrs.; P.O.S. Delhi
A softspoken. kind hearted person. Legal Professional, very
generous. intelligent. good communicator. always help others.

Kel Mars



Sun Mer Jup Rah

Moon Sun Jup


Kel Lag

Case-S Vcn

Mer Mars

The Drekkana Birth Ch811 Drekkana and Navamsha

f.'cr Moon Rah Jup




,.. ..,

5.1: ~~

Ca.se-6 (An Executive)

D.O.B. 2 I ·2·1960; T.O.B. 4:21:00 hrs.; P.O.B. ~lhl
An ill-dressed person. A little ~lOrt·temper~. general manager
in a big company hc\ndlo his work wdl. Neg.\tlve qualities of Durvas
not much compounded c1uc to N.u., N.w.lmsha.



Jup Moon Rah

v.,. Jup

'·'"""' K~l


Sur! l~ S..t

Birth Chart. Drekkana and Navamsha The Drekkana


Sun Moon
Mars Case-6 Lag
Ven Sat

Jup Mer Rah

Case study 3 4 5 6
Person Male Male Male
Lagna libra AQuarous Cagcer Sag1ttarius
Drekkana (No.) AQuarious (2) Gemini (2) Cancer (1) Leo (31
Codal Name of Drekkana Agastya Agastya Narada Durvasa
Navamsha (no.) Capricorn (4) Capricorn (4) Cancer (1) Scorp10 (6)
Codal Name of Navamsha Deva Deva Deva Nara
Personal Traits Agastya Oeva Agaslya Narada Ourvasa
Deva Deva Nara

A combined study of the Natal Chart along with the Navamsha

and Drekkana Is a rewarding experience. It opens new areas and gives
fresh insights. Here only the ASC has been analysed it would be
worthwhile for future researchers to analyse the house lords and the
dasha Lords in the same manner.

chapter 4
Astrology of Profession
through Drekkana

From Drekkan we see nature of a person, his behaviour. likes

and dislikes. Drekkan covers " Karma" and leevlka . thoughts of a
person are also influenced by it. All drekkans have their own
features and qu,,lltles, which are used for knowing specific and
special types of behaviour. By finding and drekkana In which a
person is born. we know the character, nature and behaviour and
also his occup.,tlon, difficulties he may have to face in lt. The
position of Moon's drekkana in a horoscope has special importance.
Traits of a person other than profession can be seen by drekkana.
Drekkan refers to travels also.
The position of different planets In different drekkans would make
the picture clearer. In drekkana, signs trine to each other convey
apparent as well as hidden personality and nature of a person.
Different planets behave differently in different signs on the basis of
their nature I.e. firy. earthy, airy or watery. Placements In different
houses have their role to play.
Kaml.l.ph.'\1 can be seen on the basis of dasha flow In life. whether
tenth lord is connected to 2"" and 6"' house or not. where 10" lord has
gone in Drekkana where 5th and 9"' lord are placed tn Drekkana i.e.
how a person Is going to get rewards of ·roorv,, lanma" and
·rrarabdha·. Debilitated drekkana lord leads to lack of success.
malefics In kendra and trines give miseries and troubles but any two
out of Moon. Mere. lup and Ven nullifY the results when they are
placed In drekkana of natural benefics.
In Drekkana Sun. Mars or Sat in 5'" and 9* house cause disease or
physical troubles. Sat gives long term aliments. M."s gives hazards.
Sun given both according the characteristics of the Sign occupied by
them. Containment of planets in any house by 6L 8L and I 2L
Astrology of Profession through Drekkana Sw,rex~;~ The Drekkana

adversely Influence the results. Dasha of ZZ"" drekkana lord and 64"'
Navamsh lord gives adverse results. Exalted planets In D/3 give the
results of lordship of 0/1. Raj yoga Is formed when Drekkan ASC and
Navamsh ASC are simultaneously in own In their respective charts sign
or exalted planets are In first or seventh house. or these have a PAC
Natal chart is Nursery- planets are like seedlings there. they have
to be transplanted In divisional charts. 3 H is desire but we have to see
where 3*. 7* and II"' lords are going In divisional charts. whether
efforts will remain efforts or are giving results. M.'\leflcs In l""house will
give determ I nation to do work. Jup In 3" house stitches all 3 ' house
generated efforts the desires of the 7* house and gains of ll"'house.
Jupiter in 7" house or II • house refines one's dl:$lrcs. therefore. efforts
become productive. Desires manifest differently in different persons. If
3•, 7• and I I"' house of Natal and Drekkana ate associated, the
person Is lnu::rested In drama. music. dance etc., but may not be
looked as good if It is not associated with Lagna. 5* and 9* house will
be paid less if not associated with 2""'. 6* or IO.,Iord.
Rlshl s have classified Drekkana in various heads. Drekkana ate
given peculiar names, form and description from which they are
recognized and made use of In predictive astrology very effectively.
This is known as "Drekkana Swaroop". The Swaroop of drekkana Is a
thoughtful link between present lives with past 'nrc which leads to
future life. They are g rouped In the category of human-male- female-
Sarp, Chatushpad. Kh,,g, Pash and Ayudh. They are also known as
Kroor. Watery, Saumya and Mixed.
Here we have taken only, Sarp (5) Chatushpad (I I I Khag (4) and
Ayudh (II) drekkanas, which ate commonly found In most of the
I. Sarp Drekkan - Sarp drekkana-saviour or scoundrel 3 H. 3L if
in this drekkana. the person can be spiritual, woman moved out to a
totally different environment after marriage. Non Resident Indians.
sailors. beautiful person in trade like modelling. fashion lndustty,
television Industry, unrepentant criminal activities. evil doers who
have not been caught doing and getting wrong things done. moral-
turpitude etc. It Is worth noting that Sarp. g~erillly,llves. underground
i.e. creature slithers on surface or earth. At 1'15 best it makes-Shesh-
Shalya- bed for Lord Vlshnu.
2. Chatushpad Drekkan - Horse like r,,ce. well versed in
keeping cows, body like eleph.,nts, decorated In lewels, wood
required for sacrifice, farmers. people working In open areas. dairy.

The Dnskkana Astrology of Profession through Drekkana Swaroop

architects. landscapers. property dealers. non-vegetarians by choice,

heavy body, good memory, managers, ce.,chers. fisheries, forestry
Chatushpad Is the four legged creature of the world. In human
beings II indicates those who show animal Instincts like quick-anger.
socially unacceptable behaviour etc. It indicates those who do not
want finer improvements in life. Lazy fellows content with what they
have and wherever they are.
3. Khag Drekkan • lr indicates vultures. which deprive others
of their shares. Neudear families, far slghled, carrion eacer. taking
other's shares dlshonescly, thieving n.uure. helpful by nacure
("Jatayu s,.,mpatl"), fighting for others. poverty. cook. people
dealing with food. serving food, liquid carriers. forest-workers
(employees)·happiness In forest.
Sorrowing due to lack of good food and comforts. businessman
making money (materialism) lack of emotions hard-hearted wine.
liquid food, rest.,urant. kiosks. retail. carriage, tanker, milk· transporters,
lackey (p«heycllillney w.!ld}, Politicians of various types.
It indicates those who can reach the poetic heights, migrate great
distances looking for a living. They are not very stable In nature.
sometimes there Is suddenness In their beh.wluour.
4. Ayudh Drekkan • Person In Ayudh drekkana are bold,
aggressive, short· tempered, angry, foul-mouthed. lnsolente. deHant.
disobedient, out-spoken, bad -manners. clever in use of arms,
Instruments, hands , SC.lles, chemicals and weapons.
They are reliable subordinates provided· dcall·wlth honesty,
otheJWise. dangerous-opponents. Never do any thing at the cost of
their lncerest.
Controlling and producing those people who use authority to
make world moving . These people keep order In the world-teach
what is right order· guide, population on righteous path. They are
basically doers· who carryout work.
Sarp drekkana Is found In 4.8.12 signs known as "Moksha" signs.
Ven 7H/7L should be weak to overcome materialism. Chatushpad is
found mainly In fixed signs, khag In alry signs and Ayudh drekkana in
firy signs. Services conditions and environment is seen from earthy

Negative effects of Drekkana on Profession

I. II is observed that Jupiter in Nigad Drekkana I.e. first Drekkana of
Capricorn gives problem in profession-the person can be

Astrology of Profession through Dnskkana Swaroop The Drekkana

suspended or terminated from service due to some accusations.

2. Debilitated Mars in Sarp Drekkana In 3' 0 • 7"' or 11 111 house may
give Imprisonment.
3. 6"' house Moon in Pisces - in Sarp Drekkana - the person can be
punished by Govt.
4. 12"'1ord Sun if placed in Aries In 8"' house - it gives lail and also
relieves from lail.
5. If Sun is in Libra in 9"' house and Saturn In 12"' house (Capricorn)
in Ayudh Drekkana the person may be accused of keeping fire
6. lfdebilitated Saturn in 10"' house with Mars- it gives high political
status but may be punished due to conspiracy by enemies.
7. Venus exalted In 10"' house In Sarp Drekkana - gives economic
punishment or punishment by the Govt.
8. Venus in 12"' house in Cancer In Sarp Drekkana may give punishment
due to female officer or may be removed from the post.
We have examined 20 cases of University and College Lecturers.
Readers and Professors. 20 cases of Managers of different fields with
different specialization. I 0 computer professionals and I 0 defence
personals on the basis of "Drekkana Swaroop". See Table-A.

Table. A
Category Orokkana LL IOL AMK Oasha
Teachers Sarp 4 4 3 1
(Total20) Chatushpad 3+1=4 7 6 5
Khag 1 1 1 2
Ayudh 11 8 9 12
Female 0 0 1 0
Computer Professional Sarp 2 2 2 0
(Total10) Ch<ltushpad 5 5 2 4
Khag 2 0 1 2
Ayudh 1 3 5 4
Female 0 0 0 0
M.anagers- MBA Sarp 3 1 4 1
(Tot.al 20) Chi!lushpad 2 6 4 2
Khag 5 3 3 6
Ayuah 8 8 9 11
Fema!e 0 0 0 0
PastvN:qad 2 2 0 0
Defence SetviCH· AJr Force, Sarp 2 2 1 1
Navy. Army Chatushpad 5 5 3 5
Kh.lg 1 1 2 1
Ayu<lh 2 2 4 3

The Dnskkana Astrology of Profession tfirougfi Drekkana Swaroop

Teachers, Lecturers, Readers and Professors

While examining the horoscope of teachers it is observed that lag
lord, 10"' Land AMK in most of the cases are found either In Ayudh or
Chatushpad drekkana, few In Sarp drekkana and very few in Khag
drekkana. This is because they remain at one place generally, and do
the job of soft nature. Sarp drekkana is found in those who are doing
research, guied research or have Investigative aptitude.
Dasha running at that time was of Ayudh or Chatushpad
drekkana in majority of cases. Ayudh drekkan's prominence indicates
about teaching the right- order. They are relatively of polite nature. In
two cases of Ayudh drekkana, it Is noticed that they had become
principals of colleges where they have to be more assertive and
aggressive for getting administrative work done.

Management professionals
While analyzing horoscopes of management professional's
dominance of Ayudh drekkana Is found prominently, because they
have to work hard and aggressively to remain In the run of their job.
Managers looking after finance operations are prominent in this. Next
are seen in Khag drekkana- found in those cases who are In marketing
and sales. Their job, is of roaming nature- behaviors, is sudden.
Sometimes they would like to take the share of other competitors in
the market or deprive others of their shares- vultures. They are far-
sighted. Few 10"' L and AMK are found In Chatushpad drekkana-
baslc.ally who are working in Human Resources department or in call-
centers. they have to do hard work at workplace- get angry easily and
not aspirant for frequent changes in job. Financial analyst, business
development and internal audit Is also included in it. Sarp drekkana is
in the cases where managers do market research.
At the time they prepared and joined for management- majority
were running dasha of the planet in Ayudh drekkana, some in Khag
drekkana and very few have dasha lord in Chatushpad drekkana,
exception in sarp drekkana- working in consultancy services.

Computer Professional
In case of computer professional- chatushpad drekkana is found
in maximum horoscopes as prominent drekkana. In most of the
professions use of computer has become essential today. Therefore.
except hardware and software. engineers or business development
professional, majority Is covered In this drekkana. Ayudh drekkana is
found in those few who are in marketing of programmers, they are
Astrology of Profession through Drekkana Swaroop The Drekkana

bold, aggressive and short- tempered, and sales promotion requires

aggressive marketing.
Out of 10 horoscopes examined- except one, nine were running
dash a of Sat, Rah or Ket during IS years to 25 tyears of age when they
started computer as profession. Out of 10-8 dash a lords are either in
Chatushpad or Ayudh drekkana. Two who joined computer during
dasha lord in khag drekkana- are unable to settle themselves in the
profession- even after 8 - 1 0 years.

Defence Services
In Cases of defence services chatushpad drekkana Is found in
most of the cases- means they are ready to work hard and follow the
orders. But at the time of selecting the jobs in these services . dasha
running was either chatushpad or Ayudh drekkana-ready far aggressive
(offensive) jobs, AMK is also in either Ayudh or chatushpad drekkana
Indicating for the preparedness for this lob.
In majority of these cases 10:11 Lor AMK is associated with Sun or
Mars. In cases of Pilots they are either in Airy or Ftry Signs. Navel
Officers 1Qt11 L Is In Watery signs indicating the nature of their lob. In
Some cases-specially in Army, they left Army after 5 years to 20 years
of service with change of dasha.

0.0.8. 21-10-1961;T.O.B. 14:30:00hrs.; RO.B. Delhi
This is a horoscope of a lecturer in a college of Delhi
University. Lag lord Sat placed In 200 House. Drekkana Lag. Lord
has gone to 6'h house aspected by Mars. I 1111 lord and 2"d lord Jupiter
aspecting Lag form 7"' house. Yog karka Ven is also aspecting Lag. 3rd
lord Mars is in II"' house In natal chart and Drekkana both aspecting

Sat(R) Rah

Lag Moon

Mars Sun

Aslrology of Profession lhrough Drekkana Swaroop

Eumple ·1

Sun Sai(Rt

Moon Vcn M'!r(P.t


L..">g S..I(R)
Eumple ·1


Fcmal!l S.1rp Ou~drupcd Ou~druped Kh.ag Ou<Hiruped femnlo J Quadruped,
2 Fom.11o,
1 Kll.l~.
I S~rp

3 N~r.>d,
2 Agnty~.
2 OunNa:.<~
Moon In both the charts.
3 Planets are in quadruped Drekkana. She is hard working. a
teacher with very good memory she is beautiful, selected for TV
Progr.unmes during her graduation, as her Moon Is in sarp Drekkana.
Jupiter in Khag Drekkana aspecting Lag made her helpful and
I. Lagna lord Saturn in 2"" house In Agastya Drekkana and female
Drekkana. She Is very Calm- and qulel In n.uure has Interest In
house- hold work since childhood. I 0"' lord Mars Is aspecting
Lagna lord Saturn and Saturn aspecting Mars 10"' lord. Mars is
aspected by Its depositor Jupiter also. In Drekkana Saturn Is in 6"'

Astrology of Profession through Drekkana Swaroop The Drekkana

house aspected by Mars again- Hence her life Is influenced by

Mars . Jupiter and Saturn.
2. Rahu in 3H at Lag degree and in Drekkana is placed with karaka
Venus In 3H In Ales Sign. Aspected by 7* lord Sun.
3. 2 L.l I L Jupiter In 7* house aspects Lagna in natal chat and
Drekkana. In Narda and Khag Drekkana • She likes traveling.
4. Yog karka 4"' lord and 9"' lord Venus in 7* house in Durvasa
Drekkana and Quadruped Drekkana- Very hard working and
being placed In Fiery Slgn.-Some times become very rude.
5. 5111 lord and 8* lord Mer is retrograde in Durvasa and quadruped
Drekkana, Placed in 9"' house In airy sign with debilitated Sun and
6. 6th lord Moon In 6* house in Agastya Drekkana and Sarp
Drekkana apected by the 3d and 10"' lord Mars-She Is cool In
nature and hard working, though delicate. constitutionally.
7. 71n house has Yog karka Venus with 2nd lord. I I" lord lupiter
making a Raj yoga. 8"' house aspected by Lagna lord Saturn.
8. 3 planets in Narad Drekkana. 2 in Agastya and 2 in Durvasa. 3 in
quadruped, 2 In Female. 1 in Khag and 1 In sarp Drekkana.
9. Sun In 9* house but not aspected by Saturn or Mars has saved
from disease but has made her quite delicate.

Case-2 - A Teacher
D.O.B. 11·10·1947;T.O.B. 17:15 hrs.; ROB. AmriUar
This Is horoscope of a Reader who took Volentary Retirement due
to Ill health. Lagna Lord is placed in 9H In Sarp-Drekkana with Moon
and Ketu. both are In Sarp-Drekkana. Mars is also In Sarp-Drekkana.


Example -2

Moon Mer
Jup Ven
Ket Sun

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

Ayudh Sarp Sarp Quadruped Sarp Khag Sarp
ma~ Astrology of Profession m/OIJgll Drekkana Swaroop

Sat '·'«


Rah Eumple ·2 Jup

Lag Sun Moon


Sat R~h Mer

Ven U:l
EumpM ·2


In Drekkana, Sun. Mars or Saturn In 5H or 9H causes disease or

physical troubles. In this case Mars is in SHand Saturn is In 9H. Saturn
and Mars give h.u.uds, Sun gives both very long term disease I.e.
Rheumatic Artherltis which slowly and gradually made her crippled -
she was unable to w.llk or stand and had to resign from job.
Drekkana lord Moon is also debilitated In SH - has given her
miseries as well. Debilitated Drekkana lord leads to lack of success.

Case-3 Scientist - A Teacher

D.O.B. 2·10·1940: T.O.B. 09:00hrs.; ROB. Sitopur
Lagna Lord Venus In Leo a firy sign in Khag drekkana. It is like
vulture Indicating that the person is powerful, wealthy and victorious
and has high position In the Govt.. which is true In this case. He retired
as a Principal scientist from a National Research Institute. He travelled
quite a lot.
Five planets are In Ayudh drekkana. Lag In Mer drekkana and
Mer is placed In lagna of D/1 chart with directional strength - he Is

Astrology of Profession through Drekkana Swaroop The Drekkana

fond of Rne Arts. decorated dress and very particular about cleanliness.
Mer In Ven drekkana makes a person strong, full of wisdom, noble and
happy. He helped in upbringing and education of his co-barns and
also his students for Ph.D degrees.
Sat, {up in 7H aspect Lagna and Mer. Sat Is yog karak but at
deep debilitation point with directional strength. Jup on same

Ket Sat(R)

Example -3

Lag Rah
Mer Sun

Ven Lao Rah



Example-3 Moon

Ket Mer Sat(R)


Moon lag


Sun Example -3 Ven

Sat(R) Mer Mars

The Drekkana Astrology of Profession through Drekkana Swaroop

degree In 7* house being 3"' and 6* lord in Ayudh drekkana ·he had
to fight for his students even with his boss. Ayudh drekkana of five
planets has made him little aggressive sometimes. Moon Is IOL in
11H on Lagna degree and exhalted in 12H ofD/3 ·gave him success
but being In neutral house mixed results are obvious.

Casc-4 Architect -A Teacher

D.O.B. 02-06-I963;T.O.B. 15:50 hrs.; ROB.Shll/ong
This Is a horoscope of and architect. II"' lord Sun is in 8*
house very dose to Iagna degree. Jup is also close to lagna degree.
The IOL of natal chart, Moon is exalted In 4'~ house of Drekkana.
initially worked In a private fum but after 5-6 years started his own
firm-exalted planet In drekkana give results of lordship of natal chart
I.e. IOH.

Ket Solt(RI

Eumplo ·4

lag Rah
Mer Sun

lagna Sun Moon Mer Jup Ven Sat

Male Male Female Ayudh Female Ayudh Ayudh
Khag Quadruped

Lag M.. rs Sun


Example • 4 Moon

Kel Ven Sal

Asrro/ogy of Pmlession :hrough Drekkana Swaroop The Drekkana


Lag Jup
Rah Drekkana

Mer Sun
Ven Sat

Birth horoscope and Navamsha Lagna are aspected by yog-karak

Sat and drekkana lagna lord is Sat, hence all the three l<lgna have
influence of Sat. I 0'" lord Moon in female drekkana In 12m house of
natal chart in a benefic (planet) sign and In drekkana also In the sign of
Ven. He has specialized In land escaping and not construction of

Case-S Computer Engineer

0.0.8. 20-07-1972; T.O.B. 17:25 hrs.; P.O.B. Delhi
This horoscope belongs to a Computer Engineer who did B.Tech
In India and M.S and Ph.D in Bio-Technology from U.S.A.
5 planets are In quadruped drekkana- Sun, Moon, Jup, Ven
and Sat - Indicating that characteristics of quadruped drekkana
will dominate In his behavior. Mars and Mercury are In sarp
drekkana In 8'" house -Inclination towards deep research. He Is very
hard working since childhood.
The lagna degree and Jup degree are very close In Mool Trlkona


Example -5 KP.I


Lag Moon

The Drekkana Aslro/ogyotProtession l/lt0Uf1'1 Dnskkana Swaroop

Me< JuP(R)

~vamsNI Sat
Eumple -5
Marl Sun


Mars Moon

Rah of
Sa! Eumple-5


sign, therefore, It Is Influencing lagna of natal chMt, drekkana and

navamsha and Moon lnnuendng lagna and 7a house of Drekkana
Navamsha Sun Is vargottam In drekkana.
Lagna Is Sag first Drekkana - such person leads his community,
he is righteous, gentle, hard working person - Navamsha lagna of
Mercury - soft In speech. affectionate considerate to others. lovable
and respectful.
The Influence of quadruped Drekkan was so strong that even after
getting admission in Indian Railway Engineering course in Jamalpur for
a very luxurious life. he refused to join that. and opted for Computer
Engineering. After M.S and Ph.D. he is continuing Research instead of
taking better paid jobs. He is doing research work on human brain,
which Is de,\1 from 4 planets in 8* house.

Case-6 Marketing Professional

DOB. 04-11-1966: T.O.B. 08:30 hrs.; P.O.B. Delhi
This Is a horoscope of a young man who was not very good In
studies, nor his parents were very well off. He was brought up by his

Astrology of Profession through Drekkana Swaroop TheDrekkana

Rah Moon

Sat(R) Jup

Example -6

lag Sun
Mer Ven

Sun Ket Moon Sat(R)

Example- 6

Jup Mer
Rah Mars

Lag Ket

Sun Orekkana
Example -6

Rah Mer Sat(R}

l.13rs Jup

aunt and after the age of 24 years did MBA. got a good job. worked
hard and a millionaire at a young age.
I. Lagna lord Mar in I OH with directional strength and In drekkana
also in I OH aspecting lagna.
2. In drekkana lagna lord jup in 9H exhalted in natal chart in 9 H.
3. In drekkana exchange between 9L Mar and 10L Jup

The AstrologyofProlessiotl through Drekkana.

4 In natal chan 4L Sat In Mool Trikona sign and exhalted in

5. Exchange between Sat and Ven In drekkana
All lhl~ Indicates about a strong horoscope as lup and Sat
lnHuence lagna of natal chan and Mars lnHuence lagna of both natal
and drekkana.
Sun and Ven in Khag drekkana. Moon and Sat In Ayudh. Mer and
jup In Ayudh and Mar In quadruped drekkana. He Is strong willed and
determined person. Moon in Ayudh drekkana has made him aggressive
and sometimes short tempered. Sun and Ven In khag drekkana In 12H
In natal and drekkana- he Is fond of traveling. He settled In U.S.A.
works very hard - Mar in quadruped drekkana In IOH. jup and Mer
sarp drekkana has given the tendency towards charity and meditation.

Case-7 Manager in MNC·10-1974; T.O.B. 03:02 hrs.; ROB. Delhi
The Manaaer started service in a Call Centre and Is now workina
r.·~ ·-~t ~~


Eumplc • 7


Rah Mars

~I l(r:

Eumple • 7

M;u5(R) lag
RA~ Mt>t(R!
Ve1> Moon

Astro/oav of Profession throuah Drekkana Swarooo

R.ln L.l~ Jup(R)

~~ I.loon
5-.61 ~ qn~ ..
Eumple · 7

M.-.rs Kct
In the finance department of a MNC. Lagna lord Sun Is delbilltated in
3H but placed with 9L Mar. IOL Ven. 2 L and I I L Mer and aspected
by Iup making a good Raj yoga. Sat is aspecting lagna. Lagna lord Sun
with Ven shows he will do whatever he likes. Sun Is In khag drekkana
and IOL Ven in Ayudh drekkana. Moon. Mar. Mer. Ven. Rahu and Sat
are in Ayudh drekkana which made him aggressive.
At the end of Mer dasha in 1992 he was selected for Indian Naval
service. He joined the training in Goa but did not like the job and left
the academy after S-6 months. In Ket dasha completed BBA and MBA
specializing In finance- Ket is in quadruped drekkana placed in I OH.
Drekkana has Improved. Moon Ven and Sat In own house, Mar. Sun
and jup aspecting own house.
With the beginning of IO"'Iord Venus dasha he went to U.S.A.
for training and lolned the Audit Department as Ven Is with 204 and
II"' lord Mer. I OL Ven Is combust, hence he could not do Marshall job
though placed with Mars because lagna lord and IOL are not very

Case-8 Naval Officer - Defence Service

0.0.8. 06·1 I· 1954 T.O.B. 01:45hrs..;ROB. Agra
This Is a horoscope of an officer In Navy. He joined service
at a very young age of 21 years. Lagna lord is In khag drekkana.
He has to sail far and wide. Moon sign lord I!. also In khag
drekkana. 10 lord Venus in quaderpad drekkana and AMK in khag
drekkana. When he lolned service the dasha was of jup placed in IZH
in watery sign Cancer - Indicating connection with water and foreign
country. In drekkana also Iup Is In BH In watery slgn Cancer- 8 111 house
shows Investigative work I.e. Intelligence.


Eumple -8
~..'..l.·s Lag

Rah P.1.."tiS

5.>t \'cn(R)


la'l I.":Qorl Jl.'tl

Laa Vcn(R)
. Sun


Eumple · 8

~.~oon ..:-=~ t.•..1rs

Case-9 Air Force Officer; T.O.B. 03:40hrs.;P.O.B. Allahabad
This Is a horoscope of a pilot in Air Force. Lagna lord, and 10'h lord
Mer Is placed In ? " house In airy sign. In drekkana also 11 Is placed In
2nd hou~. airy sign. IO"'Iord of drekkana Sat. lsexhalted In .llry sign in

Astrology of Profession through Drekkana Swaroop The Drekkana
6"' house. Lagna and Moon sign lord are In Ayudh drekkana while
lagna lord and AMK are In quadruped drekkana.
When he joined service, it was dasha of 10"' lord Mer in 1955.
Sun with 10"' lord shows Govt. job. He got all promotions In Ven
dasha- Ven placed in 4"'house In flry sign aspected by Mar.


Example ·9

Jup Moon Mer Lag
Vcn Sun Mars

Mars Rah Ven Sun
Sar(R) Mer

Example ·9

Kel Moon

Lag Mer

Example -9

Jup Moon Sar(R) Mars

Drekkana and
Relationship with Siblings
The secrets of predictive astrology are hidden in the Divisional
Charts known as Vargas. Divisional Chans are basically used to
establish the strengths and the weakness of the Planets. There are
different Vargas for different aspects of the native's life eg. Navamsha
is seen for spouse. Dasharnsha for profession etc
Drekkana Chart is seen for the matters relating to third house.
Basically it is the extension of third house and this chart can be seen In
more minute details for everything concerning third house. Various
classics have given the significations/matters which can be seen from
the third house like siblings. happiness from siblings, parakrama i.e.
quantity &. quality of efforts of an Individual. cour;lge, v;\lour. ability,
hobbles. servants, good qualities, nature of the death of the native
depending upon the nature of 22TM Drekkana and so on. However. two
main significations of this bhava are siblings and prakrama. Maharishi
Parashar has called this Bhava as SAHA), means siblings. Obviously,
out of so many significations of that house Pamshara has named this
house after siblings. Everything concerning siblings like no. of siblings,
sex of siblings, relationship with the siblings should be seen from this
house and the extension of this house the Drekkana Chart.
Many researches on promises of siblings, their sex. numbers.
hierarchical order etc. have been done by students of the Institute of
Astrology. Bharatiya Vldya Bhawan. under the guidance of our
revered Guru Sh. K.N.Rao. Our revered Guru Sh. K.N.Rao also has
given very notable researches In these areas. These researches ate
published In the lournal of Astrology (Mesha S.vnkrantl Issue April-
June 2004). Certain parameters laid down In these researches are
given below In brief:

Drekkana •IX1 R~~~~Shitl "'m Si~s

Past Researches
The published researches have covered promises of co-born
,their sex and number .Some parameters are laid down. A brief
parametric analysis as under:-
a. Rahu In the third or eleventh house generally does not give one a
middle position .Such persons are generally the eldest or the
youngest among siblings or in their own sex among siblings .
b. The placement of eleventh lord in the third house or the third lord
In the eleventh house also does not give middle position
c. A double affliction to the eleventh house or the third house or
their lords Is a strong negative factor for promise of siblings.
d. An afflicted benefic reverses its results and promises. For instance
a doubly afflicted Jupiter has been seen to give female children.

Jam in I
In Jamini. co-born are represented by Bhartrlkarak IBKI. Note the
BK, Its position, the aspects of other karkas In a house.

Sex of the Child

In IYotlsh. male planets ate Mars. luplter and Sun and Rahu. But if
they are afflicted in female Rashi (sign) or retrograde the results may
be reverse. Female planets are Venus. Saturn, Moon and Ketu.
Mercury should be given special observations since Mercury is
regarded as an eunu4 t1

Ramanujancharya's Hint
If Mars or tuplter are aspecting the third lord or third house there
Is a chance of the birth of a SIBLING

Promise of a Sibling
For seeing the possibility of younger co-born. first we have to ftnd
promise for It In elder co-boms horoscope, then a favourable Dasha is
required for its fructification and fin<11ly, transit of Saturn. Iup iter. Mars
and Moon has to be seen. Every specific event is due to Inter-
relationship and transit of planets. ~ches in this aspect is already
done and published In the Journal of Astrology Issue lanuary-March
200 I. Parameters are as follows -
0 Analyse third lord and third house.
0 Fifth lord and fifth house. as fifth house is third from third.
;, If Mars and the third lord aspects the third house, there Is a

The Drel<kltr!/1 Drekkana and R~I~IIOns})•p '''Ill Siblings

promise of a sibling.
7. If Mars and Jupiter ate exalted or in Kendra and Kona. there Is a
promise of sibling.
S3 Relationship/condition of Mars - the Karaka for co-bom.
lil In Vlmshott.vl Dasha siblings are born In the Dasha of third .fifth.
seventh. ninth. and eleventh Hou~ords of Co·borns.

1. Saturn should have aspected 3"'or 5* hous~/lord with In a year of
birth of a younger co-born.
2. luplter should have aspected same points like Saturn with In a
year of birth of a co-born.
3. Mars should have aspected the same points.
4. Phaldeeplk.1 says- If the 3"'house be equipped with strength, be
conjoined with a benefic and the karaka of the 3~<~ house also
strong and posited In a benefic house. the prosperity of brother is
assured. If however. the lords of the 3"' and Its karaka be weak
and be posited In a dush-sthana. the results will be destruction of
Few examples of Past Researches has been given below. Which
was tested on many horoscopes and can be replicated with good
amount of accuracy on any given horoscopes. (For more examples
please refer to Mesha Sankranti Issue of lanuary-March 200 I and
Mesha Sankranti Issue of April-June 2004 of the journal of Astrology).

Case-1 Youngest
Notable Points
I. In the Natal chan the third lord is in 12"'house and is posltied
with Sun and Sat.

Cue-1 Ra~
13 Ocr 1910
Kcl Ven

M;H\ lnq Sun

Mo<lll Mt•r 5.11

Drekkana and Relationship with &blings The Drekkana

Sal Mer


Lag Moon

Rah Sun Mer


Ven Mars Lag Ket
Mer Sat

2. The II"' lord Sun is in 12" House.

3. In Drekkana, again 3'" lord is in 12111 House with Sat and in R/K
4. The Karaka of Younger sibling in Natal and Drekkana chart is
aspected by Saturn from 12"' House. These alfliction of 3"' House
and 3'" lord prevented further siblings.

Case-2 Eldest
Notable Points
I. The 1 1'11 house fall under Rahu/Ketu axis and the ll"'lord Is in the
8* house In Natal Chart.
2. In Drekkana Chart. I I* House is afflicted by R/K axis, Sun and 8"'
Lord Moon. Which Shows he has no elder sibling.

Case 3 Middle Sibling

Notable Points
I. The 3"' lord Is in the 1 I* house unalfllcted. The I I"' lord Is In

The Drekkana Drekkana and Relationship v.flh Siblings

Mer Ven Sat Ket


23 Aprll1973
Jup Lag


Jup Sun

Ket Lag


Rah Jup



Sat Ven

Lag Ket Mars

Kendra with 9th Lord.

2. In Drekkana Chart, the 3rdand I lu.lords are together, again with
the 9* lord.

Drekkana and Relationship With Siblings TheDrekkana

Lag Rah

Sun Case-3
Mer Middle

Ket Jup(R) Mars(R)

Moon Sai(R)

Ven Rah

Jup(R) Mars(R}


Ket Mer Lag

Moon Sat(R)

Lag Ven



Case 4 Eldest Son

Notable Points
I. In Natal Chart, I 1 *house has Jupiter and aspected by Mars. he is
the eldest son of his parents.

The Drekkana Drekkana end Relationship wrl/l Siblings

Mars M('f Sun J"p


Case· 4 ><et
Eld~l Son
30 M3y 19!)0
Sat(R) l.1i)
~..a~ Mo.~rl

Jup Moon Su11




~cl r.1N

Mars Vt!'n R.,h


Sa:!RJ Moon

Lag Kel •.hr.> Sun

2. In Drekkana Chart, again Jupiter is in II "'House. aspected by
From the above it can be seen that enough result-oriented
researches have been done so far on siblings, their promises, number
& sex of siblings etc .. these are the proven parameters. which are
Drekkana and Relationship with Siblings The Drekkana

totally scientific in nature.


Till now, we have seen the sex, numbers and their status among
co-barns. Now, we will try to achieve another milestone by proceeding
further to see, how these co-borns will behave with each other, the
kind of relationship which they will have with each other, when they
grow up and what are the inherent qualities with which they are bam.

Primary aspect to be kept In mind before proceeding further is
that the Lagna Lord of Natal Chart and Lagna Lord of Drekkana chart
will always be friendly to each other because Natal Lagna Lord is
friendly with 5111 and 9th house lords. And in Drekkana Chart, Houses
have only trlnal movement (1,5,9) based on Ascendant Degree. If a
planet is In first Drekkana it remains in the same house In Drekkana
Chart self. If it is In second Drekkana, it moves to the house Slh from it
and if it is in third Drekkana, it moves to a house 9* from lt. So, the
Drekkana Lagna lord will either be 1st, 5th, or the 9* House lord of the
Natal Chart.
We have to concentrate on 31<1 House to see the Quality of
Relationship among the siblings. One way to see the type of
relationship between co-born is to see the movement of the 3rd houses
of Natal Chan in the Drekkana Chart based on Ascendant Degree.
After analyzing the 3"' House, we analyse the planets PAC with 3rc1
House/ Lords.
If the ASC is in I st Drekkana then the Natal 3rc1 House and
Drekkana 3rc1 House remains the same. which Is good for relationship
at the first glance. If the ASC Is In 2nd Drekkana, then the Natal 7 111
House becomes the Drekkana 3" House, which links up the 7"' House
significations to 3rd House like spouse, partnership, public image etc ..
then the relationship is superfidal, they tend to be friendly in public,
but will have wide gap internally. If the ASC Is in 3"'Drekkana, then the
Natal II"' House becomes the 3'"House of Drekkana, which links up
the significations of 11 "'House to 3"' House like gains, desires, Income.
elders etc. then the relation between the co-born is purely materialistic
in nature.

I. PAC of Lagna Lord of the Co-borns.
Lagna Lord defines the behavioral pattern of the person. We see

The Dnskkana Drekkana and Relationship >111:h Siblings

the compatibility of persons even in the marriage matching. In

the same way, the relationship between the lagna lords of the co-
boms would define and decide their mutual relationship.
2. Examine the PAC relationship between 3"" and II., House and
The Inter-relationship between the concerned houses for co-born
In their respective horoscopes would further explain the quality
of relationship between them. It is to be borne In mind that the
elder sibling Is related to or Is seen from II "' house and the
younger sibling Is related to or Is seen from 3"'house. Therefore.
I tis the II"'Housc and Lord of the younger slbllng, which needs
to be measured! analysed with the 3"' house and lord of the elder
sibling or vice versa.
3. The above 2 parameters have to be examined In the Drekkana
Chart also.
While analyzing the Drekkana Chart. this must be borne In mind
that the Lagna Lord of Natal Chart will be friendly to Lagna Lord
of Drekkana Ch.vt. as it has to be 5"' or 9'1' Lord of Natal Chart as
explained above. But the PAC of planets may ch.mge. which will
show Its results with the advancement of Chronological age or
assertion of increasingly greater independence and Dasha pattern.
4. Analyse Karaka Mars and Juplrer
For Younger Sibling Mars and Jupiter for Elder Sibling. See their
Inter-relationship In the respective Natal and Drekkana Chart.
Note; The Natal PAC relationship defines the Inherent nature,
inherited by the co-born. The Drekkana relationship shows the
direction and the quality of its development due to the dynamic
configurations actuated by chronological age, Dasha and Transit.
Below ate some of the examples on which these parameters has
been tested and round correct. These parameters can be tested on any
horoscope for confirming the same.

Case I
Parameters Applied
I. PAC ol Lagna Lord of the two Co-born.
Lagna Lord of younger co-born Is Moon and elder co-born is
Venus They are not friendly to each other. But In both the cases
the Lagn,, Lord Is posited in Libra Rashi. For the younger one
Libra R.lShl Is 4"' House and for the elder one Libra Is Lagna. This
shows the similar approach, which Is gentle and polished. Lagna

Drekkana and Relationship Wlfh S1llltngs The Drekkana

Lords of both the Charts are debilitated In each others chart and
they are In 2/12 axis sibling jealousy Is dlsccrn.,ble.
2. Examine the PAC relationship between 3"'and II"' House and
their Lords.
I I lord of younger sibling is Ven. 3d lord of elder sibling Is Jup.

R.lh JuP{R)

Case ·1
30Nov 1929

S.~! '·"""'
Sull La~
t.'.ars Ke!
t.~et \'en

Kel Sal



M.lr$ Rah

r.·~ La~
Sun Ven



S.11 Moon Jup(R)

The Drokk!Jn/J Drekkana and Relationship mth Siblings

Ven placed In 3rd house and jup placed In 8* house. Virgo rises in
3.s in house and Taurus in 8"' house of elder sibling. These two
signs are in mutual trines, the relation between siblings Is cordial.
3. The above 2 parameters are now being examined in the
Drekkana Chart.

Jup(RJ Sat(R)

Case -1
16Sep 1939
Mars 02:46 Met

Moon Vc!n




Lag Mer
Rah Jup(R)
Sun Moon




lag Moon Ven


Drekkana and Relationship ~1/h Siblings The Drekkana

In Drekkana Chart of elder sibling, 9"' house rashi of Natal chart

became the Lagna. which brings up the 1 lth house signification
(Leo) to 3rdhouse of Drekkana. And in younger siblings Drekkana
chart, 5th house of Natal Chart became the Lagna, which brings
the 7 111 house signification of natal chart to the 3'" house of
Drekkana chart.
In Younger siblings Drekkana chart. Lagna Lord is Mars and the
eleder ones Lagna Lord is Mercury. They are not friendly to each
other, however lup In younger sibling's chart is exalted in 9"'
house thus the relation lmporves. In younger one's case Lagna
lord is exhalted in 3rd House and aspecting I I"' lord Mercury In
the 6"' house which is placed with 3rd lord Saturn in Lagna Lord's
Rashi Aries.
In Elder ones Drekkana Chart, Lagna Lord Mercury is having
Neech Bangh Raj Yoga in IO'"house, placed with 3rdlord Sun and
I I * Lord Mars, further aspected by Its benefic depositor Iupiter.
Close and cordial relation on card.
4. Analyse Karaka Mare and Jupiter.
Karaka Mars for Younger sibling to be seen in elder sibling's Natal
Chart. In Natal Chart of Elder Sibling Mars is in its own house
Jupiter is the Karaka for Elder Sibling, to be seen on younger
sibling's Natal Chart. Here also Jupiter is in Pisces, its own house.
In Drekkana Chart of younger sibling, Jupiter is exalted in 9"'
House and in Elder sibling's Drekkana Chart Mars is in Jupiter's Rashi
Pisces and further aspected by Jupiter. In both the Drekkana Chart,
both the Karakas are mutually aspecting each other in 1n axis.
All the parameters are fully applicable to both the horoscopes.
When we analyse both the charts the PAC of planets and houses of
both the siblings shows a very close and cordial relationship.

Elder- 0.0.8. 17!09!1978;T.0.8. I I:SO:OOhrs.; RO.B. ROHTAI<
Younger- 0.0.8. 12/03/1982;T.0.8. 17:10:00hrs.; P.O.B. ROHTAK
I. Lagna lord of elder is Mars and younger one is Sun. Mars and Sun
are friends and in 5/9 axis. Mars is posited in Libra where as Sun
is posited in Aquarius.
2. 3'dlord of elder sibling is Saturn posited in Leo in IO'"house. I 1m
lord of younger one is Mer. posited in Aquarius In 7'" house with
lagna lord. Saturn and Mer are l/7 axis aspecting each other.
3. In 03 both the lagna lords of younger and elder one is Jupiter.

The Drekkana Drekkana and Relationship With Siblings



lag Ven Rah

Mars Sun

Ven Sat



Mars lag Jup


Ven Jup


Sat Mars Sun

Mer Rah

though they are in 6/8 axis. 3"' lord of 03 of elder brother is

Venus is placed in I 2"' house in Aquarius. I I"' of 03 of younger
brother is again Venus in Taurus in 6 111 house, they are In 4/10
4 Karka Mars of younger one is placed in 12'~ house in Dl of elder
and 8'" house in 03 aspects 3rd house in both the charts. Jupiter

Drekkana and Relationship w.UJ Siblings TlteOrekkana


Ven Lag

Kel Jup(R) Slli(R)

Ven Rah

Jup(R) Lag

Ket Mer SatiRI




Lag Sun

karka of elder brother, is in 3ra house In both the natal and

Drekkana charts of younger brother aspects I I'" house.
If we study the charts of both siblings, then In D I of elder one, 3rd
lord Satum Is In I 0'" house aspectlng Mars, karak of younger brother.
In 03 of both the siblings 3"'and I l"'lord are Venus. Jupiter karak of

The Drekkana Drekkana and Relationship Willi Siblings
elder one aspecting I 1., house in both D3 charts. Mars in D3 of elder
one aspecting 1 1., house from 8*. Lagna lord of elder sibling In OJ
chart is asp by 3"'1ord5.ltum and in younger sibling lagna lord asp by
Jup karak of elder one. Role of Jup in both D3 charts shows monetary
gains and help In profession of elder one by younger brother. Their
relations are harmonious and very friendly In nature.

Elder- 17.08.79; 11.55 am; Delhi
Younger- 28 July 84; 8.07pm; Delhi

Notable points
I. D I lagna lord of both the siblings are friends. Lagna lord of elder
one Is Venus posited In Cancer in IO"'house. Younger one's lagna
lord Sat Is posited In 10', house in Libra. They are In 4/IOaxis,
2. khouse In Dl of elder sibling is Sagittarius and Its lord Is lupiter
posited In Ia-' house. II '"lord of Younger sibling 15 Mars which is

I.IOon M.~.~

Kc: Jup
C11e ·3
Elder S:tt


Jv:) Sun



M.1rs Rah

s~t Moon

Drekkana and ~IION/ri:J wrtll Sobtlngs The Drekkana

Jup ~ 1'.~


Moon Sun

Rail M~r M;o~

In Libra In IO"house. Libra Is the ASC rashi of eider sibling. Jup
and Mars are again 4/1 0 axis. Through study we Hnd out that
elder ones 3"'1ord Jup Is In 12"' house of younger one where as
II* lord of younger one Mars is In 9'" house of elder one. both
aspects each other. The brothers are very close to each other.


lag Mer

Ju;>(RJ K-:t M.,rs


R<ln 1.\a<s

Ven Jup(RJ


Moon t'.<'t La~


The Drekkana Drekkana and Relationship .wll :Wll/ll!gs

~ .h.p(R) Molts



Sun Lag
Moon Rah

3. In 03 of elder one lagna lord is Sat and In younger one It Is Mer.

Both are In S/9 axis. 3"'1ord of D3 of elder one Is M.ars placed In
9* house asp 3" house. I I"' lord Moon of 03 of younger one ls In
3"' house with 12., lord Sun. Oeblltated planets In 3"' house give
good results.
4. Karak Mars in ddec one is in 9"'house In both 0· I and D-3. Karka
lupin younger brother is in 12"'house In D-1 and S"'house in D-
3. In D·l and 0-3 they are In I /1 axis.
Their relations are harmoniums. But as both are In army they are
most of the time are away from each other. As we can see from the
charts that karak Iup Is In S"'and 12"'house In 0- I and 0-3 and Mars In
0-3 of elder one aspect 12"' house.

Elder- 28.09.73; 14.56; DELHI
Middle- 22.04.75; 18.55; DELHI
Younger-30.04.77; 20.45; DELHI

Notable Points
I The Natal lagna lord of eider one ls Saturn and Middle one is
Venus. They are In ZJ 12 axis- The lagna lord of Orekkana of these
two horoscopes are posited In Libra. The relation between
siblings follows the 2/12 and the elder brother looks after
younger brother who however tries to re buff hlm.
2. 1111 house of elder one Is Pisces. lord Is luplter placed In lagna In
debilitation. luplter Is placed In 6'~ house of middle one, The II"'
lord of middle one Is Sun placed In 7'll house. Sun Is placed In 9th
house of elder one shows enmity towards elder brother as
karaka. The placement of fuplte.r in 6* house promotes enmity

Drekkana and Relationship With Sib~ngs The Drekkana

M,m(R) t<e1


Rah Moon Sun

Lag Sun Ven Rah



Sal M.1•s(R)

Kel MOO<I Mer


Sun Mat$(R)

Rat1 Mer

and Sun In 9"' house aspected by 12"' lord Jupiter induces

3. In Drekkana : Elder one - 3"' lord is Jupiter has gone to the 6"'
house of younger one. II "'lord of Middle one gets debilitated In
lagna of elder one with 8"'1ord Sun.
4. Mars karak of younger brother is In 4"' house of elder one and is

Drekkana ana Relationship WIUI Sittings

Jup s..n ...~ ~

lkf ~

Mat• Cue~
Middle One
11:55 ~

Rah Lao

K~ Vrn Sun

~!.lrs Mer



Ju;l IU.'l

Moon K!!l Mars


l..,.. Ju:l

R.\!'1 5.11 'hn

retrograde. In Drekkana Mars is in 8"' house. Jupiter karak of elder

brother Is In 6* house of Drekkana and natal chart of Middle one.
The relation between the I st two brothers are Icy they do not
trust each other and remain aloof with each other. They are not on
good terms. As we can see from our parameters that houses Involves
ate sixth and eights.
The Drekkana
M~n s.... J~.;p
Vcn "''-"IR)

c... ~ S.l

lou llah Moon



S..l \len lag Met(R)

R.>n M.trs

Lag Kel




$.11 R.t~ Ju:l


Relationship between Middle One and the Younger One

I. Lagna lord of youngest is Mars and Middle one Is Venus. They
ate placed In 3/1 I axes.
2. ""of middle one lsJupiter placed In 7* house of youngest brother,
II m lord of youngest brother is Mercury placed In 7 111 house of

Theonwn. Drekkana and Relationship .wl/1 Siblings

Middle one. They are In 2/12 axes.

3. In Drekk.'""' : 1...1gna lord of Middle one Is Saturn and of the
Youngest brother Is Jupiter. They are In Z/12 ,"\XIs. In Orekkana of
Middle one. 3.,.1ord Mars is placed in the lagna of Youngest. II'"
lord of Youngest Is Saturn. who Is the lagna lord of Orekkana of
Middle one. Is exalted and is placed in 9"'house of middle one
4. Karak Mars is In 5"' house of Orekkana and natal horoscope of
Middle one and placed in lagna of Orekkana of Youngest brother.
Karak Jupiter of elder brother is placed In 7* house of Orekkana
and Natal chart of younger brother.
Through the study of these parameters we can see that all the
planets relating to 3"1 house and I I '"house are placed In good he ;ses.
Their axls Is very benefic even karka In both charts ate well placed. This
shows that they are having out standing relations with each other.
These two brothers are very dose with each other.

2 JAN 1977: I 1:36 am; (GIRL) Sister (younger)
f5/UNf 1913; 1:SO pm; (BOY) Eider(Brorher}
Notable Points
I. These are the horoscopes of brother and sister. Lagna lord of
chart one Is Jup and chart 2 is Venus, they are not friendly, Iup is
In Aries and Venus Is In Gemini. They are In 3/11 r'\XIS .
2. 1"' lord of chart 2 Is Jup which is debilitated In 4"' house. 1 I"' lord
of chart one Is Sat which is in Cancer aspect Its own house. In
chart 2. 3"'1ord Jup is debilitated- lup and Sat are In 4/IOaxis.
3. In 03 chart 1 lagna has Pisces rising and In chart 2 Aquarius is
rising, both are In 2J 12 axis. 3"'1ord of chart 2 Mars Is placed in
2.. house. In chart one. lie. lord Saturn Is placed In lagna. Both
Mars and Sat are In same rashi. that is Pisces. 3"" lord of chart 2 in
Oils Jup Influencing 4.,hou:se in 01 and 03 where as Mars 3*
lord of 03 Is influencing z:w~ house of chart 2.
4. Karka Mars of chart 2 Is In 6* house In D·l and In 2'"' house in
0·3. Karak Iup of elder brother is placed In Z,..house In RIK axis in
0·1 of chart I. In D-3 )up Is In I 0'" house with MMS and aspected
by Sat.
Chart I Is of sister and chart 2 is of the brother. Chart I native
want to get married to a boy of lower status and less educated than
her. Girl Is MBA working in MNC belongs to high status family. Her
family was against this match. Through the study of horoscopes we

Drekkana and Relationship with Siblings The Drekkana

find out, though their relationships are harmonious but due to dasha
pattern, the relation are now strained between them. Girl is running
RahuNenus/Venus is in 12111 house and Rahu Is in 8 111 house activating
218 axis and 6/12 axis. In boys chart dasha is Sun/Mars/Sun is placed
In 9"'houseasp 3"'house and In Rahu/Ketu axis and Mars placed in 6 111
Mars Ven
Sun Sal

Boy (Chart·2)
15JUNE 1973
Jup(R) 3:50PM

Rah Moon Lag

Ven Mer Jup(R)

Moon Mars


Mars Rah Jup(R) Sat


Lag Moon


The Drekkana Drekkana and Relationship with Siblings

Lag Ket Moon


Vco Case ·5 Sat(R)

2JAN 1977,

Sun Rah

Moon Mar~


Rah Ven Lag
Jup{R) Sun

Lag Ket
Sat(R) Sun



Mars Rah Moon


house. Girl will not obey as her Sun and Mars are dlgballln 0-1 chart
and the D-3 chart.

9Japter 6
Drekkana and Disease
The word • Arlshtd" Is Universal. Whenever certain events do not
go our way we tend to get disheartened. what we do not realize is
that those chain of events might cubninate Into something which is
beneficial to us eventually. Foc example ·rever", considered an
"Arishta" Is lust a symptom of an ailment In your body .Its cure might
be finally leading to the cure of that ailment which you are not aware
of. Hence cure of the "Arishta" leads to the cure of what Is actually
affecting you.
Astrology Is based on the principles of "Kanna" of all previous
and cm·rent births .It says 'ih~ negative energy accumulated during all
the births manifests Itself as "Arishta"
Vedic mythology believes that the decay of positive (l'tmy.t) and
negative (Paap) energy leads to NIRVANA. The benefit of mankind lies
In the decay of Negative energy through • Arlsht.l"
Arishta can be physlc.11, mental or spiritual. Thls article would
help In Identifying the symptoms for those • Arlsht.l" through
"Drekkana". Let us also see how the horoscope can help In Identifying
the • Arlsht.tS"
Ascendent, Moon and Sun ate the three pillars of human
personality. Even If one of them Is weak It may cause Imbalance in the
personality leading to physical aliments (Lagna). mental (Moon) and
spiritual agonies (Sun). A methodology has been developed to
identify these ailments through "Sud.ushdn"c:hMr,1
The purpose of this paper is to locate the seat of disease in body
with the help of Drekkana but before we proceed to Drekkana. we will
see factors, which are responsible In natal mart.
Sixth house Is the house of disease whicl1 every horoscope has
but In practical we observe that some people fall m very often while
some remain healthy without much care It happens so because some
people have disease free body while some have disease prone body.
Factor responsible for disease free body and un-amkted mental

The Drekkana Dnskkana and Disease

1. Strong and well fortified Ascendant (Lagna) - Lagna becomes

strong due to following factors--
A. Benefic occupation
B. Benefic Aspect
C. Vargottam Lagna
D. Rajyogas formed In Lagna
E. Lagna Is aspected by Lagna lord
F. Lagna lord present in Lagna
G. Lagna in Shubha Kartarl
2. Strong Lagna lord - Strong Lagna lord Indicates sound health.
A planet becomes strong when--
A. It Is Vargottam
B. Exalted (good Avastha)
C. In his own house or friendly house
D. Situated m angles or trines
E Associated with benefics
F Aspected by benefics or conjunct with benefic
G. In Shubha Kartarl
H. If It goes Into benefic Navamsha or Drekl<ana.
3. Moon - Moon Is the Karaka of mind. Mind controls over the
body that is why a strong Moon extends good resistance. Moon
becomes strong when -
A. It Is associated with many plants
B. If Moon Is in Kendra or trine
C. If Moon Is not In 6/8/12 houses
D. If benefics present in 6'h, 7"' and 8* house from Moon
(Adhl Yoga)
E. If It Is Vargottam.
F. If in Gajkesarl yoga.
G. Moon should have Paksha BaJa.
4. Malcl'lcs In 3. 6. II houses Increases - fighting capacity.
5. Benefics In trines and angles
6. Strong 8* lord
7. Strong Atma Karaka- position of AK in Angles or trines Is good.
8. Placement of Mandl In 3. 6. II * houses.
9. Saturn In 8* house
10. If 6"' house and 6"' lord are influenced by benellcs
II. If Lagna lord is stronger than Sixth lord.
12. Nature of the sign presents in 6* house show the fighting
capacity of a person. This is per the following pattern:
Fiery >Earthy >Airy >Warery

Dnskkana and Disease That

13. Sun Is natural Karaka of health. If It Is strong and Influenced by

benefics. It provide good health.
14. If l•'tak.l h.avt! good C>.\s.t1a i.e.
A. Dasha of benefics.
B. Dasha Nal.h not related to trick house or Its lords.
C. Dasha of exalted or Vargottam piMet
IS. Transit - If transiting planets ate not lnftuendng trick houses
along with Lagna or Moon and are activating benefic houses and

Factors responsible for disease prone body

I. Lagna
A. Lagna in Paap Kartarl
B. Debilitated planets In Lagna
c. Occupied by or aspected by maleftcs.
D. Presence of Malefic Yogas
2. Lagna Lord: Lagna Lord becomes weak when 1
A It Is placed in trick houses.
B. In Paap Kartarl
c. Debilitated
D. Aspected or associated by maleflcs.
3. Moon
A. Moon In 6'"• 8"'. 12"' house. 8"' house Moon give
B. Moon In Paap Kartarl
c. Moon In Rahu Ketu axis
D. Moon debilitated
4. When 6• house. 6* lord Is ill placed.
S. When 6"' house and 6" lord are stronger than Lagna lord
6. Maleflcs present in trines and angles.
7. Benefics In 8* house.
8. Weak Atma Karaka and Natural AK Sun.
9 WeakS"' lord.
10. Placement of Mandl in Trines or angles.
I I. Saturn debilitated or lnlmlc.ally placed In 8"' house.
12. No Retrograde planet Is welcomed In horoscope for good health.
13. Afflicted luminaries ate also bad for health
14. Adverse Dasha (Dasha of Trick houses lord In Natal chart. in
Drekkana. Navamsha and Dwadashamsa) Is bad for health, Dasha
of debilitated planet and lnlmlc.ally placed planet Is also bad for

The Drekkana

15. Adverse Translt.

16. Sa.we S.ltl.
Onset of Disease
1 01~ may appear In the Dasha of Mar.alta~ described by
Sage Parashar for every L.agna.
2. Dasha of maleflcs which ate connected with Lagna or Lagna lord
because Lagna represent body.
3. Dasha of planets which are In Rahu Ketu axis.
4. Dasha of those planets which are known as Chldra graha. Chidra
grahas are-
a. 8* lord.
b. Planets situated in 8"' house.
c. Planets aspecting 8"' house.
d. Planet wlrh 8"' lord.
e. Planets In 64• Navamsha.
r. Planet enemy of 64" Navamsha lord.
g. Planets In Mrifyubhag.
h. Planet who Is 85° DwaD.!shamsh.1 lord.

Planets in Khar and Mrityu Drekkana

Khar Drekkana- Every sign has 3 Drekkanas of 10 degree. 22 •
Drekkana counted from the Rising Drekkana In Lagna Is known as Khar
Drekkana. Lord of thls Drekkana is known as Kharesh. It has ability to
give disease or death.
Planet which are in 8"' house both In R.uhl chart and Drekkana
chart are Khar planets. They also give adverse results.
Mrltvu Drekkana Planets which .\tr pl.l<:ed m 4" and 12"'
house of R.lshl Chart and simultaneously placed In 8* house In D-3
c:h.ut are In Mrityu Drekkana.
Karaka planets placed in Mrityu Drekkana cause hardship and
unnatural death to relatives represented by them.

Use of Drekkana to locate disease prone body

I. If Mars becomes the Lagna lord of D-3 chart Jataka Is prone to
disease (See Horoscope of Cancer Lagna (17 10-54). 00-52 AM.
Allahabad) has Scorpio rising In D-3 chart. that Is-
If Birth Lagna Is In 2nd Drekkana of Cancer,
2. If the Sun Is In Its own Drekkana lataka Is sickly,
3. Sun In Drekkana of Saturn Is bad for health.
4. Moon In Drekkana of Saturn makes the jataka sickly.

Drekkana and Disease The Drekkana

5. Saturn 1n rising Drekkana indicates disease prone body.

Use of Drekkana to determine nature of Disease

I. When Mars is In Drekkana of Sun native suffers from the disease
of Mouth and Eyes.
2. In its own Drekkana Mars makes the native sickly
3. In the Drekkana of Mars. Jupiter troubled a jataka from Pitta and
eye disease.
4. jataka suffers from minor diseases if Venus Is present In Drekkana
of Mars.
5. Maleflcs In 5"' and 9* and Saturn In rising Drekkana Indicate
disease prone body.
6. Mars In place of Saturn in rising Drekkana Indicates death; Sun
shows disease. deformity or death.

Use of Drekkana to locate seat of disease

Every sign has 3 Drekkana of I 0" each. 3 Drekkana represent 3
division of body.
I. (0- I 0) Represent Head and face.
2. (Ia:' -20°) Neck to Navel.
3. (10' ·30'1 Pelvis to Feet.
Any Drekkana rising in L.agna will always represent body parts
from head to face and corresponding Drekkana will represent balance
part of the body. Similarly planets will also represent body parts
accordingly to rising Drekkana in L.agna. For example If there Is first
Drekkana in L.agna the planets in I" Drekkana 10·1 0 ) will represent
and face, the planets in I D-20 degree will represent Neck to
Navel and planets In 20-30 degree will represent Pelvis to Feet.
lf2"" Drekkana will rise in L.agna planet In J0-20degree represent
body parts from head to mouth, planet in 20-30 degree will represent
Neck to navel and planet In 0-10 degrees represent Pelvis to Feet.
If 3• Drekkana will rise in L.agna planet In 20 to 30 degrees
represent body parts head and face. planet In 0-10 degree represent
Neck to navel and planets in 10-20 degree will show Pelvis to Feet.
See t.lble.
When a particular Drekkana have malefic Influence part of the
body represented by that Drekkana gets disease.

Cause of Death According to Ashtamastha R:lshl of Drekkana

(Jatak Tatwa)
For any Sign there are 3 Drekkanas. L.agnas of these three

TM~ Drekkana and Disease

House 0·10" ( 1 "Drekk•m~) 10·20" [2r;a Drekkana) 20·30* [l~ Drekkana)

I Hc.cl Nedl Pervb
II Right ~ye Righi Shoulder Organ cf generation
3RD R~hl ur Right Arm ~I testicle
rv R igl\l Nostril ~side ol body Rigi11 ~~~
v Right tneek Right side or Heart Righi knee
VI Right Jaw Ris.l'll Lung & Breast Right c.:t
VII Moull'l Na\13 l~~& Feel
V3RD left Jaw Left Lung & Breast left Cart
IX Len cheek Left SlOe of Hearl left knee
X Left Nostril Left sido of body Leftlhigh
XI Left Ear Left Arm Left testicle
XII loll Eye Left Shoulder Anus

Drekkanas should have the specified signs in their 8"' house. Aries sign
has 3 Drekkanas. Aries. Leo and S..lglttarlus, the first Drekkana of Aries
Rises In the 8* house of Drekkana chart. the cause of death would be
as Indicated In I A. When 2., Drekkana of Aries that Is Leo rises in the
8* house of the Drekkana chart. the cause of death would be as
indicated in lB. When 3* Drekkana of Aries I.e. Sagittarius rise in the
8* house of the Drekkana chart. the cause of death would be as
indicated in I C. Below for ease of understanding the ASC of the Natal
Ch<\11, which would have the right Drekkana chan that conforms to the
Jataka Tatva statement has been given.
I A - First Drekkana of Aries rising In 8* house I.e. Lagna In I"
Drekkana of Virgo, (I.e. Virgo rising in the Drekkana lagna will give
Aries as the Ashti\maslh R..'\Shl) -death due to Imbalance ofBile.
I B - 2nd Drekkana of Aries rising in 8* I.e. Lagna In 2"" Drekkana
of Virgo- death due to water. It may be because of water born disease
such as diarrhea etc.
IC - 3.,. Drekkana of Aries rising In 8* house I.e. Lagna in 3"'
Drekkana of Virgo. Death due to fall in deep well or death due to fall
near such places where water is present.
2A - I" Drekkana of Taurus rising in 8* house I.e. Lagna In 1"
Drekkana of Libra - death due to Chatushpad animals.
ZB -2nd Drekkana of Taurus rising In 8* house I.e. Lagna In 2""
Drekkana of Libra - Death due to fire or theft.
2C - 3" Drekkana of Taurus rising In 8"' house I.e. Lagna In 3"'
Drekkana of Libra- Death due to full from higher place or from horse's
3A- I"Drekkana of Mlthuna rising In 8 111 house I.e. Lagna In I"
Drekkana of Scorpio- Death due to Vayu Vlk.lr or Shwas Vlkur.

Drekkana and Disease The Drekkana

38 - 2,., Drekkana of Mlthuna rising In 8* house I.e. Lagna In 2""

Drekkana of Scorpio - Death due to Vaat. l'ltt.a. and Kapha Vlkar.
3C - 3"' Drekkana of Mithuna rising In 8 111 house I.e. Lagna In 3"'
Drekkana of Scorpio - death due to vehicle or In lonely place like
4A - I" Drekkana of Cancer rising In 8"' house I e. I" Drekkana of
Sagittarius rising In Lagna- death due to cholera or poison Intake.
48 - 2001 Drekkana of Cancer rising in 8111 house I.e. Lagna In 2nd
Drekkana of Sagittarius - Death due to poison or dysentery.
4C - 3"' Drekkana of Cancer (Sarpa Drekkana) In 8* house I.e.
Lagna in 3"' Drekkana of Sagittarius -death due to Delirium.
5A - I Drekkana of Leo rising In 8* house I.e. Lagna In I"
Drekkana of Capricorn - Death due to Bacterial or Viral Infection.
Infection comes through the water.
58 - 2"" Drekkana of Leo in 8* house i.e. Lagna In 2001 Drekkana of
Capricorn - Death due to infection in wind pipe or lungs.
5C - 3"' Drekkana of Leo In 8* house Lagna In 3"' Drekkana of
Capricorn -death due to vehicle or poison.
6A- I" Drekkana of Virgo in 8th house I.e. Lagna In I" Drekkana
of Aquarius - Death due to disease of Brain, hemorrhage of brain.
68 - 2,., Drekkana of Virgo in 8" house I.e. Lagna In 2,., Drekkana
of Aquarius- death due to fear of King (May be Phansi) or fall from Fort
or Mountain.
6C - 3d Drekkana of Virgo rising In 8"' house I.e. Lagna In 3"'
Drekkana of Aquarius - Death due to fall from the back of horse or
7 A - I" Drekkana of Libra In 8"' house I.e. Lagna In I" Drekkana of
Pieces- death due to fall or from animal or woman.
78 - 2,.., Drekkana of Libra in 8"' house i.e. Lagna In 2nd Drekkana
of Pieces - death due to Ulcer. Tumor.
7C - 3"' Drekkana of Libra rising in 8* house i.e. Lagna In 3"
Drekkana of Pieces- death due to snake bite or water.
8A- I" Drekkana of Scorpio rising in 8 111 house I.e. Lagna in I"
Drekkana of Aries - Death due to polson or weapon.
88 - 2001 Drekkana of Scorpio rising In 8 111 house I.e. Lagna in 2""
Drekkana of Aries - Death due to fatigue or fall of weight.
8C - 3"' Drekkana of Scorpio rising in 8"' house I.e. Lagna in 2nd
Drekkana of Aries- death due to fall of wood, stone or landslide.
9A- I" Drekkana of Sagittarius rising In 8"' house I.e. Lagna In 1"
Drekkana of Taurus - Death due to Vayu Vlkar or Plies.
98 - 2"" Drekkana of Sagittarius rising In 8"' house I.e. Lagna In 2,.,

Thl Drekkana Drekkana and Disease
Drekkana of Taurus - Death due to poison or hitting by bow or any
9C - 3'" Drekkana of Sagittarius in 8* house I.e. Lagna In 3"'
Drekkana o' Taurus - death due to animal live In water or stomach
I OA- I' DrdOOln.l ol Caprfcom rl~ng In SW' houSt! 1.~. Lagna in 1•
Drekkana of Gennni - Death due to snakebite or Scorpio or Pig.
I OB - 21011 Drekkana of Capricorn rising in 8"' house I.e. Lagna in
2..., Drekkana of Gennni - Death due to snake bite. Rahu represent
snak~. so death may be due to Rahu related disease for example-
I OC -3m Drekkana of Capricorn rising In s~· house In 3'~ Drekkana
of Gennni - Death due to theft. flre. hitting from weapon fore or high
IIA-1" Drekkana of Aquarius rising in 8* house I.e. Lagna In I •
Drekkana of Cancer- death due to sex disease.
I I B - 2 .. Drekk.lna of Aquarius rlslng In s~ house le Lagna in 2°
Drekkana of Cancer - Death due to Diabetes.
liC - 3* Drekkana of Aquarius rising in 8* housel.e. Lagna in3"'
Drekkana of Cancer - Death due to poison.
I2A - 111 Drekkana of Pieces rising in 8* house 1.~. Lagna in I"
Drekkana of Leo - Death due semen related disease or Gulma disease
(a disease related to spleen or llver.
128 - 2"" Drekkana of Pieces rising In 8"' house I.e. Lagna In 2"'
Drekkana of Leo - Death due to water born disease for example
pleurisy or death due to drowning or death may be due to alligator or
12C- 3" Drekkana of Pisces rising In 8* house I.e. Lagna In 3"'
Drekkana of Leo- Death due to repulsive disease such as Leprosy or
venereal disease.

22... Drekkana and Cause of Death

Some illustrations
Case I
D.O.B. Z1·1·46lT.OB. 16:33.00 hrs.; ROB. JAIPUR
First of all we must see whether latak has disease free or disease
prone body.
Log no
I. Lagna has Rahu Kett1 axis.
2. Retrograde 6"' and 8"' lords are in Lagna.
Drllk/<1111 and Disease

c.... 1

Ket Jup


Sun Sai(R)




3. In all Lagna have 4 malefic Influences.

4. jupltet and Lagna lord Is aspecting Lagna.
Lagna Lord
I. Lagna lord is in Rahu Ketu axis.
2. In Navamsha it is In enemy sign.
I. Moon Is aspected by malefic Saturn.
2 In Navamsha It is in debilitation
3. From Moon Lagna. Moon is 12e.1ord In Lagna
Atma Karaka
I. Atma Karaka Is Saturn who is vargottam.
IJU' Lord
8* lord Saturn Is strong because It Is vargottam but It is the 64"'
Navamsha lord ollso. From Moon Jupiter Is B"'lord situated In 3rd house
In Inimical sign.
Thus we can see that Jataka has more malefic than the beneHc
points but at the same time must have Hghtlng capacity because of

Dreklama a11d Disease

I.~R) Mooo R.VI



Ven Mer

Ket Lag

aspect of luplter and Lagna lord to Lagna.

Strong 8"' lord and vargottam Saturn can also give a good life
span to jataka.
Case History • lataka lead a smooth and healthy nre almost till
the end of Jupiter Dasha. In fup/Rahu/Ketu . he felt some problem in
urination and In neck and after examination he was told that he has
Cancer In Prostate gland.fup/RahJVen started on 18/10/2003 and he
was operated on 17/1 0/ZOOl foc removal of rr~tate gland.

Use of Drekkana to locate seat of disease

Second Drekkana Is rising in the Lagna so all the planets which
are In I" Drekkana will represent organs which are located In Pelvis to
feet region.
All the planets of the running Dasha (Dasha at the time of
detection and operation) lup!Rahu/Ketu and Jup/Rahu/Venus are In I"
Drekkana so the disease appeared in Prostate gland (Pelvic region).
Ven Is 22oc1 Drekkana lord (Kharesh) and Karnka of sex organs.
Rahu Is the planet with 8* lord Satum and 6* lord Mars. Saturn Is
64* Navamsha lord .
fupltel' Is 7' lord (Maraka planet) and Inimical to Lagna lord

Case • 2 Mars as Drekkana Lagna Lord (diseased body)

D.O.B. f 7- f 0-54; T.O.B. 00:52.00hrs.;P.O.B. ALLAHABAD (UP)
L.,gn., Is In 2nc1 Drekkana of Cancer so that Mars became Lagna
lord of Drekkana chart. lataka always feels sick, takes medicines
varying Ayurved. Homeopathy or Allopathy.
Doctor says that he gets stomach disorders due to mental
tension. which seems to be correct because Lagna lord moon Itself Is

Drekkana and Disease The Drekkana


Cne·2 Lao
17·10-54 Jup
1.1.1~ AlliN! bid (UP)

Rah Vcn S.11 Sun




Lag Moon Sun

Rah Sun Mer


Sat Jup


li!g Kct

Karaka of mind and is in 12"' house In Rahu - Ketu axis. In D-3 chart.
Moon is in 8 111 house with Mer. Me is ZZ"" Drekkana lord (Kharesh) and
In Mrityu Drekkana.
He Is significator of Paternal uncle) Marna. As the Karaka placed
in Mrityu Drekkana cause unnatural death to relatives represented by

them jatakd's paternal uncle actually died of Cancer of Urinary bladder
at the age of SO.

0.0.8. 6-7·1913; T.O.B.I 2:4*00 hrs.; ROB. Indore (MP)

Jataka of Kanya Lagna always has always had some stomach
problem such as Colitis. diarrhea etc
Lagna Is In 3"' Drekkana of Kanya so all planets In 0 to 10 will
represent portion from neck to navel.
Saturn Is the fifth lord of natal horoscope representing
stomach and of three degrees thus representing portion from
Neck to Navel. Malefic influence further Intensified due to Rahu
Ketu axis and conjunction with f 2"' lord Sun. which Is a natural
Karaka of health and stomach.
Saturn/Rahu she was admitted to hospital due to dlarrheia.
~~ l(e!

C11e • 3 Ven
8-7·1973 Mer
Jup(H) lnd1rg1rh (MP)

R<!h L;!9

P.'oQOI'1 Sun .h.PiRI



Sd1 ~~

Drekkana and Disease

RA~ l.>~ Sat


s.., M.lls

Ve11 K~t P.'Ootl

0.0.824·3·1952; T.O.B. 12:13:00 hrs.; P.O.B.Konpur (UP)
I. Lagna has no planet and no aspect.
I. Lagna lord Mereu!}' Is In Ia-' house (Kendra).

'·~ La·~
Vcn Caso ·4
Rah 24·3·1952
K<~npur(UPI Ket

I.Urs 5.1~RI

2. It Is debilitated but lupiter Is causing Neecha Bhang.

3. In Navamsha Lagna lord is Vargottam and again with benefic
Moon and luplter.
I. Moon Is with benefic Venus and malefic Rahu
2. Moon slgn lord is in Kendra although It is 8' from It.
3. In Navamsha it is In friends sign.
Atma Karaka
I. It Is In Kendra (Jup).

Drekl«<na and Disease

l.><J ..,,
~.~ Ke!



Rah Sun


~v 5<11

~RI ~


2. It Is In Swarashl In lanma Lagna and Navamsha both.

8'" Lord
I. 8* lord Saturn Is strong being in Kendra and In friend's sign.
2. In Navamsha also it Is In friend's sign.
It is evident that lataka has more benefic points regarding disease
free body. In reality Jamk Is enjoying good health till date at the age of
55 years

Case- 5
D.O.B.I3·1 1·1964: T.O.B. 16:00:00 hrs.; RO.B.Delhi
1 Lagna Is Aries aspected by only one malefic Saturn. It has two
natural benlfic Moon and Jupiter (4* and 9* lord)
Lagna lord Is Mars again aspected by Satmn
Lagna and Moon sign are same.

Drekkana and Disease The Drekkana

Moon Rah

Sal Cau-5
Delhi Mara

Mer Van

Ket Lag


Mer Moon

Jup Sal Ven


Lag Van

Sal Mar
Rah Moon

Jup Sun

Atma Karaka
Atma karaka Is Venus In 6~~'~ house and debilitated.
IJ'llford and House
8th lord Is Mars which Is Lagna lord also and It Is debilitated in

Drekkana and Disease

Navamsha which seems to be alarming.

8* house Is afflicted by two maleflcs and 6* lord Mercury. Saturn
the natural significator of Aayu Ls connected with Mars In Natal and
Navamsha both. Saturn Is the 8* lord of Navamsha present In 6* house
of Navamsha In the Sign of Mars.
Thus we can see mat house and lord of Aayu Bhava are afflicted
(I.e. 8* lord and 8* house.)
Case History: This Is the horoscope of a female who died on 19-
2-2006. Stomach Cancer was diagnosed In the month of April 2005.
Earlier she had continuous fever, which was Incurable. At the time of
diagnosis Dasha was Rahu!RahuJMercury.
Rahu Is responsible for any type of growth and Mercury Is 6"' lord
In 8"' house with 12m lord Sun and In Rahu-Ketu ,'\XIS. In Navamsha
Mercury Is L.agna lord again in the B"' house. At the time of Death
Pratyanter Dasha was of Moon which Is znc~ lord (M.vaka Bhava)
situated In the Aayu Bhava{3"' house).
5* lord Sun Is placed In 8* house Y.1th 6* lord Mercury and in
Rahu-Ketu axis so from Janma L.agna seat of disease may be stomach
or near by region.

Use of Drekkana to locate the seat of Disease

1• Drekkana Is rising in L.agna so the planets In 2nd and 3*
Drekkana will show stomach and the region below the pelvis. Mercury
Is In 3"' Drekkana, In the Pratyanter Dasha of Mercury disease is
diagnosed In the area of naval and Rahu Is In 3"' Drekkana. Therefore
the disease appeared In the Maha Dasha and Anter Dasha of Rahu, so
Cancer Is spread In stomach and nearby area In R.r.lhu·Rahu-Mercury
Dasha and finally she died.
Sun Is Khar planet (Sun in 8* house In Natal and Drekkana both)
for this horoscope which Is 5* lord and natural significator of Stomach
which again shows that horoscope can be a victim of stomach ailment.

In the end we know that through Drekkana we can Identify the
possibility of an ARISHTA In the body Astrology not only helps in
Identifying Arishta but It also suggests its cure. Arishta should be
considered as the decay of negative energy and the best way out is to
bear It for some time. If the Arishta becomes intolerable Mah,,mrltunnjay
mantra along with Moon sign Mantras might h«

chapter 7

Drekkana Past and

The Future Birth
The Hindu philosophy is not concerned only With the present life
of a person. It believes In series of lives for every '.:~tma', Naturally
therefore there Is a belief In rebirth in that philosophy. Many things
have been connected with the past and present lives of a person. It is
believed that the status of our present life depends on the merits and
demerits of our past life! and that those who do good and meritorious
things in their past life get happiness In their present life and vice
As the Bhagawad Geeta is the essence of all the philosophy of
the Upanishads, we find there in good many references to rebirth and
the effect of merit and demerit of the past life on the present one. The
mention of the cycle of birth and death is clearly stated thus In the
One who Is born IS sure to die &. one who dies Is bound to be
reborn. (Geeta 11/27)
Adya Shankaracharya has also referred to this belief In his as
follows: (Birth comes again, death again follows and you again lie
down In the womb of your mother).
Though thls cycle of birth ana death Is referred to In the Hindu
philosophy as above, we have also to note how the Hindu philosophers
looked at death. The ancient philosophers considered the human body
to comprise of five basic elements. which pervade trie whole universe.
They ar~· earth. w.,ter. frre, wind and Ak.lash. Now the death is
described as: meaning that the body has disintegrated and that
all the elements which had Joined together to fonn the body
have merged Into the original elements and have become one
with them. Death has been described as a so very simple happening
In one Shloka of the Bhagawad-Geeta it has been described that death
is a natural consequence and that it follows a series of events, which
start fum the birth as follows :·
(Just as there ate different stages in the human life like the
Drekkana Past llld The Future Birth

childhood, youth and old age. similarly the next one is death. A
philosopher does not therefore worry about ltl. (Ch IV13)
The Hindu philosophy has a distinct conception of the atma*.
who enters a body and leaves it when the body becomes useless for
housing him. After describing the immortality of the soul at length
therefore Lord Krishna describes death as follows :-
(Just as a man throws away his old and worn out garments and
wears new Olle$, similarly the soul leaves the worn out bodies and
enters Into new ones). (Ch 11/22]
When death Is considered so simple as the changing of old
clothes and wearing new ones. then how will there be any sorrow for
inevitable death or how will there be any fear for death?
Ufe after death also has been described In the ninth canto of the
Bhagawadgeeta. The traditional belief In this respect Is of the heaven
and hell. The persons who are wicked and do bad. deeds during their
present life are supposed to go to hell for undergoing punishment for
their had de«<s. while the meritorious persons go to heaven for the
good deeds done by them In this fife. The future of the meritorious
persons has been described as follows :-
(Those, who observe the functions described in the three vedas
viz. Rlgvcda, Yalurveda and Samaveda and who are free from sins.
worship me by means of sacrifice; and expect to go to heaven by
virtue of their merit. They go (after death) to the dty of gods and enjoy
many ple,\Sures, which ate commonly enjoyed only by the Gods).
These pleasures are not enjoyed permanently by the meritorious
persons rcl'errcd to In the above shlok.ln the very next Shloka the Lord
(After enjoying the pleasures of heaven, these persons are reborn
on the earth when their merit gets over. The people who thus observe
the functions described in the three Vedas. go on traveling from
heaven to earth) (Ch 6/41 &. 42)
Lord Sri Krishna has thus described the concepts of the Hindu
people about merit. demerit and about the heaven and earth and the
fruits that ate obtained by the respective people after their death. It
will be seen that the Idea of rebirth has been clearly described in the
different Shlok.\S quoted above, which Is the usual trend of the Hindu
Having thus accepted the theory of rebirth. we become Inquisitive
to know whether we get some Indication In the Bhagawad Geeta
about the next birth. Can we say something about the next birth of a
person after l<nowlng his way of behaviour In this birth? Yes. we get

Drekkana Past and The Future Birth The Dnskkana

some clue In this respect In the 6* Chapter of the Bhagavad-Gita

where Abhyasayoga has been described by the Lord to his disciple
Arjuna. In the beginning of this unto, the lord has defined yoga and
after that he has described how a person should sit and meditate so as
to become a yogi. Though Lord Shree Krishna was a great scholar, his
student Arjuna also was a perfect match. He was constantly expressing
his doubts in many ways and the Lord was coolly replying to his
doubts without getting annoyed. Thus after describing yoga and the
way In which a yogi should meditate. the Lord has enumerated the
different benefits that a yog) gets by means of meditation. Arjuna
however noted in the speech of the Lord that the concentration of the
mind was very essential for meditation. He however doubted how far
concentration would be possible in view of the fickleness of the mind.
which is its chief trend. He therefore raises the following doubt (0
Lord Krishna, the mind Is ever changing, powc:rful, wayward and
difficult to mould. I. therefore, feel that controlling It must be
very difficult like having control over the wind). (Ch Vl/34)
To this doubt of hl5 disciple Lord Shree Krishna gave a reply that
it Is no doubt difficult to control the mind which 15 quite fickle: but He
added that by practice you can get control over your mind and
therefore practice Is essential.
After getting the above reply from the Lord. Arjuna raised a
further doubt In this respect as follows-
(0 Krishna, If after having full faith In Yoga a person Is not able to
achieve the Slddhl I.e. complete fruit of yoga due to lack of proper
effort on his side, then what happens to such a person? What end 15
met by such a person?) (Ch Vl/37)
As good deeds are never w.utcd. the Lord gives In the following
shloka a straight reply to the above doubt that a person doing good
deeds never comes to a bad stale.
(Oh Arjuna, such a person, who has done good deeds will never
perish neither in this world nor in the next. No one. who does good
deeds, ever comes to a bad state). (Ch Vl/40)
Lord Krishna knew the way of thinking of his disciple Arjuna. He
himself therefore thought that such a general reply will not satisfy his
disciple. He therefore dcllnltely tells In the very next ShJoka what
happens to such people In their following birth.
(Such a per.100, who is distracted from yoga. gets fora JOOg time
all the pleasures which all meritorious people get and is reborn in a
family which b pious and rich) (Ch VV41)
The above Shlok.l though meant lor clearing the doubts of
The Drekkana Drekkana Past and The Future Birth

Arjuna. does not only dear his doubts. It helps we common people
also to solve so many riddles that we commonly meet In our life.
Whenever we come across some prodigies, we often get baffled and
we do not know how to account for the high degree of Intelligence
noticed In some people and also their wonderful achievements In their
very early age. The reply of this doubt Is given above by Lord Krishna
that the achievements of these persons In their past life are carried by
them In the next life and therefore they have not to start every thing
from ABC. Their past achievements help them to come to a certain
level from which they have to go ahead and make further progress,
which other persons of the same age are not at all able to reach. In
order to verify the truth of the above statement, we may just cast a
glance at the biographies of three prominent personalities viz. Adl
Shankaracharya. Cinyaneshwar and Shrl Sal Baba. At a very early age
when others start learning. ail the above three personalities appear to
have made a very remarkable progress and achieved much knowledge
by which they stood head and shoulders above their contemporaries.
It b not necessary to refer to the lnddents in the life of these persons as
they are commonly known by the devotees In the spiritual nne: but lf
we remember them mentally we shall find a solution for their high
achievements In a very early age and also for thdr wonderful
knowledge In different branches. It b because of their penance, which
they have done In their past life.

Astrological Study of Rebirth

It Is a common saying In Sanskrit that "sradhyam Agnl Samldhate"
means that If you have faith then It could light the sacrificial fire.
Therefore the entire discussion in this chapter will be based on that
indomitable faith that we have for our astrological and mythological
faith. Faith leads you to belief in many things that cannot be proved by
physical science.
In certain personalities we see those qualities attributable to our
puranlc Gods. Whereas some people could be Identified with the
animal Instincts. Such division could be possible by everyday
observation and characterization of human beftrgs by ourselves. It
seems that such the division of various LOKAS have been done on thb
basis. The planets have been attributed with the LOKAS. may be due
to their Inherent char ACterlstlcs: -
(uplter Devloka
Moon and Venus Pltrlloka
Sun or Mars llryak Loka or Bhuloka

Drekkana PaSland The Future Bvm The Drekkana

Mercury Or Saturn Narak

Further explanation of the system can be done in the following
manner. Astrological explanation have been sought for the
determination ot human mental state ot affairs and application in
Dreshkans. L.1ghujatal< states that if Sun Is in the Dreskan of Mercury
and Moon Is In the Dreshkan of Jupiter then it should be determined
that the individual will try to bring an equilibrium between the desire
and carnal satisfaction and godly benevolences. Because Moon the
determinant of mind Is placed with the knowledge giver Jupiter. Who
so ever Is stronger ot these two ( Sun or Moon) and Its Dreshkan lord
will indicate the individuals previous birth accomplishments or LOKAS
or region that he belonged.
The division or the distinction belongs to the mental plane. It has
been attributed with four clear distinctions. In the innermost
subconscious plane lies the Tranquility which Is attributed with the
DE.VLOK or total Godliness and the highest plane of the mind. Nothing
could disturb this plane. There are people around us with such
qualities even today. Immediately following the plane lies the outer
subconscious which Is delineated by our ancestral traditions which
propels us to the correct path of progress and existence. This LOKA or
the plane Is stated to be Pltrl-loka. The family traditions gives the
Inhibition to stay away from bad deeds. Following Pltriloka we come
towards the material world of desire and its satisfaction. This Is with
everybody yet with certain qualitative differences. Individuals belonging
to this LOKA are conscious about their self and self defined world.
Mind Is the tool to create heaven or hall as the saying goes. As such
this division of mental plane (the conscious plane) Is called Narak or
Naralok. And finally the lowest division is l'auslok, where an Individual
lives and behaves like an animal mostly to survive and hurt others.
They neither care nor think about the consequences of their activity.
Their animal Instinct even turns them into a careless killer.
Astrological divisions of four LOKAS or regions ate therefore
nothing but the division created from different layers of mental
activity. And these should be correlated as such. Mind is divided into
two sections (a) Sub conscious and ( bl Conscious. The subconscious
mind again is subdivided Into two layers. Tranquility total or Devloka
and Pltriloka. The conscious mind similarly has two clear distinctions.
(a) Mind that acts as the reality determines. which Is self driven. (b)
Lastly a mind, which has nothing but animal Instinct, Believes only
satisfaction of carnal desires. Our great seers must have created such

The Drekkana Drekkana Past and The Future Birth

The factors discussed above will help us to determine our

continuous life cycle and give an astrological expression to the same.
Look for the Sun and Moon. whichever is the stronger (use shadbal)
note the Drekkana It has gone to. The Drekkana lord will Indicate the
plane from where the Individual has taken his birth.
Let us now look into the Brihat Parashar Hora to guide us to
resolve lhls question. Brihat Parashar states that. If the stronger planet
between the Sun and Moon Is in the Drekkana of Jupiter, the jatak has
come from Devlok. In the Drekkana of Venus or Moon he has come
from l'ltrllok and If In the Drekkana of Sun and Mars he has come from
Bhulok whereas Mer and Saturn denotes Naralok.
Brihat P.ush." Hora further talks about the lok to which an
Individual will go after his death. To determine such an Important
aspect one needs to study the 6/7/8"' house from Ascendant. Jupiter
in these houses indicate Devlok. MoonNenus Indicate Pltrllok and
Sun/M.1rs Indicate Bhulok. Mercury/Saturn points towards Naralok)
Adholokl If there are more than one planet In these houses then take
the stronger of them to find out where the jatak b destined to go after
his death. If there are no planets In these houses I.e. 6/7/8 then
proceed as foiiO\YS:• Examine 6" and a-' house. Go to the Drekkana
chart and find out where are the 6a:L and 8"L poslled Stronger of
these two lords will Indicate the lok to which the jatak Is destined to
go after his death.
The avast ha (Ucchadl) Indicates of the status of the latak. A
planet In 115 exaltation Indicates the highest status and It becomes
lowest If the planet Is In Its debilitation.

Example -1
In the Drekkana chart Moon b placed with Sat and Musln the
11 .. H. But Sun the 6L Is posited in Lagan with Venus another benefic in
the house of a friend and benlfic Jupiter. As such Sun is the stronger of
the two. Thb Sun Is In the Drekkana of Jupiter which b Indicative that
the lndlvldu.ll has come from DEVLOKA. The vargottam Lagna and
the vargottam Sun Is a dear indication of the plane and him holding a
good and respectable position in his previous birth In the Devloka.

Where will the individual go after death?

Drekkana c.h"'l can be similarly utilized to determine the future
lokas where the Individual will go after death.
If there Is no planet In the 6"'H or 8"'H of Drekkana. Then the
powerful of the Drekkana lord of6"'Hand 8"H will Indicate the future

Drekkana Past and The Future Birth The Drekkana

Ven Sat Ket


Jup 06:37

Ran Moon

Ven Jup

Sal Rah


LOKA of the individual or take the planets posited In 6rh/7m/SrhH and

find out the strongest planet of them. The strongest planet will
indicate the LOKA that an individual will go after death. Refer the
example -I again.
Look at the Drekkana chart. Mercury is the only planet In the SrhH,
6rhH and 7rhH being empty. Mercury here indicates a lower world of
existence from the plane that he took birth.
It Is most likely that the individual will take a birth to lead a life
driven by animal instincts.

To continue with our discussions we can take assistance of
Phaldeepika. The Chapter 14 (Siokas Zl to Z9 J has enough discussions
to lead us towards some direction In relation to the past, future birth
which can be assessed from the birth chart. It does not mention the
applicability of Dreshkan though.
Sl oka 21 - If In any nativity, the lord of the I zrt~ house be In a sign

ThaDrekkana Drekkana Pnt and The Future Birth

or Navamsa of a benefic or be associated with a benefic or the 12~

house be occupied and owned by a benefic. the native wiU meet his
death without any anguish or suffering. The death will be painful if the
lord of the I Z"' be posited In the sign or navarnsa of a malefic or be
associated with a m.aleftc. or the 12"' occupied or owned by malefic.

Example- 2
12"L In benefic house In Dl whereas 12"'L Jupiter b In its own
sign. This signifies death will be peaceful
ug 511 Jup
Ven Sun

KM M¥s
01:32 RMI



-"'I Ven

Slob 22 - II the lord of the 1211 house be posited In his sign of

exaltation a friendly sign or a varga of a benefic planet or be associated
with a benefic planet the native after his death goes upwards to the
heaven. If he Is posited In his sigh of debilitation. In an Inimical sign of
or In the varga of a malefic planet, he after his death goes to hell.
Some Interpret this as a result a of the native of the sign (of the 12111
house) I.e. heaven If the sign b a shlrshodaya one and hell If it be a
prlshtoday<l one.

Drekkana Past and The Future Birth The Drekkana

In this example the 12"'L is In the Varga of a benefic planet.

Therefore the indications of going to a higher plane of existence.
Sloka 23 -The refuge after death Is indicated by (I) the planet or
planets posited in the 12111 house, (2) the planet occupying the
navamsa of the 12"' house, or the planet or planets with which the lord
of the 12"' house be connected.

Example- 3
lfthe Sun or the Moon be such planet the abode of the soul after
death will be Kallash. If Mars be the planet concerned, the native takes
birth on the immediately after death. If mercury be the planet in
question, the next world for the native will be Vaikuntha, Jupiter takes
the soul to the Brahmaloka, Saturn to the adobe of Yama, Rahu to
other islands and Ketu to hell.
In this example it amy be seen that the 12"'L Mercury is depilated
in the birth chart whereas in D/9 the 12"'H is occupied with Saturn.
Therefore as the Sloka indicates the individual will go to Yamaloka
Sun Rah Moon


Jup 11:55 Sa!(R)


Moon Sa!

Jup Lag


Mars Ke! Mer


Dnskkana Past and The Future Birth

after his death.

Sloka 24 - lc b from the lord of the 9* that all chis Is ascertained
about the native's past birth and all information about his future birth is
signified by the lord of the 5.., house. The particular c.uce. country or
direction of the person concerned in his past and future births should
be deduced from the lords of the 9"' and 5., houses respectively.
Sloka 25 - II the planets referred to above be In their sign of
exaltation. the abode should be declared that of gods (devaloka). If
they be In their sign of debilitation or in an Inimical 51gn, the abodes, if
the past and future should be declared to be foreign Islands. If the
above planets be In their own sign friend's sign or neutral s sign such
place would be India alone.
In lhls case the 91 I.e. Jupiter is in debilitation that Is Indicative of
the past life In an alien land other than India. Whereas the S.,LMars in
9"'H (a friendly house) is Indicative of the future birth In India omy.
Sloka 26 - The parts of India covered by various planets are as
under -
The Sun - mountains and forests.
The Moon - tracts watered by holy rivers (like ganga. yamuna.
Mars - keekat desha now known as Bihar.
Mercury - all sacred places
Jupiter - Aryavarta bordered in the north by the Hlmi\layas, in the
south by Vlndhy,,, and which extends to oceans In the east and the
Venus - the same places as have been Indicated by the moon.
Saturn - prohibited places like those Inhabited by Mlechhas.
(non- hindus)
Sloka 27 -The planets referred to In verse 24 (lords of the 9"' and
the S.,l are posited In a fixed sign or Navamsa which is Prishtodaya
and Adhomukha along with maleflcs. the past and future births of the
natives should be taken as trees, plants and the like. II the lords of the
~and 5" houses occupy a shirshodaya and an urdhvamukha 51gn or a
movable 51gn - or a movable sign or Navamsa and be associated with
benefics. the past and future birth will be of an animal kind.
Sloka 28 - If the lord of the 9* or the 5* be In the sign of
exaltation or own sign the lord of the lagna. It would mean that the
native's previous or the future birth (as the case may be) will be that of
a human being. If the lord of the 9'h occupied a sign neutral to the lord
of the lagna the native In his birth will be born as an animal. If the lord
ofthe 9* occupies the sign of debilitation of the lord of the lagna or in

Drekkana Past and The Future Birth The Drekkana

a Inimical sign, the native was bom as a bird In his previous birth.
If the lord of the 5"' be in such a situation. the native wiU be bom
as a bird In his next birth. All these may also be declared with
reference to the appearance of the decantes occupied by the lord of
the 9 • and the 5"'.
Sloka 29- If the lord of the 9* and the 5<!1 be In the same sign.
the past birth was in his own country and the future birth will also take
place there. If these two planets be of equal strength, the past and the
future would be In the same caste. The color and quality will also be
similar to these belonging to the lords of the 9"' and the 5"' houses.
Predictions regarding all the rest should be similarly made by a
reference to what has been stated in the Samgnadhayaya.


Drekkana and Yatra

~.,q,., ~

1. ~ at"S31ofl3'114 fittA8 cUCfi5114 ~

n.=it 8"lq'"' sa:JtC(4u1n
2. 8"iqi=t ~ wn Cilqtii1 q8J&H:I
~: tliltal=t~:na: FQ•II~~ ft4iiq:u
~ a:;qUJ¥~Ci ~ ¥~Ciifa=ti¥J"f:l
~qUJSIIOIC(Inl "i1 C(¥itl''laW ~:II
This Shloka containing 12 names of Hanuman Is created by
Deoraha Baba and should be done
(a) Before going to sleep
(b) After getting up
(c) Prior to proceeding on a Yatra

Drekkana and Yll/1 The Varanasi Dnshkona

In Brihat lataka In the Drekkanadhyay (Chapter-XXVII) a "Shloka"

from V.uahmlhlr's work on "Yatra" b quoted. In this Shloka V.uahmlhlr
fa) The Yatra would be benelicial if Drekkana rising at the time of
Yatra b -
(I) Benefic C Drekkana owned by lupiter. Venus. Mercury, Moon)
(II) In PAC with Benelics (lunctional benelics ol that hof05<XIpe)
[1111 The Drekkana Swaroop is agreeable that 1'10
(1) Swaroop Signifies llowers. (2"' Drekkana of Cc\ncer. t"
Drekkana of Virgo and 2nd Drekkana of Sagittarius and
(2) Swaroop has pearls ( J" Drekkana of Pisces)
(3) Swaroop Mentions diamonds and Precious stones. (2"'
Drekkana of Aries, 3 Drekkana of Gemini and Llbr.1, and 2nd
Drekkana of Capricorn.)
(Total nine Drekkanas)
(IV) Malefic Drekkana make the journey fruitless
M S.Vp.'ld (2"' and 3"' of Cancer. 1• and 2"" of Scorpio and 3*0 of
and 1\'lga~ ( 1• of Capricorn) rising may put the traveler In jall
or give him great difficulties.
(VI) lourney Commenced when Ayudh (Aries I" and 3'". Gemini
3rd. Leo 2"". Virgo 2"'. Libra 1". Sagittarius 3'", Capricorn I*
and 3", Aquarius I" and 3"'. Pisces 1"1 Drekkana Is rising gives
In this Chapter the discussion is on the applicability of these
Classical statements to three dillerent Yatras. The discussion centers on
the analysis of the Drekkana Chart.
The results ate amazing and point to more frequent uses of this chart
prior to undertaking of a Yatra. so that full benefit can be got from It

First YATRA - Sldhbori; 28th April"2006; 19: IS hrs.; Delhi

A benefic Drekkana rises The Yatra to the camp In Sidhbari was
excellent. I up In ascendant as I~ Lord aspected by 2"" Lord Moon
from 7.,H lndlc.atesthat karma (IOH) and self (L) would listen to talks
(2""H, 21 aspected by LL and 1 01). Sun (3"' Lord In 3"'H and
Shrlmild·Bhagw.'\t being the subject auguments listening.
Saturn and Mercury are In Sarpa Drekkana, Saturn Is 41 of natal
and Mercury Is 4"'L of Drekkana. Saturn and Mercury are in 6"'H of
Drekkana, Mercury as 41 In 6"'H with 81 Saturn also meant thar stay
was In a Guest House with primitive facilities and trying connectivity.

The Varanasi Dreshkona Drekkana and Yatra

Rah Sun Mars
Mer Mooo

First YAtril

Lng Kcl

LaQ Kc!

Mer Ven

Moon Rah



Ke!u Sun

Moon Sal '~


The Yatra was a mixed bag - outstanding on Its main aim - the katha
but rather shabby on Its attendant facilities.
Mercury Is LL and Saturn is 81 ( 91 also) 81 In 6'"H with LL
aspected by retrograded )up from 12"'H resulted in the cutting short of
Bhagwat Katha by a day and the trip by 3 days.

Dnl/IJCana andYatra The varanaSi Dreshkona
2"" YATRA; 17 Nov'2002; 17:20:00hrs.; Delhi

The rising Drekkana Is Taurus, its lord Is Venus. The Drekkana is

benefic. Its lord is Venus who is In Its own 6"'H and Is in retrograde
motion. The Yatra was beneficial and had some teething troubles. Sun,
Mer and Jup in Sarpa Drekkanas ensured that accommodation on the
trip was pri.nltlve. Sun Is 4"'L of Drekkana and Mars the ll"'L (of

Moon Lag Sai{R)


Sec:ond Yatra

Mer Ven(R) Mars


Jup Sun

Ven Moon

Kel Moon Lag Sal

Jup Mars


Sun Ven Rah


Thf! Varanasi Drf!shkona Drf!kkana and Yatra

Drekkana) aspects 4"'Hand 41 both. We spent two nights In top class

lodges under renovation.
The 91 Saturn In 2""H and Jup with Ketu In II"'Haspecting the
2'"'Lin 7-'H provided the missionary zeal. Satum Is IO"Lalso and Jup is
81 also. We had an excellent atmosphere for doing mannas and Jaap.
This laap was soothing and satisfying.

:JN YATRA-; 3rdFeb'2002; 11:35.00 hrs.; Delhi

The rising Drekkana Is the 2"" Drekkana of Aries (the Leo). Its
Swaroop mentions "woman clad in red, fond of jewels and eatables".
The Yatra was soul satisfying. The "Shiva Pujan" at Somnath temple
was heavenly.
Notice that 91 Mars Is in the 12"'H - Dwarka from Delhi Is so
distant that It can qualify as a foreign country. Mars Is 41 also. So a
journey with residence abroad Is on cards. Mars Is debilitated - good
results of this lourney are predictable - debilitated planets give good
results In Trfk houses.

~ uo S..~R) Rail


Kel Moon

!\,~ K~ S..l


Jup Vrn

Mars R.>h la11




Mer Ug

Ket Moon S.t
Jup Ven

Now see the exchange between Mer and Sat the 21 and 61
(Sat was 101 In natal placed In Z""H In exchange with 21 (Ven)].
Note both the 5"' (Mars) and the 91 (lup) aspecting 7"'H. The lourney
Is spiritual.
The Jowney had loyous moments of KrHma Bhakti - Sat (Bhakti)
and Ven (Loving Krishna). Pure and moving moments of Shiv Pula Sun
(Shiva) as LL ofDrekkanain Z""Hwith I~L(Ven) and 71 (Sat) took us
to two jyotirllngas - (he Nageshwar and the Sonmath. Sat In exchange
with Ven In natal and with Mer In Drekkana also gave desire and
strength to dlmb up to Glrnar and pray to Datatreya Bhagwan.
Using Drekkana ftr Yatra is not done in most of the cases. This is
an excellent tool to maxiniize the results of a once In lifetime Yatra
particularly on pilgrimage. The readers should use the Drekkana and
give a feed back.

chapter 9
Varanasi Drekkana and
<m "i.mT tfhllllili!f ~ ftltR:
af4il til q;tfq; <"i ~ •"'!"
(§Q 1 "illllll


Varanasi Drekkana can provide readable clues to the broad

Karmic pattern laid out for any individual. See two examples of
how Drekkana delineates Karmphal.

Example I
The lndlvlduallolned the Indian Audit and Accounts Service and
rose to the top of this service. He is an Astrology teacher. writer and
spiritual guide and guru. Let us see his Varanasi Drekkana
Audit and Accounts
Mercury Is the planet controlling this profession. Sun Is Govt. and
Jupiter Is what makes one a planner and a guide.
10"' house for Profession - 10"' lord (Mer) exalted In 10* house
with Sun the 9* lord. Top Govt. Job (exalted Mer with Sun) In Audit
and Accounts. Aspect of Lagna lord Jupiter from 4* house leads to Job

Juo s.!



lag v..n SunAK

~5 Moon Met

Varanasi Drekkana and KMTMphltl~ The Drekkana

Spiritual Mission
From Lagna
a. Lagna lord In 4• house aspected bv 9"" lord (Sun).
b. 5"' lord In Lagna aspecting 2.,.1ord (Saturn) In 7* house (I 0"' to
IO"'llnfuslon of missionary zeal.
c 9* lord in to•
house in mutual aspect wflh LL.
From Moon
a. Lagna lord In lagna with 10" lord (Moon)
b. 5'h lord (Saturn) also the Yogkarka In 9"' house in mutual
aspect with LL Mars (missionary zeal)
c. 9"' lord Mercury in 12" house In exaltation wfth Sun the II "'lord.
Close association with Mahatmas and Gurus; Incredible impact
on "Shlshyas" and foreigners and wide acceptance across the
Mercury MD horn 1-11 86
Astrology: Mercury and Jupiter are lointfy Influencing the IQd'
house. Mercury Is exalted and luplter is the LL. Sun gives a respected
high pedestal. 5"' lord (Mars) aspects a• house and 8* lord (Moon)
aspects 5* hou!le-buddhl and research In secrets.
Saturn the 3"' lord and Mars the 5"'1ord in mutual aspect promote
writing. Mars is in lupiters sign. and Saturn In Mercury-the writing
concentrates on Astrology with a broad streak ol spirituality. Amk
lupiter aspects 3 kendras, 5"' lord and the 9m lord aspects connects and and 10'" houses.
The Karmic pattern is discernable from the Varanasi Drekkana.

Example II
This individual served in the Army and there after took to
Astrology and religion.
From Lagna -The controlling planet Mars Is In 3" house as 10"'
lord. I O"'L (Mars) aspects 6"' house and 6* lord (Moon). I o- lord
(Mars) also aspects 10"' house. Army career Is on cards.
From Moon - Ketu in 10"' house aspects Rashish Venus In 4*
house. IO"'Iord Moon is In mutual aspect with Mars the IO"'Iord from
Lagna. Service was physically and mentally s."lsrylng.
Astrology and Religion - The Mercury MD commenced in
1994 and ushered In this phase. So treat Mercury (Sagittarius) as
Lagna and read the Drck.k..,na luplter and Mercury to influence IO"'HJ
IO"'Lfor learning Astrology. Jupiter bIn 10"' house and Mercury is the

The Orlkl<llfll Varanasi Drekkana and K~nnliJ)IIala


lA; !(eo!


Sun Moon Jup


10"' lord. luplter and Mercury are in exchange of houses. luplter also
aspects Z11111 house where Venus is placed with Rahu.
Connection between 5"' and 8* ho~/8"' Lord. 5" lord In 5<~~
house aspects 81 In II • house.

Examle • 3 - Religious orientation

I. LL - lupiter In ID- house aspecting Z11111 house -Shades of
missionary zeal but note the placement of Rahu-dle poison
spreader. 9* lord is in Lagna with I 0" lord-. yoga dearly
Indicates religious tones-fusion of Dharma with Karma.
2. 5"' lord - 51 In 5"' house aspected by Z11111 lord from 3"' house.
3. 9'h lord - 91 In lagna with exchange of houses between the
Lagna lord and 10"' lord. 9* lord Is the Prarabdha of this life-
religion pulls.
Varanasi Drekkana is a consummate dispenser of Karma
phala. Let us now recapitulate some highlights of Drekkana. list
the parameters for the study of Karmaphalc1 horn the Varanasi

Sal Ke!


Sun Mooo Jup

Varanasi Drekkana and Kannaphala The Dnskkana

Drekkana chart and learn the details of this new and fascinating
From Drekkana we see nature of a person. his behaviour, likes
and dislikes. Drekkan covers "Karma" and "Jeevika" (Karmphal),
thoughts of a person are also influenced by It, Drekkan in which a
person is born gives clue about the character, nature and behaviour
and also his occupation. The position of Moon In the Drekkana
horoscope has special importance it indicates the interest of a person
and nature of specific work/duties can be seen from the planets
influencing the 10111 house/l0111 1ord from the Moon in Drekkana.
The position of different planets in different Drekkanas would
make the picture clearer. In Drekkana, signs trine to each other convey
apparent as well as hidden personality and nature of a person.
Different planets behave differently in different signs on the basis of
their nature I.e. fiery, earthy, airy or watery. Placements In different
houses have their role to play.
The nature of work is indicated by Influence on I 0 111 and 6*
houses from lagna and Moon. Job changes in middle part of life i.e. 35
to 40 years may be seen from Moon. 10* from 10111 house l.e.7 111
house. 6"' from 6th house I.e. 1 I"' house are Bhavatbhavam houses,
therefore, 7* house and II* house be analysed also. 7th House is
promotion or position while I t 111 house is gains and recognition of
work performed In 10"' house. 6* house is 3"' house from 4* house I.e.
if one gets happiness by putting efforts he will do so willingly and with
To illustrate 5"' lord In PAC link with 6th lord causes "Shankh
Yoga" the person excels in education. 3'~ house 5111 house connection
with 10111 house gives writing. Venus in Gemini may give government
service. Moon/Mars associated with Jupiter may make one a doctor
otherwise a butcher. Mercury may give job of a diplomat If there is
connection of 9* and 10" house. 10* and 12111 house or 4* and 10111
house. When association of 9th house or Jupiter Is there the karma will
be pure.
If 10* house 10111 lord is associated with Ayudh drekkan· the
person may get a rush of blood, and may be aggressive in nature.
Khag drekkana makes a person wanderer. Sarp drekkan makes a good
researcher or gives intelligence services but affilcatlon In It gives
confinement-jail or hospitalization. Chatushpad drekkan makes a
person hard working.
Drekkana represents the Karmaphal. due to the nature of Karmas
of native in previous births. This can be seen on the basis of dash a flow

The Drekkana Varanasi Drekkana and IUrmaphaJa

ln life, whether tenth lord Is connected to 2nd and 6* house. If yes.

Indicates pro~flty Whether 10"' lord connecting the 5* and 9* lord
ln Drekkana. If yes. See how a person Is going to get rewards of
"Poorva·.J<mm.,· and "Prarabdha".
tlonand Nature of Ontkbna
igns t • Oroi.k&na 2"' Drekkana
1 ~n.'Ctla!~ Ct.ab.lshQad Ayudh
2 Chatus Sarpa/ChalU1 Chatushpad
3 Cllalut Ayudh/Pakshl Ayudh
4 ChatuiNaroha Sarpa Sarpa
5 ~udh/Chntui/Pokshl Ayudh ChatusiAY\Ic1~
B Pakshl Pakshi Pakshi
7 Pakshi Pakshi Chatushpad
8 saroa Sarpa/Pasna Chatushpad
9 Pakshi Ayudh
10 ChaluliPAkll'liiN~Qada Chatus Chatus
11 ~Wdh Ayudh Ayudh
12 "' -- ~ Ayudh Sarpa

Besides the above listed Drekkanas. some other categories are as

Agnl Drekkanas of malefic Planets
Jala Drekkanas of Benefic Planets
Mishra - Drekkanas of both benefic and malefic or those
aspected by both benefics and maleflcs
The above categorization of Drekkana has much significance for
Karmaph,"fprofesslon of the individual as well as his nature as is
detailed In the above table.

To Asses the I<Mmphal the following parameters are to be used: -
I. Varanasi Drekkana for Karmaphala, may be read as an Independent
chan: In this chart Karmaphala results by:
(a) PAC connection of I 0 * HI I 0 1 with L/ll,6"'HJ6"'L.
(b)The Tr1nal houses of I~H.: that is Z.,H/Z'"'L and 6.-H/L support
the Karamphala dispensation.
(c) S'~H/S"'l covers the Inherited and Involuntary motives whereas
9"'H/9"'L govern the growth of the Jalak by voluntary actions and
(d)Trlk houses (6,8,12) and their lords Infuse suspicion.
(e) PAC of 9u'H/9"'L with 10111 H/IO"'L Indicates motive of change In
profession and with LILL indicates changes of heart. particularly
out look for religion that needs to be linked with Maha Dasha

Varanasi Drekkana IIKf Klrr1111)/1alll The Drekkana

2. Amk planets also influences the Karmaphala Its placement in
Kendra/ Trlkona and 3"'/lla houses b beneficial.
3. D.lsh.u-D.ls.h.l are the ag~es of Dyrwnlsm A person Karmas
evolve In conformity with the dasha and change with MD
changes. Karmaphala for a particular MD should be read keeping
the MD lord as lagna.

Casting of Varanasi Drekkana

Each sign of 30 degree is divided to 3 parts of IOdegree each. In
fiery sign counting will start from Aries. The first Drekkana of flrey sign
will fall In Aries. z~~<~ Drekkana in Taurus and 3"' Drekkana In Gemini and
will fallow the pattern as under:
3 Drekkana of (flesy sign) - I, S, and 9 will fall In Aries, Taurus
and Gemini.
3 Drekkan.\ of (earthy sign)- 2. 6. and 10 will fall In Cancer, Leo
and Virgo.
3 Drekkana of (alery sign.) - 3. 7. and II v.111 fall In Ubra.
Scorpio and Sagittarius.
3 Drekkana of (watery slgn)-4, 8. and IZ will fall In Capricorn.
Aquarius and Pisces.
An attempt Is being made on number of horoscopes to find
nature of work/duties (karmphal) by using Varanasi Drekkana.


Some Prime Ministers

I. Sun or S.'turn-power and mas.ses-need to have PAC link with
lo-'H/IO"'Land its trines 2""and 6*H/Lords.
2. LL and Hashish in PAC give the person power to peruse an object
with body and mind.

Case - I Pt. J.L. Nehru

IO"'L is Jupiter, 2-wLMars. © 1 is Sun
Sun Is the 6* lord aspected by Jupiter the 10* lord. Jupiter( I oe'L)
Is conlunct with Saturn also. Saturn is Hashish and Jupiter Is LL,thelr
conjuntlon made him a popular PM.Pt Nehru reached the top In the
Dashas of Moon and Mars, Examine with Moon as lagna. Mars is
IO"'L In 6"'H. Mars Is aspecting 61 (Moon) In Lagna. The 12"' lord
Saturn aspects IO"'L (Mars) from 4"'H. He was In I·'"
for half the dasha

TheDrekkane Varanasi Drekkana and Karmaphala

lol';l JU:I

l.'oo<l c...., ~

Pt. Jawahar l.ll


Mer Vcm

Writings - Nehru wrote Discovery of India from Jail. Mercury 51
in lo-'house. aspect of ll"lord Jupiter and the LL Saturn and IO"'Iord
(Mars) who is 31 also aspected by Satum the LL established the
connection of 3.5 and 10.
PM - Moon-Ven (15"' Aug 47) Moon b 6* lord In Lagna
aspected by 10* lord (Mars) from 6~H. Venus Is 41 (Singhasan) in
~H. Venus Is Yogk.lrk.l and 91 also.
The progress continued in Mars dasha also. Treat Mars in
Cancer as Lagna. Mars Is the 10"' lord In Lagna aspecting 41
Venus In 4 11' house and 7* lord (Sat) aspects Mars from II"'
house. 4'~L/H Is Masses and Parliament and 7'~L/H Is public
acclaim and the II "house represents gains.

Case - 2 Indira Gandhi

Satum 1.5 In lagna aspecting I 0"' house. I Q$L (Jup(R))aspects Sat
from S*H. Sat also aspect 21 (Mars) and is the dlsposltor of 6* lord
Sun Sun 1.5 the 61 gets in mutual aspect with julptet(R) (theiO"l}.
This made her a popular mass leader.
She was ruthless and had meltable principals. Jupiter her LUI <r'L
is retrograding In 6* house aspected by Mars. Mercury and Rahu.
In 1960 In SM/Ven she did the Incredible return to power. Venus
Is the 81 (Sudden surprises) in the 4"'H (Simhasanl and 4* lord (Mer)
Is In 12"' house(Aquarious).
s known that Satum In the natal chart Is In A!.hlesha - Mer's
nakshtras and that Mer Is In Anuradha-Si\turn's nakshatra, Saturn/
Venus made her the Prime Minister once again.
She was assassinated in 1984 in Saturn!Rahu. Saturn Is 12m lord
in lagna and Rahu Is In 2"" house aspecting by retrograding LL lupiter
Varanas/DrekkanalncJ Karmaphala n.o~

l.;lg Rah Mars Ven


Mer case-2
Indira Gandhi
Sun Jup(R)


from the 6* house. Rahu is in Aries whose lord Mars is cruel

executioner. Saturn was transiting in Tula (8"'H) and Mars(21) and
Jupiter were In Dhanu. the 10"' house-her Karmas ceased.
Karmaphala Is discernible from Varanasi Drekkana.

Case • 3 Rajlvc Gandhi

Sun is 4* lord (Throne) exalted in 12"' house-the Singhasan
came to him. suddenly, as in the 8"' lord is in the Lagna. Jupiter is also
the II * lord of gains, Moon the karaka of mother is afflicted by 6* lord
Venus. 8* lord I up Iter and Moon Is the dlsposlter of I 2"' lord Mars
debilitated and conjunct Ketu. His mother was assasslnnated. Venus
the Lagna lord in lagna with Moon indicate his youthful charm. In Rahu
MD-Rahu is In 9'n house aspected by Mars (debilitated 7/12L). He
started as Mr clean before being dirtied by Borers. In Rahu/ Mercury he
was assassinated. Mercury is again In 2Nl house (Markasthana) as 2""l.
Jupiter and Venus as 6* and 81 in lagna assist Mercury in his marak
Sun Jup \'efl Mer

Case-3 Kel
Rajiv Gandhi


The Drekkana Varanasi Drekkana and Karmaphala

Case • 4 LaJ B3hdhur Shastri

9* lord Jupiter Is In the Lagna- idealistic personality. Exchange of
2J8 lords Mars and Venus, seen from Moon b the exchange of 9* and
3 1 . Sudden spurts of Lucky phases. He became the PM In MoonJ
Venus In 1964 He died In Moon/Sun In 1966--boththe planets are in
6CIH In conjunction with a retrograded Sawm .
~~ ..~. R.ln

CII0-4 I'Mr

~ v... Sun

Case- S P.V. Narasimha Rao

ln this horoscope Sun Is in the IO"'H from Moon along with IO"'l
Mars. From Moon there ate three planets In S"'H. Mercury the S"'l
aspects them. To further stress the point Jupiter and Mercury 5"' and
II"' lord exchange signs-a scholarly personality results. Mars the 3"'
lord from Moon aspects 5* house from Moon, Mars Is 10"' lord also
authorship results. Strength accruing from Moon made him rise late
and unexpectedly. Moon from Lagna is ll"'lord In 6* house aspected
by Mars the 8 1 :Sun 12111 1ord conjoins Mars In 3"'H.His unprincipled
and corrupt style of working is discernible

~ M

P V Narshimll Rao

Mer Sun R;ah Lag

Va1'811Ul Drtk~nf and Karmapha/a The Dnskkana

Defence personnel
The parameters for defence services ate as follows:
I. Lagna the I Qll house and its trines (2"" and 6* house )show
services: examine from Moon also may be studied.
2. Planet Mars for persons dealing with comb.1t/.ums. Sarum and
Jupiter for those dealing with personnel and services. Mercury.
Ketu. Saturn be seen for people working In the Intelligence
department and communication.
3. Smoothness of career is indicated by roles of Kendra and trikona
lords.turbulance by trlk lords.
4. Am,,tyakamk be lnHunced by Mars.
5. Some times Influence of Venus on Lagna lord 6'n lord and I 0 111
lord gives government service.(Defence Service.)

Case - 6 Pilot- Air Force

D.O.B. IS· II 1936; T.O.B. 3-40 hrs.; P.O.B Allahabod (UP)
D/1 - Lagna has Mars influencing Jupiter. Venus and Rahu 10"'
lord Mercury b In the 2 '" house with Sun. I~ house has Ketu in Mars'
Nakshatr.1. He was a pilot in Indian Air Force.
VDK- From lagna: loe' house is an airy sign aspected by Sun.
Mercury and Saturn. 6* lord Saturn is aspecting I 0"' house. 6* house
and lagna.
From Moon : 6'" house is an airy sign and 10"' house also Is an
airy sign of Venus. From Moon 6"~ lord Mercury aspects 6"' house and
I 0"' lord Venus aspects I a•• house making the chart strong, Moon Is in
mutual aspect wllh Mars. Moon is at 7° 10' and Mars at 70 12'. The
mind Is therefore martlallsed and the native Joi1s Alr Force.
Amatyakarak is Mercury totally combust with the Sun
(Government) and 6* lord Saturn. The connection of Sun and Saturn


15 Nov 1936

S.'l Kel lag

The Drekkana Varanasi Drekkana and Karmaphala

With AmK and lo-'L Mercury made the native a transport plane pilot
In communication area.

Case - 7 Fighter pilot- Air force

D.O. B. I 7-7-1957; T.O.B. 12:00:00 hrs.; P.O.B. Alfohobod
D/1 - Lagna lord and I 0"' lord Mercury placed In I 1.. house with
Sun, Mars and Venus- he Is In government job.
VDK - I 0"' house ban airy sign aspected by Mars, I 0"' lord (Mer)
is placed In 6* house with 6* lord Sat\Jm in an airy sign, he Is a fighter
pilot In Indian Air Force.
From Moon Mercury Is I O"'lord placed In 3"' house with 3"' lord
Saturn. 6* lord Venus Is placed in 4* house with Mars aspecting IQ'!'
Mars is 8* lord placed in 7* house with exhalted Venus- during
Venus/Mars In 1998 he was grounded but due to exhalted Jupiter's
Influence on Sun Mars and Venus-his flying was restored and he was
promoted to next rank. Karamphala is discernible.

~ ~~~

C.H·7 Jup
17 July 1957

R-. l~

Case - 8 Major- Indian Army
D.QB5-5-1960:T.O.B. 111:27 firs.: P.O.B.KDnpur (UP)
D/1- The 10* lord Moon Is In Suns Rashi Leo In I l"'house. It is
aspected by 6* lord Jupiter from 3"' house (Rashl Saggltar1us) and the
roglwak Satum(R) again In fiery sign. Mars Is In 6* house aspecting
lagna. Defence career Is visible.
VDK - Mars b the lagna lord, exhalted In 3"' house with Ketu.
Mars aspects 6* house and I 0"' house. Army career results. Four
planets In 6* house aspected by Mars gave him quarrelsome nature.
Exalted natal II.,LSun Is the Amk planet. Its placement In 8*
house with retrograded Saturn did not let him prosper In service.
forcing him to retire as a Major.


5May 1960


Case • 9 Pilot-Air Force·11-1933; T.O.B. 13:50:00hrs.;P.O.B. Allahabad
0/1 - 10"' lord Venus Is with 9* lord Mars In 5"' house. Sun Is
aspecting 10'h house with Mercury which made him a pilot In Indian
Air Force.

Ket v~ La~

16 Nov 1933
Sun Sal

Mooo Jup

VDK - I 0"' lord Jupiter aspecting I 0"' house. 6"' lord Mars In II *
house aspecting 6* house. His Job as an armed forces officer is
confirmed. Note that 10111 houses from Sun and Moon are also
aspected by Mars. Mars Moon opposition in 11/5 <\Xls made 2"" and
6* lord aspect one another-6"' lord in II"' house protects service and
2"' lord In 5'" house aspected by 6* lord and Rahu/Ketu axis permits
extensions to prolong his career.
The Karamphala of extension In service was granted to him by
Saturn-his Amk planet who was the MD lord.
The Drekkana Varanasl Drekkana and Karmaphala

Case - I 0 Naval Officer

0.0.8. 6-11·19S4;T.O.B. 1:45:00 hrs.;P.O.B.Agra
D/1 - Sun In 3" house with 6* lord Saturn. 10"' lord Venus Ls
aspecting 10"' hoUSe. dispositer Mars is exhalted In 6* House
aspected by Jupiter. 6* lord 7* lord Saturn is ex halted In l,.house with
ll.,lord Mercury. He Is working in defence services.


c ..o·10
6 Nov 1954
Jup Ma.s

s..n lkt

VDK - Lagna lord is also the 6* lord and l.s placed ln 9* house
aspected by 10* lord Saturn. 10* lord Saturn Is placed In Scorpio- the
Mars house and Is also aspected by Mars. Mars also aspects I ()I
house. Naval career results 10* lord Saturn with Moon In Watery sign.
6* lord Venus Is with 8* lord Jupiter- he has worked In Naval

Case· II Fighter pilot- Air Force

0.0.8. 12·6-1942; T.O.B. 1:32:00 hrs.; RO.B. Khulna
D-1 - Lagna lord debilitated in 4* house aspecting 10"' house
11 111 house. 10" lord Saturn is placed in 2'"' house with Sun. Moon and

~ \'l!n

c.... u Moon
12 Jun 1942
Mars Sat

Kel Jup Mer


Varanasi Drekkana and Kannaphala The Drekkana

Mercury. Mercury is the 6"' lord. He was fighter pilot in Indian Air
VDK- In this chart Venus and Moon are in own houses. Mercury
and Mars are exalted . Moon and Mars are Dig ball. The Karama phala
is varied. He is a fighter pllot-LLMars exalted in 10"' house aspecting
IO"'Iord (Saturn). He is a wrlter:3"'L exalted (Mer) with 5"'L(Sun) in 6"'
house causing Shankha yoga-the Lagna is strong. He is a yoga
teacher-Saturn the lOu. lord in 5th house aspects Jupiter the 9"' lord
and Venus the 7"' lord drawing publlc(7"'H) for a Dharmlc (9"'H) cause.
Saturn in h1s MD by aspecting both ]t:! and zna houses {marak sthanas)
gave him cancer also. The exalted LL and 6"' lords gave him strength
to fight this deadly disease. Karmaphala can be read from Varanasi

Parameters for Doctors

l. Afflicted or drugged Moon.
2. 4* and 5t1t house should have malefic 1nHuence.
3. 8* house from Moon be afflicted.
4. 5th house/10"' house be associated with 6* house of disease and
J2t!t house of hospital or confinement.
5. Jupiter association or influence on lagna, 5"' house and 1 0*
6. Proper dasha between 15 years and 25 years for education.
Role of Amatyakarak be analysed.

Case- 12
D.O.B. 25-12-1974;T.O.B. 9:45.00 hrs.; P.O.B.Jaipur
D/1 - Lagna lord in 6"' house aspected by JQih lord Venus, 6*
lord 9* lord Mercury and 8"' lord Sun. Jupiter 3rd lord and 6"' lord

Moon Ke! Sat(R)

Jup Case-12
25 Dec 1974
lag Jaipur

Mer Ratl
Ven Mars

lbe Crwkkana Dnskkana and Karmaphala

Sun Mooo Ven


ol Cue 12

S.l!(R) Jup

Mercury also aspecting 6* house. She Is a doctor spedallz'XI in

gyneacology. 10• lord is In control of6* house,
VDK - Lagna lord Sun lsexhaled In 9* house. Moon with Mars in
Rahu/Ketu axis. 10"' lord Venus in 10"' house aspected by Jupiter. 6*
lord exhalted In 3"' House aspected by exhalted Sun-she is working
In Indian Railways. 6* house under control of Venus. From Moon 10"'
house has three planets, Ia-lord Jupiter in 12• house. Mars is in sarp
drekkan and is In Rahu/Ketu axis. Moon is in female drekkana. 8"' lord
Jupiter aspects 8* house. I~ house lordship Is with Venus In both the
chartS· she Is specializing In women's problems.
Jupiter Is Amatyakarak aspecting 6* house and 10'1' house. 10"'
lord Venus In 12"' house with Sun and Mercury. In Mercury dasha she
completed MBBS.

Case· 13
D.O.e. 16·10·1970; T.O.B.;23:58:00hrs.;P.O.B.Delhi
D/1 - Lagna lord In 10"' house with 7* lord 8* lord debilitated


c.... u Lag
160ct 1970
23 58
Deihl Kel

v., Jup r.•cr

Kel Moon


of Case 13

Jup Rah Sun


Saturn aspected by 6th lord Jupiter. 10* lord Mars In 3rd house
aspecting 10"' house-controlled efforts. Moon is afflicted by Saturn
and Mars.
VDK- He Is a young doctor specializing in Radiology. 10"' lord
Venus in sarp drekkana In lagna aspected by debilitated II *lord Mars.
6th lord Mercury in 9* house with Sun aspecting 3rd house-first he
started job In a government organization. 71t1 lord Moon In 6* house
with Arnatyakarak Saturn, aspecting 12"' house-he left the government
job and went to Middle East country In 2004 but carne back leaving
the job after 4 rnonths.
8"' house frorn rnoon is aspected by Mars. 4th house in Rahu/Ketu
axis. 6* lord Jupiter in 4th house aspecting 12... house of hospltallv'"lon.
All the parameters are rnet.

Case- 14
D.O. B. 8-8-1943; T.O.B. OB:OO:OOhrs.;P.O.B. Asansol
D/1 - Lagna lord in 12"' house is In sarp drekkan awith Rahu also

Mars Sal

Case 14
8.8.1943 Lag
Ket 8.00hrs Mer
Asansol Ven


The~· .. Varanasi Drekkana and K4/1Nplla/8

R.ah l~ Ven
~ ~ M¥'5



Moon Ket

in sarp drekkana. 8* lord Jupiter also In 12"' house In sarp drekkana

thus making Guru-Chandal Yoga. Moon the 12"' lord In 3"' house
aspected by Mars. 10"' lord Venus in lagna wHh II"' lord. 2nd lord
Mercury- his focus was towards earning money.
VDK - Moon afflicted by Satum. Association of Moon. Jupiter,
Sun and Ketu made him a doctor who retired from Government
medical service- Sun In 10"' house. 8* lord 9* lord Saturn exhalted in
5* house aspected by Jupiter- 8* house activities i.e. unearned
income B'" house aspected by Mars. He was once caught having
assets more than his income but was cleared after some time due to
influence of 9* house and Jupiter on lagna. Mercury and Venus.
IO'n lord Venus is Amatyakarak placed In lagna as It Is very close
to the degree of lagna- his focus was on earning money only.

Case- IS
D.O.B.I9·9·1971:T.O.B. 15:45:00 hrs.:P.O.B. Lucknow
D/1 - Lagna lord Satum afflicting Moon In I!"' house. From


CIM•15 Kel
19 Sep 1971
lao luck now
Mar& Mer

Jup Moon
The Drekkana

Ket Mer


Jup Mars


Moon IO"'Iord Sun is in II"' house with Venus, IO"'Iord from lagna.
Mercury . is aspected by Mars also. 6"' house 8'" house 11"' house
association is there with IO'h house. She is persuing investigative
course in pathology.
VDK - 10"' lord Mercury is in 10'~ house aspected by II'" lord
Moon. 6"' lord Saturn aspecting 61ll house in Rahu/Ketu axis. Moon Is
aspected by Mars also, making the person aggressive. Moon and
lupiter are also in sarp drekkan.
IQ'h lord of Natal chart Venus is placed in 12°' house with 6"' lord
Saturn of VDK aspecting 2'"' house and 6"' house. She is specializing In
Pathology after completing Gyneacology. All the paramentrs are
applied here.
Amatyakarak is Mars placed in 31'd house with Mercury aspecting
6th house. It is during Mercury/Saturn dasha she was selected and
completed MBBS in 1993.

Case· 16
D.O. B. 20-6- 1976; T.O.B. I 9:00:00 hrs.; P.O.B. Bijnore
D/1 - Young doctor- Lagna lord lupiter in Rahu/Ketu axis. Moon
is afflicted. 8 111 house from Moon aspected by Mars. All the planets in 5
houses- 5* house to 9"' house making "pash yoga"
VDK - Lagna of 6'" house, lagna lord in 7"' house with Sun and
Rahu aspecting lagna. He studied and worked In government
institutions. 31'd lord in IO"'house, controlled efforts are there. 1011tlord
Saturn in 9th house own sign aspecting 6"' house agaln-10'h house in
control of 6'" house.
Mars is 12m lord in both horoscopes and In VDK is placed in 12"'
house-he went for Post-Graduation super specialization degree to
USA and now working there. 9"' lord 10'" lord Saturn and 8"' lord ll'h

The Drekkana Varanasi DteJ<Jcan• oiiiCI Karmaphala

Moon ~ ....,. Sun

Jvp \'en


20 J.,n 1976
19 00

lag .~.,

M.Jrs L•g P.et Jup


Sat 1.1(-r

Ro1n Sun

lord luplter aspecting 6* house. Moon In 8" house of Natal chart is

sarp drekkan placed with Sa tum. is in 10"' house of Varanasi drekkana
chart· he Is doing research in USA.
Jupiter Is Amatyakarak placed with Ketu In 5.., house. It Is in Ketu
dasha he was selected for MBBS and completed In VenusNenus
dasha.. In VenuS/MOOn selected for Post Graduate studies In A1LMS
and Venus/Moon selected for Super Specialisation in USA.

Some high ranking officers and Seers

Case· 171FS T.O.B. 5:55:17 hrs.; RO.B. Delhi
D/1 - Lagna lord placed In lagna in shubha kartarl strengthen the
6* lord In lagna aspecting the 10th house Indicating the Jatak is In
Karmphal - 10'" lord In 12" house and 12"'. 5" and 8* lord

V.tronl!l Drekkana ana Karmaphala The Drekkana


10 Sep 1948 lag
0555 Sal

Moon I.Ws Mer

Jup Kfl!

Mooo Sal Rah Lag

Jup Sun

of Case 17
Ven '·~


aspecting 10'" house. Yogkarka Mars aspecting the 10"' house

Indicating high class job. lnvalment ot 12"' lord/12111 house Indicating
Foreign Service (diplomatic service). This person is IFS officer.
Malefic Points:
Bandhan Yoga. One planet is placed on either side ot lagna.
Lagna lord in lagna with 6"' and 7* lord, J21h and 8* lord conjoin
In 41:0 house.
Mars is the lord ot 22"" Drekkana and 64* Navamsha both,
though Yogkarka.
VDK • 12'"L (Ven) Is In the 8"' house·the house of secrecy
aspected by 9"'L (Sat) Irom II"' house. 9"'L (Sat) aspects on 12"'L
makes him a diplomate.
There is exchange between LL and 3"' lord indicates rise through
selt-ettorts. 10"' house rashi tailing in the 12* house of Drekkana
indicating movements in respect of Profession, which Is contirmed by
aspect ot Saturn on 3'11 lord Sun and 12"' and 5"' lord Venus in 8"'

The Drekkana V~~~~ Drekkana and Karmaphala

Varanasi Drekkana also indicates that the person is at hlghrank as

there Is Gajkesarl yoga In the 10* house and the same yoga was In the
4' house of Natal chart from where these two planets were aspecting
the 10• house.
Amk Is Sun Is In lagna placed In Kendra and aspected by AK and
Problematic period
He had to face CBI trial during the period of Mars/S..,turn/Ketu,
which is very clear from Varanasi Drekkana.
Maha dasha nath Mars is the lord of 22nd Drekkana and 64 *
Navamsha placed In 6* house with Ketu (who Is PO Nath) aspecting
the I l"' house and lagna. Anter dasha lord Saturn the 8 111 lord aspects
the lagna. Sun ,8" house and 12"' lord Venus. Saturn Is 12"' lord from
Moon. These AD lord and PO lord are placed at 6:8 axis and
connecting all trick bhavas and lagna indicating problem.
This person was not arrested as no planet Is In sarpa Drekkana
and Bandhan yoga Is formed by two benefics. Is also a saving grace.
There Is promlnance of benlflc planets In 4* house of Natal Chan.
Navamsha. and Drekkana diluted the problem. During the dasha of
Yogkarka Mars he did outstanding work. :!ilmultaneouSy Mare gave
him problems when activated by anterdasha nath Saturn as explained
Thus Varanasi Drekkana shows karmphi\1 better.

Case • I B (lAS officer)

D.O. B. 2~2;1944~ T.O.B.; 17:00:00 hrs.;P.O.B. Delhi
Karamphal - Yogkarka planet Venus 10"' lord In 5" house (own
slg~) Is Rajyoga Indicating strength of horoscope.
10* house aspected by Jupiter in Natal horoscope as well as in
Drekkana. Moon 15 exalted in Natal chart and In own sign in Drekkana.
There 15 Gajkesari yoga In Natal as well as In Drekkana (Jupiter is
In 4* house from Moon aspecting 10" house) has given him high rank
and wisdom in working.
VDK - Lagna lord In 9* house aspecting the 9* and 6* lord.
From Moon - 6"/V" lord luplter In 10"' house aspecting 2.,1ord
Sun and 10"'/S.,Iord Mars In 2nd house. He has been a very bold and
dominating Admlstrator
Saturn dasha suited In 1997. He had some dispute with Chief
Minister Delhi during 1999 on some property during the dasha of Sat/
Saturn is 8* lord from Moon. Rahu In 8* house from Moon. MD/

Case-18 Rah
2 Feb 1944
Ket 17:00 Jup(R)


Jup Ven Mer

Rah Moon
Lag Mars


AD are at 6:8 axis. Rahu is in Sarpa Drekkana failing in Drekkana of

Saturn as per Varanasi Drekkana. Rahu is aspectecl by 3 maeflcs from
8'" house. He had to face CBI raid and trial during this period. He was
never arrested, because Varanasi Drekkana shows temporary problem.
Immediately During the antar dasha of Mercury he was comfortably
back In service. Mercury is 9"' and 6"' lord placed In 6"' house (own
house). M DIAD are at 4:10 axis.
Retirement - Saturn/Ketu/Rahu
Connection of4"', 8"'. 9"' and 12"' house indicates about retirement.
Placement of MD lord in 9"' house. Jupiter as 12"' lord placed in
4'" house aspecting AD lord Ketu, who is with 4"' lord Mars placed in
8'" house gives some clue of his retirement. Thus Varanasi Drekkana
gives clear picture of Karmphal and Nature of duty.

Case - 19 Jayendra Saraswati Shankarachrya

D.O.B. 18-7-1935; T.O.B/8:39:00 hrs.; P.O.B. Tanjavur
The horoscope of Shankarachrya shows good strength. Lagna is

Varanasi Drekkana and Karmaphala


I.Aoocw> Sun
$a!(R) Cue·11
18 July 1935
18 39
La~ Ven

Ra~ M.J"

Voen Ran

of Cue 11

Jup Sat M.>"

Kct Mer Moon

vergo~ttm_l\ and lagna lord Is aspected by Jupiter. He attained Chief

post of Kanchl seer because his Navamsha Is strong. 6 planets (Sat/
SUrt/Ve~n/M..'irs/R.iliu/KetUI are vargottm In Navamsha.
Now let us see whether hb KA.RMPHAL is reflected In Drekkana .
Spiritual ConnKtlol!
D-1 - His 9* lord Is placed In 6* house (own sign). 6* house b
I 0"' house from 9* house (Dharm N Karm hai)
Jupiter placed In I 0"' house aspecting 9* lord In 6* house.
Lagna lord Is aspecting 5"' and 10"' lord. Varanasi Drekkana
9* lord of Drekkana placed In 6"' house (own sign). 6* house is
I 0"' house from 9* house (Dharm hi Karm hai)
Lagna lord. 5"' lord and 9* lord aspecting the karma sthana.
Person does dharma kind of work. 10"' lord also aspects 10"' house
shows strength.
Karma and Buddhl is in the house of shukh (Mars In 4* house
with LL).

Varanasi Drekkana and Karmaphafa TheDrekkana

Conjuntion of Jupiter with Ketu In 6* house and Conjuntion of

Mars and Moon are indicating lnvolvment.
3rc1 lord in 5"' house with 8* lord blessed him with mantra siddhl.
8"' lord and IZ"' lord (Saturn/Mercury) In S"' house Indicated
association of AshramN!dhalya.
Planet placed In 3 pairs In a horoscope rnakes person lucky.
Nov II, 2004
Dasha of Mercury/Saturn (Dasha chldra)
Lords of kamtrlkona ( 3rd. 1mand 11 "'lords) are lnHuendng 5/9 axis
of Drekkana chart, and dasha of Mercury/Saturn. Mercury is 12"' and
3~<~ lord placed In 5111 house with 8* and 7* lord Saturn (Sat is lord of
22nd Drekkana). Both MD/AD lords are placed in 2nd house from Moon
and in 8* house from 10111 house afflicting Venus (4 * lord Sukh), House
of pada praptl, Sun (200 lord). Saturn is 7* and 8* lord from Cancer
lagna and placed In zoo house from Moon (A potent combination of
confinement) and he was arrested during this period.

Case- 20 lAS
0.0.8. 25-3-1967; T.O.B. 10:19:00 hrs.;P.O.B. Delhi
D/1 - 1Q!ll lord Saturn In 11 111 house with 4"' lord Sun In the rashl
of Jupiter aspected by exalted Jupiter from 3"' house indicating high
ranking beaurocrate.
Varanasi Drekkana: Sun in 6"' house. 9'" lord In 9th hoUSt=
aspected by IO"'Iord Mercury placed in 3ro house.6"'1ord In S"'house
aspected by Mars (8111L) from zoo house. 6* lord Sat and 3ro lord Mars
are in Mutual aspect indicating fight back capacity
From Moon: Moon in 10111 house. 6* lord Mars aspecting 10"'
lord Jupiter In B"' house. 9* and 10"' lord (Sat, Jup) In 8th house.
Dasha: Suddenly inclined towards Pooja and religious activity

Sun Ven Lag

Sal Rah

Mer Case-20 Jup

25 Mar 1967


Varanasi Drekkana and Karmaphala

R.ah Moon


Kel M•ra Lag


and got chance to work at religious place. This started during the
dasha of R.'\huNenus fallowed by Sun and now Moon. Rahu Is in 9"'
house with 9* lord. 9*1 Venus aspects Ll/IO"'L (Mer AmK). PAC of
~HJ91'L with Ll/IO"'L Indicates motive of change In profession and
changes of heart. particularty out look for religion that Is proved by
MD/AD. From MD/ADSun in tO"' house Indicates working at religious
place, during this period he was posted as chief of Shrine Board by
Thus connection of 3"'H/6"'H/10fiHJLL and 9* house with
planetary strength In Varanasi Drekkana shows high rank. PAC of
9'-"H/9"'Lwlth IO"'H/IO"'Lindicates motive of change In profession. In
2008 with the commencement of Jupiter dasha he faced persecutfon.
luplter Is 4* and 7" lord debilitated In 5"' house with 6'" lord Saturn

casa~21 lAS
D.O.B. 1~4:1941~ T.O.B. 13:05:00hrs.; ROB. Delhi
3"' house Is 6* house from 10* house and 3• H Is also 10* house

5<11 ~
K.et M Moon

~ ug
1 Apral1941
13 05


Varanasi Drekkana and Karmaphala The Drekkana


Sun Moon
Ven Mars
of Case 21


from Ari Bhava. The interconnection of 3"'H/6"'H/IO"'H and LL in
Varanasi Drekkana indicating high rank status. 7"' lord in 7"' house
indicates high rank.
In the Varanasi Drekkana 3"' lord Jupiter is placed In 6th house
with lagna lord Saturn and aspects I Q<hHouse and 10"' lord. 10"' lord is
with Sun in 2nc1 house.9"' lord and 6"' lord In 12"' house aspecting 6*
house. Aspect of Mars on 10"' H has given him commander type of
working. This Is the horoscope of Retired Additional Secretary of
Home affairs.

Case • 22 (lAS officer)

D.O.B. 5-8-1967; T.O.B.22:09:00hrs.
Lagna lord and 10"' lord in lagna shows strength. 3"' lord Venus
aspects 10"' house. 2nd lord Mars In 9* house (own house) aspects 3m
house/3"' lord/5* lord (Moon) and 6* lord (Sun) indicates high rank.
He is an lAS officer.

Lag Rah

Case-22 Sun Jup
SAug 1967
22:09 Ven


The Drekkana Varanasi Dnskkanaand Kanuaplta/a

l"1 H»> ven


S..! VOK

~.~ ... ,. Kctl

From Moon - 3" lord Mars in 10"' house (own house) aspects
Lagna lord (S..lt}/6"' lord (Moon)/7 111 lord (Sun}/4"' ft. 9* lord (Venus)
and 5"' house. Lagna lord Saturn and 10"' lord are In mutual aspects.

Case- 23 Bernard Merimee

D.O.S 4·12·1936; T.OB. I 7:00:00 hrs , France
Joined Army then to diplomacy then to la.ll. Born In the dasha of
Ketu, Ketu is In Lagna in Natal and Drekkana chart Indicating
Connection of 6* and l 0* in natal and Drekkana Indicates
service, aspect of Mars as 6"' lord on 10"' house Indicated Defence
service. 10"' house of natal falling in 6"' house of Drekkana with
debilitated Mercury, a planet of diplomacy. Mercury Is 9* and 12111
lord of Drekkana placed In 6* house aspected by Mars gives the
karam·pha.la of the Diplomatic service.
Ketu dasha fallowed by Venus dasha. Venus Is 5"' lord of Natal
and LL of Drekkana chan placed in 9* house aspected by 4* and 5"'


4 Dec 1936

Jup ,,.,,
Sun r.~ars

varanssJ Drekkana and Karmaphala The Drekkana

Mer Jup Ven

of Case 23

Sal Lag

lord gave him good education.

Jupiter is aspecting Lagna of Natal and Drekkana chart. Jupiter is
with Rahu making Guru Chanda! Yoga lnHuenclng lagna.
Mars is the 6* and 11e11 lord of Natal chart and 7* and 2nd lord of
Drekkana generating Dhan yoga. Mars Is 2nd lord placed In 11"' house
and aspecting its own house 2n<IH and9* lord and 1l"'lord Indicating
earning of wealth during the dasha.
In Rahu dasha he joined diplomatic service, he was Indicted for
fraud In food lot oil programme of Iraq and went to jail in Jup/Jup.
Jupiter is 6* lord of Drekkana placed with Rahu and 1 0* lord Moon
aspecting Lagna. Thus Varanasi Drekkana represents the Karmaphal,
conforming to the nature of Karma of native in previous birth.

Table X-1 (The Hora Chart)
Ruler Degree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
DEV 1st 10"- 15. s M s M s M s M s M s M
PITRAS 2nd IW- 30" M s M s M s M s M s M s
Speculum of Horas
lord Degrees
DEV 15 5 4 5 4 5 I 4 5 4 5 4 5 4
PITRAS 30 4 5 4 5 4 I 5 4 5 4 5 4 5
5 Represents Sun I Leo Sign ; 4 Represents Moon I Cancer Sign
Table X·2 (The Drekkana Chart)
RuleF'I Drekkana Degrees
1 2 3 . 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
NARAD 1st o·- 10· I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
AAGASTYA 2nd 10"- 20' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
DURVASA 3rd 20'- 30' 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Tables X·J_(The Chaturtharnsha Chart)_

Ruler Degrees
1 2 3 5 . 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
SANAK 0'-7'30' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SANANDAN 7' 30' - 15'0' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
KUMAR 15'0'- 22"30' 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
SANA TAN 22' 30' - 30'00' 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Table X-4 (Tiw Saptamsha Chart)

Ruler Degrees

4 "
oa•34·1r 2 9 4 11 6 1 8 3 10 5 12 7
DAD HI 12"51'25" 3 10 5 12 7 2 9 4 11 6 1 8
AAJYA 17°08'34" 4 11 6 1 8 3 10 5 12 7 2 9
IKSHURAS 21"25'43" 5 12 7 2 9 4 11 6 1 8 3 10
I.!ADOH 25°42'51" 6 1 8 3 10 5 12 7 2 9 4 11
SHUDH JAL 3o•oo·oo· 7 2 9 4 11 6 1 8 3 10 5 12
Table X-6 (The Navamaha Chart.
Ruler Oogreot
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
DEVTA 3°20' 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
NAR 6•.;o· 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5
RAKSHAS 1croo· 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6
DEVTA 13"20' 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7
NAR 16"40' 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
RAKSHAS 20000' 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9
DEVTA 23"20' 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10
NAR 26.40' 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11
RAKSHAS 30000' 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12

Table X-6!The Dashamsha Chart)

Ruler Degrees
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 II 9 10 11 12
INDER o•. 3• 1 11 3 12 5 2 1 4 9 6 11 8
AGNI 3•- 6• 2 12 4 1 6 3 8 5 10 7 12 9
YAM 6•- go 3 1 5 2 7 4 9 6 11 8 1 10
RAKSHAS 9"-1~ 4 2 6 3 8 5 10 7 12 9 2 11
VARUN 1~- 15' 5 3 7 4 9 6 11 8 1 10 3 12
VAYU 15°- 18° 6 4 8 5 10 7 12 9 2 ,1 4 1
KUBER 18°-21° 7 5 9 6 11 8 1 10 3 12 5 2
ISHAN 21°- 24° 8 6 10 7 12 9 2 11 4 1 6 3
PAOMAZ 24'- 27' 9 7 11 8 1 10 3 12 5 2 7 4
ANNA NT 27'. 30' 10 8 12 9 2 11 4 1 6 3 8 5

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