Jyotish - The New Instant Astrologer - Sideral - Eshelman & Stanton

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................... 9


--A Preface by James A. Eshelman.............. 11


2. SIDEREAL STARTERS ........................... 19

Signs of the Zodiac, 19
Meanings of the Planets, 20
White Hats & Black Hats, 21
Basic Terminology, 22
Tools of the Trade, 24
Symbols & Equivalents, 25
Converting to the Sidereal Zodiac, 26

3. COMPUTING THE BIRTH MAP...................... 28

Organizing the Data, 28
Computing Sidereal Time, 30
Using a Midnight Ephemeris--Planet
Calculations, 32
Using a Noon Ephemeris, 36
Using East Longitude. 37
Using South Latitude, 37

4. CONSTELLATIONS OF THE SUN & MOON ............. 38

Exaltations, 40
Constellations of the Sun, 41
Constellations of the Moon, 72
Salient Traits of the Zodiacal Constellations, 87

5. ASPECTS 6 ANGULAR PLANETS .................... 90

Examples of Aspect Orbs, 91
Psychological Sums, 91
Angular Planets, 93
Aspect Delineations, 96
Aspect Key-Words, 108

6. SYSTEMATIC INTERPRETATION ................... 109

Marilyn Monroe, 110
Anne Frank, 113
Mohammed Ali, 115


Luminary Interchanges, 121
Planetary Interchanges, 124
Outer Planets to Angles, 127

8. SIDEREAL FORECASTING METHODS ................ 129

Computing the Sidereal Solar Return, 131
Computing the Sidereal Lunar Return, 133
Computing the Solar Quotidian, 133

Computing the Progressed Sidereal Solar

Return. 135
Environment & Self: The Inside-Outside
Theory, 137
Sample Transits: Mercury, 143
Interpreting the Solar & Lunar Returns, 144
Postscript on Associations, 151

An Ordinary Man's "Uninteresting" Lunar

Return, 153




ANY YEAR.......................... 161


by Carl W. Stahl................... 166

INDEX............................................. 182

When :thetheleading
Leading Jte-6 eMc.hvw and WWe:JU, .£n S.£de.Jteai. CM.tJr.of_r!n u--
reeco..c.heAc and wAiteAc in SideAeal actAolDnu--
Fagan, GaJt:th
GaAth A.t.ten
(Donald A. A.
BAigadieA R. R.C. C.F.{_JtebJtac.e,
andand Rupeft:t G.te.adow--a.t.t
Rupert Gteadow--att died d.£e.d .£n in.6hoJt:t
chortoJtde.Jt, we we
0/Eden., 6e..tLAetta
a de.ope.Jta:te.
despeitate empti-
ne.o-6. No:t only had Mme. on :thv.,e. me.n bee.n.
ness. Not only had come o4 these men been our 4riends, but thar OU!t nft.{_end-6, bu:t :thUJz. WW- wait-
.£ng.6 had be.e.n :the line b.tood .6M:ta.£n.£ng S.£de.Jtea.t
ingc had been the ,e4.4e btood sustaining Sidereal actnotogy .60A co tong. M:tJw.togy 6oft .6o R.ong.
We. We
would like. :to gJta:te.6u.t.ty ac.know.tedge. :thw de.dic.a:ted
would tike to gAateAutty acknowtedge their dedicated 46orts spanning e66oft:t.6 .6pann.£ng
over a ac.e.n:tuJty
centuryo6of c.o.t.te.c.tive.
learning, andand sharing.

TwoTwo people
pe.op.te. have
have. be.e.nbeen vital
v.£:ta.t .£n in:thw thenJte/.Je.a!tc.h
assistance, e.nc.ouJtage.-
me.n:t-6, help6we
he..tp6u£ suggestions,
.6ugge.otion.6, patience,p!too6Jteading,
patie.nc.e., prooPteading, cniticizmc, and and .tove..
Anna- Kft.{_a K.£ngKing
and and Matthew
Ma:t:the.w Quettcus
Que..t.ta-6 deserve
dv., e.Jtve. in many
.£n many Jte-6 respects
pe.c.:t-6 :totohave
namv., wah. with
OuM. ourson
on :the. Aronto6oA
the6Jton:t :th.£.6thic book.To
book. To:th0.6e
those :two
two deaJl.
dear iriends
6Jt.{_e.nd.6 gogo
:thank-6 o6 a .6pe.Ua.t
a oJtde.Jt.
thanks oi special °Adm.
ToToCM.tCaul S:tah.t,
authorand andpubwpubtiehee he.Jt oo6 6 many
Side/teatboo k-6 and
books and
curtictec, we.wee.x:te.nd
thanks6oft pe.Jtm.£.6.6.£on to
or penmission :to reproduce
Jte.p!toduc.e.hie Syne.Uc.
h.£.6Synetic Ve.Jtna.t
Po.£n:t (SVP) U.ke.w.£.6e., :to Ge.ne. Loc.khaJt:t
Point (SVP) ephemeris. Likewise, to Gene Loekhaet go thanks or his pen- go :thank-6 6oft h.£.6 pe!t-
missionn :to toadapt
directly 6rom 6Jtom hie S.£de.Jte.a.tEphemenLa or
h.£.6 Sidereal 79 21 -
KMyn Ryan,Ryan,
Ka/Lyn KMe.nKaren
Kaye.,Kaye, Phyttic Kne..{.p,
Kneip, Robe.Jt:t
Robert Hu!t:tz GJtande.,
Granite, Bob
Pa.£ge, LoisAJtun,
Piszek, and
KaAenWUkvwonWilkerson a.t.tHurtz
.6.£nc.e.Jte gJta:tdude 6oft M.6.£.6:tanc.e and .6uppoJt:t .£n
sincene grati tude bon assistance and suppont in diverse ways. Theirdivvw e way-6. Thw
recommendations, c.omme.n:t-6,
comments, and and
°the&a.£d aid
a.t-6o p.taye.d
also played anan.£mpoJt:tan:t
.£n in
this book
reedy. To To one.
one andand a.t.t,
att., aa hearty,
hea!t:ty, "Thank
"Thank you."

A Preface by James A. Eshelman

Roughly a third of a century has elapsed since the Irish

astrological pioneer, Cyril Fagan, made the most significant
rediscovery in astrology's history. ,Fagan realized in 1944
that the fixed Sidereal zodiac* was the only viable one. He
spent the remaining 26 years of his life perfecting his know-
ledge and passing it on to others.
Unfortunately, it was some 15 years before an organ-
ized approach to the study of Sidereal astrology was avail-
able in printed form. Fagan's A Primer of Sidereal Astrology,
co-authored with Brigadier R. C. Firebrace, C.B.E., was a
thorough introduction to the mathematics and interpretation
of Sidereal predictive methods, but scarcely touched natal
interpretation. Fagan's monthly column in American Astrology, "
Solunars", had not been organized into a usable form for
either home or class instruction. A serious gap existed in
Sidereal literature which had still not been filled by 1968.
In the summer ,of that year, a Virgo named Miriam Miyai
approached Tom Stanton in Los Angeles, California, and pro-
posed that they jointly compile a quick-reference guide deal-
ing with Sidereal astrology. The book was intended to be a
concise introduction to natal chart preparation and interpre-
tation. Their product was the first edition of THE INSTANT
ASTROLOGER, a book which experienced its ordeal of fire at
Phyllis Kneip's Sidereal School of Astrology in Hollywood,
and enjoyed considerable popularity on the West Coast for
half a dozen years.

* See Chapter 1 for an explanation of the Sidereal and Tropical zodiacs.


The ensuing years saw Tom Stanton move to El Paso, Tex-

as, where THE INSTANT ASTROLOGER was used at the Community
College associated with the University of Texas. A fourth
printing was issued by the university in January, 1973, to
facilitate this course. However, in the three years since,
the book has been out of print. It had never been intended
for wide circulation; now it seemed as though THE INSTANT
ASTROLOGER would vanish.

An Upward Spiral of Excellence

Yet something was happening in American astrological
circles. Unknown to even the front-runners of Siderealism
outside of California, Sidereal astrology had gained a sturdy
handhold among this country's astrologers. In the fall of
1974, two lifelong friends decided to organize this scattered
treasure of enthusiasm and interest, and by the following
March, Karen Wilkerson and Joan G. Piszek had formed the
Registry of Sidereal Astrologers. Affectionately known as
ROSA, the Registry drew together diverse participants from
around the world, interested in the common goal of furthering
the cause of Sidereal astrology.
With the realization that there existed such overwhelm-
ing interest in his topic, Tom Stanton began to reconsider
the dormancy of his book. Miriam, in recent years, had en-
joyed the Pacific comfort of her Hawaiian paradise, so collab-
oration on improving the book, which Tom felt was needed, was
made difficult. The idea of a second edition was temporarily
shelved, though encouragement came from all sides to re-issue
this first Western Sidereal natal delineation manual since
the Tetrabiblos of Ptolemy in the second century A.D.
Life, however, takes strange turns. In the course of
a few months, the growth of ROSA pulled me to California
where I soon met Tom Stanton. Within a few weeks, Tom had
found his second Virgo partner, for we had decided to issue
an entirely new edition of the book. But the raison d'etre
of THE INSTANT ASTROLOGER had changed. Other Sidereal books
had appeared on the market. It was no longer important enough
just to have a Sidereal manual in circulation. What we need-
ed for the new, mature Sidereal audience was an approach to
analysis delivering some degree of sophistication without
sacrificing the simplicity of the original format. We needed
new tools and new approaches for curious minds. It was in
this spirit that we decided that summer day, seven years
after the parent book had first been conceived, to write THE

The Simple, the Sophisticated, & the Sublime

Sidereal astrology has been accused of incompleteness
if not incompetence. This view may be held of any new field
taking time to construct a groundwork, a firm basis on which
later sophistication can be built. Time is necessary to es-
tablish a sturdy footing, especially when the early years
find one having to fight tooth and nail for breathing space,
for a chance to be and to explore one's theories and discov-
eries with the eager cooperation of knowledgeable colleagues.
One would hope that they, too, would be looking for ways to
improve their astrology. Fagan met only bitter resistance
at almost every quarter. The few friends he found became
important co-workers, and together with Donald Bradley,
Rupert Gleadow, Richard Murikami, Roy Firebrace, Joanne
Clancy, Carl Stahl, and others not so well known, Cyril Fagan
built his ground floor, and built it well. It was a founda-
tion made of proven fundamentals; only the most trustworthy
building materials were used. Some said the system lacked
sophistication and fullness. Yet, while Fagan's in those
early days may not have been able to draw the quantity of
information from a chart that Tropical advocates seemed able
to pull, what they deduced was correct with a far better
track record than Tropical astrologers have ever been able
to claim at such an early stage of astrological education.
Today, as Sidereal astrology achieves a sublime full-
ness, a capacity for detail and nuance which can at least
match that of other schools, it still seems wise to first
train students solidly in the fundamentals. Sun and Moon
signs, angular planets, and the most important aspects, when
examined alone, produce accurate results which build students'
confidence. Furthermore, advanced techniques act only to mod-
ify the essential groundwork these fundamentals establish.
It's only a matter of looking at the most important things
first; of knowing one's basics and knowing them well.
With days of contention apparently passing behind us,
jealousies and misplaced pride between proponents of various
systems will hopefully subside, leading to a greater spirit
of cooperation and sharing. Students are encouraged to read
other writings, to listen to other perspectives. However,
this urging carries an attached warning to try to objectively
sort that which really explains and aids from that which sounds
great in theory, but has a Big League batting average that
wouldn't make the Little League team. The fundamentals
described in the next few chapters are important background
for any modern school of astrology. We present them from a
Sidereal perspective, asking that this book be taken for no

more than it is intended to be: an introductory manual so

long needed in a field so full of promise.
West Hollywood, California
1976, May 19



Astrology is a time-machine. It is a means to under-

stand the mood or tone of 'any moment at any place, thereby
providing perspective on not only the immediate instant, but
also the past and the future. Astrology gives us a vantage
point from which to view ourselves and others, giving us an
objective basis for understanding motivations, desires, needs,
capacities, and attitudes.
To accomplish these things, astrology makes use of a
map of the heavens. The diagram reflects the appearance of
the sky at-the hour and place of a birth, be it the birth of
a child, an idea, or anything else. The astrologer studies
positions and interrelationships of the Sun, the Moon, and
other major Solar System bodies to determine their impact on
both personality and one's changing conditions from day to
Popular astrology makes use of only one small part of
the whole astrological theory: the signs, or subdivisions of
the ecliptic*. Ancient observers realized from comparing the
positions of planets at births with individual behavior that
these subdivisions provided valid character delineations.
These early priests isolated twelve consecutive parts of the
sky, all of equal length, each occupying exactly 300 of the
ecliptic. And to each of these zones they attributed specific
For instance, it was observed that when the Sun or Moon
occupied the part of the sky called Taurus, certain traits
consistently manifested which could be associated with Taurus'

* The ecliptic is the Sun's mean apparent orbital path around the

planet, Venus. Venus was goddess of beauty and love; there-

fore, "Taurians" would generally be found oriented toward
esthetics and the pursuit of harmony. In modern times this
includes anyone born between May 15 and June 14, approxi-
We can contrast this to individuals born six months
later, about November 17-December 16 in our century. We
should find opposite traits--opposing parts of the sky tend
to breed opposing natures. During the month in question,
the Sun is in the constellation called Scorpio, ruled by Mars,
the red war god. Scorpio types are therefore likely to thrive
on competition, be it a physical contest or a debate. They
can be expected to display considerable aggression, and to
only rarely back down from a challenge.
Clear examples of these two opposiing principles can be
found in the brothers, John and Robert Kennedy. President
John F. Kennedy had his Sun in Taurus (birthday May 29). He
was essentially peace-loving and fond of beautiful ornamen-
tation. Some have said that he brought culture to the White
House. His Moon was in the constellation Leo, a stellar zone
which gives a "take charge" attitude and makes sacrificing
personal values painful, but his true nature was non-violent,
humanitarian, and introspective.
Senator Robert F. Kennedy was born on November 29 with
the Sun in Scorpio. He was a known fighter. As head of the
Department of Justice, he lost little time declaring war
against both the Mafia and Teamster leader Jimmy Hoffa, two
powerful adversaries.

Stars vs. Signs

In describing these two men, and those born during the
same months as they, we have been using the Sidereal zodiac.
This is a reference system based on the original
cosmocratic concepts of the ancient Egyptians, differing
from the seasonal Tropical zodiac applied in many astrological
magazines, books, and newspaper columns. For instance, the
Sun at John Kennedy's birth fell in the Tropical sign Gemini,
but was physically projected against the actual background
starfield of the Sidereal constellation Taurus.
The Tropical zodiac is based on the premise that 0°
Aries, the first point of the zodiac, is taken to be the
Sun's position at the first moment of spring. No allowance
is made, however, for the fact that spring in Indiana is

Australian autumn--the Sun will be entering Aries in either

case. Furthermore, the problem of arbitrarily anchoring the
zodiac to the Spring equinox, thus to the seasons, is that the
colours are ever shifting in relation to the stars. This is
due to an astronomical phenomenon called precession which
shifts the seasonal markers about 10 every 72 years in
relation to the stars. Perhaps this appears to be a modest
amount, but it accumulates over the centuries. In the last
1700 years, this adjustment of the Earth's equinox and sol-
stice points has caused the zodiacal boundaries to shift 24°,
almost the breadth of an entire constellation! Therefore,
Tropicalists classify people born between April 20 and May
20 as Taurians, whereas the Sidereal dates at this point in
history are about 24 days later.
To many, the inconsistency between stars and signs seems
to invalidate the astrological theory. They point out that
when astrology was first invented, and up until the time of
Christ (and later), a time span of no less than 3000 years,
astrologers relied on the visible zodiac in the sky, the one
they could see. Their birth maps actually reflected the
appearance of the sky at the moment a person was born.
Historical research* reveals that the bright star Aldeb-
aran was assumed to be for all time fixed at 150 Taurus (the
center of the constellation of the Bull), opposite Antares at
15° Scorpio.— These stars are respectively known in various
languages as the "eye of the bull"--bull's-eye to this day
indicates the precise mathematical center of a thing, such as
a target--and the "heart of the scorpion". These positions
vary slightly, but at so slow a rate that they may be con-
sidered totally fixed for all practical purposes within an
individual's life span.

Tack or Tact?
Yet while the sign placements in the two systems are
different, much else is the same. In the past it seems that
the differences between the Tropical and Sidereal systems have
been emphasized, whereas the majority of their basic precepts
are identical. Of all material presented in this book, only
the sign interpretations will necessarily differ from those
found in Tropical references.
One of the rules common to Tropical and Sidereal astrol-
ogies is that each sign or constellation has influences similar
* "Pagan, Astrological Origins , Llewellyn, St. Paul, 1971.

to those of its "ruling planet". For instance, Scorpio is

similar to Mars, as stated previously. Likewise, Sagittarius
is said to be like Jupiter: generous, quality-oriented, ben-
evolent, congenial, tolerant, doing as little as possible to
cause trouble, and trying his best to be liked or at least
acknowledged. Sidereal Scorpios, for the most part, have
their Suns in Tropical Sagittarius (Sen. Kennedy being an
exception: a Scorpio either way). People born at this time
are known to be dynamic, competitive, claustrophobic, ener-
getic, and enduring, their tact often being less than ade-
quate to the occassion. The important question becomes:
are these martial or jovial characteristics? The answer to
that, by inference, tells whether we should consider them
Scorpian or Sagittarian. We think the arguments for Scorpio
and Mars are better founded, but the final answer is left to
the reader to decide, after he has gained a greater familiarity
with astrology's basic tenets.

Signs of the Zodiac
Sidereal Tropical
Constellation Glyph Ruler Dates* Dates*
Aries, Pluto-Mars Apr 14- Mar 21-
the Ram
8-d' May 14 Apr 19
Taurus, Venus May 15- Apr 20-
the Bull Jun 14 May 20
Gemini, Mercury Jun 15- May 21-
the Twins Jul 16 Jun 20

Cancer, Moon Jul 17- Jun 21-

the Crab 3) Aug 16 Jul 22
Leo, Sun Aug 17- Jul 23-
the Lion
0 Sep 16 Aug 22
Virgo, Mercury Sep 17- Aug 23-
the Maiden 0ct 16 Sep 22
Libra, Venus Oct 17- Sep 23-
the Balance
the Scorpion
- Mars
Nov 16
Nov 17-
Dec 16
0ct 22
Oct 23-
Nov 22
Sagittarius, Jupiter Dec 17- Nov 23-
the Archer
4 Jan 13 Dec 21
Capricorn, Saturn Jan 14- Dec 22-
the Sea-Goat 1( Feb 12 Jan 19
Aquarius, Uranus-Saturn Feb 13- Jan 20-
.the Water Mar 14 Feb 18
Pisces, Neptune-Jupiter Mar 15- Feb 19-
the Fish
w '4 Apr 13 Mar 20

** These dates may vary slightly according to the year of birth. A
year is
is technically
Water 365.25
365.25 days.
Carrie'r" W —We
days. f'.
365 and
Mar pick
and14 pickupupthe
Feb 18re-
the re-
P i s cevery
mainder e s , fourth
every N e year
X t u in
pyear ninewhat
- J uwe
what p icall
we t e rLeap
call Leap
r 1This
Year. - is is
5This what
Feb causes
the calendar
the Fish day
day of
of the
the Sun
Sun entering
Sidereal dates
dates advance
but Tropical
advance one
one full
day every
every 72
72 years
yearsApr to
due13 toprecession,
our Tropical
Mar 20
our Tropical

Meanings of the Planets

SUN - "What you are," the core of your identity. The Sun
relates to all forms of authority, power, and emin-
ence. Bestows the essence of life and vitality.
The Sun's constellation is one of the most important
character determinants in the chart.

MOON - The casual side of personality, including the man-

nerisms, personal idiosyncrasies, and tastes which
set one apart from those about him. The Moon rep-
resents the side of one's being which he reveals
most easily, that which adapts to the environment
in which it is placed and absorbs conditions around
it. It relates to the feelings in general and
desire nature in particular.

MERCURY - Gathering, storing, interpreting, and sharing infor-

17r mation are the primary responsibilities of this
planet. It represents mental faculties and communi-
cation, and also strongly influences business skills.
It dominates a chart when the theme is transporta-
tion. Mercury relates to life through the nervous
VENUS - Goddess of Love, hence indicates your appreciation
of the pleasant and your ability to give love in
any form. This includes romance and other social
interaction. Gentle, esthetic, receptive, but very
literal, searching for meaning in life.
MARS - Aggression and physical expression. Mars is par-
ticularly competitive (athletics, business, etc.),
enjoying a battle on any front. Sexual aggressions
and strong energy reserves, along with moral convic-
tion to defend insights and beliefs.
JUPITER - Most fortunate of planets, bestowing expansive
qualities and leading to optimism, enthusiasm, and
generosity. Jupiter compares and improves every-
thing he touches. Desire to gain endearment of
others, often accomplished through benevolent acts
which gain gratitude. Religious, propitiatory,
striving for superiority.

BENEFIC (Social) PLANETS: Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus

MALEFIC (Antisocial) PLANETS: Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto
NEUTRAL (Cerebral) PLANETS: Moon & Mercury
(See next page, "White Hats & Black Hats", for explanation.)

SATURN - Inhibiting, withdrawn. Marks the self-preservation

instinct, including the drive to work hard and guard
what is one's own. Guilt-conscious (including con-
science) and can lead to self-imposed trials. Sat-
urn limits and restrains what it touches. An ele-
ment of conservatism and frugality.
URANUS - Where Saturn imposes restrictions, Uranus shatters

inhibitions and limitations. Freedom is the key

theme, including intellectual freedom, and there
is a love of constant novelty and stimulation.
Realistic in a pragmatic, even if outlandish, fash-
ion, Uranus deals with visible realities. Seeks
that which is thrilling, exciting, stimulating, un-
expected, and colorful.
NEPTUNE - Neptune sponsors the tendency to over-dramatize
and blow things out of proportion. Sensitivity in
all ways is pronounced. This nebulous, unrealistic
planet relates to all that is vague and mysterious.
It represents a need for security, to attach one-
self to others. Strong fear of betrayal. Point of
little or no resistance where one usually yields to
temptation. Metaphysical, interested in mysteries,
fond of pretense, over-rationalizing, lack of phys-
ical assertion, diffusing.
PLUTO - The exception to every rule, that which is singled
out from the norm. Desire to be oneself, unhamp-
ered by others. Eccentric, extremistic, separat-
ing, disruptive. Dislikes labels and categoriza-
tions. Isolative.

White Hats & Black Hats

Traditional astrology classifies the planets either as
benefics (good-deed-doers), malefics (the trouble makers), or
neutrals (they go both ways). Though some planets surely make
life easier than others, the "good-bad" dichotomy can be peri-
lously misleading unless we define what we mean by "good" and "
Are ease and lack of concern taken as the highest ben-
efits? If so, then Neptune is surely as deserving of a ben-
efic rating as Jupiter and Venus. Certainly the greatest
good lies in the capacity for personal fulfillment, growth,
and self-expression; but every planet has potential along these

We have selected to identify "benefic" as alluding to a

social perspective, an ease of adjustment to stresses and,
more often than not, a positive state of mind. Malefics are
by no means without their redeeming features--they symbolize
energy (Mars), effort (Saturn), imagination (Neptune), and
transformation (Pluto)--but in terms of being uncooperative
they may be regarded as antisocial It seems that more often
they bring about problems than cures, when psychological bal-
ance is considered. They are difficult in the sense of incit-
ing physical or emotional stress or discomfort. Often we
resort to calling malefic planets catabolic, or energy-releas-
ing and leading to the breakdown of materials. Benefics, in
turn, may be relegated to the anabolic, or constructive,
building category.
Mercury and the Moon, the two neutral bodies, are also
labelled "cerebral" because they have mental-emotional natures
which respond and adapt to elements of the environment and
coordinate various perceptions for the brain. They are easily
colored by the natures of the planets they aspect.

Basic terminology
NATAL (Birth) CHART: A diagram showing the location of the
luminaries (Sun and Moon) and the planets, and the constel-
lations which they occupy, for the time and place of a person's
birth. The basic tool in any astrological analysis of a per-
son's character or potentials.
ECLIPTIC: The mean apparent path of the Sun about the Earth;
that is, the mean plane of the Earth's true orbit around the
Sun, reflected in the Sun's apparent geocentric motion. Plan-
etary positions are measured along this great circle.
ZODIAC: A belt 8° either side of the ecliptic. Astrologers
divide this into 12 equal sections of exactly 300 each (con-
stellations), and assign to each a particular nature. The
planets move through the zodiac.

LUMINARIES: The Sun and Moon (to distinguish them from the
other planets).
ASPECTS or CONFIGURATIONS: Special angular relationships be-
tween planets which meld their influences. Planets are "in
aspect" when they are 0° (conjunction), 1800 (opposition),
90° (square), 1200 (trine), or 60° (sextile) apart. The con-
junction and opposition are considered the strongest aspects
and, together with the square, the most noticeable in action.

NGLES: Intersections of the horizon and meridian circle with

ecliptic. A A planet
planet is
said to to
be be
meridian or
circle withimme-
or in the the
iate foretround when rising (Ascendant), setting
diate foreground when rising (Ascendant), setting (Descendant), TDescendant),
crossing t the
e southern meridian(Midheaven)
southern meridian (Midheaven) where
where theisSun
the Sun at is at
oon, or or
noon, crossing
the opposing point(Antimeridian)
opposing point (Antimeridian)wherewhere
the the
un Sun
is isat at
midnight. ItItthereby
thereby expresses
expresses its powerful
its most most powerful
influence. Planets withinabout
Planets within about
100 100 of angles
of the the angles
may be may
con- be con-
sideredto tobebeininthe
the foreground
foreground atatthisthisstage
stage of your
of your learning.
s A s E
c W c S
N-------------+------------N THE ANGLES
D N ND Centers of
A D DA Planetary
Centers Expression
N AN Planetary Expression


HOUSE:InInthethe diagram above, notice
diagram above, notice that
that the the angles
angles quadrate
he the
sphere--divide itit into
into four
equal parts.
parts. Each Each
of these
f these quadrants is
quadrants is in
in turn
trisected, providing twelvetwelve
ouses, or orspacial
spacial divisions
divisions ofofthe
celestial sphere. Six
sphere. Six
ouses areare abovethe
above the horizon
horizon (top
(topofofchart) and and
chart) six six
are below
are below
he the horizon(bottom
horizon (bottom of
of chart).
chart). We We
will use use
will them them
only to re- tore-
lect thethe relative angularity
relative angularity ofofa aplanet.
(Spring) EQUINOX: Point
ecliptic where
ecliptic the Sun
where the
un crosses
equator moving
equator northward.
moving Frequently
northward. called thecalled
he Vernal
VernalPoint (VP).
Point (VP).
SYNETIC VERNAL POINT (SVP): Sidereal longitude of the VP.
A table of thePOINT
SVP is(SVP):
given inSidereal
Appendix Dlongitude
at the veryofend
of VP.
table of theIt SVP
this book. is given
is used in Appendix
to convert from the D at the zodiac
Tropical very end
to of
histhebook. It or
Sidereal, is vice
to convert from the Tropical zodiac
o the Sidereal, or vice versa.
PRECESSION: The receding motion of the VP along the ecliptic
RECESSION: The receding
at the approximate rate of motion of in
one degree the72VP along the ecliptic
t the approximate rate of one degree in 72 years.
SOLAR RETURN: A chart cast each year for the moment the Sun
OLAR to itsAnatal
RETURN: chart(birth)
cast position.
each yearThis
for occurs on or very
the moment the Sun
close to
eturns to the
its birthday. A Solarposition.
natal (birth) Return describes
This the conditions
occurs on or very
lose to will
the predominate
birthday. the following
A Solar year.describes the conditions
which will predominate the following year.

LUNAR RETURN: A chart cast for the exact time when the Moon
returns to its natal (birth) position. This occurs once
every 27.3 days and provides an outline of conditions which
influence the individual during the month for which the chart
is cast.

Tools of the Trade

EPHEMERIS (plural, EPHEMERIDES: ef-uh-mair'-uh-deez): A
table giving the positions of the planets and other useful
information, usually computed on a daily basis. Positions
are given for either noon or midnight Greenwich Mean Time
GMT), depending on the particular ephemeris.
TABLES OF HOUSES: Tables providing the longitude of the cusps (
boundary points) of the 12 houses, including the angles.
Tables are computed for various latitudes, usually at 10 inter-
ATLAS, such as the AFA Astrological Atlas of the United States
or Longitudes and Latitudes in the U.S. by Eugene Dernay.
Provides geographic coordinates (longitude and latitude) of
major cities in the U.S. and elsewhere.

TIME CHANGES IN THE U.S.: Book by Doris Chase Doane, a ref-

erence which provides information on time standards used in


which simplify accurate calculations of planetary positions.
Indicate at a glance how far a planet advances during a
certain interval of time.


HH == hour
hour of
of time
MM == minute
minute ofof time
Ss == second
second of time
of time
== degree
degree of
of arc
=- minute
minute of
of arc
== second
second of
of arc
60S == 11 minute
60M == 11 hour
24H == 11 day
11 sign
sign == 30°
24H == 11 day -
= 360°
60" == 1'1'
60' == 1°10
1H == 15°

0'd Conjunction
Conjunction (0.)

cP Opposition
Opposition (180°)
0 Square (90°)
Square (90°)

6 Trine
Trine (120°)

Sextile (60°)

Converting to the Sidereal Zodiac

Many ephemerides, and most tables of houses, are com-
puted in the Tropical zodiac, and planetary longitudes must
therefore be converted to the Sidereal format. In order to
do this we must know the difference between the starting
points of the two zodiacs, which means we must know the simul-
taneous Tropical and Sidereal longitudes of at least one
In Appendix D of this book you will find tables of the
Synetic Vernal Point (SVP) compiled by Carl W. Stahl. This
is the Sidereal longitude of the point Tropical astrologers
call 0°00'00" Aries. For instance, on November 7, 1934, the
SVP was 6°09'57".3 Pisces. (All values given in the SVP
ephemeris are longitudes in Pisces, since the VP occupies
that constellation from 221-2376 A.D., a period of 2155 years
known as the Age of Pisces.)
Since 0° Aries = 30° Pisces, we can subtract the SVP
from 300 to find the difference between the Tropical and
Sidereal starting points.
30° = 29°59'60".0
SVP = 6 09 57 .3
difference 23050'02".7
The difference is called the ayanamsa (ay-uh-numb'-shah).
By subtracting it from the Tropical longitudes of each of the
planets for this date, we can find the Sidereal longitudes.
EXAMPLE: The Die Deutsche (Tropical) ephemeris gives the
Sun's longitude at Greenwich midnight, November 7, 1934, as
13°53'35" Scorpio. What is the Sidereal longitude? Since
each sign consists of 30°, and Libra precedes Scorpio, we can
write 13053'35" Scorpio as 43°53'35" Libra.

Tropical longitude 43°53'35" Libra

ayanamsa 23 50 03
Sidereal longitude TU°03'32" Libra
Gene Lockhart, in his Sidereal Ephemeris 1921-1959,
gives 20°03'33" Libra, the 01" variation being due to inter-
nal rounding errors.
A far easier method is to add the numerical portion of
the SVP and subtract one sign (30°). The answer will always
be exactly the same as that obtained by the p20°03'32method.

Tropical longitude 13°53'35" Scorpio

+ SVP 8 ! 0 ; ! 7 9
20°03'32" Scorpio
subtract 30° (one sign) = 20003'32" Libra
Any Tropical longitude, be it of a planet, angle, or
other house cusp, is converted to its Sidereal equivalent in
this way.
Notice that when the Tropical longitude is greater than
the ayanamsa, the planet will fall in the same sign in both
the Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs. On November 7, 1934, the
ayanamsa was 23050', so a planet later than 23050' of any
Tropical sign would be in the same constellation. Uranus,
for instance, was at Tropical 28052' Aries. What was its
Sidereal longitude?

Tropical longitude 28052' Aries

+ SVP 8 ! 3 0
35002' Aries
subtract 300 (one sign) 5 0 ! 0 0
= Sidereal longitude 5°02' Aries
Uranus is therefore in both Sidereal Aries and Tropical



Organizing the Data

Because a natal chart is computed for a specific moment

at a particular location, we must be able to refer these time
and space coordinates to a certain norm. Location on the
Earth is measured in degrees of longitude east and west of
the Greenwich (England) meridian, and latitude north or south
of the equator. Time is normally reduced to some variation
of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), the time standard of England,
by which almost all ephemerides are computed.
If we measure GMT from a midnight starting point we are
using Universal Time (UT), whereas if we measure it from a
noon starting point.we employ Astronomical Time (AT). We
need both of these norms because some ephemerides tabulate
planetary positions at Greenwich noon and some at midnight.*
All ephemerides prior to 1931 were computed for Astro-
nomical Time, and most thereafter for Universal Time. However,
Raphael's and Rosicrucian ephemerides continue to use AT. It
is best to run a little test before using an ephemeris, so you
are certain which type you have. Turn to January of any year,
and look at the "Sidereal Time" column ("Sternzeit" in German; "
Equinoctial Time" in other ephemerides) for January 1. If
the value is close to 18:40:00, you have a noon ephemeris (AT).
If it is close to 6:40:00, you have a midnight ephemeris (UT).
There is actually a subtle refinement which introduces the standard
of Ephemeris Time (ET), but this varies from UT so little--less than a
minute in this century--that we are not including this technicality
here. A fuller explanation of ET is given in my manual, THE SIDEREAL

If it is close to neither of these, you are on the wrong page.

It's as simple as that!

Knowing this, you must reduce the given birth data to

a usable form. In this chapter we will use the example of
Stanley, born November 6, 1934, 9:20 A.M. CST, in Chicago,
Illinois. Had we not known that Central Standard Time was in
effect in Chicago then, a quick look at pages 36-37 of Time
Changes in the USA would have told us that Illinois adopted
CST in 1883, and that Daylight Saving Time in 1934 ended
September 30.
Instructions are given in the time changes book for
converting zone time to UT or AT, but we will reproduce them
here for convenience. There are four time zones used in the
continental United States: Eastern Standard Time (EST), 5
hours earlier than Greenwich; Central Standard (CST). 6 hours
earlier than Greenwich; Mountain Standard Time (MST), 7 hours
earlier than Greenwich; and Pacific Standard Time (PST), 8
hours earlier than Greenwich.

Alaska and Hawaii have used four other time zones:

Yukon Standard Time (YST) is 9 hours earlier than GMT; Central
Alaska Time (CAT) is 10 hours earlier than Greenwich; Hawaiian
Standard Time (HST) is 1011 hours earlier than Greenwich Mean
Time; and Nome Time (NT) is 11 hours earlier than Greenwich
Mean Time.
If Daylight Saving Time or War Time was in use, one
hour must first be deducted from the birth time to get stan-
dard time, then the conversion to UT applied. Thus, 7:45 CDT
= 6:45 CST.
EXAMPLE: Stanley was born at 9:20 A.M. CST. We first convert
to a 24-hour clock measured from midnight (0:00) to get rid of
confusing "A.M." and "P.M." designations, making the birth
time simply 9:20 CST. Because CST is 6 hours earlier than
Greenwich Mean Time, we add six hours, making the birth time
15:20 UT, November 6, 1934.
According to Longitudes & Latitudes in the U.S., page 26,
Chicago is located at longitude 87W39, latitude 41N52.* There
are two other columns in this book, one of which ("L.M.T. Var-
iation from Standard Time") can be ignored. However, the col-
umn labelled "To Obtain GMT Add to LMT" is useful to us. This

* The AFA Astrological Atlas of the United States gives 87W37.5, 41N53.0;
Goode's World Atlas lists 87W37, 41N49; The World Almanac & Book of Facts
marks 87W38'22", 41N52'28" (downtown), etc.

gives the longitude of Chicago expressed in time rather than

arc, on a scale where 24 hours (an entire day) equals 3600 (an
entire circle), or 4 minutes = 10. For Chicago the longitude
in time is 5:50:36.*


ALWAYS NEGATIVE. Therefore, Chicago's longitude, 87W39, is
best expressed as -87039', or -5:50:36. This is an important
rule to remember, and will be applied shortly.

We can summarize our data sheet as below:

NAME: Stanley
BIRTH DATE: November 6, 1934
FMVTL!PLACE: Chicago--41N52, -5:50:36
All birth data should be organized in this way before
you begin calculation, to save time and prevent possible error.

Computing Sidereal Time

Sidereal Time (S.T.) is a form of time which is used in
computing the angles and house cusps, that is, which deter-
mines the orientation of the planets and stars to a particular
location at a particular moment. It measures the Earth's ro-
tation. Your ephemeris will give S.T. for either noon or mid-
night GMT, and for the longitude of Greenwich, England.

Sidereal Time is really "Star Time". The easiest way

we have found for students to remember the S.T. formula was
introduced by Edward Lyndoe in his book, Astrology for Every-
one (E.P. Dutton, New York, 1960). It is quite simple:
S.T. = S+T+A+R
S represents the SIDEREAL TIME taken from the ephemeris for
the day of birth.
T represents the TIME of birth in either UT or AT, depending
on the type of ephemeris you are using.
A is an ACCELERATION of T at the rate of 9.8565 seconds per
hour. One can estimate it at 10 seconds an hour, or
1 second every six minutes.
R represents a REFINEMENT for longitude of birth place. Since
West longitude is negative, for births in the Western
hemisphere you can remember that R is the REDUCTION

* A fuller explanation of converting arc to time is given in Appendix B.


1 D Sid7real )? Q
a T1rne 0 0
I II 0 I 0 I 0
0' I 0
4 I 0 I 0
w wI 0 I 0 I
1y H M S 0
11 2 38 22 41 1Jl54 07 9.:::32 14Jt14 27'\1341 5T 16 201\.09 2€915
. 2 1 2 42 19 15 02 44 13 51 03 1 7Jl. 4 811 0 4 7 14 4 8 1 0 5 4 27 42 SBc 14 20 11 1 2Bc 14
I 3 1 2 46 15 16 02 so 26 00 07 16 30 12 02 15 23 11 07 27 43 5 12 20 12 1 2 14
17 20 57 16 15 13 13 17 15 57 11 20 27 43 5 09 20 13 I 2 14
,p 18 03 07 21 09 06 13 5 8114 3 3116 3 n 2 3 27 44
4 5 07 20 1s 2 14 I
6 2 58 05 19 03 19 4 12 12 48 j15 48j17 06 47 27 45
l 1Ill 5 04 20 16 l 2 14
7 3 02 02 20 03 33 17 35 17 11 45 t17 0 3 17 40 112 00 27 46 5 02 20 18 2 i 13
8 3 05 58 21 03 48 11l'\-14 39 10 s2 h8 18 18 14 112 13 27 47 5 00 20 19 ! 2 13
. 9 3 09 55 22 04 OS 15 07 15 10 09 19 34 18 48 12 26 27 49 4 57 20 20 I 2 13
10 3 13 51 23 04 23 29 08 56 9 37 20 49 19 22 12 39 27 50 I 4 55 20 21 li 2 13
1 !
11 3 17 48 24 04 44 13r2' 15 46 9 17 22 04 19 56,12 52 27 52 4 53 20 23 2 i 12
P-2 3 21 44 25 OS 06 27 24 27 9 08 23 20 20 29 13 OS 27 53 4 50 20 24 i 2 12
iJ_3 3 25 41 26 OS 29 11"VS32 40 9D 10 24 35 21 03'13 18 27 55 4 48 20 2s 12 11
P-4 3 29 37 27 OS 54 25 39 04 9 23 25 51 21 36 13 31 27 57 4 46 20 2 6 12 11
..--I 28 06 18 47 9 46 27 10 13 44 27 59
P-5 3 33 34 06 12 2 4 43 20 27 i 2 11
I . I

nG 3 37 31129 o6 46 23 43 o6 10 19 28 21,22 43 13 57 28 01 4 41 20 28 2 I 10
17 1 3 41 2 7 om.o 7 14 1 7N 38 s7 11 00 j29 37 ,23 16 14 09 28 03 4 39 20 29 l 2 10
1813 45 24 1
. 1 07 44 21 28 34 11 48 i 23 49 14 22 28 OS 4 37 20 30 !l 2 09
19 3 49 20 2 08 15 I 51' 09 37 12 42 i 2 07 24 23 14 35 28 07 4 35 20 31 i 2 09
3 53 17 3 08 48 18 39 21 . 13 42 3
i 23 24 56 14 48 28 10 4 33 20 32 I 2 08
21 3 57 13 4 09 21 1 08 14 47 I 4 38 25 28 15 00 28 12 4 31 20 33 2 i 08
4 01 10 5 09 56 14 54 54 15 s7 I s 54 26 00 115 13 28 15 4 29 20 07
4 05 06 6 10 33 27 37 43 17 10 7 09 26 33 115 26 28 18 4 27 20 3412
35 2 06
4 09 03 7 11 12 lOTI03 so 18 26 8 25 27 OS 15 39 28 21 4 25 20 36 . 2 OS
125 4 13 00 8 11 52 22 14 56 19 45 9 40 27 38 15 51 28 24 4 23 20 36 2 OS

26 4 16 56 9 12 33 4cf913 55 21 06 10 56 28 10 16 04 28 27 4 21 20 37 2 04
27 4 20 53 10 13 15 16 04 43 22 29 12 11 28 42 16 17 28 30 4 19 20 38 2 03
28 4 24 49 11 14 00 27 52 OS 23 53 13 27 29 14 16 29 28 33 4 17 20 39 2 03
4 28 46 12 14 46 9cf\41 16 25 19 14 42 29 46 16 42 28 37 4 15 20 39 2 02
17 () .1() ? (\1
30 4 32 42 13 15 34 - 21 37 43 26 47 15 58 16 54 -
28 40 4
Adapted witnpermission from LOCKHART'S SIDEREAL EPHEMERIS-, 1921-1959

We reproduce an adaptation from Lockhart's Sidereal

Ephemeris 1921-1959, for N o v e m b e r , 1 9 3 4 . L e t ' s c o m p u t e S t a n -
ley's "Star Time" from this table.

S (for 1934 Nov 6) 2:58:05

T (UT for midnight ephem.) 15:20:00
A (for 15:20) 0:02:31
(Greenwich Sidereal Time) 18:20:36
R (long. of birth) -5:50:36
S.T. = 12:30:00

Remember that East longitude is positive and West long-

itude is arithmetically negative when using the last step of
the formula!

Using a Midnight Ephemeris - Planet Calculations

I n t h e v o l u m e o f Tables of Diurnal Planetary Motion (DPM
tables) published by the American Federation of Astrologers,
and that published by ASI Publications, there are two separate
tables. Table I is used for computing the Sun, and in the ASI
volume gives columns for every 3" of daily motion from 57'06"
to 62'39". Table II begins at 01' and continues to l5°35'; it
is used for all other planets.
To compute the true positions of the planets, we need
three things.

(1) The position of the planet at the beginning of the day,

as is given in the ephemeris.
(2) The Daily Motion (DM) of the planet; that is, how far it
advances in 24 hours.
(3) The time of day for which the true position is required,
expressed in UT or AT (whichever the ephemeris requires).
The DM is found by subtracting the longitude on the birth-
date from the longitude on the following day. For Stanley's
Sun, for instance,

Sun 0:00 UT 1934 Nov 7 20°03'33" Libra

- S u n 0 : 00 U T 1 934 Nov 6 19 03 19 Libra
= DM 1 000'14"
T h e n e a r e s t e n t r y i n t h e DPM t a b l e s i s found on p p . 1 9 -
20 of the AS1 tables, 60'15". We must find how far the Sun
moved from 0:00 UT until the birth moment, 15:20 UT. This is
easily found by moving down the 60'15" column in the DPM tables
to the line of the appropriate birth time.

m o v e m e n t fforo r 1 515h o hours
urs 00037'39"
m o v e m e n t for f o r 220
0 m mintues
intues 0 5 0so
00 000
S u n ' s aadvance
d v a n c e i n in
1 5 HlSH20M20M 00 38
S u n 0:00
Sun 0 : 0 0 UUT T 11934
9 3 4 NNovo v 66 19 03 19 1 9Libra
03 19 Libra
S u n ' s natal
Sun's n a t a l l longitude
ongitude 19041'48"1 9Libra
041'48" Libra

W e do
We d o the
t h e same
s a m e with
w i t h each
e a c h of
o f the
t h e oother
t h e r oouter
u t e r p planets.
Planet 3)
5+ Q0 4-
14- r? i(
11/7/34 1 7 : a 35 17 11--.- 45 17f1-03 17,k 40 12:ft00 27%6 46
35 17 -Z1-48 15 Q48
17cf\. 40 =:=oo
12 27\13 46
11/6/34 4040 12 17A.06
17J\ 06 11:27477 2716
11:::::4 27\154545
DM =
DM= 13 0
130 ____22'37" -10
22'37" -1 0
03' 10 15'
lOlS' 34'
34' --u, 13' 1 1'
(retrograde, J ))*

S i g h t - r e a d i n g ffrom
Sight-reading r o m tthe
h e eephemeris
p h e m e r i s wwe
e aalso
l s o s esee
e t hthat
a t t h the
daily m
daily o t i o n of
motion o f Uranus
U r a n u s is
i s -2';
- 2 ' ; t that
h a t o off NNeptune
e p t u n e i is
s ++2';
2 ' ; a nand
t h a t oof
that f PPluto
l u t o i sis- 1-1'.
3) 4r{'1 24/
planet 11/6/34 4:712 40 12f2:48 1572248 17J1L06 11f147
1 5 h r . 11/6/34
motion 48 =::-12
21 53 40 -39 23 46 53 17 J\.2106 15 8 08
20 hr. min.motion
motion 8 1211 53 0 9 - 0 -39 5 3 23 146 03
53 21
0 2815 081108
20 min. motion 11 09
b i r t h l o n g i t u d e 12f2:45 42 12:2:07 44 - 0 53 1 03 0 28
16.=2:35 56 17A27 43 11-±1:55 011 19
rounded longitude
long. 1 2 : f t . . - 442
6 1 212.=:=07
0 8 z 2 7 44 16:2136 56 17 (£\27 4311f1-55 19
17 \28
rounded long. 12 :::=46 Be 16=:::-36 N
17J\)8 n::=ss
planet 11/6/34 27%4 45
1[ w
26:9' 14
2 tf9 14
planet m o t i o n27\10 453 9 - 5104
1 5 : 2 011/6/34 1 17 20J\ 16
1 17 039
15:20 motion 271V3 450 39
birth longitude 39 5T -021 43 17 20,a 171 17
17 - 0 39
2 631321
r o u n d elongitude
d long. 27A 27'\/3
A 4 645°39v ! 051'
3 m w02. ,43 ZOJ\.17
20A 17 17 22 }kl3
69 13P721
rounded long. 46 sI 03 1\ * ZOJ\...17
We compute to seconds, then always ( -except with the Sun)
r o u n d We
b a ccompute
k t o m i n tou t e seconds,
s o f a r c . Tthen h i s ialways
s b e c a u (except
s e t h e e pwithh e m ethe
r i s Sun)
o n l y g back
i v e s lto
o n gminutes
i t u d e s t ofo t harc.
e n e a rThis
e s t mis i n ube.cause
t e s e x c e pthet f oephemeris
r the Sun
only gives longitudes to the nearest minutes except for the
and the Moon, so our final answer can be no more precise. The
Sun and the Moon, so our final answer can be no more precise.
Moon's velocity changes so rapidly that it, too, cannot be
The Moon's velocity changes so rapidly that it, too, cannot be
c o m p u t e d more
computed m o r e precisely
p r e c i s e l y wwithout
i t h o u t r erefined
f i n e d m amathematical
t h e m a t i c a l t e c techniques.
We reproduce on the next page a sheet from the Chicago
t a b l e s We
o f hreproduce
o u s e s c o m on
p u t ethe
d b ynext
J a m page
e s H y an e sheet
s . T h e r efrom
are m thea n yChicago
o f h o u s nf e t ahouses
b l e s , bcomputed
u t t h e s y sbyt e mJames
w h i c Hynes.There
h a p p e a r s t o are b e tmany
h e m types
r e l i a b l e i n p r o p e r l y d e t e r m i n i n g p l a n e t a r y a n g u l a r i t y i s t h most
house tables, but the system which appears to be the
reliable in properly determining planetary angularity is a that t
* The symbol "R,,° means retrograde. Planets periodically appear to move
*b a cThe r d s , a n"Px"
k w asymbol d t h i smeans
r e t r oretrograde.
g r a d e m o t i o nPlanets
i s n o t e dperiodically
w i t h t h i s s y atpear
m b o l o tto
h imove
t h e e p h e m e rand
i s a this
n d o nretrograde
t h e b i r t h mmotion
a p . N o tis
i c enoted
t h a t twith
he DMthis
i s nsyffi
e g a tol
i v eboth
f o r in
the ephemeris and on the birth map. Notice that the
Mercury. is negative for
CAMPANUS TABLE OF HOUSES for the latitude of
CHICAGO [ 4] 0 50' N]
for standard year 1947
S!C.. S!d,
RA. 10 !1 P.A l::> ll
!! £ u
00 240 smo: 17Hls l5* 10 211' 10 l8 00 Z7C ob'o5 22t12&
1& 04 241 .. -=..t.: .... 18 •• lS •• t2 . • 18 18 2?1 zo .. •• I , • 'z 7 1 •. 17 23 ••
09 6..'11• lO •. r .• -i .. .• 1e os n2 1 •• !·0 •. 3J H,.<:2 9 .. 2 •• 29 ::..;. •• :22
l6 H £43 10 •• .. ::-:? •• :4 .. lS 12 :· •• l!:. •• £9 lE •• ll .• tl .•.;o 25 ..
, , t.
16 ............. 19 214 9,D .. (8 16 •• 13 •• 07 <G. . . 51 2£ .. 16
24. ·""
16 20 121 o Z6 •• t.;t. .iC 275 lO .. :04 .. 19 .. 09 1-;,,,:3 6 .01 21 .. 13

•• .:; .... ., t.:) 16 ..

l l z.• .· <.'.a.!,·· Z·i 276 11 .• :5 •. 6 19 .. 26 ? •• 10 2S,u.lC
!A •. tn-:.6 F: 2S E?; 1< .. ':.<· .• Z6 f:,j •• l& •• 24 e •. 1e 29V06
1" .• 4) 17 ••.;3 lt: c-;e 1:?· •• :? l 27 •• (;-:; ::;c •. 2). ,()9 9 •• 0)(02
16 ?,6 249 16 o 18 .•.:.-::- 1' .06 18 H .• l6 os •6 23 •. £1.. lC. ,33 o.• 58
"' 7 ....
16 250 .LI,,.._.,:. 1 ': • • ·3 ;::_, .10 l& ;;o 15 .. 11 ![; 44 ... ::::: •. 36 11 .• 39 1 .. 54
16 -14 tB •• 2'3 1 .. ; :) •• !, • •
43 -.
•- ••
,. 'l lt 2Sl 15 .. 2·7 oJ12c l ••
lE 1 .• ;: ·1 21 •. 1 t, .• '-'6 €•• 1 ') 4 •• 1 "; 1:- .:0 1":' •• : 1 •• ::::9 13 .• ••
t:.z .. .• ·\0 ::. ;_' •. 6 •• -:::. ;:: :'
.. l:- :_ 2 :.::: l i .. c' 2 •• ;_J;J .• :.: .: ..
16 to a .. l6 4 •• , ... ,,, -.- .. ?.:- 9 •• o: £I 0:..: lC 56 ZE:·: l5 .. ;-;:. •• 22 L .. 5 ••
1' 10 :.2 .. 11 •• .c:: ·i •. 9 •• !: 0 .• 26 7 •• 26 l? v:: J. z • ••:s 17 .. :;2 5 •.

17 04 6 •• :6 •• 01 ll. . 11 .. 5: .. o.:. 2,) .. 44 5. ,37. 2 .. 5:> .• 15,,05 7 •• 25

17 06 £57 £4 •• ot "! 2C •• 13 .. : s ... l / <? •• ::. 19 £.:-: f 1 •• (: •• 40 4 .• £5 5 •. 1" 19 •• 0'7 8 .. 20
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CAMPANUS TABLE OF HOUSES for the latitude of

CHICAGO [ 4] 0 50' N]
for standard year 1947
C.. S!d,
RA. 10 !1 P.A l::> ll
£ u
00 240 smo: 17Hls l5* 10 211' 10 l8 00 Z7C ob'o5 22t12&
04 241 .. -=..t.: .... 18 •• lS •• t2 . • 18 18 2?1 zo .. •• I , • 'z 7 1 •. 17 23 ••
09 6..'11• lO •. r .• -i .. .• 1e os n2 1 •• !·0 •. 3J H,.<:2 9 .. 2 •• 29 ::..;. •• :22
H £43
10 ••
, , t.
.. ::-:? •• :4 .. lS 12
19 214 9,D
:· •• l!:. •• £9
.. (8
lE ••
16 ••
ll .• tl
13 •• 07
<G. . . 51
25 ..
2£ .. 16
24. ·""
20 121 o Z6 •• t.;t. .iC 275 lO .. :04 .. 19 .. 09 1-;,,,:3 6 .01 21 .. 13
16 22 243
l l z.• .· •• .:; .... .,
Z·i 276 11 .• :5 •. 6 19 .. 26 16 .. ? •• 10 2S,u.lC
!A •. tn-:.6 F: 2S E?; 1< .. ':.<· .• Z6 f:,j •• l& •• 24 e •. 1e 29V06
1" .• 4) 17 ••.;3 lt: c-;e 1:?· •• :? l 27 •• (;-:; ::;c •. 2). ,()9 9 •• 0)(02
?,6 249 16 o 18 .•.:.-::- 1' .06 18 H .• l6 os •6 23 •. £1.. lC. ,33 o.• 58
250 "' 7 ....
.LI,,.._.,:. 1 ': • • ·3 ;::_, .10 l& ;;o 15 .. 11 ![; 44 ... ::::: •. 36 11 .• 39 1 .. 54
-14 tB •• 2'3 1 .. ; :) •• 43
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,. 'l lt 2Sl 15 .. 2·7 oJ12c l ••
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:{ .. l!' : r; •• 1 l" .• t5 1? •• 1;
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.·..; '. tf,: c:J.,5)

of of Campanus,
Campanus, on on which
which thesetables
these tablesare
based. All
All Campanus
tables except
except Hynes'are
Hynes' areTropical
converted to
Sidereal. Amongthethebetter
arethe Occidental Tables
theOccidental Tables
of of Houses,
Houses, Copriviza's
Copriviza's Campanus
Campanus TablesofofHouses,
Tables andthe
Houses,and the
very complete
complete AndromedaCampanus
Andromeda CampanusTables
Tables of
of Houses
Houses scheduled
forfor 1977
1977 release.
From theSidereal
tables above
above we
we extract
extract the
the house
cusps forfor Stanley's
Stanley's SiderealTime.
Sidereal Time. Since
Since 12:30:00
12:30:00 falls
exactly half-way
half-way betweentwo
between twogiven
given Sidereal
Sidereal Times
Times (12:28
andand 12:32),
12:32), we we
cancan mentallyfigure
mentally figurethethetrue
true positions
positions of
of the
house cusps
cusps in in
ourour heads
heads bybygoing
halfway. The
The answers
answers are:
10 10 11 11 12 12 Asc
Asc 22 33
14f1 09
14t'll09 4f 51 23-n15 22111,36
22Y}\,36 3A644
3'\1544 15=32
OneOne morestep
more stepisisnecessary
necessary to
to make
make these
these exact.
exact. Because
these areare Sidereal
Sidereal tables
tables ofofhouses,
valid forfor several
several decades
decades eitherside
either sideofofthe
they areare computed;
computed; however,tables
however, tablesofofhouses
houses byby nature
nature are
Tropical--the reasonthe
Tropical zodiac
zodiac was
was invented
invented in
in the

first place was to solve certain fundamental mathematical

problems with which Hipparchus found himself faced--so they
must be corrected a little each year. These tables are com-
puted for an SVP of 6°00' Pisces. At Stanley's birth (as
shown earlier), the SVP was 6°10' Pisces. Therefore, we add
10' to each of the above cusps to get the true correct Sider-
eal longitudes. Figure 1 below shows the chart circle with
these six cusps inserted.
The remaining six cusps are easy to find. They have the
same degree and minute, but opposite sign, as the opposing
cusps. For instance, Taurus is opposite Scorpio (six signs
away in the table of signs in chapter two), therefore with
22046' Scorpio on the Ascendant, 22046' Taurus occupies the
opposing Descendant. Figure 2 shows the completed chart with
all house cusps and inserted planets.

22 22
lt-b 46

Using a Noon Ephemeris
When using a noon a Noon Ephemeris
ephemeris, calculated for 0:00 AT,
the basic procedure is identical to that used for a midnight
using aHowever, in computing
noon ephemeris, Sidereal Time
calculated for you must
0:00 AT,
AT rather than UT,
procedure is just as in computing
identical the planets
to that used you
for a midnight
(UT) use the birth time in in
However, AT. computing
It is also Sidereal
essential Time
that you
you must
be sure you are using the AT of the correct day.
use AT rather than UT, just as in computing the planets you
must use the
EXAMPLE: Jackbirth timeJuly
was born in AT. It isat also
14, 1923, 3:13 essential
A.M. EDT. that you
sure youan are
of theSaving
(thus 2:13
EST), and add S hours to convert this to 7:13 UT, July 14.
However, in
Jack theborn
was ephemerides
July 14, were stillatnoon
1923, 3:13ephemerides,
so we must
Subtract an subtract 12 hours
hour because of toDaylight
find the Saving
AT. Time (thus 2:13
UT ofand add 5 hours to convert
birth this 14to 7:13 UT, July 14.
7:13, July
borrow a in
day 1923 the ephemerides
to subtract 44<00 were/3! still noon ephemerides,
so we must subtract 12 hours to find
31:13, the AT.
July 13
minus 12 hours / 3 4 < 0 0 !
birth 7:13,
19:13, July 13 14
borrow Ita would subtract
day tohave 24:00
been a serious mistake to-1compute his chart
for July 14, 19:13 AT, as some 31:13,
beginners 13
July might have been
minus 12 to do. In this case, -12:00
hours by borrowing 24 hours we effec-
ATtively backed up one day! When19:13,
of birth noon13
using aJuly ephemeris, IF THE

It would have been a serious mistake to compute his chart

for July 14, 19:13 AT, as some beginners might have been
tempted to do. In this case, by borrowing 24 hours we effec-
tively backed up one day! When using a noon ephemeris, IF THE


Using East Longitude

This is identical to computing for West longitude. How-

ever, you should remember that East longitude is arithmet-
ically POSITIVE, so in computing Sidereal Time, the "Refine-
ment", R, is added instead of being subtracted.

Using South Latitude

All tables of houses you are likely to encounter are
computed for northern latitudes, but can be easily used for
places south of the equator. The two rules are easy to fol-
(1) Add 12 hours to the S.T.
(2) Instead of letting the first column represent the
Midheaven, let it be the Antimeridian, and continue to ex-
tract successive cusps in counter-clockwise order. For a
sample, we offer figure 3, a chart for S.T. = 3:36:00 and
latitude 41S5O (Chicago's latitude, only south of the equa-
tor; use the enclosed Chicago tables of houses).

First, we add or subtract 12 hours to (or from) the S.T. (

either gives the same answer as the other). This makes our
usable S.T. = 15:36:00. The first six cusps are easily found (
fig. 3), and then the opposing house cusps can be inserted
as in figure 4.


"`6 2 M,19



"The astronomy and astrology of ancient times was almost totally

"Probably because they were not observed, the Sun in the constell
ations and the effects of such were almost completely by-passed in favor
of the greater effects, on disposition and destiny, of the Moon...."
--Cyril Fagan, Astrological Origins

Ancient civilization pursued an astrology whose prime

significator of behavior was the Moon. The constellation in
which she was placed at a person's birth was thought to tell
much about his mannerisms, interests, appetites, and the way
we would respond to his environment. It reflected his feeling
nature based on patterns which developed in the early forma-
tive years and which, perhaps by force of habit, became part
of his personal style of acting. The Moon-sign classified
the man according to a system of certain stereotypes, detailing
his disposition from reigning needs to insignificant idiosyn-
crasies. In short, the Moon's radical constellation and con-
ditioning configurations told ancient astrologers the person-
ality pattern likely to manifest in a new-born babe, or the
mode of reaction which could be expected from a mature adult.
It reflected the essence of his conditioned responses to life.
This view of the Moon is consistent with modern theory.
Unlike the stars framing the Sun, those surrounding the
Moon were visible and held a special significance in ancient
astrology and chronology. Time-keepers in many lands recog-
nized the season from the constellation of the Full Moon. Sun-
sign astrology had no place in the systems of Egypt and Baby-
lonia, for their astronomy and astrology were entirely visual,

and the Sun's greater light renders invisible any stars in its
neighborhood; they can only be determined by inference, never
by direct observation. The Moon was so much more convenient
to watch, and it told early astrologers what they wanted to
know. Symbolizing response and adaptation to the environment,
the Moon indicates what the world would shape us to be, that
into which the pressures and requirements of workaday living
transform us.
There is another part of every human being, however.
There is the inner core of being which contains the seeds of
unique identity. Each man and woman has a buried, unconditioned
sense of Self which resists violation. This facet of Man is the
part described in astrology by the aspects and stellar position
of the Sun.
Only within the last few centuries has any concept of this "
Self", or "I-consciousnes", been found in the great masses of
humanity. Ebertin has emphasized this fact in citing the anthro-
pological researches of Jean Gebser ("Ursprung and Gegerwert",
Bd. 1, "Das Fundament der asperspektiven Welt", Stuttgart, 1949).
" T h e p a i n t i n g s in the pyramids r e v e a l that t h e a r t i s t s a t
that t i m e d i d n o t h a v e a n y k n o w l e d g e o f p e r s p e c t i v e . T h e y
d r e w t w o d i m e n s i o n a l l y . I t w a s n o t u n t i l the time o f M i c h e l -
angelo that perspective was discovered, as man learnt to see
i n three dimensions. I t w a s t h r o u g h this t h a t m a n b e g a n t o
r e a l i z e t h e d i s t a n c e o f t h i n g s and r e c o g n i z e h i s o w n s e l f i n
contrast to the material world and other people. It was at.
this time that the real 'I-consciousness' d e v e l o p e d . " (
R e i n h o l d E b e r t i n , The Combination of Stellar Influ-
ences, A a l e n , 1 9 7 2 , p . 2 4 8 . )
The Sun signifies identity as distinct from the
or "mask", which we often call personality. It is what we are,
in contradistinction to what we appear to be. Its glyph (0)
represents not only the core of individual identity (dot) with-
in the perimeter of being (circle) but, more immediately, a
target or bull's-eye. This reflects the fact that the Sun in
a birth chart really indicates one's personal targets and as-
pirations, his sense of direction in life, his reason for
being. The Sun is the sole life-giver of our Solar System and,
astrologically, the Sun is our reason for living, the joy of
being alive which comes from following a productive, gratifying
existence. It symbolizes the best, most self-fulfilling aspects
of each of us.
It is quite possible that a lucky accident of our modern
society's mass-production has been the emphasis on Sun-sign
astrology. Though by no means the final word in understanding

oneself, the Sun's zodiacal constellation has the singular dis-

tinction of revealing the fundamental ingredients of personal
significance, including creative self-expression, in a concise
Perhaps ancient astrologers tended to ignore the solar
component not so much because they could not see the stars be-
hind the Sun, as because they could not see the identity, the
"I", behind the (lunar) veneer of acquired personality and
conditioned response! Modern astrologers realize that both
parts of the behavior pattern are necessary. Identity (Sun)
expresses itself through response to needs (Moon).

Historically, each planet is given not only one or two
constellations to "rule"--starfields which share its own qual-
ities--but another in which it is said to be exalted. Exalta-
tions (hypsomata in Greek) of the seven classical planets seem
to act like "secondary rulerships", further qualifying the
nature of a constellation. According to tradition, these
hypsomata are:
Sun Aries (19°) Mars Capricorn (28°)
Moon Taurus (3°) Jupiter Cancer (150)
Mercury Virgo (15°) Saturn Libra (21°)
Venus Pisces (27°)
The exact degrees seem to mark the greatest concentration
of the exalted planet's influence in the constellation. Thus,
280 Capricorn, within a degree or so, is known to be a partic-
ularly martial part of the sky. These exact degrees are also
traditional. Exaltations of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are
still debatable, so we will not confuse students at this point
with theory. For a historical discussion, see Fagan's Zodiacs
Old and New.
Libra, for instance, is now seen as being not only venus-
ial, but also somewhat saturnine, in contrast to Taurus which
is more like a blend of Venus with the Moon. Jupiter's exal-
tation justifies Cancer's inclusion with Sagittarius and Pisces
as a "system or scheme-building" constellation. These tintings
in each case explain many psychological colorations of the zodi-
acal divisions, and being aware of them will make coming to
terms with the natures of the constellations a little easier.

In the pages that follow, we explore the meanings of

the Sun and Moon in each zodiacal constellation. Other plan-
ets have significant effects derived from their sign place-
ments also, but the luminary positions are far more important
in describing the essense of personality. A good general rule
to remember is that a planet in a constellation acts as though
it is blended with the constellation's "ruler"--something which
will be easier to understand after reading the chapter on as-
pects. Thus, Sun in Taurus is similar to Sun conjunct Venus;
Moon in Pisces is not unlike Moon blended with Neptune and, to
a lesser extent, with Jupiter; Mercury in Scorpio resembles
Mercury joined to Mars, etc.

Constellations of the Sun


At the head of the zodiacal troupe, Aries truly sires the
leaders and frontrunners of society. Individuals born with the
Sun in this constellation are action-oriented and tend to be
impatient with the slower, less dynamic movements of others
around them.
Aries is called a Cardinal sign (like Cancer, Libra, and
Capricorn).— The third of humanity born with these signs empha-
sized tends to claim the busiest people we encounter. They
are particularly skilled at motivating others to perform, or
at least to start moving, and cannot stand dawdlers.
Aries carries this a step further and literally takes
command of the situation. He enjoys playing at being leader,
taking the game very seriously, and is most comfortable when
the power of control is his. He is not motivated by social
ambitions so much as by a desire for importance and high rank.
Aries has to be in charge of things in whatever circum-
stances he may find himself. Some appear highly unorthodox,
supporting the social system because they have found a sturdy
place for themselves within it. Others are distinctly radical,
disrupting the status quo and reveling in their nonconformity.
The latter type boosts his own ego by causing social disruptions
and delights in capricious behavior.
There is a marked sense of ipersony about an Aries per-
son in all areas of his life. He expresses his opinions
bluntly and without hesitation. Occassionally this directness
leaves hurt feelings behind because Aries is not always con-
scious of the effects he has on others. If not heedlessly run-

ning rough-shod over their opinions, he often seems to lack

the capacity for true empathy, leaving him relatively insen-
sitive to their feelings or moods.
This rapid, intensive behavior is compensation for basic
uncertainties the Aries native feels. Manilius, the Roman
astrologer, spoke of "uncertain hearts in trembling bosoms" in
relation to Aries. Arietians often have some sort of self-
image problem which shows in either apparent insecurity or
blatant, overstressed egotism. Yet under that aggressive front
is a very child-like soul so unsure of its position and very
sensitive to criticism. Aries rarely, if ever, admits a mis-
take unless he is sure it will not be held over his head.
Therefore, he is slow to retreat or apologize. Yet it is im-
portant to realize that all he needs is to have reassurance of
his own self-worth from others.
Aries does not want to be put in a position where he is
expected to be grateful. This does not mean he is ungrateful,
because he usually isn't; however, he does not want to feel he
owes anybody anything, preferring to give only of his'own free
will with no strings attached. Therefore, indebtedness is not
something he cherishes, and asking favors is something he
specifically avoids.
The resourceful and analytical Aries mind seeks a util-
itarian application for theory. His actions are based on "
immediacy with a practical touch". Aries deals with concrete
facts that he can readily perceive, not philosophical abstrac-
tions. Therefore, he is especially skilled-at mechanical and
manual concerns.
Aries takes great pride in his children and, in general,
has a strong "family sense". The urge to beget children is
founded in a private need for immortality, perhaps deeply bur-
ied but clearly present. Aries wants only the best for his
loved ones and, although finance-conscious in other areas,
leans toward extravagance with those dear to him.
Romantically, Aries "wants action" just as much as in all
other phases of his life. Though possibly uncomfortable or
unable to drop his relatedness barriers in social conditions,
he is an intense romantic and seems at least captivated by the
idea of sex (cf. Freud) if not with sex itself. Once settled,
As will be very devoted and faithful to spouse and family.


Every Taurus lives his life in pursuit of harmony. Being

governed by the pacific influence of the soft, beautiful planet
Venus, he seeks an inner peace, a personal sense of comfort with
himself and the world.
Unlike the frivolous, wastrel image frequently connected (
usually unfairly) with Venus, the picture of the true Taurian is
shrouded in simplicity. He dislikes "unnatural" or "plastic" things
and conditions, preferring a less complicated life style. At
times the complexity of modern-culture may seem too frantic and
bustling for Taurus, so he tends to be something of a recluse,
modestly retiring away to some private spot where he can live his
own life unbothered by the pressures of contemporary society. Few
have the literal perspective on Life, in all of its connotations,
that this gentle soul is able to pull from within himself.
Venus is goddess of peace as well as beauty, and Taurus
shuns the harsh, vulgar, or violent. (He isn't averse to a good
off-color story, though, or a little honest erotic fantasy;
vulgarity, to him, means a demoralizing affront against human
dignity.) He is docile, tolerant, and patient of others, and
seems to have an enormous faculty for living with seemingly
impossible people. He is entertaining, and his good-humor and
cheer are day-brighteners for the despondent.

Taurus feels one with the Earth and evinces great love
for all it produces. He is Nature's child, pure and simple,
and feels safe in the lap of "Mother Earth". A walk in the
autumn woods or a visit to the park in springtime can delight
him much. That he has seen many roses does not dilute his
excitement and appreciation of another just as beautiful as the
rest. The Bull grazes calmly in the field, meandering among
the wild flowers and relaxing in his basic life style.
Life...can there be one who appreciates this commodity
more than Aphrodite's child? Though the most erotic of the
zodiac's offspring--though the principle of Eros may pervade
every facet of his existence, as it did the music of Taurians
Wagner, Strauss, and Schumann--though sex is so taken by him
as an integral, natural component of his being, the Taurian is
not especially promiscuous or licentious. He accepts his
erotic potential as a birthright of his existence and seeks to
understand the eternal birth-death-regeneration cycle and its
significance for him personally. In literal sexual concerns he
may seem terribly conservative, dating infrequently or anxious to
"settle down" and raise a family.

No constellation is so natural a parent as Taurus, too.

These folks are oriented to youth, and love young people. No
matter what their age, they are able to relate to a child on
his own level as dear pals, deeply loving, affectionate, shar-
ing parents rather than condescending ones.
Contemplative and inquisitive, Taurus has an inborn bias
toward philosophy, sociology, and the behavioral sciences in
general. Many have a distinct interest in occult or metaphys-
ical realms. They are natural counsellors and even teachers
for, despite a hesitancy where dishing out punishment is con-
cerned, they have a quick, intuitive grasp of what motivates
those they meet. This obviously aids their ability to relate
to others.
Friendship, as a concept, is nearly as important to Taur-
us as to Cancer. He requires a harmonious, comfortable envi-
ronment and that includes being around compatible people when
he desires company. Unlike Scorpio, who sees in each person
potential competition, Taurus wants only allies and companions.
He is devoted, be it to people, ideals, or responsibilities.
Sincerity and reliability are two other Taurian charac-
teristics. Though he tries his darndest to circumnavigate
difficult situations, he will not lie or deceive if he can do
Inspired by the classic goddess of beauty, Taurus is a
lover of the lovely. He has much esthetic awareness if not
actual artistic ability. His words and movements are also
beautiful, for he expresses himself poetically and, as several
Taurian dancers show, can be quite graceful.

SUN IN GEMINI, the Twins

At his very worst, Gemini is never likely to bore you. His
pedantic precision and the endless trivia that flow from him may
be a bit tiresome, but something interesting is usually happening
around him. Few can keep up with this mental and physical live-
wire, or keep track of how he is applying his versatile talents
this week.
Mercury, the "facts and figures" planet, is Gemini's ruler.
Geminis are highly pragmatic people, insisting on the evidence.
Their minds and behavior are usually terribly rational. Being
mercurial, the greatest portion of their time is spent in
intellectual preoccupation.

Four constellations, Taurus through Leo, have a dis-

tinct orientation to youth, but each in a different way.
Mercury types are often considered particularly youthful in
manner, with their keen senses of humor and love of pretense
and play. Yet in Gemini there is an almost frantic striving
to hang onto youth. Those who can afford them get face lifts;
those who cannot, will find other ways to knock off a few years
as time passes. Manilius, the first century poet, said much
the same thing when he wrote that, "They wish war and trumpets
far away, and dreary old age as well."
Geminis are fond of all sorts of games. This could
mean, in their more cantankerous moments, the Eric Berne var-
iety of relational and transactional "games", but usually man-
ifests in an enjoyment of mental exercises and problem-solving.
Many are athletically inclined, particularly favoring basket-
ball, track, cross-country, tennis, or whatever can tax their
agility, rhythm, and mental and physical quickness.
Along with the fondness of play is an acute business
sense. True to mercurial form, Geminians flourish in a com-
mercial world of big business and capital exchange. They have
a keen acquisitive sense. Gemini's tenacity with anything of
worth is exceeded in business only by his ability to transform
routine chores into mental contests. He can make his own
form of play out of his work.
In both business and religion, there is an amoral quality
about Gemini. Unless the Sun is angular, or something similar
is present in the chart, the religious drive is therefore very
weak. Part of this is that he is sensitive to rank and becomes
defensive when faced with those who claim prominence or high
position. He generally dislikes pomp and circumstance, and has
no use for titles, except as labelling devices.
Gemini is a nervous type. There is a frantic nervous
vitality that he has to somehow expend. Passive meditation or
relaxation techniques would be good for him. Too often, though,
Gemini resorts to smoking or narcotics, and the number of Gem-
ini alcoholics is not small. A little paranoia may evince it-
self in his continual search for clues and hints, but this is
no more than we would normally expect from a high-strung per-
son whose entire system is mobilized, rigid, and hyper-atten-
tive--that is, from a Gemini type.
Still, there comes the time when these mobilized collec-
tors of trivia and playmates want to be alone. There is a
quiet, withdrawn side to most. They cannot easily relax with
other people, and sometimes surprise everyone by demanding
personal freedoms and insisting on their own way. Dropping

barriers and sharing themselves wholly with another is some-

thing they find difficult, so Gemini is hard to "get into" on
an intimate level.

They are really more sensitive than is often credited.

When wounded they will retreat and not want to share their
hurt, or even let it be known. Then, after a brief "recov-
ery time", they return to their regular stomping grounds as
though they have never been absent.
Even though Gemini's physical mobilization may cause
him to be uptight in relationship situations, it makes him
quite good at mechanical and technical things. He is not all
clockworks and cogs, but his machine-precise sense of timing
is often put to good use in music, especially singing or com-
position. Gemini is one of the most musical of the twelve


Cancer's world is one of modification and imaginative
exaggeration. It's not that he distorts life; actually he
just "edits" every single thing that comes before him. A
sense of imagery and dramatic flair leads him to embellish,
revise, and hopefully enhance whatever passes through his
Included in this is the tendency to innocently "flower
up" the facts, just to make the story more interesting. Can-
cer is great at physical and vocal inflection, and can change
moods with ease, so he is able to tell stories with a flourish.

Before long, one realizes that Cancer adores being in

the spotlight. Always the "darling of the crowd", he is at
home when the center of attraction. His need for attention is
a result of a deep sense of insufficiency and personal inse-
curity. Cancer lives only on borrowed prestige. He needs
regular reassurance of his significance. He uses his fertile
imagination to create in his own mind an image of grandeur,
which he tries to project to the outside world.
The concept of an image or ima er is essential to
knowing Cancer. Ruling this.constellation is the Moon, whose
vascillating visage is nothing but a reflected image of sun-
light. Therefore, a Cancer (or any strongly lunar type) feels
that the substance of his being is dependent on reflected
glory or focalized attention of others. Of course, that opin-
ion is wrong; the Moon is still there even when it reflects
no light rays in our direction, and the Cancer person is every

bit as complete within himself as everyone else. It's too

bad most of them are not aware of this!
Indeed, Cancer can be brilliantly creative. His sen-
sitivity produces some of our most imaginative writers and
artists. However, the same sensitivity can make him extremely
touchy or moody.
Cancer in business is an interesting study. When a large
number of professions are examined statistically, it is found
that Cancer, compared to the other signs, excels in very few.
Even the vocations traditionally assigned to the Crab rate
poorly. It seems that Cancer over all has trouble establish-
ing himself.
This does not necessarily hold true for the average
Cancer, however, and especially not for each individual one.
Once he gathers his forces, he can do quite well. In fact,
Vettius Valens correctly stated centuries ago that the adapt-
able Cancer who has some sense of direction may have several
successful business ventures going at once. Similarly, the
unsuccessful Cancer probably fails because he, too, tries to
scatter in several directions but without first being sure of
his grounding.
No sign is so able to systemmatize as is Cancer. His
mental processes work in terms of complex categorizations,
schemes, and structures rather than simple apparent truths.
Classical Greek thinking, which was totally schematic, is a
prime example of Cancerian form. More Nobel Prize winning
physicists have been Cancers than any other Sun-sign type be-
cause modern science is nothing more than a schematized ex-
planation of phenomena, and it is the purpose of leading con-
tributors to design new concepts which explain hitherto unex-
plained happenings.
Similarly, a Cancer in engineering or architecture may
be planning a new "modern city system". In Computer Science
he may be a "systems analyst". In philosophy he will design
a new Weltanschauung, or concept of the universe. In astrol-
ogy he can get easily caught up in the involved schematics of
popular astrology, or else get so locked into his own "system"
of analysis that he refuses to see beyond its immediate hor-
Part of this systemmatization is the incessant compul-
sion to unlock hidden meaning or solve problems--and if he
cannot find any to solve, he will create some. He is a weaver
of dreams, but often too of webs which tighten around him. He
is particularly adept at solving other people's problems, and

his advice is usually good, but like all Cardinal signs (Aries,
Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) he doesn't have the necessary insight
into his own situation.
Another theme in Cancer is the concept of the shadow,
the dark face of the Moon. This accounts for not only the
problem-solving traits--the need to dive into the obscure
and uncover something--but also a subversive sense and general
interest in the occult. Metaphysics is a superb area for
blending these inclinations with the pedantry for constructs;
and, when combined with Cancer's sensitivity, this motif ex-
plains the psychic or intuitive perceptiveness of Cancerians.
These are not the only shadows Cancer casts, though.
There is an addiction to fault-finding, which may be due at
times to jealousies. Nonetheless, it makes Cancer appear to
be careful and insist on accuracy. He is afraid of being
caught wrong, so he is improvement-oriented. Often, though,
he drags out projects inexcusably in order to cross-check and
repititiously re-evaluate every facet. He does not want any-
one correcting him later!
Cancers are efficient organizers (another face of the "
structure" principle), whether it be of their own thought
processes or of corporate management. These folks are stu-
dious. Thanks to tenacious memories they retain knowledge
easily. As administrators they have great talent for delegat-
ing authority and heading operations, for they have the unique
ability to take another person's idea and develop it, often
making more of it than the original dream implied.
As Moon-ruled personalities, Cancers are drawn back to
the comforting matrix of home. The confusing world of busi-
ness, management, ideas, and dreams means little to Cancer if
he cannot return to his familiar homebase situation. He is
patriotic--Francis Scott Key was one creative Cancer whose
love of "mother country" has been immortalized--and attached
to everything which reflects family, home, and secure founda-
He "mothers" others lavishly, be they friends, pets, or
his honest-to-goodness progeny. He cherishes fraternity and,
like a true "friend in need", fulfills his obligations to his
chums willingly. "Friendship", to him, means security. He
loves to have companions over for the evening, and may be a "
kitchen entertainer", delighting in his skill at food prep-
aration and presentation.

SUN IN LEO, the Lion

Within any culture there have been select individuals
who have chosen to exercise a superlative effort toward achieve-
ing their greatest potential. None has exhausted his capacity;
few have fully actualized the promise of growth within them-
selves. Yet for their efforts they have elevated themselves,
their friends, their cultures to a more glorious level of
accomplishment and significance.
Everyone has this potential for self-actualization within
himself. Any constellation pattern of luminaries and planets
can assert its needs for growth, but certain sign-types find it
comes easier. In a particular segment of the world's popula-
tion, these growth needs appear more insistent, instilling a
strong desire to do something special with life. Pisces, we
shall see, can often overcome the most horrible astrological
conditions, provided his irrepressible idealism becomes focused
on his own life and personality rather than conditions external
to him. Beyond this, the Fixed constellations--Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio, Aquarius--seem to be, at root, the most growth-
oriented of all constellational types. Along with select in-
dividuals with luminaries in other star-fields, they represent
what Abraham Maslow called "the growing tip", the most self-
actualizing portion of humanity. -
When the Sun is placed at one's birth in its own constel-
lation, that of the Lion, we see potentially the "cream of the
crop", the highest promise, the most naturally-inclined kings
and queens of humanity.
Yet with such capacity we also find a precarious balance
in the character, for no sign can so readily let its promise
go to waste. The Leo who is taking a self-assertive stance
with his own life, rather than simply with those around him,
seems to glow like sunshine! Like his planetary regent, the
Sun in the sky, he exudes a warmth and brilliance which nour-
ishes all within reach of his light. The need to love and be
loved is predominant, and Leo, at his best, can give and accept
love in its purest form, demanding from you only what he knows
he can, and would, give. He is sincere and affectionate, one
of the most loyal of friends.
There is another side to Leo, however. A Leo wasting
his life is a tragedy of unfulfilled talent. Very little
separates him from a lower-form Cancerian. His natural regal-
ity becomes distorted into overbearingness, and he comes to
crave continual adoration.
Most folks, however, fall someplace between the highest

and lowest, so let's return to a middle-of-the-road Leo.

Awareness balances with hubris, and we see a person to whom
human dignity and personal integrity are paramount. Leo ex-
presses his own needs matter-of-factly; they are his "Divine
Right", and he acts as though they are assumed and understood
by all.
Sex drives are lusty. His bedroom frolics are charac-
terized by much fun and play. The lion becomes a kitten in
its own den, and the deadly seriousness which many attach to
sex has no hold. In either gender we find considerate, gentle
lovers, able to drop their stern pretenses when in the rap-
tures of intimacy.
Leo displays a childlike delight in what has been accom-
plished, yet maintains a low profile on his own efforts. The
major point of his "bragging" is never what he has done, but
why. This is the fourth and final constellation of the child,
and Leo has something of a "kindergarten complex", relishing
his 64 Crayolas or burying himself with glee in an afternoon
of cut-and-paste. This constellation's association with young
people comes across most strongly as paternalism, however,
which is partly reflected in the large number of Leos involved
in education, especially as school teachers. Cancers are the
mothers of the world, but Leos are the fathers!
Leo is fond of a "simple elegance". He has a casual
dignity which is not noisy or flagrant except in the more in-
secure cats. Leos enjoy "nice" things, but on a non-ostenta-
tious level. Flair is inherent to Leonians' tastes, and they
are likely to be somehow colorful and dashing in appearance
or manner. Most Leos would be at home on "King or Queen for
a Day". They add a natural regality to their surroundings.
The more self-assured Leos "hold court". As the Sun is
the center of the Solar System, so Leo requires a certain
centricity among his fellows. He can be a delightful center-
piece! Yet he doesn't care to be a hero to worshipping tag-
alongs; weakness is detested in others as much as in himself.
This self-aware and self-oriented soul dislikes a plebian
feeling, and seeks to develop self-pride in others to match
his own.
A natural in positions of authority, Leo is rarely intim-
idated or awed by power. He is prolific in argument, not
taking "no" for an answer when the cause is important to him.
In smaller matters, though, his patience with stupidity can
wear thin. Trying to explain or convince when the other per-
son refuses to listen to his rational remarks, Leo will argue
to a point and then stop, feeling there is no practical use in

lowering himself by continuing further.

Only hypochrisy and wastefulness infuriate him more than

stupidity. A deep morality is present, based on his rapport
with the integrity of his fellow man and the Universe. Rarely
agnostic or atheistic, Leo has a strong faith in the Creator
and some form of post mortem existence. He is in constant
search of the meaningful in life, and when normal avenues of
understanding fail, he gravitates to a deeper level of meaning,
possibly becoming ridiculously philosophical.
As the Sun is the grandest symbol of perfection within
our experience, Leos are perfection-sensitive and purity-con-
scious. At worst, they become pedantic, although their hair-
splitting sense of precision can be a magnificent asset. No
broad, superficial assessments of a matter will score well
with the Lion.

As a parent, he loves his children and often fails to

see their faults. Needing to have his efforts appreciated,
he demands their respect. Possibly he is strict, insuring that
his children have an appropriate rearing; but he is nonetheless
magnanimous, both emotionally and materially.
Actually, Leo wants few children, though he cares well
for his heirs. His paternalism often manifests as he takes
promising talent under his wing and nurtures it. Leo is very
concerned with improving the lot of his fellows, relating to
people as people, not as vague members of the masses.

SUN IN VIRGO, the Maiden

Virgos are at once both childish and too old for their
years, bashful and barnstorming, ingenious and banal, innocent
and mischievous. Being Mercury's offspring, they are nervous
people andort of jumpy, yet have a low manic level and simply
refuse to be bothered most of the time. The versatility and
changeableness of the Mutable constellations (Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius, and Pisces) manifests in Virgo as a series of
contrasts in behavior.
If anyone could set up household in a library or book
store, it would be Virgo. He thrives on the printed page and
manages to consume quantities of written material. He has a
familiarity with facts, keeping his resource materials at his
fingertips if possible. He seems to be always in touch with
what is going on around him, tuning into the heartbeat of the
moment. He is a keen advisor, able to get the right infor-
mation in front of his boss at the right time. Virgo is an

"errand person" (even if self-employed), routinely handling the

essential chores of keeping an organization or project on its
feet. He is keenly aware of fundamental principles, and ad-
heres to them sternly. Conscientious in most of his dealings,
he tries to find behavior "appropriate" or "proper" to any sit-

Acute powers of observation and a keenly analytical and

logical intellect abet Virgo's mental efficiency. When he
takes on a job, he seems to takcly it compulsively, becoming
obsessed with the work in front of him for the moment. Often
the refined perception and finely-tuned analysis become too
tightly focused, however, and Virgo can lose track of the
whole picture by over-emphasizing the details. Spontaneous
creativity degenerates to mechanical construction; esthetics
are lost. He could learn to laugh more, to take life less
seriously part of the time, and to let the too-quickly-grown
child within himself come out to play.

Virgo knows why he thinks what he thinks. He is aware

of how he came to any given conclusion, the process usually
being almost entirely intellectual. Because his opinions are
based on all the facts he has available, he is not hesitant
to state them at will. He may change his mind rapidly upon
being presented with new. contrary evidence, but under fire
he will stick with his opinions. This makes him seem to under-
value the views of others when they clash with his own supported
and justified attitudes, whereas actually he only asks that they
be able to back up their beliefs as well (= logically) as he
can back his own.

Sexually, Virgo seems to adjust to forced celibacy bet-

ter than most other constellations. This is especially true
if he is involved in some creative project, because a primary
trait is his ability to redirect his desires into expressive,
productive areas. Yet the popular image of the perennial vir-
gin is far from valid. Work may occassionally distract this
mercurial from his love-making so that he seems undemonstrative
for a while, and a natural bashfulness may bring a ready blush
to his cheek when he confronts the opposite sex, but nonsexual
he is not. Perhaps Virgo can "do without" better than most,
by redirecting his sexuality, but their partners attest that
Virgonians can also "do with" as well as any.
Like natives of Mercury's other constellation, Gemini,
Virgonians have an insistant need for companionship. As early
as 337 A.D., when the Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs nearly
coincided, Firmicus Maternus reported that Virgo is "gay and
humane, one in whom the pure need for friendship persists."
He is highly tolerant, congenial, tactful, and often extra-

ordinarily easy to get along with--the "nice guy" image.

Virgo, the only constellation depicted on star-maps with

the wings of an angel, displays an innate air of innocence, even
naivete. This lets most Virgonians get away with more than about
anyone else. They don't seem to be held as accountable for
their sins: "Oh, that's just Phillip," others are
apt to say of the problematic Virgo. Friends take care of
Virgo and look after him (whether he thinks he needs it or
not!). In this sense he lives one of the most "protected"
lives of the zodiac.
Likewise, he is highly devoted to those close to him.
Virgo is a service constellation, and produces those who are
eager to assist on almost any occassion. Frequently he is
found in one of the "helping professions", especially as some
type of counsellor. Virgo has a great concern for the con-
ditions of the "common man" and social welfare in general,
though he rarely supports his progressive causes by radical
means. These individuals are "unused to rage," as Manilius
stated, and generally refuse to let anything interfere with
their serenity. Even emergencies are handled in routine fashion.

SUN IN LIBRA the Balance

Where Taurus seeks harmony in natural simplicity and
honest good humor, Libra looks for balance, which he tries
to establish through equal, reciprocal relationships..
This is the second constellation associated with Venus, god-
dess of tranquility, but different than Taurus. In Libra we
find happiness sought within a more structured view of the
world and its inhabitants. Taurus relaxes amidst a patch of
daisies; Libra seeks gratification and comfort in the pres-
ence of others.
This is par excellence the constellation of associations.
Librans respond very warmly to friendly overtures and tend to
reflect social niceties with their courteous, polite, well-mannered
personality styles.
Nonetheless, Libra can be very self-conscious about
relating, including matters of sexuality. Those who lack
maturity and experience in life will worry that they "won't
know what to do" in a social or romantic setting, and fear
of rejection can grip them. Librans have key adjustment dif-
ficulties to overcome before they are comfortable in social
interaction. Because pair-bonds are so important to them, their
"Achilles' heels" center around relationship anxieties.

Insecurities can manifest in the form of jealousy and pos-

Venus imbues her children with a love of the beautiful.
Many Librans have a capacity for artistic achievement, and
the others at least have a profound love of the esthetic.
They enjoy beautiful surroundings. Libra tries to create a
comfortable domestic lifestyle for himself which fulfills
these esthetic concerns.
One of the busiest of the constellations, Libra main-
tains a full, hectic schedule and his daily itinerary is
always packed with things to do; but he greatly appreciates
a pleasant retreat. Libra likes staying around home when he
can, and is nearly as fond of his home as is Cancer. Yet he
is in demand from many quarters and often has difficulty
coordinating the various parts of his life to prevent their
detrimentally overlapping.
Venus symbolizes a hand mirror ( ), and her Libran
subjects are very conscious of their bodies, appearances,
etc. The slightest blemish can panic them, they are so dis-
figurement-sensitive. Yet when actually scarred, they seem
to adjust with little problem. For Libra, the idea is always
worse than the real thing. The idea of pain, for instance,
is abhorent to them, but they can.often remain highly insen-
sitive to pain, as though by autohypnosis, when they actually
experience it.
Libra is a tease, of both himself and others. This
isn't just in sexual matters. A Libran has the ability to
make things more enticing, to "get them wanting more,"
whether sexually, selling products or ideas, or story-tell-
ing, to name a few possibilities.
Teasing involves temptation followed by at least tem-
porary or partial denial. This is represented astrologically
by Venus alternating with Saturn, a planet said to be exalted
in this constellation and sometimes far more characteristic
of Libra than is Venus. Self-denial can be considered a Lib-
ran trait, though always for some professed "higher reason"
that usually sounds perfectly logical but convinces few.
Librans often deny themselves gratification by not sharing
their needs and wants with others. Sexual desire may be
redirected into a desire for food, for example, especially
when other horoscopic factors suggest frustrated affection
needs. In fact, food is often something particularly impor-
tant to Libra.

The healthy expression of Libra's sex urge, however, is


a joy to them and their partners. Libra enjoys touching and

being touched (not just in sexual situations), and is highly
susceptible to "skin hunger" if close contact is denied.
Stroking might be a good Libran keyword, for not only are
physical strokes important to them but, due to an element of
narcissism, special attention and verbal "strokes" (compli-
ments and positive reinforcement) are essential to their sex-
ual pleasure.
This is the constellation most concerned with estab-
lishing and maintaining peace. Though Sagittarius leads
among Nobel Peace Prize winners, that just verifies that Sag-
ittarius is good at winning prizes. Libras seem to do more
in everyday life to circumnavigate potential flair-ups, or
quell existing disputes. They are natural mediators, negoti-
ators, and peace-makers, provided their own most personal
problems are not concerned. Like all Cardinal types (Aries,
Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), they often lack the essential in-
sights into their own problems. They need to be "third
party" negotiators.
People take their problems to Libra because he returns
unbiased, albeit cautious, feedback. His sense of fair play
is astute. Where he may get into a mess is in seeking to
resolve conflicts by trying to please everyone at once. He
may not want the responsibility of making decisions--he is
afraid of making the wrong choice--so he won't commit himself
at all.
Don't expect compliments in abundance from children of
the Balance, unless you really deserve them. Libra has to
feel he is being sincere. He doesn't sing his own praises,
either. Libra is rarely satisfied with himself as he is,
being very conscious of the fact. that he could be doing bet-
ter, that some part of his personality or life may need an
overhaul. Unfortunately, he doesn't do much about it! Libra
may recognize the fact that a problem exists, but not the
underlying causes. He has difficulty in coming to terms with
his own shortcomings.
"It's going to get better," he ventures. Libra at
first seems to be in the "here and now", but he isn't; look
closer and you will find that he's phased into the future.
Supplied with a personal and social idealism, he is blithely
confident of a better world just around the corner.
Nonetheless, here is one of the shrewdest operators
you will find anywhere. Libra is magnificently efficient if
it concerns him or his own interests. (Otherwise he is
likely to lose track of details because his short-term mem-

ory is lousy unless something really sparks his interest.)

He has fine organizational skills, can work very comfortably
with subordinates, and is capable at generally getting things
done. He is very concerned with finances and aware of the
meaning of value. Put these together and you get an excel-
lent foreman, coordinator, or department head once you con-
vince him to accept the hassels and problems of the job--no
easy task! Libra doesn't take on things unless he is abso-
lutely sure he can carry through. He's cautious committing
himself to schedules. Allowing a margin for error on most
things, he always checks the map and the gas tank before
starting the trip.
Don't rile this normally peaceable creature. Libra is
the sign of the Balance, the scales of justice, and Librans
tend to take the Law of Karma into their own hands, sometimes
with a vengeance! Their golden rule is, "Do unto others as
they have done unto you--only more so!" Befriend a Libran and
you have a loyal ally for life; cross him, and you had better
look for the nearest tramp steamer to some forgotten South
Sea Island, because Libra will insist on balancing the scales
--and he does nothing in half-measures.
In everything he attempts, there is an intensity or
penetrating strength. Unsolved problems or unbalanced situ-
ations may force him to internalize the concern, in which
case he has an incredible ability to stew. Libra is
restrained, secretive, and cautious thanks to an exalted
Because Venus takes care of her own, Libra women have
a far better way through life than most Libra men. They are
Aphrodite incarnate! Career women and willing to assert them-
selves eagerly in pursuit of identity, they live not in a
man's world but in a woman's world as it would be if women
were the predominant gender.
Libra men, in contrast, seem lost in their male identi-
ties. They are often groping for a comfortable way to be
themselves and still fill society's requirements, or image,
of "male". The two often don't balance. Lucky is he who
casts aside stereotypes and follows his instincts and natural
inclinations on how to be.

SUN IN SCORPIO, the Scorpion

Tireless, dynamic, energetic, and persevering, Scorpios
are in every way the children of their patron planet, Mars.
They live their lives in poignant awareness of the pleasures

and agonies of their physical bodies, oriented to the prac-

tical exigencies of the flesh and life without losing sight
of Man's more ennobling potentials.

We have been grouping the constellations according to

a three-way classification. Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Cap-
ricorn are known as Cardinal constellations which bear an
allegorical parallel to the rim of the wheel. Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius, and Pisces are Mutable constellations, and we
connect them with a wheel's spokes. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio,
and Aquarius, finally, are referred to as Fixed constellations.
They betray a marked similarity to the hub of a wheel, speak-
ing in behavioral terms.
"Hub" people are indeed the centers of their own worlds,
the rest of creation seeming to revolve around them. There
is a stability about the Sun's placement in each of these four
constellations which, especially in Leo and Scorpio, gives an
uncompromising stance. They are less subject to popular opin-
ion than other sign types, and conversely more likely to for-
mulate their own thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives. Yet
while this independence of mind and soul makes them seem the
most iconoclastic and reform-minded, they cannot be considered
eccentric; the concept of centricity is too important to the
hub. Their objective self-determination is based on a high
value system and niggardly conservatism regarding basic prin-

Scorpio creates his best effects through novel approaches

and a surprising intensity. He moves with a "Damn the torpe-
does" precipitancy, fearlessly tackling any difficult situa-
tion. Firmicus wrote that Scorpio will "expect the protec-
tion of the gods," heedlessly ignoring any blockades in his
way and even risking danger for its sensual thrill, provided
Saturn is not strongly placed at birth.
Movement and animation are Scorpio's vital processes.
He abhors apathy or feet-dragging, striking out with a moral
courage and barnstorming boldness of his own against per-
ceived ills of society on scales large or small.
The Scorpian will not be fenced in. He is dominated
foremost by a freedom motif. Mars is a planet which releases
one from stricturing inhibitions and instills a claustropho-
bic refusal to be limited or structured. This can be as in-
tellectual a claustrophobia as physical. Scorpio hates
forced schedules and is rarely comfortable in a 9-to-S rou-
tine. Freedom is a treasured commodity.

Scorpio has been accused of a lack of profundity,

though that would be a misjudgement of any Fixed constel-
lation type. True. he has little interest in theory unless
it is immediately practical. Strategy he finds more diffi-
cult than the actual execution of a plan. He believes in
action, not in idle dreams.

Yet Scorpio is undeniably conscious of the relevance

and natural unity of all Creation. He is more able than
most to appreciate everything around him, including himself,
for its own worth. The difference between Scorpio and the
typical religionist or metaphysician is that the martian
rarely gets lost in the clouds--his feet are solidly placed.
Formal religion or philosophy with its doctrines and dogmas
has little that he finds worthwhile. He takes his metaphys-
ics for granted, as part of life, rather than seeing them
as something separate from himself.
Transformation may be the best overall keyword for
this constellation. Aside from the iconoclastic attempts
at reform, there is the ability to translate the complex
and confusing into the simple and easily comprehended.
Philosophical abstractions are reduced to terms far easier
for most to grasp, which makes Scorpio an important member
of the education community.

Analytic abilities are keen. Scorpio is an uncommonly

astute judge of character. Hidden motives and purposes
rarely escape his notice. The nonparochial mind integrates,
blends, incorporates, and centralizes, several concepts
being assimilated into his realizations.
Though not especially closed-mouthed--many are surpri-
singly tactless in fact--Scorpio is not particularly
inclined to speak without a specific reason, so he seems to
quietly maintain a low profile. Where Scorpio can be ingen-
iously concealing, though, is in not revealing his own weak-
nesses. Apparently forthright, candid remarks are really
artfully cloaked so that they do not reveal as much as it
may at first seem. On the other hand, Scorpio is master-
fully thorough in collecting other people's weaknesses, as
he is in most other phases of his life.
Sex is an irrepressible, powerful energy channel for
every Scorpio. Both the glyph of the ruler, Mars, and the
original snake symbolism of this constellation are blatant
phallic representations, and Scorpios are rarely squeamish
in sexual matters. They appear to be corked voclanoes--"
The simmering becomes the boiling that never quite ex-

plodes" (Mattye Ruel, The Path of Night). Scorpio is in a

continual state of "Wanna". Their passions pervade all
phases of their lives, and if immediate expression of fulfill-
ment is denied them, they push the resulting tension under
the surface where it builds, making them irritable and demand-
ing eventual release. An uninhibited expression of their sex-
ual natures is the most efficient known way to release tension
and stress for every Scorpio in our personal files.
Mars' masculinity principle is emphasized in all Scorpios,
and the girls rather consistently pass through a tomboy phase.
However, this doesn't usually detract any from their feminin-
ity later in life.
Some of the finest humorists to be found were born with
the Sun in Scorpio, including Winston Churchill, Mark Twain,
James Thurber, and Emmett Kelley. Psychological studies of humor
show its motivation to be more consistent with the natures of the
malefic planets than the benefics, thus the high number of
humorists, satyrists, etc. with the Sun in Scorpio or Capricorn,
or aspecting catabolic (malefic) planets.
In a relationship, Scorpio sustains the high energy level
which charges him throughout life. He wants from a partner
what he (the Scorpio) can personally give, expecting a
matching intensity, interest, and devotion. Such demands are
softened somewhat by the generosity and willingness to give
freely which Scorpio displays.
Overall, these are dynamic, fun, vitalizing individuals,
comfortable in their power and generally enforcing it with a
conscientious discretion.


Ruled by the improvement planet, Jupiter, Sagittarians

run their lives on the theme of "higher and higher": Chiron's
arrow arcing into the heavens. They are ambitious and ever
striving to achieve. This climbing, soaring quality does not
always emerge as material ambition, but may, for instance, be
directed into religious and spiritual areas. A few have their
ambitions strangled or blunted by their own inadequate self-
images. Yet the fully growing Sagittarius works toward the
attainment of a certain preconceived level. He is an arrow
aimed at a specific mark or target. Even the Sagittarian love
of travel is reduced to this passion "to get somewhere".
As Jupiter's home constellation, Sagittarius instills a
sense of excellence. Stratification is inherent in this per-
sonality type's sense of order. Be it socially, profession-

ally, or politically, he is distinctly hierarchial, ever con-

scious of level. Whatever their environment, Sagittarians
display an innate flavor of the elite, even if that means--in
recent years with transiting Pluto square their Suns from Vir-
go--serving you a lovely cup of tea in their tent!
Quality is vital to them. They take tremendous pride
in doing well what they do. They are artistic, for instance,
primarily in the sense that they are eager for qualitative
results. Sagittarius establishes high standards for his work,
his family and friends, in fact for everything in his life.

Nor is he personally immune to such standards. A large

portion of the Sagittarian population suffers from self-image
problems primarily because they don't meet their own standards
of excellence. They may think they have to prove themselves
(at least to themselves). Try to give Sagittarius a compli-
ment. Nine out of ten times you will get a sputtered, embarr
asses reply, hear it joked away with hisironic (if not pro-
saic) sense of humor, or have it completely ignored. Somehow
he will avoid giving a straight acknowledgement of it. Some
will denigrate compliments, making them seem not worthy of a
direct reply. From such a Sagittarian's point of view, he
doesn't yet deserve them.
The Sagittarian orientation toward improvement can take
a broad social form as well as a direct, personal one. Here
we find much respect for the acquired, built-up knowledge of
a culture. Sagittarius perpetuates those cultural elements
and human values which have proven worthwhile within his per-
spective. Thus, he is a patron of most art forms, academic-
minded, scholarly, studious, and interested in such areas of
inquiry as religion, drama, history, foreign affairs, and edu-
cation. Yet while his "change threshold" is high and he pre-
fers to improve the present situation rather than seek new
innovations and change, this Archer is a master at refining
and qualifying. He takes the wealth of established knowledge,
custom, or belief, adds to it or improves it, then uses it.
Though often philosophical, he is very down to Earth in the
way he improves for the present, for his own use today, rather
than for some unknown posterity. He expects others to pclk up
his work, and that of his contemporaries, and perfect it to
apply most advantageously to their own generations, supporting
the continual upward spiral of cultural and intellectual evolu-
tion which has proceeded since the dawn of civilization.
Sagittarius is a Centaur, half man and half horse, so it sym-
bolizes abstractly the evolutionary process, beast transform-
ing into Man but not yet completed, the midpoint between sav-
agery and sublimity. The Sagittarius archetype, at root,
dramatizes Man's cultural and spiritual progress.

Jupiter types help preserve the significant elements of

a cultural mythology. They are myth-building and myth-
sustaining in various ways. Transvestite impressionist Jim
Bailey, with his superb impersonations, has propagated a
mythology of sorts around the late Judy Garland. Richard
Nixon fought to preserve the contemporary mythology built
around the U.S. Presidency. Other Sagittarians have them-
selves been candidates for "folk-hero" status from Elvis
Presley to the grander, more immortal legends of Sherlock
Holmes (Jan 6, 1854), Nostradamus (Dec 14, 1503, 0.S.), and
Jack the Ripper (who apparently was Crown Prince Albert Victor
of England, born Jan 8, 1864).

Jupiter's three constellations--Cancer, Sagittarius,

and Pisces--share the totemistic tendency toward creating
different types of systems and constructs. This is reflected
not only in the Weltanschauyng-creating religious and philo-
sophical figures with Sagittarius Suns but, more impressively,
by scientists of the calibre of Tycho Brahe, Johann Kepler,
and Sir Isaac Newton, three brilliant astronomer/physicists
who rank among the key figures in Man's quest to understand
his Universe. Of the more than 10,000 birthdates listed in
Cattell's American Men & Women in Science, a significant
majority falls-in" December-January.

In romance, as in most other areas, Sagittarius follows

the rules. It is often phenomenal the way he ritualistically
follows modern civilization's "mating dance", often with
punctilious attention to each step. Both genders play out
their expected roles in male-female relationships, the men
being exceedingly gallant and the women graciously receiving
their suitors. In a sense, Sagittarians play out a Camelot
scenario in their daily lives as living representatives of
King Arthur's court. If the women seem less resistant to
seduction than one would anticipate, examine the rest of the
chart for basic insecurities and social ineptitude; always
anxious to follow the rules, they may feel such behavior is
anticipated in them and follow what they believe to be their
expected roles.
Members of either sex are continually conscious of the
impressions they are making on others. They maintain a sense
of aristocracy about themselves and display considerable
pride. Though keenly aware of the dramatic and poignant, they
manage to limit themselves to appropriate dramatizations--
propriety being their "guiding fiction".
To term Sagittarius "family-conscious" could be mislead-
ing and would, in many cases, be unnecessarily delimiting.
Certainly scions of the Centaur-Archer stick to family ties
' 62

(though some have shaken these while Pluto has squared their
Suns by transit); notice the etymological hint in the similar-
ities of "decent" and "descent". Yet this clan-consciousness
extends beyond family bounds and nesting instincts. Often
Sagittarians are intensely patriotic, if not nationalistic.
An impressive tribalism is reflected. Sagittarius
usually responds to Broad societal standards far stronger
than to peer group pressure, frequently disowning his natural
peers to surround himself with a selected private circle, a
personal "family". If native family ties are not sufficiently
gratifying, he may attach himself to a fraternity, religious
brotherhood, "the gang", a political party, philosophical
movement, astrology, or other family surrogate which can give
him a sense of heritage and belonging.


I once asked a Capricornian why he could never be
totally upfront about anything. He voiced nothing in response,
but his body language politely asked me to make the question
go away.
There is something phenomenally indirect and circuitous
about Capricornians. They can be people whom you spend a
lifetime around without ever getting to really know. Socially
congenial, they often display an "Everything's alright" atti-
tude; yet their disarming contentedness is a well-drilled
defense tactic, an efficient strategism for hiding and pro-
tecting their vulnearable interiors.
Capricorn is ruled by the self-preserving planet, Saturn.
We can therefore understand that the superficial screen these
individuals project reflects a caution in dealing openly with
the world, especially where the painful may intrude. Those
who are born with the Sun in this constellation have a great
ability to shrug off any information they would rather not
face. Being resentful of invasions into their psychic
retreats, they can display a damnable stubbornness and refusal
to be convinced. They have an automatic resistenceto any
attempt to change their minds.
A witty, original, though sometimes provocative sense of
humor keeps Capricorn from appearing glum. Humor is a pleasant
by-product of the malefic planets, especially Mars, Saturn, and
Pluto in their combinations with the Sun. It is a tremendously
effective defense against frustration, depression, distress,
and anxiety. Because the Saturn personality type tends to
carefully note the disappointing elements of life, humor was

born as a handy antidote. Capricorn's wit is born from a pre-

dilection to avoid the commonplace or expected, a refusal to
comply with what is anticipated--Saturn's refusal to abdicate
control of his identity to the gentry. Mentally he is a non-
conformist who can derive considerable pleasure from upsetting
the Establishment with unusual attire, manner, speech, or
action. He can be a verbal daredevil!

They rank among the finest story-tellers of all time.

Capricorn is a serious soul underneath his Moon-sign mask,
and usually has a message to deliver, but Capricornian authors
have rarely voiced their philosophy openly. cloaking it,
instead, in a fora more palatable to the public. Ben Franklin
hid his insights in "Poor Richard's" proberbs. Lewis Carroll
and Charles Dickens disguised their wisdom and experiences in
fantasy, the most painful paragraphs of which can still de-
light and enthrall a child, Capricornian folk-philosophers
seem to deal better with fables than newsprint, and we might
recall that Nazareth's most famous Capricornian, traditionally
born in an age when the Sun was in the constellation of the
Goat on Christmas Day, chose to speak in parables.

Darkness, in its many meanings, is distinctly Capricorn-

ian, and Capricornians down through history--Francis Bacon,
Benjamin Franklin, Wolfgang Mozart, Edgar Allen Poe, and
Grigori Rasputin, for example--have been notoriously connected
with freemasonry, mysticism, and the macabre, if not directly
with the Black Arts. One of the most exquisite dramatizations
of zodiacal symbolism in modern times is the birth chart of
pop music artist, Alice Cooper who, born with the Sun in Sider-
eal Capricorn and the Moon in Scorpio, plays on the inner ter-
rors of his audience's souls in a perverse ballet of death,
darkness, and decay, replete with snakes, staged decapitations,
and blood (all auxiliary symbols of Scorpio, the ancient
serpent constellation).
Yet there is a lightness even in Capricorn's most extreme
atrocities. The satirist works to ridicule, not exalt, his
subject, even as he immortalizes it. The saturnine soul is
too conscious of what suffering means, on an inner level, to do
other than try to alleviate it in those whom he encounters.
Capricornians have a prankish juvenescence that makes them ab-
solutely delightful when they seek to entertain. Though poten-
tially a severe critic, highly sceptical, and equipped with a
strong capacity for discontent, they long to avoid the uncom-
fortable and agonizing things which life sometimes offers,
and to help others avoid them as well.

Capricorn rarely "hard sells" a cause, and supports few.

He is aloof, maintaining his distance when his own affairs

aren't personally concerned. Noticeably few outspoken com-

munity leaders across the country have January-February birth-
dates (though Capricornians led the rebellious ranks of both
American Revolutionary figures and Confederate generals during
the Civil War), and Capricorn tends to be the soloist in the
world of sports. He simply lacks a pervasive "team-spirit".
Difficulties in early home life, harsh rearing, or
related setbacks can throw obstacles in Capricorn's way.
Saturn is kinder to the elderly than to the young. Yet by
persistently overcoming such problems, Capricornians grow
strong. Most people are aware of Charles Dickens' painful
youth, as well as the physical handicaps fought by Franklin
D. Roosevelt. Both were Capricornians, as was Alfred Adler,
the psychologists who theorized from his own early life ex-
periences that Man excels by compensating for organic short-
comings. Founders of psychological schools of thought tend
to invent personality theories which match their own nativi-

Adler also explained Capricorn's tendency to make broad

generalizations both as a form of social commentary and to
extricate himself from sticky corners. Such catchalls as, "
It's written in the Bible," "All doctors are crooked," "I do
as well as I can," and "Well, what do you expect from a Leo?"
he termed fictional finalisms. Capricornians seem especially
fond of such summaries which, like the patterning of many
Neptune or Pisces types, serves to establish expectancies by
which to live, rigid patterns of anticipation one can embrace
in order to feel secure or safe with the future. Such fic-
tional finalisms are dangerous when they unnecessarily delimit
potential and ambition.

In romance, Capricorn tends to remain aloof, guarding

his feelings, until he is convinced he has found a safe place
to unveil his emotions. Then he grabs hold fast! Security
is vital to him. In marriage he is dutiful, devoted, and
tenacious. Capricorn women, in the psychologically disasterous
Victorian epoch of the past, when intercourse was lumped in
with the rest of "the Curse", learned all too well how to make
sexual martyrs of themselves out of loving devotion to their
husbands. In today's more enlightened times, she is still
capable of putting her own desires aside when she is in love (
as is the Capricornian man if necessary), but once she drops
controls enough to make an emotional commitment, it stimulates
total involvement to the point that sexuality becomes essen-
tially a vehicle for emotional communion.
Capricornians are "workaholics". Tenacious of life and
imbued with a sense of responsibility and duty, they struggle

to get their jobs done. They are frugal not only with finances
but with words as well. In Franklin's adages, for example, we
perceive Capricorn's capacity for concision and brevity.
All eccentricities being put in their places, Capricorn
is seen at heart to be oriented to the past, tradition, the
status quo. and paternity. He respects the most steadfast
social xefssw0!A sensitivity to authoritative figures may
result from a pronounced "father complex" in the form of
reacting strongly to father figures, feeling dear old Dad is
looking over one's shoulder, seeking paternal approval, etc.
While a few Capricornians appear superficial, never able
to openly shake their defensive guise and match Life gaze for
gaze, as a group these are profound realists, serious thinkers,
deeply probing mystery after mystery with interests in philos-
ophy, religion, and all solemn and significant matters, includ-
ing astrology, where more.Capricornians find a home than does
any other sign-type. Music is Capricorn's forte, especially
vocal and instrumental, while the less artistic Capricornian
at least features considerable musical appreciation.

SUN IN AQUARIUS. the Water Carrier

Aquarius is the most "scientific" of the constellation
types. Inventive and analytic, the native of Uranus' constel-

lation delights in investigation and thrills at discovery. Though

interested in occult matters, his curiosity tends to carry a
pragmatic insistence on taking things at face value
so that he deals with visible phenomena rather than the
abstract, invisible things which might intrigue a Piscean.
As the Sun rules the opposite constellation, Leo, Aquar-
ians tend to be among the least solar of people. A special Self-
willed egotism can be theirs,but it is uranian rather than solar.
The "personal equation" interferes with an Aquarian's
perspectives far less often than with other people's. No one
living in modern society can be totally unconditioned or
unprogrammed to respond to societal expectations, but Aquarius
seems to come closer to pulling this off than
the average person. Aquarius wants to set his own standards,
draw his own conclusions, and view the world through his own
When the Sun is in this constellation, the native is an
avid reader and absorbs concepts and ideas quickly. Serious,
profound topics interest him. There is a natural leaning toward
recondite subjects. Yet Aquarius shuns the complex and overly
systematic. Simplicity and straightforward reasoning appeal to
him far more than complicated excuses and

rationalizations, which usually serve no purpose other than

to cloud the issue and confuse everyone.
Creativity is present in abundance. The essential
requisite for creativity is originality, the ability to see
a side of life no one else has yet acknowledged. We all have
a free-flowing creative energy, but it is usually blocked off
and inhibited, our originality hammered into patterned
responses. Uranus types, however, refuse to be tied to ster-
eotypes, so their genius has a greater chance to manifest.
This impersonal sign-type has the ability to judge him-
self and others dispassionately. Aquarians take people and
situations for what they are, without trying to alter or mis-
represent them, and without being impressed by pomp, fluff,
or airs.
In everyday life, the Aquarian rarely pretends to be
anything he isn't. Writers with this Sun-sign use a popular,
often personal style which speaks to the average man in his
own language. Freedom and clarity of expression is important
to Aquarians. They have strong opinions which they voice un-
reservedly. They need freedom to move and act in their own
Yet while his behavior often seems unconventional, it
falls within certain personal bounds. Healthy Uranus types
aren't overtly rebellious; they merely object to imposed re-
strictions, which isn't the same thing. Many will settle into
a very conservative lifestyle, but it will be one of their own
Desired responses must be enticed from them, never forced.
Even in marriage, Aquarius will refuse to surrender his person-
al autonomy to another entirely. He may undermine a relation-
ship (usually subconsciously) if he feels too cornered, too in-
vaded, or too threatened, the biggest threat being to his power
of self-determination. Uranus is god of the air, and Aquarians
need plenty of open space physically, mentally, and emotionally.
The quickest way to alienate them is to crowd them.
A positive variety of selfishness abets Aquarius' mental
and emotional health. Yet a serious drawback is an unwilling-
ness to deal openly with their own feelings. Openness with
feelings means a vulnerability Aquarius would rather avoid.
One way to say, "Don't know me," and circumnavigate any
discussion of their own psychological entrails is to preoccupy
themselves with other people's problems. Firmicus Maternus
wrote that Aquarius "will take up and patronize many, and pro-
vide them with the means of life." Truthful, high-minded,

honest, altruistic, and generous, Aquarius is infamous for

taking an underdog beneath his wing and dealing openly and
directly with another's difficulties. He knows how to appre-
ciate others, being gifted with a wisdom of life beyond his
years, and astute faculties for judging human motivation.
These are "sounding boards", ready to lend an ear--and
on occassion a shoulder--to another's sorrowful tale. In
fact, it is hard for them to terminate a conversation, espec-
ially when the other person is talking. They can shut their
ears to another only with the greatest difficulty.
Hating to be criticized, Aquarius will try to denigrate
the complaint, or else rationalize the situation with "prin-
ciples". He isn't afraid to make mistakes, thus he boldly
accomplishes far more than more cautious types; but mopping
up after errors is too bothersome, especially the little ones
which may be significant to his pedantic friends, but not to
Aquarius. He doesn't feel he has anything for which to apol-
Those individuals are drawn to group situations, but
they aren't "joiners" except to fulfill a purpose. To them,
the group exists only to serve the membership. Similarly, they
are selective when they socialize, or else socialize with a
definite practical purpose in mind.
Personal realtionships seem to be their weak point be-
cause many walls have to fall before they can thoroughly
share themselves with another. They tend to be misunderstood
through being insufficiently expressive in romance. In the
early stages of a relationship, many are accused of being un-
demonstrative, though Aquarius' sexual vigor can be hearty
and uninhibited when he is comfortable with his partner and
his setting.
Aquarians like things at their fingertips. There is a "
convenience motif" surrounding them which makes Aquarius keep
things he frequently uses within easy reach. These ingenious
people are notable for inventing gadgets, time-and-effort-
saving mechanisms, and new approaches to simplify their labors.
On the surface, Aquarius will seem unaffected and easy-
going. He is such an iconoclast that nothing he does seems
unusual to him, and it takes the particularly novel to perk
his ears. Aquarian energy cycles seem to fluctuate so that
capacity for industrious effort varies considerably from day
to day. All seem to be low key, if not downright tired, pro-
vided high vitality indicators are not apparent elsewhere in
their charts.

Rare is the Aquarian who is not especially attractive--

if not in structure, then at the very least in presence. To
the Greeks, this constellation was Ganymede, the most beauti-
ful youth on Earth. Nonetheless, Aquarians regularly sport a
weak ego (due to the non-solar nature of the constellation).
Possibly self-effacing, they play themselves down or at least
overlook their own accomplishments when possible. Aquarians
are worriers, fearing the worst in a strenuous situation.
They are sensitive and easily wounded when the tough facade
is withdrawn but, while terribly touchy, will seldom express
their hurt if it is deep.
Mundane rigors and restrictions are avoided. Money is
not terribly important to Aquarius aside from essentials: if
he has it, he spends it and, if not, he merrily goes without.
He is hesitant to commit himself on dates and times, respond-
ing when cornered with, "Whenever I feel like it," "If I'm
not doing anything," etc.
He imposes deadlines on himself, then procrastinates
beyond them. Some have expressed a fear of dying before they
accomplish what they feel they should; others "have to be rich
by age 30," "need to make a mark on the world by the time I'm
21," "hope to get that house by the time I'm 40," or hold some
other private deadline for themselves.
These Uranus people gravitate toward the future. Expec-
tations can rule them, since they anticipate how the future
will turn out and feel disoriented on those occassions when
they find they have judged wrongly. Don't set any ground
rules or schedules for Aquarius and expect to change them
later with a nod of the head--it takes him far more energy to
change his plans (change his view of the future) than to make
plans in the first place.
Though unaffected be pretentiousness, Aquarius is very
conscious of status. They subtly build their self-importance
through association with a person, product, institution, or
accomplishment. Aquarius won't lose touch with "real folk"
in the process, though. While shrewd, and able to "play games"
with important people, thereby taking the best honest advan-
tage of opportunities, Aquarius rarely puts himself above
others in a hierarchial or snobbish sense.
The Aquarian man who spent a decade developing and im-
plementing a growth-oriented youth camping program which
gained national recognition, his pride and joy, remains humble
if inscrutable, and still picnics with his family and friends
on days off. The Aquarian miss who beds down with a White
House aide one weekend and an Oriental rock star the next will
always return to her loveable (if lower-keyed) law-clerk boy

friend when the more glamorous figures are gone, and not feel
any less excitement or happiness about the situation.

The Aquarian`s family is often an impenetrable circle,

guarded from outsiders. He displays a strong devotion to
both parents and children. Yet in the bustle of helping
every stray cat that crosses his yard, Aquarius may overlook
the wants of those close to him.
Pity the wife of the Aquarian astrologer if she wants
her birthchart brought up to date, or the husband of the
Aquarian plumber when the pipes spring a leak! Aquarius
identifies himself entirely with those he has let within his
tightly guarded circle of intimacy, and putting himself at the
bottom of his own priority list unfortunately lends an illu-
sion of neglect as he passes over family members` desires (and
his own) to help underdog neighbors and friends.


Pisceans are strongly attracted to the unfamiliar and
vague. Being Neptune-ruled, they have a subjective approach
to life which often stimulates interest in the mystical and
occult. An underlying theme is the need to uncover a mystery,
to learn an answer, to explore that which is foreign in order
to make it more familiar. Thus, if the Piscean is politically
motivated, he is likely to take an abiding interest in foreign
affairs. He will delight in foreign languages, accents and
This is a restless constellation, filled with the urge
to wander. Pisces travels with a purpose, though. Many are
banner wavers and missionaries in some sense--and can they
preach!--while others seem to move about with more of a distinct
"reason for going" than just to have a good time. The greatest
number of historic explorers have been born with the Sun in
Sidereal Pisces, dramatizing their passion to penetrate the not-
yet-understood, and Pisceans can be explorers in virtually any
field of human endeavor, not just geography.

Astrologers are aware that Neptune loves to be involved

with the unclear, confused, misleading, and cloudy, but they do
not always understand why. There seem to be two reasons. The
first is the sensual pleasure of the nonspecific, the emotional
ecstacy which is enhanced when we don't attach ourselves to
specifics and too literal measurements. This allows the "
modified reality" of the artist to emerge.
The other reason is actually self-protective. Neptune
is known to be especially suspicious, in the extreme case

being the planet of paranoia. His sensitivities make him un-

cannily aware that there are things in the world he does not
understand, things which lie beyond the veil of the visible.
Like a child in a dark room, he is mostly afraid of what might
be there when he doesn't know about it. Neptune wants to run
across the room and find the light switch, not for the intel-
lectual thrill of discovery Uranus would seek, but simply to
see whether or not he is really alone. Pisces` exploring
spirit is very much the same thing.
Pisces' other pronounced Neptune trait is its tendency
to dramatize, to act, to pretend, to "make a production out
of everything." Pisceans have won a significant share of
Oscars, and they can often add versatile musical talents to
their convincing manner of persuasion. Some are teachers,
but more are toastmasters, seeking a spot on stage so that
they may perform.

Sometimes very innocently, and sometimes less so, these

people bias, deceive, and con themselves and others. They
are masters of leg pulling! They make the most convincing
liars because they usually believe themselves--but it would
be jumping to a questionable conclusion to assume there is
anything especially malicious in their folly. They consider
themselves extremely rational and forthright. They just don't
care to bother to make the "true" details come out the same
every time the story is told.
They are sensitive to betrayal, but some would call
them traitorous because Pisceans easily shift loyalties.
Sometimes they smell "fishy"; at other times they come across
as "suckers". Tradition marks this as the constellation of
turncoats, rogues, shysters, conspirators, and renegades.
Statistics seem to verify this in that more foreign-born "
greats" listed in Who`s Who in America are Pisceans than any
other sign, indicating that they were imports, i.e., that they
left their native land, hopefully for something better.
Though Pisces` religious drive is often intense, he thinks
less than most of switching denominations as the mood hits him.
This "Judas complex" is a reflection of disenchanted
idealism. Pisceans belong to the, "Everything will turn out
find," school. They are dreamers of intense vision, roman-
ticists with an irrepressible idealism as their single most
important trait, Their insistence that, "All will be well,"
gives then, initially, great tenacity. Yet when they are
finally forced to admit that they were wrong, that the story-
book ending isn't happening, they get out fast! After all,
they were the ones fooled, weren't they? What loyalty do they
owe the one who tricked them? Pisces needs to learn that the
only one who deceives him is himself.

No place is this more obvious than in social situations.

Pisces is sociable, amiable, warm, and boisterous, far easier
to please when you first meet him than after you get to know
him. He's searching for an idealistic relationship, for a "
true friend" who will never betray him. He would sacrifice
anything for such a friend; he expects as much in return.
Pisces creates most of his own problems, conjuring psy-
chic demons to plague his mind. He creaties conditions, neg-
ative patterns, from which it is difficult to extricate him-
self. It may seem that they are strongly individualistic,
but Pisces only projects an individualistic front when select-
ing a pattern in which to live. They are "pattern people",
striving for predictability by trying to resolve life`s incon-
sistencies. They cast themselves in a specific role, then
block out all signals or hints that there could possibly be
another way, another pattern by which to be. All Neptune
types dislike being taken by surprise, and shy away from
change once they have established a pattern that works. In
this sense they can appear as stark traditionalists, maintain-
ing that with which they are comfortable. At worst they are
snobbish, like Sagittarius. At best they may give concrete
form to some grand scheme.
I.Q. leans toward the upper range, and Pisceans have
excellent memories for facts, Learning comes without much
effort. These qualities make them superb workers, especially
as employees. Yet with Saturn strong they can be compulsive,
obsessed by their duties, A Piscean who is overly saturnine
becomes too structured and blocked, usually. Often he will
be too deadly serious for his own good, his sense of humor
diluted ("watered down"). Pisces will do his own job effic-
iently, and expects others to likewise do their share to keep
the world spinning. Anything less draws from him a "holier
than thou" condescension.
Sex drives and overall sensuousness are pronounced,
He is indulgent, and especially enjoys good food and drink.
Pisceans are strong, their mannerisms intense, and though
you may never really know strong what, their strength is not
EMOTIONAL ATTUNEMENT TO THE WORLD, and the distaff side of the
fish often reveals it more so than her male counterpart.
With all of their disorientations, mind games, fantas-
ies, and pretense, Pisceans have one miraculous feature.
So many of them overcome phenomenally negative chart condi-
tions to reach a self-actualizing state by refusing to
bother themselves with problems. They pursue a high personal
idealism. It almost seems that the more problematic the
chart, the more surely Pisces will persevere with imagination,
enthusiasm, and vision.

Constellations of the Moon


Aries Moons need to maintain a powerful autonomy where

feelings are concerned. Their emotional responses are guard-
ed, needing to be shown a safe place before they can be fully
Feelings are things about which the Aries Moon individ-
ual rarely speaks. These are not shy people, but rather so-
cially distant. Usually they are not particularly comfort-
able when with the opposite sex, especially in their young
adulthood years. Sentiment tends to give way to severe prac-
ticality even at the crest of a personal tragedy, because the
Aries personality is bent toward the imdoesn`t, practical,
and efficient, and because he doesn't want to be held account-
able later for emotional Bushings. Though reasonably friendly
and courteous, appearing cordial on first meeting, people with
the Moon in Aries are hesitant about intimacy, erecting false
airs or being outlandishly nasty to prevent others from get-
ting too close emotionally.
Their personalities can be quite exciting and dynamic.
Here is the hard-hitting go-getter who paves the way for
others to follow. Moon in Aries has a personal intensity and
adamant certainty of manner that makes other people step aside
just to get out of the way. Usually that is a wise decision,
for the Aries Moon gives no small amount of organizational and
motivational ability, based in part on his cool assurance that
he has established a solid groundwork. He scouts new terri-
tory, learns what he needs to know in preparation, and then
acts decisively.
These people bolt down food, blast their horns at the
slow cars in front of them, and even push rudely past little
old ladies at the supermarket in their less couth moments.
Impatience is perhaps their most marked fault, though they
can take forever to decide to do something in the first place
and even then are subject to numerous distractions and inter-
ruptions. Yet others should understand that the metabolism
of these people is geared to a rapid pace, so it is easy for
them to leave the rest of the world behind. They can be high-
ly successful in business due to steady progress and astute
opportunism. They are real go-getters in the commercial world
and not hesitant to zoom ahead of others. Most continue a pro-
ductive, energetic pace late into life.
Aries has a technical orientation. His is a mind for

mathematics and mechanics, and he is not infrequently found

in jobs requiring careful and sure awareness of all the con-
ditions. However, though he takes great care to know what he
is doing in advance, if he makes a mistake it is extremely
difficult to get him to admit it. Aries is never wrong on any-
thing--just ask him! With an authoritative stance and tone of
voice, he will continue to declare that he is right, or else
try to deny that he made the incorrect comment in the first
place--or at least convince himself that, "This time it doesn't
make any difference."


Tradition asserts that Venus rules Taurus, and this

seems justified. Surely this is the most luxurious, indulgent,
sensuous placement possible for the Moon. Taurians are the
least offensive of people, totally appalled at the thought of
inflicting harm on others, but not unlikely to tolerate much
difficulty or pain themselves. Creatures of habit, they move
toward a simple domestic setting rather than the frenzied life
of the publicity hound.
Great thinkers probing the buried meanings of life and
displaying an intense intellectual curiosity frequently claim
this Moon-sign. There is a dissatisfaction with dogma and an
inquiring curiosity for truth. Blessed with a deep apprecia-
tion of nature and Her beauty, Taurus seeks the meaning be-
hind existence and disects all of the integral parts in an
effort to solve the puzzle of the whole. They learn rapidly
and can quickly expound upon what they have learned. Many
teachers have this placement.
It is Taurus' sensual side which is his most obvious
surface trait, however. Strange, how a constellation can
vary from the most superficial to the most profound. Yet the
Taurian desire for the widest possible variety of experience
is part of his curiosity of what makes Nature tick. The theme
of sexuality is a prominent one in a Taurus' life, though in a
few cases it gains prominence from its stark absence. There
is nothing moderate about Taurian sexuality, and when it isn't
markedly pronounced, it tends to take a nosedive for the far
opposite end of the spectrum.
On meeting a lunar Taurian, you will find him most cor-
dial, with great charm and personal magnetism. In romantic
matters, his flirtations have been noted, and his amorous es-
capades may lead to a promiscuous lifestyle.

At times, Taurian feelings will come across as shallow.


This reflects the insecurity of a transition stage. So much of

the Taurian life is spent on a Quest, However, just as those
with the Sun in Taurus are actively seeking meaning and direction
in life (a solar principle), lunar Taurians quest for the same
understanding, insight, and meaning regarding their feelings (a
lunar principle). When young--indeed, often late into life--
they appear to be groping for answers, sometimes settling into a
relationship or lifestyle situation which is an approximation or
temporary solution, but then moving on. Look at Taurians of
retirement age and compare them to their sign-mates a decade
younger, You will probably find live verification that this
constellation is slow-starting, and blossoms late.
Their heightened esthetic senses make them art-minded, even
if their own artistic talents are limited to decorating their
lovely homes. Mothers with a Taurus Moon are the doting kind,
always especially interested in the child's welfare and happiness,
baking the favorite cake, being extra-careful with special things,
almost to the point where an independent Pluto
child could feel smothered at times.


Living under Mercury`s tutelage, those with the Moon in
Gemini are intellectual and communicative on one hand, and very
sensitive, edgy, even irrational on the other. The dual nature
is not at all foreign to this sign of "two-ness". With the
Moon in a mercurial sign, feelings and intellect are closely
Lunar Geminians are extremely curious and often involved
in professions where speaking, writing, or similar activities
are required. Yet the nervousness inherent in a mercurial nature
causes them to be touchy, sensitive, and hyper-responsive. Folks
with the Moon in Gemini are often heavy smokers because of their
high-strung natures.
It is not hard to find Geminis living with their parents
much later into life than most. There is a need to be with
others, to seek out a personal security in companionship, to
have continual sensory input. They are uncomfortable when alone
or isolated. These people have a great capacity for giving
affection, as well as a special need for attention and
acceptance. Gemini is a child at heart, and no child likes
to be left out of things while his friends are all at play.
They want in on the game too.

Others find them charming and engaging. Frequently they


have considerable musical talents, particularly song-writing,

and they may be gifted in poetry, mimicry, and acting as well.

One thing Geminians cannot tolerate is thinking someone

else is smarter than they. They will constantly accuse others
of flaunting knowledge, though brandishing their own abilities
freely. They do not like to he mentally surprised or have
things kept from them, always fearing what might happen be-
cause of what they do not know. Geminis regularly want to
withdraw from the pains of the world, for their greater sensi-
tivity, often psychic in nature and giving them a great total
awareness of what is really happening, makes the "slings and
arrows of outrageous fortune" sting a little more.
Gemini is pragmatic, always eager to transmute theory
into application, People with the Moon here are often partic-
ularly adept at house-cleaning and other mundane chores. The
continual activity of body and mind is what they need if they
are not to be reduced to bundles of nerves.


At one time or another, this sign has been characterized
by a crab, two turtles, and a scarabeus beetle. The one com-
mon denominator of all of these is the hard shell worn on the
outside, behind which Testudo, the Turtle, as one facet of
this constellation, can conveniently withdraw when the going
gets rough, and there remain impervious to attack.
Similarly, Cancer has his own special armor in his imag-
inary ego defenses. He becomes cocky in nature, exuding a
convincing pride when backed into a corner. He has the power-
ful urge to take command, and try to find a place of acclaim
for himself in the material world. There is a surprising
amount of optimism and an almost mystical sense of hidden per-
sonal strength or invulnerability. Unfortunately, it is the
rare example of Cancer that can claim much insight into his
own personal motives, despite the solemn awareness of the phen-
omenal world which they display in their normally serious
The physical presence is very impressive to the outsider.
Lunar Cancer is generous, confident, persevering, vital, and
imposing. Once he takes the chair, things somehow get moving,
for his mental firmness, sharp organizational talents, and
ability to make decisions are impressive. He can be very
warm, demonstrative, and honest in his dealings, ever willing
to listen sympathetically to the problems of those around him.

He generally remains sincere in his affections. He has

inner wells of emotional strength, yet an insecurity of feel-
ing. He may not entirely trust his own emotions, for they
may overwhelm him. Cancer is not one to take chances with
his feelings, so he is hesitant to give them full expression
except in very intimate situations. His softer, very feeling
side is at first timid, delicate, and when it blossoms it is
a yielding flower of exquisite gentleness, tenderness, and
sensitivity. His magnetic personality makes him very attract-
ive to the opposite sex, but when emotional security is lack-
ing it is difficult for him to make a success of a long-term
Cancer is in no way afraid of public life, and in fact
enjoys the limelight. He is superb in front of a crowd when
he has their attention. When in the spotlight, he performs
with color and flair. His sensitivity and image-forming
ability lead him into art, the theater, music, painting, de-
sign, or literature, where he has considerable creative poten-

MOON IN LEO, the Lion

Self-assured, cool, with a discriminating outlook, those
born with the Moon in the Sun's own sign are not too different
from those born during a New Moon (Sun-Moon conjunction).
Both reveal the regal power inherent in the lion which symbol-
izes this sign. The emotions are intertwined with the per-
sonal sense of pride.
The power within these individuals is only rarely to be
doubted. Their very gait and manner breath a special nobility
in their self-assurance which at times seems to say, "Don't
touch me," or, "Don't tarnish the brass." They are impermeable.
Calmly intellectual, with razor-sharp minds and a stubborn
conservatism, these practical people can also be the most meth-
odical. Their powers of retention are sometimes astounding.
Demonstrating the domination and natural sense of com-
mand of this Moon placement is the number of military leaders
and politicians born under this heading. Lord Horatio. Nelson
was among the finestseamen in British history, winning his fame
in the Battle of Trafalgar. King Louis XV of France, while
indulgent and lascivious, also earned grday.military merits
in his day, Japan's Emperor Hirohito led his country to
nearly unparalleled military power for a while, though Melvin
Laird was content to serve as Secretary of Defense to Presi-
dent Nixon in the closing years of the Vietnam action. Winston
ChurchiKennedy.ph Stalin, John F. Kennedy, Edward Kennedy,

Lyndon B. Johnson, Everett Dirksen, Willy Brandt, Cicero,

Franz Josef, George Wallace, King Hassan II of Morrocco,
Oliver Cromwell, and Nikita Khruschev joined all of the above
in the list of eminent men with Leo Moons.
These people have an innate recognition of self-import-
ance, or their Divine Right to lead and the natural assumption
of leadership duties. Dramatic but seldom pretentious, the
lunar Leo is precise, industrious, frequently demanding, and
critical of all he handles. His grasp on reality is the key
to his power.
In love he is equally discriminating in his choice of a
partner. Yet perhaps his own self-orientation interferes with
mutual understanding, and he places too great an emphasis on
the business aspects of marriage to the detriment of the more
sentimental side. He loves to have people visit (but not un-
announced!) or to be the ringmaster of an evening's entertain-
ment. Mellow-tempered, though curious and expressive, Leo
attracts many friends and admirers in his time. Vi co

MOON IN VIRGO, the Maiden

Efficiency is the keynote when the Moon is in Virgo.

Such people seem to have a knack for finding the most natural
and efficient ways to solve problems, handle important tasks,
and generally carry out a wide range of necessary details.
As with its Gemini placement, the Moon is here colored by the
nature of Mercury, so intellectually the individual certainly
isn't slow. Rather, there is a mental sharpness. He will
usually be "on top of things," It would be disadvantageous
for anyone not to take the lunar Virgonian seriously once he
has gotten interested in some topic.
In mercurial form, his intellect will be impressive.
Virgo is capable of a display of much learning, though his
actual academic background may have been surprisingly sparse.
With the Moon in Mercury's home sign (and exaltation), there
is a powerful link between the conscious and unconscious minds,
usually in the form of symbols which can be instantly under-
stood. Virgo rapidly assimilates the multitude of details
surrounding a new person, idea, or situation, and with equal
speed leaps at the core meaning or underlying principle to
enhance his understanding. The process is virtually instan-
taneous and may be shortsightedly credited to "an intuitive
insight" or "a psychic flash" accordingly.
This person will be quite observant and critical, con-

sidering his decisions carefully and then acting on them de-

cisively. He is fluent in speech, and literary expressive-
ness may be marked; no lesser figure than Shakespeare sported
a Virgo Moon. Likewise, it gives interest in the fine arts,
a trait shared by all of the Mutable constellations (Gemini,
Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces).
The Moon's constellation and aspects describe our feel-
ing natures, and when this luminary is modified by Mercury we
find feelings closely intermixed with intellect. As the part
of our personalities which is formed in response to demands
of the environment, a "screen" between the outer world and
the true Self (Sun), the Moon also indicates how we distance
ourselves from others--how one avoids intimacy by shielding
his identity from those he meets. Virgo Moon people distance
intellectually, the mind being one of the most efficient
screens possible against emotional sharing. It is as though
intellectually understanding a problem, situation--or another
person in a relationship—makes it okay not to experience the
same person or thing on a feeling level. Putting logic above
feeling serves to increase the efficiency factor, and lunar
Virgos don't have to deal with one of their biggest concerns:
a fear of non-response, a dread not of being refused but more
often one of being ignored or overlooked.
Such a fear is certainly based on early life experiences.
Virgos often have painful childhoods during which they are tor-
mented, ridiculed, and made objects of other people's fun.
Throughout life, due to their naivite, they tend to get used
by others. In extreme cases they are subjected to abuse,
humiliation, insults, rebuffs, and ostracization because they
are not understood. Even as children they take life too ser-
iously, and unless they learn to laugh and play more as they -
mature, they can experience health-depleting mental states
ranging from overeating and acloholism to periodic "crazy
spells" when their minds reject Virgo's compulsive rationalism
and force the individual, for a few hours, into a subjective
response pattern.

Like all Mutable sign Moons, a sort of "fantasy realm"

is important to these Virgos. This is not a Neptunian, delus-
ory world, though. so much as a parallel universe spawned by
the subconscious, an alternative to the immediate present, a
symbol world of their private creation.
Virgo is sociable, but not necessarily social. He loves
mixing casually, and his congenial manners help him acquire
many amiable contacts in a lifetime. People love to have him
around, for Virgos are "good vibe" people. However, he isn't
afraid to be something of a "sore thumb". Though able to sail

through almost any social occassion with ease, he would much

rather be devoting himself to study or research than partaking
of the superficial fruits of socializing.
He tends to judge others on the spot, but doesn't come
across as judgemental. After all, if a personal criticism is
delivered on an intellectual level, without an emotional charge,
it is usually not offensive. Therefore, while few Virgos
mince words, they appear very tactful.
This constellation has been labelled the "Cinderella of
the Zodiac". Characterized by a mildly idealistic air of inno-
cense, this romantic type is also keenly service-conscious and
willing to serve with devotion. Virgo needs very much to be-
long to someone--or something--and feels uncomfortable unless
he has some way to express his profound devotion, whether to
a person or cause. People with the Moon in Virgo are simple,
unassuming, gentle, friendly, responsive, patient, sympathetic,
congenial, courteous, charming, and inoffensive. Yet their "
Cinderella complexes" also make them very much at home when
thrust for a while into an environment better than that to
which they are accustomed, especially if Venus aspects Jupiter
at birth.
Often considered odd, eccentric, or kinky, Virgos usually
have strong interests in unusual topics or unorthodox subject
matter. Their minds are hyper-sensitive and strongly respons-
ive to impressions. Rather than following traditional stereo-
types, preconceptions, and other people's expectations, Virgo
strives to perceive clearly, to tune into his immediate environ-
ment. This gives the impression of originality and lucid per-
Whereas their devotion to a cause has been cited, and
Virgos often land into prestigious administrative or commercial
positions, they really have little interest in the business
world. Intellectual and human potential factors interest them
far more. At times they can be astoundingly indifferent to
practical situations in their vicinity, and life seems to go on
despite them--or blithely indifferent to them!
A flirtatious streak provides entry to Virgo's curious
erotic side. Though their fantasy worlds give them the capac-
ity for extended celibacy, they would rather not have to go
that route for long. Their sexuality is important to them,
often a way of reinforcing their identities. As might be ex-
pected from a mercurial starfield, they are fine "sexual tech-
nicians," but their allurements often go well beyond that.
Nonetheless, their sex lives are private. Due to an air of
innocence, outsiders rarely think to question them on the matter.

MOON IN LIBRA, the Balance

No word can describe Libra in any form better than

intense, unless it would be piercing. These words apply not
only to his stare, but to his emotional and personal inten-
sity, too. Very much a sign of self-pleasuring, a Moon in
Libra can give a capacity for strong jealousies and possess-
ive attitudes, too.
Libra's motives and feelings run much deeper than the
agreeable surface figure may disclose. He is very self-
involved, perhaps to the point of secretiveness. When things
do not go his way he can quickly becomes irritated, though
his desire for calm is likely to help maintain some measure
of tact. Libra tries to strike a peace, often through weigh-
ing each side of an argument and forming a compromise. He
is a master of finding common denominators between crossed
perspectives! Averse to creating a scene, his soft-spoken
manner is frequently the soothing key to mediation.
Sex is a matter very dear to the Libran, assuming
other chart factors do not make him overly involved with his
own shortcomings. He is very attractive to the opposite sex,
and has little trouble enticing lovers. In romance as in
anything else, he exhibits a strong will and sense of deter-
mination, a fierce independence and mighty perseverance.
Overall, the Libra Moon makes one charming and enter-
taining. The men are debonair and winning, the women delight-
ful and impelling. An aura of glamour runs through the image
of the individual with the Moon in Libra, explaining why
sports figures, for instance, often have this Moon constel-
lation even though the Sun in Libra avoids the physical sports
arena to keep from getting hurt! Other major areas of
achievement include artistic pursuits and human grooming, such
as hairdressing.

MOON IN SCORPIO, the Scorpion

You can't miss the Scorpion's sting when the Sun is in
this constellation, but when the Moon is in Scorpio, the bite
may be less noticeable--for a while. Here the Moon is in a
constellation where it is not comfortable, and emotional ex-
pression is somewhat guarded so that the Moon in Scorpio is
more withdrawn and reserved than the solar counterpart, often
unwilling Or unable to show his own weaknesses and drop de-
fenses. This Moon position shapes independent personalities,
frequently emotionally shielded from the world around them.

It is the candor and bluntness of Scorpio which makes

it easy to recognize, but this does not always leave Scorpios
as bad off as it could. In fact, lunar Scorpios are among the
most weclome guests at any party, for these are the "fun peo-
ple," good natured and friendly (though often erecting walls
as intimacy looms near), and willing to do almost anything
for a good time.

An edgy frustration extends below the surface. Social

involvement and being in the middle of the heavy action give
them an "out" for the pent-up energies and need for emotional
release which otherwise might seek more destructive outlets,
such as excesses in drinking or sadistic sexual expression. An
adventuring streak and the urge to "try anything once" is
present, and we might recall that the great Harry Houdini,
perhaps the gutsiest daredevil of all time, had this lunar
position. Scorpio is always after the next experience, always
ready to spring from event to event. He is restless, impatient,
and prone to form or join cliques in order to somehow maintain
the strength of a group. Sexually, the drives may be irre-

Lunar Scorpios have a ruthless intellect, just as biting

as their words, but their humor adds a light touch to lucid powers
of expression. Music and composition talents are apparent in
this passionate lunar placement, for it occurred at the births of
such artists as Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig von Beethoven, Louis
Alter, Cesare Siepi, Siegfried Borris, Arturo Toscanini, Max
Reger, and Franz von Liszt.
Philosophical and religious beliefs, when not overlooked
in Scorpio's scan of the world, may be unorthodox, for these
are lovers of both physical and intellectual freedom. While
easy to anger, Scorpio also forgives quickly. A high regard
for the integrity and worth of others makes it difficult for
him to hold a grudge.


At least for outward purposes, those with the Moon in

Sagittarius live unimpeachable lives of propriety, dignity,
and decorum. appearing impenetrable though cordial. They work
hard to make friends, because positive, nurturing relationships
are important to them. No other Moon sign has such an insis-
tent drive to achieve, to fulfill an internally-pressing sense
of mission, to follow through whatever scheme destiny may have
planned for them. They try hard, and for the effort of doing
their best (and more), they could use a little extra appreci-
ation from time to time just for being, and for sticking with

their own private set of values and ethics--something very

few others even attempt with any consistency these days.

The Moon in this constellation displays the arrow sym-

bolism far better than does the Sun's Sagittarius placement.
For instance, there is an infatuation with weaponry, shown by
the great military figures with this placement (Wallenstein,
Bismark, Hitler, Foch, Bradley, Patton), but also by the many
murderers and sadists (Hitler, Neville Heath, Goebbels, Lee
Harvey Oswald, Sirhan B. Sirhan, Duke Albert Victor, Ian
Brady, Adolf Eichmann, Willian Heirens).
We can consider the actual flight of the arrow. Is it
a coincidence that Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin, Charles Lind-
bergh, and John Glenn, all distinguished claimants to aviation "
firsts". all had the Moon in Sagittarius?
Even philosophically we can trace the great spiritual
goals of the high-flung shaft, for Billy Graham, Sayo Kitamura,
Pope John XXIII, Krishnamurti, and other modern figures of a
similar ilk are still more examples of the Sagittarian Moon
However, it is in daily life that the "higher and higher"
symbolism really takes root, and fully expresses the arrow
emblem. Spurred by jovian strivings for advance, the Moon in
Sagittarius has to be one of the most climbing, pass-others-by
characteristics a chart could show, not always without the
undercurrent of paranoia which accompanies the highly compet-
itive professions. There is a primary need for ambitious
achievement. Lunar Sagittarius may go out of his way to usurp
power, wealth, titles, or regard. Even the religious fanatics
and evangelists must be grouped with politicians. They work
more to convert people to their own causes, thus gaining per-
sonal power, than because of pure, idealistic faith.

In business they are masterful. Alongside his tireless

drive and dogged perseverance we find the traits of an ex-
tremely practical, materialistic figure to whom achievement
is all. He can be rigid and inflexible, always true to some
pre-conceived "form" or "pattern". Notice that all four of
the Mutable constellations (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)
display this concern with form, precision, and extreme atten-
tion to details.
Generally open to intellectual stimulation, one of his
favorite topics is history. To him, everything is related to
the past, potentially through previous incarnation.
On a personal level these are the elegant hosts and

hostesses who know how to entertain with a flourish. Their

mannerisms reflect a keen sense of poignancy and the dramatic.
There is a constant air of propriety and refinement about
them, even a "hands off" aura which appears more unwitting than
feigned. Notice that their intent is often quite the opposite!


Though some may find these people surface or superficial,

that is definitely a misled belief, for depth and profundity
are among the most characteristic traits of lunar Capricorn-
ians despite their ability to casually shrug off the bother-
some. Due to the Saturnian influence acting on the Moon (
Saturn being the ruling planet of Capricorn), these folks
normally find it difficult to give open vent to their emotions,
to open their hearts and souls to the world about them. Their
feelings may be quite strong, but because of their hesitancy
in expressing themselves, those they love will often be un-
aware of the submerged warmth.

Persons born with the Moon in Sidereal Capricorn have

sharp minds and capable intellects. Their thoughts are often
unconventional and innovative. They are sternly sceptical of
those who intend to impress too strongly, but have nothing
against examining bizarre or unusual fields of study. Their
rhetoric is persuasive, and their general skills in self-
expression reveal considerable innate talent. Like the ancient
Babylonian god Ea, after whom this constellation is styled,
they often have a "savior complex" and try to gift mankind or
their personal circle of friends with ideas, imaginative con-
cepts, and insights.
Despite their coolness, these people are generally quite
attractive to the opposite sex. They remain candid, forthright,
and intellectually open, tending also to become highly predict-
able. However, they are subject to despondency and depression
verging on melancholic feelings.
Above all, Capricornians strive for profound truth in a
manner that does them credit. These are advanced thinkers.
They are self-sufficient, scientific, and sensible, enjoying
the good opinion of their friends and colleagues. Often they
have mystical interests, for their prime symbol is the sabbat-
ical goat, the Baphomet of Mendes, whose horned visage is the
psychological prototype for most of the images of Satan that
have come down to us. Capricorn is the traditional sign of
freemasonry and sacred, necromantic mysteries of the human
soul which, like the emotions of those with the Moon here

placed, lie buried at the innermost level of human awareness.

MOON IN AQUARIUS, the Water-Carrier

Here is a sensitive, sympathetic soul, interested in
the troubles of others and wanting to lend a helping hand.
Behind this generosity with time and attention is perhaps the
healthiest attitude of all: the ability to accept others as
they are, judging good and bad only in terms of happiness and
self-fulfillment, rather than socially imposed moralities.
To personally know an individual with the Moon in Aquar-
ius is to know an often troubled, serious individual, yet one
who understands human nature well. When injured, he tends to
draw away from the world, retreating within himself to seek
perspective and understanding. He is tolerant and more easily
wounded than riled. often viewing the world through highly per-
mermissive, nonjudgemental eyes. Some feel he should come to
grips with the stern practicalities of life rather than live
in his somewhat childlike world of spontaneous enthusiasm and
constant appreciation of the wonders which surround him--but
Aquarius knows better! His naturally intellectual outer side
co-exists with very profound emotional insights and deep-
seated feelings. Yet his is a guarded profundity and protected
emotional vulnerability that only shows in the safety of
allowed intimacy.
Persons with the Moon in Aquarius can be quite enter-
taining. There is often musical ability, or at least apprec-
iation of music. Their sensitivity often results in highly-
developed intuitive potential, and they are very interested
in astrology and related studies. Some of the finest astrol-
ogers of all time have been born in quantity with the Moon in
Gemini and Aquarius.
With this inspired intellectual, mental accomplishment
comes not from exhaustive study, but from the ability to
grasp the concept behind whatever he encounters. The word "
genius" is frequently applied to those with the Moon here,
and seems fitting Mclhel-names daVinci, Bach, Goethe, Michel-
angelo, and Benjamine Franklin mean anything. It was Franklin,
one of the last true Rennaissance men, who verifies what is
seen in the others, the key to Aquarian ingenuity. It stems
not from outstanding mental capacity, but rather from a broad
interest span covering a wide range of topics, along with the
ability to integrate all fields of consideration into one's
normal creative and decision-making processes.

To the uninformed, lunar Aquarius is a sexual paradox,

seeming at one time quite experimental, and at another very
conservative. In truth, these people are most orthodox, even
reserved, in sexual preferences. However, they have an intel-
lectual fascination which covers a broad range of sexual intere
sts and unusual marital conditions. They may pick partners
many years removed from them in age, for instance. In times
of doubt, their curiosity may lead to considerable experimen-
tation, though their true desires tend to lie in more conserv-
ative practices and conditions.


Pisces Moon people are easy to like in a social context.
Their public image is most ingratiating, and when backed into
a corner (as occurs on occassion) they have a way of making their
adversaries appear the villains. Be wary of taking sides if you
value fair play! These fishy characters, charming as they may
be, are quite talented in feigning innocence to meet their own
ends. An air of propriety coupled with genuine niceness usually
characterizes them, but their fondness for tomfoolery,
concealment, and deceit, however innocent in intent, has won
them enemies or at least cost them allies.
Any change in the known state of affairs can disorient
them quickly. Vague generalities are fine and dandy, but once
they have solid specifics which they feel they can count on,
change and innovation are avoided. This over-caution with
patterns is one reason Pisceans often appear too deadly seri-
ous for their own good, and have trouble having fun. They tend
to conjure up their own problems, creating rigid patterns which
are difficult to break.
A statistical examination of luminary placements at the
births of 2492 eminent clergymen in 1949 showed a preponderance
of Pisces Moons. While history is filled with significant
characters who attest to the orthodox religious nature of lunar
Pisceans, we cannot deny the mystical side of the constellation
and the intense fascination for the unknown and vague which it
bestows. Their interest in the mysterious also makes them ex-
plorers and investigators.
Pisceans are driven by powerful sensual urges and a strong
desire for non-interference and prerogative. Their mental
faculties are sharp, their senses astute, and they enter any
adventure enthusiastically. Yet, being blessed with unshakable
faith in themselves they tend to over-estimate the odds in
their favor, and sometimes end up defeating their own

ends. Nonetheless, like the Piscean Sun individuals, they

display an irrepressible idealism which can take some of the
most atrocious chart conditions and turn them into creative
An aura of emotional self-determination is one Pisces
feels he must constantly project, Defensive, a little judge-
mental in effect, he dramatizes his own ego in his imagination
and becomes an actor in the melodrama of his own life. This
makes him seem covert, secretive, and artificial; indeed, his
imagination provides his mode of emotional distancing through
fantasy, and confines sexual responses to prosaic patterns in
many cases. Yet the Piscean is being nearly as open with
others as with himself on the question of who he is, or who
he is trying to be; he can be forgiven for not having a clearer
perspective on it himself, The lunar Piscean appears highly
individualistic and decisive in the way he creates roles for
Esthetic awareness, artistry, sensitivity, and general
creativity round out the list of Pisces' favorable traits.
They are musical people, painters, sculptors, playwrites, and
poets, filling the world with beautiful products of their
natural talent for imagery and creative expression.

Salient Traits of the Zodiacal Constellations

ARIES, the Ram Keyword: IMMEDIACY

Constellation of Pluto and Mars
Dynamic, action-oriented, with a powerful desire to be in control
and play boss. Politically motivated, "Unhindered by modesty" (Manilius),
and expresses opinions boldly--won't mince words. Practical, resourceful,
analytic, but sensitive to criticism, rarely admitting mistakes, slow to
retreat or recant.
TAURUS, the Bull Keyword: HARMONY
Constellation of Venus
Seeking harmony and simplicity of life conditions, a "peace within".
Patient, docile, peace-loving, tolerant, good-humored, entertaining. Tries
to avoid the harsh, vulgar, violent, painful. Oriented to nature: poetic,
loves beauty, dislikes the artificial or phoney. Curious about life and
its meaning, thus contemplative,! philosophical. Attuned to "life of the
flesh"--Eros dominates their awareness.
Constellation of Mercury
Mentally adept and pragmatic, talented in mathematics and other
technical areas. Children at heart, having the mist complete orientation
to youth of any constellation. Loves pretense and play. Versatile: mu-
sical and expressive, yet keen capitalists and commercially shrewd.
Attuned to the-nervous system, thus high-strung but with mental and phys-
ical quickness, agility, rhythm. Feels lonliness deeper than any other
sign--needs attention and affection in abundance. Quiet when hurt, with-
drawn, barricaded, hard to "get into".
CANCER, the Crab Keyword: IMAGERY
Constellation of the Moon
Maternal: "mothers" people at any bpportunity. Loyal to home (or
roots) and protective of his own. "At home" in a kitchen--a stylized "
gallopin' gourmet". Loves center stage and attention, "darling of the
crowd". Because of a personal sense of insufficiency, dramatizes a grander
self-image. Fertile sense of imagery is fine, but sensitivity can cause
touchiness as well as creativity. Modifies or rehashes incessantly.
Systematizes, deals in complex structures, master of organization and
delegating authority.
LEO, the Lion Keyword: SIGNIFICANCE
Constellation of the Sun
Paternal: much affection and warmth to give, must love and be
loved, concerned with improving the lot of his fellows. Proud, detests
weakness in self and others. Dislikes a plebian feeling. "Naturals" in
authoritarian positions, and not intimidated by power. A delightful cen-
terpiece! Natural flair and color in mannerisms, but rarely noisy or

flagrant. "Casual dignity." Self-aware, self-oriented. Rarely agnostic

or atheistic; in constant search of the meaningful.
VIRGO, the Maiden Keyword: ANALYTIC
Constellation of Mercury
Often locked into routine. Resistant to bother, refuses to have
serenity interrupted. Acute powers of observation, but may remain unaware
of the whole by overemphasizing details. "Mechanical" rather than esthetic
Strategic. Logic is his forte. May undervalue others' opinions: has own
supported views. Takes life too seriously, doesn't laugh enough. Persis-
tent need for companions. Innate air of innocence and naivite, modest,
bashful, congenial, tactful. Can easily redirect sexual energies into
other channels.
LIBRA, the Balance Keyword: EQUALITY
Courteous, polite, well-mannered. Mediators, negotiators, peace-
makers. Blithely confident of a better world ahead--personal and social
idealism. Love of esthetic, enjoys "nice" surroundings. Concerned with
finances, shrewd, efficient, organizational skills. Covert, secretive.
Intense, can outstare anyone.
Constellation of Mars
Loves competition. May enjoy risks. Dynamic, energetic, impatient.
Dominated by a freedom motif (physical or mental claustrophobia). Sharp
analytical abilities (good character judges). Keen sense of humor. Reign-
ing physical needs: ungratified desire builds, requires eventual release.
Conscious of relevance and natural unity of Creation, but with their feet
on the ground.
Constellation of Jupiter
Sense of the excellent, elite, and qualitative. Stratification is
inherent in their sense of order. Gallant men, true ladies, hosts and
hostesses. Keen sense of drama. "Benevolently judgemental." Ambitious,
disciplinarians, "follows the rules". Academic-minded, patron of most art
forms. Much travelling. Myth-preservant. Systems-oriented, structure-
conscious. Strong awareness of family ties.
Constellation of Saturn
"Workaholics": sense of responsibility and duty, persistences.
Dutiful, devoted, and tenacious once committed to a relationship--otherwise
emotions are cautious, reserved. Frugal, capacity for brevity. Story-
tellers: witty, original, sometimes perverse sense of humor; sense'of
macabre. "Prankish juvenescence," mentally a nonconformist who surprises
the Establishment, but generally respects social taboos. Oriented to past,
status quo, tradition.

AQUARIUS, the Water-Carrier Keyword: IMPERSONAL

Constellation of Uranus and Saturn
Takes people and things for what they are without trying to alter
or misrepresent them. Objective, astute character judges. Most scientific
of sign-types (inventive, analytic). Claustrophobic, spontaneous (future-
oriented), unconventional (interests in occult). Refusal to surrender per-
sonal autonomy. "Sounding board" for others' problems. Sensitive, easily-
hurt, "touchy". Family-conscious: strong devotion to parents and children.
PISCES, the Fish Keyword: IDEALISM
Constellation of Neptune and Jupiter
Idealists, visionaries, romanticists, dreamers. In search of
idealistic relationships. Subjective perspective. Mystical interests:
unfamiliar and vague holds a special attraction for them. Wanderlust,
restless. Flair for dramatization, "Makes a production out of everything."
Strong sex drives, sensuous, indulgent; features considerable emotional
strength and personal intensity.

Contrasting the Mercury Constellations: GEMINI vs. VIRGO

Gemini is the child, while Virgo is the adolescent, bordering on
adulthood. Gemini is more nervously taut, less certain of his grounding.
perhaps less secure, but he has not lost his capacity for play--whereas
Virgo may never have acquired it! Gemini is interested in structure; Virgo
is interested in function.

Contrasting the Venus Constellations: TAURUS vs. LIBRA

Taurus is better able to find happiness and fulfillment within
himself and Life, rather than having to seek it in the forms and constructs,
the continual material reassurances of our contemporary world. Libra
maintains a faster pace and is particularly money-conscious, whereas Taurus
is more aware of the "true worth" or natural value of things.



Whereas sign placements of the Sun and Moon provide a
background against which the personality is projected, the
real "meat" of interpretation is the inter-relationships of
the several planets in the birth map. Special angular dis-
tances between the planets are called as ects or configur-
ations, and they provide the true dynamics o our psycho-
il processes.
There are five aspects the use of which has come down
to us from the ancient astrologers.
CONJUNCTION (00). Two planets occupying the same degree
of the zodiac.
OPPOSITION (1800). Two planets six signs apart, that is,
exactly opposite each other in the zodiac. (E.g.-Mars at
6° Aries opposite Venus at 60 Libra).


SQUARE (900). Two planets four signs apart with their

energies forming a right angle at the Earth. (E.g.--
Mars at 60 Aries square Venus at 6° Cancer or 6° Cap-
TRINE (120°). Two planets four signs apart. (E.g.-Mars
at 6° Aries trine Venus at 60 Leo or 60 Sagittarius.)
SEXTILE (600). Two planets two signs apart. (E.g.-- Mars
at 6° Aries sextile Venus at 60 Gemini or 60 Aquarius.)
It is not necessary that planets be in exact aspect for
an aspect to manifest, however. We allow an orb, or inexact-

itude, of up to eight degrees for a conjunction or opposition,

and up to six degrees for a square. Trines and sextiles are
also theoretically given a six degree orb, but their influence
is found to be passive in nature so they are often disregarded
unless very nearly exact or involving angular planets. (These
orbs are variable, not rigid, but it is recommended the stu-
dent use them until his proficiency in astrology increases.
It should be understood that the nearer an aspect is to exact
phase--the smaller the orb--the more powerful and significant
it is.)

Examples of Aspect Orbs

The orb of a conjunction or opposition is 8°. If Mars
is at 15° Scorpio, it is "within orb" of a conjunction with
any planet between 7° Scorpio (15 - 8 = 7) and 23° Scorpio
(15 + 8 = 23). It is "within orb" of an opposition to any
planet between 70 Taurus and 230 Taurus, because Taurus is
opposite Scorpio. Exact aspects occur at 15° Scorpio and
15° Taurus, respectively.
A square's orb is 6°. Three signs (90°) ahead of Mars
would be 150 Aquarius, whereas three signs (900) behind Mars
would be 15° Leo. These points are therefore in exact square
to Mars at 15° Scorpio. A planet is considered to be square
this Mars if within 60 of these points, i.e., between 9° and
210 of Leo or Aquarius.
With Mars at at 15° Scorpio, exact trines occur at 15°
Pisces and 15° Cancer (four signs away), and exact sextiles
at 150 Capricorn and 15° Virgo (two signs away).

Psychological Sums
Interpreting planetary aspects is quite simple. Con-
junctions and oppositions have the strongest effects, espec-
ially when the planets involved are angular. Squares have a
slightly weaker influence on the individual, but remain dynamic
sources of energy. Trines and sextiles, as previously stated,
are much more passive, lethargic influences, perhaps more in-
dicative of background conditions, feelings, and attitudes
than of expressed motivations. In this sense they reflect a
status quo in behavior. Often they act as "connecting links"
between aspect structures made up of conjunctions, oppositions,
and squares, or qualifiers for the more dynamic aspect struc-
But in practice there is essentially no interpretive

difference between, say, a conjunction and a square, or a

square and a sextile, except in terms of manifest intensity
of the aspect. Some astrologers feel that oppositions and
squares are essentially bad or problematic whereas trines
and sextiles are intrinsically auspicious, but there is
nothing to justify this. The "goodness" or "badness" of any
aspect depends on the natures of the planets involved and how
the aspects are used within the context of the rest of the
birth chart. Venus will always have a harmony-seeking effect
because it is intrinsically a planet of pleasure, whereas
Saturn represents inhibition or frustration no matter what
its context, simply because that is Saturn's nature.
One can quickly learn the natures of various planets and
combinations through a little objective observation. With
practice you will find it simple to look at a chart and sight-
read the basic meanings of the several aspects there present.
You will learn to recognize Venus, for instance, as planet
of one's love nature, softness, and all that is pleasant.
Mercury, as you will soon have committed to memory, deals
with communication. So, if you see an aspect between Mercury
and Venus you should quickly anticipate that the person whose
chart you are examining will express himself in a gracious,
romantic, or even poetic fashion. And, being a mellow, per-
suasive speaker, he will have the ability to advise others
even to the point of "telling them off" in a nice way. Like-
wise, esthetics (Venus) may be given expression (Mercury),
but romantic and social needs (Venus) may be intellectualized (
Mercury) to the point where feelings get lost in thinking.
Similarly, as the Sun signifies the "self", ambition,
and pride, its configuration with aggressive, competitive,
energizing Mars indicates ego-satisfaction through aggression,
sex, and physical involvement, and considerable energy directed
toward achievement of personal goals. It is as much a matter
of combining two elements to get their total as is adding 6 to
4 and getting 10. In this case the elements are Sun and Mars.
Aspects, in brief, are psychological sums.
There are, of course, exceptions to every rule, espec-
ially where environmental factors block the purest, most
direct manifestation of an astrological condition. A person
in prison would not, for instance, have the same liberty to
pursue his ambitions as would a free corporate head. Aspects
in a child's chart will naturally not register the same diver-
sity of effects as those in the birth map of a mature adult.
Environment plays an important role in our development and
character, and an astrological diagram must always be inter-
preted with the life circumstances of its owner foremost in

Mercury people relate to life through the nervous system.

This makes them "nervous" types, but shows quick perception
of all things and rapid reactions to conditions. They are
quick both physically and mentally. Communications are very
important to them, and they have a strong need to associate
with others, to have in the people around them a continual
source of "input material". After all, it takes two to hold
a conversation! Mercury's nervousness may lead to indulgence
in smoke or drink, or other chemical sedatives. Mercury people
are oriented toward commercial production, being naturals in
the world of business and also talented at any precise, detailed
work. They are manually and mechanically skilled in most in-
VENUS FOREGROUND: Love, beauty, and harmony are the most impor-
tant principles in the lives of these folks. They are charming,
congenial, and friendly, seeking to establish easy conditions.
They enjoy nice surroundings, nice clothes, and nice people.
They gravitate toward the beautiful in life, not the coarse.
Venus people strongly dislike inhumanity or cruelty in any form,
being governed by the principles of love and brotherhood, not
that of pain. They have much love to give in a variety of ways,
are highly affectionate, and may have a "mothering" attitude
toward their friends when the latter are in need of help. Even
the men have a softness or feminine gentleness. Venus types
tend to be very flirtatious and oriented to life of the flesh,
but this is just part of their general life-orientation, their
grand affinity with Mother Nature and the natural processes
which perpetuate existence.

MARS FOREGROUND: Competition is the major trait of Mars, for

these people constantly seek to prove themselves in battle,
be it in war, in athletics, verbally, mentally, or any other
way they can demonstrate that their skill and power are greater
than those of another. They are physically motivated, need-
ing to expend.energy. Sex drives are intense and jealousies
dominant. The Mars person needs room to move, for closed
places or conditions stifle him. He is impulsive, often reck-
less with his own safety (especially if Saturn is not pro-
nounced in the chart). He has courage, including the moral
courage to defend his own beliefs. Manual and mechanical skills
are normally present. He has a fiery physical constitution and
the need to achieve a position of dominance and control over
JUPITER FOREGROUND: Positive, optimistic, and oriented to
what is good and qualitative in life, the Jupiter person is
ever trying to improve himself and his conditions. He is very
likeable, generous, congenial, and tolerant of others because,
more than anything else, he wants to be liked, wants to be a

Angular Planets
Of primary consideration in astrological judgement are
those planets nearest the chart angles. We consider as fore-
round planets within about 100 of the angles and, secondarily,
t ose within about 30 of a square to the angles. The nearer
the contact, the more potent the influence.
SUN FOREGROUND! The Sun provides two things to planets in our
Solar System: light and warmth. Solar people serve much the
same purpose in society, being among the warmest, friendliest,
most generous of individuals, often in a fatherly sense, and
also sharing the light of their personalities with the world.
They are naturally confident and very aware of their total
potential (provided the Sun is not afflicted). They are "in
charge of themselves" and also do remarkably well in charge
of others. As the Sun is the center of the Solar System, so
do these people attract a circle of "satellites" to surround
themselves. They are leaders, born commanders, who relate
naturally to power structures. Unless the Sun is debilited
by Saturn or Neptune, vitality is strong. There is acute
sense of civic responsibility and an attraction to socially-
acceptable and useful institutions. Solar people are casual,
normally reserved in manner, and often conscious of a sure
direction in life. They have a firm belief in a Supreme Power
in the Universe, and some form of Afterlife, feeling they were
put on Earth to perform a special mission which they must dis-
cover and expedite.
MOON FOREGROUND: Living in constant need of stimulation, the
primary function of the Moon is to respond to everyone and
everything in her vicinity. Lunar folks readily adapt to con-
ditions. More often they wear a mask than show their true
identities. These highly sensitive people relate to life
through their emotions, and their feelings are very immediate
to them. They are insecure, constantly in need of affection.
They want to hold and be held, finding in the sensual touch
of another the security of belonging and having. Few types
are more at home before an audience; in fact, they tend to
make a performance out of everything they do. These active,
responsive, shifting, and at times juvenile people have remark-
able talents for taking the foundations of others, building on
them, improving them, and coming out with a superb new product.
For this reason they make the best editors, developers, and
promoters. There is a natural rapport with the public and an
emotional creativeness based on strong powers of imagery.

MERCURY FOREGROUND: These people never grow old! Their lively,

youthful appearances can be like a shot of adrenaline to others.

success, wants to be important to someone. He supports the

status quo and what is "proper' because it gets him what
he wants. He has a way of "selling himself" to others.
Luck seems to follow him through life. Is it any wonder he
is good-humored, self-assured, and the champion of fair play
(provided Jupiter isn't afflicted)? He carries an air of
superiority, yet only becomes disgusted with less elegant
types when they seek to upset established practice or violate
his moral code. Jupiter invokes a fondness for ceremony, if
not a specifically religious or ritualistic predilection.
SATURN FOREGROUND: This.person needs to be totally self-
reliant, to stand on his own two feet, look the world in the
face, and dare it to knock him down. Perhaps he recalls his
childhood, and indeed most of his life, as a time of hardship.
This is because the Saturn personality emphasizes in his own
mind the negative side of a situation until he learns that no
one will help him if he does not first help himself. Unless
he overcomes strong feelings of inferiority, he restricts his
own freedoms and limits his own happiness. Saturn is hard-
working and able to put away for a rainy day. The self-preser-
vation instinct is strongly marked in these self-protective
individuals, and often this causes them to shut others out of
their lives emotionally, relating only on a cautious, reserved
level. They seek out that which is stable, proven, and sure,
hence their conservatism in the practical matters of day-to-
day living.
URANUS FOREGROUND: Constant variation and novelty of exper-
ience are important to these strongly indidivualistic people.
Freedom is their most valued treasure. Whether feeling the
claustrophboia of closed quarters or the "call of the wind,"
to take to the road and be gone, they need plenty of breathing
room. Inhibitions are cast aside as they seek new circum-
stances and a wide variety of experience. They have an inner
excitability which may result in nervous tension, but also
makes them clownish, fun, and strongly original personalities.
NEPTUNE FOREGROUND: These people are highly sensitive, which
is sometimes good and sometimes bad. They seem to be emotion-
ally over-responsive, tuning into others too acutely and not
always clearly. On the positive side, this adds sympathy,
compassion, and even psychic talents. On the other extreme,
they exaggerate conditions in their minds and remain in a
state of emotional insecurity. Neptune people want to be sure
of situations before exposing themselves, because they are
quite sensitive to rejection and afraid of betrayal. The
Neptune person needs intense feelings around him at all times
because he thrives on the emotional vitality around him. This

generally makes him emotionally dependent on others. He dis-

likes change or surprise, disregarding new information which
tends to contradict what he already "knows" to be true. Nep-
tune lives in an idealistic world of hoped-for perfection which
does not always materialize. He needs to channel his dreams
and creative imagination in a practical direction.
PLUTO FOREGROUND: Pluto people are the loners of society,
those unique individuals who refuse to melt into the mire of
conformity and have their lives structured by precedent and
custom. They are the exceptions to the rule, writing their
own codes of behavior if necessary. In order to escape con-
stant persecution for being "different" from the masses, they
draw within themselves and remain remote from the rest of the
world. They are not essentially shy, but rather just do not
wish to be bothered. Unless Pluto is afflicted, these folks
are gentle and inoffensive, but may leave themselves open to
abuse in some form. Though formal standards are generally
disregarded, they have a strong faith in human dignity and
will not tolerate inhumanity or unfair practices. They are
individuals in constant search of meaning, agnostic because
they attach themselves to no formal faith, yet possessing a
deep spiritual potential for understanding.

Sun Aspects
SUN-MOON: This high-action aspect indicates terrific drive
and a mental-emotional attitude biased toward success. They
are "at home" with power. Desire is intensive in whatever
the native undertakes, making him dynamic, forthright, and
forceful. Sexual desires are usually particularly strong,
though often narcissistic. Vitality is high (unless the lumin-
aries are afflicted). This aspect can cause too much atten-
tion to be placed upon the Self, leading to vanity, self-exal-
tation, and obstinacy.
SUN-MERCURY: Highly resourceful and gifted with a knack for
organization, people with this conjunction often do well in
the business world. They are effectively self-expressive.
However, ideas may become so closely allied with the concept
of Self that altering one's opinion may be viewed as compro-
mising oneself. An intellectual pride, if not a dogmatic
attitude, may lock the mind into a "proven" pattern from
which it refuses to budge. The way one first learns things
tends to be the perspective he keeps!
SUN-VENUS: These gentlefolk are among the finest of compan-
ions, imbued as they are with a strong sense of comradship

and natural affection. They are naturally graceful and have

marked esthetic appreciation if not artistic talents. They
are most comfortable in marriage or other close associations.
Vanity is their most likely flaw.
SUN-MARS: "Action" is the keyword to this combination, for
it reflects exactly how these restless people relate to the
world: forthright and with directness. Physical aggression
is pronounced, whether in business drive, sexual desire, or
other personal passions. Vitality and courage are high.
These people rarely back down from anyone or anything. There
is a natural inclination to control or lead, which makes them
prime candidates for promotion. Their drive for accomplish-
ment pleases employers if they can keep their hastiness and
tempers under wrap.
SUN-JUPITER: Self-improvement, either socially or financially
is the major aim of this native. He is likely to be generous,
amiable, and very tolerant of others because of a need for
acceptance and a general dislike of problems. Religious
beliefs may be strong, or at least there is a marked personal
sense of morality and philosophical structure. These people
can usually wind their way out of any difficulties, including
the financial ones in which they often find themselves due to
over-generosity or extravagance.
SUN-SATURN: Many with this aspect have unhappy childhoods.
They may have felt unwanted or harshly disciplined, being
left with little personal freedom. They are accustomed to
hard work and few luxuries, preferring private, modest accomm
odations. They tend to be sceptical and capable at manipu-
lating their environments. An inclination is present to be
serious and enjoy the more profound subjects, though it is
also true that few have so good a sense of humor as these
SUN-URANUS: Colorful, stimulating people are born with this
aspect. Characterized by a strong love of freedom, they bow
to no authority outside of themselves, and live each day for
the excitement, novelty, and liveliness it brings to them.
They are progressive and future-oriented, if not revolutionary.
Their originality and uninhibited outlook on living makes them
quite creative and adept at problem solving. Self-perspective
tends to be clear and founded in objectivity
SUN-NEPTUNE: People born under this influence are quite sen-
sitive to physical and emotional impressions, tending to exag-
gerate the "feeling tone" of any moment. On the negative
side, this makes them worriers with a lack of self-confidence.

On the other extreme they are found with self-exalting delu-

sions of grandeur. Always, it seems, their self-view is over-
played to one extreme of the other; rarely is it realistic.
Their world is one of drama, music, fantasy, and mysticism,
for their active imaginations play havoc with the practical
reality to which most people relate. If their dreams can be
channelled, they are blessed with inspiration; but too often
these people do not have the perseverance to carry through
with their plans.
SUN-PLUTO: Considering themselves the exceptions to the rule,
Sun-Pluto people tend to be a "law unto themselves". They
have little regard for society's standards, seeing no reason
why they should conform to a lifestyle not their own. They
often live outside of society, in seclusion. Their need to
be free from control often makes them personally seek to gain
the reins of power, and many rise early to positions of im-
portance. Though some appear too unresponsive and aloof in
human relations, they are basically gentle folks gifted with
keen senses of humor.

Moon Aspects
MOON-MERCURY: It is difficult to separate the intellect from
the emotions when these two planets are interrelated. The
entire personality seems overwhelmed by a mentalism, taken
over by the nervous system. Mental output is great and the
capacity to absorb knowledge, tremendous. These people have
excellent memories and an aptitude for languages.
MOON-VENUS: Gentleness is an important trait of Moon-Venus
people. They have a natural temperament for love and affec-
tion, and appear fond of social niceties. They are pleasant
to those they encounter and, being extraordinarily attractive
to members of the opposite sex, display charm, grace, and con-
sideration. Sensuality is marked, the needs for holding,
touching, and caressing being strong. They are generally in-
gratiating, and gifted with a high frustration tolerance.
MOON-MARS: This unrestrainable personality detests idleness,
and it is difficult to keep him still even in advanced age.
For drive, this aspect is hard to top. The native thinks and
acts rapidly. Women with this pairing are rebels at heart,
casting aside their traditional domestic roles for more aggres-
sive activities. People of either sex who have this combina-
tion at birth are highly competent at most things they under-
take. However, they are hasty, easily irritated, and a little
too frank and outspoken to avoid friction in close relation-

ships. They must have plenty of elbow room and the freedom
to act in their own styles.

MOON-JUPITER: Good feelings and pleasant surroundings stem

from a blending of these two planets. A person with this
aspect desires only the best things in life for himself and
those close to him. He likes to mingle among the "best" peo-
ple, go to the "best" places, always with an implied element
of elitism (which leads to snobbery in extreme cases). He
seeks the most qualitative in education and culture for him-
self, and usually appears optimistic and good-humored. Kind-
ness for others is apparent, perhaps blended with a religious
nature. These are some of the most sharing people one can
MOON-SATURN: A person with this configuration is usually very
cautious with his emotions. He may prefer seclusion and pri-
vacy, being fearful of relating to others. The nonconstruct-
ive type is reserved, pessimistic, distrustful, with little
self-confidence, and if he dwells on feelings of inferiority
he is subject to serious anxieties if not melancholia. A
more self-actualizing (and typical) Moon-Saturn type surrounds
himself with successful people and encourages growth. Those
closest to a Moon-Saturn person have to be doing something
worthy of their capabilities, for no one gets more joy from
seeing talent applied to its fullest. This configuration
displays an unmistakable element of pride. Moon-Saturn indiv-
iduals are usually self-made men and women, and pretty darn
pleased with their creations! They can be dynamic, hard-work-
ing, and insistent, driving themselves furiously in their la-
bor. Many find redemption in religious or social work where
they can symbolically sacrifice themselves for others' benefit.

MOON-URANUS: This free-spirited soul normally lives on the

outside of convention. He seems to be decades ahead of his
chronological peers, for his mind is not bound by limitations
of the present. Inquisitive, investigative, original, always
seeking the new and exciting, he is frequently attracted to
scientific matters. His interests vary from day to day, and
his need for variety probably leads him into a wide range of
hobbies. Yet all of this exciteability can lead to emotional
tensions and nervous strain.
MOON-NEPTUNE: Sensitivity is the hallmark of this aspect, and
sometimes too much sensitivity can be a problem. These people
tune into others on an emotional (if not psychic) level, and
can be deeply understanding and genuinely sympathetic. How-
ever, they are easily wounded and may have a strong fear of
rejection. Their imaginations work overtime, so they live
more in the creative world of painting, music, and drama than

in the conrete world about them., When wounded, they draw

within themselves and escape into their memories. At such
times they can worry too much and tend to be moody.

MOON-PLUTO: Nervous, often fidgity and unable to be still

for long, people with this aspect at birth yearn for the wide
open spaces. They periodically take to the road by car or
thumb to keep from becoming too locked into a life routine.
They are shy and generally have a great desire for solitude
because they refuse to be categorized, and made to concur with
the standards and principles of others. To avoid conformity,
they draw within themselves, thus trying to avoid too much
conditioning or brainwashing by the outside world. They are
built like iceberges: five-sixths under the surface. Those
who mingle in society always seem to maintain their indepen-
dence and detachment, and are usually rebellious and resistant
to authority. Yet no other type is so easily victimized due
to its innate naivite. Moon-Pluto people often have intuitive
insights into the underlying causes of occurrances in their
everyday experience, and many attempt to unlock the mysteries
of the Universe.

Mercury Aspects
MERCURY-VENUS: Much talent and potential for artistic express
ion is shown by this combination, for the native's sense of
form and design is pronounced. He is capable of expressing
himself graciously or poetically, and his words carry the
power of persuasion. He may be known as a "sweet talker",
and will surely be reocgnized for his light-hearted manner and
pleasantness. Learning comes easily. He will most likely
have a happy childhood.
MERCURY-MARS: The mind of this person is forceful and dynamic,
operating at a rapid pace. In fact, physical and mental re-
sponses are both fast, and he is probably quite active. He
speaks directly rather than "beating around the bush", and
enjoys a good argument (a chance for mental/verbal competiton),
but his rapid tongue may also amaze with a brilliant sense of
humor. Mechanical ability, talent working with one's hands,
and a strategic mind are among the more practical traits spon-
sored by this configuration. However, it can also lead to
irritability and nervous frustration, fault-finding, obstin-
acy, and opinionation.
MERCURY-JUPITER: High intelligence is one mark of the indiv-
idual with this configuration. The mind is inclined to the
academic level. There is a natural "way with words" and talent
for oratory. Speech is cultured and refined, often showing the

marks of a good education. The native can do well in the

world of business. He is basically a quiet, reserved (if not
reclusive) person, good-tempered and kind to those he encounters.
MERCURY-SATURN: These people are able to organize and "format"
information in orderly arrangements. Their thinking processes
are methodical and highly logical, though often weighted down
by routine. Scepticism is a strength, but obstinacy and nar-
row-mindedness can be difficult on others. There is a shyness
and hesitancy to communicate openly, so this person may have
few close friends. Often learning processes get off to a slow'
start, but they tend to catch up quickly. Though gifted with
considerable mental potential, he is easily discouraged. He
takes life far too seriously, and seems to have let his child-
hood slip by unlived. He needs to learn how to play!
MERCURY-URANUS: An individual born under these influences
has a mind unfettered by formality and standard practice. He
evinces a lack of rigidity in scholastic matters, and leans
toward investigative, futuristic fields such as science.
there is originality and sparkle in his speech. He is hardly
ever at a loss for words, daring to speak up on any occassion
with disregard of the consequences. He can be witty and
clever. A variety of interests grab his attention which could
lead to dissipation if he does not have self-discipline. Ner-
vous problems are likely.
MERCURY-NEPTUNE: These people are over-responsive to their
environments. Their accentuated sensitivity to all that is
going on around them (which may cause some psychic sensitiv-
ity) is often a disadvantage, for they react strongly to sounds,
smoke, and other odors, etc. Many have uncanny powers of re-
tention, bordering on a "photographic memory". They are
dreamers with the ability to enthuse others and can convince
someone of almost anything, whether it is true or not. Many
adapt readily to the "systemmatized" modes of thought found
in mathematics and science.
MERCURY-PLUTO: Boundless enthusiasm is exuded by these peo-
ple, but they can burn themselves out. They are generally
very excited in speech and may tend to frequent exaggeration (
they are fond of exclamation points) Their thinking is
along independent, unusual lines, usually branching off into
bizarre, unexplored fields in search of some Prime Cause of
existence, always seeking to integrate intellect with some
greater source of understanding. They are born detectives.
If their impatient enthusiasms run up against obstacles they
can become quite irritable, and "nervous problems" are a dis-
tinct possibility.

Venus Aspects
VENUS-MARS: Physical activity in any form, be it athletics,
dancing, or love-making, gives these individuals particular
pleasure. They are usually very active socially; their pas-
sions tend to mature at an early age and continue late into
life. Such a person is very eager for romantic involvement.
Sexual desire is interlocked with the need for tenderness and
VENUS-JUPITER: These individuals seem to have an easier time
in life, no doubt due to their easy-going, unharried attitudes.
They have a great need to be liked, though, and desire atten-
tion more than most--they need a little honest appreciation
from time to time. Preparing and eating food is a particular
pleasure for them, as is any particular oral stimulation (thus,
with nervous indicators, often chronic smokers). They can
easily become addicted to a high lifestyle of the "old Holly-
wood" tradition. Warm, generous, graceful, and friendly to
all, their worst traits are an inclination to extravagance,
wastefulness, and a "spoiled brat" attitude if Saturn isn't
strong enough to instill moderation.

VENUS-SATURN: Saturn limits the pleasure nature. People with

this aspect are emotionally cautious, having a fear of ridicule
in social/romantic situations which makes them appear shy or
inhibited with potential lovers. Often there is the attitude
that no one could love them and, especially with a prominent
Neptune, these people may seriously question the motives of
all around them. They usually set aside ordinary pleasures
for the sake of their responsibilities, having an overwhelming
desire and motivation to accomplish something. Pleasure be-
comes synonymous with duty and devotion. Yet this does not
quell the loneliness within each of them. Perhaps health con-
ditions or stern parents limited the individual socially when
he was young, and how he approaches relationships in a guarded,
insecure fashion. This aspect erects emotional walls which
may make one incapable of uninhibited adult love, and also
seems to put up defenses against philosophical enthusiasm.
VENUS-URANUS: This is the "fun" aspect, indicating a color-
ful, exciting, uninhibited style of pleasure pursuance. A
social rebel, the native derives enjoyment from the widest
variety of social and sexual experiences, including the most
taboo (a word which really has no place in his dictionary).
He may appear flirtatious and make, then break, associations
with ease. Yet beneath it all is a very sensitive emotional
nature with an overwhelming desire for a Utopian, universal-
istic kind of love for all.

VENUS-NEPTUNE: A highly idealistic nature is shown here, its

greatest weakness being too much naive confidence in the innate
goodness of people. A person with this aspect is none too dis-
criminating in selecting his associates. The beauty of every-
thing and everybody in his world is what he notices most of all,
and it seems as though he wears blinders to the faults of others,
particularly in romance. This combination gives an ingratiating
manner and winning charm, as well as pronounced esthetic aware-
ness. The native is highly romantic and is ever seeking a
storybook love affair complete with a Beautiful Princess or
a Prince Charming. Emotions run strong and the native is eas-
ily wounded when his ideals are shattered. He tends to be
high-strung. Romantic fervor may also express itself through
religious idealism.
VENUS-PLUTO: We have yet to know a personal example of this
aspect strongly placed where the native was not gentle, inof-
fensive, often even elfin and delicate in his own way. These
people, deep in their hearts, want to relate to everyone with-
out social or moralistcl restrictions, half-way measures not
being adequate. Yet they are soon rebuked by society's mores
and forced to withdraw, tending to avoid human interaction.
Often sexual development comes late and the native becomes
shy and embarrassed with the opposite sex. In all cases their
feelings are very intensive and dramatic, though often sub-
limated into artistic, musical, or dramatic outlets where the
native displays remarkable talents. A simplicity of form
marks his lifestyle.

Mars Aspects
MARS-JUPITER: "Gusto" in life is what this person wants more
than anything else. Often called the aspect of extremism,
Mars-Jupiter shows competition exalted to godhood and the need
to prove one's strength in victory emphasized. Confidence in
their own strength adds an impermanence to any defeats. Such
a person usually excels in sports or the military. He is dar-
ing, even reckless. The men are chivalrous and usually popu-
lar with the opposite sex, the erotic potential in either gen-
der being high. In business he is enterprising and capable at
organization, though perhaps a little too brazen and outspoken.
He has a "money to burn" impulse, being either excessively gen-
erous or extravagant but rarely able to hold onto cash for
long. These people are natural barnstormers and evangelists,
being public expounders of some doctrine (missionaries, polit-
ical figures, social workers, etc.)
MARS-SATURN: Just as Mars-Jupiter instills confidence in one's

strength, Mars-Saturn indicates just the opposite: an inborn

sense of weakness or inadequacy. Many people so born blame
this impotence on some element in their culture, such as their
gender, race, or religious affiliation, and set out to attack
the surface cause, whereas the real problem is within them-
selves. Some accept their weakness and are noted for gentle-
ness and inoffensiveness. Others overcompensate with bully
tactics to reassert their virility by pushing around those
weaker than themselves. These people have a need to control
others as a proof of power. Most are deadly serious in man-
ner, reflecting a measure of caution. Sexually, they are in-
secure, and in most things their enthusiasms are short-lived.
They may seem not overly concerned with life despite the hard-
ship they often experience, considering their existence with-
out meaning or purpose--direction must then be sought.

MARS-URANUS: People with this aspect attempt to assert their

individuality aggressively, and this is accomplished by look-
ing out for themselves first and foremost. They are stubborn,
intolerant of others' views, and absolutely refuse to be backed
into a corner. There is a restlessness and need for excite-
ment and risk which can lead to recklessness and sudden, un-
prompted actions. Here is a prankster with an impulse toward
outlandish mischief. Yet although he is a born rebel, a nat-
ural fighter who wishes to impress others with his individual-
ity, he is also highly industrious and enterprising in his
work, gifted with an analytical mind and sharp mechanical and
mathematical abilities. He needs to stop and smell the roses
before he runs over them with a lawn mower!
MARS-NEPTUNE: The imagination and emotional nature are super-
charged, as considerable energy is spent in the pursuit of
ideals and dreams--hopefully, more often visions than mirages.
The native is able to hold in hypnotic fascination those he
wishes to interest or lead, as though he could persuade or
direct them by sheer force of will-power. Aggressions can be
dramatic and imaginative. This configuration points to an im-
patient need for gratification of momentary desires, most goals
being short-term. Often the energies are wasted or diffused by
this myopic orientation. He may fight shadows, unnecessarily
concerning himself with trifles. While I.Q. is likely to be
above average, intelligence often is not used with responsi-
bility, and the native is slow to admit his mistakes. Vanity
may be pronounced, even to the point where the native exper-
iences delusions of infallibility. Energies should be directed
toward long-term aspirations rather than merely to maintain a
comfortable, but faulty, perspective.
MARS-PLUTO: Pluto is the "all or nothing" planet, and whereas

some people with this aspect are extremely docile and gentle,
others are brutish and difficult to live and work with. There
is a need for extreme physical expression, and if the native
does not express it himself, he may attract it. Generally, he
considers himself above the control or censor of others. Sex-
ual drives are usually intense, or else the native releases
this energy by driving himself in his work, often to the point
of collapse. People with this aspect are extremely sensitive
to outside pressures and need to learn to calm themselves and
let personal concerns ease away.

Jupiter Aspects
JUPITER-SATURN: These conservative people rise with the ortho-
doxy and are entrenched in the status quo. They are quite
practical with finances and often considered "pillars of so-
ciety". Business is their area, and though often lacking
imagination they are careful and conscientious in their work.
Politics seem to always attract their attention.

JUPITER-URANUS: Far above most others in ability, if these

people do not succeed it is usually because they are not in
the good graces of their superiors. Rank.and position mean
little to them, for their minds are resistant to any type of
social or occupational stratifications. They are therefore
gently resistant to authority. Philosophical and intellectual
areas are their preferred fields (including astrology), for
their minds are superb and they generally have great interest
in matters of deep thought. They have a strong desire for
JUPITER-NEPTUNE: Often viewing the world through rose colored
glasses, these idealistic types are victims of their own gen-
erosity. They are humanitarian types imbued with a "Christian
spirit" whatever their religious affiliation, but too easily
taken advantage of by others. Yet their hunches are keen,
their personalities magnetic, and they have an uncanny talent
for shuffling things and conditions so as to get the results
they seek. Show business is a wide open field to many of them,
and they tend to add drama and sensationalism to their styles
of expression.
JUPITER-PLUTO. This person rebels against contemporary social
and governmental structures, perhaps considering himself a "
law unto himself", with a marked exclusiveness about his per-
son. Often this aspect is associated with a hunger for power,
and it does indicate strong leadership abilities and true po-
tential for eminence. However, often the eminence has not
lasted once the ultimate postition was secured (examples:

Richard Nixon, Andrew Johnson, Clifford Irving, Alexander

Dubcek, Napoleon Bonaparte). Success and prosperity fluc-
tuate. There is an overestimation of self. Enthusiasms are
intense, exuberance is visible. Often this configuration in-
dicates spiritual strength or strong philosophical convictions,
as with Gandhi. These people should always keep new goals
ahead of themselves rather than becoming satisfied with what
they have.

Saturn Aspects
SATURN-URANUS: These individuals cannot stand to be proven
human! They are often resistant to most sharing relation-
ships, or involvements on a reciprocative basis. Their endur-
ance to adverse conditions is remarkable because they do not
care to reveal their own weak points. The need for personal
autonomy dominates them.

SATURN-NEPTUNE: The potential for accomplishment within

these people is terrific, as a blending of hard work with
imagination, but they rarely realize their potential. Though
thoroughly convinced of their abilities in a given area, they
appear so sure they could do something that they do not bother
to actually do it; therefore, they remain unproductive. They
are worriers, filled with suspicion about others. They dis-
play a hypnotic power over others who cross their path, and
are talented at organization and implementing of plans. Yet
they have preconceived notions of what should be, how the
world should be run, how events should mature, and they feel
easy resentment when conditions turn out differently.

SATURN-PLUTO: Shouldering unwanted burdens, a person with

this natal configuration often feels he is carrying the weight
of the world on his shoulders ("Atlas complex"). He has a
fear of being manipulated, hence is not interested in confed-
erations or alliances. This lone-wolf tries desperately to
dissociate himself from all labels and categorizations. The
Saturn-Pluto aspect normally causes one to disregard any
opinions or beliefs which do not immediately fall in line with
his own established attitudes and ideas.

N O T E : Aspects f o r m e d a r m i n g the three outer planets ( U r a n u s , Neptune, and

Pluto) are common to many millions of birth charts for a period of several
years. They are only s i g n i f i c a n t i f a n g u l a r o r involved i n important
configurations with the l u m i n a r i e s , M e r c u r y , Venus, o r M a r s .

Outer Planets to Angles

URANUS-NEPTUNE: These people are not afraid to violate social
or intellectual taboos for the sake of understanding. Neptune
is the dreamer, the seer of better worlds, and Uranus adds the
ingenuity to transform these dreams into reality. There is an
almost superstitious or ritualistic feeling of one's own unique
position in the eternal scheme of the Universe, and need to de-
termine one's role in whatever Master Plan there is governing
URANUS-PLUTO: An element of disruption and revolt is indicated.
When these two planets are mutually configurated in the fore-
ground of a nativity, the person then born has little regard
for convention and authority, feeling himself uncompelled to
respect anything (except his own mind and soul) just because
it is accustomed to being respected. (When this pair of plan-
ets aspects, as a unit, some other planet in the nativity,
the latter will somehow be disrupted or instilled with the
element of novelty and transformation). Such people are singled
out of their generation for particular accomplishment or notor-
iety and seem to stand outside the circle of their peers as
somehow gifted.
NEPTUNE-PLUTO: Prejudice, false preconception, and illusory
attitudes are smashed and thrown aside when this configuration
is in force. The basic aim is for truth and Ultimate Meaning
in life. That dreamy part of our psyches which ever desires
Edenic perfection (Neptune) is united with the agnostic planet
of eternal searching for meaning (Pluto) to give a rennovation
of philosophical and cultural attitudes.

Aspect Key-words


01t- WARM
0'11- FUN

3:87' ADEPT


The keywords above are included here only as surrmaries of concepts associ-
with eachabove are included
aspect. They may here
serveonly as summaries
as guidelines of concepts
in canbining associ-
ated with each
overlapping aspect.
aspect They may serve as guidelines in combining several
overlapping aspect influences.



Now that you have meanings for the individual compon-

ents of interpretation, you are ready to undertake a delin-
eation of a complete birth chart. This involves more than
simply reading the separate interpretive factors as you come to
them in the preceeding two chapters. Some must be given extra
weight because they tend to impress themselves more strongly
on behavior patterns. The art of astrological interpretation
might be described as knowing exactly where to assign this
We offer the following guide to chart reading and urge
the student to use it initially. It is imperative that one
have some sense of order and direction in his analysis rather
than dart haphazardly from spot to spot in the radix without
any sort of discipline. The schedule below is not inviolable,
and we may vary from it as we see fit, but at least it repre-
sents a starting point from which to depart.
The recommended approach, in sequence, is:
(1) Read interpretations of the Sun-sign and Moon-
sign to establish a background for the personality.
This sets the stage for all that is to follow.
(2) Regard as next in importance the foreground
planets. Seek to integrate these with the luminary
signs, as these first two steps, taken alone, represent
the most vital stages of interpretation and could, by
themselves, constitute a fairly complete summarization
of the nature.

(3) Note any aspects to the Sun or Moon, in order of


(4) Consider any aspects among foreground planets,

including trines and sextiles.
(5) Conclude with the remaining aspects in order of
significance; that is, beginning with the closest (most
nearly precise) aspects.
Information uncovered at each step should be considered
subservient to the information already acquired, i.e., the
most important delineative factors have been placed highest
on the list. Try to integrate each new factor with what has
gone before.
It is wise to pay particular attention to any aspect
patterns involving three or more planets which are all inter-
configurated, as these often seem to dominate an entire map
by the sheer weight of their interconnection. In such com-
plex patterns it is best to consider planets in conjunction
or opposition as a unit, to be modified by the other planets
involved in the pattern.


Taurus is the Sun-sign, and matron Venus sits high on
the Midheaven. Clearly the love goddess was Monroe's "guid-
ing star". Few Taurians have great modesty where the "life
of the flesh" and its delights are concerned, and this
entrancing subject of male adoration displayed her own charms
Even the Capricorn Moon, despite its caution with feel-
ings, is known to enamour one to members of the opposite sex.
However, its influence on Marilyn.s moods is a more serious
factor. Under the reinforcing stress of the Moon.s aspects
to Saturn and Neptune•, it is certainly indicative of her emo-
tional depressions.
Venus, Neptune, and the Moon are foreground. Venus and
the Moon are specifically feminine planets, and Neptune rising
at least plays up the feelings. Moon and Neptune both give
traits useful to a performer: Neptune points to self-drama-
tization, and the Moon implies stage presence (or "screen
presence" if you prefer). Venus rounds this out with much
personal charm and an affectionate disposition. A question
emerges: Will this affectionate side show through the screen
of a Capricorn Moon square Saturn? Our answer would be that
this is likely to happen only if she finds emotional security
in a relationship. Otherwise, the Saturn and Neptune quali-



1926 Jun 1
9:30 PST
Los Angeles, CA
34NO3, -7:53:00
ST= 2:14:45


ties emphasize a distrustfulness regarding others.

By itself, the Moon indicates one who strongly attracts
the opposite sex, though it also coincides with flightiness
or emotional instability, particularly when afflicted as it
is here. Uncertainty might be an appropriate description of
her feelings in various ways. Neptune in the foreground is
liable to enhance emotional anxieties and reinforce the need
for attention and acceptance. This integrates quite under-
standably with the luminary sign meanings.
Let.s try to establish a basic understanding of the
Moon-Saturn-Neptune combination, which Jupiter does little to
soften despite his non-exact involvement in the pattern. Moon
square Saturn mostly reinforces the luminary's Capricorn
placement, especially indicating a difficult childhood.
Selecting basic keywords for these three planets (Chapter
Five) we get: Moon-Saturn, depression; Moon-Neptune, child-
ish; Saturn-Neptune, false security. In combining these, we
see a pattern of i m m a t u r i t y and despondency related
to a shakey basis for her emotional security. An exact Mars-
Saturn trine adds feelings of personal weakness or helplessness
which could manifest in a passive, gentle personality, but
which also increases the frustration load. This angular Moon-
Saturn -Neptune "T" is the most unfortunate pattern in the
great actress. birth chart, even though the same planets play
so great a role in indicating talent.
Mercury conjoins the Sun. Resourcefulness is indicated
(and verified by the Capricorn Moon's square to Saturn, and
by the wide Mars-Uranus conjunction), but Monroe is seen as
too prone to fall into a response pattern where compromising
her ideas means compromising herself. The pairing indicates
intellectual pride and stubbornness--a foreground Neptune
shows tenacity with biases--but much potential for self-
Venus makes a foreground sextile to Jupiter. This
aspect often gives a "film star manner" and is characteristic
of those who enjoy a lifestyle typical of the "old Hollywood"
tradition. It indicates congeniality, pleasantness, and gen-
eral enthusiasm, though Saturn is likely to sharply curb ten-
dencies toward expensive tastes and extravagance.
Similar to this in effect is the Moon.s wide conjunction
with Jupiter. It acted as a partial aid in shaking off Saturn.s
chains during parts of her life. This conjunction adds good
humor and an element of sophistication. But Jupiter.s joy
doesn't cancel Moon-Saturn's depressiveness; both will appear.

The result, taken to the extreme, can be a manic-depressive

Jupiter opposes Neptune. "Prosperity through the movies"
is one very simple rendering of this. Idealism is indicated,
including a humanitarian streak. However, two malefics (Sat-
urn and Neptune) aspecting Jupiter suggests threats to one's
reputation, or possible involvement in situations not entirely "
above board". Rumors of indirect involvement with organized
crime may have their foundation here, and Jupiter-Neptune peo-
ple tend to fall victims to confidence men, especially if
baited with the sensational.

Example No. 2: ANNE FRANK

Here is a second Taurus female, but one with a totally
different orientation. At the end of her short life, Anne
Frank was emerging into womanhood and just beginning to show
the more womanly of Taurus' traits. Yet even at an early age
she displayed love of life and a strong desire to understand
it, as is evident from her diary. The Leo Moon reinforces in-
dications of strength of character and knowing her own mind.
It marks her self-willed nature and growing awareness of self-
importance. Both Taurus and Leo indicate warmth or personal-
ity as well as a genuine interest in the welfare of others.
As with Monroe, the ruling planet of the Sun.s constel-
lation is highlighted. Venus exactly square the Ascendant
strongly emphasizes the Taurian traits. Anne had a sensitiv-
ity for the beautiful, the harmonious, and the meaningful.
Her innate good will and charm were severely stifled during
her exile. She suffered, like many, due to a war which was
against her grain. It was apparently the playfulness and gaiety
of the angular Venus-Uranus couplet which helped keep her
spirits high as much as she could.
Instilling a need for independence, Uranus on the Mid-
heaven sponsored a claustrophobia which nearly drove her ber-
serk during the time of her attic exile. A Taurus with a
uranian mode of expression yearns for the out—of-doors and
communion with nature. This combination also granted an as-
tute wisdom of life and understanding of people for one so
The Moon conjoins Neptune, and both square Jupiter. A
critical variation from Monroe.s chart is the absence of Sat-
urn in this grouping. The Moon-Neptune imagination can flour-
ish, and transforms sensitivity into compassion (also a Taurus
trait). The Moon-Neptune person is easily wounded and over-

1929 Jun 12
7:30 CET
F r a ANNE
n k f u r t -FRANK
52N22, +0:58:13
1929 Jun 12
7:30 CET
52N22, +0:58:13

reacts to both positive and negative experiences; fortunately,

Jupiter puts the emphasis on the former where Anne is con-
cerned by squaring the duo. Selecting keywords from our list
we find: Moon-Jupiter, joy; Moon-Neptune, childish; Jupiter-
Neptune, idealistic. This time the synthesis points to the
childlike joy of life, idealism, and healthy enthusiasm which
clearly marked the young girl's personality.
The Sun's conjunction with Mercury also takes on an
entirely different meaning than in our first example. It is
here not impeded by indications of mental-emotional imbalance.
It becomes a sure sign of healthy self-expressiveness. The
mind may have difficulties, though, shaking concrete modes of
thought in its desire to comprehend the environment from a
nonintellectual perspective.
Sun is opposite Saturn. This traditionally indicates
a difficult early life filled with privation and hardship--
an extraordinarily apt description of this life which was
ended before it had the chance to blossom in full. It in-
stilled a toughness as well. With a Leo Moon, a natural grav-
itation to her father is shown (attachment to authoritative
figures; paternalism). In typical cases we would read a Taur-
us Sun opposite Saturn in Sagittarius as an interest in explor-
ing serious questions, particularly along philosophical lines.
One final important aspect is the sextile between Mer-
cury and Mars, a close aspect reinforced by luminary involve-
ment. It gives a capable and rapid mind, sharp tongue at
times, physical quickness, and impatient need for movement.
Notice that Mars is only about 11 from the Ascendant, so some
of its angular influence may be felt; likewise, its foreground
trine to Uranus. This pattern combines to add much more ener-
gy, activity, spontaneity, and need for moving about than the
rest of the chart implies.

Example No. 3: MUHAMMED ALI

We find the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Aquarius.
This is a rebellious pair which also adds color and spark to
the personality. A Capricorn Sun indicates a determined,
sturdy social rebel (with several of the aspects listed below
considered). The Capricornian "proverb-proneness" mixed with
the facility with words and fluent self-expressiveness of an
angular Mercury-Venus conjunction, and the more rhythmic Aquar-
ian qualities addsitsown special genius to the already consid-
erable mental potential of the constellation of the Goat.


B I095zl?.
25 26Vi31
'2.3 21\1105 23


1942 January 18
18:30 CST
L o u i s v i l l eALI
38N15, -5:43:03
1942 January 18
18:30 CST
Louisville, KY
38N15, -5:43:03

This chart is a more complex example than the preceding

two, partly because of its five foreground planets and their
aspectual interweavings. Mars and Saturn beseige the Midheaven,
while the Moon, Mercury, and Venus cuddle near the Descendant.
The most important of these is Saturn simply because it rein-
forces the nature of the Capricorn Sun (and, to a lesser extent,
of the Aquarian Moon). In other words, if Ali is to have a "
ruling planet", one which desribes him better than any other,
Saturn it must be.
Mars angular needs no explanation for this outstanding
athlete, especially when its aspects to the Sun and Pluto are
considered: the spirit of competition is very strong, with
physical abilities to back it. Foreground Moon is the showman,
the performer who claims great popular appeal. Mercury gives
mental and physical quickness, and rapid reflexes; together
with the angular Moon it suggests a compulsive talker.
Venus is at first strange in a boxer's chart. Taken at
face value it indicates a handsome man with much charm despite
his ability to be merciless in the ring. Besides this it ap-
pears that most of the Venus expectations are invalid until we
realize that this planet is square Saturn and Uranus, which
qualifies the Venus nature.
Venus square Saturn is a common aspect for boxers and
indicates a callous over the love nature, a difficulty in hon-
est affectionate expression which permits the kind of brutal
treatment of another human being he must dish out in the per-
formance of his job. Venus square Uranus seems to indicate the
connubial freedom allowed by his chosen religion (which permits
polygamy). Yet Saturn and Uranus teaming up on his Capricorn-
ian Venus indicates many difficulties in relating to others,
particularly in close emotional alliances such as marriage.
Beneath all of this we need to remember that Venus-Saturn and
Venus-Uranus aspects indicate a quantity of emotional inse-
curity, that the impersonal front is a protective armor
against injury.
Venus is not alone. It is in conjunction with the Moon,
a foreground luminary aspect which is particularly important.
They square the Saturn-Uranus pair together. Moon-Venus by
itself gives a magnetic personality which Ali displays in his
private life, as well as a touch of vanity at times. (Notice
that the vanity is here emphasized in a certain way by the
Sun-Mars square. Mars has a vanity different from that of
Venus or the Sun, one which is rooted in admiration of mascu-
linity and virility, a vanity dealing almost entirely with
one's physical structure and musculature.)

The Moon squares Uranus to the minute of arc, a power-

ful aspect which, with Moon square Saturn, reinforces all
Aquarian traits. It is individualistic and headstrong. Moon
square Saturn and Uranus indicates a strong tension factor
through a suppression of natural exciteability, surely caus-
ing anxieties and personal frustrations on the level of emo-
tional expression. He may be able to release these tensions
in the ring, using his opponent as the object against whom
all of his suppressed frustrations are unleashed. Ali draws
from this aspect pattern a constant readiness, a taut pre-
A remarkable combination for a fighter is Mars. square
to the Sun-Pluto opposition. Combining keywords for this
three-planet pile-up (action + solitude + strop effort)
gives the picture of a solitary figure capa le of powerful
physical expression, a veritable dynamo of atomic power. If
we consider Sun-Pluto as the outlaw aspect, it is interesting
that only in boxing could a man legally do what Ali does for
a living, i.e., inflict such violence upon another human being.



All character is the result of man.s interactions with

his fellows. The realization that "No man is an island unto
himself" is essential to understanding each person's position
in life and how certain areas of his personality manifest.
Through interacting with other people he brings into play
various parts of his total behavior scheme under a variety of
An astrological study of inter-personal relationships
involves a comparison of planetary positions in one person's
chart to those positions in another.s birth map. We see if
any aspects (interchanges) are formed between the two charts.
We are interested only in conjunctions, oppositions, and
squares, the trines and sextiles being disregarded in this
phase of astrology. We recommend the tighter orbs of 50 for
conjunctions and oppositions and 3° for squares, initially.
Each may be stretched an additional 2° as the student gains
These interchanges are the vital motivators of any rela-
tionship, causing a certain part of one individual's person-
ality to relate to a certain behavior pattern in another per-
son. It is our conviction that with no planetary interchanges
there will be no signifclant relationship, if any relation-
ship at all.
In the following pages are recommended interpretations
of the various planetary interchanges, based on extended
testing and analysis. Both authors have done considerable
work in the field of human interaction, relationships, and
astrology. So have Cyril Fagan, Jane Eshelman, Bob Paige,
and other avid researchers in this highly important area,

whose findings have been of great practical value to us.

Carl Jung, the noted psychoanalyst, also made a study
of these planetary interchanges in human inter-relationships.
In his book, The Structure F, Dynamics of the Psyche, he rela-
ted the details of his study of 483 married couples and their
birth charts. Though his study was not extensive enough to
provide definitive results, it did give later researchers a
take-off point for their own studies of interchanges between
married partners.

Jung isolated certain interchanges which appeared most

significant in binding people together in wedlock. These

Venus-Ascendant Moon-Ascendant
Sun-Moon Sun-Ascendant
Moon-Mars Sun-Mars
The importance of Mars, the Moon, and the Ascendant seems ade-
quately demonstrated.
We recommend that the reader test the effectiveness of
the interpretations which follow by applying them to familiar
relationship situations, using situations close to him. How-
ever, it should always be kept in mind that however good the
aspectual connections between the two charts--however magnif-
icent the potential for a relationship properly established--
no synastric analysis should be attempted without first exam-
ining the individual birthcharts of the two people involved.
What do they need from a relationship? What are they willing
to give? What are the most prominent desires and motivations
in each life? By examining, for instance, the position and
aspects of Venus you can get a grasp on how a person approaches
reciprocal relationships. These are all vital considerations
in the earliest stages of inter-personal investigations.
In the paragraphs below, we will refer to the planets
anthropomorphically, that is, as though they were sentient
beings. If, for instance, one person's Mercury conjoins anoth-
er's Uranus, it is much easier (and conservative of space) to
speak of "Uranus," or "the Uranus person," for the latter, and
refer to the former as "Mercury" or "the Mercury person,"
than as "the person whose Mercury is activated in his chart by
someone else's Uranus."

Luminary Interchanges

SUN-SUN: Each person is simultaneously trying to assert his

urge to dominate and take charge, so an ego clash may result.
In the case of business partners it is often fortunate, for
each person is tuned into exactly what the other is wanting
and thinking: their goals and senses of priority are well-
matched. Yet they are generally not susceptible to compromise
once there are differences, and an understanding should be had
as to who is really boss. Each should learn to give in to the
other without feeling his pride so dearly bruised.
SUN-MOON: One of the most favorable interchanges for any type
of relationship, especially marriage. There is a natural im-
petus for these two people to get together. The Moon is able
to take a major interest in the Sun.s person and adapt to his
long-term ambitions. The Sun fills the Moon with a sense of
importance that she does not otherwise normally experience.
Most people naturally gravitate toward those whose Suns strong-
ly configurate the native.s Moon.
SUN-MERCURY: Communication is the dominant trait. Often the
Sun somehow impels or inspires Mercury to express himself, or
adopts a paternalistic, counselling role.
SUN-VENUS: The dearest of friendships are based on this inter-
change, though it is not particularly common between married
couples. A strong sense of comraderie and companionship ex-
ists between these two. Venus is able to love the Sun as an
individual in his own right, and holds him in a special vener-
ation. Such attention flatters the Sun and increases his
sense of importance, so he reciprocates in his own affection-
ate style. There are few secrets between these two people.
SUN-MARS: Somehow Mars incites the Sun to action, not caring
to see him sit about inactively. This is a strong physical
aspect, common among married couples, but it instills a strong
element of competition into any relationship. Mars is greatly
inflamed with desire by the Sun.s presence, perhaps treating
him as a demigod or some creature deserving special esteem.
This naturally inflates the Sun.s ego. For this reason, it is
even common among good friends of the same sex, though Mars is
constantly egging the Sun to match that image himself. At its
worst, it can be highly combative, but the Sun is well pre-
pared to handle himself in the case of attack.
SUN-JUP1TER: An excellent interaspect. Each holds the other
in great esteem, and is generous with his time, interest, and
finances. They seek to improve the other.s station in life.
It is a relationship based on mutual .respect.

SUN-SATURN: It is an irony of human behavior that we attach

ourselves to thosewith whom we are not comfortable, often re-
fusing to let go of such relationships even though the asso-
ciation may be painful. Such is generally the case with Sun-
Saturn interchanges, a contact which Fagan pointed out was
particularly high among marriage partners. For some reason
the Sun cannot totally respect Saturn, and thinks of him in
a condescending fashion. Yet he nonetheless stays close be-
cause he gains increased self-esteem in contrasting himself
to this perceived lowliness in his partner. Saturn, on the
other hand, is envious of the Sun's light and also holds fast,
refusing to let go for any reason, and severely limiting the
Sun's freedom with jealousies, demands, and threats of sep-
aration--threats he never hopes to carry out in reality.
SUN-URANUS: This relationship has its basis in constant
diversity and variety. There is an instant, electrical attrac-
tion and much spontaneity between the two. Rarely does bore-
dom enter the picture, and the two are likely to have much fun
together. They may travel together.
SUN-NEPTUNE: Neptune exaggerates both the good and the bad
of this situation. In general, he feels confused, embarassed,
and inadequate in the Sun.s presence, making it difficult for
either to communicate sensibly with the other. The Sun can
easily humble or awe Neptune, perhaps having some secret or
quality which makes him appear Neptune's superior.
SUN-PLUTO: Pluto is ever something of an enigma to the Sun,
shielded by a barrier which cannot be entirely by-passed.
This is the only planet which can awe the Sun, for within the
Pluto person is some element of innate strength which the Sun
can never understand, a situation Pluto promotes. Sun may
stay in Pluto's life for a while, then suddenly depart, per-
haps to not be heard from again.
SUN-ANGLE: The Sun tends to dominate or control the other,
representing an authoritative figure or a figure of strength
on whom the Angle can rely. If the Sun is male and Angle
female, he may fit her ideal concept of malehood. This is a
strong attraction element in the charts of marriage partners.

MOON-MOON: A superb contact. The emotions of these two peo-

ple are in close tune. They share similar interests, and re-
spond to the tone of the world in much the same style. Not
particularly common in marriage, but nonetheless a pleasing

MOON-MERCURY: Communication flows very well. These two could

sit and talk for hours. It is very possible that Mercury will
be the Moon's pupil in some way, or at least learn much from
him that he considers useful and important. There seems to
be a psychic link between their minds, and it is often hard
to tell where one mind leaves off and the other begins.
MOON-VENUS: This is the aspect of true lovers. The Moon re-
sponds with full sensual vigor to Venus. enamored advances.
Each desires strongly to touch, caress, and hold the other.
These two will have much fun together in many ways, and are
likely to share happiness, all things being in agreement.
MOON-MARS: This is a particularly common interchange for
marriage and strongly sexual, but not without an itching
undercurrent of irritation. "Time corrupts everything,
including immortal love" (Kilgore Trout), and when this inter-
change is present, it is a growing bitterness as each becomes
less able to tolerate the other's personal habits and manner-
isms. Mars seems to try to incite an emotional response in
the Moon by picking, jabbing, cutting with words and deeds,
and in a moment of fury, the Moon may indeed erupt on the un-
suspecting Mars.
MOON-JUPITER: Jupiter gives the Moon the red carpet treat-
ment, wining and dining him or otherwise giving him a good
time. Much congeniality here, and Moon comes to regard Jupi-
ter as a person of importance, in many ways a superior being.
MOON-SATURN: Saturn somehow inhibits the Moon from fully ex-
pressing her emotions, or remains unresponsive to the latter.s
sensuous solicitations. Though often present among lifelong
friends, it is not Particularly conducive to domestic happi-
ness together.
MOON-URANUS: An element of thrill and excitement is inter-
jected into this association. Dullness is rarely present,
and Uranus may introduce the Moon to some new lifestyle.
MOON-NEPTUNE: Madness is in the air! Neptune in particular
is totally flustered or embarrassed by the Moon.s presence,
and in his desire to set things aright and hide his insecurity
he babbles on to his utter mortification. This causes nothing
but confusion between the two involved.
MOON-PLUTO: Few people outside of this relationship looking
in can totally understand it, for it often takes on strange
characteristics. In general, Pluto remains aloof and distant,
and tends to hold the Moon in awe. Fagan compared Pluto's
relationship with the Moon to that of the hypnotist to his

subject, the sadist to the masochist, the one who knows to

the one who does not know.
MOON-ANGLE: This is a strong attractive element, and very
common in the charts of married couples. The Moon may feel
motherly or protective toward the Angle, or at least wishes
to cuddle and hold the latter. In many ways, similar to
Moon-Moon interchanges.

Planetary Interchanges
MERCURY-MERCURY: Communications flow freely. Their minds
are so aligned that ideas pass back and forth between them
MERCURY-VENUS: Mercury's words cause Venus much pleasure,
and she responds to Mercury with sweetness. It is good for
creative partnerships.
MERCURY-MARS: Mars tends to criticize and find fault with
Mercury's ideas, and is likely to attack him verbally, if not
physically. If other things are in tune, this can be excel-
lent for creative partnerships where each finds the weak-
nesses of the other.s ideas enabling them to "get the bugs
out". It is highly stimulating on a mental level. There is
much mental game-playing between them, though, and it is an
essentially argumentative combination. Curiously, there is
often a strongly sexual side to this interchange, though un-
less Mercury has another planet involved, he may be unaware
of Mars. interest.
MERCURY-JUPITER: Jupiter has nothing but the highest regard
for Mercury's ideas and mode of expression, and does every-
thing in his power to promote his associate. This is a superb
business combination, though usually with Mercury responsible
for actual production while Jupiter runs the show.
MERCURY-SATURN: Saturn seems closed-eared to what Mercury
has to say, offering it little respect and subconsciously
shutting off his mind to it. Because Mercury cannot "get
through" to Saturn, the latter appears stupid and slow to
learn even the most basic things. This is not comfortable
for business associations, or teacher-pupil situations.
MERCURY-URANUS: Uranus, by his lifestyle or mode of thinking,
introduces Mercury to new mental wonders. There is consider-
able excitement, and Mercury may be led into entirely new
fields of investigation.

MERCURY-NEPTUNE: Neptune seems incapable of clearly under-

standing what Mercury is saying the first time around--or
even the second or third. They are on totally different
planes of communication, Neptune becoming more confused and
unsure as Mercury tries to back his claims with the logic and
reason of which he is master.
MERCURY-PLUTO: Small-scale communication may result from a
distance, but in most cases Pluto prefers to remain aloof.
This is because tensions may easily result which lead to
strains in communication. If distancing is bridged, the two
may explore together many strange and wonderful ideas and
topics. Pluto.s unconventional probing mind provides much
food for thought for the mercurial friend. This is one of
the less comfortable interchanges for close relationships.

MERCURY-ANGLE: This contact is grand for communication, as

Mercury tries to keep all channels open. Often the Angle
will be responsible for getting Mercury to express himself.

VENUS-VENUS: Each has the warmest feelings of friendship

for the other, and there may be compatibility of esthetic
interests as well. These two are playmates, sharing their
joys and pursuing happiness together. Unfortunately, few
married couples sport this pairing.
VENUS-MARS: Mars takes delight in making physical advances
toward Venus. This could be something mild, such as teasing
and pestering, or it could be a definite erotic advance.
Mars excites the passionate devotion of Venus, and this is
the most sexual of all interchanges. However, it may burn
itself out if there are not other appropriate contacts for

VENUS-JUP1TER: Each benefits from the other. Jupiter is al-

ways conscious of public images, and wants to be seen with
the most beautiful and charming people. He lavishes affec-
tion and gifts upon Venus, the Fairest of the Fair in his
eyes. Venus, quite pleased, turns her affections toward the
Jupiterian, possible with the feeling that she is consorting
with royalty.
VENUS-SATURN: In some way, Saturn inhibits Venus' happiness
or pleasure. Sometimes it indicates frustrated love, Saturn
being inaccessible despite Venus. strong attraction to him.
Venus may for some reason sacrifice her own pleasure out of
a sense of devotion to Saturn, as in taking care of an ailing

VENUS-URANUS: Venus is captivated by Uranus. originality,

freshness, and unexpected actions. Often the two will meet
while travelling. Venus considers Uranus a special type of
person, outside the norm, while Uranus is thrilled to have
such a youthful admirer.
VENUS-NEPTUNE: Venus' advances embarrass Neptune and make him
nervous. Neptune may feel inferior before the suave, hand-
some appearance of Venus. On the pleasant side it can lead
to luxuriating together in sexual indulgence, but whether
close friends or bitter foes, Neptune will never feel entirely
at ease in Venus' presence.
VENUS-PLUTO: Intensity in a relationship can come from this
interaspect, but usually of short duration. Pluto may be a
mystery person, alluring and magnetic, who attracts Venus and
then departs. On the other hand, if all else agrees, these
two can share unbelievably close emotional affinities.
VENUS-ANGLE: Friendship usually grows, but it may be one-
sided. Venus extends her affections toward the Angle, but
unless Venus is also configurated with one of the Angle per-
son's planets, the interest may go entirely unnoticed.

MARS-MARS: Very passionate and foreceful, demanding physical

outlets. At worst, it can indicate terrible enemies, fighting
tooth and nail. However, contests can also exist on the foot-
ball field or as healthy competition in the world of business.
It can be a strongly sexual aspect, providing physical ex-
pression in erotic escapades.
MARS-JUPITER: Jupiter does much to enhance, compliment, and
improve the physical expression of Mars. In romance, that
can mean giving Mars confidence in his sexuality; in business,
giving him every opportunity to improve his station. Jupiter
may be overly generous with the opportunistic Mars, and unless
the relationship is amiable, Mars will be continually demand-
ing or borrowing money from Jupiter to the latter.s discom-
fort. Jupiter can take offense from Mars' bad manners and
refuse to be seen with him in public.
MARS-SATURN: This is often considered the most unfortunate
of interchanges, considered a hatred combination, but it is
not always apparent in the extreme. At the very least, Saturn
somehow debilitates Mars' feelings of strength and confidence,
and eventually loses respect for him. Depending on other con-
ditions in the charts, Mars may retaliate such that it becomes
survival of the fittest! Mars is too often held back in his
growth for this to be a comfortable interchange between busi-

ness or marriage partners, or child and parent or teacher.

MARS-URANUS; There is opportunity for carefree, uncommitted
sexual contact, expecially if they meet while travelling,
but Mars will be the one to terminate the realtionship. It
may indicate Mars creating obstacles to the Uranian.s dreams
and goals.
MARS-NEPTUNE: Neptune leads Mars to give into temptation
and indulge his fantasies. However, it is not a particu-
larly good interchange in a relationship where Neptune's
loyalty and support are essential. Mars. primary goal may
be proving Neptune wrong and contributing to his mortifica-
tion. He seems to require a special hold over Neptune,
whether of the blackmail variety, or something far less
MARS-PLUTO: There is a strong need for intensive physical
expression of some sort. Mars may be coercive, unmercifully
attacking Pluto and taking every available advantage of him.
Masochistic Pluto may even relish this treatment at times,
and subsonciously invite it in his actions. Mars attacks
what he cannot understand and, to the brash martian, Pluto
is probably the most difficult to understand of all!

Outer Planets to Angles

JUPITER-ANGLE: Jupiter desires a continuing friendship and
thinks highly of the Angle. They are likely to share much
laughter and many good times. Jupiter may even raise the
Angle to a higher lifestyle.
SATURN-ANGLE: Saturn represents a burden to the Angle, but
not always an unwanted one. Saturn is a limitation or frus-
tration, and may find that he cannot entirely respect the
URANUS-ANGLE: Uranus sets the pace as exciting and stimu-
lating. The two may meet while travelling, and there is
likely to be an instantaneous attraction. Uranus is a source
of new insight and exciting discovery to the Angle, at least
until the novelty wears off.
NEPTUNE-ANGLE; Neptune is not too comfortable in the Angle's
presence, but may nonetheless go to special lengths, however
subtly, to cement an attachment between the two of them.
Usually Neptune is apprehensive and in some cases he tries
to gain the upper hand by playing "parent" to the Angle.

PLUTO-ANGLE: The Angle considers Pluto a rebel, perhaps a

trouble-maker trying to upset the Establishment or some of
the Angle's treasured values. Pluto tends to keep a safe
distance away, and in extreme cases he will actually pack
his bags and leave! Yet when cornered he is always ready to
validate his own actions.



In 1944, Cyril Fagan discovered the great value of

Sidereal forecasting methods, and their unquestionable super-
iority over anything else that had been previously described
in the astrological books or journals. These devices had
been lost for centuries, yet their simplicity, straightfor-
ward indications, and ease of interpretation particularly
make them ideal techniques for the beginner to learn.
Foremost of these are the Sidereal Solar Return (SSR)
and the Sidereal Lunar Return (SLR). An SSR is a "birthday
chart" computed once a year for the moment the Sun returns
to the exact place it held at one's birth. The map describes
the most outstanding conditions of the following year.
Monthly forecasting is facilitated by the SLR which is sim-
ilarly computed for the moment the Moon returns to its birth
position, something which occurs every four weeks. There are
other methods for pinpointing the tone of individual days.
including the Solar Quotidian (SQ) and the Progressed Sidereal
Solar Return (PSSR).

We shall first demonstrate the caclulation of these

four primary charts, then explain how they are applied. As
an example, we present the birth chart of murderer and clan-
leader Charles Manson, data compliments of Arthur Blackwell.
It might prove informative to first examine the nativity as
a further exercise in delineation, and to gain some under-
standing of the man.
If ever a chart is to show that even sweet Venus, under
the right conditions, can be sinister, this is it. The Sun
is closely conjunct the darling love goddess in her home sign,
Libra. Yet Saturn, sharing his own Capricorn with the Moon,
squares the pair, a most unfortunate configuration.

26,2' 19

11 11 lt 1" 48
16 -


1934 Nov 12
16:40 EST
39N06, -5:38:00
1934 Nov 12
ST=16:40 EST
Cincinnati, OH
39N06, -5:38:00

ST= 19:27:12

From the Venus-Saturn (or Libra Sun/Capricorn Moon)

individual we can expect much shrewdness and a remarkable
self-preservation instinct. Libra/Venus gave Manson his mag-
netic charm, and when united with Capricorn this became a de-
monic magical power of entrancement.

Actually, this chart has great success potential and

business sense, revealing a man who could have achieved in
many areas. Angular Mercury conjunct Jupiter (and square the
Moon) indicates high intelligence and a facile tongue. Moon
square the horizon points to his personableness and an emo-
tional intensity that could be very winning in one-on-one
situations. Mercury opposite a rising Uranus is reminiscent
of Hitler.s chart, and in both cases it gave a brilliant
mind, a convincing manner of speech, but a rather nervous,
erratic personality.
It was the angular Uranus-Pluto square which most marked
the rebel and social nonconformist, while Pluto angular and
opposite the Moon speaks of the loner, isolated from the world
with his own "family" in a private retreat.

Two other aspects deserve special attention. Jupiter

opposite Uranus (angular) marks the social rebel with far-
reaching philosophical concepts. The other, Mars conjunct
Neptune (emphasized by its closeness, and a sextile to the.
Sun), is not particularly stable, and at least indicates that
the aggressive urges (Mars) are wrapped up with the needs for
emotional security and the tendency to give into temptations (
Neptune). It is also frequently associated with drug abuse.
Idealistic schemes and complex plans are Neptunian in origin,
and given a martial shot of adrenaline, they are often pushed
with a zealous intensity.

Computing the Sidereal Solar Return (SSR)


Compute the moment, preceding the time period in ques-

tion, when the Sun reaches the exact degree, minute, and sec-
ond of longitude it held at birth. Because Manson's rampage
of blood-letting covered the summer of 1969, we need his "
birthday chart" for November, 1968.
We will use a Tropical ephemeris (Golgge) in the example
in case the reader does not have a Sidereal ephemeris for all
years 'for which he wishes to compute these charts. If a
Sidereal ephemeris is used, it is not necessary to convert
back to the Tropical.

Manson.s Sidereal Sun is at 25°59'38" Libra. We change


this to a precessed Tropical longitude by subtracting the

SVP on the day of the Solar Return, mentally adding one
sign.in.the process.
natal Sun SZ 25059'38" Libra
- SVP 1968 Nov 12 5 41 43 Pisces
= precessed natal Sun TZ 20 17 43 Scorpio
- Aun 0:0037.49" Nov 12 (TZ) 19 40 06 Scorpio
= Difference 0037'49"
By subtracting the Su60.23",e beginning of the day, we
learn the Sun must move an additional 37'49" before reaching
the desired longitude. Its 60.24"0,tion on that day was 60'
23", so we can con37.49".e37.49"s of Diurnal Planetary
Motion, using the 60'23" per day column (or the nearest
given, 60'24"0, to see how long it takes the Sun to move 37'
-37 45 = 15 hours
0'04" = 01 minute
We compute the SSR for November 12, 1968, 15:01 UT, and
for the residence at the time of the event (Los Angeles).
The correct chart is given herewith, with natal planets on
an inside ring.
All Siare-brought are to be computed for residence in
predictive work. Even the natal chart should be relocated if
a person moves, to see Wit new influences are—brought into
play. This is simply done by recomputing the birth chart
angles as though the person had really been born at the new
location, but for the original UT. If you have recorded the
GST (Greenwich Sidereal Time, p. 32) on the face of the
chart, simply deduct from this the longitude correction (step
"R") to get the local Sidereal Time. Relocated angles add a
new area of emphasis at that location, but the natal angles
never lose their significance--they a17°55.rained for life.
If Manson's chart is relocated to Los Angeles in this
way it is found that his25059.38"n is 25°11' Scorpio and his
Ascendant is 17°55' Aquarius, bringing his Mars-Neptune con-
junction into the immediate foreground.

Computing the Sidereal Lunar Return (SLR)

This is computed exactly like the Solar Return, except

that we use the Moon instead of the Sun. Manson's natal
S i d e r e a l M o o n i s 1 0 °1 0 . C a p r i c o r n . I f w e a r e u s i n g a T r o p -
ical ephemeris, we subtract the SVP for the summer of 1969 (
5 ° 4 1 ' P i s c e s ) , g i v i n g a p r e c e s s e d T r o p i c a l l o n g i t u d e o f 4°
28. Aquarius.
For an event on August 9, 1969, we look backwards to
see when last preceding this the Moon was at Tropical 4°28'
Aquarius, and we see this occured on July 29. a day t h a n t h e
M o o n ' s d a i l y m o t i o n w a s 1 5 00 6 . . W e p r o c e e d a s w i t h t h e S o l a r
Return, using the planetary motion tables for DM = 15o06..

natal Moon (precessed TZ) 4°28. Aquarius

Moon 0:00 1969 Jul 29 (TZ) 4 04 Aquarius
from DPM tables -0 23 55 = 0 h 3 8 m
0 00 05

The enclosed SLR is cast for July 29, 1969, 0:38 UT,
Los Angeles.

Computing the Solar Quotidian (SQ)

"quotidian" means "daily", and the SQ is one of two
daily methods of prediction which we are presenting. Just as
the SSR indicates the major events of a given year, and the
SLR pinpoints the month, so do the SQ and PSSR select the
v e r y d ay o n w h i c h o u t s t a n d i n g e v e n t s o c c u r .

Both the SQ and PSSR are techniques for rotating the

angles of the Solar Return. The SQ is specifically based on
the Arabic rate of progression, "one day = one year". In
other words, in a year' s time, the SSR angles move through the
entire circle because the Sidereal Time increases about 24
hours (one day) . As the angles moved about 360° (actually
361°) in 365 days, the average gain is about one degree per
First, determine how many days have passed since the
Solar Return occured, using the table below. This we can
call the "age" of the SSR.

JAN 0 = 0 JUL 0 = 181

FEB 0 = 31 AUG 0 = 212
MAR 0 = 59 SEP 0 = 243
APR 0 = 90 OCT 0 = 273
MAY 0 = 120 NOV 0 = 304
JUN 0 = 151 DEC 0 = 334
(For leap years, add 1 day after February 29.)

We wish to compute Manson.s SQ for August 9, 1969. The

table tells us that August 0 = day 212, so August 9 = day 221 (
212 + 9). The Solar Return occured the previous year (1968)
on November 12, which is day 317 of that leap year (304 + 12
+ 1).
August 9, 1969 221 days
add whole year if necessary 366 days (1968 was a leap year)
587 days
- Nov 12, 1968 317 days
= SSR age 270 days
We now consult the following table of "Solar Quotidian
Increments" and see what value corresponds to 270 days, then
add it to the SSR Sidereal Time. If a person has moved since
his birthday, this increment should be added to the ST of the
Solar Return for the new location.


Days Increment Days Increment

1 0:03:57.2 6 0:23:43.3
2 0:07:54.4 7 0:27:40.4
3 0:11:51.6 8 0:31:37.7
4 0:15:48.9 9 0:35:34.8
5 0:19:46.0 10 0:39:32.1

10 0:39:32.1 60 3:57:12.2
20 1:19:04.1 70 4:36:44.2
30 1:58:36.1 80 5:16:16.3
40 2:38:08.2 90 5:55:48.2
50 3:17:40.1 100 6:35:20.3
200 13:10:40.6 300 19:46:00.8

200-day increment 13:10:40.6

+70-day increment 4:36:44.2
=270-day increment 17:47:25
+SSR ST 10:35:12
subtract if necessary -24:00:00
=SQ ST 4:22:37

The appended chart shows the Solar Quotidian angles for

this ST, and transiting planets on the day of the event.

Computing the Progressed Sidereal Solar Return (PSSR)

Moving at a faster rate than the Solar Quotidian, the

PSSR provides an additional, and often more reliable, tool
for pinpointing the exact day of happenings. Whereas the SQ
Midheaven advances about 10 (4 minutes) per day, the PSSR MC
has a slight lead at its rate of about 11/40 per day.
If you compute a series of consecutive Solar Returns
for the same birth chart, you will find that the Greenwich
Sidereal Time between one SSR and the next increases an aver-
age of 6:09:13. This increase may be as little as 5:55:32,
or as great as 6:19:46, but it will always be someplace close
to 6:09:13. Actually, the mean increase is 30:09:13, or 24
hours greater than the apparent increase, and this is the
amount the PSSR Sidereal Time increases in one year. It is
called the SSRY: the SiderStahl.sar Return Year.

At the end of this book (Appendix C) are "Universal

PSSR IASS1ment Tables". They are based on a concept intro-
duced by Carl Stahl in his Stahl's Solunar Ephemeris called
the Annual Sidereal Solar Increment (ASSI). The ASSI method
is only one of many ways of computing the PSSR, but one of
the easiest. Unfortunately, the ASSI tables included in the
Stahl and Omega ephemerides are only useful for the year for
which they ayear.mputed.
The "Universal PSSR Increment Tables" solve this prob-
lem. They give a quantity we call the "UASSI", or Universal
ASSI, because it applies to any year, Because of changes in
solar motion, they have a non-accumulative error of several
seconds, but this should only rarely, if ever, approach one
minute' (0°15' on the angles). As we need the PSSR angles only
to the nearest degree, these tables will be totally adequate
for the beginner and indeed for most work by the advanced

There are actually two tables, one for Year One and one

for Year Two. The Solar Return is always held to occur in

Year One, and Year Two tables are used for any PSSRs occuring
in the subsequent calendar year. For instance, Manson's SSR
occurs on November 12, so for any dates between November 12
and December 31 we use the Year One table; for PSSRs of Jan-
uary 1 through November 12 of the following year (the date of
his next SSR) we would use Year Two.
Caclulations of the PSSR follow four steps.
STEP ONE: Find the current SSRY. This is done by sub-
tracting the ST of the current SSR from the ST of the
following SSR. Both Solar Returns must be computed
for the same locality.

STEP TWO: Subtract 6:09:13 from the SSRY and call your
answer D.
STEP THREE: The UASSI Constant should be computed for
the current SSR from the Year One table. This is the
UASS1 for the date and UT of the Solar Return.
Subtract the UASS1 Constant from the UASS1 at the
time of the event for which the PSSR is desired, adding
24 hours if necessary. Add the answer to the ST of the
SSR. This is the mean ST of the PSSR, that is, the
PSSR ST provided D = 0.

STEP FOUR: We must apply a final correction based on

D. Multiply D by the SSR age (as found for the SQ) and
divide by 365 (or 366 in leap years). Add the result
to your mean PSSR ST to get the true ST of the PSSR.
EXAMPLE: Compute Manson.s PSSR for August 9, 1969, Los
STEP ONE: Manson.s 1969 Solar Return--the one following
the event--occured November 12, 1969, 21:02 UT, when the Los
Angeles Sidereal Time was 16:36:14.
1969 SSR ST 16:36:14
- 1968 SSR ST 10:35:12
= SSRY 6:01:02

SSRY 6:01:02
- 6;09:13 -6;09:13
= D -0:08:19
D = -8m19s = 491s

STEP THREE: From the Year One table we compute the

UASS1 Constant for November 12, 15:01 UT. On November 12 the
UASS1 moves 5m06s, so we refer to the DPM tables under DM = 5
06. (two separate entries).
DM = 58 DM = 06.
15 hours 3°07'30" 3'45"
01 minute 0!00!34! 0!00!
15:01 3°07'42" + 3'4UASS13°11' (thus 3m11s)
UASSI 0:00 Nov 12 1:36:03
acceleration 0<05<33!
UASSI Constant 1:39:14

This is constant for the entire Solar Return year, and

should be recorded on the front of the chart for reference.
UASSI Aug 9 (Year Two) 0:20:24
add for subtraction 44<00<00!
- UASSI Constant 3<5;<34!
= mean PSSR increment 22:41:10
+ SSR ST 30<57<34!
subtract if necessary /44<00<00!
= mean PSSR ST- 9:16:22
STEP FOUR: We already calculated the SSR age to be 270
days (under the SQ section). Therefore, with D = -491 seconds,
the correction is:
-491s x (270/365) = -363s = -6m03s

mean PSSR ST 9:16:22

correction /0<08<05!
PSSR ST 9:10:19
We offer the completed PSSR with trperson.s planets on
the day of thone.snt.

Environment & Self: The Inside-Outside Theory

In the previous chapter, "Inter-Personal Relationships;'
we saw how another person's birth planets aspecting one's own
can qualify the type of relationship had. It is as though
the positions of planets at the moment we UASS1orn sensitize
forever thosUASS1rees holdi3°07.30" Throughou3°07.42"ves3.45"
atal planet is vitalized into activity when another planet

aspects its "sensitive spot".

We saw, for instance, that any time we meet a person
with a natal planet or angle aspecting our Mars, we somehow
become more aggressive, dynamic, and physically expressive.
Our Mars is "turned on", so to speak, by whatever planet in
the other person's chart forms the aspect. If it is their
Sun, it seems to highly energize our Mars, but what we attack
may be their sense of power or identity. If it is their Mer-
cury, we attack their words and ideas. If Venus in the other
person's chart aspects our Mars, our physical response is due
to romantic or sexual advances. Yet if it is Saturn or Nep-
tune in the chart of another which our Mars configurates, we
feel stifled and frustrated and so seek out the weakest por-
tions of their mind and soul in an effort to symbolically
(if not literally) lay waste to the one who would dare con-
front us in such a fashion.
Not only do planets in the charts of other people trig-
ger our natal sensitive spots, but the planets in space at
any given moment can likewise set them in operation. These
planets are called transits, meaning "those whclh move across
(the sky)." The transiting position of any planet is its ac-
tual Sidereal longitude in the heavens of any particular time.
Transits act on our charts much the same way as planets
in a comrade's chart. If Jupiter transits a degree which as-
pects our Mars, it is as though we are in the presence of a
person whose Jupiter configurates our natal Mars. We feel
our vitality and sense of strength enhanced, if not admired.
Athletes perform at their best under such an aspect, and any
physical effort is likely to succeed. We gain confidence in
our strength and are likely to win in any type of competition.
Conversely, if Saturn were to transit natal Mars we
would feel our strength drained from us. Nothing would seem
to work out quite the way it was intended because we just
would not have the drive, persistence, or will that would
normally be there to fight for what we want. Saturn would
inhibit all that Mars represents.

The difference between the physical exaltation of Jupi-

ter transiting Mars, and the feeling that one is butting his
head against a brick wall which comes with Saturn's transit
to Mars, is starkly lucid. In the same way, each transiting
planet has a characteristic effect on each natal planet if it
forms an exact conjunction, opposition, or square with that
planet. When figuring transits, the trines and sextiles are
disregarded because experience shows them to be too ineffect-
ive in producing sharp, distinct events or responses.

NATAL PLANETS represent one.s own urges, needs, de-

sires, and motivations. They are part of the individ-
ual, a permanent and essential element of his person-
ality.s structure.
TRANS1T1NG PLANETS represent the "others" in one's
life, both literally and figuratively. They may spec-
ifically describe the actions others take in response
to the native.s actions, or to initiate the native.s
reactions, or they may represent general environmental
conditions to which the individual must respond.

Natal Venus indicates a person.s own desire to love, to

seek reciprocative relationships, to find harmony and beauty.
Because the need for love is strong when natal Venus is
brought into play, though, the native may feel less loved than
he wishes to be. Transiting Venus can either signify the
affections of others directed toward him--the Venus of some
vague other or simply pleasurable or beautiful surroundings
or conditions in which he finds himself. It could also
indicate having to face up to the concept of love or beauty
or social interaction, as in the Solar Return of an adolescent
girl who is having to come to terms with her femininity and
sexuality for the first time.
This perspective of transit interpretation has come to
be called the Inside-Outside Theor of Transits. Natal plan-
ets represent our "inside" and transiting planets point to
what we must face on the "outside".

We give herewith descriptions of what each planet means

both as a natal body transited, and as the transiting body.

NATAL SUN (for Solar OR Lunar Returns). The native's own

identity, the essence of his personality, is being brought
under consideration. Transits to the Sun affect the total
well-being of the individual. In particular, his power,
leadership, and command, as well as his sense of direction
in life and his vitality, are under consideration. Benefics
augment these things, malefics retard or disperse them. He
is assertive and takes a positive role in the affairs at hand.
TRANS1T1NG SUN (For Lunar Returns ONLY). Often this does
little more than strongly emphasize or vitalize the planet it
aspects. If it is configurated with another planet, it often
represents those in authority, employers, governmental fig-
ures, or other prominent people paying particular attention
to the native. The aspects it receives from other transiting
planets indicate whether this attention is good or bad, and

give the details of the encounter. It often signals honors,

achievement, and rewards.

NATAL MOON (For Solar OR Lunar Returns). The native responds

strongly to whatever is happening to his environment. Par-
tclularly, his emotions are involved, and his domestic con-
ditions may be improved, upset, or simply altered by the
transiting planet. Sensuous desires are on the rise, and the
native freely gives in to temptation in order to quench his
emotional thirst.
TRANS1T1NG MOON (For Solar Returns ONLY). Emotional excite-
ment, rapid and excessive motion, and unstable conditions
surround the individual. Often this signals much publicity,
popular attention, and change. Simple transits by the Moon
from day to day often act to excite a natal planet.

NATAL MERCURY. Learning, reading, talking, and travel are

keynotes. The native seeks to acquire knowledge which he may
use or feed back to others. His interpretive faculties are
to the fore and he is likely to be continually studying, lis-
tening, assessing, and storing whatever information he can
acquire. Business and commercial conditions are affected, as
may be plans for travel.
TRANS1TING MERCURY. Others in the environment are eager to
learn, so the native may be called upon to express his opin-
ion. Communication flows back and forth, so this often sig-
nals letters, phone calls, lectures, classroom situations,
visits to the library, interviews, and public meetings. Red
tape may enter the picture to tax his patience. Conditions
are brought about by transportation or communication (Example:
Transiting Mercury aspecting transiting Mars, and tied into
the natal chart, could indicate an argument, traffic accident,
speeding ticket, etc.).

NATAL VENUS. This is the opportunity for the native to give

full expression to the love, affection, and devotion he has
to give, under condition of the transiting planet. Beauty
becomes important to him, and he seeks harmony in his sur-
TRANS1T1NG VENUS. Someone is likely to make affectionate or
romantic advances toward the native. His environment in gen-
eral is pleasant, harmonious, and closely attuned to his every
desire, while social invitations suddenly increase in number.
This provides an occassion for the native to view his own
social and romantic situation, particularly in terms of what
it has been in the past.

NATAL MARS. The native is aggressive, dynamic, and physically

expressive. He is made aware of his "masculinity" (whichever
the gender) and feels compelled to express it through the con-
ditions of the transiting planet.
TRANS1TING MARS. Others are aggressive toward the native,
which may involve actual attacks upon him, verbally or phys-
ically. The general atmosphere is tense, heated, and irrita-
ting, and confrontations are not unlikely. The attacks, if
there be any, are directed upon that part of the native rep-
resented by the natal planet aspected. This generally rep-
resents energy, drive, injuries, accidents, and discomfort.

NATAL JUP1TER. The native is in his best form, outgoing and

congenial toward all. His social and public standing may be
brought up for examination, the verdict hinging on what tran-
siting planet aspects Jupiter. This often represents a gen-
erous or extravagant outpouring of money, but always with the
secret wish that it will make one more popular with some quar-
ter. It is a generally pleasant time.
TRANS1T1NG JUPITER. All sorts of honors, gifts, advantages,
and pleasantries are directed toward the native. The gener-
osity of others can be unbelieveable under such a transit;
this is the luckiest of omens. Whatever planet Jupiter tran-
sits is improved, healed, strengthened, expanded, or other-
wise brought nearer to perfection.
NATAL SATURN. One is made aware of his limitations and inad-
equacies when natal Saturn is accented. This may cause him
to work extra hard to compensate for them, as in driving him-
self at his job, or he may stand and face the humiliating
ordeal. His capacity for feeling and emotional response is
held in check. The self-preservation instinct is emphasized,
and he becomes more conscious than ever of his desire to hold
onto and protect what is his. Security is the password,
possessiveness the mode.
TRANS1T1NG SATURN. This debilitating, restricting influence
represents all in our everyday environment that frustrates
Man's efforts to better himself. It indicates restrictions
and responsibilities in the area of life governed by the
natal planet it aspects. Financial obligations loom in the
foreground, and one must decide how to face the practical
matters of day-to-day existence. When transiting Saturn
is strong, it usually indicates a gloomy, morose time pocked
with loss of one sort or another, for others have no sympathy
for him.
NATAL URANUS. This enhances the native.s desire for freedom,

for a change of pace, thrill, novelty, excitement, and dis-

covery. It is the urge to get out of whatever rut one might
be in and see what lives on the other side of the mountain.
Whenever this planet is transited, the native behaves in a
somewhat rebellious fashion, dropping whatever inhibitions
normally hold him in his conforming pattern, in order to re-
spond to the transiting planet--or perhaps to excite it as a
response to his own actions.

TRANSITING URANUS. With this, the native is surprised,

shocked, knocked off his feet, and set in a new direction.
Transiting Uranus triggers turning points in life, those hec-
tic, exciting times when change and readjustment are callwords.
It signifies a renewal--something to wake him, keep him alert,
and let him know the world is still full of a few surprises.
It may involve travel, a change of scenery and friends, or
other upheavals and sudden occurrences.
NATAL NEPTUNE. Exaggerating all that goes on around him,
the native may find his perceptions distorted, his reactions
to others being either mistakenly over-positve or over-nega-
tive (depending much on the transiting bodies). If either
transiting or natal Neptune is strong, the pleasure urge and
need for indulgence of every type is pronounced. He leaves
himself wide open to experiences, including exploitation by
others whom he misjudges. Often when natal Neptune is empha-
sized, the native experiences acute embarassment if not humil-

TRANSITING NEPTUNE. Pleasure-seeking is surely the most

marked trait. The native is in a situation where he can
readily indulge his every whim. There seems to be a fascin-
ation with whatever is signified by the planet this Neptune
aspects (e.g., violence if with Mars, pleasure if with Venus,
etc.). Yet he is apt to experience delays, frustration, a
slowing down, and general dilution of effort in that particu-
lar area of his life as energies are spent in the wrong direc-
tion. He is likely to be strongly dependent on others in
some way during this time.
NATAL PLUTO. A separation is forced. The native wants to
get away from conditions pressing upon him, so he may liter-
ally pack his bags and go. Events are brought to a culmina-
tion, for good or bad. Once and for all, a decision must be
made on some important matter. The native is tired of being
backed into a corner, categorized, generalized, and having
his individuality stripped from him, so now is when he makes
his move to correct that.

TRANS1T1NG PLUTO. Whatever planet Pluto transits is dramat-

ically transformed. Sharp, intensive alterations in the en-
vironment or one's lifestyle (Lunar Return), or in one.s very
being (Solar Return) are forced by this planet which leaves
nothing the way it was. As though Divinely Ordained, the
heavens open and cosmic powers redesign or transform some ma-
jor area of the native.s life. Travel, revolt against format,
shock, and need for readjustment often accompany such times.
The events are of critical importance, often miraculous or
unbelievable in nature. It is likely to be breath-taking,
if not nerve-wracking.

Transits can be brought to power in two ways. They can

bec om e v i rt u a l l y e x a c t , t hat is , form a perfect 0°, 90 °, or
180° angle with a natal planet. They should preferably be
within 0°30' in this instance, never beyond 1'00.. Or, they
can fall near the angles of one of our four predictive charts,
in which case their orbs may be much larger and the transit
will still be effective.

Sample Transits: Mercury

Below are some samples of how these transit combinations

can work out in everyday living. These are not to be taken as
solid "rules" of how these ten transit combinations will man-
ifest, simply as commonplace possibilities based on the twenty
fundamental paragraphs given above. Transits to natal Mercury,
the planet of mind, communication, travel, business, and busy-
ness, are used as examples.
TRANS1T1NG SUN TO NATAL MERCURY. Conversation with the boss; starting a
job; busying oneself in trivial housework; running errands; going to a
TRANSITING MOON TO NATAL MERCURY. Insomnia; nervousness; talking rapidly,
excitedly, and in a general state of emotional scatteredness; rapid hap-
penings; publicity.
TRANSIT1NG MERCURY TO NATAL MERCURY. Interviews, open conversation, ex-
change of ideas (i.e., two-way flow of communication); business confer-
ence; running errands.
TRANSIT1NG VENUS TO NATAL MERCURY. Education made enjoyable; visiting an
art gallery; learning to use chopsticks well; receiving a love-letter; "
whistle a happy tune".
TRANSIT1NG MARS TO NATAL MERCURY. Receiving nasty letters; arguments;
keeping busy with paperwork; overflow of ideas and inspirations (energy

to the mind); restlessness, mental activity, impatience.

TRANS1T1NG JUP1TER TO NATAL MERCURY. A pat on the back for an idea; re-
ceiving a scholarship; having your suggestions pass a board of approval;
mental excellence.
TRANSITING SATURN TO NATAL MERCURY. Trouble with the post office (delays);
can't get a cab; getting a cab and getting stuck in a traffic jam as the
meter ticks away; turning down a job; detail on research work.

TRANS1TING URANUS TO NATAL MERCURY. Intellectual awakenings; discovery;

hearing a fascinating lecture; defloration; others are excited by your
ideas; a brainstorm; clear-minded.

TRANSITING NEPTUNE TO NATAL MERCURY. Mental stagnation; saying, "I'm

Karen and this is Joan," when you are Joan and she.s Karen; a trip to
TRANSIT1NG PLUTO TO NATAL MERCURY. Changing your mind; changing your job;
changing your name (getting married); readjustments in business; nervous
upsets; travel.

Interpreting Solar & Lunar Returns

In examining Sidereal forecasting maps, the rules of
interpretation are really quite simple. We are in all cases
most interested in those planets in the foreground (near the
angles), and we only use the conjunction, opposition, and
square aspects. In a Solar Return or Lunar Return we will
consider planets 8-10° from the angles, or within about 3 0 of
a square to the angles, as foreground. In the Solar Quotidian
and Progressed Sidereal Solar Return, we prefer to have all
aspects to angles within 1°, never going beyond 2°.

Rules for interpreting a Solar Return and Lunar Return (

hereafter known collectively as S o l u n a r R e t u r n s , or simply
S o l u n a r s ) are basic, but relatively rigid:
1. Note which planets are foreground. These set the
overall tone of the period (a year for a Solar Return,
a month for a Lunar Return). If benefics predominate,
it will be a pleasant period; if malefics control the
angles, misfortune or discomfort is likely to manifest.
If both natal and transiting forms of the same planet
are angular, it is particularly important to note.*
* Planets angular in a Solar Return resemble, in effect, those planets
conjoined with the SUN. In a Lunar Return, angular planets act as though
conjunct the MOON.

2. Note any aspects among the foreground transiting

planets. These help refine judgement on what to expect
from the outside world.
3. Interpret any aspects from transiting planets to
natal planets (foreground only). For all aspects, use
about 6° for conjunctions and oppositions, 4 for squares.
As you become more familiar with these charts and comfort-
able interpreting them, you may wish to stretch these
orbs a little.
4. Aspects of the Sun in a Lunar Return, or the Moon in a
Solar Return, are always important, especially con-
junctions and oppositions, whether angular or not.
5. Consider any remaining (background) aspects within
about 10. These represent supplementary or background
Charles Manson.s Solar Return (fig. 2) shows transiting
Neptune to be the most angular planet, so it was to set the
tone of the year. Pleasure-seeking and self-indulgence were
to mark the time. In fact, both transiting and natal Neptunes
are foreground, so this year of his life was to be marked by
confusion, deception, plotting, lack of clarity, drugs, mysti-
cism, emotional insecurity, deceit, and general nebulosity,
all of the things Neptune signifies, including any type of in-
tensive emotional experiences where the imagination is given
full sway. Transiting Neptune conjoins natal Sun, therefore
Manson was to become enraptured with his own ego--to exagger-
ate his sense of importance, experience delusions of grandeur,
and build himself (at least in his own mind and, unfortunate-
ly, in the minds of his "family" members) into a sort of god.
Yet Neptune also caused dilution of his effectiveness, disi-
pation of much of his energy, and wasting time that could have
been better spent in following through with his goals.
With the two Neptunes plus natal Venus and Mars in the
foreground, sensual indulgence had to be the major character-
istic of the time. Mars-Neptune on the Midheaven is also a
sinister indication of his aggressive, drug-crazed, murderous
actions during the year, culminating with the Tate-LaBianca
murders in the summer of 1969.
Solar Return Moon is at 18° Cancer, square transiting
Mercury's conjunction with natal Jupiter. We already have
determined that the natal Mercury-Jupiter conjunction gave
Manson his intelligence and convincing manner of speech,
tools to serve him well in his 35th year. When transiting
Mercury aspects natal Jupiter it indicates that the native


1969 Jul 29
0:38 UT
Los Angeles, CA
ST= 13:11:59


1968 Nov 12
15:01 UT
Los Angeles, CA
ST= 10:35:12

Ianer circle: PLANETS

nuter circle: TRANSITING PLANETS 25tt

is called upon to express his opinion, to speak up from some

prestigious position within the social group. (Re-read the
sections "TRANSITING MERCURY" and "NATAL JUP1TER" above to
see how this delineation is achieved.)

Because the Solar Return is progressed, even non-angular

aspects will come to the angles sometime during the year, so
for this chart it is often worthwhile to study all close as-
pects, knowing that what they signify will manifest during the
year as they cross the PSSR and SQ angles. Our eyes are par-
ticularly caught by the cluster of Pluto, Jupiter, Mars, and
Uranus in Virgo, square Venus in Sagittarius. What does this
The closest aspect is usually the best place to start
in such complex pictures. Mars conjunct Uranus signifies
sudden action, a spontaneous, unexpected act of aggression,
and behavior which knocks away inhibitions and demands imme-
diate personal freedom. Jupiter improves and augments what-
ever it aspects, guaranteeing some measure of success. But
wait, aren't these transiting planets? Yes, they are, there-
fore a transiting Venus-Jupiter square represents the rich
and elegant in society, the targets of the Manson family. We
would not have detected this element in advance, but it is
apparent in retrospect, and an interesting educational example.
The general combination of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and
Pluto signifies stark, dramatic, unprecedented acts of aggres-
sion, probably meeting with a good measure of success. There
is also indication of rather bizarre sexual happenings: Venus
and Mars (sex) aspecting both Uranus and Pluto.
Now let us turn to Manson.s Lunar Return preceding the
killings (fig. 3). At first it appears that the most angular
planet is Venus on the Descendant, 7° below the horizon. This
indicates a pleasant time when the native is likely to be sur-
rounded by friends or loved ones, or otherwise has the oppor-
tunity to review how he has fulfilled his role as giver of
Yet Pluto closely squares Venus. This is a sharp, sep-
arative influence which colors Venus and points to turning
points in a relationship, segregation, alienation, and final-
ization of conditions. It signals revolt against format, a
breaking out of stereotype, leading to shock, readjustment,
and generally dramatic and intensive occurrences.
Transiting Jupiter and Uranus really dominate the chart
by squaring the Ascendant closely. Combining these two influ-
ences we find indications of surprising success, or all things
appearing to go smoothly for the time being and the native

being given exactly what he wanted. In fact, with three ben-

efics angular we would have to call this a very fortunate
month for Manson in many ways.

No natal planets are angular so it is difficult to

judge how he was reacting to these influences. But we still
must consider the influence of transiting Sun, which is al-
ways important in Lunar Returns. It opposes the Moon, indic-
ating a coming to full term, for a Sun-Moon opposition is a
Full Moon. Combined with the Venus-Pluto influence, it marks
a tensely emotional culmination of circumstances. By squaring
transiting Saturn, the inhibitions imposed by the environment,
transitng Sun becomes indicative of censorious authorities,
which in this case meant the police, directing unfavorable
attention toward Manson. It aspects his Moon-Mercury-Jupiter:
Manson.s social and publcl standing were indeed brought up for
review and publicity, and he was found painfully wanting (

In interpreting the SQ and PSSR we are looking for ways

to time daily happenings. We need a planet within 1°, or no
more than 20, of the quotidian angles. Once that is present
to pinpoint the date, we can broaden our orbs and look at
planets several more degrees from the angles to fill in the
details of what is to happen on that day.
Manson's SQ for August 9 shows transiting Mars at home
in Scorpio on the lower meridian, a symbol of blood and gore,
but also of police attention and public disgust aroused and
aimed at him. It is also square the SSR Midheaven, and tran-
sits to these return chart angles are very important timing
signals. That it crossed both angles simultaneously marks
this as an especially significant event.

Mars squares Mercury, indicating the harsh publicity

he received in the newspapers. Neptune had turned stationary
--stopped in space to resume apparent forward motion, always
a powerful point in a planet.s orbit--just a degree from Man-
son.s Solar Return Ascendant. This indicates public hysteria
involving him. Manson.s own Mars-Neptune is near the Ascen-
dant, due to rise in about six days, but here made important
by the angular contact of transiting Mars.
Notice that transiting Moon is about 6° Gemini. This
is the Descendant of the Lunar Return. The major events of
the month will often occur when the Moon transits the Lunar
Return angles, particularly if she simultaneously aspects ma-
jor planets in that chart.
The PSSR adds more to the picture. Transiting Saturn



2 llt

w 6'

Inner circle: NATAL

Aug 9 CA
Los Angeles, CA
ST= 4:22:37
ST= 4:22:37


Inner circle: NATAL PLANETS

Inner circle: NATAL PLANE
Outer circle: TRANSITING
1969 Aug 9
Los Angeles, CA
ST= 9:10:18


1969 Aug 9
Los Angeles, CA
ST= 9:10:18

is posited on the Descendant, a further sign of death. hor-

ror, and fright, but also of the web that was about to close
around Manson. Transiting Sun, the authorities and popularity (
notoriety) is near the PSSR Midheaven. Saturn opposes natal
Jupiter within 10, showing that his esteem in the eyes of
many was being limited, torn down, deteriorated. His luck, in
short, had just about run out.

Postcript on Associations
Another interesting use of these forecasting systems is
to determine with whom one will be involved on a given day.
The planets of the other party, if the event is important,
will be angular in the SO, PSSR, or return charts.
Leslie Van Houten was born August 23, 1949, 5:51 PST,
Los Angeles, California. Susan Atkins was born in San
Gabriel, California, at 0:30 PDT on May 7, 1948. Both were
prominent members of the Manson family with critical roles in
the August murders.
Van Houten's Saturn at 14° Leo sat on the Midheaven of
Manson.s 1968 SolarReturn, and the Ascendant of his SQ for
August 9 (square transiting Mars, an attack aimed at her
weakest point). Her Mars squared the Midheaven of his July
29 Lunar Return--that is, during this month he excited the
violent, aggressive side of her. With her Venus-Uranus square
also angular in his SLR, transited by Venus, Jupiter, and
Uranus, there must have been an important erotic theme in
operation, a message which runs through Manson's charts as
Susan Atkins. Saturn is also activated by the Manson
charts, for at 22° Cancer it sat on his PSSR Midheaven (con-
junct transiting Sun) for August 9. She was brought into
the year chart with her Mercury-Mars square aspecting the
SSR Ascendant so she, too, had her violent side reinforced
by Manson.s presence.




I n n e r c i r c l e : NATAL PLANETS
O u t e r c i r T R A N S 1T1NGITING
Inner circle: NATAL PLANETS

An Ordinary Man's "Uninteresting" Lunar Return

Figure 6 is the Lunar Return of an ordinary person for

an ordinary month, in terms of the overall effect it had on
his life. Even the average man will want to know what the
future holds for him--most astrology clients come from this
group, not from the ranks of the famous--and so we need to
show how such a chart can be read.

We also have selected an example which has very little "

angular" action. Only the Moon is within close contact with
an angle, and it is not terribly close (70). When we see such
a chart we are justified in widening our orbs up to half a
house either side of an angle (about 150), because weaker in-
fluences gain more significance when stronger ones do not sup-
plant them.

Both Moons are 7° below the Descendant, dominating the

chart, and they are primarily conditioned by a square from
transiting Mars near the Midheaven.
The native responds strongly to whatever is happening
in his environment. His emotions are particularly involved
and his domestic conditions upset or otherwise altered by
Mars. Sensuous desires are on the rise, and the native
freely gives into temptation in order to quench his emotional

The sexual indulgence is a response (Moons) to the phys-

ical advances of another (transiting Mars). Or, Mars can in-
dicate one who aggressively invades his home, or who attacks
him in his home. The atmosphere is tense, heated, and
irritating; confrontations are not unlikely under such a chart.
His emotionalism/tiv!se may be under attack. In general,
there is energy and drive, but some discomfort and the pos-
sibility of injury. This is an example of some of the Moon-
Mars blends which are possible.

(What really happened was that his roommate.s mother "invaded" his
domestic scene temporarily. About the same time, an astrologer he knew--
neither of the authors--virtually attacked him for being so lunar!)
Transiting Pluto is 13° below the Ascendant. Sharp,
intensive alterations occur in the environment or his life-
style. Nothing is left as it was. Travel, revolt against for-
mat, shock, and the need for readjustment often accompany such
placements of Pluto. (He had to move out for a week to accomodate
Transiting Pluto conjoins natal Sun. Changes occur in

the very essence of his being. As though Divinely Ordained,

the heavens open and cosmic powers redesign his personality
and sense of identity (a growth period). His power, leader-
ship, and command, as well as his sense of direction in life
and his very vitality, are set in sharp contrast against the
backdrop of his environment. Vitality may he interrupted--a
health crisis (a possibility reinforced by Moon square Mars).
He assertively takes a positive role in bringing about major
adjustments, transformations, if not actual revolt.

Transiting Mars opposes transiting Neptune. He is

placed in a situation of sensual indulgence. He seems fascin-
ated by the sexual aggressions, energy, and motivations of
others. Yet there is apt to be frustration or delay in the
matter as those around him seem bogged down, sluggish, and too "
spread out", dispersing their energies unnecessarily.

Jupiter opposes Pluto with Pluto foreground. There is

a distinct revolt against society.s format. His prestige be-
fore his peers is drastically changed, for good or bad. Since
Sun squares Jupiter exactly, and Sun and Jupiter transit natal
Sun within 10, most certainly this is for the good: an enhance-
ment of his prestige and sudden, dramatic promotion to the top. (
During this month he was elected to high office in a local professional
Sun squares Jupiter and Pluto, accentuating the above.
It especially indicates generosity, favors, and honors awarded
by those in authority, employers, governmental figures, or
other prominent people. This is a time when potential for
achievement could be judged as very high.

Appendix B


Time, as measured by clocks, is generated in the final
analysis by the Earth's rotation. In one day of 24 hours,
the Earth spins on its axis one complete turn.
Because of this, astronomers have equated the 360° of a
circle to the 24 hours of a clock. Therefore, dividing 360
by 24 reveals that,
15° = 1 hour (= 60 minutes).
Further division gives us other simple correspondences.
1° (= 60.) = 4 minutes 15. = 1 minute (= 60 seconds)
1. (= 60") = 4 seconds of time

Suppose we are given the longitude of Chicago, 87W39,

and wish to convert this to its temporal (time) equivalent.
Referring to the statements above, we first find the largest
number of hours (15° intervals) in 87°39'. Five times 15 is
75, and six times 15 is 90 (too large), so we know that 75°
= 5 hours.
/97!00!= 5 hours
Let.s move on to the next statement, "1° = 4 minutes."
Multiplying the number of degrees by four tells us how many
minutes we have into the sixth hour. Since 12° remain we have
12 x 4 = 48 minutes of time.

Appendix A



Publications, Tucson, 1975.
Bradley, Donald A. PROFESSION & BIRTH DATE, Llewellyn, Los
Angeles, 1950 (statistical).
Eshelman, James A. A COURSE IN S1DEREAL ASTROLOGY (Corres-
pondence Course), The Registry of Sidereal Astrologers,
Monrovia, California, 1976.
Fagan, Cyril. THE SOLUNARS HANDBOOK, Clancy Publications,
Tucson, 1976.
Fagan, Cyril. and Brig. R.C. Firebrace, C.B.E. PRIMER OF
SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY, Littlejohn Publishing Co., Isabella,
Mo., 1971.
Solunar Reserach, Bay City, Mich.. 1969 (Vol. I).

Natal Delineation
Carter, Charles E.O. ASTROLOGICAL ASPECTS, L.N. Fowler & Co,
London, 1951.
(aspects), Ebertin-Verlag, Aalen, Germany, 1960.
Gleadow, Rupert. THE ZODIAC REVEALED, Wilshire Book Co.,
North Hollywood, Cal., 1972.

Bradley, Donald A. SOLAR & LUNAR RETURNS, Llewellyn, Los
Angeles, 1948.

Ebertin-Verlag, Aalen, Germany, 1971.

Eshelman, James A. THE SIDEREAL HANDBOOK, The Astro-Press,
Los Angeles, 1976.

Fagan, Cyril. ASTROLOG1CAL ORIGINS, Llewellyn, St. Paul, 1971.
ZOD1ACS, OLD AND NEW, Llewellyn, Los Angeles,
ZOD1ACS, OLD AND NEW, Anscombe, London, 1951.
Gleadow, Rupert. THE ORIG1N OF THE ZOD1AC, Johnathan Cape
Ltd., London, 1968.

General Publications
AMER1CAN ASTROLOGY, Clancy Publications 2505 N. Alvernon
Way, Tucson, Ariz. 85712. Editor: Joanne S. Clancy.
CONSTELLAT1ONS, The Registry of Sidereal Astrologers, 1317
Monterey, Monrovia, Cal. 91016. Editor: James A.
SPICA, Nerak Enterprises, P.O. Box 5185, Orange, Cal. 92667.
Editors: Karen Wilkerson, Joan G. Piszek.

-75 00 = 5 hours
12 39
-12 00 = 48 minutes
Next statement: "15' = 1 minute." Since 15 x 2 = 30,
there are two fifteens to be extracted from 39', thus two more
minutes of time to be added to the 48 already accumulated.
-75 00 = 5 hours
12 39
-12 00 = 48 minutes
-30 = 2 minutes
The final statement reads, "1. = 4 seconds." We have a re-
mainder of 09., which will reduce therefore to 9 x 4 = 36
minutes of time.
-75 00 = 5 hours
12 39
-12 00 = 48 minutes
— 39
-30 = 2 minutes
9 = 36 seconds
5:50:36 (west)
Let.s try another example. Wichita, Kansas, is listed
in Longitudes & Latitudes in the U.S. as 97W20, 37N42. What
is the time equivalent of this longitude?

-90 00 = 6 hours (6 x 15 = 90)
7 20
- 7 00 = 28 minutes (7 x 4 = 28)
-15 = 1 minute
5 = 20 seconds (5 x 4 = 20)
6:29:20 (/west)
This agrees precisely with the value given in the lon-
gitude and latitude reference.
Here are some others to try. The answers are given
after them.

(1) Hackensack, New Jersey; 74W03, 40N53

(2) Rochester, Indiana; 86W13, 41N04
(3) Placentia, California: 117W52, 33N53
(4) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 43W20, 22S50
(5) P e k i ng, China: 126E24, 39N36
(1) 4:56:12 (west) (3) 7:51:28 (west)
(2) 5:44:52 (west) (4) 2:53:20 (west)
(5) 8:25:36 (east)
Take other cities out of Longitudes 8 Latitudes in the
U.S. and compare your answers to those in the final column.

For Any Year

Giving the Annual Sidereal Solar Increment (ASSI)

At Daily Intervals



:00:00 2:46:22 5:03:42 :26:39 9:46:32 12:20:44
1 05 32 2 51 29 5 08 25 31 14 9 51 20 12 25 53
2 11 05 2 56 35 5 13 07 35 49 9 56 09 12 31 02
3 16 37 3 01 41 5 17 48 40 24 10 00 58 12 36 12
4 22 08 3 06 45 5 22 29 44 59 10 05 49 12 41 22
6 :27:39 3:11:48 5:27:09 :49:35 10:10:40 12:46:33
7 33 10 3 16 50 5 31 49 54 10 10 15 31 12 51 44
8 38 39 3 21 51 5 36 28 58 46 10 20 23 12 56 55
9 44 09 3 26 51 5 41 06 03 23 10 25 16 13 02 07
10 49 37 3 31 50 5 45 45 07 59 10 30 10 13 07 18
11 :55:05 3:36:49 5:50:22 :12:36 10:35:04 13:12:31
12 00 32 3 41 46 5 55 00 17 13 10 39 59 13 17 43
13 05 58 3 46 42 5 59 36 21 51 10 44 55 13 22 56
14 11 23 3 51 37 6 04 12 26 29 10 49 52 13 28 08
15 16 47 3 56 31 6 08 49 31 07 10 54 49 13 33 21
16 :22:11 4:01:25 6:13:25 :35:46 10:59:47 13:38:35
17 27 34 4 06 17 6 18 01 40 25 11 04 45 13 43 48
18 32 56 4 11 08 6 22 36 45 05 11 09 44 13 49 01
19 38 17 4 15 59 6 27 11 49 45 11 14 44 13 54 15
20 43 37 4 20 49 6 31 46 54 25 11 19 45 13 59 28
21 :48:56 4:25:38 6:36:21 :59:07 11:24:46 14:04:42
22 54 14 4 30 26 6 40 55 03 48 11 29 48 14 09 55
23 59 31 4 35 13 6 45 30 08 31 11 34 51 14 15 09
24 04 47 4 40 00 6 50 04 13 14 11 39 55 14 20 22
25 10 03 4 44 46 6 54 38 17 57 11 44 59 14 25 35
26 :15:17 4:49:31 6:59:13 :22:41 11:50:03 14:30:49
27 20 30 4 54 15 7 03 47 27 26 11 55 09 14 36 02
28 25 43 4 58 59 7 08 21 32 12 12 00 15 14 41 15
29 30 54 7 12 56 36 58 12 05 21 14 46 27
30 36 04 7 17 30 41 45 12 10 28 14 51 40
31 41 14 7 22 04 12 15 36



14:56:52 17:33:44 19:59:34 22:15:13 0:40:58 3:16:08
1 14 02 04 17 38 37 20 04 08 22 19 46 0 45 54 3 21 34
2 15 07 15 17 43 29 20 08 41 22 24 20 0 50 50 3 27 00
3 15 12 26 17 48 20 20 13 13 22 28 54 3 32 27
0 55 47
4 15 17 37 17 53 10 20 17 46 22 33 28 3 37 55
1 00 46
6 15:22:48 17:58:00 20:22:18 22:38:02 1:05:45 3:43:23
7 15 27 57 18 02 49 20 26 49 22 42 37 1 10 45 3 48 52
8 15 33 07 18 07 37 20 31 21 22 47 13 1 15 47 3 54 22
9 15 38 16 18 12 24 20 35 52 22 51 49 1 20 49 3 59 52
10 15 43 24 • 18 17 11 20 40 23 22 56 26 1 25 53 4 05 23
11 15:48:32 18:21:56 20:44:54 23:01:03 1:30:57 4:10:54
12 15 53 39 18 26 41 20 49 25 23 05 41 1 36 03 4 16 26
13 15 58 45 18 31 26 20 53 55 23 10 19 1 41 09 4 21 58
14 16 03 51 18 36 09 20 58 26 23 14 58 1 46 17 4 27 31
15 16 08 57 18 40 52 21 02 56 23 19 38 1 51 26 4 33 04
16 16:14:01 18:45:35 21:07:26 23:24:18 1:56:36 4:38:38
17 16 19 05 18 50 16 21 11 57 23 28 59 2 01 47 4 44 12
18 16 24 09 18 54 57 21 16 27 23 33 41 2 06 59 4 49 46
19 16 29 12 18 59 38 21 20 57 23 38 24 2 12 12 4 55 20
20 16 34 14 19 04 17 21 25 28 23 43 07 2 17 27 5 00 55
21 16:39:15 19:08:57 21:29:58 23:47:52 2:22:42 5:06:29
22 16 44 16 19 13 35 21 34 29 23 52 37 2 27 58 5 12 04
23 16 49 16 19 18 13 21 39 00 23 57 23 2 33 16 5 17 39
24 16 54 15 19 22 51 21 43 31 0 02 19 2 38 34 5 23 14
25 16 59 14 19 27 28 21 48 02 0 06 58 2 43 53 5 28 49
26 17:04:12 19:32:05 21:52:33 0:11:46 2:49:14 5:34:24
27 17 09 09 19 36 41 21 57 05 0 16 36 2 54 35 5 39 58
28 17 14 06 19 41 16 22 01 36 0 21 27 2 59 57 5 45 33
29 17 19 02 19 45 51 22 06 08 0 26 18 3 05 20 5 51 07
30 17 23 57 19 50 26 22 10 41 0 31 10 3 10 44 5 56 41
31 17 28 51 19 55 00 0 36 04 6 02 14



1 6:07:47 8:54:15 11:11:42 13:34:42 15:54:33

6 13 20 8 59 23 18:28:41
2 11 16 25 13 39 16 15 59 20
6 18 53 13 43 51 18 33 49
3 9 04 29 11 21 07 16 04 09 18 38 58
4 6 24 25 9 09 34 11 25 48 13 48 26 16 08 58
6 29 56 18 44 08
5 9 14 39 11 30 29 13 53 01 16 13 48 18 49 17
6 6:35:27 9:19:42 11:35:09 13:57:36 16:18:39 18:54:28
7 6 40 57 9 24 44 11 39 49 14 02 12 16 23 30 18 59 38
8 6 46 27 9 29 45 11 44 28 14 06 48 16 28 22 19 04 49
9 6 51 56 9 34 45 11 49 06 14 11 24 16 33 14 19 10 01
10 6 57 24 9 39 45 11 53 45 14 16 00 16 38 08 19 15 13
11 7:02:52 9:44:43 11:58:22 14:20:37 16:43:02 19:20:25
12 7 08 19 9 49 40 12 03 00 14 25 14 16 47 57 19 25 37
13 7 13 45 9 54 37 12 07 37 14 29 52 16 52 52 19 30 50
14 7 19 11 9 59 32 12 12 13 14 34 29 16 57 49 19 36 03
15 7 24 35 10 04 27 12 16 49 14 39 08 17 02 46 19 41 16
16 7:29:59 10:09:20 12:21:25 14:43:47 17:07:44 19:46:29
17 7 35 22 10 14 13 12 26 01 14 48 26 17 12 42 19 51 43
18 7 40 44 10 19 05 12 30 37 14 53 06 17 17 42 19 56 56
19 7 46 06 10 23 56 12 35 12 14 57 46 17 22 42 20 02 10
20 7 51 26 10 28 46 12 39 47 15 02 27 17 27 42 20 07 23
21 7:56:46 10:33:36 12:44:22 15:07:08 17:32:44 20:12:37
22 8 02 04 10 38 24 12 48 57 15 11 50 17 37 46 20 17 51
23 8 07 22 10 43 12 12 53 32 15 16 32 17 42 49 20 23 05
24 8 12 39 10 47 59 12 58 06 15 21 15 17 47 52 20 28 18
25 8 17 54 10 52 45 13 02 41 15 25 59 17 52 56 20 33 32
26 8:23:09 10:57:30 13:07:15 15 30 43 17:58:01 20:38:45
27 8 28 23 11 02 15 13 11 50 15 35 27 18 03 06 20 43 58
28 8 33 35 11 06 59 13 16 24 15 40 13 18 08 12 20 49 11
29 8 38 47 13 20 58 15 44 59 18 13 18 20 54 23
30 8 43 57 13 25 33 15 49 45 18 18 25 20 59 36
31 8 49 07 13 30 07 18 23 33



21:04:48 23:41:44 2:07:38 4:23:17 6:48:56 9:23:58

1 21 10 00 23 46 37 2 12 12 4 27 50
6 53 51 9 29 23
21 15 11 23 51 29 2 16 45 4 32 23 6 58 47 9 34 49
3 21 20 22 23 56 20 2 21 17 4 36 57 9 40 16
21 25 33 2 25 50 7 03 44
4 0 01 10 4 41 31 7 08 42 9 45 43
6 21:30:43 0:06:00 2:30:22 4:46:05 7:13:41 9:51:11
7 21 35 53 0 10 49 2 34 53 4 50 40 7 18 41 9 56 40
8 21 41 02 0 15 37 2 39 25 4 55 16 7 23 42 10 02 10
9 21 46 11 0 20 24 2 43 56 4 59 52 7 28 45 10 07 40
10 21 51 19 0 25 11 2 48 27 5 04 28 7 33 48 10 13 11
11 21:56:27 0:29:57 2:52:58 5:09:05 7:38:52 10:18:42
12 22 01 34 0 34 43 2 57 29 5 13 43 7 43 58 10 24 14
13 22 06 41 0 39 27 3 02 00 5 18 21 7 49 05 10 29 47
14 22 11 48 0 44 11 3 06 31 5 23 00 7 54 12 10 35 19
15 22 16 53 0 48 55 3 11 01 5 27 40 7 59 21 10 40 53
16 22:21:58 0:53:37 3:15:32 5:32:21 8:04:31 10:46:26
17 22 27 03 0 58 19 3 20 02 5 37 02 8 09 42 10 52 00
18 22 32 07 1 03 00 3 24 33 5 41 44 8 14 54 10 57 34
19 22 37 10 1 07 41 3 29 03 5 46 26 8 20 07 11 03 09
20 22 42 12 1 12 21 3 33 33 5 51 10 8 25 21 11 08 43
21 22:47:14 1:17:01 3:38:04 5:55:54 8:30:36 11:14:18
22 22 52 15 1 21 40 3 42 35 6 00 39 8 35 52 11 19 52
23 22 57 16 1 26 18 3 47 05 6 05 24 8 41 09 11 25 27
24 23 02 15 1 30 56 3 51 36 6 10 11 8 46 27 11 31 02
25 23 07 14 1 35 33 3 56 07 6 14 58 8 51 45 11 36 36
26 23:12:12 1:40:09 4:00:38 6:19:47 8:57:05 11 42 11
27 23 17 09 1 44 45 4 05 10 6 24 36 9 02 26 11 47 45
28 23 22 06 1 49 21 4 09 41 6 29 26 9 07 48 11 53 19
29 23 27 02 1 53 56 4 14 13 6 34 17 9 13 10 11 58 54
30 23 31 57 1 58 30 4 18 45 6 39 09 9 18 34 12 04 27
31 23 36 51 2 03 05 6 44 02 12 10 01
DEC 32...12 15 34


Age o6 Pisces: 26 Daytight Saving Time; 29, 36

Aldebanan: 17 Detineation: o5 the biAth
ALI, Whammed: 115-118 chart, 109-118, 129-131; oi
Anabotic ptanets: 22 Solanar Retorms, 144-151
Angles: 23 Descendant: 23
Angara ptanets: 23, 93-96 V.P.M. tabtea: 24, 32-33
Annual Side/Leaf Satan. Incne-
ment (ASST): 135-137 Ectiptic: 15, 22
Antares: 17 EpheMenis: 24, 28; sampte
Antimeti.di.an: 23 page, 31
Ascendant: 23 Ephemenis Time: 28
Aspects: 22, 90-92; how to Exaltation: 40
/Lead, 91-92; intenpnetations,
96-107; keywords, 108 Fixed constettations: 49, 57
A6tnorzm.iea.2 Time (AT): 28, Foreground: 23, 93, 144
366 FRANK, Anne: 113-115
ATKINS, Suzan: 151 Fait Moon: 96, 148
Ayanamsa: 26
Gtyphs o6 the conste.2tatians:
Beneiic ptanets: 20, 21-22 19
Sinth chant: 15,22 Gtyphs o6 the ptanets: 19-21
CztdiLna,l constetta ions: 41, House: 23
48, 55, 57 "Nub" constettations: 37
Catabotic ptanets: 22 Hyp4omata: 40
Computing the biAth map: 28
Coniigutation: 22 I-consciousness: 39
Conjunction: 22, 90-91 Inside-Outside Theory: 137-143
ConzteY.lati:ans: 15-18, 87-89; Intetchanges: 119, 137-138;
catendat dates, 19; gtyphs, tuminany, 121-124; planefaty,
19; o6 the Moon, 38-40, 72- 124-128
86; oi the Sun, 38-40, 41-71 Inten-pensonat ftetationships:
Convetting to Sidereal: 26 119-128 .

Luminatiez; 22, 38-40 Sideheat Time, catcutation 06:

Lunah. Re.twtn: 24 30, 32
S i d e i t e a t zodiac: 1 6
Ma2e6ic planets: 20, 21-22 Signs: see CONSTELLATIONS
QERWSR.!Chv.Ee.: 129-137, S o l a r Quotidian (SQ): 1 2 9 ;
144-151 catcutation, 1 3 3 - 1 3 5 ; incite-
Midheaven: 23 ment table, 134; in Aetation-
MONROE, Marilyn: 110-113 ships, 1 5 1
M o o n in the coutetEation6: S a c o . Return: 2 3
38-40, 72-86 Solar Return "Age": 133
Mutable constellations: 51, Sotunat Returns: 144
57, 78 " S p o k e constettations: 57
Square: 22, 90-91
NataL chant: 15, 22 Sun in the coutettations:
Neutitat planets: 20, 21-22 38-40, 41-71
New Moon: 76, 96 Symbot6 8 equivatents: 25
Synasthy: 119-128
Oppozition: 2 2 , 9 0 - 9 1 Synetic Veitnat Point (SVP):
Orbs: 90-91; in natal cheats, 23, 266
91; in quotidian's, 144-148;
Tables 06 Hou4e8: 24; sampte
in Sotunah Retuitns, 144; in
page, 34; use 0 6 , 34-35; in
6yna4thy, 119: in thanzit4,
143; uze 06, 91 4outheim Pexmxyhiw.!37
Time changes: 29
Ptanets: catcutation; 3 2 - 3 3 ; Ttansits: 1 3 8 - 1 4 4 ; detinea-
gtyph4, 20-21; in tksnsitz, tion, 13966
139-143; meanings (genekat), Thine: 22, 90- 91
20-21 Tropicat zodiac: 1 6
Pitecessed Titopicat tongitude: U.A.S.S.I.: 135-137
132 Univeitsat Time (UT): 28
Prece88ion: 1 7 , 2 3
Ptogitessed S i d e t e a l S o l a r VAN HOUTEN, Latie: 151
Retutn (PSSR): 129; catcu- Vehnat Equinox: 23
lation, 1 3 5 - 1 3 7 ; in ite2a-
tionship8, 1 5 1 Waft Time: 29
Zodiac: 22
Retocation: 1 3 2
Rethogtade motion: 33 "
Rim" constettations: 57
Ruling ptane t z : 176, 4 1
Set6: 39
Sextite: 22, 90-91
Side/teat Lunar Return (SLR):
129; catcutation. 133;
detineation, 144-148, 152-
153; in itetationships, 151
Wmhiliex!Solah Retunn (SSR):
129; calcutation, 131-132;
detineation, 1 4 4 - 1 4 7 ; in
r et at ionz hips , 151

During his 15 years as an

active Sidereal astrologer,
TOM STANTON has been a vital
figurehead of Sidereal edu-
cation in the Los Angeles
area. A former officer of
the Sidereal Astrologers.
Guild, he co-founded the
Sidereal School of Astrol-
ogy (Hollywood) with Phyllis
Kneip in 1967, one year be-
fore he co-authored the first
edition of The liutant A4tAol-
JAMES A. ESHELMAN, at 21, has eget. He taught astrology for
already earned a revered spot in two years for the experimental
the annals of Sidereal astrology. college connected with the
He was born in 1954 and began his University of California, Los
serious study of astrology at 13. Angeles, before moving to El
Under encouragement from Garth Passo, Texas, where he taught
Allen, he wrote his first article two more years with the adult
for American Astrology in 1970. education division of the
Since then he has written for Wtmge University of Texas. A Con-
Zodiac Magazine, The Aquanian Agent sultant for ROSA, Tom is pres-
Astrology Now. The Constellations, ently self-employed in real-
The AFA Bulletin, and other general estate where he can indulge
publications. Author of The Sideral in his own specialized inter-
Lerhfssk!and A Couue in Sidet- est, speculative astrology.
Aattology (official course of
the Registry of Sidereal Astrolo-
gers, ROSA), Mr. Eshelman also edits
the Registry's journal, The Con4tet-
He has an incorporator of the
Indiana Federation of Astrologers,
and Co-Founder and Director of An-
dromeda Astrological Services in
Los Angeles. He is a member of the
American Federation of Astrologers,
and Consultant and Life Member of
Mr. Eshelman attended DePauw Uni-
versity (Greencastle, Ind.) where
he studied psychology. He is for-
mally trained as an adjunctive thet-
apist dealing with relationship and
human interaction problems. His em-
phasis in astrology has always been
on the theme of Man, living in his
environment, and interacting with
his fellows.

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