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Name: Naveed Khokhar

Programe:BBA 11 BATCH
Section : A
Instructor:Sir Amjad Ali
Subject: Computer application to management
Registration No:B2011078

Question :1
1) Cooksons Tools decided to try selling via the Internet (, and
since then it has gone from serving customers in a seven-mile radius of its depot in
Stockport, to serving customers worldwide. has even sold Korean tool
back to customers in Korea.
2) Turnover from the traditional business, established more than 40 years ago, now stands at
£1m ayear. The web site, which went live in March 1999, rapidly attracted orders worth
£1600 a day. Turnover doubled every 2.5 months in the first year of operation. Research
carried out by the market research organization MORI shows that more than 50 percent
of SMEs would like to sell more online, and are looking for a simple way to do it.
However, SMEs are lagging behind large competitors in their use of the Internet,
according to a survey of 2500 SMEs across Europe by IDC, the IT research organization
3) Mondus allows SMEs to get multiple quotes for goods and services via the Internet,
rather than
having to ring round or write to suppliers. ‘SMEs get access to suppliers outside their
geography. From June, we will have a global database of suppliers.’ The site, which
includes foreign language translation and credit checking services, began operating in
October 1999. After six months there were 50,000 SMEs on the system, 90 per cent of
them buyers. ‘We have gone from two quotes per order posted on the system to five
quotes per order,’ says Mr Pirouz. ‘It is unlikely that companies would gather more than
that using traditional methods.’ There is no charge for signing up to the site but Mondus
takes a small percentage on each deal concluded. Another example of an e-commerce site
dedicated to SMEs is, set up by Barclays Bank. As well as providing online
banking, this site is a portal for a range of products and services used by SMEs and
provides secure purchase-to-payment procurement.

Question :2
Penmanship acknowledgment (HWR), otherwise called Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR), is the
capacity of a PC to get and decipher clear manually written contribution from sources, for example,
paper records, photos, contact screens and different gadgets. The picture of the composed content
might be detected "disconnected" from a piece of paper by optical checking (optical character
acknowledgment) or keen word acknowledgment. On the other hand, the developments of the pen tip
might be detected "on line", for instance by a pen-based PC screen surface, a for the most part simpler
errand as there are more hints accessible. A penmanship acknowledgment framework handles
organizing, performs right division into characters, and finds the most conceivable words.

Discourse acknowledgment is a promising zone of text section, yet it has been promising for various
years without really conveying usable frameworks! It is conjecture that the market for a fruitful
framework runs into billions of pounds and along these lines a great deal of advancement work is being
placed into this zone. Undoubtedly, functional frameworks are starting to be conveyed industrially so a
significant development around there may happen in coming years. There is a characteristic eagerness
for having the option to converse with the machine and have it react to orders, since this type of
association is unified with which we are extremely recognizable. Effective acknowledgment paces of
more than 97% have been accounted for, however since this addresses a letter in blunder in around
each 30, or one spelling botch each six or so words, this is Stoll unacceptable (sic)! Note additionally that
this presentation is typically cited uniquely for a confined jargon of order words. Attempting to stretch
out such frameworks to the degree of understanding regular language, with its innate ambiguity,
imprecision and stops, opens up a lot more issues that have not been acceptably tackled in any event,
for console entered common language. Also, since each individual talks in an unexpected way, the
framework must be prepared and tuned to each new speaker, or its presentation diminishes. Solid
inflections, a cold or feeling can likewise mess acknowledgment up, as can foundation commotion. This
leads us on to the topic of common sense inside an office climate: not exclusively may the foundation
level of commotion cause blunders, yet in the event that everybody in an open-plan office were to
converse with their machine, the degree of clamor would significantly increment, with related
challenges. Classification would likewise be more enthusiastically to keep up.

Question: 3
CPU is referred to be the computers brain beacuse CPU is one of the most important part of
computer.CPU is the part of a computer that performs calculations, actions, and runs programs.Cpu
stands for central processing unit. The CPU takes instructional inputs from the computer's RAM,
decodes and processes the action, before delivering an output. because it is the main centre of
computer which controls the working like in case of humans all the thinking processes are done by
brain; similarly all the functioning and working of computer is headed or controlled by the CPU.. A good
analogy for the CPU and one you have likely heard a lot is the brain. The brain is not only the hub of
nerves in your body as it doesn’t carry out all of the decisions in your body. The spinal cord is also a hub
of nerves, and so are many other parts of your body. All of these are processing centers. However, since
the brain is the central processing center in your body, directing the greatest number of organs and
processes it is also the most important. Your brain is the CPU in your body. The CPU is the brain in the
computer. The uses of the CPU are many and include performing calculations, running programs, and so
on. The CPU works as part of a broader, more diverse ecosystem that includes Random Access Memory
(RAM) and other parts of the computer. The RAM sends many instructions to the CPU – which decodes
the instructions and then processes these instructions and delivers the output based. its called the brain
of the computer Because it controls and manages all the work and functions of the computer. And
makes everything work fine and its tine efficient

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