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Anime (pronounced AH-nee-may) is a Japanese comic book and video cartoon animation style in which
the main characters have doe-like eyes. Anime is the most common style of Japanese comic books or
manga. In Japan, comic books are a popular form of entertainment for both adults and children. The
plots are frequently sophisticated and complex, extending into episodic series. Ninja and other martial
arts are common anime themes or genres, as are supernatural or horror stories, romance, and science
fiction, which includes robots and space ships. Foils for main characters, such as robots, monsters, or
simply bad people, frequently lack the doe-eyed quality.

Otaku is a Japanese word that describes people with consuming interests, particularly in anime, manga,
video games, or computers.


The history of anime goes back to 1907. At this time, many Japanese artists were influenced by Western
animation and decided to create specific national content for Japan. This was very difficult because
materials were expensive and Japan suffered several economic crises due to natural disasters and later
because of WW2.

In the 1940s, Japan premiered the first animated film which was sponsored by the government. When
the war ended, over the years the manga (Japanese comics) were distributed to the population. They
served as a distraction from the harsh realities that Japanese people had to face after the war.

Modern anime began in 1956 and found lasting success in 1961 with the establishment of Mushi
Productions by Osamu Tezuka, a leading figure in modern manga, the dense, novelistic Japanese comic
book style that contributed greatly to the aesthetic of anime. Anime such as Miyazaki Hayao’s Princess
Mononoke (1997) are the modern equivalent of the epic folk adventures once filmed by Japanese
masters such as Mizoguchi Kenji and Kurosawa Akira.

Today there are a plethora of anime titles aimed at all types of audiences, and it has grown to become
one of the most important export products for the Japanese economy. Anime’s characteristics are
having real-feeling plots, full of emotions and drama. In some cases, strong exaggeration of the actions
performed by the characters is used. Common anime tends to have characters with large, oval eyes,
outrageous haircuts, and very humanized bodies.

Manga is the Japanese term for comics. The word was first used in 1798 to describe the picture book
Shiji no yukikai. The term showed up again in 1814 as the title of Aikawa Minwa's Manga Hyakujo and
Hokusai Manga, books that contained drawings by the artist Hokusai.

Manga is considered by some to be more artistically original than anime, much the same as books are to
films. This is because most mangaka write only original content and many start by self-publishing. In
fact, self-published works, or doujinshi, are incredibly popular. Unlike manga, lots of anime are based
pre-existing stories. This is because it's cheaper to adapt an existing work than it is to create a
completely original storyline. Additionally, adaptations are assumed to be a safer investment; as the
original work will already have a following.

The two media share a unique visual style, and many manga serve as the basis for anime. Still, most
manga are never made into anime series, and not anime series are based on manga

People often asked what the difference between manga and anime is. Although they are both equally
important to Japanese culture and entertainment, the two are not the same thing. Put simply, manga is
the term given to Japanese comic books and graphic novels, whereas anime is the name given to
Japanese animation.

Although both tend to be considered genres in the West, in reality they are a description of how the
content is produced. They share many similarities and the creation of both has been credited to Osamu
Tezuka, sometimes referred to as ‘the godfather of Manga’ and the ‘Japanese Walt Disney’.

Effects of anime in PH

Anime was first introduced to Filipinos during the Martial Law period. Some anime series in the ‘70s
mirrored the country’s political climate, which was marked by the presence of authoritarian leaders and
the emergence of several heroic icons.

Most Filipinos who have been around during that time still remember how former President Ferdinand
Marcos prohibited showing of the first few anime series in the late 70s (Bravo, 2012). Voltes V, one of
the first anime series to have been introduced in the country, was prohibited by Marcos as its plot
focused on rebels fighting for liberation against a dictator. This became a threat to him. Knowing that
the Filipinos were responsive to this, he banned the first few anime series such as Voltes V, Lupin III, and
Mazinger Z at the time of Martial Law, fearing that people would get inspiration from it and spark a


The emergence of anime in the Philippines has led to evident influence towards the Filipino community,
prompting relationships among people of the same interest, and bringing change to local programs.
Anime Explosion introduced cosplay to the Philippines in 2000 wherein anime fans dress as their chosen
or favorite anime character, which formed the first convention that was solely dedicated to anime,
gathering the enthusiasts of the said art form. Included in conventions are cosplay contests and
giveaways of merchandise such as otaku magazines.

Anime has consistently been shown in most Philippines TV Channels and has become a source of
inspiration for local program concepts (Bravo, 2012). ABS CBN 2's - a genre in Philippine Super Inggo and
GMA 7's Super Twins are some of the Filipino fantaseryes television that mixes drama and fantasy
together - that had been heavily influenced by anime in terms of its elements such as hairstyles,
costumes, and weaponry. Although the Filipino characters remain to be Filipino in style, it is evident that
the concepts or themes took inspiration from anime.


Anime is oftentimes seen as a simple source of entertainment; however, it brings about significant
effects on the psychological well-being of anime viewers. After watching an anime, you will always be
looking at the real world with that viewpoint wondering about the implications of the plot in the anime
unfolding in the real world (Somal, 2015).

The characters in the anime can become symbols for some people, and in the anime there are so many
different types of characters that it becomes easy to find one with which one can identify (Okuhara.

Anime highlight to the audience that it is different from reality; that anime can be seen as part of
"fantasy cape" (Napier, 2005). As genres of anime vary with their uniqueness and relatability, the
audience gets sucked into it. It is normal for people to escape reality through means of entertainment;
however, being too engrossed in the thought of leaving everything behind can lead the person watching
to mistake the anime world for the real world. among viewers. It especially increases the social
interaction of viewers who tend to be shy in nature (Gaylican, 2013).


Anime has also been beneficial to anime viewers in the Philippines, influencing them into learning the
Japanese language. Prior studies have confirmed that there is apparent connection between interest in
Japanese animation (anime) and interest in learning Japanese language (Abe, 2009; Fukunaga,
2006;Manion, 2005; William, 2006). Recently, Japanese Animation and popular culture has been popular
with the youth, thus the increase of students and the widening of the range of Japanese courses offered
in the Philippines (Bravo, 2012).

Anime should not be taken as being children’s entertainment only, it is more to the contrary. Most titles
are aimed at a mature audience. There are anime companies that have managed to create content to
satisfy both audiences.

anime influences people who tend to be shy in nature to mingle with other

people, therefore creating a sense of belongingness and a change in nature as they feel that sharing the

same interests unifies them, forming relationships through social events such as convents.

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