Wendy Moore - Kiss Army Argentina Interview

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Kiss Army Argentina Exclusive Intervie With Wendy Moore: There were two opposing sides: Gene and

Paul against the "two fuck ups", Ace and Peter

KISS Army Argentina: First of all, Wendy, thanks a lot for this interview with KISS Army Argentina. Wendy Moore: My pleasure. KAA: We see in your book (Into the Void En el vaco) that your first KISS show was during the Hot in the Shade tour. How much of a KISS fan were you in those days? WM: I was not a big enough KISS fan to have any of their tapes at the time, but one of the first 45 records I ever bought was "Tears are Falling." I may have had a 12'inch version of "I Was Made for Loving You" at the time as well. KAA: After that show, how did your relationship with KISS developed? Did you keep going to their shows? Did you buy their albums? WM: Nothing really happened. I didn't go to anymore shows until I met Ace. I was into other bands like Fleetwood Mac, Zeppelin, Michael Jackson, Stevie Nicks, etc... KAA: During those years (early 90s) the relationship of KISS with Ace Frehley was not exactly in its best moment. Did you anyway ever attend any of Ace Frehleys shows with his solo band? WM: No, I did not. I wasn't thinking about KISS or Ace Frehley by that point anymore. KAA: Please tell us how you met Ace; we know it was by 1998. Were you already aware of his importance within the rock music world? WM: I describe in my book how I met Ace in great detail, on Valentine's Eve 1998. When I saw him my only thought was that he was Ace Frehley and of course I was aware how iconic KISS was in the 70's with their make-up etc... KAA: There are many stories in your book about the moments that Ace and you spent together. How do you remember those moments? By the way, we guess that there are many more stories that we do not know WM: Well, I did write a 2nd book. The sequel is called, "Out Of The Void." It was released at L.A.'s first KISS Expo in 2009. I did not keep a journal. I have what I call a "forbadem memory" which means I can remember things in great detail even from long ago. I can recall exactly what you said and what you were wearing and doing, etc... There is only one secret I kept out of the book; it is about Paul Stanley, which I revealed in the 2nd book. And I also chose not to disclose how Ace hides his drugs when he travels. KAA: The recording process for Psycho Circus was pretty chaotic, and it is a known fact that Peter and Ace barely participated in it. What can you tell us about the way Ace lived that process? Did he feel upset for not participating in it? What did he tell you about it?

-2WM: Ace was upset because he thought his 2 songs were better than the others and he was angry when they left one off. I think it appears on a European version only, I don't remember the name of it, (strangely enough! Ha!) But I sat on the floor with Ace in his bedroom watching him write "Into The Void." And by the way, Gene barely participated in it as well. Most of his bass parts were done by Bruce Kulick, much as Ace's parts were done by Tommy Thayer. Gene's attitude is, "As long as the kids see our faces on the cover they will buy it." KAA: As Aces girlfriend at that time, how did you see the interaction between Ace and Gene and Paul? By the way, some of the stories in your book about Aces behavior are really wild!! WM: There were two opposing sides: Gene and Paul against the "two fuck ups", Ace and Peter. KAA: After the release of Psycho Circus, did you join Ace for the whole tour? If you did, it must have surely been an unforgettable experience, both for the good moments and for the complicated onesIn fact, it is known that for the Argentine leg of that tour, Ace arrived in a flight different to the one of his band mates, as he had lost his flight in New York; besides, it was clear that the relationship among the band members was really bad. How did you see that unhealthy situation? WM: Ace was always late or missing flights, that is nothing new! Hahah! Like I said before, you have two responsible people dealing with a drug addict and with Peter, who doesn't seem interested in being in a rock band anymore. KAA: The following tour was the Farewell Tour, and that marked the end of Ace in the band. Gene and Paul expressed by then that working again with Ace and Peter had been very complicated, especially because of Aces substance abuse problems. As long as you do not get into trouble for saying it, what is your point of view on this? WM: It is very difficult to deal with us addicts when we are in our disease of addiction. It is difficult to have any kind of a relationship at all, let alone a working one with any addict. KAA: In relation to Aces problems with drugs and alcohol, there is in your book a controversial picture of a hotel in Las Vegas in which we can see details of the expenses incurred by Ace during that stay, that included beer, drugs, etc. How complicated it was to follow Aces way of life in those days? WM: It wasn't complicated at all. I was happy to be an active drug addict right along with him by that point and I guess from the very beginning. KAA: In the book KISS & Tell we see that Ace is described in a way that is not precisely friendly. We, the fans, find it hard to believe some of the stories about Ace. Considering this, how would you describe Ace? WM: Gordon G. G. Gebert is an unreliable asshole anyway. Ace is just as I described him. He has one of the best senses of humor you will ever find and he is very intelligent and talented. KAA: Why did you break up with Ace? WM: The book best describes how that came about. I just wanted something more "real" in my life. Ace was never really "real" to me. I wanted a boyfriend I could trust! Hahahah! KAA: If you had the chance, what advice would you give Ace today?

-3WM: To please work a 12 step program to the best of your ability and you will discover a life and world beyond your wildest dreams, just as I have. KAA: Have you ever thought about writing another book with your experiences in the rock music world? Not necessarily including Ace WM: Ace is really my only experience in the rock world. Although I have two short stories in a book by Gordon called, "Rock and Roll War Stories." KAA: Which was Aces best quality, in your opinion? WM: Humor. KAA: When you had already decided to release your book Into the Void, did you talk to Ace first? Did he contact you after the release of the book? Do you know his opinion about it? WM: No, I did not and all of this is answered in "Out of The Void." (hint hint, you should buy it!) Hahahah! KAA: Have you had any type of contact with Ace lately? Have you attended any of the shows he did with his new band after the release of his album Anomaly? WM: We made eye contact at his birthday show April, 27th 2008 at The House Of Blues. I was amazed that he played for two solid hours! I waited for him outside his dressing room after the show but I got tired and hungry so I left. This story is also in my 2nd book. I also met Bill Aucoin that night. KAA: Do you keep in touch with any of the current/former KISS members? What do you think about the current lineup and about the fact that Tommy dons Aces makeup and costume? WM: I think it's stupid that anyone else is in his and Peter's make-up to be honest with you. I stay in contact with Bruce Kulick only. And "Little" Eric Singer hates me for my book. I guess the truth hurts. KAA: We are getting to the end of this interview, so here is our final question; we know that you are a singer! Please tell us about your rock band and the style of music that you do. WM: You can see my band and music on Youtube under my name or my band's name, "Venus Envy." We are classic rock and roll, blues but original material. Sort of Fleetwood Mac meets Janis Joplin I suppose. KAA: Finally, could you please leave a message for all the Argentine KISS and Aces fans? (by the way, there are many of us) WM: I would like to say that we are ALL God's children and no one can judge anyone but God himself, so try to be happy and love everyone and enjoy life because it is short so just keep ROCKIN'!! KAA: Once again, thank you for your time! WM: My pleasure. I was sitting on a vibrating egg while I was doing it. ;-)

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