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Vuong Dang

Gustavo Zavala

BUS 1105-01 - AY2023-T1


Learning Journal


Name: Vuong Dang

Address: *****

Cell Phone: *****

E-mail: *****


• To make an honest effort toward achieving the objectives of the organization in the most

productive and successful way possible.

• To build and improve upon the capabilities, areas of expertise, and areas of knowledge that can

assist the organization in accomplishing its objectives.

• To cultivate and make the most of my many-layered skills, which can contribute to both my

professional and personal development.

•Good writer and organizational skills 

Professional skills—punctuality, business ethics—A team player—Good leadership qualities—

Problem-solving and critical thinking skills •Good interpersonal skills •Analytical and problem-

solving skills •Good interpersonal skills •Analytical and problem-solving skills •Analytical and



As of the year 2020 and continuing: Head of News (LN 24 SA.)

Job description:

• Evaluated information provided by viewers to investigate problems, brainstorm possible

solutions, and guarantee high-quality service.

• Employed consultative methods to gain an understanding of the requirements of viewers and to

provide strategic referrals to business partners and sponsors.

• The promotion of operational best practices led to an increase in both efficiency and the

productivity of the team.

Tasks that have been finished including: • a diligent news correspondent with more than ten

years of experience

• Skilled in the management of projects and time, with extensive knowledge of software

installation and networking, as well as demonstrated ability to juggle multiple tasks at once.
• Dedicated to fostering professional relationships with all of the relevant stakeholders in order to

boost liquidity and increase viewership.

•Professional in customer service who is knowledgeable and dedicated, and who has extensive

experience working in the retail industry

•Someone who can work well in a group, has a positive attitude, and has demonstrated the ability

to build strong relationships with customers.

• Driven by a desire to keep the customers they serve happy and to contribute to the success of

the company.

Develop an expertise in quality, speed, and the optimization of the process.

• Capable of articulating complex ideas, expending a lot of energy, and focusing on getting

results, with an exceptional passion for cultivating partnerships, building relationships, and

expanding businesses.

• Collected feedback from viewers and made adjustments to the process in order to exceed the

follower satisfaction goals by one hundred percent.

• Took complaints regarding malfunctioning products or services and reported them to the

relevant departments.

• Maintained compliance with the company's policies and procedures by fostering an upbeat and

productive atmosphere in the workplace for all of the staff members.

• Resolved issues raised by viewers and improved their overall experience by implementing

solutions that were both prompt and efficient.


Science in Business Administration Degree Program Will Run from 2016 to 2018 The

University of Virginia, Commonwealth of




The guidelines for writing a CV that are outlined in the textbook (McLean, 2010) indicate that

my CV is missing some information, such as my grade, and I am confident that this is the case.

In addition, my employment history is not organized in reverse chronological order, nor is it

formatted to meet the four categories of a CV as required by the textbook.

Additionally, a CV is crafted to meet the job description based on the knowledge that is

gathered; consequently, the minimum qualifications and professional background are essential to

assisting organizations in meeting their objectives. The job description will dictate the specifics

of any profile or objective statements you include. In addition, I would like to display core

competencies on a functional resume that is only one page long. After reading this chapter, I feel

that I have a better understanding of how to highlight my work skills and how they relate to the

positions that I am interested in applying for.

Include a list of the features that are required for each resume; my application will have the

features that are targeted. It depicts a comprehensive image of my capabilities and makes

reference to a particular career path, namely that of a Head of News.

To summarize what was covered in Chapter 9, a strong curriculum vitae should include the

following sections: contact information, an objective statement, educational background, and

work experience (McLean, 2010). In spite of the fact that it needs to be improved, the

requirements layout has been taken into consideration.

The length of my curriculum vitae (CV) is the one aspect that I would alter if I could change just

one thing about it. Since most executives only have time to look over a page of material, I

believe I ought to give the one-page resume a shot (McLean, 2010). To read through the three

pages that make up my curriculum vitae, not counting the cover letter, does require a significant

amount of effort on the reader's part.

Before submitting my CV anywhere, I always give it a quick edit. If I don't really want the job, I

won't bother applying for it. My curriculum vitae absolutely needs to be revised, and after

reviewing these guidelines, I've come to the conclusion that I should give the revision process

another shot before I bring in an expert.

According to what I've read in the past and what I've heard from people who work in human

resources, employers want to see your previous employer before anyone else. This results in a

chronological order that is backwards in my case. My decision to create targeted CVs stems from

the belief that doing so will increase the likelihood that I will be invited to an interview. The only
purpose a curriculum vitae is supposed to serve is to get an applicant for a job into the building

where they can meet with prospective employers and those who make decisions.

If I needed to find a new job, I might make some minor adjustments to the statement that

describes me. That is the case if I am interested in working in a different industry altogether. It

occurs to me that I could make it shorter by cutting out some sentences or rephrasing others.

The reading assignments for this week provided valuable information. I have not given much

thought to the reasons behind the manner in which I communicate when I am using a medium

such as texting, email, a memorandum, a letter, a business proposal, a report, the CV, or a sales

message. When I was recording minutes, I discovered why I had been instructed to perform

certain tasks, which was enlightening information.

In conclusion, I would say that my curriculum vitae (CV) is in excellent shape because it attracts

attention whenever I apply for a new position. My work experience is detailed in a way that is

easy to understand and provides an employer with the fundamental information that they might

be looking for. My educational background is also presented in a clear and concise manner. In

addition, everything is organized according to their classifications. Regarding the acquisition of

new vocabularies, I believe that this week's reading exemplifies a simplified language and does

not contain any vocabulary that is difficult to understand. To put it another way, I didn't discover

anything novel or out of the ordinary that assisted me in gaining a deeper comprehension of the

matter at hand. The reading assignments for this week did not contain any words that were

foreign to me, and all of the concepts that were examined had nomenclature that was familiar

and easy to comprehend. In the past month and a half, as part of my preparation for this quiz as

well as the upcoming exam, I have taken extensive notes.


McLean, S. (2010). Business Communication for Success. The Saylor Foundation. Licensed

under a Creative Commons Attribution- Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 License without

attribution as requested by the work’s original creator or licensee.

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