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Introduction to Business

Cohort Start Date 4th Oct 21

Assessment 1 (A1) – Group Presentation

Table of Contents
The Task ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Formative for A1 ................................................................................................................................. 3
Summative for A1 (Final Submission & Delivery) ..................................................................... 4
Detailed Instructions ......................................................................................................................... 4
Marking Criteria for A1 ..................................................................................................................... 5
Individual Member Participation Form ..................................................................................... 6

The Task

1. Form a small group (2 – 4 students).

2. Work together to come up with a Business Plan for a Start-Up (new business).

3. Design & Deliver a 20 minutes Presentation (in-class) to attract investors (8-

10 slides).

4. Be prepared to answer questions from your potential investors.

This assessment is a Group Presentation weighting at 40% and follows learning

outcomes: LO1, LO2, LO3 as seen in the Module Study Guide:
• LO1 - Recognise different types of business organisations.
Example: The business you create together will be a partnership. Therefore, it
is important to know about the advantages and disadvantages of this type of
business while putting together a Business Plan.

• LO2 - Identify different organisational structures and marketing strategy.

Example: Each business will be different depending on what you are selling,
who you are selling to and how will you sell to them (reach your customers).
Knowing the organisational structure of your business will help you build the
most suitable marketing strategy to achieve success.

• LO3 - Understand the role and activities of the main functional areas within a
typical organisation.
Example: within your group, you will each have the unique opportunity to
contribute something valuable to your Business Plan and presentation. By
knowing your role in the business, you can set and achieve the most suitable
aims to recognise your function within the business.

Formative for A1
The Formative Submission date is in Week 6 on the 11th November where you
need to submit your most recent Power Point Slides (presentation). This needs to be
submitted through Ulearn on the Turnitin Link under the Formative Submission
Links tab, as seen below;

Once you open that tab, you will find the “Week 6 Formative Submission Link” as
seen below;

Your Formative submission will not be graded, but you will gain a valuable opportunity
to receive feedback between 11th Nov till the 16th Nov from your tutors who will
offer guidance to help you make improvements in your work.

Summative for A1 (Final Submission & Delivery)
The Summative submission date to deliver your Group Presentation will be between
week 8 and 9 (22nd November till 4th December). Your Presentation will be
scheduled in a timetable.

Your PowerPoint Slides must be submitted on the 21st November through UWL
BlackBoard under the Turnitin Link.
You will receive your grade along with feedback on Turnitin three weeks after

Detailed Instructions
Get together with your Group to create a Business Plan (a business start-up proposal)
which you can deliver in a presentation to attract potential investors. Remember that
each student in your group is expected to verbally communicate and present the
business plan. Think about how each student in the group can contribute towards the
business. What are your roles within the business? This might be a great opportunity
to conduct a SWOT analysis to find out what each of you can bring to the business.
Using a PESTLE and Porter’s 5 Forces can also help you put together a convincing
Business Plan by exploring the Macro and Micro Business Environment to measure
the risks and recognise how your business maybe potentially impacted. Use the
Template Business Proposal Plan on Ulearn to help you construct your Business Plan.
Remember, your aim is to capture the investors interest and secure an investment
which will help launch your business successfully. This means you need to be
convincing but also be prepared to justify why your business will succeed.

• Distinguish the different types of business organisations and justify why a

partnership start-up (your business) is better than a sole tradership.
• Convince your potential investors that your organisational structure is efficient.
• Highlight the significance of your business’s main functional areas (Inform the
investors who each of you are in the group and what are roles).
• What would be your marketing strategy to reach prospective customers?
• What is your unique selling point?

Be prepared to answer questions about . . .

• What are you selling?
• Who are you selling to?
• How are you going to reach them? (how will you reach your customer)

Marking Criteria for A1
Use the marking criteria to help you design and deliver your presentation successfully
with confidence. This is your chance to shine ! 😊

Criteria Marks
Introduction 5%
• Introduction and background of your presentation
Design and clarity of Presentation 10%
• PPT slides layout, presentation format, and clarity
Clarity of expression 20%
• Knowledge and understanding appropriate to assignment, which
enhances the argument and comprehension
Content, 35%
• Relevant to task and learning outcomes.
• Comprehensive
• Well-researched use of material
Answers to questions 10%
Thoughtful Responsive Drew on knowledge of topic beyond presentation
• Team coordination
• Cohesiveness
Individual Member Participation 10%
Use member participation form*
Harvard Refencing 10%
• Use Sources used are acknowledged in the text and reference list
and used fluently to support discussion.
• Referencing follows a systematic approach, appropriate to the

Individual Member Participation Form
Please remember that each student within the group will be graded individually as well
and must verbally (orally) communicate / deliver at the presentation. Each student
must show their individual contribution towards the Group and identify what their roles
is within the Business.

Student ID 1 2 3 4


Ideas for presentation

Oral (3)

Analysis and evaluation of

material/data (3)

Participation in group
meetings and preparation
of presentation (4)

Total (10)


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