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Data Science and Analytics

SQL Vs NoSQL Databases

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
Issues with scaling up
• Best way to provide ACID and rich query model is to have the dataset on a
single machine
• Limits to scaling up (or vertical scaling: make a “single” machine more
powerful) → dataset is just too big!
• Scaling out (or horizontal scaling: adding more smaller/cheaper servers) is a
better choice
• Different approaches for horizontal scaling (multi-node database):
• Master/Slave
• Sharding (partitioning)

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
Scaling out RDBMS: Master/Slave
• Master/Slave
• All writes are written to the master

• All reads performed against the replicated slave databases

• Critical reads may be incorrect as writes may not have been propagated down

• Large datasets can pose problems as master needs to duplicate data to slaves

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
Scaling out RDBMS: Sharding
Sharding is a method of splitting and storing a single logical dataset in multiple databases

• Sharding (Partitioning) – FOR RDBMS

• Scales well for both reads and writes
• Not transparent, application needs to be partition-aware
• Can no longer have relationships/joins across partitions
• Loss of referential integrity across shards

• Sharding (Partitioning) – FOR NoSQL

• Distributes a single logical database system across a cluster of machines
• Uses range-based partitioning to distribute documents based on a specific
shard key
• Automatically balances the data associated with each shard
• Can be turned on and off per collection (table)

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
Other ways to scale out RDBMS
• Multi-Master replication
• No JOINs, thereby reducing query time
• This involves de-normalizing data

• In-memory databases

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
Replica Sets
• Redundancy and Failover
• Zero downtime for upgrades and maintenance

• Master-slave replication
• Strong Consistency
• Delayed Consistency
• Geospatial features

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
How does NoSQL vary from RDBMS?
• Looser schema definition
• Applications written to deal with specific documents/ data
• Applications aware of the schema definition as opposed to the data
• Designed to handle distributed, large databases
• Trade offs:
• No strong support for ad hoc queries but designed for speed and growth of
• Query language through the API
• Relaxation of the ACID properties

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
Benefits of NoSQL Over SQL
• Elastic Scaling
• RDBMS scale up –bigger load , bigger server
• NO SQL scale out –distribute data across multiple hosts seamlessly
• DBA Specialists
• RDMS require highly trained expert to monitor DB
• NoSQL require less management, automatic repair and simpler data models
• Big Data
• Huge increase in data RDMS: capacity and constraints of data volumes at its
• NoSQL designed for big data

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
Benefits of NoSQL
• Flexible data models
• Change management to schema for RDMS have to be carefully managed
• NoSQL databases more relaxed in structure of data
• Database schema changes do not have to be managed as one complicated change unit
• Application already written to address an amorphous schema
• Economics
• RDMS rely on expensive proprietary servers to manage data
• No SQL: clusters of cheap commodity servers to manage the data and
transaction volumes
• Cost per gigabyte or transaction/second for NoSQL can be lower than the cost
for a RDBMS

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
Drawbacks of NoSQL
• Support
• RDBMS vendors provide a high level of support to clients
• Stellar reputation
• NoSQL –are open source projects with startups supporting them
• Reputation not yet established
• Maturity
• RDMS mature product: means stable and dependable
• Also means old no longer cutting edge nor interesting
• NoSQL are still implementing their basic feature set

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
Drawbacks of NoSQL
• Administration
• RDMS administrator well defined role
• No SQL’s goal: no administrator necessary however NO SQL still requires effort to
• Lack of Expertise
• Whole workforce of trained and seasoned RDMS developers
• Still recruiting developers to the NoSQL camp
• Analytics and Business Intelligence
• RDMS designed to address this niche
• NoSQL designed to meet the needs of a Web 2.0 application -not designed for ad hoc
query of the data
• Tools are being developed to address this need

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
CAP Theorem
• Three main properties of a distributed system (sharing data)
• Consistency:
• all copies have same value A
• Availability: C
• reads and writes always succeed P
• Partition-tolerance:
• system properties (consistency and/or availability) hold even when
network failures prevent some machines from communicating with

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
CAP Theorem
• Brewer’s CAP Theorem:
“For any system sharing data, it is “impossible” to guarantee
simultaneously all of these three properties”
• You can have at most two of these three properties for any shared-data system
• Very large systems will “partition” at some point:
• That leaves either C or A to choose from
(traditional DBMS prefers C over A and P )
• In almost all cases, you would choose A over C
(except in specific applications such as order processing)

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
CAP Theorem


All client always have the Consistency

same view of the data

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
CAP Theorem
• Consistency
2 types of consistency:
1. Strong consistency – ACID
(Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)
2. Weak consistency – BASE
(Basically Available Soft-state Eventual consistency)

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
CAP Theorem
• A consistency model determines rules for visibility and apparent order of updates
• Example:
• Row X is replicated on nodes M and N
• Client A writes row X to node N
• Some period of time t elapses
• Client B reads row X from node M
• Does client B see the write from client A?
• Consistency is a continuum with tradeoffs
• For NOSQL, the answer would be: “maybe”
• CAP theorem states:
“strong consistency can't be achieved at the same time as
availability and partition-tolerance”
Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
CAP Theorem
• Eventual consistency
• When no updates occur for a long period of time, eventually all updates will propagate
through the system and all the nodes will be consistent
• Cloud computing
• ACID is hard to achieve, moreover, it is not always required, e.g. for blogs,
status updates, product listings, etc.

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
CAP Theorem
Each client always can
read and write.



Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
CAP Theorem



Partition A system can continue to

tolerance operate in the presence of
a network partitions

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk
Available, Partition-
Tolerant (AP) Systems
Consistent, Available (CA) Systems achieve "eventual
have trouble with partitions consistency" through
and typically deal with it with replication replication and verification

Consistent, Partition-Tolerant (CP) Systems

have trouble with availability while keeping data
consistent across partitioned nodes

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk

Data Science and Analytics (SW326)– 6th Term – 19SW Dr. Isma Farah Siddiqui isma.farah@faculty.muet.edu.pk22

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