Lower Intermediate Test 2

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Test Units 4-6

Lower Intermediate

Name: _____________________________ Score: 56/_____ Mark: ________

I. Write six sentences using simple past and past continuous. (18 points)

1. ______________________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________________


5. ______________________________________________________________


6. ______________________________________________________________


II. Create two sentences using the zero conditional and two sentences using the
imperative conditional. (8 points)

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________

III. Use a suitable modal verb/semi-modal verb to provide a response in the following
situations. (10 points)

1. I have three weeks off next month, but I don’t know where to go.

Venice is wonderful. ___________________________________________________.

2. There’s a crime wave in the city at the moment.

Yes, it’s very dangerous_________________________________________________.

3. Is it necessary to learn English if you visit China?

Not really, but ________________________________________________________.

4. I’m a fast-food lover.

Really? That’s not good. ________________________________________________.

5. I’m thinking of travelling to Iceland next year.

That’s a great idea. ____________________________________________________.

IV. Read the following text and answer the questions. (6 points)

Travelling by Train

When I was a kid, my family took a trip to Jasper, a small town in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.
We’d been to Jasper many times before, but this time was different. This time we took the train.
The scenery we were able to see - quiet lakes, jagged mountains - was unlike anything we ever
saw from the highway. Since that trip, I have wanted to do more travelling by train.

When it came to deciding where to go for our honeymoon, we talked a bit about Costa Rica. I
even had a romantic hotel picked out. Yet, I couldn’t shake my dream of wanting to see Europe
by train.

So we spent FIVE WEEKS TRAVELLING AROUND EUROPE by train. We saw big cities, small
medieval villages, landscapes so pristine and beautiful it was like looking at a painting.

There really is something romantic about travelling by train. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but
maybe it’s because it takes me back to a simpler time.

I am not a fan of flying. It’s not because I’m fearful of it, but because I hate feeling trapped. I
can’t stretch my legs because the seat in front of me is really close. Compared to airplanes, trains
are far more spacious. The seats are wider (and often more comfortable) plus there’s a lot more
leg room. Many trains have seats that face each other with a table in the middle. This was great
for me as I could easily spread out my books and catch up on my journal writing. I could even
set up my laptop and edit some photos.

The trains were also not very crowded, at least when we travelled in September. I loved having
an empty seat next to me so that I could stretch, even lay down and have a nap. I am far less
grumpy on arrival when I travel by train than when I fly!

Most trains don’t require you to make a reservation which means you can just show up, buy a
ticket and get on board. There also is a lot of choice when it comes to departure times. Most
destinations offer multiple trains a day, the most popular ones having at least one train an hour,
if not more. In every aspect, travelling by train is the best type of travelling.

1. Why did he not travel to Costa Rica?



2. Why does he prefer trains to airplanes?



3. How does he feel after travelling by train in comparison to travelling by plane?



V. Write a text about two cities you have visited in the past. The text must include at
least: (14 points)

- 3 comparative sentences
- 3 superlative sentences















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