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Jaylen McDuffie, Jai McGriff, and Narrio Walks

Requested by President Mary Finger

April 28th, 2020


Transmittal Document

This feasibility analysis report was created in response to the request received from the President

of Seton Hill University, Dr. Mary Finger. Dr. Finger has requested that research be done in order to

explore exactly how feasible it would be to implement a new campus of Seton Hill University in Parma,

Italy. Seton Hill has already developed its own connections to the city prior to the request for this

analysis, so this was a report done only to explore the factors that are important in dealing with the

implementation of a new university in a specific area. This report is to be sent to Dr. Finger because it

was her who made the request for this analysis initially. The contents within the report provide everything

that is needed to know in order to make a more informed decision on whether or not the building of a new

campus can be done. The contents cover each and every aspect that is important to university success as

well as a positive college life for the possible students. Covering the most recent data possible, the proper

conclusions are made in the end from the information that was found. The research of this report was

extremely insightful as well as enjoyable. The opportunity to learn from the analysis that was done was

unique and educational. As a group, we would like to thank you for this opportunity to create this report.

Executive Summary

The contents of this report consist of information regarding topics that discuss the feasibility

analysis of opening a Seton Hill campus in Parma, Italy. This analysis was requested by the President of

Seton Hill, Dr. Mary finger. The findings section of the report includes the technicalities of opening a

new university in a new area, as well as health and safety information, and information regarding the

lifestyle of the area and the many things to do in Parma. The information regarding the demographics,

economy, geography, and revenue are technicalities that are extremely important when making this type

of decision. The area has to be sufficient to take care of the needs of a university, both geographically as

well as the general behaviors of the city. It is also important that the demographic population is suitable

for a university as well as the economy of the general area as well as the surrounding areas. The

information regarding the health care and laws are what will ensure the health and safety of the students.

It is important to make sure a university is not put in an area of high crime, because that would put the

students in danger. Finally, everything regarding the lifestyle in Parma including the cost of living, the

things to see and do, and the availability of sports. These are all important factors to consider as well,

because they provide for student life while in college, and having places to go and things to do are an

important factor in a student’s decision when visiting colleges, so it is just as important to consider these

pieces of information. This may seem as though it is irrelevant when reading information on it, however,

the more there is to do in the area, the more willing a student is to attend the university. After researching

all of this information and putting it all together, it was concluded that it is definitely feasible to open a

campus of Seton Hill University in Parma. The areas of Parma, Italy and Greensburg, Pennsylvania,

where Seton Hill is currently located are different, so it was recommended that when implementing the

coursework and majors that the university would offer, that they take the cultural needs and differences

into consideration as well as the educational differences and offer majors and courses that best suit the

area in which the university will be in. In general, the implementation of a Seton Hill campus in Parma is

completely feasible, and if it were to happen, with the recommendations made considering the majors and

courses offered, the university could be extremely successful after all of the considerations made.

Table of Contents

1. Background ....................................................................................................................................... p. 1
2. Need for study.................................................................................................................................... p. 1
3. Problem Statement ............................................................................................................................ p. 1
4. Purpose & Scope ............................................................................................................................... p. 2
5. Procedures ......................................................................................................................................... p. 2
6. Findings ............................................................................................................................................. p. 2
I. Demographics ............................................................................................................................... p. 2
i. Demographics of Parma, Italy ........................................................................................................ p. 3
ii. Demographics of Italy as a whole .................................................................................................. p. 5
iii. Education......................................................................................................................................... p. 7
II. Economy ....................................................................................................................................... p. 7
i. Economy of Parma, Italy ................................................................................................................ p. 8
ii. Economy of Italy as a Whole ......................................................................................................... p. 8
III. Revenue ........................................................................................................................................ p. 9
i. The Current Revenue of Seton Hill University .............................................................................. p. 9
ii. Average Salaries for Italian Professors vs. American Professors ................................................ p. 10
iii. Scholarships in Italy ..................................................................................................................... p. 10
IV. Geography .................................................................................................................................. p. 11
i. Geography of the Land of Parma, Italy ........................................................................................ p. 11
ii. Industrial Nature of the City ......................................................................................................... p. 11
V. Cost of Living ............................................................................................................................. p. 11
i. Student Accommodation in Italy .................................................................................................. p. 12
ii. Student Accommodation in Parma ............................................................................................... p. 12
iii. Eating and Grocery Costs ............................................................................................................. p. 13
iv. Tuition and Fees ........................................................................................................................... p. 14
VI. Transportation ............................................................................................................................. p. 15
i. Transportation Available .............................................................................................................. p. 15
ii. Transportation Costs .................................................................................................................... p. 15
VII. Laws ............................................................................................................................................ p. 16
i. Driving Laws, Gun Laws, and Alcohol/Drug Laws ..................................................................... p. 16
ii. Crime Rates in Parma ................................................................................................................... p. 17
VIII. Health Care ................................................................................................................................. p. 18
i. Health Care Policies in Italy Available for University Students .................................................. p. 18
ii. Hospitals and Other Health Care Facilities in Parma, Italy ......................................................... p. 18
IX. Things to See in Parma ............................................................................................................... p. 19
i. Historic Sights .............................................................................................................................. p. 19
ii. Museums and Theaters ................................................................................................................. p. 19
X. Parma Lifestyle ........................................................................................................................... p. 20
i. Activities and Costs ...................................................................................................................... p. 20
ii. Places to Eat ................................................................................................................................. p. 21
iii. Shopping for Food ........................................................................................................................ p. 21
XI. Sports and Sport-Related Activities ........................................................................................... p. 22
i. Average Stadium Costs in Italy vs. in America ........................................................................... p. 22
ii. Popular Sports in Italy .................................................................................................................. p. 22
iii. Sport-Related Activities in Parma, Italy ...................................................................................... p. 23
7. Recommendations, Conclusions, & Summary ................................................................................ p. 23
8. References ....................................................................................................................................... p. 25
9. Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... p. 28
I. Table 1 ........................................................................................................................................ p. 28

II. Table 2 ........................................................................................................................................ p. 28

III. Table 3 ....................................................................................................................................... p. 28
IV. Table 4 ....................................................................................................................................... p. 28
V. Table 5 ....................................................................................................................................... p. 29
VI. Figure 1 ....................................................................................................................................... p. 29
VII. Figure 2 ....................................................................................................................................... p. 29
VIII. Figure 3 ....................................................................................................................................... p. 29
IX. Figure 4 ....................................................................................................................................... p. 30
X. Source Copy 1 ............................................................................................................................ p. 30
XI. Source Copy 2 ............................................................................................................................ p. 31
XII. Source Copy 3 ............................................................................................................................ p. 31
XIII. Source Copy 4 ............................................................................................................................ p. 32
XIV. Source Copy 5 ............................................................................................................................ p. 32
XV. Source Copy 6 ............................................................................................................................ p. 33


The contents of this report contain information in many areas in the specific location of Parma,

Italy as well as the entire country of Italy in some areas. The general demographics in Parma are

discussed along with the demographics of Italy in order to gain perspective on the entire demographic

makeup of Italy as well as in Parma alone. In this section the educational systems in the area are also

discussed. The economy of Parma alone as well as the economies in other areas of Italy are discussed in

the next section. After the economy, there is information on matters to do with revenue, including the

current revenue of Seton Hill University, average salaries of professors, as well as scholarship

opportunities in Italy. Afterwards, there is information of on the geography of Parma, discussing its land

geography as well as the nature of the city. After the geography is discussed, the report moves onto

possible student life, with first discussing the cost of living, including student accommodation as well as

the cost of needs like groceries as well as tuition and fees. Then there is information on the type of

transportation available and how much it would cost in Parma, as well as the laws and regulations put in

place to keep the people of the city safe and the city’s crime rates to a minimum. After these pieces of

information, the health care system availability in Parma is discussed. Following health care is

information of the historic sights and museums of Parma as well as other activities, their costs, places to

eat, and sporting event information. After the presentation of all of this information, conclusions and

recommendations are made.

Need for Study

This study was done because it was requested by the Seton Hill University President, Dr. Mary

Finger. Dr. Finger requested a feasibility analysis to explore this new opportunity in Italy.

Problem Statement

The question that was to be answered with the contents of this report for Dr. Finger was what the

feasibility is of opening a new Seton Hill Campus located in the city of Parma, Italy. This was the

opportunity in Italy that Dr. Finger has requested the exploration of in the need for study above.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this report was to find information based on the problem statement and make

recommendations on whether it is feasible to implement a Seton Hill campus in Parma, Italy or not based

off of what is found. The scope of this report was limited to only the exploration of opening a Seton Hill

campus in this city. The university already possesses connections in Parma, so it was unnecessary to

research further than that.


In order to ensure the quality of the report, an outline of the general contents of the report was

created. Following this, a list of all of the information needed to cover each area important to college life

and implementing a new campus was made as a collective group. The SWAT analysis was used in order

to move forward with the writing process. SWAT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Advantages, and

Threats. After the list was made, the information was split up for research between each individual based

on the strengths that they had so as not to highlight any of the group’s weaknesses. Advantages found

throughout the process were within the research process. Many of the sources seemed to stem from

another, making the process much easier to work through. Along with advantages, there were also some

threats found during the research process. These threats occurred when a piece of information was more

difficult to find, if there was not as much information as another section had, or if the website was in full

Italian and needed translation. After the research process, the information was all put together and

organized into an outline, and then each person wrote their part of the report based on their research.

After this part was finished, the supplemental sections were also split up among the group in order to

finish the rest of the report.



Parma, Italy is the specific area that is under consideration for the implementation of a Seton Hill

campus, so it is important to consider the population and general demographics of the area. However, it is

also important to consider the demographics and educational habits of the entire country of Italy, because

it is expected that students from all over the country would attend the university, along with international

students from all over. It is also important to consider within the demographics in Italy the average

income, because it is necessary to know whether students and families will be able to afford attendance to

the university in question.

Demographics of Parma, Italy

The city of Parma exists among the highest populated cities in all of Italy. Since around 2002, the

population of Parma has been increasing steadily (Europe, 2020). Between 2002 and 2016, the population

of Parma increased by 17.72% (Parma, 2020). During this time, the population growth was affected by

the growth in the number of residents born by those who were foreign and settled in Parma, which was

over 385% (Parma, 2020). Another important factor of population growth is birth rate, which is currently

at 8.62 births for every 1,000 inhabitants in Parma (Parma, 2020). Parma is ranked as the 23 rd most

populated cities in Italy, with 146,299 inhabitants (Italy, 2020). In the 2019 Census, it was reported that

the gender composition in Parma, Italy was made up of 52% males and 48% females (see Table 1).

Table 1.

Source: “Europe.” (Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) - Population Statistics, Charts, Map, Location,
Weather and Web Information. Accessed April 24, 2020.

While looking at the general population of Parma is important, it is also important to look at the age

distribution of the population. Taking a deeper look at the age distribution in increments of ten years

within the city, it is shown that the number of those still able to attend college heavily outweighs those

who are unlikely to continue their educations (see Table 2).


Table 2. Age Distribution within Parma, Italy

Source: “Europe.” (Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) - Population Statistics, Charts, Map, Location,
Weather and Web Information. Accessed April 24, 2020.

The population of Parma is comprised of 15.6% of those ages 0-17 years of age, 62% of those aged 18-

64, and 22.4% of those who are 65 and over (Europe, 2020). The number of inhabitants who are college-

aged, who may intend on going back to school in their adulthood, or who are young and still have the

opportunity to attend college in the future makes up the majority of the population of Parma, Italy. In the

figure below, the distribution of the average salaries is shown more in depth (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Distribution of Salaries in Parma

Source: “Average Salary in Parma 2020.” The Complete Guide. Accessed April 28, 2020.

As for the distribution of nationalities in Parma, it is known that most of those who live in Italy

are generally Italian. Some areas are more diverse, just like in other countries. In Parma, about 83.3% of

the population are native Italians, while about 16.7% of the population are foreigners from many areas

who have come and settled their lives in the city (Europe, 2020).

Demographics of Italy as a Whole

Italy is a highly populated country and is among the highest populated countries in the world. As

of Monday, April 6th, 2020, the population of Italy reached 60,482,328 inhabitants (Italy, 2020). The

population of Italy makes up about 0.78% of the total world population which currently puts the country

at the 23rd highest populated country in the world (Italy, 2020). The population is affected by the

country’s growth rate, which is at 0.11% annually, and partly due to the birth rate, which is very similar to

that of Parma at 8.4 births per 1,000 inhabitants (Italy, 2020). Worldometer stated that “despite a

distinctive pattern with an industrial north and an agrarian south, a fairly even population distribution

exists throughout most of the country” (Italy, 2020). Though this is true, the areas that are more populated

exist among the coastal areas, the Po River Valley, and any urban centers such as Milan, Rome, and

Naples (Italy, 2020). In Italy, life expectancy has risen consistently throughout the years for both males

and females and is presently at the highest point it has ever been (see figure 2).

Figure 2. Life Expectancy in Italy from 1955 to Present

Source: “Italy Demographics.” Worldometer. Accessed April 24, 2020.

The majority of the population in all of Italy is those who are still likely to go to college. About

13.45% of the population is between 0 and 14 years of age, 9.61% between 15 and 24 years, and 40.86%

between the ages of 25 and 54 (Pleacher, 2020). As for the rest of the population, anyone aged 55 and

above makes up only about 36.08% of Italy’s entire population (Pleacher, 2020). The total dependency

ratio in Italy is at 57, meaning that the working-age population and the overall economy has a larger

burden when it comes to supporting the youth and the elderly (Italy - Age, 2020).

Diversity levels in Italy are not as high as in other countries. Almost 92% of the population are

native Italians, leaving only about 8% to identify as one of the many minority groups within the country,

Romanian-Italians being the largest out of all of them (Bbitaliantranslation, 2020). The dominant ethnic

group; the Italians, speak the Italian language (Bbitaliantranslation, 2020). Although a small number,

diversity is spread throughout Italy, with the Greek-Italians and the Albanian-Italians in the south, and the

French-Italians, Slovene-Italians, and German-Italians in the north (Bbitaliantranslation, 2020). When it

comes to religion, most of those living in Italy are Roman-Catholic, however a small number of Italian

citizens profess to Judaism, Protestantism or migratory Islam (Bbitaliantranslation, 2020).

Italy is ranked in the above average category when it comes to income, wealth, work-life balance,

civic engagement, social connections, and health status (OECD, 2020). However, it falls into the below

average category when it comes to housing, well-being, environmental quality, jobs and earnings,

personal security, and education and skills (OECD, 2020). The average household disposable income is

only 26,588 USD per year, and there is a large gap between the top 20% and the bottom 20% (OECD,

2020). The top 20% earn over six times the amount that the bottom 20% earn (OECD, 2020). Italy holds

the spot at one of the highest unemployment rates in Europe with only about 67.9% of Italian natives with

jobs and 74.3% of immigrants with jobs (Merelli, 2017). This rate is because immigrants are typically

more willing to do the hard work that the natives are not willing to do, like becoming a pizza chef

(Merelli, 2017). These immigrants make up about 11% of the totally workforce in Italy, bringing in about

9% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (Merelli, 2017).



When it comes to education and going to university in Italy, about 67% of the adults between the

ages of 25 and 64 currently have completed this level of upper secondary education (OECD, 2020). For

education, it is guaranteed by the constitution that state schools are allowed, and universities are

independent (Marino and Larner, 2020). Along with state schools, private schools are also permitted, and

they are typically run by religious bodies (Marino and Larner, 2020). Although many opt for university

education, it is not required (Marino and Larner, 2020). Typical university education in Italy includes a

range from technical and trade schools, to art schools, and schools of the sciences (Marino and Larner,

2020). In their article on the “Encyclopedia Britannica” the authors write,

“University education is composed of three levels. At the first level, it takes between two and

three years to gain a diploma. At the second level, between four and six years are spent to gain a

university degree. At the third level, specialized courses of two to five years’ duration or

doctorate courses lasting three to four years are offered.”

University education in Italy has been becoming more and more popular as jobs are requiring more and

more education, which is quite the same as it has been in America along with other countries. The way

that their levels are set up is equivalent to the degree levels we have in America, the Associate’s Degree,

Bachelor’s Degree and the Master’s, Doctorate, or PhD.

The majority of the population of Parma as well as the majority of the population of all of Italy is

comprised of those who are young, and have the possibility of entering college, those who are college-

aged currently, and those who are adults who are still able to go back to school and earn a degree. The

income of the areas in Italy around Parma is desirable, and the educational system is very similar to that

of America.


Similar to the consideration of demographics, it is important to consider the economy that exists

in Parma, because it is the area under speculation, and it is important to find whether it allows for the

implementation of a new university or not. It is also important in this category to consider the economy in

other areas of Italy because it is necessary to provide better insight on whether citizens from areas outside

of Parma will be able to afford the university.

Economy of Parma, Italy

The economy of Parma, Italy is mainly an agricultural economy (The Editors, 2010). This is

nature to the region it is located in; Emilia-Romagna. Emilia Romagna is one of the largest agricultural

regions in all of Italy (The Editors, 2010). Parma is typically described as the capital of the European food

and agriculture industry (Soutinho, 2019). This title comes from its long history and tradition and these

two combined with investment created an extremely important ad highly respected cultural vocation

(Soutinho, 2019). An extremely important aspect of the economy of Parma is its tourism (Soutinho,

2019). Because this city attracts so many tourists because of its history, it has become an essential part of

its economy (Soutinho, 2019).

Economy of Italy as a Whole

Parma is surrounded by some of the most important economic centers in Italy. For example,

Milan is considered to be the most important economic center of Italy because of its geographical position

which made it a sort of market center for all of Italy (Lecco and Foot, 2020). Milan contains the most

important wholesale markets in Italy, which are a huge contributing factor to its economy (Lecco and

Foot, 2020). The tourists that Milan attracts contribute to the economy of Parma as well because the

tourists in Milan typically travel to Parma because of how close the cities are. Venice is another area that

is closer to Parma that is an important economic center in Italy. Because the city is on water, it is a large

contributor to maritime commerce (Cosgrove and Cessi, 2019). In terms of Gross Domestic Product, the

city of Bologna generated about $40.6 billion in USD in 2017 (Bologna, 2020). This was the third highest

figure among the provinces in Italy, and the economy of the city is described as flourishing (Bologna,

2020). Rome, although a farther city from Parma holds 0.1% of the world’s economic trade on its own

(Economy of Rome, 2019). As the capital of Italy, it produces 6.7% of the national Gross Domestic

Product on its own (Economy of Rome, 2019). The city of Florence is another important economic city in

Italy that is heavy on industrial work (Foot, Silver, and Ehrlich, 2019). It is another city that flourishes on

tourism, and much of their tourism comes from American and foreign students coming to the city or

traveling from schools in surrounding areas (Foot, Silver, and Ehrlich, 2019). The final city to discuss is

Turin, which is Italy’s third largest economic center city-wise, following Rome and Milan (Economy of

Turin, 2019). The city produced $27.5 billion in USD in 2004, which was 2.2% of the national Gross

Domestic Product (Economy of Turin, 2019). The city has converted to large urban areas which has

contributed to its economic growth and development (Economy of Turin, 2019).

The economy within Parma is desirable in that it relies on tourism traffic, and its cultural history.

Along with this, the economy in all of Italy is also desirable because although there are many more areas

to consider, most of the cities have stable economies providing stable incomes for families.


In order to make the decision of whether to implement a Seton Hill campus in Parma, Italy,

another factor that needs to be considered is the university’s revenue, as well as salaries for Professors in

Italy vs. in America, an scholarships that are available for students in Italy.

The Current Revenue of Seton Hill University

Seton Hill University is a private, catholic university located in Greesnburg, Pennsylvania (Seton,

2020). The university was founded in 1885 as an all-girls school and as of 2002 has become a coed

university (Seton, 2020). As of 2018 the university received $85 million in USD in revenue and had a

total of $166 million in USD in assets (Seton, 2020). Throughout the years, Seton Hill University has

slowly increased its revenue as shown in the figure below (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Seton Hill University Revenue Trends

Source: “Seton Hill University Tuition.” College Tuition Compare. Accessed April 13, 2020.

Because of its revenue, Seton Hill made an impact of $116.8 million in USD on the economy of

Pennsylvania, producing over 1,000 jobs in 2018 (Seton Hill, 2020). Over the past four years, Seton hill’s

economic impact due to its revenue has increased by over $46 million in USD (Seton Hill, 2020).

Average Salaries for Italian Professors vs. American Professors

Salaries for professors in both Italy and America range based on the type of professor as well as

how long the individual has been working for. Based off of the report from the 2016-2017 school year in

America, the average salary for a full-time professor was at $102,402 in USD (Professor, 2020). An

associate professor in America earned an average of $79,654 in USD, and an assistant professor earned an

average of $69,206 in USD (Professor, 2020). In Italy, however, the pay grade is a bit different. The

average pay for a professor in Italy is about $60,000 in USD, earning about $29 in USD per hour of work

(ERI, 2019). The average range for a professor’s salary in Italy ranges from $42,025 to about $74,415 in

USD (ERI, 2019). Similar to American Professors, the highest degree that a Professor in Italy can receive

is a Doctorate Degree (ERI, 2019).

Scholarships in Italy

In Italy, a scholarship is typically offered by the government of the university (Tuition, 2020). A

scholarship from the Italian government is also offered to international students who are entering all

degree levels (Tuition, 2020). These scholarships are also offered for any teachers who teach Italian as a

second language (Tuition, 2020). These scholarships are offered at a range of three, six, of nine months at

a time (Tuition, 2020). There are also some Italian universities like Politecnico di Milano, University of

Padova, Bocconi University, and Bologna University that also offer scholarships for international

students that typically range from 5,000 and 12,000 euros each year (Tuition, 2020). The government as

well as the universities do also offer scholarships to Italian citizens as well (Tuition, 2020).

The revenue that Seton Hill brings in is always increasing. The salaries of Professors in Italy are

significantly lower by nature than the salaries of Professors in America. There are many scholarship

opportunities available for students in Italy.



It is important to consider the geography of Parma in order to make this decision. It is important

to consider the area and that the land allows for the building of a new university. It is also important to

consider the nature of the city, how busy it is, and how it flows to ensure that it is a good area for a


Geography of the Land of Parma, Italy

Parma is located within the province of Emilia-Romagna in the country of Italy (The, 2020).

Parma is characterized as a nice medium-sized city (The, 2020). It is enclosed by the plains of the Po river

valley in the North and by the woods of the Apennines in the South (The, 2020). It is the city located

between the fields of the Lower Padana and the Apennine valleys, where there have been so many

cultural developments in ideas and sensibilities to create their basis of civilization (Home, 2020). Their

civilization is based solely on food, hospitality and the earth (Home, 2020).

Industrial Nature of the City

Parma is an important center for tourism, where the economy thrives off of traffic from tourists

from all over the world. Because of this, Parma possesses an extremely welcoming and friendly nature

(Living, 2020). The city life in Parma can be described as busy, but easy-going at the exact same time

(Living, 2020). It is not uncommon that you would see someone traveling by bicycle rather than a car

(Living, 2020). A bicycle is the perfect means to travel from one place to another because of how flat

most of the land is (Living, 2020). The beautiful city of Parma is a happy medium where it is busy, but in

no way chaotic, as well as neat and tidy, but never boring (The, 2020).

The city of Parma, Italy is built mainly on agricultural flatlands. The area is a tourist center and it

is busy, but it is not too busy, and is a fairly clean city with plenty of opportunities.

Cost of Living

Student accommodation is a huge factor to take into consideration is the amount of student

accommodation available in the area, and the typical costs of student housing. Here it is also important to

consider food and grocery expenses as a factor into the cost of living for a student. Typical tuition costs

compared with the current tuition of Seton Hill University is another important part of the cost of living.

Student Accommodation in Italy

In general, living accommodations for university students in Italy can be rather cheap or more

expensive, depending on the choice you make. The overall living costs for international students in Italy

can range between 700 and 1,000 euros per month (Tuition, 2020). These costs include living

accommodation, food, public transportation, as well as any local travel or entertainment (Tuition, 2020).

Although the price may seem higher, when you factor in each of those costs, it does not seem

unreasonable at all. Sharing an apartment with other students is one possible way to reduce any monthly

expenses (Tuition, 2020). Doing this is possible, as well as living with a local family and practicing your

Italian skills as well as learning the Italian lifestyle and tradition (Tuition, 2020). This is a great option if

you are looking for the cull cultural experience. University students living alone in Italy typically spend

around 400 to 700 euros per month, those living in student accommodation provided by the university

spend around 250 to 300 euros per month, and those sharing a rented apartment can spend anywhere from

250 to 500 euros per month, depending on where they are living and how many students are sharing the

cost (Tuition, 2020). For comparison purposes between Parma and other cities, the typical price a student

would pay per month in Bologna costs around 750 to 1,100 euros, a student in Florence pays around 850

to 1,300 euros, and a student in either Milan or Rome pays around 850 and 1,450 euros (Tuition, 2020).

Student Accommodation in Parma

In Parma, the standard of living typically corresponds to that of Northern Italy (Living, 2020).

There are many different ways to find accommodation for students in Parma. The average rent for a

studio flat is about 300 to 550 euros per month (Living, 2020). The average rent for a flat with two room

is about 600 to 800 euros per month (Living, 2020). The average rent for one room in a private flat is

around 200 to 350 euros per month, while for a double room in a private flat costs 150 to 250 euros per

month (Living, 2020). There is a university in Parma, called The University of Parma. It does not provide

any residence halls for exchange students or international students, but it does provide these students with

equal opportunity to apply for accommodation as native Italian student would (Living, 2020) The table

below provides a few examples of the costs of different living situations (Table 3).

Table 3. Cost of Living in Parma

Source: “Cost of Living in Parma.” . Apr 2020. Prices in Parma. Accessed April 28, 2020.

Eating and Grocery Costs

In Parma, there are some typical meals that a student will get. For example, pizza, a beverage,

espresso and dessert costs about 15 euros (Living, 2020). The typical costs of food items and beverages in

restaurants as well as in supermarkets are shown in the table below (Table 4).

Table 4. Cost of Food in Restaurants and Markets

Source: “Cost of Living in

Parma.” . Apr 2020. Prices in Parma. Accessed April 28, 2020.

A typical meal in a trattoria in Parma costs about 25-30 euros (Living, 2020). In mid-range restaurants, it

is common for a pasta dish to range between 6 and 12 euros, while a fish or meat course is more

expensive, ranging from 8 and 16 euros (Tuition, 2020). Full meals can reach higher process because it is

typical for Italian restaurants to serve hors d'oeuvres as well (Tuition, 2020). Any breakfast in a local café

in Parma costs about 2,20 euros, while a lunch in the local café costs about 6 euros (Living, 2020). A

meal at the University of Parma cafeteria costs about 4 to 8 euros for a full lunch meal (Living, 2020).

One week of grocery shopping is about 50 euros for one single person (Living, 2020). A student

purchasing groceries from local supermarkets like Lidl, Penny Market or Esselunga, will spend only

about 150-200 euros per month (Tuition, 2020). These supermarkets have the lowest prices in Parma

(Tuition, 2020).

Tuition and Fees

In Italy in general, public universities will set their tuition and fees based on the school’s

discipline and the degrees that are offered (Tuition, 2020). Tuitions range from 0 to 5,000 euros per

academic year, and if you are an international student prices are typically much higher (Tuition, 2020). It

Is also typical for private universities to charge higher fees than public universities, as it is in America

(Tuition, 2020). For example, the average tuition and fees for a private university in Italy can cost

anywhere from 3,000 and 35,000 euros per academic year (Tuition, 2020). At Seton Hill specifically, the

tuition for the upcoming academic year is $37,998 USD (Seton Hill University, 2020). This is a 3.1%

increase from the previous academic year (Seton Hill University, 2020). Throughout the Other costs at

Seton Hill include housing. On-campus housing will cost about $14,712 USD, and off-campus housing is

estimated to cost about $12,706 USD (Seton Hill University, 2020). The undergraduate tuition and fees

have typically been higher than that of other universities, especially of those in Italy (Seton Hill

University, 2020).

Depending on the area in which a student is living, and how they choose to live, they can live at

fairly reasonable prices. This is true for all of Italy as well as specifically in Parma. Expenses regarding

groceries and eating out are also not as expensive as a typical student in America would spend. The

current Seton Hill full tuition and fees is a bit higher than that of a private school in Italy but taking into

consideration that you will be removing the cost of housing, it is comparable.



Transportation availability is extremely important. having a way for students to get around the

area, to and from places is extremely important to college life. Knowing what types of transportation area

available along with prices for the forms of transportation can be extremely impactful.

Transportation Available

In Parma, there are multiple forms of transportation available within the city that will help

students get from one point to another. There are many car parks available in Parma, but if opting to use

one, a student needs to purchase a parking permit (Explore, 2020). There are also taxi services available

for students who do not choose to have their own vehicle (Explore, 2020). There are limited traffic zones,

however, in the main areas of Parma because it is a historical center, so it may be an easier option to leave

a personal vehicle at home (Explore, 2020). Along with taxis there are also shuttle buses, and bike rentals

with many bicycle routes, which are the most common means of transportation (Explore, 2020). Public

transport is the easiest as well as the most convenient method to travel in all of Italy, as well as Parma

(Tuition, 2020). It is far less common than to drive your own vehicle, and many do not even own one.

The train networks in Italy is quick and extremely well-maintained, so visiting other cities during a break

or a weekend is an option for students in Parma (Tuition, 2020).

Transportation Costs

In order to use public transportation, it is necessary to have a bus pass, or bus ticket, or train

tickets. Depending on the city, a monthly bus, tram, or metro ticket for a student can cost anywhere

between 25 and 45 euros per month depending on the city (Tuition, 2020). In Parma, a single

metropolitan bus ticket costs € 1,20 and is valid for one hour (Living, 2020). There is also an option to

purchase a weekly bus pass that contains 8 tickets that are valid for one hour for € 8,00 (Living, 2020). A

monthly bus pass costs € 28,50 and a bus pass good for 3 months costs € 63,00 (Living, 2020). When

taking a trip, a fare can start around € 20, but a student can get up to 70% off of a ticket if they book a

ticket earlier (Tuition, 2020).


Parma has any type of transportation you could ask for available. Although some forms are better

than others in this city, the amount of transportation available provides for easy and cost-effective



The laws that are put in place in areas are important to the safety of students, so it is important to

consider what the laws are in this area in order to decide whether Parma is a safe enough area to allow for

college life. This is determined by the laws put in place as well as the crime rates in the city.

Driving Laws, Gun Laws, and Alcohol/Drug Laws

In different countries, laws can be different, which can often cause confusion for students

attending a university internationally. It is also important to consider these laws to make sure that they

coincide with the Seton Hill mission statement and are in place to keep students safe. In Parma, there are

laws put in place in multiple categories, including driving, firearms, and alcohol and drugs. When you are

issued a ticket in Parma, the police have the right to collect the fine of the ticket at the moment it is issued

(Travel, 2011). For students who may choose the option of using a rental car, the rental company will be

issued the fine and they will pay it with your credit card immediately (Travel, 2011). When driving, it is

required to have your headlights on at all times to ensure safety (Travel, 2011). As it is in America, it is

illegal to use a cellphone while driving, and all drivers must carry their driver’s license with them at all

times (Travel, 2011). If driving with a child in the vehicle, all children under the age of 4 must be in a car

seat, and all children between the ages of 4 and 12 must be in an approved child restraint if they are in the

front seat of the vehicle (Travel, 2011). Unlike in America, there is no fundamental right to bear arms,

and there are some very strong regulation laws in place (What, 2018). If you are able to possess a gun,

you are required to go to the police station and report it to the Interior Ministry within 72 hours of getting

it (What, 2018). It is also possible for an individual to have a special Firearms Collectors’ License (What,

2018). These are two safety regulations that are important to consider, however it is also important to

consider the laws put in place regarding alcohol and drugs. If you are found with an amount of drugs that

the police consider to be an amount that you can deal, whether it is a hard or soft drug, you are at risk of

facing a prison sentence between two and 22 years (Lonely, 2019). However, if you are caught in

possession for personal use, this offense is punishable by administrative action, however a first-time

offender will typically be given a warning (Lonely, 2019). The legal drinking age in Italy is much lower

than the drinking age in America, at 16 years of age, because alcohol is in their culture (Lonely, 2019).

The legal limit for the blood-alcohol level while driving is 0.05% for those who are over 21 and who have

had their license for over three years (Lonely, 2019). If an individual is under 21 or has had their license

for less than three years, the legal limit is 0% (Lonely, 2019).

Crime Rates in Parma

Parma is a fairly safe city, with crime rates lower than the average city. At only 23.53, the total

crime rate in Parma is low (Crime, 2020). Within the total crime, the rate of vandalism and theft is at

27.59, which is also considered to be low (Crime, 2020). The assault and armed robbery rate are very low,

only at 17.59 (Crime, 2020). Using or dealing drugs is at the highest, but is still only a moderate rate, at

59.38 (Crime, 2020). The total safety index in the city is very high, at 70.73 (Crime, 2020). The total

crime rate breakdown can be observed in the table below (Table 5).

Table 5. Crime Rates in Parma, Italy

Source: “Crime in Parma.” Crime in Parma. Safety in Parma. Accessed April 15, 2020.

Parma has many laws regarding driving, firearms, and drugs and alcohol in order to keep is

citizens safe. This has been proven successful through the city’s low crime rates.

Health Care

University students need to have access to health care. Many are far away from home, especially

the students who are foreign to the country, and they need to have a health care system in place that will

support them. It is important to consider these policies as well as the facilities available in Parma.

Health Care Policies in Italy Available for University Students

In Italy, the National Health Service covers all students, whether they are citizens or international

students (Italy International, 2020). The coverage that they offer is automatic and universal, giving

undocumented immigrants access to urgent and essential services (Italy International, 2020). It allows for

any temporary visitors to receive health services by paying for the costs of what their treatment is (Italy

International, 2020). The National Health Service provides a certain amount of free or payment services

to Italian citizen as well as foreign visitors (Living, 2020). Students studying in Italy are exposed to an

extremely diverse healthcare system, with a mixture of private and public healthcare facilities (Italy

International, 2020). Every student who is an Italian citizen should already have their own European

Health Insurance Card (Living, 2020). The National Health Service offers the StudentSecure plan, which

is a plan in place specifically for international students with different levels of coverage (Italy

International, 2020). There are special health insurance regulations for international students, they have to

register with the regional health service in Parma, pay the fee, and they will receive a health card that

covers the academic year (Living, 2020).

Hospitals and Other Health Care Facilities in Parma, Italy

In Parma, there is an option for calling a doctor on duty (Living, 2020). The doctor on duty is a

free health care service that you can contact in case of an emergency and your usual doctor is not

available (Living, 2020). This service is typically available during the nighttime, or during holidays in

order to make sure there is always an option for care (Living, 2020). This service provides either over the

phone advice or an at-home visit if necessary (Living, 2020). Other facilities that are in place in Italy are

pharmacies. Most pharmacies have certain hours of operation, where they are open for most of the hours

of the day and close during lunch time (Explore, 2020). There are some pharmacies in the city of Parma

that are open 24 hours (Explore, 2020). There is also the Maggiore Hospital in the Parma for any

emergency medical care that a student may need (Explore, 2020).

There are health care plans available for resident students, as well as international students and

those who are foreign and visiting Italy. This health care system provides for many opportunities to

receive health care.

Things to See in Parma

Parma is extremely famous for its art and history. Students attending a university often look at the

area surrounding the school to see what there is to do in their free time. Considering the places that they

can go is important in making this decision. These areas could be implemented within courses as well

because of the learning possibilities that they hold.

Historic Sights

The most historic sights to see in Parma are all of the different castles in the area. These castles

all have specific hours of operation and are typically only open at certain times of the year (Explore,

2020). Some castles in Parma include the Rocca dei Rossi, the Rocca Meli Lupi, the Rocca dei Terzi in

Sissa Trecasali and the Rocca Sanvitale (Explore, 2020). Some other castles that are in Parma are the

Castle of Varano de’Melegari, the Bardi Castle, the Compiano Castle, the Castle of Torrechiara, and the

Castle of Felino (Explore, 2020). Many of these castles have museums inside of them or next to them

(Explore, 2020).

Museums and Theaters

Similar to the castles in Parma, museums are only open at certain times. Most are open on the

weekends and are typically closed during the winter months, depending on the museum (Explore, 2020).

Many of the most famous museums in Parma are museums based on food. For example, there is the

Salame Museum, which is located within the Castle of Felino (Explore, 2020). It is where a visitor will

learn about the production of salame in Parma (Explore, 2020). The Wine Museum has a tour where a

visitor goes through the entire process and history of making wine, and end with a tasting in the winery

(Explore, 2020). The Museum of Tomato also holds a tour where a visitor learns about the history of the

tomato, and the way that products are created from it, and how it was integrated with pasta and pizza

(Explore, 2020). Another food museum is the Pasta Museum, where a visitor can learn about the history

and production process behind the Barilla Pasta brand, which originated in Italy and is among the most

popular pasta brands today (Explore, 2020). The final food museum in Parma is the Museum of

Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese (Explore, 2020). This museum, like the other museums also contains the

history and production process behind the very famous cheese (Explore, 2020). Other museums in Parma

that can be visited by students in the area include the Oil Museum Orsi Coppini, the Villa Malenchini

Fortuny, and the Church of St. Giminiano (Explore, 2020). As for the famous theaters in Parma, there is

the Verdi Theatre which holds shows still to the present day, as does the Magnani Theatre, which is one

of the most visited monuments in all of Parma (Explore, 2020).

There are many opportunities for the potential students to attend these historic areas and gain the

cultural experience that Parma provides. The area is filled with historic buildings and museums that can

be utilized in many ways.

Parma Lifestyle

The city of Parma offers many cultural experiences involving entertainment and activity (Living,

2020). There are over twenty theaters and cinemas in the city as well as exhibitions, events, museums and

art galleries (Living, 2020). Along with this are the vast amounts of concerts and musical performances

that come to the theaters (Living, 2020). Each year Parma hosts the Verdi Festival, which is a famous

music festival (Living, 2020). There are also many shops and cafés for people to go to (Living, 2020). All

of these activities are important to college life and it is important to consider the activities available for

these potential students.

Activities and Costs

One of the many things to do with your free time in Parma is take a cooking class at TastyCook

Cooking Class (Explore, 2020). This class is led by a local cook and it teaches an individual how to

prepare authentic food native to the area and pair it with a glass of local wine (Explore, 2020). There is

also something called the Lostello, where you can go to workshops and gain work training, as well as do

fun activities like music classes, music therapy and music workshops (Explore, 2020). Other activities

that can be done is trekking or taking nature walks along the many trails in Parma (Explore, 2020). These

walks can be taken in the Appennino Tosco Emiliano’s crests, in the Ceno Valley around Bardi, and in

the Taro valley (Explore, 2020). During the winter months, it is possible to go skiing on the resorts in

Parma such as Schia and Prato Spilla (Explore, 2020). Another available activity is taking the Parma

Train Tour along the historical center and learn more about the history of Parma (Explore, 2020). For

other types of activities for university students, there are disco pubs in Parma with fees typically around

10 euros (Living, 2020). There are also movie theaters available, which cost about 7.5 euros, but there are

discounts during the weekdays (Living, 2020).

Places to Eat

In Parma, there are many restaurants and fast food places for a student to eat at on top of the

university cafeteria (Explore, 2020). There are places native to the area like Fast and Good, Burghi Park,

Picnic and Barbecues, Walter’s Sandwich Clinic, and Sandwich Bar Pepen (Explore, 2020). There are

also local restaurants such as Trattoria Rigoletto, Tra l’uss e l’assa, and a Japanese Restaurant Zushi

(Explore, 2020). There are also typical fast food chain restaurants like McDonald’s and Burger King

(Explore, 2020). There is something for everyone to enjoy (Explore, 2020).

Shopping for Food

Along with restaurants, it is important that there are grocery options in the area so that students

may feed themselves properly. In Parma, there are many local grocery stores. Available is the La

Prosciuterria di Silvano Romani, Alumeria Parmagustibus, Anima di Prima, and La Barrique (Explore,

2020). All of these places are available to purchase groceries from in the area along with many others. If a

student wishes to purchase more fresh food, there is a farmer’s market every Tuesday and Sunday

morning on the Roman Bridge in Parma (Explore, 2020).

Parma is a city with a wide range of activities ranging from visiting historic sights, to nature

walks, music festivals, museums, and more. With countless things to do, and places to eat, the life in

Parma is never boring.


Sports and Sport Related Activities

Sports are always an important aspect of most people’s lives. Taking the availability of sports

facilities under consideration is also an important factor in making this decision. The amount to which a

stadium typically costs in Italy is also an important factor regarding building costs of this potential


Average Stadium Costs in Italy vs. in America

In Italy, the average stadium cost is much lower than one is in America. In Italy, the largest

stadium costed about €477,000 (Stadio, 2020). This stadium is able to hold about 27,906 spectators,

which is miniscule compared to the stadium in Michigan, which holds about 107,601 spectators (Stadio,

2020). This stadium costed about $4.9 billion to build (Stadio, 2020). Although they do not spend as

much on their sports facilities as Americans do, any international student from America will still be able

to have the opportunity to attend athletic competitions.

Popular Sports in Italy

The popular sports in Italy are different from those that are more prevalent in other areas. In Italy,

the most well-known and celebrated sport is soccer, which is referred to as futbol (Stadio, 2020). The

country invests a lot into its soccer teams, and during the 2018-2019 season, they gave their national

soccer team a brand-new appearance (Stadio, 2020). Along with futbol, the other most important sports

are considered to be rugby, volleyball, motor racing, and motocross (Stadio, 2020). To be a spectator at

the events involving these sports, there is always an entrance fee. The trend of entrance fees in events

other than soccer can be viewed in the figure below (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Average Entrance Fees of Team Sport Games Other Than Soccer in Italy from 2006 to 2018
Source: Statista Research Department. “Italy: Average Entrance Fees of Team Sport Games 2006-2018.”
Statista, October 22, 2019.

Sport-Related Activities in Parma

In Parma, there are six large parks containing several sports facilities (Living, 2020). One of the

more popular pastimes in Parma is Golf. There is the Salsomaggiore Golf and Country Club for anyone

who enjoys Golf in that environment (Explore, 2020). There is also Parma golf, which consists of 9 holes

for a shorter game play (Explore, 2020). Another type of activity available is the Crossdromo Fontane

Del Duca, which is a local motocross track (Explore, 2020). Lastly, there is a Motor racing track Riccardo

Paletti, which is known for holding famous national events (Explore, 2020).

The typical stadium cost is different in Italy than a stadium in America. It is much lower in Italy,

as the sports that are popular are much different. However, there are many opportunities related to sports

in Parma that an individual can take advantage of.

Conclusions, Recommendations, & Summary

Taking all of this information under consideration, it can be concluded that it is definitely feasible

to implement a new Seton Hill University campus in Parma, Italy. This conclusion can be made from

multiple pieces of information from each section. The demographics, for example are perfect of a college

population. Within Parma, the majority of the population is either young, and will have an opportunity to

attend a university in the future, college-aged, where they are either about to enter college or in college

currently, or an adult who can still go back to college and get their degrees. The same is true for the rest

of the population of Italy, which is important because the residents of Parma are not the only people who

would be attending the new university, people from all over Italy as well as the international students

would be attending as well. The general population of Italy is Roman-Catholic, which is also a positive

since Seton Hill is a Catholic University. The economy within Parma is a good fit as well, since it relies

on tourism. The students attending from other parts of Italy as well as the international students will bring

in visitors from their homes such as their friends and families, which would increase the tourism levels

and therefore be a positive impact on the economy. Education-wise, Italy allows for private institutions,

which is another positive since Seton Hill is a private institution. The health care coverage is another

positive factor, since there is coverage for all which will keep students safe and healthy and provide them

with ways to receive care. On top of all of this, the lifestyle of Parma and the activities available and the

livelihood of the city are also important factors in making this decision. While the well-being of the

students and the technical considerations do come first, college life is also important in the building of a

new campus, because if a student does not like the area in which the school is located, they will not

attend. Because of the conclusion made from the findings, it is recommended that a Seton Hill campus is

opened in Parma. It would also be a good idea to have the courses and majors available cater to the new

environment and the demand that the culture in that area has.

In summary, from the analysis of each of the different sections; demographics, economy,

revenue, geography, cost of living, transportation, laws, health care, the different things to see and do, and

the sports, it was made clear that it is completely possible for a campus to be opened in Parma. One of the

most important findings was that the majority of the population of Italy as a whole is Roman-Catholic,

which fits perfectly with Seton Hill because it is a catholic institution. Another important finding was that

the population distribution fits the desired range that is required of a university. Along with this was the

safeness of the city as well as the solid health care policies in place for students. Each of these pieces of

information as well as the positive lifestyle that Parma has, were all guiding factors into making this

decision, however they all pointed toward being for the implementation of a campus in Parma.


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