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Jaylen McDuffie Internship Paper

BU 430 Business/Accounting/Sports Management Internship (Sp 2022)

During my internship, I have worked on many different things each week, such as

management treatment, inventory management, scheduling, setup management, and sports

management. I also gained exposure to the following sports while doing so: softball and

basketball. The skills that I gained during this time are relevant to my career in the sports

management field. 

         As I was working on management treatment during the week of 2/1-2/4/2022, I observed

that many materials are used daily, but just as many materials may sit there for days, weeks,

months, or even years, without being used. Keeping track of material used on a regular basis will

help you determine what needs to be ordered and how frequently they need to be replaced. It

would be beneficial for athletes and trainers to order more materials that are often used rather

than materials that aren't. 

             I worked on inventory management and management treatment during the dates 02/07-

2/12/2022; it was my main goal to record all the inventory so I could put it in the logs so we'd

know how much inventory we will need to order. Also, I was responsible for keeping track of

when the interns' work studies take place, so they don't overstay or under stay their time.

Management of inventory ensures that there are rarely too many or too few items on hand, which

reduces the risk of stockouts and inaccurate records.

               I spent the week of 2/14-2/18/2022 working on the skills management treatment,

inventory, and basketball management. The most important task this week was not inventory, but

I still had to monitor the materials used. Management treatments took up much of the spotlight

this week. It was mostly tape that was used to wrap wrists and ankles as well as heating pads that
can be reused so they do not take up much inventory. Additionally, I was responsible for looking

over the material used for the 2 basketball games and pre-games as well.

            In the period 2/28-3/25/2022, I worked on managing treatment, softball management,

inventory, and scheduling. This week, I began by scheduling all the interns' hours. Another

major focus of the week was managing treatment and seeing what teams come in for what type

of treatment. Out-of-season sports teams often come in for pretreatment and other small injuries,

while sports teams in season come in for taping and rehabilitation. In a softball doubleheader, I

was able to watch, the pitchers immediately received ice after they threw. Regardless of the

protective gear or rules that are in place to keep players safe, injuries are a part of sports and will

always occur. 

              I worked on inventory, scheduling, and managing treatment techniques again during the

week of 3/28-4/1/2022. As with the previous week, I began by scheduling. In order to make sure

that all the interns' hours are correct, I managed the scheduling. Managing the treatment of

softball on the day of the doubleheader game, again, was the focus of the week. There were a lot

of things I learned, especially about how to treat players in between games with a 30-minute


                 The four days of 4/4-4/6/2022 were spent working on management treatment, setup

management, inventory, and scheduling. Earlier this week, I reviewed all interns' hours and made

sure they were correct again. This week, we concentrated on managing treatment for all sports

that had a game as well as setting up their fields with what they required for practices and games.

When a sports team sets up a field or any sports facility in advance of a competition, that is one

less thing they need to worry about besides the games. 

             I managed treatment, sports management, inventory, and scheduling between 4/11 and

4/13/2022. As a result of the Easter break, this was a short week. I was able to supervise a lot of

sports practices before they left for break, so I was able to watch over these activities. Several

different types of tape were used as well as K-tapes, which are unique to some players. The K-

Tape is more expensive than regular tape, and it is more commonly used for treating muscle

soreness. It was necessary for me to keep track of the amount of tape used to be able to log it in

the inventory for this week.

             To conclude, I am looking forward to getting involved with a sports team much different

from softball and basketball like soccer next semester. In addition, I feel that this sport will also

help me continue to enhance my skills in sports management in the future. Working with soccer

will be beneficial to me because it will enable me to develop my professional aptitude,

strengthen my personal character, and provide a greater opening for opportunities in the future.


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