Chapter Review and Term Paper-D Section

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Chapter Review

Group Assignment on Marketing Management

Form a 3 groups and based on chance allotted to your group you are required
to review the topic based on stated points to be considered from any sources.
 Proposed Due date for Submission (in hard copy): August 28, 2022.
Late submission is totally unacceptable.
 Font style: Times New Roman
 Font Size: 12
 Line and paragraph space: 1.5
 Margin: Normal
 Page size: Minimum of 10 pages and maximum of 15 pages.
 Allowable Mark: 20%
Group 1-
Topic: Service and Service strategy
Points to be considered
 How do we define and classify services, and how do they differ from goods?
 What are the new services realities?
 How can we achieve excellence in services marketing?
 How can we improve service quality?
 How can goods marketers improve customer-support services?
Group 2-
Topic: Developing and managing an Advertising programs
Points to be considered
 What are the base to develop an advertising program?
 How should sales promotion decisions be made?
 What decisions do companies face in designing and managing a sales force?
 How can salespeople improve their selling, negotiating, and relationship marketing
 How can companies exploit the potential of public relations and publicity?
 How does word of mouth affect marketing success?
Group 3-
Topic: E-commerce strategies and Online-Business systems
Points to be considered
 E-commerce and M-commerce marketing practices
 E-Commerce and M-Commerce Success Factors
Term paper (Plant Tour) Guideline
Plant Tour (20%)
Student groups are required to visit a manufacturing or service facility, produce a report, and do
a formal presentation to the class covering the chapter review topics investigated during the tour.
 The presentation is to be 15 minutes in length and a 2 to 3 page (minimum) "Executive
Summary" is to be distributed to your audience prior to the presentation. The course Instructor
may be able to get this printed for you. There will be 10 minutes slot for discussion. The
Minimum pages of Term paper is 10 and the maximum pages are 15.
General directions
 Note that the tours must be split evenly between Manufacturing and Service Facilities.
 Only ONE group may visit the same facility or Industry/Service.
 Please obtain the Instructor's approval prior to making your tour.
Your report is expected to cover the following:
1. Company Name and Location. What is the physical size of the facility? How is this
divided between office and plant? How many people do they employ? State the name and
title of the person who conducted your tour. If you are able, please obtain the tour guide's
business card or mobile no.
2. Main product or service: supplied by this company? Who are their clients/customers?
3. Answer each of the points to be considered in chapter review allotted
to your group through conducting interview and observation you will
make during plant tour.

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