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Received: 24 May 2019 Revised: 16 December 2019 Accepted: 8 January 2020

DOI: 10.1111/1541-4337.12542


Valorization of byproducts from tropical fruits: Extraction

methodologies, applications, environmental, and economic
assessment: A review (Part 1: General overview of the byproducts,
traditional biorefinery practices, and possible applications)

José Villacís-Chiriboga1,2,3 Kathy Elst1 John Van Camp2 Edwin Vera3

Jenny Ruales3

1 FlemishInstitute for Technological Research

(VITO), Business Unit Separation and
Conversion Technology, Boeretang 200, 2400 Tropical fruits represent one of the most important crops in the world. The contin-
Mol, Belgium uously growing global market for the main tropical fruits is currently estimated at
2 Departmentof Food Technology, Safety and 84 million tons, of which approximately half is lost or wasted throughout the whole
Health, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653,
9000 Ghent, Belgium processing chain. Developing novel processes for the conversion of these byproducts
3 Departmentof Food Science and into value-added products could provide a viable way to manage this waste prob-
Biotechnology, Ladrón de Guevara, E11-253, lem, aiming at the same time to create a sustainable economic growth within a bio-
P.O.BOX 17 012759, Quito, Ecuador
economy perspective. Given the ever-increasing concern about sustainability, com-
Correspondence plete valorization through a bio-refinery approach, that is, zero waste concept, as well
Kathy Elst, Flemish Institute for Technological as the use of green techniques is therefore of utmost importance. This paper aims to
Research (VITO), Business Unit Separation
and Conversion Technology, Boeretang 200,
report the status on the valorization of tropical fruit byproducts within a bio-refinery
2400 Mol, Belgium. frame, via the application of traditional methodologies, and with specific attention
Email: to the extraction of phenolics and carotenoids as bioactive compounds. The differ-
Funding information
ent types of byproducts, and their content of bioactives is reviewed, with a special
EPN/PIMI 15-05, Grant/Award Number: emphasis on the lesser-known tropical fruits. Moreover, the bioactivity of the differ-
Evaluación de la biorefinería de subproduc- ent types of extracts and their possible application as a resource for different sectors
tos del procesamiento de alimentos para la
obtención de compuestos de interés industrial; (food, pharmaceutical, and environmental sciences) is discussed. Consequently, this
VLIR-UOS, Grant/Award Number: Improving review presents the concepts of tropical fruit biorefineries, and the potential applica-
Ecuadorian child nutrition by using mango
tions of the isolated fractions.

biorefinery, tropical fruits, valorization, waste, zero waste

1 I N T RO D U C T I O N Ouchemoukh et al., 2017). As a consequence of this knowl-

edge, in the last years there has been a significant incre-
Fruits are largely consumed for the demonstrated health ben- ment in fruit trade and acquisition. Specifically, consumption
efits that are attributed to their intake, in addition to their of tropical fruits is increasing on domestic and international
taste and personal preferences. A diet rich in phytochemi- markets due to growing recognition of its nutritional and
cals has shown to provide a high concentration of antioxidant therapeutic value (Bhat & Paliyath, 2016). The exotic char-
compounds with several subsequent health benefits (Amessis- acter, high nutrient, and nutraceutical concentration make

Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2020;1–43. © 2020 Institute of Food Technologists® 1

FIGURE 1 Application of Biorefinery concepts to valorize food waste in a circular economy approach. Adapted from Carmona-Cabello,
Garcia, Leiva-Candia, and Dorado (2018)

tropical fruits a very interesting opportunity for local growers omy (Borrello, Caracciolo, Lombardi, Pascucci, & Cembalo,
to gain access to special markets (R. Alves, de Brito, Rufino, 2017). In modern food waste management, the valorization of
& Sampaio, 2008). byproducts is a way of recapturing their valuable compounds
Today, food security is an increasing problem due to the and/or developing new products with a market value (Euro-
depletion of natural resources and increasing population, pean Comission, 2014; Otles, Despoudi, Bucatariu, & Kar-
which has led to a gap between production and consumption. tal, 2015). As a result, the food industry, according to Aladić
It is therefore of utmost importance that the produced raw et al. (2015), seeks for the minimization of the environmen-
materials are maximally used. From initial agricultural tal impact, the reduction of release of toxic substances, and
production down to final household consumption, around the efficient use of feedstock toward the production of high-
1.3 billion tons of food is lost or wasted (around 35%), quality foodstuffs.
which generates a carbon footprint of 3.3 billion tons of In the specific case of tropical fruits, well-known for
CO2 Eq. In Europe and North-America, per capita food waste their high amounts of health promoting bioactives as com-
ranges between 95 and 115 kg per year; while between 6 and pared to traditional fruits (Bhat & Paliyath, 2016; Gorin-
11 kg per year of food are wasted in sub-Saharan Africa and stein et al., 2011), additional impetus exists to utilize their
South/Southeast Asia (FAO, 2015; Gustavsson, Cederberg, unused parts. Typical bioactives of tropical fruits are mainly
Sonesson, van Otterdijk, & Meybeck, 2011). On average, polyphenols and carotenoids (Silva et al., 2014), that are
107 kg/p/y (kilograms per year per person) of food waste present in all the anatomical and morphological parts of the
are generated in developed countries, while 56 kg/p/y are fruits. Although the concentration varies among the differ-
generated in developing countries (Thi, Kumar, & Lin, 2015). ent fractions (Lachowicz, Oszmiański, Wiśniewski, Seliga,
In Latin America, 127 million tons of food are lost annually, & Pluta, 2019), studies have stated that the concentration
causing an estimated loss of $940 billion per year (FAO, of such compounds is often significantly higher in the dis-
2016b). carded fractions than in the edible parts, as summarized by
To counterbalance the waste issue, administer environmen- Banerjee et al. (2017). Therefore, these inedible parts, which
tal sustainability and overcome the economic development are generally regarded as waste with little value in the fruit
model “take, make, and dispose,” the concept of circular econ- industry, may be valorized, in order to improve the economic
omy has been introduced by the application of sustainable and benefits and decrease the negative environmental problems
profitable technologies to utilize byproducts (Maina, Kach- generated. More specifically, they can be used as a source
rimanidou, & Koutinas, 2017). Transforming food byprod- of health promoting compounds. In this line, Eggersdorfer
ucts into a resource triggers a major opportunity to switch and Wyss (2018) reported that the intake of carotenoids, in
from a linear to a closed loop economic system (Figure 1). addition to beneficial effects on eye health and antioxidant
In addition, it is one of the most promising strategies to link activity, also produce improvements in cognitive function and
the population with the idea and practices of circular econ- cardiovascular health, and may help to prevent some types

of cancer. Moreover, investigations suggest that phenolics this line, several approaches have been proposed for the val-
and polysaccharides in tropical fruits can improve lipid orization of the unused parts of food in various sectors (such
metabolism and prevent the oxidation of low density lipopro- as bio-materials, wastewater treatment) including the recov-
tein cholesterol (LDL-C), which hinders the development of ery and isolation of bioactive compounds, like carotenoids
atherosclerosis (Maia et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2011). Nev- and phenolic compounds, which are highly important for the
ertheless, in order to maximize their valorization, it is of food industry (G. Kaur, Uisan, Ong, & Ki Lin, 2018; Nayak &
utmost importance to have adequate and precise informa- Bhushan, 2019; Naziri, Nenadis, Mantzouridou, & Tsimidou,
tion on their compound composition, nutritional content, and 2014).
bioactive performance to make a linkage with the potential In light of the above mentioned arguments, the present
application. review aims to report the recent developments to valorize
According to data presented by FAO (2016a), the global byproducts of tropical fruits in a biorefinery approach. For this
annual production of the main tropical fruits is projected purpose, along the paper, an overview of the bioactive con-
to grow by 3% annually over the next decade, to about tent, the extraction methodologies, and the bioactivity assess-
116 million tons in 2024. Around 50% of this volume is com- ment are given for the different fractions from tropical fruits
posed of peels and seeds, which are typically disposed as that are discarded as byproducts. Moreover, an outlook sum-
wastes (Cheok et al., 2018). Besides the utilization per se as a marizing the trends and gaps on valorization of byproducts
new resource, the environmental impact of tropical fruit dis- is provided.
posal is another driving factor to focus on a zero-waste supply
chain. Several scientific reports address the adverse effects
that incorrect organic waste disposal produce in the envi- 2 TROPICAL FRUITS:
ronment. Although not specifically addressing tropical fruits, DEF INITIO N, CH ARACTERIST I C S ,
they provide an insight on why the release into de environment AND IM P O RTANCE
should be avoided. Reutter, Lant, Reynolds, and Lane (2017),
found that, in Australia, food waste represents 9% of the total In a straight sense, tropical fruits are defined as fruits pro-
water use and 6% of the greenhouse gas emissions after ana- duced in warm and humid regions, which are located between
lyzing the environmental and socio-economic impacts of food the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, with an
systems. In a study about the estimation of the global food average temperature of around 27 ◦ C (Po, 2007; Wongs-
supply losses, Kummu et al. (2012) indicated that 24% of Aree & Noichinda, 2014). Depending on the fresh volume
total freshwater resources used in food crop production, 23% demanded in markets worldwide, they can be classified into
of total global cropland area, and 23% of total global fertil- major, minor, and underutilized groups, as shown in Table 1.
izer use are lost in waste. For tropical fruits, such a detailed According to data presented by FAO (2016a), tropical
assessment is not available yet, partially due to their exten- fruits production, trade, and consumption have increased
sive cultivation within very small agronomical entities (FAO, significantly.
2016a). Nevertheless, it is clear that such ecological impact The world production of the four most traded fruits (mango,
on the production resources has to be avoided by all means, pineapple, avocado, and papaya) was around 84 million tons
also considering that these fruits are produced in the vulner- between 2012 and 2014 and is expected to rise to about
able tropical and subtropical areas that comprise more than 116 million tons in 2024. Almost the entire world produc-
half of the world’s vegetation. tion took place in underdeveloped countries. Breaking down
It is well known that the application of biorefinery tech- this information by area, 60% originated in Asia, 25% in
niques may allow a complete utilization of biomass whereby Latin America, and 14% in Africa (see Figure 2). The pro-
the compounds obtained have potential profitable applica- duction grew more steadily in Asia as compared to Latin
tions, either in the food, feed, or environmental sectors. There- America that experienced stagnation and even is expected
fore, taking advantage of the substances present in the dif- to have a marginal fall in the years to come. In Europe
ferent fractions of tropical fruits might form the basis of a and the United States, on the other hand, hardly no tropi-
growing bio-economy, a concept that developed as a response cal fruits are produced and they rely mostly on import to
to the ever-increasing global issues and concerns about sus- supply the domestic markets. With net imported amounts
tainability. Moreover, the industrial competitiveness and pros- between 2,100 and 3,100 thousand tons per year, the avail-
perity can be improved, by providing biobased products and ability of the main tropical fruits remain nevertheless lim-
energy through economic, social, and environmental sustain- ited as compared to the major producing areas like Asia and
able processes, that in turn can offer a wide variety of food- Latin America.
stuffs or services with high economic importance (Geissdoer- Given the growing awareness on the effect of food
fer, Savaget, Bocken, & Hultink, 2017; Trigo et al., 2013). In consumption on health, tropical fruits have become an

TABLE 1 Tropical fruits production in the world

Major tropical fruits Minor tropical fruits Underutilized
• Banana (Musa AAA Cavendish) • Acai (Euterpe oleracea) • Abiu (Pouteria caimito)
• Mango (Mangifera indica) • Acerola (Malpighia punicifolia) • Bael (Aegle marmelos)
• Pineapple (Ananas comosus) • Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) • Baobab (Adansonia digitata)
• Citrus • Cempedak (Ar. integer) • Bilimbi (Av. bilimbi)
• Papaya (Carica papaya) • Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) • Canistel (P. campechiana)
• Avocado (Persea americana) • Coconut (Cocos nucifera) • Cape gooseberry (P. peruviana)
• Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) • Date (Phoenix dactylifera) • Cherry Terengganu (Lepisanthes alata)
• Dragon fruit/pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) • Indian blackberry (S. cumini)
• Durian (Durio zibethinus) • Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica)
• Duku, langsat, duku langsat, and dokong • Indian jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana)
(Lansium domesticum) • Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora)
• Feijoa (Acca sellowiana) • Jelly melon (Cucumis metuliferus)
• Fig (Ficus carica) • Karanda (Carissa congesta)
• Guava (Psidium guajava) • Keranji (Dialium indum)
• Jack fruit (Ar. heterophyllus) • Miracle fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum)
• Longan (Euphoria longan) • Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
• Lychee (Litchi chinensis) • Sibu olive (Canarium odontophyllum)
• Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) • Tampoi (Baccaurea macrocarpa)
• Pomegranate (Punica granatum) • Terap/marang (Ar. odoratissimus)
• Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis)
• Prickly pear (Opuntia spp.)
• Pulasan (Nephelium mutabile)
• Rambutan (N. lappaceum)
• Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)
• Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota)
• Salak (Salacca zalacca)
• Santol (Sandoricum koetjape)
• Soursop (An. muricata)
• Sweetsop (An. squamosa)
• Tahitian apple/Ambarella (Spondias dulcis)
• Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
• Tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica)
• Wax apple (Syzygium samarangense)

Modified from: Ding (2017)

essential part of the basic diet in most regions of the world, 3 WA STES AND BY PRODUCTS
due to their characteristic high concentration of bioactive FROM TROPICAL FRUITS AND
compounds, vitamins, fibers, and others (Table 2). Over- THEIR CURRENT VA LORIZATION
all, phenolic compounds, carotenoids, and ascorbic acid ST R AT E G I E S
are the bioactives that predominate within the fruit matrix,
although the individual concentrations of these compounds With the idea of giving a second application to the unused
varies depending on the fruit type. Overall, polyphenols parts of tropical fruits as a source of valuable compounds for
are the most abundant ones. Altogether, this information industry, research has been developed, and in general options
should contribute to new evidence for the high interest like livestock feeding (Dou, Toth, & Westendorf, 2018), com-
of bioactive compounds from tropical fruits for nutritional posting (Guidoni et al., 2018), anaerobic digestion (De Clercq,
strategies. Wen, Gottfried, Schmidt, & Fei, 2017), biofuel production

which the primary aim is not the production of that item.

Byproduct can come from a wide range of business sectors,
and can have very different environmental impacts. An incor-
rect classification could be the cause of environmental dam-
age or unnecessary costs for business.”
Given that this review is focusing on the efficient use of the
whole biomass, from here onward, the term byproduct will be
applied for referring to the unused part of the fruits that has a
potential value.

3.2 Byproducts of tropical fruits and their

FIGURE 2 Production, net import and domestic availability (in utilization
thousands of tonnes per year) of the main tropical fruits (avocado,
mango, papaya and pineapple) in function of the geographic area. The Very little information is available on the byproducts and pre-
data were derived from FAO (2019) cise losses that are generated during the production and pro-
cessing of tropical fruits. Moreover, it is difficult to establish
(Rago, Surroop, & Mohee, 2018), and landfilling (Pahla, comparisons between countries or even regions, since many
Ntuli, & Muzenda, 2018) have been studied. At the same countries do not set out statistics at a national level. Even if
time, authors like Lousada Júnior, Correia da Costa, Miranda data are available, the methodology and definitions used for
Neiva, and Rodríguez (2006) explained that the food industry each of the categories is often either not known or not con-
makes huge investments to increase their processing capacity sistent (Hoornweg & Bhada-Tata, 2012). For tropical fruits,
throughout the supply chain, aiming to decrease the genera- there is an additional complexity that a significant part of the
tion of byproducts, which in many cases are considered opera- production takes place in very small household plots for which
tional cost for companies or source of environmental contam- detailed information is lacking.
ination. What is clear, is that the amount of waste produced at each
stage of the food supply chain significantly varies between
world regions (Figure 3). Thus, in developed countries such
3.1 Difference between waste and byproducts
as the United States or countries from the European Union,
The production, preparation and consumption of food, and a significant food disposal occurs at the consumption stage
thus also tropical fruits, produces large volumes of liquid and (≈15% to 20%), while the waste generated during process-
solid waste and byproducts, which in turn may trigger disposal ing is almost negligible. On the other hand, in underdevel-
and pollution problems, as well as losses of valuable biomass oped and developing countries, most of the loses are produced
and nutrients. during the processing stage (15% to 20%), while only around
Although the terms “Waste” and “Byproduct” are com- 4% to10% of the fruits are lost at the consumption stage. More-
monly used to describe the same problem, there are differ- over, in 2011, fruits were lost worldwide at a rate nearly 50%
ences between them. Burgos, Valdés, and Jiménez (2016), higher than 16 years earlier (World Bank, 2017). Several fac-
defined food supply chain waste as “the organic mate- tors influence the production of waste in urban populations:
rial produced for human consumption which is discarded, gross domestic product, the quantity of solid waste transport
lost or degraded primarily at the manufacturing and retail vehicles, collection area of solid waste, the per capita dispos-
stages,” while Murugan, Chandrasekaran, Karthikeyan, and able income of urban residents, policies and taxes, inflation
Al-Sohaibani (2013) defined a byproduct as “materials that rate, the solid waste treatment rate, urbanization, and socioe-
are created by the manufacturing process […] which are conomic status (Jaligot & Chenal, 2018). However, also in
removed and disposed to give the desired product quality or developed countries, consumers are more demanding about
consistency.” In a broader perspective, the European Union the esthetic, nutritional, and quality conditions of products
(2016) defined bio-waste as “biodegradable garden and park (Loebnitz & Grunert, 2015; Symmank, Zahn, & Rohm, 2018;
waste, food and kitchen waste from households, restaurants, White, Lin, Dahl, & Ritchie, 2016).
caterers, and retail premises, and comparable waste from food Moreover, significant fractions of tropical fruits are com-
processing plants. It does not include forestry or agricul- posed of inedible parts. Around 52% of the fruit is discarded
tural residues, manure, sewage sludge, or other biodegrad- as byproducts, whereby 42% correspond to rind/skin and 10%
able waste such as natural textiles, paper, or processed wood. to seeds (Cheok et al., 2018), although other factors con-
It also excludes those byproducts of food production that tribute to a major or minor byproducts flow. On the other hand,
never become waste.”; while byproduct was defined as “a according to data presented by van Rijswick (2018), the global
substance or object, resulting from a production process, for market development for whole fresh fruit was 500 million tons

TABLE 2 Composition of the edible part of tropical fruits

Pulp and
Fruit Fruit composition [%] FW* Bioactives: type Peel (%) Seed (%) other (%) Reference
Açaí (Euterpe Moisture: 80.0% Phenolics (mg GAEa /g DWb ): – 90 – (M. de Oliveira & Schwartz,
oleracea Mart.) Ash: 0.4% 92.9 to 247.7 2018; J. Kang et al., 2012;
Carbohydrates: 51.9% Carotenoids (μg/g DW): 963.7 Schauss, 2010)
Lipids: 4.9%
Proteins: 1.00%
Fibers: 2.4%
Acerola (Malpighia Moisture: 92.6% to 95% Carotenoids (μg 𝛽 - CEc /g): 4.0 – 35 5 (Lousada Júnior et al., 2006;
emarginata) Ash: 4.91% to 5.23% Ascorbic Acid (mg AAd /g): Marques, Corrêa, Lino,
Carbohydrates: 0.43% 8.63 to 14.65 Abreu, & Simao, 2013;
Lipids: 0.23% to 0.80% Phenolics (mg GAE/g): 15.62 Moura et al., 2018; Rezende
Proteins: 0.21% to 1.20% to 26.31 et al., 2017)
Fibers: 0.16% to 1.63%
Avocado (Persea americana Moisture: 72.60% Phenolics and polar compounds 8 to 11 13 to 24 69 to 76 (Cowan & Wolstenholme,
Mill.) Ash: 1.30% (mg/g DW): 0.39 to 0.45 2003; Jacobo-Velázquez &
Carbohydrates: 4.90% Carotenoids (μg/g FW): 12.78 Hernández-Brenes, 2012;
Lipids: 16.48% López-Cobo et al., 2016;
Proteins: 2.30% Rodríguez-Carpena,
Fibers: 2.42% Morcuende, Andrade, Kylli,
& Estévez, 2011)
Banana (Musa paradisiaca) Moisture: 74.91% Phenolics (μg GAE/g DW): 3.9 30 to 38 – – (Castelo-Branco et al., 2017;
Ash: 2.33% to 2.54% to 4.1 González-Montelongo,
Carbohydrates: 12.21% Carotenoids (μg/g DW): 266.5 Gloria Lobo, & González,
Lipids: 0.33% 2010; Pareek, 2016; Qamar
Proteins: 1.09% & Shaikh, 2018; Vu,
Fibers: 2.6% Scarlett, & Vuong, 2016)
Camu-camu (Myrciaria Moisture: 94.1% to 94.4% Phenolics (mg/g FWe ): 1.85 38 to 40 – 7 to 10 (J. Castro et al., 2018; Fidelis
dubia) Ash: 0.2% to 0.3% Carotenoids (μg/g FW): 3.54 to et al., 2018; Zanatta &
Carbohydrates: 1.28% to 1.48% 10.95 Mercadante, 2007)
Lipids: 0.2% to 0.3%
Proteins: 0.4% to 0.5%
Fibers: 0.1% to 0.6%
Citrus fruits (Citrus spp.) Moisture: 83% to 90% Phenolics (mg/g DW) 0.43 to 60 to 65 0 to 10 30 to 35 (Izquierdo & Sendra, 2003;
Ash: 0.29% to 0.54% 0.78 Lado, Cuellar, Rodrigo, &
Carbohydrates: 9% to 13% Carotenoids (μg/g DW): 22.71 Zacarías, 2016; Mamma &
Lipids: 0.05% to 0.4% Christakopoulos, 2014; Y.
Proteins: 0.8% to 2.1% Sun, Tao, Huang, Ye, & Sun,
Fibers: 0.3% to 2.3% 2019)
TABLE 2 (Continued)
Pulp and
Fruit Fruit composition [%] FW* Bioactives: type Peel (%) Seed (%) other (%) Reference
Cactus fruits: Moisture: 83% to 89% Phenolics (μM GACb equ./g): 18.5 to 1.3 to 1.5 60 to 80 (Le Bellec & Vaillant, 2011;
Dragon fruit (Hyelocereus Ash: 0.4% to 0.68% 5.6 to 7.4 38. 7 Mercado-Silva, 2018)
spp) Carbohydrates: 8.3% to 16.04% Vitamin C (g/100 mL): 3.2 to
Pitaya (Stenocereus spp) Lipids: 0.1% to 0.61% 5.8
Prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) Proteins: 0.16% to 0.5% Betacyanin (mg/L): 530 to 717
Fibers: 0.3% to 0.9%
Durian (Durio zibethinus) Moisture: 58% to 70.9% Phenolics (mg/g DW): 2.31 to 50 to 60 20 to 25 – (Arancibia-Avila et al., 2008;

Ash: 0.8% 3.74 Charoenkiatkul, Thiyajai, &

Carbohydrates: 15% to 36.1% Carotenoids (μg/g DW): 2.65 to Judprasong, 2016; Mariod,
Lipids: 1.2% to 4.3% 22.48 Saeed Mirghani, & Hussein,
Proteins: 2% to 3.3% 2017; Siriphanich, 2011)
Fibers: 1.2% to 1.9%
Guava (Psidium guajava) Moisture: 74% to 87% Phenolics (mg/g DW): 8.82 to 20 – 30 (Gill, 2016; Rodríguez Medina
Ash: 0.43% to 1.39% 8.93 & Valdés-Infante Herrero,
Carbohydrates: 5% to 14.32% 2016; Rojas-Garbanzo,
Lipids: 0.1% to 0.95% Winter, Montero,
Proteins: 0.35% to 2.55% Zimmermann, & Schieber,
Fibers: 2.8% to 5.5% 2019)
Mango (Mangifera indica) Moisture: 81.71% Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 7 to 24 45 to 85 5 to 10 (Arscott, 2013; da Silva
Ash: 0.5% 0.15 to 5.25 Sauthier et al., 2019; Jahurul
Carbohydrates: 17% Carotenoids (μg/g FW): 5.23 et al., 2015; Yahia, 2011)
Lipids: 0.27%
Proteins: 0.51%
Fibers: 1.8%
Papaya (Carica papaya) Moisture: 87% Phenolics (mg/g FW): 1.8 to 20 15 to 20 (Annegowda & Bhat, 2016;
Ash: 0.03% to 0.42% 1.72 Othman, 2009; Schweiggert,
Carbohydrates: 20.3% to 23.5% Carotenoids (μg/g FW): 1.30 to Steingass, Mora, Esquivel, &
Lipids: 0.2% to 0.5% 62.14 Carle, 2011)
Proteins: 1.01% to 1.9%
Fibers: 0.9% to 1.3%
Passion fruit (Passiflora Moisture: 55% to 79% Phenolics (mg/g FW): 132 to 90 8 – (Pertuzatti, Sganzerla, Jacques,
edulis sp.) Ash: 0.49% to 1.9% 2053 Barcia, & Zambiazi, 2015;
Carbohydrates: 13.12% Carotenoids (mg/g FW): 0.14 Rotta, Rodrigues, Jardim,
Lipids: 0.12% to 0.25 Maldaner, & Visentainer,
Proteins: 0.54% 2019; Schotsmans & Fischer,
Fibers: 1.46% 2011)
TABLE 2 (Continued)

Pulp and
Fruit Fruit composition [%] FW* Bioactives: type Peel (%) Seed (%) other (%) Reference
Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Moisture: 86% Phenolics (mg GAE/g FW): 50 – 25 (Ngamwonglumlert &
Ash: 1.1% 0.25 to 0.73 Devahastin, 2019; G.-M.
Carbohydrates: 13.12% Carotenoids (μg/g FW): 0.30 to Sun, Zhang, Soler, &
Lipids: 0.12% 2.44 (𝛽-Carotene) Marie-Alphonsine, 2016;
Proteins: 0.54% Wali, 2019)
Fibers: 11.84% to 13.76%
Pomegranate (Punica Moisture: 80.97% Phenolics (mg/g DW): 0.16 39 to 53 8 to 12 35 to 50 (Pande & Akoh, 2016;
granatum) Ash: 0.61% Venkitasamy, Zhao, Zhang,
Carbohydrates: 18.75% & Pan, 2019)
Lipids: 0.3%
Proteins: 0.95%
Fibers: 0.6%
Soursop (Annona muricata Moisture: 82.8% Carotenoids (μg/g DW): 6.49 to 20 5 to 8.5 67.5 (Badrie & Schauss, 2010;
L.) Ash: 0.60% 8.39 Jiménez et al., 2014; Leite
Carbohydrates: 14.63% Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): Neta et al., 2019; Sanusi &
Lipids: 0.97% 1.57 to 1.63 Abu Bakar, 2018;
Proteins: 1% Solís-Fuentes et al., 2011)
Fibers: 0.79%
Tamarind (Tamarindus Moisture: 28.2% to 52% Phenolics (mg/g DW): 2.82 to 11 to 30 25 to 40 30 to 50 (Azad, 2018; Saideswara Rao
indica) Ash: 2.9% to 3.3% 6.54 & Mary Mathew, 2012; L.
Carbohydrates: 51.5% to 67.4% Carotenoids (μg/g DW): 0.012 Silva, Figueiredo, et al.,
Lipids: 0.1% to 0.014 (𝛽-Carotene) 2014)
Proteins: 2.4% to 3.1%
Fibers: 5.6%
Taperebá (Spondias mombin Moisture: 83% to 89% Phenolics (mg/g FW): 2.60 to 16 33 – (Bora, Narain, Holschun, & da
L.) Ash: 0.41% to 0.76% 5.79 S. Vasconcelos, 1991;
Carbohydrates: 4.54% to 7.61% Carotenoids (μg/g FW): 47.12 Mattietto & Matta, 2011;
Lipids: 0.26% to 2.1% to 50.27 Tiburski, Rosenthal, Deliza,
Proteins: 0. % to 1.06% de Oliveira Godoy, &
Fibers: 1% to 1.87% Pacheco, 2011)
Watermelon (Citrullus Moisture: 92% 30 2 68 (Dammak et al., 2019; Logaraj,
lanatus) Ash: - 2011; Schaffer & Paris,
Carbohydrates: 7.2% 2003)
Lipids: 0.4%
Proteins: 0.6%
Fibers: 0.5%
a GAE = Gallic Acid Equivalent
DW = Dry Weight
CE = Carotenoids Equivalent
d AA = Ascorbic Acid

FW = Fresh weight

FIGURE 3 Losses throughout the food supply chain in function of the geographical area. The data were derived from Gustavsson et al. (2011)

in 2017, while 290 million tons of vegetables were produced proven to be the highest of any fruit, vegetable, or nut (Hein-
in 2016 (FAOSTAT, 2016). With this information in mind, rich, Dhanji, & Casselman, 2011).
it is clear that byproducts resulting from tropical fruit pro- The main byproduct of açaí (≈90% of fresh biomass, see
duction do not entail a high percentage compared with other Table 2), are the seeds, which have been found to be very rich
crops. However, based on the nutraceutical properties, their in proanthocyanidins (Table 3). Barros et al. (2015) performed
valorization should be a major focus of research. an extraction of these compounds by cold water maceration,
Around the world, there is a significant increment in the while da Costa et al. (2017) followed a hydro-alcoholic extrac-
demand for phytochemicals of vegetal origin (Singh, 2006), tion of boiling water and cold ethanol. The first study demon-
especially for food related applications. As mentioned above strated the presence of twenty two compounds assigned to the
and also summarized in Table 2, tropical fruits are rich in flavan-3-ols group. Nevertheless, it was not possible to estab-
these phytochemicals and provide a promising source of lish the position of the linkage between flavanol units nor dif-
valuable substances. Moreover, tropical fruit byproducts are ferentiating between isomeric catechins. In the second study,
also rich sources of different kinds of bioactive compounds, polymeric proanthocyanidins, catechin, and epicatechin
mainly phenolics, with important bioactivities (Table 3). were described in the hydro-alcoholic extract of açaí seed.
Such compounds have been isolated by organic solvents for The efficiency of both procedures was illustrated by a high
a further application as a raw material for nutraceutical and cytotoxic activity, especially in the cervical carcinoma cell
nutritional food development (Ningrum et al., 2018), with line, and a potential protection of renal injury and dysfunc-
possible uses against chronic diseases and/or for application tion, respectively, probably through the antihypertensive and
as food additives. Even if not the focus of the present antioxidant effects of the extracts. On the other hand, Melo,
review, more information of the non-food applications can Arrivetti, Alencar, and Skibsted (2016) showed that after
be found in Appendix A. Even though several scientific purifying the hydro-alcoholic extract of seeds with resins, the
reports demonstrate the possible ways for valorizing tropical concentration of phenolic compounds increased, which was
fruit byproducts, there is a clear lack in information. Based reflected in the protection of unsaturated lipids in liposomes
on existing information, methodologies for efficient use of or in oil/water emulsions. However, a prooxidant activity was
byproducts of tropical fruits as a source of bioactives, fibers, observed when the concentration of extract was increased,
oils, and other valuable elements, are detailed below: possibly because some molecules acted as a substrate to be
oxidized or acted as oxidants, hereby contributing to adduct
3.2.1 Açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.)
Açaí is well known for its high concentration of flavones (see 3.2.2 Acerola (Malpighiaceae emarginata)
Table 2), and has extensively been tested for its hydroxyl rad- Acerola is a rich source of vitamin C, with around 1 g per
ical, superoxide anion scavenging capacity, and pronounced 100 g (Table 2). Therefore, in a review performed by Belwal
anti-inflammatory activity. Both in vitro activities have been et al. (2018), several bioactive properties of acerola, including

TABLE 3 Valuable compounds with bioactive properties in non-edible parts from tropical fruits
Fruit Fraction Main compounds Extraction method Bioactivity Reference
Açaí (Euterpe oleracea Seeds Phenolics (mg/g DW): 490.91 to 491.07, Organic solvent extraction and Antioxidant (Melo et al., 2016)
Mart.) mainly anthocyanins and flavonoids purification with chromatographic
techniques or resins.
Acerola (Malpighia Seed and Total anthocyanins (μg/g): 0.14 to 2.3 Ultrasound assisted extraction with Antioxidant activity (Rezende et al., 2017)
emarginata) peel Carotenoids (μg 𝛽-CE/g): 0.86 to 18.27 ethanol as solvent
Ascorbic acid (mg/g): 1.04 to 8.09
Phenolics (mg GAE/g): 0.047 to 0.128
Total flavonoids (mg QE/g): 1.61 to 5.83
Avocado (Persea Seed Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 5.7 to 88.2 Hydro-alcoholic extraction Antioxidant activity (Araújo, Rodriguez-Jasso, Ruiz,
emericana Mill.) Pintado, & Aguilar, 2018)
Peel Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 15.6 to 172.2
Banana (Musa Peel Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 21.03 Successive extractions with organic Antioxidant and (X. Fu et al., 2018; Vu et al., 2018)
paradisiaca) Flavonoids (μg/g FW): 370 to 450 solvents antimicrobial
Anthocyanins (μg/g FW): 154.57 to 23.75 activities
Carotenoids (μg/g FW): 29.64 to 44.15
Camu-camu (Myrciaria Seeds and Ascorbic acid (mg/g DW): 5.1 to 11.8 Hydro-alcoholic extraction Antioxidant activity, (Azevêdo, Borges, Genovese,
dubia) shells Total anthocyanins (mg eq. cyanidin neuroprotective Correia, & Vattem, 2015; de
3-glycoside/g DW): 0.5 to 1.9 Araújo Padilha et al., 2018; de
Total phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 13.5 to Azevêdo et al., 2014;
21.6 Kaneshima et al., 2016)
Total carotenoids (μg/g DW): 7.48 to 14.7
Citrus fruits (Citrus Peels Phenolics (μg/g FW): 282 to 6923 Hydro-alcoholic extraction Antioxidant (Rafiq et al., 2018; Shofinita,
spp.) 𝛽-carotene (μg/g DW): 0.445 to 3.972 Supercritical fluid extraction Feng, & Langrish, 2015;
Citric acid (meq/g DW): 0.01 to 0.04 Soxhlet with deionized water Tsitsagi, Ebralidze, Chkhaidze,
Rubashvili, & Tsitsishvili, 2018)
Seeds Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 0.68 to 2.11 Supercritical fluid extraction Cytotoxic activity (Castillo-Herrera et al., 2015;
Flavonoids (mg CE/g DW): 1.31 to 2.52 Organic solvent extraction Antioxidant activity Moulehi, Bourgou, Ourghemmi,
Tannins (mg CE/g DW) 0.12 to 0.37 & Tounsi, 2012)
Dragon fruit Peel Betacyanins (μg/g FW): 0.49 to 0.52 Hydro-alcoholic extraction (Priatni & Pradita, 2015; Som
(Hyelocereus spp) Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 0.18 to 0.48 et al., 2019)
Durian (Durio Peel Phenolics (mg GAE/g FW): 34.6 Subcritical water extraction Antioxidant activity (Feng, Wang, Yi, Yang, & He,
zibethinus) 2016; Shitu, Muhammad,
Yoshida, & Izhar, 2016)
TABLE 3 (Continued)
Fruit Fraction Main compounds Extraction method Bioactivity Reference
Seeds Proanthocyanidin (mg ECE/g DW): 1.395 Hydro-alcoholic extraction and Antioxidant activity (Deng et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2013)
Total phenolics (mg GAE/g FW): 3.41 to purification with chromatographic
3.93 column
Guava (Psidium Seeds, skin Phenolics (mg/g DW): 0.12 Hydro-alcoholic extraction with Antioxidant activity (Lima, Ferreira, Vitali, & Block,
guajava) and pulp ultrasound assisted extraction 2019; Rojas-Garbanzo et al.,
leftovers 2019)

Mango (Mangifera Peel Phenolics (mg GAE/g): 46.41 to 133.71 Acidic hydro-alcoholic extraction Antiproliferative activity (Mugwagwa & Chimphango,
indica) Anthocyanins (mg/g DW): 0.03 to 0.39 Supercritical fluid extraction against human colon 2019; Sánchez-Camargo et al.,
Carotenoids (mg all-trans-𝛽-carotene adenocarcinoma cell 2019)
equivalent/g): 1.22 to 2.01 line HT-29
Antioxidant activity
Seed Phenolics (mg GAE/g): 5.05 to 143.79 Pressurized liquid extraction with (Ballesteros-Vivas et al., 2019)
Flavonoids (mg QE/g DW): 0.08 to 1.21 organic solvents
Papaya (Carica papaya) Peel Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 7.32 to 43.79 Different solvents tested to evaluate Scavenging activity (Asghar et al., 2016;
𝛽-Carotene (μg/g DW): 0.15 the best one Ovando-Martínez et al., 2018;
Ascorbic acid (mg AAEa /g DW): 1.87 to Pavithra, Suchiritha Devi,
3.01 Suneetha W, & Durga Rani,
Seeds Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 0.31 to 43.42 Different solvents tested to evaluate Scavenging activity, (Asghar et al., 2016;
Ascorbic acid (mg AAE/g DW): 0.20 the best one cancer Ovando-Martínez et al., 2018;
chemoprevention N. Pathak et al., 2014; Sofi
et al., 2016)
Passion fruit (Passiflora Peels Phenolics (mg/g DW): 5.40 to 5.91 Hydro-alcoholic extraction, Antioxidant activity (Dos Reis, Facco, Salvador, Flôres,
edulis sp.) Total carotenoids (μg/g DW): 9.18 to 255.16 saponification with KOH for & de Oliveira Rios, 2018;
carotenoids analysis Medina et al., 2017)
Seeds Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 0.31 to 0.35 Organic solvent extraction Antioxidant activity (Morais et al., 2015)
Pineapple (Ananas Peels Phenolics (mg GAE/mL juice): 0.38 to 0.39 Pressing Antioxidant activity (S. Banerjee, Ranganathan, Patti,
comosus) Vitamin C (mg/mL juice): 0.395 to 0.615 Organic solvent extraction Antimicrobial activity & Arora, 2018; Difonzo et al.,
2019; Punbusayakul, Samart, &
Sudmee, 2018)
Pomegranate (Punica Peels Phenolics (mg GAE/g FW): 10.98 to 76.75 Ultrasound assisted extraction with Antioxidant (Kharchoufi et al., 2018; Sharayei,
granatum) Carotenoids (mg/g FW): 0.003 water as solvent Antimicrobial Azarpazhooh, Zomorodi, &
Organic solvent extraction Ramaswamy, 2019; Zhao, Yuan,
Yin, & Feng, 2015)

TABLE 3 (Continued)
Fruit Fraction Main compounds Extraction method Bioactivity Reference
Seeds Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 72.4 to 73 Hydro-alcoholic extraction Antioxidant activity (Derakhshan et al., 2018; Mekni
Carotenoids (mg/g DW): 0.77 to 3.85 Organic solvent extraction Antioxidant activity et al., 2018)
Prickly pear (Opuntia Peels Phenolics (mg/g DW): 20.89 Hydro-alcoholic extraction Antioxidant activity (Melgar et al., 2017; Morales,
spp.) Organic acids (mg/g DW): 0.29 Barros, Ramírez-Moreno,
Santos-Buelga, & Ferreira,
Soursop (Annona Peels Phenolics (mg GAE/g FW): 1.86 to 1.88 Aqueous extraction Antioxidant activity (Akomolafe & Ajayi, 2015)
muricata L.) Total flavonoid (mg QUE/g FW): 0.54 Chelating power
Vitamin C (mg AAE/g FW): 19.19 to 19.39 Hydroxyl radical
Pulps Phenolics (mg GAE/g FW): 0.18 to 0.19 Organic solvent extraction (Sousa et al., 2011)
Carotenoids (μg/g FW): 0.16 to 0.26
Vitamin C (mg/g FW): 0.64
Seeds Annonaceous acetogenins: Annonacin, Organic solvent extraction and Larvicidal activity, (Ranisaharivony, Ramanandraibe,
murisolin, annonacinone, cis-annonacin, partitioning with water and antitumoral, Rasoanaivo, Rakotovao, &
corossolin, corossolone, longifolicin, organic solvents antifungal, Lemaire, 2015; Solís-Fuentes
cis-annomontacin, goniothalamicin cytotoxicity et al., 2011)
Tamarind (Tamarindus Seeds Phenolics (g GAE/g DW): 0.207 to 0.363 Successive hydro-alcoholic Anti-lipid oxidation (Suksomtip et al., 2010)
indica) extraction Reducing power
Scavenging activity
Peels – – – –
Taperebá (Spondias Peel Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 28.6 to 28.7 Successive organic solvent extraction Photoprotective (Omena et al., 2012; R. V. Silva
mombin L.) Ascorbic acid (mg/g DW): 1.15 to 1.52 capacity, scavenger et al., 2016)
radical activity,
antimicrobial activity,
Seeds Phenolics (mg GAE/g DW): 202.2 to 254.7 Successive hydro-alcoholic Acetylcholinesterase (Omena et al., 2012)
Ascorbic acid (mg/g DW): 1.60 to 3.32 extraction inhibition, antioxidant
Watermelon (Citrullus Peel Phenolics (mg/g DW): 2.05 to 4.29 Ultrasound with acidic Antioxidant activity (Baeeri et al., 2018)
lanatus) hydro-alcoholic solvent Inhibition of tyrosinase
AAE = Ascorbic Acid Equivalent

anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and other activities, have been coat were characterized by Figueroa, Borrás-Linares, Lozano-
summarized. Most of these properties have been attributed Sánchez, and Segura-Carretero (2018a). In total, 84 com-
to the antioxidant potential of vitamin C present in the fruit pounds were identified from eight different classes in extracts
matrix. performed via accelerated solvent extraction with a mixture of
The main byproduct of acerola are the seeds, representing EtOH:water (1:1, v:v) with liquid chromatography coupled to
around 35% of the whole fruit (Table 2). Peels are typically accurate-mass detection. Among all the compounds, 45 phe-
an edible part in whole fruit consumption, but are also gener- nolic compounds were identified, being mainly condensed
ated as a side stream during industrial processing, and as such tannins, phenolic acids, and flavonoids in both fractions of
have been studied as byproduct. In this sense, several meth- the seed. In addition, the antioxidant properties of extracts
ods have been evaluated to extract bioactive compounds from were evaluated by the DPPH⋅, TEAC, and ORAC methods.
acerola seed and peel (Table 3). On the one hand, Rezende, Avocado seed and seed coat extracts were found to have high
Nogueira, and Narain (2017) concluded that ultrasound is bet- antioxidant activity, moreover, avocado seed coat exhibited
ter in extracting anthocyanins, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, phe- significantly higher antioxidant activity than the seed for all
nolic compounds, and flavonoids with acidified ethanol from three assays. Overall, the phenolic fraction of avocado seed
acerola industrial processing residue (seed and peel), in com- and peels has shown a reduction of less than 50% after hot-air
parison with shaking and maceration. On the other hand, de drying. In the peel, chlorogenic acid was the main compound,
Oliveira et al. (2009) concluded that a high concentration of catechin was the dominating phenolic compounds in the seed
functional compounds, mainly phenolics, were extracted with (Saavedra et al., 2017).
methanol using a Soxhlet system from acerola pulp and peels, Permal, Leong Chang, Seale, Hamid, and Kam (2020),
with an extraction yield of 7.1%. In both cases, interesting investigated the amount of byproducts generated as a result
results were obtained for antioxidant and antiradical activity of cold-pressed avocado oil production, and the suitability
of the extracts. of spray dried avocado wastewater as a natural food preser-
vative. In these discards, 29.7% of digestible carbohydrates
were present in the seed. The wastewater, on the other hand,
3.2.3 Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) contained a lipid content of 6.3%, whose antioxidant activ-
Avocado, one of the most traded tropical fruits, is rec- ity increased after spray drying. The authors further incor-
ognized around the world because of its particular taste porated such spray-dried powder into cooked pork sausages
and texture, but also as a source of health-related oils and and it was found to be as effective as using a synthetic
bioactives, as can be seen in Table 3. Avocado is also a very antioxidant to inhibit lipid oxidation. In the study of Dávila,
important source of vitamins (especially vitamins E and Rosenberg, Castro, and Cardona (2017), the economic and
C), pigments (anthocyanins, chlorophylls, and carotenoids), environmental aspects of the biorefining process of avocado
sterols, phenolic compounds, and seven-carbon sugars byproducts were also evaluated, besides the extraction of valu-
and its related alcohols (D-mannoheptulose and perseitol) able compounds. The results indicated that the main fatty acid
(Hurtado-Fernandez, Fernandez-Gutierrez, & Carrasco- in the pulp of avocado was oleic acid (50.96%) and that this
Pancorbo, 2018). Nevertheless, 21% to 30% of the fruit is fruit contained significant amounts of holocellulose (52.88%
discarded as byproducts after industrial processing (Table 2). and 54.36% in the peel and seed, respectively). For the eco-
In these byproducts, different bioactive compounds have been nomic assessment, it was stated that not only antioxidants
identified. can be obtained from the biomass, but also xylitol, oil, and
Figueroa, Borrás-Linares, Lozano-Sánchez, and Segura- ethanol, which are highly commercial compounds. The envi-
Carretero (2018b) identified via liquid chromatography cou- ronmental impact was mitigated because of the mass integra-
pled to ultra-high-definition accurate-mass spectrometry a tion and the recovery of compounds at highest possible level,
total of 61 compounds belonging to 11 families in extracts which allowed a higher performance of the process.
of avocado peels obtained with a mixture of EtOH:Water Several health-related activities have been suggested for
(1:1, v:v) in an accelerated solvent extraction system. Over- avocado extracts. According to Athaydes et al. (2019), the
all, procyanidins, flavonols, hydroxybenzoic, and hydroxycin- presence of phenolics in the extracts of seeds is related to
namic acids were the most common identified compounds. the mitigation of oxidative stress through a decrease of the
In a similar study, the phenolic profile and other polar com- levels of oxidized products and increasing superoxide dis-
pounds of avocado pulp, peel, and seed in two different stages mutase enzyme activity, also preventing the rise in ulcer
of ripeness were compared in extracts obtained with a mix- and indomethacin-induced gastric lesions and histological
ture of MeOH:Water (80:20, v:v) in de-fatted samples. In changes induced by indomethacin. Similarly, the presence
general, the peel and seed of overripe avocado fruit demon- of oleic acid and sterol compounds in chloroform/methanol
strated high concentrations of phenolics (López-Cobo et al., extract of seeds was responsible for the anti-inflammatory and
2016). The phenolic composition of avocado seed and seed- anticancer activities in a cell line for colon cancer (HCT116)

and for liver cancer (HePG2) and this in a dose-dependent ineffective against Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium spp.
manner. It also exhibited powerful scavenging of free radicals (Prakash, Sumangala, Melappa, & Gavimath, 2017).
by using the DPPH⋅ and ABTS methods (Alkhalf, Alansari, Additionally, a procedure based only on acidic extraction
Ibrahim, & Elhalwagy, 2018). In a similar study, Abubakar, with ascorbic acid, was applied by Oliveira et al. (2017) target-
Achmadi, and Suparto (2017) reported that a triterpenoid iso- ing only pectin that is soluble at pH 3.5. The yield of galactur-
lated from an ethanolic extract of avocado seed showed a sig- onic acid, which took into account the extraction yield and the
nificant cytotoxic activity against all investigated cell lines pectin purity, was improved at higher temperature and lower
(Vero cell line (ATCC CCL-81), human breast cancer cell line pH values, with yields ranging between 5.2% and 12.2%. In
MCF-7 (ATCC HTB-22), and human liver cancer cell line the same line, Swamy and Muthukumarappan (2017) obtained
HepG2 (ATCC HB-8065)). The MTT assay showed that iso- a lower yield 2.18% to 2.58 % by applying microwave assisted
lated triterpenoids inhibited cell proliferation of the MCF-7 extraction and a pH of 3. In a similar study, Hernández-
and HepG2 cell line. Carmona, Morales-Matos, Lambis-Miranda, and Pasqualino
Numerous studies have shown a positive health effect after (2017) determined a starch extraction yield of 29% under
the inclusion of avocado byproducts on the diet of living acidic conditions (5% w/v ascorbic acid solution) and with
organisms, which could be mainly to the presence of bioac- 5 min immersion time. Given the content of carbohydrates,
tive compounds. Thus, Uchenna, Shori, and Baba (2017a) Yang et al. (2019) identified 𝛼-(1→6)-D-glucan in a hot-water
concluded that the inclusion of avocado seeds in the diet of extract. This compound had an immunostimulatory activity
rats may partially influence the feeding and growth perfor- similar to 𝛽-(1→3)-D-glucan.
mance. It lowered the cholesterol levels in blood, suppressed The sensory and nutritional assessment of baked prod-
high blood glucose, and improved liver glycogen storage capa- ucts showed that wheat flour can be replaced up to 10%
bility of the rats. After de-oiling the seeds, edible protein was by banana peel powder (Eshak, 2016). On the other hand,
prepared from the remnant. Nutritionally, the avocado protein for nonhuman foods, Rattanavichai and Cheng (2015) fed
contains all the essential amino acids. Moreover, the protein prawns with banana peel extracts in different concentra-
provided higher water and oil absorption capacities, higher tions, and found that this supplement promotes growth, anti-
radical scavenging capacity but lower in vitro digestibility hypothermal stress, and enhance immunity and resistance
compared with soy protein. Furthermore, the avocado pro- against infections.
tein as emulsifier gave a stable oil-in-water emulsion system, In general, banana peel was shown to be a promising source
resulting in a greater emulsifying stability than that of soy pro- of bioactive components for food and pharmaceutical indus-
tein (Wang et al., 2019). tries. Furthermore, as remarkably shown by several authors,
Research on avocado residues has shown that its byprod- the application of banana peels in bioremediation processes
ucts have potential within the food and pharmaceutical indus- can be a key part in the solution for the highly polluted
tries, given their bioactivity related with a high amount of wastewater from mines, industries, and municipal landfills
phenolic compounds and nutritional value related with the (Oyewo, Onyango, & Wolkersdorfer, 2016), as can be seen
health-improving fatty acids and sensory characteristics. Fur- in the Appendix A.
thermore, it is very interesting that bioactive compounds iso-
lated from avocado have shown a positive effect against dif-
ferent cancer lines. 3.2.5 Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia)
Camu-camu is a rich source of ascorbic acid (0.96 to 2.99 g
per 100 g), which is approximately 60 times higher than
that of orange juice. This is attributed to the presence of
3.2.4 Banana (Musa spp.) five metabolic pathways for ascorbic acid biosynthesis (Cas-
Banana is known as a carbohydrate-rich-source, with a con- tro, Maddox, & Imán, 2018; Castro et al., 2015). The main
tent around 12%, as shown in Table 2. Therefore, several con- byproduct of camu-camu is the peel, representing around
ditions have been tested to isolate, among other compounds, 40% of the fruit, while the seeds are a minimum part of the
pectin and starch, which are easily isolated under acidic con- fruit, eaten together with the fruit but also being part of the
ditions. Banana peels are the main byproduct of banana, rep- byproducts when its industrially processed, as summarized in
resenting between 30% and 38% of the biomass (Table 2). Table 2.
Compositional analysis (Table 3) revealed the presence of In general, flavonoids, ellagic, and syringic acid were
flavonoids, tannins, phlobatannins, alkaloids, glycosides, and identified and quantified in extracts obtained with different
terpenoids in ultrasonic extracts of banana peels, using ace- solvents in different steps to extract bioactive compounds
tone as a solvent (Vu, Scarlett, & Vuong, 2018). Banana peel from hot-air-dried and fresh residue of camu-camu, consist-
aqueous extracts and banana peel ash have been reported to ing mainly of seeds and peels (Table 3). The presence of
exert antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger, but were these components was related with a powerful antimicrobial

activity but moderate in vitro 𝛼-amylase and potent 𝛼- Enzymatic hydrolysis of pectins is often applied to obtain
glucosidase inhibitory activities. On the other hand, the dry- oligosaccharides with potential prebiotic properties (Babbar,
ing process affected the concentration of most of the bioactive Dejonghe, Gatti, Sforza, & Elst, 2016). Thus, oligosacharides
compounds due to temperature, presence of oxygen, and direct were obtained after enzymatic hydrolysis of pectins, which
condensation of ascorbic acid on carbon 4 of anthocyanins acted as a prebiotic compound for the growth, fermentation,
(de Azevêdo, Fujita, de Oliveira, Genovese, & Correia, 2014). acid tolerance, and survival of Bifidobacterium bifidum and
Lactobacillus acidophilus (Ho, Lin, & Wu, 2017). Similarly,
the viscosity of citrus pectins was reduced, and a better
3.2.6 Citrus fruits dissolution in water and less strong gels were evidenced
Citrus fruits are among the largest fruit crops in the world, after chemically modifying such pectins with alkali and
and the citrus industry is the second largest fruit processing acid hydrolysis (Fracasso, Perussello, Carpiné, Petkowicz, &
industry. Around 30% of citrus fruits are processed to obtain Haminiuk, 2018).
various products, mainly juice (Izquierdo & Sendra, 2003).
According to Ding (2017), several fruits are grown in the three
zones of the tropics, and citrus are among the world’s most 3.2.7 Dragon fruit (Hyelocereus spp)
exported ones. Dragon fruit has been reported as a source of 𝛽-carotene,
Many studies have revealed the importance of research on lycopene, and vitamin E, with average concentrations of 1.4,
citrus fruit byproducts, since they have potential for useful 3.4, and 0.26 g per 100 g edible portion, respectively (Table 2).
applications. Phytochemical analysis has revealed the pres- Nevertheless, around half of the fruit is discarded after indus-
ence of limonoids in the majority of citrus seeds and peels, trial processing (1.5% as seeds and up to 38% correspond-
which represent 10% and 60% of the biomass, respectively ing to the peels) (Le Bellec & Vaillant, 2011; Mercado-
(Table 2) (Zou, Xi, Hu, Nie, & Zhou, 2016). Silva, 2018). In these fractions, tannins and saponin have
The proportion of beneficial bacteria and their metabo- been identified in red dragon fruit peel extract (Matra, Wana-
lites were increased in the intestinal flora of Sandhoff disease pat, Cherdthong, Foiklang, & Mapato, 2019). The seeds con-
mice after feeding them with limonoid aglycones extracted tain oils that are rich in fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and
from Citrus junos seeds. As a result, an extension in the linolenic acid.
longevity of the mice by 10% was found (Minamisawa, Studies have shown that dragon fruit byproducts have a
Suzuki, Kawai, Yamaguchi, & Yamanaka, 2017). Similarly, high concentration of different bioactive compounds. Priatni
Ajikumaran, Rajani Kurup, Akhila, and Sabulal (2018) con- and Pradita (2015) found that acidified methanol allowed a
cluded that hydrodistilled essential oils have bioactive and in higher extraction of betacyanins from peels (515 μg per 100 g
vivo and in vitro anticancer activity, although the extracted FW), compared with the extraction yield of acidified water
yield was lower compared to oils extracted with organic sol- (491 μg per 100 g FW). Moreover, the stability of the extracted
vents. In another study, Sah, Joshi, Juyal, and Kumar (2011) betacyanin was higher in the organic extract after five hours
demonstrated a possible regeneration of 𝛽-cells of the pan- storage at room temperature. In a similar study, Leong et al.
creas and stimulation of insulin secretion in induced diabetic (2019) compared the color, yield and antioxidant activity of
rats thanks to the petroleum ether extract of C. medica Linn. betacyanins extracted from peels and flesh via liquid biphasic
On the other hand, citrus fruit peels are widely known electric flotation and liquid biphasic flotation. The first system
as source of pectins, which are traditionally extracted for showed an optimal extraction of betacyanins from the peel and
their technological properties (Verkempinck et al., 2018). Fur- flesh, giving extracts with different red colors. However, the
thermore, it has been demonstrated that pectins exhibited antioxidant activity was similar in both extraction methods.
immunomodulatory effects on the levels of cytokine secre- Som, Ahmat, Abdul Hamid, and Azizuddin (2019) assessed
tion in the spleen of mice with a pro-inflammatory potential not only the byproducts of dragon fruit, but also biomass
(Merheb, Abdel-Massih, & Karam, 2019). In this sense, dif- that is produced along with them. Thus, they compared the
ferent methods have been assayed and optimized for isolat- foliage and peels of dragon fruit in terms of phenolic content
ing pectins from citrus peels. A pH of 1.6, extraction time of and antioxidant activity by using methanol and chloroform as
100 min with boiling aqueous HNO3 and liquid:solid ratio of extraction media. Results revealed that the peels have higher
36 mL/g allowed an extraction yield of 25.6% with galactur- phenolic content (18.18 to 48.15 mg GAE per 100 g DW) than
onic acid purity of 84.5% (Colodel, Vriesmann, Teófilo, & de foliage (5.92 to 30.3 mg GAE per 100 g DW), which influ-
Oliveira Petkowicz, 2018). In a similar study, Güzel and Akpı- enced the antioxidant activity.
nar (2019) applied citric acid as acidifier and they obtained a Most of the literature reports deal with extraction of pectin
yield of 11.46%. Su et al. (2019) achieved an extraction yield from dragon fruit peel, often facilitated with microwaves.
of 28% by using HCl, which could be significantly increased Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) under acidic condi-
by 17% with the application of non-ionic surfactants tions (pH 2.07) at 800 W allowed an extraction yield of 18.5%.

Under these conditions, the galacturonic acid content was the 𝛽 cells of the pancreas (Muhtadi, Primarianti, & Sujono,
65%, with a degree of esterification of 45.82% to 46.95 % 2015). Limited information is available on the use of durian
and a crystallinity of 15.32% to 21.22 % (Rahmati, Abdul- byproducts in the food industry. In one of the few studies,
lah, & Kang, 2019). In a similar study, 600 W and a heating water-soluble polysaccharides from durian seeds were incor-
time of 10 min allowed an extraction yield of 23.11%. How- porated in pineapple juice (Herlina, Lindriati, Praptiningsih,
ever, a drop in viscosity was found during the MAE extrac- and Suciani (2016). The outcomes suggested that the incor-
tion, which could be due to the degradation of pectin. Over- poration of 0.10% of extract improved the viscosity, stability,
all, the degree of esterification of the obtained pectin was texture, and appearance given the concentration of carbohy-
between 57% and 60% and its anhydrouronic acid content was drates and protein, which in the form of colloids acted as sta-
between 60% and 72% (Tongkham, Juntasalay, Lasunon, & bilizers.
Sengkhamparn, 2017). Thirugnanasambandham, Sivakumar,
and Prakash Maran (2014) obtained a lower extraction yield
(7.5%) at 400 W, temperature of 45 ◦ C, extraction time of
20 min, and solid–liquid ratio of 24 g/mL. Nguyen and Pirak 3.2.9 Guava (Psidium guajava)
(2019) compared conventional techniques with ultrasound Guava byproducts are composed of peel (20% of the fruit)
assisted extraction for extracting pectin from dragon fruit and seeds (30% of the fruit), as summarized in Table 2. Both
peels. They saw that the application of ultrasound allowed fractions have potential to be used as a functional ingredient
an extraction of 9.38%, which is significantly higher than to prevent oxidative stress and other related diseases due to
the yield obtained with conventional techniques, but lower their content of phenolic compounds (Table 2) and insoluble
than the results of the studies discussed above. The antiox- dietary fiber (74%) and high amount of phytosterols, saponins
idant activity was also higher in the extracts obtained with lycopene and fatty acids.
ultrasound than the extracts obtained with conventional tech- The presence of phenolic compounds (see Table 3) was
niques. Moreover, the chemical properties of the pectin like related to 𝛼-amylase inhibition, and antioxidant and antirad-
weight, degree of esterification, methoxyl content, and total ical activities, along with a body weight reduction of 8% in
anhydroronic acid revealed that the extracted pectin could be obese rats (Amaya-Cruz et al., 2015; Rojas-Garbanzo, Zim-
categorized as low-methoxyl pectin. mermann, Schulze-Kaysers, & Schieber, 2017). In the same
Overall, dragon fruit appears as an interesting source line, the highest extraction yield of phenolic compounds was
of bioactive substances, mainly phenolic compounds, with achieved with a solution of 60% methanol or pure water and
potential useful applications in pharmaceutical and food a further purification via ultrafiltration membranes (Sukeksi,
industries. Thus, dragon fruit byproducts have potential for Che Hassan, Nik Sulaiman, Rashidi, & Davazdah Emami,
use as a source of functional ingredients to provide nutri- 2016). Similarly, Uchoa-Thomaz et al. (2014) performed a
ents that may prevent nutrition-related diseases and improve screening study on the chemical composition of guava seeds,
physical and mental well-being of consumers (Wichienchot, which had high levels of dietary fiber, protein, iron, zinc, and
Jatupornpipat, & Rastall, 2010). Moreover, the peel has poten- reduced caloric content. The lipid profile showed a predomi-
tial for commercializing as a new source of pectin indirectly nance of unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic and oleic
used to increase the economic value of byproducts coming acids. Overall, significant amounts of bioactive compounds
from the food and feed industry. such as ascorbic acid, carotenoids, and insoluble dietary fiber
were found.
In another field, L. Silva, Hill, Figueiredo, and Gomes
3.2.8 Durian (Durio zibethinus) (2014) saw that encapsulated hydro-alcoholic guava extracts
The main characteristic of Durian is the high concentration of peel, unused pulp, and seeds inhibited L. monocytogenes
of phenolic compounds such as caffeic acid, p-coumaric and and E. coli at lower concentration than the corresponding non-
vanillic acids, hesperidin, quercetin, myricitin, apigenin, and encapsulated fruit byproduct. Such hydro-alcoholic extracts
kaempherol (Ansari, 2016). These levels are mainly found did not alter body weight over time when supplemented to
in the peel, which is a byproduct representing between 50% mice, although it reduced glycemia and insulin resistance in
and 60% of the fruit, as shown in Table 2. The presence of obese mice, in view of the high concentrations of phenolic
flavonoids, quercetin, flavanols, tannins, anthocyanins, and compounds (Díaz-de-Cerio et al., 2017).
ascorbic acid (Table 3), significantly reduced the damage in Guava appears as an interesting source of bioactive sub-
the aorta and liver when organic solvent extracts of pulp were stances, mainly phenolic compounds, with potential useful
administered to hypercholesterolemic rats (Leontowicz et al., applications in pharmaceutical and food industries. Next to
2011). phenolics, the predominance of unsaturated fatty acids and
Studies suggested that the presence of flavonoids on durian dietary fiber make guava byproducts a target when looking for
peels regenerates and stimulates the release of insulin by new sources of beneficial compounds for human nutrition.

3.2.10 Mango (Mangifera indica) and 𝛽-carotene by 46.04%, 44.16%, and 44.01% respectively.
Among the different tropical fruits, mango is one of the most The increase in bioaccessability of the carotenoids by the
studied. According to Irondi, Oboh, Akindahunsi, Boligon, ultrasound treatment is attributed to the changes induced to
and Athayde (2014), mango contains essential and functional the cell wall. It is suggested that the energy applied allows to
nutrients (Table 2) that can be used in various products. Over- break the glycosidic link to dietary fiber.
all, processing of mango generates a high outflow of byprod- Other than bioactives, pectin has also been a target in the
ucts, mainly peels and seeds, which account around the 7% to valorization of mango peels. In a sequential extraction per-
24% and 45% to 85 %, respectively, of the whole fruit. These formed by Guandalini, Rodrigues, and Marczak (2019), a
byproducts have been characterized by a high concentration of yield of 67% of phenolics present in the mango peel could
valuable compounds that can develop interesting nutritional be extracted in first instance with a mixture of EtOH:water
features, as shown un Table 3, given the presence of dietary (50:50; v:v) and the remnant was used to obtain pectins
fiber, crude protein, carotenoids, and total soluble phenol con- with ultrasound assisted extraction. This process increased the
tent (Sánchez-Camargo et al., 2019). pectin extraction yield with more than 50% compared with the
Studies have been performed in order to isolate pheno- reference extraction performed without ultrasound and did not
lics from mango byproducts, mainly peels. Thus, Agatonovic- affect its quality, measured by the galacturonic acid content
Kustrin, Kustrin, and Morton (2018) identified a higher con- and the degree of esterification. In a similar study, Mugwagwa
centration of phenolic compounds in peel (463 to 2692 mg and Chimphango (2019) applied a sequential fractionation of
GAE per 100 g) than in pulp (275 to 1267 mg GAE per mango peels for pectin and anthocyanins. Anthocyanins were
100 g) after performing an ethanolic extraction. Moreover, extracted with acidified ethanol and the remaining residue
chlorogenic, gallic, and caffeic acids were identified as the resulted in pectin with a 5.5% higher antioxidant activity, 23%
main compounds via high performance thin layer chromatog- richer in polygalacturonic acid, and with a yield that was 31%
raphy. Other compounds such as ellagic and gallic acids, (w:w) higher than conventionally extracted samples. Given
rutin, and catechin were identified and quantified by da the nutritional value of mango peels, Chen et al. (2019) eval-
Silva Sauthier et al. (2019), after using acidified methanol uated the effects of mango peel powder on starch digestion
as extraction medium. In line with other studies, the antioxi- properties and quality characteristics of bread. The authors
dant activity of peel extracts was higher than in the pulp. Par- saw that the incorporation of less than 5% of mango peel did
niakov, Barba, Grimi, Lebovka, and Vorobiev (2016) found not alter the bread quality, although starch digestibility was
that the extraction of phenolics from mango peel is signif- significantly inhibited.
icantly enhanced (+400%) with the application of pulsed On the other hand, mango seed has attracted scientific
electric field followed by a supplementary aqueous extrac- attention because of the presence of bioactive compounds
tion. The stability of the extracted compounds was evaluated with high antioxidant activity, lipids that have acceptable
by Velderrain-Rodríguez, Acevedo-Fani, González-Aguilar, physical and chemical characteristics and high protein con-
and Martín-Belloso (2019) after encapsulating a phenolic- tent (Torres-León et al., 2016). For the oils present in the
rich extract from mango peel in water-in-oil-in-water emul- seed, pressurized liquid extraction is the most frequently
sions. The encapsulated compounds and the emulsion showed applied method for extraction. Akanda et al. (2015) opti-
a high stability after 21 days of storage at 4 ◦ C. Next to pheno- mized the extraction conditions of mango seed kernel via
lics, carotenoids have also received attention, given their ben- supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), yielding cocoa butter
efits. In extracts of peels in different maturity stages obtained analogy fats and compared the yield with Soxhlet extrac-
with acetone, a concentration between 73.5 and 81 μg/g DW tion. The authors found that the oil triglycerides were rich
and 194 and 436 μg/g DW in raw and ripened mango peel, in stearic and oleic fatty acids and their concentration was
respectively, was quantified, next to anthocyanins and phe- found to be similar in the oil extracted via the application
nolics. High antioxidant activity and inhibition of lipoxyge- of both methods. Similarly, Ballesteros-Vivas et al. (2019)
nase activity was observed (Ajila, Naidu, Bhat, & Rao, 2007). found that palmitic acid, oleic acid, and stearic acid are the
The bioaccesibility of carotenoids extracted from peel and most abundant compounds in mango seed oil extracted via
de-juiced pulp with ultrasound assisted extraction was eval- pressurized liquid with n-heptane as main solvent, with an
uated by Mercado-Mercado, Montalvo-González, González- extraction yield of 13.82%. On the other hand, mango seed
Aguilar, Alvarez-Parrilla, and Sáyago-Ayerdi (2018), in an in has also been studied as a source of antioxidant compounds.
vitro model. The bioaccessibility in the ultrasound assisted Similarly, Ballesteros-Vivas et al. (2019) found an extraction
extraction-peel was improved by 46.93%, 35.21%, and 32.62% yield of 143.79 mg GAE per g DW and 1.21 mg quercetin
for 𝛽-cryptoxanthin, lutein, and 𝛽-carotene, respectively. equivalent (QE) per g DW, for phenolics and flavonoids,
While in the ultrasound assisted extraction-pulp, the treatment respectively, in extracts performed with ethanol as main sol-
improved the bioaccessibility (%) for lutein, 𝛽-cryptoxanthin, vent under 150 ◦ C in a pressurized liquid extraction process.

Torres-León et al. (2019) found an increase from 984 to In another area, Parniakov, Barba, Grimi, Lebovka, and
3288 mg GAE per 100 g DW after a solid-state fermenta- Vorobiev (2014) showed that proteins from papaya seeds were
tion with the fungus Aspergillus niger, followed by an ethano- better extracted after pretreatment with high voltage elec-
lic extraction. The same authors evaluated the effect of dif- trical discharges compared to pulsed electric field assisted
ferent conditions of solid to liquid ratio, temperature, and extraction. However, electrical discharges may produce free
extraction cycle for microwave-assisted extraction of antioxi- reactive radicals, which can reduce the nutritional qual-
dant compounds from mango seeds. The optimized conditions ity of high-added value compounds. On the other hand,
were found to be 1/60 g/mL, 75 ◦ C, and two cycles. Under Zhang et al. (2017) recovered higher concentrations of sol-
these conditions, the antioxidant activity is 1738.2 mg Trolox uble dietary fiber from papaya peel by alkaline compared to
per g (Torres-León, Rojas, Serna-Cock, Belmares-Cerda, & ultrasound-assisted extraction. Also ethanol extraction along
Aguilar, 2017). with microwave-assisted dehydration was used to produce
The results of different studies have shown that mango dietary fiber concentrates from papaya byproducts (Nieto
byproducts are a potential source of nutritional food ingredi- Calvache, Soria, De Escalada Pla, & Gerschenson, 2017). Fur-
ents in view of the specific physical and chemical characteris- thermore, studies have shown that latex extracted from papaya
tics of the seed oil, which are similar to those of the cocoa fat, peel is a rich source of proteolytic enzymes (Meza-Jiménez,
while the peel was characterized by a high content of bioac- Pokhrel, Robles de la Torre, Barbosa-Canovas, & Hernández-
tive compounds, which confer the potential to be incorporated Sánchez, 2019; Nitsawang, Hatti-Kaul, & Kanasawud, 2006),
as a food ingredient or in the pharmaceutical industry. The with interesting biological applications, for example, antimi-
importance of mango as source of valuable compounds can crobial activities (dos Anjos et al., 2016).
be deduce from the growing scientific evidence dealing with Papaya excels as a potential source of antioxidant com-
the extraction and evaluation of bioactive compounds. pounds, with interesting antimicrobial properties against dif-
ferent kinds of bacteria. However, the most remarkable char-
acteristic of papaya is the possibility to act as anti-carcinogen
3.2.11 Papaya (Carica papaya) agent in view of its phenolic composition.
In papaya, important levels of phenolics are found, mainly in
peels (which represent 20% of the fruit, see Table 2). On the
other hand, papaya seeds, which account 20% of the fruit, as 3.2.12 Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis)
summarized in Table 2, has been characterized as an impor- Passion fruit peel (90% of the biomass, see Table 2) has been
tant source of bioactive compounds and valuable compounds characterized for its high concentration of soluble dietary
including proteins and oil. fiber, phytochemical composition, and physical properties of
Methanol and ethanol were described as the best solvents the peels, which makes it suitable for application in the food
to obtain maximum extraction yields of phenolic compounds industry. On the other hand, the seeds represent 8% of the
from different parts of papaya, including peels and seeds fruit, and they have been characterized for their concentra-
(Table 3). These extracts were further studied for their antioxi- tion of volatile compounds, like esters, alcohols, and terpenes
dant and antibacterial activity against several multidrug resis- (Leão, Sampaio, Pagani, & Da Silva, 2014).
tant Gram positive and negative bacteria (Asghar et al., 2016). With respect to the antioxidant compounds, Cazarin et al.
In addition, aqueous extracts of defatted papaya seed had an (2016) demonstrated that passion fruit peel intake exerted an
antioxidant activity and also an antimicrobial activity against intestinal anti-inflammatory effect and attenuated an induced
Gram positive and negative bacteria (Sofi, Raju, Lakshmisha, colonic damage, in addition to an increase in short-chain fatty
& Singh, 2016). In general, a further purification step of aque- acid formation in the colon. Similar results were found by Chi-
ous seed extracts with silica gel column chromatography had lakapati, Serasanambati, Manikonda, Chilakapati, and Wat-
an effect on the in vitro cytoprotective, antioxidative, and son (2014) in a mouse model of bleomycin induced pul-
anti-inflammatory mechanisms, as well as on genoprotection monary fibrosis. On the other hand, the application of the
in response to induced carcinogenicity (Pathak et al., 2014). peel resulted in an improvement in the nutritional value of
Such phenolic composition may be responsible for the reduc- foods. Hence, authors like Conti-Silva and Roncari (2015) and
tion in glycemic index after the addition of papaya peel pow- López-Vargas, Fernández-López, Pérez-Álvarez, and Viuda-
der in bread formulations (Waghmare & Arya, 2014). Other Martos (2014) found an increase in the concentration of
compounds have also been analyzed in papaya byproducts. fiber content and nutritional value in bread and pork burg-
Hence, Castro-Vargas, Baumann, and Parada-Alfonso (2016) ers, respectively, after the inclusion of passion fruit peel flour
used methanol to prepare extracts from seeds that underwent a in the formulation. Other authors also showed that pectin
purification process with solid-phase extraction targeting the from passion fruit could be isolated under different condi-
isolation of benzylglucosinolate, which decreased the lipid tions. Hydrochloric acid (HCl), for instance, allowed a total
oxidation in edible vegetable oil by over 80%. pectin extraction yield of around 15% (de Moura et al., 2017).

Similarly, de Oliveira, Giordani, Gurak, Cladera-Olivera, and ing to reduce feeding costs, without impairing performance
Marczak (2015) found that a pH of 1 allowed an extraction and carcass traits (Sena et al., 2015).
yield of 10%. The authors also evaluated the influence of an Despite all the nutritional characteristics of passion fruit
electric field, which did not improve the yield. Nevertheless, byproducts that are potentially applicable in humans, the
Seixas et al. (2014) found the best yield (between 15% and main utilization potential is indicated for animal nutrition, in
30%) when tartaric acid was used along with pretreatment view of the benefits in animal growing and characteristics
with electric field pulses. These results suggest that passion of the products of animal origin. Moreover, the use of these
fruit peel could be used as a source of pectin for application byproducts represents an effective and ecological suitable way
as thickening and emulsifying agent. Similarly, Espírito-Santo to preserve feeds in order to maintain the productivity of
et al. (2013) evaluated the influence of the addition of passion animals.
fruit fiber isolated from peels on whey formation, rheological
parameters, microstructure, and sensorial characteristics of
probiotic yoghurts, but the results indicated that such addition 3.2.13 Pineapple (Ananas comosus)
did not exert a significant influence on the yoghurts. In a sim- Pineapple is known for its high concentration of carbohy-
ilar study, two starter cultures and five probiotic strains were drates, fiber and bioactive compounds. The peels, which rep-
used to ferment soymilk aiming to increase folate concentra- resent 50% of the biomass, are characterized by a high concen-
tions in the presence of fructo-oligosaccharides and passion tration of the same compounds as mentioned above (Table 2).
fruit byproducts (Albuquerque, Bedani, LeBlanc, and Saad Therefore, these peels have potential for fiber enrichment of
(2017). A comparable stimulation of folate production was nutritionally poor products (Selani et al., 2014), but could
found by the selected bacterial strains. also be an inexpensive and sustainable alternative resource
Studies have been done to include passion fruit byprod- for the production of bacterial cellulose (Algar et al., 2015),
ucts in animal feed. One kilogram of passion fruit seed enzymes, and bioactive compounds (Rashad, Abdou, & Mah-
oil supplements, with an apparent metabolizable energy of moud, 2016), and for bioremediation (Rahmat et al., 2016)
≈3.945 kcal/g, was given to broiler chickens. Byproducts of (Appendix A).
passion fruit seed could be used at levels of up to 5% inclusion Ethanolic extracts of pineapple peel metabolites, summa-
in broiler diets without impairing on performance, carcass rized in Table 3, showed a better inhibitory effect in the
yield, blood parameters, intestinal morphometry, and meat growth of pathogenic bacteria when compared with methano-
quality (Zanetti et al., 2018). However, when passion fruit lic extraction (Gunwantrao, Bhausaheb, Ramrao, & Subhash,
seed was used in the diet of laying hens, there was no dif- 2016). At the same time, the concentration of such metabolites
ference in egg production and feed conversion, but the spe- within the fruit byproducts were enhanced after ultraviolet-
cific gravity of eggs increased with the concentration of seeds, C radiation (Freitas et al., 2015). Given the concentration
while total cholesterol and blood triglycerides decreased lin- of these compounds, Segovia Gómez and Almajano Pablos
early, and also a decrease in the yolk lipid oxidation was evi- (2016) showed that the addition of aqueous pineapple peel
denced (Zanetti et al., 2016). The addition of passion fruit extracts improved the antioxidant activity of muffins as well
byproducts in elephants silage (Bonfá et al., 2015; Cardoso as the prevention of lipid oxidation. However, dos Anjos
de Azevedo et al., 2017) increased the dry matter and favored et al. (2016) demonstrated that the antibacterial activity of
the fermentative, microbiological, and bromatological silage bromelain against Alicyclobacillus spp. was not due to the
processes, while in pig feeding, seed meal showed to increase proteolytic activity of the enzyme itself, but rather to other
the serum levels of cholesterol (Perondi et al., 2014). Simi- enzymatic actions, such as amidase and esterase activities.
larly, the mixture between grass and passion fruit peel could Furthermore, owing to the high concentration of carbohy-
be an efficient and environmental acceptable way to preserve drates, the functional properties like swelling capacity and
feeds in order to sustain the productivity of the herds during water absorption and retention capacity of flours obtained
the dry season (Espinoza et al., 2017). Alves et al. (2015) con- from pineapple peel were significantly higher in comparison
cluded that feeding cattle with passion fruit peel resulted in with other fruit byproducts flours (Lopera-Cardona, Gallardo,
a higher feed intake and higher weight gain. Also, the coef- Umaña-Gallego, & Gil, 2016).
ficients of digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude In a different line of research, Roda et al. (2017) elabo-
protein, and the digestibility coefficient of neutral detergent rated wines with pineapple peel and core by combining phys-
fiber from passion fruit byproducts were higher than those ical and enzymatic treatments of byproducts and alcoholic
observed with the sorghum silage. The substitution of Tifton fermentation under different conditions of temperature and
85 (Cynodon spp.) hay by dehydrated passion fruit peel was yeast strains. This allowed to produce different aroma profiles,
evaluated on intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance, and car- alcohol concentrations, and organic acids. In a similar study,
cass traits in rams. The authors concluded that substitution at Roda et al. (2017) determined high concentrations of alco-
approximately 30% can be a good option for producers will- hols, aldehydes, and ketones in the aromatic profile of vinegar

enriched with pineapple byproducts, while off-flavors were the immune system (Wu et al., 2020). The peel, which rep-
significantly low. Similarly, pineapple peel allowed the pro- resent around 29% of the biomass, is characterized mainly for
duction of lactic acid after optimization of temperature, pH, the presence of betacyanins and other bioactive compounds,
nitrogen sources, mineral salts, inoculum concentration, and while the seeds (1.4% of the biomass) are rich in oils.
fermentation time (Maheshwaran & Palaniswamy, 2017). Betacyanins and phenolics were extracted from peels via
The addition of pineapple byproducts significantly microwave-assisted extraction. In this extract, 18 cinnamoyl
enhanced the nutritional properties as well as the taste of derivatives, 17 flavonoid derivatives, and four betacyanins
food products. Cookies enriched with wheat flour partially were identified (Ferreres et al., 2017). In a similar study, beta-
substituted by pineapple flour byproducts gave high fiber cyanin extracted by an alcohol/salt-based liquid biphasic par-
levels, a consumers’ acceptance of 97%, and a buying titioning system, showed a good stability under 4 ◦ C dark stor-
intention of 53% (Toledo, Nunes, Silva, Spoto, & Canniatti- age (Leong et al., 2018).
Brazaca, 2017). Similar results were observed in cereal In addition, the peels of pitaya have been used as a source
bars supplemented with pineapple peel flour (Aparecida of amylases. Amid and Manap (2014) isolated and charac-
Damasceno et al., 2016). The taste of sausages was improved terized an amylase isolated from pitaya peel using ammo-
with the addition of pineapple fiber (Díaz-Vela, Totosaus, nium sulphate precipitation, gel filtration, and ion exchange
Escalona-Buendía, & Pérez-Chabela, 2017). Also, Selani chromatography. The results showed that the enzyme was
et al. (2016) replaced fat with pineapple byproduct and canola monomeric with a molecular weight of 42.1 kDa and highly
oil in low-fat beef burgers that showed a mean reduction in active and stable over a wide pH range from pH 3 to 11.0, with
cholesterol content of 9.15%. Canola oil addition improved optimum activity being observed at pH 5.0. The enzyme was
the fatty acid profile of the burgers, and their oxidative sta- highly selective for soluble starch, amylopectin, glycogen, and
bility was affected by the vegetable oil addition. An increase pulullan. Similarly, Shad et al. (2018) purified 𝛼-amylase from
of probiotic populations using pineapple byproducts with white pitaya peel in a system composed of salt and polyethy-
Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei, and L. paracasei was lene glycol. Furthermore, the impact of the working variables
observed in yogurts after pineapple powder supplementation. was investigated. The partition coefficient, purification factor,
Furthermore, peptide extracts of these yoghurts displayed and amylase yield under the optimal conditions were 6.62%,
remarkable antioxidant and antimutagenic activities (Sah, 4.43%, and 89.12%, respectively.
Vasiljevic, McKechnie, & Donkor, 2016a). In a similar work, The other fraction that can be used as a potential source
Sah, Vasiljevic, McKechnie, and Donkor (2016b) concluded of valuable compounds are the seeds. In general, studies
that supplementation with fiber reduced the fermentation have shown that pitaya oil contains high concentrations of
time of milk co-fermented with probiotic bacteria and showed polyunsaturated fatty acids like linoleic acid (46% to 48%),
significant differences in syneresis levels. However, firmness oleic acid (21.6% to 23.9%), and 𝛾-linolenic acid (1.21%),
and storage modulus were lowered significantly upon fiber while the saturated fatty acids were characterized by palmitic
addition. In sensory analysis, pineapple yogurt supplemented acid (17.9% to 18.2%) and small concentrations of other
with pineapple peel flour approached a “like moderately” typical fatty acids like myristic and stearic acid, among
qualification (Neres, de Souza, & Bezerra, 2015). others (Ariffin et al., 2009; Villalobos-Gutierrez, Schweig-
Sheep fed with pineapple peel-added silage during 90 gert, Carle, & Esquivel, 2012). Traditional extraction was
days showed an increase in body weight, which suggested compared with microwave-assisted extraction, supercriti-
that pineapple peels might be an economically feasible agro- cal fluid extraction, aqueous enzymatic extraction, and a
industrial byproduct for farmers (Maneerat, Prasanpanich, combination of microwave and aqueous enzymatic extrac-
Tumwasorn, Laudadio, & Tufarelli, 2015). tion. Overall, the application of enzymes gave the best
Overall, pineapples are a valuable source of carbohydrates, results with the highest oil yield (7.78 wt%). The fatty
mainly fibers, well known for their bioactive properties. Fur- acid compositions of the oils were different depending
thermore, the presence of bromelain in the different frac- on the extraction conditions. In agreement with the other
tions, mark the various applications of pineapple, mainly in studies, the most abundant unsaturated fatty acids and poly-
the pharmaceutical and food industries. unsaturated fatty acids were oleic acid (11.80% to 23.40%)
and linoleic acid (25.22% to 54.43%) (Rui, Zhang, Li,
3.2.14 Pitaya (Stenocereus spp) & Pan, 2009).
Pitaya is an important fruit grown in the semiarid lands of Given the presence of bioactive compounds with high
tropical and subtropical regions. It is rich in micronutrients antioxidant activity, the characteristics of food products have
and phenolic compounds, which confer great health bene- been improved. Thus, Cunha et al. (2018) investigated the
fits to improve digestion, lower cholesterol, and strengthen effect of microencapsulated microwave-assisted extracts of

pitaya peel on color, texture, and oxidative stability of pork the pathogenic microbial population in lamb meat patties
patties. They saw that the microencapsulated extracts together (Andrés, Petrón, Adámez, López, & Timón, 2017). Taken
with BHT delayed the protein oxidative processes, which was into account the concentration of phenolic compounds, Galaz
evidenced in the minimized texture changes throughout the et al. (2017) found that the phenolic composition, content
storage. of hydrolyzable tannins as well as antioxidant activity were
In summary, pitaya byproducts could be potential candi- maintained after drum drying of pomegranate peel in combi-
dates to act as natural additives or active compounds in the nation with high temperatures and short processing times. In
food and pharmaceutical industry, in view of the different the same sense, encapsulation of hydro-alcoholic extracts of
bioactive compounds, especially betacyanins and phenolics. pomegranate peels with calcium alginate microspheres gave a
Furthermore, the nutritional characteristics of the oil extracted higher antioxidant capacity than commercial dietary fiber rich
from the seeds could be important for development of food products (Colantuono, Vitaglione, Ferracane, Campanella, &
products with enhanced nutritional characteristics. Hamaker, 2017).
In other studies, pomegranate peel pectins had a low degree
of methylation and were characterized by the predominance of
3.2.15 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) homogalacturonan regions. Differences were found in pectin
From a functional point of view, pomegranate fruit is char- gel formation between varieties. Furthermore, the gelling
acterized by a high antioxidant activity (Fu et al., 2011; Kim properties of the pectins gave good characteristics in the pres-
et al., 2014), due to high levels of phenolic compounds (Abid ence of calcium (Abid et al., 2017). Moreover, pectins with
et al., 2017), as shown in Table 2. Nevertheless, the concen- different acylation and methylation degree showed prebiotic
tration of the individual compounds is significantly affected properties in vitro with strains of Lactobacillus and Bifi-
by the cultivar (Viyar et al., 2017). dobacterium (Khatib et al., 2017). The capacity of ethano-
As shown in Table 3, phenolics and carotenoids are the lic pomegranate pomace extract for reducing L. monocyto-
main metabolites present in the byproducts of pomegranate. genes in fresh leaves was higher than the reduction observed
Recently, Aguilar-Zárate et al. (2017) identified 20 phenolic with disinfection via chlorinated treatment. Furthermore, the
compounds by high-performance liquid chromatography– pomegranate pomace treatment did not affect the surface color
electrospray ionization–mass spectrometry in pomegranate- of the leaves (Kang & Song, 2017). In a similar way, Hous-
husk, which represents 50% of the biomass. The main ton, Bugert, Denyer, and Heard (2017) demonstrated that the
compounds were punicalagin, punicalin, and ellagic acid. Fur- pomegranate peel extract and zinc sulphate, zinc citrate, zinc
thermore, punicalagin was isolated by medium pressure liquid stearate, and zinc gluconate exerted a similar potential viruci-
chromatography, whose presence showed a strong scavenging dal activity against Herpes simplex virus. No cytotoxicity was
capacity for DPPH⋅ and ABTS radicals. Similar results were detected.
presented by Sun et al. (2017), after the purification of ellag- Replacing wheat flour with pomegranate dried peel
itannins and punicalagin from pomegranate husk, extracted during formulation of noodles decreased the total lipid and
with the help of crystallization and reverse-phase liquid triglyceride amount in blood of rats, due to the presence
chromatography. The presence of this valuable elements of mainly natural antioxidants and dietary fiber (Algarini,
makes them interesting sources for new pharmaceuticals. For 2017). Also, the polyphenolic antioxidant rich extract of
instance, the potential health benefits of pomegranate peels pomegranate mesocarp decreased the oxidative stress and
and the underlying mechanism of its inhibition of cancer inflammation at adipose tissue level with the propensity to
progression were reviewed by Panth, Manandhar, and Paudel mitigate obesity-related disorders such as insulin resistance
(2017). The reported activities are attributed to the presence and type II diabetes (Ramlagan et al., 2017). Durante et al.
of phenolic compounds within the fruit matrix, with demon- (2017) quantified abundant tocochromanols in pomegranate
strated anti-proliferative, anti-metastatic, and anti-invasive oleoresins, with a high antioxidant activity and a high
effects on various cancer cell lines using in vitro models. percentage of unsaturated fatty acids, mainly punicic acid.
Pathak, Mandavgane, and Kulkarni (2017) reviewed the Sprouting has shown to dramatically increase the concen-
biorefinery process of pomegranate peel, and delivered an tration of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, non-tannins,
outline of its chemical composition. The authors also provided and antioxidant activity in pomegranate seeds (Falcinelli
an overview of the possible value-added products that can be et al., 2017). Therefore, pomegranate seeds appeared to be a
produced from its discarded agro-byproducts, like medicines, suitable way of utilizing the byproducts of the juice industry
bioactive compounds, and development of nanoparticles. The to obtain bioactive compounds. The combination of propolis
addition of pomegranate peel improved the bioactive and wax and bee wax allowed the production of pomegranate
physical properties in noodles (Kazemi, Karim, Mirhosseini, seed oil organogels with important implications in the food
Hamid, & Tamnak, 2017), bread (Martins, Pinho, & Fer- industry due to the presence of considerable amounts of
reira, 2017), and reduction the level of free radicals and polyunsaturated fatty acids and phenolic compounds (Fayaz

et al., 2017). In other industrial applications, the concen- Among the various bioactive phytochemicals, the isorham-
tration of nitrogenous compounds, phosphorous, phenolic netin flavonoid glycosides seem to be the most abundant.
components, and other metallic elements in the form of salts On the other hand, the review of Barba et al. (2017) con-
or oxides contributed to fire retardancy when applied on cluded that novel nonthermal technologies are efficient to
ligno-cellulosic material (Basak & Ali, 2017). recover functional phytochemicals from prickly pear fruit
In summary, pomegranate byproducts are excellent candi- byproducts. The hydroethanolic extracts (EtOH:Water; 80:20;
dates to be used as natural additives or active compounds in v:v) of three different species where characterized by a high
the food and pharmaceutical industries, in view of the high concentration of phenolics and betalains, which was cor-
antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiviral activity. Moreover, related with their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities.
the presence of pectins plays a fundamental role in the devel- In general, the antimicrobial activity of the hydroethanolic
opment of food products that need prebiotics. extracts of all species revealed active higher activity compared
to ampicillin (Melgar et al., 2017). Morales, Barros, Ramírez-
Moreno, Santos-Buelga, and Ferreira (2014) obtained several
extractions with different solvents targeting compounds with
3.2.16 Prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) different polarities within the fruit matrix. The authors were
Processing of prickly pear results in the accumulation of sev- able to identify and quantify soluble sugars (mainly glucose,
eral quantities of byproducts, which represent around 30% of fructose, and sucrose), organic acids (citric acid), phenolic
the fruit weight (around 29% representing the peel and 1.5% compounds (up to 18.45 mg/g extract DW) and fatty acids
the seeds, as can be seen in Table 2). In these byproducts, (rich in palmitic acid).
several valuable compounds have been found and quantified, Besides bioactive components, pectins have also been
among which are bioactives and mainly pectines. extracted from prickly pear peel. Low methoxyl pectin was
Although the seeds are a minor fraction, they received a lot extracted by sequential extraction with water in the presence
of attention due to the presence of fiber, phenolics, flavonoids, of ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid followed by a precip-
PUFA’s (mainly linoleic acid), and tocopherols (specially 𝛾- itation with ethanol. The sugar composition of the pectin
tocopherol), which contribute to a good antioxidant capac- was: galacturonic acid (654 mg/g DW), galactose (195 mg/g
ity (Morales, Ramírez-Moreno, Sanchez-Mata, Carvalho, & DW), rhamnose (21.6 mg/g DW), arabinose (1.2 mg/g DW),
Ferreira, 2012). The fatty acid composition was reported by and glucose (1.2 mg/g DW). The molecular and physico-
Ghazi, Ramdani, Fauconnier, El Mahi, and Cheikh (2013) and chemical characterization revealed that the characteristics of
Bhatt and Nagar (2013). In terms of unsaturated fatty acids, the pectin were suitable for application in different products
both studies agreed when stating that such compounds were (Lira-Ortiz et al., 2014). Similarly, the application of cit-
the highest concentrated, with values ranging from 58.79% ric acid/hydrochloric acid in de-starched an de-fatted prickly
to 84.35%. Linoleic acid was found to be between 58.79% pear peel allowed the extraction of 18% pectins, composed
and 79.82%, palmitic acid between 11.18% and 13.52%, and of galacturonic acid (68.2% to 74%) with minor quantities of
stearic acid between 1.50% and 1.72% of the fatty acids. The galactose (10.2% to 12.4%), arabinose (4.4% to 5.4%), and
sterol fraction was composed of campesterol, stigmasterol, rhamnose (0.9% to 3.2%). All the samples were nonsticky
and fucosterol. The sterol marker, 𝛽-sitosterol, accounted for with good flow ability and exhibited good functional proper-
78% to 80% of the total sterol content in the oil. Finally, ties like emulsifying capacity and stability (Kalegowda, Singh
vitamin E and 𝛾-tocopherol were present in low quantities, Chauhan, & Mysore NanjarajUrs, 2017).
1.23% and 0.29% of the total lipids, respectively. The oil anal- Overall, and although the available information about
ysis showed that the iodine value, acid value, saponification prickly pear is still limited, it is evident that this fruit is a
value, and unsaponifiable matter were 110.95, 1.64, 191.85, valuable source of oils, pectin, and bioactive phytochemi-
and 2.65, respectively. Chougui et al. (2013) characterized cals, like flavonoids and phenolic acids, which are primar-
the phenolic profile of the seeds and found more than 20 ily responsible for the direct radical scavenging properties as
compounds detected after LC separation. High correlations well as inhibition of ROS generation or action (Habtemariam,
were found between phenolic content in the defatted seed 2019). On the whole, these compounds confer prickly pear a
extracts and their antioxidant activity. González-Stuart and wide spectrum of potential applications for food and/or phar-
Rivera (2019) summarized that seeds of prickly pear possess maceutical products.
potential health-improving activities, due to the content of oil
and the antioxidant activity, especially against lipid peroxida-
tion. The oil also showed various beneficial effects including 3.2.17 Soursop (Annona muricata)
𝛼-glucosidase inhibitory activity, cytotoxicity against human Soursop is a good source of antioxidants and all parts of
certain cancer cell lines, antimicrobial action, antifungal the fruit are used in traditional folk medicine (Akomolafe &
activity as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Ajayi, 2015; Siqueira, Moreira, Melo, Stamford, & Stamford,

2015; Yang et al., 2009). Phenolic compounds (Jiménez, observed in the proliferation of normal cells (Minarni et al.,
Gruschwitz, Schweiggert, Carle, & Esquivel, 2014; Silva 2017).
et al., 2014), vitamin C, carotenoids (Almeida et al., 2011; Soursop shows interesting antibiotic, antioxidant, cyto-
Sousa, Vieira, da Silva, & de Lima, 2011), and annonaceous toxic, and hypoglycemic activities due to the presence of ace-
acetogenins (Bermejo et al., 2005) have been associated togenins, which also have shown to be neurotoxic in in vitro as
with antineoplastic, antiparasitic, cytotoxic, immunoressive, well as in vivo studies (Spencer & Palmer, 2017). However, it
neurotoxic, and pesticidal effects. All these compounds have has been suggested that metabolic studies are also necessary
been identified as the major bioactive metabolites from to determine whether digestive processes decrease or increase
soursop, present mainly in the leaves and peels of the fruit bioactivity and/or neurotoxicity of the active compounds.
(Table 2) (Ma et al., 2018; Solís-Fuentes, Hernández-Medel,
& Durán-de-Bazúa, 2011). Besides bioactive compounds,
soursop bagasse is rich in sodium and cesium, while rather 3.2.18 Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)
low concentrations of chromium, scandium, bromine, and Tamarind is used for food and medicines, including aphro-
calcium were detected (de Matuoka e Chiocchetti et al., 2013). disiac activity (Rai et al., 2018), since its main appeal is
In peels, which are the main byproduct with an average the high concentration of phenolic compounds and carbohy-
composition of 20% within the fruit matrix, Lee, Chang, drates, with the seed being the main byproduct (around 30%
Khoo, Sia, and Yim (2016) tested different concentrations of of the whole fruit), while kernel represents between 11% and
ethanol for producing extracts. The results showed moderate 30% of the fruit, as displayed in Table 2.
levels of phenolic compounds. However, the extract demon- Fruit pulp is the most commonly used tamarind product
strated high 𝛽-carotene bleaching inhibitory activity. In gen- (Ebifa-Othieno, Mugisha, Nyeko, & Kabasa, 2017), which
eral, the phenolic composition was positively and highly cor- is known for its high antioxidant activity (Sandesh, Velu, &
related with the antioxidant capacity of soursop peel. Singh, 2014). In the seed (Table 3), between 21 and 36 mg gal-
According to da Silva and Jorge (2014), palmitic acid is lic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 g of phenolic compounds
the higher concentrated fatty acid amongst the saturated fatty were found, which was directly related to the antioxidant
acids in soursop seeds (5% to 8.5%, see Table 2), while activity of methanolic extracts (Suksomtip, Ukrisdawithid,
oleic acid is representative for the monounsaturated fatty Bhusawang, & Pongsamart, 2010). However, in a study car-
acid group. On the whole, soursop seed oil showed an anti- ried out by Paz et al. (2015), organochlorine pesticide residues
hyperglycemic effect, decreased the toxic effects of hepatic were identified in tamarind fractions.
dysfunction in induced diabetes and showed immunomodu- Tamarind kernel was characterized as being rich in non-
latory potential in vitro. The oil demonstrated an immuno- fiber carbohydrates but low in fiber, which resulted in low in
modulatory effect and therapeutic potential for the treatment vitro gas production. Moreover, crude protein digestion was
and/or prevention of clinical diabetes I (Pinto et al., 2018). similar from those of soybean, which suggest that tamarind
Among all the analysis carried out in soursop fractions, kernel could be used as a protein source (Wang et al., 2017).
leaves are the most studied part, because of their bioactiv- Next to such characterization, Wang et al. (2017) saw that
ity. Methanolic and aqueous extracts were highly rich in lute- tamarind kernel did not bring any side effects after feeding
olin, homoorientin, tangeretin, quercetin, daidzein, epicate- ruminants, although there was a lack of fiber. In a similar
chin gallate, emodin, and coumaric acid, which was reflected study, Menezes et al. (2016) concluded that the inclusion of
in a high antioxidant activity, while the methanolic extract tamarind residue in elephant grass silage provided more rapid
demonstrated protection against H2 O2 -induced DNA dam- reduction in pH, reduction in gas production, and an increase
age when compared to the aqueous extract (George, Kumar, of the effective degradability.
Suresh, & Kumar, 2015). Similarly, the methanolic extract Tamarind seeds are rich in carbohydrates, which gave
inhibited the bacterial growth of S. aureus, S. typhimurium, rise to the development of ingredients for food processing.
and E. faecalis and increased the number of dead cells, proba- Tamarind starch is thermally stable and has a high crys-
bly due to the presence of the alkaloids anonaine, asimilobine, tallinity index (Chandra Mohan et al., 2018). As such, Kaur,
corypalmine, lirioderine, nornuciferine, xylopine, and reticu- Sandhu, and Kaur (2013) found that the pasting properties
line (Pinto et al., 2017). Ethyl acetate extracts demonstrated of tamarind kernel varied significantly for rice and potato
a significant wound healing activity, since the extract con- flours as a function of their protein, ash, and fat content.
tained high concentrations of antioxidants, which was related However, a lower viscosity response was found after addition
to its anti-inflammatory effect (Moghadamtousi et al., 2015). of gums. Other studies suggested that bacterial fermentation
Ethyl acetate extracts of leaf endophytic fungi, identified as of tamarind seed, which can be used as a food condiment,
Phomopsis sp., showed potential for anticancer activity when decreased the phytic acid content, tannin content, and trypsin
tested against MCF-7 (Michigan Cancer Foundation-7) can- inhibitor activity (Olagunju, Ezekiel, Ogunshe, Oyeyinka,
cer cells at concentrations of 100 μg/mL, while no effect was & Ijabadeniyi, 2018). Tamarind seed mucilage dispersions

presented a non-Newtonian shear thinning behavior, but tem- These overall results indicate the potential of the taperebá
perature, pH, and salts strongly affected their viscosity and byproducts as a source of phenolic compounds, which can act
pseudoplasticity. As such, tamarind seed mucilage could be as anti-inflammatory molecules and which seems to justify
applied in the production of foods that require additives with their popular uses in traditional medicine.
thickening capacity (Alpizar-Reyes et al., 2018). The pres-
ence of carbohydrates also resulted in the production of emul-
sion films of sesame seed oil with sonication. The concen-
tration of oil hereby seemed to affect the psychochemical 3.2.20 Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)
properties of the oil droplets in the films (Rodrigues et al., Watermelon, a widely known tropical fruit, offers energy,
2018). water, minerals, and protein, while its seeds provide oil. With
Pharmaceutical applications also have been studied in these characteristics in mind, it is important to develop tech-
tamarind fractions due to the high content of bioactive com- nologies able to valorize as much as possible the byproducts of
pounds. Anti-arthritic efficacy of ethanolic tamarind seed watermelon, mainly seeds (2% to 3%) and peel (30%), shown
extract has been demonstrated, along with a reduction of in Table 2.
the levels of inflammatory mediators and ROS (Sundaram The phenolic content of the white rind of watermelon was
et al., 2015). In the skin, tamarind seed extracts significantly determined after a three-step extraction performed with 100%
decreased melanin and sebum contents when it was applied water, methanol:water (70:30), and methanol:water:acetic
as cosmetic emulsion (Waqas, Akhtar, Bakhsh, Caldeira, & acid (70:29:1) in an ultrasonic bath. The phenolic content
Khan, 2015). Alcoholic extracts of the seed reduced the in ranged between 204.7 and 4290 mg GAE per 100 g DW, which
vitro and in vivo enzymatic activity of phospholipase A, was associated with the antioxidant activity of the extracts
coagulase, and caseinase, all present in snake venom, as and the inhibition of tyrosinase (Baeeri, Sarkhail, Hashemi,
shown by Maung and Lynn (2012). Mucoadhesive poly- Marefatoddin, & Shahabi, 2018). In a similar study, hot water
mer microparticles from tamarind seed polysaccharides could extraction was used to extract polysaccharides from water-
achieve selective deposition and retention of drugs in the melon rinds. As outcome, galactose was the dominant sugar in
olfactory mucosa (Yarragudi et al., 2017). The inclusion of the extracted polysaccharides, followed by arabinose, glucose,
tamarind seeds in the basal diet lowered the cholesterol levels galacturonic acid, rhamnose, mannose, xylose, and traces of
of normal rats. In addition, tamarind seeds suppressed high glucuronic acid. The findings revealed that the polysaccha-
blood glucose. Increased doses of tamarind seeds enhanced rides displayed excellent antihypertensive and antioxidant
glycogen storage in the liver in male Sprague–Dawley activities. Those polysaccharides had also a protective effect
and spontaneously hypertensive rats (Uchenna, Shori, & against hydroxyl radical-induced DNA damage (Ramdhonee
Baba, 2017b). & Jeetah, 2017). Al-Sayed and Ahmed (2013) incorpo-
rated watermelon rind powder in cake mixing, enhancing the
antioxidant activity of the cakes, due to the presence of pheno-
lic compounds (hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillin, and coumaric
3.2.19 Taperebá (Spondias mombin) acid) and 𝛽-carotene. Bioactives, polysaccharides (galactose,
Different researchers have concluded that taperebá (Spondias arabinose, rhamnose, mannose, xylose, and glucose) isolated
purpurea var. Lutea) is rich in carotenoids and xanthophills, from watermelon rinds by papain digestion gave antitumoral
while phenolic compounds are the most abundant among dif- activity to human laryngeal carcinoma Hep-2 cells in a
ferent tropical fruits (Bataglion, da Silva, Eberlin, & Koolen, dose-and time-dependant manner (Dammak et al., 2019).
2015; G. da Costa & Mercadante, 2018). The peels and seeds For the seeds of watermelon, studies mainly dealing with
are the main byproducts, representing 16% and 33% of the the protein content have been performed. Thus, hydrolysates
fruit, respectively, as summarized in Table 2. obtained from watermelon seed protein were studied and
In this sense, Omena et al. (2012) found that quercetin is the results showed that the ultrasound pretreatment had
the most concentrated polyphenol in the seeds and pulp of considerable influence on the structure of the proteins.
two different varieties of the genus Spondias, while citric Moreover, watermelon protein hydrolysates with molecular
acid is predominant among the organic acids. Such concen- weight <1 kDa showed the highest antioxidant activities
tration of bioactive compounds was reflected in the antioxi- and could protect cells from H2 O2 -induced oxidative stress
dant and acetylcholinesterase inhibition activities. In another damage through activation of the Nrf2/HO-1 pathway (Wen,
study, it was found that the incorporation of Spondias pur- Zhang, Zhang, Duan, & Ma, 2019).
purea extracts develop a high inhibition of UVA and UVB Although the available information on watermelon is
rays, due the presence of phenolic compounds, which showed scarce, it is clear that bioactives and nutritional components
their usefulness to be incorporated in sunscreen formulations can be isolated from the rind and seed of the fruit. Moreover,
(Silva, Costa, Branco, & Branco, 2016). the potential of the rind as a food ingredient as such makes

watermelon a valuable and important element with nutritional ied, aiming to understand and design a completely optimized
potential. extraction process.
Although basic valorization strategies are intensively stud-
ied and considered suitable for application on tropical fruit
byproducts, their capacity to recover valuable compounds,
4 OUTLOOK AND TRENDS IN THE and their effectiveness to create value from byproducts
VA LORIZATION OF BY PRODUCTS remains quite limited, since these studies are normally per-
FROM TROPICAL FRUITS formed at lab scale where variables are easy to manage. It is
remarkable that most extraction processes for oils and bioac-
The sustainability of food systems is related to public health, tive compounds are based on the use of organic solvents, while
environment, and economy and is important for the survival of changes in pH have been applied for precipitating pectins
humankind. Apart from the societal and economical aspects, and proteins. In addition, despite the amount of available
food systems play an important role in the protection of nat- information on the characterization and extraction of bioac-
ural resources, since they are directly related to greenhouse tives from tropical fruit byproducts, to our knowledge, there
gas emissions, pollution, and deforestation (Otles & Kartal, is very limited information available on the pharmacokinet-
2018). ics and pharmacodynamics of isolated and mixed compounds
As stated above, along with the increasing worldwide pro- when administered to humans. Since several compounds are
duction and consumption of tropical fruits, the byproducts extracted from tropical food byproducts, multiple interactions
generated represent a challenge for sanitary and environmen- can occur with multiple human targets upon consumption. As
tal reasons. There is still a lack of knowledge on how a whole a consequence, the real effect might be uncertain during the
bio-refinery process can be applied to fully valorize tropi- metabolic process, which can result in costly late-stage failure
cal fruit byproducts. However, up till now, it is clear that (Motilva, Serra, & Rubió, 2015).
important steps, both in academia and society, are being taken Based on the above mentioned, it could be stated that a full
toward the complete utilization of byproducts from tropical valorization of fruit byproducts may perhaps be achieved via
fruits, specially the most traded ones in terms of productiv- developing new industrial links, throughout studying how the
ity and economic importance: mango, papaya, avocado, and type and amount of byproducts can be inserted within the dif-
pineapple. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that different ferent industrial sectors, starting with the agricultural segment
techniques and protocols have been developed for extracting for a fair treatment of the raw material and, at the end, with
valuable compounds from byproducts of these fruits, namely the precise enterprise to give added value to byproducts by
seeds (oils and proteins) and peels (fibers) and antioxidants. taking advantage of its nutritional characteristics. Here, it is
One important limitation is the limited specialized litera- important to remark the conditions under which byproducts
ture related with the less well-known tropical fruits. There- should be treated. The microbial activity and the stability of
fore, future research should be extended to other kinds of these compounds should be guaranteed during transportation
tropical fruits, like those listed in Table 1, focusing on their and storage of the raw material, in order to avoid spoilage and
nutritional characteristics and possible economic value. With maintain valuable components as intact as possible. This has
respect to the most studied tropical fruits, it is evident that to be taken into account within the process design, both in the
more information is needed on the efficiency of industrial equipment requirements as well as in the economic assess-
extractions relevant in industry. Although nutritional and ment.
techno-functional characteristics of valuable compounds iso- Moreover, assessing the sustainability of the whole recov-
lated from tropical fruits (that is, oils and pectins) have been ery process is also important in view of the preferences for
evaluated, the marketability and customer acceptance is also direct use of the final products. Overall, application of these
a focus of study, since biorefining is not only based on the processing systems would enhance the development of the
process itself, but also on the economic benefits of the final agricultural sector and would also reduce the environmental
product. risks of fruit waste disposal. Characterization and proper pre-
As a general statement, utilization of byproducts from trop- treatment procedures of fruit byproducts can guarantee the
ical fruits as a source of antioxidants seems to be a common success of these valorization techniques.
factor in bio-refinery processing. Besides this, the use of the
byproduct per se for enriching the nutritional characteristics
of different foods has also been studied, with important out-
comes in the antioxidant properties and nutritional character- 5 CONC LU SI ON
istics due to the presence of fibers. Nevertheless, the impact
of extraction on the target compounds and interactions with In the present review, two scenarios were evaluated under
the vegetable matrix during extraction still needs to be stud- the context of biorefinery of tropical fruits, and their

potential use for valorization of byproducts. The chemical Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 7(5), 397–400.
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nolic acids contribution to antioxidant activities and compara-
pharmaceutical products, as well as in the environmental field.
tive assessment of phenolic content in mango pulp and peel.
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approach should be considered, but also a complete valoriza- 1016/j.sajb.2018.03.013
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technically structured the manuscript in a logic way, and made ology. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(1), 319–326.
the graphs with the summarized information. John Van Camp
reviewed the technical structure of the manuscript and cor- Akomolafe, S., & Ajayi, O. (2015). A comparative study on antioxi-
rected the language. Edwin Vera contributed to organize the dant properties, proximate and mineral compositions of the peel and
overall structure and the tables of the document. Jenny Ruales pulp of ripe Annona muricata (L.) fruit. International Food Research
checked the overall structure and corrected the technical infor- Journal, 22(6), 2381–2388.
Al-Sayed, H. M. A., & Ahmed, A. R. (2013). Utilization of watermelon
mation. Every author critically reviewed the paper.
rinds and sharlyn melon peels as a natural source of dietary fiber and
antioxidants in cake. Annals of Agricultural Sciences, 58(1), 83–95.
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VLIR-UOS project “Improving Ecuadorian child nutrition sativa L.) seed oil. Industrial Crops and Products, 76, 472–478.
by using mango byproducts as potential sources of bioactive
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compounds” and the PIMI 15-05 from EPN “Evaluación de la
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para la obtención de compuestos de interés industrial.” tures in fermented soymilk. International Journal of Food Micro-
biology, 261, 35–41.
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Appendix A .
Use of tropical fruits byproducts for non-food application

Fruit Fraction Element produced Process Reference

Açaí Seeds CO, H2 , and CH4, for The gases were obtained with a cylindrical (Itai et al., 2014)
production of energy bodied downdraft gasifier with açaí seeds
in a fixed bed
Acerola Seeds Adsorbent of Cu(II) and Cd(II) Direct contact of grinded seeds with Cu(II) (A. Silva et al., 2018)
in contaminated water and Cd(II) under a pH between 5 and 6 and
less than 30 min. The absorption was
produced due the presence of carboxylic
acid groups
Avocado Peel Carbonaceous material Carbonization under a nitrogen atmosphere. (Palma, Lloret, Puen, Tobar,
alternative adsorbent for & Contreras, 2016)
dyes removal
Seed Adsorbent of Chromium and The adsorption was performed with the (Boeykens, Redondo,
Lead biomass as adsorbent in natural form, as a Obeso, Caracciolo, &
chemically activated form and as activated Vázquez, 2019)
Banana Peel Films based on polymer Chemical treatment with acids and basis (Pelissari,
nanocomposites → cellulose combined with high pressure Andrade-Mahecha,
nanofibers homogenizing Sobral, & Menegalli,
2017; Tibolla, Pelissari,
Martins, Vicente, &
Menegalli, 2018)
Antibacterial films with Plasticization and crosslinking between (Kamel, Abd El-messieh, &
chitosan chitosan and banana powder with glycerol Saleh, 2017)
Paper pulp Kraft process for chemically extract fibers (Ramdhonee & Jeetah,
from banana peels, by using NaOH and 2017)
Na2 S


Fruit Fraction Element produced Process Reference

Absorption of Mn (II), Cr (IV), Chemical modification of the structure of (Ali, 2017; Ali, Saeed, &
Pb (II) and dyes banana peels with acids, alkali or hydrogen Mabood, 2016;
peroxide for removal of peptic and viscous Brunerová et al., 2017;
compounds and expose the functional Oyewo et al., 2016; Wan
groups of cellulose (alkoxy, hydroxyl, Ngah & Hanafiah, 2008)
carbonyl, and amino). Furthermore, Mn
(II) and Cr (IV) were better removed after
the incorporation of an additional
monomer chain (-CH2=CH-C≡N)
Biochar for absorption of Pb(II) Exposition of functional groups such as (Zhou et al., 2017)
hydroxyl and carboxyl trough the addition
of phosphoric acid under extreme
conditions of pressure and temperature and
a later dehydration of the mixture. Ion
exchange and surface complexation were
confirmed as the main adsorption ways.
Bio ethanol Acid hydrolysis with 1.50% v/v acid (Gebregergs, Gebresemati,
concentration, 91.02 ◦ C temperature and & Sahu, 2016)
21.66 min retention time.
Citrus Seeds Bio-oil Sodium methoxide-catalyzed (Rashid et al., 2013)
transesterification with methanol; the
obtained methyl esters fulfilled
international standards for biodiesel
Acid ionic liquids Convertion to p-cymenesulphonic acid (Dwivedi et al., 2018)
dihydrate and neutralization with tertiary
Peel and Activated carbon for absorption Sulfuric acid was used as activating agent. (Sudha, Srinivasan, &
seed of Ni (II) After the adsorption, the hydroxyl, Premkumar, 2015)
carboxylic and sulfonic acid groups were
shifted, implicating the participation of
these functional groups in the metal
binding process
Pectin and Succinic acid production by Dilute acid hydrolysis and subsequent (Patsalou et al., 2017)
essen- Actinobacillus succinogenes fermentation of hydrolyzates; although not
tial economically feasible, the bioprocess
oils constitutes a valuable alternative to the
application of energy intensive chemical
Drago fruit Peel Improved rumen Mixture of dragon fruit peel powder with (Matra et al., 2019)
roughage and concentrate. The supplement
resulted in improved in vitro rumen
fermentation, in vitro gas kinetics and
reduced methane production
Durian Seed Biofuels Mixture of hydrolyzed durian seed and (Seer, Nandong, & Shanon,
cassava powder fermented with 2017)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae¸ whit an ethanol
yield and concentration of 45.9% of
24.92 g/L, respectively.
Starch Adherent powder for crime The reason for this adherence can be assigned (Sekar & Zulkifli, 2017)
from scenes to the formation of hydrogen bonds
seeds between the fatty acids/glycerides of
sebum and the carbonyl and hydroxyl
group of the components in the seeds

Fruit Fraction Element produced Process Reference

Peel Hydrogels for absorption of Extreme conditions of pressure and (Y. Wang et al., 2017)
organic liquids temperature and a final pyrolysis process
for obtaining a product characterized by an
abundant pore structure, rich basic surface
hydrophobic groups and large specific
Magnetic biochar for The presence of HNO3 and KMnO4 increases (Thines, Abdullah, &
production of the availability of acidic oxygenated Mubarak, 2017; Thines,
supercapacitors functional groups such as COOH and Abdullah, Mubarak, &
phenolic and OH on the biomass surface. Ruthiraan, 2017; Thines,
Moreover, the addition of metallic salts Abdullah, Ruthiraan,
favored the oxidization process to achieve a Mubarak, & Tripathi,
better porous structure with the attachment 2016)
of carboxylic and carbonyl group on the
surface of durian particles prior the
pyrolysis process.
Guava Seeds Activated carbon for removal Semi-carbonization and impregnation with (Anisuzzaman et al., 2016)
of chlorinated phenol from zinc chloride, which allowed the exposure
aqueous media. of amine, carbonyl, symmetric and
asymmetric alkyl and chloride groups.
Papaya Seeds Activated carbon for removal Semi carbonization and impregnation with (Krishnaiah et al., 2017)
of chlorinated phenol from zinc chloride for exposure of carboxyl,
aqueous media. ester and other groups
Passion fruit Peels Drug carrier Co-precipitation with poly (Oliveira et al., 2017;
(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) enhanced these Wijaya et al., 2017)
compounds bioactivities and provide
controlled release of antimicrobials
Pineapple Leaves Biofuels Saccharification and fermentation with (Chintagunta, Ray, &
cellulolytic enzymes. The residue was Banerjee, 2017)
inoculated with blue-green algae which
increased the concentration of nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium and the
production of ethanol was 7% v/v
Pomegranate Peel Adsorbents of Azure A Modification of pomegranate peel with (Geçibesler & Toprak,
hydrochloric acid for exposing the 2017)
functional groups (O–H, N–H, C=C, C=O,
C– N, C–O)
Soursop Seed Bio-oil, biochar, gas The GC–MS analysis showed a composition (Schroeder, Nascimento,
of phenol derivatives, furan, acids, and Romeiro, Figueiredo, &
esters in the aqueous fraction; and in the Veloso, 2017)
case of the oil, also hydrocarbons were
identified by FTIR and 1 H NMR, which
indicates a potential of the oil for being
used as fuel
Tamarind Seed Bio oils Fixed bed fire-tube with optimized heating (Kader, Islam, Parveen,
pyrolysis; the FT-IR analysis revealed a Haniu, & Takai, 2013)
content of polymeric O-H, alkanes,
alkenes, nitrogenous compounds, alcohols,
phenol, esters, ether, and aromatic
Kernel Polymer Tamarind kernel powder and ethyl acrylate (del Real, Wallander,
were reacted by free radical polymerization Maciel, Cedillo, & Loza,

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