Analyzing Home PC Security Adoption Behavior

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Journal of Computer Information Systems

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Analyzing Home PC Security Adoption Behavior

Chet L. Claar & Jeffrey Johnson

To cite this article: Chet L. Claar & Jeffrey Johnson (2012) Analyzing Home PC Security Adoption
Behavior, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 52:4, 20-29

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ABSTRACT Trojan Horses designed to create back doors or spread viruses or

spyware, or computer worms designed to spread themselves as
The home Internet user faces a hostile environment abundant rapidly as possible creating network disruptions.
in potential attacks on their computers. These attacks have been While some malware programs are designed to cause
increasing at an alarming rate and cause damage to individuals noticeable interference with the normal operations of an infected
and organizations regularly, and have the potential to cripple the computer, the more common and insidious type is spyware,
critical infrastructures of entire countries. Recent research has which silently resides on host machines to steal private data
determined that some individuals are not utilizing additional stored on the computer, or watch and report online activity and
software protections available to mitigate these potential security details about bank accounts, credit card numbers, and login and
risks. This paper seeks to further examine the reasons by proposing password information for a variety of exploitations.
a conceptual framework that utilizes the Health Belief Model as a Often malware programs also initiate the host into a botnet, a
possible way to explain why some people do not perceive a threat network of similarly infected computers all under the control of
sufficient to prompt the adoption of computer security software. an unknown individual called a botmaster. Botmasters can use
Keywords: computer security, technology adoption, health compromised computers, also called zombies to email spam,
belief model gather personal data, store and distribute illegal material, attack
other computers and networks, or use them to launch attacks to
INTRODUCTION cripple the critical infrastructures of nations such as power grids,
telecommunications, commerce, or government services [29].
The phenomenal growth of the Internet has brought new and U.S. Strategic Command Chief General James E. Cartwright
exciting opportunities to the home computer user. Online shopping told Congress in March 2007 that “America is under widespread
and banking, communication with friends and relatives, access to attack in cyberspace.” During fiscal year 2007, the Department
sources of information for research and homework, entertainment of Homeland Security received 37,000 reports of attempted
sources, up-to-the-minute weather and news, and countless other breaches on government and private systems, which included
possible online activities have made the internet indispensible for 12,986 direct assaults on federal agencies and more than 80,000
most online-enabled households. However, while providing these attempted attacks on Department of Defense computer network
new opportunities for home Internet users, it has also provided systems [25]. Most of these attacks are launched using zombie
an opportunity-rich environment for criminals and others with computers to mask the true source. Cyber criminals continue to
malicious intent. They seek to exploit computer users who do not refine their attack methods to remain undetected and to create
adequately protect themselves from the ever-increasing number global, cooperative networks to support the ongoing growth of
of cyber threats. Using computer security solutions available criminal activity [23]. A study by MacAfee Avert Labs reported
in the form of anti-virus, anti-spyware, and firewall software in that in the first quarter of 2009 over 12 million new machines
addition to ensuring that operating systems are properly updated worldwide had been assimilated into botnets. That equates to an
provides effective protection from these online threats. infection rate of 4 million new computers infected per month.
During that time 18% of all newly infected machines were in the
LITERATURE REVIEW United States. Overall, the United States accounts for 35% of all
zombies under the control of spammers. Additionally, the number
In June 2009, the U.S. Census Bureau released statistics from of unique viruses found in March 2009 was nearly double that of
a November 2007 population survey.[27]. The statistics show any month in 2008. This trend indicates that the threat continues
there are over 72 million households in the United States with to grow at an ever-increasing rate. [15]. Symantec Corporation
Internet access. Considering that these households have at least predicts these attacks will continue to increase as the financial
one computer connected to the Internet, and sometimes more, this payoff for compromising individual data increases [23].
equates to at least 72 million potential targets for Internet-borne The continued success of exploits is related to a failure of
attacks. many computer users to adequately protect their systems with
Internet-borne attacks can take many forms. Social computer security solutions. America Online and the National
engineering attacks such as phishing schemes are designed to get Cyber Security Alliance conducted a survey of Internet users in the
users to reveal confidential data. Malware based attacks result in United States in order to assess their level of security awareness
infections such as computer viruses designed to cause damage, and good practice [1]. Study participants were interviewed and

Received: November 15, 2010 Revised: September 30, 2011 Accepted: January 12, 2012

20 Journal of Computer Information Systems Summer 2012

then their computers were examined by computer specialists causal factors which affect the acceptance, and usage of computer
for common security issues. A sample of 329 homes discovered security software.
several disturbing facts about security measures on respondent’s The Health Belief Model (HBM) is a psychological model that
computers. attempts to explain and predict health behaviors. It focuses on the
The study revealed that approximately 75% of all respondents attitudes and beliefs of individuals. The HBM was first developed
feel that their computer is very safe from online attacks and in the 1950s by social psychologists Hochbaum, Rosenstock and
viruses. Thus, 84% of respondents keep sensitive information Kegels working in the U.S. Public Health Services. The model
on their computer and 72% use their computers for sensitive was developed in response to the failure of a free tuberculosis
transactions. An examination of the respondents’ systems revealed (TB) health-screening program. Since then, the HBM has been
that 15% had no anti-virus software installed and that 67% were adapted to explore a variety of long- and short-term health
not updated within the previous week. The study also revealed behaviors. The HBM is based on the understanding that a person
that 19% of these computers had an active viral infection, and will take a health-related action if that person feels that a negative
that 63% had experienced a previous viral infection. The study health condition can be avoided, has a positive expectation that
also discovered that 67% of computers had no firewall software by taking a recommended action they will avoid a negative health
installed, and 72% with firewalls installed were not properly condition, and believe they can successfully take a recommended
configured. health action. [20].
With millions of households on the internet, the percentages of The original HBM contained four core constructs representing
inadequately protected computers represented by the AOL/NCSA the perceived threat and net benefits: perceived susceptibility,
study equate to millions of vulnerable computers in the United perceived severity, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers.
States that are potential victims. With the possibility of infected These concepts were proposed as accounting for people’s
machines being used to disrupt or destroy critical infrastructures “readiness to act.” An added concept, cues to action, would trigger
and disrupt vital services, the necessity of determining the factors that readiness and stimulate behavior [19, 20]. An addition to the
involved in the adoption of computer security solutions becomes HBM in 1988 by Rosenstock, Strecher, and Becker [21] is the
clear. concept of self-efficacy, which is one’s confidence in the ability
The behavioral antecedents of adoption and use of computer to successfully perform an action [3].
security solutions of home computer users is the focus of this There are striking similarities in the beliefs and perceptions
research. The concept of perceived vulnerability in online in protecting one’s health and in protecting one’s computer
activities seems an appropriate aspect to examine when trying from infection and attack. A stream of research in MIS is
to understand adoption and usage behavior for computer being conducted by various researchers [6, 14, 17, 28, 30, 31]
security solutions. Additionally, the severity of a security inci- examining this phenomenon using another health related model,
dent to the user would also be an important user perception to the Protection Motivation Theory, which is an outgrowth of the
examine in an effort to better understand adoption behavior. HBM. Only one other study using the Health Belief Model has
Focusing this research on the individual home computer user been found. It was published in 2009 by Ng, Kankanhalli, and
will contribute to a better understanding of computer security Xu [16]. However, their model was modified from the original
adoption behavior. Also, it may reveal appropriate motivational HBM as the modifying demographic variables proposed by
methods to encourage home computer users to implement the Rosenstock, Strecher, and Becker [23] were not included. A
necessary precautions. graphical representation of the Health Belief Model can be found
The current predominant models in information systems used in Figure 1.
to examine user adoption and usage behavior are the Theory
of Reasoned Action [11], the Theory of Planned Behavior [2], MODEL DEVELOPMENT
the Technology Acceptance Model [10], the Unified Theory of
Acceptance and Usage of Technology [27], the Model of Adoption In this research, we explore the behaviors of home computer
of Technology in Households [5], the Model of PC utilization users in relation to the security measures taken on their computers
[24], and the Innovation Diffusion Theory [18]. However, using the HBM as a reference, including relevant demographic
these MIS research models usually focus on technologies that variables as outlined by Rosenstock et al in 1988. This results
promote positive outcomes and offer the user some sort of utility. in 26 hypothesized relationships explored in this research. The
However, computer security software is classified as a protective conceptual model can be found in figure 2.
technology, which is strictly designed to avert negative outcomes
and offers little obvious utility [9]. Research Model Core Constructs
In an attempt to resolve the deficiency of MIS models for
Perceived Vulnerability (VUL)
security adoption, this study will examine the effectiveness of the
constructs found in the Health Belief Model, a healthcare model “Perceived susceptibility” is an individual’s judgment of the
from outside the information systems domain. While, it is common risk of his or her computer contracting a particular security related
practice for MIS researchers to “borrow” from other fields, or issue. The construct has been renamed “Perceived Vulnerability”
“reference disciplines”, this practice has been criticized [12]. In for the research model. This construct is evaluated using questions
1999, Eli Cohen said, “reference disciplines are an excellent way designed to measure the respondent’s belief about the chances of
for identifying pockets of research that are uncharted” [8]. In 1993, their computer becoming compromised due to various security
John King stated “Discipline is important for us, and obtaining it threats. This leads to our first hypothesis for the model depicted
by reference is a perfectly sensible way for us to proceed, despite in Figure2.
the inherently marginalizing consequence of our dependence
on ‘outside’ versus ‘inside’ disciplinary traditions” [13]. Using H1 – Perceived Vulnerability to security incidents is
the Health Belief Model may facilitate better determination of positively related to computer security usage.

Summer 2012 Journal of Computer Information Systems 21

Perceived Severity (SEV) of a particular compromise due to various security threats.
Our hypothesis for this construct is:
Perceived Severity corresponds to the original HBM construct, perceived
seriousness. It is the individual’s belief in the severity of the security H2 – Perceived severity of security incidents
compromise and its impact on lifestyle. This construct is evaluated using is positively related to computer security
questions designed to measure the respondent’s belief about the seriousness usage.

Perceived Benefits (BEN)

Perceived benefits of an action is the belief in the

effectiveness of the actions required to prevent a security
risk (or health risk in the original HBM). Questions
for this construct measure how strongly the individual
believes the use of security precautions will protect their
computer from security-related issues. Our hypothesis
for this construct is:

H3 – Perceived benefits of practicing computer

security are positively related to computer
security usage.

Perceived Barriers (BAR)

The Perceived Barriers to Action construct is the

individual’s belief in the benefits compared to the
perceived costs of action. It is designed to determine if
there are perceived obstacles to adoption and usage of
security software for home computers. Questions for
this construct include items for time cost, monetary cost,
change in habits, and expected effort. Our hypothesis for
this construct is:

H4 – Perceived barriers of practicing computer

security are negatively related to computer
Figure 1. Health Belief Model
security usage.

Figure 2. Research Model

22 Journal of Computer Information Systems Summer 2012

Self-Efficacy (SEF) Research Model Dependent Variable

Self-efficacy is an individual’s belief in his or her own ability Computer Security Usage (CSU)
to carry out a particular task. For this study it specifically relates
to the belief that the individual can install, configure, and maintain This is the dependent variable of the study as depicted in Figure
the security software on their computer. Our hypothesis for this 2. The measurement for this construct is actual usage of computer
construct is: security software. It is assessed using questions to determine if
the individual has anti-virus, firewall, and anti-spyware software
H5 – Information Security Self-efficacy is positively installed and the level of usage. Software updates are not addressed
related to computer security usage. in this study.


When a person is motivated and can perceive a beneficial Survey Design

action to take, actual change often occurs when some external
or internal cue triggers action. The questions for this construct This research used an Internet-based survey to test the proposed
assess likeliness to act based on media influence, social influence, model. The survey used questions formulated by the researchers
computer exhibiting symptomatic behavior, and direct contact as well as those adapted from previous research [3] [8] [15]. The
by OS vendor about new vulnerabilities. Our hypothesis for this population of interest is all Internet enabled computer owners that
construct is: are at least partially responsible for the selection, installation,
and maintenance of the software on their computers. Perceived
H6 – Cues to action are positively related to computer Vulnerability, Perceived Severity, and Perceived Benefits utilized
security usage. scenario based items (see Table 1). For perceived vulnerability,
the questions were designed to assess the level of vulnerability
Research Model Moderating Variables respondents reported for each of the scenarios by how likely they
felt they would experience each scenario. For perceived severity
The Health Belief Model suggests a moderated relationship the respondents were the seriousness of each scenario would
between the independent variables and the dependent be if it were to occur. The perceived benefits questions were
variable, Computer Security Usage, by demographic and designed to assess how useful computer security software would
socio-psychological factors. This research uses the following be in preventing each scenario from occurring. For example,
moderators to determine the level of impact each may have on the the first scenario “my computer system becoming corrupted by
relationship between the variables VUL, SEV, BEN, BAR, SEF a virus or worm” would be evaluated to determine how likely
and the dependent variable Computer Security Usage. The Health the respondent thought the scenario was to occur, how serious it
Belief Model does not hypothesize any relationship between would be if it occurred, and how strongly they believe that using
demographic and socio-psychological factors and Cues to Action. security software would prevent the scenario from occurring. The
In addition to the hypothesized demographic interactions, we questions for the remaining model constructs can be found in
examine prior experience with computer security attacks and the Table 2.
moderating effects on the independent variables VUL, SEV, BEN,
BAR, SEF. Table 1
Security Incident Scenarios
Gender (GEN)
Scenario Question
H7a-e – Gender significantly moderates the relationships (evaluated for likeliness, severity, and benefits)
of VUL, SEV, BEN, BAR, and SEF on Computer
Security Usage. 1 My computer system becoming corrupted by a virus
or worm.
Age (AGE)
2 My computer system being taken over by a hacker.
H8a-e – Age significantly moderates the relationships of VUL,
3 My data corrupted by a virus or cyber-attack.
SEV, BEN, BAR, and SEF on Computer Security
Usage. 4 My identity stolen (credit card number, Social
Security Number, Bank account information, etc.).
Education (EDU)
5 My data lost due to a virus or worm on my
H9a-e – Education significantly moderates the relationships computer.
of VUL, SEV, BEN, BAR, and SEF on Computer
Security Usage. 6 The Internet becoming inaccessible because of
computer security problems.
Prior Experience (PXP)
7 Downloading a file that is infected with a virus
H10a-e – Prior Experience (with security issues or attacks) through my e-mail.
significantly moderates the relationships of VUL,
SEV, BEN, BAR, SEF, and CUE on Computer 8 Downloading a file that is infected with a virus from
Security Usage. the internet.

Summer 2012 Journal of Computer Information Systems 23

Table 2
Survey Question Items
Item Question Measure
BAR1 The expense of security software is a concern for me. Highly Disagree to Highly Agree
BAR2 Using security software would change the way I use my computer. Highly Disagree to Highly Agree
BAR3 Using security software effectively is time consuming. Highly Disagree to Highly Agree
BAR4 Using security software is would require considerable investment of Highly Disagree to Highly Agree
effort other than time.
SEF1 I can select the appropriate security software for my home computer. Not At All Confident to Totally Confident
SEF2 I can correctly install security software on my home computer(s). Not At All Confident to Totally Confident
SEF3 I can correctly configure security software on my home computer(s). Not At All Confident to Totally Confident
SEF4 I can find the information I need if I have problems using security software on Not At All Confident to Totally Confident
my home computer(s).
CUE1 If a friend were to tell me of a recent experience with a computer virus, I would Highly Disagree to Highly Agree
be more conscious of my computer’s chance of being attacked.
CUE2 If my computer started behaving strangely, I would be concerned it had been Highly Disagree to Highly Agree
the victim of a security attack.
CUE3 If I saw a news report, or read a newspaper or magazine about a new computer Highly Disagree to Highly Agree
vulnerability, I would be more concerned about my computer’s
chances of being attacked.
CUE4 If I received an email from the maker of my computer’s operating system about Highly Disagree to Highly Agree
a new security vulnerability, I would be more concerned about my
computer’s chances of being attacked.
PXP1 How frequently have you been affected by a computer security problem? Never to All the Time
PXP2 How recently have you been affected by a computer security problem? Never to Within the Last Week
PXP3 The level of impact I have experienced from a computer security problem is: Very Low/No Impact to Very High Impact
SSU1 I use add-on anti-virus software on my home computer(s). Never to Always
SSU2 I use add-on firewall software on my home computer(s) Never to Always
SSU3 I use add-on anti-spyware software on my home computer(s) Never to Always
Note: All question measured on seven point scale

Table 3 Table 4
Sample Characteristics Scale Reliability
Categorical Variable Frequency Percent (%) Variable Number Cronbach’s
of Items Alpha
Gender (GEN)
Male 95 51.6 Independent
Female 89 48.4 Perceived Vulnerability (likely) 8 0.951
Education (EDU) Perceived Severity (serious) 8 0.946
Less Than High School 1 0.5 Perceived Benefits (useful) 8 0.934
High School or Equiv. 15 8.2 Perceived Barriers 3 0.792
Some College 82 44.6
Career Training 8 4.3 Cues to Action 3 0.779
2 Year Degree 39 21.2 Self Efficacy 4 0.949
4 Year Degree 22 12.0
Master’s Degree 13 7.1 Moderator
Doctorate Degree 2 1.1 Prior Experience 3 0.703
Professional Degree 2 1.1
Continuous Variable Value
Computer Security Usage 3 0.900
Mean 37.31
Standard Deviation 17.36

24 Journal of Computer Information Systems Summer 2012

Data Collection DATA ANALYSIS

Snowball sampling was employed to recruit participants Reliability Analysis

into the study and recruitment began with members of an
undergraduate class at a western United States university.. The A reliability analysis of the items in the constructs was
survey was posted to This website allows the conducted using the Scale module of SPSS to verify that the
survey to be filled out anonymously, but prevents multiple surveys scales constructed provided a reliable measure of the constructs
from the same email address. Data collection yielded 184 usable they were intended to measure. During this process items in the
surveys. Sample Characteristics can be found in Table 3 which perceived barriers, cues to action, and severity construct were
includes three of the moderating variables outlined above. identified as potential problems. The scale reliability of perceived
barriers improved from 0.745 to 0.792 with
Table 5 the removal of BAR1. The scale reliability of
cues to action improved from 0.751 to 0.779
Factor Analysis
with the removal of CUE2. After removal of
Factor CUE2 and BAR 1, the final scale reliability
VUL SEV BEN BAR CUE SSU SEF PXP for all constructs ranged from 0.703 to 0.951,
indicating that the subscales have good
VUL1 .853 .087 .024 -.008 -.052 .107 -.026 .272 reliability. Reliability of the final combined
VUL2 .804 .126 .006 .060 .080 .065 -.116 .082 constructs after removal of BAR1 and CUE2
VUL3 .901 .131 .043 -.039 -.066 .114 -.036 .189 can be found in Table 4.
VUL4 .775 .207 -.074 .074 -.044 .062 -.025 -.163
VUL5 .872 .142 .045 -.109 .015 .120 -.062 .137 Construct Validity
VUL6 .841 .146 .027 -.037 .115 .085 .010 .162
VUL7 .834 .083 .015 -.023 .052 -.020 .042 .019 An exploratory factor analysis using
the principal component extraction method
VUL8 .861 .163 -.095 -.009 .089 .018 .074 .099
(varimax rotation with Eigen values greater
SEV1 .150 .859 .128 -.038 .053 -.011 .049 .015 than 1) was conducted using the Data
SEV2 .169 .774 .115 -.110 .165 .037 -.035 .101 Reduction module of SPSS. This analysis
SEV3 .131 .891 .113 -.062 .078 .034 -.075 -.003 ensures that items load correctly on the
SEV4 .159 .683 -.054 -.151 .007 -.061 -.040 .115 constructs to which they are intended to load
SEV5 .111 .868 .080 -.017 .086 .040 -.064 -.031 and do not cross load to other constructs.
SEV6 .070 .810 .137 -.015 .037 -.035 .076 .011 Results of this analysis are in Table 11.
SEV7 .140 .848 .190 .045 .136 .129 -.107 .084 The result of the final factor analysis was
an eight-factor solution in which all factors
SEV8 .146 .860 .182 .038 .122 .113 -.088 .085
loaded cleanly on their intended constructs.
BEN1 -.055 .193 .788 -.141 .054 .064 .033 -.064 All items loadings scored higher than 0.7.
BEN2 .011 .075 .808 -.209 .066 .057 .078 -.097 except PXP3 (0.692), which measures the
BEN3 .056 .093 .887 -.092 .069 .030 .035 .000 individual’s perceived severity of previous
BEN4 .104 .025 .762 -.064 .177 .070 .041 -.019 security attacks. Items with construct loadings
BEN5 -.056 .084 .850 -.181 .066 .087 -.004 .012 lower than 0.7 are often deleted at this stage
BEN6 -.038 .130 .780 -.056 .152 .175 -.005 .048 of a factor analysis unless removal of the
construct would threaten content validity. The
BEN7 -.032 .121 .822 .164 -.077 -.083 .094 -.026
interaction of Prior Experience and Severity
BEN8 -.015 .114 .822 .144 -.104 -.070 .066 -.095
hypothesized in this study is dependent on
BAR2 .013 -.064 -.029 .742 .187 .127 -.095 .002 this question being present in the construct.
BAR3 -.049 -.157 -.157 .815 .122 -.224 -.093 .089 Therefore PXP3 was retained in the final
BAR4 -.033 -.059 -.195 .796 .076 -.170 -.145 .158 Prior Experience construct. The eight factors
CUE1 .095 .172 .133 .137 .796 .039 -.093 .163 accounted for 75.7% of the total variance.
CUE3 .042 .177 .101 .144 .834 .029 -.071 .037
CUE4 .013 .174 .091 .096 .707 .019 -.073 -.199 Hypothesis Testing
CSU1 .193 -.013 .142 -.209 .016 .842 .100 .075
To test the hypotheses outlined above, a
CSU2 .069 .055 .026 .042 .066 .903 .097 .039
multiple regression analysis was conducted
CSU3 .172 .099 .094 -.065 .007 .888 .110 .101 using SPSS with all non-dichotomous
SEF1 -.060 -.096 .065 -.131 -.033 .120 .898 -.034 variables mean-centered prior to the regression
SEF2 .023 .029 .067 -.054 -.091 .057 .922 -.003 analysis. The regression was conducted using a
SEF3 -.040 -.073 .077 -.068 -.070 .080 .931 .014 hierarchical two-step method. In the first step,
SEF4 -.028 -.073 .072 -.072 -.046 .049 .914 -.013 the dependent variable Computer Security
PXP1 .280 -.024 -.156 .074 -.051 .014 -.022 .761 Usage was regressed on the six independent
variables to examine the main effects of the
PXP2 .178 .076 -.041 .058 .053 .113 .106 .790
independent variables. The four hypothesized
PXP3 .149 .253 -.010 .094 -.012 .074 -.130 .692 moderating variables: gender, age, education,

Summer 2012 Journal of Computer Information Systems 25

and prior experience; and the hypothesized two­way interactions research hypotheses H7a-e, H8a-e, H9a-e, and H10a-e were tested
between these four moderating variables and the six independent along with the main effects of the moderating variables, which
variables were added to the regression in step two. Results of were not hypothesized to be significantly related to computer
the regression can be seen in Table 6. Collinearity diagnostics security usage.
conducted during the regression indicate that multicollinearity for
this regression is not a major concern. Tolerance scores were all Model 1
above 0.01 with the lowest score 0.27, and VIF scores were all
below 10 with a highest score of 3.702. In Model 1, the research hypotheses H1 through H6 were tested
Overall, the research model explains 30.4% (adj. R2 = 0.167) to determine the main effects of the Independent variables on
of the variance in the dependent variable, computer security usage. the dependent variables. Result of the Model 1 analysis are as
The main effects of vulnerability, severity, benefits, barriers, self- follows:
efficacy, and cues to action account for 14% (adj. R2 = 0.111) of
the explained variance, while the moderating variables gender, • H1, which predicted that perceived vulnerability would be
age, education, prior experience, and the hypothesized two-way positively related to computer security usage, was supported
effects account for 16.4% (adj. R2 = 0.056) of the variance in (β = 0.226, p = 0.002).
computer security usage. In the model 1 regression analysis, the • H2, which predicted that perceived severity would be positively
main effects of vulnerability, severity, benefits, barriers, self- related to computer security usage, was not supported (β =
efficacy, and cues to action, were tested (H1-H6). In model 2, the -0.001, p = 0.987, n.s.).
• H3, which predicted that perceived benefits would
Table 6 be positively related to computer security usage,
Regression Results was not supported (β = 0.075, p = 0.321, n.s.).
Model 1 Model 2 Result • H4, which predicted that perceived barriers would
be negatively related to computer security usage,
Vulnerability (VUL) -0.289** 0.182 H1 Supported was supported (β = -0.157, p = 0.044).
Severity (SEV) -0.002 0.081 H2- not supported • H5, which predicted that self-efficacy with
Benefits (BEN) 0.133 0.017 H3 not supported computer security would be positively related
Barriers (BAR) -0.221* -0.190 H4 Supported to computer security usage, was supported (β =
Self-Efficacy (SEF) 0.201* 0.279 H5 Supported 0.171, p = 0.021).
• H6, which predicted that cues to action would be
Cues to Action (CUE) 0.189 0.114 H6 not supported
positively related to computer security usage, was
Gender (GEN) 0.236
not supported (β = 0.114, p = 0.151, n.s.).
Age (AGE) 0.015
Education (EDU) 0.105 Model 2
Prior Experience (PXP) 0.361*
GEN * VUL 0.077 H7a not supported In model 2, the research hypotheses H7a-e, H8a-e,
Gender * SEV -0.281 H7b not supported H9a-e, and H10a-e were tested along with the main
GEN * BEN 0.203 H7c not supported effects of the moderating variables, which were not
GEN * BAR -0.099 H7d not supported hypothesize to be significantly related to computer
GEN * SEF -0.031 H7e not supported security usage.
Hypotheses H7a-e, which predicted that gender
AGE * VUL -0.100 H8a not supported
would have a significant moderating effect with
AGE * SEV -0.004 H8b not supported
vulnerability, severity, benefits, barriers, and self-
AGE * BEN -0.002 H8c not supported efficacy were not supported (H7a, β = 0.041,
AGE * BAR -0.016* H8d Supported p = 0.692, n.s.; H7b, β = -0.134, p = 0.272, n.s.;
AGE * SEF -0.002 H8e not supported H7c, β = 0.075, p = 0.480, n.s.; H7d, β = -0.047,
EDU * VUL -0.050 H9a not supported p = 0.654, n.s.; H7e, β = -0.018, p = 0.873, n.s.). The
EDU * SEV 0.105 H9b not supported main effect of gender on computer security usage
EDU * BEN -0.222* H9c Supported was also non-significant (β = 0.058, p = 0.461,
EDU * BAR 0.089 H9d not supported n.s.).
EDU * SEF 0.084 H9e not supported Hypotheses H8a-e, which predicted that age
would have a significant moderating effect with
PXP * VUL -0.115 H10a not supported
vulnerability, severity, benefits, barriers, and self-
PXP * SEV -0.299* H10b Supported
efficacy, only H8d was supported (H8a, β = -0.123,
PXP * BENs 0.082 H10c not supported p = 0.141, n.s.; H8b, β = -0.054, p = 0.538, n.s.;
PXP * BAR -0.084 H10d not supported H8c, β = -0.020, p = 0.795, n.s.; H8d, β = -0.183,
PXP * SEF -0.202* H10e Supported p = 0.021; H8e, β = -0.023, p = 0.773, n.s.). The
main effect of age on computer security usage was
R2 0.140*** 0.304*** non-significant (β = 0.122, p = 0.140, n.s.).
Adj R2 0.111 0.167 The interaction of age and barriers on computer
Change in R2 0.164 security usage shows that when age is low (-2 SD),
perceived barriers has a positive relationship with
*p ≤ 0.05; **p ≤ 0.01; ***p ≤ 0.001. computer security usage. The simple slope of the

26 Journal of Computer Information Systems Summer 2012

line (0.146, p = 0.372, two-tailed) indicates that for each increase While this is not consistent with the hypothesis that perceived
of one standard deviation (SD) in perceived barriers, computer severity is positively related to computer security usage, the
security usage goes up by a corresponding score of 0.146 SD. significance of the slopes indicates that the effect of perceived
This is not consistent with the hypothesis that perceived barriers severity on computer security usage for those with high or low
is negatively related to computer security usage, however the prior experience with security incidents is not significant.
significance of the simple slope indicates the effect of perceived The interaction of prior experience and self-efficacy on
barriers on computer security usage when age is low is not computer security usage shows that when prior experience with
significant. However, when age is high (+2 SD), the simple slope security incidents is low (-2 SD), has a positive relationship with
of the line takes on a negative value (-0.563 p = 0.001, two-tailed), computer security usage. The simple slope of the line (0.363, p =
indicating that for each increase in one SD of perceived barriers, 0.02, two-tailed) indicates that for each increase of one standard
the corresponding value of computer security decreases by 0.563 deviation (SD) in self-efficacy, computer security usage increases
standard deviations. This result would indicate that perceived by a corresponding score of 0.3633 SD. This is consistent with
barriers is more relevant for older users. the hypothesis that self-efficacy is positively related to computer
Of hypotheses H9a-e, which predicted that education would security usage. When prior experience is high (+2 SD), the simple
have a significant moderating effect with vulnerability, severity, slope of the line displays a non-significant positive value (0.023,
benefits, barriers, and self-efficacy, only H9c was supported p = 0.886, two-tailed), indicating that for each increase in one
(H9a, β = -0.059, p = 0.466, n.s.; H9b, β = 0.034, p = 0.680, SD of perceived severity, the corresponding value of computer
n.s.; H9c, β = -0.188, p = 0.015; H9d, β = 0.100, p = 0.191, n.s.; security increases by only 0.023 standard deviations. While this
H9e, β = 0.105, p = 0.187, n.s.). The main effect of education is consistent with the hypothesis that perceived self-efficacy is
on computer security usage was non-significant (β = 0.083, positively related to computer security usage, the significance of
p = 0.286, n.s.). the slope indicates that the effect of self-efficacy on computer
The interaction of education and benefits on computer security security usage is relatively flat for those with higher prior
usage shows that when education is low (-2 SD), perceived experience with computer security incidents. The effect of self-
benefits has a positive relationship with computer security usage. efficacy on computer security usage appears to be more relevant
The simple slope of the line (0.328 p = 0.049, two-tailed) indicates with those who have been attacked less often, less severely, and
that for each increase of one standard deviation (SD) in perceived not as recently.
benefits, computer security usage increases by a corresponding
score of 0.328 SD. This is consistent with the hypothesis that DISCUSSION
perceived benefits is positively related to computer security
usage. However, when education is high (+2 SD), the simple The current models of adoption used in information systems
slope of the line takes on a negative value (-0.087, p = 0.633, two- research lack perceptions of fear that could motivate an individual
tailed), indicating that for each increase in one SD of perceived to use computer security software. When exploring this lack of
benefits, the corresponding value of computer security decreases fear as motivation, the option of adding the perceived vulnerability
by 0.087 standard deviations. While this is not consistent with the and perceived severity of a computer incident to an existing
hypothesis that perceived benefits is positively related to computer model was explored. The Health Belief Model, which already
security usage, the slope indicates that the effect of benefits on offered these constructs in the context of preventative healthcare
computer security usage for those with higher education is not behaviors, offered an avenue of research that few had ventured.
significant. This result would indicate that perceived benefits is The use of the Health Belief Model as a framework to design
more relevant for those with less education. a model to examine home user adoption of computer security
Of hypotheses H10a-e, which predicted that prior experience provided the basis for this research.
would have a significant moderating effect with vulnerability, The research model, shown in Figure 2, contains a total of
severity, benefits, barriers, and self-efficacy, only hypotheses 26 hypothetical relationships that were tested using multiple
H10b and H10e were supported (H10a, β = -0.108, p = 0.168, regression analysis and explains 30.4% of the variance in
n.s.; H10b, β = -0.219, p = 0.021, p < 0.05; H10c, β = 0.054, computer security usage. The results demonstrate that certain
p = 0.537, n.s.; H10d, β = -0.076, p = 0.362, n.s.; H10e, constructs found in the Health Belief Model are more effective
β = -0.211, p = 0.014, p < 0.05). Additionally, the main effect than others in motivating individuals to utilize computer security
of prior experience on computer security usage was found to be software. Also, perceptions of vulnerability to attack significantly
significant (β = 0.212, p = 0.017). influence individuals’ use of security software (H1). Belief in
The interaction of prior experience and severity on computer the probability of a security incident was found to be the most
security usage shows that when prior experience with security significant of the main predictors in the research model.. The
incidents is low (-2 SD), perceived severity has a positive significance of this variable accomplishes one of the major goals
relationship with computer security usage. The simple slope of this research study, which was to show that individual fear
of the line (0.293, p = 0.08, two-tailed) indicates that for each beliefs can be a significant contributor to behavior. Current IS
increase of one standard deviation (SD) in perceived severity, research models lack the explicit inclusion of such fear beliefs.
computer security usage increases by a corresponding 0.293 SD. Perceived barriers to implementation were found to have a
This is consistent with the hypothesis that perceived severity is significant negative influence on computer security usage (H4).
positively related to computer security usage. However, when Perceived self-efficacy in selecting, installing and maintaining
prior experience is high (+2 SD), the simple slope of the line security software was found to have an influence on security
takes on a negative value (-0.146, p = 0.46, two-tailed), indicating software usage (H5). These constructs have parallel usage in other
that for each increase in one SD of perceived severity, the models used IS research. That they were found to be significant
corresponding value of computer security decreases by 0.146 in this research model based on the HBM provides additional
standard deviations. validation of their use in IS research. Perceived severity (H2)

Summer 2012 Journal of Computer Information Systems 27

and perceived benefits (H3) were not found to have a significant Practical applications of this research are limited due to
influence on user behavior in this study. validity issues arising from difficulty defining the population and
Of the hypothesized moderating variables (gender, age, sample. While from a practical standpoint the results may not
education, and prior attack experience), experience with prior have a significant influence on current implementation behavior
attacks significantly influences individuals’ perceptions, persuades in the home, it provides theoretical foundation for further model
them to take precautions, and also moderates the relationships development that can help us understand how to motivate
between perceived severity and security usage (H10b), and self- individuals to protect their computer systems.
efficacy and security usage (H10e). Other moderating relationships The testing of the model revealed the two most significant
were found with age and education. Age effectively moderates contributors to the usage of computer security for this study
the relationship between perceived barriers and security software were the perceived vulnerability of a security incident and the
usage (H8d), while education was found to effectively moderate prior experience with a security incident. These two constructs
the relationship between perceived benefits and security software corresponded significantly with each other (Pearson’s r = .372,
usage (H9c). p < .01). This suggests that while both constructs are important
Two of the constructs in the research model, perceived severity factors in security adoption in the home, many respondents that
and cues to action, are not found in current Information Systems felt vulnerable had also experienced prior security problems.
models. While not found to be significant predictors of computer This suggests that user education before an incident takes place
security usage in this research, they still offer some possible could influence users perceptions of vulnerability and encourage
explanations of attitude that should be discussed. security software usage thus reducing the need for the influence
Perceived Severity was found to have little relationship with the of prior attacks to motivate security usage.
dependent variable (β = -0.001, p = 0.987). While it was proposed
that the level of severity would have a positive relationship
with usage, this was not found. However, examination of the Limitations
severity scores reported by users shows that perceived severity
is important to users, where the majority of users reported that a The major limitation of this study is that the population
security incident on their computer would be serious. The mean of interest is large and undefined. We therefore used a non-
score for this variable was 5.18 on a scale of 1 to 7 with 1 being probability method to distribute the invitation to participate in
no impact and 7 being very high impact. While this variable’s the survey. Also, the anonymous nature of the data collection
importance to the respondents was high, the impact of such an and the snowball sampling method lead to the possibility of
incident would only be realized should the event actually occur. non-responder bias which is impossible to measure in this study.
This likelihood of occurrence was modeled in the perceived Multiple responses by the same user also cannot be ruled out.
vulnerability construct, which was shown to be a significant Another limitation is that the study used self-reported usage
predictor of computer security usage. as a dependent variable. This could result in a self-report bias in
Cues to action in this study had a higher than expected mean which the respondents answer the usage measures in a way that
score of 5.05 on a seven point agree/disagree scale indicating would make their usage appear higher than would be measured
that more users agreed than disagreed that they would be more through observation or experimentation.
conscious about their own security status given the cues to action Finally, the nature of the study involves protecting home
measured. While there is no clear indication as to why this computers from online threats. The use of an online survey limits
variable failed to attain significance (β = 0.114, p = 0.151), the the respondent pool to those that felt comfortable completing the
cross sectional design used in this study may provide a possible survey, creating a potential response bias.
explanation of this variable’s relationship to computer security
usage. The respondents could agree that the measured cues to Future Research
actions would make them more conscious of their own security
status, but the usage would depend on them having actually This research provides a foundation for future studies based
experienced the cues to action. This may not be the case with upon the results, and based on the limitations observed and
respondents that had CUE scores that did not significantly, and other questions brought up during the course of the research.
positively, correlate with computer security usage as H6 stated. An obvious addition to this study would be a replication using
While a better measure of this variable would be an experimental different samples from the target population. Many hypotheses
design in which the exposure to one of these triggers and the were not supported during the analysis of the data collected.
resulting change in compute security usage can be measured, the Only through replication will the value of these hypotheses to the
unethical nature of conducting this type of experiment precludes research model be fully known. Another sampling issue that could
such a design. be addressed in future studies would be obtaining a sample that
is more representative of the target population thereby increasing
CONCLUSION generalizability.
This study considered computer security usage as the
The research model tested represents the first study to apply application of anti-virus, firewall, and anti-spyware software.
the HBM to study computer security usage behavior in the Future applications of the model could be extended to the
home environment. This study provides empirical evidence behaviors involved in opening suspicious emails, using suspicious
that the constructs contained in the HBM can be used to study websites, file sharing, and other high-risk online activities.
this understudied area of computer security. The results of this Finally, the application of the HBM to the study of se-
research also suggest that further evaluation of models based on curity adoption can be extended beyond the home environ-
the HBM may apply in the study of computer security adoption in ment to study security adoption behavior in the corporate
the home. environment.

28 Journal of Computer Information Systems Summer 2012

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