9th Grade Recuperation

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How do you feel? 1 can describe how people are feeling 1 Look at the pictures and complete the puzzle with adjectives to describe feelings. 2 Complete the modifying adverbs. Use a, ¢,/,0,uand y. bt 3 Which adjective best describes each person's feelings? Use the adjectives below. anxious delighted embarrassed. frightened Proud telleved shocked upset 1 The waiter was relly ude to me when | asked fora glass of water. | was abit shocked. 2 gota new smartphone for my birthday. Iwas 3 My dad started to dance at my party andall my friends sawv him! |wasreally 1 4 My ite brother won singing competition, Iwas very 5 Our dog is very old andis realli. think he might de We'every 6 lve got adffcul, important exam tomorrow. im feelings litte bit 7 went on the tallest, fastest ride atthe theme park was, really 8 Jeft my mobile on the bus, but someone foundit. was extremely Listen, How are the people feeling? Choose from the adjectives below. There are two extra adjectives. ashamed cross delighted envious relieved suspicious Speaker Speaker3 Speaker? Speaker & '5 Complete the sentences with your own words. 1 feel confused when 2 Ifeel bored when fe 3 feel proud when Pe Whats the mystery word? HRD vst eating 4 Mfeelencitedwhen 5 feel dsappeinted when Grammar Past simple (affirmative) ican use the past simple affirmative. 1 Complete the sentences with the past simple affirmative 4 Correct the verbs in sentences 1-5. form ofthe reguar verbs below. 1 Wewas at home lastnight. decide dle drop look many move stop 2 | droped my phone onthe floor x study talk want 3 | gived my brother a book for his birthday. x. 1 My ded maths at university 4 Mysisterstudyed maths at university. 2 We ive in Oxford. We here iveyears age, 5 I spended.all my pocket money on sweets X. 3 Jason atme and sie 5 Write five true sentences about what you did last weekend. 4 Thewan atthe station and we got off 3 my cathe phonewiher end tromr (epatonge fos ofthe vets blowin ep yoo fey your own ideas. Pieaiad goon holdaytottal; not -&*,~Btt 6 have phone play study ed ee_rlee 1 The goalkeeper had the ball but then he t 1 8 mymom my dad in 1888 91 togototheshopping mal, buterymum 2 said. 10 Sadly, my grandma last year, She was 98, 3 2 Complete the sentences, Use the pastsimple affirmative 4 {orm of the iregular verbs in brackets. 1 Emmatiied on green dressandablue dess intheclothes 5 shop, and {choose} the blue one, ai {find) £20 in the street ast Saturday. 3 We (go) bowling yesterday evening. 4 somebody____ steal) my smartphone fom my schoolbag 5 Thetflm (begin) at seven and finished atten 6 it (tale six hous to drive from London Edinburgh. 7 Hannah (ee eieved when she got her cxam results 8 Tornand Matt (be) upset that George didn't invite them to his party | 9 We___{get} home at eight o'clock on Sunday. 10 Mile {spend} all her money on computer (Pe mates 3. Complete the texts with the past simple affirmative -_ ofthe verbsin brackets. Tom Crist" (get) a big surprise ‘when he __ (answer) his phone on Te Dernier 208 He os cate Rone (ot ataen |e wis ad he pi ce when she * __ (win) the lottery in eee ____« ) niet (et) wy mY oc el anoe about te win Henney shop assistant and + (start) to spend ————— ahr) all ths may teeta her money. She > (take) her family “Bat Eseally etd tha ane: he, on rene lies, © tte) at | (029 wife (ie) eatin he her fiends to big parties every weekend and year so I”__(choase) cancer charities 1 i ‘that? (help) her: (hee) connate eg. en ys later, she _ (have) just £2,000 left. But she's happy now. T* — (be) too ‘young to win the lottery, she (sx), Problems, problems! can listen for gist. Revision: Student's Book page T 1 Choose the correct ver. 11 Weshould do / makea plan forthe weekend, 2 Can you have /tell word with your sister 3 You should give / make her a call and apologise. 4 Don't keep /take offence twas ony joke! 5 | made /tookan excuse and eft te party ea 6 Isitalways wrong to make /tllalie? 7 meal ted. Can we do ake a break now? 8 I nerlyalvays give /tell the truth 2 Complete the advice with should or shouldn't and the verbs below. feel go look open spend tell 1 ‘W's really hot in here’"We should open a window! 2 ‘Myears are hurting” ‘You to loud music so often 3 “think we're lst! Yes. We at amap! 4 “Lonly got 68% in my exam. "You disappointed. That's a good mark! 5 ‘Ireall lke the gil next door! "We her to our party’ 6 ‘Doyoulixe Reece's new shirt?" Nout Idon't think you bi that 7 ‘My science project isn't very good."Maybe you ‘more time ont? invite listen 8 ‘Idon't feel well You cary’ 3 Write advice for these problems. Use/ think /I don't think ‘you should ..and your own ideas. 11 Mybest fiend gave me a T-shirt for my birthday, but | hateit, tobed 2 want to goto the cinema this weekend, but haven't got any money. 3 | borrowed a DVD from my friend, but ve lost it. nt Fatings Lstening Strategy ‘You do not have to understand every word in a istening, task, Focus on the general meaning and ty not tobe distracted by words you donot understand, Read the Listening Strategy. Then listen to three short dialogues. For each one, choose the best surnmary of ‘the general meaning (a orb). 1 Elie fs upset because a she can't takepart in the school show. bb she can't goto a family wedding 2 Daisy is excited because a shelikes seeing her cousin, b her cousin has got a present for her 3 Lames is worried because 3 heisn’t ready for his musicexam bb hecan’t finish his homework in me. Listen tofour dialogues (A-D). Match the dialogues with sentences 1-5 below. There sone extra sentence. ‘The person withthe problem 1 agrees that itis not necessary to tel the truth about tC) 2 agrees to follow the advice but fe’ upset. oa 3 asks for advice but decides not to follow it oO oO QO 4 gets angry when their friend gives advice 5 does not get any advice from thelr friend Listen again. Complete the missing words in these tines from the dialogues. Dialogue A 1 what odo 2 Ohdesr~ problem Dialogue B 3 You very happy! 41 ‘igh, Daniel Dialogue 5 can something? 6 lust tak to him adviee Dialogue 7 Ive got wth my Facebook age 8 Na you should do that. J can use the past simple to describe events. Past simple (negative and interrogative) Complete the sentences with the correct negative past simple form ofthe verbs in brackets. 1 We [get] tothe hotel in time for dinner. 2 Ourteam (wir) the last mateh of the 3 Itwasalong film, but | {feeb bored 4 They (Gpend) all their money on holiday. 5 Myaunt (be] atthe family wedding ast weekend, 6 Ourteacher (g)ve) usa lot of homework Tht (ain) tal last month. 8 lenjoyed the flm, but (can) understand all of the dialogue Complete the first part of each sentence past simple negative form. thecorrect 1 ciao sking ast winter, went snowboarding, 2 Einstein I 1965, he died in 1956. 3 The holidays ‘yesterday, they began last week 4 My grandparents were born in Germany, 51 “thirteen said hiety born in Russia they 6 We the fisthalf ofthe match, but we saw the second hal 7 atthe age of five | ride a bike, but | could ski ait warm yesterday, but itwas sunny. ‘Make these sentences true for you. Use the past simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets. 1 (can) swim when | was five 2 Lastweekend,| (do) a lot of homework 3 Fiveyears ago, 1 (be) student at this schoo! 4 Ten years ago, (ive ina different town, 51 (rake) my own breakfast this morning, 6! (choose) the clothes tm wearing now. T Lastright. (go) out with my friends 8 When | was) (study) English 4 Complete the dialogue with the question words below. how often what when where which who why Mia Hi, Hen." did you do at the weekend? Henry | went to the beach on Saturday ‘Mia That's nicel* did you go with? Henry Matt and Alex Mia Alex West? doyou see him? Henry Only two orthree times a year. He doesn't ive near here any more. Mia + does he live now? Henry In London, Mia Does he? part of london? Henry rim not sure. North London, I think Mia & did he move? Henry | think his mum got @ new job. Anyway, z did you last see him? ‘Mia Oh, about two years ago. 5 Putthe words in order to make questions. Then write answers that are true for you. 1 homework / how much / lat / dd /you /night do/? 2 with travel /did /t0/ school /you /who /today /? 3 best / eet /where /you / did / friend /your /? 4 first /teacher / who / your /was / English /? 6 Read the sentences. Then write questions for the given 1 ack gave his od bike toi sister. @: What did lack give his sist Ac His old bike. 2 Sam had dinner early because he was hungry. a > ‘Ac Hewas hungy. 3 Mason and Tyler went to London together. a > A: Hewent with Tyler, 4 Grace listened to three Lady Gaga CDs Q ? acTheee. Unit Fesings Adjective endings can use different adjective endings. 1 Circle the correct adjective 1 Playing volleyball is fun, butts tre /tiring 2 Thisnew computer gameisamazed / amazing! 3 | wasastonished / astonishing that we won the dance competition 4 “fall off my chairin the middle ofa lesson’ "How ‘embarrassed / embarrassing!” 5 Mygrandma’s stories are always interested / interesting, 6 | teada shocked / shocking eport about smoking. 7 wasn't surprised / surprising that he was late 8 | asso annoyed / annoying about your comment! 2 Complete the text with the correct -ed or -ing adjective formed from the verbs in brackets. A LONG WAY HOME Saroo was born in Madhya Pradesh in india. His family were very poor so when Saroo was just five he and his brother ‘Gudidu found work on trains as cleaners: One day the boys ‘went fo work ata station 70 km from home.The job was very 1 (tire) for Sar and he el aslep a the station. Hewasso® (exhaust) that he slept for hours. ‘When he woke up, Guddu was not there.Saroo was 1 shoei ana’ worry) Me looked for his brother but couldn't find him. tt wasa very 5___ frighten) situation fora young cil After two weeks, the potce found Saroo, but he could not tell them where his home was-he was t00® (confuse) and he didnt know its name.In the end the police decided he was offically lost and placed him with an adoption agency. An Australian family called Brierley took him to their ‘home in Tasmania and he grew up with them. Asan aul Saro Brierley stayed in Australia, but he looked forhis home town in india using the photas on Google Earth ontis computer took months but Saroo never got x (Gore) with ooking. nthe end he found the town. Hewas' (delight and travelled there at ‘once. When he saw his mother again forthe fist time in25 years ttwasavery®, (move experience for both of them. Newspapers and TV stations became™ {interest in Saroo's™ {astonish story and Saroo himself wrote a book aboutit in 2012. HERD vats seating: 3. Complete the sentences with -ed or -ing adjectives formed from the verbs below. confuse disgust excite frighten move 1 This mi has got black bits init" How ' 2 Weallciedat the end of the film —it was so 1 3 llenjoyed the back, but | was ending It didn’t make sense, 4 ‘ove watching football it's so 1 5 itelt was alone, about the because it was darkin the house and ‘Vocas Boost! E> Whenyou eam a new word make a nate of other rated ‘words at the same time. This will help you expand your vocabulary more quickly. New word dlsappotnt or) Related words: disappointed /clsappointing (adjectves) Jdicappontment (noun) Try to add examples. These wil help you to remember the meanings. ry not icappoint my parent + | was disappointed with my exam results + The flmwasv id tke disappoint ed to hide my 4 Read the Vocab boost! box. Choose ONE of the verbs below. ‘Write down the related adjectives and noun, using a ‘dictionary to help you. Then write example sentences. amuse depress entertain relax satisfy 1 vet Example 2 -edadjectve: example 3 ing adjective: Example 4 noun: Example Reading A painless operation 1 can understand a text about a medical operation Revision: Student's Book page 14 1. Complete the table. Reading Strategy \When you do a matching task, follow these steps 1 Read the text to get a general idea ofthe meaning. Do not worryf you donot understand every word 2 Read the task and all the options carefully. 3 Read the paragraphs of the text carefully one by one and match them to the correct option ‘4 Check that the extra options do nat match any ofthe Paragraphs. bum yourself ‘your finger sprain your ankle 5 an injury yourself 6a______arm _| breakyourarm A, as mag nay. Tha eh 2h ans ake ‘eh puragaphy Softee Ter onenta question, 4 Geephteatloneil ewarsbin ieshipaeaphde het bruise fellover hurt hurts pain slipped ‘A when the first operation happened? (_] 1 the poka Bigblod there banged 8B why Lenei needed an operation on his ar? C) a eee C what Lenkei did ust before the operation on his arm? () 2 Iegot a in my shoulder. on what part ofhis body the third operation was? C] Slee € when Doctor ewety Sr aed that eke! was nen ae Trent pan) football when Lenkei first hypnotised someone? (] a aaa Wi stuttapeersn cabs oon Wao ow ee ryonotseat J : +H when Lenkei had his second operation? [] 3 Read the text Are the sentences tue (1 or Fase (F? jee eee 1 Lenkeitook about alfan hour to hypnotse inset] what the doctor dito Lenkes arm during the operation? 2 Lenkeidid' speak uring the operation, g 3 Althe operations mere successful It didn’t hurt? spec isu cen, 4/2 Mestsennena was abit woried. He had to take some and is now an expert wasnt bone from Lenke's arm. He watched 20 his first operation without Lonkel carefully during the operation, as anaesthetic. n 1996, a fiend [H)_ 192008, Alex Lenkel had a he wasn’t sur that Lene could fee! no hypnotized him befer athiey- ‘problem with the bone in his arm ap pain," di’ think Mr Lenkel could hear minute operation on his stomach. ‘and he needed a serious operation. Uy," said Dr Lewellyn-Clerk, ‘but half way Both operations wore successful, Normally, with an operation like through the operation, he said "How’sit 35 so Lankal hada tira operation 5 tha, tne doctor gives the patent an’ going?" That's when the dactor without anaesthetic in 2013, this anaosthtic so that he or she doesn't yeaisod that Lenkel was not ‘time on his ankle, which also feet any pain. But Lenkel refused the in pain, The opeation ‘went wel anaesthetic. instead, hehypnotsed ated 89 minutos himself and simply tokt himself that 10 he could not feel any pain. That took about thity seconds. Then the ‘operation started. According to Mr LLenke, pain signals do not reach his brain when he is hypnotised, Unit Feeings CORE Narrating events ‘can relate and react to past events. 1 Putthe words and punctuation marks inthe correct order ‘to make phrases for reacting and showing interest. 1 envious /Y™m 50 /really/?/1 Really? imsoenvious! 2 sounds / that / terrifying /1 3 to/cool /a/what /do thing /t 4 what /realy /relief/a/?/1 5 amazing / that's /! 6 like / sounds / nightmare /a /that /! 7 what /oh /shame /no /a/1/1 8 kidding / youre /! 9 that ike / sounds / fun / 10 upsetting / how /1 2 React to these sentences. Use phrases from exercise ‘More than one answer is possible for each sentence. * ost my mobile phone! 2 went scuba diving when was on hoidy. | 3 im going to be on TV tonight! | | gotamew moped formy birthday! | 5 eft my wallet ina shop but they returned ittome. | 3 Read the forum post about an event and complete the notes. Itlehelen tt was the last day ofthe summer holidays and 1 ‘was at my friend Alice's house. She sai, "Everyone is westing fancy dress to school tomorrow to aise money for charity ‘So the nextday. went fo schoo! in fancy dress But it was a Joo! No one wat woaring fancy dress! Thad tego home ana ‘change, and I mussed the fst wo lessons. 1 was very embarassed, but Alice though it was realy funsy ‘anc could stop laughing, The teacher was abit cross with me and Alcs! 1 Set the scene. ‘Who? Helen, Where? When? 2 What happened? ‘Alice said tomorrow —fancy drece 3 How did people feel? ‘amused ~ laugh Follow a simple structure for narrating events. For example: 1 Set the scene Where? When? Who?) 2 Say what happened. 3 Say how you land /or others) feltabout it 4 Read the Speaking Strategy and the task. Then write notes. ‘Tellthe story ofan event that happened in the schoo! holidays 1 Set the sene. Who? Where? When? 2 What happened? 1 got 95% in my French exam, HRD vst eating: 3 How did you (and /orather people) fee? Think of at least three adjectives. 5 Now do the task using your notes from exercise 4, Writing A description of an event Ican describe an event. Preparation 1 Rewrite the sentences. Replace the underined verbs with the phrasal vers below Use the corect terse. askfor findout getover lookat ownup put back talkabout 1 She often borrows my clothes, but she never confesses tot. 2 | requested a seat by the window. 3 The police officer examined my passport carefully 4 Are you discussing the World Cup? 5 | discovered where my brother hides his dary 6 Please return my pen when you borrow itt 1 After his exams, he spent a day in bed just to recover from them, ‘Writing Strategy |When you write a description of an event, remember ‘tosay how you and other people felt atthe time, and how you all reacted to the events. Ths will make your anecdate come ta lfe and engage the reader's interest. Read the Writing Strategy. Then complete the description using the adjectives below to describe the people's ft guilty proud scared upset once bought a big plastic insect ata joke shop and putiinside my brothers lunch box in the morning. looked disgusting! | told my frends about the prank ‘of kt My brother didnt say anything about it afer school. n fac, he didrit mention it for ‘ages: Then one morning | found the same insect in my bow! of cereal a breakfast | wasnt: = all-it was funny. But when | asked him how he felt ‘when he found it in is lunch box, he didnt smile. in Tact he looked a bit? twas horible” he sald," screamed. Then everybody laughed at me’ When "heard that, lt ely“ | dont play ‘Wicks on my brother now @ Have you. Writing Guide 3 Read the task. Then make brief notes inthe able below. Use ‘one ofthe suggestions in the ideas box or your own idea. ‘You did something you feel bad about. Writea description of ‘an event with the title Confession! * Give a short description of what you did * Say how you felt atthe time. * Desciibe how other people reacted = Explain why you fee! bad aboutitrom, ‘What did you do? How did you feel atthe time? Why? How did other people feel? How did they react? ‘How do you feel about itnow? Why? Ideas ‘You fel bad because you: * borrowed something without asking and broke it. «© told somebody a secret your friend told you, * copied some homework from the internet. * told somebody about a surprise party and spolled thesurprise, 4 Write your description, Use your notes from exercise 3. ‘CHECK YOUR WORK O) covered allfourpoints in the task? included adjectives to describe feelings? checked your speling and grammar? Unit Feeings CER HERD vst eating: Vocabulary 11 Complete the sentences with the words below. anxious ctoss disappointed embarrassed envious relieved 1 Ted was very before his exams, but in the ‘end he got excellent marks 2 Imo toknow that youte OK and that you

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