Algebra Structure and Method CH 1 Study Guide Cleo Meek

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NAME pare —___ 4 Introduction to Algebra 1-1 Variables objective: To simpy numerics expressions ané ovale variable expressions. Vocabulary ‘Variable A symbol, such as ‘Value of varlble & numbcr that «vasiable ey repesent ‘Variable expression An expression, such asx + 5, that contains 2 variable Jeter, used to represent one oF more umber. [Nametical expression, or nomeral An expression, such as 6 + 5, that names @ articular tanber, alld the valoe ofthe expression Sienplifying an expression Replacing a narerical expression by the simplest ‘ae of its valve Evaluating an expression Replacing each variable by a given val and split the esl Symbols caulipy) sequal) # (Snotequalto) abo ‘TRUNGN Tocevelome ab when a = 4 and b = 5, be sue fo write 8 lpiation symbol: ab = 4 5. Example? Simply: 4+ (10-3) bh. QD+4H) +643) Solution Simpify the numerical expresion(s) within parentheses first B44 00-3) b@dEN+ GH az 1 | te Cb i % _.___} Simply ech expres. 1s+0s~3) 2.840042) 3.16 0x7 41x £04044 694649 2@2-nx6 8.06 +5) +16 9.08 +9 + 00=9 W@xID-GxX WHO +O] —- MHD HAD Example 2 Boalt each expresion ifs = 2 any = 3 a b Sy «69 - Solution Replace x with 2. Replace y with 3, Inert the mutipication symbol). aye de3a6 be Sy 5-2-3= 90 GH) -3= 6-2-3 a3 ‘ily Gade ALGEBRA Svcture and aid, Book | SAGAS foc on min Compeny A ig esr powe TE 11 Variables (connec) , vatuate each expression ix = 39 = Sand = 0. By Wx 18. 16. 7 11 6 ae B.29 mate 21 (& - 6 m6 +4 2B. an - my $8 eh —___—__ [ seers rahe each expresicn C= 6,y = 7andz = 4 69) - sate « ER | G- ay HEED . a8 Souton sc @ [Relegr nie inert the mean sel. | e9 - @° be “iy = Te, Simplify he expressions win parents. 6 sit. Replace x with 6 and x with 4 Simplify the expression within parentheses. ‘Multiply. | ' Replace with 6, y with 7, and z with 4. ‘Simplify the merstor and denominator. Divide. ‘Evaluate cach expression fx = 3,y = §,endz = 0. 28. @) - G0 26. 6) +) 21. (3) - (69 8. 09 + 6) ie « wen ota 2. 5-8 30.4049) a. gee 2 Bee Mixed Review Exercises \ Peeform the Indicated operations. | 102 x13 2, 1635 + 1607 3.24 +06 4.13 56 | 5. 106.4 +78 &on-39 7, $0.6 x12 8 64 + 02 a44 ax a8 94+ 10.3 Xa ngs 2,2 ek 6.2 22x woet 64d e “Guay Gite ALGEBRA, Sus anda, S00 2 Fer ee A aE iin Gonpan a8 mee el NAME 1-2 Grouping Symbols ‘Objective: To simply expressions wih and wihout grouping sym Voeabulery/Symbols Grouping symbol A symbol used to enclose an expression that should be simplified fist. Multiplication symbols are often lft out of expressions ‘vith grouping symbols, For example: Parentheses Brackets raction Bar -a=6 = 3-6: 46 18 65-3) =6-2 5-6-2 was . 6 ‘TAUTION When there are no grouping symbols, simpli in the Following order: 1, Do ll miipistons and divisions inorder from left right. 2. Do al addition and sublesetions inorder fom left to right. Example? Simpify: @. 87 ~2)b. BM) ~2 Solution a, 8(7 = 2) ‘The pareatheses ell you to simplify 7 ~ 2st. 85) 815) means 8 +5, “ 1. (7) = 2 Dothe mulation 8 +7 ist | 56 2 Then subtract 2. Py Simplify each expression. La 96-1) 2 a 105-3) a 64S b. 96) = b. 126) 3 bras 4a gese2 9-643 6a based bi @+5)-2 bO-H+3 waaeaes Example 2 Simply solution a, BS = IE Sinpliy th uneratr adenosine it 7 Then die by 6, $542,942 gut spl he mero nd dominate. AS42842 sunw sini he od exon. = 2 Pato sinpliy be ume and eon. ? Then die by 6. a ‘Shay Guide, ALGEBRA, Siructre and Method, Book + Sem by Hauge hin Company. Al ig resed. AME eee at OE 1-2 Grouping Symbols (continvee) Simplify sach expression. 0 649 Wasa oe 236 inex sare 39 6342 Mie a at 89-5) Example 9 Evaluate each expression if = 6,6 = 2,6 and d= 0, nero 4 Meo 4 i SoMtin 9. a +0) Replace awit 6, ih 2, and with 3. i Spite erston win sete 1 Matty nmese ele he vases wh hk gen vas. | { Simplify the mmerator and denominator. Divi, Evaluate cach expression Ifx =2,y = 4,2 = 6,and b= 5, 15. a. 2645 16. a. Sy ~ Wa 16 ~ WB. a 344 b. 2(e+ 5) B59) b. (16 ~ 395 b 344) Wa bety 20. a. =~ 2 ay +2 22. a Geb bbe + 9) bi ale =) b. 2ay +) bi. Gxiye ~ 0) 23. S(6y ~ 30) 24, 6 = 2ey 2S. ae 5 sory +a oes wenz Syme wey me 8 30> wy Mixed Review Exercises Simply. 12-643 220-8 + 18-2 35x 5-7 4941523 5. @54+3 +642) 604+9-6-9 Evaluate each expression ifa = 2,5 = 3,ande = 4, 7. Sab 8. be 9. @e) 9, £48 1, (a) ~ (0) 2 ba ‘ ‘Sud Gude, ALGEBRA, Suture and tied Book 1 nyt © by Hough Min Company. high esr i i NAME te 1-3 Equations Objective: To tnd slaton ses of equations over agen comin Vocabulary Equation An equation is formed by placing an equals sign between two numeral or varable expressions. Examgles:) 2435, x 197 ‘Open sentence A sentence containing varisbes. ‘Domain ofa variable The given st of numbers avaiable may represent, Solution, or root, of an equation A value of variable that urs an open sentence imo & tue statement. For exangle, 8 isthe solution of the equaton noted Solution st of an equation These ofall the solutions of an equation. Symbot € (isan clement of, or belongs to) Example 1 The domain of xs (0, 1,2). Isthe equation Sr — I= S trve when x = 0? when x «= 1? whens © 22 Solution Replacexin turn by 0,1, and 2 x] &-1e5 o[a-0-1-5|f 1|3t-125 | 2) a2-1—5 | tre Examplo2 Reads yE (12,3) Dx ( Solution a, y belongs to the set whose members ae 1,2, and 3, by, belongs tothe st whose members ae 0,2, 4, and 6 Examplo.3 Solve x3 ~ y) = Zify € (0.1,2.3), | Solution Replace yin tum with, 1,2, and 3. “The soltons are 1nd 2 “The sation sets (0,2). ‘Sosy Gude, ALGEBRA Srna nd Noted, Bock t ‘Sopright by Hougon tain Company. Aight exer. NAME 1-3 Equations (continued) Sotve each equation IF € (0,1,2,3, 4, 5). Lees astre9 aade2 ee 6-41 6s-x02 hataes Rrtaes om=8 waren maemo sca 25 bre? Wreies is dred 416 thes Basra Bore Mex = 16 aa +7 = 19 j 2, 5-2=13 Bens - 9 =6 2.x — 2) =3 i Example 4 Saver domain (24 6) “ce morthan isa I, What sth ante? Solon Use mental mah se which mebes ft siven dosnt ston, i Nanior_{ Tee ott vce numeri | i 2 | Ths more than tie 1. Rie i 4 | ei thn eis 46 1 Thue & | Threemre tn wie 61 Fate ‘ “he manberis 4 | Solve each problem over the domain (2,3, 4, $). 25, Bleven more than a number ie 15. Whats the number? 26, Four ines a number fs 16. What isthe number? 227.-A ouraber vided by one is $. What i the number? 28, Two les thana number is 3. What is the nomber? 29, One less than twice & number i 9. What isthe number? 30. One more than tice numbers 7. What i the number? Mixed Review Exercises ‘Simply. 19-8490 26+02+2 306-943 4043-47 S159 4343 635474642) | Evaluate ifa = 2,x = 3,y = Sand = 6, dea ty 88-2 9. tar +2) 10. a2 + 2y Haw + (y+) 4+ et) : , ~ ‘Sy Slde, ALGEBRA. Sacre and Method, Book {Cop by Houghton tn Company A ig ered ate ___ = NAME 1-4 Translating Words into Symbols objective: Te wana prats no varie expresso. Phrase ‘Variable Expression “iain | The wm of 608 ore ‘Rober creased by 5 nes Sine hon anber na} Tainan | Te diference betwen «number nd 7 7 ‘Arner decreased by 6 eee Sis than ember a3 3 mins mater Son ‘apiaon | Toe product of 6 ade waber «| Frees amber Pa neha of namber i [Division | The quoron of number ana 4 x A mumber died by 8 | ERUTON rhe prase “6 ess thn 2s wanted — Sand na = 2 Frere moran xan be ane cher 6 + x0r« + 6 Example 1 Traste cach prs into a varble expression. a. Five ess hn fof = 1b, One half he diteece between xand 5 Solution, Haft yp, thesierese ween rand: (= 9) Ore hafteaiferne Ly) tive et thn hafta: = 5 between xan 5: 3 ‘Translate each phrase Into variable expression. Use n for the variable, 1, Five more than a suber 2, The product of7 and number 3. A number divided by 4 4, Seven les than a number 5. The sam of3 anda number 6, Armor decreased by 8 71. The quotes of anumber and 3 8, The difference between a number and § 9. Nine tines a mnber 10, The difference bxween 9 and a mrber 11, Four more than half «number 12, Two les than 4 times number 13, Ten les han one balls mmber The quotient of 3 and a number 45, Three pis the product of «number and $ 17, Four more than thee times a number 19, Eight times the eum ofa number and 2 ‘Study Guide, ALGEBRA, Structure and Method, Book | Soph © by Hauge Min Company. AN hs sarod 16. The difference between 3 times a number and 6 18, Nine increased by twice a umber 20, Seven times the difference ofa namber and $ NAME DATE 1-4 Translating Words Into Symbols (continee) Example 2 Complete the statement with variable expression, Lins in. shorer than Dale Dale's height isin, he Liles eight isin, ‘Complete cach statement with a vatiabe expression. 21, Lisa ie 2 em tle than Fred. IF Fred's height is fem, thea Lisa's height is 2 em. 22, Arnie i 7 in shorter han Rick. IF Riek's height ii. hen Arnie's height ie 2 fn, 2. shawn has 86 mor han Maris, ‘Maia bas dollars, then Stawn hs? dolars 24, Barb has twice as much money a8 Carls, 1 Carios hase dollars, then Barb has dolar Examplo 9 Complete each statement with variable expestion Solution 4. The sum of two mambers i 15, ase Ione number is, then the other namber is? i. The product of two number is 24 b. 24 + y, or 2 a ove number is then the other mumaer is? ‘Complete each statement with a variable expression, 25, Tho sum of two mumber i 9. 26, The product of two numbers is 1S. ‘fone suber isn the the her fone number is ten the oer sumer ie ruber is 27. The sum of two numbers i 12. 28, The product of to numbers ie 20 one number is, then the other one number Iw, then the oer umber is umber is 2 Mixed Review Exercises Brbaeits = 3,5 4,9 = Sande = 6 i Lse-2 22+ 3. Ge= 012 i dey Se-1 eaytete i Sonex € (041,234 j TatdeT Barne asees wareo ' ree oe foe o | | Say BO AGERAA, ic etnos Sky : a apg by Heuston atin Conan. igh axons j name ATE 1-5 Translating Sentences into Equations ‘Objective: To trenalate werd sontences into equations. Example 1 Tw sm of er nd 3c |—~—"1 Transition 2 wen R Sxample 2 Ten of nel oe nanber xed 11524 ~ ‘Match the sentence fn the fret column withthe corresponding ‘equation inthe second column. 1. Three more than twice @ number is in. Translation testo =u 2-weo 2. Two ess than the times a aumber is ine. bme-a9 4 Thee times the umber which s two les th + inne. oth = “4. Two teste mmber which is thee les than +s ine. Stents 230-999 5. wots he quantty three more tan-xi nine £ 2-3) 9 6 Thre les thn the prot of two and nine gmen3=9 1. Two decreased by thee tis a numeri ine. Rede 2=9 18. Three times the quantity two dereased by xis nine ‘Translate each sentence into an equation 9. One half of sunber is fo 10. Three more than a nunber sight. 11. Sic tess hana number ie 12, To Jess than thee times a mamber is eleven 13, Twice a number is 12 more than 14. The muber «i seven more than five tines the rmber ne fourth of itself 1S, Five less han twice a numeri 15 16, Two times the quan minus Us 12. 17, even more than twice xiv les than x. 1B, Nine ines is twice te som of «and fv. Vocabulary Formulas: Equations tht state rules about relationships. Examples Cost = numberof tems * pre per Sly Gude, ALGEBRA, Sucre and Noted, Book Sap © by Hovpn tin Company. Nights reseed ‘Area of rectangle = length of rectangle % wich af rectangle Perimeter of rectangle = (2 x length) + @ x wit) Distance traveled = rate tine traveled 1-5. Translating Sentences into Equations (continued) Example 3 Use the figure an the information below ito write sn equation involving x. /s Solution Perimeter = the sum of the lengths ofthe sides W=547 +x ul m= D+s Piet = 20 ‘We the figure and the information below to write an equation Involving = 1. AN 2, . a. 4 4 1 Perine= 21 Perma 28 ester =30 Example 4s. Choose u variable to represent the number deserted in parentheses ', Wit an equation that represent the given information. ‘The distance traveled in 4h of driving was 260 km. (Hourly rate) Sohition 1 a. Letr = thehoutly rate Solution 2a Let r = the vty rate 1, Rate x time = distance i Since the hourly rae is rsd = 260, the tumber of ke treveled or dr = 260, 20, ‘none hour, + In Erurlses 22-24, ‘8. Choose a variable to represent the number described in parentheses. ', Wite an equation that represents the given information. 22, The diaance traveled in3 h of driving was 210 km. (Houly rte) 23, Aran tuaveled at 66 kh for 4 h. (Distance traveled) 24, A driver evraged 60 kav while driving 300 km, (Time) Mixed Review Exercises Solve tz € {0,1,2,3,4,5, 6). L3tees Baws? 3. 4c = 20 42erss Smee 6 deaxte Datser Bara re2 ‘Transtite each phrase into a variable expression. 9. number inveased by 6 1, The product of 9 and a number 10, The quotient of and 2 12, "Twice the sumof a number and 3 0 optght © by Hoops tin Conny A igh rserae ‘SU8y Gilde ALGEBRA Sacro and Wotod, Book » name pate 1-6 Translating Problems into Equations Objective: To translate word problems into equations, ‘Step 1 Read the problem earful ‘Step 2 Choose a variable and represent the unknow. ‘Step 3 Reread the problem and write an equation. ‘Example 1 Treslate the problem ito an equation. Do not solve the equation (1) Rady has $15 more than Franco, {2) Together they have $65, How much money does each have? Solution Use the thre steps shown sbove | Shep 1 ‘The unknowns arth aman of money uy and Franco ave | ch numbered sentence ives Ju 8 fo. Use fad fet (0) ‘Then f+ 15 = Rudy's amount Step 3 Use fa fat 2) to we am equation: f+ Y + 18) = 65. 4} ‘Translate each problem into an equation. Do not solve the equation. 1, (1) Shelley his $10 more than Michele (2) Together they have $50, How much money Joss cach have? 2. (1) Barc has twice as much money as Elmer. (2) Together they have $75 How muck money dors each have? 3. (1) Sandy sold four more cars than Michee {Q) Together they sold eal of 14 cas, low many cars did each sll? 4. () Joseph worked 8 hess than Loi. (@) Toputhr they worked 72 How many hours di each work? 15, (1) Gora spent $2 more fr dinner thao Lucy {Q) Topether they spent $26. How much did each spend? 6. (1) Nancy jogged 3m less than Pat (2) Together they jogged 7m How far did each jog? 11 (Ray has thre mes a8 many compact dics as Mia (2) Topether they have 20 compoct discs ow many compact diss des each have? Step 2 Choose a variable for one unknown: Latf = Franco’s amount. ‘Sty Gul, ALGEBRA, Grace ana Moto, Book t Sepug by Hoogtsn tin Company A hts resarved ” WAM ee 1-6 Translating Problems Into Equations (coninvec) Example 2 Transat the problem into an equation. Do not slve the equation, () A 12 pece of pip is cut int two pieces, @) One piece i 2 longee than the other, ‘What are th lengths of the poco? Solution Use te tee sep how np Mais sech hp on set he oben Sup 1 Tye owns wee ego he pe, Sete dO) ene tk Sup 2 Cone vie fr ne now tees = teh pce ca cc User deme Qs 7 7 Men's = he ger pie L Step 3 Use fact (1) to write an equation: x + (x + 2) = 12. ‘Translate each problem into an equation, Draw a skalch to help you. 8. 1) A25 A piece of cable i ext ito two pices, (2) One piece is $f longer than the ober. ‘What ae the lengths ofthe pieces? 9. (1) Kim walked tice a fr a8 Paul, 12) The sum ofthe distances they walked is 12 km, How fr di each walk) 10. 11) Miguel drove 20 km more than Jorg. 2) Miguel érove thee times as fa as Jorg, How far did each drive? HQ) A 16 f piace of woos is cu into 2 pieces. @ One piece is 4 shorter then the othe, How tong is esen piece? Mixed Review Exercises Solve Wx € (0, 1,2,3,4, 5,6). Ldetia7 Rrsaa2 3.15 = Ise 4S=uH1 S3¢3e61S — &S=2-7 Darexts Brexao “Translte cach phrase into variable expression, 9. One half of « number 10, Two mote than five mes a number 1, Fie les than thee tines ¢namber 12, Four more thin ore thi «number ‘Sludy Guce, ALGEBRA, Siusture and Mathod, Book + ” Sapp by naught afin Sompany ihe wuese Nae pate __ 1-7 A Problem Solving Plan ‘Objective: To use the five-step plan to solve word problems over a given doman Plan for Solving a Word Problem Sig 1 Ret be prolen cl Flow eons and wht Ge a Migs atch may. Sip 2 Chose able She ktk he genta represen he leva 5 3 Reed poste, i ednon a reprsznsrdantps aang te nben, 5p 4 Sale tet sd td te tnown Sip 5 Check yours wie words of the olen, Gretna sumtot 2 etey ua) Example Save wing te vest plun, Write ot eash step. Aco of pone server fr ne nino i gc | Sener emsanceeeae arenes woe ae aes co | eesstemeaeerarseecet Soe area arg aera eee ecaa ‘Sep 4 Replace min tur by 40, 48, and 56. | tin +12) = 108 | w+ ao+ iy 208 | Fae e+ 8+ 1) 2108 | Troe 56+(55+ 1) 2108 | Fase Shaler numer: m= 48 Enpetnonber 12 = 60 | ue 3 Ceo resi fp wh he wh oe pm | (ne manberis 2 or than ante mbes, 6 - 48 212 0 “a 56 neny ‘Their sum is 108, 48 + 60 2 108 108 = 108 y ‘The numbers are 48 and 60. ‘Study Guide, ALGEBRA, Stucture and Method, Book 1 Sepyght © by Hougntan hin Company. A ight ese ame pate 1-7. AProblem Solving Plan (continues) Solve using the fiveste plan. Write out enc step. A coe of possible numbers for one unknown i given. 1, In the chon there are 12 more gis than boys. There are 32 stents inthe chorus, How any are boys? How many aegis? (Choices forthe numberof boys: 8, 10,12 22 There were tice as man four-door casas tvo-door cor inthe parking lo. There were 36 eat nthe lot. How many bad four (ors? How many Fad 90 door? ‘Choices forthe munber of four-door cars 12, 18, 24 13 One number is 52 noe than another number. Ther sum is 176, Find ‘he numbers. Choiees for the smaller mmber: 62, 72, 82 14, One aumber i thre tines another number. Their sum i 180, Find the murbers, (Choices fr the sraller number: 25,35, 45 '5. Arthas thre times a mich money as Flora. Together they have 5180, How much money does each person have? Choices for Flor’ nou: 45, 60,75: 6, na clas election, the winner had 18 wore vores than the loser TO clas members voted, how many votes dd the winner fe=Ev=? How many votes eit the loser recive? Choices fr the losers votes 29, 43, 6 11. One nue sevice another number, The larger number is also 32 more than the smaller mone. Find the number (Choiees for the smaller mmber: 32,40, 48 8, The house i 12 years ler than the garage. The hous is also tree times as old asthe garage. How ol seach building? (Choices forthe garage’ ape: 3, 6,9 9, Lapita has ie times a much money as Davi, Lit sso has $20 tnove than David, How much money does each person have? ‘Choices for David's amount 4,5, 6 Mixed Review Exercises simp 1 Seer 2or-34629+649 nw a6=44 Abs 4152 Trane cch sentence a gation, 5 Fe ines + mabe 30 6: vets tes es ans me 2. One mor than vie beri 5. One fit of nonberis se. “Sy Gute, AGEERA, Saco ad ln. Book | ue Be Se sais tin Company. Nighi roses SESE ee ee NAME pare 1-8 Number Lines Objective: To graph real numbers ona number ne and te compare real numbers, Symbols. andsoox) —< Grkthan) > Gepreterian) Vocsbulary 2 Me toate ere wean ose Gomph ota number Cine grphot 6. Coordane oa pt 64 ite coon fC Pte neers (1,2, 3,0} Poste mumber Example: 35 Negative integers (1,-2.3. Nequne number Example: 35 Tages (0073.72.71, 1,2, 3.0) Whokemambers 0, 1,2, 3,0) [Real number Any number tat it either postive, negative, or zero Example 1 Write amamber to represent each situation, a. Adepositof 5:5 b. 62kmeast: 6.2 ¢, 10° above freeing: 10 ‘Avithdrawal of $5: "5 6.2 kmuest: 62 10" below freezing: ~10 4p Weltcamumber io erent nh saton, Then write he pps of that situation and write @ number to represent it. 1. Five wins 2, Six floors vp 3. A gainof eight yards 4, Three points under par 5. 150.m above tea level 6, 22 kmesst 7, Six bonus points 8, Ten step dove, 9, Foor steps tothe right 10, 7° above fezing (0°C) 11, A gain oftw0 pounds 12, Latitude of 20° north 13, A bank deposit of $50 14, A loss of 24 Exemple 2 Translate each statement into symbols. fa. Three is greater than negative five b, Negative sx is less than negative two ee ee ee Solution a 3 > 5 76 < 2 “Translate cach statement into symbols. 15, Pours greater than negative te, 16, Negative en less chan negative two. 17, Negtive fours greater than negative six. 18. Sevens less than ine. 91% Dest tant and ots, 20, Negative five tents i es than zero. 24, Negative 12 i ess than thee, 22, One half pester than ove fifth ‘Susy Gu ALGEBRA, Grune and Method, Book + Sepgig © by Houguon Mtn Company Al ite exes 6 Naw 1-8 Number Lines (continued) | cxampie 3 Tet ees bepress ae 25,0 gg que gue ver cc arg cua 8 | T$2sa3ar errs ase 78 Solution KT, List the eters ofthe points whose coordinates are given. Use the number line in Example 3. 23.63 24. 73,5 25, 23h BOT [a ‘Solution On the number ie, x namber tothe right of another is he greuter.2 > 3, ~3.<2 ymple 4 Sate wo inequlites, one wih > and ‘one with-< relating the coordinates of the points india by the beavy dos. State two inequalities, one with > and ove with < , relating the ‘coordinate of the plnts indicated by the heavy dots. a 2. 3. 3 8. 3. ”. 38. Mixed Review Exercises Brute ta = 2,6 = 4e = 3,4 = Sandy 1 tab = 36 aay =) aay +6 4ox-o 54 Gb+0) 6 ($8) #6 =a) Translate each sete nto a etn 7. Nine more hans meri fe 8. The product of umber an 9177 9. One hid aber fr 10, Aunt dered by 18 30. ‘iol Gude, ALGEBRA, Gre ad Mend. Book 1 6 Sogn oy Haught in Compeny. A igs reserved $e a DATE — 1-9 Opposites and Absolute Values ‘Objective: To use opposes ana absolute values ‘Vocabulary ‘Opposite of a number Each number ina par such as 3 and ~3 i called the opposite of re other number. The opposite of 0 is 0. Absolute value of number ‘The duane between the graph ofthe number ‘id Oon a muna line. For example, the absolute vale of bh 3 and 3s the positive murber 3 ‘symbols “The pposie of ie writen ~€. Since ~3 and ~3 name the same number, ‘you can ase the lowered minus sign to write negative numbers from no on [ol means the abeoute value of Erampless BLS 3 [3 3 ple TRUTION a, rend "the opposite of" i not necesaly a negative rte For example, a ~3, then a= =(=3) = 3. Tanpe? Seyi) 88H NACA e-O-) Solution -6 bat Sing Tne) BO) AHH A -OD 66-9 2 -6FH RAH ==) aomple? Sieity a. 43 bla Solution abaese2e303 be la-[aled-2e1 Stoo meld [2 [sata a [1s + sl 16. [-02) + |-14 +o .[-f +4 mh Fa + [051 6 2». |-§{-[1] a = 2 m1 Sas ake REIN gn i Oa ; Sepp © by Houpor Min Company. ahs reared awe 1-9 Opposites and Absolute Values (continued | Example 8 Use one ofthe symbols > , <, or = tomakea tue satement. a 82-8 Id 26 Solution b. 626 6=6 Use one ofthe symbols >, <, or = to make a true statement 2B. -(-9L-3 m4 22-2) 25, (21-51 26, |e) 27. |r) I-a 28, 2-1 2, [yb 390, -22--|-21 Example 4 Solve each equation over the st of real numbers, Iter is no solution, explin wiy there is none able? bi inl = = Solution a, Both ~2 and 2 ae 2 uit frm the eri, so the replacements for x that make In| = 2irve are ~2 and 2. Therefore ihe solution st is {~2, 2) 'b, The absolute vue ofa number is never neglive, Therefore there is no Slaton Solve each equation over the set of rel numbers. I theres no solution, explain why there fs none. 32. [nf = Bias i 38. pl = 05 36. l= 3 37. pol = ~6 38, [nal = 7 ®. [nel = 2 4, [wl = 4 Mixed Review Exercises Simply. L7-6+2 27-342 B+ e+H 4.0-2-6-3) 57-302 6.18-10=G+2) ‘Write a number to represent each sitution. Then write the opposite of that number. 7, Fear steps up 8. A bank deposit of $80 9. A oss of $100 10, Nine kilometers east ‘iy Gude ALGEBRA, Sructre and Wetnod Soak? 18 pyitt © oy Hovgnan Min Company. Ai posed

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