CLM BusinessFileHeader Head 002 BusinessFileHeader Head 002 001 01 20220902 0826

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Usage Guideline

This document describes a usage guideline restricting the base message MX DRAFT3head.002.001.01. You can also
consult this information online.

Published by CLM (T2) and generated by MyStandards.

01 April 2021
Usage Guideline

Table of Contents

.Message Functionality ................................................................................................................................................. 3

1 Restriction summary ......................................................................................................................................... 4

2 Structure ................................................................................................................................................................. 5

3 Message Building Blocks ............................................................................................................................... 6

4 Message Components ...................................................................................................................................... 8

5 Message Datatypes .......................................................................................................................................... 16

.Legal Notices ................................................................................................................................................................. 19

2 head.002_BusinessFileHeader_head.002.001.01 - CLM_BusinessFileHeader
Message Functionality

Message Functionality


The CLM_BusinessFileHeader / head.002_BusinessFileHeader_head.002.001.01 is composed of 2
building blocks

a. PayloadDescription
Contains information about the payload.

b. Payload
File Payload is used to include the exchanged documents within the file structure.

01 April 2021 3
Usage Guideline

1 Restriction summary
This Usage Guideline restricts the DRAFT3head.002.001.01 message.

Restriction Type See page

Removed elements n.a.

Make mandatory 7

Reduce Multiplicity n.a.

Ignore n.a.

Text rules n.a.

Conditional rules n.a.

Formal rules n.a.

Fixed values 15

Truncates n.a.

Comments n.a.

Annotations 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 13, 13,

14, 14

Changed datatypes 7, 8, 10, 13, 13, 14

Extensions n.a.

Synonyms n.a.

4 head.002_BusinessFileHeader_head.002.001.01 - CLM_BusinessFileHeader

2 Structure
Removed - Partial Removed - Ignored - Partial Ignored - ! Details below -
Mandatory - R[x..x] Repeatability[details]

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


BusinessFileHeaderV01 <Xchg> [1..1] ! 6

PayloadDescription <PyldDesc> [1..1] 6

PayloadDetails <PyldDtls> [1..1] 11

ApplicationSpecificInformation <ApplSpcfcInf> [0..1] 11

PayloadTypeDetails <PyldTpDtls> [1..1] 12

ManifestDetails <MnfstDtls> [0..*] 12

Payload <Pyld> [0..*] ! 7

01 April 2021 5
Usage Guideline

3 Message Building Blocks

Note The following chapter identifies the building blocks of the CLM_BusinessFileHeader /
head.002_BusinessFileHeader_head.002.001.01 message definition.

Usage Guideline on Root Node

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/

– CLM-Use:
The BusinessFileHeader is used by CLM to receive several business messages with-
in one file to CLM.

The BusinessFileHeader is used for inbound communication only. Under a single

BusinessFileHeader, every business message within the file has to be an ISO
20022 (or ISO compliant) message together with its BAH.

Within CLM, the BusinessFileHeader information is used for consistency and com-
pleteness checks.

In response to an incoming file which fails validation, CLM sends a ReceiptAc-

knowledgement (admi.007) message containing information on negative validation.
Results from validation which is performed at file level are sent without BAH

– CLM-BusinessRules:

3.1 PayloadDescription
XML Tag: PyldDesc
Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Contains information about the payload.
The PyldDesc block contains the following elements (see datatype "PayloadDescription1__1" on
page 10 for details)
Removed - Partial Removed - Ignored - Partial Ignored - ! Details below -
Mandatory - R[x..x] Repeatability[details]

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


PayloadDetails <PyldDtls> [1..1] 11

ApplicationSpecificInformation <ApplSpcfcInf> [0..1] 11

PayloadTypeDetails <PyldTpDtls> [1..1] 12

ManifestDetails <MnfstDtls> [0..*] 12

6 head.002_BusinessFileHeader_head.002.001.01 - CLM_BusinessFileHeader
Message Building Blocks

3.2 Payload
XML Tag: Pyld
Presence: [0..*]
Definition: File Payload is used to include the exchanged documents within the file structure.

Usage Guideline details

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/Payload
This element is now mandatory, the minimum occurrence has been changed to : 1

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/Payload
Type changed to: page

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/Payload

– CLM-Use:
The head.003 XSD file is used as a technical wrapper to structure the Exchange-
Payload1 for head.002: the specific schema as XSD file is provided under the
same link.

01 April 2021 7
Usage Guideline

4 Message Components
Note The following chapter identifies the message components.

4.1 ApplicationSpecifics1__1
Definition: Application specific information defined by the service provider.
Removed - Partial Removed - Ignored - Partial Ignored - ! Details below -
Mandatory - R[x..x] Repeatability[details]

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


SystemUser <SysUsr> [0..1] ! 8

Signature <Sgntr> [0..1] ! 9

TotalNumberOfDocuments <TtlNbOfDocs> [1..1] ! 9

Used in element(s)
"ApplicationSpecificInformation" on page 11

4.1.1 SystemUser
XML Tag: SysUsr
Presence: [0..1]
Definition: A system user is a user account defined in the static data. It represents an individual or an
application that interacts with the system administrator (e. g. T2S), triggering the available functions.
The set of functions available to each system user stems from the set of privileges for which the system
user is grantee. System administrator does not provide any attribute for distinguishing between individu-
als and applications.
Datatype: "TARGET_RestrictedFINXMax35Text" on page 17

Usage Guideline details

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/ApplicationSpecificInformation/SystemUser
Type changed to: TARGET_RestrictedFINXMax35Text on page 17

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/ApplicationSpecificInformation/SystemUser

– CLM-Use:
The system user reference is a logical piece of information that allows the
identification of one system user in the reference data for a privilege check.

The provision of the system user reference is mandatory for inbound BFH and re-
places the use of Clearing system member identification at BAH level. If the
Clearing system member identification is additionally provided on BAH level,
the BFH user will be used and the BAH user will be ignored.

– CLM-BusinessRules:

8 head.002_BusinessFileHeader_head.002.001.01 - CLM_BusinessFileHeader
Message Components


4.1.2 Signature
XML Tag: Sgntr
Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Contains the digital signature of the Business Entity authorised to sign this Business File.

Usage Guideline details

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/ApplicationSpecificInformation/Signature

– CLM-Use:
Certificate, which identifies the business sending user in combination with the
system user for files. The signature is part of the file header (BFH). It is
over the list of BAHs, ISO 20022 messages and their head.003 wrappers. If the
signature is additionally provided on BAH-level within the single message, the
BFH signature will be used and the BAH signature will be ignored.

– CLM-BusinessRules:

4.1.3 TotalNumberOfDocuments
XML Tag: TtlNbOfDocs
Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Gives the total number of instances (messages) within the file.
Datatype: "Number" on page 16

Usage Guideline details

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/ApplicationSpecificInformation/TotalNum-

– CLM-Use:
Total number of messages contained within the file.

Not validated CLM.

4.2 ManifestDetails1__1
Definition: Describes the related items or attachments (such as message types and number of mes-
sages types) within the file.
Removed - Partial Removed - Ignored - Partial Ignored - ! Details below -
Mandatory - R[x..x] Repeatability[details]

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


DocumentType <DocTp> [1..1] ! 10

01 April 2021 9
Usage Guideline

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


NumberOfDocuments <NbOfDocs> [1..1] ! 10

Used in element(s)
"ManifestDetails" on page 12

4.2.1 DocumentType
XML Tag: DocTp
Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of items contained in the document set. An initial list of values can be
found in the ISO20022 message type catalogue such as admi, camt, pacs, sese, semt etc. ISO mes-
Datatype: "TARGET_Head_XMLMessageNamePattern" on page 17

Usage Guideline details

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/ManifestDetails/DocumentType
Type changed to: TARGET_Head_XMLMessageNamePattern on page 17

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/ManifestDetails/DocumentType

– CLM-Use:
ISO message type (e.g. camt.050.001.05)

Not validated by CLM.

4.2.2 NumberOfDocuments
XML Tag: NbOfDocs
Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Gives the number of instances (messages) for each declared type.
Datatype: "Number" on page 16

Usage Guideline details

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/ManifestDetails/NumberOfDocuments

– CLM-Use:
Total number of message instances per single message type contained within the

Not validated by CLM.

4.3 PayloadDescription1__1
Definition: Contains information about the payload.

10 head.002_BusinessFileHeader_head.002.001.01 - CLM_BusinessFileHeader
Message Components

Removed - Partial Removed - Ignored - Partial Ignored - ! Details below -

Mandatory - R[x..x] Repeatability[details]

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


PayloadDetails <PyldDtls> [1..1] 11

ApplicationSpecificInformation <ApplSpcfcInf> [0..1] 11

PayloadTypeDetails <PyldTpDtls> [1..1] 12

ManifestDetails <MnfstDtls> [0..*] 12

Used in element(s)
"PayloadDescription" on page 6

4.3.1 PayloadDetails
XML Tag: PyldDtls
Presence: [1..1]
Definition: This component is used to identify the instance of the document exchanged.
The PyldDtls block contains the following elements (see datatype "PayloadDetails1__1" on page 12
for details)
Removed - Partial Removed - Ignored - Partial Ignored - ! Details below -
Mandatory - R[x..x] Repeatability[details]

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


PayloadIdentifier <PyldIdr> [1..1] ! 13

CreationDateAndTime <CreDtAndTm> [1..1] ! 13

PossibleDuplicateFlag <PssblDplctFlg> [0..1] ! 13

4.3.2 ApplicationSpecificInformation
XML Tag: ApplSpcfcInf
Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Contains business information that is considered as necessary by the service provider.
The ApplSpcfcInf block contains the following elements (see datatype "ApplicationSpecifics1__1" on
page 8 for details)
Removed - Partial Removed - Ignored - Partial Ignored - ! Details below -
Mandatory - R[x..x] Repeatability[details]

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


SystemUser <SysUsr> [0..1] ! 8

Signature <Sgntr> [0..1] ! 9

01 April 2021 11
Usage Guideline

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


TotalNumberOfDocuments <TtlNbOfDocs> [1..1] ! 9

4.3.3 PayloadTypeDetails
XML Tag: PyldTpDtls
Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identification of the type of payload.
The PyldTpDtls block contains the following elements (see datatype "PayloadTypeDetails1__1" on
page 14 for details)
Removed - Partial Removed - Ignored - Partial Ignored - ! Details below -
Mandatory - R[x..x] Repeatability[details]

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] ! 14

4.3.4 ManifestDetails
XML Tag: MnfstDtls
Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Manifest that describes the related items or attachments.

This block is repeated for each different type of item.

The MnfstDtls block contains the following elements (see datatype "ManifestDetails1__1" on
page 9 for details)
Removed - Partial Removed - Ignored - Partial Ignored - ! Details below -
Mandatory - R[x..x] Repeatability[details]

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


DocumentType <DocTp> [1..1] ! 10

NumberOfDocuments <NbOfDocs> [1..1] ! 10

4.4 PayloadDetails1__1
Definition: This component identifies the instance of the document exchanged.
Removed - Partial Removed - Ignored - Partial Ignored - ! Details below -
Mandatory - R[x..x] Repeatability[details]

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


PayloadIdentifier <PyldIdr> [1..1] ! 13

CreationDateAndTime <CreDtAndTm> [1..1] ! 13

12 head.002_BusinessFileHeader_head.002.001.01 - CLM_BusinessFileHeader
Message Components

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


PossibleDuplicateFlag <PssblDplctFlg> [0..1] ! 13

Used in element(s)
"PayloadDetails" on page 11

4.4.1 PayloadIdentifier
XML Tag: PyldIdr
Presence: [1..1]
Definition: String of characters that uniquely identifies the file, which was delivered by the sender.
Datatype: "TARGET_RestrictedFINXMax35Text" on page 17

Usage Guideline details

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/PayloadDetails/PayloadIdentifier
Type changed to: TARGET_RestrictedFINXMax35Text on page 17

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/PayloadDetails/PayloadIdentifier

– CLM-Use:
Point to point reference as assigned by the sender to unambiguously identify the

– CLM-BusinessRules:

4.4.2 CreationDateAndTime
XML Tag: CreDtAndTm
Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time when the file was created by the sender.
Datatype: "RestrictedISODateTime" on page 16

Usage Guideline details

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/PayloadDetails/CreationDateAndTime
Type changed to: RestrictedISODateTime on page 16

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/PayloadDetails/CreationDateAndTime

– CLM-Use:
Time offset is mandatory for BFH sent to CLM.

4.4.3 PossibleDuplicateFlag
XML Tag: PssblDplctFlg

01 April 2021 13
Usage Guideline

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Flag indicating if the file exchanged between the two business applications is possibly a du-
plicate. If this indicator is not present within the message, please note that the default value would be
Datatype: "TrueFalseIndicator" on page 18

Usage Guideline details

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/PayloadDetails/PossibleDuplicateFlag

– CLM-Use:
Flag indicating if the file sent to CLM might be a duplicate.

Will not be validated in case of incoming files send to CLM.

4.5 PayloadTypeDetails1__1
Definition: Identification of the type of payload.
Removed - Partial Removed - Ignored - Partial Ignored - ! Details below -
Mandatory - R[x..x] Repeatability[details]

Index Message Item <XML Tag> Or Mult. Usage Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] ! 14

Used in element(s)
"PayloadTypeDetails" on page 12

4.5.1 Type
XML Tag: Tp
Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Declaration of the payload content. Describes the type of business document being ex-

When sending a copy or a duplicate of a previous document set, the document set identification must
remain identical.
Datatype: "CLM_PayloadType1Code" on page 16

Usage Guideline details

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/PayloadTypeDetails/Type
Type changed to: CLM_PayloadType1Code on page 16

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/PayloadTypeDetails/Type

– CLM-Use:
Exchanged payload belongs exclusively to the ISO 20022 Standard family.

14 head.002_BusinessFileHeader_head.002.001.01 - CLM_BusinessFileHeader
Message Components

• on DRAFT3head.002.001.01/PayloadDescription/PayloadTypeDetails/Type
Single value: ISO20022

01 April 2021 15
Usage Guideline

5 Message Datatypes
Note The following chapter identifies the datatypes that are used in the message.

5.1 CLM_PayloadType1Code
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 256 characters.

This datatype has been created by the Publisher of this Usage Guideline.

Type: CodeSet


maxLength 256

minLength 1

Code Name Definition

ISO20022 ISO20022 Exchanged payload belongs to ISO

20022 standard family.

Used in element(s)
"Type" on page 14

5.2 Number
Definition: Number of objects represented as an integer.
Type: Quantity


fractionDigits 0

totalDigits 18

Used in element(s)
"NumberOfDocuments" on page 10, "TotalNumberOfDocuments" on page 9

5.3 RestrictedISODateTime
Definition: A particular point in the progression of time defined by a mandatory date and a mandatory
time component, expressed in either UTC time format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ), local time with
UTC offset format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+/-hh:mm), or local time format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:m-
m:ss.sss). These representations are defined in "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition - W3C
Recommendation 28 October 2004" which is aligned with ISO 8601.

Note on the time format:

16 head.002_BusinessFileHeader_head.002.001.01 - CLM_BusinessFileHeader
Message Datatypes

1) beginning / end of calendar day

00:00:00 = the beginning of a calendar day

24:00:00 = the end of a calendar day

2) fractions of second in time format

Decimal fractions of seconds may be included. In this case, the involved parties shall agree on the max-
imum number of digits that are allowed.

This datatype has been created by the Publisher of this Usage Guideline.

Type: DateTime


pattern [0-9]{4,4}\-[0-9]{2,2}\-[0-9]{2,2}[T][0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}[\S]*

Used in element(s)
"CreationDateAndTime" on page 13

5.4 TARGET_Head_XMLMessageNamePattern

This datatype has been created by the Publisher of this Usage Guideline.

Type: Text


pattern [a-z]{4}\.[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{2}|[a-z]{4}\.[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]

Used in element(s)
"DocumentType" on page 10

5.5 TARGET_RestrictedFINXMax35Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 35 characters limited to character set
X, that is, 0-9 a-z A-Z / - ? : ( ) . , ' + .

This datatype has been created by the Publisher of this Usage Guideline.

Type: Text


maxLength 35

01 April 2021 17
Usage Guideline

minLength 1

pattern [0-9a-zA-Z/\-\?:\(\)\.,'\+](|[0-9a-zA-Z/\-\?:\(\)\.,'\+]|[0-9a-zA-Z/\-\?:\(\)\.,'\
+ ]{1,33}[0-9a-zA-Z/\-\?:\(\)\.,'\+])

Used in element(s)
"PayloadIdentifier" on page 13, "SystemUser" on page 8

5.6 TrueFalseIndicator
Definition: A flag indicating a True or False value.
Type: Indicator
Meaning When True: True
Meaning When False: False

Used in element(s)
"PossibleDuplicateFlag" on page 13

18 head.002_BusinessFileHeader_head.002.001.01 - CLM_BusinessFileHeader
Legal Notices

Legal Notices
SWIFT © 2021. All rights reserved.
This material is a component of MyStandards, the SWIFT collaborative Web application used to man-
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- re-sell or authorise another party e.g. software and service providers, to re-sell this component.

This publication may contain SWIFT or third-party confidential information. Only disclose it outside your
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This component is provided 'AS IS'. SWIFT does not give and excludes any express or implied war-
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Any and all rights, including title, ownership rights, copyright, trademark, patents, and any other intellec-
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01 April 2021 19

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