Vagif. Unit 11 - I Russian Persian War

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I Russian - Persian (Kadjars) War

Echmiadzin battle (Uchkilsa) – July 27, 1804. In this battle the Russians were defeated by the
Kadjars army

Gamarli battle – the Persians (Kadjars) won again. Muhammed Khan of Irevan helped the kadjars

Unable to achieve success in the Iravan direction, Tsitsianov turned his attention to Karabakh

May 14, 1805 - Between Karabakh Khanate and Russia Karabakh Khanate "forever" came under
the patronage of the Russian Empire (8000 chervonets)

May 21, 1805 - Between Sheki Khanate and Russia (7000 chervonets)

They lost right to an independent foreign policy.

In June 1806, the royal troops sent by Abbas Mirza entered Karabakh. At that time, Ibrahimkhalil
Khan, who was in Khankend with his family, was attacked by Russian troops without any reason
on the orders of Major D.Lisanevich.

Khan and his relatives were killed. This incident enraged Salim Khan. He expelled the Russian
troops from Sheki. This meant a demonstrative violation of the Kurekchay treaty by Sheki Khan.

The next target of the Russians was the Baku Khanate. Sisianov went to Baku. While he was on
his way, Baku was attacked by the Russian fleet from the sea. The Russians landed in Baku. Baku
Khan rejected their request to surrender the Baku fortress. Seeing that the fortress would not
be surrendered willingly, the Russians set fire to the fortress. Important strategic points of the
khanate were captured.

Advancing from Shamakhi with a large group of troops, Sisianov reached two kilometers from
Baku at the beginning of 1806 and stopped. He demanded the surrender of the fortress, and
Huseyngulu Khan sent a draft agreement that made the Baku Khanate fully dependent on
Russia. Tsitsianov was killed by Ibrahim, the cousin of Huseinqulu Khan.

The Ottoman-Russian war (1806-1812).

At the same time Russia waged a war with the Ottomans

Gumru battle – June 18, 1807 – Russia won

Bucharest treaty – 1812 – Ottomans recognized the Russian conquests in the South Caucasus

Aslanduzu battle – october, 1812 was the desicive battle in I Russian – Kadjars war. The Russian

Lenkoran was occupied.

Gulustan Treaty - October 12, 1813

All Northern Khanates (except Irevan and Nakhichevan Khanates), Eastern Georgia and Dagestan
under the control of Russia

The Gulustan treaty consisted of a preamble, 11 articles and a separate act.

Under the agreement, the Gajar state recognized the transition under the patronage of Russia of
the Ganja, Sheki, Shirvan, Baku, Guba, Karabagh and Lankaran khanates, Eastern Georgia and
Dagestan. The right to have a military fleet in the Caspian was granted only to Russia.

According to the 7th article of the Gulistan treaty, it was planned to create diplomatic corps in
both states. Several articles dealt with trade and duties issues.

The Gulustan treaty consisted of a preamble, 11 articles and a separate act.

Under the agreement, the Gajar state recognized the transition under the patronage of Russia of
the Ganja, Sheki, Shirvan, Baku, Guba, Garabagh and Lankaran khanates, Eastern Georgia and
Dagestan. The right to have a military fleet in the Caspian was granted only to Russia.

According to the 7th article of the Gulistan treaty, it was planned to create diplomatic corps in
both states. Several articles dealt with trade and duties issues.

“Duty on goods brought by Russian merchants to Persian cities or ports should not be charged
more than five percent from a hundred, without requiring a second time, wherever those
merchants with that goods did not go, and the same amount from Persian goods exported from
there, and no more levies, taxes, taxes, under no pretext or fiction not to demand what the
duties are, and on the same basis, mutually must be collected once from Persian goods brought
by Persian subjects to Russian cities or ports, and from those exported. “7th article of the
Gulistan peace treaty


July of 1804 – Battle near Uchkilse (Echmiadzin). The Russians lost

Gamarli Battle: defeat of the Russian army

May of 1805 - Kurekchai Peace Treaty

January 1806 – general Tsisianov was killed. The capture of Baku, Derbent and Guba

1806-1812 - The Ottoman-Russian war

1807 – The Russian Army defeated the Ottomans near Gumri.

1812 – The Bucharest Peace Treaty between Russia and Ottomans

1813. October 12 – Gulistan Peace Treaty.


 How do you think: why Ibrahim Khalil Khan agreed to sign Kurekchai Peace Treaty?
 The brutal killing of Karabakh Khan’s family was reflected in movie The Fortune of Ruler.
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call the result of a person's actions in Hinduism and Buddhism?
 Why the Irevan Khan was supporting the Kadjars?
 When and where the general Tsitsianov was killed? How do you rate his assassination?
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 What is offensiveness of Gulistan Peace Treaty for our people?

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