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The environment is so important, because we as human beings have not realized the
factors that determine how they can harm the planet. One of the most important factors
for example: water pollution when using detergent, industrial waste, air pollution, soil
pollution when using fertilizers unsuitable for the earth, that is, when the physical and
chemical state of nature is altered in fact We live in a society that lacks awareness and
responsibility for caring for the environment, fortunately more than a year ago worldwide
due to a coronavirus pandemic where there was a restriction for six months in which an
environmental improvement was seen that reduced pollution

Learly the effect of the pandemic helped in another way to raise awareness among
humanity such as confinement and social distancing with prevention measures to live in
a more climate and clean world, without a doubt we must worry about care and protection,
The issue of the pollution of our planet is not something new, where sadly it has been
fought for a long time such as: Deforestation and forest fires, illegal mining, garbage and
hazardous waste in fact we continue in the fight for a cleaner world and better

As we have said before, we understand that environmental pollution is a problem

developed by humans. Due to this, each individual can do a small action that helps to
minimize the levels of pollution in the ecosystem. There are different ways to minimize
environmental pollution, which will depend on the moment and place in which we are. In
fact, we have the possibility to mention that the first measure that we must take is the
construction of awareness about the irreversible damages that we have the possibility of
giving to our ecosystem thanks to harmful behaviors

Pollution begins with such basic occupations, that is, bathing, cooking, cleaning, using
public or private transport, cleaning, among many others, since most of the products we
use daily are made from non-biodegradable resources, in fact contributing waste that takes
thousands of years to be decomposed by the earth. Mostly, the existing types of pollution
are provided because plastic containers, dirty waters, industrial waste, medical waste,
among many others, discharge into the waters of oceans or rivers, or in some
Types of pollution

Thermal pollution

The first thing we think about is thermal pollution. We often think of carbon emissions,
pollution, and waste first. However, thermal pollution is a real and persistent problem in
our society.

Simply put, thermal pollution occurs when an industry or other man-made organization
takes water from a natural source and cools or heats it. They then return water to natural
resources, altering oxygen levels and possibly causing damaging effects on ecosystems
and local communities.

Noise pollution

Noise pollution can be defined as chronic exposure to high sound levels that can
negatively affect humans or other living organisms.

According to the World Health Organization, sound levels below 70 dB are not
harmful to living organisms, regardless of their duration or consistency. Exposure for
more than 8 hours to continuous noise greater than 85 dB can be dangerous. If you work
8 hours a day near a busy highway or highway, you are most likely exposed to noise
pollution from traffic.

We live in a noisy world and much of that noise comes from man. Automobiles,
machines, industry, people.

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