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Course: MV Substation (Part-A & Part-B)

ACB Air-circuit-Breaker

ANSI-IEEE American National Standard Institute-Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

APFC relay Automatic-Power-Factor-correction relay

AT Ampere-turn

BBM/bbm break-before-make

BFP motor Boiler-feed-pump motor

CCR Central-Control-Room of the project if centralised control is provided

CT Current-Transformer

CB Circuit-Breaker

DOL Start Direct-On-Line Start

DY, Yy etc. Vector group notations as IS 2026 Electricity-Boards in India that run the power-supply-systems
in the States of India
EB Electricity boards in India that run power supply systems in State of India

EF Earth-Fault

EHV/EHT Extra High Voltage as understood in India. This is however not in step with current international
usage of the term EHV/EHT, where only voltages of above 200 kV are referred to as EHV systems.
FDB A fuse-distribution-board is an arrangement wherein the outgoing feeders are only fuse-
controlled while the incoming feeder to the FDB will be switch-fuse controlled.

FLC Rated Full-Load-Current of the transformer or motor as provided on the name plate (Name Plate
rating in amps)

GA General-arrangement drawing of Switch-gear panels, relay- panels, MCCs, PCCs, as the case may
be, where the physical mounting of the components on the panels is indicated in elevation.
GIS Gas-Insulated-Substation

HV High-Voltage (22 kV or 11 kV or 6.6 kV or 3.3 KV) The voltage range of 3.3 kV to 36 kV is referred
to as MV in International literature.

IDSY Indoor-Switch-Yard (essential a normal switch yard with exposed bare bus arrangement, the
whole switch yard housed in a building/hanger or shed)
IOC Inverse-Over-Current relay

KPV Knee-point-voltage

KVAr Reactive Power in kVA

Course: MV Substation (Part-A & Part-B)

MBB/mmb make-before-break

MCB Miniature-circuit-breaker

LCSS Load-Centre-Sub-Station (housing HV Switch gear, distribution transformer, PCC, MCC etc..)

MCC Motor-Control-Centre (from which 415 V motors rated up to 130-150 kW are fed)

MCCB Moulded-Case circuit-breaker

MOCB Minimum-oil circuit-breaker

MSL Mean-sea-level

MSS Main-Sub-Station (Main Receiving Station) which also includes the outdoor switchyard

MV/LV 415 V in this course. But in international arena the voltage range 6.6 kV to 33 kV is referred to as
Medium voltage. To avoid confusion actual voltage (11, 6.6, 3.3 or 0.415 kV) is indicated in the
bracket in most of the places.

MVAr Reactive Power in MVA

NEC-India National Electric Code a publication of Bureau of Indian

Standards (earlier known as ISI)

NGR Neutral-Grounding-Resistor Outdoor-Switch-Yard

ODSY Outdoor Switch-Yard

OH Overhead
OH Line Overhead-Line using bare conductors supported by insulators

OLTC On-Load Tap-Changer of a Power-transformer

ONAN/ONAF Oil Natural Air Forced/ Oil Natural Air Forced as defined in IS 2026
OFAF/OFWF Oil Forced Air Forced/ Oil Forced Water Forced as defined in IS 2026
p.f Power Factor

PCC Power-Control-Centre (from which MCCs as well as larger 415 V motors of rating higher than
130-150 kW, are fed
PLC Programmable-Controller or Programmable-Logic-Controller. To avoid mix up with personal
computer. the abbreviation PLC is used even for Programmable controllers.

PMCC Combined Power and Motor Control Centre

PT Potential-Transformer

R-diagram A reactance-free single-line-diagram (R network) where only resistances of circuit elements are
indicated omitting the reactance of circuit elements
Course: MV Substation (Part-A & Part-B)

SC/sc Short-circuit

SF6-CB Sulphur Hexafluoride circuit-breaker

SLD Single-Line-Diagram

SS Sub-station

T-1, T-2, T-3 A power-transformer in which the secondary voltage is HV at 3.3 kV or higher. The distinction
between power and distribution transformers in this write-up is based on the practice which is
followed by most EBS in India, though not acknowledged in IS-2026

tr-1. tr-2. tr-3 Distribution-transformers at LCSS (3.3/0.415 kV or 6.6/0.415 kV or 11/0.415 kV) the secondary
being a 415 V winding (433V at no load)

UG Under-ground

UPS Uninterruptible-power-system

VCB Vacuum-circuit-breaker

VCr Vacuum-contactor (fuse backed)

X-diagram A resistance-free single-line-diagram (network) where only reactance’s of circuit-elements are

included omitting the resistance of elements.

Z-diagram An all-inclusive impedance-network (SLD) where the resistance as well as the reactance of the
circuit elements are indicated.


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