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Project Editor Kathryn Wilkinson

Senior Art Editor Vicky Short
Editors Kim Dennis-Bryan,
Nicola Hodgson, Neil Lockley 1–11 Prelims
Designer Tim Lane
Jacket Designer Silke Spingies 12–13 THE COSMOS
14–15 Introduction
Editoral Consultant Miranda Bruce-Mitford 16–17 The Sun
Consultant Philip Wilkinson 18–19 The Moon
Contributors Ian Harrison, James Harrison, 20–23 The night sky
Sally Regan, Anna Southgate, Amber Tokeley
T 24–27 The Earth
Illustrator Debajyoti Dutta 28–29 Mountains
30–31 Fire
Picture Researchers Megan Jones, 32–33 Water
Roland Smithies, Sarah Smithies 34–35 The weather
Production Editors Maria Elia, 36–37 Rain & snow
Sharon McGoldrick 38–39 Floods
Production Controller Louise Minihane 40–41 The seasons
42–43 Precious stones
Managing Editor Julie Oughton 44–45 Gold
Managing Art Editor Christine Keilty 46–47 Precious matter
Art Director Bryn Walls
Publisher Jonathan Metcalf 48–49 NAT
50–51 Introduction
First published in Great Britain in 2008 by 52–55 Mammals
Dorling Kindersley Limited 56–57 Cats
80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL 58–61 Birds
A Penguin Company 62–63 Eagles
64–65 Reptiles & amphibians
2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 66–67 Snakes
68–71 Aquatic creatures
Copyright © Dorling Kindersley Limited 2008
72–73 Creepy crawlies
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
74–77 Fabulous beasts
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, 78–79 Dragons
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the 80–81 Plants
prior written permission of the copyright owner. 82–85 Flowers
86–87 The lotus
A CIP catalogue record for this book
is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978 1 4053 2539 4

Colour reproduction by Colourscan, Singapore

Printed and bound in China by
Sheck Wah TTong Printing Press Ltd.

0 Discover more at
88–89 Herbs & spices 158–163 Hinduism 244–247 Gardens
90–93 The forest 164–169 Buddhism 248–249 Clothing & costume
94–95 Trees 170–171 Taoism & Shinto 250–251 Headwear
96–97 Sacred trees 172–173 Judaism 252–253 Uniforms
98–99 Fruits of the earth 174–175 Kabbalah 254–255 Jewellery
100–101 Foods of the earth 176–179 Christianity 256–257 Body adornment
180–183 Islam 258–259 Group affiliation
102–103 HUMAN LIFE 184–185 Sikhism 260–261 Freemasonry
104–105 Introduction 186–187 Voodoo 262–267 Art
106–109 The head 188–189 Angels 268–269 Dance & theatre
110–111 Head trophies 190–191 Satan & demons 270–271 Masks
112–115 Human body 192–193 Witches & wicca 272–273 Fairy tales
116–119 Hands & feet 194–195 Amulets 274–275 Musical instruments
120–123 Fertility & childbirth 196–199 Divination
124–125 Initiation rites 200– 203 Western astrology 276–277 SYMBOL SYSTEMS
126–127 Love & marriage 204–205 Chinese horoscope 278–279 Introduction
128–131 Death & mourning 206–207 Numerology 280–283 Colours
132–133 Vanitas 208–209 The Holy Grail 284–289 Shapes
210–211 Alchemy 290–293 Patterns
134–135 MYTHS & 294–299 Numbers
L RE 300–305 Picture writing
136–137 Introduction 214–215 Introduction 306–309 Alphabets
138–139 Egyptian deities 216–217 Royalty 310–313 International signs
140–141 Greek & Roman deities 218–219 Trappings of royalty 314–315 Professional signs
142–143 Celtic & Nordic deities 220–221 Coronations 316–317 Brands & logos
144–145 Meso- & South 222–223 Nationality 318–323 Heraldic emblems
American deities 224–225 Tools & weapons 324–329 Flags
146–147 Ancestors 226–227 Architecture 330–331 Sign languages & signals
148–149 Nature spirits 228–231 Religious architecture 334–337 Symbolic gestures
150–151 Tribal totems, 232–233 Sacred places
heroes & tricksters 234–235 Buildings 338–343 Glossary
152–153 The Dreaming 236–237 Steps to Heaven 344–345 Further reading
154–155 Shamanism 238–241 The home 346–351 Index
156–157 Creation stories 242–243 Ships & boats 352 Acknowledgments

ne of our distinguishing features as A sign is straightforward in its function: it may
Homo sapiens is our enquiring mind. be a constituent part of a written or a visual
We have always questioned things, language, a visual vocabulary of warnings
not least our existence on Earth: why we are about the road ahead, or a dramatic statement
here, where we come from, what happens after about a company’s product. Signs give us
death, and what is the meaning behind the a simple message that is of immediate
natural phenomena around us. Over thousands momentary relevance.
of years we have created a framework of beliefs A symbol, on the other hand, is a visual
that allows us, to some extent, to answer these image or sign representing an idea – a deeper
ancient questions. indicator of a universal truth. Fire, for example,
symbolizes both the Sun and the masculine
@ABEJEPEKJO=J@ =J=HUOEO life-force that is all around us, while a Spring
As part of this framework of beliefs, we have flower represents rebirth and new life. When
developed an extensive vocabulary of signs viewed in the light of symbols, life becomes
and symbols that remind us of our unity with enriched and meaningful.
the cosmos. Both signs and symbols are widely From earliest times, symbols have related
recognized, but the difference between the two to the cosmos, fertility, death, and renewal, but
is sometimes unclear. the advent of psychoanalytical theory has


caused ideas and objects to be examined in Heaven. Fabulous beasts, too, have appeared
the light of the psyche and psychological in art for millennia. These symbolize the joint
needs. A dark shadow, for instance, can be seen qualities of the creatures they represent; a satyr,
as symbolic of inner insecurities. Many fairy for example, is part-goat, part-man, indicating
stories, when analysed, relate to the process a human’s higher and lower self.
of growing up, encountering obstacles, and
emerging as adults; for example Little Red Riding IECN=PEKJKBOUI>KHO
Hood. For the most part, however, the ancient The fact that some symbols appear in widely
and archetypal symbols relate to the Universe scattered parts of the world gives rise to debate
and our relationship with the cosmos. on their origin. Did they occur spontaneously
Some symbols, such as the circle and the as a natural part of human’s unconscious
bird in flight, are universally recognized. The urgings, or were they the result of a transfusion
first symbolizes, among other things, birth, of ideas from one country to another?
rebirth, and the turning of the seasons, while We are increasingly aware of the amount
the bird can represent the soul’s ascent to of travel that took place in the ancient world.


Trade routes criss-crossed the globe and PDACK@@AOO
religious ideas, art styles, and even artists A universal symbol that probably developed
travelled with the traders. That is how Islam in many places simultaneously is that of the
reached Southeast Asia, Buddhism extended goddess. Often depicted with a large belly and
to Japan, and Portuguese is spoken in the heart breasts, she represents fertility and abundance,
of South America. As goods and ideas were and her image appears in prehistoric art from
exchanged, so were symbols, which gained Malta to the Russian Steppes. She represents
significance far from their place of origin. birth and, as the Earth Mother, renewal.
The dragon, a Chinese creation, is one such Sometimes shown as a simple triangle,
symbol. In China it represents the glory of symbolic of female genitalia, the goddess
both the Emperor and the Sun, but in is also depicted as a circle, representing
European Christian art its symbolism is the continuous cycle of birth and rebirth.
negative, representing humankind’s baser self. Due to the passage of time and the
The image of the bird battling the serpent development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
is found from New Guinea to the Americas the myth of the archetypal goddess has largely
and symbolizes the eternal struggle of the sky, vanished from human consciousness; however,
Earth, and waters. Finally, the tao t’ieh, or some still recognize her symbols, and the
highly stylized face that appears on the bronze worship of the Virgin Mary remains a partial
vessels of Ancient China, re-emerges in the link with these beliefs. As people have become
gargoyles of European cathedrals and in the increasingly disengaged from the natural world,
motifs of cultures around the Pacific Rim. so the all-producing and all-nurturing goddess





has been replaced by creator gods, or by a and creation; a lily rising from the mud can
transcendent god who appears detached from be a reminder of purity of spirit; whilst a lamp
the creative process. Male gods, unlike the may signify the light of truth. Seeing objects in
Mother Goddess, control nature. this symbolic way allows us to live more
“harmoniously” by increasing our awareness,
OUI>KHOEJ@=EHUHEBA not only of day-to-day living but also of the
The use and recognition of symbols enriches universal truths of existence.
our lives. Once we see objects as representing
truths or deeper issues, we begin to develop OUI>KHOEJ=NP(
a realization of the dual nature of existence – HEPAN=PQNA(=J@@NA=IO
the inner and outer life – all around us. A simple When used in art, symbolism serves as a visual
ladder, for example, serves both as a tool and language for interpreting a scene; however,
a reminder of the spiritual climb towards symbols once routinely used in Renaissance
self-awareness or a higher truth; a bowl can art are no longer widely recognized, making it
represent the receptive feminine principle harder to understand the hidden meaning of



a painting. In Christian art, for example, birds and surroundings make up his or her own
were a well known attribute of St. Francis, as unique “thumbprint”, often painted in the sand.
was the wheel for St. Catherine. Early Buddhist Symbolism occurs in some famous literary
art depicted the Buddha in aniconic form: his works. In The Pilgrim’s Progress, a Christian
body was not shown, but his presence was allegory, Pilgrim represents everyman, striving
symbolized by a throne or footprint. to attain union with God. In C. S. Lewis’s Narnia
More generally, the portrayal of water in art stories, Christian allegory also appears in the
might symbolize the unconscious mind or the form of Aslan the lion, who represents Christ.
Primordial waters, while Classical goddesses The symbolic nature of dreams has long
often represent specific virtues such as wisdom. been recognized. Being chased or falling are
In more modern art, objects included do not commonly interpreted as symbolic of an
necessarily mean anything to the viewer but individual’s fears of growing up and facing
have deep resonance for the artist, such as a the responsibilities of adult life. However, it
connection with childhood. Similarly, in the is not just in psychoanalysis that dream
Australian Aboriginal Dreaming, a person’s life symbolism is interpreted as reflecting the

workings of the unconscious mind: many people aspire. This attraction is presumably
societies also recognize its importance. The a response to the deep seated insecurities that
Semai of Malaysia, for example, believed in the we face today.
importance of dream symbolism and trained Other symbols are doom-laden: for example,
themselves to confront symbolic fears while the mushroom cloud over Hiroshima that
dreaming, so that they could then resolve the marked the advent of the atomic bomb, or
underlying fears in their waking life. the collapse of the Twin Towers of New York’s
World Trade Center, both of which represent
OUI>KHOPK@=U our worst fears of annihilation.
While much symbolism has remained
unchanged for millennia, a new form has =BNAODLANOLA?PERA
developed. Today’s culture heroes, such as Wherever we live, we are surrounded by
Superman and Spider-man, are similar to the symbols – if we choose to see them. We can
heroes in ancient creation myths who go through life ignorant of this rich imagery,
performed some heroic deed, such as stealing or we can open our eyes to the deeper truths
fire for humankind or recreating the world inherent in much that surrounds us. For those
after a flood. However, other modern culture interested in exploring the philosophical and
heroes include celebrities, who appeal to the metaphysical, a world filled with symbols
us because of their looks, because they are is infinitely rich and rewarding, leading us to
universally admired, or because their luxurious a greater understanding of ourselves and
lifestyle represents an ideal to which many bringing a fresh perspective to our lives.


y observing the movement of the As a result, cosmic symbolism is closely bound
Sun, the Moon, stars, and planets, with religion. The Sun, for example, is a
and by noticing the changing universal cosmic symbol for divine power,
seasons, humans have gradually while Buddhists regard fire as the wisdom that
developed a view of the natural burns away all ignorance. To Christians and
rhythm of the Universe. Over milennia, we Hindus water is often symbolic of purification,
have constructed a cosmology that explained and to all the great world religions the
our observations and helped us fit into the heavens are home to the divine.
natural order; we also assigned control of Indeed, the sky and everything in it, from
nature’s forces to gods whom we worshipped. the Moon and stars to thunder and lightning,
This led to a widespread belief that in order is symbolically associated with the divine
to survive all the horrors that the gods could world. Mountains, too, have sacred status
unleash, humans and deities needed to co- because of their proximity to the heavens.
operate with one another. So, people made They each had their gods, goddesses, and
sacrifices and offerings to invoke cosmic supernatural representatives, which varied
harmony – gentle rain for the crops and fair according to culture.
winds for sailors – while natural disasters, Creation myths and myths concerning a
such as devastating droughts, global flood are common to all cultures and
earthquakes, or floods, make use of cosmic symbolism as well as
were invariably blamed themes of divine retribution in order to
on divine retribution. explain the mysteries of the Universe. Such

symbols were the world in which we live: astronomy and
TO SURVIVE ALL important to early astrology, for example, evolved from ancient
THE HORRORS societies because times when people used cosmic symbolism to
THAT THE GODS they helped people explain why planets moved across the sky, or
COULD UNLEASH, to live in a more why stars formed constellations. Seasonal and
HUMANS AND harmonious way, cosmic symbolism, too, are often intertwined,
DEITIES NEEDED and also to as measurements of time have always been
TO CO-OPERATE understand and based on the daily and seasonal movements
WITH ONE strive towards of the Sun and the Moon.
ANOTHER their divine Despite the many discoveries of modern
enlightenment. science, cosmic symbolism remains relevant
Early science to many people throughout the world and
tried to establish symbolic links with the four continues to colour our language. Celebrities
main constituents of the cosmos, namely earth, are “stars”; many national flags bear cosmic
fire, water, and air. Air and fire were regarded symbols, such as the Sun and the Moon,
as symbolically masculine and active, while indicating divine rule and power; precious
earth and water were feminine and passive; stones, particularly birthstones, are still
achieving a balance between the elements was imbued with symbolic meaning; and astrology
seen as the foundation for cosmic harmony. remains as popular as ever. Even today, we
Signs and symbols have played a vital role still try to find meaning in our world through
in broadening our scientific understanding of signs and symbols.


Most cultures have at some time
worshipped the Sun as the supreme
cosmic power – the life-force that
enables all things to thrive and
grow. As the source of heat, the
Sun symbolizes vitality, passion,
and youth. As the source of light, it
represents enlightenment. It is also
an emblem of royalty and empire.
In some traditions the Sun is the
Universal Father. Its rising and settin
symbolizes birth, death, and resurrec

The winter and summer solstices mark the
represents the Sun’s authority
shortest and longest days of the year and have abundant peak, although it also marks the Sun’s over the four compass points
inspired myths and festivals worldwide. The waning power; druids welcomed the summer (north, south, east, and west)
winter solstice symbolizes the victory of light solstice at dawn. Both solstices are marked and was used ceremonially.
It originates from the Bella
over darkness, or the end of one cycle and the with fire, representing the Sun’s warmth and Coola or Nuxalk tribe
beginning of a new cycle of light and growth. also fertility. of British Columbia.

 The dawn
Dawn is a symbol of hope, joy,
and youth. It represents birth,
new beginnings, and freshness.
In Christianity it is a symbol of
resurrection. Often it is used
to symbolize the dawn
Vessels scattering sparks
of the world or
of fire to light the dawn
humankind, and
is therefore also
associated with

many creation myths.

 Stonehenge solstice
Britain’s most potent symbol  Eos
of the summer solstice, The personification of youth,
Stonehenge in Wiltshire, hope, and awakening, Eos,
has been a focus for pagan goddess of the dawn, was
celebration for thousands of worshipped in Ancient Greece.
years. People gather there to Her fingers symbolized the
greet the dawn as it rises pastel fingers of dawn stealing
2 over the Heel Stone on across the sky, and she was
midsummer’s day. adorned with morning dew.
Much symbolism is associated with the Sun in
cultures around the world. Usually personified
as masculine, it was regarded as female in certain
cultures, including Japan and some American
Indian tribes. The most elaborate Sun cults were
those of Egypt, Central America, and Peru. The
Sun is seen as a benign,
fertilizing force, as
well as a fiery  Phaeton  Phoenix
destroyer. In Greek mythology the journey of the Sun across the sky is A universal symbol of death,
represented as a chariot driven by the Sun god, Helios, travelling rebirth, and the Sun, the
across the heavens. His son, Phaeton, drove the chariot recklessly and mythological phoenix is usually
 Apollo was only stopped when Helios threw a lightning bolt, killing Phaeton. portrayed as an eagle-like bird
The Greek god rising from the flames.
Apollo brought life-
giving light to Earth. Dung ball
Portrayed as
vigorously youthful
and golden-haired, he
was associated with
Helios, the god who drove
the Sun’s chariot across the sky.

 Surya  Rahu  Icarus  Khepri

A Vedic sun god, Surya, The Hindu demon, Rahu, had In Greek mythology Daedalus The Ancient Egyptian god of
represents immortality, the no body and was believed to made artificial wings for his the rising Sun, Khepri, was
flames of death and rebirth swallow the Sun, causing son, Icaurus. Despite his associated with the scarab
(sunset and sunrise); he crosses eclipses. It would reappear father’s warning, Icarus flew beetle, which rolls its balls of
the heavens daily in a chariot again, as the demon had too near the Sun, and his wings dung, symbolizing the Sun’s
drawn by seven fiery horses. no body to contain it. A melted. Symbolically, his pride journey across the sky. It is
similar story is known in and lack of respect for the gods associated with new life and
Chinese mythology. resulted in his downfall. is a lucky charm.

LKSAN=J@PDAOQJ Sun-head, symbol of day
The Sun has been portrayed as the symbolic  Sun King
centre of the cosmos. This most brilliant of the Louis XIV of France claimed
the solar symbol as his emblem,
celestial bodies is a symbol of royalty and imperial and became known as the Sun  Freemasonry
splendour. The Chinese regard the Sun as an King. He was famous for the In Freemasonry the Sun
splendour of his lifestyle. Key represents divine love, while
imperial Yang symbol. The Japanese use it as gold signifies benificence of
a national emblem, and believed their the heart God, both of which are
emperors were directly descended associated with Masonic
beliefs about charity. The
from the Sun goddess, Amaterasu. High Altar bears a red cloth
emblazoned with solar symbols.
This image shows a member
of a Masonic lodge composed
of the tools of his trade and is

 Japanese flag SEE ALSO

The Sun has been used as a Gold pp.44–45 Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
symbol of power on several Egyptian deities pp.138–39 Christianity pp.176–79
flags. Japan’s flag bears a red Greek & Roman deities Freemasonry pp.260–61
disc representing the rising Sun. pp.140–41 Colours pp.280–83
Hinduism pp.158–63 Flags pp.324–29
The mysterious Moon has always
captured the human imagination.
Its luminous presence in the night
sky made it a symbol of hope and
enlightenment. Like the Sun, it is
often associated with birth, death,
and resurrection, but it also contro
the waters and is a fertility symbol.
Presiding over dreams, the Moon is
linked with bemusement; its dark s
relates to the occult. Its feminine
qualities bind it to the Mother God

The Moon’s cyclical journey through the heavens The shadows created by craters on the surface of the Moon have
fascinated people throughout history and have been the inspiration
and its constantly evolving form provided early for myths and stories around the world.
societies with a powerful symbol for the cycle of
human life. From crescent to full Moon, its forms
were each attributed a special significance, as
were lunar eclipses. In addition to influencing HE FULL MOON
the tides, weather, and life in general, the Moon  Lunar eclipse
was credited with ruling over human destiny. Worldwide, cultures have The full Moon shares the symbolism of the
developed myths about eclipses.
circle as an image of wholeness and strength.
Many believe they are omens of
natural disasters or a ruler’s The Chinese associate it with the essence
death. Certain Asian cultures of Yin and the ffeminine; to Buddhists it
thought eclipses were caused
represents spiritual power. The Harvest Moon
by a demon or dragon
swallowing the Moon. (aa full Moon near the
th September equinox)
mbolizes agricultural fertility. The word
 Waxing and waning “lunatic” comes
ome from the Latin for moon, luna,
The cyclical waxing and waning of the Moon and originally
lly meant “Moonstruck”.
“Moonst The full

is symbolic of birth, life, death, and rebirth.

The crescent, waxing Moon represents growth, Moon was thought to
while the waning Moon is associated with death. worsen lunacy and
is associated with
 Mayan calendars wild behaviour
The Maya had a system of in animals
interlocking calendars tracking
and combining the cycles of the and humans.
Moon, Sun, Venus, and the
Pleiades. Other calendars, WOLF HOWLING
including the Roman, Chinese,
-4 Images on the outer circle Jewish, Celtic, and Islamic, are

indicate the month based on the lunar cycles.

Some cultures in Oceania and certain African tribes see the
Moon as a fertilizing male god, but it is usually regarded as
feminine. As the Queen of Heaven, the Virgin Mary is Shapeshifting is a common theme in folklore
f and many
associated with the Moon, and lunar deities cultures
ultures tell stories
sto of people turning into ferocious animals
range from protective mother figures to at night,
nigh particularly during a full Moon. Symbolically these
fierce virgin goddesses, such as the storiess can be associated with the Moon’s dark aspect and its
Roman hunter goddess, Diana. All Moon links with the occult. They also represent a fear that humans
goddesses are seen as weavers of destiny are easily overtaken by base animal instinct.
inst Involuntary
and are often portrayed as a spider. shapeshifting signifies confinement, while voluntary forms
symbolize liberation. Were-wolf
 Bastet mythshs w
were common in Europe,
The Egyptian goddess, Bastet, is sometimes
ut elsewhere
elsewhe animal
referred to as a Moon goddess, possibly due to the
fact that the Greeks identified her with Artemis, shapeshifters included were-
goddess of hunting and the Moon. She is jaguars,
aguars, were-tigers, were-
associated with lunar fertility symbolism.
foxes, and were-badgers.
Shamans and witches were
credited with shapeshifting
powers, travelling in this
form between
etween the human
and spirit worlds.

Twin sister of the Greek Sun god, Apollo, Artemis
merged with Moon goddesses, Selene and Hecate.
Artemis, virginal hunting goddess, is the New
Moon, mature Selene is the full Moon, and
mysterious Hecate the dark side of the Moon.

 Chang E
The Chinese goddess, Chang E,
is the Eastern version of the
“Man in the Moon”. Offerings
are made to her at the annual  Ixchel
Moon Festival. Ixchel is the Maya
Moon goddess. WERE-WOLF
A mother goddess
who controls the life-
giving rains, she has WERE-FOX
both nurturing and
destructive qualities.

 Coyolxauhqui SEE ALSO

The Aztecs believed that the daily movements of The night sky pp.20–23 Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
the Sun and Moon symbolically re-enacted a battle The seasons pp.40–41 Meso- & South American
between Moon goddess, Coyolxauhqui, and the Sun, Mammals pp.52–55 deities pp.144–45
resulting in her decapitation. Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23 Shamanism pp.154–55
Egyptian deities pp.138–39
The early astronomers noted that besides the Sun and the Moon,
there were five small moving lights in the sky, which were only just
visible to the naked eye. They called these lights planetes, meaning
“wanderers”, and named them after the gods of Ancient Rome –
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The invention of the
telescope in the 15th century led to the discovery of more distant
planets – Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. All the planets were given
characteristics based on their colour, movement, and size. Planets were
thought to have some sort of connection with people, and to influence
a particular day of the week. In medieval times alchemists matched
them with metals. Andreas Cellarius’s depiction of the cosmos, first
published in the Harmonia Macrocosmica in 1660, is based on the
system developed by the second-century astronomer Ptolemy that
incorrectly placed the Earth at the centre of the cosmos.



1. Mercury
Named after the messenger god, Mercury is linked to reason,
commerce, Wednesday, and the metal quicksilver.

2. Venus
Named after the goddess of love, Venus is associated with sexuality,
desire, rebirth, and happiness. It is linked with Friday and copper.

3. Mars
Personified by a forceful male, Mars symbolizes violence,
passion, fire, and bravery. Its day is Tuesday, and its metal iron.

4. Jupiter
Symbolic of balance and justice, Jupiter is associated with
Thursday and the metal tin.

5. Saturn
Represented by a bearded elderly man, Saturn is about morality,
melancholy, and rigidity. It is symbolic of Saturday and lead.

6. Planets as signs
As well as illustrating the planets as gods in his depiction
of the cosmos, Cellarius also included the sign associated with
each planet. Such signs are utilized in both astrology and alchemy.
The awe-inspiring mystery and infinity and aspiration. Astronomy and astrology
of space has held sway over humans for evolved from ancient times when observers
thousands of years. Stars and planets – noticed the wanderings of the planets across
shining like beacons in the dark – were the night sky, and saw patterns (constellations)
associated with supernatural forces in the stars. Star symbols are used on flags,
symbolizing guidance, divine influence, in religion, and to denote celebrity.

Representing divine guidance, guardianship, MODERN STAR
and hope, stars are hugely important symbols.
American Indians believed that they represented Today stars are often used to symbolize our
the campfires of their ancestors, and other hopes and wishes. They are also associated
cultures thought they were gateways to Heaven with celebrity, and famous people are labelled
or angelic messengers of the gods. In Christianity as “stars”. Stars are frequently
uently used on
o flags,
the Star of Bethlehem heralded the birth of and rows of stars are a markk of quality.
q The
Christ, and some saints are depicted with a first flag to use the five-pointed
five-poin star was that
star in Christian art. In heraldry the star is the off the newly formed USA in 1777.
ensign of knightly rank. The zodiac is made
up of 12 star signs.

A constellation is a grouping of
stars that forms a recognizable
pattern. There are 88 known
groups named after characters
from classical mythology. TEXAS FLAG, THE LONE-STAR

 Five-pointed star
Known as a pentagram, a five-pointed star drawn upwards symbolizes
aspiration, the spiritual world, and education; Christians see it as a
symbol of Christ as “Alpha and Omega” (first and last). When
inverted, the pentagram signifies the devil.

Male principle

 Six-pointed star
Known as a hexagram or the AUSTRALIAN FLAG
Star of David in Judaism, this
star is formed from two  Hollywood stars
triangles, symbols of the male The Hollywood Walk
and female principles. It is a of Fame in Los Angeles,
 Shooting stars iss embedded with
symbol for the link between Representing sparks of heavenly
Heaven and Earth and represents more than 2,000 stars,
fire, shooting stars were a sign each bearing the name
the union of opposites and of divinity. They acted as
creation. The symbol is also of a celebrity who has
heavenly messengers, reminding made an impact on the
known as the Seal of Solomon,
.. Female
after a design on a ring owned
people of the existence of a entertainment
ainment industry.
principle higher life. Seen as a good
by the prophet King Solomon. omen, they also signified birth.
Heavenly symbols are linked to royalty and
governance and indicate the divine presence.
Early cultures believed that the stars influenced
human life, often as divinities. Many stories are
told about the symbolism of stars and there are
numerous gods and goddesses associated with
them. Stars also formed the crowns of several of  Star and crescent
the world’s major fertility goddesses, including  Ishtar  Virgin Mary The crescent emblem of
The five-pointed star was the As Queen of Heaven, the Islam signifies divine authority
Ishtar from Babylon, and the Virgin Mary. and resurrection and, in
emblem of the Sumerian fertility Virgin Mary is shown wearing
goddess, Ishtar, in her warrior a crown of stars. She is also conjunction with a five-pointed
 Isis and Osiris aspect as the morning star. associated with the six-pointed star, Paradise.
The Egyptian goddess of fertility Marian Star.
and motherhood, Isis, was the
wife of Osiris, Lord of the Dead,  Pole Star
whose soul inhabited the star In Ancient Egypt the soul of a
Orion. She was symbolized by dead pharaoh was thought to
the star Sirius, which heralded inhabit the Pole Star. It was also
the annual flooding of the Nile, linked with the god Seth and
bringing renewed prosperity the Phoenician god Baal Sapon.
Osiris and fertility to the country;
Sirius’s appearance also marked
 Maori doorway decoration
Isis the beginning of the new year.
According to Maori beliefs, the
star warded off evil. It was also
linked with going into battle.

In primitive cultures sky-watching was an
important part of life, and celestial phenomena
were considered highly significant. When these
coincided with events on Earth, they evolved
into omens. Many myths and superstitions are
associated with the aurora from which the
dragon legends of the West and China are
believed to have originated. St. Elmo’s Fire,
a continuous electric spark that occurs during
thunderstorms, was regarded by sailors as an
omen of divine intervention. The Maya thought
that the Milky Way was a great white serpent
writhing across the night sky.


The Aztecs called the Milky Way  Northern Lights
Mixcoatyl (Cloud Serpent) and ga The colourful, magical display of the Northern Lights is regarded
its name to the god of the Pole S as a sign of royal birth in some cultures. Elsewhere, it heralds war
Many cultures believed that the or the presence of ghosts. In Nordic mythology the aurora was seen
Way was a road or river linking as feminine.
Earth and Heaven: to American
Indians it was a pathway to the
land of the dead, while the SEE
Inca imagined it was a Egyptian deities
heavenly river. Celtic & Nordic deities Western astrology pp.200–01
pp.142–43 Shapes pp.284–89
Judaism pp.172–73 Flags pp.324–29
Christianity pp.176–79
Our view of the Earth has changed from
early beliefs that it was flat or supported
by animals, to the iconic symbol of a
blue planet spinning in space. This
modern view of the Earth has come to
represent global unity. But the ancient
ideas of a fecund Earth Mother remain
embedded in our psyche. Its landscapes,
violent eruptions, and raw materials,
including soil itself are all strongly linked
to symbolism, religion, and rituals.


In early times the Earth was worshipped as the Signifying strength, integrity, and refuge, rock is
great Mother Goddess, a figure of sustenance and also associated with divinity. In ancient cultures,
nurturing, and the source of all life. According rocks were given sacred significance in the form
to many creation myths, the first humans were of standing stones. Among American Indians,
made from clay, and coupling in furrows was rocks represented the bones of Mother Earth and
a feature of some rural spring fertility festivals. served as a focus for burial. In
The element Earth represents the feminine and Christianity rock represents
passive, or the Yin of Chinese symbolism. It is both Christ and the Church.
traditionally portrayed by a circle.  Venus of Laussel
This 21,000-year-old rock
carving from the Dordogne,
 Gaia France, shows the Earth Mother
The Universal Mother of Greek holding a bison horn, signifying
mythology, Gaia means “Earth”. the crescent Moon and the
The Earth can also be seen as Universal Vulva, or life source.
the goddesses Persephone,  Mithra
Demeter, or Hecate. Here Gaia In Persia Mithra, god of light
is emerging from the Earth and and the upper air, was born
handing her son to Athena as from a rock. He was usually
King Kekrops looks on. portrayed slaying a bull,
overcoming animal passions.

The Aztec goddess of  Bryce Canyon
the Earth and childbirth, In Bryce Canyon, Utah, erosion
Cihuacoatl, devoured has created distinctive pillars
the dead to sustain the and spires within a spectacular
living. Her name means  Demeter amphitheatre of red rock. The  C
“Snake Woman” and The Greek Earth goddess is American Indian Paiute believed A goddess of nature and fertility,
she is sometimes associated with harvest, grain, that these pinnacles were the Cybele was worshipped in Rome
depicted holding a and with teaching humans how Legend People, turned to stone in the form of a stone, having
child in her arms. Her to sow and plough. As a fertility by the trickster Coyote. been born from a black rock
roar signalled war. goddess, Demeter is sometimes hurled from the heavens.
identified with Gaia.
Whatever our relationship with the land, it is bound up with identity,
nationhood, and life itself. The Earth’s varied landscapes are rich in
symbolism and meaning that reflect the origins, religious beliefs,
and rituals of the people who live in them.

 Caves  Desert  Valley

A primal symbol of shelter, caves symbolize the Desert landscapes symbolize barrenness, Representing fertility, the valley is where animals graze and people
womb and are linked to birth, rebirth, and the desolation, abandonment, and the battle for settle. Valleys signify a sheltering, feminine aspect. In Chinese
centre of the universe. Darker interpretations of survival – often against temptation. In both the symbolism the valley is the Yin, shadowy, gentle, feminine state,
caves are associated with the Underworld, the Christian and Islamic religions they signify a place in contrast to the sunny Yang of the mountain. Valleys can also be
gates of Hell, and the unconscious. of retreat, meditation, and enlightenment. seen as places of dread, such as the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

=?PERAA=NPD  Japanese earthquakes

Ancient stories often liken the violence of earthquakes and Some ancient cultures attributed violent earthquakes to the
movements of the animals they thought supported the Earth. The Ainu
volcanoes to the awakening of a sleeping monster or the anger of Japan believed their islands were supported by a giant catfish
of the gods, and there is a rich vein of symbolism linked to called Namazu who was restrained by Kashima with a stone.
the destructive power of the gods and the creative force. The
Japanese thought the storm god, Susano-O, conjured up
earthquakes, while the Greeks believed that Poseidon, the
“Earth-shaker”, was the culprit. Sacrifices were made to
appease the gods. Often seismic activity was regarded as an
omen of great change in religion or politics; the Bible tells of
earthquakes heralding Christ’s death.

 Mount Fuji
An iconic symbol of
Japan, Mount Fuji is
regarded as sacred in
both Shinto and Buddhism.  Hindu earthquakes
Thousands of people make an In one Hindu interpretation
annual pilgrimage to its summit. of the cosmos, the Earth was
One meaning of the name “Fuji” carried by four male elephants
is “deity of fire”. standing on a female tortoise,
representing the two creative PDAA=NPD
powers. It was their movement
 Volcano goddess that set off earthquakes.
The Ancient Hawaiian volcano
goddess, Pele, was volatile and
capricious and lived in the SEE ALSO
craters of the Big Island’s Reptiles & amphibians
Kilauea Volcano. She caused
Aquatic creatures pp.68–71
earthquakes by stamping her
Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23
feet and volcanic eruptions by Greek & Roman deities
digging with her magic stick. pp.140–41
Hinduism pp.158–63 .1
Tribal totems, heroes &
tricksters pp.150–51
Chinese landscape painting has
been a major art form since the
T’ang dynasty (618–907CE). At
a time of political unrest such
paintings symbolized the peace
and tranquillity of our union
with nature, and a human figure
is often set against the backdrop
of mountains and water. Each
element of the painting is
symbolic and the whole
signifies order and harmony.


1 4

1. & 2. Yin and Yang

Yin (passive, cool, feminine) is found
wherever there is fluidity and softness.
It is symbolized here in the quiet valley, the
water, and the graceful bending of bamboo.
All forms of cloud and mist are symbols
of Yin. Yang (active, warm, masculine) is
represented as force and light. Here the
thrusting mountains, hard rocks, sky, and
the brightness of water are all Yang.

3. United elements
Taoists believe in a mystic sense of cosmic
brotherhood that unites all the elements. As
the philosopher Chuang Tzu put it, “Heaven
and Earth and I live together, and all things
and I are one”. Here the dominant mountain
is flanked by lesser mountains, and larger or
smaller rocks and trees symbolize the belief
that all elements within nature are related.

4. Human figure
People are often included in Chinese
landscapes. Their size emphasizes the fact
that humans are a small part of a vast cosmic
creation. The figure shown here could be
meditating or thinking; if men and women do
not follow their proper wisdom, the whole
cosmic order is damaged.

Shen Zhou, Figure Sitting on a Riverbank

 Mount Sumeru
.4 Hindus and Buddhists regard the mythological Mount Sumeru, or
Meru, as representing the centre of the universe. It is often found,
as above, in Tibetan mandalas, used to aid meditation.
As near to Heaven as you can get on Earth, mountains are revered,
sometimes feared, and regarded as sacred by the world’s religions.
 Mount of Olives
In the Bible Jesus was said to have They are often associated with gods, spirits, and prophets.
ascended to Heaven from the Mount
of Olives outside Jerusalem.

Mountains command attention. Towering over us, their peaks CK@O =J@ LNKLDAPO
often wreathed in cloud, they stand apart from our daily Mountains have long been associated with biblical revelations,
existence: remote, challenging, and mysterious. Seen as the prophets, gods (especially Sun and weather gods), and heroes.
embodiment of cosmic forces and life, for early cultures Mount Olympus was the home of the Classical Greek gods,
mountains represented the Earth’s from where they ruled the world and
spiritual centre and axis at the point human affairs. Moses climbed to the top
where it joins Heaven: a divine meeting of Mount Sinai to receive the Ten
place for God and humans in a space and Commandments from God. Legend has it
time apart. Men built temples in the shape that the Prophet Muhammad turned the
of mountains to represent the spiritual immutability of mountains into an
ascent of the soul. allegory for humility when he ordered
Mount Safa to move.
O=?NA@LH=?AO The American Indian Navajo thought
High places have always been associated  Mexican temple certain mountains embodied important
with sacred quests and are a symbol of These four-sided, mountain-like structures had stairs nature spirits, while in Mexico Mount
going up one or more sides, and flat tops where
spiritual transcendence, purity, and even sacrifices took place. Old temples were not destroyed Tlaloc was thought to personify an Aztec
eternity. Climbing a mountain is arduous, but simply built over so that they became many-layered. fertility and rain god.
the air becomes thinner, causing breathing For the Ancient Egyptians mountains
difficulties and hallucinations. Conquering the summit is a represented Earth’s desire for sky. They showed the body of
supreme achievement, and the view from the top offers sky goddess, Nut, curved over that of her lover. The upward-
a fresh perspective. This can be likened to a spiritual thrusting mountain symbolizes this physical desire. This belief
journey, at the summit of which the pure- is similar to the Chinese idea that a mountain’s phallic shape
hearted attain enlightenment. makes it a masculine or Yang symbol signifying life.
Many mountains are considered sacred. In
China there are nine sacred mountains that PAILHAO =J@PSEJ IKQJPO
Buddhists venerate. Some mountains, Temples built in the shape of mountains, such as those
such as Croag Patrick in Ireland or in Asia, Central America, and Mesopotamia, represent the
Mount Fuji in Japan, inspire people to cosmic centre. Their terraces are associated with both spiritual
climb them. Such sacred pilgrimages ascent and gateways to Heaven. The Egyptian pyramids have IKQJP=EJO
represent aspiration, renunciation of similar cosmological significance. Mountains with twin
worldly desires, and enlightenment; summits are regarded as either the seat of astral or solar
spritually, mountain peaks are linked to divinities or, as in China, Sumeria, and the Hebrew mountains
the state of full consciousness. of Sinai and Horeb, the seat of the Sun and the Moon.

 Mountains of the Immortals SEE ALSO

his Chinese vessel shows the Taoist symbol The Earth pp.24–25 Buddhism pp.164–69
f the Mountains of the Immortals. In China Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23 Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
mountains are venerated and are the home Egyptian deities pp.138–39 Sacred places pp.232–33 .5
f deities and spirits. Meso- & South American deities Patterns pp.290–93
Terrible and all-consuming, fire is the great Fire has a dual personality as it also
destroyer. Symbolic of war and chaos, its symbolizes purification and regeneration,
qualities are active and masculine. It is also home, hearth, and divine love. When people
linked with the Sun. People or objects may learned how to make fire, it was life-
be referred to as “fiery”, and extreme changing and all early cultures had fire
emotions are associated with the colour red. gods and fire-making legends.

Fire is associated with the space above us: it
comes from the sky in the form of the Sun or
lightning, and smoke drifts up to the heavens.
It is easy to see why this all-powerful element,
both violent and beneficent, was attributed to
the gods. The worship or deification of fire is
known from many religions and dates back to
early humans. Fire gods feature in cultures
around the globe. The Greeks and Romans had
gods of both the forge and the hearth.

 Vulcan  Raging fire

The Roman god, Vulcan, is The height and glowing red
associated with fire, volcanoes, colour of the flames of a forest
and craftsmanship. He made fire emphasize its power.
weapons for gods and heroes Fire can be a destructive
in his forge beneath Mount or a creative force.
Etna, and was celebrated at
the August Vulcanalia festival.

The Aztec goddess of volcanoes
and the hearth, Chantico had a

tongue of fire. She was

patroness of the goldsmiths.

 Chu Jung  Agni  Sehkmet  Huehueteotl

A Chinese fire god, Chu Jung A Vedic god, Agni’s name Often depicted as a woman An Aztec god of light and fire,
punished those who broke the means “fire” in Sanskrit. He is with the head of a lioness, and Huehueteotl is often depicted
llaws of Heaven. He is often shown with either one or two carrying a fire-spitting cobra, as an old man with a red or
depicted wearing armour, and heads, indicating both his this bloodthirsty Egyptian war yellow face and a censer
/, is most famous
m for fighting his destructive and merciful goddess destroyed enemies (incense burner) on his head.
son to stop him
him from usurping qualities, and is seen as the life with fire arrows; her body
the throne of Heaven.
Hea force of trees and plants. shimmered like the midday Sun.
FLAM When people learned to kindle a fire they had the means to cook, keep
warm, deter wild beasts and, later, to smelt ore. Numerous legends about
An eternal flame is a light that is always kept how humans learned to make fire also describe the earliest fire-making
burning. In ancient times they were fuelled tools. For example, the legendary Iranian king, Hushang, realized that fire
by olive oil or wood; modern versions use could be created by striking flints together after throwing a flint-axe at a
propane or natural gas. Eternal flames snake; it struck a rock instead, igniting sparks.
symbolize a person, group, or event of
international significance, or even a noble
goal such as world peace. The Olympic torch
is lit in Greece,
carried to the
host city and
kept alight
during the
Games. Many  Maui
The god Maui features in many
churches have
Polynesian legends, especially
an eternal flame those of the Maoris and the
on or above the altar. Hawaiians. In Hawaii the hawk
is personified as Maui, who
stole fire from the Earth Mother
 Enlightening thee world
wor  Prometheus and was singed by the flames,
On Ellis Island in New York The Greek god, Prometheus, tricked Zeus into eating bones instead which is why hawk feathers are
City, the Statue of Liberty of meat. As a punishment for his treatment, Zeus retaliated by brown. There is a similar Maori
holds her torch aloft, a symbol withholding fire from mortals, which Prometheus later stole. version of this story.
of freedomm from oppression.

Its associations with regeneration, purification, and the divine ensured DIVINE FLAME
that fire played a ceremonial part in many different cultures and religions.
It had a central role in the sacrificial rites of the Aztecs, who ritually burned Fire is an important feature in m many religions.
tobacco and incense, along with body parts. Among Zoroastrians, who In Christianity Hell is associated
sociated with fire and
traditionally worship in fire temples, it represents the energy of the Creator. some saints are depicted withwit flaming hearts.
Other cultures, such as the North American Indians, used fire in their In Christiann churches cand
candles represent God’s
purification ceremonies and vision quests. presence, hope, and life.
ife. Old Testament storiess
tell of the burning bush.


 Fire crackers  Zoroastrian  Aztec


In China the noise of fire Zoroastrian temples house Azztec priests heralded potential
crackers at New Year is the sacred fire, a symbol of the world destruction every 52
The Sun pp.16–17 Hinduism pp.158–63
designed to scare away evil gods. This is kept constantly years by dousing all fires and
Egyptian deities pp.138–39 Colours pp.280–83
spirits and misfortune. It also alight by priests; worshippers lighting a new fire within the Greek & Roman deities
awakens the golden dragon wear white linen masks to chest cavity of a human pp.140–41 /-
so that it flies across the sky, prevent their breath from sacrificial victim, symbolizing Meso- & South American
bringing rain for the crops. contaminating it. that out of sacrifice came life. deities pp.144–45
Water constantly changes shape and stagnant, stormy, or deep, each with its own
transforms. Symbolically it is feminine and symbolism. Although water is passive, it
associated with the Moon and, as the origin is influenced by the weather and can destroy,
of all life, with fertility. It may appear as rain dissolve, wash away, or regenerate. It is also
or snow, as a raging torrent or placid lake. It a source of purification and healing in
also has various states, such as running, many religions.

Regarded as symbolically maternal, the sea’s depths represent the Earth’s WATER AND WORSHIP
womb. All life sprang from its primordial waters, as reflected in the creation
myths of numerous cultures. Often seen as mysterious, the sea also Water is central to many of
represents the unconscious mind, while deep waters have a symbolism the world’s religions. In
related to the dead and the supernatural. There are many gods, spirits, and Christian baptism,
monsters associated with the sea and with natural phenomena such as pictured
c here, it
whirlpools and tsunamis. symbolizes
purification and the
washing away of
original sin. In Hinduism
water is also used to
bathe and purify ritual
ma of the divine.

 Neptune  Sedna  Nun

The Roman name for the Greek god Poseidon, Neptune was the god In Inuit mythology, Sedna was a The most ancient of the Ancient
of the sea. He was depicted as a bearded man holding a trident and sea goddess and guardian of Egyptian gods, Nun’s name
sitting in a seashell accompanied by dolphins. His fiery temper ocean animals. She ruled the means “water”. He represented
supposedly manifested itself in storms and earthquakes. Inuit underworld, Adlivun. the primeval water of chaos
Different Inuit groups call from which emerged creation.
Sedna by different names. She His qualities were darkness,
was worshipped by those who boundlessness, and turbulence.
hunted the waters, who relied
on her goodwill to supply food.

The daughter of Poseidon, Charybdis
became a sea monster when Zeus stole her
body, leaving only a mouth that became a
 Waves whirlpool. In mythology Charybdis occupied
Constantly driving forward through peaks and troughs, waves one side of a narrow strait, while Scylla,
represent both constancy and changeability; people speak of another sea monster, took the other. Sailors
waves of joy or sadness. Tidal waves symbolize destruction and navigating the strait too close to one side or
regeneration; in dreams they may mean a fear of change. the other risked death.
River symbolism is based around running water
and reflects the creative power of nature and
time. It signifies fertility and soil irrigation, giving
life along its banks, yet is also a metaphor for the
passage of time – a river flows from its source
to the sea, as life flows from birth to death. A  Four rivers of Paradise  Styx  Ganga
river can also symbolize a barrier between two The Bible’s Rivers of Paradise In Greek mythology the River Representing the sacred water
flowed out in the cardinal Styx formed the boundary of the River Ganges, the Hindu
realms, Life and Death. Great rivers are given directions from the roots of between Earth and Hades. goddess, Ganga, is shown
personalities and many are considered sacred. the Tree of Life. Their waters Legends feature the ferryman, sitting on a makara, a
Numerous cultures have river gods and spirits. symbolized life and nourishment. Charon, who took the dead combination of fish and
across the River Acheron, which crocodile, denoting fertility and
flowed into the Styx. the wisdom of land and sea.

Springs like this one in Bali
are often attributed with
healing or magical powers.
Often towns were built around
springs and their name may
reflect this. Bath, in England,
is one example of a town that
grew around a hot spring.

 Hapi  Waterfall
The Egyptian god of the Nile Buddhists believe that
floods, Hapi, was portrayed as waterfalls represent the
a man with a prominent belly, “permanent impermanence”
indicating the fertility of the of the universe, which is partly
land through flooding. why they play an important role
in Chinese and Japanese
landscape painting. In Shinto
 Delta waterfalls are held sacred and
A delta is symbolic of death and standing under one is thought
journey’s end, marking a river’s long to purify the soul.
meanderings from its source all the
way down to where it spills into
the sea.


Traditionally a lake represents peace and
contemplation. Since its surface presents a In pastt centuries, women suspected
reflection, there is also a strong link to mirror of being witches were thrown into
symbolism: in Greek legend Narcissus drowned deep water. If they drowned, they
while admiring his reflection in a lake. were presumed innocent, but if the
In China lakes signify wisdom, absorption, water rejected
r them and they
and passivity. In Hinduism and Buddhism lakes floated, they could be condemned
attached to temples represent creation and for witchcr
the transition to the next life.

 Sacred lake
A sacred lake was central to most Ancient SEE ALSO
Egyptian temples. Pictured is the Temple of Egyptian deities pp.138–39
Amon at Karnak. The sacred lake was used for Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
a daily ritual during which a goose, symbol of Hinduism pp.158–63
Amon himself, was freed at sunrise. Buddhism pp.164–69 //
Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
Witches & wicca pp.192–93
Changes in the weather have a fundamental gods, and blamed folklore personifications
impact on humans and can sometimes create such as the North Wind for cold weather. As
life or death situations. People have long well as being linked with divine retribution
associated these vagaries and supernatural powers, the weather is also
with the whims of the associated with benign forces and creativity.

 Ryujin Storms are often associated with warrior gods and supreme deities.
Ryujin is the most important of Thunder was seen in many cultures as the creative power and harbinger
the Rajin, Japanese weather
gods. He is usually portrayed as of vital, fertilizing rain. In Bible stories it represented God’s voice, while
a demon, forming mists and lightning delivered fecundity and illumination. A thunderbolt was the
black rain clouds, and beating weapon of choice for the Greek god, Zeus, and the Hindu god of war,
drums to create thunder. He
also devours children’s Indra. The Thunderbird of American Indian belief represents the Universal
bellybuttons. Spirit and is linked with war.

Sacred to Nigeria’s Yoruba
people, Shango is a god of
thunder and lightning. His
symbol is the oshe, a double-
headed axe representing the
stone thunderbolts he hurls
from the sky.

This female figurine balances the

symbol of lightning and is used
in a dance to Shango, god of
thunder and lightning  Tala wipiki  Marduk
This kachina, or spirit doll, Marduk, the Babylonian
represents lightning. It was creator god, placed the
made by the American Indian Mesopotamian god, Enlil,
Hopis who lived in the desert in the air and gave him the
lands of New Mexico. Due to its power to induce storms and
associations with rain, the tala spring breezes with his breath.
wipiki kachina is considered
benevolent today.

 Shiva  Thor
In Hinduism lightning or Thor is the red-haired and bearded god of
destructive fire is the third thunder and war in Nordic mythology. Often
eye on the forehead of Shiva. portrayed wielding a hammer or thunderbolt, his
It symbolizes divine force, chariot was pulled across the sky by two goats
 Rudra cosmic intelligence, with the unlikely names of Tooth-grinder
The Vedic forerunner of the Hindu god, Shiva, Rudra was a god of enlightenment, and the forces and Tooth-gnasher.
storms and lightning who fired arrows of disease, but who also of destruction and regeneration.
/0 brought good health and performed good deeds. His name means One of his weapons is a trident,
“Howler” or “Red One” and he personifies untamed nature. representing lightning.
PDASEJ@O  Greek wind gods
In modern times wind has become a symbol In Greek myth Aeolus, chief god
of the directional winds, kept
of change and freedom, but traditionally it is the winds in a cave and ruled
linked with the four compass points, the over the four gods. Often shown
gods, and even demons. Its role in pollination BOREAS (NORTH WIND) EURUS (EAST WIND) as winged men with puffed
cheeks, each wind brought
also makes wind a sexual symbol. The Apache different weather conditions,
American Indians believed that the whorls from light spring breezes to cold
on the fingertips represented the wind’s path winter winds.
as it entered the body at creation. In China
wind is associated with rumour, a symbolism
linked to hunting and “getting wind”

 Cherub  Vayu  Fujin

 Whirlwind These winged celestial beings From the Sanskrit “blow”, Vayu The Japanese Shinto god,
Symbolizing circular, solar, and creative movement, whirlwinds are (also known as “putti”) are is the god of the winds in India; Fujin, was portrayed as a
often seen as a vehicle for divinity: in the Bible God spoke to Job from often portrayed as chubby- as one of the five elements, fearsome-looking deity sitting
a whirlwind. In witchcraft evil spirits rode on whirlwinds. cheeked children, and in western he is one of the most important on or traversing the clouds
art were used to represent deities in the Vedas (Hindu and carrying a sack containing
wind, perhaps blowing a boat.

The symbolism of weather conditions from good luck and happiness. In some cultures
wispy mists to brooding storm banks can be clouds are associated with gloom; people also
varied. Rain clouds are linked with fecundity, link being out of touch with reality as having
hence the reference “pregnant with rain”. In one’s head “in the clouds”. Mist is often
Judeo-Christian tradition they can indicate God’s associated with supernatural intervention,
presence, while in China pink clouds symbolize especially in Chinese landscape painting.  Divine presence
Their heavenly associations
have symbolically linked clouds
to divine presence; in Christian

iconography God is often
shown as a hand emerging
from a cloud.

Fertility & childbirth
Celtic & Nordic deities
 The indeterminate  The steeds of Valkyrie pp.142–43
Fog and mist are commonly used to symbolize the indeterminate, In Greek mythology clouds represented the flocks of the god Apollo. Nature spirits pp.148–49
or the state that comes before revelation. Taoists link fog to the state In Nordic legend, however, they are the steeds of the Valkyrie, the god Creation stories pp.156–57
humans must pass through before enlightenment, like the mental Odin’s handmaidens who hovered over battlefields, escorting the slain
Christianity pp.176–79 /1
Angels pp.188–89
fog that precedes clarity of thought. to Valhalla (Paradise).
All precipitation, whether it comes as rain, and myth, while rainbows combine both
hail, snow, or dew, is associated with water solar and water symbolism. Due to its
symbolism, and both life and death. It can heavenly origin, precipitation is associated
result in destruction or generation. As rain, with gods of the sky. Human survival
it represents fertility, while dew signifies a depended on cooperation between gods and
blessing. As ice and snow, its links with cold humans, so that the weather’s unpredictable
and impermanence are reflected in folklore and often violent power could be controlled.

Rain has always been an important symbol of
fecundity and in certain primitive cultures it is
linked with divine semen. It is also associated
with purification. For thousands of years people
believed that the sky gods determined whether
to withhold rain, unleash it with terrifying force,
or release a gentle shower. Various rituals were
carried out to invoke rainfall, and rain was
associated with certain animals such as
dragons, dogs, and  Torrential rain
even parrots. When cold, penetrating rain
pours down in torrents, it can
 Dragon bring misery and suffering as
In China dragons were associated with the weather and were thought well as being a divine blessing.
to be rain-bringers; some of the country’s worst floods were attributed Heavy rain shares its symbolism
to humans upsetting a dragon. Chinese dragons were believed to with that of storms and the
 Rain control water, vital for crops. In contrast, western dragons control fire. wrath of the gods.
interpretations of
rain dances can be found in
many cultures throughout the
world. The American Indian
Cherokee tribe, for example,
performed rain dances to invoke
rain and to banish evil spirits. The stamping
of feet imitates the patter of rain on hard ground.

Tlaloc is the Aztec god of
rain and fertility. He was
often depicted wearing a  Indra
crown of heron feathers, The Hindu god of thunder,
symbolic of the waters, rain, fertility, and war, Indra,
carrying a rattle to create is often shown seated in his
thunder, and holding heavenly court, Svarga, in the  Zeus and Danaë
brimming water pots. clouds wreathing sacred Mount This painting illustrates a story from Greek mythology in which Danaë,
Meru. Indra is shown wielding the human mother of the hero, Perseus, is impregnated by the god,
a thunderbolt in one hand, Zeus, in the form of a shower of coins. It is an erotic symbol of the
/2 symbolizing enlightenment, divine fertility of rain.
destruction, and regeneration.
OJKS=J@E?A  Glacier
Not surprisingly, snow and ice symbolism As a huge mass of perennial land
ice that moves forward under its
is almost entirely associated with themes of own weight, a glacier is symbolic
coldness and hardness. There are also references of slow, relentless change. In
to purity and white, pristine beauty. Emotionally, common with ice, it is also
associated with the polluted
snow and ice are linked with rigidity, frigidity, waters of Earth rather than the
brittleness, impermanence, and a general fresh waters of Paradise.
absence of love; expressions such as “icily polite”
are widely used. In contrast, melting ice
represents a hard heart softening.

 Snowflakes  Snow queen

The fragile beauty of the snowflake is symbolic This western fairytale symbolizes the triumph of
of impermanence, wisdom, truth, hardness, and good over evil. It tells the tale of two children who
purity. It also represents individuality because no are parted when the Snow Queen kidnaps the boy,
two snowflakes are alike. and how the girl risks everything to rescue him.

Elusive, ethereal, and transient, the rainbow has a wide range
of symbolic meanings. It has been seen as a sign of hope, peace,
and divine covenant, an omen of war, an object of worship, and
even fear. Rainbow legends and customs are widespread. The rainbow
is a bridge to the heavens and wisdom is said to lie at its end.
 Iris  Rainbow body
 Rainbow serpent Goddess of the rainbow and In Tibetan tantric Buddhism the
The rainbow serpent of messenger of the Olympian rainbow body is the transitional
Australian Aboriginal myth is gods, Iris is often portrayed as state of enlightenment in which
linked to seasonal shifts and a young woman with golden the practitioner’s body literally
human reliance on water. The wings and a herald’s rod. The disappears and is transformed
monstrous serpent inhabits rainbow represents her path into pure light. This usually
the permanent water holes and between Earth and Heaven. happens after death.
therefore controls life’s most
precious resource.
 Crock of gold

In Irish folklore the leprechaun
stores a pot of gold at the end
of the rainbow; in the West the
end of the rainbow is linked to  Kahukura
finding one’s fortune. The Maori rainbow god, Kahukura, is invoked in war. It is also a

 Noah’s rainbow covenant  Navajo rainbow

After the biblical Flood, when The rainbow on the Navajo flag
God had safely delivered symbolizes sovereignty and the SEE ALSO
Noah and his ark, He joining together of all the tribes Mammals pp.52–55 The Dreaming pp.152–53
Dragons pp.78–79 Hinduism pp.158–63
sent a rainbow as a into the Rainbow Nation. The
Greek & Roman deities Buddhism pp.164–69
sign of His promise copper outline represents their
pp.140–41 Fairy tales pp.272–73 /3
not to destroy borders and the jagged shapes Meso- & South American Flags pp.324–29
humanity. the sacred mountains. deities pp.144–45

 Noah’s Ark
The biblical story of Noah describes
the Flood as God’s punishment for
human sin. Noah, a devout man,
was instructed by God to build an
/4 ark, which ultimately survived, and
hee and his family went on to
repopulate the world.
The story of a Great Flood sent by God, or the gods, to destroy
civilization in an act of divine retribution is a widespread theme
in mythology from cultures around the world.

Symbolically, floods represent death and (now southern Iraq) where the Tigris and
regeneration – the end of one cycle and the Euphrates rivers join. This fertile region is
beginning of another. They are associated prone to severe flooding, and geological
with the lunar powers of the waters, fertility, evidence indicates floods may have caused
and new life. They also have links with the significant disruption of several human
washing away of sin and the purification settlements. To ancient cultures, a flood that
of humanity. swamped them would have appeared global,
and spawned explanatory myths.
Global flood stories are common to almost JKP=>HAAT?ALPEKJO
every civilization around the world, from Areas where ancient cultures benefited from
China and Russia to Sumatra and Peru. annual flooding, such as the Amazon and the
In general terms, they represent the chaos Nile, do not have apocalyptical flood stories.
that results when humans are out of harmony In Egypt the annual Nile floods made the
with nature and the gods. surrounding land extremely fertile, providing
Many are similar to the famous biblical food for the people. The floods were so
flood story about Noah’s ark: they include  Matsya myth significant that they created a god, Hapi,
themes such as divine retribution, advance In this Hindu myth, Manu saved Vishnu in the a positive figure who, together with the
form of fish called Matsya, which later warned
warning of a flood, the building of a boat to him of a coming flood; Manu built a boat, pharaoh, was believed to control the rise and
house family and animals, and the release of survived, and re-established life on Earth. fall of the water, bringing fertility to the
birds to determine whether the flood waters region. Without the use of the Nile’s waters
had receded. The stories of Matsya in the Puranaa scriptures for irrigation, Egypt’s civilization would probably never have
of Hinduism, and Utnapishtim in the Babylonian Epic of developed in the sophisticated way that it did.
Gilgamesh are the most familiar
of these myths.  Nile inundation
The Nile attracted valuable
game and this 2nd-century BCE
KNECEJO detail of a Nile mosaic shows a
Theories abound about the rhinocerous stranded on a rock
origins of the biblical flood during the annual flood.
story. However, it may have
originated in Mesopotamia

 Aztec creator god

Meso-American beliefs include world cycles,
each destroyed by natural disasters such as
floods. Aztec weather and creator god, SEE ALSO
Quetzalcoatl, repopulated the world after Water pp.32–33
Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23
one such event.
Egyptian deities pp.138–39 /5
Hinduism pp.158–63
Christianity pp.176–79
The seasons are universally seen as symbols
of birth, growth, death, and rebirth, and
therefore the passing of time. Humans have
always reckoned time by the Sun and the
lunar cycle, so the Sun and Moon feature in
seasonal symbolism. Each season has its
associated gods, animals, colours, and even
emotions. In some cultures the seasons are
symbolized by specific flowers, such as
China’s autumnal chrysanthemums.

OLNEJC  Allegory of spring

Fresh, verdant, and full of promise, In western art spring is
traditionally represented by
spring represents rebirth and new a beautiful young woman
life. Essentially it is nature unfolding. (symbolic of fertility) crowned
Baby animals, children, young in seasonal flowers and set in
a soft, pastoral landscape. She
women, and flowers are all recurring may be seen accompanied by
symbols of the season, signifying young children.
spring’s youth, beauty, and heart-
breaking brevity. In China and
Japan the cherry blossom is an
important seasonal symbol. In OQIIAN
Celtic mythology the Green Man is Summer is the season of ripening
connected with spring regeneration. maturity, when the Sun is at its
height. The Classical world
associated summer with the Greek
god, Apollo, and goddess Demeter
(known to the Romans as Ceres).
Its animals were the golden lion and
 Flora the dragon. In China summer is
In Roman mythology Flora was symbolized by the lotus and peony.

goddess of springtime and

flowers. Her festival, the
Floralia, was held in April or
early May and signified the
renewal of the cycle of life.
 Ceres  Symbol of summer
 Spring lamb The Roman goddess of This Classical figure
A symbol of springtime, the agriculture and fertility, represents summer, and
lamb represents Christ’s Ceres, was credited with shows a woman crowned
crucifixion and resurrection; teaching humans how to in ears of corn, and carrying
this links it with Easter, which grow and use grain. She a sheaf of corn and a
falls on the first Sunday after is often shown garlanded scythe. Grain symbolizes
the first full Moon after the with corn ears and rebirth, growth, and fertility.
spring equinox. holding a basket of fruit.
Autumn is traditionally depicted as either a child or a woman bearing a HARVEST FESTIVAL
baskets of grapes, which symbolize hospitality and the abundance of the
season. The seasonal animal is the hare. In western art the cornucopia Harvest
est thanksgiving festivals are common
(horn of plenty), overflowing with fruit, flowers, and grain, is an ancient to all agrarian
arian societies.
societies They
T unite the
symbol of autumnal bounty; it has long-standing links with fertility. community
unity in ritual at a tim
time when nature’s
bounty is celebrated andd ancest
ancestors are
 Hare remembered.
embered. Special food and ddrink,
The hare is a fertility symbol in usually harvest related ed are consumed and
many cultures – hence its link
to the bounty of autumn. In
people join in the festivities.
Greco-Roman myth the hare
symbolizes the abundance of  Dewi Sri
the season; it also represents The annual rice
fertility in the autumn Chinese festival in Bali and
Moon festivals. Java
v is dedicated to
the goddess
go Dewi S
She wears
we a crown a
me holds a l
bolizing resurrec

 Yaeyama dancer
On the Yaeyama islands
of Japan traditional
dances aree performed to  Chinese mooncakes
 Bacchus  Persephone  C bring
ng about a successful
successf Mooncakes are eatenen
The Greek god of wine and The goddess Persephone A figure made by plaiting harvest. The
he dances
dance reflect during a Chinese festival
stival to
excess, Bacchus (also known symbolizes the grain, which wheat, the corn dolly is everyday activities. Here celebrate
elebrate the harvest. They
as Dionysus), is associated with comes up each year before associated with Ancient the dancer rides a hobby-
obby may contain egg yolks,
yolk a
the celebrations of the autumn returning to the Earth, in a European harvest customs and horse into
to a mock battle.
batt symbol of the Moon.
grape harvest. constant cycle of renewal. was used in Celtic fertility rites.

Winter is the dead time when cold winds howl, many trees are leafless, and
the Earth appears hard and barren. Many cultures have their own stories to
explain the changing of the seasons. In Ancient Greek mythology
phone was abducted and taken to the Underworld,
ng which time the Ear
hing would grow. Eve
des forced her to retur
derworld for several m
every year when the E  Boreas
became barren The bringer of the cold North The Ancient Roman writer, DAOA=OKJO
Wind and winter, in Classical Pliny, said of salamanders,“This
again. This period mythology Boreas was feared animal is so intensely cold as to
became winter. due to his destructive potential. extinguish fire ... as ice does.”
him and held a festival,
Boreasmi, in his honour.
 Winter personified  Duck
This Ancient Roman statuette shows The duck is associated with SEE ALSO
a traditional interpretation of winter Isis, Egyptian goddess of the The Moon pp.18–19 Greek & Roman deities
portrayed as an elderly man or woman, dead, and is also traditionally Mammals pp.52–55 pp.140–41
wrapped in a cloak to keep out the cold. linked with winter. The wild Birds pp.58–61 Christianity pp.176–79
Often the figure is shown hunched over, duck is also a popular winter Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23
struggling against inclement weather. game bird. Egyptian deities pp.138–39
Precious and semi-precious stones flash with colou
light. The fact that they come from the Earth links
with divine energy as symbols of spiritual power a
purity; some were credited with powers of healing
and protection. They have been used for centuries
to signify status. Transparent stones are linked
with divination, while red ones indicate ardour
and vitality. Some stones are linked to birth
months and some have their own associations.

 Topaz  Bloodstone  Emerald  Dragon protection

Reputed to be an empathetic Regarded as a healing stone, Its colour associates the This 14th-century carving from China shows a dragon protecting
stone, topaz symbolizes bloodstone revitalizes emerald with fertility, immortality, hidden treasure. Traditionally, in Chinese culture, the Earth dragons
faithfulness, divine goodness, relationships and purifies. It is spring, and youth. The Egyptians guarded precious objects and jewels buried deep in the Earth. Such
friendship, forgiveness, and sometimes seen as a warrior buried an emerald with their hidden treasure symbolized knowledge or truth.
love. Medicinally topaz was stone for overcoming obstacles dead to represent eternal youth.
traditionally thought to banish and giving courage. Bloodstone A Christian symbol of faith,
nervous exhaustion and was used to combat blood emeralds also feature in folklore
stimulate the appetite. disorders and stop bleeding. as a healing stone.

 Agate  Ruby  Sapphire  Diamond

Ancient cultures believed that This gem symbolizes love, Sapphires are a symbol of To the Chinese, jade is the Stone Symbolic of purity, truth, and
agate rendered the wearer courage, and vitality. It has celestial harmony, peace, and of Heaven and represents purity. fidelity, the diamond is popular
invisible. It represents courage, been linked with Saturn and truth. In Hindu tradition they A solar and Yang emblem, it for engagement rings. Its
longevity, and prosperity; in Mars, the planet of passions. were associated with Saturn also symbolizes justice, courage, radiance links it to the Sun.
0. the past, agate stones were Royalty wore rubies as they and self-control. In some harmony, and moral purity. Diamonds are also believed to
tied to oxen horns to promote were thought to temporarily quarters they were thought Considered lucky, smooth jade absorb the wearer’s emotions
a good harvest. darken when danger approached. to ward off evil. also has sexual connotations. and cleanse the soul.
 Opal  Amethyst  Turquoise  Cornelian  Cat’s Eye
The opal symbolizes divine The amethyst is a protective Long seen as a talisman against Revered for its healing, Also known as Tiger’s Eye,
insight, religious devotion, and and spiritual stone and evil, turquoise is symbolic of spiritual, and creative qualities, this stone symbolizes insight
fidelity. The Romans thought amethyst rings are worn courage, success, and cornelian is closely bound to and mental clarity, and is
that opals fell from Heaven in by bishops in the Christian fulfilment. In Mexico it religious symbolism. The therefore associated with
a flash of lightning. Some Church. It is also thought to is a solar and fire symbol, Prophet Muhammad’s seal meditation. It is thought to
cultures called the opal the give peace of mind and protect and Tibetans regard it as comprised engraved cornelian invoke good luck and protect
“Eye Stone”, believing it the wearer against drunkeness. a holy gemstone. set in a silver ring. the wearer against evil.
watched over royalty.

Symbolic of purity, traditionally,
crystals are important in magic
– hence crystal balls and
folk tales of magical crystal
slippers. Their reputed ability
to store and transmit energy
makes them a healing and
meditation tool.
 Lapis lazuli  Onyx  Moonstone
A blue stone with celestial Black stones are reputed to With its pale iridescence,
symbolism, lapis lazuli have protective energies. the moonstone has long been
represents power, wisdom, Onyx was traditionally worn associated with the Moon and B IRTHSTONES
and inner strength. It was to deflect negativity and lovers. Its links with fertility
believed to enhance psychic symbolizes heightened senses, induced Arabian women to Certain stones are associated with different
abilities and insight. It is also self-confidence, and spiritual sew them into their robes.
months of the year and are thought to bring
a friendship stone. strength. It is also linked with Moonstones are also reputed
conjugal happiness and sincerity. to balance menstrual cycles. luck or influence to those born in those
months. Thee seselection varies, but a popular
version is: Garnet (January); Amethyst
(February); Aquamarine
amar (March); Diamond
pril); Emerald (May); Moonstone (June);
Ruby (July); Peridot
Per (August); Sapphire
er); Opal
al (O
ctober); Topaz
(November); and Turquoise (December).

  Aquamarine  Peridot
A popular gemstone since The ancients believed that An emblem of fame, strength,  Turquoise
Tur necklace

the Bronze Age, the garnet is the energy of the sea was and energy, the peridot is the Turquoise (December) is
protective, repelling negativity, contained within the birthstone for those born in traditionally
na associated
guarding against depression, aquamarine so sailors wore the August. In Hawaiian mythology with good luck and
and inspiring courage. It is stones to protect them in heavy peridot represents the tears of the promotion of
also traditionally thought to seas. Aquamarine is associated Pele, their volcano goddess. friendship. Its
symbolize energy, devotion, with creativity, communication, bright colour
ur is also
and fidelity. self-awareness, and confidence. thought to enhance
 Inner radiance
Cut and faceted gemstones, such as this
topaz, reveal their inner beauty and
radiance. Symbolically, the process of
working the stone reflects the gradual SEE ALSO
perfection of the spirits and progress Dragons pp.78–79
towards divine wisdom, and represents Love & marriage pp.126–27
the soul released from the base confines Amulets pp.194–95 0/
of the human body. Royalty pp.216–17
Jewellery pp.254–55

 The gilded idol

00 The Adoration of the Golden Calf serves as a symbol of idolatry and
revolt against God. It relates to the Bible story in which the Israelites
worshipped a golden calf.
As lustrous and bright as the shining Sun, gold has excited
passions since earliest times. As a result it is a powerful symbol
of nobility, illumination, and sacredness.
 Sign of excellence
Universally recognized as
a symbol of great human
Gold is the perfect metal: it has a brilliant given a golden achievement, gold is often
sheen and is durable, malleable, and rust- crown, signifying awarded in the form of medals,
proof. Its glorious colour links it symbolically Heaven’s eternal light such as this Olympic medal,
decorations, cups, and
with the masculine Sun, perfection, and the and divinely inspired even entertainment awards.
heart. By association, it signifies the highest authority. Divinity
aspirations of the spirit, incorruptibility, is represented by the gilding on the icons of
and purity. Byzantine and Eastern Orthodox Christianity
and the gold-leaf work in medieval art.
=OLEN=PEKJ=HR=HQA In both Buddhism and Christianity gold
Across the world gold has traditionally is a symbol of enlightenment. In Hindu
featured in the regalia of high office and belief it is regarded as a mineral form of light,
monarchy. In the Inca empire new rulers were a residue of the Sun itself. To the Egyptians
ceremonially covered in resin sprayed with gold formed the flesh of the most powerful
gold dust, the historical origin of the mythical of the gods, Re, known as the Mountain
El Dorado (gilded man). Today gold is a of Gold.
symbol of the highest achievement or  Mark of enlightenment The ancient art of attempting to turn base
honour. Because of its qualities it has long Images of the Buddha are often gilded as metal into gold evolved into an allegory of
a sign of enlightenment. Gold is valued
had commercial value and has been used for its purity and Buddhists earn merit by spiritual purification becoming the alchemical
as currency and tribute since earliest times. placing it on to sacred objects. Great Work. Chinese alchemists saw gold as
the essence of the heavens, the harmonious Yang.
Gold is symbolically associated with various deities and OUI>KH KB?KNNQLPEKJ
religions. Jason’s quest for the Golden Fleece in Greek American Indian Sioux called gold “the yellow metal that
mythology represents a search for spiritual illumination. makes the white man crazy”, and it has attracted a certain
In Christianity gold is level of negative symbolism. It was scorned in Communist
an ambivalent symbol Russia, where the “class enemy” was symbolized by a gold
that can represent pocketwatch, traditionally worn by those of higher rank.
corruption, as in the Some cultures feared gold, believing it to have malignant
story of the golden calf supernatural powers. Many traditional tales about gold serve
(left), or divinity. During as a warning against greed and temptation. The famous Greek
coronations Christian myth about Midas, who came to regret asking the gods to
medieval kings were grant him the gift of turning everything he touched into gold,

is one such example.

 Object of worship
Like the Mayans and Incas, SEE ALSO
the Aztecs worshipped gold and The Sun pp.16–17 Alchemy pp.210–11
reserved it for high-ranking people Precious matter pp.46–47 Trappings of royalty pp.218–19
and ritualistic use. To the Aztecs, gold Egyptian deities pp.138–39 Jewellery pp.254–55 01
represented the faeces of the Sun Buddhism pp.164–69 Colours pp.280–83
god, Huitzilopochtli. Christianity pp.176–79
In ancient times precious metal was thought were also used both as sacred objects to
to be solidified cosmic energy: it represented symbolize divinity and as tools and weapons.
an earthly object with celestial potential. This Along with other precious commodities,
belief led to the development of a cosmic including amber and pearl, precious metals
hierarchy in which metals were paired with were valued for their beauty and rarity and
the seven known planets. Precious metals were often seen as status symbols.

Pearls are among the gemstones embellishing
this 12th-century Byzantine crown, below.
Symbolizing royalty, justice, wisdom, and
purity, they were once exclusive to royalty.
Representing perfection in Islamic and Hindu
philosophies, pearls have long been a status
symbol and have adorned rulers throughout
the world.
Johannes Vermeer’s portrait, Girl with a
Pearl Earring, (right),) perfectly illustrates this
luminous symbol of purity. Much prized as a
sign of wealth, the pearl also represents the
Moon, femininity, and spiritual wisdom. To
the Chinese, pearls symbolically combine
fire and water.

Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring, c1665 66

An ancient fossilized wood, jet was
regarded as a talisman against illness.
It has been used as a treatment for
 migraines, stomach pains, and colds.
The magnetic properties of In alchemy lead represents Due to its colour, it was often used in
lodestone linked it with magic. the heavy, “sick” state of mourning jewellery in the West.
Those who carried a lodestone human existence or the soul. I
were said to be able to pass is an attribute of Saturn, sette
safely among reptiles and see of boundaries. As the base
into the future. metal it symbolizes the lowest
level from which spiritual
development is possible.

Actually a fossilized sap from
prehistoric trees, amber was
traditionally regarded as a talisman
for travellers. To early Christians it
represented divine presence, while durability. Many cultures
in China amber symbolizes courage or regarded iron smelting as
the soul of the tiger. It was also used spiritual, the forming of a
to combat ailments such as arthritis. object through smelting l
to a symbolic birth.

This Byzantine cup is made
silver, which is linked to the
Moon, Moon goddesses suc
Diana, and queens. It signifi
chastity, purity, wisdom, and
light of hope. In Ancient Egy
people thought that the god
were made of silver. Used a
it also symbolizes wealth.

This incense burner is made of copper, which is associated with

Venus and is a symbol of the female. In West Africa copper served
as a status symbol, as well as an object of cult and magic. Copper
is also linked with healing; even today people wear copper bracelets
to combat arthritis.
 Mother-of-pearl  C  Ivory
Early societies valued mother- Coral Its colour links ivory with purity, SEE ALSO
of-pearl more highly than symbolism due to its watery while its hardness signifies The Moon pp.18–19
actual pearls. Its iridescence origins. The Ancient Greeks incorruptibility. The ivory tower Death & mourning pp.128–31
symbolizes faith, charity, and linked it to rebirth; the Chinese represents the inaccessible; in Christianity pp.176–79 03
innocence; it is also said to with status and luck; and Christianity, it symbolizes the Amulets pp.194–95
enhance focus. Christians, with Christ’s blood. Virgin Mary. Colours pp.280–83
rom soaring eagles to murky tuned physical and sensory abilities associated
swamps, the natural world has fed them with supernatural powers that could be
our imagination ever since the first harnessed through shamanistic ritual. Some
humans lived in caves. Literally and beliefs, such as birds being celestial messengers
symbolically, plants and animals or souls, were so strongly held that they were
have fundamentally influenced the way we incorporated into the major religions.
view the world. We have depended on both Animal species are infinitely varied and
for sustenance and have always co-existed sometimes mirror our own behaviour. Like
with animals, using them not just for food but humans, some are feared or revered; others
also for clothing, labour, protection, and even simply amuse us as clowns or tricksters.
tools. Consequently, all aspects of their lives Mythological hybrids and monsters were
have been imbued with symbolic significance, created, often representing complex
from the snake shedding its skin (rebirth) to a psychological challenges; hence, “slaying the
fish’s watery habitat (life and fertility). dragon” is a metaphor for good conquering
Animals – and even some plants – feature evil, or mastering one’s inner demons.
in creation stories, as ancestor figures, or are In common with animals, plants and trees
associated with gods, while earthly rulers used are also a food source, which associates them
majestic species, such as the with abundance, fertility, and the eternal cycle
lion, to reflect their own of life, death, and regeneration. Staple crops are
glory. A common belief especially important symbolically, and often
was that animals’ highly feature in creation myths. Other foods, such as

tea and coffee, a “language of flowers”, which survives today;
LITERALLY AND are connected to red roses, for example, remain a widely
SYMBOLICALLY, hospitality and recognized symbol of love and passion.
PLANTS AND ritual. Fruit – the In common with other plant life, trees are
ANIMALS HAVE culmination of a associated with fertility and the cycle of life, but
FUNDAMENTALLY plant’s productive their large size and longevity inspire additional
INFLUENCED THE powers – is associated themes of shelter, permanence, and immortality.
WAY WE VIEW with immortality Many were worshipped and the vast cosmic
THE WORLD because, although it tree was thought to link Earth, Heaven, and the
has reached the end underworld; other sacred trees are usually
of one cycle, it regionally significant, such as the life-sustaining
contains the seeds for eternal renewal. date palm in the Middle East.
A vast number of plants are used in healing, Most plant symbolism is positive but where
while others are hallucinogens, poisons, or nature appears “untamed”, as in woods and
stimulants, which early societies regarded as forests, psychological elements come into play
magical, and which have a marked effect on that spawn a darker symbolism. As a dark and
our mental and physical well-being. Many dangerous place in which one can easily get
plants are also fragrant or colourful, giving lost, the forest serves as a powerful metaphor
them an emotional resonance. The fleeting for the transition to adulthood. Even today, we
beauty of flowers symbolizes the glory and still try to find meaning in our world through
brevity of youth and there has also evolved signs and symbols.


Since earliest times the lives of humans and with a human quality. Hunter-gatherers
animals have been intertwined, providing a respected and sometimes revered animals as
rich source of symbolism. Animals have been being part of the natural world, which they
worshipped as gods, linked with good sacred. To access their instinctual
luck, and seen as sources of power an ecific animals were adopted as
wisdom. Many are symbolically assoc

 Wolf  Fox y  Jackal

In Ancient Rome the wolf was a symbol of maternal care, courage, Smooth-talking, sly, and As a carrion-eater, the hyena is The scavenging jackal
cunning cruelty treacherous, the fox embodies regarded as unclean, cowardly, represents destructiveness
s of a trickster. and greedy. Due to an early or evil in India, but in Ancient
ter in American belief that it could change Egypt it was worshipped as
Eastern cultures, gender, it came to symbolize Anubis, who received the dead
ears in disguise sexual deviance. on their way to the next world.
nd literature, too. In the Old Testament the jackal
is a symbol of desolation.

In American Indian culture the wily
coyote, shown here as a warrior’s mask,
is seen as a tric

A favourite in American Indian
folklore, the racoon is a trickst
and symbolizes mischief, dexte
and adaptability. Its mask-like
face represents an ability to
assume disguise.

manistic traditions the bear

d with medicine, healing, and
nerally, it symbolizes strength and
d is linked with warlike divinities.
ce ancient times the dog has been seen as a 
companion animal symbolizing loyalty, protection, Th
and hunting. Early societies associated it with the an
spirit world. African and American Indian cultures
sp de
saw the dog as a master of fire and a rain-maker. tim
However, Muslims regard
rega the dog as unclean and sy
use it as a derogatory
gatory term for an
a unbeliever. hu

 Coat of arms
 Cerberus Depicted on a coat of arms,
As guardian
guardia of the the dog symbolizes courage,
way to the spirit
sp vigilance,
e and loyalty. Commonly
world, Cerberus,
s, the featured breeds are
r the
he greyhound
watchdog of Greek and mastiff.
myth, symbolizes
guardianship of the Tombstone
secret knowledge of Many cultures regard dogs as
death and resurrection. faithful
hful companions, even
eve in death.
ey are often carved in postures of
steadfast watchfulness on

 Flying fox Mouse

In medieval times, the red In Samoan folklore the flying In the West the bat is linked Although generally associated
squirrel symbolized the devil fox, a fruit bat, is seen as a with vampires, the devil, and with timidity, Christians saw the a symbol of good luck and
because of its alertness and guardian of the forest, while witchcraft. Seen as part bird, mouse as the Devil, gnawing at wealth. However, it is more
colour. It was the emblem of in New Guinea it is a head- part rat, it symbolizes duplicity. the roots of the Tree of Life. commonly associated with
Irish goddess, Medb. hunting symbol, often carved on A i I di d it Elsewhere, it is associated death, decay, and destruction.
war sh rugality.

An em
its cou
water a
An important animal in energy
shama  Hare
American Indian myth, this ar symbol, the rabbit The hare is a trickster, hero,
master builder signifies industry represe
to the A ncient links with fertility or fertility symbol associated
and perseverance, as well as birth. Its alertness, with the Moon. In Europe
home and family. In Christian the kan
and a t , and timidity made it it was a witch’s companion;
symbolism the beaver stian symbol of vigilance, in the East, it was a previous
represents chastit g temptation. incarnation of the Buddha.

The hedgehog ALSO
was an American d trees pp.96–97 The dreaming pp.152–53
Indian symbol of Shamanism pp.154–55
ead pp.106–09
ty & childbirth pp.120–23 Chinese horoscope pp.204–05
However, Christians associated it with evil an totems, heroes
witches took on hedgehog form to suckle mil cksters pp.150–51
Hippopotamus  Goat
In Ancient Egypt, where it wallowed in the fertile A masculine symbol associated with lust and
mud of the Nile, the hippopotamus symbolized fertility, the goat also represents agility; the
rebirth and rejuvenation. Tawaret, goddess of climbing goat signifies determination. The goat
childbirth and protection, was shown as a pregnant is linked to the Ancient Greek gods, Pan,
y hippo, while the red hippo was associated with Dionysus, and Zeus.
of prayer. disharmony and the god, Seth.

The ox, shown here being
ridden by Lao Tzu, the founder
of Taoism, represents toil,
strength, and wealth. To
Christians it is the yoke of
Christ, while Buddhists see
the white ox as a symbol
of contemplative wisdom.
 Cow  Pig
A symbol of maternal nourishment, the cow is seen The pig is associated with the Mother Goddess,
as a personification of Mother Earth. Both lunar representing fertility and prosperity, but is also
and astral, its crescent horns represent the Moon, associated with selfishness and ignorance. Jews
and its milk the stars of the Milky Way. and Muslims regard the pig as an unclean
The cow is Hinduism’s most sacred animal. scavenger. Christians link its gluttony to Satan.

A symbol of nobility, speed, freedom, and beauty, the horse is widely
associated with conquering power, as represented by Classical equestrian
statues. In the Ancient world the horse was an emblem of the life-force and
was linked to Sun and sky gods. Different symbolism was attributed to
white, black, or golden horses. e,


In common with the white
horse, the winged horse is
a solar or spiritual symbol.
Cave art Pegasus
egasus was the legendary
legend  Galloping horse
The spotted horse appears in the 20,000-year-old cave paintings winged horse of Greek Traditionally representing speed and vitality, the horse
at Pech Merle, France. An ancient symbol, the horse represents mythology and often symbolically gallops “as fast as the wind”, associating
iatin it with
wind, rain,
ain, storm, fire, running water,
w and waves. represents speed of thought. elemental power and freedom; it is also seenen as
a a messenger.
Gazelle  Lamb
A solar emblem of fertility, the A symbol of peace, speed, and The lamb is a universal symbol
stag is associated with hunting grace, the gazelle was a mount of innocence, gentleness, and
and divine symbolism. Its antlers for gods in African and Indian meekness. It is strongly
represent the Tree of Life and cultures. Fleeing from predators, associated with Christianity
regeneration. The stag often it represents the soul taking which uses it to represent both
features in heraldic motifs. flight from earthly passions. Christ and sacrifice.

 Black sheep  Ram  Boar

Sheep symbolize meekness A fire symbol and emblem The wild boar is an ancient
and, as part of a flock, require of solar energy, the ram is symbol of strength, courage,
direction; the black sheep associated with Sun and sky and ferocity, especially in
stands out as a non-conformist, gods and also masculine virility. northern Europe. The Celts
hence the expression describing The spiral of the ram’s horns saw it as a sacred animal with
a maverick family member. represents thunder. supernatural powers and its A symbol of power and sovereignty, in heraldry the rhinoceros
meat was eaten ritually and represents tenacity, vigour, and concord, while Africans regard the
buried with the slain. The boar rhinoceros as a symbol of courage and fertility. It is hunted for its
Elephant features as a shapeshifter in horn, which is used in medicine and as an aphrodisiac. The black
Long associated with sovereign several cultures including the rhinoceros has become a modern symbol for wildlife conservation.
power in Africa and Asia, the Druidic, and in Melanesia.
elephant symbolizes strength, In Hinduism it was an
stability, and wisdom. Th i ti f th
is worsh

In Christianity the monkey is associated with deception and vanity,
but in Hinduism the monkey deity, Hanuman, was a great warrior,
champion of Rama. In Japan the monkey is revered: the three Mystic

 Donkey  Wild ass

A donkey represents fertility, In the West the ass is a symbol SEE ALSO
lewdness, obstinacy, humility, of stupidity and stubbornness, Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
The night sky pp.20–23
and patience. In A Midsummer but in the East it symbolizes
Night’s Dream
m Shakespeare intelligence and strength. In
Fertility & childbirth
Christianity pp.176–79
Chinese horoscope pp.204–05
gave a comic character called Egypt the desert ass represents Hinduism pp.158–63 Heraldic emblems pp.318–23
Bottom a donkey’s head. loneliness and isolation. Buddhism pp.164–69

 The power of good and evil

As an eastern symbol of courage and strength, the tiger is sometimes depicted being
ridden by Chinese gods to signify their mastery over animal passions. The tiger is
12 a Yang animal with the power to drive out demons. Here it is the mount of a god
performing an exorcism during which he throws five poisonous animals from a bowl.
In A
the c
m Ancient Egyptian times cats have captured our imagination.
y have been worshipped as gods, persecuted as demons, and associated
an extraordinary range of both positive and negative symbolism.

r and lunar symbolism of jaguar skin costumes during sacrificial ceremonies. The jaguar
ust one example of their is also associated with South American shamans, who may
sting associations. The lion, assume animal shapes or wear jaguar skins as a symbol of
with its yellow coat and fiery mane, is a solar beast, although their power. After death shamans were thought to become
the lioness may also be linked to mother goddesses and so to jaguars. In the Classical world the leopard was an attribute
the Moon. As solar symbols, lions are often carved into temple of the Roman god Bacchus (Greek Dionysus), and was linked
gateposts as guardians of the sacred space, and to his fertility cult, while in Egypt it was the
protective lion’s heads may adorn buildings as emblem of Osiris, god of the underworld and
gargoyles. By carrying water away from the vegetation, so its symbolism was again linked
walls, these solar conduits combine with the to fertility. The Ancient Egyptians revered cats
water to create a symbol of fertility. The and worshipped the cat goddess, Bastet.
domestic cat’s aloofness and nocturnal habits
give it the symbolism of both the Moon and ?=POEJ=NP
darkness. Black cats are now considered lucky, Cats, and lions in particular, have appeared
but they were once associated with witchcraft  Night eyes in many paintings. In Greek mythology one
as witches were often depicted with a black cat. As creatures of the night cats have been of the twelve
linked with magic.
labours of
GEJCKB>A=OPO Hercules was to bring a lion’s
In the West the lion is most widely known as the King of skin to King Eurystheus. He
Beasts, whereas in the East that role is taken by the tiger, fought the lion with his bare
and in the Americas by the jaguar. All the big cats are fierce hands and the scene appears
hunters, and for this reason they are feared and respected. In in several paintings, as do
China, where they are regarded as symbols of courage, tigers other scenes in which a fierce
represent speed, power, and beauty. The Hindu goddess, Durga, lion is tamed by a good man.
rides a tiger, symbolizing her mastery over animal passions, St. Jerome, for instance, is
and Shiva wears a tiger’s skin for similar reasons. Because of usually painted with a lion as
their courage and strength, lions and leopards feature in his companion. He is said to  St. Jerome and the lion
heraldic art, accentuating these qualities in noble lineages. have removed a thorn from By helping the lion, St. Jerome mastered
his animal nature and demonstrated the
the lion’s paw, after which it strength of his Christian faith.
O=?NA@J=PQNA renounced its fierce nature
Cats have had many sacred associations throughout the and lived peacefully as St. Jerome’s follower. Such tales are
orld. The jaguar is the incarnation of the much-loved for the story, but they also have added meaning as

supreme Aztec deity, Texcatlipoca, and they symbolize our ability to overcome our animal nature.
Mayan reliefs depict priests wearing
Jaguar The Moon pp.18–19 Shamanism pp.154–55
Water pp.32–33
hought by Meso-American cultures to be the lord of the
Egyptian deities pp.138–39
Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
Witches & wicca pp.192–93
ght, the guardian, and the protector, the jaguar was often
Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41 Heraldic emblems pp.318–23
epicted in Aztec pottery.
Their ability to fly symbolically established deities in Egyptian art symbolize the spiritual
birds as messengers between Heaven and side of human nature. Traditionally, too,
Earth. They also represent souls because birds were linked with wisdom, intelligence,
flying signifies release from the and rapid thought; the expression “a little
physical restrictions of the bird told me” comes from the ancient belief
earthbound world. Bird-headed that birds confided secrets.

 Pelican ron  Kingfisher

The legend that the pelican This solar bird shares much of The kingfisher is associated In Ancient Egypt the ibis was
fed its young with blood drawn the symbolism of the stork and with conjugal bliss, grace, and a symbol of wisdom and an
from its own breast resulted crane and represents vigilance, speed. It is also associated incarnation of the god, Thoth,
 Albatross in it becoming a symbol of quiet, and tact. In Ancient Egypt with the halcyon bird of who was associated with
The wandering charity and love as well as it was a symbol of the morning Greek mythology, which scribes. It was mummified to
albatross is of Christ’s sacrifice. Sun and regeneration. symbolizes calm. give instruction in the afterlife.
symbolic of long
ocean journeys. To
Zeus disguised as a swan
Maoris, it represents  Goose
power and beauty, while Signifying vigilance, the wild goose’s
in the West it is thought to migrations made it a symbol of freedom
embody the soul of a dead and renewal. In Hinduism it is the
sailor; to kill one is unlucky. mount of Brahma,
the creator. In
folklore the
goose represents
family life, loyalty,

and gossip.

 Stork  Flamingo
Its migratory habit associates Ancient Egyptians revered the
the stork with spring and new flamingo as a personification
life. It is also a herald of good of the Sun god, Re. Because Swan  Duck
news. Its symbolic link with their colour changes according The swan is a symbol of beauty and purity. A solar Regarded as a creator bird in the myths of various
bird, it is associated with light and was linked to cultures, the duck is widely associated with
14 childbirth goes back to Greek to diet, flamingos were also
Apollo. Its habit of mating for life also makes it a immortality. In China the mandarin duck signifies
mythology where it was sacred associated with illusion
to Hera, patron of childbirth. and shapeshifting. symbol of fidelity. In Greek myth Zeus, disguised as wedded bliss and fidelity, while Celts believed the
a swan, seduced Leda. duck represented resourcefulness and honesty.
Ostrich  Crane  Kiwi
heraldic symbol of faith and In Asia the crane’s careful The quail is associated with The national emblem of New
Ancient Egypt, the hoopoe also contemplation, in Ancient Egypt movements represent tact. In spring or summer, eroticism, Zealand and slang for a New
represents filial devotion since the ostrich’s feather symbolized China it signifies immortality. and new life. Given as a lover’s Zealander, the kiwi has also
it is said to care for its aged truth. To Zoroastrians it was a It has also become a symbol of gift, a caged quail was a symbol been used as a military symbol.
parents. In China it is divine storm bird, whereas in vigilance. The double-headed of the imprisoned soul. To the According to Polynesian myth, it
considered lucky. Semitic and Babylonian cultures crane of Egyptian mythology Romans it symbolized courage was created from the calabash,
it was demonic. signifies prosperity. and was used as a fighting bird. a vine plant.

An attribute o
hawk symbol
power, royalt
Aztecs saw it
the gods. In C
meant war an
in Ancient
Egypt it
the soul.

Vulture  Condor
cause it scavenges on dead flesh, the The condor is an important American Indian symbol. Seen as both
ture has mixed symbolism: on the one creator and destroyer, its massive wingspan was thought to cause
nd it symbolizes death and opportunism, eclipses. The California condor is associated with healing and
ile on the other purification. Tibetans supernatural powers and was used in ritual sacrifice.

d Parsees allow vultures to dispose

heir dead and believe the birds can
ease or transport a corpse’s spirit.
e vulture also symbolizes maternal SEE ALSO
citude since when food is scarce The Sun pp.16–17
s rumoured to feed its own flesh to
Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23
Egyptian deities pp.138–39
Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
The peacock’s splendour
represents divinity,
royalty, beauty, and love.
In Hinduism, the bird is
the mount of Kartikeya,
god of war, while
Buddhists equate the
peacock with
compassion and
vigilance. Its tail
markings have eye,
 Cock star, and solar symbols.
A solar bird, the cock is a The strutting male
symbol of the dawn, male pride, peacock is associated
fertility, and courage. Crowing with vanity.
represents domination. It was
sacred to several Ancient Greek
and Roman gods, and its image
was used in Shinto on drums
calling people to prayer.

Raven Crow
arded as a talking bird, Like the raven, the carrion-
raven is associated with eating crow has negative
phecy, but it attracts mixed symbolism in Europe and is
 Hen symbolism. In some cultures it linked to bad luck, death, and
The traditional image of a represents the Sun and wisdom evil. However, American Indians
plump hen fussing over her and in others darkness and see it as a creative, civilizing,
brood is generally associated destruction. In Nordic mythology and solar bird. In Japan the
with clucking maternal care. It Odin, god of war, was crow symbolizes family love,
also signifies procreation and accompanied by two ravens, while Christians associate its
divine intervention. In Hebrew while American Indians saw it plucking out eyes from carrion
law a hen and cock together as a creator and trickster. with the Devil blinding sinners.
symbolize a bridal couple.

The nightingale is renowned for its glorious song that continues
through the night as well as throughout the day; it is associated
with mischief and bad luck. with yearning, love, and death. In Christian tradition the
American Indians see it as a nightingale’s song represents a longing for Paradise, while its
trickster, creator, and guardian; joyous dawn chorus symbolizes the coming of Christ’s Light.
its chattering warned of
approaching enemies.
 Swallow  Cuckoo  Bird of Paradise
Harbinger of hope and A traditional herald of spring in northern Europe, the cuckoo Famed for its extravagant plumage and elaborate mating rituals, the
springtime, the swooping symbolizes fertility. Its parasitical habit of laying its eggs in another Bird of Paradise is a symbol of New Guinea; it flies across the red
swallow signifies good bird’s nest is associated with selfishness and infidelity, giving rise to section of the national flag, representing the country’s triumphant
fortune. Its annual migration the word “cuckold” for a man whose wife is unfaithful. However, emergence into nationhood. Local tr
and habit of returning to the Tibetans consider the cuckoo a sacred bird and attribute it with i
same nesting site associate magical powers.
it with both departure and
return, representing d
and resurrection.

A universal symbol of
peace and the soul, th
dove returned to Noah
bearing an olive branc
signifying God’s
forgiveness of
humankind after the
Flood. It is associated
with the divine spirit I
and is symbolic of b
baptism. In Ancient Ro b
the dove was sacred t of
Venus, while in China
represented fertility. T
turtle dove symbolizes
Extinct since the 17th century,
both love and fidelity.
the dodo symbolizes something
that is dead or obsolete. It
appears on the coat of arms of
Mauritius, its native island, and
mblem of certain
on organizations.

The humble sparrow is a Christian symbol of lowliness; St. Francis of

The tiny wren is a symbol of the
face symbolizes the Passion of Christmas symbol associated spirit and was known in
Christ as the goldfinch is with the winter solstice. Like European folklore as “the King SEE ALSO
associated with thistles and the goldfinch, the robin is said of the Birds”. To American The Sun pp.16–17
thorns. Elsewhere, it represents to have plucked a thorn from Indians it is a symbol of joy. The The head pp.106–09
Tribal totems, heroes & tricksters pp.150–51
fertility and was a symbol of Christ’s crown, splashing blood wren is traditionally seen as a
Hinduism pp.158–63
protection against the plague. over its breast. symbol of the old year.
Christianity pp.176–79

 The double-headed eagle

This detail of the coat of arms of Charles V, Holy Roman
emperor from 1519 to 1558 shows a double-headed eagle.
It represents Rome’s western and eastern empires, with

one head gazing westwards to Rome and the other, east

towards Byzantium.

An unambiguous and universally recognized symbol of power,
the eagle is widely associated with solar and celestial symbolism
and is linked to royalty and the gods.

Its size, strength, and authority has made the “victorious over darkness”, and was used to
eagle an emblem of power, while its keen represent the Emperor. In American Indian
eyesight, speed, hunting prowess, and ability culture the Sioux believed that eagle feathers
to wheel effortlessly through the heavens all represented the Sun’s rays. The Aztecs saw
contribute to its symbolic associations. The the bird as the rising Sun, devourer of the
eagle is often paired with the serpent, bull, serpent of darkness. In the Hebrew tradition
or lion, which are symbolically linked to it symbolizes the East and renewal. The
spiritual victory. double-headed eagle is an ancient solar symbol
and is used in heraldry and coats of arms.
The king of birds, the eagle is a “high-flier” @EREJ
symbolizing status, victory, and omniscience. IAOO
Associated with power and leadership, it has Soaring hig
been adopted as a symbol of sovereignty and  United States presidential seal the sky, the
national identity by nations including the US The mighty eagle appears here in the original represents
design of 1888. The olive branch symbolizes
and Germany, as well as mighty civilizations peace, and 13 arrows (the 13 original colonies) to God and
he Roman Empire. The represents willingness to defend the country. associated
was also the imperial ascension.
blem of the Russian and Austrian In churches, the Bible is ofte
mpires and was borne on the standard of placed on an eagle-shaped
Napoleon. The eagle’s physical attributes, lectern, representing the pow
and its reputation as a formidable inspiration of God’s word. S
hunter, link it to warrior symbolism of mystical power, the eagle
and war gods such as Scandinavia’s regarded as a divine messen
Odin. The Chinese equate the eagle represents spiritual protectio
with courage, tenacity, strength, and ability to rise above the mate
fearlessness, while in Christianity it to see hidden spiritual truths
represents the power of God. American Indian culture the
signifies revelation. It is associated Eagle warrior
>EN@KBPDA OQJ with numerous gods and is also a Celtic This Aztec sculpture from
New Mexico represents an
s a solar bird, the eagle is symbolic of symbol of rebirth and renewal. To the eagle warrior, symbolic of

e gods of the sky. It was the emblem of Ancient Egyptians the eagle was a
Roman Sun god, sol invictus, meaning symbol of eternal life.

ungu bird The Sun pp.16–17 Christianity pp.176–79
Egyptian deities pp.138–39 Heraldic emblems pp.318–23
word meaning “Bateleur Eagle”, the Chapungu bird was
Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
a protector, guiding spirit, and divine messenger. This
Judaism pp.172–73
he bird is from the ruined city of Great Zimbabwe.
Ancient, mysterious, and often threatening, in water as well as on land, representing
reptiles and amphibians have long captured the ability to move between the physical and
the human imagination. They are associated spirit world. Their habits, appearance, and
with the Sun and Moon, and also cosmos ft bi d f
and creation symbolism, an
and renewal because many
their skin or change colour
and certain reptiles can sur

A totem animal associated with magic, the monitor l

shapeshifting, change, agility, and objective detachm
generally, lizards were once thought to have no tongu
symbolized silence; they also represent divine wisdom

believed to be sexless, it
also represents chastity.

(unlike most reptiles, it guards its nest), stealth, aggression, survival,

and adaptability. In Columbia a mythological were-alligator links
it to shapeshifting.

 Chameleon  Frilled lizard G a o ste

 Crocodile Famous for its ability to change In Australian myth the frilled According to American Indian
Widely feared and revered, the crocodile was worshipped as the god skin colour, the chameleon lizard represents Gundamen and Navajo legend, the gila monster
Sebek in Ancient Egypt, where it was a symbol of sunrise and the symbolizes inconstancy. It the need to adhere to tribal was the first medicine man; his
fertile waters, and also guarded the threshold between life and death. can also move each eye discipline. Originally a smooth- peculiar gait was associated
20 Traditionally it is said to weep after eating men, which gave rise to independently – one eye is skinned man, Gundamen was with hand-trembling, a
the term “crocodile tears”. thought to see into the future, punished for wrongdoing and shamanistic ability to divine
the other back into the past. transformed into a scaly lizard. and heal serious illness.
bol of wisdom,
FROGS AND TOADS and adaptability,
rmless gecko (a small
From Ancient Egypt to Japan, frogs and toads haveve long been associated lizard) is considered
with a wide range of symbolism, much of it concerning fertility and magic.
agic to Polynesians it is
. Its ability to discard
Their metamorphic life cycle links them to lunar and water symbolism; they -grow its tail
are also associated with birth and transformation, hence popular fables ents renewal.
about frogs turning into
toads and frogs were lin

Horned lizard
e horned lizard
merican Indian s
ealth and happin
nasazi and Mim
Tadpole bes of the
The metamorphosis of outhwest United
the tadpole into a frog ates often featu
symbolizes resurrection. ottery and in petroglyphs.
In Ancient Egypt the frog
was a foetal symbol, while
Heket, frog goddess of
birth, is linked with
evolution. In Celtic myth the frog was lord of the Earth
t and the healing
waters, while Mayans saw it as a water god whose croaking
it is a lunar Ying symbol

Closely linked to lunar, water, and Earth Mother symbolism, the
lumbering tortoise is often portrayed as supporting the world at the
beginning of creation. It is associated with longevity and plodding
slowness. In China it is believed to have oracular powers.

In the Bible a terrible

swarm of frogs represented
 Bullfrog one of the plagues of Egypt
A large, aggressive amphibian famed for its vocal powers, the sent by God as a warning
bullfrog personifies thunder in India, while in China it is thought to His people to change

to cause eclipses by swallowing the Moon. It is the state emblem their ways.
of Missouri and Oklahama.

ght, while in American

Indian culture it was a cowardly braggart.

In the sacred springs of North
Africa terrapins are believed to
embody powerful water spirits;
it is therefore considered
unlucky to kill one. The terrapin
is portrayed as a trickster in
 Toad American Indian myth.
In Europe the toad’s toxic  Cane toad
secretions link it to demonic To Australian Aboriginals the highly-toxic cane toad is a symbol
m of
symbolism. It is also an white man’s stupidity because they introduced the speciess to the
ribute of death and a continent. It shares its symbolism with other toads, and as
witch’s familiar.
miliar. In
I China prolific
rolific breeder, is associated with fertility. The Sun pp.16–17
the toad is a rain-bringer,
nifying good luck.
ringer, The Moon pp.18–19
Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23
Tribal totems, heroes & tricksters pp.150–51

 The serpent in Paradise

22 The snake tempted Eve to taste the forbidden fruit on the Tree of Knowledge,
knowing it would cause her downfall. It represents deceit and temptation;
coiled around Eve, the snake symbolizes the male/female relationship.
nusual appearance and unique way of moving, the snake has
oked both fascination and revulsion. The simple beauty of its
m is at odds with its complex and powerful symbolism.

mysterious, OANLAJPSEO@KI
ground burrows, Ancestral and cosmic associations, combined
skin, the snake with the snake’s ability to glide through
eature, that is, darkness, and its enigmatic, lidless gaze link
o the it with wisdom. In Ancient Egypt the cobra
Its undulating represented both divine and royal wisdom.
eminded early Maoris equate snakes with earthly wisdom
 Medical symbol cultures in many parts while in many cultures snakes are the wise
The caduceus, a rod of the world of winding and cunning mediators between Heaven,
entwined with two snakes,
is an ancient emblem of rivers, rolling hills, Earth, and the underworld. In India serpents
healing associated with tangled roots, and even are associated with Shiva, Vishnu, and
Hermes, messenger of the the spiralling cosmos. Ganesha. In Tantra the column of spiritual
Greek gods.
As a result, its myriad energy within the spinal column is
symbolism embraces themes of duality, symbolized by the “kundalini”, or serpent.
fertility, the primeval life force, and creation.  Naga
The Hindu naga, or serpent, is a benevolent
threshold guardian associated with rain,
= @Q=HLKSAN Due to its shape, closeness
fertility, and renewal. It is often depicted with
In mythology and religion the snake is a dual a human upper body and a snake tail. to the Earth, and ability
power signifying both positive and negative to shed its skin, the snak
symbolism. It is guardian and destroyer, light and dark, good is a fertility and phallic symbol. It is
and evil. Its venom can kill and it swallows creatures much associated with Mother Earth and in
larger than itself, yet its habit of shedding its skin links it to parts of Oceania it is linked to pregnancy.
resurrection and healing. In Christianity the snake corrupts Elsewhere, it is a rain-bringer and
Eve by persuading her to taste the forbidden fruit. God cursed represents a life force in tune with the
the snake who was then seen as the Devil. However, in Earth’s mysteries. In Hindu mythology
Buddhism, the king of the snakes gave shelter to the Buddha Vishnu rests on the serpent as it floats
and is seen in a more positive light. Being at home in dark on the cosmic ocean. In Oceania, the
places below the ground, the snake is associated with the snake is a creator figure; elsewhere, a  Guardian of the dead
underworld where it accesses mythical ancestor. As a rainbringer, like Meretseger, guardian of
the entombed dead shown
the powers of the dead. In the Rainbow Serpent of Australian as a coiled cobra at a burial
contrast it is also linked to Aboriginal Dreamtime, it represents site at Waset, Egypt; her

deities and divine power. fertility and agricultural abundance. name means “She who
loves silence”.

 Snakes and ladders

Originally an Indian board game in which SEE ALSO
virtues (ladders) allowed players to reach Sacred trees pp.96–97 The Dreaming pp.152–53
Heaven, while vices (snakes) set them back, Fruits of the Earth pp.98–99 Creation stories pp.156–57
Snakes and Ladders was later adopted by Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23 Hinduism pp.158–63
the British Raj and brought to the West. Greek & Roman deities Christianity pp.176–79
pp.140–41 Professional signs pp.314–15
Through the ages, aquatic creatures have habitat. As a result, a great deal of the
been worshipped as gods, feared as monsters symbolism associated with these creatures
of the deep, and hunted for their flesh, is related to water, particularly to themes of
skin, oils, bones, shells, and eggs. Their birth, creation, and the Moon. Fish are
symbolism is closely bound to their widely linked to spiritual wisdom, fertility,
behaviour and appearance, the impact and regeneration; swimming freely in water,
they have h

In China and Japan ca
shaped kites symboliz
courage and enduran
qualities associated w
the carp because it
swims against a river
flow. It also represent
academic achievement and
business acumen, a
of good luck and lon

Associated with the
astrological sign,
Cancer, the crab’s
watery habitat make
it a lunar animal;
reminiscent of the
Moon’s changing fo
it also casts its shel
symbolizing renewa events, such as New Year; to the Chinese it is a symbol of wealth oce
and marital harmony, and is often eaten at wedding feasts. As a tra
food, its high cost has made it a contemporary symbol of extravagance. Gr

A symbol of masculi The dolphin is often seen as
the shark is revered in Pacific and African cultur a psychopomp, a being who
in male initiation ceremonies and also used as a totem. A popular escorts souls to the underworld
ancestor figure in Oceania, Australian Aboriginals saw it as a and is associated with salvatio
creator figure. transformation, and love. It a
has lunar and solar associations.
transformation, the THE SHELL
seal was often chang
into a mermaid or nym Linked
inked to water and lunar symbolism,
symbol shells
in Greek and northern are regarded as feminine; their concave shape
European myths. In In
tradition the seal is a
signifies the womb and birth. They are also
ancestor figure and associated with creation. Several deities
divine messenger. have been portrayed emerging ing from a sh
 Sea urchin In Christianity, shells are linked to baptism
A symbol of dormant force, the because they are used to sprinkle
rink water.
sea urchin is associated with
the cosmic egg representing
embryonic life, and with related
symbolism concerning stones.
In medieval compendiums, its
habit of anchoring itself to a

 Cowrie Shell as a chariot

he cowrie
wrie is a fertility
fertilit The shell chariot is the
mbol associated
ciated with
wit the symbol of an ocean god,
 Starfish and sexual congress. such as the Greek
e god,
The starfish is a celestial one of the earliest Poseidon,
o shown here;
symbol and also represents of wealth and was it also represents a
divine love. In Christianity it divination tool. journey across
cross the sea.
is associated with the Holy
Spirit and the Virgin Mary.
Its remarkable ability to
t li
or the r
n Islam it rep
ear that hears the
divine word. It is
one of the eight
auspicious Budd


In Christianity this
shell came to
Indian totem, it is a lunar symbol of renewal because it mysteriously symbolize pilgrimage
returns from the ocean to its birth river to spawn and die. after it was carried by
thosee on the route to
ela. Inn
Rome the
was linked
y and

Scallop shell

ies pp.156–57
This icon of Renaissance art
represents the moment when the
goddess Venus emerges on a shell
from the sea. She is blown to
shore by the west winds, where a
goddess of the seasons hands her a
flowered cloak. Far from a simple
representation of the myth, the
artist has added many symbolic
details to the painting.

5 1
2 4

1. Venus
Traditionally, Venus was a symbol of birth and
fertility, love, and sexual desire. Here the naked
goddess is a symbol not just of earthly, but of
spiritual love. Some have likened the image to
that of the Virgin Mary.

2. Pink rose
Venus was the goddess of flowers and was
associated with the pink rose in particular.
This represents human sexuality and desire.

3. Scallop shell
The scallop shell upon which Venus stands was
originally a symbol of the female sexual organs.
Christianity transformed this fertility myth and made
the scallop shell a symbol of the hope of resurrection
and rebirth.

4. The nymph
Horae was a goddess of Spring, a season symbolizing
fertility and birth. She wears Spring flowers and myrtle,
a plant symbolic of happiness that was often used
in marriage rituals.

5. The zephyrs (winds)

The zephyrs, Zephyr and Chloris, symbolize spiritual
passion. They help bring together Spirit and Matter.

6. Gold
Used throughout the painting, gold accentuates
the picture’s role as a precious object and echoes
the divine status of Venus. Gold is also symbolic of
perfection, warmth, and love.

Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus, c1482
Bugs symbolize all that is small and the decomposition of dead materials; these
insignificant in our world, yet the habits and their diverse forms have inspired
inescapable fact remains that
without them, human life would
soon die out. They perform an
extraordinary array of vital
functions in our ecosystem,
including soil aeration,
pollination, pest control, and

 Praying mantis
Seen as magical and holy, or demonic and devouring, the prayin
mantis attracts ambivalent symbolism. “Mantis” comes from th
Greek word for “prophet”, associating it with mystical powers.
Japan it is a popular Samurai emblem of courage and cunning.

The butterfly’s miraculous cycle From Ancient Egypt to Poland,
of metamorphosis links it with associated with darkness; in the wasp has been widely
 Fly  transformation, resurrection, Bosnia it is believed witches regarded as evil and an inverted
As disease-carriers In China the dragonfly’s and the soul. It also signifies may take the form of a moth. symbol of the bee, which
symbolize corruption and evil; erratic, darting flight represents happiness and beauty; in Japan Their habit of hovering around traditionally represents
Beezlebub, the Devil, originates unreliability, while in Japan it is a symbol of the geisha but a flame attracts ambivalent goodness. In Hindu tradition
from a Hebrew word meaning it is a symbol of joy as well two butterflies together signify symbolism: as the soul the wasp is the lowest
“Lord of the Flies”. Among the as an imperial emblem. a joyful marriage. seeking God, and also as living creature
American Indian Navajo, The dragonfly’s iridescent insanity, rushing headlong
Dontso, “Big Fly”, is a spirit colours associate it with towards doom.
messenger linked to healing. magic and illusion.

eetle  Ladybird
scarab beetle was sacred The ladybird’s huge appetite symbol of abundance in Ancient
the Ancient Egyptians for insect pests probably Greece, where the nobility wore golden grasshoppers in their hair. In
and was associated with explains why it became a good Asia the insect’s singing represents the chanting of the Buddhist
the god of the rising luck symbol. It was traditionally monks, and in China the grasshopper is a symbol of good luck.
3. Sun, Khepri. It represents associated with the Virgin
neration, immortality, Mary (“Our Lady’s bird”),
divine wisdom. fertility, and motherhood.
THE BEE  Kama’s
The Hindu god of love,
Kama, is accompanied
panied by
The bee is a popular symbol of order, honeybees, symbolizing
diligence, immortality, and collaboration. the pain and sweetness
These qualities contribute to its prolific use in of love. He appears as a
winged youth bearing a
Christian symbolism, as does honey, bow and arrow, similar
representing sweetness, and beeswax (used to Cupid, and riding a
for candles), which signifies light. The bee is parrot; his bowstring is
actually a line of bees.
also associated with royalty and deities.

 Beehive  Coat off arms

An important symbol in both The bee is widely used in
freemasonry and heraldry,
raldr Christian symbolism and
the beehive denotes
notes industry represents, among other
andnd cooperatio
cooperation. It also Life in a hive revolves around things, God’s servant. The
represents the Church, and the queen bee, making it an coat of arms of Pope Urban
inn Greece, where hives were emblem of royalty; more VIII (1623–44) features
traditionally tomb-shaped, recently, it has come to signify three golden bees chosen
it can signify immortality. the female in charge. The queen for
or their
t association with
Beehives are also associated bee also symbolizes the Virgin loyalty and diligence.
with an ordered community. Mary and supreme mother.

. Locust
Their ability to decim
associates locusts wi
calamity and destruct
the Old Testament Go
plague of locusts as a
punishment; in medie
bestiaries they symbo
spiritual torment,
indecision, and ruin.
mbolism reflects its Termite and ant symbolism are
industrious, orderly behaviour. intertwined in terms of fertility a weaver of destiny, a solar
In Mali, West Africa, ants and industry. In India termite symbol, and predator, the spider
signify fertility, and wells are mounds represent the entrance and its web are both symbolic.
often sunk near anthills as it to the otherworld, guarded by In Camaroon it represents
is believed that ants know the Nagas (divine serpents) and diligence and wisdom. In China
location of streams. decorated with offerings. a spider on a thread is a symbol
of good luck.

Symbolic of the Earth, death,
and dissolution, the worm is
sometimes used in art to
represent mortality. Cultures,
including those of Ireland and
China, link the worm to ancestor
and creator myths.
 Scorpion  Snail
As an astrological sign, Scorpio, the scorpion is associated with Pluto, In heraldry the snail signifies
Lord of the Underworld. Generally, its lethal sting symbolizes death deliberation and steadfastness
and destruction. Christians associate it with treachery, while in Africa but it is more widely associated SEE ALSO
many people use a euphemism when referring to it, believing that with slowness. A lunar and The Sun pp.16–17 Freemasonry pp.260–61
Shapes pp.284–89
uttering its name would invoke evil. Among the Ashanti of West Africa, feminine symbol, the spiral Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23
Western astrology pp.200–01 Heraldic emblems pp.318–23
people wear scorpion talismans as protection against their sting. shell represents infinity and the
labyrinth; also the womb.
Regarded as symbols of supernatural power to triumph over evil, or order over chaos.
or different aspects of the human psyche, Fabulous beasts are often associated with
imaginary beasts have long played an deities, sometimes acting
important role in folklore, m icle
and religious imagery. They A
sometimes act as messenger –
or teachers, or represent da imal
untamed forces in nature th
be overcome. As such, they ts
fought by a hero figure, suc ism
knight slaying a dragon, all g.

 Phoenix  Thunderbir
A legendary fire bird that To American Ind , and
resurrects itself from the thunderbird is a reptilian
flames, the phoenix originated that creates thunder by beating body, the fearsome basilisk
as a myth to explain the cyclical its wings, and hurls lightning as  Griffin (or cockatrice) became a
rising and setting of the Sun; it its weapon. It represents the Part-eagle, part-lion, the griffin is a popular symbol in the Christian symbol of the Devil;
later evolved into an emblem powerful forces of nature, the Classical world as well as in medieval Christianity and heraldry. in the medieval period it
of resurrection. sky, war, and transformation. It evolved from an emblem signifying the Sun, strength, and was associated with lust
vengeance into one of vigilant protection. In hieroglyphics it and disease.
symbolizes divine retribution.

Kinnara and kinnari u

A familiar Asian emblem, the me-looking man
fabulous kinnara originated in wed feet, wings, and
India. This human-bird hybrid rd’s head, the
is a mythological celestial apanese tengu is a
musician associated with mythological figure of
eternal lovers; the female Shinto origin with an
version, kinnari (pictured), ipathy for Buddhist
 Simurgh symbolizes beauty, grace, which he feels
Part-bird, part-mammal, the and accomplishment. In some receive. This
gigantic Simurgh is of Persian Buddhist traditions kinnara ural goblin is a trickster
origin. A guardian with healing represent four of the Buddha’s d with the martial
powers, it symbolizes the union animal incarnations. nflicts punishment on
of Heaven, Earth, and fertility. y and arrogance.
The sun bird, Garuda, is the mount (vahana) of
the Hindu god, Vishnu, while the naga are
mythological serpents associated with the life-
i waters and fertility. These creatures also
appear in Buddhist mythology as minor deities. In
the West Garuda signifies the unfettered spirit,
and the nagas, rooted Mother Earth.
An eagle-man hybrid of
Buddhist and Hindu mythology,
the Garuda is also the national
emblem of Thailand and symbol
of their royal family. This
version is called Krut Pha,
meaning “garuda acting as the
vehicle (of Vishnu)”.

 Naga  Entwined in eternal battle

agas are mythical serpents that guard In the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, Garuda is the nemesis off
asures. In India they are revered as nature the nagas, who were originally cousins. Duee to a bet, Garuda
otectors of wells, springs, and rivers,, and are is forced to carry out the nagas’ whims. In eternal battle,
e, these
rain and fertility. In Buddhism, the naga is creatures symbolize the opposition between the Sun and water;
ble with the dragon and the serpent. Garuda triumphs as the Sun evaporates moisture.

s The nine-headed monster of
In Greek myth, Hydra, is depicted
cu as a serpent. If one of its heads
m was lost, another would grow
h in its place. Its ability to
th regenerate led to it being
a associated with fertility.

a  Gorgon
emblem of power. It represents In Ancient Greece the emblem
control over both Earth and of the Gorgon was often used
the cosmos. to ward off evil. This monster-
woman with writhing,
venomous snakes for hair is
associated with the ocean, the
 Makara underworld, and Athena in her
A composite aquatic dragon of Hindu destructive, solar aspect.
myth, the Makara is part-animal, part-
reptile, and part-fish. It symbolizes the
astrological sign of Capricorn, called
Makara in the Hindu calendar. SEE ALSO
It is also associated with Sacred trees pp.96–97
Kamadeva, god of lust, and
water, the source of life
Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
Buddhism pp.164–69
and fertility. Western astrology pp.200–01
Heraldic emblems pp.318–23
 Qitou  Kirttimukha Chinthe (Chin-thei)
The mythical qitou is a Chinese According to myth, the Often depicted in pairs guarding
tomb guardian and protector of Kirttimukha, or Face of Glory, is temple entrances to ward off chimera of Greek mythology is portrayed here with all three animal
the dead. It is an earth spirit a demon who devoured himself evil, the Chinthe is a Burmese heads emerging. Generally, it represents elemental fury and danger;
with an ogre-like face, large at the order of Shiva, and symbol of omniscient power however, since it is an imaginary creature it is also a symbol of non-
elephant ears, wings, and a whose image was placed above and protection. Part-lion, part- existent or of wild fancifulness.
lion’s body with a plume temple doorways as a symbol of dragon, the auspicious Chinthe
cresting its spine. devotion and protection. is also associated with the
astrological sign, Leo.

The Egyptian sphinx is a A guardian figure known as
human-headed lion symbolizing the Chinese unicorn, ky-lin
the power of the Sun and the is a composite creature with
ruling pharaoh. It was used hooves, a horn on its head,
to guard tombs, palaces, and and a scaly body. A Yin-Yang
sacred highways. symbol, it represents fertility,
kindness, and purity.

 Pegasus  Unicorn
The white, winged horse of The magical and much-loved white unicorn is a mythical horse with
Greek legend, Pegasus a single horn and symbolized purity, courage, and courtly love; only a
symbolizes the duality in human virgin was thought capable of catching one. It is associated with the
nature between animal instinct Virgin Mary and is an attribute of St. Justina. Its horn was believed to
and spiritual aspiration. In myth, be an antidote to poison.
the hero Bellerophon riding
Pegasus kills the monstrous
chimera in a symbolic
representation of light
triumphing over dark.
MERMAID  Mermaidd
A beautiful marine hybrid, the mermaid
is a symbol of doomed passion.
s She
Symbolically ambivalent, mermaids, sirens, represents love, hope, transformation,
and mermen are half-human sea creatures safe passage, and allurement, but
ose bound to water, lunar, and fertility also loss of soul and treachery. To the
medieval Church, mermaids personified
symbolism. Water is a source of life but also base, unnatural desires, luring men away
death through drowning, and represents from salvation.
unconscious desires – hence stories of luring
humans into the watery unknown.  Triton
Son of Poseidon
eidon the god
Triton was a merman. He
had tthe upper body of a
man and the tail of a fish.
Triton is usually depicted
holding or blowing a horn
or conch shell, and controls
Siren the power of the waters.
Sirens were dangerous creatures who lured sailors to their deaths
with their enchanting
ench voices, lyres, and flutes. They represent illusion
and the seductive powers of the senses.
sens Originally, sirens were birds
with women’s heads associated e with capturing souls, and later were
sometimes identified with mermaids.

Ancient cultures likened t
to the ocean and devised
stories of wondrous
creatures comprising
both elements – air and
water – hence the hybrid
goat-fish, Capricornus,
a winter constellation
associated with the winte
solstice. It is also linked t
Babylonian god, Ea-Oannes Sea goat
 Sleipnir (“Antelope of the Seas”).
An eight-legged horse, Sleipnir
(“Gliding One”) is the mount of
Nordic god, Odin, and transports
him between the physical and
divine world. Its eight legs
symbolize the compass
directions and
Sleipnir’s ability

to move through Centaur  Harpy
air and on land; they also In Greek myth centaurs have These fearsome bird women
symbolize the eight-spoked conflicting symbolism: some, with hideous faces, vulture’s
solar wheel. like Chiron, were noble and bodies, and claws are
gentle, others were wild, associated with death, fate, and
adulterous, and warlike. They divine punishment. Harpies are
symbolize the animal instinct sometimes seen as demons
combined with man’s intellect. that spirit away the souls of
 Minotaur the dead.
Part-bull, part-man, the minotaur of Greek
legend was the mythological offspring of
a Cretan queen and a white bull.
Imprisoned in the labyrinth by SEE AL
Minos, it symbolized the Mammals
savagery within. Celtic & Nordic deities pp.142–43
Hinduism pp.158–63
Western astrology pp.200–01

 Chinese dragon
with pearl
This Chinese dragon is
often shown with a pearl
surrounded by branching
flames (see centre of
image). The pearl and
dragon can represent
rolling thunder, the Moon
as rain-bringer, or the

“pearl of perfection”,
which is linked with
Taoist philosophy. The
Five-clawed Dragon
n the power of
the Sun and the emperor.
A symbolic fusion of serpent and bird, the mighty dragon is a complex
and universal representation of awe-inspiring power, and appears in
myths and legends around the world.

Originating from the Greek word for serpent a maiden from a dragon represents the
(“drakon”), the dragon began as a benign release of pure forces after vanquishing evil.
symbol representing the fertilizing waters of Treasure-guarding dragons often signify the
the serpent and the divine “breath of life” of struggle to attain coveted inner knowledge.
the bird; the latter also associated it with sky The dragon was also associated with kings
deities and rulers. Later the dragon became and warriors.
symbolically ambivalent, and was seen as
both creative and destructive. A=OPANJ@N=CKJO
Eastern dragons are seen as auspicious,
?NA=PKN @AOPNKUAN benevolent, and wise. They are symbols of
Mythology reveals the dragon as both creator great power, spiritual and temporal, and are
and destroyer and involves epic themes such associated with wisdom,
as cosmic chaos, creation, and rebirth. In creative forces of na
nature the dragon symbolizes the life- and temples are
bringing rain that follows thunder, as well as  St. George dedicated to them.
the destructive forces of lightning and flood. St. George’s epic battle against a marauding The dragon
dragon, in which he saves the princess and her
The earliest known dragon myth tells of a people from an oppressor-figure, reflects appears in many
Sumerian dragon, Zu, who stole the Tablets Christian values and good triumphing over evil. forms, each with its
of Law that ensured cosmic harmony, only to own symbolism.
be slain by sun god, Ninurta, to prevent darkness and chaos. Portrayed with the phoenix, for exampl
it represents the union of Heaven and Ea
@N=CKJO KBPDASAOP important is the sky-dwelling turquoise F
Medieval dragons combine air, water, fire, and earth clawed Dragon, Lung, which symbolizes
symbolism and are portrayed as horned, fire-breathing celestial and imperial power, the Sun,
monsters with scaly bodies, wings, clawed feet, and a barbed, fertility, joy, spiritual knowledge, and
serpentine tail. In western myth battles with dragons immortality. The Four-clawed Dragon
symbolize the struggle between good and evil orr the mastering signifies earthly power, while the Three-
n’s basse nature and clawed Dragon is a rain symbol.  Viking dragon
t early Christian The Chinese believe they are The dragon figurehead
on Viking longboats is
belieefs. Rescuing descended from dragons, and those born a guardian symbol of
in the Chinese Year of the Dragon are protection and good fortune
especially blessed as they are thought when away from the safety
of the home harbour.
 WWelsh dragon to have health, wealth, and long life.
The red dragon is the
embleem of Wales. It
originattes from a legend SEE ALSO
bout a struggle between the Precious stones pp.42–43 Heraldic emblems pp.318–23
Fabulous beasts pp.74–77 Flags pp.324–29
Welshh red dragon and a
Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
white dragon representing
Chinese horoscope pp.204–05
the invading Saxons.
Plants are associated with Mother Earth god or hero figure – a reference to death
and the cycle of life. Many are attributes of and resurrection. According to ancient
fertility deities, and plant sap represents the philosophy recorded in the Doctrine of
fertilizing waters and motherhood. Some Signatures, plant features that look like
plants are seen as mythical ancestors, while particular parts of the body can be used
others supposedly sprang from the blood of a to cure ailments in that body part.

Bamboo Mandrake
A vital building The reed’s habitat associates The mandrake is associated
Signifying solitude, the fern is material and food it with purification in Celtic with magic; its roots resemble
also an ancient heraldic symbol source in the East, tradition where it was thought a human figure and it is said to
associated with fecundity and the strong yet to repel witches. The Egyptians shriek in agony when picked.
loyalty. A national emblem in pliant bamboo has associated reeds with royalty Mandrake in Hebrew means
New Zealand, the silver fern long been a and the Nile; they were also “love plant”. Some cultures
means perseverance. The Maori fundamental part linked to Greek music god, Pan. believe it ensures conception.
fern frond symbol, koru, of Zen and
represents unfurling new life Buddhist
philosophy. It

fertility, courage,
and modesty. In
China its upright
yet flexible habit
symbolizes the
path towards

 Shamrock Four-leaf clover

The evergreen mistletoe Also known as the white or The rarity of the four-leaf clover
symbolizes immortality and new three-leaf clover, the shamrock associates it with good luck,
birth at the winter solstice. is the unofficial symbol of and it was once believed that
Druids believed mistletoe was Ireland. Christians believe it those who found one were able
sacred and associated it with represents the Trinity. Clovers to see fairies. Its four leaves
protection, fertility, love, were traditionally used in love, represent hope, faith, love,
and health. divination, incense, and the and luck.
treatment of skin problems.
 Deadly nightshade  Acanthus
Also known as the devil’s berry, This thistle-like plant is widely
deadly nightshade symbolizes used as a Classical motif in
deception, danger, and death design and architecture. Its
because the fruit looks leaves symbolize wisdom Osiris, as an emblem of virtue.
tempting, yet is poisonous.  Thistle and the arts. Its prickles and In Sparta ivy signified fame and
Mixed with wolfsbane, this The foxglove derives its name A heraldic emblem, the thistle vigorous growth signify triumph crowned athletes. Victorians
powerful hallucinogenic was from its finger-like blooms is a Christian symbol of sin over life’s obstacles. The equated it with fidelity.
used as an ointment by witches which were thought to be fairy and Christ’s suffering. It also acanthus is also associated Elsewhere, its clinging habit
in healing, represents austerity and with immortality and is an represents dependence.
-like vindictiveness. As Scotland’s ancient cemetery motif.
ciated with emblem, it is associated with
uth and protection from enemies.

or hemp
sed as
siac for
t has al
tual in J  W  Myrtle
nism and According to Greek myth, Evergreen myrtle represents
fertility, and holiness. In the West, its poisonous wolfsbane, or aconite, immortality, and sprigs were
leaf symbolizes youthful rebellion. fell from the saliva of the three- often buried with the dead to
headed dog, Cerberus. Its name help the soul on its journey.
reflects its original use as Associated with Venus, goddess
poisoned wolf bait; it was also of love, it signifies fertility and
FUNGI used to poison people and has marital harmony. In China it
associations with witchcraft. symbolizes success.
Their bizarre appearance and occasionally poisonous or hallucinogenic
properties have long associated fungi with magic and, in European folklore,
with fairy enchantment. The Australian Arunta believe mushrooms are
fallen stars, while the Chinese associate mushrooms with immortality.
In modern times they have been associated with the nuclear bomb cloud.

protection, chastity, and fairies. It was also associated with

gods, including the Roman goddess of flowers, Flora, and Greek

god of marriage, Hymen, so was a popular bridal flower.

Love & marriage pp.126–27 Witches & wicca pp.192–93

Greek & Roman deities
Heraldic emblems pp.318–23
Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
Christianity pp.176–79
Flowers in full bloom are a symbol of nature spiritual perfection and peace. Much flower
at its glorious zenith. They reflect all that is symbolism is linked to colour, scent, and
passive and feminine and are associated with appearance; in the Victorian period a
beauty, youth, and springtime, as well as “language of flowers” developed and flowers
were used to send hidden messages. Flowers
have also been used in healing and ritual
since ancient times.

Its late flowering associates the
chrysanthemum with autumn,
while in the East, because it
flowers into the winter, it is
an auspicious symbol of
longevity, wealth, and
happiness. Its radiating petals
link the chrysanthemum to Sun
symbolism, and to the Japanese
imperial family. In Western art t
chrysanthemum signifies
decadence and death.

is also
s, links it
fell in love
efore came
o ep ese se oe

 Lily  Tulip Hyacinth  Primrose

Associated with purity and A Persian symbol of perfect When his beloved, Hyacinthus, Called the “prima rosa” as it The crocus is traditionally
peace, the lily is linked to both love, the tulip was later was accidentally killed by a flowers early, the primrose associated with spring, youthful
virgin goddesses and fertility. associated with Allah and discus, the god Apollo named represents first love, youth, and gladness, cheerfulness, and
In China the day lily was became an emblem of Turkish the flower that grew from his purity. It is linked to the Nordic fertility. People believed that
believed to alleviate grief, Ottomon rulers. Widely linked blood a hyacinth. The Hyacinth love goddess, Freya, while the wearing garlands of crocuses
4. while the giant Gymea lily
represents endurance to
to the Netherlands, it is a
symbol of Amsterdam, wealth,
is a Christian symbol of
prudence, perhaps because
Celts regarded it as a flower of
the fairies. The primrose was
warded off drunkenness. The
saffron variety is used to dye
Australian Aboriginals. beauty, and the spring. of this story. traditionally used in healing. cloth yellow.
 Orchid Snowdrop  Cyclamen
In the East the orchid is linked The pristine beauty of the Due to the deep red at its
with beauty, passion, and snowdrop makes it a symbol centre the cyclamen is
fecundity. It also symbolizes of purity and hope, emerging to associated with passion, and
feminine grace. In the West it herald spring. The Victorians its root used in love potions.
represents luxury, beauty, and associated it with the buried The red spot is thought to Passion flower
refinement, and is also a symbol dead, because it is low- symbolize the bleeding heart Spanish missionaries to the New World adopted the Passion flower
of perfection. The spots on the growing. The snowdrop is also of the Virgin Mary. It is also as a symbol of the crucifixion: its corona, for example, represents the
orchid are thought to represent an emblem of the Virgin Mary linked to resignation and Crown of Thorns and the top three stigma represent the nails used to
the blood of Christ. and Christian Candlemass. saying goodbye.

The expression “shrinking violet” is traditi
used to describe a timid person and allude
the way the violet hugs the ground, half-hi
beneath leaves. In paintings of the Adorat
Christ violets represent Mary’s chastity an
Christ Child’s meekness. In the medieval p
violets symbolized constancy.

The imperial flower of China, where it is the flower of spring, the
peony is also associated with beauty and femininity. The Japanese
regard it as a symbol of fertility and link it to marital bliss. The peony
 Pansy  Honeysuckle  Iris was also widely used in traditional medicine.
The open-faced pansy is also The honeysuckle’s clinging The iris represents hope and the
known as “heartsease” and is tendrils symbolize a lover’s power of light and is linked to
associated with thought, love, embrace, while its scent is Iris, the Greek goddess of the
and problems of the heart. thought to invoke passionate rainbow. In China it signals SEE AL
Folklore maintained that anyone dreams. According to folklore, if beauty in solitude; in the Love & marriage
wanting to ensure their
sweetheart’s affections should
honeysuckle is brought into the
house, a wedding will take
French fleur de lyss its three
petals represent faith, wisdom,
Death & mourning pp.128–31
Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
carry a pansy. place within a year. and valour. Celtic & Nordic deities pp.142–43
The complex and fragrant rose is a symbol of perfection
fection and passion.
It is universally associated with love, earthly and divine; attributed to
goddesses, it signifies fertility, virginity, or beauty. Unfurling from
o a bud,
it represents secrecy and the mystery of life. In Christianity the rose’s
symbolism is similar to that of the lotus in the East. Both red and white
roses are associated with Christianity, and their thorns symbolize the
crown of thorns and Christ’s martyrdom. Elsewhere, different coloured
roses have specific meanings.

According to European legend, “Forget-me-not” were the last words

of a youth who drowned while picking this flower for his lover. This
blue bloom is a symbol of remembrance, friendship, and fidelity, as
well as desperate love. It is associated with various charities.

The golden buttercup signifies
wealth and is an emblem of
Mars, originally a Roman
fertility god. Its simplicity
and low-growing habit
symbolizes humility and
neatness. Once thought to cure
 White rose  Yellow rose  Red rose insanity, buttercups are also
The white rose is linked The yellow rose is linked to the An attribute of Venus, goddess
d associated with mockery and
to purity, water, the Moon, Sun, making it a symbol of of love, the red rose denotes
o childhood and playfully used
reverence, and the Virgin warm friendship and joy. beauty, love, passion, and
an to divine a liking for butter.
Mary. Architectural ceiling Traditionally, it was also consummation, and iss
roses traditionally denote associated with jealousy and associated with the element
confidentiality concerning dying love. Today this flower is of fire. In the Christian
anything said or done the symbol of the US State of tradition it signifies
fie the blood
beneath them, deriving Texas. In Catholicism the of martyrs and the
from the Latin for secrecy, golden rose is a papal emblem. resurrection. Inn Islam it
sub rosa. represents the blood of the
Prophet and his two sons.

Tudor rose
The Wars of the Roses
(1455–85) were a series
of civil wars fought over
the English throne between
the royal houses of
Lancaster and York.
ork Each
house had its own rose
emblem; the Red Rose of
 Rose window Lancaster and the White
ned glass windows based on the rose design, rose windows Rose of York. These were A solar emblem whose name evolved from its original description
aree particularly associated with Gothic
Goth architecture and are full merged to form the he Tudor as the “day’s eye”, the daisy is a perfect symbol of modesty, and
of symbolism, oftenten concerning the Virgin
Virgi and Child. This rose as a symbol o of unity simplicity. It is also associated with innocence and loyal love.
example comes from Chartres
artres Cathedral in France.
Fr after the wars.. Traditionally, girls determined whether their suitor was true by
plucking a daisy’s petals and chanting “He loves me, he loves
me not” until there was only one petal remaining.
n the West the blood-red
poppy commemorates the war
dead because poppies grew on
he battlefields of World War I.
The Chinese associate it with
he evils of opium made from
ts seeds, while in Ancient Lavender
Greece the poppy was linked Used since ancient times for perfume, cleansing, and healing,
Its huge, no to the gods of sleep and fragrant lavender has many symbolic associations. It has been seen
represents s lucky charm, a token of affection, and an aid to sleep. Used in
signifies un pourris to ward off evil, it is also associated with love.
which asso
the sunflow  Carnation
The pink carnation symbolizes
motherhood and the white
carnation, pure love. Credited
with aphrodisiac properties, the
red carnation is a widespread
symbol of love and fertility,
associated with marriage. In
paintings of Mary and child it
often represents maternal love.

Da Derived from the Greek word anemoss meaning “wind”, the scarlet
The dandelion is associated anemone, or windflower, represents the ephemeral quality of life, as
with healing and divination; its ts flowers are so short-lived, and is associated with mourning.
fluffy seed-head is traditionally
used as a love oracle, while
dandelion tea is said to SEE ALSO
increase psychic abilities. The lotus pp.86–87
Its golden, radiating petals
represent the Sun. Elsewhere,
Death & mourning pp.128–31
Hinduism pp.158–63
it symbolizes bitterness due Christianity pp.176–79
to the taste of its leaves.

 Thousand-petalled lotus
In Buddhist cosmology the Buddha, the Chosen One, A thousand-petalled lotus is a potent symbol of
is often represented as the jewel in the lotus, seated spiritual enlightenment, especially in conjunction
oon a lotus-flower throne, the pinnacle of perfection. with the Buddha, who is sitting in the lotus position.
of creation and fertility, the lotus is widely
 Jewel like flower
The lotus opens its radiant revered in India, Egypt, China, and Japan. It also symbolizes
petals as the Sun comes up,
giving rise to many
purity because it emerges unsullied from the murky waters.
creation myths.

The long, winding stem of the lotus Buddhist doctrine that man is able
symbolizes the umbilical cord that binds man to raise himself above his lower nature.
to his roots, and the flower bud represents The bud, opening up at the surface of the
human potential. The radiant petals of the water, is considered an image of purity, and
lotus open at dawn then close again as the the open flower represents enlightenment.
Sun sets, and this is seen as symbolic of the The lotus also plays an important part in
Sun emerging from the cosmic ocean. Buddhist iconography. Images of the Buddha
are frequently seated on a stylized lotus
PDAOQJ=J@ throne in padmasana, or the lotus posture
(padma means “lotus” in Sanskrit).
One of the most widespread symbols in Padmapani, a Buddhist deity, holds a lotus.
Indian culture, the lotus represents the Sun The popular mantra, om mani padme hum,
and creation, purity and perfection. It often means “the jewel in the lotus”. In esoteric
features in Indian architecture and sculpture. Buddhism this is taken to mean the union
In the central Hindu creation myth Brahma, of the male organ (the jewel) with the female
the creator, emerges on a thousand-petalled organ (lotus), symbolizing the power of the
lotus from the navel of the great god Vishnu creative force.
as he sleeps upon the milky ocean and creates
the universe afresh. The Sun god, Surya, is  The golden lotus >ENPD=J@NA>ENPD
depicted holding two open lotus flowers, A Buddha holds the symbol of purity To the Ancient Egyptians the lotus, opening
and enlightenment in his left hand.
symbolizing enlightenment. and closing with the movement of the Sun,
Often adorning the lintels of temple gates, the lotus flower was a symbol of birth and rebirth. It was associated with the
bestows good fortune on all who enter. The petals at the base god Nefertem and the Sun god, Re, who was sometimes
of temple columns indicate that the temple stands on an open depicted as a child or a golden youth lying on a lotus.
lotus flower, representing the Earth and the cosmic ocean. The association of water and the Sun makes the flower a
powerful image. According to one Egyptian creation myth,
AJHECDPAJIAJP a giant lotus emerged from the primeval waters at the
The lotus is pivotal in Buddhist philosophy. The muddy beginning of time. The Sun itself rose out of its centre on
waters from which the plant grows represent ignorance and the first morning. PDAHKPQO
hile the The lotus was also an emblem of the early Christian
ng Church, although it was later replaced by the water lily. In
Buddhist legend lotuses bloomed at the feet of the newborn
re Prince Siddhartha, the future Buddha.

have The Sun pp.16–17 Creation stories pp.156–57
hape of Plants pp.80–81 Buddhism pp.164–69
Flowers pp.82–85
Egyptian deities pp.138–39
The distinctive taste and smell of herbs considered sacred. Associations concerned
and spices has long associated them with with herbs and spices can be linked with
cookery, but they have also been used for magic or evil, as many have the power to
thousands of years for healing and religious harm or heal. According to traditional
ritual. Many herbs and spices are fragrant, European lore, the symbolism of herbs
so have emotional connections; others are as with plants, relates to their appearance.

From the African Congo to
Tudor England, basil has been
widely associated as a
talisman against evil; in Greek
myth, it was an antidote to the
monstrous basilisk’s venom.
Elsewhere, it was linked to
love and wealth, and was also
used in funeral rites.

One of the oldest cultivated

plants, fennel has symbolized long roots were thought to
courage since ancient times; reach Hell, signifying evil. Seen
Roman gladiators ate its by the Ancient Greeks as a
seeds to promote courage, symbol of oblivion and death,
while Anglo-Saxons used it parsley became a funeral herb.
as a talisman. Fennel is also However, in the Jewish
associated with perception, tradition it is used as an
purification, and the Virgin emblem of renewal at Passover.

Often planted on graves d with courage,
as a symbol of immortality, powers, sage derives its name 15th-century English women
rosemary is associated with from the Latin, salvare, which embroidered wild thyme on
remembrance. In Europe it was means “to save”. Associated tributes presented to knights.
a traditional emblem of fidelity, with immortality, protection, Roman soldiers were known to
and was once included in bridal and wisdom, sage was a bathe in thyme to promote y p y y
bouquets. Students in Ancient Christian symbol of the Virgin courage. It is also associated transformed the nymph, Menthe, into a mint bush to save her from
Rome used rosemary to boost Mary. American Indians burned with healing, sleep, purification, his jealous wife. Mint was used ritually for protection, divination,
concentration. white sage in healing rituals. love, and psychic power. and exorcism.
amans searching for The phoenix was said
e elixir of eternal life to set itself alight on a pyre
an emblem of royalty carried experimented with ginseng, incorporating cinnamon –
by chieftains. Its edible hence its link to immortality a belief that led to the spice
underground root is fiery and longevity. A masculine, becoming a yule symbol of
hot, linking it to passion and Yang herb, ginseng is linked to renewal. Highly prized and
success. Long traded as a virility. Its name means “man- valuable, it has been used as
spice, its high value associated root”, and legend says that the an aphrodisiac. In China it is
it with wealth and power. “Ginseng Child” living within a purification incense
serves those who eat it.

 Betel nut
esia, Symbolic of love and A mildly euphoric stimulant,
rgely grown protection, a clove tree was chewing betel nut is an
in Grenada where it appears traditionally planted to mark important part of Asian and
on the national flag. Widely the birth of a child; it also Pacific cultures. Associated
used as an aphrodisiac, it personified that child and, if the with hospitality, reciprocity,
became a symbol of wealth in tree was felled, it heralded the and fertility, the nut is seen as
Europe in the 18th and 19th child’s death. A sought-after feminine, the leaves masculine.
centuries when those who and costly spice, cloves also Vietnamese regard betel nuts
could afford it carried a supply became a symbol of wealth. as a symbol of love and marriage.
to grate on food.

As incense in religious ritual,
myrrh symbolizes prayers rising
to heaven. It is also associated

with purity and sweetness. In
Ancient Egypt it was used in
mummification, linking it to
 Garlic death. Named after the Arabic
The ancient superstition word for “bitter”, it came to
concerning garlic’s protective symbolize suffering, repentance,
powers against vampires
persists, even today. Ancient 
Greeks left garlic offerings at S
crossroads for Hecate, goddess Pr
of the underworld, and st
associated garlic with strength. sa LSO
In China garlic is seen as lucky, w pp.80–81 Judaism pp.172–73
rs pp.82–85 Amulets pp.194–95
and is linked to fertility. ro
it & marriage pp.126–27
hu k & Roman deities
w 140–41

 Psychological symbol
In this fairytale by the Grimm Brothers entitled The Two Brothers, the forest represents
the dark shadows of inner fears, which must be confronted and resolved. In this way,
fear fades away, ultimately leading to the symbolic illumination of self-discovery.
Seen as both a place of fear and a spiritual retreat, the shadow-filled
forest has long attracted mixed symbolism, and has deep-rooted
psychological and spiritual significance in many cultures.

Forests have always gripped the human it is a place of spiritual development and
psyche. They stand, vast and mysterious, yet meditation; in the Hindu tradition a forest
pulsating with hidden life. They are barriers dweller is one who has retreated into a life
between the known and the unknown – of contemplation.
symbolically dark, mysterious, and feminine
– and are associated with germination and =LH=?A KB@=JCAN
the womb, initiation, and the supernatural. In the forest distinctions are blurred between
sight and sound, real and unreal, light and
=OLENEPQ=HLH=?A dark. The canopy filters out sunlight,
Forests were among the first places in the making the forest symbolically opposed to
natural world to be associated with spirits  Modern symbol the Sun’s power – hence fear and coolness.
and deities, and offerings were strung from The rainforest has become a “final frontier” Alive with potentially dangerous animals,
symbol of luxuriant, untamed nature facing
trees. Many cultures believed that trees annihilation by humans. it also represents untamed nature.
housed spirits or souls; in Australia the European fairy tales, such as Hansel and
Warlpiri people thought that souls gathered in trees, and the Gretel, are full of forest symbolism and tap into the ancient,
presence of many, possibly malevolent, trees with little light western fear that the forest is a dangerous realm where one
filtering through symbolized the unknown and death. can easily lose the way.
Tree trunks have been likened to the columns in temples
and churches, and forest canopies to the sweeping, interior = PDNAODKH@
architecture of cathedrals; indeed, many places of worship The forest is where fears are symbolically confronted and
have been built on the site of sacred groves, including a true understanding of self emerges. This idea is echoed in
Chartres cathedral in France. Jungian psychological theory, where the forest is a threshold
In Christianity the forest is “untamed nature” associated symbol for the unconscious fear that obscures reason. It
with paganism and is symbolic of humankind lost in the also serves as a metaphor for overcoming inexperience and
darkness without spiritual illumination. In Asia, however, entering adulthood – a testing ground or place of initiation.
Today global deforestation brings a new
testing ground and a new symbolic threshold.
The rainforest has become a modern symbol
of nature under threat. PDABKNAOP

 Spiritual forests SEE ALSO

Pine forests are often Trees pp.94–95
portrayed in Chinese and Nature spirits pp.148–49
Japanese art and are Hinduism pp.158–63
believed to be home to Christianity pp.176–79
forest spirits; the sacred Fairy tales pp.272–73
pine represents immortality.
The Hindu god Krishna with his favourite
gopi (cowherd girl), Radha, in a forest grove
is a scene that is frequently illustrated in
Indian court paintings from the 16th to
the 19th century.
The Indian artist employed poetic symbols
to charge his subjects with romantic
ardour. Flowers were never merely
flowers, nor clouds clouds: everything
contained a deeper symbolism.


1. Radha
Radha’s passion for Krishna symbolizes the soul’s intense
longing and willingness for the ultimate unification with
God. Their embrace represents the Shiva and the Shakti;
the male and female aspects of ourselves, longing to reunite
with one another.

2. Krishna
The symbol of an able statesman, Krishna is a warrior, a
great philosopher, and a teacher. Here he is represented as
a beautiful young man; the symbol of love, devotion, and joy.

3. Tree creeper
The flowering creeper embracing a trunk suggests passion
and romance and symbolically recreates the embrace of
Radha and Krishna.

4. Lotus
The lotus flower represents beauty and non-attachment.
It grows from the muddy waters without becoming dirty.
This symbolizes the Hindu belief that one should live in the
world without attachment to one’s surroundings.

5. Herons
There are several white herons in the river, which are
symbolic of vigilance, longevity, and happiness.

A source of sustenance, shelter, building associated with specific deities or spirits,
material, and firewood, trees are associated while fruit-bearing trees, such as the date
with fertility, longevity, and strength. They palm, often represent the Tree of Life.
represent dynamic life, death, and new Evergreens denote immortality, while
growth, and symbolically link Heaven, Earth, deciduous trees signify rebirth; others
and the underworld. Many are sacred and serve as community focal points.

 Beech Willow  Linden Laurel

The oak represents masculine Much prized in Siberia, the In the West the weeping willow A European symbol of In North Africa the laurel is
strength and courage. For the beech symbolizes stability, symbolizes mourning and is happiness and beauty, believed to repel evil, while
druids it was a sacred tree prosperity, and divination. In associated with the Devil. In the linden also represents in Greco-Roman tradition it
associated with divination; Celtic mythology Fagus (its the East, however, it represents friendship. Attributed to represented victory, peace,
revered by Celts, the oak is also genus name) was the god of springtime and feminine grace; the goddess, Freya, and purification, and divination.
linked to various thunder, sky, beech trees. An emblem of the Japanese Ainu believed the traditionally considered The laurel is also an attribute
and fertility gods. To Jews it Denmark, the beech also first men had spines of willow. lightning-proof, lindens became of the god, Apollo, and a symbol
symbolizes the Divine Presence. represents endurance. symbolic village “guardians”. of eternity.

 Holly  Yew  Pine  Christmas tree  Cypress

A symbol of hope and joy, holly An emblem of immortality, The pine tree symbolizes As an evergreen, the Christmas A western symbol of death
is associated with the German yews were grown in Celtic strength of character and virility. tree (traditionally a fir tree) and mourning, the cypress is
goddess, Holle; its red berries groves, some of which later An evergreen, the pine is also represents the winter solstice. associated with gods of the
represent her blood, shed to became sites for Christian linked with immortality, as well The tradition of dressing the underworld and was thought
grant it evergreen immortality. churches. The Celts thought as the Roman god, Bacchus. tree dates back to 16th-century to preserve the body, hence its
Holly was sacred to the god the yew had magical properties To the American Indian Germany. The lights in the tree use in graveyards. In the East
Saturn; it is sometimes seen as and used it to make their wands Iroquois the white pine is symbolize the stars, Sun, and the phallic cypress represents
a Christian tree of the cross. and bows. the tree of peace. Moon lighting the Tree of Life. endurance and immortality.
Banyan  Baobab  Ginkgo  Tamarisk 
Sacred to Hindus, the banyan symbolizes eternity because of its vast Its majestic size, longevity, Described by Darwin as a Revered in the deserts of the
canopy, while its aerial roots signify the spiritual world. In Philippine and endurance make the “living fossil”, the ginkgo is Middle east as a Tree of life,
mythology the banyan houses mischievous spirits and demons; it baobab a revered Tree of life used in Chinese medicine to the tamarisk oozes a sweet
also appears on Indonesia’s coat of arms, where it stands for in african culture. It is a symbol enhance longevity. It also resin that may have been the
national unity. of endurance, conservation, and symbolizes hope and love. The biblical “manna” – a Jewish
creativity. The baobab tree is ginkgo leaf is a popular emblem symbol of divine grace. It
often a traditional village in Japan; traditionally, it is a was sacred to the egyptian
meeting place. samurai symbol of loyalty. god, osiris.

a source of food since earliest
times, the fig was regarded as
a Tree of life in parts of asia,
oceania, and egypt. It
symbolizes fecundity, prosperity,
and peace; in Buddhism it
represents moral instruction.
The fig leaf is associated with
male genitalia.

Acacia  Palm  Olive 

In Judeo-Christian symbolism, a Tree of life in arab and an ancient symbol of peace,
the acacia represents egyptian cultures, the palm is glory, and immortality, the olive
immortality, and its sacred a solar emblem associated with is sacred in Classical and
shittah wood was used to build fertility and victory. In Greco- Judeo-Christian symbolism.
the ark of the Covenant; Roman tradition palm leaves Its leaves crowned triumphant
elsewhere, its white and red were used to hail victors in athletes, while an olive branch
flowers denote life and death. battle or competitive events; brought to Noah by the dove
Various parts of the tree are in Christianity this symbolism after the Flood signified peace.
used to make incense. evolved into victory over death.

Almond  Peach 
The Persian Tree of Heaven, one of the Three Blessed
the almond tree also represents Fruits of Buddhism, the peach
divine grace, hidden truth, and is a highly auspicious symbol in
virginity. In Chinese culture it Japanese and Chinese cultures.
symbolizes feminine beauty and It signifies joy, immortality, and
resilience. as the first flower feminine charms. Peach wood
of the year to “awaken”, the was thought to repel demons,
almond is also associated while fallen blossom represents
with vigilance. femininity and prostitutes.

Mulberry  Plum  Cherry 

This Tree of life was thought by In Japanese culture plum a national emblem of China
the Chinese to have powers blossom symbolizes happiness and Japan, cherry blossom
that kept evil at bay; they also and good luck. It also represents symbolizes the ephemeral
associate the mulberry with spring, courage, and virtue sweetness of youth, which, See alSo
filial piety and industry. Its overcoming difficulties, and is like blossom, is quickly shed. Its Sacred trees pp.96–97
connection with silk (the leaves an emblem of the Samurai. In habit of flowering before leafing Buddhism pp.164–69
are eaten by silkworms) China it signifies virginity, signifies man born naked into Christianity pp.176–79
signifies wealth and sensuality. beauty, and longevity. the world.

52 The Tree of Life in Nordic mythology was a giant ash, Yggdrasil,
which linked the realms of the gods, humans, and the underworld;
from its roots sprang a fountain from which rivers flowed.
sacred trees
 Bodhi tree Trees have always been seen as powerful symbols of life, death,
a sacred fig tree under
which the Buddha gained and renewal and some are deemed sacred. They are associated
enlightenment, the Bodhi,
or Bo, is associated with with fertility, knowledge, protection, and creation.
wisdom and mindfulness.

Trees have been revered since ancient times. HEBA=J@GJKSHA@CA

Nourishing and sheltering, they represent The Tree of Life that grew in Paradise
the Great Mother. They stand as natural represents immortality and the beginning and
monuments to the eternal cycle of life, death the end of a cycle, and is another aspect of
and time itself, marking its passing in annular cosmic trees. With its roots in the moisture-
rings. Rooted in the soil of the world yet laden underworld, its trunk in the world
reaching skywards, they link Heaven, Earth, of mortals, and its leaves reaching to the
and the fertilizing waters, a symbol of the heavens, it symbolizes growth, death,
universe and creation. and regeneration, and therefore immortality.
While the tree’s shape suggests masculine,
?KOIE?PNAAO phallic associations, it is also associated with
The cosmic or world tree appears in the Mother Earth and fertitility rituals since it is
mythology of many cultures and represents often fruit-bearing. The Tree of Life is known
the dynamic life-force. The cosmic tree is in many cultures, including that of Ancient
usually a tree that is particularly significant Sumeria, India, China, and Japan. The Tree of
in the region it serves as an axis, connecting Knowledge of the Judeo-Christian tradition is
the underworld, Earth, and Heaven. In many  Egyptian Tree of Life dualistic, combining good and evil, and
cultures the tree grows in Paradise, or at one of egypt’s sacred trees, the sycamore was represents the paradisal state from which
a Tree of life. on the threshold between life
the peak of a sacred mountain. Its upper and death, it grew from a sacred mound that humans can fall. Paired trees or those with
branches may contain birds, representing symbolized the beginning of creation. split trunks also represent duality.
heavenly messengers, while a coiled snake at
its base often signifies creative energy, drawn from the Earth. IUOPE?EOI=J@IA@EP=PEKJ
The cosmic tree may symbolize the means through which The inverted tree is a cosmic tree with its roots drawing
humans can overcome their base nature and ascend towards spiritual sustenance from Heaven and spreading it, via its
spiritual illumination. It is often linked to myths concerning branches, down towards the Earth. It is a Jewish Kabbalah
the birth of humans. symbol and is often linked to mysticism. In the Kabbalah
the inverted Sefirotic Tree may be shown as ten spheres,

symbolic of the stages of revelation. For Buddhists it is a
 Tree of Knowledge specific tree that has religious significance. The Bodhi tree
The biblical Tree of the is believed to be a descendant of the sacred fig tree under
Knowledge of Good and
evil represents duality which the Buddha found Enlightenment while meditating
and the separation of over 2,500 years ago. The site of this original tree and of other
nature and the divine. trees grown from its shoots are regarded as holy sites.
The snake is temptation,
while the fruit represents
forbidden knowledge. See alSo
Trees pp.94–95
Creation stories pp.156–57
Buddhism pp.164–69
Kabbalah pp.174–75
fruits of the earth
Symbolic of fertility and immortality, fruit is of humans fall from grace. The smell and
a glorious product that encompasses the seed taste of fruit, packed with seeds and dripping
of the next generation. Fruit is associated juices, is linked to sensuality. This symbolism
with the Tree of Life, which provided food has often been used in art. Many fruits
for the gods. It is also linked to the Tree of are also attributed to deities and have
Knowledge of Good and Evil as an emblem religious significance.

Apple  Peach  Lemon  Orange  Pear 

In Europe the apple symbolizes In China and Japan the peach is Its bitter taste links the The simultaneous appearance Its swollen sensuality links
love, fertility, youth, and associated with immortality and lemon with sourness and of both its flowers and fruit the pear to love and mother
immortality; its circular shape its blossom with the spring. disappointment. However, in associate the orange with symbolism; the goddess Athena
indicates eternity. It is widely Taoists and Europeans also Hebrew tradition it symbolizes virginity and fertility, making its was considered mother of pear
associated with the Tree of linked it to virginity, and it was the heart. fragrant blossom a traditional trees in Ancient Greece. The
Knowledge. To the Celts it was sacred to the Roman god of feature of weddings. The Chinese associate this long-
a symbol of the afterlife and marriage, Hymen. When Chinese eat oranges on the lived tree with longevity, while
fertility. In China it indicates shown with the Virgin second day of New Year to Christians see it as an emblem
peace. In the Bible the apple and Child in Western bring good fortune; they also of Christ’s love for humanity.
is the forbidden fruit eaten by art, the peach link them to immortality.
Eve and symbolizes temptation symbolizes
and sin. salvation.

Fig  Pineapple 
The fig is an almost universal In the West
symbol of fertility. Traditionally, Indies the
the fig tree represents the Tree pineapple was
of Life and symbolizes both a dual symbol Melon 
male and female; the fig leaf of deterrence Melons represent fertility, sweetness, moisture, and vitality. Their
standing for male and the fruit and hospitality; sensual abundance also links them to luxury and gluttony, while their
for female. In Hebrew tradition it is known as rapid growth signifies creative power. In China melons are traditionally
54 the fig stands for peace and a hospitality associated with fertility and their seeds are sometimes seen at
prosperity. The Kotoko of Chad emblem in the weddings. In northern Europe their rarity once suggested wealth.
associate it with childbearing. United States.
Gourd  Mango 
The gourd has been used Sometimes described as the
as a water bottle, ritual mask, food of the gods, the mango
musical instrument, and even is a Hindu symbol of love and
a penis sheath. It is widely fertility. Its leaf represents life
associated with creation and and is used ritually to invoke
fertility myths in many cultures; good fortune. The paisley
Maoris use it in birthing rituals. pattern is a mango motif
elsewhere, it is linked to copied from 15th-century
healing and the supernatural. Kashmiri shawls. Pomegranate 
Shown here in a Roman mosaic, the pomegranate is a fruit bursting with
glistening seeds. It is a solar emblem representing fertility (the womb) and life-
blood. In China this theme evolved to signify the blessing of many virtuous
children. In Greek myth the pomegranate is associated with rejuvenation.

Tomato  Persimmon  Date 

Known as the “love apple” Belonging to the plant genus The date palm is an arab Tree
when it was introduced to Diospyros meaning “fruit of of life and also represents
europe, the tomato was the gods”, the persimmon is endurance, providing food in the
considered an aphrodisiac. This a Chinese symbol of joy; used in Durian  harsh desert habitat. Its fruit
was probably due to the large traditional medicine, it is Said to have the taste of Heaven and the stench of Hell, the South- symbolized fertility in ancient
number of seeds inside the believed to regulate ch’i, or east asian durian symbolizes the unpleasantness that obstructs egypt and the Middle east,
fruit. The Church promptly energy. In Japan it is believed the path to inner truth and beauty. The Malays regard it as an while its distinctive palm frond
linked it to the Devil. to represent victory. aphrodisiac, while in Hong Kong its costliness reflects status. was an ancient emblem of the
tribes of Judea.

The almond’s association with
purity originates from a Greek
myth concerning the virgin birth
of attis; in China, it represents
feminine beauty. an odd
number of almonds are given
for luck at weddings. The
almond is also a biblical symbol
of hastening old age.

Grape  See alSo

Its association with wine links the grape to the Roman god, Bacchus, along Trees pp.94–95
with its attendant themes of revelry, pleasure, and fertility. In the Christian Sacred trees pp.96–97
tradition wine symbolizes the blood of Christ. Grapes are also traditionally Love & marriage pp.126–27
associated with the autumn harvest and the gods of agriculture. Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
foods of the earth
Since agriculture began, staple crops have abundance or fertility; others, such as honey,
been symbols of fertility and renewal to those represent the food of the gods. Many have a
who grew them. Grain became a powerful particular religious significance, or signify
symbol of resurrection, ripening and dying hospitality.
back before magically reappearing in
the spring. Some “foods of the
earth” are associated with

Wheat  Rice  Maize 

In Ancient Egypt wheat was A staple grain throughout Asia rice is a symbol of abundance and Historically, a vital
associated with immortality. also symbolizes immortality, spiritual nourishment, purity, and crop throughout the
Elsewhere, wheat is linked to knowledge. The custom of throwing rice at weddings originated in Americas, where it
the summer, fertility, and an India and represents fecundity and happiness. It was also thought to was seen as a
abundant harvest. ward off evil in Japan. symbol of life, maize
shares much of the
symbolism of other grains
and is generally
associated with fertility
and plenty. It plays a
central role in many
creation myths and was
used in rituals.

Sago  Yam  Bread 

In New Guinea, where sago is This vegetable has a three-part Bread represents food for the
a staple crop, it symbolizes life, tuber which some cultures body and soul, and unity. At
while to the Asmat people of equate to the human body. It is Jewish Passover, unleavened
Irian Jaya, the sago tree important in African and Pacific bread signifies humility and
represents the human body; cultures, and New Guinea, and sacrifice. The breaking of bread
its fruit is the head. much ritual concerns yam is associated with sharing and
-,, growing and harvesting; it is the Christian sacrament of
also associated with male Holy Communion, where it
virility, sensuality, and status. symbolizes the body of Christ.
Leek  Egg  Milk 
This famous Welsh emblem a universal symbol of fertility a symbol of motherhood, milk
is associated with victory; the and the potential of life, the is a life-food associated with
Welsh wore leeks to Onion  cosmic egg is central to many fertility, abundance, and
distinguish themselves from Its inner concentric rings associate the onion with eternity. Peeling creation myths. In Buddhism spiritual nourishment. It also
Saxons during a battle. In away its layers represents revelation. In ancient egypt the onion was breaking through the “eggshell signifies compassion, as “the
Hebrew “leek” resembles a funerary offering symbolizing immortality, while in medieval europe of ignorance” signifies attaining milk of human kindness”, and
another word meaning “to it was used in lieu of rent. enlightenment. In Christianity has been used in initiation
be cut off”, so leeks are the egg symbolizes resurrection. ceremonies to signal rebirth.
symbolically eaten at Rosh
Hashanah to “cut off” enemies.

Golden honey represents
immortality and was the food
of the gods. associated
with fertility, it was
thought to be an
aphrodisiac. In
Christianity honey Coffee 
represents the legend maintains that coffee
sweetness of the was discovered by ethiopian
divine word; shepherds who noticed goats
combined with oil, became skittish after chewing
the Chinese equate it Chocolate  coffee berries. as its popularity
with false friendship. Regarded as an aphrodisiac, chocolate symbolizes sensuality and spread and coffee houses
decadence. It was sacred to the Maya and aztecs, and chocolate proliferated, coffee came
drinks played an important role in Mayan betrothal and marriage to symbolize sociability
rituals. The aztecs used cacao seeds as currency and chocolate- and hospitality.
drinking was restriced to the elite; its luxury image remains.

once a precious commodity, salt
was given in lieu of wages to
soldiers in ancient Rome. Its
long association with meat
preservation led to symbolism
concerning purity and spiritual
incorruptibility. In Christianity,
it represents divine wisdom; in
folklore, throwing salt over
one’s shoulder dispels bad luck.
Symbolic of family,
hospitality, and
harmony, tea is ritually
significant in the east. In China visiting See alSo
diplomats are often presented with The head pp.106–09 Judaism pp.172–73
tea-making paraphernalia to symbolize Fertility & childbirth Christianity pp.176–79
peaceful resolution; in Japan the tea ceremony pp.120–23
is a Zen-influenced art form that signifies discipline, Love & marriage pp.126–27
respect, and tranquillity. Creation stories pp.156–57
e are set apart from part of the body has its own symbolism,
animals by our ability to inspired by its function or appearance. The
reason, to invent, and to head, for example, variously represents the
create, as exemplified in life-force, the seat of reason, and spirituality;
our myths, symbols, and its importance is reflected by the fact that
signs. For milennia, philosophers have people in authority are called “heads”, and
debated the human place in the cosmos, and royalty is crowned. The eye is all-seeing and
how we should deal with the fundamental the “window of the soul”, whereas the nose is
issues of birth, life, and death. To create order usually seen as phallic, and the hair is thought
and meaning in our lives, we have constructed to be a sign of strength. Symbolically, the male
various rituals and symbolisms to accompany is equated to fire and is phallic, while the
the key milestones in people’s lives, such as female is related to water and is receptive.
birth, puberty, marriage, and death. Together, they form a whole and, like the Sun
In the ancient world the human body was and waters, symbolize creativity.
often seen as the universe in microcosm; the Early societies noticed that the human life
Chinese believed that a healthy body cycle, particularly that of the female, had its
represented Yin-Yang in perfect balance, while parallel in the changing rhythm of the seasons.
many religions associate it Gods and symbols were closely connected
with Divine Power – with the fertility of the soil and the seasonal
hence, gods appeared patterns of growth, death, and regeneration.
in human form. Every A golden wheat sheaf, for example, symbolizes

fertility and child, and initiation and marriage ceremonies.
EARLY SOCIETIES abundance. Many These rituals not only marked important
NOTICED THAT THE cultures emphasize transition points but also served as a means
HUMAN LIFE CYCLE, the male principle of regulating and unifying society.
PARTICULARLY in fertility, and the Every culture deals with death differently
THAT OF THE phallus became and this is reflected in the way people bury
FEMALE, HAD ITS venerated as a their dead, and how they mourn and
PARALLEL IN THE potent symbol remember them. Great care is often taken to
CHANGING of male fertility, ensure the deceased would have a safe passage
RHYTHM OF THE represented in to the afterlife, and there are numerous myths
SEASONS columns, obelisks, about life beyond death. Some afterworlds are
and maypoles. joyous places, others places of limbo or dread;
However, in early agrarian communities a often this is seen as either a reward or a
mother goddess embodying the female punishment for an individual’s behaviour
principle was seen as the source of all life. during his or her lifetime.
Deities and symbols of childbirth and Death and mourning rituals are also laden
fertility helped promote conception, ease a with symbolism, from the placement of graves
painful labour, or ensure a healthy child; the to the colour of mourning clothes; other
vulva-like cowrie shell is one such symbolic symbols also evolved that spoke of death, such
talisman. Various complex social and religious as the Grim Reaper or rotting fruit, and serve
rituals were also developed, such as naming a as a reminder that life on this Earth is short.


In many cultures the head is considered spirituality. Such is its significance as a
the most important part of the human symbol of life that heads are bowed as
body because it contains the brain. a sign of respect, crowns are placed on
It is symbolic of the life force the heads of royalty, winners are given
within. The head is the seat of crowns of glory, and people in
reason, wisdom, intellect, and authority are known as “heads”.

Mythology is full of creatures – whether men, Symbolically, the ear’s shape associates it with the
spirits, or gods – with many heads, each of which spiral and the shell. The shell is a birth symbol
represents an aspect of its owner. Hecate was linked to the vulva and this accounts for the idea
first depicted as a three-headed deity in the 5th of birth from an ear, which occurs in Hindu
century. Her heads show three sides of her mythology: Karma was born from his mother’s
character and are sometimes replaced with a dog, ear. The ear is also linked to the breath of life; in
a horse, and a serpent. Multiple-headed beings, Egyptian symbolism the right ear receives the
such as Brahma, are more common in the East, “air of life” and the left ear the “air of death”. In
especially in Hinduism and Buddhism. Africa ears are symbols of sexual nature, while in
Buddhism and Jainism long ears relate to wisdom.

 Shiva  Satyr
Usually shown with only one  Hecate The goat-like satyrs, the followers
head, Shiva has three here. Statues of the Roman goddess of Dionysus, are depicted with
The one in the centre is Hecate were often found at prominent, pointed ears. The goat
Shiva himself; the right forks in the road. Her three symbolizes male sexuality,
head represents his heads symbolize her ability to and these ears highlight the
consort, Parvati; the see in all directions, offering satyrs’ wild, uncontrollable spirit,
left head is Bhairava, protection to travellers at as well as their attraction to
Shiva’s fierce aspect. these dangerous junctions. sensual pleasure.

Janus Brahma  Ear-stelae Ears of the Buddha

As the Roman god of beginnings In Hindu art Brahma usually has Ears in Egyptian funerary art Elongated earlobes are a
and endings, Janus is depicted four heads. These are said to were thought to aid the gods feature of the Buddha. A symbol
with two faces so that he can represent many aspects of in hearing prayers. They were of his wisdom, they also remind
look in two directions at the Hinduism, such as the four relatively common, especially in us that he was once a prince
same time, as well as into the Vedas (the most religious texts a class of reliefs called ear- who wore heavy earrings. Even
-,2 past and the future. These
two heads guarded exits
for Hindus), the four varnas (the
caste system), and the four
stelae. These stelae were
dedicated to certain gods in
after he stopped wearing them,
his lobes carried the scars of his
and entrances. yugas (the divisions of time). appreciation for their goodwill. old worldly possessions.
Symbolic of gods, especially Sun gods, as all-seeing
beings, eyes represent perception and spiritual
enlightenment. Two eyes often correspond to the
Sun and the Moon. A third eye can mean fire.
Eyes are also capable of destruction but in Egypt,
the eye is used as a protective talisman. In  Eye of Providence  Right Eye of Horus  Left Eye of Horus
Buddhism it symbolizes wisdom, while others In Christianity the Eye of Resembling the eye of a falcon, The mirror image of, or left, Eye
Providence represents God’s this symbol, the wadjett (or of Horus represents the Moon,
believe in the evil eye – the curse of a single omniscience and omnipresence. udjat),
t is usually said to and together, the two eyes
glance. Through the ages, eyes in works of art From the late Renaissance represent the right eye of the represent the whole universe.
have been mutilated through fear of their power. the eye was often pictured Egyptian falcon god, Horus, The Eye of Horus is a sacred
within a triangle that signifies and as such it is associated symbol that is found in almost
the Holy Trinity. with the Sun. all works of Egyptian art.

Widely seen as a symbol of sharpness, the nose
means discernment and perceptiveness. It is also
characterized as a symbol of prying or meddling.
 Osiris  Enlightenment Because it is used for the sense of smell, it is
The Egyptian hieroglyph for the In Hinduism and Buddhism the respected by hunter-gatherer tribes, who collect
god Osiris is an eye above a third eye, or Eye of Wisdom,
throne, meaning “the place of located on the sixth chakra (or the snouts of the beasts they have killed. It is
the eye”. According to myth, brow chakra) of a deity, signifies widely seen as a phallic symbol, so men prefer
Horus gave the eye to Osiris enlightenment. a large nose, whereas women prefer a small nose,
as a gift, to help him rule
the underworld. indicating femininity and sexual awareness.

In Greek mythology the Cyclops
were a race of brutish giants,
each with a single eye in the
middle of its forehead. This is
considered by some to indicate
the subhuman condition and
 The prow of a boat  Peacock feathers diminished consciousness.
The evil eye is one of the most The Greek giant Argos had 100  Tengu  Pinocchio
widespread superstitions, and eyes, and only a few slept at any In Japan priests who seek In the Italian novel Pinocchio
talismans in the form of eyes one time. On Argos’s death, Hera, fame and misuse the Buddhist by Carlo Collodi the eponymous
are used to protect against it. queen of the gods, set his eyes scriptures become tenguu – long- puppet’s nose grew longer
In the Mediterranean, eyes into the peacock’s tail, which nosed mountain demons – after whenever he lied. A hand
are sometimes painted on came to signify a preoccupation their deaths. Proud people in gesture pulling out from the
boats to ward off the evil spell. with the external world. Japan are shown with long nose now signifies that a
noses and are also called tengu. person is lying.

Ethiopian portraits  Raised or wrinkled nose

Ethiopian art is distinguishable In Europe a raised or wrinkled
from the art of many other nose conveys arrogance or
indigenous peoples by the large disgust, as in phrases such
eyes seen on all its human as “to turn one’s nose up”.
subjects. The significance of In Japanese hanataka
this is an emphasis on the eyes (“high nose”) means proud.
as windows of the soul.

Egyptian deities pp.138–39

Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
Hinduism pp.158–63
Buddhism pp.164–69 -,3
Amulets pp.194–95
Picture writing pp.300–05
Since ancient times hair has been seen as symbolic of inner strength and
power, lasting even after the person dies. Cutting hair can mean surrender
and sacrifice. Hair radiating from the head is a symbol of the Sun’s rays. It is
also associated with the Earth, grass being the “hair” of the Earth. Simple
agricultural societies equated hair growth with crop growth, so they cared
for their hair to ensure abundant harvests.

 Zeus  Shiva
Several Ancient Greek heroes Often shown with a pile of
had long hair, and Greek densely matted hair resembling
soldiers wore their hair long in a crown, Shiva never cut his
battle as a sign of aristocracy. hair because it was believed
Here the luxuriant locks of Zeus, to hold a magical source of
king of the gods, symbolize his power and energy. It is usually
divine power and virility. decorated with a crescent.

 Samson and Delilah Mary Magdalene  Buddhist topknot Egyptian gods

In the Old Testament Samson’s full head of hair In much medieval Christian art Mary Magdalene The Buddha is usually shown The Egyptian hieroglyph for a
symbolized power and virility, and he was famous is shown as having long red hair, which she with an ushnisha, a protuberance god is a bearded figure, since
for his feats of extraordinary strength. Samson’s wears down over her shoulders. This was on his head which signifies the beard was considered a
name meant “like the Sun”, and long hair was a generally considered to be a sign of sexual spiritual knowledge. This may divine attribute. Egyptian kings
symbol of the Sun’s radiant power. When Delilah impropriety in women at the time, as well as have derived from the topknot wore beards in their official
betrayed him by cutting his hair, she made him being indicative of penitence. he wore before abandoning images whether or not they
weak and vulnerable. his princely life. had beards in real life.

As the organ of speech, the tongue can destroy
or create. It is often likened to a flame because
of its darting movement and red colour. To the
Ancient Egyptians, the tongue was the visible
manifestation of the spoken word, through
which the god Ptah created the universe. In
many cultures images of a face with a “stuck-out”
tongue are used to ward off harmful spirits.

 Gorgon Egyptian god Bes  Maori war cries Goddess Kali

The most widely used image A minor god of Ancient Egypt, Before battle, the Maori Statues of Kali, the Hindu
to avert evil in Ancient Greece Bes is represented as a dwarf tribespeople of New Zealand goddess of destruction, are
was the Gorgoneion, the with a large head and would perform a haka dance to often terrifying due to her
head of the Gorgon. This protruding tongue. Bes was invoke Tumatauenga, the god crazed eyes and a protruding
fearsome image, with a household protector who of war, and warn the enemy of tongue that looks like a flame.
goggling eyes, snake hair, battled evil. He came to be their fate. The dance involved Her facial expressions show
and a protruding tongue, associated with childbirth fierce facial expressions and the extent of her power to
was placed on doors, walls, because he was thought the poking out of tongues as destroy, and her flickering
and tombstones in the hope to fend off harmful spirits far as possible as a symbol of tongue symbolizes mockery
of protection against evil. during labour. aggression and challenge. of human ignorance.
Because teeth are used for chewing and tearing
food, they symbolize animal strength and
aggression. Protruding teeth are a feature typical
of Buddhist deities in their wrathful aspect. But
there is global variation regarding the symbolism
of the teeth. In some cultures tooth filing as a
sign of beauty features in coming-of-age rituals,
while in others long teeth are a sign of ambition.

 Cadmus  Wrathful deity  Toothlessness  Dracula

In Ancient Greece Protruding teeth often feature The absence of teeth is a sign Fanged teeth have come
teeth were a symbol on Shivaite and Buddhist of lost youth, as well as the to symbolize bloodsucking
of fertility. Hardened deities, such as Kali and Yama, loss of the ability to fight and vampires. Prolific in folklore,
warriors called Spartoi in their wrathful aspects. Sharp, defend oneself. It is a symbol the most famous vampire is
(“sown men”) grew prominent teeth represent of frustration and weakness, Bram Stoker’s Count Dracula,
from where Cadmus power and force and are seen since a healthy jaw denotes who uses his fangs to pierce
planted dragon’s teeth in statues of the deities as vigour and confidence. The his victims’ flesh before sucking
in the ground, and the protectors against evil. Large, word “toothless” has become out their blood. The sexual
city of Thebes was fang-like teeth are a feature synonymous with anything that symbolism of sharp teeth
founded on this spot. of Asian demons. is lacking in force. incising human flesh is implicit.

The mouth is the channel through which we talk, eat, and breathe. It is THE LIPS
seen as a symbol of creative force. But the ability to reason and speak our
thoughts can be undermined by what we say. Our words can lead us into The full, reddened lips of a woman are
either an elevated world or a lower, debased world. The mouth is considered attractive because they mimic the
sometimes depicted as the lips of an angel or the jaws of a monster. sexual swelling of the female genitalia. Full
lips are appealing because the more oestrogen
a woman has, the fuller her lips will be, thereby
signalling fertility. Lipstick mimics this, giving
the impression of sexual arousal.

 Mouth of Hell
In medieval Christian art the entrance to Hell is often shown as the
gaping fiery mouth of the huge reptilian monster Leviathan. In this
Doom painting, those unworthy of Heaven are taken by demons to the
mouth of Hell, beyond which lies eternal pain and torment.

Egyptian deities pp.138–39
Greek & Roman deities pp. 140–141
Hinduism pp.158–63
Buddhism pp.164–69
Christianity pp.176–79
Picture writing pp.300–05

To the American Indians, a man’s scalp symbolized his life force. It was removed not only
as a trophy of war but also to verify the courage of the warrior who won it. Occasionally,
the victim of a scalping survived, though with severe injuries. Many rituals surrounded
the bringing home of scalps from war, and their drying and decoration.
 Skull cup The skull is one of the most striking of all symbols. A widely-
Used in Tibetan Buddhism,
the skull cap is a decorated held belief that the power of the human soul resided in the
cup or bowl made from a
human skull. It represents head made skulls, and heads, prized trophies in many cultures.

The image of a grinning skull is a visual metaphor for sought to transfer the victim’s soul, or life force, to himself,
mortality, particularly in the West. It appears as a warning his land, and his community. Headhunting was an important
on toxic products, for example, or as a grim means of renewing fertility and spiritual
icon on a memorial stone. But in some power after a death in the community, or a
cultures attitudes are very different and failed harvest. In some cultures heads were
people honour the skull as powerful source tokens of manhood, and young men could
of life and fertility, rather than fearing it as a marry only after taking their first head. In
terrifying symbol of death. Southeast Asia and Melanesia among tribes
such as the Iban, Ilongot, and Dayak,
O=?NA@OGQHHO headhunting was a ritual, as well as an act
Because of its association with the soul and of war. The Maoris preserved their enemies’
the afterlife, the skull has strong religious heads by smoking them after removing the
connotations. The cult of the skull as a skull. In China, too, Qin soldiers collected
sacred object was widespread among ancient their enemies’ heads. As most of the soldiers
peoples. In Nordic mythology, the skull of the  The place of the skull were slaves, they gained their freedom by
giant Ymir became the vault of Heaven after The crucifixion of Christ occurred at Golgotha, returning from war with such trophies.
said by some to be the spot where Adam’s
his death; in pre-Columbian America, the skull lay buried. Christ’s blood dripping on it
skull was honoured by the Aztecs and other was said to cleanse man of Original Sin. ODNQJGAJDA=@O
tribes. Skulls also appear in the iconography Of the many
of many Hindu and Buddhist deities, often in garlands or on headhunting cultures worldwide,
a sceptre. As a Christian emblem, the skull is associated with only the Jivaro clan, of the Amazon
penitence and is a pious reminder of the transience of life. forests of Ecuador and Peru, is
known for the practice of shrinking
DA=@DQJPEJCNEPQ=HO human heads, or tsantsa. By
Until recently, taking human acquiring a head in battle, a Jivaro
heads as symbols of power warrior increased his own personal
was common among certain power, or arutam, but the dead
peoples in parts of Southeast man’s soul was still considered
Asia, Oceania, and South dangerous. Shrinking the head
skull was removed, and the
America. The custom arose destroyed its power and prevented the skin was filled with hot
from the belief that the soul victim’s avenging spirit from returning. sand or pebbles. The head
resided in the head; through The head was also thought to improve was then massaged until
it shrank.
decapitation, the headhunter the growth of crops.

 New Guinea clubhouse SEE ALSO

A huge ceremonial clubhouse erected Death & mourning pp.128–31
on the island of New Guinea, north of Hinduism pp.158–63
Australia, in which the skulls from
headhunting expeditions were displayed.
The relationship between people and the Universe was an important issue
in Renaissance thought. Da Vinci’s famous drawing of the Vitruvian Man
was based on an idea by the Roman architect Vitruvius. It can be interpreted
as an analogy between the structure of the human body and the structure of
the Universe. To alchemist and writer, Agrippa of Nettesheim, the body was
the microcosm that contained the macrocosm – that is, the Universe.

1. The circle
During the Renaissance humanists likened the perfection
of the circle to God. They believed that a person,
represented here by Leonardo’s figure, formed the circle,
or spiritual world, by the circular motion of his/her body,
which symbolized the creative spirit that lifted people
above the limitations of the physical world, or square.

2. The square
Man the microcosm
The figure stands within the square that is superimposed on
Agrippa of Nettesheim (1486–1535) was the foremost Renaissance author on the
the circle. Some people believe that Leonardo was not only
subjects of magic, astrology, and esoterica. His best-known work, the three-part
providing an exercise in proportion but also showing
De Occulta Philosophia, examines the concept – widely held at the time – that the
symbolically how someone can be simultaneously in the
Universe is built on the model of a man and has a soul. Agrippa visualized a man,
natural and spiritual worlds.
the microcosm, in the same shape as a pentagram representing the Universe, or
macrocosm. In this drawing, the five points of the pentagram jointly represent
3. Divine proportion
the parts of the body and the planets, shown as symbols, that were known to
Following Vitruvius’s lead, Leonardo’s main intention in this
astrologers at the time, At the top are the head and the planet Mars; the arms
drawing was to illustrate the concept of what is known as
correlate to Venus (left) and Jupiter (right); the legs correlate to Mercury (left) and
the Divine Proportion. According to this principle, each
Saturn (right). The Moon appears at the centre of the pentagram, near the genitals.
separate part of the body is a simple fraction of the whole.
For example, the head measured from the forehead to
the chin is exactly one tenth of the total height, and the
outstretched arms are always as wide as the body is tall.
The Divine Proportion of the human body reflects the
symmetry that occurs throughout the Universe.

Leonardo da Vinci,The Vitruvian Man, 1492
The human body was considered in many beyond their biological functions. In many
traditions to be the microcosm of the religions the human figure symbolized the
universe: everything that existed outside of a Divine Power and was the principal symbol
person was represented within. Most cultures of the sacred. Gods appeared in human form,
allocated symbolism to every part of the and the Old Testament states that “God made
body and gave these parts meaning man in his own image”.

The grim image of a human ske As the framework of the human body, bones
the personification of Death. In epresent strength, stability, and determination.
antiquity skeletons are present The Amazonian Yanomana tribe believed the
as a reminder of life’s fleeting pl oul resided in bone marrow, so they ate the
The skeleton is often depicted s marrow of deceased relatives to ensure their
to both priests and peasants as pirit lived on. For this reason, bone marrow
that Death treats all people equ ymbolizes immortality and resurrection.

of Death  Ribs
In tarot th The Bible’s book of
shows arm Genesis tells how God
heads gro took a rib from Adam
field of life to make Eve. The rib
skeleton i has therefore come
one of the to symbolize woman,
The card c born of man.
change an
as well
as death.

 Day o
In Mexico
as one mo
contend w
ultimate l
venerate t
during Day
sweets ar
of a skele  Spine
couple wa he pillar-like djedd represents the backbone of Egyptian god Osiris.
wedding c n Tantric Buddhism the primary chakras (centres of energy in the body)
un down the spine and open to release energy during meditation.
In Egypt, during mummification, four THE HEART
organs – the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines
– were placed in separate canopic jars. Each Long used to symbolize the spiritual and emotional core of a human being,
was protected by one of the four sons of Horus the heart is widely associated with love, while
hile the word “heart”
he is used
and associated with one of the four cardinal poetically to refer to the soul. Stylized depictions of hearts are used to
directions. In China the organs are associated represent love, and the Sacred Heart, often wrapped in a crown of thorns
with the seven bodily orifices. and situated on the chest of Christ, is a popular motif in Christian art.


The endless knot, a symbol of longevity and eternity, is thought to Weighing the heart
be a stylized image of the intestines, while the giant Humbaba in The heart played a fundamental part in Ancient Egyptian beliefs.
Assyrian mythology is said in some accounts to have had a face In the Hall of Judgment the heart of the deceased was weighed
resembling the coiled entrails of men and beasts. against an ostrich feather of Ma’at, goddess of truth and justice.  Human sacrifice
For the Aztecs the heart
was the centre of their
life force and religion.
Thousands of human
hearts, often still beating,
were offered up to the
 The winged heart Sun god to ensure thee
The winged heart, meaning ascension, is a symbol of the Sufi renewal of crops and
ovement, a mystic branch of Islam. It indicates
in that the heart regeneration off the
th soil.
is between soul and body, a medium between spirit and matter.

 Spleen  Liver Arms

The spleen is regarded as the For Ancient Romans the liver Arms are lifted in battle as a sign of surrender and are raised up
seat of the humours – laughter was considered the seat of to God in prayer or supplication. In Hinduism the multiple arms of
and melancholy. In the East it passion. In China the liver is deities such as Vishnu (below)
w symbolize their many roles.
means only cheerfulness, and one of the Eight Precious
in China is one of the Eight Organs of the Buddha and is
Treasures linked to Yin energy. represented by the lotus flower.

Our legs and arms are seen as the most active
parts of the body. Legs are a sign of balance and
onward movement. They symbolize good luck

and are depicted in the four-limbed swastika and
in three-legged signs, portraying fertility and
regeneration. The arm shows strength, power, EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHIC ARM SIGN

and protection and is the instrument of justice.

 Legs The lotus pp.86–87
Perhaps the most famous leg Death & mourning pp.128–31
Hinduism pp.158–63
symbol is the triskelion, seen on
Buddhism pp.164–69
the flags of the Isle of Man (left)
t Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
and Sicily. It means good luck, Christianity pp.176–79
fertility, and regeneration, with Islam pp.180–83 --1
its image of constant movement
Hand and footprints are, to many, a personal hand positions are used in many cultures
reminder of being in a specific place. In to enhance meditation and religious rituals.
Buddhism footprints purporting to have been Feet represent balance, the Earth, and travel,
left by the Buddha are revered. The action of marking the path a person has taken and,
the hand is full of symbolism, and different therefore, symbolizing free will.

The hands are infinitely expressive and capable
of displaying a wide range of gestures, each with
different meanings. Hands can be an instrument
of command but may also signify protection,
creation, blessing, power, a pledge, strength,
and teaching. Healers work by the “laying on”
of hands; people holding hands convey love and
affection; we shake hands when meeting others;
and we offer a “helping hand” to those in need.

 Hand of God
A hand reaching out from Heaven is often a depiction of the hand of
God. Traditionally, God’s left hand is concerned with justice, and His
right with mercy. The hand of God creates and protects, but if His
laws are not obeyed, it also punishes.

 Hamsa hand
This ancient hand symbol,
most commonly known as the
Hamsa or Hamesh, is used as a
protective amulet by both
Jews and Muslims to
guard against the evil
eye. In some instances,
a stylized eye appears
in the centre of the palm
of the hand.
 Creator gods  Faith and justice  Hand washing
The hands of the Egyptian In heraldry a hand on a crest The washing of hands indicates
creator gods, Ptah and Khnum, or shield is a pledge of faith, innocence, and stems from
are symbols of creative power. sincerity, and justice; two joined Pontius Pilate washing his
Ptah created the heavens and right hands represent union and hands after the trial of Christ.

Earth, while Khnum (shown alliance. The open hand may Clean hands imply a pure and
here) made people. also signify the Sun. sin-free soul.

 Hands on gravestones
Many meanings are seen in
hands on gravestones. Shaking
hands are a farewell to Earth; an
upward index finger is the hope
of Heaven; clutching an arrow
--2 means “mortality”; and hands
held over a broken chain mean
the loss of a family member.
 Unit of measurement
In Asia, long fingernails were The hand as a unit of
considered a sign of wealth, measurement dates back to
since only the rich could Egyptian times. Today this
preserve their nails by being unit of measurement is used
 Clasped and hidden hands idle. These intricately carved primarily in defining the height
In China clasping one’s hands together, often hidden by long sleeves, gold nail guards are from China of horses, though in Bali
denotes respect and amiability, since the hands cannot then be used and would have been used to a man’s house is still built
in aggression. Hands raised, palms together, as a form of greeting are preserve long fingernails. according to his own size, based
also symbolic of respect being shown. on hand width and arm length.

The power of mobility and a “solid foundation” is symbolized by our feet.
In Hinduism, feet are seen as a point of divine contact between human
beings and Earth. In the Middle East one showed respect for a visitor or
friend by washing their feet, while in Asia feet are considered unclean, so
it is taboo to point the soles of your feet towards another person.

 Vishnu’s giant steps  Demonic feet

The feet and footprints of Vishnu The foot is said to support the
are worshipped after a myth soul, since it serves to keep
that tells how, in his dwarf the entire body upright. For this

incarnation, he requested King reason, demonic beings are
Bali grant him as much land as often depicted with feet that
he could cover in three steps. differ from those of a person –
On reverting to full size, he set either hairy, emphasizing the
 Bare feet one foot on Earth, one in the air, demon’s animal nature, or
In the West bare feet are a
sign of humility and poverty.
Christ and the Apostles,
Franciscan friars, and saints  Feet washing SEE ALSO
are all depicted in art without Washing a pilgrim’s feet is the first symbolic act of hospitality Death & mourning pp.128–31
footwear. Eastern nations performed in monasteries along the pilgrimage roads. The washing Hinduism pp.158–63
customarily perform all acts itself recalls Christ’s own actions at the Last Supper. He washed Satan & demons pp.190–91
of religious worship with bare the feet of His disciples at the meal as a means of expressing His Amulets pp.194–95
feet. In antiquity bare feet were humble service and love. The humility is implied due to the perception Heraldic emblems pp.318–23
also a sign of mourning. of the feet as unclean parts of the body. Symbolic gestures pp.334–37
ddha’s footprints, Buddhapada, are found at
any Buddhist temples and are seen as signs of
e Buddha’s presence. It is believed that he left
em to guide us to enlightenment. Many are
corated with symbolic images, including the
, 108, or 132 distinctive signs of the Buddha.
hese footprints from the Indian stupa of
maravati are surrounded by symbolic motifs.

2 1

5 3


Centre of the sole

he centre of the sole is a 1,000-spoked wheel (dharma-
kra), edged with a band of four-petalled flowers. The
eel is a symbol of the Buddha’s teachings and is one
he Eight Auspicious Symbols.

swastika means “the auspicious” and is an Ancient
an symbol.

triratna mark is a felicitous symbol in which a three-
nged element surmounts a flower motif; it symbolizes
three jewels of Buddhism – the Buddha, Buddhist Law
arma), and the community of monks (sangha).

Lotus flowers
feet are surrounded by intertwined lotus flowers.
lotus is another of the Eight Auspicious Symbols. The
ts of a lotus are entrenched in the mud, the stem grows
hrough the water, and the flower lies in the sunlight,
mbolizing purity and enlightenment.

g, straight toes that are all the same length are one
he 32 signs of Buddhahood.

knotted shape symbolizes the infinite wisdom
he Buddha.

Small figure
enevolent spirit, or yaksha, sits in the area around the
s. His umbilical cord is a vine on which grows jewels in
form of fruit.

Throughout human history people have while the Egyptians had countless gods to
revered fertility and birth symbols, from call upon to aid fertility. Major pagan rituals
phalluses to patron saints. Every ancient occurred in spring, celebrating rebirth and
civilization had important rituals focusing fertility. The arrival of Christianity did not
on the creation of new life and plentiful end the belief in fertility symbols. Indeed,
harvests. The Mesopotamians are believed to they are so deeply rooted in our culture that
have made figurines for use in fertility rites, many are still used today.

From the earliest times and in every culture, Egyptian deity Min was the god of fertility in animals and crops,
and as such he was in charge of the rain. At harvest time he was
the regular birth of children ensured survival. praised in the hope that he would bless the cro
Cultures developed many deities to watch Min is always d
over and promote fertility. By paying homage
to deities, worshippers were calling forth
specialized energy to aid them in their
endeavour. These gods represented the fertility
of people and the land upon which they lived.

 The linga
In India Shiva, the supreme god  Astarte
of creative energy, was often This exaggerated gold figure depicts
represented by and worshipped Astarte, or Ashtart, a Semitic goddes
as a phallic symbol called the sexual love, maternity, and fertility. It

linga. It is a potent depiction of from c16th century BCE.

the god’s invisible presence at
the core of creation.

 Priapus  Lotus-headed goddess

Priapus was a Greek The mysterious goddess Lajja
fertility god symbolized by an Gauri is depicted with a lotus for
exaggerated e phallus. The son of a head and legs open and raised,
Aphrodite and either Dionysus suggesting either birthing or
-., or Hermes, he was the protector sexual availability. She is the
of livestock, fruit plants,
ts elemental force of all life.
gardens, and male genitalia.
itaal a
Certain animals and plants have long been The peacock has long been
associated with fertility as it
associated with fertility because of their was thought to dance before
reproductive habits or their appearance. As rainfall. Its fan-shaped tail has
a result, their image was sometimes used as been said to be a symbol of the
Sun; alternatively, it represents
a fertility talisman. Examples include the the vault of Heaven, and the
bull, the cockerel, and the rabbit, as well “eyes” upon it are the stars.
as the many-seeded pomegranate.
 The Venus of Willendorf
The Venus is an idealization of
the female figure. This statuette
was discovered in 1908 at a
 Easter egg alaeolithic site near Willendorf,
Much of the symbo ustria. Her pronounced vulva,
of present-day East reasts, and belly suggest a
celebrations is not rong connection to fertility.
Christian in origin.
The Easter bunny
and chocolate eggs
are echoes of
ancient spring
fertility rites,
and the name
“Easter” comes
from Eostre, the
goddess of fertility.
 Pine cone azelnuts
Pine trees were powerful e that With its nourishing nuts and
fertility symbols in many bears it, the acorn has been tendency to grow near water,
cultures. The Celts gathered considered a powerful fertility hazel was a traditional symbol
pine cones for use as fertility symbol dating back to pagan of fertility and female wisdom.
charms by a woman hoping to times. The strongest bringers of Strings of hazelnuts would be
conceive. Often they were put fertility were acorns that had hung in rooms to bring fertility
under her pillow as she slept. been gathered at night. to the occupants.

 Pomegranate C  Fish

Its abundance of seeds led to These shells were viewed as Used for millennia worldwide
the pomegranate’s use as a common symbols of fertility, as a religious symbol associated
symbol of fertility, birth, and birth, and womanhood because with the pagan Mother Goddess.
eternal life. Ritual items, such of their resemblance to the The fish symbol was often
as jars, pendants, and sceptres, vulva. They were given to brides drawn by overlapping two
are often seen in the shape of to guarantee offspring and very thin crescent moons.
the pomegranate. provide a safe delivery.

The word “cornucopia” literally means “horn of plenty”, from cornu
(horn) and copiaee (abundance, plenty). The cornucopia was used to
 Wheat sheaf  Sheela na Gig evoke abundance in Ancient Greek and Roman art, and it was often
The sheaf of wheat Carvings of women with shown overflowing with fruit, wheat, and flowers.
signifies a good an exaggerated vulva
harvest, fertility, are commonly found
and a closeness to the in Ireland on
Earth and her resources. churches of SEE ALSO
To early agricultural people, the medieval
Aquatic creatures pp.68–71
a good wheat harvest period. They Fruits of the Earth pp.98–99
assured plenty of the were seen as Hinduism pp.158–63
bread that would keep protective fertility Christianity pp.176–79 -.-
the community alive symbols.
throughout the winter.
The phallus, the erect male sex organ, is a
symbol of fertility and strength. Phallic symbols
are among the most ancient objects excavated
in both Asia and Europe, indicating a longtime
concern with fertility. The phallus can be seen in
deities, such as the Greco-Roman god Priapus, or  Cerne Abbas
objects, like the Shiva linga of India. It was also The Cerne Abbas giant, or
“Rude Man”, is the largest hill
glorified through fertility rites centred around figure in Britain. Carved into
the maypole and the pillar. the earth to expose the chalk
beneath, the giant is 55m
(180ft) long. His monstrous
 Bull’s horn on chain phallus and huge club symbolize
The bull is a potent symbol of the fertility and renewal.
masculine principle in nature, full
of procreative power, and was
worshipped in Egypt, India, and
parts of the Mediterranean. Today Maenad and thyrsos
a bull’s horn on a chain is a popular Sacred to the Greek god
jewellery item among young men. Dionysus, the thyrsos, an
ivy-twined, pine-cone-tipped
 Herm staff, is an obvious phallic
The street corners in Ancient Athens each
had a herm, dedicated to Hermes. A herm
was a square column topped with the god’s
head, on which were sculpted erect penises,
which passers-by would touch for luck.


The phallic symbol is just as prevalent in modern culture as it ever was in
ancient times, though its association with regeneration has diminished in
the western world. Objects that are phallic in shape tend to be linked to
power. In the 20th century the theories of psychologist Sigmund Freud had
huge impact on western culture. Freud believed that in our subconscious,
all elongated objects represented the male organ.

ejaculation, while to lose one s gun is emasculating.


The rocket is a classic
phallic shape, and even
the language associated
with it, such as “thrust”, is
pseudo-sexual. It may Psychologists claim that any vehicle – such as a car, motorbike,
be interpreted as a male or scooter – has the potential of a phallic symbol, and for many
desire to conquer – in the sports car is the ultimate. It represents sexual potency and
-.. this instance,
instance space.
space generative power with its expense, length, and high-octane engi
Bringing a child into the world is the ultimate
act of procreation and regeneration, and as
such it has been revered and mythologized
throughout history. Childbirth has many
accompanying symbols and rituals designed to
protect the mother, to assure the health of the
child, or simply to celebrate the miracle of birth.  Scorpio
One of the most potent universal symbols of The zodiac sign for Scorpio
rules the male and female sex
birth is water, which is associated with the organs and therefore has close
feminine principle and the universal womb. links to reproduction. All
arrowed zodiac symbols are
linked to the masculine.
In Ancient Egypt the
part-hippo deity,
Tawaret, was goddess  Ka  Stork
of all things feared by The Egyptian hieroglyph ka Long associated with childbirth,
man. But once it was is usually translated as “soul”, the stork is a fertility symbol
understood that the or “spirit”. The kaa came into that is also linked to birth and
female hippo’s existence when an individual springtime. The concept of a
aggression was to was born and acted as an stork delivering newborn babies
protect her young, invisible double, representing to their mothers is taught to
Tawaret became that person’s life force. children throughout North
overseer of childbirth. America and Europe.

CQ=N@E=JOKB  Frigg
?DEH@>ENPD A Nordic goddess of women,
motherhood, and household
Because childbirth has always been a risky and management, Frigg was the
important event, it is unsurprising that so many wife of Odin and the patron of
guardians and goddesses are called upon for childbirth, granting aid to
women suffering the pains of
help. Most cultures had some kind of protector labour. Scandinavians used the
at this time, whether a goddess of childbirth, such plant lady’s bedstraw (Galium
as the Romans’ Lucina, a guardian of both mother verum) as a gentle sedative
during a difficult birth, dubbing
and child, the Greek goddess Juno, and the it “Frigg’s grass”.
Egyptians’ Isis and Hathor; or the many Roman
Catholic saints.

 St. Anne
According to apocryphal
Christian literature, St. Anne
was the mother of the Virgin
Mary. She is the saint to whom
pregnant women pray for a
safe pregnancy and delivery
 Hecate and enough milk to feed the
In addition to her role as newborn child. Over the
protector of travellers at road centuries, St. Anne has become
junctions, Hecate was also a one of the most popular saints.
goddess of childbirth. In this
 Ixchel  St. Gerard Majella guise, she was often called
In Mayan culture Ixchel was the Many hospitals dedicate their upon to ease the pains of
labour, as well as to guarantee SEE ALSO
goddess of pregnancy and maternity wards to the patron
the health of a child. As a Birds pp.58–61
childbirth. She was also called saint of pregnancy and
midwife, she carried a sacred Greek and Roman deities pp.140–41
the goddess of becoming. As expectant mothers. In life, he Celtic and Nordic deities pp.142–43
a fertility deity, she made devoted himself to pregnant knife to cut the umbilical cord.
Meso- and South American deities pp.144–45 -./
women fruitful and sent women after being falsely Western astrology pp.200–03
fertilizing rains to the Earth. accused of fathering a child. Picture writing pp.300–05

The ritual of circumcision has a long history and is practised in many
traditional communities. The Ancient Egyptians, seen here in this carved
stone panel, regarded the circumcized penis as a symbol of fertility.
 Baptism Between the two fixed points of birth and death humans go
The rite of purification
with water is usually through significant changes. Milestones in life, such as entry
associated with
acceptance into the to the adult world, are often marked by symbolic rites.
Christian faith.

Among the most important events in the human life cycle with, which is thought to carry negative influences from
is the passage of an individual from one status to another. a previous life. The shaving symbolizes cutting off the past
Occasions such as a child acquiring a name and preparing the child for the future.
or passing into adulthood are often defined
by ceremonies to introduce the person to =@KHAO?AJ?A
their new status and wish them well. Life’s milestones are often recognized in a
religious ceremony, such as Bar Mitzvah in
J=IEJC?ANAIKJEAO Judaism. In some societies a young person
A ceremony observed in almost every culture on the brink of maturity undergoes
is the naming of a child. Many Christians character-testing rituals during which he
baptize their children in a symbolic or she experiences a symbolic “death”, only
purification rite that confers membership to reappear as an adult. Usually, the rites
of the Christian Church. In Greece babies are include a period of trial and learning, when
named in a ceremony that takes place either the initiate is separated from the community.
on the fifth or seventh day after birth. For adolescent boys, circumcision, removal
Traditionally, when a boy is born, the family of the foreskin of the penis, is often the final
hangs a crown of olive leaves above their  Life transition stage of such ceremonies. The painful rite is
door to symbolize success. At Islamic naming After spending time in the bush, gaining symbolic of the child’s entry into manhood;
knowledge, these ochre-painted Australian
ceremonies an animal is sometimes sacrificed Aboriginal boys are awaiting circumcision. in some cultures circumcision represents the
as a symbol of thanksgiving to God for the removal of “female” aspects of the male.
gift of the child. Female circumcision is less common and girls are more likely
to celebrate the onset of
NEPQ=HD=EN?QPPEJC menstruation. In Ghana
Around the world, initiation rites vary according to belief the girl is ritually bathed
and culture. However, some, such as ritual haircutting, are and given new cloth; in

common to a wide diversity of societies and religions. Jewish Nepal a Buddhist ritual
boys, for example, have their first haircut at the age of three, keeps the girl away from
as a sign that they are ready to start learning. Hindu babies sunlight and all men for 12
have their heads shaved to remove the hair they were born days. Zulu girls smear clay
on their bodies to represent  Puberty ritual
 Bar Mitzvah a return to the innocence In the dipoo puberty ritual performed by the Krobo
Meaning “Son of the people of Ghana, young girls spend time in
of infancy, after which they seclusion before appearing at a public ceremony
Commandment”, Bar Mitzvah
marks the initiation of the emerge as adults. dressed in traditional clothes and jewellery.
13-year-old Jewish boy into
adherence to the Torah. For SEE ALSO
girls, the similarly named Hinduism pp.158–63
Bat Mitzvah occurs at the Buddhism pp.164–69
age of 12. This boy is being Judaism pp.172–73
initiated at the Western Christianity pp.176–79
Wall in Jerusalem.
The earliest, and perhaps strongest, social love is what makes the world go round, and
ties experienced by people everywhere are it is certainly central to the life and well-being
those of the family. Marriage therefore plays of many people. Symbols of love have evolved
a vital role in society and symbolizes order almost everywhere – from the English red
and stability. In the West it is declared that rose to the maple leaf of Japan and China.

Love tokens have long been used in bids to
woo women, because they were considered
a genuine and respectable way to show one’s
affection. Many love symbols and tokens hav
their origin in ancient times – the Moon and Heart pierced by arrow  TTurtlel doves
stars are emblematic of passion, seduction, any cultures believe that Turtle doves mate for life and
e heart is the seat of human are therefore seen as a symbol
and fidelity, for example – but lovers through motion, particularly love. When of love, fidelity, and peace.
the centuries have also turned to flowers, pid (Eros) shoots an arrow The dove is associated with
perfumes, gemstones, animals, tarot imagery, o a heart, it causes the victim Venus as sign of spring and
fall passionately in love. This sensuality. In association with
and colour to help them express their feeling why love is said to be both the olive branch it is a sign of
easurable and painful. peace and renewed life.

 Red rose  The Moon and the star

The mistletoe is sacred in some In China and Japan the maple The red rose represents all This West African Adinkra
places and is widely associated leaf is an emblem of lovers. things sensual, pure, and (symbol) of the Moon (male)
with mystery, magic, and North American settlers used to romantic. In Ancient Greece and and star (female), known as
wisdom. People kiss under place maple leaves at the foot Rome the rose was sacred to Osram ne nsoromma, signifies
the mistletoe because it is of their beds to ward off Aphrodite (Venus) and was her harmony and love. It is based
neither tree nor shrub and so demons, as well as to emblem of beauty. In the West on the story that the Pole Star
is equated with freedom encourage sexual pleasure it symbolizes passion, desire, has a deep love for her husband
from restrictions. and peaceful sleep. and love. the Moon and awaits his return.

ALENTINE  Valentine’s Day card
The Victorians
Vict took
alentine’s cards to
The earliest surviving written
writ valentine is a verse by elaborate lengths, Love spoons
Charles, Duke of Orleans.
rleans It was sent to his wife in France depicting any or all of o the Ornately carved love spoons
symbols associatedd w with are traditionally given by young
while he was held at the Tower of London, following Welsh suitors as tokens of
love and lovers: turtle
capture at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. Today, cards doves, lovers’s’ knots ini gold affection. Made from a single
are sent on St. Valentine’s Day, 14 February. The first or silver, bows and arrows,
a piece of wood, a love spoon
s, red roses, Cupids,
Cup may incorporate several
literary link between this day and romance
omance was probably romantic symbols, such as
hands, forget-me-nots,
forget-me-not and
in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Parliament of Fowlss (1382).) bleeding hearts. hearts (“my heart is yours”).
Marriage is one of the earliest social institutions
created by man, and marriage rites are observed
in almost every historically known society.
Formed for the purpose of procreation, it is the
union of opposites – male-female, Yin-Yang,
god-goddess – to form a whole. People marry  Gold ring Russian wedding ring  Puzzle ring
within their own group or outside it. Alliances The wedding band symbolizes These rings intertwine bands of In the Middle East puzzle rings
eternity by having no beginning three different colours of gold: were worn by wives to show
are made between families and strong social ties or end. Traditionally, both rose, yellow, and white. They faithfulness to their husband.
are formed. Marriage rites vary from extremely spouses wear one on the third are believed to represent the It is made up of many rings that,
elaborate to low-key and simple, and they may finger of the left hand, the vein Holy Trinity and are still very when worn correctly, form a
of which was believed to lead popular today. Elizabethans band ring. The complexity of
be secular events or religious ceremonies. to the heart, thereby linking the wore a version of this ring this design meant that they
couple’s destiny. called the gimmal ring. were rarely taken off.
 Love knot
c to Roman lore, this
n symbolized the legendary
e of Hercules. Also
n as the marriage knot,
it is a symbol of eternal love
and was incorporated into a
bride’s protective girdle, to
be untied by her groom.

 Shiro-maku kimono
The white Japanese wedding
kimono, shiro-maku, takes
its name from the words for
 Kiddush  Loving cup  Hennaed hands “white” and “pure”, signifying
At a Jewish wedding ceremony, The use of the loving cup is For the Hindu bride, Mehndi Day is when the bride’s hands and feet innocence. The bride also wears
the bride and groom drink from an ancient tradition that has are decorated with intricate henna designs, signifying the strength of a white obii (sash), which
a Kiddush cup to symbolize their its roots in Celtic and Jewish love in marriage. A deeply coloured design is a sign of good luck. The represents female virtue.
love. Traditionally, a drinking cultures. The bride and groom names of the bride and groom are often hidden in the pattern.
glass is broken at a Jewish share their first drink together
wedding to represent the end of as husband and wife,
their single life and beginning demonstrating the coming
of their union. together of two families.

Bridal bouquet  Wedding cake
In times gone by, it was thought The wedding cake is a key
a bride could pass on good luck, symbol of western marriage.
so wedding guests would try to Newlyweds make the first cut
touch her. In her bid to escape, together to symbolize their
she would toss her bouquet. shared future. In Britain
 Veil  Tying wrists  Rice and confetti
Worn in many cultures, The ancient tradition of binding Throwing things at a newly
the veil was thought to disguise newlyweds’ wrists together married couple is a very old
the bride from malevolent with ribbon or cord is intended tradition that dates back to SEE ALSO
spirits and ward off evil, but to create the infinity symbol Ancient Rome or Egypt. A Flowers pp.82–85
it also symbolizes innocence. between the bride and groom. symbol of abundance, rice was Human body pp.112–15
Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
The ceremonial removal of
the veil represents revelation
It is said that the phrase “to tie
the knot”, meaning to marry,
thrown in the hopes that the
couple would be prosperous
Christianity pp.176–79 -.3
and light. originated with this ritual. and have a fertile marriage.
People live in the shadow of death and the of death – the tending of the corpse, the way
unknown. How each culture deals with it is disposed of, commemorative ceremonies,
the fear of death depends upon its beliefs, and mourning – are of great importance.
myths, and practices. Some have developed Death is laden with symbols that reflect
a belief in the afterlife, others in immortality foreboding, sorrow, the journey to another
or rebirth. As a result, the ritual procedures life, and the joy this might bring.

Images of death range from the blunt depictions
of the Grim Reaper to more subtle depictions of
the fragility of life. The human skull is a symbol
of death found in many cultures and religious
traditions. The passing of time is represented by
clocks, candles, hourglasses, and sundials. Certain
animals, such as crows, cats, owls, vultures, and
bats, are also associated with death – some
because they feed on carrion, others because
they are black or are creatures of the night. m Reaper
Despite being viewed ern cultures, death is
many cultures as a symbol of eating dead matter made the often dubbed the Grim Reaper.
wisdom, hope, and fertility, vulture a symbol of death. In He is depicted as a skeletal
to Christians the raven is the Tibet, they are used for figure carrying a large scythe –
antithesis of the innocent white “sky burials”, in which they a harvesting tool for cutting life
dove. Eaters of carrion, ravens feast on corpses. short – and wearing a hooded
were messengers of death, midnight-black cloak.
pestilence, and battle, and
were associated with Satan.  Owls
As a creature of the night, the owl
can represent misfortune and spiritual
darkness. Some cultures believe that
owls swoop down to Earth to eat
the souls of the dying. Their loud
screeching cry and glassy-eyed
stare are thought to be omens of
death and disaster.

 Flags at half mast

Originally a naval custom, a
flag at half mast is a sign of
mourning. The flag is moved
 Angels halfway down the pole, usually
In Christian tradition angels are the messengers between God and slowly and with ceremony.  Poppies
humans, symbolizing the transition between Heaven and Earth. This Some countries lower it by just Long before World War I, the red poppy was already a symbol of
image is of St. Michael, who is believed to rescue the souls of the one flag width, making room sleep, death, and the Blood of Christ. Each poppy on Remembrance
faithful from the power of Satan, especially at the hour of death. for the invisible “flag of death”. Day is said to represent the soul of a fallen soldier.
Throughout history and in every human society,
the disposal of the dead has been accompanied
by symbolic ritual. Funerary rites deal not only
with the preparation and disposal of the body,  Jewish coffin
 Cypress trees but also with the well-being of the survivors. The In the Jewish faith the
In Mediterranean countries the deceased is buried in a simple
various methods are linked to religious beliefs, unpolished box with no handles
cypress is seen as a funerary
tree, due to a close association climate, and social status. Burial is associated with or padding. This symbolizes that
with the Roman god Pluto, ruler beliefs about the afterlife; cremation is sometimes in death all are equal, despite
of the underworld. But when personal wealth. The funeral is
viewed as liberating the spirit of the deceased. always a simple affair.  Mummification
linked with Zeus, Venus, or Ancient Egyptians developed
Apollo, it can also mean life. mummification to preserve the
body and so ensure immortality
in the next life. The mummy
was then placed in a series
of gilded wooden coffins.

 Ga tribe of Ghana  Jazz funeral  Mayan tomb

In coastal Ghana the Ga tribe This unique funeral tradition, The Mayan dead were placed in
believe that after death they arising from African spiritual graves that faced North or West,
 Bells move on to another life. Their practices in the United States, the direction of the Mayan  Ship burials
The sound of the “passing bell” coffins symbolize their lives, so has become symbolic of New heavens, to allow for easier The Anglo-Saxons used ships
is the herald of death, calling this fish coffin is for someone Orleans. The funeral includes access to the other world. The or boats in royal funerals, since
attention to the fact that a soul with close ties with the sea. sombre dirges, but ends with tombs had nine stepped the womb-like, water-borne
is passing into the next world, upbeat music and dancing in a platforms that represented the craft symbolized the king’s
and asking for your prayers. It communal celebration of life. nine levels of the underworld. rebirth. The vessel would also
was believed that the bell also be loaded up with goods for the
frightened away evil spirits. deceased to use in the afterlife.
n Greek and Roman mythology the River Styx was the boundary between
Earth and the underworld. Charon the ferryman would guide the dead in return
or a monetary fee, so to pay for safe transit to the afterlife, coins were placed
n the tongue or eyes of the deceased in many burial rituals.

 Danse macabre Funeral rites by cremation were widely practised in ancient civilizations,
This allegorical scene first and the funeral pyre was part of the burial ritual of the Ancient Greeks and
appeared at the time of the
Black Death. Also known as the Romans. Almost alone among ancient peoples, the Jews forbade cremation
on the grounds that it is a desecration of the body. Hindus are always

dance of death, it depicts Death
leading revellers, showing that cremated; the fire helps free the soul from the body, ready for reincarnation.

River Ganges  Balinese cremation

For Hindus the Ganges is the Cremation is an important
sacred river. To wash in its ritual in Balinese religion and is
waters is to cleanse the soul, both expensive and elaborate.
and to release a person’s ashes The form of the animal-shaped
on to its tide is to ensure a sarcophagus is symbolic of the
favourable reincarnation. family’s caste.

The candle is representative
of the passage of time and the
Birds pp.58–61
brevity of human existence,
Flowers pp.82–85
which will eventually burn itself Trees pp.94–95
out. It was often incorporated Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41 -.5
into vanitas paintings, a type Hinduism pp.158–63
of still life full of symbolism. The home pp.238–41
While death unites everyone in grief, its expression depends on cultural
beliefs. In some societies the mourning period can last for years, while
in others there are no mourning rituals at all. Generally the focus is on
honouring the dead and comforting the living. Symbolically, in western
culture, this includes memorial plaques on benches and gravestones, and
in memorial gardens. It also carries over into clothing, commonly black,
which symbolizes night and grief. Some cultures, including Buddhist and
Hindu, mourn in white, signifying the light reached by the deceased.
 Widow’s cap  Queen Victoria
 Black armband In 19th-century England, a After the death of her husband,
In Victorian times men in widow wore a distinctive black Prince Albert, Queen Victoria
mourning wore black armbands, cap and “weeping veil” without went into deep mourning. She
which remained commonplace ornament. She was expected to wore her trademark widow’s
up to the 1940s. Despite falling mourn for over two years. An dress for the remainder of her
out of fashion, they are still elderly widow might remain in long life, greatly influencing
worn by sports teams following mourning for the rest of her life. 19th-century mourning customs.
the death of a teammate or
community member.  Mourning clothes
White was once the colour of mourning among European royalty and,
although black has replaced it in the West, many cultures still wear white
to signify grief. Here, a group of women in Macau – where most of the
population is Buddhist – are wearing white mourning dress.

Mourning, or memorial, jewellery was worn from
medieval times and served a very real purpose. It
was worn in memory of those
h who were departed
and was highly sentimental. Many pieces had
inscriptions or contained a lock of the loved one’s
hair. Favourite symbols used in Victorian mourning
jewellery included flowers such as forget-me-nots, Rings  Lockets Brooches
hearts, crosses, and ivy leaves. These became Mourning rings were status Locks of the deceased’s hair Mourning jewellery was
symbols in the 17th and were often either set into rings most often black and ideally
more popular than the more macabre symbols 18th centuries. Skull rings, or lockets or woven into braid matt in finish. Jet, a deep
of skulls, coffins, and gravestones, which were often made of gold and for necklaces. Hair is a symbol black coal, was popularr in
intended to ward off death and sinister occurrences. black
lack enamel, acted as a of life, and cutting it is linked to the manufacture
anufacture of much
reminder of death.
h funerals in many cultures. mourning ornamentation.

Every culture honours and remembers its dead.

This is usually done by choosing where to bury

the deceased – in simple graves or elaborate
tombs and pyramids – and by holding annual
festivities. These can either be joyous events,
such as Mexico’s Day of the Dead, or more
sombre affairs, such as Remembrance Day.  Pyramids  Taj Mahal
Many of these festivals have deep religious roots, According to one theory, Ancient Egypt’s pyramids This mausoleum is one of the most famous
represented the first land, rising from the primeval monuments in the world and is a symbol of both
appeasing the spirits of the dead ancestors, giving waters. The pyramid’s tip was linked to the Sun, India and mourning. Grief-stricken when his third
-/, comfort to the surviving friends and family, or and as a burial chamber it ensured the pharaoh’s wife, Mumtaz Mahal, died during the birth of their
s the loved one’s well-being in the afterlife. successful journey to a prosperous life in the 14th child, in 1631 Shah Jahan began planning its
next world. construction, which was finished around 1648.
 The Cenotaph
Meaning “empty tomb” in
Greek, the Cenotaph in central
London was initially a wood-
and-plaster construction for
the first anniversary of the
Armistice in 1919. Such was the
extent of public enthusiasm, it  Day of the Dead  Obon
was decided that it should The Day of the Dead is celebrated annually in Mexico on 1 November, The Japanese Buddhist festival of the dead, Obon is the time when
become a permanent memorial coinciding with the Catholic observation of All Saint’s Day. It is a the souls of the departed return to the world of the living. Families
and symbol of the fallen. uniquely Mexican event, honouring the spirits of the departed, who light paper lanterns and hang them in front of their houses to help
are invited to return to Earth to join in the revelry. the spirits find their way home.

Thousands of different religious and secular
symbols and emblems have adorned tombstones
through the ages, indicating different attitudes
towards death and the hereafter, membership in
a fraternal organization, or an individual’s trade.
In Christianity winged angels represented the
soul rising towards Heaven, skulls and hourglasses
were reminders that mortal life was short, and
biblical scenes expressed a range of ideas, such  Lamp Lion  Hourglass
as the Resurrection, strict adherence to the Word Lamps, including the type of The lion’s eternal watch guards The traditional symbol of Father
oil lamp on this gravestone, the tomb against evil spirits and Time, the hourglass represents
of God, or the sinfulness of humans. symbolize immortality, faith, signifies courage, strength, and the passage of time, while a
the light of wisdom, and the resurrection. A statue of a lion flying hourglass was a reminder
knowledge of God. was often placed on the that time flies. An hourglass on
gravestone of a guardian its side meant that time had
or fallen hero. stopped for the deceased.

 Oak leaf
Oak leaves, which are often
seen on military tombs, can mean
power, authority, and victory. The
oak signifies strength, glory, and
 Butterfly durability, while its fruit, the acorn,
The use of these creatures symbolizes the promise of maturity
suggests a short life, so they and strength.
are often seen on children’s
graves. They also represent
Christian metamorphosis: the  Five-pointed star
caterpillar, chrysalis, and A five-pointed star symbolizes
butterfly are all symbolic of life, SEE ALSO
the Star of Bethlehem, offering
death, and resurrection. Trees pp.94–95
divine guidance and protection
Hands & feet pp.116–19
 Torch to the deceased. It may also Sacred places pp.232–33
The torch of triumphant life signifies immortality and life versus represent the five wounds Colours pp.280–83
death. It can be passed from hand to hand, as in a relay race, and of Christ. Shapes pp.284–89
when shown upside down it indicates that life has been snuffed out.

 A Vanitas Still Life with a Nautilus and a Lute

This work by Matthys Naiveu contains references to perfection
(nautilus shell), the passing of time (hourglass), the vanity of our
existence (globe), the brevity of life (musical instruments, wilting
flowers), and the inevitability of death (snuffed candle and skull).
Vanitas still-life paintings serve as reminders that the power, the
pleasures, and even the beauty of this earthly life are transient and that,
ultimately, all things must pass.

As a style of painting, vanitas rose to prominence in the holds the skull of Yorick, a former servant, and bemoans the
16th and 17th centuries, primarily in the Netherlands, pointlessness and temporary nature of worldly matters. Death
Flanders, and France. The term “vanitas” refers to the vanity is unavoidable; the things of this life are inconsequential.
of all worldly things, such as riches, beauty,
pastimes, and learning, and it is derived from R=JEP=OOUI>KHO
the Latin, meaning emptiness or futility. In this artistic style, objects are seldom what
The ultimate root of the genre takes as its they seem. A glass of red wine may simply
inspiration the Bible’s Ecclesiastes 1:2: be included as a vessel containing fermented
“Vanity of vanities; all is vanity.” grape juice, but it could also represent the
blood of Christ (particularly if it is situated
IKN=HIAOO=CA next to a loaf of bread), or it might refer to the
Designed to work on several levels and not human sense of taste, or even to debauchery.
simply to be viewed as exquisite works of Vanitas with a Sundial, French School The elements of vanitas still lifes typically
art, vanitas paintings are full of symbolism, Timepieces, including sundials, signified the belong to one of three categories: the
passing of time and often sported mottos such
inviting the viewer to reflect upon the as ultima forsann (“perhaps the last [hour]”). accoutrements of mortal life, such as books,
inevitability of death and the consequent tools, purses, or deeds; objects that reflect the
foolishness of all human ambition. The paintings were impermanence of this life, such as skulls or hourglasses; and
moralizing in intent and served as reminders – objects that suggest the promise of salvation and eternal life,
admonishments, even – not to attach meaning or importance such as ears of corn or branches of laurel or ivory.
to the things of this world. Traditionally in vanitas paintings, Symbols of wealth included seashells and purple cloth, while
attributes that symbolize material wealth, knowledge, nature, a disordered pile of dishes might hint at the foolishness of a
and the material or temporal things of this earth, tend to be life that is focused on
juxtaposed with objects that embody the hope of Christ’s earthly concerns as
resurrection and everlasting life. opposed to one
focused on the soul’s
IKNP=HEPU redemption. The
Other elements that were mirror was used to
commonly included were rotten represent wisdom and
fruit, which symbolizes aging; knowledge, though
bubbles, which suggest the when covered with
suddenness of death; and dust, it assumes the Three Monkeys
snuffed candles and watches, meaning of a spirit The monkey symbolized greed and lechery. Here,
painted by Frans Snyders, the monkeys’ attitudes
which remind us of the brevity clouded by ignorance. towards food warn of being led by animal instinct.
of life. However, the most often
 Young Man Holding a Skull used macabre symbol of death SEE ALSO
In this Frans Hals painting, sometimes in vanitas painting was the Head trophies pp.110–111
thought to be of Hamlet, the skull voices Death & mourning pp.128–131
a warning, calling on the spectator to skull. In the Shakespeare play Colours pp.280–83
think upon death, even in youth. Hamlet, the eponymous prince
earful of the unknown, we have the imagination and spread beyond their place
created religions and peopled the of origin to become, in some instances, world
cosmos with deities who guide us religions. Hinduism is a religion that has
on our life’s journey and beyond. evolved through the amalgam of many beliefs,
Each culture has its own symbols, but more commonly the great religions have a
creation stories, and tales of ancestors, founding father, a prophet, or teacher, such as
providing deep, shared roots and reinforcing the Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, and
our sense of identity. Sikhism’s Guru Nanak who revealed the
From earliest times, cultures have invented doctrine and whose teachings were later
various deities who each represent different enshrined in a holy book.
attributes – Eros, the Greek god of love, for In some cultures a system of beliefs and
example. Symbolic mythological figures also symbols has developed in isolation that can
occur in all cultures and include heroes and appear obscure to outsiders. The Australian
tricksters who feature in ancient stories about Aboriginal “Dreaming” is one such example.
creation. Divination – the ability to see into Symbolism within many American Indian
the past and future – has also been practised groups is similarly insular, but despite
for millennia, and ranges from the use of differences in belief, ritual, and tradition, the
crystal balls to astrology. same fundamental concerns with life, death,
Over thousands of and the afterlife are present in all cultures.
years, a few belief In many societies, such as China, the cult
systems have captured of the ancestors plays a major part in dealing

with after-death homes have their own house spirit, set beside
EACH CULTURE issues. When a a shrine to the Buddha or the ancestors. The
HAS ITS SYMBOLS, person dies they making of symbolic offerings originates from
CREATION join the ranks of the the same basic instinct as the ritual performing
STORIES, AND ancestors, who then of sacrifice to please the gods.
TALES OF watch over their Each culture has its mediators – priests or
ANCESTORS, descendants and are shamans who, through their higher spiritual
PROVIDING DEEP, honoured and often awareness, commune with deities or spirits,
SHARED ROOTS present in spirit at often through the use of symbols. Some, such
ceremonies, battles, as Catholic priests, conduct rituals and teach
and festivals. Their the word of God, while others, such as
presence is evident on a daily basis, through shamans, commune with the spirits and use
their images and through symbols carved on “magical” powers. Many work for the good of
weapons and houses, ensuring a sense of the community but others also practise black
continuity within the society. magic and invoke fear among their followers.
In some cultures around the world the All such practitioners are generally respected,
influence of the spirits remains strong however, as people throughout the world still
regardless of official religious beliefs. Spirits feel the need for intermediaries with the
are believed to inhabit the mountains, trees, deities; they deal with the spiritual aspects of
waters, rocks, and fields and must be appeased the community, allowing ordinary people to
with small offerings to maintain harmony; even get on with their daily lives.


Egyptian gods developed from the
merging of two earlier cultures, one
of which worshipped gods in
human form while the other had
animal-shaped gods. Gradually, a
religion emerged that focused on
the cult of the dead and was highly
orientated towards symbolism. The
Egyptian gods nearly always carry
or wear symbols of power, such as
a crown or a crook and flail. Some
also carry the ankh, symbol of
eternal life. These religious symbols
are not the same as those found in
Egyptian hieroglyphs (writing). A symbol of rebirth and fertility, Osiris’s role relates to the underworld.
His body was cast into the Nile, then dismembered and stamped into
the earth by his jealous brother, Seth, but it reformed. This rebirth
was seen as a symbol of the burial, germination, and growth of wheat
from the fertile soil of the Nile valley. As judge of the dead, Osiris
holds a crook and flail as a sign of

 Tawaret  Nut and Geb  Amun

One of several hippopotamus A creator goddess, Nut personified the vault of Heaven and was a Hidden from humans but believed to be the soul or essence of all
deities, Tawaret is usually symbol of resurrection. Each day she swallowed the Sun at night and matter, Amun was the creator god who later merged with the Sun
depicted standing. Her swollen gave birth to it again in the morning. Here she is shown bent over the god, Re, and became visible to mortals as Amun-Re. When depicted
belly and breasts are symbolic Earth god, Geb, who is leaning on one elbow with his knees raised to in human form he wears a headdress with feathers, symbolic of the
of her role as protector of signify valleys and mountains. They are separated by Shu, god of the sky and his associations with the wind. However, he may appear as a
women in childbirth. The ankh air, who holds several ankhs, symbolic of eternal life. Two solar Nile goose or serpent, symbolic of the waters of renewal, or, as here,
signifies life and immortality. barques, one for night and one for day, symbollically cross the heavens. as a ram with protective curved horns, a symbol of fertility.
Ankh Was sceptre

 Horus Seth  Anubis  Sobek

Signifying kingship and The god of chaos and adversity, The jackal-headed mortuary god, Anubis, oversaw the embalming of The Nile god, Sobek, has a
represented by the falcon, Horus Seth, is depicted here as a the dead. His death symbolism may stem from the fact that jackals crocodile’s head and wears a
was “Lord of the Sky”.The Eye mythical animal carrying an scavenged around graveyards particularly at night. Anubis is always crown of ostrich feathers with
of Horus (ujdat)t was worn as an ankh and a “was” sceptre, depicted as black, although jackals are not, because it is symbolic of a horned sun disk, symbolic of
amulet to ward off evil. which is symbolic of power. death and the colour of mummified flesh. a pharaoh’s power.

 Sekhmet Bastet  Isis Thoth  Re (Ra)

A goddess of war and terror Bastet was a Moon goddess The throne-shaped crown of Isis The Moon god Thoth, gave One of several creator gods, Re
but also protection and healing, and is depicted here with a cat’s indicates that she originally people the art of writing and is is depicted as the solar falcon
Sekhmet’s lion head is symbolic head. She carries a small shield personified the throne of the associated with wisdom and with the Sun disc on his head.
of her fierceness. Her caring as a sign of her fierceness and pharaohs. Isis rescued Osiris magic. Often symbolized, as He carries an ankh as well as
nature is signified by the reed symbolic of her close affinity and restored him to life, an act here, with the head of an ibis, several symbols of power – a
scalpels in her hands. with the goddess Sekhmet. symbolic of resurrection. or depicted as a baboon. crook, flail, and “was” sceptre.

Symbolic of divine
protection when
depicted with wings,
Ma’at may wear a SEE ALSO
feather in her headband, Birds pp.58–61
which is symbolic of truth. When people died, their Amulets pp.194–95
hearts were weighed against the feather – only those The head pp.106–09
that were lighter could enter the underworld. Picture writing pp.300–03
The Ancient Greek civilization is associated with
powerful gods who squabbled, felt hatred, and lo
very like the humans living below. Later the Rom
adopted these gods, giving them Roman names,
such as Jupiter instead of Zeus, and sometimes
also combining their attributes with those of oth
deities. Cronus, for example, in becoming Saturn
swapped his scythe for a sickle. Today we still kn
the major deities because their various strengths
qualities are symbolized in Classical painting an
architecture throughout the western world.

King of t
the skie
of neigh
his pow

 Hades/Pluto  Nike/Victoria
As god of death and ruler of the To the Greeks Nike was a
underworld, Hades is often symbol of superiority and
depicted wearing a crown and victory in battle. She has wings, Aphrodite/Venus  Eros/Cupid

carrying a sceptre with two when depicted on her own, Aphrodite, personification of the Spring, was the The god of love, Eros, carries a quiver, bow, and
prongs that symbolize life and which signify the fleeting nature goddess of beauty, sexual love, and fertility. She is arrows with which he pierces his victims. His
often depicted naked, causing havoc among her golden arrows signify true love and the leaden
-0, death.
t He is accompanied by
the three-headed
th dog Cerebus
of victory. A stylized version of
one of her wings is now a well- fellow gods. Her symbols or attributes include a ones signify passion. He is sometimes blindfolded
who guards
ard the gates of Hades. known sportswear logo. swan, a scallop shell, dolphins, and a flaming heart. as a symbol of the blindness of love.
Ares is the god of war and
fittingly his attributes are his
helmet and spear. In
the Trojan war
he was
defeated by
the goddess She-wolf with
Athena, Mars’ s sons,
symbolizing Romulus and
the victory of Remus
wisdom over
violence. Sometimes
he is accompanied by a
wolf, probably because
 Dionysus/Bacchus Hera/Juno
his twin sons were
The god of vine-growing and A powerful goddess, Hera’s
raised by wolves.
wine-making, and to the Greeks symbols include the peacock
also a god of fertility, Dionysus (shown here), which she
is often shown wearing a crown supposedly created, and the
of grapes or ivy, symbolic of lotus, which is linked to her role
everlasting life. as the goddess of marriage.

The god Poseidon symbolizes
the power and uncontrollability
of the sea. He is portrayed as
an old, bearded man, and
among his attributes are a
trident, the symbol of lightning,
and a dolphin, the sign of
a calm sea and saviour of
the shipwrecked.

Messenger of the
gods, Hermes wears Cronus/Saturn
a winged cap and has Cronus is a corn god and the sickle that he carries to harvest crops
winged heels, which has become his symbol. However, this was altered to a scythe for
signify his swiftness. He also Saturn, symbolic of the death and destruction preceding rebirth.
carries a winged staff, called a

caduceus, which is symbolic of
balance and harmony.
The god of shepherds and
hunters, Pan’s horns, hooves,
and tail are a sign of his anima
sexual nature. Sometimes
depicted playing bewitching
music on his pipes, he
could also instill an
uncontrollable fear in
 Apollo people, from which the
The god of light and of the arts, term “panic” is derived.
Apollo, is the embodiment of Originally a goddess of wisdom
male beauty. His attributes are and learning, Athena adopted
a lyre, bow and arrows, and warlike attributes in Mycenaean
sometimes a snake or a wolf. times. Often depicted in a Snakes pp.66–67
They signify his pastoral origins warrior’s helmet and holding a Aquatic creatures pp.68–71
and power over the predators of shield and/or spear, she was Creation stories pp.156–57
sheep. He was the lord of the Professional signs pp.314–15
the patron of Athens and her
Delphic oracle. symbol is an owl.
The pre-Roman gods of Celtic and Nordic people were
creator and mother goddesses, or gods of nature who
signified fertility, war, and/or love. Symbolic of a power
greater than that of humans, the gods were assigned
responsibility for anything that people did not
understand, such as thunderbolts that were thought to
originate from Thor’s magic hammer, Mjollnir. Celtic
deities were immortal, but Nordic gods were not; they
maintained their youth by eating special apples grown
by Idun, the goddess of youth.
Riding his goat-drawn chariot
across the heavens, Thor is the
god of war and ruler of the skies.
Associated with the swastika,
which may have derived from
Silver wheel his hammer, his emblem is the
hazel tree a symbol of fertility,
divination, and wisdom.

A Welsh chthonic goddess
and a star and Moon deity,
Arianrhod is called “Silver
Wheel” because she carried
souls to the afterlife on her
silver wheel, which is symbolic
of birth and rebirth.

The “Horned One”, Cernunnos
is a chthonic god, having powers
over the underworld. He is often
depicted in a yogic posture
holding a torque, or twisted
necklace, and a serpent, female
and male symbols respectively.
The serpent is also a symbol of
resurrection. Cernunnos signifies
the sacrificial stag, itself a
 Brigid Morrigan  Rhiannon Cocidius
symbol of sexuality, whose

As a Celtic solar goddess and A Celtic goddess of war, fertility, A Celtic goddess of horses and A British warrior and hunting
blood must be spilled if
patroness of smiths, Brigid’s and vegetation, Morrigan is the underworld, Rhiannon rides god, Cocidius is depicted here
harmony is to be maintained.
attributes include fire with linked with horse symbolism. a white mare, symbolizing the with a shield in one hand and a
-0. which she is depicted here. She She is also associated with the powers of nature. Linked with spear in the other. The small
is also linked with the healing crow as she assumed its form the earth, she is associated horns on his head are symbolic
properties of sacred springs. to foretell the outcome of battles. with fertility and regeneration. of virility and fertility.
God of the sky, war, and victory in battle, Odin
u the fallen to Valhalla, Hall of the Slain
at Asgard. He is known in Nordic, Icelandic, and
Germanic myth, and is associated with wolves
and ravens, which, as scavengers, symbolize
death.Prisoners of war were sacr
sacrificed to Odin in
imitation of his own self-immolation at the world rld
tree, Yggdrasil. Odin was also the god of weawealth.
 Odin’s horse  Odin’s horn
Odin rode a magical eight-legged horse, calleded The stylized triple drinking horn is a symbol of
Sleipnir, which was supposedly the swiftest of Odin and in itself signifies strength and potency.
all horses. His many legs signifiedd that he could
coul It represents the three drafts of magical mead
gallop on land, water, and through
throu the air. procured by Odin after a long quest.

 Freya  Frigg
A goddess of love, fertility, This Viking fertility and mother
vegetation, war, and death, goddess watches over children.
Freya’s chariot is pulled by Her attributes include the stork, a
cats. She sometimes takes symbolic bearer of babies, and the
the form of a she-goat, spinning wheel with which she spins
symbolic of fertility. the clouds.

The Nordic god of war, justice, and
self sacrifice, Tyr, is here depicted
with one hand. He sacrificed his right
hand to Fenrir, a wolf symbolic of evil,
as a distraction in order to give the
other gods time to restrain it.

Twin of Freya, Frey is the Nordic
god of fertility, prosperity, and
peace. As a fertility god
he is often depicted
with a powerful wild
boar, and carrying a
magic sword so
powerful that it
could fight and
kill man-eating
giants by itself.

 Baldr  Dagr SEE ALSO

Protected from death by all except mistletoe, Baldr The Nordic god of daytime and lord of the light, The weather pp.34–35
was killed by his brother after the trickster, Loki, Dagr rides his glittering white stallion, Skinfaxi, Sacred trees pp.96–97
persuaded him to make a spear from the plant. across the skies every day, so the horse’s brilliant Tribal totems, heroes & tricksters pp.150–51
Baldr’s death symbolizes the mortality of Nordic mane can light up the Earth below. The cycle of Satan & demons pp.190–91 -0/
gods but his emblem, the evergreen, is suggestive day and night is symbolized by his birth from the
of his regeneration. goddess of the night, Nott.
The vast continent of the Americas with its provided a rich display of symbolism. These
extremes of climate and terrain has spawned cultures were dominated by cults in which
many cultures and gods. The great Mayan, people placated their many gods through
Aztec, and Incan empires of Meso- and South human and animal sacrifice, as the spilling
America were highly structured, wealthy of blood was thought necessary to regenerate
kingdoms whose great pyramids and temples and maintain the natural order.

The great Mayan civilization flourished in Central America between 2000
and 900BCE. Mayans developed a writing system using symbols, as well as Maize symbol
complex astrological charts and calendars. Cities, such as Teotihuacan, were
built as microcosms of the universe with pyramids that signified the Sun
and the Moon. Mayan deities included gods of the elements, crops, birth,
and death, who can be recognized by their various attributes.

Black spot

 Suicide goddess God of death

Known as Ixtab, the suicide The skeletal form of Yum Cimil
goddess is always depicted symbolizes his role as god of
hanging with a rope around her death. The black spots signify
neck. She was worshipped decomposition. His adornments

because taking one’s own life are made of bones and he holds
was perceived by the Mayans the symbol for maize to represent
as a route to Paradise. regeneration and rebirth.

Known as “the plumed
serpent” because he was
half-rattlesnake and half-
quetzal bird, Kukulcan
is a creator god who
restored the world
after its destruction.
 Spider Woman The snake symbolizes
A Mayan goddess of the underworld, Spider Woman has an elaborate the Earth and the
headdress, and sometimes wears a nose plate covering her nose and bird the sky and divinity.
mouth, symbolizing her transformation into an arachnid. The water Kukulcan was called
dripping from her hands signifies an association with water. Quezalcoatl by the Aztecs.
The Aztecs gradually took over power in Meso-America after the demise The Incas of Peru were prominent between 1100 0
of the Maya. Their empire was hierarchical and dominated by the warrior and the Spanish conquest of the 1530s. They
class. The gods of war, death, and fire were prominent among their deities. were a warlike people and as such had cruel
These gods, like the Mayan gods before them, had physical attributes or gods, including Inti, who demanded many
adornments that were highly symbolic of their role. symbolic animal and human sacrifices. The Inca
ruler was supposedly a reincarnation of the Sun
god. Their deities were used as a means to terrify
and control the people
they conquered, but
they also adopted
gods of the
vanquished, such
as Pachacamac.

god of the Sun,
is represented
 Huehueteotl mbolically as a
Also called “the Old ning disc with a
One”, the fire god, an face surrounded
Heuhueteotl, is usually ight rays. He was
depicted as an old, bea for his great power.
man supporting an ince lipses were thought
brazier on his head to olize his anger and
symbolize the sacrificia nified his sweat.
fire ceremonies he
presided over.

Sun, creator, and
Viracocha is thought
nca representation of
He is usually depicted
 Huitzilopochtli man with an aureole  Pachacamac
The god of the Sun and head, symbolic of the A pre-Inca god of earthquakes
Huitzilopochtli is depic arrying thunderbolts in and fire, here carved in wood, his
warrior. He has a head which are symbolic link with agriculture is signified
hummingbird feathers, as a storm god. by the corn cobs on his robes.
of fallen warriors, and
shield of eagle feather
hand, symbolizing the
Spirit and light, and a s
like staff in the other, which The Aztec god of death, Mictlantecuhtli, is usually depicted as a Fabulous beasts pp.74–77
skeleton with staring eyes and protruding teeth. As ruler of the Picture writing pp.300–05
signifies the fertility of the
Earth. His temple was painted underworld, he is also painted white to signify the colour of the
red, symbolizing war. dying Sun and the night.
ts of the world people make offerings to their
revered and even ancestors and add their image
ey are thought to to ritual items, such as masks,
ver and guide their to imbue them with protective
dents, for whom they strength. In some countries
a sense of identity ancestors are mummified, while in
nity. For this reason others their names are passed from
one generation to the next. They
mains are a powerful symbol of kinship. are usually symbolic of power; for
u people of Peru kept mummified remains
ancestors in sacred rooms, and brought example, the Egyptian pharoahs
ut during feasts and ceremonies.
claimed descent from the gods.


For many peoples, respect for one’s ancestors
is part of accepting their society’s traditions and Confucius, who lived in the 6th century BCE,
structure. They are symbolic of the antiquity and remains for many Chinese a symbol of classical
past events of a particular group of people, and Chinese values. A great teacher, he propounded
by honouring them their descendents affirm n loyalty and
their place in society and their belief in its an, and state.
values, which are upheld by the ancestors. y to one’s

 Bjis poles the
mask The Asmat of New of the
of Zaire, grass-skirted Guinea erect bjis
poles that are carved ready popular
s this one are symbolic
ns of their spirit with ancestral s image is
ys were formerly figures. The side any household
their ancestors during projection, called a
tjemen, which means in some
es. By crawling
the legs of the dancers, “penis”, signified gious temples,
fertility. These poles
ates were linked as hat of the clan
with their tribal origins. have powerful
protective symbolism ancestors.
and are used in
rituals associated
with headhunting and
the fertility of crops.
Some groups of people believe they come from animal, or part-animal,
ancestry. For this reason such peoples feel a bond with the animal world.
The qualities of the ancestor creature are important symbolically, so a bird
may signify closeness to the gods or keenness of vision, and animals may
represent courage, strength, or stealth.

The Micmac of
North America
claim descent from
a bear, an animal
that symbolizes
stength, courage,
and renewal. One
myth tells of a girl
marrying a young
man and finding
that his village is a
Some Solomon Islanders revere
bear village. She
the shark-god, Menolo, from
gives birth to bear  Dhakhan  Turtle whom they claim descent. He
twins that can The Kabi Australian Aboriginal The Elema people believe they symbolizes the sea, which they
change shape. people claim descent from are descended from a giant depend on, and represents
Dhakhan, a giant serpent turtle, having arrived in southern speed, ferocity, and beauty.
symbolic of creation. Dhakhan Papua by sea many years ago. Because Menolo is an ancestor,
is often depicted as a rainbow, This ceremonial mask, called a the islanders do not hunt sharks.
a form he assumes when semese, depicts a sea monster
travelling between his lairs. spirit that signifies this journey.

Dynasties often linked their names to that of a deity and some claimed direct
descent from the gods to reinforce their legitimacy as rulers. Because divine
descent signifies a godlike status, it acts as a deterrent to most pretenders.
Descent from a deity is also symbolic of the status of the ruler as an
intermediary between Heaven and Earth, or between gods and humans.
It was the ruler and his priests that interpreted the will of the gods.

The Egyp
both symbolized rebirth and renewal, this claim reinforced the pharaohs’
belief that they would rule for ever. Isis is also the symbolic mother of
 Amaterasu the pharaoh. Here she is wearing a solar disc, symbolic of the Sun.
The Japanese emperors trace
their descent to Amaterasu,
goddess of the Sun. From her Moai
they received the light-giving Facing inland to keep watch over their people, the moai are the giant SEE AL
symbolism of the Sun. To this stone figures of Easter Island. They are symbolic representations of The Sun pp.16–17 Egyptian deities pp.138–39
day the emperor is treated with ancestral chiefs who were thought to be direct descendants of the Mammals pp.52–55 The Dreaming pp.152–53
the reverence usually accorded gods. There are about 900 moai on the island; a few of them have a Reptiles & amphibians
to a deity. red stone on their heads, which may represent a headdress. pp.64–65
Head trophies pp.110–11
In almost all countries nature spirits have masks during ceremonial dances, while
been venerated at some time. They symbolize in the Americas symbolic dolls or pottery
the essence of rivers, the sea, mountains, figures are made. For many revering nature
trees, and animals, and are called upon for spirits is in the distant past, but for others it
protection and good fortune. Their anger is is still very much alive: wayside shrines are
appeased by the paying of respect. In Africa seen in many places, and nature spirits are a
ng central part of Japanese Shinto, for example.

Like apus, kachinas are nature spirits who live in high
mountain areas. They are called upon by Hopi American
Indians to bring the rains, without which their crops
would die. This doll represents Cloud Man. The black
and white half circular shapes on his headdress signify
rain. Often such dolls have black, roughly T-shaped
symbols on their cloaks that signify clouds.

 Burmese spirit wife  Nats and phi

Sometimes women or men are Wayside shrines in Burma and
possessed by a spirit, which Thailand honour spirits, known
takes over their lives and to respectively as nats and phi.
uardian deities that occupy whom they are “married”. The The shrines are usually seen in
dean mountains. Usually spirit forces them to act out of dangerous places, including
ded as sacred and powerful. character, act in lewd and accident blackspots. By making
objects wrapped in white unacceptable ways, and dance symbolic offerings at these
chos, are made to apus as wildly, which perhaps symbolizes shrines travellers passing by
d as a sign of our links to the wild side of their nature in ensure safe passage to their
a conventional society. various destinations.
 Bwa flying spirit
This mask from Burkino Faso is worn to call upon the
the hawk, a solar and heavenly bird. The zigzag lines
path of the ancestors and the checkerboard patterns
knowledge and ignorance, and light and dark.

 Water spirit
This hippopotamus mask is from
the Degema region of Nigeria.
It symbolizes the spirit of the
water and is believed to signify
righteousness. The mask is
used in ritual dances at annual
festivals, to bring fertility to
the people.

 Buffalo spirit
Among the Nuna people of Burkino Faso, When used in sacred dance, masks personify and
the buffalo symbolizes power and strength. activate a spirit. Although there have been no
The protective spirit and blessings of the animal elephants in Nigeria for some time, highly stylized
are called down and enter the person wearing masks, like this one, that capture the sacred
the mask during sacred ritual dances. powers of the elephant spirit are still made for  Undines
ritual purposes. The mask shown above is being Undines are European water
used as a symbol of ugliness. spirits, similar to mermaids
but in human form. Extremely
beautiful creatures who flow
with the current, they are a
symbolic reminder of the
creative forces of water.


 Gnomes Elves
The word “gnome” probably The elves were nature spirits popular in Germanic SEE AL
derives from the Greek genomos, and Nordic legend. Living in wells, springs, and The weather pp.34–35
meaning “earth dweller”. Gnomes forests, they were variously described. In Nordic Tribal totems, heroes & tricksters pp.150–51
were said to guard treasure deep mythology, for example, elves are light and angelic Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
in the Earth, so are symbolic of or dark skinned like dwarves. The elf cross symbol Amulets pp.194–95
fertility, protection, and good luck. is worn to protect one against mischievious elves. Masks pp.270–71
Every culture has figu
in its mythology who
regarded as having aff
that culture in some w
either by being an anc
figure, rescuing the co
from danger, or giving
Sometimes the figure
more of these roles an
that culture’s origin. T
these figures allow peo
the world and their cu

Animal ancestors are the most
of totem, but some plants are
sacred. Found in hunting soci
are symbolic of a particular co
regarded with awe or ritual res
members. In many cultures an
are carved into totem poles, w
community’s origins and essen
animal is taboo because the an
the people and therefore regar

The bear, symbolic of
strength, protection, and
the sweetness of truth,
is a sacred animal in
many countries. In
North America it is the
Guardian of the West,
and several American
Indian peoples, such as
the Ouataouaks, have a be
Culture heroes are mythical figures, sometimes
animal, who helped to create humans or gave
them skills, such as making fire or growing
crops. They stand in the public consciousness
as a symbol of that society and its worth, and
signify the ultimate example of doing good for
the community. A trickster is a mischievous,
cunning, often amusing figure, who subverts
the natural order, either to help humans or out
of spite. Tricksters are super-human but they  White Buffalo Woman  Chi Wara
also reflect human nature in that they are amoral The buffalo was an important animal in American Indian culture, a The antelope Chi Wara gave
symbol of power and strength, providing food and skins. A white agriculture to the Bambara
and break the rules of gods or nature. They can buffalo was considered sacred, signifying answered prayers. White people of Mali. The thunder of
be funny or foolish but ultimately their actions Buffalo Woman, a culture hero of the Lakota people, brought them the his hooves denotes the coming
help humans and so usually signify some sacred ritual pipe, an important symbol of their culture. rain and so symbolizes fertility.

commitment to the community.

 Raven  Anansi
A well-known American Indian This West African sign is
trickster that is symbolic of symbolic of a spider’s web
beginnings. The raven found and represents the spider hero
humans inside a clam and used and trickster, Anansi, who  Coyote  The Mimi  Loki
trickery to help them find food. helped to create humans. An important trickster in the Living in caves and crevices in Loki, or Sly One, is an Icelandic
Americas, Coyote is a sign that Arnhem Land in Australia, the trickster symbolic of cunning.
something is about to happen. Mimi are trickster spirits. They Known as “the contriver of all
 Brer Rabbit For the Hopi he created the are cultural symbols personified fraud”, he was close to the god
In West Africa the rabbit is an Milky Way by leaving the lid off as thin, matchstick figures. The Odin, but through his trickery
artful trickster who, like the coyote, a sealed pot and allowing the Mimi taught people how to hunt brought about the death of his
stole fire to give to humans; he stars to escape. He also gave and gather, as well as correct son, Baldr, embodiment of
outmanoeuvres the deceitful hyena humans fire, flood, and night. ritual and social behaviour. innocence, peace, and beauty.
but he also breaks friendships and
symbolizes fear. As Brer Rabbit he
migrated to Jamaica and the United
States with the slave ships.  Nanabush
A culture hero and trickster of
the Ojibway people of the Great
Lakes region in North America,
and symbolic of their culture,
Nanabush recreated the world
after a flood. His attributes
include long rabbit-like ears.

Squirrel  Renard the fox SEE ALSO

In Scandinavia the squirrel A trickster from France and Fire pp.30–31
is a trickster that symbolizes Belgium, Renard the fox Mammals pp.52–55
mischief; it caused trouble symbolized craftiness.He made Birds pp.58–61
between the eagle and the the aristocracy and the clergy Sacred trees pp.96–97 -1-
serpent in the boughs of the the butt of many of his jokes, Celtic & Nordic Deities pp.142–43
World Tree, Yggdrasil. and thus became a folk hero.

 Man’s Dreaming
Although abstract to the uninitiated, Australian Aboriginal paintings are full of
y Here wavy lines signify running water; footprints indicate the artist’s journey
o The Dreaming; and concentric circles represent still water or campsites.
Australian Aboriginals share a unique relationship with
 Bark painting
Wandjini spirits symbolize the land and are linked to it naturally, morally, and spiritually
rainfall and storms. Their
haloes are symbolic of
by the symbolism of what they refer to as The Dreaming.
clouds and lightening.

Describing the cosmos and the myths relating =NE?DHAC=?U

to it, The Dreaming, which has its own rich As the ancestral beings journeyed, they
symbolism, provides an ideological framework played music, sang, danced, and told stories;
for living in harmony with nature. There they also painted and engraved rocks and
is not just one Dreaming but an intricate cave walls, and these traditions have become
network of Dreamings that belongs to places, integral to Australian Aboriginal religion.
groups, and individuals. Among the ancient examples are rock
paintings and engravings held to be the work
=J?AOPN=HKNECEJO of the ancestral beings themselves, or at least
According to Australian Aboriginal legend, The depictions of them. Such is the energy of
Dreaming is symbolic of a time when the first these paintings, that they are ritually re-
ancestral beings created the Earth. Emerging painted, symbolically releasing their spiritual
from a featureless land, they travelled far and power as a form of worship.
wide, shaping the landscape and creating its These images are not only symbolic of
form and features. They were able to change the creation of the Earth, they also signify a
shape and so some became humans; others moral and social code that is founded in a
became animals, trees, and so on. Once their deep respect for the land. The ancient art
work was done, the beings returned to the  X-ray painting lives on today in bark painting, body
land – as the clouds or the oceans – or simply A long tradition of “X-ray” paintings, in which painting, rock painting, and engraving,
internal structures of animals and people are
rested, dormant, below the Earth’s surface. visible, exists on rocks and cave walls. These through which different clans have cultivated
Today the land’s natural features are symbolic paintings probably had a ritual significance. their own interpretations of The Dreaming.
of this ancestral activity – a cave entrance
signifies the hole through which an ancestral being emerged; OUI>KHE??KJJA?PEKJ
the mountains and rivers signify features that formed as the Almost all art of The Dreaming features the land and contains
ancestors travelled. The land, or “country”, remains central symbols that represent natural forms, including broken lines
to an Australian Aboriginal’s for rain, curved lines for a rainbow, footprints for a journey,
being; it can feel, hear, smell, animal tracks for various animals, an elipse for a shield, and

and fear, and is a constant concentric circles for a campsite or waterhole.
reminder of his or her origins. For thousands of years such art has been an outward
The symbolic heart of this manifestation of the artist’s connection to his or her individual
mythological landscape is Dreaming and the land, symbolizing the Australian Aboriginal’s
Uluru (Ayers Rock). strong link to his or her ancestral past.

 Body painting
Integral to Australian Aboriginal ceremony, SEE ALSO
body painting often contains symbolism that Tribal totems, heroes & tricksters pp.150–51
relates to a specific ancestral being. It might Shapes pp.284–89
also be used to signify a person’s status – -1/
his position in a particular community or
his origins, for example.
A shaman is a traditional priest or spiritual are extremely powerful bridges between the
leader who can control spiri he spiritual world. The
body” journeys, and effect cu ited and shamans usually
magic. Shamans can divine t clothing. Although
through sacrifice or other m f Arcti
that involve the use of symb ar inte
Within the community, sham every

Metal med Drum

Once a child, usually a boy, is
acknowledged as a possible shaman,
he is consecrated and begins his shaman
training. The process lasts for ritual focus of
munities, the shaman is
several years, during which time he rec the link between his people
ritual and symbolic items, such as a dr and their gods. The drum
rattle, bones, and teeth. All of these att is symbolic of the rhythm of
the universe and has powers of Antlers are a symbol of defence
give him the added powers associated enchantment, as spirits dwell and here one has been combined
metal used for the instrument or the bi in between the drum beats. with bells and feathers for added
animals whose bones and teeth he wea symbolism and power. Metal
objects, thought to be cosmic
energy in solidified form, signify
the power of the Earth. Feathers
nimal bones symbolize spiritual flight and
ring animal figures or links with the heavens.
s in his costume
mbolically empowers
the shaman with the
strength of those Runes
animals. They also

signify life, death,

and renewal.

 Headdress  Rune drum

Worn only during shamanistic he symbolic animal and Used in various rituals to
rites and symbolic of these rite ncestor talismans on a foretell the future, the rune
when worn, the shaman’s haman’s apron add to his drum is made of animal skin
headdress may contain feather uthority and protect him during and marked with symbolic runes.
or wings, which signify the believed to frighten off all evil spirits, and it can also be used to rituals and dangerous spiritual The shaman shakes a ring on
imitate the sound of rain in rain-calling rituals. Rattles are often
-10 shaman’s spiritual journey,
or animal claws to give the carved with symbolic images of animals or birds, such as this raven
journeys. For some peoples
these objects are symbolic of
to a rune drum and makes his
pronouncements according to
shaman that animal’s power. with a sparrow hawk on its underside, to increase their strength. spirit helpers. the rune it lands on.
Most shamans have spirit helpers, which,
among other things, guide and protect them
during their various journeys to the spirit
world. Spirit helpers may be animals, plants,
or tribal ancestors. The bear is one of the most
common spirit helpers, probably because it is
symbolic of great power and strength. The type
of bear varies with geographical location; for When they make journeys
to the spirit world, the Nenet of power and resurrection due to its habit of sleeping over the winter
example, Inuit shamans have a polar bear as shamans of Siberia are often and of females emerging with new cubs in the Spring. The polar
their spirit helper, its white coat having accompanied by a boar, a bear is an ancestor figure and embodiment of the supreme being. In
additional symbolism, being a sign of purity. symbol of strength and wildness. prehistoric times its bones were ritually buried with human remains.

Shamans are symbolic of the spiritual life of their SWEAT LODGE
community. They have a deep understanding
of the natural world and utilize its plants and Among American Indian Plains tribes, the h
animals in a variety of ways. Some shamans sweat lodge ceremony is ann important and
induce out-of-body experiences through the use symbolic ritual of purification and rebirth. A
of hallucinogenic drugs, such as cohoba powder, sweat lodge is a small, enclosed space, made
which both signify and enable journeys to the from wood of deciduous trees, which signify
spirit world. Others dress in animal skins to death and rebirth. It contains the elements fire,
make these symbolic journeys or carry ornate air, water, and earth, for inside the dark lodge
magical staffs as tangible signs of their power. hot rocks
k are sprinkled with water to create a
 Carrying a staff steamy atmosphere similar, it is thought, to
The carved staff or wand conditions within the womb and from which
carried by a shaman not only
symbolizes his power, it also people are symbolically reborn.
signifies the boundary between
the natural and spirit worlds.
Batak shamans of Sumatra,
known as datus, have staffs
that contain a powerful magical
substance called pukpuk.

Shaman tree

 The shaman’s tree

Yakut and Evenk shamans have a tree as a symbol of meditation.
Depicted here on a drum, it is their form of the world tree. The roots,
trunk, and branches all signify and unite the paths of the lower,  Ritualistic rebirth
middle, and upper worlds respectively. People symbolically die and leavee the mortal world when OD=I=JEOI
they enter a sweat lodge. After spending hours inside, in the
dark and heat, they emerge
eme again, reborn.
 Wearing animal skins  Cohoba powder
Shamans, such as the Blackfoot Caribbean shamans sniff
shaman shown here, often cohoba powder to enter a
dress in animal skins, usually trance-like state before
bear, wolf, or buffalo. The skin symbolically flying with mythical SEE ALSO
allows the shaman to assume bird helpers to the spirit world. Mammals pp.52–55
the power and protection of Here they induce the illness- Plants pp.80–81
the animal he is wearing. It also causing spirits to cure their Sacred trees pp.96–97
serves as a visible sign of these victims. The shamans’ return to Initiation rites pp.124–25 -11
animal atrributes to anyone the normality, unaided, is thought to
shaman encounters. signify their power.

 The Beginning
This 12th-century
illumination shows
God creating the
world over six days.
First he made Earth,
then water, land and
plants, stars and the
Sun, fish and birds,
and finally animals
and people.
Every culture has stories that attempt to explain the act of creaton.
For many they are not a literal account of events, but may be perceived
as symbolic of a deeper truth.

Although the origins of most creation stories by Tiamat, the bloated mother of gods and
have been lost in time, there are a number of monsters, who was symbolic of the waters
common themes. Often if a creation story exists, beneath the earth. She was slain by the god
there is also a tale about a great flood that Marduk, who made the sky from her upper
swept away all that existed before, signifying body and the Earth from her lower half.
a new beginning. Other stories involve the Tiamat’s tears represented the waters of the
action of gods, semi-gods, or animals, each Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
with its own symbolic overtones. Among the many Hindu creation myths
is one in which Vishnu reclines on the snake
QJEKJO=J@PDAACC Ananta, symbolic of eternity, while floating
The concept of “birth” features in various on a vast ocean. Vishnu gives rise to Brahma,
creation stories – often involving symbolic who creates the universe from the primordial
mother and father figures. In Greek mythology, waters. At intervals the ocean is restored, when
for example, the union of the Earth goddess, Rudra, a destructive aspect of Vishnu, appears
Gaia, with the sky god, Uranus, signified one  Gaia and devours everything. Afterwards Vishnu
universe. They produced many children who The Greek goddess, Gaia, symbolized the creator, called Vishnu Anantasayana,
“Mother Earth” and many portrayals of her
created, among other things, plants and animals. show her in semi-nudity, surrounded by awakens and the cycle is repeated.
Another theme involves the hatching of nature, or even emerging from the earth.
a cosmic egg, symbolic of the universe. The ?NA=PEKJ>U=CK@
Chinese creator, P’an Ku, was incubated in such an egg and Often the mainstay of a religious belief is the idea that an all-
organized matter into Yin and Yang, Sun and Moon, and water powerful being created the world from nothing. In the Old
and land. When the egg hatched, he died of his labours. A Fijian Testament, God’s creation of
myth recounts how Turukawa, the hawk, laid two eggs from the world in just six days is
which a boy and girl hatched. The serpent Degei taught them symbolic of His command

to talk, make fire, and cook, and created food for them. over all. Jews observe the
Sabbath as a symbol of God’s
KN@ANBNKI?D=KO seventh day, when He rested
Various creation stories from his labours. Sikh,
describe harmony being Muslim, and Mayan creation
wrought by a mighty force stories are also based on Tiamat
from a state of chaos. In one or more supreme beings This scene from the Assyrian Tablets of
Creation shows Marduk fighting Tiamat. It
Babylonian mythology creating the universe, before symbolizes the victory of order over chaos
such chaos was signified which nothing else existed. that led to the creation of Earth and sky.


Symbolically incubated in a cosmic The Earth pp.24–25
egg for 18,000 years, P’an Ku created Floods pp.38–39
the universe. He died when the egg Dragons pp.78–79
hatched, his limbs forming all the Hinduism pp.158–61
Earth’s natural features.
Gods and goddesses abound in Hinduism
as a result of the merging of many differen
cultures. Each of the deities represents a
different aspect of Brahman, the universa
or totality of being. Vishnu, for example,
the embodiment of preservation, and
Brahma the personification of creation.
Some gods are associated with meaningfu
postures, such as Shiva’s dance (Shiva
Nataraja), and all of them hold symbolic
objects. Each god rides a different animal
vahana (vehicle), which signifies unity w
nature and mastery over animal passions.

The destroyer, Shiva, is also associated with creativity and
fertility and is often worshipped in the form of a phallic
pillar, or linga. He appears in many guises, such as a
wandering ascetic, teacher, or dancer. Shiva’s attributes
include a trident, which is symbolic of his three roles of
destroyer, creator, and preserver.
here as a loving couple, waited on by attendants and riding Shiva’s white
bull, Nandi, “the happy one”, a symbol of fertility. Shiva’s lower left
Tilak mark Noose hand is in gift-bestowing mudra, the lower right hand is dispelling fear.


Adorned with garlands Begging bowl Trident

of jasmine and
marigold flowers, Hourglass-
this seated figure shaped drum
of Shiva is also
annointed with a
red tilak mark. The  Shiva Bhairava
flowers symbolize As a destroyer of
respect and honour, enemies, Shiva Bhairava
 Shiva Nataraja is a fierce manifestation
while the tilak is a Here, in a wheel of fire, Shiva
sign of blessing and of Shiva that is associated
adopts the dancing posture of with annihilation. In this
auspiciousness. Natajara. Part of his divine duty form he is often shown
is dancing out the round of accompanied by a dog, an
Marigold and birth, death, and rebirth. His
jasmine flower animal that is generally
streaming hair represents the considered to be unclean,
garlands River Ganges, while his feet and carrying a begging
stamp on a dwarf, who bowl made from a skull,
symbolizes ignorance. symbolizing death.
Discus Conch
Starting out as a minor god, Vishnu was gradually elevated to major  Vishnu
status, and later manifested himself through a series of incarnations. He Often depicted as dark skinned
and dressed in yellow robes,
is the preserver of the universe and the maintainer of the existing order. Vishnu carries a different object
Recognizable by his attributes of conch, mace, discus, and lotus, four- in each of his hands. The conch
armed Vishnu is often depicted riding the man-bird Garuda. symbolizes creation, the lotus
is creation and purity, the mace
is a sign of authority, and the
discus is the wheel of existence
or speed of thought. Closely
AVATARS associated with Vishnu is the
many headed cosmic serpent,
In his efforts to avert evil, Vishnu has Ananta, representing infinity.
descended to Earth in various incarnations
(avatars) in order to destroy demons and Lotus
restore order. He has appeared nine times, as
Matsya the fish, Kurma the tortoise, Varaha
the boar, Narasimha the man-lion, Vamana the
warf, Parashurama the warrior priest, Rama
the prince, Krishna the cow-herd, d, and Buddha
the sage. Vishnu has not yet appeared in his h
final reincarnation as Kalki
Kalk the horse.

In a dwarf incarnation
Vishnu confounded
conf the
all-powerful King Bali by  Vi
h Anantasayana
claiming, and winning, all When resting on the serpent Ananta, as shown here, Vishnu is called
the land he could cover in Vishnu Anantasayana. Drifting on the Milky Ocean at the dawn of
three steps.
ps Vishnu’s
Vishn ’s steps time, the god Brahma, seated on a lotus, emerges from Vishnu’s navel
covered the entire globe, and creates the world anew, once every kalpaa (4,320 million years).
affirming his dominance
over the world.
Although he is the creator god, Brahma is less
 Rama widely worshipped than either Vishnu or Shiva.
Usually depicted with blue skin and with a bow, Rama overcomes His four heads face the four directions and
evil in the form
f of the demon king, Ravanna, and his army. Rama
is widely revered, and in its Hindi form the name “Ram” has symbolize the four vedas, or holy books; his fifth
become synonymous with the word for God. head was struck off by Bhairava,
a form of the god Shiiva.

Unlike other gods, Brahma hass
no weapons. Instead he holds
a sacred text, a water pot
representing the waters of
 Krishna life, a rosary symbolic of the
For many Hindus, Krishna eternal cycle of time, and a
is the most revered deity. spoon for ritual purification in
Usually depicted with blue sacrifice. Brahma’s mount is
skin, he may appear as a a goose or swan.
Narasimh  Kurma the tortoise
t i child, a cow-herd,
cow h or as a
As a man-lion Vishnu As a tortoise,
ortoise Vishnu supported pastoral deity. He is also
defeated a prophecy by Mount Mandara when the gods a great
reat sage, who in the
defending a devotee from and demons churned the Milky Bhagavad Gitaa imparts
his arrogant
nt father,
father King Ocean
ean to obtain amritsa,, the wisdom on the nature of
love and duty. Fabulous beasts pp.74–77 Buddhism pp.164–67
elixir of life.
Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23
Love & marriage pp.126–27
Creation Stories pp.156–57
Besides the deities Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma, there are many other Hindu
gods and goddesses who can be called upon at different times for different
reasons. Ganesha, for example, is the remover of obstacles. The gods each
have a different appearance by which they can be recognized. Each is also
associated with specific attributes, which symbolize their powers. The
goddess Lakshmi, for example, is depicted with lotus flowers and coins,
while the warrior god, Hanuman, holds weapons.

Mace Noose


Broken tusk
 Ganesha  Kartikeyya  Hanuman
The elephant-headed god Ganesha often holds his The god of war, here shown in his six-headed form, A symbol of loyalty and heroism, Hanuman is revered throughout the
own broken tusk, which he writes with, and a bowl is a boy god known variously as Kartikeyya, Skanda, Indian subcontinent. He wears red and saffron clothing, the colours of
of sweetmeats in his lower hands. In his upper Kumara, and Subrahmanya. He rides a peacock, which are symbolic of strength and sacrifice. The monkey warrior is
hands he holds a noose, symbolizing worldly which is symbolic of his royal rank and immortality, depicted using many weapons. Here he is carrying his favourite, the
desire, and a mace, or an elephant goad with and carries weapons, including a hatchet, spear, gada, or mace, a divine weapon used to destroy evil. He may also
which he propels humans along the path of life. and sword, to fight the powers of evil. carry a bow, a club, a rock, or a staff.

 Kali  Lakshmi  Durga

In the form of Kali, the goddess A benign form of the mother Durga is a beautiful but fierce
symbolizes both despair and goddess, Lakshmi symbolizes goddess. Here she is depicted
hope. In her two left hands she wealth and generosity. Seated riding her tiger, which is
holds a sword to cut through on a lotus growing from a lake, symbolic of her unlimited
 Apsaras ignorance and a severed head, she is being purified by white power. Killing the Titan buffalo
These sensuous
ns nymphs emerged from the waters during the churning symbolizing death, while her elephants, symbolic of good and expelling the demon within
of the Milky Ocean. Their voluptuous bodies stress their link with right hands make the signs for fortune and abundance. The symbolizes mastery of her
e They personify rain clouds and mists, and appear around dispelling fear and gift-bestowal. cascade of gold coins signifies animal senses, and also
ttemple doorways as symbols
mbo of abundance. The garland of skulls around her prosperity, as does the gold perhaps the strength of
neck symbolizes impermanence. embroidery on her red clothing. the goddess cult.
Worship (puja
( ) is considered a sacred duty that The festival of light celebrates the
return from exile of Rama (centre
involves prayer, chanting of symbolic mantras, left)t and Sita (centre right),
making offerings in the home and in the temple, incarnations of Vishnu and
and the act of darshan – exchanging glances with Lakshmi. For five nights people
light lamps, a sign of wisdom and
the deity. Gods are often garlanded with flowers knowledge, to welcome Lakshmi,
as a sign of respect. Sometimes pilgrimages are whose attributes include good
made to specific sites, such as Varanasi where a fortune, into their homes.
ford on the River Ganges is considered symbolic
of crossing from one world to another.

 Shrine  Temple  Sadhu  Aum (Om)

The sacred centre of every The architecture of a Hindu temple is symbolic. The ascetic life is part of The a, u, and m symbolize the
home is the household shrine. The central tower represents the sacred mountain, the culture of Hinduism. three gunass – essence, activity,
Fresh offerings of fruit, incense, home of the gods, and the image of the god is housed This sadhu is a follower of and inertia – and the Trimurti,
and flowers, all symbolic of in the inner sanctum, the garbhagrah, which has Shiva, as signified by the three which comprises the three main
abundance, are placed before maternal symbolism. The temple itself may be dwarfed lines on his forehead and the Hindu gods, Brahma, Shiva, and
the god, their essence carried by the surrounding gateways, emphasizing the buffalo horns on his staff. It is Vishnu. Aum is the seed of all
to Heaven by the smoke of importance of the threshold as a link between the a Hindu ideal to live as a sadhu divine mantras, powerful words
burning incense. secular world and the sacred one. in later life. or sounds.


 The River Ganges

The holiest of India’s rivers, the River Ganges rises in the Himalayas,
home of the gods, and is personified by the goddess Ganga. Pilgrims
come to Varanasi to wash away their sins and to place the ashes of Religious architecture pp.228–31
deceased relatives in the holy waters, which are thought to merge -2-
eventually with the cosmic ocean.
This 19th-century Indian painting
features the goddess Kali sitting upon
the inert body of Shiva. It is set in a
cremation ground and depicts Kali
and Shiva surrounded by jackals and
carrion birds. Kali is offered sacrificial
blood by her worshippers while
Brahma and Vishnu look on.

6 3

1. The Black Goddess

Kali is known as the “Black Goddess”. This absence of
colour symbolizes her transcendence of all form. Her
nudity suggests she is free from all illusion.

2. Kali’s three eyes and teeth

Kali’s three eyes represent the Sun, the Moon, and fire;
she can see into the past, present, and future. Her
fang-like teeth, like those of an animal or demon, and
her lolling tongue signify her all-devouring nature.

3. Human skulls
Kali’s necklace is made of human skulls. It symbolizes
the certainty of death and, consequently, rebirth.

4. Kali’s four arms and hands

Like most deities, Kali has four arms to signify both her
god-like nature and her many attributes. She clutches a
sword symbolizing the destruction of ignorance and a
severed head symbolizing death. Her skirt is made of
dismembered arms.

5. Recumbent Shiva and Parvati

Shiva lying under the feet of Kali represents the
potential of creation that can only be released by Kali,
her “Shakti” or universal feminine creative principle.
Kali is action incarnate to Shiva’s transcendent being.
Next to Shiva is Parvati, another aspect of the Mother
Goddess, tempting Shiva into the domestic world.

6. & 7. Vishnu and Brahma

In Hindu cosmology Brahma created the world. He and
the god Vishnu (the Preserver) worship Kali from the side.

8. Harmonious pattern
The picture appears gruesome, but it is arranged in a
harmonious pattern. This symbolizes awareness of life
and death as part of the same pattern.
In northern India in the mid 6th
century BCE Prince Siddhartha
renounced his worldly life in search
of an existence free of suffering and
of samsara, the endless round of
birth and rebirth. When he achieved
this goal, through meditation and
asceticism, he became the Buddha
or Enlightened One. Buddhist art
has many scenes and postures which
symbolize his teachings and which  Reclining Buddha
At the age of 80, the Buddha died after a lifetime of teaching, never
encapsulate visually different aspects to be reborn. This is symbolized by the parinirvana posture in which
the Buddha is shown reclining on his right side.
of the complex doctrine of Buddhism.

The Buddha appears in four different poses –
seated, standing, walking, or reclining – which Lo
are known as asanas. Each pose signifies a different
event of his life, the seated Buddha being the neck
most common as he was sitting at the moment of
his Enlightenment and sat to meditate. Everything
about the Buddha is symbolic, from his physical
appearance to his smile and hand gestures.
Arms like an
elephant’s trunk
 Seated Bud

Meditating und
Tree, the seate
pointing to Eart
right hand, sym
summoning of t
Goddess during
with Mara, the
alking Buddha
n here with a full, feminine
perhaps signifying his
al qualities, the walking
a has a flame-shaped
 Standing Buddha shaa (bump) on his head,
Depicted here with his right lic of his spiritual
hand raised as a gesture of edge, a smile to signify
reassurance, the standing ntle nature, and rings on
-20 Buddha also displays the ck to symbolize his holy
elongated earlobes that His left hand is raised in
signify his Enlightenment. sture of teaching.
HAND GESTURES  Dhyana mudra
A meditating hand gesture in
which the right hand is placed
The Buddha is always depicted using hand on the left, both with palms
gestures, called mudras. Some, such as the upwards. The Buddha is often
bhumisparsa mudra, are used only by the Buddha, depicted in this mudra,
d which
may also include a begging bowl.
while others are more widely used: the dhyana
mudra, for example, during meditation. Mudras
are reminders of the Buddha’s teaching.

 Dharmachakra mudra  Vitarka mudra

mud  Abhaya mudra
 Bhumisparsa mudra  Varada mudra
mudr After attaining Enlightenment, This is a teaching
tea gesture, The hand raised, palm
This hand position, called This gesture, which can
Thi the
he Buddha ggave his first sermon in which
whic the thumb and towards the spectator, is a
the “earthh touching be made with either hand, in the deer park inn Benares.
Benares This index finger touch. It can be symbol made to dispel fear.
gesture”, is regarded as symbolizes the bestowing of gesture signifies “the setting in performed with one or both
b It signifies reassurance to
symbolic of the Buddha’s
Buddha knowledge or granting of a motion of the Wheel of Law” hands and is the symbol of those who follow the
he ways
Enlightenment. wish or blessing to a devotee. during that sermon. the Buddha’s teaching. of the Buddha.

Deriving from Indian iconography, the eight
auspicuous symbols of Buddhism are very old.
Each symbol signifies some aspect of Buddhist
teaching, but their meaning may differ from
one country to the next. They are particularly
popular in Tibet, Nepal, and China where they  Golden Fish  Parasol  Conch
are often depicted in paintings, ceramics, and Symbolic of an enlightened A symbol of spiritual power, the A white conch (shell) signifies
person’s ability to move freely parasol is carried over images power and authority, the power
lacquerware. They also feature in ritual, either and without fear, the golden fish of gods and important people of teaching, and sounds out the
singly, in pairs, or in groups, where they are also signify India’s two sacred during rituals and processions. truth of the dharma.
symbolic of protection and goodwill. rivers, the Ganges and Yamuna.

 Wheel  Lotus >Q@@DEOI

A wheel symbolizes the The lotus flower is a symbol of
Buddha’s turning of the Wheel purity, and its blossom signifies
of Law in his first sermon. wholesome deeds.

 Drawing  Banner  Vase SEE ALSO

The right-angled lines form an This symbol signifies the victory This well-known symbol Aquatic creatures pp.68–71
endless knot, symbolic of the of the mind over the negative represents abundance. In this The lotus pp.86–87
the infinite knowledge of the forces within; also the victory of instance, it signifies the infinite Sacred trees pp.96–97
Buddha, and the union of the Buddhist doctrine over wisdom and spiritual richness -21
compassion and wisdom. harmful influences. of the Buddha.
There are two types of bodhisattva, both are closely related to
enlightenment. The first is Guatma Buddha up until the point of
Enlightenment, and in all his previous lives. The second is one, who having
attained enlightenment, puts off entering Nirvana until all living beings
have been enlightened. Bodhisattvas are usually depicted in sumptuous
clothes and jewellery, and carrying various symbolic attributes.

 uan Yin  Manjusri

In China Avalokiteshvara is The youthful Manjusri, wisdom
female and is known as Kuan incarnate, is often dressed with
Yin. As bodhisattva of mercy a decorative belt and a distinctive
 Maitreya  Avalokiteshvara  Tara and compassion she has many tiger’s claw necklace. In his left
The Buddha of the future age, A widely depicted bodhisattva, Avalokiteshvara has a female forms. Here she is shown in hand he carries a lotus, the sign
Maitreya, is often depicted as Avalokiteshvara signifies aspect called Tara. Here her flowing white robes, which of purity, which has a book of
the fat, laughing Buddha. His supreme compassion. His hand right hand mudra symbolizes are a symbol of purity and sutras (scriptures) on top of it,
fat is symbolic of happiness, mudras and the objects he holds the gift of wisdom, while her womanhood. Her right hand is signifying wisdom. His left hand
and his belly holds the wisdom are symbolic of his many powers. left hand signifies teaching. She in vitarka mudra, a teaching mudra, with an open palm facing
of the universe. He carries a The rosary, for example, guides people to enlightenment gesture symbolic of the forward, signifies compassion
purse as a sign of abundance. signifies the cycle of life. by dispelling ignorance. Buddha’s doctrine. and charity.

PDABERA>Q@@D=O West: Amitabha  North: Amoghasiddhi

Also known as the Great Buddhas of Wisdom, With a name meaning “infinite His name means “almighty conqueror” and
light” and discriminating wisdom, his wisdom is all accomplishing. Attributes
the five buddhas are central to Tibetan Amitabha’s attributes include of Amoghasiddhi include the element air, the
Buddhism. These directional Buddhas – the four the element fire, the colour red, colour green, which is a sign of wisdom,
quarters and a central Buddha – are transcendent which signifies the setting Sun, and the mythical creature, the garuda.
the peacock, symbolic of
beings who symbolize divine forces and can be compassion, and the lotus,
focused on during periods of meditation. Each a sign of purity.
is symbolically associated with a particular
direction, element, colour, and attitude, and
each also symbolizes a particular virtue. For

example, Amoghasiddha fights envy and

jealousy, Vairocana ignorance, and Aksobya
anger and hate.

 Centre: Vairocana East: Aksobya

The wisdom of Vairocana  South: Ratnasambhava The mirror-like wisdom of
embodies that of the four A buddha with the wisdom Aksobya is coupled with
surrounding Buddhas. He is of equality, Ratnasambhava his symbol, the thunderbolt,
associated with the colour controls the element earth. and his element, water. His
white, signifying purity, the His colour is yellow, which other attributes include the
wheel, symbolizing the Wheel is symbolic of the Sun’s colour blue and the elephant,
of Law, and space. His animal illumination, and he holds which supports his throne and
is the lion, a sign of strength a jewel that is symbolic is a symbol of steadfastness
and bravery. of a liberated mind. and strength.
PDA >Q@@D= A symbolic journey imitating that made by
Early in the development of Buddhism, the Prince Siddhartha may be undertaken by boys
Buddha’s presence was indicated in art by objects entering the monkhood. On entering the monastry
associated with episodes in his life. For example, initiates adopt the same appearance as the other
he was often symbolized by a Bodhi tree, a monks, which is as a sign to others of their calling.
footprint, or an alms bowl. Other symbols, such The monkhood, or sangha, is one of the three
as the Dharma Wheel, signify both the Buddha After his Enlightenment the gems central to Buddhism, the other two being
Buddha renounced all material
and his teachings. things by wearing a simple robe the Buddha himself and dharma (his teachings).
and carrying an alms bowl. For
monks their alms bowl is a
reminder of humility, while for
donors it signifies the good
karma they will receive from
their acts of charity.

 The Great Departure

This frieze depicts Prince Siddhartha leaving his palace, having
renounced the worldly life. Known as the “Great Departure”, Buddhist
boys symbolically re-enact this scene before donning the robes of a
monk and entering a monastery as a novice.
 Lion  Empty throne
The Buddha attained A symbol of the Buddha, the As well as being a sign of the  Appearance
Enlightenment beneath a Bodhi lion was the emblem of his Buddha’s royal ancestry, the Recognized by their saffron or red
tree, an event that led to the clan, the Sakyas, and its roar empty throne is also a symbol coloured robes and shaved heads,
development of the tree and its symbolic of the strength of his of the Buddha as spiritual leader. monks are not priests and are not
leaves as signs of devotion. As words. These lions stand on the Here there are deer carved obliged to conduct services. Their
a symbolic reminder, Bodhi trees site where the Buddha first around the base of the column clothing symbolizes the simple life
are grown in Buddhist centres preached at Sarnath. They were and these too have symbolic they lead, following the teachings
around the world. erected by King Ashoka, who meaning (see below).
w of the Buddha, and their bald heads
also had the lion as his symbol. signify renunciation of worldly
things. They spend most of their
time in contemplation.

yer wheel
ting in Tibetan tradition, prayer wheels
ze people’s prayers. Sacred verses, called
s, are inscribed on them and on leaves
e placed inside the cylinder. Each rotation
prayer wheel represents one recitation

 The Wheel of Law (Dharma)

An important icon, the Dharma wheel symbolizes Buddha’s teaching
and its parts signify different aspects of its practice – the rim signifies
Sacred trees pp.96–97
concentration, the spokes wisdom, and the hub discipline. The spokes
The home pp.238–39
of the Dharma Wheel are also symbolic of the Noble Eightfold Path to
Nirvana – right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action,
right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.
The deer symbolize the Buddha’s first teaching in a deer park.
The Buddhist Wheel of Life symbolizes the constant circle of action
and change to which we are subject. It represents the law of karma, OLD AGE AND DEATH IGNORANCE

according to which delusions and desires lead to actions that keep

us on the ever-turning Wheel of Life, unable to detach ourselves and
attain enlightenment.






1. Centre of the Wheel 4. Outer ring

At the heart, in the very centre of the Wheel of Life, is a rooster, The depictions in the outermost circle represent the 12 links of the
which symbolizes ignorance, a snake (hatred), and a pig (greed). chain of dependence. In this realm are shown all the important
Each creature is chasing and biting the other’s tail, giving rise to themes of human life – birth, the religious life, old age, sickness, and
the endless cycle of rebirths. These are the three delusions that death. From the top of the circle these are ignorance (a blind person),
prevent us from attaining Nirvana. acts of volition (a potter at his wheel), consciousness (a monkey in a
tree), name and form (men in a boat), the six senses (a house with
2. Inner ring empty windows), contact (a couple embracing), feeling (a man with
Encompassing the innermost circle is another circle with white and an arrow in his eye), craving (a person drinking alcohol), grasping (a
black backgrounds. This represents beings rising and falling according woman picking fruit), existence (a pregnant woman), birth (a woman
to their deeds. Those who have lived good lives are seen to be crouching), and old age and death (an old man carrying a burden).
ascending, while those who have lived bad lives are descending
into ignorance and darkness. 5. & 6. Yama and the Buddha
Turning the wheel is Yama, Lord of Death, who signifies the certainty
3. Middle ring of death for us all. At the top right the Buddha points the way to
The areas between the spokes form the middle ring of the Wheel and enlightenment that is reached by following his doctrine, which is set
symbolize the different realms of existence. The top half portrays the out in the Wheel of Law.
higher realms of existence: humans, gods, and demi-gods. The lower
half shows the lower realms of existence: animals, demons, and
hungry ghosts. In each realm a Buddha promises release.

Taoism and Shinto are Chinese and Japanese harmony is symbolic of both religions, and
religions that emphasize living in harmony followers strive to maintain it. Taoist gods
with nature. The landscape around us, the can control the forces of nature and other
oceans, mountains, lakes, and flowers are all aspects of life; Shinto spirits are everywhere
part of a well-ordered balance of life. This and inhabit places such as caves and springs.

Philosophical Taoism is an ancient system of
thought that began with the teachings of Lao
Tzu, who is said to have written the Tao Te Ching
between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE. He wrote
that everything in nature was symbolic of the
natural order of things, from mountains and
rocks to trees and the veining in their leaves.
Taoism speaks of non-action (wu-wei), meaning
taking no action that is contrary to nature. Yin  Yin and Yang
and Yang are the terms used to signify opposite The natural world is seen in
terms of the complementary but
but balanced “forces”, such as male and female. differing forces of Yin and Yang.
Shown here in symbolic form,
they represent the two halves
of the Tao. Yin is female, dark,
yielding, low, and night, while
Yang is male, light, strong, high,
and day. Yin would be signified
by valleys, for example, whereas
mountains signify Yang.

 Taoist painting
 The uncarved block  Veins of nature The elements of earth, wood, fire, metal, and water are used in art in
Lao Tzu speaks of the uncarved Of great significance in Taoism a symbolic form to represent the essence of an object. Clay signifies
block, the continual ceaseless is an understanding of the lines the earth, fire is symbolically used by painting with soot, and water
is mixed with painting materials.

mass of change. In art this mass and veins that run through
is often symbolized by a natural objects, such as trees Yin and Yang
Fan Aura
misshapen rock with forms that and leaves, and the “dragon”
never repeat themselves. Such veins of metal that run through
stones are often collected and the Earth. All are symbolic of
placed in gardens as symbols of the oneness of life and the  Lao Tzu
the universe in miniature. natural balance of Yin and Yang. Lao Tzu’s teachings are
fundamental to Taoism but little
is known about him. Supposedly
 Jade born old, he had a grey beard  The I Ching
In Taoism jade is the essence and long earlobes that signified The Book of Changes, also
of Heaven, and is said to be wisdom. He is shown here called I Ching, is a classic work.
formed from a dragon’s semen. holding a fan, symbolic of how Its trigrams and hexagrams
Jade symbolizes nobility, Taoism can be disseminated signify Yin and Yang properties
perfection, and immortality. and salvation sought. It may that are still used for divination
also symbolize completion of purposes, signifying when to
the universe. He is deified by act and when not to in order to
-3, Taoists and the aura around his follow the path of nature. Eight
head signifies his holiness. trigrams make up one hexagram.
The origins of Shinto are ancient and intimately connected with Japanese SHINTO SPIRIT
mythology. The religion is centred on its many spirits (kami), which signify
the different elements and forces of the natural world. Any imbalance, Inn Shinto sacred beings that signify
sign anything
caused, for example, by felling a tree or killing an animal, is restored extraordinary or awe-inspring are referred to
symbolically through ritual and purification. as kami. Amaterasu is the most important of
them. However, the name is given to all spiri
 The Shinto shrine regardless of whether they are good, as is
The focus of worship in Shinto Inari, or bad, as is Kagu-Zuchi
Zuchi when he allows
is the shrine. The torii, or sacred
gateway through which everyone houses to burn.
passes to enter a shrine, is an
instantly recognizable symbol,
marking the passage into the
sacred realm. This gateway
links water with sky and land,
signifying the balance of nature.

 Inari  Amaterasu
th are Responsible for good The brightness of the Sun
Magatama ls of harvests and prosperity,
osperi goddess, Amaterasu, is
bead of undance. Inari
nari holds a wish-fulfilling
wish fulfilling often signified by sun-rays
compassion ikoku is jewel
ew and has two white emanating from her head.
Sword of sack of foxes, symbolic of power, She was believed to be an
strength t that is as his messengers. ancestor of the emperors.
s or to

of truth

 Symbols of Shinto  Mountain gods go

Three symbols are found in Most mountains and volcanoes have their own gods or
Shinto shrines: a necklace of spirits that personify and symbolize their power. The goddess
magatama beads, signifying of Mount Fuji, for example, is Sengen-Samba.
compassion, that was carried
by Amaterasu, the Sun goddess;  Fire gods
the metal mirror of truth with The fire spirit, Kagu-Zuchi,
which she was lured from her is feared and respected by
cave; and a sword of strength the Japanese. He is always

that was found by the god depicted as a tall young
Susa-No-O and later owned by man, often bare chested,
the first Japanese emperor. but always accompanied by
flames over which
w he has
sole control. As fire is a
real threat to wooden
ous the god is regularly
 Garden or flower
placated with ritual.
The Shinto ideals of harmony
with nature underlie traditional
customs, such as garden design
and flower arranging, which SEE ALSO
symbolize on a small scale the The Sun pp.16–17
harmony of the universe. Fire pp.30–31
Ancestors pp.146–47
Divination pp.196–99
Gardens pp.244–47
Judaism is an ancient religion founded in the Caanan
region of western Asia some 3,500 years ago. Jews
believe they are the chosen people that were led by
God (Yahweh) from slavery in Egypt to the Promised
Land. Today Jews are scattered across the globe and so
the symbols of their religion are an important unifying
factor. All aspects of Jewish life – from foods eaten at
festivals and garments worn for prayer to ritual objects
used in the synagogue – are imbued with a significance
reflecting a rich past and a deep love of God.

Jewish identity is bound up with the concept of nationhood. To a people
that were without a home for thousands of years, the longing for a country
of their own assumed great significance. Hence the bitter struggle over the
state of Israel, which for most Jews is the symbol of Judaism. The Law,
now called halakah, is believed to have been given by God to Moses and  Star of David
embodies the moral structure of the Jewish nation. Instantly recognizable throughout the world as a popular symbol of
Judaism, the Star of David is a powerful sign of Jewish identity and
unity. Used on Jewish tombstones in the late 17th century and adopted
by Zionists in the 1890s, it now features on the nation flag of Israel.

 The Western Wall

 Jerusalem The Temple of Jerusalem was
The ancient and holy city of Jerusalem stands at the heart of Judaism. destroyed by the Romans in
Since King David became the city’s ruler, some 3,000 years ago, it has 70CE. The Western Wall, also
been a focus of prayer and a symbol of Jewish nationhood. known as the “Wailing Wall”,
is all that remains. For Jews
it is a place of pilgrimage and
symbolizes the Jewish nation.

 Torah mantle
 Ark of the Covenant The Law of God and central to The Torah is protected by a
Originally signifying God’s the Jewish faith, the Torah is a mantle of cloth, traditionally
presence, this wooden chest is handwritten scroll comprising embroidered with symbols
thought to have housed the Ten the first five books of the of Judaism. Here a crown,
Commandments. Today every ”Hebrew Bible”. The staves, symbolic of the regal status
-3. synagogue has a symbolic ark – called Azei Hayyim, on which
the scrolls are wound signify
of the Torah, is flanked by two
lions, a common symbol with
it is the sacred chest in which
the Torah scrolls are kept. the Trees of Life. links to the Tribe of Judah.
BAOPER=HO=J@LN=UAN Silver prayer book kkoth
Prayer is fundamental to the Jewish faith, with eral items are associated the festival
h praying, including the koth, which
devout Jews praying three times a day. Saturday yer book, which both bers God’s care
– the Sabbath – is of particular significance, but bolizes and contains God’s people as they
there are also a number of festivals during which d. The ornately decorated t the Promised
ers signify the sacredness festive huts,
Jews celebrate both their history and traditions he text inside. Prayer books lic of the tents
and affirm their faith in God. Because prayer is commonly given to boys at d in the desert,
such a central part of Judaism, there are various r Bar Mitzvah, a ceremony uilt, and leaves
celebrates their coming of lm, willow, and
symbolic objects and rituals associated with it. at 13. le are woven
ether to make
vs (shown here).
ey are waved in
 Sabbath Mezuzah
directions in
The Jewish Sabbath (Shabbat in mall container, called a mezuzah, is often attached
e synagogue
Hebrew) begins on Friday evening and he front doorpost of Jewish houses as a symbol
signify God’s
ends at nightfall the following day. he occupier’s faith. It is traditional to kiss one’s
stery of the
Orthodox male Jews wear two tefillins, ers and touch the mezuzah on entering the home
verse and to
small leather boxes symbol of one’s devotion to God. Each mezuzah
for rain in the
containing passages tains a small scroll with biblical text written on it.
ming year.
from the Torah, a
kippah (skull cap),
symbolic of God’s presence,
and a prayer shawl, or tallit,
with 613 tassels, symbolic of
the Ten Commandments.
Tefillin attached to the Prayer shawl Mezuzah scroll
arms with a leather strap or tallit

Passover celebrates the Jews’ liberation from
Egypt. The rituals associated with this festival
are heavy with symbolism, not least the
assover meal, or sederer, which comprises
compris a
number of different elements (shown below),w 
ch with its own symbolism for the event. Unleavened matzah bread
symbolizes the speed withwi
which the
he Jews
Jew left Egypt
A bitter herb, such as horseradish or – not having time to wait
or their bread to rise.

b shank represents
ep ese  Shofar  Menorah
mbs sacrificed at the The ram’s horn symbolizes God’s A seven-branched candelabrum
h temples during pleasure in Abraham’s loyalty is one of the oldest symbols of
val and represents the ram that God Judaism. The menorah may
allowed him to sacrifice in place have its origins in the ancient
of his son.The Shofar is also symbol of the Tree of Life.
symbolic of Rosh Hashanah, Its light symbolizes the eternal

the Jewish New Year. light of the Torah.

the lowliness
Charoset, a fruit and
of the Je
nut paste, signifies bitter
slaves. Sacred trees pp.96–97
the mortar made by e tears of Initiation rites pp.124–25
the Jews for ring their Kabbalah pp.174–75
THEE PASSOVER MEAL Egyptian palaces. slavery in Egypt. Shapes pp.284–89 -3/
Flags pp.328–29
Followers of Kabbalah, a branch of
Jewish mysticism, explore hidden
meanings in the Torah – the first five
books of the Old Testament – in order
achieve a more spiritual relationship
with God. Making use of diagrams,
symbols, and numerology, Kabbalah
is a highly complex, esoteric system.
It was originally an oral tradition but
from around the 13th century it
appeared in literature, among which
the Zohar, or Book of Splendour, is
considered the most significant work.

PDAG=>>=H=D K@
Kabbalists have a dualistic concept of God: God the
who is not addressed in prayer; and God manifest, an active God with
whom the faithful develop a relationship. A significant element of Kabbalah
is the use of meditation, during which a Kabbalist might focus on or  72 names of God
visualize one of the many symbols or diagrams used to represent God. Among the various symbols used for Kabbalah meditation are
the 72 names of God, said to have enabled prophets to
CROWN (KETER) perform miracles, such as Moses’s parting of the Red Sea.
The 72 names derive from three verses in Exodus, each of
WORLD OF EMANATIONS (ATZILUTH) which contains 72 Hebrew letters. By taking a letter from
each verse, working from left to right with the first verse,
right to left with the second verse, and left to right again with
the last verse, the 72 three-letter names of God are formed.




 Ein Sof
(HOD) (NETZACH) “Ein Sof”, the infinite
aspect of God
considered by
WORLD OF ACTION (ASSIAH) Kabbalists to have
existed before creation
– an unknowable
 The Sefirot  Four worlds nothingness – which
The above diagram is a symbolic representation of the Tree of Life, One way in which the Sefirot then manifested as the
which in Kabbalah is often inverted and so rooted in Heaven. This can be interpreted is through God of creation and
tree portrays the Sefirot, which are central to Kabbalistic thought and grouping the ten emanations worship, via the ten
signify God in his progression from the infinite, unknowable God to the of God into “four worlds”, as sefirot (see far left).
t Ein
30 active God that created the universe. Each of the ten stages, or Sefirah, shown above. Each world Sof is often symbolic of
is symbolic of a different aspect of a person’s relationship with God signifies a separate stage in God’s Light.
and is connected to others by channels so forming groups. the creation process.
CAI=PNE=  Tetraktys
Gematria is a Hebrew form of numerology, used The Kabbalistic tetraktys is a symbol of the
cosmos, based on the original by the Ancient
in Kabbalah to find hidden meanings in words, Greek philosopher Pythagoras, which arranges
and the relationship between the ten Sefirot and ten points in descending order and symbolizes the
the Hebrew alphabet. It is an extremely complex process of creation from the one to the many. This
version uses the letters of the Hebrew alphabet
art, applied in a number of different ways. Each that spell out the tetragrammaton (the four-
letter of the alphabet is deeply symbolic, both in lettered name of God) YHWH, and forms the basis
the sound it makes and in its position in a word. for the Kabbalistic Tree of Life – the Sefirot.
The glyphs also have a numerical significance and
one can reinterpret words by adding the numerical
values of the letters. Words have a special link to
other words that share the same total; the second
word bringing new meaning to the first.

Glyph Hebrew Decimal

 The Hebrew Triad
ALEPH 1 Represented by the Hebrew letter “shin”, the
Hebrew Triad is a graphic rendition of the first three
BET 2 Sefirot. It symbolizes the crown in the centre, the
father on the left, and the mother on the right.

DALED 4 Crown

HE 5 Father Mother

WA 6

A N 7






MEM 40
Kabbalists strive to avoid the negative
NUN 50 energy of the “evil eye” by wearing a
SAMEKH 60 red wool amulet.
l Traditionally the
wool must be wrapped around
AYI 70
Rachel’s tomb before being cut to
PE 80 wrist length. Rachel was the wife
TSADI 90 of Jacob and, for Kabbalists, she
QOPH 100 epitomizes protection against evil.

RESH 200
 Red String Bracelet
Kabbalists maintain that energy entersters the body through the left-
SHIN 300
hand side and exits via the right. By wearing a braceletet on the left
TA 400 wrist,
ist, therefore, the entry of evil is barred.

KAPH 500

MEM 600  Hebrew alphabet


There are 22 letters in the SEE ALSO

NUN 700
Hebrew alphabet, five of which Judaism pp.172–73
PE 800 appear twice, depending on
whether they are used at the
Amulets pp.194–95
Numerology pp.206–07
TSADI 900 beginning and middle of a word,
or at the end.
Christianity, which appeared about 2,000 of the faith to signify their belief, and reflected
years ago, has its roots in Judaism. Christians in the shape of many of its churches. Biblical
believe that Christ died on the cross to stories have given rise to a number of symbols,
redeem the sins of the world. The cross such as the dove of peace, while martyrs,
is therefore the supreme symbol of the who died for their beliefs, and apostles have
Christian faith, being worn by followers given rise to others.

Representational art has always been a part of Christianity and many
symbols of the religion are a part of Christian consiousness. As well as
the cross, the halo, or nimbus, which encircles the head of Christ and the
saints, frequently appears as a symbol of sanctity. Other symbols include
the fish, which appeared during the Roman period when Christians were
being persecuted for their beliefs and is still in use today, and the dove,
which now has a more universal appeal and is a sign of peace.
 The standing lamb  The lying lamb
he sacrificial lamb is a symbol When lying on a cross and
Christ. Standing with a the Book of Seven Seals, the
anner, the lamb signifies recumbent lamb symbolizes the
hrist’s triumph in rising from triumph of the Christian faith at
e dead after being crucified. the Last Judgement.

 Nativity scene
This scene depicts Christ’s birth
in a stable. The visit of the
shepherds and the three wise
men, or magi, symbolizes the
acceptance of Christianity by
people of all backgrounds and

all nationalities.
 Virgin and child  The Virgin Mary
As a baby, Christ is often Mary is depicted here in a
depicted naked and sitting on traditional red tunic over which
a white cloth to symbolize his is worn a blue robe symbolic of Jesus Christ
innocence, purity, and holiness. Heaven and her position as its Believed by Christians to be the
The presence of the Virgin Mary queen. Over her heart she has son of God, Jesus Christ was born
signifies her motherly nature her hands clasped in prayer, a of the Virgin Mary. In this Russian
and the human aspect of Christ. sign of sincerity and humility. icon, the haloed Christ is depicted
with his right hand raised to bless
the faithful. The three fingers that
touch are a sign of the Holy Trinity
 Fish (see above right),
t while the two
The first letters of the words free fingers symbolize Christ’s
Jesus Christ, Son of God, and humanity and his coming to Earth
Saviour, spell Ichthus, or “fish” in human form. In his left hand he
in Greek. It was used by early holds the sacred book.
-32 Christians as a secret sign. One
person drew one arc of the fish
and a second completed it.
Symbolic of the Holy Spirit,
the third member of the
Trinity, the dove is also a
symbol of peace, having
 Fleur de lis returned to Noah’s ark  Three nails
To Christians, the fleur de lis is carrying an olive branch. Placed on Christ’s head to Used in the crucifixion of Christ
symbolic of the Holy Trinity (the signify his humiliation, the to secure his hands and feet to
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), the crown of thorns is seen by the cross, three nails, like the
purity of the Virgin Mary, and Christians as a sign of Christ’s crown of thorns, are symbolic of
the Angel Gabriel. suffering to save humanity. Christ’s supreme sacrifice.

Humans who lived particularly devout lives and have been canonized by
the Church after death are called saints. Many saints are symbolic of a
particular characteristic, such as devotion, as well as being recognized by
eir attributes. Some emblems signify the manner in which the saints were
killed, others such as the crossed keys of St. Peter the apostle are so well
k th t th b dt b li St P t hi lf

St. Francis of Assisi

The patron saint of animals and
attribute of St. Sebastian because he survived being shot with birds, St. Francis of Assisi is
arrows, and because arrows leave scars that are similar to the often depicted in their company
marks left by the plague. He was later stoned to death. to signify his love of nature.

 St. Paul  St. Peter  St. Catherine

Converted to Christianity on Usually depicted carrying the Martyred on four flaming
the road to Damascus, St. Paul keys of Heaven,
H St. Peter is wheels for her beliefs, St.
carries a cross-hilted sword in symbolized by crossed keys, Catherine has become a
his right hand to signify his which represent the locked door symbol of devotion. Her
teaching of God’s word as the of excommunication and the emblem is the spiked
“Sword of the Spirit”. He also open door of absolution.n. The wheel,, also known as
carries a letter, symbolic of the keys signify his powerr to the Catherine wheel.
many letters he wrote to the forgive sinners.
churches he founded.

Practising Christians go to church to worship sacred rite of communion,
en by confirmed Christians,
and attend various services, including baptisms an at the Last Supper, when
and funerals. Catholics may pray using rosaries, st ate his final meal with

and for confirmed followers of the faith, attending disciples. He said that the
ad and wine he shared with
mass and receiving holy communion is central to m were his body and his
their beliefs, symbolizing their union with God. od. Many Christians take this
terally, while others believe
it to be a symbolic truth.

sary  Church
g its name from the white Churches are symbolic at many
se, symbol of the purity levels. In cross-shaped churches
of the Virgin Mary, the western arm is called the SEE AL
he rosary marks out nave, from the Latin for “ship”, Angels pp.188–89
The Holy Grail pp.208–09
epetitions of the prayer after early descriptions of the
Religious architecture pp.228–31
l Mary”. church as an ark.
Symbolic gestures pp.334–37
Although the cross has had many associations in
the past, it is perhaps most widely recognized as
a symbol of the Christian faith, where it signifies
Christ’s sacrifice in dying on the cross to save
humanity. Even making the sign of the cross is
symbolic – of the Holy Trinity – and is given as
a blessing by priests during religious services.
The sign is made in the air, the vertical part
being drawn first followed by the horizontal.
Over time many visual variations of the cross
have evolved. Each has a particular symbolism,
which has led to the adoption of specific crosses
by different organizations and Christian orders.
The Maltese Cross, for example, is symbolic of
protection and is the emblem of US firefighters.

the first two letters of the name the Egyptian ankh, was used by the cross element is surrounded of equal length. It is instantly the four arms widen out into
“Christ” in Greek, this cross was early Egyptian Christians after by a circle, said by some to be a recognizable, and was in swallowtail shapes. The
adopted by the Roman Emperor the introduction of Christianity symbol of unity and God’s common use as a Christian resulting eight corners symbolize
-34 Constantine. Of ancient origin, by St. Mark. A variation of eternal love, and by others to symbol from the 4th century. rebirth. An emblem of honour and
it was previously the symbol of the form was later used as a signify a halo. The Celtic Cross It symbolizes the spread of the protection, it is symbolic of
Chronos, the Greek god of time. symbol by Ethiopian Christians. predates Christianity in Ireland. gospel to all parts of the world. various Christian organizations.
e cross is symbolic of Christianity as a
ole, but different branches of the religion
e different types of cross. Protestants, for
ample, have adopted
pt a plain cross, symbolic
Christ having risen from the dead. Catholics
ve adopted the crucifix – a cross with the
cified Christ – as symbolic of Christ’s
rifice. His presence on the cross is also Plain cross
mbolic of God’s work as ongoing rather than This modern Methodist church This 14th–15th century
in Singapore displays a large crucifix from a Catholic
ding with his death and resurrection. Some plain steel cross like that seen church in Croatia shows
holic crosses have a skull at the base, in most other Protestant Christ on the cross with
mbolic of Golgotha, the “place of the skull” churches. God looking down on him m
from above.
mmonly called Calvary), where Christis wass
en to be crucified.

Baptismal Cross
his eight-armed cross is made

om an X superimposed on to a
reek Cross. It is often used for
aptisms because the number
ght symbolizes rebirth. It also
gnifies the eight-day period
etween Christ’s entry into
erusalem and his resurrection.

of France, this cross has three St. Clement s Cross, since St. Christianity in Ireland, as St. S
elements: the cross, the anchor, Clement was supposedly tied to Brighid may have evolved from Head trophies pp.110–11 Shapes pp.284–89
and the heart, symbolizing an anchor and thrown into the a Celtic goddess. This type of Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41 Picture writing pp.300–05
Faith, Hope, and Charity (or sea. It symbolizes the anchor cross is usually woven of straw Celtic & Nordic deities pp.142–43 Heraldic emblems pp.318–323 -35
love). The anchor also serves as that holds Christians steady for Candlemas, and is symbolic Satan & demons pp.190–91 Flags pp.324–29
a symbol of the local fishermen. through the storms of life. of prosperity and protection. Amulets pp.194–95
Followers of the Islamic faith, Muslims, believe in one
and that Muhammad is his prophet. Islam is a religion
avoids human representation in art; however, a variety
of objects, such as the star and crescent and the hand
of Fatimah, have become symbolic of the faith.
The colour green, a symbol of Spring, is particularly
important: the Koran states that the inhabitants
of Paradise will wear garments of green silk.

Muslim places of worship, called mosques, are
where the faithful gather to pray at least once a
week. Although mosques do not have to be of a
particular design, many have a dome and/or tall
minarets that, because of their prominance in
city skylines, have themselves become symbols
of the Islamic faith. Some mosques incorporate
five pillars, representing the Five Pillars of the  Star and crescent
faith (see Hand of Fatimah), and contain a niche In the 14th century the cresce
Moon was adopted as a symb
that indicates the direction of Mecca. As the of Islam, followed by the star, the Hand of Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad, also has other meanings.
symbolic heart of Islam, Mecca is a place that all which signifies sovereignity and Each finger symbolizes one of the Five Pillars of Islam – Shahada
Muslims try to visit at least once in their lifetime. dignity. They are also a reminder (affirmation of the faith), Salat (set prayers), Zakat (giving of alms),
of the lunar calender by which Sawm (fasting through Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
The Hajj (pilgrimage) is one of the Five Pillars. Islamic religious life is ordered.

 The Dome of the Rock mosque  Minaret  Ka’ba

Mosques symbolize the heart of Islamic religion and community. The Ceramic or metal lamps are The minaret, from which the It is towards the Ka’ba in
dome, an ancient feminine symbol, represents the arc of the heavens, often suspended from chains faithful are called to prayer, is Mecca, symbol of Muslim unity
and by passing through the arched doorway the faithful symbolically in mosques. The light they an integral part of many mosques and the oneness of God, that all
pass into another state of being. Caliphs built mosques as an overt produce is symbolic of eternal and a potent symbol of the Muslims face in prayer. Pilgrims
sign of their piety; some mosques, such as the Dome of the Rock, truth, wisdom, and the power Islamic faith. God’s name may circle the Ka’ba seven times, an
enshrine specific holy places. This is the spot to which the Angel of God. It is also a sign of the be placed at the top to signify act that symbolizes Muhammad’s
Gabriel brought Muhammad prior to his Night Journey to Heaven. divine presence within. his supremacy over all things. seven ascents to Heaven.
Prayer constitutes the second Pillar of Islam
(Salat) and is undertaken five times a day.
Cleanliness is an important aspect of this ritual
and, before each period of prayer, practising
Muslims wash in a prescribed and ritual way.
As in many religions this action is symbolic of
the washing away of sin and self purification.
Because representational art is avoided,
ingenious ways of praising God visually have  Daily prayer  Prayer mat with compass
been devised, ranging from the beautiful Fives times a day, Muslims face Mecca to pray. First they raise their Cleanliness is important
hands palm outwards to signify that they are putting everything behind when praying. The prayer mat
calligraphy seen as decoration everywhere in them but God. Later they touch the ground with their foreheads and signifies a clean place and the
Muslim countries, to the lighting of coloured intone the words, “Allah is great”, symbolically submitting to God. compass indicates the direction
lanterns during Ramadan. of Mecca.

 Ceramic tile
The sacred text of Islam, the Koran, or Qur’an, sets out God’s word Islamic decoration is epitomized
as revealed to the prophet Muhammad. It is thought to symbolize the by the use of ornamental tiles.
“leader”, is added fo prophethood of Muhammad and the truth of the religion. Written in In the above example of Islamic
can only be found in Paradise. Muslims int Arabic, the language in which its words were revealed to the prophet, craftsmanship, the star shape
chanting “Allah” with the hundredth bead. the text is often enclosed by beautiful borders and scrollwork. symbolizes the divinity and
supremacy of Islam.

Ramadan occurs during the
ninth month of the year and
those who are able fast during
the daylight hours. Signs that
Ramadan has started include
the use of attar, a pungent
perfume, and the preparation of
traditional sweet dishes using
simahii (vermicelli), which are
consumed after sunset. In Egypt
the festival is associated with
the lighting of coloured lanterns,
called fanoos, which symbolizes
people’s gratitude to God.

Shapes pp.284–89
Sacred places pp.232–33
Symbolic of beauty, power, and unity, Islamic calligraphy is an --4--
exquisite art form. Words from the Koran and the name of God
decorate all kinds of objects, including the tiled walls of mosques.
There is a rich tradition of symbolic geometric
patterns in Islamic art, many of which are
incorporated in traditonal crafts. In Islamic
carpets the range of compositions and colours is
enormous. Owners of rugs are often able to trace
the origins of their carpets back to a particular
tribe, area, or town.

1 3

1. Patterns and symmetry

The symmetry of the patterns used in Islamic carpets symbolizes
balanced proportions. The design of shapes and their position is
usually the same on both sides of the central axis. The repetition
of the patterns is used to symbolize unity in multiplicity.

2. Borders
There are often several borders in the design of an Islamic carpet
and their number is symbolic. Three, five, seven, and nine are sacred
numbers, which are used to determine how many borders a carpet
will have. The three borders shown here symbolize earth, sky, water,
holiness, productivity, and fertility.

3. & 4. Shapes
Stars are hugely symbolic, and the number of points of a star
determines its meaning. An eight-pointed star symbolizes the line
of life from birth to death. The dot in the centre of the carpet
symbolizes one God and the role of Mecca as the centre of Islam
towards which all Muslims face to pray.

5. Colours
Each of the colours in an Islamic carpet has a different meaning.
For example, yellow symbolizes an abundant and wealthy life while
blue shows an unattainable depth and mythical infinity of sky and
sea. Green represents spring and paradise.

Sikhism is a monotheistic faith founded
in northern India in the 15th century by
the Guru Nanak and built on by nine
successive gurus or teachers. Sikhs
respect the equality of all people,
regardless of their faith, and emphasize
service to others, humility, and daily  Guru Nanak
The first of the ten
prayer. They do not place statues of God gurus, Guru Nanak
embodies the wisdom
or the gurus in their temples, but instead of Sikhism. He is always
depicted with prayer
a number of objects and practices beads, which, with the
halo around his head,
have important religious symbolism. are a symbol of his holy
status. His half-closed
Depictions of the gurus are always eyes are a sign of
spiritual ecstasy and his
very symbolic, as is the appearance of long, white beard is
symbolic of wisdom.
practising Sikhs who adopt the five Ks.

These are the five items of dress and physical
appearance beginning with the letter K that were
set down by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth and
last guru in 1699, to act as overt markers of
followers of his rules of discipline. They are the
kirpan, kangha, kara, kachhera, and kesh. Today,  Kangha  Kara  Kachhera
by adopting the five Ks, Sikhs signal a belief and The wooden comb, known as The steel bracelet, or kara, Cotton shorts, not unlike boxer
a kangha, symbolizes moral and signifies strength and integrity shorts, kachheraa are worn as
pride in their reli spiritual control and cleanliness. and is always worn on the an undergarment at all times
Sikhs wear the comb in their right wrist. Its circular shape by Sikh men. Although they

hair and use it twice daily. symbolizes perfection and unity allow free movement, kachhera
By combing their hair, they with God and is a continual are nevertheless a symbol of
distinguish themselves from reminder of the vow taken by all self control and sexual restraint,
Hindu ascetics, with their Sikhs to do nothing that might and are a reminder of the
unkept, matted locks. bring shame on their religion. prohibition of adultery.

 Kirpan  Kesh
The ceremonial weapon Uncut hair, called kesh, is a symbol
kirpan, is a symbol of cou of saintliness. All Sikh men wear
and rectitude, and a sign their hair long, as they believe that
every Sikh’s readiness to by keeping hair in its natural state
defend the weak and they live in harmony with God.
oppressed. It is worn clo They cover their hair with a
to the skin as a reminde distinctive turban, which is a
of human mortality, and recognizable sign of Sikhism.
-40 represents justice, order
and morality.
In Sikhism God is not thought to have a physical form and he is worshipped The power of the one God and equality are
without use of the symbols of other religions, such as incense or candles. central tenets of the Sikh religion. The khanda
There are no priests and anyone can lead a service. However, each gurdwara emblem is made up of three elements that
(temple) has one person, a granthi, appointed to read and take care of the symbolize these principles. One way in which
book of scriptures, called the Guru Granth Sahib. The gurdwara is the focal Sikhs signify their equality is by adopting the
point of religious life for Sikhs and a symbol of worship. name “Singh” for men and “Kaur” for women.

Two-edged sword Circular Single-edged sword

or khanda chakra

 Gurdwara entrance
Some Sikh gurdwarass have four
doors. These are the Door of
Livelihood, the Door of Learning,
the Door of Grace, and the Door
of Peace. They symbolize the  Gurdwara duties
fact that people are welcome Community service, such as
from all directions. A light is cooking (shown here), is an
always visible in the temple important part of the Sikh faith,
for the same reason. a symbolic reminder of the  The khanda  Ek Onkar
virtues of humility and service. The emblem of the Sikh faith, Meaning “God is one”, these
the khandaa is made up of a two- first two words in the Guru
edged sword, symbolic of truth Granth Sahib are the ones most
 The Golden Temple and justice, and two outer repeated by Sikhs. They are one
Founded by Guru Ram Das, the swords that represent the of the cornerstones of Sikhism,
fourth guru, and extended by Guru power of God. The circle and in their written form make
Arjan Dev, the fifth guru, the represents a weapon, the up one of the most famous
Golden Temple at Amritsar is chakra, and symbolizes eternity. symbols of the Sikh religion.
constructed on a sacred lake, the
waters of which symbolize creation
and abundance. It was built to
house the holy book.

 The holy book

Called the Guru Granth Sahib,
the holy book contains hymns
by the gurus and other writers
on which the Sikh religion
is based. The book has an
appointed guardian in every
temple. A sacred whisk, or
chauri,i symbol of honour and
sovereignity, is waved over
the text whenever it is read.
 Gobind Singh
All Sikh males take the name “Singh”, meaning “lion”, while women
have the name “Kaur”, meaning “princess”. The disciples of the tenth

guru, Gobind Singh, first adopted the name “Singh” and others followed.
This uniformity symbolizes the Sikhs’ emphasis on equality and rejection
of the caste system, which could be identified from last names.

The head pp.106–09
Tools & weapons pp.224–25
Sacred places pp.232–33
Headwear pp.250–51

 Altar of Mama Wati

During a ritual ceremony altars are traditionally richly laden with
candles and symbolic items and gifts that relate to the loa being
invoked. Here the image of Mama Wati has snakes entwined around
her arms, symbolic of fertility and renewal.
f system that concerns the power of spirits over the
ral world, voodoo was practised in secret by slaves
who used symbolism to disguise their religion.

om the West forms the focus of the ceremony. In return for food, which
s “spirit”. The is symbolically represented through a gift of animal
duri , the loa provides worshippers with good
and une, health, and protection from evil spirits.
alive mbolic rituals are held in gratitude for recent
istia ck or to ask for help at a time of misfortune.
nam worshippers signify their desire to connect to
tain irit world by dancing to a chant and drumbeat,
fic to a particular loa, until one or more of
has m is possessed by the spirit. Entering a trance-
like state signifies the worshippers’ devotion
and for other believers signals the apearance
and associations with of the spirit. The loa then communicates his/
with an animal’s head, this
voodoo doll signifies the evil spirits and the her will through the possessed.
bounty of the natural world living dead abound.
and counters infertility. A
doll is made to effect a
change in a person; what is PDAHK= There are two groups of loa: the “rada”, or sweet
The concept of the “spirit” is
done to the doll supposedly spirits, are thought to be of African origin, whereas
also happens to the person.
essential to voodoo culture the “petro”, or the bitter spirits, may be of Caribbean
and manifests itself in a origin and are more vengeful. Practitioners of rada
number of different ways. Beneath the supreme are thought to practise white magic in the form
divine being, the Gran Met (Great Master), are a of beneficial charms, or “wanga”, including the
multitude of “loas” (literally “mysteries”), each one is making of love potions or the use of healing herbs.
an ancestral spirit of some magnitude; for example, A more sinister form of voodoo centres on the
a king, a high priest, or a hero in past life. Each of petro spirits and is more closely associated with
these loas signifies a different aspect of the natural black magic or sorcery.
world – health, death, love, forests, streams – and
has the power to influence whatever they Vevers
symbolize for better or worse. Loas are, therefore, ade from cornmeal at the start of voodoo rituals, vevers are unique
the loa they symbolize. The vevers shown here signify Papa Legba (top),
the focus of voodoo worship. Believers in voodoo amballah La Flambeau, AAyizan, Brigitte, and Ogoun (bottom). A number of
invoke loas at the beginning of a ceremony by as may be called upon in any one ritual.
drawing a ritual symbol, known as a “vever”, on
the ground. Each loa has a different symbol made up of a SEE ALSO
unique combination of motifs signifying different aspects of Satan & demons pp.190–91
Witches & wicca pp.192–193
their personality and powers. There is a reciprocal element to
the relationship between believers and their loas, and this
The embodiment of heavenly purity and
benevolence, angels feature in both the Old
and New Testaments, and the Koran. They are
regarded by Jews, Christians, and Muslims as
messengers of God, and are most commonly
perceived as spiritual, superhuman beings that
mediate between God and humans, reflecting
God’s will on Earth. In the Bible angels are
always described as being youthful and beautiful
– a symbol of their high status – and dressed in
white – a sign of their spirituality and purity.

All angels – excluding those who have fallen from grace – are holy
and without sin. There are various descriptions of them in the Bible
and, over the centuries, common themes have developed in the
way that angels have been portrayed in the arts, for example, with
wings or haloes. There is great symbolism in an angel’s appearance,  Archangel Gabriel
in many cases their physical attributes representing spiritual ones. Known to Christians for announcing Jesus’ impending birth to Mary,
and in Islam for revealing the Koran to Muhammad, Gabriel (Jibra’il) is
often depicted with a trumpet, symbolic of his role as herald.

 Harp  Censer
Numerous angels surround God Used for burning incense, the
in Heaven and are referred to as fragrance from censers is said
the “heavenly host”. They are to carry people’s prayers to
often depicted with musical Heaven. An angel might be
instruments – specifically the depicted wafting the incense in
harp – as a sign of the harmony the direction of a holy figure as
 Wings they create in praising God. a symbol of veneration.
An angel’s wings are symbolic
of its spirituality and of its
closeness to God. They also  Halo
signify an angel’s ability to fly The halo is symbolic of light and divinity. Accounts of angels in the
Bible often mention them as bright beings or surrounded by an aura
-44 from Heaven to Earth to carry
of some kind, and in many images of angels (and other holy figures)
out God’s bidding.
this is represented as a halo around their heads.
The “heavenly host” includes various ranks of
angels, each with different duties and imbued
with its own symbolism. A 5th-century Greek
scholar, Dionysus the Areopagite, describes the
angels as belonging to three “choirs”: the First
Choir (comprising the Seraphim, Cherubim, and
Thrones); the Second Choir (Dominations,
Virtues, and Powers); and the Third Choir
(Principalities, Archangels, and Angels).

 The Seven Archangels  Archangel Michael

A sign of the importance of the Particularly associated with
archangels is that they include God’s “armies” of angels, and
the only named angels in the with ridding Heaven of Satan,
Bible. They most closely Michael signifies chivalry in
represent God’s will on Earth, both the Christian and Jewish
through their duty to relay faiths; he is also considered
messages to people. God Archangel “protector of Israel”.

 Archangel Raphael  Cherubim  Seraphim

For Christians the Archangel Being close to God, cherubim The highest ranking angels that
Raphael is symbolic of healing signify a deep knowledge of are closest to God, four Seraphim
(his name in Hebrew means “God God’s will and, therefore, fly above God’s throne, singing  Guardian angels
heals”). For Muslims he signifies wisdom. They were responsible his praises. Extremely bright A symbol of God’s care for his people, guardian angels protect an
the coming of Judgement Day, as for the expulsion of Adam and and with six wings, they individual, offering his or her prayers to God, and providing guidance
it is he who will bring the news. Eve from the Garden of Eden. symbolize love and light. through the journey of life.

?DANQ>O  Memento mori

Often confused with the Cherubim, cherubs As a symbol of innocence, a
cherub is sometimes depicted
or putti (from old Italian putto, meaning “child”) juxtaposed with a symbol of
were Classical images of rounded, naked baby mortality (memento mori), i
figures, always male, and often with wings. such as the skull shown here.
Together they signify the
Symbolic of innocence and purity, their wings, transitory nature of life: the
if present, added spiritual significance. Cherubs cherub symbolizing birth and
became popular during the Renaissance: some, the beginning, while the skull

symbolizes death and the end.

such as Cupid, were a sign of love and romance,
and therefore had mythological symbolism,  Baroque putto
while others were depicted, for example, During the Baroque period
it was not unusual to see
welcoming people to Heaven and therefore had sculpted and carved putti in
religious symbolism. Cherubs are sometimes both architecture and furniture
depicted with items such as musical instruments designs. They may be gilded to Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
signify their heavenly status. Satan and demons pp.190–91
or a skull for symbolic emphasis. Gardens pp.244–47
Most cultures, whether ancient or contempo of Satan
imes have seen
feature the Devil or demons in their mytholo lopment of
atanic cults.
and religion. At best demons signify ill-fortun Church of
tan, for
and poor health; at worst they are xample, rejects
manifestations of evil and death. Such religion and
nstead honours
figures are also associated with darkness atan. He does
t symbolize
and the unknown; they prey on our greatest here, but
y stands in
fears, especially Satan who is symbolic of n to God.

Hell as opposed to Heaven.

In the biblical sense, Satan is God’s rival. As the
angel Lucifer, he was cast from Heaven for
challenging God’s authority. As such, Satan is
symbolic of pure evil, a master of deception, and  Seth  Ahriman
the embodiment of temptation. During medieval For the Ancient Egyptians the Zoroastrianism, the religion of
god Seth symbolized evil: he the ancient Persians, was one
times the Devil came to signify those who was god of chaos, storms, and of the first to acknowledge
revolted against Christianity. Many of the popular war. The term Satanism probably Good and Evil as opposing
images of Satan that exist today originate from derives from “Seitanism”, used forces. Ahriman, who was
to describe worship of Seth. symbolic of Evil, also influenced
this time, and each has its own symbolism. the concept of Satan in Judaism
and Christianity.

In medieval
times, the

associated with
pagan gods to
discredit them. The  The Sigil of Baphomet  Cerunnos  Black mass
trident, which in The three downward points of a Medieval Christians not only Traditional Satanists perform
Ancient Greek and Baphomet signify the (rejected) associated Satan with the the “black mass” in which much
Hindu religions was a Christian Trinity; the two upward trident (see left),
t they may have of the Christian symbolism is
weapon against evil, points are the horns of the goat given him the horns of the Celtic reversed: the cross hangs upside
instead became a face, which symbolizes carnality. god, Cerunnos. By making horns down and blood not wine is
symbol of the Devil, symbolic of the Devil, they drunk from the cup. There
and a tool of evil. discredited the pagan god. may be sexual overtones,
or a sacrifice, to signify the  Satan as a serpent
dominance of our carnal nature. Adept at changing his form
in order to deceive, Satan is
assumed to be the serpent that
 The Grimoire of Honorius tempted Adam and Eve to eat
Books of black magic were not uncommon during medieval times. This the forbidden fruit in the Garden
book of spells, symbols, and formulae was published in the 17th
-5, century and sets out instructions for saying mass to conjure demons.
of Eden. God’s cursing of the
snake made it a potent symbol
Because it parodies the Christian mass, it symbolizes profanity. of the fall from grace.
Demons have featured in the beliefs of many civilizations over time, and are
often regarded as a manifestation of bad luck and mischief. They are also
perceived as signifying the darker side of an individual and have been used
to explain mental illness. In many cases, demons are inextricably linked
to religious superstition and to people’s need to understand why bad
things happen in a world in which God, who is inherently good,
is supposedly omnipotent. Much of the symbolism associated  Galla  Medieval
ev demon
with demons and devils is, therefore, related to the battle In Mesopotamian mythology, In medieval times, Christian
there were seven demons legends – like that of St. Anthony
between Good and Evil. called Galla, who were symbolic the Great, who was relentlessly
of death and gloom. They roamed pursued by demons – symbolized
at night looking for victims to the power of faith in God over
drag down to the underworld. temptation by the Devil.

 Mara’s daughters
In Buddhism the demon Mara
symbolized temptation. It was
he who tried to distract the
Buddha from his meditation.
He even sent his beautiful
daughters to try and distract
him. The Buddha went on to
attain Enlightenment and to
formulate his doctrine.

In South Africa demons are
 Hawaiian god Ku
In many cultures gods, such as
 Babylonian demon
In Babylon it was commonly
symbolized in the form of Ku, have a demonic appearance held that a person with mental
tokoloshis. Fear of these to create fear and awe among or physical illness, or who had
The Devil is thought to have the power to
t enter
demons is widespread and their worshippers. This makes suffered a deep loss of some a person’s body against his or her will. In
people are known to raise their it difficult for “outsiders” to kind, had upset the gods. Their Christian symbolic ritual, an exorcism to remove
beds on bricks to avoid an attack distinguish between the godly misfortune was symbolic of this
from these evil spirits at night. and the demonic. and proof of demons at work.
an evil spirit makes use of the objects below.

The bell
the presence
of God.

are symbolic
The Holy Bible of the divine
represents the light of
Word oof God. Christ.

 Ten-headed Ravana  Asuras  Rahu

To Hindus, Ravana embodies evil In Hindu mythology asurass were Rahu was an asuraa who was
and signifies the ego. He is power seekers that constantly beheaded for drinking from the
The Moon pp.18–19
depicted with ten heads and battled with the gods. Although cup of immortality. He was the
Egyptian deities pp.138–139
many arms that symbolize his often referred to as demons, symbol of eclipses because he Celtic & Nordic deities pp.142–43
strength and greed. Effigies of these figures were not symbols chased and swallowed the Sun Angels pp.188–89 -5-
Ravana are burned at the of pure evil, but rather of and Moon, but they reappeared Witches & wicca pp.192–93
festival of Dusshera. drought, flood, and famine. through his open neck. Musical instruments pp.274–75
Witchcraft is an ancient tradition
various forms as far back as Anci
in all regions of the world. To the
meaning “witch”, had close ties t
also to magic and the occult. Trad
respected as symbols of wisdom
witches were pursued by the Chr
from the 15th to the 17th century
practices were deemed heretical a
symbolism became associated wi

Magic is the mainstay of witchcraft and, over
the centuries, symbolic images of witches hav
developed based on the various tools, signs, a
familiars (animals) associated with their ritua
casting spells and spiritual healing. Although
ugly old woman dressed head to foot in black
is a stereotype, there is much symbolism in the

g y

The wand is commonly associated with witchcraft and is symbolic of

a witch’s energy and power. Made of any material, the most common
are crafted from wood, which is an effective conductor of energy. A
magic wand might be used for channelling and directing energy as
part of a spell or during certain rituals.

Central to certain rituals, the 
cauldron is highly symbolic. It Frequently used when making Spell-making can be beneficial
signifies the womb, fertility, predictions, the chalice signifies or harmful. Even the ingredients
-5. and rebirth. When in use, it a witch’s psychic powers, are symbolic: use of a toad, for
also signifies the four elements ntuition, and emotions. example, would signify ill-doing.
earth, water, fire, and air.
The image of the witch as a devil worshipper was encouraged in the 15th to
17th centuries, and witchh hunts were commonplace. Thousands of witches
(and sometimes their pets) were executed. A manual, the Malleus
Maleficarum, set out rules on how to detect witches, with signs of Satan
(usually a birthmark) and fear of the persecutor among them. Sometimes
tims were tied up and left in the water to see if they drowned. Survival
of this ordeal was a sign that confirmed they were witches

A symbol of power, the witch’s Common in witchcraft, the Connected to the underworld
spell book probably derives from g raven symbolizes healing and and symbolic of death,
the magic books, or grimoires, omens. It is also associated darkness, and poison, the toad
that existed in medieval times with shapeshifting. is a common witch’s familiar.

Wicca is one form of witchcraft practised today.
Taking inspiration from the Celtic tradition of
witchcraft, it has many symbols. Some, such as
the triple circle, are used during rituals, others
signify gods and a few have uncertain origins.

A pentagram within a circle, the
pentacle has five points: four of
them symbolize air, fire, earth,
and water, and the fifth is ether,  Cerunnos  Mother Goddess  Triple Circle
which signifies the spirit. The This sign represents Cerunnos, The female power of wicca is This symbol, used in ritual to
circle is symbolic of unity, the ancient Celtic horned god sometimes represented as a call upon the triple goddess

and the symbol as a whole of the forests and forest animals. symbol based on the Egyptian (mother, maiden, and crone),
embodies the integration of The sign symbolizes the male Mother Goddess. Cerunnos, signifies the mind, the body,
body and spirit. power of wicca. the horned god, is her consort. and the spirit.

 Witch’s sign
The exact meaning of this sign
is unknown. One idea is that the
square signifies Earth, and the
triangles signify mind, body,
spirit, man, woman, and child.

 Heptagram  Triple Moon  Spirit circle

Drawn with a single unbroken Symbolizing the triple goddess All Wiccan rituals require the
line, the seven points of the as the waxing, full, and waning casting of a circle, as shown Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23
heptagram symbolize, among Moon, the sign as a whole here. Each quarter is symbolic Egyptian deities pp.138–39
other things, the seven planets. signifies the cycle of life. of one of the four elements. The Holy Grail pp.208–09
Symbolic of beneficent power, amulets have been worn
for protection and strength for many thousands of
years. Often made from natural substances, such as Azabache
South America newborn
ivory, gemstones, and wood, these small objects, also bies are sometimes given a
d bracelet on which hangs a
known as talismans, are worn as charms or carried by nched fist made from black
ed coral. A symbol of
individuals for good fortune, protection, and strength. istance, the charm protects
child from the mal do ojo
Amulets may also have religious or superstitious origins, l eye) associated with
essive admiration.
and are often symbolic of the desire to ward off evil.

n throughout the Middle

the beginning of the 20th p , this amulet also protects
century, silver charm bracelets a wearer from the “evil eye”,
were given at birthdays, with w ch is said to result from the
additional charms following in of y of others. The eye symbol
subsequent years. Each silver they were worn as a safeguard deflects the stares of onlookers.
charm has a different meaning: against contagious diseases.
for example, a horseshoe was
a symbol of luck; Cupid signified

love; and a stork symbolized

the birth of a child.

Metal amulet

Assyrian kings
wore necklaces Knight’s amulet  Pazuzu Red and white string
with metal amulets, Medieval knights often wore During childbirth Assyrian According to tradition, Bulgarians
bearing the protective amulets in battle. This example women wore amulets bearing tie a piece of red and white
comes from the belt of a Polish an image of Pazuzu. According string around their wrists as a
-50 symbols of the gods.
Metal was a sign of the knight and symbolizes abundant to legend, the ancient demon charm to speed up the arrival of
Earth’s strength. health, wealth, and power. prevented miscarriage and Spring. Together, the colours red
infant death. and white are symbolic of joy.
mbolism was a significant part of life in Ancient
Egypt, and featured
fe particularly in the use of
amulets Made from ceramics,
amulets. ceramics gems,
ge and metals,
amulets signifiedd attributes
attribut of specific gods or
animals. They were worn ass symbols
sym of praise,
protection, and fortune, and were entombed with
mummies for the journey into the afterlife.

welled amulet  Scarab beetle Ankh kh  Eyeye of Horus

H s
lic of hidden truth and The scarab beetle symbolized The
he an
ankh was associated with The right eye of Horus
ewelled amulets were the Egyptian Sun god, Khepri, the
he Sun and symbolized eternal symbolizes the Sun
Su and the
d with the deceasedd as who rolled the Sun across life. Often made from gold or left eye the Moon.
M As a
ection from evil and as the sky much as a scarab rolls copper, it was commonly placedd symbol the eye
ye signified
entification, so they could
l its dung. Scarabs
bs were also in tombs of the deceased to protection from evil
v and
each the correct level in thought
ought to protect the heart and
a symbolize the breath needed
neede for was also used to grant
g the
the afterlife. as such were worn as am amulets. the afterlife. wearer healing powers.

 Locket Tiger tooth  Rabbit’s foot St. Christopher  Hei Tiki

Once used as containers for Amulets of animal origin, such Long considered a symbol of Sometimes worn as protection The Hei Tiki is a Maori talisman,
herbs to ward off sickness and as claws and teeth, signify the good luck in the West, a rabbit’s from the “Black Death”, St. shaped as a human figure and
evil, lockets became symbolic of positive qualities of that creature. foot is also believed to bring a Christopher amulets are more symbolizing an embryo. The
love when they contained a lock This tiger’s tooth symbolizes person fertility and, for the symbolic of safety, especially charm is worn by women to
of hair or picture of a loved one. courage and strength. when travelling. encourage fertility.

 Buddha talisman  Ichthys

Buddhists often wear an Used in ancient times as an amulet signifying fertility, the ichthys
amulet of the Buddha as fish) subsequently became a Christian symbol. It was used as a
an outward sign of ecret sign and later worn as a talisman. In North America the fish is
their devotion. He totem animal, symbolic of hidden knowledge, and worn for protection.
appears in a number
of postures, each
with its own
symbolism. Here his g y g
right hand is touching crucifixion has long been a The Sun pp.16–17 Tribal totems, heroes, &
the Earth, a sign symbolic symbol of the Christian faith. The head pp.106–09 tricksters pp.150–51
of the moment of the The epitome of “good”, a Fertility & childbirth pp.120–123 Buddhism pp.164–69
Buddha’s Enlightenment. crucifix protects the wearer Egyptian deities pp.138–39 Christianity pp.176–79
against evil.
There are numerous ways in which “readers” can
divine the future or interpret a given situation
by reading “signs”. This might involve watching
Since ancient times the practice of divination – the shapes made by rising smoke, observing the
forms of molten wax as it solidifies, or looking
attempting to foretell the future or explain portents – at the patterns made by tea leaves or coffee
has been found in all cultures. The methods used grounds. In all instances, the resulting shapes
are symbolic of a deeper meaning: for example,
include everything from the casting of sticks or stones,
a forked line signifies a decision to be made,
and the examination of tea leaves and animal entrails, while smoke rising in a straight line promises
a positive outcome.
to palmistry and tarot readings. Some forms of
divination rely on a “sign” of some sort to answer a
question, such as a pendulum swing to the left or
right, while others are more complex and use systems
of symbols and configurations that need interpreting
in order to arrive at an appropriate conclusion.

 Tea leaves Oracle bones

K>OANREJC IKRAIAJP m The art of tasseography involves
reading the pattern made by the
An Ancient Chinese form of
divination, a number of symbols
A question that requires a “yes” or “no” type endulum
wsing. tea leaves left in a cup after the were inscribed on an animal
answer can rely on the simplest “sign from ks a series tea has been drunk. Patterns in bone and several holes drilled
above”, whether it be in interpreting the swing tions and the bottom of the cup represent partway through. When heated,
he pendulum the past, and at the top the the weakened bone cracked.
of a pendulum, the patterns flocks of birds make future. Each shape – a raven, an The lines made, and their
fies the
as they fly, or the crossing over of two dowsing r. acorn, or a flag, for example – relation to the various symbols,
rods. Such forms of divination have been used has a symbolic meaning – bad were then interpreted to divine
news, success, or danger. a meaning.
for many years and date back at least as far as
Ancient Egyptian times.

Roman seers consulted sacred
chickens, often before battles.
The way the birds ate their food
and scratched the ground was
symbolic. Eating was a good

sign; if they refused to feed,

the omens were bad.

ation bowl
Often used in divination, a crystal ball concentrates ba people
ria fill a bowl
the rays of the Sun or some other light and in doing nd and then
so is symbolic of divine light and celestial power. with a stick.
The diviner then empties his/her mind and gazes nificance
sulting sand
into the depths of the crystal from which he/she s interpreted
may receive flashes of insight signifying
f scenes iviner.
from the past or future events
nts yet to happen.
Also known as the Book of Changes, the I Ching
is the foundation of Chinese philosophy. It is also
used for divination, based on the interpretation of
hexagrams, which are made up of eight trigrams
(shown here). Consisting of three broken (Yin) and  Trigram of Earth (Kun) Trigram of the  Trigram of
solid (Yang) lines, randomly generated by tossing A symbol of receptiveness, Kun Mountain (Ken) Water (Kan)
comprises three Yin lines and More Yin than Yang, this symbol Kann symbolizes hard work,
coins or dice, each trigram signifies different so is feminine, representing the of beginnings and endings warning against stagnation.
aspects of the universe – a different element, “mother”. It is associated with signifies the “youngest son”. It It signifies the “middle son”,
direction, relationship, figure, and body part. the earth element, the West, is linked with the earthh element, and is linked with the Moon,
and the reproductive organs. the West, and the hands. water, the East, andd the ear.

 Trigram of Trigram of  Trigram of Fire (Li) i Trigram of Lake (Tui) i  Trigram of

Wind (Sun) Thunder (Chen) This is a symbol of light and This is a symbol of joy and Heaven (Chien)
A symbol of gentleness, This is a symbol of growth andd signifies
ignifie glory. It represents pleasure. It represents the A Yang symbol of creative
Sunn signifies the “eldest vitality. It represents the “eldest the “middle daughter”, andd is “youngest daughter”, and is energy, y Chienn is masculine
daughter”. It is associated son”, and is associated with associated with fire, the
he Sun,
S associated with soft metal, and signifies thee “f“father”.
with soft wood, the East, hard wood and softness, the the East, and the eye. the West, and the mouth. It is linked with
wit hard metal,
and the hips and buttocks.
buttoc East, and the feet. the West,
West and the head.

Many cultures use the casting of lots, stones, Possibly the most recognized symbols of chance are dice. There are
various ways of throwing them for divination purposes. One involves
sticks, or similar objects for divination. The throwing three dice. Each is taken in turn and thrown; the number
I Chingg is probably the best-known method, but showing when it comes to rest is interpreted accordingly.
there are many more, including runes, dice, and
even coconut shells. The method may involve  African bone reading
using just one stick, as in Kau Cim, or casting up Once commonly used,
bone reading is less popular
to 24 runes. The essence of casting is that the nowadays. This method of
result is random and the symbolism divination involves throwing
interpreted afresh each time. sets of bones, usually
between four and fourteen,
and interpreting the pattern
in which they fall and the
direction they point in. Each
Kau Cim
bone is symbolic of something
different – a bird’s wing bone,
umber of
for example, signifies travel,
tune stick
while the breast bone
held in a tube
In some parts of Africa four shaken until o
pieces of coconut are cast and sometimes m
questions answered depending  Rune stones
falls out. Each he casting of runes dates
on whether the pieces fall flesh- a specific sym SEE ALSO
side up or vice versa. There are ack to medieval times. The 24
meaning, wh Precious stones pp.42–43
only five outcomes, which range tones are arranged in any of a
then interpret Shamanism pp.154–55
on a sliding scale from positive umber of formations, and the Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
to negative. Coins can be used
the context o
question that
eading given according to the Voodoo pp.186–87 -53
in the same way. ymbol each rune carries and its
being asked. osition in the arrangement.
L=HIEOPNU lin Oil in the hand
Another ancient form of fortune-telling is In Arab countries a traditional
method of fortune-telling is by
palmistry. All aspects of the hand are considered: reading the formation of a pool
the general shape of the palm and fingers, the of oil in the palm of the hand.
dominant lines and the mounds at the base of The way in which the oil runs
the fingers and thumb; even relative finger Lin
length and the length and depth of the lines are
significant. Each element signifies some aspect he lity
of a person’s life. For example, the fingers relate
to confidence, discipline, creativity, and
communication, while the mounds relate to
pride, imagination, love, and sadness. This,
together with the shape and colour of the hand sig
and how it is held, enables a palm reader to
discover not just the present, but also the future.

Card reading, or cartomancy, has been known
since at least the 15th century. A Tarot deck
comprises 22 picture cards, called the Major
Arcana (shown here), and the Minor Arcana,
which is organized in four suits (cups, coins,
swords, and rods). The Major Arcana is most
often used in fortune-telling. The cards are
shuffled by the person whose fortune is being
told, and can then be arranged by the teller in
a number of different ways, depending on the
nature of the question asked. The result of the e oo o Jeste  The Magician  The High Priestess
reading is complex: each card is symbolic of a Depicted with his possessions Symbolizing willpower and the Often depicted sitting on a
on his back, the Fool signifies ability to achieve, the Magician throne in contemplation, the
stage in the person’s life, but the card’s position innocence and a carefree nature, is depicted with a table and the High Priestess symbolizes
in the spread, the cards around it, and whether and often represents the fortune various cups, coins, rods, and wisdom and sound judgement.
it is the right way up or inverted, may modify seeker and/or a new journey. swords of the Minor Arcana. Inverted, the card can mean
Inverted, the card represents Inverted, the card signifies an lack of vision and an inability
that symbolism. naivety and foolishness. abuse of such skills. to make good judgement.

 The Empress  The Emperor  The Lovers

Signifying creation and growth, Usually seated on a throne, the Seated before two pillars that Symbolic of affairs of the heart, Symbolic of a struggle and a
the Empress is depicted with Emperor symbolizes material represent Heaven’s gates, the the Lovers also reflect an inner need to focus, the Chariot also
an orb and the symbol for Venus things and worldy authority; he Hierophant has a three-tiered harmony. In this example, Cupid signifies bridling disparate wills
on her shield. Inverted, the is always in absolute control. staff and crown and is symbolic hovers above them. Inverted, in order to succeed. Inverted, it
Empress card indicates inaction Inverted, the card represents of peace and harmony. Inverted, the card signifies temptation can indicate a failure to see
and indecision. gullibility or immaturity. the card can signify vulnerability. or separation. something through.
 Justice The Hermit  The Wheel of Fo Strength  The Hanged Man
Depicted as a woman with the Often pictured holding a A wheel on which beasts This card is symbolized by a This card, symbolic of meditation
sword and scales of justice, this lantern, the Hermit represents revolve, this card represents young woman holding a lion’s and self-sacrifice, always
card symbolizes balance, and introspection and self- motion, the beginning of a new mouth open; it represents inner shows a man hanging in the
specifically equilibrium between examination. It can signify a cycle, and unexpected good strength and determination. same way, with one foot tied
the spiritual and the material. need for advice. Inverted, the fortune. Inverted, it is a sign Inverted, the Strength card and the free leg bent, his hands
Inverted, the card signifies a card represents obstinacy and of bad luck and an unforeseen represents a lack of confidence behind his back. Inverted, it
lack of balance and injustice. a refusal to take advice. change for the worse. and weakness. represents selfishness.

 Death Temperance  
Often depicted as a skeletal This card shows an angel Depicted with two people in The falling tower represents Signifying hope and fulfilment
figure, Death represents a pouring fluid from one cup shackles, the Devil represents a radical change – a move to of wishes, the stars shine above
transformation and getting to another. It symbolizes subordination or a lack of somewhere new or a change in a naked woman pouring water
rid of the old to make way for moderation and self-control. success. It can also signify faith, for example. Inverted, the from an urn. Inverted, the Stars
the new. Inverted, the card Inverted, the card signifies a destruction. Inverted, the Devil Tower suggests a resistance to card symbolizes self-doubt and
symbolizes lethargy and an lack of self-control or some card is symbolic of release change and being stuck in a rut. unfulfilled dreams.
inability to move on. kind of conflict of interest. from something binding.

 The World
This card shows a woman
standing in an oval wreath
surrounded by an angel, an
eagle, a bull, and a lion –
symbols of the apocalypse.
The World card symbolizes
great accomplishment. Inverted,
it signifies a failure to achieve. @EREJ=PEKJ

The Moon   Judgement

Shown both full and as a Symbolizing contentment and An angel blowing a trumpet as The night sky pp.20–23
crescent, the Moon represents satisfaction, the Sun card can people rise from their graves Human body pp.112–15
a deception of some kind and also signify the attainment of a signifies an acceptance of the Hands & feet pp.116–19
the need to tread carefully. personal goal. Inverted, the Sun past and letting it go. Inverted, Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41 -55
Inverted, the card signifies that card can indicate delays over the Judgement card represents
all will come good in the end. future plans. an unwillingness to move on.
As a form of divination, western astrology symbolic qualities attributed to them,
has been traced to Mesopotamia as far back astrologists are able to define a person’s
as 3000BCE. Based on the position of the Sun, personality traits to compile his or her
the Moon, planets, and stars in the sky at the horoscope. They use the same system to
time of a person’s birth, and using the determine that person’s fortune in life.

Central to western astrology is the zodiac, which comprises the 12 major
star constellations in the ecliptic belt around the Earth – that is, the path of
the Sun as it moves through the sky. Referred to by astrologists as “Sun”
signs, the zodiac starts with Aries and ends with Pisces, each signifying an
approximate four-week period, as it takes the Earth one year to complete its
orbit of the Sun. Each sign is represented by a symbol, such as the scales  Aries Taurus
for Libra, and is used to determine a person’s fortune. By compiling (21 March – 20 April) (21 April – 21 May)
A fire sign with Mars as its An earth sign, with ruling planet
a horoscope – a chart of the positions of the Sun, Moon, and other planets ruling planet, Aries is symbolized Venus, Taurus has the bull as
when a person is born – the major influences in his or her life can be by the ram. Typical traits include its symbol. Typical character
determined, based on the relationships of the celestial bodies to each other. courage, leadership, impetuosity, traits include loyalty, creativity,
and enthusiasm. and stubbornness.

 Gemini  Cancer  Leo  Virgo  Libra

(22 May – 21 June) (22 June – 22 July) (23 July – 23 August) (24 August – 23 September) (24 Sepember – 23 October)
An air sign, ruled by the planet A water sign, with the Moon A fire sign, with the Sun as its An earth sign, with ruling planet An air sign, with ruling planet
Mercury, Gemini is represented as its ruling planet, Cancer is ruling planet, Leo has a lion as Mercury, Virgo is symbolized by Venus, Libra is symbolized by
by twins, which symbolize a symbolized by the crab, whose its symbol. Typical character the virgin, who represents the scales, which represent
dual personality. Typical traits shell signifies a love of the traits include a warm and sunny purity. The typical Virgoan is balance and harmony. Typical

include good communication home. Cancerians are typically disposition, generosity, and a naturally inquisitive, practical, Librans are charming, just,
and acting on impulse. secretive and private. powerful personality. and fastidious. diplomatic, and fair-minded.

 Scorpio  Sagittarius Capricorn  Aquarius Pisces

(24 October – 22 November) (23 November – 21 December) (22 December – 20 January) (21 January – 19 February) (20 February – 20 March)
A water sign, ruled by the A fire sign, with ruling planet An earth sign, with ruling planet An air sign, ruled by Saturn, A water sign, with ruling planet
planet Pluto, Scorpio has the Jupiter, Sagittarius has the Saturn, Capricorn is symbolized Aquarius is the water bearer Neptune, Pisces is symbolized
scorpion as its symbol. Traits centaur as its symbol. Typical by the goat. Typical traits symbolic of independence and by a pair of fish. Typical traits
include curiosity, proneness to traits include honesty and an include tenacity, intuition, and unpredictability. Aquarians are include a psychic ability,
e and a desire to control. insatiable appetite for learning. a tendency to be deliberate. idealistic and unconventional. compassion, and intuition.
The importance ASCENDA
of astrology in
European courts
from medieval To construct a horoscope, astrologists mark
times to the
Renaissance is the “ascendant”, or rising sign, on the eastern
indicated by this horizon at the time of a person’s birth. It
fine zodiac tapestry
signifies his or her childhood and upbringing.
from Flanders.
Astrology was not Opposite, on the western horizon, astrologists
only part of cultural find the “descendant” sign, which symbolizes
life but also a
personal relationships. Once the positions of
branch of learning
and a matter these two signs have been determined, the he
of politics. remaining ten signs can be entered in the
chart to give an even fuller reading.

Astrologists can determine more about a person
and his or her fortune by looking at the positions
of the planets at the moment of birth. Each Sun
sign has only one planetary ruler, though the
same planet may rule more than one Sun sign.  Sun
Venus, for example, rules both Taurus and A symbol of masculinity,
the Sun represents rulers and
Libra. Each planet has its own symbolism, and fatherhood, power, authority,
intensifies a person’s major characteristics. and self expression.

 Moon  Mars  Venus  Mercury  Jupiter
A symbol of femininity, the A symbol of force and energy, A symbol of love and beauty, A symbol of communication, Signifying expansion,
Moon signifies motherhood, Mars is associated with the Venus is linked to the kidneys Mercury is linked with the exploration, and a search
inner feelings, and links with head and signifies ambition, and signifies relationships, nervous system and signifies for knowledge, Jupiter
the past. drive, and aggression. harmony, and cooperation. thought, logic, and education. governs the liver.

The Sun pp.16–17
The Moon pp.18–19
The night sky pp.20–23
 Sa Uranus  Neptune Pluto Chinese horoscope pp.204–05
Order, responsibility, limitation, A symbol of rebellion and A symbol of mysticism, Neptune A symbol of transformation,
and a search for knowledge are change, Uranus represents is linked to dreams and fantasy. Pluto is associated with
linked with Saturn, as is the innovation, idealism, and It represents spirituality and regeneration, and represents
skin and the skeleton. individual freedom. psychic ability. life, death, and renewal.
The word “astrology” is a Greek term meaning “science of the stars”.
The Greek zodiac, the basis of our modern standard zodiac, was adapted
from an earlier Babylonian system. Ancient astronomers identified animals
and mythical characters among the star constellations, some of which later
became the 12 signs of the zodiac. Originally a device for measuring time,
the zodiac was later employed to make predictions. The first known
horoscope using the zodiac “Sun signs” dates from about 410BCE. This
16th-century chart is part of a portolan (a set of navigation charts) and
combines celestial, calendrical, and astrological information, reflecting
the links believed to exist between them.


1. & 2. Zodiac signs and symbols Novel interpretation

The 12 signs of the zodiac are derived from the names of In 1661 a star atlas called the Harmonia Microcosmiaa was
their respective star constellations but they can also published that included pictures in which the traditional zodiac
be represented symbolically. Scorpio, for example, can be signs had been “christianized”. The 12 zodiac signs were
depicted as both a scorpion and an arrow sign. The derivation replaced by the 12 apostles and the northern and southern
of the sign is unclear, though some people say it resembles constellations were substituted with figures from the New
the sting of the scorpion. and Old Testaments respectively.

3. The lunar cycle

Each zodiac sign covers a four-week period that relates to the
lunar cycle and because of this it does not equate to the 12
months of the Gregorian calender. Instead each sign includes
parts of two months. Libra, for example, starts on September
24 and finishes on October 23.

4. The planets
The planets are also important in determining a person’s
horoscope but at the time this chart was compiled – in the 16th
century – the Universe was not well known. Only a few ot the
planets are indicated here and their association with the zodiac
signs is not clear.

The ancient Chinese system of astrology is through the sky. In its simplest terms any
closely linked to Chinese thought regarding one event, or a person’s personality and their
natural science and philosophy. Some 5,000 destiny, is interpreted depending on an
years old, it is a form of divination based on element aspect – wood, earth, fire, air, or
the path of the celestial bodies, such as the water – an animal aspect, and whether these
Sun, the Moon, the planets, and comets, are symbolic of Yin or Yang.

Referred to as the 12 “earthly branches”, the animal signs are the most
widely recognized symbols of the Chinese horoscope. They relate, not
to months, as in Western astrology, but to years, which recur five times
in a cycle of 60 years, and are linked to the orbit of Jupiter, which takes 12
years to complete. Each cycle starts at the Chinese New Year in February,
which also marks the beginning of the lunar calendar. Starting with the  Rat
Rat and ending with the Boar, each of the 12 animal signs is symbolic of 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997
Ambitious and hard working, the Dependable, methodical, and
a different type of personality, specifically those character traits that make Rat, which is a Yang sign, is patient, but also stubborn, the
up the outward manifestation of a person. Each is also influenced by also shy and reserved. Rats are Ox is a Yin sign. Slow to arouse,
an element, and by Yin (feminine) or Yang (masculine) qualities. likely to accumulate money. feelings nevertheless run deep.

 Tiger  Rabbit g  Snake

1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002
Impulsive and unpredictable, Artistic, thoughtful, intelligent Strong-willed and fiery, Dragons Sensual, creative, cautious, and Popular, good-humoured, and

generous and affectionate, the and lucky, the Rabbit is a Yin can also be arrogant and over- responsible, the Snake is a Yin physically and mentally agile,
Tiger is a Yang sign. Tigers take sign. A typical Rabbit often bearing. A Yang sign, typical sign. Snakes may be secretive, the Horse is a Yang sign. Typical
risks, but are usually lucky. pursues a comfortable lifestyle. Dragons are usually successful. self-doubting, and distrustful. Horses can be fickle and gullible.

 Sheep  Monkey Cock  Dog Boar

1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
A Yin sign, Sheep are moody, Inquisitive, inventive, and quick- A Yin sign, the typical Cock is Honest, loyal, and affectionate, Sociable, loyal, and reliable, the
indecisive, and easily hurt, but witted, the Monkey, a Yang disciplined and a good organizer. the Dog is a Yang sign. The Boar is a Yin sign. Typical Boars
are also popular, understanding, sign, can be competitive, Cockerels can be eccentric, but typical Dog can also be cynical are passionate in nature, but
and compassionate. conceited, and suspicious. are usually witty. and inflexible. can be naive and self-indulgent.
red to as the ten “heavenly stems”, the
ents metal, wood, earth, fire, and water play
nificant role in Chinese astrology. Each of
ve elements is repeated – once in a Yin
e and then again in Yang for every month
a 60-year cycle, starting with Wood (Yang)
and ending with Water (Yin) Boar. These
ments are not fixed to a particular animal,
here are two more animal signs than Yin
d Yang elements in each year. Four of the
e elements (metal, wood, fire, and water)
e also linked to the hour and year of birth.
this context, the elements are unchanging
h regard to the animal sign they represent.

od Fire
this zodiac wheel. Around the Signifying the planet Jupiter, Representing Mars, the south,
outside are the 12 animal signs, the east, and the colour green, and the colour red, Fire is linked
which are also identified by Wood is linked with the gall with the heart and circulatory
their Chinese characters. The bladder and liver. Typical system. Typical characteristics
four-coloured ring in between characteristics include a warm include a competitive and
signifies the fixed element for and generous disposition. energetic nature.
that animal sign. For example,
Fire is associated with the
colour red and rules the Snake,
the Horse, and the Sheep.
 Earth Metal Water
Representing the planet Saturn, Symbolic of the planet Venus, Symbolic of the planet Mercury,
the centre, and the colour yellow, the west, and the colour white, the north, and the colour black,
Earth is linked to both the Metal is associated with the Water is associated with the

stomach and the spleen. Typical lungs. Typical characteristics digestive system. Typical
characteristics include ambition, include a determined and self- characteristics include
tenacity, and reliability. reliant nature. compassion, intellect,
and creativity.

INNER AND determined

rmined by the month of birth, according to the
Chinese agricultural calendar, which divides the
SE year into 12 approximate four-week periods. Using ALSO
A person’s characteristics comprise outer signs, pp.30–31
the 12 animal signs, the inner animalal symbolizes a Water pp.32–33
inner signs, and secret signs. The outer signs are person’s inner feelings and relationships.
nships The Mammals pp.52–55
those determined by the year in which a person is Snakes pp.66–67
“secret animal” is determined by the hour of birth, Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
born, described as the person’s “outer animal” again signified by the animal signs – this is held Western astrology pp.200–03
(see leftt). The same person’s “inner animal”
nimal is to be that person
person’ss true manifestation. Alphabets pp.306–09
Through the ages many different civilizations as the four digits in a particular year. Various
have used numerology to explain the past forms of numerology continue to be in use
and foretell the future. It featured in Ancient today. The basis of numerology, whatever the
Chinese divination, for example, with the system, is the idea that each number from
“magic square”, which has also been 1 to 9 has it own symbolic meaning, which
associated with Ancient Egyptian and Indian can then be interpreted to define a person’s
divination. Other nations, including the major characteristics, to explain specific
Ancient Greeks, Jews, and Babylonians, events in the past, or to predict events in the
developed systems of digit summing, adding future. In some practices 11 and 22 are also
together particular number sequences, such significant, and intensify the symbolism.

One of the most widely used forms of numerology today is Magic squares have held a symbolic significance for a number
that of adding digits together to arrive at one single significant of civilizations, the most recognizable of which originated in
number. The simplest method is to add together the digits that Ancient Chinese mythology and is called Lo Shu. Here a
make up a person’s date of birth. For example, 2 December square to the order of three – that is with three rows and three
1984 is calculated as follows: 0+2+1+2+1+9+8+4 = 27. columns – contains the digits 1 to 9 arranged in such a way
These two numbers are then added together to give a single that the sum of each row, column, and diagonal comes to 15
digit as follows, 2 + 7 = 9. Similarly, summing 17 July 1941 (referred to as the “magic constant”). Other nations have been
yields a significant figure of 3. The Ancient Greek philosopher, known to apply the same principle using different numbers or
Pythagoras, applied the same principle to the letters of the larger squares, resulting in different magic constants.
alphabet, where A = 1, B = 2, and so on. Again, when the letters

reach double figures, as for Z (26), they are added together
giving, in this case, an 8 (see full alphabet/numbers below).
Following this system it is possible to assess any important set
of numbers or words in a person’s life, to give greater meaning
to the events and circumstances that influence it.

8 9
9 4-2
Lo Shu
The numerical value of the Lo Shu was derived from I Ching, there being a symbolic link
S T U V W X Y Z between the three lines of a trigram and the rows of figures in the square. The colours
are also symbolic. From left to right green represents intellect, reasoning, and judgement;
purple emotions, feelings, and intuitions; and orange life, finance, and business.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Based on date of birth and/or the letters of a name, a person may discover
that he or she has a series of significant numbers in his or her life, each
with its own symbolism. The numbers reveal information about a person’s
character as well as his or her talents, aims, and motivations. Some numbers
may recur, in which case their significance is intensified. There are no good
or bad numbers, but each number has both positive and negative qualities
in equal measure, which can be expressed as a person’s strengths and
weaknesses respectively.
Once numbers have been identified as potentially having a negative
influence on a person, their effects can be tempered or blocked by his or
her subsequent actions. For example, he or she can work to control certain Creativity  Cooperation and Balance
character tendencies and has a choice in how his or her various abilities are and Confidence This number represents an
The number 1 represents a ability to adapt and to work
used. In some cases, the symbolism of a given number may already be creative spirit, a strong sense with others – the 2 is a symbol
evident in a person’s life, or be something that will manifest itself later on. of individuality, and courage or of partnership – as well as
determination. If blocked, the being a skilled mediator. If
same number can symbolize blocked, the same number
addictive behaviour, aggression, can represent a shy and self-
or a dominating force. conscious nature.

and Sensitivity
The number 3 represents self-
expression, either verbally or
creatively, and an inspiration
to others. If blocked, great
optimism and a fun-loving
nature give way to harsh
 Stability and Progress
This number represents the
building of a solid foundation
on which to move forward, good
organizational skills, and an
ability to manage. If blocked,
the same number can symbolize
inflexibility and an inability in a
 Freedom and Discipline
The number 5 represents a
versatile and expansive nature
with a tendency to act quickly in
any given situation. If blocked,
the number can symbolize an
impatient and restless nature.
 Vision and Acceptance
This number represents beauty,
purity, high ideals, and a well-
balanced, unselfish disposition.
If blocked, the number 6 can
symbolize an obstinate,
domineering nature and a
tendency to be judgemental.
 Trust and Openness
The number 7 represents
uniqueness, a desire to learn, a
scientific mind, and a tendency
towards perfection. If blocked,
a person’s natural charm may
give way to aloofness, and a
sarcastic and derisory nature.

criticism and moodiness. person to progress.


 Abundance and Power Integrity and Wisdom SEE ALSO

his number signifies a strong sense of The number 9 represents natural Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
authority, an ability to make decisions, charisma, good leadership qualities, Divination pp.196–99
and forcefulness. If blocked, a and a certain selflessness. If blocked, Numbers pp.294–97
natural work ethic can give way to e number can symbolize a negative,
over-ambition, mismanagement, essive nature, and lack of direction.
and an abuse of power.

 The Grail and the Round Table

The French poet Robert de Boron made the
quest for the Grail a central theme in the

legends of King Arthur and his Knights of

the Round Table. His Grail is that of Joseph
of Arimathea, who is said to have brought
the cup from the Last Supper to England.
A potent symbol of Christian mythology, with origins in
medieval story-telling, the Holy Grail signifies the ultimate
y gy goal, a quest for immortality, and a deep-rooted spirituality.
cauldron represents the
cosmic centre of all things.

A recurring feature in medieval art and PDAMQAOP

literature, the Holy Grail has been described BKNPDACN=EH
variously as a bowl, a chalice, or a plate. For Popular stories of the Holy Grail include
centuries it has fascinated people, some of the medieval accounts of Percival the lowly
whom have themselves tried to discover Welshman, and the legends of the Knights of
its exact location and meaning. For many, King Arthur’s Round Table. Such is the nature
however, the word “grail” is more a symbolic of the Grail in these stories that it can only be
concept than a physical object. attained by the most pure, noble, and worthy
of men. Each protagonist embarks on a long
J=PQNAKBPDA CN=EH and challenging journey of self-discovery in
Symbolically, the origins of the Holy Grail which he is put to the test a number of times.
are thought to have an association with the It is only at the point of enlightenment
cauldron of Celtic mythology. Central to  Joseph of Arimathea that he is able to attain the Grail. As such,
pagan ritual, the cauldron is a symbol of The Holy Grail has inextricable links to the
the Grail is a symbol of absolute truth
blood of Christ and this has imbued the Grail
fertility and abundance. In some stories the with a deep, spiritual symbolism. and goodness, and the finder’s reward
Grail is described as a wish-fulfilling plate or is perpetual youth and abundance.
dish; in others it has powers of divination, not unlike the
oracles of Greek mythology; in others still it is an object made IK@ANJ?KJPNKRANOU
of stone. By medieval times it was widely accepted as being A more recent theory is based on the French translation of
the bowl or cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper Holy Grail – San Greal. Moving just one letter changes the
and in which Joseph of Arimathea caught Christ’s blood as he meaning to “royal blood” (sang real), leading to the idea that
hung on the cross, making the quest to find it a spiritual one. the Holy Grail was symbolic of Mary Magdalene’s womb and
Central to some of the Grail legends is the cup’s association that she married Christ and bore him children – the “blood of
with a lance that drips blood, which is symbolic of the Christ” therefore signifying his bloodline. Revived in Dan
piercing of Christ’s side. Whatever form the Grail takes in Brown’s The Da Vinci Code in 2003, the theory has prompted
these stories, this is always much discussion and,

of less importance than although rejected by serious
what the Grail signifies – historians, is testimony to
in essence, the quest for our lasting fascination
a higher truth. with the Holy Grail.

 The Last Supper SEE ALSO

The symbolism in Leonardo da Vinci’s Christianity pp.176–79
painting has been much debated, not Witches & wicca pp.192–93
least the gender of the person sitting The home pp.238–41
to the right of Jesus. Most historians
identify the figure as John, the apostle,
but the idea put forward in The Da
Vinci Code has led to some renewed
speculation that it is Mary Magdalene.
The alchemist’s quest for gold was symbolic of
his desire for spirituality. In order to achieve this,
an alchemist had to find what is referred to as
Developed in Europe during medieval times, western the “philosopher’s stone”. Actual stone or dry red
powder, this substance was said to have various
alchemy was influenced by practices both in Ancient mystic qualities and was integral to the process
Egypt and Mesopotamia. Essentially an attempt to turn of turning base metal into gold. Sometimes
called the “elixir of youth”, the philosopher’s
base metals into gold or silver, alchemy also has a
stone signifies purity and immortality, and brings
deep symbolic significance for those who practise it: a conclusion to the alchemist’s “Great Work”.
transforming a metal into gold would signify a change
from something impure to pure. As such it is symbolic
of a spiritual journey for the alchemist, from ignorance
to enlightenment.

Alchemists used planetary signs, such as Sun and Moon, to represent some
alchemic symbols, but during medieval times, fearful of persecution, they MATERIAL WORLD
invented their own complex vocabulary of signs to record and pass on their
knowledge. Because of this secrecy, alchemy became associated with fraud
and extortion, which detracted from some of the scientific discoveries made.
 Philosopher’s Stone
Heavenly symbols Distinct division between
This complex symbol represents the philosopher’s stone and embodies
surrounded by faces of angels Heaven and Earth
a number of key principles relating to alchemy, among them a triangle
signifying the three heavenly substances (salt, sulphur, and mercury)
and a square representing the four elements. The circle symbolizes
the philosophical concept that “all is one”.

 Seal of Solomon
The seal of Solomon is a six-
pointed star that features in
various faiths, most notably
Judaism. In combining the
symbols for fire and water, it
signifies the union of opposites

and final transmutation of

alchemical processes.

Sun and Moon symbols

Used to represent gold, the
Sun symbol was the sign of
perfection for alchemists. The
dot at the centre signifies
Phoenix holding Eagle holding completion of the “Great Work”.
fire and air Earth and water Used to represent silver, and
called the “Lesser Work”, the
 The Opus Medico Chymicum SUN Moon symbol signifies intuition,
.-, This illustration, taken from the 1618 Opus Medico Chymicum, shows fertility, and the body as
the four elements
m (earth, water, air, and fire), as well as other alchemic opposed to the Sun’s soul.
symbols, suchch as the king, queen, Moon, eagle, lion, and phoenix.
A number of animals feature in alchemy, each
imbued with its own symbolism. The four
elements, for example, are represented by animals
– the eagle (air), lion (earth), fish (water), and
dragon (fire). Animals are also used to represent
each stage of the alchemical process, starting with
 Earth symbol  Water symbol  Air symbol the blackening (crow or raven) and ending with
One of the four elements of Second of the four elements of Third of the four elements of the final product (phoenix).
alchemy, earth represents the alchemy, water represents the alchemy, air represents the hot
dry and cold aspects of the cold and moist stages of the and moist stages of the process.
process. It symbolizes birth and process. It symbolizes the It symbolizes the breath of life
creation and is associated with process of purification and is and is associated with the
the metal copper. associated with the metal tin. metal iron.

Fire symbol
Last of the four elements of  Phoenix  Uroborus
alchemy, fire signifies the hot By laying its egg in the ashes Forming a circle, the uroborus
and dry stages of the process. before dying in the flames, the is a serpent eating its own tail.
It is associated with the metal phoenix symbolizes the last As such, it symbolizes continuity
lead and symbolizes the final stage of the alchemical process and immortality, as well as the
transformation. – the change into gold and alchemical principle that “one
philosophical perfection. is all”.

 Sulphur symbol
Sulphur is one of the three
heavenly substances that make
up base matter. Its dry, fiery
force reacts with the fluidity
of mercury and is symbolic of
the desire to achieve a higher
spirituality. Sulphur was
sometimes linked with masculine
qualities, as opposed to the
feminine qualities of mercury.
 Caduceus  Green lion
Signifying a union of opposites Representing green vitriol, a
as symbolized by mercury highly corrosive liquid used
and sulphur, the rod of the in many alchemical processes,
caduceus represents the power the lion in green form is shown
of transformation, while the here swallowing the Sun. It is
wings symbolize the balance symbolic of the end product of
that results from the process. the alchemical process – gold.

Symbolizing the transmutation
of base metal into gold, and
therefore the death of the
impure and the birth of the
pure, the eagle with its wings
outstretched represents the air
and mercury to the lion’s earth
and sulphur.
 Mercury symbol
Along with salt and sulphur,  Alchemic illustrations SEE ALSO
mercury is one of the three This watercolour taken from the alchemic text Splendor Solis, Gold pp.44–45
heavenly substances. Its fluidity published in 1598, includes the colours black, white, red, and gold, Precious matter pp.46–47
represents the transition from which have symbolic implications. Black, for example, represents the Eagles pp.62–63
base metal into gold and is first stage of the process, which then moves through various processes, Fabulous beasts pp.74–77 .--
symbolic of the union between represented by white, then red until it reaches the end product, gold. Shapes pp.284–89
the spiritual and the material.
ymbols lie at the very heart of our common culture and national symbols. These
social and cultural identity. They icons might take the form of animals or birds,
may be drawn from nature or man- such as the New Zealand kiwi, flags, postage
made, be animate or inanimate, stamps, or even dates that celebrate historic
and may take many different forms, events, such as Britain’s Guy Fawkes Night.
ranging from images to rituals and storytelling. From earliest times, the aspirations of every
Symbols serve a vital function because they culture and society have been expressed
help to bind us together, creating a common through its architecture. From ancient Classical
codified system that reflects status, nationality, buildings celebrating the might of the empire
cultural activities, and much more. to the heavenly symbolism represented by the
In some ancient civilizations rulers were spires and domes of churches and mosques,
identified with the gods – and in some architects have created buildings that make a
countries this reverence remains, as in Japan universal visual statement. Ordinary buildings
and Thailand. Royalty and its ceremonial pomp may seem purely functional by comparison but
and regalia are steeped in a symbolism that they, too, are associated with deeply held
serves to elevate and enhance, setting the ruler beliefs about home and hearth. Womb-like and
apart from his or her subjects. feminine, the home stands for sanctuary and
Nationality is an obvious security, its walls keeping the outside world
means of grouping people firmly at bay. Stairs are linked with the ascent
together and this is to spiritual enlightenment, while windows are
enhanced by the use of the “eye of the soul”, letting in the light of truth.

Such symbolism is have their roots in ancient times, while fairy
THE NEED TO commonly associated tales, handed down through the generations,
BELONG IS with religious are variously associated with religion,
FUNDAMENTAL buildings. Every psychology, or the cosmos.
TO ALL HUMAN culture also has Clothing and costume reflect various aspects
SOCIETIES AND symbolically sacred of our society and culture, including nationality,
ENHANCES places, which may job, religion, personality, aspirations, and status.
OUR SENSE be man-made, Western dress is heavily influenced by fashion,
OF CULTURAL such as Britain’s but people worldwide still wear traditional
IDENTITY Stonehenge, or styles that are imbued with symbolism, such
natural, such as as the Indian sari.
India’s River Ganges. Jewellery has always been a sign of status as
In common with homes, gardens are well as the identifying mark of a tribe, while
regarded as havens but they also represent body adornment is traditionally associated with
myriad other ideals, from signs of status to a tribal, military, or religious communities. The
Paradise on Earth where the gardener is the need to belong is fundamental to all human
creator figure. Other seemingly random societies and enhances our sense of cultural
items, such as tools and weapons, assume identity. Whether it is by birth, group affiliation,
significance symbolically when linked to or religion, “membership” is symbolized by
politics, religion, or folklore. Cultural clothing, rituals, celebrations, and cultural
activities, such as music, dance, and theatre, icons – all ties that bind people together.


Ruling elites of ancient civilizations were revered
as gods living on Earth. In Egypt only gods, kings
and queens were allowed to carry the powerful an
symbol, or “sign of life”, which bestowed on them
the right to give or take away life. Even today
certain royalty are still revered – King Bhumibol
Adulyadej of Thailand, the longest serving monarch
ever, is revered as the country’s “guiding light”.
Rituals and symbols of statehood continue there,
as they do in the world’s 30 other monarchies.

Monarchs were once seen
as earthly counterparts of God.
The ceremony ascribed to kings
still holds power
in many countries, and
the regalia of crowns, orbs,
sceptres, and thrones keep the
symbolism alive. Coinage and
medals also perpetuate the cult
of kings, as with this bronze
 King and queen  Pharaoh
medallion of French “Sun King”
The queen is a compelling The combined rule of a king and Tutankhamen was worshipped
Louis XIV (above), who claimed
symbol of power and femininity. queen, as with King William III as a god and intermediary
to rule by “Divine Right”. The
Queen Elizabeth I was adept and Queen Mary II shown here, between Earth and Heaven. His
Oba (“king”) of Benin (right)
at cultivating her public image. symbolizes balance and mask is gold because the flesh
was considered a divine being
Her numerous portraits harmony. This commemorative of the gods was thought to be
descended from a god. Like the
combined assured majesty plate of 1689 (with symbolic golden. The blue-striped gold

leopards he held, he was feared

with varying symbols of crowns and ermine) celebrates head cloth reflects the royal
and respected.
chastity, wealth, and peace. their ascension. colour of truth and noble birth.


Playing cards developed
with “court” ranks and
Cardd games and the ancient game of chess highly symbolic images
use representations of royalty and the court – of royalty, especially in
including kings, queens, and armies – in a 16th-century
6th-c France.
Popular since medieval times, Representations
tations oof the
symbolic playing out of the conflict between jack (formerly
(for the knave),
chess represents a battle
opposing forces. The object of a game is to between kings, queens, and queen, and king appear
build up an unassailable power base to trump their supporting “pieces” and often with full-length
“men”. The term “checkmate” ermine robes, orbs, crown,
(overcome) one’s opponents, or to defeat them and swords – making them h
omes from the Arabic meaning
by destroying their armies. “the king is dead”. the most
ost iconic “royals”.
In China and Japan the emperor
was believed to be the son KNIGHTS
of Heaven, a symbol
of moral order who Warriors on horseback, knights provided
pr troops
maintained harmony and tithes for their king. Symbolically, whether
between Heaven and
Earth. One of the most
a samurai or a Knight of St. George, knights
famous of these rulers represented chivalry. This embodied extremeeme
was Qin Shi Huangdi, courteousness towards women (“courtly urtly love”),
who became China’s
First Emperor in 221BCE.
but also to their enemies. Attaining
ning to these
At his tomb, outside ideals became formalized inn religious
re and
the city of Xi’an, over regal ceremonies, including
ncludin knighting.
8,000 life-size terracotta
soldiers were buried to
An empress represents creation
serve him as symbolic
and growth, and carries symbols
guards in the afterlife.
of royalty. In Ethiopia there was
traditionally a king of kings,
known to Europeans as an
emperor. However, Empress
Zewditu of Ethiopia was the
“Queen of Kings” and ruled
from 1916 to 1930. She was
the first woman head of an
internationally recognized state
in modern Africa, but she held
conservative values.
 Sir Gawain
 Prince and princess A hero of King Arthur’s Japanese samurai were
Both in fable and reality, the Knights of the Round members of a military elite.
prince and princess represent Table, Sir Gawain was Their most
st ffamous weapon
an archetypal hero and heroine. the epitome of chivalry and their symbol was the
They are often depicted as the andd loyalty
lo against which sword. A samurai’s code
young royals-in-waiting, having other knights measured of behaviour emphasized
to overcome obstacles to their
alliance and succession.
The handsome prince battles
fearsome foes and magical
obstacles in his quest to rescue
his princess. She in her turn
endures cruel confinement
stoically and embodies beauty
with moral courage.

 Knight in battle
This plaque from a tomb ornament depicts the classic knight
in shining armour on horseback – a clear
cle symbol of power,
uthority, and courage.

The Fool The Sun pp.16–17
Under the guise of entertainer, the fool or jester could joke at his Trappings of royalty pp.218–19
king’s expense – and get away with it. The fool was kept at court Tools & weapons pp.224–25
for luck and to ward off the evil eye. The multicoloured and patched
costume – motley – symbolized the fool’s eccentricity.
To affirm their exalted status, rulers have finery and jewels as they sit on ornate
always surrounded themselves with grand thrones. These and other trappings of royalty
accoutrements of office. The symbolic enforce the symbolism of the ruler as a being
ceremonies of coronations, as well as state above ordinary people and
functions with processions, banquets, in some cases divine or
and royal guards, see monarchs draped in semi-divine.

e emblems and insignia of royalty, known
egalia, are symbolic “props” that lend an
herworldliness” to a monarch’s earthly
wers. The crown – be it jewel-encrusted
rnment or vibrant plumed headdress –
he quintessential physical and figurative
al symbol.

The ornamental rod or staff ca
by rulers on ceremonial occasi
is an emblem of authority and
sovereign power. It may have
volved from a lance without t
etal point to evoke continued
preme power in peace time.
ewelled sceptre was presen
the French to the 18th-centu
nese Emperor Qianlong.




fly whisks were
ce believed to be held by
ities. Tutankhamen had
gold-covered fly whisk with
 Crown trich feathers.
As lords over the “double” land
of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Egyptian pharaohs were often Orb
depicted wearing a double presenting the cosmos to
crown (above). The Holy Roman ncient Romans, the cross was
ded in medieval times to  Thai Royal Regalia
Emperor’s crown (top) was Under the Great White Umbrella of State, which symbolizes the king
heavy with Christian symbolism, mbolize a world under
himself, Bhumibol Adulyadej was crowned King of Thailand on 9 June
.-4 such
c as the arches representing hristian rule. It represents a
1946. Regal utensils, including a gold libation vessel, symbol of both
the vaults of Heaven.
n minine motif balancing the
eptre’s male symbolism. royalty and divinity, were placed by his throne during the ceremony.
Coats of arms, also called armorial bearings,
identified a particular ruler or knight in medieval
times. Whether depicted on shields, armour,
surcoats, or flags, the various emblems all added
up to a status symbol, and the royal arms were
the ultimate power signal. Seals and signets
bearing the royal arms were embossed in hot
wax on documents and letters to authenticate
ownership and ensure privacy. Royal seals may  Royal Arms  Seal of King Edward III
also bear a depiction of the monarch. In the This coat of arms symbolically represents England, Scotland, Wales, Royal seals often depict the
and Ireland with animals, mythical creatures, plants, instruments, and monarch enthroned, but Edward
days when the majority of people could not t the
inscriptions. With the helm displayed beneath the crown (left), III’s (1327–1377) shows him on
read or write, such seals provided an easily Royal Arms represent the monarch herself. Without the helm (right),t horseback to reflect his military
understood sign of a king’s approval. they represent the United Kingdom in courtrooms and embassies. successes against the French.

PDNKJAO  Ivory Throne

The throne is an iconic symbol of the power, The Ivory Throne was created
for Ivan the Terrible, crowned
stability, and splendour of the ruler sitting on first Tsar of Russia in 1547.
it. Thrones were seats of the gods in Ancient It is shaped as a high-
Greek times, and are still often raised on a dais backed chair adorned
with ivory and walrus
(“platform”) for greater impact. The throne bone. Some of its
is usually placed at the centre of the palace, decorative plaques have
representing the centre of the cosmos. Today biblical themes, including
scenes from the life of King
it is not just a symbol but part of the language  Lion Throne
David, who symbolized
of royalty; the term “Throne” refers to a ruler. The 180-year-old Great Lion
the ideal ruler.
Throne of the Burmese kings
The Peacock Throne, for example, refers to the was raised on a dais to lift the
former Persian or Iranian monarchy, while a king literally and symbolically
monarch “dethroned” has lost his or her power. above the heads of his subjects.

L=H=?AO  The Forbidden City

As residence of the ruler, a palace symbolizes The symmetry and the relative
placing of buildings in Beijing’s
Heaven and the heart of a realm. Whatever their Forbidden City are in imitation

construction – timber, marble, or stone – palaces of the Buddhist and Hindu
reflect the grandest architecture and materials of cosmos. Palaces, temples,
and homes all face south, the
their time and location, and thereby reflect the direction of smiling fortune.
grand designs of the patron. The interiors, Some 100,000 symbols of
usually stuffed with royal gifts and purchases, imperial power adorn the
walled enclave to ensure
say “look at my unrivalled wealth and taste”. Heaven’s blessing.
However, some of the many rooms of a palace
may hold treasures representing spiritual truths.

 The Palace of Versailles The Sun pp.16–17
One of the grandest European palaces was built by Louis XIV, the Coronations pp.220–21
“Sun King”, in the 17th century, at a time of political turmoil. Vastly Heraldic emblems pp.318–23
expensive both to build and maintain, Versailles became the seat of
his court and also a symbol of regal opulence.

 Coronation dress
To symbolize her role as Queen of the Commonwealth, Norman Hartnell’s the maple leaf of Canada, the New Zealand fern, South Africa’s protea,
design for Elizabeth II’s coronation dress incorporated the emblems of its lotus flowers for India and Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and wheat, cotton, and jute
member countries, including the Tudor rose of England, the Scottish thistle, for Pakistan. The motifs were embroidered in silks, pearls, diamonds,
the Welsh leek, and the shamrock of Ireland, along with the wattle of Australia, amethysts, and crystals.
In magnificent and solemn coronations, ritual objects, from carriages
to crown jewels, become codified signals that symbolically announce
the ruler’s powers in the land and indeed to a divine power.

The most symbolic ceremony to recognize trophies symbolizing the victories of Great
a new king, queen, or emperor – and so Britain in the Seven Years War (1756–1763).
set the seal on the state – is a coronation. Taking place in Westminster Abbey, the
They are grand occasions full of pomp coronation is a symbol of the sovereign’s
and circumstance. Massive symbolism is earthly and spiritual responsibility, and
carried not only in the ritual itself, but suggests God’s blessing on a reign, an
clearly in the objects worn, carried, echo of the ancient belief in the divine
displayed, or sat upon to legitimize the right of kings.
new rule. These objects may be used to In an act symbolic of the merging of
anoint or baptize the king, such as sacred religious and temporal authority, Elizabeth
shells or horns, or ampullas, or carried, was then presented by the Archbishop of
as with the crown, sceptre, and orb of  Gold state coach Canterbury, primate of all England, to
Byzantine and western worlds. The throne Queen Elizabeth II rides to her coronation in the gold the congregation as the legitimate heir
state coach, used by British monarchs since 1762. On
remains the essential coronation symbol in the roof of the carriage cherubs representing England, to the throne. Having taken the oath of
almost all civilizations. European rituals Scotland, and Ireland support the royal crown. allegiance, the sovereign was dressed in
and objects developed between the 9th a simple white
and 15th centuries kept the sacred kingship symbolism going, linen robe, symbolic of purity, and
especially through the coronation ceremonies of The Holy anointed with holy oil poured into
Roman Empire and the Papacy. an anointing spoon from an eagle-
shaped ampulla, the eagle
MQAAJAHEV=>APDEE symbolizing royalty. Following
Queen Elizabeth II’s world-televised coronation on 2 June the anointing, the monarch was
1953 continued many of the symbols and codes of sacred presented with three swords,
legitimation of kings and retained the ritual of previous symbols of mercy, power, and
coronations. The Queen was taken from Buckingham Palace justice, with which she was charged
to Westminster Abbey in a gold state coach with palm trees at to “distribute justice equally and to
the corners, each rising from a lion’s head and loaded with protect the Holy Church of God”.

As well as monarch, Elizabeth was  Royal symbols
 Crown jewels also invested as “Defender of the Elizabeth II dressed in coronation
The British Crown Jewels robes and wearing the Imperial
Faith” and handed the orb, a symbol State Crown. The orb and sceptre
are royal ornaments only
used in the actual of the world under Christ. Each symbolize the Church’s authority
ceremony of coronation item of royal regalia reinforced the and the sovereign’s duty as
as symbols of sacred and Defender of the Faith.
sacred nature of her new role.
temporal authority. Britain
is the only European
monarchy still using SEE ALSO
its regalia for the Eagles pp.62–63
consecration ceremony Royalty pp.216–17
of crowning the sovereign. Trappings of royalty pp.218–19
Through origin, birth, or naturalization we heroes, we readily latch on to them for their
belong to a specific nation or people. Our symbolic significance. Fifty years ago there
national identity is derived from a common were 82 independent countries, but by the
culture, language, and history, and outwardly start of the 21st century there were 194.
reflected by familiar icons. Whether these Nationality is important to us and shared
icons are statues, dance forms, or folk symbols reinforce our sense of belonging.

 Great Seal of the French Republic

The Seal of France, dating from the fall of the monarchy in
1848, shows the goddess Juno representing liberty. She
wears the same crown and robes as America’s Statue
of Liberty (see below).
w She holds an ancient symbol
of civic authority, called a fasces. The figure is
surrounded by symbolic objects, including a wheat
sheaf (agriculture) and a cog wheel (industry).

The Norwegian coat of arms

depicts a crowned lion holding
an axe, symbolizing strength,
justice, and royalty. (Norway
has a king as head of state.)
The orb with cross symbolizes
the country’s Evangelical
Lutheran religion.

 Stamps  Monuments  Music and dance

On British postage stamps a Located in New York Harbour, A country’s traditional music
portrait of the reigning monarch where transatlantic immigrants and dance reflect national
represents national identity. first glimpsed their new land, character. Flamenco is a classic
Since Britain introduced prepaid the 46m (151ft) Statue of  Memorials example, symbolizing through
postage in 1840, it has Liberty holds a torch and tablet The General Grant Tree is the only “living” national shrine the frenetic and complex
commemorating the men and women of the United States who have
... remained the only nation in
the world that does not identify
representing safety and liberty,
and highlighting America as given their lives in service to their country. Each year at Christmas,
footwork, hand clapping, and
virtuoso guitar the passion,
its stamps by country name. “the light of the world”. park rangers place a large wreath at the base of this giant sequoia. excitement, and spirit of Spain.
Bulldog dressed as John Bull,
an icon of Britishness since
the 1700s

 National hero
Nationality is often embodied
in its heroes and heroines, real
or imagined. Robin Hood “who
stole from the rich to give to the
 British bulldog poor” became an English icon
The bulldog became symbolically of freedom for the oppressed,
linked with British “doggedness” through medieval poetry and
after Winston Churchill and the minstrel songs, as well as
nation withstood Nazi invasion dramatizations in modern-day
in World War II. plays, TV shows, and films.


Most countries have adopted an animal or a bird
as an emblem to represent them symbolically,
chosen for its strength, beauty, speed, courage,
or uniqueness – the Bald Eagle of the United  New Zealand kiwi
The kiwi is native only to
States, for example, or the kangaroo of Australia. New Zealand and so has
become an emblem of the
country. It is emblazoned
b  Guy Fawkes night
on the national rugby Each 5 November, Britain symbolically remembers Guy Fawkes and
team’s shirts the 1605 Gunpowder Plot with bonfire and firework displays. Fawkes
was part of a Catholic effort to topple the Protestant monarchy. After
the plot was foiled, Englishmen were taught “remember remember
the 5th of November” to be vigilant in the defence of the realm.

 Thanksgiving Day
The idea of turkey and cranberry
sauce as the centrepiece of
the Thanksgiving dinner is today
deeply entrenched in the

American way of life. The meal
is symbolically linked to the
founding pilgrims’ desire to
celebrate a good harvest in
1621 with a feast, having
landed at Plymouth Rock.
 Coat of Arms of the Bahamas
The colourful Bahamian coat
co of arms The Russian bear is a
has a conch above a shield co
containing metaphor as welll as an
a flamingo, the national bird,
ird and a anthropomorphic symbol ol of SEE ALSO
marlin, symbolizing the island’s the nation. It has been
en used Mammals pp.52–55
abundant sealife. The Santa Maria, as a caricature since Clothing & costume pp.248–49
Group affiliation pp.258–59
the flagship
agship of
o Christopher Columbus,
appears on the shield.
Napoleonic times es to
t depict
Russia’s size and strength.
Heraldic emblems pp.318–23 ../
Flags pp.324–29
Designed to make or mend, or to kill o
weapons have been the ultimate purpo
since the Stone Age. Yet although they
practical objects, both have always had
symbolic significance when linked to r
folklore, and politics. Weapons and to
to identify the gods, in whose hands th
power, protection, or destruction. Som
sickle, represent both death and life.

Hammer and sickle  Axe

Workers and peasants were Since Neanderthal man could
united by the symbol of a wield an axe, this tool has
hammer and sickle laid across symbolized power and authority.
each other – or so the Axes have always been closely
Communists believed when linked to the elements – as
they chose this composite conductors of thunderbolts and
emblem of manual labour protectors of crops.
in the 1920s.

ause the spear was
arded as the king of
apons, snapping an
 Scythe  Bow and arrow my’s spear was a
The most recognizable symbol Both practical and symbolic The bow and arrow together represent hunting and war. The arrow mbolic act of humiliation,
of mortality is the Grim Reaper as a protector, the shield has also has a certain phallic quality, and the bow provides sexual tension monstrating superiority.
with his scythe, ready to feminine overtones of chastity in its crescent (feminine) shape. The bow has further symbolism in well as having obvious
“harvest” the souls of the dead. as well as power, as with the representing spiritual energy and discipline, while the arrow can llic connotations, spears
The hourglass held in the other Greek goddess Athena. A represent lightning, rain, and power. For Christians, piercing arrows e religious ties, as with
hand symbolizes Father Time decorated shield can also be are a symbol of St. Sebastian, who is commonly depicted tied to a Spear of Destiny, the
cut short. an advertisement of status. post and shot through with arrows. ce that pierced Jesus.
Used by ancient
civilizations for SWORDS
ritual human
and animal With its long blade, the sword’s shape
s lends
sacrifice, the itself to associations with masculinity. For
agger is a
ent symbol of
Crusaders, because it was like the Cross with
letting, imminent its straight hilt, a sword justified bloodletting
tting in
and appeasement the name of God. Many Christian saints ints carry a
gods. The kris
type of dagger
Gun sword as their emblem. Swords are symbols of
The gun has potent phallic and male aggression symbolism. royal power, military might,, and honour. In
Southeast Asia,
Its projectile power represents virility and impregnation. The
n decorated with Buddhist and Taoist thought
houg swords symbolize
identification of guns with macho males has been frequently
nscribed from
an to represent
reinforced by gangster movies. discernment cutting through
throug ignorance.
te truth.

 Islamic sword
The Saudi Arabian flagg features
a sword as a symbol of “strength
rooted in faith”
h – the words in the
Scales sacred Islamic text written above it.
p g p set of scales is easily recognizable as a symbol of justice and
penetration and fertilization fairness. Justice is often personified as a blindfolded woman carrying
of the Earth (the female furrow). scales. The notion of “balanced judgement” goes back to Ancient
Ploughing also symbolizes the Egypt, when the heart of a deceased person was weighed against
act of creation, as primal matter the feather of truth before Osiris, god of the underworld.
is broken down into different
life forms.

 Asante sword
This late 19th-
century Ghanaian
ceremonial sword
 Knighting has gilded
In the centuries old tradition of wooden beads
b on
g a ruler touches the the handle that
shoulders of a subject with the flat of symbolize
ze wealth
a sword as a symbolic raising of rank. and fertility.

For Christians the net represents harvesting of the faithful: Christ
instructed his disciples to become “fishers of men”. In older cultures
the net is related to the ensnaring powers of the female. To the  Samurai sword
Chinese the stars at night are the “net of Heaven”. For the samurai the “sword” represented as much a spiritual
training as a military one, where Bushido,
Bush the “Way of the
 Rope Warrior”, combined ZenZ with martial arts. The samurai
Symbolically, rope is both sword is renowned for its beauty and sharpness.
restricting and connecting. The
Aztecs used rope as a noose but
it had trading value, too. As a
ladder or bridge, it has symbolic SEE ALSO
links to Heaven. For Hindus rope
Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23
represents purity because the Death & mourning pp.128–31
Hindu god Shiva wore a sacred Celtic & Nordic deities pp.142–43
cord. In Christianity it is a Christianity pp.176–79 ..1
symbol of betrayal, as Christ Professional signs pp.314–15
was bound by his captors.
its grip and captivity.
Throughout history, every culture and have shaped their creations to make a
society has expressed its aspirations through universal visual language. Differently shaped
architecture. From Ancient Greek and buildings represent differing symbolic ideals:
Roman buildings representing the power of skyscrapers can represent status and
empire to the celestial symbolism conveyed achievement, while environmentally aware
in the vaulted arches and spires of buildings show our closeness both to nature
magnificent Gothic cathedrals, architects and natural forms.

Many people make homes from natural materials,
Symbolically, bridges can represent from adobe huts in Africa to ice-block igloos in the
communication between an earthly and divine Arctic. In modern societies, too, the urge to “get
realm or the transition from
m one state oof being back to nature” is increasingly expressed through
to another. However, depending upon its environmentally aware architecture.
particular setting, a bridge can attain an iconic
quality and become a landmark that defines
a place – sometimes a whole country – in
our imagination.

Harmony with nature

Frank Lloyd Wright’s
Fallingwater in Pennsylvania
demonstrates his concept of
organic architecture. Mimicking
the pattern of the rock ledges,
the house falls in series of
Earth dwelling cantilevered trays over the falls,
Zulu homes are always circular. The right-hand side is occupied by the embodying the ideal that people
man and the left-hand side by the woman. An area for storing utensils can live in harmony with nature.
and valuables was believed to belong to the spirits.

 Icon of a city
Flamboyant yet functional, London’s Tower Bridge was a feat
of steam-driven Victorian engineering and is now symbolic as THE TOWER
a tourist icon of the United Kingdom’s capital city. OF BABEL
A bibilical tower but with real antecedents,
the Tower of Babel was an Ancient Babylonian
stepped pyramid. The Babylonians were
determined to build a tower that would reach
the heavens, but according to the Bible, God
caused the builders to speak in so many Pride of Man
 Focus of national pride The mythical story of this tower
different tongues they could not understand
n is told in the Book of Genesis,
Completed in 1932, Sydney Harbour Bridge is an iconic
image of Sydney and of Australia itself, representing
each other, and the tower was never compl
completed. and is a symbolic reminder that
a modern nation of freedom and opportunity. It is thus a symbol of man’s arrogance. “pride comes before a fall” when
men rebel against God. d.
Certain shapes used in the design of buildings, whether in their plan
or elevation, or the decorations attached to them, immediately signal
something to us by association. So low-rise buildings “envelop” and are
feminine in form, whereas high-rise structures “rise” in masculine form.
Feminine buildings that use curved shapes also symbolize the safety and
security of the womb.

Castles, like Bodiam Castle
in East Sussex, once provided
safety for nobles and their serfs
in times of war. Surrounded by Amphitheatre
a moat, the feminine symbolism One of the greatest works of Roman architecture, the Colosseum
of protection and nurturing is in Rome is a compelling symbol of empire and power and is today
very strong; however, the castle an important landmark in Italy’s “Eternal City”. Its elliptical shape
remains a symbol of strength has a feminine, protective symbolism, as well as suggesting a womb-
and power. like envelopment.

=N?DEPA?PQNA Many buildings send out both masculine and
The tower symbolizes power, and in its feminine signals. Tibet’s Portala Palace is
phallic connotation male supremacy. dedicated to the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara,
From medieval spires to the modern who has both male and female forms. A dome
skyscraper, humans (and nations) have can be both masculine and feminine as with
striven to express their supremacy London’s all-embracing 02 Arena, which suggests
through sheer, thrusting height. By a nurturing of knowledge and the arts.
association, the most symbolic example
of affecting a nation’s feeling of  Palace
invincibility was the catastrophic The Portala Palace in Lhasa
(1645–1695) is a symbol of
terrorist attack on New York’s World Tibet and also of Tibetan
Trade Center on 11 September 2001. Buddhism (being once the home
of Tibet’s spiritual leaders, the
Dalai Llamas). Rising from a
 Skyscraper high ridge, the magnificent red,
From 1931 New York’s white, and gold palace makes
Empire State Building for an imposing sight.
was the world’s tallest
building for over 40
years. Today this Art
Deco landmark remains
a proud masculine
symbol of the United
States’ unfettered

ambition and

Lighthouse As with domes in antiquity, London’s O2 Arena represents a cosmic
Representing a beacon canopy. Domes were incorporated from Renaissance times in
of truth and a symbol
of male fertility, the
lighthouse also  Tower in Taipei
symbolizes Christ’s One of the world’s tallest structures, Taipei Fertility & childbirth pp.120–23
teaching, as it provides 101’s design echoes the Chinese pagoda Religious architecture pp.228–31
light to guide ships to and a stem of bamboo. The tower thus Sacred places pp.232–33
safety just as the soul reflects Taiwan’s cultural history, as well
is drawn to faith. as its ambition in the 21st century.
Temples, mosques, churches, and shrines and highly symbolic. Spires, towers,
are places of worship and as such are filled minarets, and domes beckon believers
with reminders of the central belief of the (summoned by bells or drawn by the
worshippers and their relationship with the muezzin’s call to prayer) from afar and
deity. Religious architecture is both complex point to a celestial, spiritual world.

Religious sites are recognizable by their
decorative symbols of faith – such as the cross,
star, or crescent Moon – as well as statues of
gods, saints, and other sacred shapes and forms
carved into the stone, wood, or glass. Symbolism
ranges from medieval cathedral gargoyles
representing Hell fire and damnation, to beautiful
calligraphic representations of the Koran.

 Lutheran interior  Interior with saints

Predominantly found in northwest Europe, Lutheran Catholic church interiors are rich in symbolism and
churches emphasize the importance of scripture. decoration. Symbolism is evident in the statues,
For this reason the churches avoid the use of paintings, and other visual motifs. The dome of the
ostentatious art forms and have unadorned interiors Ocotlan Basilica, Tlaxcala, in Mexico (above) has a
– in this case emphasizing the symbol of the cross. representation of Mary and the apostles.

 Stained glass  Islamic tiles

Traditionally, stained glass Decorative tiles characterize
windows “illuminated” biblical much of Islamic mosque
stories and the saints’ lives decoration. Human and animal
through a mosaic of coloured images are avoided, so symbolic
glass. This example shows St. geometric designs, passages
Beuno (right)t at St. Winefride’s from the Koran, and plant
Church, Holywell, Wales. motifs are favoured.

Cao Dai Temple

The central temple of Cao Dai –
a belief system that combines
the world’s major religions to
promote peace – the Cao Dai
temple (“high tower or palace”)  Synagogue
is built on nine levels reflecting Jewish law sets only general guidelines for the form of a synagogue,
the nine steps to Heaven. The though it does teach that it must contain windows, as there is a world
..4 ceiling is painted sky blue beyond sanctuary in which good works must be done. The Kupa
with white clouds representing Synagogue in Krakow, Poland (above), was founded for the poor in 1643.
the heavens.
The direction in which a religious building PAGODAS
is orientated is highly symbolic, East being
the direction of sunrise and symbolic of birth,
and West being the direction of the sunset and Pagodas and stupas are highly symbolic
symbolic of death and rebirth. Many ancient structures. Originally built as burial mounds,
cults were Sun-worshipping, and their sacred they sometimes contained relics of the BudBuddha
structures, or shrines, were orientated towards or other sacred items. The shape of a ppagoda
solar activity and cycles. can often be equated with the shapshape of the
Buddha seated in meditation, on, and as such it
 Relief sculpture can be used as a meditational
editat aid and a symbol
India is famous for its Hindu
relief sculptures in temples and
of Nirvana.
shrines. The sculptures show
representations of the many  Chinese pagoda
gods and goddesses. Above are A Chinese pagoda is
relief figures of celestial beings distinguished by its roofs,
at the Parsvanath Temple in usually seven or nine
ine in
Khajuraho, central India. number. The separate
storeys, diminishing in size
as they rise upwards,
symbolize the different
erent levels
Mihrab  Garbha griha of Heaven and the stages to
The Mihrab is a niche in In a Hindu temple there is no enlightenment.
nlightenm Like the
the wall of a mosque, which large interior space for worship. ancient Indian stupa, the
indicates the qiblaa or direction The principal image is housed pagoda was a symbol of
of Mecca towards which a in a garbha griha, literally the path to enlightenment.
Muslim should pray. The Mihrab “womb-chamber”. Other images
also symbolizes the divine are located in niches in the
th cardinal directions.

Thee jewel
je (“enlightenment”),
Sun (“wisdom”), and Moon
(“heart” ).
 Eye of Nepalese stupa
Stupas were originally burial The parasol represents
mounds and are a symbol of the compassion.
Buddha’s entry into Nirvana.
In this case, the eyes of the The chest has seven elements
Buddha on the Harmika of the of enlightenment, including
diligence and joy.

Swayambhu stupa in Nepal
are a reminder to all of the
possibility of enlightenment.
The hall has steps
symbolizing the three
refuges of the Buddha,
dharma, and sangha.

Angkor Wat The form

orm of the stupa
The 12th-century temple complex at Angkor in Cambodia The number of terraces and different features of the
for the Khmer ruler, King Suryavarman II. The temple and ascending stupa are based upon the teachings of Buddhism. They are
towers represent Mount Meru, the mountain home of the Hindu gods. intended to focus awareness,
awaren mindful of the steps upward
to enlightenment. This
Thi example is shaped as the Buddha,
crowned and seated in the meditation pose
po on a throne.

 Door guardians Main altar

Ancient Chinese Imperial
Generals in a martial stance, as
Mountains pp.28–29
well as Imperial guardian lions
Islam pp.180–83
are popular doorway images in Church orientation Architecture pp.226–27
Chinese temples. It is believed Many churches are constructed in the form of an east-facing cross, Steps to Heaven pp.236–37 ..5
that they prevent demons and symbolic of the Christian faith. They are nearly always oriented so that
ghosts from entering. the main altar is at the East end of the church, facing the Holy L
Built in the 8th and 9th centuries, Borobudur on
Java is the largest Buddhist monument in the world.
Decorated with 504 statues of the Buddha and 1,460
carved stone panels depicting Buddhist stories,
Borobudur is a vast book symbolizing enlightenment
and the path to attaining it. Devotees ascend both
physically and spiritually by walking around the
terraces, reading the pictures carved on to the
gallery walls as they approach the summit.


1. Base (Kamadhatu)
The reliefs at the base of Borobudur represent Kamadhatu
(the realm of desire) and symbolize humans still bound by lust.

2. Upper four storeys

The reliefs on the upper four storeys represent Rupadhatu
(the realm of form) and symbolize humans that have set
themselves free from lust but are still bound by vanity.

3. Upper three terraces

On the circular terraces, statues of the Buddha confined in domes
with holes represent Arupadhatuu (the realm of formlessness)
and symbolize people that are free from lust and appearance.

4. Top of the terrace

The structure is erected on a hill in the form of a stepped
pyramid of six rectangular storeys. The top of the terrace
is called Arupaa and symbolizes Nirvana where the Buddha
resides. A statue of the Buddha is located here.

5. Mandala form
When seen from the top Borobudur resembles a mandala, a visual
metaphor for the cosmos. Its essential feature is a circle enclosed by
a square with four “doors” in the middle of each side, facing the four
cardinal points (four main Buddhist elements). Mandalas are used as
meditational aids. Although there is no contemporary record of
Borobudur being used in this way, it is very likely that it was.

In every culture there are places and spaces that
are imbued with a sacredness acquired through
hundreds or thousands of years of worship.
These may be made by humans, such as temples
and pyramids, or natural, as in rivers, rocks, and
trees. Whether imbued with religious or folkloric
importance, the world is dotted with sacred places
that have entered the public consciousness and
become, in their own way, symbols of their culture.

The cubical structure at the Great Mosque in Mecca is called the Ka’ba
and is central to Islam. Muslims make the hajjj (“pilgrimage”) there once
in their lifetime if they are able. Pilgrims circle the Ka’ba seven times,
an act symbolizing Muhammad’s seven ascents to Heaven. Mount Tai  Delphi
Not merely a mountain home of Home of the mysterious oracle of the Ancient Mediterranean world,
the gods (like Mount Olympus), Delphi is soaked in legend. Here lay the sacred place of the Earth
Mount Tai was considered a goddess, Gaia, and the sanctuary of the Greek god Apollo. Nearby,
deity itself – the son of the Mount Parnassus is sacred to the Muses in Greek legend.
Emperor of Heaven. Chinese
emperors have venerated it as

their most sacred peak since at

least 3000BCE.

 Chalma  Stonehenge  Wat Phra Keo

The pre-Columbian sacred cave site of Chalma, Mexico, was used Built around 2000BCE, Stonehenge may have been used as an The most revered Buddhist
by local American Indian tribes seeking cures. The site and the ritual astronomical clock or cosmic calculator. The site’s capacity to shrine in Thailand is Wat Phra
was adopted and adapted by Spanish settlers who built a pilgrimage determine the dates of the solstices and equinoxes was all-important, Keo (Temple of the Emerald
./. church there in the 1530s. Since then the Royal Monastery and since ancient tribes regarded the Sun and Moon as sacred beings. Buddha) in Bangkok. The Thai
Sanctuary has remained a Christian holy place where pilgrims come The cycles of the Moon, the seasons, and eclipses could be observed king changes the Buddha’s
to seek cures, or give thanks for prayers answered. via the configuration of the stones and celebrated in sacred rituals. clothes three times a year.
 Bodh Gaya Jasna Góra Kelimutu
A symbol of the Buddha’s The monastery of Jasna Góra in Poland is one of the largest Catholic A volcano on the Indonesian island of Flore, Kelimutu contains three
Enlightenment, Bodh Gaya near pilgrimage sites in the world, and a symbol to Poles of their country lakes of varying colours. These are believed to be the abode of the
Bihar in India is a sacred site for and religion. It is home of the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa. dead, each housing souls according to the lives they led.
Buddhists. Here, the Mahabodhi
temple stands beside the Bodhi
tree, said to be a descendant of
that under which the Buddha ROCK ART
achieved Enlightenment.
Prehistoric and Australian Aboriginal rock art
are the first picture books – storytelling by
means of petroglyphs, pictographs, and cave
paintings. This highly symbolic sign language
predates the pyramids by around 10,000 years.
The strong relationship with the landscape and
 The Great Pyramid every living creature encountered forms the
Much more than a giant tomb to protect the Pharaoh, the Great basis for this art.
Pyramid may have represented a gigantic portal through which the
Ancient Egyptian king would join the Sun god in the sky.
 Newspaper Rock, Utah
Newspaper Rock is a rock-
carving etched into a
 St. Peter’s, Rome sandstsone cliff in the Utah
In 64CE St. Peter was martyred desert in the United States.. It
and 300 years later Constantine, records human activity spanning
the first Christian emperor of some 2,000 years and includes
Rome, had a church built on representations of American
the site. Today St. Peter’s Indian cultures, including the
Basilica, in the Vatican, is the Anasazi and the Navajo.
spiritual centre of the Roman
Catholic Church.

 Varanasi  Lascaux
Situated by the Ganges, Varanasi is a major pilgrimage site in India The prehistoric
and is the most sacred place for Hindus to die and be cremated. The rock paintings of
River Ganges symbolizes divine consciousness and thus immortality. the Lascaux cave

complex in France
date back to
They depict animals,
human representations, and signs. The caves were probably
used bothh for hunting rituals and magical rites.
 Church of the
Holy Sepulchre
One of the most sacred
spaces on Earth is on the site
of the supposed tomb of Jesus. Mountains pp.28–29
A tiny chapel in the Church of Death & mourning pp.128–31
Teotihuacan Architecture pp.226–27
the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
is believed to mark this most
The Aztec city-complex of Teotihuacan in Mexico houses the Pyramid Religious architecture pp.228–29 .//
of the Sun (above). It is carved with many symbols, including images
sacred of sites to Christians. of the god of rain and Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent god.
For most people the elements that make interior and exterior is directly linked to a
up a house are purely practical – although person’s spiritual well-being. The Ancient
architects design buildings with the aim Chinese practice of Feng Shui, also used in
of making them both functional and many modern western buildings, optimizes
aesthetically pleasing. In the East the the placement of rooms and objects within
harmony and orientation of a building’s rooms to ward off evil spirits and bad luck.

 Window Chimney
Just as the eye is likened to the “window of the soul”, so symbolically Smoke escaping from the
the window has long been considered as the “eye of the soul”. hearth through a chimney
Windows let in the light of truth. Stained glass examples do it with represents release from an
overt symbolism, and illuminate the darkness of ignorance. enclosed space, and from
an earthbound state to the
heavens. Originally, Father
Christmas coming down the

chimney was regarded as a

symbol of divine authority
delivering gifts from Heaven.
Chimneys, and chimney sweeps,
A staircase represents the steps on the spiritual road to
also represent good luck.
enlightenment and knowledge; it can also symbolize the downward
descent into darkness and ignorance. A winding staircase, with the
upper or lower end unseen, is a symbol of the mysterious.

The public face of a building
represents how one wishes to
 Balcony  Pillar appear to the world. An open
Both outside and part of the A pillar represents the joining façade with many windows
building, a balcony represents of Heaven and Earth and is suggests openness and honesty,
ambivalence and mystery, often decorated to highlight whereas a windowless façade with
since it partially conceals and this link. The Islamic faith enclosed courtyards suggests
./0 partially reveals. Historically, has “Five Pillars” representing concealment and secrecy.
balconies symbolized “support” the five duties incumbent on Ornamental flourishes announce
and a privileged lifestyle. every Muslim. status and power.
 Attic  Basement  Arch  Wall
Tucked in beneath the roof, the Symbolically the basement, cellar, or crypt – often with a vaulted An archway symbolizes the Symbolic of strength, privacy,
attic is often the storage place ceiling – represents the underworld. Tombs lie there beneath the passage from one state of being and containment, the wall
of the home, full of old toys and world of people and the heavens. In some cultures houses are raised to another. In initiation rites, encloses and protects the
memorabilia. Symbolically it on stilts, and the space beneath (where domestic animals are kept) one who passes through an interior of a building or garden.
represents half-remembered or represents the lower realms. arch is symbolically reborn. In some cases, as in the Gaza
forgotten truths, waiting to be The St. Louis Gateway Arch Strip barrier or the Great Wall
revealed to the seeker. represents the gateway to the of China, it represents division,
historical American West. isolation, and separation.

The earthly realm between
Heaven (the roof) and Hell (the
basement or under-floor area) is  Dome  Roof
represented by the floor. Floors Since antiquity and through diverse cultures and religions, the dome Representing the feminine, sheltering principle, the roof keeps a
are sometimes decorated with has represented the arc of Heaven and the realm of the gods. That is building safe from evil forces. It is also a sacred space, symbolizing –
symbols and patterns. why many church and temple dome interiors are painted with stars and in holy buildings often showing – the heavens, with deities,
and other celestial objects. angels, and gargoyles often added to increase its protective power.

The entrance to a house or sacred space
symbolically marks the divide between the sacred
and the profane, the transition from one stage
of life to another, the passage from life to death.
To ensure an entrance is more secure from evil
influences, people carve motifs into the surrounding
supports, or add symbolic “totems” to the door
itself, such as a horseshoe or door knocker.  Hall >QEH@EJCO
 Door knocker
cke Both practically and metaphorically, a hall is a place of transition –
Although a door knocker leading to other doors and passageways. In this way it symbolizes
 Pilasters a moment of choice in life when several “doors” are open to new
The lintel and pilasters can symbolize hospitality,
as with a pineapple motif, possibilities, spiritual or otherwise.
surrounding temple or
church entrances are often or good luck, as with a
carved with protective horse shoe or four-leaf SEE ALSO
guardian deities. They bear clover, the sound of the
Islam pp.180–83
symbols conferring good knocker at the door can Architecture pp.226–27
fortune on those who enter. be interpreted ass a sign Religious architecture pp.228–31
In eastern countries the of inexorable fate or Sacred places pp.232–33 ./1
us is a popular motif. approaching death.h Steps to Heaven pp.236–37

Jacob’s Ladder
Possibly the best-known ladder in western symbolism is Jacob’s Ladder. In the Old Testament Jacob,
fleeing his brother’s anger, lays down to sleep with a stone for a pillow. He dreams of a ladder to the
heavens with angels ascending. At the top God gives blessings and promises to protect Jacob on his
journey. The ladder thus became a symbol of the comings and goings between Heaven and Earth.
A ladder or staircase can represent access to the transcendent – each
rung or step representing a spiritual stage or new level of awareness on
the ascent – or the steep decline to a fiery netherworld.

Like the Tree of Life, ladders and stairs are associated with the OPALOKJPDAL=PD
knowledge of good and evil. The different levels represent the In many cultures the number of steps on a ladder equates
passage between the earthly and heavenly realms. to the number of tests one must pass to attain self-knowledge
or enlightenment. Most commonly
PDAH=@@AN there are seven steps. In Buddhism,
The ladder is a well-known mythological for instance, the seven steps correspond
motif most often interpreted as a symbol to the seven heavens and seven stages
of achieving personal wholeness. With its of awareness. From Sumerian cosmology
two uprights, it is often associated with to modern day Freemasonry, the ladder
the two trees of Paradise: the Tree of the is also depicted with seven steps.
Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree In a church the altar, approached by the
of Life, the two being joined by the rungs priest, is raised several steps above the
of spiritual knowledge. In Egyptian congregation as a symbol of its sanctity.
myth it was linked to Osiris, god of A throne, too, is raised on steps above
resurrection and the underworld, and  The steps of the Buddha floor level, signalling temporal and often
since it was usually depicted as being lit This stucco relief from the Wat Mahathat temple in spiritual authority.
Thailand depicts the Buddha descending the steps of a
by the Sun’s rays, it was linked to the Sun ladder from the Trayastrimsha Heaven, with Brahma and
god, Re. In Buddhism the Buddha is Indra in attendance on ladders on either side. OP=ENO
shown descending a ladder that connects With a staircase,
the heavenly sphere with the earthly one, symbolizing the the different floors represent the
closeness of the enlightened ones to the heavens. The Bible different levels of the cosmos, and
relates the story of Jacob’s dream in which angels descend and of attainment in the quest for
ascend a ladder, a symbol of communication between the enlightenment. A spiral staircase
spiritual and physical worlds, or between the conscious and indicates a journey perhaps fraught with
the unconscious self – such symbolism also occurs in Islam, doubts: its twists are symbolic of the

when Muhammad dreamed of a ladder by which the faithful twists of fortune on the spiritual
could climb to God. journey. It must be remembered that  Spiral staircase
ladders and stairs do not simply lead The spiral staircase
symbolizes a gradual
 Altar steps upward. The board game Snakes and elevation to a new kind of
Altars are often raised Ladders is symbolic of the steps upward consciousness. The end is
on steps, like these at not in sight as one climbs
St. John’s Co-Cathedral in in one’s spiritual life, followed by the
round and round, physically
Valletta, Malta. The steps many sudden descents of temptation and symbolically, ascending
up to the altar can be seen (as symbolized by the snake). towards the summit.
as a ritual ascent. The
raised platform upon which
the altar rests suggests
being closer to divinity.
Sacred trees pp.96–97
Stone altars also signify
the indestructibility of Egyptian deities pp.138–39
the divinity. Buddhism pp.164–69
Freemasonry pp.260–61
Womb-like and feminine, the home represents
both a sanctuary and security from the outside
world. Many familiar everyday objects that
we take for granted around the home, such as
bowls, clocks, brooms, and mirrors, have long
had profound symbolic associations with
cosmology and religion. There is often more
to the mundane than we realize.

The home was, until
recently, symbolically
centred around the
hearth, the fireplace
where the family
gathered for warmth.
The hearth embodies  Mirror
the idea of feminine A highly complex symbol, the mirror has many meanings. It represents
warmth and nurturing. truth, clarity, and self-examination, and reflects the soul. To Taoists it is
In Ancient Greek times symbolic of the inner calm of the sage. As it reflects light, the mirror is
the hearth was associated with both the Sun and the Moon. To Hindus it symbolizes the
dedicated to the illusory nature of reality. When a mirror breaks it symbolizes the loss of
goddess Hestia, who beauty or innocence, or is a presage of bad luck.
tended the sacred fire
on Mount Olympus.

his is a symbol of human
fe spun by the gods. Gree
mythology relates how The y
scaped from the labyrinth nts the Last sweeping away evil in the home
eing given a ball of thread olizes both the that might harm a child. The
ollow. In Hinduism males f and equality, broom became a tool against
he higher castes wear a th of the table”. curses and people hung a broom
tranded thread symbolizin mple is the on their front door to protect
eality, passion, and stillne f King Arthur. their home from evil spirits.

Like the Chinese
brush, the pen is
a sign of learning.
t marks our
destiny on a sheet
of paper. The pen
 Chest s masculine in
Filled with water, a bowl is a Secrets can be shape and dips
symbol of the feminine principle hidden in a chest nto the feminine-
and of fertility. The alms bowl The Hebrew Tabl shaped inkwell
carried by a Buddhist monk were kept in a ch to draw upon
symbolizes the renunciation mysteries only revealed to the initiated. To the Romans its creativity.
of worldly things. the chest was a symbol of mysticism.
 Screen Knife
Symbolic of mystery he form ough knives are
a screen half reveals a candle, bolic of death and
and half conceals. In lizes ifice – the Aztecs
a Christian church th d stone and obsidian
ood screen separat nd the es to cut out a
he nave of the nt like m’s heart – they
hurch, where the truth, also represent
ongregation sits, d the erance, cutting free.
om the chancel, en. In uddhism a knife cuts
rea where the a candle ugh the bonds of
and which to rance. It is also
s the divin light emblem of some
ing into stian martyrs, such  Timepiece
t. Bartholemew. Like sundials and clocks, the
hourglass measures time and is
therefore a symbol of mortality.
Our lives ebb away like the
sand in an hourglass.

Filled es access to
represen key is a sy
of wealth. edge, and
Matthew, wh o give a pe
apostle who bet o symbolize
stianity two
he emblem
 Loom d the keys t
An attribute of m en.
and lunar godde box represents the feminine.
the loom was a When closed it symbolizes the
of female power unconscious, and when opened
protection. Athe it can unleash all kinds of evil,
Greek goddess o ora’s Box did, according
endeavour, was the reek mythology.
patroness of crafts and
“a weaver of worlds”.
n book is a symbol of
ng and wisdom. A closed
ignifies an ending, a
ment, or death, as did a
rn, d candle or the tolling of
es he phrase, “bell, book,
d candle”, refers to the
ed ects used ceremonially
ce. ward Catholics).

ank, the fan is Buddhism pp.164–69

thought to ward off evil spirits. Christianity pp.176–79
To Taoists it represents the The Holy Grail pp.208–09
release of the soul into the Tools & weapons pp.224–25
realm of the immortals. Buildings pp.234–35
Dutch artist van Eyck’s most famous work, this painting is thought to
commemorate the wedding of wealthy trader Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanna
Cenami. The picture is full of symbolism and hidden meaning and works on
many different levels – as a portrait of the two people shown, as a record of a
marriage, and as a comment on marriage in the 15th century.


7 1

3 5

1. The dress
The colour of the bride’s dress – green – is a
strong symbol of fertility. Although she is not
pregnant, her pose emphasizes her fertility and
the possibility of future pregancies.

2. The candle
The single candle in the chandelier symbolizes
the presence of God. Its position next to the bed
emphasizes the hoped-for fertility of the wife.

3. & 4. The shoes

The discarded footwear signifies that a religious
ceremony is underway. Bare feet touching the
ground were believed to symbolize fertility. The
positioning of the shoes is also relevant, as the
man’s lie closer to the door while the bride’s red 7. Oranges Convex mirror detail
shoes are by the bed, indicating his position in These luxury fruits symbolize the wealth of The mirror is central to the painting, as viewers can see the entire
the outside world and her fertility. the couple. Also known as “Adam’s Apples” they room reflected, including one figure who may be the artist. The small
represent the forbidden fruit from the Garden of medallions set into the mirror’s frame show tiny scenes from the
5. The dog Eden and symbolize lust, which was sanctified Passion of Christ and represent God’s ever-present promise of salvation,
A symbol of their loyalty to each other and to by marriage. a promise that encompasses the figures reflected on the mirror’s
God, the dog lying between the couple may also convex surface. A spotless mirror was also an established symbol of
represent earthly love. 8. Bedstead Mary, referring to the Holy Virgin’s Immaculate Conception and purity.
A figure with a dragon at her feet is carved on the
6. Crystal prayer beads bedstead. This may be St. Margaret, the patron
The beads that can be seen hanging on the wall saint of childbirth.
are made of crystal, symbolizing purity and the
devout nature of the bride.

Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Marriage, c1421
The ship is a powerful symbol of security, of happiness were also borne by ship. To
the womb, or a cradling vessel on the cosmic Christians, a ship is a symbol of the Church
ocean. It also represents exploration of new and also of Noah’s ark. A boat can symbolize
realms. In Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia it safety but also death, as it crosses a river to
was a ship that carried the Sun and the Moon reach the underworld or carries the body of
across the heavens. The seven Japanese gods a warrior or nobleman on his final voyage.

ke the sextant, the telescope

a symbol of navigation. At
deeper level, its magnifying
roperties lead to increased
nowledge and help to bridge
An indispensable navigational the gap between people and
the cosmos. It is also a Figurehead
instrument for mariners in the Ships often bore carved wooden
past, the sextant is symbolic of masculine phallic symbol.
mainly a bird of good omen, figureheads on their prows,
navigation, adventure, and new symbolizing tireless strength, which were thought to protect
horizons. It is also linked to the but it also forewarns of bad the ship and its crew. The
idea of progress, as it charts weather. Albatrosses were figureheads might represent
i i d d thought to embody the souls of a god, such as Poseidon, a
dead sailors, so it is considered mermaid, or some other
unlucky to kill one. creature of the sea.

 Submarine Anchor
Primarily associated with warfare, a submarine has mixed symbolism. The anchor symbolizes stability,
It has the phallic shape of masculine power and its torpedoes suggest strength, and hope, as an

virility, but it also has protective, womblike properties and travels anchor holds a boat fast in
through the creative cosmos of liquid. stormy seas. Early Christians
used the anchor as a hidden
symbol of the cross, and it is
often seen on seals, stained
glass windows, and tattoos.  Ship’s cloth
Some cultures speak of ancestors who came across the sea in ships.
The people of Lampang, Sumatra, have ships’ cloths that they use in
rituals. These depict ships that symbolize their past and their destiny.

 Sails  Walking the plank  Lifeboat

The sails of a ship symbolize This is a term for death, since it The lifeboat is a symbol
the winds and the air, the was the ultimate punishment for of safety in times of peril.
breath of the soul. Billowing crimes at sea. The wrong-doer was It carries mariners to land,
sails suggest pregnancy, but blindfolded and his wrists bound, just as the thirst for knowledge
also inconstancy because they and he was made to walk the plank bears the soul safely towards
.0. change with the wind. To
Christians, sails can represent
jutting out from the ship’s side until
he fell into the sea and drowned.
ultimate truth.

the advent of the Holy Spirit.

ull and crossbones  Mast and yardarm
mbol on the “Jolly A ship’s mast is the focal point
, the pirates’ flag, the of the vessel and symbolizes
nd crossbones denoted the axis mudii at the centre of
nes of pirates’ victims. the cosmos. Its cross shape also
pirate ships carried the symbolizes the Christian cross.
a neutral country then A yardarm was a symbol of
e “Jolly Roger” up the death to mariners as wrong-
ust before attacking. doers were hanged from it.

ignalling with flags is centuries old, but the
rst code of flag signals dates
es back to the 17th
entury in England. Pennants
ants and flags
fl carry
pecial meanings and there is now a standard
ternational code of signals
signa by which ships
signal too each other.

Flags with a message

s flag means “I am on fire.
URIAL ep clear of me”. At the
tle of Trafalgar Nelson put
Travelling across water is often associated with pennants saying “England
death and the voyage to the afterlife. Theh Ancient ects that every
r man will
his duty”.
gyptians built elegant wooden funeral boats to
carry their pharoahs across the River Nile tto their
graves, then buried the boats near the pharoahs.
Viking and
an Anglo- Saxon kings were sometimes
buried with a ship laden with household
hous objects,  Sutton Hoo
weapons, and treasures that the kingki might need In 1939 the remains of the
27-m (90-ft) burial boat of
in the afterlife. A boat
at burial signified high rank
r an Anglo-Saxon kingn was
and honour,
ho as well as a journey to the gods. excavated
va at Sutton Hoo in
Suffolk, along with a hoard

off treasure.
erical flags were introduced by the British Navy in the
18th century. The three flags on the left above, from the top,
represent the numbers one to three, and
a those on the right
the numbers six to eight.

 Egyptian burial boat Birds pp.58–61
These Ancient
i t Egyptian hieroglyphs depict a group of rowers with the Death & Mourning pp.128–31
barque for ferrying a pharoah’s body across the Nile. Similar pictures Greek & Roman Deities pp.140–41
show the barque ready to transport the pharoah in the afterlife.
afterli Christianity pp.176–79 .0/
Body Adornment pp.256–57
Flags pp.324–29
Havens, places of inspiration or spiritual the gardener is the creator, the garden
nourishment, pleasure grounds, or signs of symbolizes tamed and ordered nature.
status – gardens can be all these things. They From the tranquillity of a Zen garden
offer sanctuary from everyday life and balm to the restraint of a formal garden, or the
for the spirit; some gardens serve as a living exuberance of a wild garden, each has its
memorial. As a Paradise on Earth in which own symbolic plants, structures, and designs.

 Formal garden Wild garden

During the European Renaissance, gardens became increasingly In contrast to garden styles that symbolize the bringing of order, the
restrained and symmetrical, representing man’s mastery over nature, wild garden represents the exuberance of nature and the wildness of
as well as an owner’s status. Classical symbolism appears in statuary the untamed spirit. Nature appears to flourish unrestrained, signifying
and garden structures, suggesting a place fit for the gods. abundance and the continuing cycle of life.

Zen garden
Originally created by Buddhist
monks, Zen gardens symbolize the
grandeur of nature in miniature.
Raked gravel represents water
(Yin), while large rocks symbolize
mountains (Yang). Together they
create an atmosphere of harmony,

peace, and remoteness conducive

to meditation.  Islamic garden
Symbolizing spiritual and sensual nourishment, Islamic gardens are
divided into areas based on water and symmetry. These represent
the four gardens of Paradise – Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Essence.

 Garden of Eden
As Heaven on Earth, the Garden
of Eden represents a state of
“divine innocence” in which
humans, God, and nature co-
existed in perfect harmony, before
Adam and Eve ate the forbidden
fruit and were forever banished.
It is often depicted in western art
and literature. The garden also  Tomb garden
.00 symbolizes a yearning for lost
beauty and innocence.
Some eastern cultures constructed tomb gardens for emperors,
such as this one for the Emperor Minh Mang, in Vietnam. These
were symbolic earthly Paradises that reflected the deceased’s status.
 Secret garden
Likened to a lost Paradise of love and happiness, the secret garden
requires the key of privileged knowledge to unlock its secrets and
allow physical and spiritual flowering. This symbolic theme permeates
Frances Hodgson Burnett’s book of the same name.
 Walled garden
In Persia, walled gardens were traditionally tranquil, inspirational  Grotto
retreats from everyday life. This theme of spiritual refuge continued Originating from the Greek
in medieval Europe; it is also a feminine, protective symbol associated word kruptoss (meaning “hidden”),
with the Virgin Mary. grottoes are associated with the
underworld, Mother Earth, and
the womb; the presence of water
represents life, while the grotto
itself symbolizes a meeting place
between humans and the divine.
In ancient times grottoes were
often used as shrines.

The twists and turns of a maze represent life’s pathway. Entering it
is equated with death, while emerging is rebirth. Set within a square,
the maze represents the four cardinal points and the cosmos.

As sparkling jets of water, a fountain represents the feminine
principle and the flow of life. The fountain of life is associated
with immortality; in Paradise, it spouts from the base of the
 Bower Tree of Life and forms the Four Rivers.
The shaded bower, traditionally
constructed from twisted vines
or climbing flowers, symbolizes SEE ALSO
shelter and also the feminine Water pp.32–33
principle; in Christianity it is the Flowers pp.82–85
 Knot garden Trees pp.94–95
The formal knot garden, or parterre, illustrates human mastery Virgin Mary. In literature it is
sometimes associated with
Sacred trees pp.96–97 .01
of nature. The square enclosure represents stability and the Earth; Satan & demons pp.190–91
the pattern and chosen plants may symbolize love or religion. sensuality and seduction.
Patterns pp.290–93
This painting by Mantegna shows an enclosed garden
with a pond in which the Vices, personified as deformed
grotesque beings, thrive. Preceded by a group of cupids,
Pallas Athene, the goddess of wisdom and war, strides
forward to banish the Vices with the help of two
goddesses. By expelling the Vices she seeks to bring
about a return to a garden of virtue.


1. The Vices
The Vices depicted include Sloth, Avarice, Ingratitude, Hate, and
Ignorance. Sloth, shown as a nightmarish, armless figure being
dragged by Minerva, signifies immortal hate, fraud, and malice.The
viewer is being warned by Sloth to replace idleness with vigorous
intellectual thought on entering the garden. Ignorance (far right)t is
being carried off by Ingratitude and Avarice.

2. The humanized tree

The tree on the left is a humanized laurel tree, which signifies that virtue
has been deserted, and that the Mother of Virtue is imprisoned.

3. Diana and the centaur

In the middle of the painting is Diana, goddess of chastity, portrayed
according to a Classic model, who is being carried off by a centaur,
symbol of lust.

4. & 5. The Cardinal Virtues

Three of the Cardinal Virtues – Temperance, Justice, and Fortitude (or
Faith, Hope, and Charity) – having been driven out when the depravities
took up residence, return to the garden in a cloud. Another Virtue,
Prudence, is walled up inside the stone structure on the far right of the
painting, and only a white fluttering banner reflects her cry for help.

6. Distant landscape
Beyond in the distance, a pleasant landscape seen through the tree-lined
archways reveals Vices fleeing and new growth rising from old roots.
This is a symbol of rebirth and innocence – when the Vices have gone,
beauty returns.

Andrea Mantegna, Triumph of Virtue Over Vice, c1504
What people wear is determined by climate, origins, and what we may do for a living.
culture, gender, the materials available, and Western styles of dress, particularly for
the latest trends. Our clothes send out visual women, are influenced by constantly
messages about who we are, where we come changing fashions. Many people in other
from, and what our aspirations are. Anyone parts of the world dress in traditional styles
looking at us can decipher much about our that reflect their cultural values and are a
personality and social standing, our ethnic symbol of their nationality.

From the 16th
century to the 195
affluent western
women wore rigid
constraining corse
Victorian corsets i
particular created
hourglass figure th
cinched at the wa Tie
and emphasized th First designed in the US for Ties often show group affiliati
breasts and hips. miners in the Californian 1950s English Teddy Boys wore of rank and gentility. Handling
Symbolically, such goldfields, jeans became pencil-slim ties, whereas 1970s someone “with kid gloves” is
corsets reflected t ubiquitous as work clothes. dandies favoured wide “kipper” to treat them gently, and to
submissive role of Today they are worn ties. Black ties are worn at “throw down the gauntlet”
women in society. everywhere and symbolize funerals, while “white tie and (a 17th-century man’s glove)
social and gender equality. tails” symbolize high society. was a challenge to a duel


For thousands of
years the people

Batik was the fabric traditionally worn at the Pacific islands

special ceremonies for Indonesian royal wore clothes mad
families and is symbolic of Indonesian of tapa, decorate
bark fabric. Desig
culture. The intricate
n patterns produced included geometr
by wax-resist dyeing are usually interpretations of
geometric but often feature foliage, plants, fish, and
seashells, reflecti
birds, beasts, or clouds. The colours are the islanders’ dai
usually muted, in keeping with the lives and their
Indonesian dislike of ostentation. closeness to natu
Balance and
symmetry were
 Traditional designs important symbol
The elaborate designs can express specific greetings, components of th
such as “Live long and prosper”, “Be
Be happy”,
happy or “A designs. Today ta
man with dignity”. Formerly, different patterns are worn only at
signified belonging to a particular family or tribe. important ceremo
such as a weddin
 Ao dai  Arabian dress ai costume  Hula skirt
The elegant Vietnamese ao The traditional long, loose ai of East Africa wear These “grass” skirts, originally
daii is a long, flowing tunic slit robes of Arab men are a sym aped robes that have made from strips of tapa cloth,
at the sides and worn over of the desert landscape. They an unofficial symbol are symbolic of Hawaiian
silk trousers. It has come to allow air to circulate freely, frica’s cultural culture. In the hula dance,
represent womanhood and keeping the wearer cool, The image of the danced to chants relating
is also seen as a symbol of and are worn with a flowing arrior standing tall ancient stories of creation and
Vietnam. The male version of headdress to protect the hea d, spear in hand, is a mythology, they are worn with
the ao daii has a shorter tunic. from the heat of the sun. icon of the region. heavy garlands of flowers.

 Indian sari
A symbol of India’s rich culture and the dignity of its women, the
sari is an elaborate garment that can be tied in many different way
depending on region and the status of the wearer. Occupation,
caste, and religion are all expressed in this graceful apparel.

From Roman sandals to luxuryxury high heels,
footwear has often been indicative not just of
climate, but also of social status and fashion.  Kilt

Until the early 20th century it was common in In Scotland the kilt, part of the
national costume, is symbolic
China to bind girls’ feet to keep them small, as both of kinship and masculinity.
tiny feet were a symbol of feminine Members of different clans can
delicacy and submissiveness. be identified by the colour and
pattern of the tartan from
which their kilts are made, and
they parade them with pride at
national sporting and other
cultural events.

 Kimono Longyi
 Trainers  Platform shoes The traditional T-shaped This traditional Burmese SEE ALSO
Originally designed as Platform shoes have been embroidered kimono is a costume comprises a piece Nationality pp.222–23
sports shoes, trainers in and out of fashion for universal symbol of Japan. The of cloth that is worn round Headwear pp.250–51
quickly evolved into centuries. They embody the colours and decorative motifs the lower body. Both men and Uniforms pp.252–53
fashion items. They are
ar human desire to “walk tall” chosen – often drawn from the women wear the longyi. Men Jewellery pp.254–55
now worn by men and and attract attention. For natural world – have strong sometimes tuck up the longyi Masks pp.270–71
symbolic connotations and between their legs for ease
woman alike as everyday
casual shoes.
some they symbolize
glamour and sexiness.. reveal much to the informed of movement. The garment is .05
observer about the wearer’s usually made of cotton, but silk
age, status, wealth, and taste. is worn on special occasions.
Hats and headdresses are redolent wi
can signal, at a glance, whole cultures
may identify occupation, status, gend
Headwear can represent authority and
symbolic “pinnacle” of that power is
worn by a monarch. Metaphorically, w
different hats” to suggest a change of
Removing a hat in certain social situa
indicate humility (in church, for insta
be a sign of good manners.

 Fez  Mitre  American Indian feather headdress

The tassled, brimless cap was Christian bishops, archbishops, Thought to have originated with the Sioux American Indians, the
once part of Turkish national cardinals, abbots, and the Pope feather headdress is highly symbolic. Each feather was earned
dress. The fez was outlawed, wear this tall headdress. The through an act of courage – the most prized feather was the eagle’s.
along with the veil for women, cleft in its crown may symbolize
when Turkey became a republic the “cloven tongues” of the day
in 1925. of Pentecost, when the Apostles

were filled with the Holy Spirit

and spoke in foreign tongues.

 Kippah  Pith helmet Top hat  Turban Mortar board

The traditional slightly rounded Made originally from pith bark, Synonymous with 1940s high In the East the turban Evolving from a cap worn
skull cap, called the kippah, is and later cork, the pith helmet society, the upstanding top represents faith and status. by Roman Catholic clergy,
worn as a religious symbol in was the practical and iconic hat suggested raffish male Turbans have been worn by the mortar board, when worn
1 Judaism. Most Jewish men standard issue headdress for elegance. Today the “topper” Arabs, Incas, Babylonians, and by graduates and teachers,
cover their heads when praying European colonial rule in Africa is still worn at weddings and Egyptians. For Sikhs it is still symbolizes the knowledge
or attending the synagogue. and India. other formal occasions. an essential part of their attire. gained through education.
 Veil  Chef’s hat Cap
The veil is a traditional feminine attire denoting modesty and purity. The chef’s hat is instantly The baseball cap originated in the 1840s with the New York
Today a variety of veils, including the burqaa and niqab, are worn recognizable in Europe. Worn Knickerbockers. Since then it has become a “social leveller”, worn by
by Muslim women as religious dress and a symbol of modesty. In since the 16th century, the US presidents (Bush and Clinton) and rappers alike. Symbolically as
Christianity a woman who becomes a nun is said to “take the veil”. toque, as it is known in France, American as apple pie, it is also worn in countries around the world.
indicates rank in the kitchen. flat cap, which has a long association with the working classes in
The higher hat is worn by the m and Ireland, is now a symbol of country pursuits.
head chef, whereas ordinary
cooks wear a lower version.


False heads of hair w
worn in Ancient Egy
Ancient Greece, and
by the Romans. They
became part of
fashionable men’s
attire in 17th-century
France and later
England. In the 18th
century wigs were
adopted by both sexes as
high status. Wigs w
worn by lawyers du
the reign of Charles
have become a wor
symbol of the Britis
legal system and al
provide an element
of anonymity in DA=@SA=N
the courtroom.

 Policeman s helmet  Beret  Bearskin

The “comb-”, “ball-”; or “rose- The circular beret is traditionally The heavy fur caps worn
top” British policeman‘s helmet associated with the French by Irish, Scots, Grenadier,
Judaism pp.172–73
evolved from the top hat worn by working man. It is also symbolic Coldstream, and Welsh Guards
Christianity pp.176–179
the original police force from of military courage, especially were first adopted in 1815. Sikhism pp.184–85
1829. The helmet’s distinctive when coloured, as in the elite They symbolize the defeat at Clothing & costume pp.248–49
domed shape is a potent symbol US Army Special Forces, the Waterloo of the French Imperial Uniforms pp.252–53
of law and order. “Green Berets”. Guard, who also wore them.

 Military uniform
Members of China’s elite Honour Guard marching in line during a welcome ceremony at
the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, for the prime minister of the Republic of
Korea. The ceremonial nature of the synchronized military marching reinforces the
m of the uniforms – a uniformity of purpose and pride as the nation’s defenders.
For centuries people have worn uniforms to symbolize occupation,
status, or affiliation. Different uniforms create different impressions:
of authority, or being part of a group or a caring community.

Uniforms usually bear a badge or emblem NAHECEKQOQJEBKNIO

denoting the body they represent. Some uniforms Robes worn by members of religious orders act as
identify state authority, symbolizing the day-to- symbolic uniforms, identifying the wearers’ beliefs
day rule of law, as with the US Marines, while to an onlooker. Hierarchy can be expressed by the
others symbolize a celebratory or ceremonial richness of a robe or by its colour; for example,
duty, as with the Vatican’s Swiss Guards. For in some religions gold represents light and the
many, a school uniform is the first uniform they highest truth. Buddhist monks wear plain saffron
will wear. School uniforms need to be practical or ochre robes to symbolize the falling yellow,
and comfortable but also distinctive, so that a orange, or brown leaves as colours of renunciation
child’s school can be easily identified. in the pursuit of enlightenment. Nuns can also be
distinguished by the habit they wear. Since they
IEHEP=NU@NAOO have eschewed all worldly considerations their
Military uniforms symbolize courage since it is clothing is simple. Nurses’ uniforms evolved from
in these uniforms that men and women fight for  Nurse nuns’ habits (nuns traditionally tending to the
their countries. Some are ceremonial, like the Nurses’ uniforms are often made sick). A nurse’s uniform symbolizes professional
from blue material as this colour
scarlet tunics and huge black bearskin hats of the is believed to be both soothing care and cleanliness the
Grenadier Guards. Other uniforms are designed and reassuring and a sign of world over.
for combat, such as the camouflage khaki used benevolent professionalism.

by desert fighting soldiers. Rank is usually E@AKHKCU

indicated by emblems worn on the upper arm and shoulders. A uniform can also signify ideological
Usually, the more stripes, brocade, or medals, the more senior allegiance to a group, as with the
or honoured the officer. Italian revolutionary Giuseppe
Garibaldi and his band of guerilla
“Redshirts” in the 1860s, and Oswald
Mosley and his British Union of
Fascists, who became known as
“Blackshirts” in the Britain of the
1930s. By contrast, the Salvation  Canadian Mountie
Army has adopted a uniform that The Royal Canadian Mounted
Police have red uniforms to
is military in style to reflect the mark the connection with
Christian “army” “fighting” for Britain and also to differentiate
good in society and providing them from the United States
military who wear blue.
practical care for all in need.

 School uniform SEE ALSO

Throughout the world school uniform helps to promote the identity and values of a Clothing & costume pp.248–49
particular school. Here Japanese schoolgirls gather in their uniforms to celebrate a Headwear pp.250–51
festival. Japanese junior and senior high school uniforms traditionally consist of a dark Group affiliation pp.258–59
military style dress for the boys and a sailor-style outfit for the girls.
Since prehistoric times, people have adorned or honour, and may be worn simply as a
themselves with jewellery, using all types of statement of wealth. Some gemstones or motifs
decorative objects from shell and bone to are rich in symbolic meaning, representing,
precious stones. Jewellery has always had for example, faithfulness or fertility,
great significance as a symbol of status and or conferring
power, or as the identifying mark of a clan protection on
or tribe. It is also an age-old token of love the wearer.

coin ne
real coin
worn to
of the b
 Sumba earrings and oth
On the Indonesian island This elaborate pre Columbian golden eagle head was worn as a such as
of Sumba the distinctive lip plug, which was inserted into a slit in the lower lip. It would are also
ornaments known as mamuli probably have been worn by a warrior and may have represented with be
are given as wedding gifts and a protective beast to ward off evil spirits.
worn as earrings or pendants.
They symbolize fertility and may
bear mythical motifs.

 o e g
Love rings were fashionable in the 19th century. Made of
interconnecting hoops, with hands clasped around a heart, the
rings symbolized the inseparability of the lovers who wore them.

 Leg ornament
A sign of power, the signet ring In parts of Africa and Asia leg
was used by royalty and nobles ornaments were worn by women in
to literally imprint their some cultures to signify wealth. They
authority. They would press could be very heavy, some weighing as
the ring into wax to seal and much as 15kg (33lb), and were prized
identify letters, contracts, and for their bulk and their craftsmanship. Jewellery found in Inca tombs, including bracelets, necklaces, and
other documents. Usually worn Leg ornaments made of silver show earrings, shows great silver- and gold-smithing skills. In Inca society,
.10 on the little finger, the ring Islamic influences – to Muslims silver jewellery symbolized status and power. This necklace, which encircles
today often carries a coat signifies purity. smaller ornaments, is made with turquoise, shell, and gold.
of arms or family crest.


 Diamond s
This 12-pointed
star brooch from
signifies the rad
wearer. A 12-po
 Neck rings may be used to
Among the Padaung of the the 12 Tribes of
eastern Burmese hills, women 12 Apostles, or
traditionally wear neck rings as of Christmas.
a sign of beauty. Added one at a
time, over several years, to the
Padaung, they are a symbol of
their homeland and are thought
to give the women the elegance
of wild geese, and to have
magical, protective qualities.

Fruit is linked symbolically with fertility and female sexuality. It als
signifies good luck, abundant harvests, and evidence of God’s
God s boun rwork jewellery
Such positive symbolism makes fruit a natural and popular motif in This woman from the Leigong
Shan area of China is wearing
jewellery. A fruit can have more than one meaning. For example, an apple intricately embroidered
can signify temptation (“forbidden fruit”) and downfall, but also represent traditional festival costume
a woman’s breasts and sexuality. and a silverwork necklace,
headpiece, and breastplate.
This extensive silver jewellery
Pomegranate is worn as a sign of one’s tribe
This Ancient Gree and marriageable status.
dated from about
was probably wor
a bride in a wedd
ceremony. It
represents the
pomegranate, a
popular symbol of FASAHHANU

Vine leaves
pes and vine leaves represent
ant life, healthy growth, and
Precious stones pp.42–43
d fortune. This Victorian gold
Eagle pp.62–63
cabochon garnet vine brooch
br Fruits of the Earth pp.98–99
may have been given ass a Love & marriage pp.126–27 .11
symbolic wedding gift.
ift. Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
Shapes pp.284–89
In modern western societies body adornment is about
self-expression or even shock value. However, it has
evolved from deeply rooted rituals to symbolically
identifying its wearer as a member of a tribal, military,
or sacred community. Body art has been practised for
millennia. The 5,300-year-old mummy known as Ötzi
the Iceman, found in the Alps, has 59 tattoos.

Since Stone Age times, people have used the In Ancient Egypt kohl eyeliner
was worn not only to look
body as a canvas on which to express cultural fashionable but to help cut the
identity, signify power or status, honour sacred glare of the Sun and to preven
or ancestral connections, or mark rites of eye infections. Women coloure
the upper eyelid black and the
passage. In many societies people have adorned lower one green, a colour
their bodies not just with symbolic clothing and symbolizing youth and rebirth.
jewellery but also with make-up, paint, tattoos, Kohl was derived from malachit
which symbolized joyfulness.
body piercings, and even with patterns cut into
the skin. The symbolism varies from culture
to culture, but often signifies the passage to
adulthood, protection from the evil eye, or the ugs
desire to frighten foes in warfare. al Amazonian and
groups lip plugs (or
are worn for beauty
atus. This engraving
a 19th-century
ican Indian; young
eceived the piercings
o symbolize their
entrance into
Stretched earlobes

In many ancient cultures

elongated earlobes were
symbolic of royalty and spiritual
authority. In some cultures
today plugs are inserted into
the lobes, signifying beauty and
cultural identity. This wearer is
a Pokot woman from Kenya.

 Scarification  War paint Henna

Cutting the skin to create Ever since the Stone Age, Obtained from the plant
decorative scarring is most warriors have decorated Lawsonia inermis, which grows
widely practised in Africa. It is themselves with paint, shells, in the arid regions of North
mainly done to enhance beauty, feathers, or animal teeth. In Africa, the Middle East, and
but the patterns used also New Guinea symbolic red and India, henna symbolizes good
symbolize group identity or rites yellow-ochre paint is applied, luck on festive occasions, such
of passage. Scarification is seen while feathers and other items as weddings. It is used here
1 here on the abdomen of a girl invoke magical spirits that to decorate the hand of a
from the agro-pastoral Toposa endow the warriors with Moroccan Berber woman in
e of Sudan. courage and invincibility. preparation for her wedding.
Tattooing is one of the oldest forms of art and possibly
poss one of the most Body piercings,
cings, also known as body
painful. In some societies, tattoos are indelible marksk of tribe or social modification, have become popular in modern
status, signifying the passage to adulthood, identifying the wearer’s rank western culture. Multiple ear piercings and
or skills, and enhancing sexual allure. Traditionally, tattoos were believed
ved piercing of the navel, nipples, tongue, and
to protect the wearer from evil. Symbolic motifs were tattooed on to t the labia are commonly found, and boltss arare
skin and acted as talismans throughout life. sometimes inserted throughugh the pe
Piercings are mostly undertaken
tak as a fashion
 US Navy statement, to enhance
nce se
sexual pleasure, and
Here a sailor is being tattooed
ed also to symbolize the transition
trans to adulthood.
by a shipmate aboard the
USS New Jersey. y The anchor
remains the pre-eminent  Multiple
symbol of the Navy in both piercings
service emblems and tattoos.
ttoos A strikingly adorned
woman posesses at
an international
tattoo convention.
Extravagant piercings
such as these are a
way of expressing
ndiv they
symbolize freedom
of choice and the
personal allegiances
 Female facial tattoo of the wearer.
A Koya
oya tribeswoman
tribeswoma south of  Maori mokas
Baliguda in Orissa, India, shows Until the 1870s, Maori men
the facial tattoos common among in New Zealand etched
hill tribes of this region. The
h deep tattoos, or mokas,  Nose rings
tattoos signify tribal affiliation over their faces. Indicating Throughout India nose
and beauty. The Koya practise the a man’s status
statu and identity, rings are often used
art of “face reading” and worship they were added in stages as adornments.
the goddess Vana Durga. from puberty onwards in a Tradition has it that
series of initiation rites. before her wedding
a Hindu girl would
perform a pujaa (“act
of reverence”) to the
dess Parvati
Parvat to
bringg her husband-to-
be prosperity, health,
and a long life. During
the pujaa her nose
would be pierced and

a ring inserted to
symbolize her married
status. Placing it in
the left nostril
nos was
believed to make
childbirth easier.

 Gang member  Totally tattooed

The prevalence of tattoos in gangs, such as The full-body tattoo was traditionally
these tattoos on a deported Honduran member associated with the yakuzaa – the Japanese
The head pp.106–09
off the 18th Street gang in Loos Angeles, has mafia. This one features the water dragon
Love & marriage pp.126–27
led to the stereotype that people with motif,
if once
on regarded by 18th-century Amulets pp.194–95
elaborate tattoos may be troublemakers.
trouble firefighters as a protective symbol. Ships & boats pp.242–43 .13
The need to belong to a group is a powerful Communities are united by shared histories,
urge common to all human societies. often of struggle, as well as by customs and
Whether by birth or belief, group affiliation traditions. Belonging is often symbolized
gives us a sense of community, of history, of outwardly by clothing, codified behaviour,
memories, and of aspirations, all of which celebrations, competitions, and cultural
serve to add to our sense of cultural identity. icons, allowing instant recognition.

Most sports carry highly visible identifiers,
emblems, and “coats of arms” (sport effectively
being a substitute for war). Supporters wear the
“strip” and other emblems of their team to show
their support. One of the world’s most iconic
symbols is the five linked rings of the Olympics,
representing five continents joined in the ideal of
competitive sports, while the Olympic ceremony  Barcelona FC
evokes the spirit of sport since antiquity. The badges of football teams
convey symbolism beyond that
of sport. The club badge of FC
 Three Lions Barcelona incorporates the flags
The emblem of England’s cricket of Catalonia and St. George  All Blacks
and football teams is three (patron saint of Catalonia), The national New Zealand rugby union team are the All Blacks. Their
lions, adapted from the royal combining the sporting and name is said to derive from a newspaper misprint describing them as
coat of arms introduced in political history of a nation “all backs” (that is, no forwards). Their team colours are black, with a
Norman times to symbolize and its capital city. native silver fern to symbolize their nationality. They perform a Maori
royal power. The three lions war dance before matches to invoke the spirits of good fortune.
appeared on the first England
football shirt in 1872 and their
symbolism is now reinforced
with a song of the same name.

People are often drawn to join a society
for their own age group and gender,
whether it is Girl Guides or Gay Pride.
This is sometimes done to gain a
stronger social voice to advance a cause
but is often simply a desire to socialize  Hells Angels  Women’s Institute  Punk
with one’s own kind. There will frequently be The motorcycle groups known The largest voluntary The punk movement in music,
collectively as Hells Angels organization for women in fashion, literature, and graphics
costumes, rituals, and activities to symbolize that were first seen in the USA England and Wales, the snowballed in the mid-1970s.
belonging, or a shared taste perhaps in fashion after World War II, their name Women’s Institute was The movement represented a
and music, such as punk or country and western. and insignia inspired by an originally associated with reaction against the glamour of
Air Force squadron. At first they homemade jam and cakes. progressive rock and the older
Teenagers in particular join “tribes” as a rejection
T symbolized merely rebellion and Since the advent of feminism, generation. Punk ethics
.14 of adult codes of behaviour, using slang that is a rejection of the mainstream the WI has become a powerful emphasized personal choice
lyy incomprehensible to outsiders. norms, but today the name is voice on local community and and freedom, symbolized by
often associated with crime. women’s issues. outrageous dress and hairstyles.
SKNODEL=J@  Carnival
?AHA>N=PEKJ The origins of carnival (from the
Latin carne vale, meaning “farewell
The urge to share sacred rites and rituals, to to flesh”) date back to the Ancient
wear symbolic talismans, and to communally Greek Spring festival. The
demonstrate one’s faith goes back to antiquity. celebrations were adapted by the
Christian religions to precede the
Today regular worship at a religious centre is beginning of Lent – traditionally a
traditional in most cultures, and for believers it time of abstinence from all
symbolizes the practice of their faith. Christians pleasures. Rio de Janeiro’s famous
carnival in February has come to
travelling away from home are likely in most symbolize Brazil and its unique
places to find a church where they can attend samba music and dance.
Sunday service. Similarly, no matter where they
are, Muslims will use a prayer mat to kneel and
face east to Mecca, their action symbolically
stating their spiritual submission to God.

 The Russian Orthodox Church

In Russia the Orthodox Church
traditionally provided spiritual
strength, education, and a unifying
force to the common people. In the
 Semana Santa Soviet era Christian group worship
During Holy Week in Spain, many participants in the traditional and celebrations were banned as
processions wear the nazareno, or penitential robe, and drape their they were regarded as symbolizing
heads with cloth held up by a cardboard cone. They carry crosses, and the old order of society. Services
some have chains and shackles. Processional floats bear images and were held in secret, and Bibles had
scenes symbolizing the story of the Passion of Christ. to be smuggled into the country.

Symbolism is rife in politics, particularly in its
signs of affiliation. Every party has its logo and
insignia of power, from Gandhi’s spinning wheel,
symbolizing non-violent opposition, to the US

Democrats’ donkey, which represents strength
and courage. Supporters wear these logos or
carry them on banners and flags to show their  Chairman Mao
commitment to a cause. Such symbols can The Thoughts of Chairman Mao,
or the “Little Red Book”, was
galvanize a crowd, as with the sea of swastikas the most visible icon in China of
at Hitler’s Nuremburg rallies in the 1930s. the Cultural Revolution of the
1960s. In propaganda pictures
Red Guards were always seen
 Mau Mau  Che Guevara with a copy.
In the 1950s a militant African Born in Argentina, Che Guevara
nationalist movement called the joined Fidel Castro to fight
Mau Mau began violent for the Cuban revolution in SEE ALSO
resistance to British colonial the 1950s. He was seen as a Christianity pp.176–79
rule in Kenya. The movement romantic revolutionary hero and Islam pp.180–81
Shapes pp.284–89
was especially noted for its
ritual oaths, used to symbolize
his image became a symbol of
resistance for left-wing
Brands & logos pp.316–17 .15
Heraldic emblems pp.318–23
unity and independence. students in the 1960s.
Probably the world’s oldest association for medieval Europe. Some claim that it goes
men, Freemasonry is a fraternity with millions back to the building of the Temple of
of members. Its workings are secret and it Solomon, but documented meetings only
makes extensive use of signs and allegories. date from the 17th century. Freemasonry is
It developed out of groups, or lodges, of certainly the largest “enclosed society” and
stonemasons who built the cathedrals of exists in various forms across the world.

Since Freemasonry emerged from the craftsmen’s
guilds, many of its symbols were linked to building  First Degree
and stonemasonry. The level and square are clear Tracing Board Freemasonry teaches lessons of morality
New members are initiated
examples. As cathedral building declined, the lodges into the secret language of through ritual. Members working through the
accepted non-masons to boost membership and Freemasons through the use rituals are taught by “degrees”. Each degree
they developed signs more associated with of a tracing board on which
is a “step”
e in the process. As with many
the many symbols of the
religious orders and crusading brotherhoods. organization are displayed. societies, Freemasonry has its own ceremony
that welcomes the candidate into its mysteries.

The Sun is the embodiment of

male energy, light, and warmth.

Surrounded by rays of light, the

all-seeing eye is sometimes seen
as the omnipotent God watching
over humanity.

Jacob’s Ladder connects the

pathway between Heaven and  Initiation ceremony o
Earth. Its three principle rungs During the ceremony the novice is blindfolded, symbolizing
are Faith, Hope, and Charity. his ignorance of the truth, then exposed
xposed for the first time to
the lodge. He promises to do his duty to God and his country.

The key represents the key to

truth, which only the worthy
can turn. The Moon symbolizes mystery and creation.

The three pillars are, from left to right, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian
The uncarved block of stone, the in style. They represent the “rule of three”: the strength, wisdom, and
ashlar, represents the unformed, beauty once displayed in the building of the Temple of Solomon.
whereas the carved block (opposite
it) represents the perfected.

The black and white chequered floor symbolizes the forces of dark
and light and good and evil, and the struggle between the two.

The four compass points appear on the border of the Tracing Board
and denote orientation and earthly strength.
While there may well be stone-workers who are Freemasonry is often associated with secret
Masons, Freemasonry does not set out to teach knuckle-to-knuckle handshakes, grips, and
the skills of stonework. Instead, it uses the work passwords. There are different, quite involved,
of medieval masons as an allegory for moral symbolic handshakes by which Freemasons
development. So the symbols of Freemasonry recognize each other. Being secret, the
are the common tools used by medieval  Square significance is not readily available to the non-
stonemasons, such as the apron (originally An emblem of the Lodge initiated. Suffice to say there is a hierarchy of
Master, the square “sets”
of lamb skin), gavel, ladder, level, and so on. members on the correct path greetings (and welcoming into the community)
to civic duty and represents a according to the Mason’s degree of initiation.
l code. The square is also
strument that gathers
arate elements into order.  Handshakes
Among the esoteric grips and
handshakes, the “Boaz” (top)
is recognized as the “Grip of
the Entered Apprentice”. It
is claimed that each Mason
presses the thumb against the
 Level Trowel top of the first knuckle-joint of
The level symbolizes equality The hammer, or gavel, is The Masonic trowel literally their fellow Mason. The
and justice. The level and plumb a formative, masculine force and metaphorically “cements” “Tubulcain” (middle) represents
are nearly always united in and is symbolic of justice and brotherhood and spreads the “Pass Grip of the Master
ritual. Masons are said to meet authority. Traditionally, the brotherly love. It remains Mason”, while the “Lion’s Paw”
“on the level”, meaning that all Freemason’s gavel is made an important symbol of (bottom) signifies the “Real Grip
Masons are brothers, regardless of beech, which indicates both Freemasonry’s unity and of a Master Mason”.
of occupation
ation or income. prosperity and endurance.
endurance brotherhood among men.

 Plumb rule  Ladder  Comppasses

and line The ladder is the linnk An imporrtant Masonic
Builders use the between Heaven annd emblem, a pair of DOLLAR BILL
plumb rule and line to Earth. Some Masons compassses signify God
determine the vertical will climb with theirr drawingg His plans for America’s first president, George
eorge Washington,
from a given point. eyes fixed on the gooal the worrld. When seen
For the Masons these at the very top of the with thee square, the
was a Mason, as were many signers of the
tools symbolically ladder but for most, combinnation of upward- Constitution. American Republican values
indicate moral only one or two runggs and downward- dovetail with Masonic values: civic duty
rectitude and upright are visible before pointinng triangles
behaviour. Also, them. As the Masonn’s might indicate a
and a high regard for learning and progress.
the plumb rule is character becomes primittive symbolism Freemasonry symbols were absorbed as
an emblem of the stronger, so more of commbined male- emblems of the nation, and the all-seeing
junior warden of rungs are opened femalle physicality
a lodge. and ffertility.
eye and pyramid both appear on the dollar bill.

All Masons have their own identifying mark, following the stonemasons
of medieval Europe, who marked stones in buildings and other public

structures with symbols or letters. The swastika shape is an ancient and
universal symbol of the Sun and the cycle of birth and rebirth. It was
especially popular in India (long before the Nazis usurped
surped it). All seeing eye


Shapes pp.284–89

Artists have always incorporated symbols artist’s thinking. An understanding of the
into their works. Many paintings deploy a pictorial language of symbolism can also
symbolic language so that objects and figures reveal both the beliefs and emotions of
represent not just themselves but also ideas the artist’s imaginative world.
and concepts. By looking at the symbolism
present in works of art, we can examine the
beliefs and ideologies that determined an

The systematic use of symbols from the natural world has often been used
by artists to express allegorical meaning, as in the formalized paintings
of China’s Ming dynasty (see right). Whereas Brueghel’s innovative visual
language (see below) is used to represent a country landscape and the
activities of its people in the grip of a cold winter. Gauguin (see bottom)
uses an individualistic and elemental language to expresses his unique
vision of nature and people’s place within it.

Peter Brueghel,
Hunters in the Snow
This is one of a cycle of six
paintings from 1565 in which
Brueghel portrayed the seasons
and the country activities
associated with them. This
scene depicts man (in the  Yin Hong, Birds and Flowers of Early Spring
foreground) against the This Ming dynasty hanging scroll, dating from c1500, is a fine example
vastness of nature as we look of the birds and flowers genre of painting of China’s Ming dynasty.
down through the bare trees to The works were hung in imperial halls and served as metaphors for the
the physical world of the snow- Emperor and his court by using nature to convey symbolic meaning.
covered village, frozen lakes, Here the subject of the painting is an allusion to imperial allegiance:
the pheasants symbolize bravery and steadfastness, while the

and distant mountains.

partridges represent the loyal followers of the Emperor.

Paul Gauguin, Where Do

We Come From? Who Are
We? Where Are We Going?
Gauguin’s 1897 painting shows
various figures contemplating
the questions of human
existence. The painting should
be read from right to left. The
three women and sleeping child
represent the beginning of life;
the middle group symbolize
young adulthood; and in the
final group Gauguin wrote that
“an old woman approaching
death appears reconciled to
her thoughts”.
NAHECEKJ  Hieronymus Bosch,
Artists of all cultures have reflected their Death and the Miser
This panel painting from c1490
religious convictions through their work, and by the Flemish artist Hieronymus
symbolism is an important element in most Bosch shows the end of the life
religious art. Religious iconography has been of a miser. Symbolic oppositions
of good and evil occur throughout
used to convey religious meanings in art from the painting. The dying man seems
Ancient Egypt through to the Renaissance and torn between salvation and avarice
beyond. Christian art uses symbols, such as the (one of the seven deadly sins).
A demon looking out from under
crucifix, snakes, and haloes, to convey allegorical the bed tempts him with a bag
meaning. Bosch, one of the finest medieval of gold, while his guardian angel
painters, depicts humanity as fundamentally on his right encourages him to
acknowledge the crucifix in the
flawed. Salvation is achievable but only by window. Death, in the form of a
the greatest effort, whereas Buddhist Burmese skeleton holding an arrow, enters
miniatures depicting the life of the Buddha at the left. A lantern containing the
fire of Hell is carried by a demon on
show the spiritual path to enlightenment. top of the bed.

 The Future Buddha’s Courtly Life

This 19th-century Burmese manunscript shows Prince Siddhartha carried
by his father, the king, on a sacred white elephant and sheltered from
the Sun by a parasol, symbolizing royalty. The king performs the Ploughing
Ceremony, a symbolic act ensuring the fertility of the fields.

 Stanley Spencer, The Resurrection, Cookham SEE ALSO

In this painting from c1925, Spencer visualizes the resurrection of Birds pp.58–61
the dead in a churchyard in Cookham, Berkshire, the village where Buddhism pp.164–69
he lived. As a devout Christian, Spencer’s faith shaped his art and Christianity pp.176–79
he sought to symbolize the sacred in the lives of ordinary people. Numbers pp.284–89
The portraiture of the early 16th century, as
exemplified by Holbein, has a subtle political
dimension. By the careful deployment of objects
and symbols surrounding his subjects, Holbein
gives us an insight into the political tensions
within England in 1533. In contrast, The Italian
Futurist movement of the early 20th century
showed a more direct engagement in social
themes, particularly urban life, and was political
in its intent. Alternatively, Socialist Realist art of
the 1930s in the Soviet Union was an aspect of
Stalin’s rule and sought to express the struggles
of ordinary people and to educate and inspire
the masses. Socialist Realism demanded that an
artist show honesty, and support for the revolution.

 Hans Holbein the Younger, The Ambassadors

Holbein’s painting of 1533 depicts two French ambassadors surrounded
by a range of symbolic objects. On the upper shelf is a celestial globe,
suggesting Copernicus’s view that it was the Sun, not the Earth, that
was the centre of the solar system. In the foreground is the distorted
image of a skull, a symbol of mortality. When seen from a point to the
right of the painting, the distortion is corrected.

 Umberto Boccioni, Street Noises Invade the House Alexander Deineka, We Are Mechanize Donbas
Boccioni’s 1911 work is his attempt to symbolically create a As a Socialist Realist artist, Deineka was interested in creating a
representation of time and movement. Boccioni not only creates true depiction of the life and work of the Soviet people. This poster
the forms of the street, but also incorporates the rhythm and sound from 1930 also successfully attempts to symbolize the revolutionary
of the chaotic street scene into the painting. spirit of Communism in Stalin’s Soviet Union.
The Emperor Jahangir, who commissioned the portrait of the dying courtier
Inayat Khan, was especially interested in recording the phenomenon of
death, as in the almost objective miniature below. In contrast, in
Expressionist art the emphasis is on subjective feeling and painting that
symbolizes the state of mind of the artist. Non-naturalistic colours and
distorted forms are used to symbolize inner turmoil. Munch’s iconic The
Scream (right) deals in particular with the question of existential angst and
how in a godless universe we are left with uncertainty and anxiety.

Inayat Khan Dying
This example of Mughal Indian
miniature art from 1618 depicts
a dying courtier at the court of
Emperor Jahangir. The Emperor
was a great patron of the arts, and
under Jahangir painting was an
aristocratic pursuit depicting the
life of the court. The subject here
is diminished by alcohol and opium
 Edvard Munch, The Scream
addiction and his blindness is
Munch’s The Scream m is an icon of modern art. This famous
unsparingly depicted. Because of
Expressionist image, painted in 1893, depicts an agonized figure who
the work’s intimacy we feel like
cries against a blood red skyline. For many it has come to symbolize
intruders on the scene.
modern man in an attack of existential anguish.

Sleep and dream were common subjects for
Henry Fuseli, one of the most important figures
in the Romantic movement. Indeed, Fuseli was
an artist who was ahead of his time in exploring
the human psyche through his art. By the 1920s
(nearly a century after Fuseli’s death) the
Surrealists – greatly influenced by Sigmund
Freud’s theories of the unconscious and dreams
– began to explore similar themes. Surrealist
artists, such as René Magritte, Paul Delvaux,
and Salvador Dalí, all used the concept of the
unconscious mind to create individualistic and
fantastical symbolic imagery.

 Paul Delvaux, Les Vestales

 Henry Fuseli, The Nightmare Painted in 1972, this work deals with one of Delvaux’s favourite
In this 1781 painting Fuseli depicts subjects – that of unattainable dream-like female figures located in
a woman in the grip of a disturbing an architectural setting. In this case, the figures are the Vestal Virgins,
dream. The artist conjures up a consecrated to Vesta, the Roman goddess of hearth and home, and
terrifying image filled with vowed to chastity. The objects and architecture create a dream-like world.

eroticism and fear. The incubus

sitting on the woman’s body is
symbolic of the darkest fears of SEE ALSO
nightmares. The painting is viewed The night sky pp.20–23
Vanitas pp.132–33
by many as anticipating Freudian
ideas about the unconscious mind.
A flamboyant painter and sometime writer, sculptor, and
experimental film-maker, Salvador Dalí was probably the
greatest Surrealist artist, using bizarre dream imagery to create
unforgettable and unmistakable landscapes of his inner world.
Dalí’s most surreal work examines his own subconscious and
records the fears and fantasies found there through symbolic
images. In this painting there are four figures interacting with
a strange structure.


1. & 2. The figures

The people at the centre might be father, son, and mother, fused into the
nightmarish figure of a hermaphroditic creature. The figure on the left has
been interpreted as an image of the artist himself. These figures symbolize
Dalí’s difficult relationship with his father.

3. Loaf of bread
The problems experienced between father and son were frequently linked
by Dalí to the legend of William Tell, the Swiss archer who was compelled
to shoot an apple placed on his son’s head. For Dalí this myth symbolized
the fear of castration of a son by his father. The apple is replaced here
by a loaf of bread.

4. The shadow
The dark shadow hanging over the scene comes from an unknown source
and may symbolize the threat Dalí felt from his father. More generally it
represents a feeling of sadness and death.

5. The cloud
A black cloud emerges from the loaf of bread. Within this cloud there is
an inscription in French: Consigne: gâcher l’ardoise totale?? which can be
translated as “Note of Advice: should one spoil the whole bill?”, adding
to the enigmatic quality of the picture.

Salvador Dalí, Birth of Liquid Desires, 1931
From war stomps to waltzes, and from break marking nature’s cycles, as well as an initiation,
dancing to belly dancing, the movement betrothal, or battle. The theatre, which often
inspired by dance is totally expressive as a incorporates dance, provides a symbolic
sign of pleasure, athleticism, exuberance, or representation of the world we live in through
solemnity. In antiquity dance evoked the acting, sets,
the sacred spirits or celebrated rituals and theme.

 Kabuki  Sword dance Maypole dance

A very formalized, traditional Dances involving swords The dance around the maypole
Japanese entertainment, kabuki occur all over the world, has been performed in Europe
– from kaa (“song”), buu (“dance”), from Scotland to the Philippines, since Greek and Roman times
and kii (“skill”) – relies on heavy either to ward off evil spirits in celebration of Spring, a time
symbolism, from make-up to or to strengthen the sword in of new life and abundance.
props, to convey a story. For battle. Some end with a motion The maypole can be viewed
example, fans are fluttered to symbolizing the cutting off of either as a phallic symbol or
suggest the cutting of flowers a head. Others recall victory in as a representation of the tree
or the drinking of sake. war or ancient sacrificial rites. around which people danced


 Thai dancers
The stylized hand movements
of Thai dancers enhance their
representation as heavenly
creatures. Some dances involve
the dexterous holding of The precise movements and gestures of a trained Classical ballet
dancer can convincingly suggest emotions or tell a story. In early
.24 candles or the wearing of long
brass fingernails, and these forms of ballet the dancers styled their movements to imitate the
carry their own symbolism. deportment and behaviour of their patrons, the aristocracy.
 Whirling dervishes  Classical Indian  Shadow theatre
The original whirling dervishes dance gestures of Indonesia
were the Mawlawiyah, a 13th- In India hand gestures in One form of Indonesian shadow
century Muslim fraternity. traditional dance convey moods, theatre, Wayang Kulit,
t involves
They were so-named by actions, objects, or creatures. flat leather puppets held behind
Europeans because they Every hand movement has a a white screen so that their Chinese opera
performed prayers spinning symbolic and precise meaning. shadows are visible to the Both the singing and acting in Classic Chinese opera are highly
on their right foot. Their dance The body becomes effectively audience on the other side. The stylized to symbolize universal concepts, such as love, bidding
symbolizes a spiritual journey a life-size puppet, as only a shadow figures symbolize the farewell, or vengeance. Percussive instruments, including gongs,
towards perfection. restricted set of gestures is used. deeper truths of good and evil. cymbals, and clappers, control the rhythmic elements of the drama.

symbolic plays
Plays can convey
symbolism in
the story, set, or
dialogue. The 19th-
century Norwegian
playwright, Henrik
Ibsen, created a
series of “symbolic
plays”. In The
Master Builderr the
protagonist creates
towers – “castles
in the air” – that
symbolize his
ambition “to get
to the top”.

In Oedipus the King
Sophocles uses
blindness and sight
as symbols of
ignorance and
knowledge. Oedipus
is ignorant of the
truth of his life and  Shakespeare’s dram
the fact that he In Shakespeare’s Macbeth
cannot escape his SEE ALSO
blood comes to symbolize the
destiny. When Hands & feet pp.116–119
protagonists’ guilt. Through
enlightened, he Masks pp.270–71
words and gestures they show Musical instruments pp.274–75
blinds himself,
choosing to go on
that their crimes have stained Sign languages & signals pp.330–31 .25
their consciences in a way that Symbolic gestures pp.334–37
living in darkness. cannot be washed clean.
As well as representing concealment and ritual dances and ceremonies of many
identification with or transformation into cultures to represent deities or ancestral
another being, masks can symbolize animals. In drama, masks can represent
emotions or aspects of character. Since comedy or tragedy; and in western art,
ancient times, masks have been used in the a mask can be a symbol of deceit and vice.

RANGDA BARONG  Indian mask  Javanese mask  Noh theatre mask

 Rangda and Barong In India masks are seen as This highly stylized tiger demon In the traditional Noh theatre
Performed at Balinese celebrations, the Barong dance-drama relates Maya, that is, they have the mask appears in a Classical epic of Japan highly stylized masks
a Classical myth. A witch figure, Rangda is the “black widow” and her power to make humans believe dance-drama known as wayang represent gods, demons, and
mask personifies evil. The Barong symbolizes health and good fortune. in illusion. Masks are worn topeng. This was popular in men and women both young
A beard of human hair hangs from his mask, draped with frangipani at all types of ritual and Javanese courts from about and old. Their colours can
flowers believed to contain his magic powers. The pair act out performance, during which 1000CE, and may be related symbolize emotions, such as
a “trance-dance” combat between good and evil. the living gods are believed to ancient masked dances seen anger and passion, and traits,
to descend into the masks. throughout the Pacific islands. such as evil-mindedness.
 Greek theatre mask
The Ancient Greeks devised
masks as theatrical devices
to represent characters,
who might have been hero,
villain, or god. The chorus,
too, was masked.

Masked ba
or masquer evil spirits. Husk faces were regarded as spirits who acted as healers
first becam of illness in the home. The Iroquois had a “False Face Society”, made
public even up of a group of medicine men who were thought to possess special
in the 15th powers when they put on their masks.
wealthy Ve
provided an 
everyday fo The Igbo of West Africa have
an entry int a ritualistic “beautiful maiden”
mystery, de mask to represent the feminine
sexual free spirits. The mask is designed to  Cameroon mask
enchant onlookers and appease This Bamileke mask from Cameroon
the spirits. The face is often is made up of hundreds of colourful
white, not black, as the spirit beads, and represents the elephant
world is believed to be the and the leopard – royal symbols
opposite of the living world. of the king’s power and wealth.
According to Bamileke legend,
the king can transform himself into
either one of these animals at will.
 German mask
Harking back to medieval
regional folk celebrations and
customs, hand-carved wooden
masks are worn at certain
carnivals in southern Germany
and Switzerland. Festival
masks can represent “good”
and “idealized beauty”, or be
grotesque versions symbolizing
“ugliness” or “beastliness”.

 Polynesian mask
Mardi Gras mask  Aztec mosaic mask The traditional ceremonial masks of
Masks are worn during the The mask shown here, dating the Pacific islands were used to symbolize
festival of Mardi Gras, a period from the 15th or 16th century, spiritual powers that were either good or evil.

of carnival and feasting before is thought to represent the

Lent, the period of fasting and great sky god of the Aztecs,
prayer before Easter. Mardi Gras Tezcatlipoca. The mask was
is most elaborately celebrated made of alternate bands of
in New Orleans. The masks are turquoise and lignite set on
comic or satiric and generally a human skull. The skull was Meso- & South American deities pp.144–45
Nature spirits pp.148–49
a good natured excuse for a cut away at the back and
Shamanism pp.154–55
romp and ribaldry. lined with leather.
Dance & theatre pp.268–69

 Jack and the Beanstalk

The classic fairy tale of Jack and the Beanstalkk grew out of an oral tradition, possibly from
Nordic sagas, and is laced with symbolism. The beanstalk represents the tree of “life” or
“wisdom”.” Each time Jack climbs it he comes back with more worldly goods and wiser ways.
 Ali Baba Tales of wonder and imagination, rich in symbolic meaning,
After discovering and taking
treasure hidden in a cave by fairy tales are folk stories that have been handed down from
40 thieves, Ali Baba spends
years avoiding retribution and generation to generation.
ends up rich and successful.

Fairy tales are folk stories that depict traditions. One interpretation of Snow
symbolically the death of innocence and White, for instance, is that this tale
the birth of childhood. They also emphasize represents the overtaking of the old
societies’ ideals and teach us to face our fears. order (the cult of the pre-Christian
Indeed, the psychologists Sigmund Freud Mother goddess) by a new order (the
and Carl Jung interpreted elements of fairy Catholic Church). Snow White, a pure
stories as signalling our deepest anxieties and maiden at ease with the forest animals
universal fears and desires. and forest people (the seven dwarfs) who
care for her when she is cast out by her
PDA>A=OP jealous stepmother, is a metaphor for
In the tale of Little Red Riding Hood we see the the old matriarchal nature religions. Her
familiar theme of overcoming the beast. The wicked stepmother, who replaces her
innocent child is eaten whole by the wolf but real mother, Mother Nature, represents
the beast’s belly is ripped open, revealing the the Church that destroyed the ancient
child (and her grandmother) alive inside. faith. Snow White’s
Innocence has died but new life has emerged.  Little Red Riding Hood father represents the
In Beauty and the Beast, Beauty sacrifices In Little Red Riding Hoodd the evil wolf preys ordinary man who
upon the innocent child. However, evil is
herself up to the Beast in order to save her vanquished and good prevails. wavered between the
father. When she falls in love with the Beast, two faiths.
finding good in him, Beauty releases him
from his enchantment and he is restored to his state as a N=COPKNE?DAO
handsome prince; thus his bestial nature is overcome and Some stories have heroes on a quest.
good is triumphant. Sometimes they are heroic figures
bringing a happy ending to the
?QHPQNA?H=OD heroine’s plight. In other stories,
Fairy tales can be interpreted in different ways. Some people though, the hero may not be noble or
see a religious or cosmological even particularly worthy. In both Ali  Snow White
significance in them, whereas others Baba, from The Thousand and One The poisoned apple that the
“stepmother queen” (disguised
see a psychological explanation. Nights, and Jack and the Beanstalk, as a kindly old woman) gives to
Alternatively, it is possible to read wealth and wisdom are gained after Snow White symbolizes Eve’s
some stories in terms of a clash of many tribulations. The lesson is that fall from grace, and with it that
of “the Mother Nature cult”,
cultures, since so much history all good things, material and spiritual, which the church condemned.
involves the merging of cultural need to be earned.

 Beauty and the Beast

After meeting the Beast at his castle, Beauty loses
her fear of him and starts to fall in love. Because she Christianity pp.176–79
loves him for his true self, he is transformed and
restored to his state as a noble prince.
The earliest music was probably based on of Heaven, while drums and other
natural sounds and rhythms, such as the percussion instruments are often associated
beating of a heart, the crash of thunder, or with revelation, ecstasy, and divine truth.
birdsong. Musical instruments symbolize the Some instruments have become symbols
harmony of nature and the pulse of life. of nations, while others are identified with
Stringed instruments represent the sounds war, spiritual well-being, or celebration.


 Flute  Bagpipes Koto  Harps

To Hindus Krishna’s flute is the The national instrument of This 13-stringed zither-like In Judaism and Christianity the
voice of eternity calling to all. Scotland, the drone of the instrument is a symbol of music harp, an emblem of King David,
In the Pacific the flute is the bagpipes symbolizes Scottish and the national instrument of symbolizes sacred music and is
voice of the spirits, and to freedom and strength. Other Japan, where it has been often associated with angels.
Christians it symbolizes the cultures have long linked it to played since the 8th century. The Dagda, the father god of
soul’s longing for God. In Chinese strength, virility, and freedom The Chinese ch’inn and Korean the Celts, played a magic harp
myth it denotes harmony. from oppression kum
m are similar instruments. that put the seasons in the right
the harp is the
both Wales and
e strings of the harp
lize the ladder
the next life.

himes of bells
harmony between
Heaven, wisdom, and
g off of evil spirits.
e to mark the hours
signal important
d call people
 Trumpet  Drum “For whom the bell  Lyre
The trumpet was blown as a Associated with thunder, the nifies everyone’s Orpheus played a lyre that
call to arms in Roman times and drum symbolizes the heart of nger bells and wind symbolized the harmony of the
is often linked with battle. Both the universe: Shiva beats out represent the sounds Universe and he could control
the Bible and the Koran say that its rhythm in his cosmic dance. aven. In some men and beasts with his music.
the trumpet shall sound on the A drum beat calls people to tures bells denote Apollo also played the lyre, and
last day, when the dead shall prayer and was often used to virginity and in others it is the emblem of Terpsichore,
be raised. accompany soldiers into battle. ank and dignity. the muse of dance and song.
ep sound of the gong
ved to have magical
otective qualities.
dhist temples it marks
ges of the service and
off evil spirits. It is
and often elaborately
ted. In Indonesia
an orchestras, including
and other percussion In Ancient China the zither, or ch’in, was the symbol of music and
ments, are used to an instrument of worship. When a scholar or sage played the zither,
pany nearly all rituals it had the power to reveal to him the essential truth.

The sounds of the organ
have been associated with the
i Christian faith and Church since
ngle note “drone” the 10th century. Most older
, the didjeridu churches and cathedrals have
been used an organ, the main purpose
Australian of which is to accompany the
originals to hymns sung in God’s praise,
ompany the and to encourage a spiritual
ce for thousands experience and celestial
years. Its deep, contemplation.
ming tones
ke a powerful
itual sound that
become a
bol of Australian
riginal culture.
es with the flute
he oldest known
d instrument.

Cymbals  Lute
The cymbals represent the The lute was very popular
two hemispheres. They are in Renaissance and Baroque
an attribute of the Neolithic Europe and was an attribute
Mother Goddess, Cybele, and of the personifications of
were associated with the wild Music and Hearing. In China Mu yuu means wooden fish in Chinese and these small percussion

dances of Bacchus, the Roman it represented harmony, both instruments are traditionally fish-shaped. They are used as ritual slit
god of wine Tibetan Buddhists in marriage and government drums in Buddhist and Daoist devotions In Korea and Japan they are
symbol system is made up of own but most only have meaning when used
a group of symbols that are with others. Numerals are more independent
interrelated. Such groups range and can be used alone at their simplest level –
from formally defined systems, that is, as symbols of the numbers they
like alphabets and numerals, to represent. But the wider symbolism of most
less formal groups, such as shapes and colours. numbers relies on their mathematical
Some symbol systems evolved over thousands relationship with the first five numbers; for
of years and vary between cultures, while example, seven symbolizes wholeness because
others sprang into being relatively quickly and it is the sum of divinity (three) and the
are widespread or even universal. In an ever- material earth (four). With less formal systems,
shrinking modern world of instant mass such as shape and colour, although the
communication, affordable international symbolism of each system member can stand
travel, multinational corporations, and global alone, it often tells only one side of the story –
sports, new universal symbol systems are for instance, the gloomy, evil symbolism of
constantly emerging that increasingly black is far less potent without the contrasting
transcend language barriers. purity and holiness associated with white.
The purest example of a symbol system is an The symbolism of shape and colour evolved
alphabet, in that each character over such a long time that it almost seems
is relatively meaningless in genetically programmed within each culture.
isolation. Some letters make The symbolism of heraldry and flags, however,
sense when used on their sprang into being much more quickly, and

both were created use of tricolours by other nations born of
THE PUREST consciously and revolution, while Ethiopia’s colours inspired
EXAMPLE OF A controlled as the flags of so many newly independent
SYMBOL SYSTEM recognizable systems. African countries that red, green, and yellow
IS AN ALPHABET, Heraldry constitutes are known as the “pan-African colours”.
IN WHICH EACH one of the most Examples of international signs include
CHARACTER IS complex and richly universal symbol systems, such as musical and
RELATIVELY resonant symbol mathematical notation, currency symbols, and
MEANINGLESS systems, and to weather symbols. The shape and colour of
IN ISOLATION those involved its signs is also highly significant, indicating
symbolism is specific, whether they convey prohibition, warning,
clear, and unambiguous. The symbolism of instructions, or information.
national flags is similarly unambiguous. Equally important for international travellers
Relatively recent phenomenona, many flags are professional symbols that enable tourists to
contain universal symbols, such as crosses find a chemist or barber, and brand logos that
for Christian nations, crescents for Islamic ensure they can always find their favourite
nations, and literal representations of animals training shoes, soft drinks, or hamburgers. But
or celestial bodies. The inter-relationship of what about the most important sign of all for
national flags within the system can be seen international communication? It is, of course,
in the way that some flags inspire others, for the universal use of a male or female figure to
instance, the French tricolour inspired the denote lavatories.


People in every culture respond emotionally (blue, indigo, and violet) soothe and relax.
to colours, often without realizing it. For Although interpretations may vary from
example, psychologists have established culture to culture, colour symbolism is
that “warm” colours (red, yellow, and universal, making it one of the most
orange) stimulate, while “cold” colours important human symbol systems.

The warmest of the warm colours, red is
the most stimulating but also the most
ambiguous colour. It is the colour of
love and passion, but also of aggression
and war; of good luck but also of
danger; of fertility but also of Hell fire.
Red is a warning not to proceed but
also a spur to action, both politically
(red being the colour of revolution)  Fire  War
and emotionally (“seeing red”). In both the East and the West, red is the colour of fire, Red is the colour of war. Mars, the red planet, is named
and in many cultures is associated with the flames of after the Roman god of war, but has borne the name of
Hell. Red also represents spirited behaviour, masculine other martial deities in other cultures. The Babylonians
energy, and anger. called it Nergal, and the Ancient Greeks “star of Ares”.

 Love and passion  Fertility and rebirth  Bloodlust

Red roses are a symbol of love. In western culture red Red symbolizes fertility and rebirth due to its association Through its power to arouse anger and aggression, red
represents passion, often illicit (“red-light district”, with, among other things, the womb, ripening fruit, and symbolizes bravery and virility but also bloodlust. In the

“scarlet woman”). In the East, red symbolizes pure the myth of the phoenix, a bird that destroys itself in fire Christian Church red represents Christ’s sacrifice on the
love and is worn by brides in India, China, and Japan. but rises again from its ashes. cross and the blood shed by martyrs.

KN=JCA  Permanence
As a combination of red and yellow, orange shares some Roman brides sometimes
wore orange as a symbol
of the symbolism of these colours. It can represent the point of the permanence
of balance between the passion of red and the spirituality of of marriage.
yellow, or tend towards either extreme. Orange might
symbolize luxury and splendour but it can also mean the
renunciation of worldly pleasures (as in the orange robes of  Renunciation
.4, some Buddhist monks). Brides in Ancient Rome wore orange. Buddhist monks wear
orange to affirm their
The reddish-orange gemstone jacinth symbolizes fidelity. adoption of a simple life.
Yellow is associated with gold, Green is the colour of spring and
brightness, enlightenment, and the Sun. therefore of youth, hope, and joy – but
As many spring flowers are yellow, it is it is also the colour of decay, and often
also associated with new life. In many symbolizes jealousy. Green is sacred to
countries yellow symbolizes cowardice;  Sun Muslims. Some say this is because the  Ecological
in other countries it represents envy. Yellow symbolizes the prophet Muhammad’s cloak was green, movement
Sun (and the Sun God As the colour of nature,
A yellow flag was once used to Apollo) and therefore life others say it is because green is the green symbolizes the
symbolize disease and quarantine. and warmth. In eastern colour of new life. ecological movement and
thought yellow is the people’s concern with
colour of the solar chakra, preserving the Earth’s
which is associated with resources. It is the name
the element of fire. of most environmentalist
political parties.

 Royalty  Treachery  Homecoming  Nature  Youth  Fertility

In China and Southeast Renaissance art shows In the United States it is Chlorophyll gives plants Because of its association The Green Man appears
Asia yellow symbolizes Judas Iscariot wearing a traditional to decorate a the green colour that has with spring, green in many cultures as a
royalty. It was adopted yellow cloak. In 1215 the person’s home town with been associated with symbolizes youth. There symbol either of a specific
as the imperial colour in Lateran Council ordered yellow ribbons when he nature since antiquity. are two aspects to this: nature god or of fertility in
China in the 6th century. Jews to wear yellow or she returns from Osiris, originally the the positive associations general. The Green Man
Only an emperor could badges (as would the danger, such as war – Ancient Egyptian god of of vigour and strength, was adopted by the
wear yellow – a symbol Nazis, centuries later) on hence the popular song vegetation (later of the counterbalanced by Christian Church as a
that he was equal to the the basis that their race “Tie a Yellow Ribbon underworld), was often naïvety or inexperience symbol of Easter and
Sun – and some monks. betrayed Christ. Round the Old Oak Tree”. coloured green. (greenness). Christ’s resurrection.

As the colour of the sky, blue
symbolizes emptiness, the infinite, and
the divine. The deepest colour, and the
purest apart from white, blue also
symbolizes calmness, reflection, and
the intellect. In the West, blue has
various colloquial connotations, such  Naïvety
as depression (the blues), sexual In Scandinavia to refer to a person as “blue-eyed” means
they are naïve or gullible. Similarly, in Japan “blue”
explicitness (blue movies), and class indicates naïvety or inexperience in the same way as
(blue-collar, blue-blooded). “green” does in the West.

In artistic convention, angels’ blue robes symbolize divine
wisdom, while the Virgin Mary’s blue robe symbolizes
purity. In Roman Catholic art, blue represents humility,
and in

 Divinity  Calmness Egyptian deities pp.138–39
Blue often symbolizes divinity. The Ancient Egyptian god A cold colour, associated with water, blue induces calm Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
Buddhism pp.164–69
Amun was often depicted in blue, as are the Hindu gods and reflection. For Buddhists, blue is the colour of Aksobya,
Christianity pp.176–79
Rama, Shiva, and Krishna. the directional Buddha of steadfastness and strength.
REKHAP In western culture pink traditionally
Due to the cost of the original dye, symbolizes femininity (hence the pink
purple vestments were the preserve ribbon, below right) and sensuality. Baby
of the rich. Therefore, since antiquity, girls in the West are traditionally
purple has symbolized luxury, wealth, dressed in pink. The association of pink
and power in many cultures. Balanced with the gay movement originated
between the passion of red and the during World War II when the Nazis
reason of blue, purple also symbolizes  Priestly power forced gays to wear pink triangles, but
temperance and considered action. In the Roman Catholic Church, violet is used during pink is now worn as a symbolic badge
Advent and Lent for priests’ robes and church drapery,
symbolizing Christ’s death and resurrection. In Europe of Gay Pride. The “pink pound” refers
violet was once the colour of “half mourning”. to gays as a consumer group.

 Imperial power
Tyrian purple dye, also
known as “imperial”
purple, was far more
expensive than gold, and
came to symbolize the
rank of a Roman emperor.
In medieval Europe blue
dyes were expensive, and
the bluer shade of “royal
purple” acquired
 Modesty  Gay Pride  Pink ribbon
equivalent symbolism.
The symbolism of the violet flower has changed from Men at a Gay Pride Pink has become the
excess (it was worn in Dionysian orgies) to modesty (as rally wear pink in colour officially identified
in “shrinking violet”). White violets symbolize innocence, a flamboyant display with the Breast Cancer
and blue violets fidelity. of solidarity. Awareness campaign.

As an absence of colour or light, black
is sometimes considered neutral but
more often symbolizes evil (the powers
of “darkness”) and secrecy. It also
represents the underworld, with its
associations of sorrow, misfortune, and
death. Grey often symbolizes gloom,
anonymity, or uncertainty but, as a
balance between black and white, it
is also a colour of mediation.

 Evil  Mourning  Age and death

.4. Black symbolizes morality (as in a priest’s robes) but more Wearing black as a symbol of mourning is a convention In astrology black symbolizes the planet Saturn, which is
often evil (as in the “black arts”). In European culture the dating back thousands of years. Queen Victoria famously named after the Roman god Saturn (Greek Chronos) who
raven is a portent of ill fortune, disease, and death. wore black throughout the 40 years of her widowhood. was associated with time, old age, and death.
In many cultures white symbolizes
purity, innocence, and holiness, but in
Chinese, Japanese, and Indian traditions
white is linked to death and mourning
(as it once was in Europe). For
Buddhists, white is associated with the
lotus flower – a symbol of light and
purity – and with knowledge, or  Surrender  Cowardice and peace
“illumination”. For American Indians The use of a white flag as a symbol of surrender dates In Britain and the former British Empire a white feather
back as far as the first century CE in Ancient China. Its symbolizes cowardice – fighting cocks with white tail
white symbolizes the spirit, and in use is now enshrined in the Geneva Convention, and its feathers were said to be poor fighters. Some pacifist
Sufism it symbolizes wisdom. misuse constitutes a war crime. organizations have adopted it as a symbol of peace.

 Holiness  Innocence and purity

White represents holiness and sanctity in many cultures. In the western world, brides wear white as a symbol
For this reason Celtic druids (above) wear white robes, of innocence and purity, as do those being baptized or
sacrificial animals are often white, and in the Roman taking first communion. By association, the white lily
Catholic Church white is worn at festivals of Christ. symbolizes purity and the Virgin Mary.

Colour coding is one of the ways
in which colour symbolism enters
everyday life. Universally, green is
used to indicate safety or “go”, while
red indicates danger or “stop”. Yellow
or amber indicate potential hazards.
Colour coding is also used for industrial
Fire extinguisher codes (in Europe, red = water, yellow = foam,
applications and in sport. black = carbon dioxide, blue = powder)

Electrical wiring (in Europe, brown = live, blue = neutral, green +

yellow = earth)

The lotus pp.86–87

Love & marriage pp.126–27
Traffic lights: red + amber = Pelican crossing: Karate: black belt = highest level
Death & mourning pp.128–31
prepare to go green = safe to cross
Western astrology pp.200–03
As the building blocks for everything that written language is unknown. The most
is visual, shapes can be highly symbolic. basic shapes – circles, squares, and triangles
From earliest times they have been used – are used symbolically in all cultures, and
to denote levels of meaning not easily many other shapes have been devised and
represented in other ways, especially when allotted symbolic meanings.

The circle and the sphere share much
of their symbolism, as two- and three-
dimensional representations of the same
ideas. The circle is a common symbol
for God. Most religions equate it with
the heavenly sphere and the movements
of the stars and planets. To Hindus and  Circle  Shou
Buddhists the circle represents birth, Having no beginning and no end, the circle is a universal Shou, the Taoist character for longevity, is often depicted
symbol of completeness, eternity, and perfection. It as a circular symbol, as here. In China it is sometimes
death, and rebirth; to Buddhists it also represents male and female principles, and can denote paired with other symbols of long life, and when coupled
represents the Wheel of Law. God, the waters encircling the Earth, or the cycles of life. with the peach it symbolizes a long and happy marriage.

 Concentric circles  Zen circles  Dante’s circles of Hell

Concentric circles symbolize the orders of creation. For Zen Buddhists, concentric circles symbolize the Italian poet Dante saw the Christian Hell as nine
Australian Aboriginals use concentric circles in their various steps towards inner perfection, and the concentric circles. Each circle is assigned to a different
Dreamings to signify still water or campsites. harmonization of the spirit as one progresses from category of sinner, from pagans and the unbaptized in
one stage to the next. the first circle to traitors in the ninth, at the centre.

 Round table  Stonehenge  Ring

The Round Table of Arthurian legend symbolizes equality, Stonehenge is evidence that the circle was an important Rings symbolize the binding nature of a pledge, such as
with no knight able to claim precedence from his position symbol in prehistoric Britain, but its function is uncertain. a marriage vow. They are traditionally worn as a symbol
.40 at the table. The same symbolism occurs in the 21st- It may have been a place of worship, an astronomical of love, and sometimes of power and authority. A ring
century concept of “round table” conferences. clock, or a shrine to the Sun God and the Earth Mother. can also represent protection against destructive forces.
 Dome of
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Spheres symbolize
Heaven and are
architecturally by the
domed roofs of mosques,
Byzantine churches, and
some Renaissance
 Shield of the Trinity  Sphere churches. The base of
The three outer circles of the scutum fideii (shield of the Sharing its symbolism with the circle, the sphere usually such buildings is usually a
Trinity) symbolize the Christian Trinity of Father, Son, and represents Heaven and/or the spiritual universe. Dante cube, representing Earth.
Holy Spirit. Each is linked to a fourth circle in the centre, describes Heaven as a series of concentric spheres based
which symbolizes God as three-in-one. on a universe with the Earth at its centre.

The spiral is closely linked to and often
confused with the helix, both in shape
and symbolism. These shapes have
complicated meanings. They are, most
importantly, associated with powerful
forces such as the rotation of the Earth,
whirlwinds, and whirlpools. In most  Spiral  Spiral dances
cultures the spiral is regarded as a This is an ancient symbol of energy (which was thought In their gyratory dances, the Whirling Dervishes
to flow in spirals) and of life’s rhythm. For the Mayans it symbolically enact a circular ascending journey towards
feminine shape. was the symbol of the winter solstice and a new annual realization of the Divine. Spiral dances such as these
cycle, and for Polynesians it symbolizes immortality. also reflect the movement of the planets.

 Mother Earth fertility symbol  T’ai Chi circle

Found on figures dating from the Stone Age, the spiral This double spiral symbolizes the relationship between
has long been a symbol of fertility, both in its own right Yin and Yang, the interdependent elements of Taoist
and through its symbolic links to the cycles of the Moon philosophy, which together create a balanced whole. A
and to other fertility symbols such as the helical horn. symbol of life, it represents the resolution of opposites.

 Churning of the Milky Ocean

In this Hindu myth a helix symbolizes the resolution of
opposites. The serpent Vasuki twists into a helix around
Mount Mandara, then the devas (gods) and asuras
(demons) use the serpent as a rope to spin the mountain

and churn the ocean in order to bring forth the elixir of

immortality and other wonders.

 Double spiral  Triple spiral  Helix

Similar to the T’ai Chi circle, The Celtic triskele (triple spiral) is The helix shares much symbolism SEE
this symbol represents the an ancient solar symbol that has with the spiral, including its Love & marriage
interdependence of opposites, been adopted by some Christians significance as a fertility symbol.
such as birth and death (or birth to symbolize the Holy Trinity. It is The double helix (as DNA) is
Buddhism pp.164–69
Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
and “rebirth” following an also used by some neo-pagans to becoming a symbol of the scientific The Holy Grail pp.208–09
initiation), and male and female. symbolize the Triple Goddess. understanding of humanity. Sacred places pp.232–33
The triangle shares its symbolism with
the number three, which represents
beginning, middle, and end. In many
cultures, from the Ancient Egyptians
and Babylonians to modern Christians
and Hindus, the triangle relates to
trinities of gods. It also symbolizes  Upward-pointing equilateral triangle  Downward-pointing equilateral triangle
other threesomes, such as body, soul, In many ancient cultures this symbolized the male organ This triangle symbolized woman in most traditional
and the element of fire. It represented health to the cultures. In Ancient India, Greece, and Rome it
and spirit; and man, woman, and child. Hittites, the Sun (and by extension, fertility) to the represented the female pubic area (which is triangular).
Mayans, and a sacred mountain in Pueblo art. It also represents the element of water.

 Right-angled triangle  Scalene triangle  Isosceles triangle  Freemasons’ triangle

In cultures where an equilateral triangle In Masonic symbolism a scalene triangle An isosceles triangle is one in which The base of the Masonic triangle
symbolizes deity, a right-angled triangle, – in which the internal angles and the two internal angles and the lengths symbolizes Duration, and the sides Light
half an equilateral triangle, represents lengths of the sides all differ – represents of two sides are equal. In Masonic and Darkness. The whole triangle
humanity and in some cases the Earth. In the element of air. symbolism this type of triangle symbolizes spiritual development, and
Masonic symbolism it represents water. represents the element of fire. ideals such as Faith, Hope, and Charity.

 Triangles base to base

In some cultures triangles placed base to base symbolize
the waxing and waning of the Moon.

 Triangles point to point

Triangles placed point to point represent male and  Pyramid
female, and the touching of the Earth and sky. In India
.42 they represent Shiva’s hourglass drum, or damaru, the
The pyramid’s square base symbolizes Earth, while its apex represents
Heaven. As well as being the burial chambers of Egyptian pharoahs,
sound of which initiated the dance of creation. pyramids feature in the religious sites of several other ancient cultures.
 Triangles and alchemy
In alchemy, the four elements are represented by
equilateral triangles. An upward-pointing triangle
symbolizes fire; upward-pointing through a horizontal line
represents air (because fire rises through air); downward-
pointing symbolizes water; and downward-pointing
through a line symbolizes earth (water falls through
earth). All four symbols are combined in the hexagram,
a very powerful alchemical symbol. FIRE WATER

Like the circle in relation to the sphere,
the square and the cube share much of
their symbolism as two- and three-
dimensional representations of the same  Square  Square haloes  Cube  Hidden cross
ideas. In contrast to the motion implied In the cosmology of many Some Christian imagery The cube symbolizes The cube is also a covert
cultures, the square shows figures with the material universe, Christian symbol, in that
by the circle and the dynamism of the represents Earth and the square haloes. This representing wisdom, it unfolds into the form of
triangle, the square and the cube four directions. In Islamic symbolizes the fact that truth, and moral stability. a Latin cross, or crucifix.
symbolize pause or cessation. This is thought the square the person was alive and As a symbol of Islam, A cross of six equal
represents the heart, earthbound – the square the Ka’ba, the cube squares forms the ground
not always a negative quality; it can open to four influences: meaning Earth – when represents the unity of plan of many Christian
imply stability and lasting perfection. divine, angelic, human, the image was painted. the Muslim people and churches.
and diabolic. the oneness of God.

 Architectural cube
In Islamic architecture the marriage of the cube,
symbolizing the material world, and the sphere,
symbolizing the spiritual, can be seen in the quadrilateral
base and domed roofs of mosques and the tombs of

Muslim saints.

 Cloistered courtyard
Since medieval times, the square as a symbol of permanence and Christianity pp.176–79
Islam pp.180–83
stability has been expressed architecturally in the plan of religious
Alchemy pp.210–11
buildings, towns, public squares, and cloistered courtyards.
Freemasonry pp.260–61
Stars in general are symbolic of wisdom
and spiritual guidance, starlight being
a metaphor for the light of wisdom
shining through the darkness of
ignorance or the light of morality
shining through the darkness of sin.
In many cultures stars are strongly
linked with destiny. In addition, there
are numerous individual star shapes
with specific associated symbolism.

 Stars in the sky  Star of the Order of the British Empire

In many cultures the stars represent mythological figures Every British order of chivalry has a star in its insignia,
or deities who may exert influence over those born under symbolizing the eminence of its members. Pictured is the
their sign. In other cultures stars symbolize the dead. For star of a Knight Commander (KBE) or Dame Commander
some, the Morning Star symbolizes the principle of life. (DBE) of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.

 Saints and stars  Stars of approval  Star of Bethelehem

Christian art traditionally depicts a number of saints with The star has long been a symbol of excellence. In the This four-pointed star symbolizes the birth of Jesus,
stars, such as St. Dominic, who appears with a star in hotel and restaurant industries “star ratings” from one recalling the New Testament story of the Nativity, in
drawings, paintings, and statuary. Other starred saints to three (for “very good”, “excellent”, and “exceptional”) which the star leads the three wise men to Bethlehem

include Humbert and Peter of Alcantara. were pioneered by the Michelin Guides from 1900. to worship the newborn Christ.

 Pentagram: 5-pointed star  Hexagram: 6-pointed star  Heptagram: 7-pointed star  Star of Lakshmi
With the single point upwards, the A hexagram comprises two interlocking The seven-pointed star shares much of In Hinduism an eight-pointed star
pentagram symbolizes the universal equilateral triangles. As such, in its symbolism with the number seven. symbolizes ashtalakshmi,i a group of
human, its points representing the head, Hinduism it represents the joining of For pagans this star is a magic symbol. To eight goddesses who together represent
.44 two arms, and two legs. When inverted, male and female, and in alchemy the Christians it symbolizes the seven days of the eight forms of Lakshmi, the goddess
it symbolizes the Devil, the two upper conjunction of the four elements. As the creation, and to Buddhists it represents of abundance (in terms of health,
points representing horns. Star of David it is the symbol of Judaism. the seven steps to enlightenment. knowledge, strength, and prosperity).
Though best known in the modern
world as a Christian symbol, the cross
long predates Christianity. A cross in a
circle represented the Sun to neolithic
peoples, and later the cross was sacred
to the Aztecs and the Ancient Egyptians.  Basic, or Greek, cross  Hot cross bun
In general, crosses share much In western thought a cross with equal arms symbolized The cross is said to symbolize the crucifix. Traditionally
the four elements; in the East it symbolized the four eaten by Christians on Good Friday, buns marked with a
symbolism with the square or cube, winds and four cardinal points. A similar shape, the visra cross were also eaten by pagan Saxons in honour of the
as well as with the number four. vajra, symbolizes the power of the Buddha’s teachings. goddess Eostre, who gave her name to Easter.

 Maltese cross  Solar cross  Ankh  Tau cross  Latin cross  Swastika
Many medals are in the Also known as the wheel An Ancient Egyptian Named after the Greek The Latin cross has come Also known as the fylfot
shape of a Maltese cross. cross, this ancient symbol hieroglyph (possibly letter T, it is a symbol of to symbolize Christianity. and the gammadion, this
These include the Victoria appears in prehistoric art combining the tauu cross salvation. It marked out However, it has been has symbolized the Sun,
Cross (above), Britain’s worldwide. It symbolizes of Osiris and the oval of Israelites who were to be found on artefacts that the cardinal points, the
highest military honour. the return of the Sun and Isis) symbolizing life. The spared from slaughter. It long predate the Christian four winds, the four
The Maltese cross has the cycle of the seasons. ankh was later adopted was also the symbol of era and Christians did not elements, lightning,
been a symbol of bravery Over time, the “wheel” by Coptic Christians as the Roman god Mithras, widely adopt the Latin Thor’s hammer, the
and Christian virtues lost its rim to become the crux ansatee (“cross the Greek god Attis, and cross until the Buddha and, notoriously,
since the Crusades. a basic cross. with a handle”). St. Anthony of Egypt. 3rd century CE. Hitler’s Nazi party.

Just as the cross is not an exclusively
Christian symbol, so the crescent is not
an exclusively Islamic one – it also
symbolizes the Roman goddess Diana,  Crescent  Triple Goddess  Interlaced crescents
the female in general and, paradoxically, As a symbol of power, the crescent Many ancient mythologies describe Another
A th symbol b l sometimes
ti usedd
dates back to Babylonian and Triple Goddesses or a goddess with to represent the Triple Goddess
both chastity and birth. In astronomy Sumerian times. It was used in three aspects. Symbols for such (see left)) is made up of interlaced
and astrology the crescent is a literal Persia and the Ottoman Empire, and Triple Goddesses include the one crescents. This symbol also formed
symbol of the Moon, and in alchemy it adopted by Muslim countries. Later above: a waxing crescent, a full the emblem of 16th-century French
it was identified with Islam itself. Moon, and a waning crescent. courtesan, Diane of Poitiers.
symbolizes silver, the metal associated
h the Moon.


exagon  Octago
Octagon  Mandorla The night sky
In Christianity the hexagon symbolizes In the Christian symbolism of St. Ambrose This almond-shaped symbol sometimes Egyptian deities pp.138–39
Hinduism pp.158–63
death. In Islam it symbolizes Heaven and the octagon is the counterpart of the appears in Christian art as a halo
Buddhism pp.164–69
also the six positions of matter (over, hexagon (left),) representing resurrection. surrounding Christ and, rarely, the Virgin
under, in front, behind, left, and right) and Baptismal fonts often have eight pillars, Mary. The mandorla symbolizes the
Judaism pp.172–73
Christianity pp.176–79
the six directions of movement (up, symbolizing eternal life, and a hexagonal interraction of the spiritual and Alchemy pp.210–11
down, forward, backward, left, and right). basin symbolizing the death of sin. material worlds.
Many patterns are regarded as universal mandalas, for example, represent the search
symbols. Such patterns, which may be found for inner peace. In medieval times labyrinths
on anything from coins to buildings, often and mazes symbolized the search for a true
symbolize the inner human condition, rather path to God, with obstacles to be overcome
than external phenomena. Yantras and and moral choices to be resolved on the way.

Technically, a maze contains many pathways, only one of
which leads to the centre (multicursal), while a labyrinth has
only a single path that always leads to the centre (unicursal).
Ancient labyrinths and mazes were devised as symbolic traps
for malevolent spirits, while medieval ones represented
symbolic pilgrimages.

 Medieval labyrinth
Labyrinths are considered to have A silver coin of the 3rd century BCE shows
reached the height of perfection during the labyrinth at Knossos in Crete, which,
the medieval period. The pattern of such according to myth, imprisoned the
labyrinths is based on concentric circles. Minotaur, who was half-man, half-bull.

 Cretan labyrinth Ornamental maze

.5, One of the earliest known labyrinth patterns is the Today, the religious significance of mazes and labyrinths
relatively simple design seen on Cretan coins. This was has largely disappeared. Most, like this hedge maze,
based on a spiral, which began from a cross shape. serve for amusement or as examples of garden art.
U=JPN=O Lotus Triangle Circle Square

A yantra is a Hindu or Buddhist
diagram used for meditation,
symbolizing the universe and its divine
powers. A mandala can most simply be
described as a circular yantra, again
representing the universe. At the centre
of a mandala, a square symbolizing a
sacred space is often enclosed. Western
artefacts loosely regarded as mandalas
include the traditional American Indian
woven circles known as dreamcatchers.

 Tibetan mandala
At the centre of this mandala, Buddhist deities reside
in a palace. Tibetan monks sometimes create healing
mandalas made from coloured sand.

energy), lotus petals (unfolding consciousness), and a

square (the Earth), with gateways at the cardinal points. Dreamcatcher
The American Indian
dreamcatcher is
 Rose window traditionally hung over
Rose windows may have been designed to a bed to trap bad
serve a similar purpose to mandalas as objects dreams before they
of contemplation and meditation. Their coloured reach the sleeper.
panels are thought to symbolize pathways This device is
leading to salvation at the centre. regarded as a
symbolizing the
 Mandala in nature
relationship of
The basic pattern of the
the universe to
mandala is repeated
the subconscious.
frequently in nature. The
spirals of seeds in a
sunflower head, the rings
in a tree trunk, a snowflake,
a cell with a nucleus at its
centre – these all reflect
the mandala’s symbolic
representation of the
Fabulous beasts pp.74–77
Flowers pp.82–85
The lotus pp.86–87
Religious architecture pp.228–31
The word “mandala” is from the Classical Indian language of Sanskrit.
Translated it means “circle”, or “completeness”. The design of the pattern
within a circle symbolizes wholeness and the cosmos. The series of
interwoven geometric shapes are intended to direct thoughts, as mandalas
are used as a spiritual tool to aid meditation.

1. The inner circle The circles from the inside out are made up
The inner area of the mandala is the starting point of lotus petals, symbolizing rebirth; eight
for many mandalas. It is the focus of the energy of graveyards, which represent awe-inspiring
the cosmos and the centre towards which the places where ascetics meditate; a diamond or
viewer’s meditation is drawn. Here the deities vajraa circle symbolizing illumination; and an
Hevajra and Nairatma embrace. Together in outer circle of flame, which represents the
blissful harmony, they symbolize the state of process of transformation ordinary humans
enlightenment when the two halves are completely have to undergo to enter the territory within.
merged. They are personifications of the Buddhist
belief that all beings are without ego. They 4. The figures outside the circle
are immediately surrounded by eight female The figures on the outside of the circle serve
figures known as dakinis, each representing as protectors.
a cardinal point.
5. Colours
2. The square The colours used represent different attributes
Surrounding the circle is a square with four of the Buddha: white represents his purity, blue,
gateways that symbolize boundless thoughts – the vastness of his teaching and the truth of what
loving kindness, compassion, sympathy, he taught, and red represents his warmth
and equanimity. and compassion.

3. Concentric circles
The continuing pattern of concentric circles
represents cosmic aspects of the Universe,
such as energy fields and atmospheric zones. .5/
Ancient cultures did not believe in chance, well as expressing quantities they assumed
so the existence of a given number of objects individual qualities and were even imbued
or phenomena took on great significance. with cosmic powers. The study of those
Thus numbers, which originated as a way of powers is known as numerology, which Plato
counting, acquired powerful symbolism. As called “the highest level of knowledge”.

- One symbolizes the First Cause, the primal

beginning, or creation. In monotheistic religions
the number represents God the Creator – most overtly
/ Three is a sacred number in most religions. The
Ancient Egyptians had a powerful trinity of gods
(Isis, Osiris, and Horus), as did the Ancient Greeks and
in Islamic literature, where one specifically represents Romans. The Greek (Roman) trinity was: Jupiter (Zeus),
One God. One also symbolizes humankind, reflecting Neptune (Poseidon), and Pluto (Hades). Jupiter’s
our species’ unique upright stance. The unicorn’s single symbol was three-forked lightning, Neptune’s a trident,
horn is a symbol of power and purity; the one eye of and Pluto’s a three-headed dog. Hindus worship a
the Cyclops, a mythological Greek giant, symbolizes trinity known as the Trimurtii (“three forms”),
the power of unreason over intellect. In modern comprising Brahma, the Creator; Vishnu, the Preserver;
western culture to be “number one” is to be the best. and Shiva, the Destroyer. Christians believe in a Holy
Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In Islam three
symbolizes the human soul. To Pythagoras three
symbolized perfect harmony, being the sum of unity

. To Pythagoras two represented diversity, and

had the potential for disorder and evil. Thus the
second day of the second month was considered evil
(one) and diversity (two).

and dedicated to Pluto, god of the underworld. But two

is also a symbol of order and balance in philosophies
aoism where Yin and Yang symbolize the
L FOR 0 A symbol of wholeness and universality, four is
often represented by the square and the cross
– the numeral “4” is a modified cross. In common
with the square, four also symbolizes stability. To
agoras four symbolized perfection, being the
quare number. Four is taboo in Japan and parts
ina because it is a homonym for (sounds like
word for) “death”. For American Indians four
olizes organization: space is divided into four
ns, time into four units (day, night, Moon, and
, and human life into four ages (childhood, youth,
rity, and old age).

Five symbolizes Man, whose head and four limbs

are represented by the five-pointed pentagram.
was a sacred number to the Mayans, for whom

mbolized the maize god, because maize shoots

ear five days after the seed is planted; and for the
cs it symbolized completeness and the awakening
onsciousness. Five has great significance in Islam,
g the number of pillars of piety, hours of prayer,
ments of the Hajj, and other religious aspects.

2 In common with the hexagram, a six-pointed

star, six can symbolize harmony and perfect
nce. In China six symbolizes Heaven; and to
stians it represents completeness, because God
ated the world in six days. To the Mayans six was
unlucky number, signifying death. In modern
stern culture six symbolizes luck, being the highest
ow of a die.

3 Seven symbolizes wholeness in many cultures,

being the union of divinity (three) and the
material Earth (four). In Hindu, Muslim, and Judeo-
Christian scriptures a seventh aspect confers
completeness and perfection on a group of six; the
number is auspicious in all those cultures. The
menorah, a sacred candelabrum whose seven stems
represent the days of creation and the celestial bodies,
is a symbol of Judaism. In Ancient Egypt seven
symbolized eternal life, and to American Indians it NINE WHITE STONES REPRESENT NINE VIRGINS IN CELTIC MYTH
symbolizes the Dream of Life.

4 Eight is an auspicious number in eastern

thought. For Buddhists the eight spokes of the
dharmachakra, or Wheel of Law, symbolize the eight-
5 Being three times three, nine amplifies the
power of the number three, symbolizing eternity,
completion, and fulfilment. Nine is considered lucky in
-, Being the number of human digits, ten is the
foundation of most counting systems, and
symbolizes the return to oneness after the cycle of the
fold path to enlightenment. In China eight is considered China, where it sounds like the word for “longlasting”, digits. For this reason (and because it is the sum of the
lucky because it is a homonym for “prosper” and but unlucky in Japan, where it sounds like “pain”. first four digits), Pythagoras considered ten to be a
resonates with the eight paths of the Way, the eight The Aztecs considered it unlucky, symbolizing the holy number, symbolizing universal creation. In China,
trigrams of the classic work of divination called the gods of the night, but the Mayans thought it lucky. as the double of five (which represents totality), ten
I Ching, and the eight immortal Chinese deities. Eight In several cultures the ennead, or nine-pointed star, symbolizes duality.
is also a recurring number in Japanese Shinto. represents nine deities, and in Judaism nine
symbolizes intelligence and truth.

-- In the American Indian “earth count”

11 represents the stars and, via the metaphor
of travelling there, symbolizes altered states of
consciousness. In many African traditions 11 is
considered holy, and symbolizes fertility because
semen is believed to take 11 days to reach the ovum. In
other cultures 11 is a symbol of excess and imbalance
because it is an increase on ten, which is the symbol
of completeness – for this reason St. Augustine said,
“the number eleven is the blazon of sin.”

-. As the multiple of divinity (three) and the

material Earth (four), 12 symbolizes both
spiritual and earthly order. In the American Indian
“earth count” 12 represents the 12 planets and the 12
winds. Twelve is important biblically, being the number
of the tribes of Israel, the disciples of Christ, the fruits
of the Tree of Life, and the gates of Jerusalem.

Egyptian deities pp.138–39
Greek & Roman deities pp.140–41
Hinduism pp.158–63
Taoism & Shinto pp.170–71
Numerology pp.206–07
Zero – from the Arabic sifr, meaning
“empty” – is a relatively recent
invention. For thousands of years
mathematicians left a space if there
was no number in a given column;
then, c876CE in India, the symbol 0 was
used to denote the space. Its status as a
number was disputed because adding
or subtracting it leaves other numbers
unchanged, yet placing it after a
number increases the number tenfold.
Zero symbolizes a person who has no
power of their own. In Mayan culture
it symbolized the moment between the
sacrifice and rebirth of the maize god –

-/ Thirteen symbolizes bad luck in many

cultures. It is linked to the 13 people at
Christ’s Last Supper, one of whom betrayed Him. For
., In the developed world 20:20 means
perfect vision, once denoting a person
who could read an eye test chart from 20 feet. In many
echoing its mathematical position
between negative and positive numbers.
Jewish boys 13 symbolizes the age of responsibility, Central and South American cultures 20 symbolizes
when they become Bar Mitzvah, or “one to whom humans, whose 20 fingers and toes make up a unit.
mandments apply”.


.- Long considered a symbol of perfection

(seven times three), in the West 21 is also a
symbol of responsibility and adulthood: the symbolic
“key of the door” is often bestowed at this age. In

many countries people were not eligible to vote before

the age of 21 (though this has now generally been

0, Recurring frequently in scripture, 40

symbolizes waiting and punishment. Forty
days and nights was the length of time Moses spent on
1, In modern idiom 50 symbolizes fairness or
equality (50:50 split) or ambiguity (50:50
decision). In the US 50 is a symbol of Hawaii, which is
222 For Christians 666 symbolizes evil,
being the number of the beast referred
to in the the Bible’s Book of Revelation as “six hundred
Mount Sinai, Elijah was fed by ravens, the rains of the the 50th state of the Union. Fiftieth anniversaries of threescore and six”. It is thought by many scholars to
Flood fell, and Jesus fasted in the wilderness. The events such as marriage are celebrated as “golden”. derive from a numerical code for Emperor Nero’s name,
word “quarantine” derives from this period of time. and by extension symbolizes false deification of the
state. This may date from a time when the early
Christians were suffering persecution under Roman

2, The Ancient Babylonians used base 60

for mathematical and astronomical
calculations, a system that survives in the modern
3, All multiples of seven and ten symbolize
perfection to some degree; 70 symbolizes
twofold perfection, being ten times seven. In the Bible
rule and could only identify their enemies in a code.
There are many other theories about the symbolism of
.52 division of angles and time: 360 degrees in a circle, 60 70 symbolizes completeness: for example, threescore
666 and whether it is a code for another name, but it is
still seen by many in the western world as symbol of
minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute. years and ten is a complete human life cycle. the Antichrist.
JQI>ANOUOPAIO positional notation, in which a numeral’s position indicates its
The Ancient Babylonian, Egyptian, and Roman numerals power. For instance, in 777 the numeral 7 also represents 700
all represent the fingers needed to indicate a number. (The and 70. In Braille, numbers are created by placing a number
Roman V represents a hand with fingers together and thumb sign before a letter (for example, number sign + “a” = 1).
outstretched; X is two Vs). Later, symbols were used in a Morse numbers are combinations of visual or aural signals.

Babylonian Egyptian Greek Roman Ancient Chinese Mayan Hindu Arabic Modern Arabic



0 1 2 0 1 2

3 4 5 3 4 5


6 7 8 6 7 8

Judaism pp.172–73
9 10 101 9
Christianity pp.176–79
The 15th and 16th centuries were overshadowed by political
upheaval, and the painter Hieronymus Bosch (c1450–1516)
produced extraordinary art that echoed the anxiety of his times.
In this work he depicts the seven deadly sins, arranged around
a wheel with Christ the redeemer at its centre.

5 6



1. Superbia (Pride/Vanity)
Pride is shown by a wealthy woman staring into a mirror (a symbol
of self knowledge). She does not see a devil holding her mirror.

2. Ira (Anger/Wrath)
Ira is depicted by a street fight between two drunk peasants.

3. Invidia (Jealousy/Envy)
In this scene a husband and wife are compared with the dogs below,
who ignore the bones within their reach in favour of other bones.

4. Avaritia (Greed/Avarice)
Avaritia is a rich man taking money from a poor man, while at the
same time bribing a judge.

5. Gula (Gluttony)
Gluttony is shown by people eating a feast. The food is given by a
nun. As they fill themselves, a child defecates in his clothes.

6. Acedia (Sloth/Laziness)
Acedia is shown in a scene in which a woman dressed for church is
trying to wake a man deep in slumber, possibly a lazy priest.

7. Luxuria (Lust)
This panel shows two sets of lovers talking, with musical instruments
lying on the ground, a symbol of passion.

8. Four last things

In the corners of the image appear the “Four Last Things” showing
the viewer what we all ultimately face. Clockwise, from left, they are:
death, the Last Judgement, Heaven, and Hell.

9. The circle
At the centre of the large circle, which is said to represent the eye
of God, is the “pupil” in which Christ can be seen emerging from his
tomb. Below is the Latin inscription that translates as “Beware,
Beware, God is Watching”, implying that no sin goes unnoticed. .55
Hieronymus Bosch, The Seven Deadly Sins, 1485
Most written languages originated in picture evolved into logograms, which are symbolic,
writing, which differs from drawing in that rather than pictorial, representations of
it uses a standard set of symbols known as words for objects and ideas. Next came
pictograms or pictographs. From literal syllabaries – symbol systems representing
representations of objects, pictograms individual syllables – and, finally, alphabets.

Along with Egyptian hieroglyphs,
cuneiform is one of the oldest forms SUN MOUNTAIN

of writing. It developed during the

4th millennium BCE in Mesopotamia
(present-day Iraq and western Iran),
and was used by the Sumerians,
Assyrians, Babylonians, and Hittites.
The script is made up of wedge-shaped GOD GRAIN

impressions that were scribed into wet

clay using sharpened reeds. Cuneiform
takes its name from the Latin cuneus, This clay tablet dates from 3000BCE. Later, cuneiform
evolved from a purely pictorial system into a script that
meaning wedge-shaped. represented sounds. Cuneiform was first deciphered in
OX 1802 by German philologist Georg Friedrich Grotefend.

ACULPE=J  Funerary stele,

The symbols between
Egyptian hieroglyphs – named from the the two main figures
Greek hieros (holy) and gluphe (carving) are clues to the meaning
– originated during the 4th millennium of the four lines of
inscription on the right of
BCE. The script developed into a
the stele, which describe
combination of pictograms (literal a king’s funeral offering.

drawings) and phonograms (symbols

representing sounds). It was deciphered
in 1819 using text on the Rosetta Stone,
carved in about 196BCE in three scripts:
hieroglyphic, demotic (the then common
script of Egypt), and Greek.


Chinese script is the oldest writing Mayan hieroglyphs originated around
system still in use today, dating from the 3rd century BCE. They evolved from
c1500BCE. It evolved from pictograms pictograms into a combination of
into a combination of pictograms and pictograms, logograms (whole words,
logograms (symbols representing whole as illustrated), and syllabograms
words). In the modern system, older (representing syllables). Scripts were
symbols are often combined to form usually written in paired columns of
new compound words: for instance, the glyphs reading from right to left and
symbols for “flying” and “machine” are from top to bottom.
used together for “aeroplane”.




The earliest examples of Chinese script were carved into

shoulder blades of oxen and turtle shells. Cracks made by
heating these so-called “oracle bones” were interpreted
as divine insights, which were recorded.






This limestone panel shows a bloodletting ritual in

which King Shield Jaguar holds a torch, while his queen,
Lady Xoc, draws blood from her tongue. The hieroglyphs
at the top and side of the panel record the date and Meso- and South American pp.344–45
other information.
Stone age rock paintings have been found throughout the LE?PKCN=IO
world, some of them more than 30,000 years old. Another Like the peoples of Europe and Asia, American Indians
prehistoric form of rock art is the petroglyph, which is a developed rock art into a formalized system of pictograms
carved, as opposed to a painted image and dates back some such as those illustrated below. The systemized use of
15,000 years. Both of these art forms long predate the pictograms in the visual language of totem poles is arguably
evolution of fully fledged pictorial languages. the earliest form of writing in North America.


 Navajo petroglyphs DISCOVERY

Deer, bighorn sheep, buffalo, geometric shapes, and bear footprints
appear in these petroglyphs. They were carved over a period of 1,500
years by Anasazi, Fremont, and Navajo people in what is now Newspaper
Rock State Historic Monument in Canyonlands National Park, Utah.

PN=EH>H=VAO  American Indian pictograms

A blaze is a mark made on a tree by chipping off part of the Pictograms of handprints, animals, and geometric shapes
feature in this ancient example of American Indian rock
bark, and is usually done to mark a trail – hence the word DUCK
art in the Willow Springs area of the Red Rock Canyon
“trailblazing”. Today, particularly in conservation areas where National Conservation Area near Las Vegas, Nevada.
carved blazes are considered unecological, trails can be
“blazed” with paint, fixed markers, flags, or stone cairns. The
system of blazes shown below was developed in the 1930s
by members of the New York–New Jersey Trail Conference.






A hobo is a travelling worker, not a tramp – who travels
but doesn’t work – or a bum, who neither travels nor works.
Theories about the derivation of the word vary. It may come
from “hoe-boy” (farmhand), “Ho, boy” (a greeting), or be an
abbreviation of Houston and Bowery in New York, where KIND WOMAN WOMAN GOOD SPOT FOR A
travelling workers once gathered. Hoboes use symbols to
give directions, warnings, and information to other hoboes.







Mammals pp.52–55
Birds pp.58–61
Aquatic creatures pp.68–71
Tribal totems, heroes & tricksters pp.150–51
This band of hieroglyphs decorated the side
of an Egyptian jewellery chest that was found
in the tomb of Yuya and Tuya, who lived in
the 18th Dynasty (1539–1295BCE). They were
the parents of Queen Tiye, who was married
to Pharoah Amenhotep III. The hieroglyphs
on the chest express a wish for good fortune
for the couple in the afterlife.

4 1

1. Duck
The duck, along with the other birds and animals, faces left,
indicating that the hieroglyphs read from left to right.

2. Ankh
“Life” is represented by the ankh, which against the blue
background gains a further meaning of “waters”, suggesting
the cosmic waters from which all life emerges and to which it
eventually returns.

3. Hieroglyphic signs combined

The central ankh hieroglyph is flanked by sceptres representing
the god of discord, Seth, who symbolizes dominion. Below it is
the half-moon shape, neb, which means “all”. Read together, the
hieroglyph symbolizes “all life and dominion”.

4. Cartouche
The symbols enclosed in the lozenge shape, known as a
“cartouche”, show the name of the king. Cartouches were
only used to display the name of a ruling monarch, in this case,
Amenhotep III.

The first alphabet appeared when pictograms the way for the Phoenician alphabet – the
evolved into symbols that represented first major script based on speech sounds.
individual sounds. All alphabets derive from This led to the development of a Hebrew
the North Semitic, which developed in the alphabet, European alphabets (via Greek),
Mediterranean c1700BCE. This system paved and Asian alphabets (via Aramaic).


A alef ‘aleph ‘alep aleph aleph

B beth beth bet beth beth

G gimel gimmel gimel gimel gimel

D daleth daleth dalet delath delath

H he he he he heh

W vav waw waw waw vav

Z zayin zayin zayin zayin zayin

H cheth heth het heth cheth

T teth teth tet teth teth

Y yod yodh yod yodh yod

K kaf kaph kap kaph kaph

L lamed lamedh lamed lamedh lamed

M mem mem mem mem mem

N nun nun nun nun nun


S samekh samekh samek samekh samekh

O ayin ‘ayin ayin ‘ayin ayin

P pe pe pe pe peh

S tsade tsade tsade sadhe tsaddi

Q quf qoph qop qoph qoph

R resh res res resh resh

/,2 S shin sin sin sin shin

T tau taw taw taw tau

The antecedent of all modern European
alphabets, the Greek alphabet evolved
from the Phoenician one over a period
of 200 years, from 1000–800BCE. The
word “alphabet” derives from the first
and second Greek letters, alpha and beta.

This alphabet evolved c700–600BCE in
Etruria (now Tuscany and Umbria) from
a version of the Greek alphabet taken to
Italy by emigrants from the Aegean
island of Euboea.


The Roman alphabet evolved c600BCE
from the Etruscan. It continued
developing until the mid-19th century,
when V and J were finally accepted as
letters in their own right rather than as
variants of I and U. It is now used by
some 2 billion people worldwide.

Elder Futhark, or Old Futhark, is the
oldest of the runic alphabets, which
developed in northern Europe, possibly
from the Etruscan alphabet. Runic
alphabets were known as futhark from
their first six letters.

Now used in Russia and eastern Europe,
this alphabet is thought to have been A B V G D E YO ZH Z I Y
developed from the Greek c900CE by
St. Cyril and St. Methodius. Originally
known as the Glagolitic alphabet, it was K L M N O P R S T U F
later renamed after St. Cyril.


Picture writing pp.300–03
Sign languages & signals pp.330–31
Evolved from the Nabataean Aramaic
alphabet during the 4th century BCE,
largely by adding dots to existing letters
to accommodate the greater number of
consonants used in Arabic. Today it is
the world’s third most widely used
alphabet, after Roman and Chinese.

Evolved in India during the 6th
century BCE from an Aramaic or Semitic
alphabet. It is the antecedent of many
Asian alphabets (mainly Indian),
including Devanagari, Bengali,
Khmer, Tibetan, and Burmese.



A modern Indian alphabet that was
developed from Brahmi during the
11th century to write the sacred
language Sanskrit. It has since been
adapted for Hindi, Sindhi, Marathi, and
other languages, and is India’s most
prevalent script (and the world’s fourth
most prevalent), with 260 million users.


The Khmer (Cambodian) alphabet
evolved from the Brahmi during the
7th century CE. It is the world’s longest
alphabet, being a syllabic system in
which each consonant has two
forms (the top form alone and the
combination of both forms). There are
also a number of vowels that are not
illustrated here.

Chinese script is the oldest writing
system still in use today, dating from

a logography – a combination of
pictograms and logograms (abstract
symbols representing whole words),
some of which are illustrated here.

During the 1830s and 40s US artist
and inventor Samuel Morse developed
his famous Morse alphabet of dots and A B C D E F G

dashes, in which the shortest codes

were assigned to the most commonly
used letters. The historic first message
“What hath God wrought?” was sent H I J K L M N
on 24 May 1844.



Developed in 1821 by French
educationalist Louis Braille, who was
blind from the age of three. Braille was A B C D E F G
based on a system originally devised by
Charles Barbier in an attempt to enable
Napoleon’s army to communicate
silently in the dark. Louis Braille H I J K L M N
improved it by creating the characteristic
cells with six raised dots, which remain
the standard form of written
communication for the blind.


Numbers pp.294–97
Picture writing pp.300–03
Pictures cross language barriers in a way it communicates an instruction clearly and
that words cannot. For instance, a cigarette without words. More complex ideas can
with a red line through it is universally be communicated non-verbally using
recognizable as a “No Smoking” sign. Like internationally recognized symbol systems
all traffic and other public information signs, such as musical and mathematical notation.

Designed for maximum visual impact, traffic and public HAZCHEM is an acronym for HAZardous CHEMicals.
information signs use simple, unambiguous images and All road and rail vehicles transporting such substances must
an almost subliminal system of shape and colour to convey carry a warning sign identifying the chemical and providing
warnings, instructions, and directions. information for emergency services dealing with any incident.


Warning: diamond with yellow Warning: triangle with red edge (here,
background (here, road narrows) pedestrian crossing)

7 6

Emergency action code, indicating method

Prohibitory: circle with red edge (here, no Mandatory: circle with blue background of firefighting and safety precautions Hazard type
motor vehicles) (here, ahead only)


1737 6

Informative: quadrangular (here, restaurant) Safety information: green quadrangle (here,

0870 190 1234

first aid)

UN number, specifying Phone number for Company logo

the exact chemical specialist advice
Television weather symbols are self-
explanatory (see bottom of page). But the
World Meteorological Organization has
devised a more complex system. This
uses symbols for rain, snow, drizzle, and
so on, arranged in various permutations
of precipitation.






The packaging
of easily damaged
goods and freight
symbols that can
be recognized



Shapes pp.284–89

Mathematical symbols have evolved over centuries. The signs These symbols often comprise the initial letter of the
“+” and “-” first appeared in a 15th-century book by German currency name, crossed to differentiate it from a standard
mathematician Johannes Widman; “=” and “•” appeared in letter. Exceptions include “£” (from “L”, denoting the Latin
the 16th century, and “x” and “÷” in the 17th. libra) and “$” (possibly from a Spanish coat of arms).

PLUS MINUS MULTIPLY Euro (Europe) Pound sterling (UK Dollar (USA; also other
and dependencies; Egypt; countries, preceded by
Lebanon; Syria) abbreviation of name)

DIVIDE EQUALS DOES NOT EQUAL Yen (Japan) Yuan Renminbi (China) Rupee (India, Mauritius,
Nepal, Sri Lanka)

IS APPROXIMATELY GREATER THAN GREATER THAN OR Pesos (South America) Rial (Middle East) Naira (Nigeria)

LESS THAN LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO SQUARE ROOT uble (Russia, Belarus) Kroner (Denmark) Baht (Thailand)


1 ²
As with traffic signs, a clear, simple image says it all in a
way that crosses all language barriers. Here are just nine
of the many sports played by the iconic figure in black.






Pitch is shown by position on the five-line stave (with higher TREBLE CLEF WITH SCALE
notes on the treble clef and lower on the bass clef). Duration
is shown by the appearance of the note or rest. Flats and
sharps modify pitch; other symbols indicate volume.




become louder) become softer)

An emoticon (“emotion” + “icon”) is used to convey feeling in OR
a written message. The first symbols were proposed by Scott
Fahlman of Carnegie Mellon University in 1982.




Picture writing pp.300–03
Professional and trade symbols fall into three Quality-control symbols indicate that goods
main categories. There are those, ranging meet specified degrees of purity or ethical
from the literal to the lateral, that represent standards, while marks of compliance
given professions – such as the pretzel for indicate that goods meet the safety standards
bakers and the caduceus for medicine. set by the regulating body.

There is no rhyme or reason why some trades
and professions are represented by universally
recognized symbols and others are not. Here is
a selection of some of the symbols that do signify
a particular occupation, and the meanings,  Red Cross  Pharmacy
b h i b hi d h A reversal of the Swiss flag, this A symbol for pharmacists is
adopted in honour of the the stylized R, the instruction
ss founder of the Red Cross doctors write on a prescription.
ymbolize protection for those It is an abbreviation of the
engaged in humanitarian work Laatin recipe.

 Barber  Legal profession

triangle and the circle The white spiral represents Scales symbolizing justice
h symbolize health in many bandages wrapped round the feature
eature in Ancient Egyptian,
ures. The icon at the centre pole that patients gripped in the Greek, Roman, Christian, and
he staff of Asclepius, days when barbers practised Islamic thought. The scales
Greek god of healing blood-letting. Bowls for leeches weigh up both evidence and
sculapius to the Romans). and blood are also represented. good deeds against bad.


On the caduceus – the mythical wand with which the The use of a pretzel as a literal
Greek god Hermes (Mercury to the Romans) bestowed symbol of a bakery originated in
sleep – the twin snakes coiled round the rod symbolize Austria and Germany, and has
healing and poison, as well as illness and health. since spread throughout Europe
and the US.

One of several theories about this symbol is that pawnbrokers
adopted three golden globes because the chances were two to
one that pawned items would be redeemed.
Stamping symbols on precious metals
as proof of their purity began in the Platinum: At least 95%
14th century. In Britain the symbols
became known as hallmarks, because
the testing was done at Goldsmiths’
Hall. Since then the use of symbols to
indicate quality has spread to products
as varied as leather and eggs. Mark issued by the Londdon
assay office

International wool secretariat: 100% Reaal leather

new wool

Sterling silver: at least 92.5%, Silver: French, marked Platinum: stamped at Dublin
stamped in Lisbon in year 1797 assay office

Sterling silver: at least 92.5%, Silver: stamped at Dublin Silver: Britannia standaard, at
made in Finland assay office least 95.8%
Pure cotton Goodds produced by organic British egg information
farming service logo

Silver: at least 83%, made in Silver: 90%, stamped in Italy Gold: stamped at Dublin
Sweden assay office

Meets soil association Organic produce Meets ethical trading

standards of organic farming standards of fairtrade
Swedish state control mark Sterling silver: at least 92.5% Gold: 18 carat, at least 75%,
made in Lisbon


Many countries have standards
associations that set and measure
standards of quality, safety, security,
environmental impact, and other factors Australian Standards British Standards Institution Council of the European
p Dansk Elmaterial Kontrol
Association Union (Denmark)
relating to goods and services. Products
and services meeting those standards
have the right to display the symbol
of the appropriate association.
Snakes pp.66–67
Human body pp.112–15
Canadian Standards China Compulsory
p y Shapes pp.284–89
Association Certification Scheme
The origins of brand logos date back the practice. In the 19th century, trademarks
thousands of years. The Ancient Egyptians, began to be seen not merely as marks of
Greeks, Romans, and Chinese all stamped origin but as badges or signatures. This gave
goods such as pottery or bricks with symbols rise to the modern conception that brands
to indicate who had made them; and in reflect the “personality” of products and
Europe the medieval trade guilds extended services or their producers.

 Amnesty Intern
Founder Peter Benen
inspired by an old Ch
proverb: “It is better
a candle than to curs
darkness”. The cand
symbolizes hope,
support, and the
light of the world’s
 Oxfam International  WWF  CND scrutiny, while the
The name is a contraction of The World Wildlife Fund was The Campaign for Nuclear barbed wire stands
Oxford Committee for Famine launched in the UK in 1961, Disarmament logo made its for oppression.
Relief, which was founded in when London Zoo’s giant panda, debut in 1958, on the first
1942 to provide relief for Nazi- Chi Chi, was world famous. Co- Aldermaston peace march. The
occupied Greece. The logo founder Sir Peter Scott designed circle symbolizes life, while the
comprises the letters “O” and the original logo, which lines represent the arm position
“X”, stylized to represent a capitalizes on the panda’s for signalling “ND” (nuclear
head and shoulders. cuddly appeal. disarmament) in semaphore.

European Union  Interpol

The official description states: The globe symbolizes this
“Against the blue sky of the police organization’s worldwide
western world, the stars reach, with olive branches
represent the peoples of representing peace, a sword
Europe in a circle, a symbol for action, and scales
of unity. Their number shall for justice. “OIPC”
be invariably set at twelve, and “ICPO” stand
the symbol of completeness for International
and perfection.” Criminal Police

Organization in
and French.

Olympic rings
The rings symbolize the union
in sport of Africa, America, Asia,
Europe, and Oceania. The colours
(including the white field) symbolize competing
nations, being the colours appearing on their national
flags in 1913 when the rings were conceived.
United Nations World Health  FedEx
The UN logo symbolizes the Organization The positive-reverse arrow embedded between the “E” and the “X”
world united in peace. Rendered The WHO logo comprises that symbolizes the speed and precision of Federal Express. Remarkable
in the official UN colours, the of the UN overlaid with the for the designer’s restraint in concealing the arrow, the FedEx symbol
polar projection of the globe staff of Asclepius, the Greek was ranked as one of the top eight logos in recent design history.
shows much of the world’s god of medicine and healing.
landmass. The globe is enclosed Asclepius was often depicted
by olive branches, a universal holding his physician’s staff
symbol of peace. with a snake entwined round it.

The harp was an important part
of Celtic culture, and the harp of
High King Brian Boru has been a
symbol of Ireland since the 13th
century. Guinness adopted it in
1862. The orientation of the
image is the reverse of that on
Microsoft Windows BMW the national coat of arms.
ows is so-called because it This logo commemorates
s graphic “environments” BMW’s origins as an
s), which users navigate using aeronautical engine
a revolutionary concept manufacturer. The chequered
launched in the 1980s. The roundel is taken from the flag of
teral, the logo being a stylized Bavaria (home of BMW), and
r coloured panes. represents a white aircraft
propeller against a blue sky.

 Mercedes Benz Peugeot  Citroën
The three-pointed star The lion, from the coat of arms As with Peugeot, Citroën’s logo
symbolizes inventor Gottlieb of Franche-Comté, was first dates back to earlier business.
Daimler’s dream of building used in 1847 to mark saw In 1913, André Citroën began
motor vehicles for land, air, blades made by the Peugeot manufacturing gearwheels.
and sea. Daimler cars were family’s ironmongery business.It He pioneered a double-helical
marketed as Mercedes – the symbolized strength, flexibility, design, symbolized by the
name of a board member’s and speed of cut. double chevron.
daughter. The star was retained
after the Daimler company
merged with Benz in 1926.
Ferrari SEE AL
The black stallion was chosen in honour of Italian WWI flying ace Mammals
Francesco Baracca, who used it on his plane, and as a good luck
symbol intended to guide Ferrari drivers to victory. Yellow is the colour
The home
Musical instruments pp.274–75
of Modena, where Ferraris are built. Shapes pp.284–89
One of the most complex and richly resonant or shield, which is decorated with various
uses of symbols is in coats of arms, which colours, shapes (“ordinaries”), and emblems
originated with those worn by medieval (“charges”). Because creation of coats of
knights for identification in battle. The main arms was regulated by the king’s heralds,
element of a coat of arms is the escutcheon, the art became known as heraldry.

The escutcheon (shield) may be divided by “ordinaries”. These
are often in symbolic colours such as sable (black: prudence;
grief), argent (white/silver: innocence; peace), azure (blue:
fidelity), gules (red: fortitude), vert (green: love; hope; joy),
or (gold/yellow: faith; glory), and purple (royalty; justice).
 Antelope  Leopard  Pelican
The antelope, or agacella, In heraldry “leopard” and Often shown tearing her
symbolizes a person who “lion” can mean the same breast to feed her young
is slow to anger but fierce animal. Both symbolize on her blood, the pelican
when provoked. It also courage, and are common symbolizes charity and
represents sacrifice and on royal coats of arms. self-sacrifice.

 Bend  Chevron
Often said to represent a baldric (soldier’s Symbolizes protection. Variations include
shoulder sash) or a scaling ladder. When chevron couped (not touching the sides
reversed it is known as a bend sinister. of the escutcheon) and chevron in chief
(touching the top).
 Greyhound  Stag
Dogs symbolize faithfulness and loyalty. This symbolizes peace and harmony. In
The greyhound specifically is an emblem the case of the Hertford coat of arms, the
of swiftness and nobility. presence of a hart is a visual pun (known
in heraldry as “canting”).

 Cross  Fesse  Pale

Heraldry recognizes more Some heralds trace the Said to derive from the
than a hundred types of origin of the fesse to wooden “pales” used
cross. A Christian symbol the military girdle; less to make palisades, this
derived from the crucifix romantic ones think ordinary symbolizes  Red hand  Anchor

and adopted during the it simply reflects the martial strength and This symbol of Ulster is used by barons. A Christian emblem of hope, the anchor
Crusades, it is one of the physical structure of fortitude. It comes from a myth about a king who also symbolizes steadfastness and
oldest ordinaries. early shields. seized Ulster with his severed hand. security. It often appears in the coats
of arms of maritime institutions.

 Pile  Roundel  Hunting horn  Saddle  Wheel

Often said to represent a stake used in A circular “subordinary” (a symbol The bugle-horn (see Symbol of horsemanship Most commonly seen as
the building of a military bridge, the pile considered less important than an above) and the hunting (and thus readiness to the wheel upon which St.
(like the fesse, above) may simply reflect ordinary or an “honourable ordinary”) horn represent nobility, serve one’s country), the Catherine was martyred
/-4 the structure of early shields. symbolizing trustworthiness. hunting being considered saddle is more literally (see above) or carriage
a noble pastime. the emblem of the wheels, this emblem
Company of Saddlers. represents fortune.

 Couchant  Dormant  Displayed  Gardant  Hauriant  Naiant

A beast lying down A beast lying down with A bird (usually an eagle) A beast with its face A fish or aquatic mammal A fish, aquatic mammal,
with its head erect. its head resting on its facing the observer with turned to the observer, (sea mammals were once or aquatic bird shown
forepaws. its wings and talons to symbolize prudence. considered to be fish) swimming. Fish were
outstretched and head This lion sejant gardant shown upright on its tail. often chosen as visual
to one side. There is a (seated and looking, see Often represented for puns, for instance, lucie
displayed eagle on the sejant below), represents literal rather than for the Lucy family, eel for
US presidential seal. prudence and wisdom. symbolic reasons. Ellis, chub for Chobbe.

 Passant gardant  Passant regardant  Rampant  Rampant gardant

A predator walking while A predator walking A predator rearing on its A predator rearing
looking directly at the while looking backwards hind legs while looking on its hind legs while
observer, symbolizing over its shoulder, ahead. This attitude looking at the observer. It
 Passant resolve combined with symbolizing resolve symbolizes magnanimity. symbolizes magnanimity
A predator walking with its far forepaw raised and prudence. and circumspection. and prudence.
looking ahead (see also trippant, below). This attitude
symbolizes resolve.

 Rampant regardant  Saliant  Sejant  Statant  Trippant  Volant

A predator rearing on its A beast, such as a lion A beast shown seated, A beast (or a bird such as A beast of the chase A flying bird, which
hind legs while looking or a wolf, shown leaping symbolizing justice, a stork or heron) standing (such as stag or deer) symbolizes nobility
backwards over its or springing, an attitude wisdom, and good still with all four (or both) shown running, with its acquired through merit.
shoulder, symbolizing symbolizing valour. counsel. Two beasts feet touching the ground. far foot raised. The same The attitude also
magnanimity and sitting back to back are In the case of beasts, the position as passant, which represents readiness
circumspection. termed sejant addorsed. attitude symbolizes is applied only to beasts for action.
readiness for battle. of prey.


To differentiate between two or more
sons entitled to bear the family arms,
the system of cadency marks evolved,
with different symbols for each son.
Sons of sons added a mark to a mark:
would add an annulet to a mullet.

Mammals pp.52–55
Birds pp.58–61
Eagles pp.62–63
Aquatic creatures
pp.68–71 /-5
Christianity pp.176–79
?K=POKB=NIO embroidered on the surcoats knights wore to protect their
A full coat of arms comprises an escutcheon (decorated armour from dirt and the heat of the Sun. The heraldic system,
shield) together with a helmet, crest, mantling (drapery), and dating from the 12th century, is no longer restricted to the
supporters (figures on either side of the shield). Often, but not aristocracy, and is now used to create coats of arms for
always, there is a motto. Originally, heraldic emblems were institutions, cities, and nations.
Helmet Crest White rose Crest granted by
of Yorkshire Elizabeth I. The lion
wears a crown and
holds a Tudor rose

Miner’s lamp



 Arundel  Castleford  Oxford

The borough coat of arms shows three stylized swallows, The town is represented by a castle on a ford. Its Roman The escutcheon depicts the city’s origin as a ford used by
known in heraldry as martlets. This is a visual pun, origins are seen in the crest – a Roman eagle, which oxen. The supporters represent two members of Elizabeth
common in heraldry – the French for swallow is wears a miner’s lamp symbolizing the local coal industry. I’s court: the black elephant of Sir Francis Knollys and the
hirondelle, which sounds similar to Arundel. green beaver of Henry Norreys.

Crozier and mitre of Three red pales for Dominican banners

the Bishops of Urgell the Counts of Foix Olive branch hanging from spears
Black lions of h and Irish supporter
the Sitwell fam ts are entitled
symbolizing c y the Red Hand

Muzzled bears of
he Forbes family,
presenting strength

Four pallets for Aragon Two cows for Foix-Béarn

Palm branch supporter
 Sitwell  Andorra  Dominican Republic

The main escutcheon is the original Sitwell coat of arms, The arms represent various co-princes of Andorra: a The red and blue quarters of the escutcheon reflect the
while the smaller one is the Forbes coat of arms. Having mitre (for the Bishop of Urgell); three pales (for the Count national flag. The cross at the centre symbolizes the
no brothers, Lady Sitwell (née Forbes) is entitled to use it of Foix); four pallets (for the Crown of Aragon); and two national religion. A Bible lies open at John 8:32: “And
and Sir Reresby (her husband) incorporated it in his own. cows (for the House of Foix-Béarn). the truth shall set you free.”

Picks symbolize  Zambia

the mining industry The wavy lines symbolize  Ecuador
the white water of the The arms depict Mount
Victoria Falls. The crest, Chimborazo and the
a golden eagle, Guayas River, a boat
represents liberty and (trade), and the Sun (pre-
hope for the future. The Colombian traditions).
supporters are the The crest is a condor,
nation’s people. for power and courage,
/., while the palm and laurel
Corn, representing the leaves symbolize peace
country’s agriculture and dignity.
Japan is the only nation outside Europe to have a traditional system of symbolic
crests similar to that of heraldry. Like heraldry, the Japanese system of mon
(“emblems”) originated with medieval aristocracy and the emblems were often worn
in battle for identification. Mon, which are usually circular, may represent insects,
plants, celestial bodies, or objects such as arrows
and gongs. Symbolic patterns, including
circular badges, were also once used
 Sorbonne on traditional Chinese court dress
The seal reflects the Sorbonne’s ecclesiastic origins. In to denote rank.
medieval times, universitatiss also meant “guild”, so the
motto says:”Guild of masters and scholars of Paris”.


The open book, symbolizing knowledge, also represents
Oxford university, while the royal lion represents
Cambridge. The four stars stand for the Southern Cross,
a constellation of the southern hemisphere.

 Heidelberg University
As with the Sorbonne, the seal reflects the university’s
medieval architecture and ecclesiastic origins. Originally
known as Ruprecht Karls University, Heidelberg is

Germany’s oldest educational institution. FLOWERING TREE: CREST OF AN EMPRESS

 Cambridge  Harvard
University The escutcheon – in
Granted in 1573, the the university’s crimson
arms include a cross colour – shows three SEE ALSO
(Christianity), four lions open books symbolizing Mammals pp.52–55
passant gardant (resolve knowledge, their pages Flowers pp.82–85
Birds pp.58–61
and prudence), and a spelling out the Latin
Plants pp.80–81
book (knowledge). veritass (truth). Christianity pp.176–79
The design of the Prince of Wales’s coat of arms dates from the reign of Queen
Victoria, but the various elements represent centuries of history. The Prince’s
sons, Princes William and Harry, were given their own coats of arms on their
18th birthdays. In both of these, the main elements derive from the Royal Arms;
additionally, the arms carry emblems of the Sp
princes’ mother, the late Diana, Princess of W
cadency marks to distinguish the two sons.

1 3

4 5

. & 2. Supporters Prince William’s coat of arms

he supporters of the shield are a lion (courage) and a unicorn A white cadency mark, a label of three points, shows that the
virtue). Both carry white labels around their necks to show arms belong to a first son. The red escallop derives from the
hat the arms belong to the eldest son of the Sovereign. Spencers. Such shells were originally a symbol of pilgrimage.

. Escutcheon
he shield’s quarters depict the royal emblems of the United
ingdom: the gold lions represent the sovereigns of England;
he red lion belongs to Scotland; and the harp is for Ireland.

. Prince’s badge
he three ostrich feathers are the badge of the Heir Apparent.
hey are encircled by a jewelled coronet, below which is the
rince of Wales’s motto, Ich dienn (“I serve”).

Welsh dragon
pposite the Prince’s feathers is the badge of the red
ragon, a symbol of Wales.

Royal helm
mmediately above the shield is the Royal helm. The Royal
mily’s gold and ermine mantling is draped on either side.

Royal crest
urmounting the coat of arms is a gold lion. It stands on a
rge coronet, while around its neck it wears the coronet of
e Prince of Wales and, again, a white label.

Duchy of Cornwall
he Prince of Wales is also the Duke of Cornwall, and the The cadency mark is a label of five points, which is used by
maller shield depicts 15 bezants (gold coins), the arms of the all grandchildren of a sovereign except the eldest male heir.
uchy of Cornwall. The coins represent the ransom money raised Prince Harry’s arms bear three escallops from the Spencers.
free a Duke of Cornwall imprisoned during the Crusades.

Flags are powerful emblems of identification, signifies. Originally used to identify military
and can be symbols either of allegiance or units on the battlefield, flags are now most
oppression. A flag may be both a rallying commonly used as symbols of state. The
point for supporters of a nation or cause, flags of all 194 internationally recognized
and a target for those who oppose what it nation states appear on the next six pages.




Green, yellow, and red have been Ethiopia’s colours since
the repulsion of Italian colonists in 1896. Interpretations
of the symbolism vary, but generally red is held to
represent the blood that was shed in the struggle for
BURUNDI CENTRAL AFRICAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC NIGER independence, yellow is held to symbolize peace, and
REPUBLIC OF CONGO green the fertility of the land. These “pan-African colours”
have also been adopted by other African nations
emulating Ethiopa’s independence. The pentagram,
derived from the Seal of Solomon, symbolizes hope for
the future, while the rays emanating from it symbolize
peace and unity for Ethiopia’s various ethnic groups.

Green for The pentagram symbolizes

CHAD MAURITANIA MALI SENEGAL fertility hope, peace, and unity

G CAPE VERDE GUINEA-BISSAU GUINEA Red for bloodshed Yellow for peace









Shapes pp.284–89



 United States
The first US flag (raised in 1776) had 13 stripes,
representing the union of 13 rebel colonies, with the
British flag in the top corner. The first Stars and Stripes
was introduced the following year, when the British flag
was replaced by a circle of 13 white stars on a blue PANAMA JAMAICA FINLAND ESTONIA
background. Since then there have been 26 variations,
the first being in 1794 when two more stars and two
more stripes were included after the admission of
Vermont and Kentucky to the Union. In 1818 it was
decided that the number of stripes would revert to
13 (symbolizing the original states) and that stars would
be added only for new states.

50 stars representing the 13 stripes symbolizing the CUBA THE BAHAMAS LATVIA LITHUANIA
current 50 states original 13 states




The Netherlands
Officially adopted in 1572, during the Eighty Years’ War
against Spanish rule, the Dutch flag is the world’s oldest
tricolour. It was based on the colours of the then ruling
Prince of Orange, whose flag was an orange, white, and
blue tricolour known as the “Prince’s Flag”. For some
reason lost to history – perhaps for greater clarity, or
because orange dye faded to red – this later mutated into
the current red, white, and blue tricolour. In 1972 the
MONACO ANDORRA PORTUGAL SPAIN Dutch commemorated the 400th anniversary of the new
flag with a special postage stamp. Dutch settlers ensured
that the original Prince’s Flag survived until 1994 in the
flag of South Africa, known as the “Prinsenvlag”.

The oldest tricolour. The simple, bold idea of using three

bands of colour has since been adopted by more than fifty




 United Kingdom
Popularly called the Union Jack, the flag of the
officially known as the Union Flag. It symbolizes the
union of the crowns of England, Scotland, and Ireland. In
1603 King James VI of Scotland became King James I of
England, and three years later the English and Scottish SERBIA ALBANIA MACEDONIA BULGARIA
flags were merged into a new British flag combining the
red cross of St. George on a white field (England) and the
white saltire of St. Andrew on a blue field (Scotland). On
1 January 1801, after the Act of Union with Ireland, the
red saltire of St. Patrick was added to complete the
current flag. The Union Flag is a component of the flags
of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Tuvalu.

St. George’s St. Patrick’s Saltire

Cross (England) (Ireland)

Colours pp.280–83
Shapes pp.284–89

St. Andrew’s Saltire





Nepal has the only national flag that is neither square nor
rectangular. The double triangle combines two pennants
from rival Nepalese rulers. The blue border symbolizes
MICRONESIA MARSHALL ISLANDS UNITED ARAB EMIRATES QATAR peace and harmony, while the crimson field represents
bravery. The crescent Moon represents the Royal House,
while the Sun is the symbol of the Rana family of Nepal.
Interpretations of these symbols vary, but include the
hope that Nepal lasts as long as they remain in the sky.

For centuries a red pennant

has been a Hindu symbol of









 White flag  Green flag

An internationally “Go” – this flag is used
recognized symbol on roads, railways, and in
of truce, ceasefire, or other situations to signal Blue flag
TAIWAN CHINA surrender. Protection for that all is clear and it is Awarded to beaches that meet standards of cleanliness,
the bearer is enshrined in safe to proceed. safety, services, and environmental management set by
the Geneva Convention. the Foundation for Environmental Education.


 Red flag Chequered flag Buddhist prayer flags

“Stop!” – in most Used for over a century The five flags represent space (blue), water (white), fire

situations this is in motor racing to (red), air (green), and earth (yellow). They embody prayers
recognized as a sign of indicate that the leader carried on the wind to bring luck and promote peace.
danger and/or as a signal has completed the course,
to stop. The Red Flag is this flag is now used in SEE
a symbol of socialism. other fields to indicate The Sun pp.16–17
successful completion The Moon pp.18–19
JAPAN of a task. Colours pp.280–83
Shapes pp.284–89
Sign languages are distinct from symbolic ideas manually rather than verbally. Sign
gestures, although there is some overlap. languages for the deaf have been evolving
A gesture can convey a single idea but sign since the 16th century, and there are many
language is a system of gestures and signs other situations where non-verbal
that enables users to communicate complex communication is desirable or essential.

Manual alphabets are a useful starting point for learning a sign
language. However, most signing conveys entire words, rather
than letter-by-letter spelling – the alphabet is used mainly for
proper nouns and specialized or technical terminology. A B C




//, V W X Y Z
Frenchman Claude Chappe invented a I=NOD=HHEJC
semaphore system in 1793, which was OECJ=HO
later adapted for use with hand flags, as The instructions conveyed by these
seen here. It was the first system (apart signals are very simple, but vital for
from smoke signals) to enable people organizing pilots and ground crew
to “speak” beyond the range of sound. “REST” OR “SPACE” “NUMBERS”
in an extremely noisy environment.
Signallers wear gloves or hold
illuminated beacons.



C 0R 3 D OR 4 E OR 5 F OR 6







Alphabets pp.306–09

Symbolic gestures pp.334–37
It is necessary for divers to be able to
communicate with their dive buddies
underwater. A standard set of signals
has evolved to convey vital messages,
such as “going up”, “going down”, or
“I’ve no air left in my tank”.













Hands & feet pp.116–19
Symbolic gestures


T ///
The saying “actions speak louder than sometimes mean different things in different
words” is often true of gestures – although, cultures. Subconscious gestures can reveal
like words, gestures can be misinterpreted. what a person is really thinking, but the
Conscious gestures such as hand signals interpretation of body language is less
often transcend language barriers but precise and always depends on context.

Head and hand signals are
useful for reinforcing or
replacing the spoken word.
But beware – even the most
innocent of signals may
mean different things to  Wink  Raised eyes  Raised eyebrow
different people. What may A wink can mean any number of things, Eyes raised upwards, often accompanied Raising one eyebrow is a sign of
from an innocent greeting to a sexual by an audible “tut”, is a common sign scepticism or disbelief. In this gesture
seem perfectly friendly to suggestion, or from a hint or warning to expressing condescension, boredom, conflicting thoughts are signalled by the
one person may cause deep a signal of collusion between two people. or exasperation. two sides of the face being at odds.
offence to another.

 Nod  Head-shake  Protruding tongue  Cheek kiss

In most western cultures a nod means In most cultures this means “no”, but Children the world over stick out their In western cultures a kiss on the cheek is
“yes” but in some countries, including Sri in India and Pakistan a front-facing tongues as a rude but relatively playful a greeting or farewell gesture between
Lanka, it means “no”. It is also often used “wobble” from side to side means “yes”. gesture. This is commonly the first insult friends. In France most people kiss both
as a gesture of recognition or greeting. In North Africa the shake is a single that they learn to use. cheeks; in Belgium they kiss one cheek,
sharp turn to one side and back. then the other, then the first again.

 Hand kiss  Foot kiss  Blown kiss  Bow

A gesture of respect and courtesy, this A gesture of humility and respect, this is Blowing a kiss is a gesture used In western cultures this often implies a
was once de rigueurr for a gentleman referred to in various books of the Judeo- to symbolize a kiss from a distance, “lesser” person showing humility in front
greeting a lady. It is now rare other than Christian Bible, and is performed by the sometimes instead of a wave to a of a “greater” (such as commoners to
//0 in highly formal situations or when Pope in Holy Week. departing friend, lover, child, or parent. royalty). In Japan two equals meeting
performed with a sense of irony. often bow to one another as a sign of
mutual respect.
 Wave  High five  Handshake  Hands up  Praying hands  Pleading hands
Often used as a farewell A gesture of greeting, In western culture the A gesture of surrender, The Christian attitude of In the West this is a
gesture, the wave is also celebration, or mutual handshake is a relatively the raised arms show prayer is used as a more emphatic gesture of
used as a greeting or congratulation, often formal gesture implying that the person is not symbol of greeting and pleading than the praying
simply to attract used when a team scores mutual respect. It is carrying or about to respect in India and hands gesture.
attention. In China a in a sports event. commonly used on reach for a weapon. Southeast Asia, and in
wave with the palm meeting, parting, or the West as a secular
facing downwards reaching an agreement. gesture of pleading.
means “come here”.

 Cocking a snook
A jocular or playful
gesture of mockery, on
a par with sticking out
one’s tongue.

 Finger on lips  Finger to brow  Finger to eye

An almost universal Often done with the finger tapping In Saudi Arabia this gesture
gesture symbolizing the brow or circling alongside it, this indicates a person’s stupidity,
sealed lips and used indicates craziness; that a person is meaning: “I can see clearly
as a request for silence. “cuckoo” or has “a loose screw”. that you are a fool”.
Often accompanied by
an audible “shhh!”

T th flick  Thinking  Crossed fingers  Thumbs up  V for victory
This is a common gesture of insult in Often adopted when a person is deep in This widespread gesture, A sign of approval in the This gesture was
Mediterranean countries. It precipitates a thought, this gesture is a modified form indicating that a person West, it derives from a popularized in World
fight in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet,t of “praying hands”, with the fingers is wishing for good luck, gesture used to express War II by Winston

in which one of the Capulet servants touching the lips or chin. symbolizes the sign of audience opinion at Churchill as a sign for
“bites his thumb” at a Montague servant. the Christian cross. Roman gladiatorial victory. During the 1960s
games. In the Middle hippies adopted it as a
East, West Africa, South gesture of peace.
America, and Russia it
is used as an insult.

Hands & feet pp.116–19

 Horns  Query  OK
Christianity pp.176–79
Often used as a sign of protection against In Italy a gesture of fingers and thumb In the US and Europe this gesture means
Sign language & signals
evil or bad luck, or to ward off the evil together with the hand twitching up and “OK”, and in Japan it is the symbol for pp.330–31
eye, this gesture is used by Satanists to down means: “What do you want?” or money, but in other countries it can be
indicate the Devil. “What do you mean?” offensive: in Germany and Brazil it is a
vulgar anatomical reference.
“The finger”  “The Vs”  Index finger
Also known as the middle In the UK, and in In western cultures this
finger salute and flipping Australia (where it is usually signifies the
the bird, this is an known as “the forks”), a number one, although it
offensive gesture V-sign with the knuckles is sometimes used as an
 Horns (variation) meaning “screw you”. outward (the reverse of imperative “wait”. In the
In Mediterranean countries this gesture represents the The Romans called the victory sign) means Middle East, Turkey, and
horns of a cuckold; in Japan it has the related meaning the gesture digitus “piss off”. In the US it is Greece it has the same
of an angry or jealous woman. impudicus. synonymous with the meaning as the middle
Victory/Peace sign. finger does elsewhere:
“screw you”.

 Clinton thumb  Time out  Beckon  Vulcan salute  Fig

Popularized by US president Bill Clinton, In the US this gesture A widespread gesture Used in the TV series Star To the Romans this was a
who may have adopted it from John F. means “time out” in most meaning “come here”. Trekk by Mr Spock, a good luck gesture, and in
Kennedy, this gesture is used to provide sports, with the notable Often used in a superior member of the fictional some countries it is still
emphasis without pointing a forefinger, exception of basketball, or impolite way, it could species of pointy-eared used for luck. In Turkey,
which can be interpreted as over- in which it is the signal also be a sexual Vulcans, this gesture Indonesia, and Russia it
assertive or aggressive. for a technical foul. In invitation, depending means “Live long and is an obscene gesture
Britain it symbolizes “tea on facial expression and prosper”. It originates meaning “screw you”. In
break”, and in Japan it circumstance. in a Jewish gesture the Indian subcontinent it
means “bill please”. of benediction. is used as a threat.

 Point  Bang bang  Blah blah Clenched fist

This is a universal means of indicating Depending on context this gesture, This sign, which mimics lips moving A universal gesture of aggression when
a particular object or direction. In most miming a pistol shot, can be a playful excessively, is a contemptuous gesture held in front of the body. A clenched fist
cultures it is considered rude to point greeting or a menacing threat. Aimed at meaning “boring” or “I’m not listening”. held high is often used by nationalist,
//2 directly at a person – when indicating one’s own temple it is used to acknowledge Also used by referees in some sports to revolutionary, and oppressed groups to
a person it is more polite to use an an error or indicate the wish to escape signal that a player is guilty of dissent. indicate defiance, and it is also a military
open hand. from a boring or frustrating situation. signal requesting heavy weapons.
In general, body language is something
that people give out and respond to
subliminally, although people who
understand the signs may use them
consciously to reinforce their verbal
communication. Posture, orientation,
disposition, eye movement, and other
factors can reveal a great deal about a
person’s true feelings and attitudes,
even though he or she may not be
aware of sending out signals. Body  Eye contact Distance
language is often associated with Too much eye contact can appear rude, over-familiar, or Standing or sitting too far away appears “stand-offish”,
aggressive; too little can indicate a lack of interest. Little while standing too close appears over-keen, pushy, or
flirting and sexual relationships, but or no eye contact shows that a person is either very shy just plain rude. Distance doesn’t have to remain constant
it can also play an important role in or being deliberately deceptive. – there are moments when it makes sense to lean closer
interviews and business relationships. momentarily or to move closer and stay closer.

Orientation  Standing up with hands on hips Standing up, arms folded, and slouching
Legs crossed away from a person (as the woman is doing Hands on hips indicate openness and confidence. Shoulders slouched, arms folded or hugging the body,
here) or body turned away indicates defensiveness or Keeping one’s head upright, rather than tilted to one head tilted, and eyes looking down all indicate
lack of interest, and vice versa. Gestures with the palms side, gives an air of confidence and authority. nervousness or defensiveness.
up or outward, as the man is doing, are open and friendly.

Closed leg postures
Generally speaking, sitting or standing with the limbs
open implies openness, and having them folded or closed
implies defensiveness. However, in the case of short
skirts the closed posture is simply a question of decency.
 Standing with arms close to body  Sitting with ankle resting on opposite knee
Standing with the arms held close to the sides or behind Sitting with one ankle resting on the opposite knee
the back indicates that a person is quietly confident and is known as the “figure four”. This is often seen as a
ready to take what comes. defensive posture, though here, with the relaxed attitude
and open arms, it is probably more about comfort.
Sign language & signals pp.330–33

= Avatar
This Sanskrit word, meaning “descent”,
refers to an earthly incarnation of a
Hindu deity.
A Hindu creator god, Brahma was
a member of the triad, known as the
Trimurti, that also included the gods
Vishnu and Shiva.
In Greek mythology this was a winged
rod entwined with two snakes carried
by the god, Hermes; it was later used
as a physicians’ symbol.

The Arabic word for God.

This small talisman symbolizes
beneficent power; it is traditionally
worn for protection and strength.
The ancient kingdom of Babylonia
A system of writing and printing for the
blind or visually impaired, it comprises
raised dots representing letters and
numerals that are identified by touch.

An enlightened, omniscient being,
A word describing physical, especially
sexual, desires.

According to yoga philosophy, the
body has seven “chakras”, or centres
of spiritual energy, relating to our
Ankh was in Mesopotamia, set between the Buddha may refer to either the physical, mental, and emotional states.
A cross that is shaped like a “T” with Tigris and Euphrates rivers, now Iraq. historical, mortal Buddha, Gautama
a loop at the top, this Ancient Egyptian Sakyamuni, or abstract manifestations Charge
symbol, meaning “eternal life”, is often Bar/Bat Mitzvah of the supreme Buddha nature. This is a heraldic image, such as an
worn around the neck. At 13, a Jewish boy is considered an animal, object, or shape on a shield.
adult, responsible for his moral and Byzantine world
Apostle religious duties and is called a Bar A reference to the Byzantine Empire Christ’s Passion
A missionary or disciple of the early Mitzvah, as is the ceremony that and its distinctive architecture, art, and The Passion of Christ represents the
Christian Church. initiates and recognizes him as such. culture, which gradually emerged from suffering of Jesus at the Crucifixion.
Bat Mitzvah is the female equivalent. the Roman Empire after 330CE when
Asana the capital of the empire was moved Chthonic god
The four poses in which the Buddha Black magic from Rome to Byzantium, now Istanbul. This is a god who is of, or relates to,
appears – seated, standing, walking, or This is practised for evil purposes, often the underworld.

reclining – are referred to as asanas. in league with evil spirits.
Ascetic Blaze A celestial body traditionally seen as
This religious devotee renounces This refers to the description of a coat inauspicious, a comet symbolizes the
material comforts in favour of austere of arms in heraldic terms. coming of war or some other calamity.
Bodhi tree Cornucopia
Assyria In Buddhism this is a fig tree under A cone-shaped receptacle overflowing
An ancient nation and empire, which the Buddha sat when he Cadency mark with fruit, flowers, and grain, a
Assyria covered the northern half of attained Enlightenment. A heraldic system evolved to cornucopia symbolizes prosperity. It
Mesopotamia, now part of Iraq. differentiate between sons who were is associated with Greek mythology.
Bodhisattva also entitled to bear the family arms;
Auspicious symbol A bodhisattva is one destined to attain each one had his own mark, and sons Cosmic ocean
In Buddhism there are eight auspicious Buddhahood, who serves as a guide to of sons added their own mark. This represents the primordial waters
symbols that each signify some aspect others on the path to enlightenment. from which all life emerged.
of the Buddha’s teaching.
Culture hero Five Pillars of Islam scythe, and wearing a black gown,
A superhuman, human, or animal figure These represent the five duties robe, or hooded cape.
that is admired or revered, a culture incumbent on every Muslim: the
hero is one who has benefited an profession of faith in one God and in Gunpowder Plot
entire culture through a heroic or Mohammad as his Prophet, praying five This foiled attempt by English Catholics
compassionate deed; some are times a day, fasting during the month in 1605 to blow up the Houses of
traditionally called upon for protection of Ramadan, giving alms, and making Parliament, is commemorated annually
or guidance. Emoticon hajjj or pilgrimage to Mecca. on 5 November.
This symbol uses punctuation marks to

convey feelings in a written message. Four elements Gurdwara
In alchemy the four elements (fire, A Sikh temple, the gurdwara is the
Enlightenment earth, air, and water) are represented focal point of religious life for Sikhs
In Buddhism and Hinduism by equilateral triangles. and a symbol of worship.
enlightenment is a blessed state in
which an individual rises above desire Fraternity Guru
and suffering and attains Nirvana. A fraternity represents a group of men A term meaning “spiritual teacher”,
who have come together for a common used in Sikhism, Tibetan Buddhism,
Danse macabre Ermine purpose or interest, as in Freemasonry. and Hinduism.
In this medieval “dance of death”, Associated with royalty, white ermine

a skeleton symbolizing death leads fur is used to trim royal robes; the Freudian
a procession to the grave. animals’ black tail-tips are incorporated This describes specific attitudes,
at regular intervals, accenting the white. beliefs, or behaviour that relate or
Darshan subscribe to the psychoanalytic
This is a Hindu term meaning Evil eye theories of Sigmund Freud.
“a viewing”, especially of a sacred Some cultures believe that certain
image or holy person. people can curse victims by looking at Futurism
them. People often wear amulets to Originating in Italy in the early 20th Hazchem
Dharma Wheel avert the effects of the evil eye. century, this art movement set out to This is an acronym for “Hazardous
An important symbol of the Buddha’s express the dynamism of contemporary Chemicals”.
teachings that is also known as the Expressionism life, especially in its mechanization.
Wheel of Law. This early 20th-century art movement Henna

set out to portray the artist’s often A reddish-brown dye obtained from the
Dharmachakra mudra intense inner emotions; reality is leaves of Lawsonia inermis, it is used
This Buddhist hand gesture signifies distorted, colour is typically intense, as a body adornment and hair dye and
the Wheel of Law being set in motion, and brushwork is loose, as in the work symbolizes good luck on festive
as the Buddha gave his first sermon of Edvard Munch. occasions such as weddings.
after attaining Enlightenment.

Diwali A seven-pointed star believed to have
The Hindu festival of lights, Diwali Granthi magical properties, this has various
marks the beginning of winter. This literally translates as “the keeper associations, ranging from Kabbalah to
and the reader of the Sikh scripture”. a symbol for warding off evil.
An Ancient Celtic priest, diviner, Grimoire of Honorius Heretical
magician, and/or teacher. A manual for black magic, this can be This describes beliefs or behaviour
Feng Shui used for invoking demons and spirits. that go against established doctrine.
Dynasty This Ancient Chinese practice of
This represents a succession of rulers positioning objects or orientating Grim Reaper Hexagram
from the same family or line. buildings, is based on a belief that a This mythological figure is a The geometric symmetry of this six-
good flow of “chi”, or energy, promotes personification of death, and is pointed star made it a popular spiritual
harmony, prosperity, and health. portrayed as a skeleton carrying a or magical symbol in many cultures.

Hieroglyph Inuit mete out punishment. Kachina dolls,
A character in any of a number of An indigenous word meaning “the called tithu, are given to girls and
pictorial writing systems; the best people”, Inuit is the collective name for brides on dance days to teach them
known system and one of the oldest a widely scattered group of people about the different Hopi Kachinas.
is that of Ancient Egypt. living in the Canadian Arctic and
Greenland. Kami
Hobo These are nature spirits that are

A drifter or migrant worker who moves worshipped in Shintoism. Magic Square
aimlessly from place to place, a hobo This is a square containing numbers
has no permanent home or job. that are arranged in equal rows and

columns, such that the sum of each
Homonym row, column, and sometimes diagonal
A homonym is a word that sounds is the same. Found in many cultures,
or looks like a word with another engraved on metal or stone, or worn
meaning; for example, the word for as talismans, they are believed to
four in China and Japan also sounds have divinatory and astrological
like their word for “death”, so it is qualities associated with longevity
considered to be unlucky. Jungian and good health.
A devotee of the psychological Labyrinth

doctrines of Swiss psychologist and A complicated arrangement or Mandala
psychiatrist, C.G. Jung, Jungian theory structure of interconnecting paths, A symbolic design representing
stresses the contribution of cultural passageways, or tunnels, also known the Universe, the mandala is used in
and racial inheritance to an individual’s as a maze, in which it is easy to Buddhism and Hinduism as a
psychology, and maintains that there become confused and lost. meditation tool.
are two basic types of people,
introverts and extroverts. Libation vessel Mandorla
This is a drinking vessel that is This almond-shaped halo surrounds

I Ching traditionally horn or cup shaped. the entire body and signifies holiness
An Ancient Chinese system of or the Holy Spirit. In art it often
divination based on a book of Taoist Linga surrounds the image of Christ or
philosophy, I Chingg is expressed in Also called lingam, a linga is a stylized the Virgin Mary.
hexagrams chosen at random and phallus worshipped by Hindus as a
then interpreted to answer specific symbol of the god Shiva. Mantra
questions and offer guidance. There Traditionally, a mantra is a sacred
are 64 hexagrams in total, each Logo word or phrase repeated in prayer,
composed of two groups of three lines Ka’ba This is a symbol, name, or trademark meditation, or incantation associated
that may be broken or solid. Islam’s most sacred shrine, the Ka’ba, designed for easy and immediate with Hinduism and Buddhism.
is in the Holy Mosque in Mecca. recognition.
Iconography Martyr
This is the art or representation by Kabuki Lutheran A martyr is an individual who dies for
pictures or images of a chosen subject; A highly stylized, traditional Japanese Of or relating to the Protestant his or her religious principles.
Christian iconography ranges from drama, kabukii evolved from Noh movement based on the principles of
representations of angels to saints. theatre, in which elaborately costumed the German reformer Martin Luther Medieval times
male performers play both the male (1483–1546). Lutheran theology was Also known as the Middle Ages, this
Incarnation and female roles. founded in Germany at the start of the period of European history is often
This term refers to the bodily Reformation in the 16th century and dated from 479 to 1453CE.
manifestation of a divine being, an Kachina had as its original goal the reformation
idea common in religions, such as The Native American Hopi believe in of the western Catholic church. Meditation
Buddhism and Hinduism. supernatural beings called Kachinas – This is the practice of focusing on
rain-bringers and spiritual messengers something specific, such as an object,
that also intercede in village life and sound, or visualization, to heighten
awareness of the moment, reduce
stress, and enhance spiritual growth. It
features in many eastern religions.

This describes the geographical and
cultural area of Central America that
spreads from Mexico to El Salvador.
Mughal Empire
Flourished in India from 1526 to 1857,
the Mughal Empire spawned a
characteristic Indo-Islamic-Persian
style of art and architecture.

This is the process of preserving a dead
This is a phenomenon or prophetic
This is an image carved into rock, and
is associated with prehistoric art.

A form of visual language, pictograms
use symbols or images to convey
information, such as the hieroglyphs on
body and wrapping it according to sign believed to herald good or evil. an Ancient Egyptian tomb, or male and
Mesopotamia Ancient Egyptian practices. The viscera female figures on a door to represent a
This region between the Tigris and and brain were removed and preserved Ordinary public lavatory.
Euphrates rivers is now known as Iraq. in special funerary jars; the body was In heraldry an ordinary is a basic shape
then dried out with sodium carbonate on a shield design, such as a bar. Pictograph
Milky Way before being wrapped in bandages. This is an image drawn or painted on
Illuminating the night sky, this galaxy Original Sin to a rock face.
includes the Sun and the Solar system. Mysticism In Christian doctrine Original Sin is
This philosophy is based on the belief the condition of sin into which every Portent
Ming Dynasty that absolute knowledge of God or human is born, as a result of Adam and Another word for an omen, this is a
This Chinese imperial dynasty lasted the spiritual truth can be reached Eve eating the forbidden fruit. sign or happening that is interpreted as
from 1368 to 1644CE. through spiritual intuition that is symbolic of a significant event to come.
believed to transcend ordinary sensory Orthodox Church
Mon experiences or understanding. A community of Christian Churches Primordial waters/ocean
This traditional Japanese system of that has its roots in the Byzantine The primordial waters are the waters
symbolic emblems is similar to the Myth Empire and acknowledges the honorary from which all life emerged, and refer
western system of heraldry. A traditional story, a myth usually primacy of the Patriarch of to the time before creation, when the
involves gods and heroes and typically Constantinople, rather than the Pope. cosmos was a place of chaos.
Monarchy sets out to explain the origins of a

This term refers to a state ruled or cultural practice or natural phenomena. Psychic powers
headed by a monarch (a king or queen). This refers to the ability to use extra-

sensory perception to see things that
Monotheistic faith are hidden from the senses (including
Based on the belief in one god, such the past and future); such powers were
faiths include Christianity and Islam. traditionally used by witches and seers.

Morse Psychopomp
This is a telegraph code in which Pagan god A psychopomp is a guide of souls to the
numbers and letters are represented Any god who is not associated with underworld, such as Charon or Hermes.
by strings of dots and dashes. Nirvana Christianity, Judaism, or Islam, is
The ultimate state of Buddhist bliss viewed by followers of these religions Ptolemaic universe
Mother Goddess and freedom from the cycle of birth, as a pagan god. The model for the Universe according
Found in many cultures, the idea of the rebirth, and union with the universal, it to the Ancient Greek astronomer,
Mother Goddess goes back to earliest is only attainable after all attachment Passover Ptolemy, in which the Earth took
times in which a nurturing female and desire has been extinguished. This Jewish festival commemorates centre-stage and the Sun, the Moon,
deity represented the Earth, and was the deliverance of the Jews from Egypt. planets, and stars revolved around it.
associated with creation and fertility. Noble Eightfold Path
According to Buddhist belief, this Pentagram Pythagoras
Mudra pathway to enlightenment involves A five-pointed star, the pentagram A Greek philosopher considered to
In Buddhism a mudra is any one of a eight factors, such as right thought, has magical associations and was be the first true mathematician,
series of ritualistic hand gestures, each right action, and right livelihood. symbolically important in Ancient Pythagoras (c580–500BCE) theorized
with its own specific meaning. Mudras Greece and Babylonia. In Christianity that numbers contained the essence
are also used in Hindu iconography. it represents the five wounds of Christ. of all natural things.

canonization, as being entitled to each hand; it employs an alphabetic stupas became places of pilgrimage,
public worship, and capable of code based on the position of the around which worshippers walk in a
intervening for people on Earth. signaller’s arms. clockwise direction.

Samsara Semi-god Sufism

In Hindu and Buddhist tradition Part-human, part-god, a semi-god is A mystical Islamic movement,
samsara represents the endless cycle sometimes also a heroic figure, such as Sufism seeks the Truth – divine love and
Reincarnation of birth and rebirth dictated by karma Hercules in Greek mythology. knowledge through the direct
In Asian religions reincarnation is (an individual’s destiny as determined experience of God.
the rebirth of the soul in another body. by their conduct during life). Release Shaman
from samsara only comes with the A priest within certain tribal societies, Surrealism
Renaissance attainment of true knowledge. a shaman acts as a medium between A 20th-century art movement that
A revival of the Classical arts, the the human and spirit worlds, and aimed to express the workings of the
Renaissance began in Italy in the 14th Samurai practises magic for healing or subconscious mind, Surrealism is
century and spread throughout Europe This is the Japanese military feudal divination purposes, or to control typically characterized by dream-like
until the end of the 16th century. aristocracy or a professional warrior natural events. Both men and women imagery and the unexpected
belonging to this class. can be shamans. juxtaposition of subject matter.
River Styx Salvador Dalí was a Surrealist artist.
In Greek mythology the River Styx was Sarcophagus Shapeshifter

a river in Hades across which the dead A term describing a stone coffin, a In mythology or fiction, a shapeshifter
were ferried to the underworld. sarcophagus is located above ground is someone or something that can
and is often elaborately decorated. change from one form into another; a
Rudra/Shiva well-known example is that of a human
Meaning “howler”, Rudra is the Satyr changing into a werewolf.
malignant Vedic god of storms and In Greek mythology a satyr is a
winds. As Hindu beliefs developed, woodland deity with the head and Shou
Rudra’s name changed to Shiva. trunk of a man, and the pointed ears, The Taoist character for longevity, Shou
horns, and hind legs of a goat. Satyrs is often depicted as a circular symbol. Tabla
Rune have a tendency for lechery and revelry. In China it is sometimes paired with This small hand drum originated in
Used in divination, runes are an ancient other symbols of long life. northern India.
set of symbols with their origins in the Seal of Solomon
alphabets of Ancient Germanic tribes. Depending on context, the Seal of Socialist Realism T’ai Chi circle
Solomon is either a six-pointed star, or A style of art, literature, and music, This double spiral is a symbol of life

hexagram, believed to possess magical established in the Soviet Union in the and represents the relationship between
powers; a Jewish symbol called the 1930s, Socialist Realism sought to Yin and Yang, the interdependent
“Star of David”; or any one of 25 promote the development of Socialism, elements of Taoist philosophy that
species of flowering plants from the and typically portrayed workers and combine to create a balanced whole.
genus Polygonatum. other members of a Communist society
in a heroic or idealized manner. Tarot
Sefirotic tree A means of divination using Tarot cards,
In Kabbalah, the Sefirotic Tree of Life Spirit helper these comprise a set of 78 playing
Sadhu comprises ten primal numbers and 22 A spirit acting as an ally or servant of a cards, including 22 cards portraying
In Hinduism a sadhu is a wandering paths representing the forces behind shaman, a spirit helper is subservient vices, virtues, and elemental forces.
holy man who has renounced the creation. These numbers are shown as to, rather than the protector or teacher
material comforts and earthly circles called Sefirot, which make up a of, the person it assists. Tefillin
pleasures of the world. tree form. The Sefirotic Tree is also One of the two small leather cases
associated with Tarot cards. Stupa containing texts from the Hebrew
Saint Originally an ancient burial mound, a Scriptures that are traditionally worn
In Christianity a saint is someone who Semaphore stupa is a dome-shaped monument. by Jewish men during morning prayer.
has been officially recognized by the This is a visual system for signalling After the Buddha’s death stupas were
Church, especially through information using two flags, one in erected to house his relics. Important
The Dreaming Trinity Varna Yuga
In Australian Aboriginal tradition, The In Christianity the Holy Trinity In Hinduism it is any of the four classes A yuga is one of the four ages of the
Dreaming refers to either the time of symbolizes the Father, the Son, and that make up the caste system in India. Hindu world cycle.
creation, or to an individual or group’s the Holy Spirit.

set of beliefs or spirituality. Veda

A Veda is any of the most ancient and
The Great Departure authoritative Hindu sacred texts
In Buddhism this is the journey made gathered into four collections.
by Prince Siddartha, the future Buddha,
when he renounced his princely life in Vedic
the palace for the life of a wandering This refers to anything belonging to or
ascetic. Buddhist boys entering the relating to the Veda or Vedas (see
monkhood re-enact this scene. above), the type of Sanskrit in which Zen
Udjat they are composed, or the Hindu A school of Mahayana Buddhism that
Totem Depicted as a forward-facing human culture from which they came. originated in China, Zen Buddhism
An animal, plant, or natural object – or right eye and eyebrow, the udjat was maintains that enlightenment can be
a representation of one – a totem is an worn as an amulet. It is also known as Vever attained only through meditation and
emblem of a tribe, clan, or family; it is the wadjet or the Eye of Horus. In voodoo each vever is a symbolic the development of mental and
sometimes worshipped as an ancestor, design of a specific spirit. It is made spiritual discipline, rather than through
guardian, or creator figure. Ushnisha on the ground by sprinkling powder, worship. It is practised mainly in China,
A sign of the Buddhahood, the ushnisha such as cornmeal, prior to or during a Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.
Tree of Knowledge is usually a knot of hair, a flame-like ceremony. It serves as a focal point for
This is the biblical Tree of Knowledge element, or a bump on the top of the invocation and as an altar for offerings. Zohar
of good and evil in the Garden of Eden; Buddha’s head. This Jewish Kabbalistic book is
traditionally attributed to Rabbi Simon

its forbidden fruit was eaten by Adam
and Eve, resulting in their Fall from ben Yochi in the first century CE.
Grace and exile from Eden.
Tree of Life A member of a religion founded in
The mythical Tree of Life grew in Persia by Zoroaster around the early
Paradise and its fruit, if consumed, second millennium BCE; modern-day
bestowed immortality. devotees include the Parsees of India.
Tricolour Vahana According to Ancient Chinese
A tricolour is a flag comprising three Many Hindu gods are portrayed philosophy, Yang is one part of two
parallel stripes in different colours; mounted on an animal or bird vahana, complementary forces or principles
these may be vertical, horizontal, which represents a specific function that underlie and control all nature.
diagonal, and of equal or unequal associated with the god; for example, It is masculine and positive.
width, and be either defaced (as in Shiva rides a bull, symbolizing strength
bearing an emblem or device) or plain. and potency. Yantra
Derived from a Sanskrit word meaning
Trigram Vanitas “to sustain”, a yantra is a geometric
A figure made up of three solid or A type of symbol-laden, sombre still- design traditionally used by Hindus to
broken parallel lines, a trigram is life painting, popular in Flanders and focus on as an aid to concentration
typically used in Chinese philosophy or the Netherlands in the 16th and 17th during meditation.
divination according to the I Ching. centuries, vanitas art serves as a
reminder of the brevity of life, the Yin
Trimurti futility of pleasure, and the inevitability In Ancient Chinese philosophy, Yin is
Hindus worship the Trimurti, or triad, of of death. Common vanitas symbols passive, moist, and feminine; it is the
the gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. include hourglasses and rotten fruit. opposite of Yang.

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Aquarius 200 piercing 257 bull: horn 122

Abriman 190
aquatic creatures 68–69
Arabian dress 249
Arabic alphabet 308
Aramaic alphabet 306
arch 235
Babylonia 34, 338
body language 334, 337
bones 114
oracle 197
reading 197
book 239
bulldog 223
bullfrog 65
burials 129, 243
Burma: symbol 223
buttercup 84
acacia 95 Bacchus 41, 57, 99, 141
archangels 189 Book of Changes (I Ching) 170, butterfly 72, 131
acanthus 81 bagpipes 274
architecture 226–31 197, 340 bwa flying spirit 149
acorn 121 Bahamas: coat of arms 223
buildings: elements 234–35 Book of Splendour 174 Byzantine empire 338
Adam 190 bakery 314
dual-symbolism 227 Boreas 35, 41 crown 46
adolescence: rituals 125 balcony 234
feminine 227 Borobudur, Java 230–31
Adoration of the Golden Calf 44 Baldr 143
masculine 227 Bosch, Hieronymus:
agate 42 Bali: cremation 129

religious 228–29 Death and the Miserr 263
age 282 ballet 268
sacred places 232–33 Seven Deadly Sins 298–99
Agni 30 bamboo 80
Ares 141 bow and arrow 224
Agrippa of Nettesheim 113 bang bang 336
Arianrhod 142 bow (gesture) 334
air 15, 211 banyan 95 cadency marks 319, 338
Aries 200 bower 245
airport marshalling signals 331 baobab 95 Cadmus 109
Ark of the Covenant 95, 172 bowl 9, 238
albatross 58, 242 Baphomet 190 caduceus 67, 211, 314, 338
armorial bearings 219 box 239
alchemy 45, 47, 210–11, 287 baptism 125 calendars: Mayan 18
arms 115 bracelets 194
Ali Baba 273 Bar/Bat Mitvah 125, 338 calligraphy 181
Arnolfini Marriage Portrait 240–41 Brahma 87, 106, 157–59 163, 338
All Blacks 258 bark cloth 248 calmness 281
art 262–65 Brahman 158
Allah 338 Barong dance-drama 270 Cambridge University:
Australian aboriginal 152–53 Brahmi alphabet 308
alligator 64 basement 235 coat of arms 321
Buddhist 164–65 braille 297, 309
almond 99 basil 88 camel 54
cats in 57 Braille, Louis 309
almond tree 95 basilisk 74 Cameroon mask 271
Ethiopian 107 brands 316–17
alms bowl 167, 238 Bastet 19, 57, 139 Canadian Mountie 253
Islamic 180, 181 bread 100
alphabets 175, 278, 300, 306–09 bat 53 Cancer 200
rock 233, 302 Brer Rabbit 151
altar steps 237 Batik patterns 248 candle 129
symbolism 9–10 bridal bouquet 127
Amaterasu 147, 171 beads 255 cane toad 65
Taoist 170 bridges 226
Amazon: flooding 39 bear 52, 147, 150, 223 cannabis 81
Vanitas paintings 132–33 Brigid (goddess) 142
amber 46, 47 bearskin 251, 253 Cao Dai temple 228
Artemis 19 Britain:
American football signals 333 Beauty and the Beast 273 cap 251
Arundel: coat of arms 320 stamps 222
American Indians 16, 23, 24, 29, beaver 53 Capricorn 200
asanas 164, 338 symbol 223
31, 34, 45, 52, 136 beckon 336 Capricornus 77
Asante sword 225 brooches: mourning 130
pictograms 302 bee 73 card games 216
ascetic 338 broom 192, 238
scalping 110 beech 94 card reading 198–99
ass: wild 55 brow: finger to 335
amethyst 43 beehive 73 Cardinal Virtues 247
association football signals 333 Brown, Dan 209
Amnesty International 316 Beelzebub 72 carnality 338
Assyria 338 Brueghel, Peter 262
amphibians 64–65 beetle 72 carnation 85
Astarte 120 Bryce Canyon, Utah 24
amphitheatre 227 Bellerophon 76 Carnival 259
astrology 15, 22, 136 Buddha 86, 87, 97, 136, 159, 167,
Amritsar: Golden Temple 185 bells 129, 154, 274 carp 68
chart 202–03 338
amulets 116, 180, 194–95, 338 beret 251 carpet: Islamic 182–83
Chinese 204–05 as amulet 195
Amun 138 Bes 108 cartomancy 198–99
Western 200–03 asanas (postures) 164
Anansi 151 betel nut 89 castle 227
astronomy 22 directional 166
Ananta 157 Bhairava 106, 159 Castleford: coat of arms 320
asuras 191 ears 106
ancestors 136–37, 146–47 Bhumibol Adulyadej 216, 218 cat 56–57, 193
Athena 141 eyes 229
anchor 242 bird of paradise 61 Catherine, St. 10, 177
attic 235 footprint 116, 118–19
Andorra: coat of arms 320 birds 50, 58–63 Catholics:
Aum 161 hair 108
anemone 85 battling serpent 8 priests 137, 282
auspicious symbol 165, 338 jade 255
angels 128, 188–89 in flight 7 sacred places 233
Australian aboriginal 37, 147, 233 mudras (hand gestures) 164,
anger 299 national symbols 223 Cat’s Eye 43
Dreaming 10, 67, 136, 152–53, 165, 339, 341
Angkor Wat 229 birth symbols 123 cauldron 192, 209
342 steps of 237
animals 50 birthstones 15, 43 cave art 54
autumn 41 Buddhism 8, 14, 37, 164–69
in alchemy 211 bjis poles 146 caves 25
avatar 338 art 10, 164–65
as ancestors 147, 150 Black Death 129 Cellarius, Andreas 21
axe 224 chakras 115
attitudes 319 black magic 190, 338 Celts 63, 142–43, 209, 295
Azabache 194 Eight Auspicious Symbols 119,
bones 154 black mass 190 Cenotaph 131
Aztecs 63, 101 165, 338
heraldic 318–19 black sheep 55 censer 188
human sacrifice 115 enlightenment 45, 87, 107, 164,
horoscope signs 204 blackbird 61 Centaur 77
mosaic mask 271 166, 339
national symbols 223 blah blah 336 Cerberus 53, 81
mythology 19, 23, 24, 29, 30, festival 131
skins 155 blaze 338 Ceres 40
36, 39, 57, 145 Great Departure 342
ankh 195, 289, 305, 338 bloodlust 280 Cerne Abbas 122
rites 31 monkhood 167
Anne, St. 123 bloodstone 42 Cerunnos 142, 190, 193

sacred places 233 monument 230–1

ant 73 BMW 317 chakras 114, 338
mythology 28, 191
Anubis 52, 115, 139 boar 55, 155, 204 chalice 192
Noble Eightfold Path 341
ao dai 249 boats 242–43 Chalma, Mexico 232
sacred places 232, 233
aphrodisiacs 88, 89, 99, 101 Boccioni, Umberto: Street Noises chameleon 64
snake in 67
Aphrodite 140 Invade the Street 264 Chang E 19
symbols 69, 86, 87
Apollo 17, 40, 82, 141, 232 Bodh Gaya 233 Chantico 30
Wheel of Life 168–69
apostle 338 Bodhi tree 97, 167, 338 Chappe, Claude 331
buffalo spirit 149
apple 98 bodhisattvas 164, 166, 338 charges 318, 338
buildings 214–15
apsaras 160 body 104 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 62
elements 234–35
apu 148 adornment 256–57 charm bracelets 194
Bukwas 150
aquamarine (gemstone) 43 painting 153 Charybdis 32
Chaucer, Geoffrey 126 cloves 89 cults: Sun 17 Devil 190–91, 192 mummification 115, 129
chef’s hat 251 clubs: group affiliations 258 culture heroes 151, 338 dew 36 pyramids 29
chequered flag 329 CND 316 cuneiform 300 Dewi Sri 41 ship burial 243
cherry 95 coach of state 221 Cupid 140 Dhakhan 147 snake in 67
Cherubim 189 coats of arms 53, 222, 223, 320–21 currency symbols 279, 312 Dharma Wheel 167, 339 symbols 63
cherubs 35, 189 bee in 73 Cybele 24 diamond 42, 255 Ein Sof 174
chess 216 eagle on 62, 63 cyclamen 83 dice 197 El Dorado 45
chest 238 Prince of Wales’s 322–23 Cyclops 107 didjeridu 275 Elder Futhark 307
Chi Wara 151 royal 219 cymbals 275 Dionysus 57, 106, 141 electrical wiring 283
chicken-watching 196 Cocidius 142 cypress 94, 129 dipo ritual 125 Elema people 147
childbirth 105, 120, 123 cock 60, 204 Cyrillic alphabet 307 divination 136, 196–99 elements 205, 339
chimera 76 cocking a snook 335 Czestochova, Our Lady of 233 divine flame 31 elephant 55, 223
chimney 234 coconut 197 Divine Proportion 113 elephant spirit 149
Chimu people 146 coffee 51, 101 divinity 281 Elizabeth I 216

China: coffins 129 Diwali 161, 339 Elizabeth II: coronation 220, 221
art 91 cohoba powder 155 djed 114 elves 149
badges of honour 321 coins 129 dodo 61 emerald 42
dragons 36, 42, 78, 79 as necklace 254 dog 53, 204, 241 emoticons 313, 339
gods and goddesses 19, 30 Colosseum 227 Da Vinci Code 209 dollar bill 261 emperor 217
hand positions 117 colour codes 283 Daedalus 17 dolls: voodoo 187 Empire State Building 227
Honour Guard 252 colours 241, 278, 280–83 daffodil 82 dolphin 68 empress 217
jewellery 255 heraldic 338 dagger 225 dome 227, 235, 285 endless knot 115
mountains 29 columns 105 Dagr 143 Dome of the Rock 180 England: sports emblem 258
opera 269 comet 338 Daikoku 171 Dominican Republic: coat of arms enlightenment 45, 87, 107, 164,
pagodas 229 communion: rite of 177 daisy 84 320 166, 237, 339
script 301, 309 Communists 224 Dalí, Salvador 266–7 donkey 55 envy 299
temples 229 compass 181, 243, 294 Danaë 36 door knocker 235 Eos 16
winds 35 compasses 261 dances 268–9 doorway 235 Epic of Gilgamesh 39
Yin and Yang 115 conception 105 ballet 268 dove 61, 177 equilateral triangle 286
Chinese Han script 309 conch 69 of death 129 Dracula 109 equinoxes 232
Chinthe (Chin–thei) 76 condor 59 haka 108 dragon 8, 36, 42, 78–79, 204, 241 ermine 339
Chiron 77 confetti 127 Indian 269 dragonfly 72 Eros 136, 140
Chloris 70–71 Confucius 146 Japanese 41 dream: in art 265, 266–67 escutcheon 323
chocolate 101 Constantine, Emperor 233 maypole 268 dreamcatcher 291 eternal flame 31
Christ 111, 136, 176 constellations 15, 22 rain 36 Dreaming, The 10, 67, 136, Ethiopia:
Passion 338 copper 47 Spanish 222 152–53, 342 art 107
Christianity 14, 16, 22, 24, 31, coral 47 spiral 285 dreams: symbolism 10–11 flag 279, 324
176–79 corn dollies 41 sword 268 drinking horn: triple 143 Etruscan alphabet 307
acts of worship 177 cornelian 43 Thai 268 Druids 80, 339 European Union 316
angels 128, 188 cornucopia 121, 338 dandelion 85 drum 274 Eurus 35
art 9–10 coronations 220–21 danse macabre 129, 339 rune 154 Eve 66, 67, 190
baptism 125 corset 248 Dante Alighieri 284 duck 41, 58 everyday objects 238–39
churches 228 cosmic hierarchy 46 darshan 339 Durga 57, 160 evil 282
cross 176, 178–79 cosmic ocean 338 Darwin, Charles 95 durian 99 evil eye 107, 116, 175, 194, 339
enlightenment 45 Cosmic Tree 51, 97 date (fruit) 99 dynasty 339 exorcism 191
fertility symbols 120 cosmology 14 David, King 172 Dzunukwa 150 Expressionism 265, 339
Lutheran 340 costume see clothes dawn 16 eye 104, 107, 194
Original Sin 341 cotton mark 315 Day of the Dead 114, 130, 131 all-seeing 260, 261

Orthodox Church 259, 341 countries: De Occulta Philosophia 113 finger to 335
Sacred Heart 115 flags 115, 324–29 deadly nightshade 81 raised 334
sacred places 233 number of 222, 324 Deadly Sins 298–9 Eye of Providence 107
saints 177 symbols 222–3 deaf: sign languages for 330 Eye of Wisdom 107
snake in 67 courage 283 death 105, 128–31, 282 Ea Oannes 77 eyebrow: raised 334
symbols 81, 84, 176–77, 242 cow 54 personification 114 eagle 62–63, 211, 223
Trinity 285, 343 cowardice 283 deforestation 91 ear 106

water in 32 cowrie shell 69, 105, 121 Degei 157 stretched lobes 256
worship 259 Coyolxauhqui 19 Deineka, Alexander 264 ear-stelae 106
Christmas tree 94 coyote (animal) 52 deities 14 earrings 254
Christopher, St. 195 Coyote (trickster) 151 of childbirth 123 Earth 15, 24–25, 211
chrysanthemum 82 crab 68 chthonic 338 goddesses of 24 fabulous beasts 74–77
chthonic god 338 crane 59 descent from 147 link with Heaven 22 façade 234
Chu Jung 30 creation myths 14, 16, 50, 87, of Earth 24 earthquakes 25 Fairtrade 315
church 177 156–57 of fertility 120 Easter 40 fairy tales 7, 37, 90, 91, 272–73
Catholic 228 cremation 129 of fire 30, 31 Easter egg 121 falcon 59
Lutheran 228 crescent 279, 289 of Moon 19 Easter Island: moai figures 147 Fallingwater, Pennsylvania 226
orientation 229 star and 23 of mountains 29 eclipse: lunar 18 fan 239
Churchill, Winston 223 cricket: umpire’s signals 332 multiple-armed 115 Ecuador: coat of arms 320 Father Time 131
Cihuacoatl 24 crocodile 64 multiple-headed 106 Eden, Garden of 244 Fawkes, Guy 214, 223
cinnamon 89 crocus 82 pagan 341 eel 69 feather headdress 250
circle 7, 261, 284 Cronos 140, 141 of rain 36 egg 101 FedEx 317
concentric 284 crops 50–1, 100–1 of stars 23 Egypt: feet 116, 117
of Sun 17 amulets 195 female 104

spirit 193 cross 176, 178–79, 279, 287, 289

triple 193 Christian 176, 178–79 of water 32, 33 architecture 87 Feng Shui 339
circumcision 124, 125 crow 60 of weather 34, 35, 36, 37 beards 108 fennel 88
Citroën 317 crown 218, 221 Delphi 232 beliefs 115 fern 80
Clinton thumb 336 Crown Jewels 221 delta 33 creation myth 87 Ferrari 317
clothes 215, 248–53 Crown of Thorns 177 Delvaux, Paul 265 fertility rites 120 fertility 104–5, 120–23, 280, 281
headwear 250–51 crucifix 178–79, 195, 287 Demeter 24, 40 gods 17, 19, 23, 30, 32, 33, 41, gods 120
mourning 130 crystal 43, 241 demons 190–91 45, 57, 108, 116, 120, 138–39 rites 122
uniforms 252–53 crystal ball 136, 196 feet 117 Great Pyramid 233 symbols 67, 121
clouds 35 cube 287 dentistry 314 hieroglyphs 123, 300, 304–05, fez 250
clover: four-leaf 80 cuckoo 61 desert 25 339 fig 98, 336
Devanagari alphabet 308 measurements 117 fig tree 95
figurehead 242 Geb 138 Hamsa (Hamesh) hand 116 mythology 28, 33, 34, 36, 57, intestines 115
fingernails: nail guards 117 gecko 65 Hanuman 160 73, 92–93, 106, 108, 115, Inti 145
fingers: gestures 335, 336 gematria 175 Hand of Fatimah 180 158–60, 285 Inuit 32, 155, 340
fire 14, 15, 30–31, 104, 211, 280 Gemini 200 hands 116–17 sacred tree 95 iris (flower) 83
ceremonies 31 gemstones 42–43 gestures 335 scriptures 39 Iris (goddess) 37, 83
fire crackers 31 George, St. 79 Buddhist 164, 165, 339, 341 snake in 67 Irish harp 274
fire extinguishers 283 Gerard Majella, St. 123 dance 269 water in 32 iron 47
fish 68–69, 121, 176, 195 Germany: mask 271 hennaed 127 worship 161 Iroquois 94, 271
fist: clenched 336 gestures: symbolic 334–37 hands up 335 hippopotamus 54, 123 Ishtar 23
Five Pillars of Islam 180, 339 Ghana 129 handshake 335 hippopotamus mask 149 Isis 23, 41, 139, 147
five-pointed star 22 gila monster 64 Freemason’s 261 hobo 303, 340 Islam 8, 180–81
flags 15, 115, 278–79, 324–29 ginger 89 Hansel and Gretel 91 Holbein, Hans, the Younger 264 angels 188
at half mast 128 ginkgo 95 Hapi 33, 39 holiness 283 architecture 287
nautical 243 ginseng 89 hare 41, 53 holly 94 carpet 182–83
flamingo 58, 223 glaciers 37 Harmonia Microcosmia 21, 203 Holy Grail 208–09 emblem 23, 69
fleur de lys 177, 194 glossary 338–43 harp 188, 223, 274 Holy Roman Emperor 221 Five Pillars of 180, 339
floods 14, 39 gloves 248 Harpies 77 home 214, 238–39 garden 244
biblical 37 gluttony 299 Harry, Prince: coat of arms 323 homecoming 281 prayer 181
floor 235 gnomes 149 Hartnell, Norman 220 homonym 294, 340 sacred places 232
Flora 40, 81 goat 54 Harvard coat of arms 321 honey 101 symbols 180
flowers 51, 82–85 Gobind Singh 185 harvest festivals 41 honeysuckle 83 tiles 181, 228
flute 274 God: hats 250–51 hook 225 worship 259
fly (insect) 72 Hand of 116 Hawaii: goddesses 25 hoopoe 59 Isle of Man: flag 115
fly whisk 218 names of 174 hawk 59 Hopis 34, 151 isosceles triangle 286
flying fox 53 Goddess 8–9 hawthorn 81 Horae 71 Israel 172
foods 100–01 gods and goddesses see deities Hazchem signs 310, 339 Horeb, Mount 29 Ivan the Terrible 219
fool 217 gold 44–45, 71 hazelnuts 121 horned lizard 65 ivory 47
football signals 333 alchemy and 210–11 head 104, 106–9 horns 335, 336 Ivory Throne 219
footprints: of Buddha 116, 118–19 quality control 315 multiple 106 horoscopes: ivy 81
footwear 249 Golden Fleece 45 shrunken 111 Chinese 204–05 Ixchel 19, 123
Forbidden City 219 goldfinch 61 as trophy 110–11 Western 200–01 Ixtab 144
forest 90–91 Golgotha 111 head-shake 334 horse 54, 204
forget-me-not 84 gong 275 headdress: shaman’s 154 Horus 139

fountain 245 goose 58 headhunting 111 eyes 107, 195
Four Last Things 299 Gorgon 75, 108 headwear 250–51 hourglass 131
fox 52 gourd 99 heart 115 Huehueteotl 30, 145
foxglove 81 Granthi 339 pierced by arrow 126 Huitzilopochti 145
France: Seal 222 grape 99, 255 hearth 238 hula skirts 249
Francis of Assisi, St. 10, 177 grasshopper 72 Heaven: human body 104, 114–15 Jack and the Beanstalk 272, 273
fraternity 339 gravestones see tombstones link with Earth 22 universe and 112–13 jackal 52
Freemasonry 17, 73, 260–61, 286 Great Departure 342 staircase to 236–37 Humbaba 115 Jacob’s Ladder 236, 260
Freud, Sigmund 122, 265, 273, 339 Greeks: Hebrew alphabet 175, 306 hummingbird 60 jade 42, 170, 255
Frey 143 alphabet 307 Hebrew Triad 175 hunting: dogs and 53 jaguar 57
Freya 143 mythology 1, 17, 19, 24, 29, 32, Hecate 19, 24, 89, 106, 123 husk mask 271 Jahan, Shah 130
Frigg 123, 143 35, 36, 40, 41, 45, 53, 57, 58, hedgehog 53 hyacinth 82 Jahangir, Emperor 265
frilled lizard 64 69, 77, 85, 107, 120, 140–41 Heel Stone 16 Hyacinthus 82 Janus 34, 57, 67, 106
frog 65, 150 theatre mask 271 Hei Tiki 195 Hydra 75 Japan:
fruits 51, 98–99 Grenadier Guards 253 Heidelberg University: coat of arms hyena 52 art 91
as jewellery motif 255 griffin 74 321 Hymen 81, 98 badges of honour 321
Fuji, Mount 25 Grim Reaper 105, 128, 339 Helios 17, 85 Hypnos 85 earthquakes 25
Fujin 35 Grimm Brothers 90 helix 285 emblem 17
funerary rites 129 grimoire 339 Hell: emperors 147

fungi 81 Grimoire of Honorius 190 circles of 284 gods 34, 35
Fuseli, Henry 265 grotto 245 Mouth of 109 kimono 249
Futurism 264, 339 group affiliation 258–89 Hells Angels 258 Jasna Gora 233
guardian angels 189 helmet 251 Jason 45
Guevara, Che 259 hen 60 I Ching 170, 197, 340 Java: masks 270

Guinness 317 henna 256, 339 ibis 58 jay 60
guitar 122 marriage designs 127 Ibsen, Henrik 269 jealousy 299
gun 122, 225 heptagram 193, 288, 339 Icarus 17 jeans 248
Gundnestrup cauldron 209 Hera 141 ice 37 Jerome, St. 57
Ga tribe 129 Gunpowder Plot 223, 339 heraldry 116, 278–89, 318–23 ichthys 195 Jerusalem 172
Gabriel, Archangel 188 gurdwara 185, 339 coats of arms 320–21 iconography 340 Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Gaia 24, 157, 232 Guru Granth Sahib 185 herbs 88–89 Idun 142 233
Galla 191 Guru Nanak 136, 184 Hercules: Labours of 57 Igbo mask 271 jester 217
Ganesha 67, 160 gurus 184, 339 heresy 339 imperial power 282 jet 47
Ganga 33, 161 herm 122 Inari 171 jewellery 215, 254–55
Ganges, River 129, 161, 215 Hermes 141 incarnation 340 mourning 130

gangs: heroes 136 Incas: jewellery chest: Egyptian 304–05
group affiliations 258 culture 151, 338 deities 145 Jivaro clan 111
tattoos 257 heron 58, 93 jewellery 254 Judaism 172–75
garbha griha 229 incense 89 angels 188

hexagon 289
Garden of Eden 244 Hades 88, 140 hexagram 22, 288, 339 India: burials 129
gardens 215, 244–45 hail 36 hieroglyphs 123, 300, 301, dance gestures 269 festivals 173
gargoyles 8 hair 108 304–05, 339 masks 270 Kabbalah 97, 174
garlic 89 ritual cutting 125 high five 335 sari 249 prayer 173
garnet 43 Haiti 187 Hinduism 136, 158–63 Indonesia: shadow theatre 269 symbols 22
Garuda 75, 159 haka 108 creation myths 87, 157 Indra 36 synagogue 228
Gauguin, Paul 262 hall 235 demons 17 initiation rites 105, 124–25, 260 wedding 127
gavel 261 hallucinogens 51 earthquakes 25 innocence 283 Jung, C.G. 340
Gawain, Sir 217 halo 188 enlightenment 107, 339 insects 72–73 Juno 141
Gay Pride 282 Hals, Franz 133 marriage 127 international signs 310–13 Jupiter (god) 140
gazelle 55 hammer and sickle 224 Interpol 316 Jupiter (planet) 21
in astrology 201 lapis lazuli 43 maize 100 Ming Dynasty 340 nats 148
Justina, St.: attribute 76 Lascaux caves 233 Makara 75 Minotaur 77 natural world 50–51
Last Supper 177, 209 male 104 mint 88 nature 281
laurel 94 Mama Wati 186 mirror 238, 241 in art 262

lavender 85 mammals 52–55 mist 35 nature spirits 148–49
laziness 299 Man: and the Universe 112–13 mistletoe 80, 126 nautical symbols 243
lead sulphide 47 mandalas 231, 291–93, 340 Mithra 24 Navajo 29, 37, 302
leather 315 mandorla 289, 340 mitre 250 neck rings 255
ka 123 Leda 58 mandrake 80 Mixcoatyl 23 necklace 254
Ka’ba 180, 232, 340 leek 101 mango 99 Mjolnir 142 Nefertem 87
Kabbalah 97, 174 legal profession 314 Mantegna, Andrea 246–47 moai figures 147 Nenet 155
Kabi Australian Aboriginal people legs 115 mantra 340 modesty 282 Nepal: flag 328
147 ornaments 254 manual languages 330–33 mokas 257 Neptune (god) 32, 141
Kabuki 268, 340 lemon 98 Mao, Chairman 259 mon 341 Neptune (planet) 21
kachhera 184 Leo 200 Maoris 23, 31, 37, 67, 108, 257 monarchy 216, 341 in astrology 201
kachina 148, 340 Leonardo da Vinci 209 maple leaf 126 monitor lizard 64 net 225
Kagu-Zuchi 171 Vitruvian Man 112–13 Mara 191 monkey 55, 133, 204 Netherlands: flag 327
Kahakura 37 leopards 57 Mardi Gras mask 271 monotheistic faith 341 New Guinea:
Kali 108, 109, 160, 162–63 level 260, 261 Marduk 34, 157 monsters 50 clubhouse 111
Kalki 159 Lewis, C.S. 10 Margaret, St. 241 Moon 14, 18–19, 210 mask 270
Kama 73 Lhasa: Potala Palace 227 Marian Star 23 in astrology 201 New Orleans: funerals 129
Kamadhatu 231 libation vessel 218, 340 marigold 85 cycles 18 New York: Empire
kami 340 Libra 200 marriage 105, 126, 127 eclipse 18 State Building 227
Kanaloa 69 lifeboat 242 Mars (god) 84, 141 gods and goddesses 19 New Zealand: emblems 59, 80, 223
kangaroo 53 light 239 Mars (planet) 21 influence 18 Newspaper Rock, Utah 233
kangha 184 lighthouse 227 in astrology 201 and star 126 night sky 22–3
kara 184 lightning 14, 34 martyr 340 symbols 57 nightingale 60
Kartikeyya 160 lily 82 Mary Magdalene 108, 209 triple 193 Nike 140
Kau Cim 197 limbs 115 Masai: costume 249 mooncakes 41 Nile: flooding 39
Kelimatu 233 linden 94 masks 16, 146, 147, 149, 270–71 moonstone 43 Ninurta 79
kesh 184 linga (lingam) 120, 122, 340 masons: marks and tools 261 Morpheus 85 Nirvana 341
key 239 lion 57, 131, 167 mast 243 Morrigan 142 Noah 37
Khan, Inayat 265 green 211 mathematical symbols 312 Morse 297, 309, 341 Ark 38, 39
Khepri 17, 72 Lion Throne 219 Mattsya 39, 159 mortar board 250 Noble Eightfold Path 341
Khmer alphabet 308 lip plugs 254, 256 Mau Mau 259 Moses 29 nod 334
Khnum 116 lips 109 Maui 31 mosques 180, 229 Noh theatre: mask 270
Kiddush cup 127 finger on 335 Maya 18, 19, 101, 129, 144, 301 moth 72 Nordic mythology 34, 77, 123,
kilt 249 literature: symbolism 10 maypole 105 Mother Earth 24 142–43, 224
kimono 127, 249 Little Red Riding Hood 273 dance 268 Mother Goddess 341 North Semitic alphabet 306
kingfisher 58 liver 115 maze 245, 290 mother-of-pearl 47 Northern Lights 23
kings 216 lizards 64 measurements: hand as unit 117 motley 217 Norway: coat of arms 222
kinnara 74 loa 187 Mecca 180, 181, 232 mountains 14, 28–29 nose 104, 107
kinnari 74 lobster 68 medical profession 67, 314 Mountains of the Immortals 29 nose rings 257
kippah 250 locket 130, 195 Medieval times (Middle Ages) 340 Mounties 253 Notus 35
kirpan 184 locust 72 meditation 340 mourning 105, 128, 130–31, 282 numbers 278, 294–97
Kirrtikukha 76 lodestone 47 Mehndi Day 127 mouse 53 systems 297
kiss 334 logograms 300, 309 melon 98 mouth 109 numerology 206–07, 294
kiwi 59, 223 logos 279, 316–17, 340 memento mori 189 Muhammad, Prophet 29, 136, 180, gematria 175
knife 239 Loki 151 memorials 130–31 232 Nun (god) 32
knighting 225 London: Menolo 147 mu–yu 275 nurse’s uniforms 253
knights 194, 217 O2 arena 227 menorah 173 mudras 164, 165, 339, 341 Nut (god) 139
Knights of the Round St Paul’s Cathedral 285 menstruation 125 Mughal empire 341 nutmeg 89
Table 208, 209 Tower Bridge 226 Menthe 88 art 265
knot garden 245 longyi 249 Mercedes Benz 317 mulberry 95

kohl 256 loom 239 Mercury (god) 141 mummification 129, 146, 341
Koran 180, 181, 183 lotus 86–87, 93, 115, 119 mercury (metal) 211 Munch, Edvard 265
koto 274 Louis XIV 17, 216, 219 Mercury (planet) 21 music: traditional 222
Koyo 257 love 280 in astrology 201 musical instruments 274–75
Krishna 92–3, 159 love knot 127 Meretseger 67 musical notation 279, 313 oak 94, 131
Krobo people 125 love ring 254 mermaid 77 myrrh 89 obelisk 105
Ku 191 love tokens 126 Meso-America 340 myrtle 81 Obon 131
Kuba 146 loving cup 127 Mesopotamia: fertility rites 120 mysticism 341 Oceania: flags 328
Kukulcan 144 Lucina 123 metals: precious 46–47 myth 341 octagon 289
Kurma 159 lunar cycle 203 Mexico: octopus 69
Kwakiutl mask 270 lungs 115 Day of the Dead 114, 130, 131 Odin 77, 143

ky–lin 76 lust 299 temples 29 OK 335
lute 275 mezuzah 173 olive 95
lyre 274 Michael, St., Archangel 128, 189 Olives, Mount of 29

H Micmac 147 Olympic Games 31, 45

Microsoft Windows 317 naga 75 Olympic rings 316

Mictlantecuhtli 145 nail guards 117 Olympus, Mount 29
nails 177 omen 341

Midas 45
labyrinth 290, 340 naivety 281 onion 101
Midsummer’s day 16
ladder 9, 236–7, 261 Naiveu, Matthys: onyx 43
Mihrab 229
ladybird 72 Ma’at 139 vanitas painting 132 opal 43
military uniforms 253
lady’s bedstraw 123 maenad 122 naming ceremonies 125 opera: Chinese 269
milk 101
Lajja Gauri 121 magic: Nanabush 151 oracle bones 196, 301
Milky Way 23, 151, 340
lakes 33 black 190, 338 Napoleon 63 oranges 98, 241
mime 268
Lakshmi 160–61 voodoo 187 Narasimha 159 orb 218, 221
Mimi 151
lamb 55, 176 witchcraft 192 Narcissus 33, 82 orchid 83
Min 120
lamp 131 magic square 206, 340 Narnia stories 10 Order of the British Empire 288
minaret 180
landscapes 25 magpie 60 nationality 214, 222–23 ordinary 318, 341
Minerva 141
Lao Tzu 170 Mahabharata 75 nativity scene 176 organ (musical) 275
organic farming 315 pine 94 shark 68
organs: of body 115
Original Sin 341
Orion 23
Orleans, Charles, Duke of 126
Orthodox Church 259, 341
pine cone 121
pineapple 98
Pinocchio 74, 107
Pisces 200
pith helmet 250
rabbit 53, 204
Sabbath 173
shaving 125
Sheela na Gig 121
sheep 55, 204
shell 69, 70–71
shield 224
foot 195 Sacred Heart 115
Osiris 23, 57, 107, 114, 138, 147 planets 15, 20–21 Shield of the Trinity 285
racoon 52 sacred places 215, 232–33
ostrich 59 in astrology 201, 203 Shinto 81, 170, 171
Radha 92–93 sacrifice 14, 137
owl 59, 128 plants 50–51, 80–81 ship burials 129, 243
Rahu 17, 191 human 115
ox 54, 204 platinum 315 ships 242–43
rain 36 sadhu 161, 342
Oxfam 316 Pliny 41 ship’s cloth 242
rituals 36 Safa, Mount 29
Oxford: coat of arms 320 plough 225 Shiro-maku kimono 127
rainbow 37, 295 saffron 89
plum 95 Shiva 34, 57, 67, 106, 108, 120,
rainforest 91 sage 88
plumb rule and line 261 158, 162–63, 342
ram 55 Sagittarius 200

Pluto (god) 21, 140 shofar 173
Rama 159 sago 100
Pluto (planet) 21 shooting stars 22
Ramadan 181 sails 242
in astrology 201 Shou 284, 342
ram’s horn 173 saints 177, 342
poisons 51 shrines 161
Pachacamac 145 Rangda 270 salamander 41, 64
polar bear 155 Hindu 229
packing symbols 311 Raphael, Archangel 189 salmon 69
Pole Star 23 Shinto 171
Paduang 255 Rastafarianism 81 salt 101
policeman’s helmet 251 wayside 148
pagan gods 341 rat 53, 204 saltire 178
politics: shrunken heads 111
pagodas 229 rattle 154 samsara 342
affiliation 259 Sicily: flag 115
painting see art Ravana 191 Samson and Delilah 108
in art 264 Siddhartha, Prince 87, 167,
palace 219, 227 raven 60, 128, 151, 193 Samurai 217, 342
polygons 289 263, 342
Pallas Athene 246–47 Re 45, 139 sword 225
Polynesian mask 271 sign languages 330–33
palm 95 rebirth 280 sapphire 42
pomander 194 signet ring 254
palmistry 198 Red Cross 314 sarcophagus 342
pomegranate 99, 121, 255 signs: definition 6
Pan 141 reed 80 sari 249
Pope: coronation 221 Sikhism 184–85
P’an Ku 157 regalia: of royalty 218 Satan 190–91
poppets 192 emblems 185
pansy 83 reincarnation 341 Satanism 190–91
poppy 85, 128 five Ks 184
Paradise: rivers of 33 religion 136 Saturn (god) 140, 141
portent 341 silver 47, 255
parrot 60 in art 263 Saturn (planet) 21
Poseidon 32, 69, 141 quality control 315
parsley 88 worship 259 in astrology 201
postage stamps 222 Simurgh 74
Parvati 106, 158, 163 religious uniforms 253 satyr 106, 342
Potala Palace 227 Sinai, Mount 29
passion 280 Remembrance Day 130 scalene triangle 286
potions 192 Sinus (star) 23
passion flower 83 Renaissance 341 scallop 69, 70–71
prayer beads 181, 241 Sioux 45, 63, 250
Passover 173, 341 Renard the fox 151 scalping 110
prayer book 173 sirens 77
patterns 290–93 renunciation 280 scarab beetle 72, 195
prayer flags 329 sitar 275
Paul, St. 177 reptiles 64–67 scarification 256
prayer mat 181 Sitwell: coat of arms 320
pawnbroker 314 Rhiannon (goddess) 142 sceptre 218, 221
prayer shawl 173 six-pointed star 22
Pazuzu 194 rhinoceros 55 school uniform 253
prayer wheel 167 skeleton 114
peace 283 ribs 114 Scorpio 123, 200
praying mantis 73 skull and crossbones 243
peach 98 rice 100 scorpion 73
precious matter 46–7 skulls 111
peach tree 95 at weddings 127 screen 239
precious stones 15, 42–43 necklace of 163
peacock 60, 121 ring 254, 284 scuba diving 332
Priapus 120, 122 in vanitas paintings 133
feathers 107 mourning 130 sculpture: religious 229
pride 299 sky-watching 23
pear 98 rivers 33 scythe 224
priests 137, 282 skyscraper 227
pearls 46 Robert de Boron 208 sea 32
primordial waters 341 sleep: in art 265
Pech Merle, France: cave art 54 robin 61 sea urchin 69
primrose 82 Sleipnir 77, 143
Pegasus 54, 76 Robin Hood 223 seahorse 68
princes 217 sloth 299
Pele 25 rock 24 seal (aquatic) 69
princesses 217 snail 73
pelican 58 rock art 233, 302 Seal of Solomon 22, 210, 342
professional symbols 314–15 snake 66–67, 204
pen and ink 238 rocket 122 seasons 14, 40–41, 104
Prometheus 31 Snakes and Ladders 67, 237
pendulum 196 Roman alphabet 306, 307 Sebastian, St. 177
psychic powers 341 snow 36, 37
pentacle 193 Roman mythology 24, 30, 32, 40, secret garden 245
psychopomp 341 Snow Queen 37
pentagram 22, 113, 287, 341 106, 140–41 Sedna 32
Ptah 108, 116 Snow White 273
peony 83 Rome: Sefirot 174
Ptolemy 21 snowdrop 83
peridot 43 Colosseum 227 Sefirotic Tree 97, 342
Ptolemaic universe 341 snowflakes 37
permanence 280 St. Peter’s 233 Sekhmet 30, 139
public information signs 310 Snyders, Frans 133
Persephone 24, 41 roof 235 Selene 19
pukpuk 155 Sobek 139
persimmon 99 rope 225 Semai 11
punk 258 Social Realism 264, 342
Peter, St. 177 rosary 177 Semana Santa 259
Purana 39 Solomon Island 147
petroglyph 302, 341 rose 84, 126 semaphore 331, 342
purity 281, 283 Solomon, King 22
Peugeot 317 rose window 84, 291 semese 147
purse 239 solstices 16, 232
Phaeton 17 rosemary 88 semi-god 342
pyramid 29, 130, 233, 261, 286 Sophocles 269
phallic symbols 67, 104, 120, 122 Round Table 284 semi-precious stones 42
Pyramid of the Sun 233 Sorbonne: coat of arms 321
phallus 105, 120, 122 royalty 214, 216–17, 281 Sengen-Samba 171
Pythagoras 341 South America: flags 325
pharaoh 216 coronations 220–21 Seraphim 189
sparrow 61
pharmacy 314 regalia 218 serpent 190
spear 224
trappings 218–19 double–headed 75

phi 148 spells 192
Philosopher’s Stone 210 ruby 42 rainbow 37

Spencer, Stanley 263

phoenix 17, 74, 79, 89, 211 Rudra 34, 157, 342 set square 260
sphere 284
phonograms 300 rule of three 260 Seth 139, 190
sphinx 76
pictograms 300–03, 309, 341 rune drum 154 sextant 242
spices 88, 89
pictograph 341 Qin Shi Huangdi 217 runes 197, 307, 342 shadow theatre 269
spider 73
picture writing 300–05 qitou 76 Russia: emblem 223 Shakespeare, William 269
spine 114
pig 54 quail 59 Ryujin 34 shaman 57, 137, 342
spinning wheel 239
pilasters 235 quality control 315 shamanism 154–55
spiral staircase 237
pilgrimage: sites of 232–33 queen 216 shamrock 80
spirals 285
pilgrims: feet washing 117 query 335 Shango 34
spirit helpers 155, 342
Pilgrim’s Progress 10 Quetzalcoatl 39 shapes 278, 284–89
spirit wife 148
pillar 234 shapeshifter 342
spirits 137 torch 131 veil 127, 251 wink 334
spleen 115
Splendor Solis 211
spoons: love 126
sport: group affiliations 258
sports car 122
tabla 342
tortoise 65
totem pole 150
totems 150, 342
Tower of Babel 226
Tower Bridge 226
Venetian mask 271
Venus (goddess) 140
birth 70–71
Venus of Laussel 24
Venus (planet) 21
winter 41
winter solstice 16
witches 192–93
detecting 193
test for 33
table 238
sports symbols 312 trade routes 8 in astrology 201 wolf 52
tadpole 65
Spider Woman 144 trademarks 316 Venus of Willendorf 121 wolfsbane 81
T’ai Chi circle 342
spring (season) 40, 94 traffic lights 283 Vermeer, Johannes 46 Women’s Institutes 258
Tai, Mount 232
springs 33 traffic signs 310 Versailles Palace 219 wool mark 315
Taipei 227
square 261, 287 trail blazes 302 Vestal Virgins 265 World Health Organization 317
Taj Mahal 130
magic 206 treachery 281 vevers 187, 343 worm 73
tala wipiki 34
squirrel 53, 151 Tree of Knowledge 66, 97, 343 Vices 246–47 wrath 299
tamarisk 95
staff 155 Tree of Life 96–97, 173, 174, 343 Victoria (goddess) 140 wren 61
Tantra 67
stag 55 trees 50, 51, 91, 94–95 Victoria, Queen 130 Wright, Frank Lloyd 226
tao t’ieh 8
stained glass 228 sacred 96–97 Vikings: dragons 79 writing: picture 300–05
Taoism 29, 78, 170
staircase/stairs 214, 234, 237 triangle 286–87 vine leaves 255 WWF 316
Tarot 114, 198–99, 342
standards compliance 315 tribal totems 150 violet 83
tattooing 257
star 261 tricksters 136, 151 Viracocha 145
Taurus 200
five-pointed 131 tricolour 279, 343 Virgin Mary 8, 19, 23, 47, 176, 245
Tawaret 123, 138

jewellery 255 trigrams 343 Virgo 200
tea 51, 101
Star of Bethlehem 288 Trimurti 343 Virtues 247
tea leaves: reading 196
Star of David 22, 172 Trinity 285, 343 Vishnu 67, 75, 87, 115, 117, 157,
teeth 109
Star of Lakshmi 288 triratna 119 159, 163
teeth flicking 335 X–ray paintings 153
starfish 69 triskelion 115 Vishnu Anantasayana 157, 159
tefellin 173, 342
stars 14, 15, 22–3, 288 Triton 77 Vitruvian Man 112–13
telescope 21, 242
gods of 23 trowel 261 volcanoes 25

Tell, William 266
shooting 22 trumpet 274 voodoo 186–87
Statue of Liberty 222 tulip 82 Vulcan 30
Cao Dai 228
stelae 106 turban 250 Vulcan salute 336
Chinese 229
stimulants 51 turquoise (gemstone) 43 vulture 59, 128
Hindu 161, 229 Yaeyama dancers 41
Stoker, Bram 109 turtle 65, 147 vulva 121
Mexican 29 yakusa 257
stomach 115 turtle doves 126
in shape of mountains 29 yam 100
Stonehenge 16, 215, 232 Turukawa 157
Sikh 185 Yama 109

stork 58, 123 Tutankhamen 216
Ten Commandments 29, 172 Yang see Yin and Yang
storms 34 Two Brothers 90
tengu 74, 107 yantra 343
stupas 229, 342 Tyr 143
Teotihuacan 233 yardarm 243
Styx, River 33, 342
termite 73 Wailing Wall 172 Yaxchilan temple: hieroglyphs 301
submarine 242
terracotta soldiers 217 yew 94

Sufism 342 Wales: emblems 79, 101
terrapin 65 walking the plank 242 Yggdrasil 96
Sukkoth 173
tetraktys 175 wall 235 Yin and Yang 27, 104, 157, 170,
sulphur 211
Texcatlipoca 57 walled garden 245 343
Sumerians: gods 23
Thailand: udjat 107, 343 wand 155, 192 landscape 26–27
Sumeru, Mount 28
dancers 268 undines 149 Wandjina spirit 153 Yang symbols 17, 29
summer 40
emblem 223 unicorn 76 war 280 Yip Hong 262
summer solstice 16
Thanksgiving Day 223 uniforms 252–53 war cries 108 youth 281
Sun 14, 16–17, 210
theatre 268–69 Union Jack 327 war paint 256 Yum Cimil 144
in astrology 201
thistle 81 United Nations 317 warning signs 279
cults 17
Thor 34, 142 United States of America: Hazchem 310, 339
gods 17

hammer 224 emblem 223 Wars of the Roses 84
sacrifice to 115
Thoth 139 flag 326 washing:
as national emblem 17
Thousand and One Nights 273 seal 63 of feet 117
symbols 57, 63, 85, 87, 147,
thread 238 University of Sydney: coat of arms of hands 116
281 Zambia coat of arms 320
throne 219 321 Washington, George 261
Sun King 17 Zen 244, 284, 343
empty 167 Uranus (god) 157 wasp 72
Sun mask 16 Zephyrus 35, 70–71
thumbs up 335 Uranus (planet) 21 Wat Phra Keo 232
Sun signs 200–1 zero 296
thunder 14, 34 in astrology 201 water 14, 15, 32–33, 104, 211
sunflower 85 Zeus 36, 58, 108, 140
thunderbird 74, 150 Urban VIII, Pope 73 in art 10
Surrealism 342 Zewditu, Empress of Ethiopia 217
thyme 88 uroborus 211 water spirit 149
surrender 283 zither 275
thyrsos 122 ushnisha 343 waterfalls 33
Surya 17, 87 zodiac 22, 200–01, 205
Tiamat 157 Utpanishtim 39 wave (gesture) 335
Susa-No-O 171 chart 202–03
tie 248 waves 32
swallow 61 Zohar 174
tiger 56, 204 weapons 215, 224–25
swan 58 Zoroastrianism 31

tooth 195 weather 34–39
swastika 7, 119, 142, 261, 289 Zu 79
tiles: Islamic 181, 228 symbols 311
sweat lodge 155 Zulu: houses 226
timepiece 239 wedding cake 127
sword dance 268
tjemen 146 whale 68, 150
swords 225
Tlaloc 36 vahana 343 wheat 100
Sydney Harbour Bridge 226
Tlaloc, Mount 29 Valentines 126 wheat sheaf 121
syllabaries 300
toad 65, 193 Valkyrie 35 Wheel of Law 165, 167, 169
tobacco 81 valleys 25 Wheel of Life 168–69

in art and literature 9–10

tokoloshi 191 Vamana 159 whirling dervishes 269, 285
in daily life 9
tomato 99 Van Eyck, Jan 240–41 whirlwind 35
definition 6
tomb garden 244 vanitas 132–33, 343 White Buffalo Woman 151
of dreams 10–11
tombs: Mayan 129 vanity 299 Wicca 192, 193
migration 7–8
tombstones/gravestones 53, vantras 291 widow’s cap 130
modern 11
116, 131 Varaha 159 wigs 251
systems 278–79
tongue 108, 334 Varanasi 233 William III and Mary 216
synagogue 228
tools 215, 224–25 varnas 343 William, Prince: coat of arms 323
top hat 250 Vayu 35 willow 94
topaz 42 veda 343 windows 214, 234
Torah 172 Vedic gods 17, 30, 35 winds 35, 70–71
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