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Load and Inflation Pressure Effects on Tires

E. C. Burt, A. C. Bailey

ABSTRACT percent when the inflation pressure was reduced from

RACTIVE efficiency was experimentally optimized 240 to 103 kPa. He concluded that the central inflation
T for a radial-ply tractor tire. Results show that tractive
efficiency can be significantly improved by selecting ap-
pressure system on military vehicles offered a definite in-
crease in mobility with a relatively small increase in vehi-
propriate levels of inflation pressure and dynamic load cle complexity.
for a particular soil condition. The potential gains in With modern microcomputer and control technology,
tractive efficiency which could result from the applica- it seems that feasible systems could be developed which
tion of automatic controls to field traction situations are would optimize a performance parameter of pneumatic
explored. tires, such as tractive efficiency, by automatically con-
trolling dynamic load and inflation pressure. Algorithms
INTRODUCTION could be developed which would allow the determination
of optimum tractive efficiency by evaluating tractive effi-
Energy efficiency has become an increasingly impor- ciency over a range of dynamic load and inflation pres-
tant consideration in American agriculture. National sure values and then selecting the most efficient
goals for energy conservation as well as economic pres- operating condition. This optimum condition would be
sures on the farmer have created the need for a reassess- applicable to a particular soil condition and drawbar
ment of some agricultural systems from the perspective load. Changes in either the soil condition or the drawbar
of energy availability and costs. Changes in the economy load would require re-evaluation of the operating condi-
together with advancements in technology have caused tion. The possibilities for such a concept prompted us to
systems which offered no economic advantage in the past conduct an investigation to determine the interactive ef-
to now be economically desirable. fects of dynamic load, inflation pressure, and soil condi-
Young and Schafer (1977) discussed the application of tions on the performance of a radial-ply tractor tire.
automatic controls to the traction system. They empha-
sized that the transducers, control elements, and micro- PROCEDURES
computer technology are currently available to provide
control of dynamic load and inflation pressure of existing The tire used in this study was a 20.8 R-38, 8-ply-
pneumatic tires. Control of these variables perhaps could rating tire with R-l tread and radial-ply construction,
be utilized to optimize tractive performance. furnished by B. F. Goodrich Company.* A radial-ply tire
The effects of inflation pressure and dynamic load on was selected because of its reported ability to resist rim
tire performance have been recognized for many years. slippage and its ability to operate at high torque and high
McKibben and Davidson (1940) reported that inflation tire deflection without sidewall buckling.
pressure was one of the most important factors affecting All tests were conducted in the soil bins at the National
motion resistance of unpowered pneumatic tires. Tillage Machinery Laboratory, using the single-wheel
Kliefoth (1966) and Zombori (1967) investigated the ef- tester described by Burt et al. (1980). The single-wheel
fects of inflation pressure on the performance of bias-ply tire tester is a soil-bin vehicle with the capability of
measuring the variables needed to determine net trac-
tractor tires. Results from these studies showed that a de-
tion, travel reduction, dynamic load, inflation pressure,
crease in inflation presure resulted in an increase in
and tractive efficiency.
drawbar pull at constant travel reduction. Zombori's re-
sults showed that at a constant drawbar pull a reduction The rolling radius of the tire was determined on a rigid
in inflation pressure resulted in a significant reduction in surface at net traction equals zero. To determine the roll-
travel reduction, which caused a significant increase in ing radius for this study, the tire was run on concrete at
tractive efficiency. zero net traction over a range of dynamic loads and infla-
Czako (1974) discussed the uses of central inflation tion pressures. The data obtained were used to define
pressure systems on military vehicles throughout the rolling radius as a function of dynamic load and inflation
world. He reported results of drawbar pull tests which pressure. Later, when the tire was operated on soil, this
rolling radius function was used in travel reduction cal-
showed increases in drawbar pull on loam soil of up to 20
Article was submitted for publication in October 1981; reviewed and Soil bins containing Davidson clay loam and Congaree
approved for publication by the Power and Machinery Division of clay loam were chosen for the study. Each soil was used
ASAE in February 1982. Presented as ASAE Paper No. 81-1537. twice, once with a loose and once with a compacted sur-
Terminology used in this paper is defined in ASAE Standard S296.2
The authors are: E. C. BURT and A. C. BAILEY, Agricultural face condition. All soils and conditions had a compacted
Engineers, National Tillage Machinery Laboratory, USDA-ARS, layer between 300 and 400 mm below the surface.
Auburn, AL.
Acknowledgment: The authors express their appreciation to *Use of a company or product name by USDA does not imply ap-
Mr. J. M. Hooper, B. F. Goodrich Company, for his advice and proval or recommendation of the product to the exclusion of others
technical contribution to this study. which may also be suitable.

1982—TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 881


Mean moisture Mean bulk density,

Cone index, kN/m content, % at g/cm3
Soil at depths of depths of at depths of
Soil Surface
type condition code 30 mm 250 mm 30 mm 250 mm 30 mm 250 mm
Congaree Compacted 4-1 250 560 16.3 18.3 1.23 1.33
Congaree Uncompacted 4-2 100 400 15.5 19.4 1.08 1.29
Davidson Compacted 6-1 650 2100 15.8 19.1 1.29 1.37
Davidson Uncompacted 6-2 75 450 16.0 19.3 1.10 1.44

Characteristics of the test soils are presented in Table 1. all soils and conditions displayed the general trend of
Two types of tests were conducted in this study. In one higher NT at lower IPr, the relative differences in NT
test, the dynamic load was continually and slowly in- caused by IPr were not consistent. For example, on un-
creased from zero to a value which showed obvious, ex- compacted Davidson clay, the 28- and 55-kPa curves
cessive tire deflection. During each of these individual were reasonably close together. The 82 and 110 kPa
tests, both travel reduction and inflation pressure were curves were also grouped together. The difference be-
held constant. These varying dynamic load tests were run tween the two groups was similar to the total data range
at nominal inflation pressures of 28, 55, 83, and 110 kPa shown in Fig. 1(a). By contrast on the compacted David-
(4, 8, 12, and 16 psi) at both 10 and 20 percent travel son soil, the 55- and 83-kPa curves at 20 percent TR were
reduction on each soil type and condition. The second grouped together. These results show that soil condition
type of test was run by slowly and continuously increas- has an important effect on the NT, IPr, DL relationship.
ing the inflation pressure in the test tire during a test Fig. 1, (c) and (d), shows the effect of DL on tractive
run. Dynamic load was held constant at either 16 or 28 efficiency (TE) at four levels of IPr. These curves show
kN (3597 and 6295 lbs) during these runs. Travel reduc- relatively small differences in TE resulting from changes
tion was constant at nominal values of either 10 or 20 in either DL or IPr. These differences are typical of those
percent. The minimum inflation pressure at the start of found in each of the soil conditions tested.
each test was such that tire deflection was reasonably Fig. 2 shows results from a test in which the IPr was
high. When the test ended at maximum inflation pres- continuously varied over a range while DL and TR were
sure, the dynamic load was either 60 or 100 percent of held nominally constant. These results were from a test
Tire and Rim Association rated static load. on Congaree clay loam with a loose surface condition
The authors recognize that some of the tire loads and (same soil condition as shown in Fig. 1). In general, the
inflation pressures used in this study are well beyond the trend for NT shown in Fig. 2(a) is representative of
limits recommended by the Tire and Rim Association. trends found for all soil conditions tested. The trend for
These tests were run under highly controlled conditions TE to increase with decreasing IPr, as shown in
to explore the potential of a concept, and results should Fig. 2(b), is representative for tests run on loose surface
not be taken as a recommendation that the load limits soils. On soils with a compacted surface, the IPr had a
established by the Tire and Rim Association be ignored. somewhat greater effect on TE than is shown in
Fig. 2(b).
RESULTS The effect of DL on TE when IPr and TR are constant,
Fig. 1, (a) and (b), shows typical curves of net traction as well as the effect of IPr on TE when DL and TR are
(NT) expressed as a function of dynamic load (DL) for 10 constant, is important but relatively small. However,
and 20 percent travel reduction (TR), respectively. These changes in either DL or IPr at constant TR cause im-
results are from tests run on Congaree clay loam with a 10 r
loose surface condition (soil code 4-2). The effect of infla- z
tion pressure (IPr) on the NT is shown by the differences z
between the four constant IPr curves on each plot. While o
(a) (b) <
28 kPa
20 83
* 0

Slg 0.8
o o
cr £ 0.6

0.0 JL_ _L_

50 100 150
I N F L A T I O N P R E S S U R E , kPa
FIG. 1 Effects of dynamic load, inflation pressure, and travel reduction
on net traction and tractive efficiency (soil 4-2). (NTML Photo No. FIG. 2 Effects of inflation pressure on net traction and tractive efficien-
P10,319) cy (soil 4-2, TR = 10 percent). (NTML Photo No. P10,315e).

882 TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE—1982


Net Travel Inflation Dynamic Net Travel Inflation Dynamic

traction, reduction, pressure, load, SLR,* Tractive traction, reduction, pressure, load, SLR,* Tractive
kN % kPa kN % efficiency kN % kPa kN % efficiency
4-2 Soil — Uncompacted surface 6-2 Soil — Uncompacted surface
10 10.1 35.0 18.4 128 0.72 10 9.8 35.5 19.2 134 0.73
10 9.0 63.0 21.2 104 0.73 10 9.4 60.0 20.0 101 0.74
10 8.6 75.0 22.0 98 0.74 10 9.3 82.0 22.8 95 0.72
10 9.4 118.0 23.7 80 0.71 10 9.8 118.0 23.4 79 0.70
10 18.4 34.0 16.4 115 0.68 10 18.5 36.8 18.6 127 0.66
10 18.6 63.0 18.3 90 0.66 10 19.0 61.0 19.7 98 0.66
10 17.9 73.0 19.4 87 0.66 10 18.4 79.0 20.0 86 0.66
10 19.0 119.0 20.0 68 0.64 10 17.9 120.0 21.4 72 0.65
14 10.5 38.0 24.6 148 0.72 13 10.4 38.0 24.8 164 0.72
14 9.4 65.0 28.0 135 0.74 13 9.5 61.0 25.0 125 0.75
14 8.4 77.0 29.6 129 0.75 13 9.2 84.0 28.8 119 0.74
14 9.5 119.0 32.2 109 0.73 13 10.2 119.0 29.6 100 0.71
14 18.1 38.0 23.0 150 0.68 13 18.6 39.0 23.4 152 0.67
14 18.4 65.0 25.1 121 0.67 13 19.0 63.0 24.9 122 0.67
14 17.8 75.0 26.4 117 0.67 13 18.6 80.0 25.4 108 0.66
14 19.5 121.0 28.2 94 0.65 13 18.2 123.0 27.2 90 0.66
18 9.6 68.0 34.8 163 0.74 18 9.7 65.0 34.0 164 0.74
18 8.2 80.0 36.6 154 0.76 18 9.0 87.0 37.7 153 0.75
18 9.6 122.0 39.8 132 0.73 18 10.4 122.0 38.7 129 0.72
18 18.4 68.0 31.8 149 0.67 18 19.5 67.0 32.6 157 0.66
18 17.6 78.0 33.3 144 0.68 18 19.0 83.0 34.2 143 0.66
18 19.5 123.0 37.5 124 0.69 18 18.6 128.0 35.8 116 0.66

4-1 Soil — Compacted surface 6-1 Soil — Compacted surface

9 9.5 32.5 20.6 149 0.74 8 9.8 31.0 16.6 125 0.76
9 9.0 60.0 23.0 116 0.75 8 9.6 56.0 19.0 100 0.73
9 9.4 73.0 24.4 110 0.75 8 9.6 70.0 19.6 90 0.74
9 9.2 112.0 24.2 85 0.75 8 11.0 113.0 21.8 76 0.70
9 18.0 28.0 18.5 147 0.69 8 18.5 33.0 15.0 108 0.68
9 18.2 57.0 20.5 106 0.67 8 18.6 55.0 15.2 81 0.67
9 18.3 71.0 20.5 94 0.65 8 18.5 69.0 15.6 73 0.68
9 18.7 111.0 21.5 76 0.65 8 18.4 112.0 16.3 57 0.66
11 9.3 35.0 25.0 174 0.73 13 9.6 34.0 24.0 168 0.74
11 8.1 62.0 28.0 138 0.75 13 9.4 59.0 27.3 139 0.74
11 9.2 74.0 28.5 123 0.75 13 9.2 84.0 28.8 133 0.74
11 9.2 114.0 29.0 100 0.75 13 10.2 119.0 29.6 113 0.71
11 18.0 29.5 21.6 165 0.69 13 18.6 39.0 23.4 155 0.67
11 18.2 58.0 24.0 123 0.67 13 19.0 63.0 24.9 123 0.67
11 18.2 72.0 24.0 109 0.66 13 18.6 80.0 25.4 110 0.66
11 18.6 111.0 25.4 89 0.66 13 18.2 123.0 27.2 91 0.66
16 6.6 66.0 36.8 176 0.76 16 9.2 60.0 31.6 159 0.74
16 8.6 77.0 37.2 162 0.76 16 9.0 75.0 34.6 152 0.74
16 9.1 116.0 39.5 135 0.76 16 8.9 117.0 39.3 134 0.73
16 18.0 61.0 31.2 156 0.68 16 18.2 60.0 28.4 143 0.69
16 17.8 75.0 32.3 143 0.67 16 18.2 73.0 28.4 128 0.69
16 18.4 114.0 34.0 118 0.67 16 18.2 115.0 31.5 109 0.68

* SLR = Static load ratio

portant changes in NT. In an actual field situation where 14 kN as well as results from similar analyses at NT
a tractor is performing a given operation, an increase in values of 10 and 18 kN. Results from Table 2 at a NT of
NT can be used to effect an important change in the TR 14 kN are presented graphically in Fig. 3. Table 2 and
level. At a particular soil condition and implement set- Fig. 3 show that, on this particular soil condition, selec-
ting, a particular level of NT is required. If an increase in tion of the appropriate levels of DL and IPr can cause the
NT from the tires resulting from the selection of different TE to range from 0.65 to 0.75.
DL and IPr values becomes available, the increased trac- This procedure was used on data from each of the re-
tion capability will result in reduced TR. This reduction maining soil conditions, and the results are presented in
may result in a corresponding increase in TE. This effect Table 2. The range of the differences in efficiency be-
can be seen in Fig. 1. For purposes of illustration, as- tween the least efficient and the most efficient conditions
sume that the implement draft requirement will be 14 kN was 0.06 to 0.10. The magnitude of the range was depen-
per tire and that the engine throttle will be adjusted to dent on the soil type and condition.
maintain constant forward velocity. As shown by the In order to provide an indication of the relationship
14-kN line drawn on the NT curves of Fig. 1, this value of between the actual tire loads used in this experiment and
NT can be reached at either 10 or 20 percent TR. At a the Tire and Rim Association load ratings, we defined a
NT of 14 kN, there are four combinations of DL and IPr term called static load ratio (SLR) as
that result in tire operation at 20 percent TR and four
Actual DL
combinations that result in tire operation at 10 percent SLR = x 100.
TR. The TE for each combination can also be determin- LR
ed from Fig. 1. Table 2 (4-2 soil) shows the TR, IPr, DL, The LR (load reference) value used in this equation was
and TE values for each of these combinations at a NT of from the relationship used by the Tire and Rim Associa-

1982—TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 883

tion, maximum TE of 0.76 occurred at 31 kPa (4.5 psi).
However, the TE would have only been reduced to 0.74 if
the IPr had been increased to 70 kPa (10 psi). Safeguards
against either dangerously low IPr or dangerously high
SLR values could easily be programmed into the
algorithm which selects the DL and IPr conditions for
maximum TE.
The largest improvement in TE obtained in these tests
resulted from selecting levels of dynamic load and infla-
tion pressure that caused a reduction in TR from 20 to 10
percent. The 10 percent TR level is not necessarily the
most efficient operating condition for a particular soil. If
measurement and control systems were available so that
a true optimum TE could be reached, the TR level that
corresponds to the true optimum would be selected, and
TE levels higher than those shown by this study could be

FIG. 3 Effects of inflation pressure and dynamic load on travel reduc-
tion and tractive efficiency (soil 4-2). (NTML Photo No. P10,315b). 1 Tractive efficiency at constant net traction can be
maximized by selecting appropriate levels of dynamic
tion to determine load ratings at a given IPr. SLR is load and inflation pressure.
equivalent to percent of rated load from the Tire and 2 The magnitude of the increase in tractive efficiency
Rim Association ratings only within the inflation pres- is dependent on soil conditions. The difference in tractive
sure range given in the Tire and Rim Association Year- efficiency obtained in this study from the least efficient to
book. SLR values for each actual DL and IPr condition the most efficient condition was found to be from 0.06 to
are shown in Table 2. The maximum TE for each of the 0.1.
NT values and soil conditions presented in Table 2 oc- 3 Maximum tractive efficiency was found to occur at
curred at SLR values of 154 or less. Zoz (1970) states dynamic load values which were not unusually high when
that, for integral mounted implements, the load transfer compared to typical field operations.
to the rear tractor wheels is typically 0.65 times drawbar
pull. If the tires on a tractor are loaded to 100 percent of
Tire and Rim Association rated static load and operated 1 Burt, E. C , C. A. Reaves, A. C. Bailey, and W. D. Pickering.
in traction conditions such that the tires reach Tire and 1980. A machine for testing tractor tires in soil bins. TRANSACTIONS
Rim Association tangential pull values, then the load of the ASAE 23(3):546-547, 552.
transfer (0.65 x tangential pull) will cause the dynamic 2 Czako, T. F. 1974. The influence of the inflation pressure on
cross-country performance. J. Terramechanics 11(3 & 4): 13-23.
load to be greater than 154 percent of the rated static 3 Kliefoth, F. 1966. The determination of traction-coefficient
load. Therefore, a SLR value of 154 is perhaps not un- curves for synthetic farm tractor field tests. J. Terramechanics
usually high since the LR value is also based on static 3(2):71-84.
rather than dynamic load. 4 McKibben, E. G. and J. B. Davidson. 1940. Transport wheels
for agricultural machines III. Effect of inflation pressure on the rolling
The IPr at the maximum TE values were in most cases resistance of pneumatic implement tires. Agricultural Engineering
below values listed in the Tire and Rim Association Year- 21(l):25-26.
book. Although the SLR values indicate that the load on 5 Young, R. E. and R. L. Schafer. 1977. Autotraction: How
the tire at these IPr values was not unusually high, there automation can improve traction. Agricultural Engineering
could be a concern about tire durability at extremely low 58(2):15-18.
6 Zombori, J. 1967. Drawbar pull tests of various traction devices
IPr values. Maximum TE occurred at IPr values of at on sandy soils. J. Terramechanics 4(1):9-17.
least 60 kPa (8.7 psi) on all conditions except the com- 7 Zoz, F. M. 1970. Predicting tractor field performance. ASAE
pacted Davidson (soil 6-1). For that particular soil condi- Paper No. 70-118, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.

884 TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE—1982

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