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Honduras Technological University


English IV


Miss. Mayra Guadalupe Jacome


Linsi Grissel Espinoza

Account number


Place and Date

Roatán, Islas de la Bahía, 07/07/2021

Homework #2

Express how they feel and experience on the Coronavirus Pandemic

I guess there is not much that I can say that I experienced about the coronavirus pandemic, there are
many feelings that one can experience during things like this happen, I have always had a thought and
although personally to other people it may seem cold or unsympathetic, I still have a strong thought,
and I think that things happen for a reason, and by that I mean that the pandemic happened because it
was meant to happen, there are things that cannot be avoided and must happen, there are many people
that look at a wildfire as if it is just destruction but it is really so, there are things that cannot be
avoided and must happen, there are many people who look at a wildfire as if it is just destruction but it
really is, I am not saying they are good, but I think they are much more than destruction, they are
rebirth, purification and renewal because they can curb pest populations, purge non-native and invasive
plant species, and provide nutrients and new spots of sunlight for the plants that are left after the fire.

So going back to my experience with the pandemic, I know that many people have suffered from this
and I know the suffering this gave to many who lost their living beings, but for the first time in many
years finally the land we live on could breathe for the first time in a long time, so much destruction we
give, so much damage we do to it and yet we do not care, I wonder in the future will we be able to live,
the only cause of the coronavirus pandemic is ourselves. My experience in itself has not been very
ugly, since I only dedicate myself to my studies at the moment, and I am not a party person, normally I
only went out to the university and returned home, so in that part it did not affect me at all since I am
very used to being at home.

On the other hand, there is the avoidable worry, I don't worry about myself, I worry about my loved
ones, but I always had faith that they would be okay. In my family we tried to take the right measures
so we did not have a big impact except for our economy, I think that is the only thing that affected us
since last year and now our economy is quite low compared to other years, but I have faith that soon we
will be able to improve.

This pandemic did not affect me psychologically, but it shows me even more what I already knew
about people, that we all have that simple selfishness of only worrying about ourselves, I think that
every day there are fewer people who really have a good heart and care about others than themselves.
A few days ago I had a bad experience with the COVID vaccine, I did not suffer any side effects from
the vaccine, but by the people in charge of placing them, I had no plans to get it, I still wanted to wait a

little longer, but on July 5th I am going to make a trip, I don't know if there are not enough vaccines but
I think that eventually everyone should get them, and that day they denied me the vaccine just because
I am not working, but just because I am a student they didn't want to vaccinate me, I felt a little
humiliated, because they even scolded me and talked to me badly, I am only trying to get vaccinated so
as not to make other people sick and not myself, but even though I am only a student, I also want to
return to my classes, and enjoy them during the little time I have left, that is my criticism against the
system that those who are giving the vaccines, because whether I work or not, everyone has the right to
a vaccine, because even if I do not work, it does not mean that I do not have to go out, even more than
a job you can find many people whom you can or can get sick.

I think that sometimes the disease itself is better than those who give the vaccine, at least that one is not
denied just because of your condition, the pandemic offered me a great experience where I learned to
take care of myself and others.

Explain what is the problem with Education and Health in Honduras using the
vocabulary learn on this module.

Education Problems

Regarding Education, one of the main problems is the lack of schools, 75 percent of the public schools
are destroyed, seven out of ten schools are damaged and only one toilet for each child is functioning.

Ovenir Flores, vice-president of the Colegio Profesional Superación Magisterial Hondureño, said that
the situation of education in the country is "critical".

"Seventy-five percent of the educational centers are destroyed. There are no desks in the classrooms,
there is no school lunch or teacher training. Teachers' salaries have been frozen for 10 years", he

One of the most serious problems in Honduran education is that our children and young people are
exposed to delinquency and others fall into the hands of gangs because they find a refuge to find an
income. Currently there are many young people who are being killed, some for being part of gangs and

others for the delinquency that prevails in the country. Then we have those forgotten cases in the
mountains, villages, hills and hamlets, where there is not even a Technical Center where they can learn
a trade to earn a living and help their family.

There are many foreign foundations that help communities in social projects, but there are very few
that bet on education; taking into account that these organizations are the ones that reach those places
that neither the government nor the ministry of education attends, but even so there are many young
people who do not have access to education today.

In the city of El Progreso, Yoro, Honduras, there are very few technical centers that provide free
education to young people. Glass School serves young people from several communities near
Camalote, offering technical education in Glass and Technical Gastronomy, Hospitality and Tourism,
providing everything our young people need without charging a penny, but organizations are not given
enough to meet so many needs. We need more support for the education of our young people.

Health Problems

The president of the Medical Association of Honduras (CMH), Suyapa Figueroa, pointed out that "the
origin of the protests is the fact that the government has been systematically and progressively
dismantling the health system and has been making the provision of health services to the Honduran
population more precarious through many laws that have been enacted".

Corruption is one of the serious problems within the health system, according to data from the National
Anti-Corruption Council, corruption levels in the area have reached 49 percent.

Cuts in the health budget and the lack of medical personnel is another serious problem, according to
international estimates there should be 25 doctors for every 10,000 inhabitants, however in Honduras
there are 16 specialists. The absence of medical personnel (doctors, specialists and nurses) has
complicated health care for the majority of Hondurans.

There are also many different problems, such as lack of doctors with professional ethics and well
trained doctors, and poor patient care, as well as high prices for treatment and care.

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