Unidad 2 Ingles

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GMns oplnlonl

Stunt performers artlcle


Look at the pictures. What are the movie styles? Write the correct letter.
Then listen and check your answers.

a. action rnovíe d. marual arts movíe g. Bollywood movie

b. animation e. horror movie h. musical
c. romanlic comedy f. science fiction movie i. documentary

i d

b g

PAIR WORK What kinds of movies do you like? Ask your partner.

A Do you hke action movies? B Do you like horror movíes?

B Yes, 1 do. A No, 1 don't.
A Sodo I! B Neither do l.

Complete the conversation. Then watch and check your answers. Practice the
conversation wlth a partner.

a. a horror movie b. rock music c. frightening d. college

Ricardo Hey, Amy. Where are you?

Amy rm at me 1._ collage __,. Do you want to come and see a movie?
Ricardo lt depends. What 1s it?
Amy a horror movie
lt's 2'-----------'
Ricardo Oh, come on! You know 1 don't like thern, They're so
3 frightening
No, you'll llke chis one. írs funny.
Ricardo l'm not really mterested 1n movfes.
Amy 1 know that! You prefer listening to boring 4'----------~
rock music
Ricardo 1 don't diink írs boring.
Amy Well, 1 do. So, do you want to come and see thls movie with me?
Ricardo Well, maybe next time.

PAJR WORK Practice the conversation agaln. Use the ideas below. Add your own Ideas.

1 2 3 -
movie theater an acnon movie violent soul music
library a romantic comedy boring rap

1 Home 1 An anime movie 1 1 Intereting Pop 1

OVER TO YOU Work in pairs. Make a video of your CONVERSATION TIP

conversation. Make plans related to movies or music. B!JNCPOUT!
When you can't agree,
StudentA Invite Student B to a movie. Agree with Student B try to make other
where togo. suggestions.
Student B When you can't agree, make another suggestion. Doyouwant to come?
Well, maybe
next time.

Unit 2 1 think trs boring!


l think horror movies are frlghtenlng. l'm frlghtened by horror movies.
They're frightening rnovles,

1 th1nk ac!Jon movles are lnterestlng. l'm lnterested In action movies.

They're interesting movies.

Do you like classical music7 Do you like watching movies in movie theaters?
Yes, lt's very relaxlng. No. 1 thlnk other people are annoylng.
l'm relaxed when 1 listen 10 it. No. l'm annoyed by otner people.

1 Complete the sentences with a pal r of words.

amazed-amazing excited--exciting
bored-boring disappolnted-disappolntmg

1. Her new track is amaz1na ! l'm amazcd by her voice! How does sne make
that sound?
2. rrn 1 excited 1 about thls weekend. Going to a concert is really 1 exciting l1
3. That's 1 disappointing 1 ! l'm really 1 disappointed 1 the concert is sold out.
4. Thls music Is so 1 boring l 11 always ged bored lwhen l llsten to jazz.

2 Complete the adjectives in the questions.

1. Do you think classical music is relaxl ing I?

2. Are you tlrl ed lroday?
3. What's an lnteresd ing ITV show to watch?
4. Are you interesd ed hn science fiction?
5. What do you think is an amaz.._l _
ing _,lmovie?

03 PAIR WORK Ask and answer the questions in activity 2.

No. rrn more relaxed when ! listen to rock music.

PRONUNCIATION Final -ed sounds

Listen. Notice how the final -ed sounds like /d/, /t/, or /td/. What sound does each word
end with? Choose the correct sound.

1. bored ~
4. frightened 0§@
2. relaxed ~
5. excited (@®'.@)
3. mreresrec ~

Listen again and repeat, Be sure to say the final -ed sound correctly.

Unit 2 1 thlnk lt's boring!


1 BEFORE YOU LISTEN Look at the pictures. What are the people In red doing? la bel each
picture with an activity from the box.

play in a band directa movie record a song act in a movie

Direct a movie Play in a band Record a song Act a movie

Listen to four interviews. Number the plctures above.

listen again. Choose the correct ending to the sentences.

1. Sandra is going 10 _.
@:)act In a horror movie @dlrect a horror movie
2. She's planning to do lt _.
@:)ata beach house @in a movie studio
3. Altson is going to_ .
@:)direct the movie with Sandra @appear In the movie
4. She plays the part of _.
@:la police officer @the monster's victim
5. Andy can play_.
@:)piano and guitar @guitar and violin
6. Hewantsto_.
@:)start his own band @tourw1th a famous band
7. Bnana and Enrique_.
@:Jwrite songs together @sing songs togetner
8. Next week, they're going to record their songs _.
@:)on a cornpurer @in a studlo

LISTENING PLUS Listen to more interviews with the people in activities 2 and 3. Answer
the questions.
1. What problem did Sandra have when they made the movie? _
2. How did the actors feel about che movie?
3. Why was Andy disappolnted? _
4. Wha1was rhe problem in the studio for Briana and Enrique?-----------
5. Which or che five people want to try the activity again? _

Student A: Turn to page 85.

SMART TALK What's interestlng and what's boring? Stud•nt B: Turn to page 97. 13
Unit 2 1 think trs boring!


1 BEFORE YOU READ What do you know about stunt performers in action movies?

How did you start worl<ing as a Is the money good?

stunt perlormer? Every job rs different. Stunt perl()(mers
About ten years ago, 1 was wor1ong as an "xtra m Hollywood blockbusters can make a
on a lV show, and 1 met two stuntrnen. There was lot of money. A guy ¡umped off the CN
a fire in a house. and one of ttiem ran out with h1s Tower 1n Toronto and got $150,000. The
clothes on fire. 1 was really impressed! 1ump took ten seconds-that's $15.000
1 found out about a school '°'stunt performers.
and 1 did a course tners. 1 got my first stunt job
per second tor the ¡ob! But. ot course, 11
you're hurt, you can't work or make any
three months alter 1 fin1shed the course. on a money.
comedy show! Did you have any serious accidents?
Th1ngs are difieren! now. and as well as men. there 1 broke my arm once lt was only my
are a lot of women stunt performers. second ¡ob, and t ¡umped through a
window. lt wasn't a real glass window.
Is it dangerous?
so it didn't hurt. Unfortunatety. my
Stunt organlzers are very good. and the plann•ng is
shoulder hit the wmdow frame and 1 tell
amazmq. But the performers have to concentrate.
30 meters to the ground. 1 was really
H the planning is good. rt 1sn't dangerous. But if you
angry al myself for makmg a mrstake.
don't concentrate. it can be very dangerous.

G>2 Read the text and answer the yes/no questions. Give more information.

1. Does Sharon only want to work on lV? <HVLQ+ROO\ZRRGPRYLHV

2. Did Sharon get her first stuntjob on a lV cop show? <HVVKHZRUNVRQ8679FRSVKRZV
3. Is stunt work always dangerous? <HVEXWLU\RXGRQ
4. Do all stunt performers make a lot of money? <HV
S. D1d Sharon break her arm because of the glass? 1RLWZDVEHFDXVHWKHDUPKLWWKHZLQGRZIUDPH

PAIR WORK Think of three good things and three bad thlngs about a stunt performer's
job. Talk to your partner. Are your lists similar?

14 WRITING Turn to pago 108.

• • •
Unit 2 1 thlnk lt's boring!

Ji¡l431:@ You and the movies

O1 PAIR WORK Why do you go and see a new movie? Choose (,1) one or more of the
reasons. Then discuss your reasons with your partner,

Qthe pos ter o the reviews o the traller o your rnends' opnuons

2 Complete the survey with information about you.

O How often do you watch a movle?

@) once a month
@) other _
f) Where do you prefer to watch movies?
®in a movie theater (Don your computer
@ on television @on your tableVphone
e In a movie theater, do you ...
® watch the credits at the end of the movie?
® always eat and drink the same things?
(9 gel annoyed by olher people (e.g.• looking al
lheir phones)?
e Which movies do you prefer to watch? Why?
movies in anolher language
movies in English
other.__ _,
E) Who are your favorite actors? Why?
Male: Adam Sandler, for his charisma
Female: Emilia Clarke, because he filmed romantic and christmas comedy movies
O What's your favorite movie? Why?

GROUP WORK Compare your answers. Who is similar to you?

How often do you watch a movie?

1 usually watch one eve week. What about you?

1 never watch movies!


OVER TO YOU Find three reviews of one of your favorlte movles.

Describe them to the class. Whích do you agree with?

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