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International Journal of Pavement Engineering

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Development and evaluation of relationships

between surface condition rating and objective
pavement condition parameters

Tamina Tasmin, David Richards, Hussein Dia & James Wang

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Development and evaluation of relationships between surface condition rating and objective
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Published online: 12 Mar 2021.

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Development and evaluation of relationships between surface condition rating and

objective pavement condition parameters
Tamina Tasmin , David Richards, Hussein Dia and James Wang
School of Engineering, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia


Highway authorities make efforts to relate visual ratings with directly measured pavement condition data Received 25 September 2020
to reduce or remove the necessity of manual pavement condition surveys that involve subjectivity and Accepted 19 February 2021
potential safety risk of assessors. This research develops a set of relationships between pavement surface
condition rating and objective pavement condition parameters to assist road asset managers in Surface inspection rating;
triggering periodic bituminous resurfacing programs at the network level. These condition parameters resurfacing; objective
include cracking (% area affected), rutting (mm), texture loss (% of left wheel path texture), and pavement condition data;
roughness (m/km). In the literature, deterministic and probabilistic modelling approaches are used to pavement distress; linear
predict visual surface inspection rating (SIR) from directly measured pavement distresses. The Factorial regression; ordinal logistic
ANOVA results that are typically used have inferred that cracking and rutting interact with each other models
significantly for the asphalt surfaced road network. However, the percentages of variation explained
by the linear regression models that predict SIR from cracking/rutting are low (24–31%). Alternatively,
developed ordinal logistic models for predicting the probability of a road section being in any
particular surface condition, with any quantified cracking/rutting data, prove to be statistically better
with overall success rates of 46% and 51% for sprayed sealed and asphalt surfaced network, respectively.

1. Introduction A Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) model for Saudi Ara-

bia’s urban link roads predicts pavement condition rating
In road maintenance prioritisation, several decision-making from traffic loading, age, and IRI (Mubaraki 2009) which
approaches have been incorporated and employed in the pave- shows relatively good predictability (R 2 = 0.799). Another
ment management studies (Bandara and Gunaratne 2001, Far- study results show that R 2 for determining Pavement Service-
han and Fwa 2009, Ahmed et al. 2017, Fuentes et al. 2019). ability Rating (PSR) as a function of objective pavement con-
Conventional prioritisation for selecting an appropriate treat- dition parameters for highway sections in South-East Nigeria
ment strategy takes account of the pavement distresses causing is high (R 2 = 0.90) by employing an Artificial Neural Network
highest inconvenience to users, particularly in the event of (ANN) model compared to the MLR model (R 2 = 0.34) (Abiola
budget constraint. In the priority ranking, an expedient prac- and Kupolati 2014). Hence, the result implicates that the ANN
tice is to manifest the potential needs for pavement mainten- model has a high degree of predictability over the regression
ance in terms of an index established through empirical model. However, it is hard to interpret and to understand the
numerical equations or an integrated index based on visual physical meaning of an ANN model (Hill et al. 1994). Probabil-
rating (Shah et al. 2014). This visual rating involves the types istic ordered logistic models were developed to predict Pavement
of distress and the pavement deterioration in terms of severity Serviceability Index (PSI) levels from Pavement Condition Index
and extent of the distresses (Karim et al. 2016). Although rat- (PCI) and International Roughness Index (IRI) for the rigid
ing value is easily comprehensible, it has some restraints pavements of an urban area of Colombia (Fuentes et al. 2019).
because this type of value is inherently subjective and does A recurring limitation of these types of approaches is that they
not convey adequate engineering data (Gharaibeh et al. were simpler to apply to an entire network rather than project
2009). The advances of information technology provide sig- level, whereas the deterministic and incremental deterministic
nificant prospect for precision, repeatability and objectivity approaches are of substantial use in this context (Henning
of data acquisitions with distress detections that are note- 2008). In recent studies, probabilistic approaches entail attention
worthy enhancements in pavement condition surveys over deterministic ones to apprehend the uncertainty and sto-
(Loprencipe and Pantuso 2017, Zakeri et al. 2017). Thus, an chastic nature associated with the concealed influencing factors
automated survey increases the efficiency of data collection in pavement deterioration process (Hong and Wang 2003, Por-
as well as lowers potential safety risks accompanied by subjec- ras-Alvarado et al. 2014, Martin et al. 2015).
tive field surveys at highways (Ong et al. 2009). Accordingly, A comprehensive review of past studies indicated that the
many researchers have made efforts to relate visual rating mainstream accepted practices, for relating road condition
with objective parameters to exclude or recede the subjective index to the directly measured parameters, are based on
pavement condition surveys. observed local historical road condition data. The appropriate

CONTACT James Wang

© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

modelling approaches differ with the accessibility of the stan- pavement sections are presumed to be for key renewal
dard measuring or evaluating scale of the concerned road programs like rehabilitation or reconstruction.
agency as well. However, probabilistic approaches involving (3) Sections subjected to treatment maintenance, over the
subjective rating and objective pavement distress have received study period, are excluded to refrain from the misleading
less attention in the previous studies. The current study improved performance.
attempted to develop a set of relationships between visual (4) Only through lanes are considered, to limit the variability
pavement surface condition ratings and directly measured/ of SIR data due to road geometry.
automated pavement condition data to prioritise periodic res- (5) Greater values of cracking, rutting, texture loss, and IRI
urfacing maintenance programs. Besides, efforts have been (roughness) data are found to be as outliers in the analysis
made to investigate the interactions between the pavement dis- and therefore excluded from the study.
tresses in assessing the pavement condition. To address the
aim of the study, linear and logistic regression modelling The quantified distress data from PCS were validated with
approaches were trialled to predict visual surface ratings and the corresponding distress rating from visual survey using
surface condition categories, respectively, as a function of logistic regression method. The manual rating was evaluated
pavement condition parameters. by experienced personnel, based on the severity and extent,
and rated on a scale with the values of 0, 1, 3, and 5 for nil,
minor, moderate, and extensive distress condition categories,
2. Data description and preparation
respectively. Additionally, directly measured distresses were
Pavement surface condition data for Victoria’s bituminous road assessed by trained but inexperienced staff using digital/auto-
network are collected every two to three years using a standar- mated devices. Therefore, the consistency in both types of
dised rating method. The condition is evaluated by skilled per- pavement condition data were necessary to predict the overall
sonnel visually, stratifying the types of distress, and then pavement surface condition.
assigning weighted values for the severity and extent of those The developed logistic models for subjective distress rating
distresses to estimate the remaining surfacing service life (Vic- conditions implicated that directly measured distresses (crack-
Roads 2004). This subjective survey involves pavement dis- ing and rutting) are significant predictors of visual rating con-
tresses that include cracking, deformation, texture loss, stone dition categories for each pavement section of the AC network.
loss, and maintenance patching for asphalt wearing courses in However, the automated rutting data cannot be validated for
addition to binder condition and level for sprayed seals. These developing the intended relationships and thus, excluded
distress condition ratings are then integrated into a composite from the analysis for the SS network. The rationale for this dis-
index denoted as Surface Inspection Rating (SIR) and used to crepancy may be the deformation ratings evaluated by the
prioritise the pavement sections for resurfacing or resealing assessors in the subjective survey are more related to local
treatment. Besides, state road authority of Victoria carries out depressions than to longitudinal depression (rutting) in the
Pavement Condition Surveys (PCS) biannually to assess the SS network. Further, quantified texture loss data were found
overall functional (roughness, texture loss) and structural (rut- not to be a statistically significant predictor of the correspond-
ting, cracking) performance of pavement using automated ing ratings of surface texture loss for any of the networks, and
vehicles (Dang 2017). Therefore, these objective data are utilised therefore, excluded from developing the models for pavement
to trigger all types of maintenance renewal activities. surface rating. The reason is presumed to be the difficulties in
A sample bituminous granular pavement network of visual assessment of the slow deterioration process of pave-
Metropolitan area in Victoria, Australia was used in this ment surface texture loss.
study. SIR data from subjective surveys and quantified crack- Comprehending the initial correlation analysis IRI data are
ing (% area affected), rut depth (mm), texture loss (% of left excluded from developing the models for the SS network. This
wheel path texture), and IRI (m/km) data from objective sur- exclusion is pragmatic since determining SIR is limited to some
veys were compiled for modelling. The manual survey was factors, like roughness and skid resistance, that are associated
conducted for each 300–500 m road sections whereas objective with the serviceability of pavement surfacing. Besides all these
data were collected for 100 m road sections. After matching rationalizations, there is also a possibility of errors in the objec-
the chainages of same year for both types of surveys and tive data due to misconceived interpretation or misreading.
screening the data set, 160 road sections of the asphalt concrete
(AC) surfaced network and 190 road sections of the sprayed
seal (SS) surfaced network, from the year 2011 and 2013, 3. Modelling approaches
were prepared for analysis. The underlying assumptions in
3.1. Linear regression models for surface inspection
filtering the data are as follows:
rating (SIR)
(1) Pavement sections of ages up to 25 years are selected, con- Preliminary analysis indicated that correlations (Pearson’s cor-
sidering the expected average surfacing service life of relation coefficient, r) between subjective SIR and quantified/
asphalt and sprayed seal that varies with surfacing type automated pavement distresses (cracking, r = 0.53 and rutting,
and road function. Sections with age > 25 years are r = 0.34) are statistically significant at the 0.01 level in the AC
deemed outliers, and excluded accordingly. network. In the SS network, the correlations of subjective SIR
(2) Sections having SIR ≤ 40 are selected for the analysis. with quantified cracking (r = 0.444) and texture loss (r =
Higher values are considered outliers because those −0.292) are statistically significant at the 0.01 level. However,

the texture loss data cannot be validated with its manual rating. model is to be established by finding the required fitted
Moreover, the correlations for SIR with rutting and roughness regression coefficients that maximise the probability or likeli-
are very low (r = −0.002 and −0.037) in the SS network. Since hood of achieving the observed results. In the current study,
initial correlation analysis implied that a significant linear the ordinal logistic approach was used since SIR values can be
association exists between SIR and some PCS parameters, a ordered into different specific categories with the deteriorating
suitable approach can be the linear regression modelling to pavement conditions. In addition, the assumption of parallel
predict the SIR values. Linear regression model as a multi- lines is satisfied herein. The effect of each predictor on the
variate statistic is easy to interpret, particularly when the out- odds to be at or below a particular category of outcome variable
come variable is to be measured in the metric scale. The remains the same within the ordinal logit model (Liu and Koir-
universal form of the multiple linear regression model is as fol- ala 2012). Hence, the influence of each pavement distress is pre-
lows (Myers and Myers 1990): sumed to be the same within different categories of the SIR.
Thus, in ordinal logistic regression, the underlying assumptions
Y = a0 + a1 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x3 + · · · + an xn + 1 (1)
are that the slope parameters (b1 , b2 , . . . , bi ) must not change
where Y is the dependent variable (DV) or outcome variable; a0 for different categories and the intercepts (b0 ) will differ only.
is the Y-intercept; ai is the linear regression coefficient, To predict pavement surface condition from objective PCS par-
i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n; xi is the independent variable (IV), ameters, SIR value is categorised into two following ranks.
i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n; and 1 is the random error component that
reflects the difference between observed data and fitted values. (I) RANK1 (five categories):VG (Very Good): SIR = 0–10;
In this type of modelling (Equation (1)), linear transform- coded as ‘4’G (Good): SIR = 11–15; coded as ‘3’F (Fair):
ation of the IVs is assumed to minimise the sum of squared SIR = 16–20; coded as ‘2’P (Poor): SIR = 21–30; coded as
residuals of the DV. That means that the deviations of the pre- ‘1’VP (Very Poor): SIR > 30; coded as ‘0’.
dicted values of the DV from the actual values will be least.

(II) RANK2 (four categories):VG (Very Good): SIR = 0–10;

3.2. Probabilistic logistic model for subjective coded as ‘3’G (good): SIR = 11–20; coded as ‘2’P (Poor):
pavement surface condition SIR = 21–30; coded as ‘1’VP (Very Poor): SIR > 30;
Logistic regression is one kind of continuous probability coded as ‘0’.
approach and has been applied in current research for pave-
ment deterioration modelling, taking into account distress In ordinal logistic regression the estimated probabilities are
progression (Khraibani et al. 2010, Henning and Roux 2012, cumulative scores, where the probability of an occurrence and
Wang 2012, Choummanivong and Martin 2014, Hassan all occurrences that are ordered before it is considered, rather
et al. 2017). By and large, this type of method is appropriate than estimating the probability of an individual occurrence.
for describing and testing hypotheses that relates a categorical Hence, the predicted cumulative probabilities for the pave-
dependent variable with one or more metric or categorical ment surface conditions can be computed using the following
independent variables (Peng et al. 2002). Moreover, the formula:
assumption of logistic regression is more flexible with data dis- Probability of pavement surface condition being in a specifiec
tribution since it does not infer a linear correlation between condition category (3)
untransformed response variable and explanatory variables. = elogit(condition category) / [1 + elogit (condition category) ]
In this approach, dependent variable describes the outcome
of the stochastic event with a function of cumulative probabil- The probabilities of the individual condition categories,
ities that vary between 0 and 1. Here, the logit or natural log- computed cumulative probabilities from Equation (3), can be
arithm of the odds acts as the dependent variable, and estimated by subtracting the cumulative probability of a con-
therefore, it is manifested as a linear function of independent dition category from the condition category having the score
variables (Erkan and Yildiz 2014). The general expression of less than that category. The probability of a
the logit function can be presented as below: pavement section in an expected pavement surface condition
  category can be calculated from the following equations:
Logit[ p(x)] = loge Probability(VP condition) = Cum probability(VP) (4)
1 − p(x)
= b0 + b1 x1 + b2 x2 + · · · + bn xn (2) Probability(P condition) = Cum probability(P)–Cum probability(VP)
where b0 is the constant; bi is the regression coefficient;
i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n; and xi is the independent variable; Probability(F condition) = Cum probability(F)–Cum probability(P)
i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n. (6)
Logit[ p(x)] is the logarithm of odds or ‘likelihood’ in
Equation (2). This likelihood or probability for any event occur- Probability(G condition) = Cum probability(G)–Cum probability(F)
ring is compared to that event not occurring where the likeli- (7)
hood ratio of the DV is assumed to be 1. In Equation (2), if
Probability(VG condition) = 1–Cum probability(G condition) (8)
p(x) is the likelihood of any event occurring, then
[p(x)/(1 − p(x)] is the corresponding odds. The best-fit

4. Data analyses and discussion order, part, and partial correlation coefficients the contri-
butions of PCS parameters in predicting SIR values are
4.1. AC network SIR model with main effects
inferred. On its own, log-transformed rutting accounts for
(continuous pavement distress data)
34.5% of variability in SIR value. Nevertheless, once log-trans-
The linearity assumption for variables and the formed cracking is considered, log-transformed rutting
normality assumption for residuals were found to be violated accounts for 22.3% of the variability in SIR value in addition
for the filtered data set. Therefore, different transformations to the variability explained by log-transformed cracking.
were applied to the variables (metric) to increase the accu- Besides, log-transformed cracking contributes 43.1% to the
racy of the predictive models. Reasonably successful trans- variability of SIR value including the variability explained by
formations include logarithmic (base 10 logarithms) the log-transformed rutting.
transformation of the PCS parameters. The partial regression
coefficients from regression analysis suggested that depen-
dent variable SIR is linearly associated with independent 4.2. AC network SIR model with interaction effects
variable Log10(cracking + 1) and Log10(rutting + 1) individu- (categorical pavement distress data)
ally when other independent variables are statistically con- In Statistics, the term ‘interaction effects’ implies that the
trolled in the AC network. These coefficients are 0.45 and relationship between two variables depends on the value of
0.24 for log-transformed cracking and rutting, respectively. another variable (Aguinis and Gottfredson 2010). The inter-
Although IRI has a very weak partial correlation (r = action effect between cracking and rutting (both variables are
0.042) with SIR and the linearity assumption seems to be used as categorical) was found to be statistically significant
violated, the zero-order correlation (r = 0.177) is for SIR model. The Levene’s test statistic (p > .05) inferred
statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Therefore, it is (Table 1) that equal variances can be assumed. Besides, Factor-
included in the analysis to study the combined influence ial ANOVA revealed that significant differences prevail in
of cracking, rutting, and IRI in predicting overall pavement mean SIR across the varying conditions of cracking and rutting
surface condition rating in the AC network. However, the (Table 2). In addition, there is a statistically significant (at the
interactions between cracking, rutting, and IRI were found 5% level) interaction between cracking and rutting, in predict-
not to be statistically significant. Thus, only the main ing the SIR value, F (2,138) = 4.282, p < .05 (Table 2).
effects of the pavement condition parameters were con- In conformity with the VicRoads categorisation practice of
sidered for the study. According to Equation (1), the basic pavement condition data, cracking is classified as ‘Good’ when
form of multiple linear regression (MLR) models for pave- the surface area affected <10%, and ‘Poor’ when it is ≥10%.
ment surface inspection rating (AC network) is as follows: The interaction plot (Figure 1) demonstrates a difference
between ‘Fair’ and ‘Very Good’ rutting condition in the way
SIR = a0 + a1 Log10 (cracking + 1)
that cracking affects SIR values. The connecting lines for
+ a2 Log10 (rutting + 1) + a3 Log10 (IRI) + 1 (9) ‘Good’ and ‘Poor’ conditions of cracking are not parallel and
intersect each other. It is evident that the difference between
After several trials, the best-fit Equation (10), congenial to the mean rating on the cracking is much wider for ‘Fair’ rut
Equation (9), was obtained from stepwise MLR analysis and condition than for ‘Very Good’ and ‘Good’ conditions. In
included log10(cracking + 1) and log10(rutting + 1) as statisti- the data set, most of the road segments are in ‘Very Good’,
cally significant predictors. However, IRI was found not to ‘Good’, and ‘Fair’ conditions for the asphalt surfaced network.
be a statistically significant predictor, and hence, excluded
from the model. The results concluded that the contribution
of cracking is more than rutting in predicting the variation Table 1. Levene’s test statistic (AC network).
of SIR [Standardised β coefficient for log10(cracking + 1) is F df1 df2 Sig.
0.446 and for log10(rutting + 1) is 0.231 (p < .05)]. These stan- 1.818 5 138 0.113
dardised coefficients indicate the effects of cracking and rutting Note: Null hypothesis: the error variance of the DV is equal across the groups.
Design: Intercept + cracking + rutting + cracking * rutting, dependent variable:
on the SIR value by weighting (using standard deviation) the SIR.
regression coefficients to equal the variances due to different
types of measurement unit of the variables.
The predicted regression equation for SIR (AC Network) Table 2. Parameter estimates for SIR model with interaction effects (AC network).
has the following form: Type III sum of Mean
Source squares df square F Sig.
SIR = −3.136 + 8.093 Log10 (cracking + 1) Corrected 2785.432a 5 557.086 9.700 0.000
+ 13.862Log10 (rutting + 1) (10) model
Intercept 7380.594 1 7380.594 128.511 0.000
Cracking 1470.724 1 1470.724 25.608 0.000
Though the Y-intercept is not statistically significant, the Rutting 423.942 2 211.971 3.691 0.027
inclusion of the negative value of intercept can be justified Cracking * 491.831 2 245.916 4.282 0.016
by the effects of other condition parameters that are not con-
Error 7925.568 138 57.432
sidered in achieving the best-fit equation. The coefficient of Total 32,912.000 144
determination (R 2) is 0.305, meaning that the model explains Corrected total 10,711.000 143
about 31% of the variation in SIR. By analysing the zero- a
R squared = 0.260 (adjusted R squared = 0.233), dependent variable: SIR.

Figure 1. Comparison of means of SIR showing interaction effects between cracking and rutting (AC network).

The number of pavement segments with poor condition (rut- Table 3 and Table 4 indicate that cracking and rutting both
ting = 15–20 mm) or very poor condition (rutting > 20 mm) is are statistically significant predictors in the AC network.
very low, and therefore, these are regarded as outliers herein. Thereafter, IRI (roughness) is not a statistically significant
Hence, the comparison was carried out based on ‘Very (p > .05) predictor in the AC network, and therefore, was
Good’, ‘Good’ or ‘Fair’ conditions. excluded from the model. Considering the validation of data
in the preliminary correlation analysis, only cracking was
used as an explanatory variable and found as a statistically sig-
4.3. Simple linear regression (SLR) model for SIR (SS
nificant predictor in the SS network (Table 5 and Table 6).
The necessary number of logit equations, according to
Considering the data validation and initial correlation results, aforementioned Equation (2), are reduced by one type of pre-
only objectively measured cracking was included in developing diction category since ‘Very Good’ condition has been chosen
the relationship and after several attempts, a linear trend as the reference category due to its highest rating and logits
between SIR and Log10(cracking + 1) was found with a corre- (the function of PCS parameters). The fitted logit equations
lation of 0.485. The best-fit regression model for SIR (SS net- for the remaining four condition categories of the AC network
work) explains about 24% (R 2 = 0.235) of the variation in SIR for RANK1 are:
and has the below form:
Logit(≤ VP) = −5.274 − (−0.083 × cracking)
SIR = 16.202 + 8.603 × Log10 (cracking + 1) (11)
− (−0.167 × rutting) (12(i))
Prediction abilities of Equations (10) and (11) are relatively
low to estimate the value of SIR for both networks. To account Logit(≤ P) = −3.345 − (−0.083 × cracking)
for this effect, logistic approach was used to predict the likeli-
− (−0.167 × rutting) (12(ii))
hood of a categorised pavement surface condition using a
probabilistic approach.
Logit(≤ F) = −1.875 − (−0.083 × cracking)
− (−0.167 × rutting) (12(iii))
4.4. Ordinal logistic models for pavement surface
condition Logit(≤ G) = −1.077 − (−0.083 × cracking)
In this study, the likelihood ratio test and goodness of fit test − (−0.167 × rutting) (12(iv))
results indicated that developed models for both types of rank-
ing (RANK1 and RANK2) fit the data well for both networks. The minus signs in the above equations indicate that a lar-
Parameter estimates of the SIR model for both networks are ger value of coefficient is associated with a larger score. Each
presented in Tables 3–6, respectively. equation from Equations (12(i)) to (12(iv)) gives the logit of

Table 3. Parameter estimates for ordinal logistic SIR model with RANK1 (AC network).
95% Confidence interval
Estimate Std. error Wald df Sig. Lower bound Upper bound
Threshold [SIR (VP)] −5.274 0.756 48.677 1 0.000 −6.755 −3.792
[SIR (P)] −3.345 0.603 30.759 1 0.000 −4.527 −2.163
[SIR (F)] −1.875 0.551 11.580 1 0.001 −2.955 −0.795
[SIR (G)] −1.077 0.539 3.989 1 0.046 −2.134 −0.020
Location Cracking −0.083 0.018 21.856 1 0.000 −0.117 −0.048
Rutting −0.167 0.082 4.213 1 0.040 −0.327 −0.008
IRI 0.003 0.188 0.000 1 0.988 −0.366 0.372

Table 4. Parameter estimates for ordinal logistic SIR model with RANK2 (AC network).
95% Confidence interval
Estimate Std. error Wald df Sig. Lower bound Upper bound
Threshold [SIR (VP)] −5.073 0.760 44.616 1 0.000 −6.562 −3.585
[SIR (P)] −3.161 0.613 26.617 1 0.000 −4.362 −1.960
[SIR (G)] −0.952 0.551 2.990 1 0.084 −2.031 0.127
Location Cracking −0.079 0.018 19.000 1 0.000 −0.115 −0.044
Rutting −0.165 0.084 3.852 1 0.050 −0.329 0.000
IRI 0.044 0.194 0.052 1 0.820 −0.366 0.425

Table 5. Parameter estimates for ordinal logistic SIR model with RANK1 (SS network).
95% Confidence interval
Estimate Std. error Wald df Sig. Lower bound Upper bound
Threshold [SIR (VP)] −2.429 0.270 81.189 1 0.000 −2.958 −1.901
[SIR (P)] −0.339 0.180 3.567 1 0.059 −0.692 0.013
[SIR (F)] 0.816 0.197 17.151 1 0.000 0.430 1.203
[SIR (G)] 2.358 0.322 53.745 1 0.000 1.728 2.989
Location Cracking −0.078 0.015 27.485 1 0.000 −0.108 −0.049

Table 6. Parameter estimates for ordinal logistic SIR model with RANK2 (SS network).
95% Confidence interval
Estimate Std. error Wald df Sig. Lower bound Upper bound
Threshold [SIR (VP)] −2.427 0.270 80.616 1 0.000 −2.957 −1.897
[SIR (P)] −0.337 0.181 3.487 1 0.062 −0.691 0.017
[SIR (G)] 2.359 0.322 53.756 1 0.000 1.728 2.990
Location Cracking −0.078 0.015 27.103 1 0.000 −0.108 −0.049

the probability of being in one or below the stated category a given value of cracking/rutting is regarded as the predicted
predicted from the given pavement distresses. If a pavement surface condition for a road segment with that distress value.
section is affected within 25% area by crack and rut depth of In practical, quantified values of both cracking and rutting
12 mm, the logit value to estimate the probabilities for ‘Very for a pavement section from objective survey are to be used
Poor’ surface condition is to be computed as follows: to estimate the probabilities.
Logit(≤ VP) = −5.274 − (−0.083 × 25) − (−0.167 × 12) Figure 2 depicts that an AC network (RANK1) pavement
= −1.995. Likewise, the parameter estimates from Table 6 section is most likely to be in ‘Very Good’ surface condition
convey the following predicted logits [Equations (13(i))–(13 until around 15% area fissured by cracking, next to the fair sur-
(iii))] for the SS network. face condition up to 28% are affected, and in poor surface con-
dition up to 50%. Lastly, when the cracking involved area
Logit(≤ VP) = −2.427 − (−0.078 × cracking) (13(i)) exceeds 50% of the total area of a pavement section, the prob-
ability of a section being in ‘Very Poor’ condition is expected,
Logit(≤ P) = −0.337 − (−0.078 × cracking) (13(ii))
which is rational. Thereafter, Figure 2 shows that for the
‘Good’ condition the SIR model fails to correctly predict the
Logit(≤ G) = 2.359 − (−0.078 × cracking) (13(iii))
pavement surface condition. In a similar way, Figure 3, for
The estimated probabilities for the AC network, obtained RANK1, shows that pavement section is expected to be in
from aforementioned Equations (5)–(8), are presented graphi- ‘Very Good’ condition up to about 8 mm rut depth, afterward
cally in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. In plotting the ‘Fair’ condition up to 14 mm, and then ‘Poor’ condition up to
models, one pavement condition parameter is considered as 26 mm rut depth. Sections with rutting >26 mm are presumed
a predictor and the other one is kept as constant at its mean to be in ‘Very Poor’ condition, which is pragmatic. Therefore,
value. Category with the maximum estimated probability for the model for ‘Good’ condition, with rutting as a predictor,

cannot predict the probabilities appropriately as well. This may being in ‘Poor’ or ‘Very Poor’ condition can be predicted as
be because the number of pavement sections with good ratings elaborated for other models.
is smaller than sections with very good and fair conditions. The classification from SPSS crosstab, permits us to deter-
Most of the pavement sections of AC networks were found mine the number of events with correctly predicted observed
to be in ‘Very Good’ and ‘Fair’ conditions. Likewise, the SIR. In case of AC network, the highest success rate of the
models for RANK2 in Figure 2 and Figure 3 can be interpreted logistic models, evaluated from the correctly predicted SIR
as well to predict the pavement surface conditions. values, is almost 51% with RANK1, and it is 46% with
Further, it is apparent from Figure 4 that the model for the RANK2 for the SS network. The summary of the evaluation
SS network (RANK2) is unable to predict well for ‘Very Good’ of the developed models is briefly presented in Table 7.
condition, possibly because the quantity of pavement sections
in very good condition is small for the SS network. However,
4.5. Validation of the ordinal logistic models for the
the SIR model predicts that the probability of sections being
pavement surface condition
in good condition is high up to 6% area affected by cracking.
When cracking value is between 6% and 26%, ‘Poor’ condition The developed ordinal logistic models for pavement surface
is expected. Once cracking is greater than 26%, ‘Very Poor’ condition were validated by comparing predicted weighted
pavement surface condition is most likely. Additionally, with average condition rating with observed rating of the pavement
RANK 1, in Figure 4, the models for ‘Very Good’, ‘Good’ sections for both networks. Thus, the scaled squared residual
and ‘Fair’ conditions are not able to predict the surface con- of SIR was calculated for each pavement section to investigate
dition of a pavement section accurately. The probabilities of the difference between observed/actual and predicted SIR

Figure 2. Predicted pavement surface condition probabilities (automated rutting is constant at mean value of 4.56 mm) using logistic SIR model (AC network).

Figure 3. Predicted pavement surface condition probabilities (directly measured cracking is constant at mean value of 8.255%) using logistic SIR model (AC network).

value. To estimate the weighted average condition rating, the Hence,

probabilities of each condition category were multiplied by
the midpoint of corresponding category SIR range and there- Scaled squared residual of SIR
after adding the products. Thus, in the case of AC network
= (Observed SIR–Predicted SIR)2 /Predicted SIR
(RANK1), the SIR category midpoints are 5, 13, 18, 25.5,
35.5 for ‘Very Good’ ‘Good’, ‘Fair’, ‘Poor’, and ‘Very Poor’ = (12 – 10.315)2 /10.315 = 0.2753
conditions, respectively. Likewise, in the SS network
(RANK2), the mid values for condition categories are: VG = The scatter plot (Figure 5) explicates that the squared
5, G = 15.5, P = 25.5, and VP = 35.5. The predicted probabil- difference between actual SIR value and predicted SIR
ities of the five condition categories for the pavement sections value is relatively small (scaled squared residual < 10) for
were obtained from the SPSS output. Thus, weighted average more than 86% of pavement segments and small (scaled
condition rating (expected/predicted rating) of a pavement squared residual < 5) for more than 66% of pavement seg-
section with cracking value 2.5 (% area affected) and actual ments for RANK1 in the AC network. For RANK2, more
SIR = 12, was estimated as below: than 84% pavement sections (scaled squared residual < 10)
have relatively small difference and more than 67% sections
have small difference (scaled squared residual < 5) between
Predicted SIR = 0.01 × 35.5 + 0.06 × 25.5 + 0.18 observed and expected SIR value. In the case of SS network
× 18 + 0.18 × 13 + 0.57 × 5 (Figure 6), the difference is small (scaled squared residual <
5) for more than 84% pavement segments for RANK2.
= 10.315 Therefore, the developed ordinal logistic models are valid

Figure 4. Predicted pavement surface condition probabilities using logistic SIR model (SS network).

for both networks. Since the SIR model for RANK1 in the SS sections comprising of asphalt surfaced and 190 sections of
network fails to predict three pavement surface conditions it sprayed seal surfaced, located at the metro-region of Victoria,
is assumed that this model is not suitable for use and hence, were used to develop linear regression models and probabilis-
was not analysed for validation. tic cumulative logistic models.
The best-fitting linear regression model implies a low per-
centage of variation in SIR. Cracking and rutting were proved
5. Summary and conclusions to be statistically significant predictors in the AC network. In
A set of relationships between manual pavement surface con- addition, only cracking is found to be a statistically significant
dition ratings and quantified condition parameters were devel- predictor of SIR value in the SS network. Further, the Factorial
oped for bituminous granular roads to help the practitioners in ANOVA tests elucidate that cracking and rutting (as categori-
triggering periodic resurfacing programs at the network level. cal variables) interact significantly with each other in the AC
The condition parameters include cracking, rutting, texture network. The interaction results from this study support the
loss, and roughness. In the current study, 160 pavement pavement distress mechanisms, and it can be inferred that

Table 7. Summary of pavement surface condition logistic models.

Model Goodness of Likelihood ratio Nagelkerke Significant logit % Categories with maximum
Network RANK type fit test measure parameters Success probabilities
AC RANK1 Ordinal Retained Significant 25% Cracking and Rutting 51% SIR = 0–10 (Very good)
RANK2 Ordinal Retained Significant 23% Cracking and Rutting 49% SIR = 0–10 (Very good)
SS RANK1 Ordinal Retained Significant 17% Cracking 40% SIR = 21–30 (Poor)
RANK2 Ordinal Retained Significant 17% Cracking 46% SIR = 11–15 (Good)

Figure 5. Scaled squared residual of SIR as a function of objectively collected cracking (AC network).

the interaction effect between cracking and rutting can be con- expense, and hazard risk of concerned evaluators in pavement
sidered in determining pavement surface condition for the surface condition monitoring, and therefore, reducing the
asphalt surfaced network. need for visual inspection surveys.
Developed ordinal logistic models predict pavement surface The AC network SIR models outperform the SS network
conditions from objective distresses (cracking/rutting). The SIR models for both RANK1 and RANK2. The SIR models
developed models were validated by the scaled squared for the SS network include only cracking since deformation
residuals of SIR. These models can be used to predict pave- data were not consistent with measured rutting data. The
ment surface condition, with provided quantified distress reason may include the lack of data integrity between manual
values. Here, the category with the maximum probability of and quantified pavement surface distress in the SS network
a road section is the most likely condition for the section, than that of the AC network. The ordinal logistic models
and that can help the road asset managers to rank the pave- developed in this study cannot predict subjective ratings that
ment sections for resurfacing prioritisation for practical pur- consider the total range of SIR due to the data deficiency of
pose. Thus, it is anticipated that the findings from this study pavement sections with high ratings. The asphalt surfaced
will provide more information in how to reduce the time, road network model is unable to predict the ‘Good’ condition,

Figure 6. Scaled squared residual of SIR as a function of objectively collected cracking (SS network).

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