Chapter 7

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At the end of this module, learners will be able to:

 write a short poem applying the various elements and literary
devices exploring innovative techniques
 use some of the learned elements, techniques, and literary
 Appreciate literary poems written by local and foreign writers.

Writing Preferences and The Writing Process

Writing Preferences
Every author has his/her own
inclinations when drafting a record.
Regardless of whether an individual is
composing a story, a sonnet, a diary
passage, a letter, or an innovative
genuine piece, the composing approach
is peculiar, implying that it is particular
to the individual who is composing.

Some are think-compose

journalists. They have to think and think and figure some more until they can
compose their first draft. At the point when they compose their first draft, they
need a huge square of time to get it down on paper. Their first drafts feel like a
completed item to the essayist since they've done the greater part of their
prewriting and updating in the reasoning procedure. In any case, these scholars
need to recollect that the primary draft is only that—a first draft. Modification is

Advantages Disadvantages
Once they’ve start writing, they They need time to think; they can’t
finish the draft easily. write under command or time
pressure. Starting the opening

paragraph can be difficult because

they are still thinking.
The first draft can feel like a polished Revising their work is difficult
final draft to the writer. They usually because from their perspective a lot
finish drafts on time or earlier than of the revision decisions were made
the deadline. in the thinking process.

Different scholars have different styles in writing. They compose, cut,

duplicate, and rearrange their work just as discard and start once more—here
and there numerous occasions. They are continually prewriting, arranging, and
modifying as they go. They now and then battle with completing a last draft, and
they have even been known to erase a portion of their best work. These essayists
need to make sure to spare all drafts, with the goal that the best work is rarely

The Writing Process

Every piece of writing goes

through a process of stages:
prewriting (also sometimes called
planning), drafting, cooling,
revising, and publishing. These
steps do not always follow one
another in succession. Instead,
they are recursive, meaning a
step can occur again at any point
in the process. For instance,
while revising an historically-
based short story, a writer may
discover he/she needs to do
additional research about the time period that the story is set, which takes the
writer back to the prewriting stage.


Publishing Conceptualzing

Revising Revitalizing


This is the stage where the writer

thinks of the possible concept or ideas.
Conceptualizing helps to determine the
flow of the writeup.

Some writers keep a composing

diary, a record of records and notes,
possibly drawings or photos, that at first
grabbed their eye. Authors by and large
are solid eyewitnesses who record what
they see, hear, taste, contact, and smell
since it might turn out to be a piece of a
story, a sonnet, a true to life article, a
play, and so on. Scholars may convey a little journal with them for the duration
of the day and set it on the end table close to their bed around evening time. At
that point, it is promptly accessible when a thought a motivation catches their

Writers make several decisions in the prewriting stage as well. They will
answer questions like the topic, readers/audience, the mode of delivering the
context, the genre, the point of view on how to tell the content and some factual

Drafting includes composing
the primary draft of a report. A few
journalists compose their first draft
with a pen and a note pad. Different
essayists compose legitimately on a
PC or PC. The decision relies upon the
inclination of the essayist.

A short bit of composing can be

drafted at a time. The objective is to
get everything down on paper before it
is lost. On the off chance that a piece
can't be drafted at a time since it is
excessively long, scholars for the most
part stop at a spot where they recognize what they will compose straightaway.
This forestalls a mental obstacle, the powerlessness to compose the following

When drafting, writers are urged to not focus on spelling, accentuation,

language structure, and so on. Reexamining while at the same time composing
makes essayists lose the first progression of the thought. Spelling, accentuation,
language structure, and so on can be tended to in the last update.

Time plays an important part in
writing. Once you create your draft, you
need to have some break for you to unwind
your mind in conceptualizing. This will
help you to rethink and reconceptualize for
a new possible content or inputs. This
allows writers to have a new perspective
when entering the revision stage. To do
this, journalists should be sorted out and time supervisors. The main draft must
be done early enough to save it for the suggested cooling time.

Writers of books have significantly longer cooling periods. It might be

weeks, months, and here and there even years, contingent upon the author's
inclination and the cutoff time for the distribution of the book.

Revising literally means “to see
again” not just once but multiple times.
Revision has two types of processes
where the larger problems such as
content and organization and the
smaller problems such as sentence
structure, word choice, and formatting
shall both be considered in revising your
output. Revising will help you to notice
the other elements of your writeup from
the mechanics, structure, coherence of
the paragraphs and its core.

Some portion of updating may incorporate requesting that others read

drafts and make modification proposals. Eventually, it's consistently up to the
author whether those update suggestions will be actualized into the last draft.

Publishing involves submitting
final manuscripts to editors of print
and online journals and magazines,
newspapers, or publishing companies.

Although it’s great to see one’s name in

print, not all writers write for
publication. Some write their stories,
poems, letters, diaries, etc. for the next
generations – their children,
grandchildren, and great-
grandchildren. They write to record
their personal history.

For further reading please refer to the link provided:


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