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Chairul Bahri Mesgiyanto

PGMI Department, Post-UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang

Zulfi Mubaraq
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang


The Integralism of Science in Islam (History and Development and Classification) is very
important to study. Evidence that it is important to study is shown by the many studies that
take place in various media. The objectives of the Integralism of Science in Islam are: First, I
want to understand the meaning of the Integralism of Science in Islam. Second, I want to
understand about the history of the development of science, especially discussing the
integration of science in Islam. Third, want to know the classification of knowledge in Islam.
The limitation in this article is on the material object in the form of a scientific journal. The
data collection technique used by the researcher is the library research method, namely
observing various studies that are in accordance with the theme. The analysis technique used
in this research is content analysis technique. The integration of science is a way of uniting or
combining knowledge (science) with Islamic religious values, namely with the Book of Allah
and Sunnah) in order to Islamize science. The history and development of the Integralism of
Science started from the Ancient Greek period to the Renaissance period. There are several
opinions on the classification of the Integralism of Science in Islam, including Ian Borbour,
John F.Haught Kuntowijoyo, M. Amin Abdullah, Muhammad Naquib al-Attas and Isma'il
Raji al-Faruqi. In conclusion, from the understanding, the history of the development and
classification of the Integralism of Science in Islam, it is an effort to integrate science with
religious values.

Keywords : Integralism of Science, Classification of Science, History of the Development of


A. Introduction
The Integralism of Science in Islam (History and Development and Classification) is
very important to study. Evidence that it is important to study is shown by the many studies
that take place in various media (Media Online, 2021). Statistically in 2021 alone, there are
406 studies in online media that discuss the Integralism of Science in Islam (Goegle Cendikia,
2017). In 2020 there are 1090 studies that discuss the Integralism of Science in Islam (Goegle
Cendikia, 2017). Then in 2017 there were 2960 discussing the Integralism of Science in Islam.
As for the last ten years, it turns out that there have been 4,220 online media studies
discussing the Integralism of Science in Islam (Goegle Cendikia, 2017). In the last five years
online media there have been 60 studies on the Integralism of Science in Islam
( In the last five years in there have been 1617 studies
discussing the Integralieme of Science in Islam(Academia.Edu, 2021) In the last ten years
there have also been 86 studies discussing the Integralism of Science in Islam (Microsoft
Academia, 2021). Lastly, there are 2 studies that discuss the Integralism of Science in Islam.
(IBTimes.ID, 2017)
The study of the Integralism of Science in Islam is divided into three trends, namely:
First, the Definition of Integralism of Science in Islam as reviewed in the Qalamuna Journal.
Integralism of Science in Islam History of Development and its classification(Iis Uun
Ferdiana, 2017) regarding the understanding of the integralism of Science in Islam with the
title "Islamic Integralism" Armahedi Mahzar (Azaki Khairuddin, 2019). Second, the concept
of the history of the development of scientific integration in Islam and the classification of
scientific integration in Islam (Iis Uun Ferdiana, 2017). third, the Division of Integralism of
Science in Islam, this can be seen in the journal Integration of Islamic Sciences in the
perspective of M. Amin Abdullah (Parluhutan Siregar., 2014) in the Paper on Classification of
Integralism of Science in Islam (Muhammad Yazid, 2017)
This paper has three objectives, namely: First, to understand the meaning of the
Integralism of Science in Islam. The definition of Integralism here is Integralism related to
Science, because Integralism itself will have many meanings if it is not focused on in its
discussion, so the focus of this paper is the notion of Science Integralism. Second, I want to
understand about the history of the development of science, in particular, which discusses the
integration of science in Islam, which was studied by Iis Uun Ferdianan in his journal,
Integralism of science in Islam (History of Development and Classification. Understanding
the development of integration of science in Islam from the Greek period to the Renaissance
period, which was studied by Nurhikmah Third, want to know the classification of science in
Islam, the classification here is the classification of the integralism of science in Islam, as the
media source that is used as a reference.
Arguments about the integration of science in Islam are discussed for three reasons:
First: there are many misunderstandings about the concept of integration of science in Islam,
especially in understanding the meaning of the integration of science in Islam due to
misunderstandings about the meaning of integralism of science and misunderstandings about
the history of the development of scientific integration and classification of science. In Islam,
there are misconceptions; second: Re-aligning misconceptions about the integralism of
science in Islam that the integralism of science is the effort of Islamic experts and leaders in
integrating science with religious values. Third, reconceptualize/build the concept of the
integralism of science in Islam, which has been a dichotomy (Contradictory Science in
Religion). And directs the concept of integralism of science in Islam that has developed so far
in accordance with the rules and norms in Islam. Many Muslims think that science is separate
from religious values. In fact, science cannot be separated from religious values.

B. Literature Review
Understanding the Integralism of Science in Islam (History of Development and
Classification) consists of two parts, namely etymology and terminology, integralism comes
from the word Integral which etymologically means Indivisible, Integrated (KBBI.2021, n.d.)
from English -integrate; integration- which was later adapted into Indonesian into integration
which means to unite; merging or unification into a unified whole; blending. (wawasan, 2014). Tyrminological Integralism is a modern Islamic philosophy based on
the verses of Allah (al Quran and nature), to understand Islam in a new way, so that it can be
used to solve problems faced by the world today (Muhammad Yazid, 2017). The word science
is linguistically the word science comes from Arabic (ilm), Latin (science) which means to
know or know or understand (KBBI.2021, n.d.). In terms of terminology, science is systematic
or scientific knowledge. So, in terminology, the integration of science is the integration of
separate sciences into a coherent science, in this case the unification of religious-style sciences
with general sciences. (wawasan, 2014).
In the Study of the Integralism of Science in Islam, it can be described in the first 2
discussions, namely the discussion on the Islamization of Science in which it discusses the
efforts made by Islamic thinkers in the reintegration of general science and Islamic science.
Then the second, the continuation of Islamic Integralism which connects or combines science
and Islam as well as the background of the occurrence of Islamic integralism and the figures
of Integralism of Science in Islam as described in the journal Qalamuna(Iis Uun Ferdiana,
2017), in the article: Classification of Integralism of Science in Islam and understanding of the
Integralism of Science in Islam (Muhammad Yazid, 2017); so that it can be concluded that the
Integralism of Science is the integration of general sciences into separate Islamic values into a
single integrated science, in this case the unification of Islamic knowledge (Islamic values)
with general sciences.
In this concept, the researcher explains the History of the Development of Scientific
Integralism. Explain the history of development in terms of terminology and etymology.
According to Nurhikmah, the history of the development of science shows the great
contribution of the Eastern world to the progress of science to what it is today(Nurhikmah,
2017). Development Etymologically comes from the word flower and flower, which means
progress, to be better. (KBBI.2021, n.d.)Etymologically Development is a qualitative process
that refers to the perfection of social and psychological functions in a person and lasts
throughout life (Wikipedia, 2021). History can be interpreted as events and events that
actually happened in the past or the origin (descendants) of genealogies, especially for kings
who ruled (Wikipedia, 2021). Discussing the History of the Development of Science
Integralism in Islam (Iis Uun Ferdiana, 2017), Priodization of the History of the Development
of Science as described in the journal History of the development of Science integralism(Iis
Uun Ferdiana, 2017), then the Journal written by Abdul Karim with the theme History of the
development of Science (Karim, 2014)
The history of the development of scientific integration can be divided into several
discussions, namely: First, the history of the development of ancient Greek science. second,
the history of the development of Islamic science, and third, the history of the development of
the Renaissance period, and contemporary periods (Karim, 2014). Integralism of Science in
Islam arises because of the awareness of Islamic leaders that General Science should not be
separated from Islamic concepts, so that the integration of knowledge is very necessary as
explained in the journal Integralism of Knowledge: Linkage of Islamic Values and Science
(Ikmal, 2019). The history of the development of science is a contribution from the East for
the advancement of science, but the development of the theoretical development of science
starts from Greek civilization, so that the Priodization of the development of science starts
from the Greek period which in its development there are also efforts by Islamic leaders in the
internalization of knowledge into Islam. (Nurhikmah, 2017)
The concept of division of the classification of integralism of science in Islam can be
understood through the concept of integration itself. (Muhammad Yazid, 2017) In the KBBI,
classification is a systematic arrangement in groups or groups according to established rules or
standards(KBBI.2021, n.d.), the classification of Integralism of Science in Islam means the
division or grouping of Integralism of Science in Islam as in the Qalamuna Journal (Iis Uun
Ferdiana, 2017)
The concept of division of the classification of integralism of science in Islam can be
understood through the concept of integration itself. The concept of integration consists of
several parts. First, theological integration developed by Ian Barbour. Second, religion as a
confirmation of knowledge put forward by John F. Haught.(Muhammad Yazid, 2017) Third,
Islamization according to the Islamization of science developed by Muhammad Naquib al-
Attas and Isma'il Raji al-Faruqi. Fourth, the Islamic science proposed by Kuntowijoyo.
Classification of Science according to Islamic figures as in the Journal (Iis Uun Ferdiana,
C. Research Methodology
The limitation in this article is on material objects in the form of scientific journals and
electro books that are in accordance with the theme of Integralism of Science in Islam
(History and Development and Classification). In accordance with the existing theme that
there are relevant journals discussing the Integralism of Science in Islam. In the online media
Goegle Scholar found many relevant journals about the Integralism of Science in Islam
including the Qalamuna Journal entitled Integralism of Science in Islam (History of
Development and Classification) written by Iis Uun Fardiana (Iis Uun Ferdiana, 2017), the
Scientific Journal of Iqra 'also discusses the theme related to the theme of Knowledge
Integralism written by (Ikmal, 2019) The Hibrul Ulama journal also discussed the theme with
the title of Knowledge Integration: Philosophical Perspective of Islamic Education (Ridwan
Harahap, 2014); Parluhutan Seregar in the Miqot Journal (in 2014) also discussed themes
related to the title Integrating Islamic Sciences in the Perspective of M. Amin Abdullah
(Parluhutan Siregar., 2014). In this theme also in Language in the paper Integralism of Science
in Islam: History of the Development of Science (Nurhikmah, 2017); Article on Classification
of the Integralism of Science in Islam(Muhammad Yazid, 2017)
This research is a qualitative research with a literature study (library research) is
research that uses methods to obtain information data by placing existing facilities in libraries
or online media such as books, magazines, documents, journals and records of historical
stories. data by analyzing journals related to taking primary data and secondary data. Primary
data according to Sugiyono (2010) is a data source that directly provides data to data
collectors. Secondary data according to Sugiyono (2016:137) secondary data sources are
sources that do not directly provide data to data collectors. Using secondary data if the
researcher collects information from data that has been processed by other parties.
The form of research in this paper uses library research in accordance with the
procedure, namely observing various studies that are in accordance with the theme of the
Integralism of Science in Islam. Library research is research that involves data using library
data by reading and then processing it without requiring direct research (field research)
because it can be obtained from pre-existing sources. This study not only records the data
collected from various previous studies, but researchers are required to be able to process the
data that has been collected using the stages of library research. So it can be concluded that
library research is a type of research that is used to collect detailed information and data
through various literatures to get answers and theoretical foundations regarding the problem to
be studied. Researchers took 10 study journals that were relevant to the theme, so that they got
the right relationship according to the theme of the Integralism of Science in Islam. The most
relevant study here is taken in the journal Qalamuna written by (Iis Uun Ferdiana, 2017). Then
the relevant articles are Journals with the theme of the History of the Development of
Integralism in Science written by (Nurhikmah, 2017) and Journals (Muhammad Yazid, 2017)
about the classification of Science Integralism in Islam.
The data collection technique used by the researcher is the library research method,
which is observing various studies that are in accordance with the theme of the Integralism of
Science in Islam. The library method is a research conducted by reading books or magazines
with other data sources in the library. This research activity is carried out by collecting data
from various literatures, which are used not only in books, but can also be in the form of
documentation materials, magazines, newspapers, and others. (Bambang Sunggono). This
research method does not require us to go into the field to see the facts directly as they are. So
the data collection is determined by examining the literature and library materials that are
relevant to the problem under study, both from books and data using library materials on the
Integralism of Science in Islam.
The analytical technique used in this research is analytical technique. Content analysis
is research that is in-depth discussion of the content of written or printed information in the
mass media. The content analysis process with a qualitative approach has several stages,
namely: First, the description or orientation stage, which is where the researcher describes
what is seen, heard, felt, and asked. The second stage, the reduction stage, at this stage the
researcher reduces all the information that has been obtained in the first stage to focus on
certain problems, the data that needs to be sorted is data that is interesting, important, useful
and new. The third stage is the selection stage, at this stage the researcher describes the focus
that has been set in more detail. In this third stage, after the researcher conducts an in-depth
analysis of the data and information obtained, the researcher can find a theme by constructing
the data obtained into a new knowledge, hypothesis or science (Sugiyono, 2008).

D. Findings
Integralism of Science in Islam from ten journals that have been sorted on online media
that discusses integralism of Science in Islam explains that Integralism of Science is the
iteration of the wealth of knowledge with revelation. Integration of Science is an effort to
bring together perspectives, ways of thinking and ways of acting between science and Islam.
Integrity is the right keyword to discuss between science and religion. Integralism is a
modern Islamic philosophy based on the verses of Allah (al-Quran and nature), to understand
Islam in a new way, so that it can be used to solve problems faced by the world today.
Integralism of Science in Islam stems from the appearance of Humanism in Europe
which is marked by the Renaissance, namely the longing for dry Greek and Roman ancestral
values with spiritual values. Because of the awareness of Islamic leaders who are aware that
Islam is a complete teaching and there is no separation between the sacred and the profon, the
idea arose to combine science with religious values. The integration of knowledge is a way of
uniting or integrating science with Islamic religious values, namely with the Book of Allah
and the Sunnah in order to Islamize science. The journal written by Iin Uus Ferdianan states
that the Islamization of Science means carrying out a scientific activity such as uncovering,
collecting, connecting and disseminating it according to the Islamic perspective on nature,
life and humans. One of the methods in the Islamic scientific process is integration. In other
journals, he also explained that the integration of human scientific wealth with revelation
(God's instructions in the Qur'an and its implementation in the Sunnah of the Prophet) is
called the Integration of Science in Islam.
The discussion on the meaning of the Integralism of Science in Islam is taken from
three journals and Articles of Papers that are in accordance with the appropriate discussion
that the discussion of this journal discusses the Integralism of Science in Islam in accordance
with the analysis in ten journals that have been obtained for discussion. In this first
discussion, namely the notion of Integralism in which the notion of Integralism is the
integration of science with religious values as mentioned in the journal written by Iis Uun
Ferdiana, and the other two journals explain the meaning of Integralism in Science in more
detail, namely that the Integralism of Science in Islam is the integration of general sciences
into separate Islamic values into a unified science, in this case the unification of Islamic
knowledge (Islamic values) with general sciences. Therefore, the relationship between these
three journals is used as input because it leads to the understanding and transmission and
discussion of anything.
Of the journals that have been sorted, there are 5 journals that are more relevant to
writing about the history of the development of science. It can be concluded that the history
of the development of science to the occurrence of the Integralism of Science starts from the
Ancient Greek Priodesasi to the renaissance period. With the development of science, during
the Greek period with its figures and produced various general sciences which later became
the pride of Islam as well as the development of Islamic science so that the integration of
general knowledge into Islam was developed until now.
The explanation in the discussion of the history and development of science from the
Greek period to the Renaissance period is based on Science in the Greek period which found
scientific thought as the basis for the birth of General Science. The period of Ancient Greece
is a historical place where a nation had a civilization. Therefore, ancient Greece is very
synonymous with philosophy which is the mother of science. During the period of Islam
carrying out a large-scale translation of the works of Greek philosophers, and various
findings in other scientific fields. The transfer of scientific knowledge from Greek philosophy
to the Islamic world, and the absorption and integration of that knowledge by Muslims, is a
unique historical record. As well as during the Renaissance Period (Europe); the era of
revival from Catholic dogmatism to the era of Greek rationality. From there, it appears the
manipulation of the West, without mentioning Islam.
The discussion regarding the history of the development of science in the Integralism of
Science in Islam. Broadly speaking, the most relevant are taken from the 5 journals that are
connected and then summarized including; Qalamuna journal written by Iis Uun Ferdiana
with the theme Integralism of Science and Islam: History of its Development and
Classification in 2017(Iis Uun Ferdiana, 2017);. Then the relevant journal was also written by
Abdul Karim with the theme of the history of the development of science which was written
in 2014. Then the relevant journal was the journal with the theme of the History of the
Development of Science in Islam written by Arif Al Anang which was written in 2019.
Furthermore, the journal Dynamics of the Development of Science in Islam is also relevant,
this journal was written by M. Zainal Abidin in 2012(Abidin, 2012). As well as the paper
Integralism of Science in Islam compiled by Nurhikmah entitled History of the Development
of Science in 2017(Nurhikmah, 2017).
Of the journals that have been sorted, the journals that are more relevant to writing
about the Classification of Science in the Discussion of the Integralism of Science in Islam
are journal studies. It can be concluded that the classification of knowledge integralism in
Islam can be understood through the concept of integration itself. The classification of
Integralime is theological integration, the concept of religious integration, the concept of
Islamization, and theoanthropocentric-integralistic scholarship.
As for the concept of integration that can classify the integration of science in Islam,
they are: First, the tiological integration developed by Ian Borbour. The second concept of
integration of religion as confirmation of knowledge put forward by John F.Haught. Third:
the concept of Islamization of science developed by Muhammad Naquib al-Attas and Isma'il
Raji al-Faruqi. Fourth: The concept of Islamic science proposed by Kuntowijoyo. And fifth:
The theoanthropocentric-integralistic concept of "spider webs" by M. Amin Abdullah.
The discussion regarding the classification of science in the Integralism of Science in
Islam. Broadly speaking, the most relevant ones are taken from the 6 journals that are linked
and then summarized including; Qalamuna journal written by Iis Uun Ferdiana with the
theme Integralism of Science and Islam: History of its Development and Classification (Iis
Uun Ferdiana, 2017); then the Usuludin Journal of Science with the theme Dynamics of
Thought Classification of Science in the classical Islamic intellectual realm written by
Muhammad Zainal Abidin in (Abidin, 2012); then the relevant journals are the Seregar
Lutheran journal with the theme Integration of the Islamic Sciences in the Perspective of M.
Amin Abdullah which was written in 2014; Ainor Syahira in the journal of da'wah and
society wrote on the theme of concepts and classification of knowledge in Islam in, 2020;
Furthermore, Muhammad Yazid wrote a journal also relevant to the theme of the
classification of the Integralism of Science in Islam in 2017.

E. Discution
The discussion in the article on the Integralism of Science in Islam (History of
Development and Classification) discusses the meaning of the word Integralism where the
word Integralism is etymologically derived from the word Integral which means Inseparable,
Integrated (KBBI.2021, n.d.), Etymologically also Integralism comes from the word
integration which is an absorption word from English -integrate; integration- which was later
adapted into Indonesian into integration which means to unite; merging or unification into a
unified whole; blending. (wawasan, 2014). Tyrminological Integralism is a
modern Islamic philosophy based on the verses of Allah (al Quran and nature), to understand
Islam in a new way, so that it can be used to solve problems faced by the world today
(Muhammad Yazid, 2017). Then discuss the history of the development of integrated science
in Islam starting from the ancient Greek period to the renaissance period. Furthermore, it also
discusses the classification of Science Integralism based on the concept of its own integration.
Judging from several studies that the Integralime of science in Islam is discussed
regarding the meaning of Integralism of Science itself, to explain the purpose of the
Integralism of Science and the stage of integrating Science into Islam. In explaining the
Integralism of Science in Islam, it will not be separated from historical discussions about the
Development of Science so that the Integralization of Science into Islam can occur, in addition
to discussing history in order to better understand, the study also discusses the Classification
of Science, especially in discussing the Integralism of Science into Islam and to find out
According to the classification or division of knowledge, the study presents the division based
on the concept of integration itself as explained by the characters in it. Therefore, the results
of research on the Integralism of Science in Islam (the history of its development and
classification) are indeed correct because several studies discuss those mentioned above.
The meaning of the article on the Integralism of Science in Islam is to explain the
meaning of the word Integralism etymologically and terminology so that the reader
understands the purpose of the discussion of the article being studied. In accordance with the
objectives, the reader can understand the history and development of science, especially
history which directs the development of science in the normalization of knowledge in Islam.
Whereas the history of scientific integration discussed is the development of science based on
the period, namely the period of the emergence of science, namely the ancient Greek period,
then the Islamic period and then the Renaissance period. So that they can understand the
development of science from each period. understand the classification of Integralism of
Science based on the concept of integration, And know the real truth in the process of
Integralism of Science in Islam is the correct process in the process of developing science and
can be a solution to problems at this time.
The implication of the results of the article on the Integralism of Science in Islam to the
author is that the author can find out about the discussion of the Integralism of Science in
Islam (History of its development and classification). The author can write an article on
Integralism of Science in Islam which discusses the integration of General Science into Islam
so that in the future there will be more general knowledge that is integrated with Islamic
values. The implication between one journal and another is that journals that are relevant to
the article on the Integralism of Science in Islam (History of Development and Classification)
both discuss the Integration of Science into religious values, especially the Islamic religion
and discuss the background and history of the occurrence of this integralism of science.
The comparison or comparison in the article on the Integralism of Science in Islam is
seen from several studies. The author took 10 relevant studies and then analyzed the
similarities and differences from 10 studies. There are similarities in the 10 most relevant
journals where the same equation discusses Integralism itself which is written in the
introduction and discussion in each journal so that there is no misunderstanding. and the
Concept of Science Integration. The difference here from one journal to another is that there
are journals that explain in detail about the integralism of science in Islam, as well as
discussions of the history of the development of science in each journal, some are complete,
some only briefly discuss because they focus on the title of each journal.
After studying three things, namely the understanding of Integralism, the history and
development of science, especially in the Integralism of Science in Islam, and the
Classification of Integralime of science in Islam, it is necessary to develop the integration of
general knowledge into Islam so that these general sciences also direct closeness to religion
and its creator. So that whatever is learned will lead to obedience.

F. Conclusion
The conclusion in the study of the article on the Integralism of Science in Islam, which
was studied from three things including the understanding of the word Integralism to find out
the meaning and purpose of the word integralism etymologically and in terminology where the
word integralism leads to the integration of science with Islamic religious values. The second
is about the history of the development of Science Integralism in Islam, which in discussing
the history of this development cannot be separated from the history of the development of
science starting from the Greek period to the Renaissance Period and the time of the
development of Science Integralism in Islam. Then proceed with the third discussion, namely
the classification of Integralism of Science in Islam, in the discussion of the classification of
Integralism of Science itself can be divided based on the concept of Integration itself and there
are several classifications based on the figures of this Integralism of Science in Islam. In this
study, there are different findings. Understanding of Integralism linguistically if searched with
a dictionary it will be different from what will be researched and presented if you do not read
the journal or reference carefully.
This writing uses the Pustaka study research method where the data processing uses
several journals in online media which are taken from 10 journals that are in accordance with
Science Interalism in Islam. From the relevant journals in the analysis of the Integralism of
Science in Islam. The data collection technique here uses an appropriate analysis technique,
namely analyzing the ten journals that have been collected. In this way, the results of the
discussion that will be presented include the notion of scientific integration, the history of the
development of scientific integration and its classification. Each of the three discussions can
be obtained from the results of the analysis using the Library study method, namely data
collection using existing journal review documents.
This discussion about the Integralism of Science in Islam is written with the hope that it
can help the readers to know the purpose of the Integralism of Science in Islam. This research
has been carried out in accordance with what is available with many limitations, this research
uses data collection in the form of library data which should have a very broad scope. Because
the discussion of the Integralism of Science in Islam is very broad in scope, the researcher
only describes three topics, namely the notion of integralism of Science, History of
development and Classification of Integralism of Science in Islam. In the future, this research
can be added back to the discussion with more data and a more detailed discussion so that it
produces better and more accurate answers so that it can be used as a reference for other

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