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For the first step,they focused on increasing recycling rates and driving a more circular economy by
incorporating it into our packaging, with the goal of collecting and recycling the equivalent of 100%
of the packaging it produce.Then,a bottle crated or beverage crate was a container used for
transport of beverage containers. In the present day they are usually made of plastic, but before the
widespread use of plastic they tended to be made of wood or metal.After that,a bottle washed
machine was the first part of the process. Although bottles are cleaned beforehand properly, but to
prevent any kind of bacteria or contaminated particles, they are sprayed with some gases or water.
First, the bottles are kept on a rotating platform, and then with the help of a conveyor belt they are
fed into the washer.Furthermore,the camera mounted similarly to the first camera except at the
opposite side of the conveyor, focuses on the other side of the bottle cap. The same inspection
criteria apply equally to this camera. All defective parts are knocked off the conveyor line into a
reject bin. A red beacon also becomes illuminated for 5 s when a bottle defect is noticed, notifying
the operator.Although,in beverage filling and packaging industry, various types of machines are used
to carry out the beverage filling and packaging process. However, some variation in terms of
machines is possible depending upon the type of container used to carry the beverage in the
beverage filling and packaging lineAt last,cans are made using 50% recycled aluminum, and are
produced right next to the manufacturing plants for the beverages. The bottles are made using PET
plastic and are made from 25% recycled plastic that are manufactured on site, to reduce
transportation costs. The glass bottles now are made from 40% recycled materials. The weight of the
bottles has also been significantly reduced in recent years,the bottles have been reduced in weight
by 20%.

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