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Actividad 1 Gerencia e Internacionalización de MiPymes – Docente Iván Medina

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Yaresni Leal Rodriguez y Ana Maria Gualdron Bravo 662669 y 686562 Octavo.

1. Firms adapting to global marketplaces: Introduction (Empresas que se 2. The phenomenon of globalization in trade (El fenómeno de la 3. Theorizations of economic geography (Teorizaciones de la geografía
adaptan a los mercados globales: Introducción) globalización en el comercio) económica)
The global experience of firms, cities, and regions (La experiencia Changes in production patterns (Cambios en los patrones de
global de empresas, ciudades y regions) producción) Explanations for changing trade patterns (Explicaciones para cambiar
los patrones comerciales)
✓ The global market is a system in which an exchange of trade, capital ✓ Sustainable development requires changes in consumption and
and labor between different countries is generated. This, based on the production patterns, global governance mechanisms on food security ✓ They try to explain phenomena that exist around international trade, in
international division of labor. and climate change, and new technologies to produce more with less order to understand the current behavior, for the better determination
✓ That is, a global market is one where several nations establish impact on the environment. of public policies on trade.
economic and financial relations, and there is also a free movement of
human capital. The global commodity chain (GCC) approach (El enfoque de la
✓ We must remember that by international division of labor we mean cadena mundial de productos básicos (CCG)
that different countries specialize in the production of different goods
and services. This, in order to take advantage of their comparative ✓ The value chain approach enables the analysis of existing constraints
advantages. and the approach of strategies at the level of the actors in each link of
✓ Comparative advantage is the ability of a person, company, or country the chain with a view to increasing productivity and adding greater
to produce a good using relatively fewer resources than another. This value.
is one of the foundations of international trade.

India’s textile and apparel industry (La industria textil y de la

confección de la India) Factors fueling the increase in trade (Factores que impulsan el Evolution of the GCC approach into the global value chain (GVC)
aumento del comercio) approach (Evolución del enfoque GCC hacia el enfoque de la cadena
✓ The domestic garment and textile industry in India contributes 2% of global de valor (GVC)
the country's GDP, 7% of the industry's output in terms of value. The ✓ Economic growth must be one of the fundamental aims towards
share of textiles, clothing and handicrafts in India's total exports was which policy must aim. In its relation to nutrition, a country's economic ✓ The Global Value Chain (QMS) can be understood as the sequence of
11.4% in 2020 and 2021. India has a 4% share of the global trade growth determines that, if the right policies are formulated, a part of activities that companies and workers carry out from the conception of
in textiles and clothing. India is the sixth largest exporter of textiles each country's domestic budget can be allocated towards social product for final sale. Over the past four decades, such a sequence
and clothing in the world. investment, where nutrition should be at the forefront. There are has been
fundamental determinants of this economic growth, such as labor segmented into several countries, thus giving rise to new standards of
✓ India is one of the largest producers of cotton and jute in the world. productivity, the level of physical capital and financial capital, and geographical structure of production. The objective of this work is to
India is also the second largest silk producer in the world and 95% of technological innovation. Other conditions such as the level of external develop
the world's hand-woven fabrics come from India. The Indian technical debt affect economic growth, since the payments derived from that the emergence of the evolution of the theoretical framework on GVCs
textiles segment is estimated at $16 billion, about 6% of the global debt, such as interest and repayments, condition the ability of from the
market. economies to generate growth. However, it is not the function of this from the 80s to the present, critically analyzing some of its
section to analyze the determinants of economic growth but the link postulate and, in particular, the specific approach that organizations
✓ The textile and garment industry in India is the second largest between economic growth and nutrition. they have done so in recent years. They also raised
employer in the country and provides direct employment to 45 million what are the new challenges posed by this new global economic
people and 100 million people in related industries. geography
imposed on peripheral countries to achieve development.
Keywords: Global value chains, literature review,
economic development.

The Kannur home textiles industry (La industria de textiles para el Benefits of global value chains analysis (Beneficios del análisis de las
hogar de Kannur) cadenas globales de valor)
Global value chains generate several positive effects on the world
✓ Kannur, Kerala is well known for its Textile Industry and is known as economy, among which are the following: They allow to take
Manchester of Kerala is founded and promoted by the 3rd generation advantage of the comparative advantages between the different
of the family who runs the textile business since 1970s from Kannur. countries of the world. Thus, for example, China can take advantage of
The Company is run by professionals with long years of experience in its relatively cheaper labor.
garment industry is Empowering Women in the surrounding villages of
its units, and its first unit was established in 2019 at the village of Internal analysis of a company's value chain is useful for significantly
Kannadiparamba, Kannur. Its aim of sustainable growth provides the increasing an organization's added value and competitive advantage.
founders to establish more such units in rural villages of Malabar, After this analysis, better decisions can be made to move on to
thereby creating job opportunities for many women to transform their targeted initiatives.
life is committed to provide high quality garments at competitive price Understanding problems of market access (Comprender los
to its customers and become their part of healthy growth, strongly problemas de acceso a los mercados)
believe in long term and sustainable growth with its business partners.
✓ Market access is the extent to which products and services can be
freely traded in export markets. Greater market access is generally
seen as increasing mutual benefits between trading partners.

Acquiring production capability (Adquirir capacidad de producción)

✓ To calculate the production capacity of an active enterprise, it is

sufficient to assess the available resources, that is, to measure the
quantity and quality of human resources, machines and equipment,
physical facilities, plant layout, production system and available
working capital.

Small industry conglomerations in emerging markets (Conglomerados Shifting governance structures (Cambios en las estructuras de Understanding the distribution of gains along the chains (Comprender
de pequeñas industrias en mercados emergentes) gobierno) la distribución de las ganancias a lo largo de las cadenas)

✓ In the decades of the sixties and seventies there were many ✓ The first forms of government date back to about 12,000 years ago, ✓ Supply chains can have different levels of maturity that directly impact
processes of mergers and acquisitions in Europe and other developed the beginning of the Neolithic. In this period, man manages to learn the development of the company, the higher the level of maturity, the
regions. Many companies merged creating a multitude of more about his environment and to control the variables of nature greater the return on investment, but also the greater the durability of
conglomerates in order to achieve significant economies of scale or going from hunters and gatherers (main economic activities) to the the business.
synergies. newly discovered agriculture. And it is this change that triggers, in
✓ The case of the Algerian Group. F. Argelini together with two other addition to the excellent climatic conditions that occurred in the West Finding leverage points for policy and organizing initiatives (Encontrar
partners created in Portugal the company called <<Society for the East, which encourage new economic activity. The formerly nomadic puntos de apalancamiento para políticas e iniciativas de organización)
Trade and Industry of Chemical Products and the like>>, in the period tribes are established and transformed for the first time into agrarian
1950-1970 they expanded the distribution of their products while communities. Since then, family clans and communities eventually ✓ Leverage is a strategy used to increase the profits and losses of an
building new factories of those products; then, they created research became peoples that developed independently in language and investment. A higher degree of leverage carries greater risks. Thus,
development laboratories where they obtained important discoveries culture. although profits can be greatly increased, by making use of this
in pharmaceutical products. In the 80's, they intensified the ✓ The second economic factor that leads us to the development of the leverage effect you can also considerably increase losses.
distribution of their products in international markets. Currently, the first civilizations is the discovery of bronze. With this, and the
Algerian Group continues with its attempts to open up to new areas to discovery of the wheel, which dates from the same period (Bronze Identifying funnels for technical assistance (Identificación de embudos
maintain leadership in some market segments. Age), transports develop, and communication and exchange routes para la asistencia técnica)
are created between the already formed peoples. For all this we agree
with the following phrase of Ricardo Krebs: "Life in community forced ✓ The sales funnel is a way to measure and get to know your potential
to establish rules and to constitute some authority that enforced the customers or buyer persona much better. It covers all activities, from
laws. Since in those times there was still no writing, there were no attracting new visitors to generating sales with an Inbound Marketing
written laws. Men were governed by custom and customary law." In strategy, thus increasing the monthly turnover of your business.
addition, the growing economic activity needs control devices.

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