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Puerto Lopez, October 15, 2022

my dear inna
I just want to tell you that I like you very much, I love your persistence, I have carefully read
your letters and I am pleasantly surprised.
I apologize for not answering, but we'll talk about that some day, my grandmother used to
say, in war he who resists wins.
I am a man much older than you, I am 67 years old, but I still feel full of energy, only that
from 2010 to date my life for things of fate played a trick on me, but there is no harm that
lasts 100 years, I am also Catholic and I have a God who always protects me.
I'm not sexually depraved, so don't worry, hehehehe. I was never a friend of alcohol and
worse offender.
I have three grown children, two girls and one boy. Five grandchildren whom I love madly,
but I am alone and I am looking for a woman whom I can love and feel reciprocated with.
I had a great family, my parents unfortunately already left for the other world, my father just
died two months ago at the age of 99, my mother died at the age of 92, they were happily
married for more than 65 years.
I had no luck in my marriage, well, rather, I was stupid to have married someone I didn't love,
in any case I fought for a few years to keep the marriage, my children were small, but after
thirteen years of being married she asked me the diborsio and my marital life ended there, I
never walked away from my children, nor from her in the sense that in the end she is their
Mother until the day we die.
What can I tell you about it, society is made up of two and if it fails there is shared blame and
in the end we simply were not made for each other. The final has come, this story has
ended. (sayings that if one day you marry a Latino you will learn)
With this you will realize that the only thing I want is to find a great woman who is my partner,
friend, lover, etc. Until the last day of my life, I just want to make it clear to the woman I'm
looking for to think about it very well because I have long-lived genes, hehehehe, you won't
be able to get rid of me easily, just a joke.
I am of Chilean nationality, I have lived in Ecuador for many years, this is a small
underdeveloped country but it is very quiet, I live in a small fishing and tourist town called

Puerto López.
I send you a big kiss and before that also say hello to your father Sergio and your
daughter Nasthia
I am very bad with English, but I would love my wife to help me.
I would very much like to teach Spanish to my future wife; I would also like my future wife to
start studying Spanish from tomorrow hehehe
With love


I sent you this letter in Spanish, now I have translated it into English ◦

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