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Re public of the Philippines

Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur
Sisim, Cabugao, Ilocos Sur


S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: Section: Score:

I. TRUE or FALSE: Write T if the statement is true, F if the statement is false. Write your answer
on the space provided.

1. Melody is the element that focuses on the horizontal presentation of pitch.

2. Harmony refers to the number of individual musical lines (melodies) and the relationship
these lines have to one another.
3. Homophonic texture features two or more notes sounding at the same time but generally
featuring a prominent melody in the upper part, supported by a less intricate harmonic accompaniment
underneath (often based on chordal harmony—homogenous BLOCKS of sound).
4. Dynamics is the intensity of volume with which notes and sounds are expressed.
5. Strophic is a design in vocal music in which the same music is used for several different
verses (strophes) of words.
6. Electronic music refers to a style in which the piece sounds different at every performance
because of the random techniques production, including the use of ring modulators or natural
elements that become a part of the music.
7. Homophonic texture refers to music with two or more independent melodies sounding at
the same time.
8. Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments and electronic
music technology in its production.
9. Expressionism infuse art music with folk elements did not end with the turn of century,
though the 2oth century nationalists made greater effort to use authentic folk idioms and avoid
10. Impressionism served as a medium for expressing strong emotions, such as anxiety, rage,
and alienation.
11. Ternary form a three-part form featuring a return of the initial music after a contrasting
12. Classical Symphony is featuring a toccata-like rhythms and biting harmonic dissonance
within a classical form and structure.
13. Harmony is often described in terms of its relative harshness.
14.In Nuages (Clouds), melody tend to be unclear or not completely developed while
the harmony is unexpected and unresolved.
15. Sprechstimme is an unusual style of performance halfway between speaking and
singing. (speech voice).

I. IDENTIFICATION: Read the following question carefully and give what is being asked. Write
your answer on the space provided.

1. It refers to the appearance or condition of oneness of an artwork. All the
elements such as line, color, texture, and others belong together that result in having a coherent and
harmonious whole.
2. It is the condition in which acting influences are held in check by
opposing forces or what is in the left side should appear on the right side also in order to achieve
3. The juxtaposition of strongly dissimilar elements is called contrast. Dark
set against light, large against small, bright colors against dull are examples of contrasts.
4. It gives a composition of unity, continuity, flow, and emphasis.
5. It is created through the regular recurrence of elements with related
6. It is the relation of one thing to another. It is one of the first decisions an
artist makes when planning a work of art.
7. It is the size relationship of parts to a whole.
8. It is our basic means for recording and symbolizing ideas, observations,
and feelings; it is a primary means of visual communication.
9. It refers to the expanse within the outline of a two-dimensional area or
within the outer boundaries of a three-dimensional object.
10. It is the indefinable, general receptacle of all things. It is continuous,
infinite, and ever present.
11. It refers to the lightness and darkness of surfaces. It ranges from white to
various grays to black.
12. It is a component of light. Color exists only in light, but light itself seems
colorless to the human eye.
13. qualities of surfaces or to the visual representation in visual arts.
14. It is point of view. In visual arts, it can refer to any means of
representing three dimensional objects in space on a two-dimensional surface.
15. It can be seen in all aspect of life. It is everywhere. It can be seen in our

I. IDENTIFICATION: Read the following question carefully and give what is being asked. Write
your answer on the space provided.

` 1. It is a way of living of individuals, families (households), and societies,

which they manifest in coping with their physical, psychological, social, and economic environments
on a day-to-day basis.
` 2. These are variables in your lifestyle that may lead to certain diseases like
genetics or heredity, age, and physical make up which cannot be changed.
3. It is a body’s relative mass, or the quantity of matter contained by it,
giving rise to a downward force, the heaviness of a person or thing.
4. energy consumed is greater than energy expended more food intake but
less physical exertion.
5. energy consumed is less than energy expended more physical exertion but
less food intake.

II. Compute the following BMI and give its classification.

1. Given:
Weight – 38 kg.
Height – 1.42 m.
Classification: __________

2. Given:
Weight – 50 kg.
Height – 1.48 m.
Classification: __________
3. Given:
Weight – 58 kg.
Height – 1.68 m.
Classification: __________
4. Given:
Weight – 87 kg.
Height – 1.52 m.
Classification: __________
5. Given:
Weight – 63 kg.
Height – 1.50 m.
Classification: __________

I. IDENTIFICATION: Read the following question carefully and give what is being asked. Write
your answer on the space provided.

1. the acquisition of knowledge and correct health information on the

products and services.
2. anyone who buys or uses a product or avail a service.
3. A science concerned with helping you select health products and services
4. refers to those who use health information products or services.
5. records the medical history of individuals, provides diagnosis, performs
medical examination, and prescribes medications.
6. an independent health care provider WHO IS licensed to practice on a
specific area of the body.
7. a trained health care provider who practice under the supervision of a
physician or Healthcare practitioner.
8. an institution where people medical diagnosis, care and treatment.
9. a facility that offers surgery without the patient being admitted in the
10. a facility that caters to a specific population with various health needs.
11. facility that provides treatment, nursing care, and residential services to
patients, often the elderly.
12. a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or
group for the payment of Healthcare costs.
13. It is a form of energy medicine where long thin needles are inserted to
specific parts of the body.

14. This alternative medicine is done by placing inverted glasses that have
flames from burning cotton, on specific points in the body.

15. Another alternative medicine that focuses on treating specific disorders

through massaging of the soles of the feet.

II. Describe the following.

1. Quackery –

2. Medical Quackery –

3. Nutritional Quackery –

4. Device Quackery -


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