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Teacher: Mr.

Middleton Grade: 2nd

Objective - Students will echo sing with Bo Bo (who is singing solfege syllables - but they don’t
know that yet).
Musical Concept: Audiation
Standards Being Addressed:

Materials of Instruction:
- Bo Bo (a tennis ball)
Bo Bo Solfege

**For this activity I would say, “Bo Bo,” but actually sing the given solfege. I was given this activity idea from
Haley Conway during my student teaching semester**

Lesson Sequence:
Entry activity - Students will enter the classroom and quietly sit in their spots.
1) Demonstrate solfege with Bo Bo the tennis ball
a) “Hey everyone, Bo Bo is here to sing with us today. Let’s copy what he will
i) Mi-So-Mi-So (students echo each time)
ii) Mi-So-La-So
iii) So-So-Mi-La
iv) So-So-Mi-Mi
v) Do-Re-Mi
vi) Mi-Re-Do
vii) Do-So-Do

- Can they correctly echo back my patterns?
- Are they having problems matching my beginning pitches?
- Can they follow directions?
- Are they participating with Bo Bo?

Transition - “Give yourself a pat on the back for doing an awesome job with Bo Bo!”

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