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University of the People - MBA

BUS 5110-01 - AY2022-T5 – Week 1

Welcome to BUS 5110 - 01 Managerial Accounting. Please introduce yourself to your classmates by
responding to this thread. Include the following in your introduction:

• Basics: Name, where are you from, family, community activities?

• Undergraduate education?

• Career progression thus far?

• Why MBA?

• Career Aspirations?

• How do you believe that studying Managerial Accounting will help you to be more successful in
the future?

Welcome to Week 1

            Class, whether this is your first time taking a college course or as a returning student, please
ensure that you read and follow the resources and policy provided to you in the Announcement forum.
Please be aware that constructive criticism is part of peer-to-peer learning, and you will receive some
form of constructive criticism from peers.

            The rating process, as it relates to peer feedback, can be objective but mostly involves some
subjectivity. None is perfect and can cause some individuals to feel uneasy. However, informal feedback
to discussion posts is intended to improve future class performance. So please do not take it
personally. Remember, we are here to learn and improve our skills through a relevant and positive
knowledge-sharing environment.

1.     As you know, all work assignments are automatically checked by Unicheck to detect plagiarism. Do
not copy work from Wikipedia word for word or other internet sites such as Chegg or Coursehero. If you
use Grammarly, do not count on this as your primary plagiarism checker. Paraphrase all work to avoid
receiving a percentage from Unicheck.

2.     Remember to cite your work or information taken from the internet site and sources other than your
own for all discussion posts, written assignments, and learning journals. Please refrain from obtaining
class assignments from Chegg or Course hero. This is considered plagiarism as well. Assignments
obtained from these sites have been copied numerous times and is cheating.

3.     APA: APA must be applied to all work submitted and discussion posts as well. Points will be
deducted if this rule is not applied. Please do not create or only write half of a reference—you will receive
a low rating score. If you do not know how to cite a reference, please contact me for assistance.

4.     Unit 1 discusses Review of Key Financial Statements." The discussion post must be a minimum

of 250 words in length and not more than 450 words. I will deduct points if it is not in between 250 to 450
words. Information taken from the textbook or internet should be included with in-text citations and

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included in a separate references section. Points will be deducted if you do not include a reference
section for material taken from the textbook or other internet sources. There is no count as to how long a
discussion post should be; however, this is a fast-paced 8-week course, so try to pace yourself and not
overdo it. We are here to learn, not to impress others. Discussions are not meant to be a book report, so
please be mindful that your peers have multiple posts to read and other assignments.

5.     Portfolio Activities are 500-word count minimum. I do expect to see in-text citations and a
reference section after your conclusion.

6.     Written Assignments are peer assessed by your peers. When completing your peer assessment,
make sure that you provide feedback in the textbook for each rated component. Do not state, "Good Job."
Tell them what was done correctly or wrong. Be fair. Some students would give low marks even if the
papers were written and meet each requirement. So, try to be fair and ethical when grading each other's

In-Text Citation

You may notice that the textbook paragraphs are written in this manner and the references are included
within the paragraph as well.

      Before getting ahead of ourselves, just what is management, let alone principles of management? A
manager's primary challenge is to solve problems creatively, and you should view management1 as "the
art of getting things done through the efforts of other people." We draw this definition from a biography of
Mary Parker Follett (1868–1933) written by P. Graham, Mary Parker Follett: Prophet of Management
(Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1995).

THIS IS NOT IN APA 7 FORMAT. So do not write your answers as presented in the textbook. This book
was written in 2010 and do not contain a reference or bibliography section. Moreover, there have been
several updates to APA since this was published.

1. The in-text citation is written inside a parenthesis with the last name of the author and year, separated
by a comma.

      For example, Disruptive innovation focuses on competitive strategies (Santos, 2010).

2. If the author's name is included within the text, only the year is written inside the parenthesis. 

      For example, Santo (2010) stated that disruptive innovation focuses on competitive strategies.

When a book has three or more authors, cite the references by including only the surname of the first
author followed by et al. and the year.

If you place your in-text citation at the beginning of your sentence, it should be cited as

            Carpenter et al. (2010) found SWOT beneficial to organizations; Or

If this source is used at the end of a sentence, a comma should be added after the period of et al.,

            The case study of the Athlete's Warehouse (A) focusing on the Strengths, Weaknesses, 
Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) model (Carpenter et al., 2010).

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Citing the Author

One Author

In-text citation Reference list

Last name and year of publication: Lee (2020)   

*Write only the last name without the initials for all in-
text citations.

Two authors: Lee & Blue (2020) *if placed at the end

of the sentence or

Lee and Blue (2020) * if placed at the beginning of your

sentence Lee, E. M. (2020). Title of book. Retrieved from
More than Seven Authors

In-text citation Reference list

Last name of first author plus et al. 

  Haley, M. N., Johnson, L., Ayala, P. D., Cruz, J. L.,

Stuart, L. V, Castro, S., . . . Roque, K.C.
Haley et al.
 *Up to seven authors can be included in the reference
 *Only include the first author's last name list. After the name of the sixth author, write three
followed by et al. ellipsis points followed by the last author's name.


Basic Formats: Author (Producer or Director). (Year). Title of Video [Format]. Country: Studio.


            Spielberg, S., Royce, I., Gordon, M., & Levinson, G. (Producers), & Spielberg, S.   (Director).
(2004). Saving Private Ryan [DVD]. United States: Universal.


 (Place in alphabetical order by author's last name and remove any hyperlinks; please include the entire

Christensen, C. M., Raynor, M., & McDonald, R. (2015). What is disruptive innovation?

Harvard Business Review, 93(12), 44-53. Retrieved from


Wessel, M., & Christensen, C. M. (2012). Surviving disruption. Harvard Business Review,

 90(12), 56–64. Retrieved from

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Dr. Pankaj Chaudhari 


Dear students, 

You are required to complete the following task for unit 1 in due time as grades will be provided on the
basis of your activity and peer ratings. Kindly do your task in due time only. Do not wait for the last date of


1. Read through the Learning Guide and the Reading Assignment

2. Complete the Discussion Assignment by posting in the Discussion Forum

3. Respond to and rate three of your fellow classmates’ posts in the Discussion Forum

4. Complete and submit the Case Study/ Written Assignment

5. Complete and submit the Portfolio Activity 

Due dates and time: - 

1. All activities close on Wednesdays at 11:55 PM, except for Learning Journals/Portfolios which close on
Thursdays at 11:55 PM always following the clock at the top of the page.

2. Due dates/times displayed in activities will vary with your chosen time zone, however you are still
bound to the 11:55 PM GMT-5 deadline. 

Dear Students,

            I am Dr. Pankaj Chaudhari. I am delighted to be your instructor for this term. The University of
People is a great platform to provide valuable education here. Let's begin with unit one and start our
fruitful journey altogether. I reside in Maharashtra State, India. I have 15 years of experience which
includes 5 years in academic as an associate professor and 10 years in corporate industry as Manager
HR & Administration. I published 13 index research papers and and11 books in the area of Commerce &
Management and entrepreneurship. I did my Ph. D. in Commerce and Management, Master of
Commerce (M. Com.) Master of Business Administration with the specialization Finance & HR (MBA),
Bacholor of Education (B. Ed.), Diploma in Computer Application (DCA) and Govt. Diploma in
Cooperation and Audits. (GDC&A)   

            My area of study and teaching is Commerce and Business Administration with a specialization in
Financial Management and Human Resource Management. The focus of my dissertation is “Rural

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Entrepreneurship Development.” Getting my doctoral in Commerce and Management allows me to
institute leadership and as a tool to influence the objective learning methods to encourage people to
become more efficient in their job and enterprise. Recreationally, I enjoy spending time with my family &
friends, reading, and taking on social projects.
I believe in the equation of Teachers Teaching Pedagogy + Students Learning = Transformation in
the Personality 

Each week I will provide downloadable material to help with completing the weekly unit assignments. In
addition, sample templates and papers will be uploaded to show your what to submit and how it should be
written. If you are repeating this course, please do not try to re-use any of that work. The paper will be
reported as plagiarized.  Please read each weekly announcement posted in the Announcement Forum
before submitting your work. This will be where I provide sample papers on how to complete each weekly
assignment and resources to help improve your research and writing style.

Now that you know a little about me, create a post introducing yourself to your classmates. In
addition to your introduction, answer the following:

·         What skills and/or knowledge related to management do you have at this time?

·         What do you want to learn during the course?

Be sure to post your introduction by clicking “reply “to this post. Please do not click on “add a new
discussion question.”

Good luck! I look forward to getting to know each of you in this course.

Dr. Pankaj Chaudhari


earning Guide Unit 1


Unit 1: Review of Key Financial Statements


 Overview of Management Accounting

 Guide to Financial Statements
 The Income Statement
 The Balance Sheet
 Statement of Cash Flows

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Learning Objectives:

By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:

1. Describe the role of managerial accounting in business organizations.

2. Define the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows;
3. Demonstrate financial statement literacy by determining a company’s key financial values by
interpreting relevant portions of its financial statements,
4. Analyze, evaluate and develop conclusions about a company by interpreting its financial


 Read through the Learning Guide and the Reading Assignment

 Complete the Discussion Assignment by posting in the Discussion Forum
 Respond to and rate three of your fellow classmates’ posts in the Discussion Forum
 Complete and submit the Case Study/ Written Assignment
 Complete and submit the Portfolio Activity


Managerial accounting consists of analyzing and using accounting information to make management
decisions. In order to do this, managers need to be proficient with financial data and how to interpret
financial statements. In this course, we begin with a review of the three main financial statements used in
businesses – the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and the Statement of Cash Flows.

Financial statements tell the story of a company, and each of the statements has a specific purpose. The
Income Statement tells how a company performed over a period of time (i.e., month, quarter, year). The
Balance Sheet provides a picture of a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity as of a point in time (i.e.,
end of a month, quarter, year). Finally, the Statement of Cash Flows shows how cash was generated and
spent over a period of time.

It is important to understand that financial statements are all related, and they should be reviewed
together. Once we understand the information the financial statements provide, we can use that
information to perform various analyses, which we will see as we progress through the course.

Learning Guide Unit 1

Learning Guide Unit 1

Reading Assignment

1. Heisinger, K., & Hoyle, J. B. (n.d.). Accounting for


 Chapter 1 – What is Managerial Accounting Sections:

o Chapter Introduction
o Characteristics of Managerial Accounting
o Planning and Control Functions Performed by Managers
o Key Finance and Accounting Personnel
o Ethical Issues Facing the Accounting Industry

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 This chapter provides additional views on the role of managerial accounting as well as identifying
essential finance and accounting personnel.

2. Accounting Hub. (n.d.). Accounting. CC BY-SA 4.0. Chapter 3.

                 o    Section 1

                 o    Section 2.1 –  2.7 

                 o    Section 3 

 This resource provides descriptions of the three fundamental financial statements.

Additional Resources

1.  Beginners’ Guide to Financial Statement. (2007, February 5).


 This is an additional resource by the US SEC that provides an overview of the three vital financial
statements required by publicly traded companies.

2.  One Minute Economics. (2016). Financial Statements Explained in One Minute: Balance Sheet,
Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement [Video]. YouTube.  (1:18)

 This video summarizes the primary roles of the three fundamental financial statements.

3.  Corporate Finance Institute (CFI). (2022, May 7). Three Financial


Video Link:

Discussion Forum Unit 1

You are required to submit a substantial response to the Discussion Assignment, which will be posted by
your instructor in the Discussion Forum below. A substantial response is one that stays on topic and fully
addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner. If your instructor requires a
specific word count, it will be stated in the assignment.

After you respond to the assignment, you are then required to both give a rating and also leave a
significant comment (3-4 complete sentences) to at least three (3) of your peers' responses, in order to
receive full credit. Rate only the substantial responses that contribute to the promotion of the discussion,
and not the comments of your peers.

Please review and follow the guidelines below for assessing your peer's responses to the Discussion

Discussion Forum Rating Guidelines:

10 (A) - Excellent, substantial, relevant, insightful, enriching, and stimulating contribution to the
discussion. Also, uses external resources to support position where required and/or applicable.
8 - 9 (B) - Good, quite substantial and insightful, but missing minor details which would have otherwise
characterized it as an excellent response.

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6 - 7 (C) - Satisfactory insight and relevance, but required some more information and effort to have
warranted a better rating.
4 - 5 (D) - Limited insight and relevance of the material; more effort and reflection needed to have
warranted a satisfactory grading.
0 - 3 (F) - Unsatisfactory insight/relevance or failure to answer the question, reflecting a poor or limited
understanding of the subject matter and/or the guidelines of the question.

If at any time you suspect that a post in this Discussion Forum violates UoPeople's rules regarding
plagiarism and/or any aspect of UoPeople’s Academic Code of Conduct, please notify your instructor

Remember that your instructor will be reviewing responses, ratings, and comments - and will adjust
ratings if he/she believes that they do not seem warranted or supportable.


The due date for posting to this forum is Thursday, 23 June 2022, 12:55 PM.

This is a question and answer forum. In order to see other responses to these questions, you must first
post your answer

Separate groups: Group 0023

In the discussion forum you are expected to participate often and engage in deep levels of discourse.
Please post your initial response by Sunday evening and continue to participate throughout the unit. You
are required to post an initial response to the question/issue presented in the Forum and then respond to
at least 3 of your classmates’ initial posts.  You should also respond to anyone who has responded to

Your Discussion should be a minimum of 250 words in length and not more than 450 words. Please
include a word count. Following the APA standard, use references and in-text citations for the textbook
and any other sources. 

 Consider the role of management accounting in relation to the company for which you work (or
have worked). Discuss how the principles of management accounting can be utilized. What
specific managerial accounting activities would be useful?

Note: if you do not have work experience, you may select a company with which you are familiar and
apply the discussion assignment to it.

Dr. Pankaj Chaudhari 


Discussion Assignment:
The role of management accounting in relation to the company (hospital) that I am currently affiliated at is
being utilized to plan, control, and direct the activities at the workplace. According to Heisinger and Hoyle
(n.d.), managerial accounting focuses on the users withing the organizations. This includes the executive
committees, senior and junior managers, and other staff involved in the accounting proces. Since I am
part of the junior managers in the organization, managerial accounting had been a part of my daily
routine. Yearly, I would create a SWOT analysis to evaluate the standing of the Nursing Service to know
what we need to improve. Also I need to do risk assessment and annual budget proposal for the service.

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This will be submitted and discussed at the Executive Committee meeting together with the Objective
Target Plan for that is needed to be accomplished. Unlike Financial Accounting, managerial accounting
can deal with both financial and nonfinancial aspects to measure performances (Heisinger & Hoyle, n.d.).

In the hospital, the principles of the managerial accounting can be utilized during decision making process
and project execution. Example, when the hospital decided to open a new unit to cather potential
customers, the team should do research and make a decisive plan according to the data gathered. In our
place, cancer had been a problem for several people, since there are no Cancer Treatment Facility in the
hospital planning to create one be executed and proposed to the top management. The financial will be
tackled in this plan.

Following the planning, directing, and controlling principle mentioned at the book of Walther and Skousen
(2009) can be very be beneficial because with it the managers can strategize the proper positioning of the
proposed business and creating the correct budget proposals to be used to properly construct the new
unit , to direct it, and have a good control to ensure that the unit/project is a success. Anyone with th
eproper knowlege in managerial accounting could analysis the unit/project correctly. Using a balance
scorecard can be useful in this aspect.


Heisinger, K., & Hoyle, J. B. (n.d.). Accounting for


Walther, L. M. & Skousen, C.J. (2009). Managerial and Cost Accounting.

Written Assignment

Submit a paper which is 2-3 pages in length (no more than 3-pages), exclusive of the reference page.
Your paper should be double spaced in Times New Roman (or its equivalent) font, which is no greater
than 12 points in size. Cite at least three sources in APA format. 

In this paper, in addition to presenting the computed answers, please also discuss how you arrived at
each answer the accounting problem asks. The accounting problem presents a company’s balance sheet,
income statement, and statement of cash flows for a theoretical company, Polly’s Pet Products. Each of
these statements has blank lines. Determine the values that would be appropriate for each blank line.
Provide a narrative of how you arrived at each value. Include in this narrative an explanation of:

1. the financial statement being completed;

2. the account being valued;
3. its relationship to the other financial data.

For example, if the accounts payable (AP) line was missing, describe what a balance sheet is and explain
that you can derive the AP value based on knowing all the other values of the current liabilities section.
Then explain what an account liability is, as well as why it would belong in the current liabilities section of
the balance sheet. Finally, analyze, evaluate, and develop a conclusion about the company’s
performance based on the completed statements.

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Please refer to the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows of Polly’s Pet

Superior papers will mention and explain the following elements when responding to the assignment

 Provide correct balances for the blank financial account lines.

 Define the financial statement being completed.
 Discuss how the values were determined.
 Define and explain each account line that was completed.
 Analyze, evaluate, and develop conclusions about the company’s performance based on the
financial information.

Be sure to use APA formatting in your paper.  Purdue University’s Online Writing LAB (OWL) is a free
website that provides excellent information and resources for understanding and using the APA format
and style. The OWL website can be accessed

This paper will be peer-assessed using this rubric.

Your submission 
You have not submitted your work yet
Add submission

Portfolio Activity Unit 1

When considering companies’ financial statements, we often think of investors and analysts
using the information contained in those statements to assess whether or not to invest in the
companies. However, financial statements are not just for investors. Please explain who else
should be concerned with a company’s financial statements and why they are important.

As portfolio activities are to be self-reflective, please make sure to connect the portfolio
assignment to:

 Your personal experiences. Reflect on how this assignment topic is applicable to and will benefit
 Course readings and any external readings.
 Discussion forum posts or course objectives.

The Portfolio Activity entry should be a minimum of 500 words and not more than 750 words.
Use APA citations and references if you use ideas from the readings or other sources.

This activity will be assessed using the Portfolio Rubric.

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Submission status

Attempt number This is attempt 1.

Submission No attempt

Grading status Not graded

Due date Friday, 24 June 2022, 12:55 PM

Time remaining 3 days 22 hours

Last modified -

Submission Comments (0)


Add submission

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