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Education is for all and everyone has a right to be learn. And also I believe that education
is the most important tool you can receive, that can bring you more success in our country today
According to Merriam Webster Education is the action or process of educating or being educated,
the knowledge and development resulting from the process of being educated, the field of study
that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools. According to Columbia.Edu,
education gives us knowledge of the world around us and changes it in to something better. It
develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view
on things in life. The more knowledge you gain the opportunities will open up to allow
individuals to achieve better possibilities in career and personal growth.

According to Aristotle “the roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet meaning
when you start to learn of certain subject or start your learning all in all, it’s hard ,tedious and an
assortment of other difficulties. Then you would go on through learning as a tree would go
through it’s life span. But the fruit is sweet which means in the end, your work pays off through
everything you know and can do it hit this relates to how a tree has the final product of fruits.
Fruiting is the last part of a tree’s life before it starts all over. Education is also important to our
life. According to Vijay K Sharma 2016, Education is important because it is par to four life.
Early childhood and higher education. Education is so much important for success in life. Higher
education is important for the personal, social and economic development of the nation.
Education is important to live with happiness and prosperity.

Education empowers minds that will be able to conceive good thoughts and ideas.
Education enables students to do the analysis while making life decisions. Life gives various
survival challenges for humans. But education guide human to fight with failure and get success
in life. education is only one thing that can remove corruption, unemployment, and environmental
problems. Education is not about doing degree it is about how can you live with your own feet.
Education helps to become good students, parents, entrepreneur’s doctors, siblings, and honest
citizens. Being in contact with an intelligent conversation with him expands knowledge and
introduces a certain creativity and joy in the mind. And lastly “Education is the most powerful
weapon which can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela. According to study moose, the k
to12 program covers kindergarten and 12 years of basic education six years of primary education,
four years of junior high school, and two years of senior high school to provide sufficient time for
mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary
education, middle level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

This program of the government has six salient features, first is the strengthening of
early child hood education, second is making curriculum relevant to learners, third Is ensuring
integrated and seamless learning four this building proficiency through language if this gearing
up for the future and last is nurturing the holistically developed Filipino.

According to Department of Education, in the past years been working towards the
implementation of the kto12 program that is designed to“ provide sufficient time for mastery of
concepts and skills, develop life long learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education,
middle-level skills development and entrepreneurship ,”the extension of the basic education to 12
years seeks to boost the quality of the Philippine education to make it at par with that of the other
countries. The kto12 program is described to have six salient features 1. Strengthening childhood
education through universal kindergarten, 2. Making the curriculum relevant to learners.3
ensuring the integrated and seamless learning,4.Building proficiency through use of mother
tongue based multi-lingual education, 5. Provision of career tracks and 6. Nurturing holistically
developed Filipino. Based on k12 Philippines, the implementation of kto12 in the country drew
negative reactions from various societal group. Since 2011, critics have been very vocal on their
primary concerns. They insist the government isn’t yet ready for this new system and that is more
of additional burden to students and their parents.

Despite calls to suspend the government remained firm saying this new educational
system offers opportunities for Filipino students and the national economy. For its part, the
Department of Education stresses that the country is prepared for a big shift in education system.
Infact, it has worked to fulfill the gaps on the number of classroom, teachers, and text books. Also
it has finished the planning phases along with stake holders. According to k12 Philippines, what
does k-12 scheme really has to offer to students? To prove that k-12 system is more than just
adding two more years to high school, there are three benefits of schooling under 13-years
education cycle first is preparedness for tertiary with adaption of kto12 scheme, students are
expected to graduate at age a bit older than past graduates. This is an advantage.

According to Department of Education, as graduates will be considered young adults.

Hence, they will be more equipped to deal with much higher level of learning as they enter
college education. Second is readiness to join work face–unlike the old system, kto12 does not
compel each student to take college after completing senior high school. In fact, this scheme
empowers students to make a choice on their own. They may not pursue college education
especially if they have chosen a track. The good thing is senior high school graduates will be
equipped with skills that will make them good at certain fields. And last is skill competency in
the global job market kto12 system aims to improve Filipino students mathematical, scientific,
and linguistic competence.

With the new curriculum, Department of. Education promised to offer higher quality
education through tracks. Each track will give student enough time to master a field and enhanced
their skills. In the end, kto12 graduates will become globally competitive and a reset to obtain
spot in the stiff labor market. Finally, with kto12, Filipino graduates will be automatically
recognized as professional a broad because we are following the international education standard
as practiced by all nations. There will be no need to study a gain to spend more money in order to
qualify to their standards. With this Filipino professional who aspire to work abroad will not find
a hard time in getting jobs in line with their chosen fields and will be able to help their families
more in the Philippines as well as the country’ s economy with their remittances, property buying,
and creation of business.

The government believes that kto12 curriculums in the Philippines will put Filipino
students at par with the rest of the world. Truly investing in education is the key toward reaching
national growth and development. So basically kto12 curriculum helps us a lot because we gain
more knowledge and also if we want to working a broad we will not be having a hard time to
getting job although the others are against because they say it takes spend more years and money.
They didn’t see the good result they just see what they on their minds. Solet’s proceed to the
meaning of Social studies, according to united state education system, social studies are the
integrated study if multiple fields of social sciences and humanities, including, history,
geography, and political science.

According to the Board of Directors of National Council for the Social Studies 1992,
social studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic
competence. Within the school programs, social studies provide coordinated, systematic study
drawing upon such disciplines as anthropology, archeology, economics, geography, history, law,
philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology, as well as appropriate content
from the humanities, mathematics, and natural sciences. The primary purpose of social studies is
to help young people develop ability to make in formed and reasoned decisions for the public
good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an inter dependent world. Social
studies programs help student construct a knowledge base and attitudes drawn from academic
disciplines as specialized ways of viewing reality. Each discipline begins from a specific
perspective and applies unique “processes of knowing” to the study of reality. History, for
instance, uses the perspective of time to explore causes and effect of events in the past. Political
science on the other hand uses the perspective of political institutions to explore structures and
processes of governing.

According 2005, social studies is the study of people in relation to each other and to their
world. It is an issues focus and inquiry-based inter disciplinary subject that draws upon history,
geography, ecology, economics, law, philosophy, political science and other social science
disciplines. Social studies fosters student understanding of and involvement in practical and
ethical issues that face their communities and human kind. Social studies to develop an
understanding of who they are, what they want to become and the society in which they want to
live. And according to the role of social studies it’s develop the key values and attitude,
knowledge and understanding, and skills and processes necessary for student to become active
and responsible citizens, engaged in the democratic process and aware of their capacity to effect
change in their communities, society, and world.

Based on National Council for Social studies 2017, social studies at the elementary level
should provide students with purposeful and meaningful learning experience that are challenging,
of high quality, developmentally appropriate, and reflective of contemporary social and diverse
global realities. The marginalization of social studies education at the elementary level has been
documented repeatedly.

According to the report of the Center on Education Policy, since the enactment of the“
No child left behind” federal education policy, 44 percent of district surveyed have reduced time
for social studies. That percentage rose to 51 percent in district with “failing school”. Denying
student opportunities to build social studies vocabulary and background knowledge by engaging
in social studies activities can lead to lower literacy levels, and ironically, increase the
achievement gap. The purpose of elementary school social studies is to enable students
understand, participate in, and make informed decisions about their world. Social studies content
allows young learners to explain relationship with other people, to institutions, and to the
environment, and equips them with knowledge and understanding of the past. It provides them
with skill for productive problem solving and decision making as well as for assessing issues and
making thoughtful value judgement.
Above all integrates these skills and understanding into a framework for responsible
citizen participation locally, nationally and globally. In teaching social studies in elementary
some student it sees boring but as a teacher you make an idea how to make enjoyable this subject
or meaningful. So in order to be meaningful social studies teachers must understand and meet the
needs of their students. At every grade level, teachers should capitalize on the diversity and
natural interest of their student in the world around them. And you make it enjoy able because
once the student did not enjoy automatically they mind did not focus on what you teach. Reyes
2014, presented the scoped and sequence of world history out lined in the kto12 TG sand LMs,
following the contents and skills prescribed by DepEd in quarterly units.

The 1st grading period “the beginning of history” focuses on the theories of the origin of
the world, theories on the origin of human beings, the first civilization in Mesopotamia and the
fertile crescent. This unit emphasizes the beginning of the world and its ancient civilizations. The
2nd grading period “the world in transition times” focuses on the political history of Greece and
Rome, the American Indians in Me so America and in south America, the island of Polynesia,
and the papacy in Rome. This unit emphasizes the early part of medieval period. The 3rd grading
period“ the on set of world relations and the establishment of independent states” focuses on the
establishment of the national monarchy in France and England, the church reformation, and the
counter reformation, the intellectual and political revolutions.

This unit emphasizes the development of the world form the late medieval or the
renaissance period. The 4th grading period “transition to the modern Times” focuses on the
scientific and commercial revolutions the first and second history. For me this statement says in
junior high school this one should follow according to grading period so that we know what are
we study. So why we need to teach social studies in k to 12 classrooms? What is the importance
of social study? Are there challenges in teaching social study? Why some students find it boring
subject? According to George Lucas, “the one way the world hasn’t changed, Teaching is the
important job. ”This quotes support the profession’s nobility-that without it there could be no
other professional around. To at test to this no ability, teaching is never viewed as a mediocre
profession because the success so four human capital depends on it.

A number of professionals leave their present jobs, go back university and take up 18
units in professional education in order to become licensed school teacher RA7836, 1994 a
mandate that teaching is the most important job for nation-building. In teaching social studies is
very needed in order to know what I son the past not also in the past the importance of it also.
The importance of social studies it develops skills, knowledge and attitudes that will serve them
both outside and inside the classroom, including in their communities. And also to develop their
understanding of and respect for different points of view.

According to Ronnel B. Bechayda 2016, social studies teachers is that concepts, values,
and skills included in social studies programs are not usually acquired by the student. Some
teachers also claim and criticize that they were not provided a guiding activity or method for
teaching concept skills-value, most giving more importance on the functions of social studies.
Some student sees social studies subject boring but for me it is not boring it is based on the
teacher on how they teach or how they delivered it to their student and also it is up to the student
if they really want to learn they listen but if it’s not they will find it boring. So basically teaching
social studies is important because it is our own need because someday we are the future
educators teach also.







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