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Reflection one

Reflection 1

In this reflection, you are expected to reflect on how each of the

three pieces you have selected shaped your thinking about the
topic. As you consider how each piece has shaped your thinking,
consider the following: Have you gained any new knowledge?
What does each piece make you think or feel about the topic?
What do you understand more? Has your thinking changed?
Recommendation: Reflect on how each piece shaped your thinking in a separate paragraph.

Steps in Reflection one

1. State what your initial thoughts on the topic that you are doing the
research on.
2. Give the title and name of the first source and then summarize.
3. Start a new paragraph and do the same for source/artefact number 2.
4. Start yet another paragraph and do the same for artefact number 3.
5. Start a final paragraph where you talk about whether or not your
thoughts on the topic under research have changed based on
research done and in what way. Use examples from the artefacts to
support what it is that you are saying.
This should be between 150 -180words.
Sample Paragraph

(This is based on one piece.)

Kay Ireland’s article ‘The Effects of Skin Bleaching’ is quite eye opening because
it shows me just how destructive skin bleaching can be. It provides several
examples of the effects of skin bleaching like aggravated skin disease, impaired
healing, uneven skin colouring and dryness or burning. It gives me the details I
need to educate those I know who are bleaching or who are considering it so that
they will think twice before making a mistake.

Sample Two

The first article that explored my topic, ‘I Am Not My Hair,’ was an expository
news report (The Grio, 2016) which highlighted that the U.S. Supreme Court made
the decision that firing an employee based on a hairstyle was not discrimination.
This article really showed me the varying perceptions that individuals have
towards hair, even when perceived to be“well-groomed.”

A similar theme was evident in the video (Fusion, 2016) which revealed the
feelings of high school girls in South Africa, who were told by their schools that
their Afro hair was “untidy.” The notion that well-groomed hair should lay flat and
that the women’s natural hair was somehow unacceptable was evident in both
pieces of data.

The final piece of data that I examined was the poem ‘Phenomenal Woman.” by
Maya Angelou. The lines in this poem aptly describe the many nuances of a
woman. It shows me that a woman can encompass so many outstanding qualities
that far surpass the strands of her crown.

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