Las Week 4

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MELC: 2.

Apply hand treatment according to manufacturer’s instruction

Objectives/Subtasks: Discuss the importance of pre-foot spa treatment

Lesson/Topic: Pre-Hand Spa Treatment

Quarter No. 1 Week No. 4 Day: 1-2


Activity Title


Hand spa helps remove dead cells and callous. Callous appear on hands because of the constant friction of
the skin to the materials they use. Hand spa is a treatment performed by professionally trained staff. This
treatment is done to replenish, restore and rejuvenate naturally tired hands. While an arm massage aims to reduce
muscle tightness by increasing muscle elasticity and flexibility and loosening scar tissue. An arm massage
encourages an increase in blood flow. An increase in blood flow increases the temperature of muscles. An
increase in muscle temperature allows muscle to stretch and relax.


According to Maier, leaf tv article., Our hands take a lot of abuse. Exposed to harsh detergents, hot water, sun
and wind on a daily basis, sensitive skin can become dry, red and creased – all signs of premature aging. Nails are part
of the package, and continuous pounding on a keyboard or one of the other million ways we use our digits each day can
leave nails in rough shape. When funds are low, or if you would simply prefer to spend your hard-earned money
somewhere other than at a pricey salon, you can make a complete hand spa treatment at home instead.
Since nowadays we are facing this Covid 19 crisis it is hard for us to go to the salon for pampering yourself this
will help solve your problem and alternative you need to learn and apply this learning at home. At this time, a great
chance to help the members of the family to maintain the beauty of their hands by having a hand spa treatment and arm
massage. One of the relaxing parts of hand spa is massage. After you familiarized yourself with the different tools,
materials, and equipment, let us find out if you can apply what you have learned in using those tools and the basic steps
on hand and arm massage by doing the series of activities ahead of you.
The next topic will give you an idea of how pre-hand spa treatment and arm massage techniques will be done.

Below are the steps involved in pre-hand spa treatment:

1. Seat client.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Check and analyze condition of client’s hand.
4. Remove any jewelry from the body part to be treated

Activity No. 1 Treat Me Well!

Directions: Answer the question in at least 10 sentences. You will be rated by the rubrics given below.

How will you assess your client during your pre-hand spa treatment?


Features 10 8 6 5

Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

Quality of Very informative Somewhat informative Gives some new Gives no new
Writing and well-organized and organized information but information and very
poorly organized poorly organized
Grammar, Virtually no Few spelling and A number of So many spelling,
Usage & spelling, punctuation errors, spelling, punctuation and
Mechanics punctuation or minor grammatical punctuation or grammatical errors that
grammatical errors errors grammatical errors it interferes with the
MELC: 2. Apply hand treatment according to manufacturer’s instruction
Objectives/Subtasks: Describe the benefits of hand spa treatment
Lesson/Topic: Benefits of Hand Spa Treatment

Quarter No. 1 Week No. 4 Day: 3-4


Activity Title
Benefits of Hand Spa Treatment

Every part of the human body is connected through the nerves through feet, hands, and ears. Not only are
hand massages relaxing, but they are beneficial to multiple organs in the body. On the outside of the hand and
inside of the hand are specific organs that are stimulated when touched. The heart, kidney, spleen, hip, intestines,
pancreas, thyroid, appendix, and gallbladder are some examples of the major body parts that have nerve endings in
the hands.

1. Hand massages restore balance in the body by removing any blockages

 The muscles and tissues release tension such as emotional tension. If there is any stagnant energy in the specific
organ, it is released when pressed. This can be beneficial for people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or
sinus and breathing problems.

2. They help you sleep better at night

Since a hand massage is so relaxing, it releases serotonin in the brain which will lead to a better night’s sleep. A
massage is peaceful and relieves pain which may be interfering with your sleep schedule.

3. Decrease anxiety
A massage will relax the mind which means that overthinking, overanalyzing, fearful thoughts, and tension are
released. Anxiety symptoms are naturally relieved with a massage.

4. Increased flexibility in wrists and fingers

People suffering from arthritis will benefit from a hand massage. It will break up the stiffness that is causing
discomfort within. Massages increase the joints range or motion. They exercise the muscles which need help with
lengthening without pain. This will also benefit people who have sports injuries.

5. Decreased swelling
Hand swelling can be caused by too much fluid accumulating in the hand. When massaged, the fluid is released and
dispelled from the area. Hand massages will help with retained water.
6. Increases delivery of nutrients to underlying issues
Massages get new oxygen-rich blood flowing blood into areas that are sore or stiff. This increases the delivery of
nutrients to organs and ligaments that otherwise would not be able to improve.

7. Relieve headache
Most headaches happen in the nerves, blood vessels, and muscles that are located in a person’s head and neck.
Stimulating certain organs and the increase of blood flow can naturally relieve this stress .

Activity 2: Outcome Sentences

Directions: Complete the couple of questions. Write your answer in the space provided.
1. I learned________________________________________________________________________.

2. I was surprised___________________________________________________________________.

3. I’m Feeling______________________________________________________________________.

4. I would like to learn more about_____________________________________________________.

5. Two things I am interested to learn___________________________________________________.


Criteria 10 5 3
Content 40% Accurate, Mostly Minimal or
complete, and relevant ideas incorrect ideas
relevant ideas
Creativity 30% It contains It contains a It contains a few
many creative few creative creative details
details and/or details and/or and/or
descriptions descriptions descriptions, but
they distract from
the poem.
Clarity 30% Contains clear Partly clear Confusing ideas
and coherent

Rating Scale:
10 – Very Good
5 – Good
3 - Fair

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer by encircling the letter of your choice.
1. Every consultation you have to consider the following EXCEPT
A. Listen to what the client tells you
B. Find out what the client wants
C. Ask the client courteously to get useful information
D. Measure the condition of the client’s hands and nails
2. Hand spa treatment has many beneficial effects EXCEPT.
A. Relaxes fingers C. Keep the nails looking attractive
B. pamper tired hands D. Helps loosen tight hand muscles
3. You should ask your clients to remove jewelry before a treatment to avoid ...
A. Strangulation C. Accidentally breaking it
B. Scratches D. To avoid skin irritation
4. The following are benefits of hand massage EXCEPT
A. Less anxiety C. Better mood
B. Improved sleep D. Minor grip strength
5. The following are the benefits of Spa treatments EXCEPT.
A. helps with anti-aging C. promotes a better sleep
B. support weight loss D. preventing osteoporosis

6. If you notice signs of infection such as pain, swelling, redness, and pus, you must refer your client to a ______.
A. Physician B. Nail technician C. Manicurist D. Manager
7. The following are the benefits of hand spa treatment excerpt for one
A. Relaxes fingers, wrist and hand muscles.
B. Helps loosen tight hand muscles.
C. will result to injury or illness.
D. Reduces scar tissue and adhesion that cause decreased finger and wrist mobility
8. The process whereby microorganisms are destroyed.
A. Sterilization B. Sanitation C. Sanitization D. Vaccination
9. Keep all escape routes and fire exits______________ and make regular checks to ensure these cases.
A. clear B. open C. close
10. This can be beneficial for people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or sinus and breathing problems.
A. swimming B. foot spa C. hand spa D. Vaccination

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