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Quarter 2 – Module 1


Waves Air Molecules

Wave is a disturbance. Important in producing the sound. Without air
molecules, there will be no sound produced
Electromagnetic wave (EM Wave)
Also called Electromagnetic Radiation. This is a Light is produced the sun that passes through air
wave that is created as a result of vibrations molecules.
between an electric field and magnetic field.
Electromagnetic Waves (EMW)
Transferring Energy from one place to another A wave that travels without a medium. Example of
with the help of electric field and magnetic field. this is Light Waves.


Surrounds electrically charged particles and exerts
force on all other charged particles in the field,  Wavelength
either attracting or repelling them.  Amplitude
 Crest
 Protons  Trough
 Electrons
 Neutrons


1 cycle contains 1 crest and 1 trough.

Magnetic field
A vector field in the neighborhood of a magnet, Lambda
electric current, or changing electric field, in which A Greek sign used to indicate wavelength.
magnetic forces are observable.

It has two poles, the North Pole and South Pole.

Wave Train
A series of waves.

Frequency (Hertz)
Number of waves per second.

The Higher Amplitude the Greater the energy

released and most dangerous.

Formula for Velocity (m/s)

Mechanical Waves (MW)

A wave that travels through a medium. Examples
of this are Sound Waves and Water Waves.
Formula for frequency (s)
Radio Waves
Radio waves are electromagnetic waves with the
longest wavelengths and lowest frequencies.

Radio Receiver
Converts radio waves into sound waves that you
Formula for Wavelength (m) can hear.

Radio waves are used for communication such as

television and radio.

Radio waves are transmitted easily through air.

They do not cause damage if absorbed by the
human body.

Visible Light They can be reflected and refracted to change

The only wave that can be seen by our eyes. their direction. These properties make them ideal
for communications.
Color that’s good for our eyes. ADVANTAGES OF RADIO WAVES

Red  Cheap
Has lesser radiation.  Established Technology
 Safe to use
Violet  Excellent Range
Has an Intense Energy.
The lower temperature, the slower the  Stiff competition for Bandwidth
movement  Heavy Existing usage results in
 Can’t go through matters

Radio waves transmit different sorts of

information. This information may take the shape
of music, images, or conversation; it is unseen
data that is carried in radio wave/s. Without radio
waves, it would be extremely difficult to transmit
and receive information.

The first radio waves were used in 1901 by

Guglielmo Marconi

To send a message across the Atlantic Radio

waves are used all over the World – each radio
broadcast that is received travels using a slightly
different wavelength. Radio receivers can be
‘tuned in’ to receive long wave, medium wave,
and shortwave radio waves


Short wave
Short wave radio signals travel in straight lines radios!) can receive broadcast signals using
over fairly small distances. antennas.

Short wave radio waves are used for: IN TRANSPORTATION

 TV Global Positioning System (GPS)

 FM radio broadcasts Global Positioning System is a space-based
 Walkie talkie navigation system that provides geographical
 Police and ambulance radios position and time information anywhere on or
near the earth. It communicates with stations on
the ground using radio waves.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

It is a medical imaging technique that uses
powerful magnets, computer and radio waves to
make detailed pictures inside your body.

Long wave Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

Long wave radio waves can curve around the Proved the existence of radio waves in the late
Earth so can travel long distances. On holiday you 1880s.
might be able to pick up broadcasts from home by
tuning a radio in to a long wave radio station



A mobile phone would not function without radio
waves, which are crucial to its construction. When
people use their mobile phones to ring people for
a conversation there is a transmitter takes the
sound of your voice and encodes it onto
something known as a continuous

Sine wave
A sine wave is varied continuously and radiates
from the mobile phone's antenna throughout space

Radio and Tv Broadcasting

Radio waves are good at broadcasting (sending
out to lots of receivers) and that is how we get to
listen to radio and TV broadcasts. TVs (and
Electromagnetic Radiations with a:
Ranging between 300 MHz to 300 GHz Satellite Communication Microwaves
Used in satellite communications because it ca
Wavelength penetrate the Earth’s Atmosphere.
Ranges from 1 mm to 30 cm.
Microwave signals are transmitted by an Antenna
Microwave Radiation is commonly known as to a satellite.
They fall between Infrared Radiation and Radio Amplifies and retransmits the signal to an
Waves in the Electromagnetic Spectrum. antenna in other parts of the world.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz This is how we communicate from afar.

Discovered Microwaves in 1888
Radar (Radio Detection and Ranging)
Robert Woodrow Wilson & Arno Allan Penzias A detection system used to determine the Range,
Discovered the Cosmic Microwave Background in Angle or Velocity of Objects.
It can be used to detect Aircrafts, Ships and the

 It can easily pass through the ionosphere, Terrestrial Communications

and are therefore suitable for satellite to
Earth transmission. Cellphone
 Can be modified to carry many signals at A radio transmitter and Receiver that uses
one time, including data, television microwaves.
pictures, and voice messages.
 Supports larger bandwidth and hence more Cellular Phones depends on overlapping
information is transmitted. For this reason, network of cells. Each cell has its tower that
microwaves are used for point-to-point receives and sends microwave signals.
 Satellite and terrestrial communications FIELD OF TRANSPORTATION
with high capacities are possible
The microwaves reflect back from oncoming
DISADVANTAGES OF MICROWAVES vehicles and are detected by a receiver in the
Radar Gun.
 The drawback of using antenna generated
microwaves in mobile phones is that, Frequency of the reflected wave
being small, they can’t put out much Used to compute the speed of the vehicles.
power, and need a constant line of sight to
the transmitter. Radar
 Prolonged exposure to microwaves is Also used for tracking storms. Detecting air
known known to cause “Cataract” in your traffic, and other purposes.
 Easily obstructed by obstacles (i.e. FIELD OF MEDICINE
Buildings), microwaves suffer from
attenuation due to atmospheric conditions, Microwave Ablation
and towers are expensive to build. Method of thermal tumor ablation where tumors
are heated to damage the Structure and proteins of
Cataract the cell. As tumors have a higher water content
Clouding of the lens affecting vision. than healthy tissues, the microwave induce rapid
heating via Interacting with the polar molecules.

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