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The word given to describe the effects of when a water body becomes so rich in
nutrients that the natural wildlife is unable to survive.
● Eutrophication

2. It occurs when warmer air is found above cooler air and it poses a particular
problem when there is a stagnant air mass.
● Atmospheric Inversion

3. The following are examples of natural emissions of air pollutants except

● emission of methane from dumpsites

4. This is the greenhouse gas that has the largest contribution to anthropogenic
greenhouse effect.
● Carbon Dioxide

5. The following are the environmental effects of acid rain except __________.
● Cause of skin cancer

6. This is an air pollutant that reduces the ability of the circulatory system to
transport oxygen.
● Carbon Monoxide

7. __________ is the major cause of ozone depletion.

● CFCs

8. Most natural greenhouse warming is due to __________ in the atmosphere.

● Water Vapor

9. Sources of _______ particles include construction sites, agricultural fields,

unpaved roads, fires, & smokestacks.
● Primary
10. The following are the major sources of water pollution EXCEPT
● Mining

11. The development of __________ is directly related to automobile use.

● Photochemical Smog

12. The following are the environmental effects of ozone depletion except
● Damage to Earth’s Food Chain

13. These are substances that present short-term acute hazards, such as acute
toxicity by ingestion, inhalation or skin absorption, corrosivity or other skin or eye
contact hazard or the risk of fire or explosion.
● Hazardous

14. Eutrophication is a natural process.

● True

15. A process leading to a higher concentration of a substance in an organism than

in environmental media to which it is exposed.
● Bioconcentration

16. A water pollution source that discharges its wastes directly to bodies of water is
referred to as ___________ point.
● Point

17. Ozone, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead
are classified as
● Criteria Pollutants
18. Does VOC mean?
● Volatile Organic Compounds

19. The following are environmental impacts of global warming EXCEPT

● Thermal pollution that causes a decrease in the dissolved oxygen in water

20. In December 1952, air in __________ became stagnant and cloud cover blocked
incoming solar radiation.
● London

21. This is a term used to describe the degree of toxic effect by a compound on plant
● phytotoxicity

22. Which of the following nutrients contribute to eutrophication?

● Nitrogen

23. A controversial method of farming that gives emphasis on crop specialization and
involves the growing of a single crop using the majority or whole of the land.
● Monocultural

24. These are hazardous wastes made radioactive by exposure to the radiation
incidental to the production or utilization of nuclear fuels but does not include
nuclear fuel, or radioisotopes which have reached the final stage of fabrication so
as to be usable for any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial, or industrial
● Nuclear Waste

25. Enormous populations under favourable conditions producing water color &
distinctive odors & tastes
● Algal Bloom

26. These are substances that are without any safe commercial, industrial,
agricultural or economic usage and are shipped, transported or brought from the
country of origin for dumping or disposal into or in transit through any part of the
territory of the Philippines
● Hazardous Wastes

27. Renewable energy is favorable because it offers the least stress to the
environment. Which of these is not a possible source of renewable energy?
● Nuclear Energy
28. Mining is one of the sources of groundwater contamination.
● True

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