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Effect of pH and Decapsulation on the Toxicity of Ammonia

to the Brine Shrimp Arfemiufrunciscunu
Department of Marine Science, Stockton State ColIege, Pomona, New Jersey 08240 USA

Artemiu frunciscanu were hatched and tested for tolerance to ammonia at pH 6.5 and 8.5 in
artificial seawater with a salinity of 17 %. Nauplii seemed to be less tolerant of ammonia at pH
6.5 despite the fact that more of the ammonia is in the ionized form (NH,+). It is suggested that
this greater sensitivity is a result of the NH,+ competing with the Na+ during gut transfer. Nauplii
hatched from decapulated cysts were more tolerant of ammonia than those hatched from whole
cysts, probably because of a greater energy reserve.

Brine shrimp of the genus Artemiu are nonpolar un-ionized form of ammonia,
typically found in isolated saline environ- NH3, diffuses from the animal into the water
ments, which in the United States include since the concentration of NH3 is much
such places as Mono Lake and San Fran- greater in the organism’s body fluids than
cisco Bay in California, Big Soda Lake in in the surrounding medium. However, when
Nevada, Hot Lake in Washington, and Great levels of NH, in the water are elevated, the
Salt Lake in Utah.Besides being of ecological diffusion process is slowed or stopped and
interest, brine shrimp are also needed in NH3 levels in the organism rise. If the me-
solar saltworks to produce a high quality salt dium contains very high levels of NH3, it
(Davis 1980) and are also important feed may actually diffuse from the water into the
organisms in the aquaculture industry (Sor- organism (Armstrong 1979).
geloos 1980). Culture methods for Artemiu The relative amount of un-ionized am-
are varied and include the rearing of these monia molecules in an aqueous solution is
organisms in environments where high lev- related primarily to the pH, but it is also a
els of ammonia may be encountered, such function of the salinity and temperature of
as wastewater facilities (McShan et al. 1974) the medium (Emerson et al. 1975; Bower
or manure based culture systems (Landau and Bidwell 1978). Low pH values result in
et al. 1986). Despite the importance of brine high levels of the ionized form (NH,+) which
shrimp to the aquaculture industry, little is supposedly less toxic to aquatic organisms
was known about this crustacean’s ability because this molecule is much less mem-
to withstand ammonia toxicity stress until brane soluble than the more nonpolar NH,
recently. Chen et al. (1989) found that Ar- (Milne et al. 1958). It is therefore generally
temzu could survive in relatively high con- held that ammonia toxicity is largely a func-
centrations of total ammonia, and that am- tion of the pH of the medium. Since acidic
monia and nitrite acted synergistically as waters contain relatively little un-ionized
toxicants on brine shrimp nauplii. ammonia, for most organisms a higher total
Ammonia is the main excretory product ammonia (ionized plus un-ionized) concen-
of many aquatic organisms. Under typical tration can be tolerated in mildly acidic en-
environmental conditions, the relatively vironments.
This study examined the effect of pH on
the toxicity of ammonia to Artemiu relative
’ Corresponding author.
Present address: Fisheries Research Laboratory, to the animal’s ability to be cultured in high
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbon- ammonia environments. That is, under what
dale, Illinois 6290 1 USA. conditions could the effects of the ammonia
0 Copyri&t by the World Aquaculture Society I99 I


be minimized and would decapsulation im- slowly), very weak (unable to move off the
prove or hinder the hatching rate in such bottom of the depression, irregular move-
an environment? ments), or dead (did not move even when
Materials and Methods In experiments to test the effect of decap-
Artemia franczscana (Utah strain) were sulation on ammonia toxicity, undecapsu-
donated by Sander’s Brine Shrimp Co., Og- lated cysts were placed in aerated artificial
den, Utah, USA. Unless otherwise stated, seawater to hatch, and freshly decapsulated
cysts were decapsulated according to the cysts (not stored at 4 C) were similarly treat-
method of Sorgeloos et al. (1 977) and stored ed 12 hours later. The result was a nearly
until needed in a saturated NaCl solution simultaneous hatching of the cysts in both
at 4 C. All cultures and stock solutions were flasks. The nauplii were distributed into de-
made up in an artificial seawater (Bower and pressions in a medium of pH 7.0 with 0.75
Holm-Hansen 1980), made from reagent g N/liter. Four plates of nauplii (48 animals)
quality chemicals, which was diluted with from both decapsulated and non-decapsu-
distilled/deionized water to 17Yb0. The dis- lated cysts were used in the bioassay.
tilled/deionized water was tested by the sa- The percent of ionized (NH,+) and un-
licylate-hypochlorite method (Bower and ionized (NH,) ammonia present was cal-
Holm-Hansen 1980) and was determined culated using the equations of Bower and
to contain no detectable amounts of am- Bidwell ( 1 978). A pkaSof 0.28 was assumed
monia. Ammonia solutions were made from for the 17Yb0 artificial seawater.
reagent grade NH,CI; test dilutions were
made from a concentrated stock solution Results
and the pH was adjusted just prior to each The LD5o values and their 95% confi-
bioassay. dence limits (CL) were calculated using a
Approximately 36 hours before a bioas- probit regression and weighted coefficients
say was to begin, decapsulated cysts were (Wardlaw 1985). At pH 6.5 and 8.5 the LD5o
placed in flasks of well-aerated artificial sea- values were 0.73 g total N/liter (95% CL =
water kept at 23 2 C. Newly hatched stage 0.66 g to 0.85 g total N/liter) and 0.99 g
I, and I, (D’Agostino 1965) brine shrimp total N/liter (95% CL = 0.80 g to 1.36 g
nauplii were collected with a pipet and dis- total N/liter), respectively. The amount of
tributed into 2 ml depressions on spot plates un-ionized ammonia at the LD5o concen-
( 12 depressions per plate). Each depression trations was 1.05 mg N as NH3/liter at pH
held only one nauplius in the ammonia so- 6.5 and 125.04 mg N as NH3/liter at pH
lution to be tested. 8.5.
In experiments designed to test the effect A more sensitive estimate of the toxicity
of pH on ammonia toxicity, pH values of of the ammonia was generated, taking into
6.5 and 8.5 were used with ammonia con- account sub-lethal effects, using the follow-
centrations ofO, 0.5,0.75, 1.0, and 1.5 g N / ing original toxicity index (T.I.) for each
liter. Two plates (24 animals) were used for pH-ammonia test solution:
each pH-ammonia test solution. Spot plates
were placed in large covered dishes which +
(Ndead x 3) (Nvery weak x 2)
included wet paper towels to maintain the
T.I. =
(Nweak x 1)
humidity near 100% in the dish. Only total N tested at pH, and
healthy, actively swimming nauplii were ammonia concentration,
used. After 24 hours in the test solution the
nauplii were examined under a dissecting The T.I. values were regressed against the
microscope and their general condition was total N concentrations. The slope of the line
recorded as either healthy, weak (swimming at pH 6.5 (b = 3.0) was not significantly

greater than the slope at pH 8.5 (b = 2.1)

(comparison of reduced major axis between
samples, Beerbower 1968), although it is
suggestive of a greater sensitivity to total
ammonia at the lower pH value (Fig. 1).
The mortality percentages for decapsu-
lated (29.2 f 14.4) and non-decapsulated
(45.7 f 19.9) cysts were compared. Nauplii
which hatched from decapsulated cysts were
better able to withstand the ammonia (0.05
< P < 0.10, one-tailed Student’s t-test).
Brine shrimp, Artemia, appear to be more
tolerant of ammonia than most other aquat-
ic organisms. For example, for fourth stage
larval lobsters, Hornarus arnericanus, the
LDso has been reported to be about 1.4 mg I I I I I
N as un-ionized ammonidliter (Delistraty 025 05 075 10 125 I50

et al. 1977), and for penaeid shrimp a 48

hour LD50 of 1.29 mg N as un-ionized am- -05 4 Tom1 Ammonia (&‘I)

monialliter was determined by Wickins

(1 976). The values reported here, however, FIGUREI . The effect of p H on the toxicity of total
ammonia to Artemia. The open circles represent p H
closely approximate the LDsovalues of Chen 8.5 and the triangles represent p H 6.5.
et al. (1 989) of 14.17 mg N as un-ionized
ammonialliter, and 839.5 mg total N as am-
monidliter, for brine shrimp (San Francis- exerted a toxic effect and proposed a mech-
co Bay strain). anism to explain the role of both the ionized
Thurston et al. (1 98 1) found that in fat- and un-ionized form’s effects: At high pH
head minnows and rainbow trout the LD5o values it is the NH3 molecule which causes
values for total ammonia decreased as ex- most of the observed toxicity, because it is
pected when the pH increased, but the ac- able to enter the organism from the medium
tual amount of un-ionized ammonia needed by simple diffusion through the lipid rich
to reach the LD5o increased with the pH. membranes; at lower pH values it is the
For example, for trout the LD50 at pH 6.5 1 NH4+molecule that is responsible for a large
was 161 mg N as total ammonialliter and portion of the toxicity because it competes
0.13 mg N as un-ionized ammonidliter, with Na+ which is actively transported by
while at pH 8.29 the LD5O was 13.0 mg N the organism in an effort to osmoregulate.
as total ammonidliter and 0.658 mg N as The effects of NH4+on Na+ transport have
un-ionized ammonidliter. Their explana- been discussed by Mangum et al. (1 976) and
tion of this phenomenon was that either NH3 Weiland and Mangum (1975).
ions were more toxic at lower pH values In the case of Arternia the problem seems
than at higher pH values, or that NH4+itself more complex. Results reported here are
exerts a toxic effect, although much less so supported by many unpublished trials in the
than NH3. laboratory, and seem to indicate that for
Similar results were observed in larval brine shrimp raised in a salinity of 177m,
prawns, Macrobrachiurn rosenbergii, kept total ammonia seems to be more important
in water with a salinity of 1 2 7 ~
(Armstrong than un-ionized ammonia, and in fact the
et al. 1978). They also suggested that NH4+ ionized form may actually be slightly more

toxic. These results may, in part, be ex- reserves in the hatching process and are ini-
plained by the low salinity and the direct tially stronger and healthier organisms. This
effects of the pH on the organism. Although study suggested that nauplii which hatched
they can survive at salinities of 59b to 2057m from decapsulated cysts were better able to
(D’Agostino 1965), brine shrimp are nor- withstand the stress of the high ammonia
mally found in isolated hypersaline envi- environment because they had greater en-
ronments where few other organisms are able ergy reserves that could be used in osmo-
to live and compete with Artemia. For ex- regulation.
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