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Our classroom

Classroom guidelines or rules:

1.We will get along ,and compromise.

2. We will be responsible.
3.We will stay focused.
4.We will be respectful.
We will Treat others the way we
want to be treated.
I can
I will

Whole class reward: I will have a tally system where if students

are meeting classroom expectations they get a tally ,and if not the
teacher (me) gets a tally .I want my students to beat me! If they do
,they will get to play a game called "silent ball" as a whole class at the
end of the day. The tally system will start over each day.

Individual reward: Students will be able to earn tickets throughout

the year for meeting classroom guidelines and expectations. At the
end of the year, students will be able to buy out of a treasure box
using those earned tickets.


Level 1:A ticket can be taken away if not meeting

classroom guidelines. (Individual)
Level 2: A tally can be given to the teacher if the
class is not meeting classroom expectations or
directions. (Whole class)
Level 3: Students will get marked in there behavior
folder to get taken home ,and have there parent
initial it.
Level 4: After constant misbehavior the student will
be sent to the office ,and the parents will receive a
phone call regarding the students behavior.
1. Students will hang
up there backpacks
when they enter the
2. Students will turn in
worksheets into my
turn in cubby once
3. Students will raise
there hand if they have
a question or answer.
4. Students will return
all materials to the
correct spot once
5. Students will be
responsible for taking
home there behavior
sheets, and bringing it
back to class each day.
Student Jobs:
Daily rotation

Line leader
My line leader will lead the line each time we
walk in the hallway or outside to recess.

Trash Patrol
At the end of the day our trash patrol will check the floors for
items or trash left to ensure the class is left clean.

Paper passer
My paper passer will help me hand out papers to there

Door holder
My door holder will hold the door for there classmates when we
are in the hallway or going outside for recess.

Attendance clerk
My attendance clerk will help me take roll at the beginning of our
day ,and tell me if anyone is absent.

Job Patrol
My job patrol will change names on our student jobs chart at
the end of the day. This will help the class know who is
responsible for next day's jobs.

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