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REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

Edition January 2002

Numerical Station Protection System

Application Description
ã 2002 ABB Switzerland Ltd

1st Edition

Applies for software version 6.0

All rights with respect to this document, including applications for patent and
registration of other industrial property rights, are reserved. Unauthorised use, in
particular reproduction or making available to third parties without our explicit
consent in writing, is prohibited.
The use is only allowed for the purpose laid down in the contract.

This document has been carefully prepared and reviewed. Should in spite of this
the reader find an error, he is requested to inform us at his earliest convenience.

The data contained herein purport solely to describe the product and are not a
warranty of performance or characteristic. It is with the best interest of our
customers in mind that we constantly strive to improve our products and keep
them abreast of advances in technology. This may, however, lead to discrep-
ancies between a product and its “Technical Description” or “Operating Instructions”.
REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd


1. Introduction ................................................................................. 2

2. Structure of protection function software..................................... 4

3. Description of configuration variants ........................................... 7

3.1. Variant 1 ..................................................................................... 7
3.1.1. Purpose and requirements.......................................................... 7
3.1.2. Connections................................................................................ 7
3.2. Variant 2 ..................................................................................... 8
3.2.1. Purpose and requirements.......................................................... 8
3.2.2. Connections................................................................................ 8
3.3. Variant 3 ................................................................................... 11
3.3.1. Purpose and requirements........................................................ 11
3.3.2. Connections.............................................................................. 11
3.4. Variant 4 ................................................................................... 14
3.4.1. Purpose and requirements........................................................ 14
3.4.2. Connections.............................................................................. 14
3.5. Variant 5 ................................................................................... 16
3.5.1. Purpose and requirements........................................................ 16
3.5.2. Connections.............................................................................. 17

4. Documentation.......................................................................... 18

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

1. Introduction

The following types of arrangements are widely encountered in

HV and EHV networks:

· Double busbar / live and transfer buses

· One-and-half breaker
· Single busbar
The circuit breakers, whether AIS or GIS, are mostly single-pole
Further application variants are introduced due to the need of
redundant main protections, back-up directional ground fault
(with/without communication), overcurrent, over-/undervoltage
protection etc., as well as variations in the physical arrange-
ments of the primary equipment itself.
The auto-reclosure and synchrocheck functions, which are
associated with the breaker, can be located in independent
terminals or configured within the numerical line protection
equipment. This results in a large number of possible
Based on past experience and common practice, five variants
have been created for REB500sys, each containing a group of
protection functions. Table 1.1 shows which protection functions
are included in which variant (V1 to V5).
For each of these variants, 5 typical configurations for single or
double busbar substations have been selected and described in
this document.
These configurations can be treated as ABB preferred solutions,
optimising the usage of optocoupler inputs and trip/signalling
outputs to meet application requirements.

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd

Abbreviation V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
used in drawings

OV/UV DT OVSTD x x x x x
OC DT OCSTD x x x x x

IDMT OC OCINV x x x x x

IDMT Ground OC I0INV x x x x x

3-ph Current Plausibility CHKI3PH x x x x x
3-ph Voltage Plausibility CHKU3PH x x x x x

Dir. DT OC DIROCDT x x x x x
Dir. IDMT OC DIROCINV x x x x x
Logic LOGIC x x x x x
Delay DELAY x x x x x

Distance Protection DIST x x x

Directional Ground Fault DEF x x x


Auto-reclosure AR x x x

Synchrocheck SYNC x x

Table 1.1 Protection functions contained in variants V1 to V5

Minor alterations to these standard configurations might be
necessary to tailor the engineering for specific needs. For
example, if dedicated alarm contacts are essential, it may be
necessary to use a common communication channel for the
distance and directional earth fault protection, along with a single
remote trip channel instead of the segregated channels shown in
these standard configurations.

In REB500sys there are so-called station level protection (SP)

functions, which include those functions in the existing REB500
system, and bay level protection (BP) functions. In all 5 standard
configurations the following SP functions are considered:

· BBP (Busbar Protection)

· BFP (Breaker-Failure Protection)
· EFP (End Fault Protection)
It may be noted that the EFP is required only if there is no zone
overlap (feeder / bus protections) across the breaker.

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

2. Structure of protection function software

Figure 2.1 and the following tables give an overview of the

structure of the station and bay level protection functions in the
bay unit 500BU03 (also shown here as BU03). The line
protection functionalities that vary in each of the configurations
are accessed through so-called bay protection (BP) input and BP
output blocks. These are software blocks and can accommodate
up to 20 input and 120 output signals respectively.
It is to be noted that all signals that are to be mapped to the
output contacts, substation control systems via LON bus or
LEDs have first to be programmed onto the BP output block.

Figure 2.1 Structure of protection function software in a bay

unit 500BU03, containing station and bay level
protection functions

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd

Name Definition Remark

1 OC input Optocoupler input of bay 20 binary inputs per bay unit

unit BU03
2 CR output Relay (contact) output of 16 binary outputs per bay
bay unit unit BU03

3 U, I input Analogue input of bay unit Assignment to SP functions

is fixed.
Assignment to BP functions
is partly configurable.

4 BP input Logical input of BP part 20 logical inputs per bay unit


5 BP output Logical output of BP part 120 logical outputs per bay

unit BU03

Table 2.1 Explanations to inputs / outputs

Name Definition Remark

6 SP Station protection rart Contains station protection

SP function Station protection function Available functions ref. to [1]
Section 3, Table 3.2
e.g. BBP, BFP, EFP

7 BP Bay protection part Contains bay protection


BP function Bay protection function Available functions ref. to [1]

Section 3, Table 3.6

Table 2.2 Explanations to function execution part

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

Definition Remark

8 OC input assigned to SP function Assignment via software HMI500

e.g. 13710_Start BFP_L1_1 input
9 SP function assigned to CR output Assignment via software HMI500
e.g. 23105_BFP TRIP

10 OC input assigned to BP input Assignment via software HMI500

e.g. 111205_Ext Block DIST
11 BP input assigned to BP function Assignment via software HMI500
e.g. 111205_Ext Block DIST
12 BP function assigned to BP output Assignment via software HMI500
e.g. 211880_Carr Send
13 BP-output assigned to CR output Assignment via software HMI500
e.g. 211880_Carr Send

14 BP-output assigned to SP function Assignment via software HMI500

e.g. Trip_DIST à Start_BFP

15 SP-function assigned to BP input Assignment via software HMI500

16 OC-input assigned to SP function Assignment via software HMI500

and BP input
e.g. 11530/ 111505_Manual close
command CB

17 SP function and BP output assigned Assignment via software HMI500

to CR output
e.g. 21110/ 220815_TRIP

18 Internal connections between BP- Assignment via software HMI500


19 Internal connections between SP- Automatic assignment done by

functions REB500 ITT-system
(ITT = intertripping)

NB. Signals from the SP functions have 5-digit numbers, as in REB500.

Signals from the BP functions have 6-digit numbers.

Table 2.3 Explanations to signal connections

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd

3. Description of configuration variants

The 5 standard variants are described below. The corresponding

schematic drawings contained in Figure 3.1 to Figure 3.10.

3.1. Variant 1

3.1.1. Purpose and requirements

This variant would be useful where main 1 and main 2 protec-
tions are in separate devices, independent of REB500sys. The
auto-reclosure and synchrocheck functions could be located in
the main 1 and / or main 2 hardware or elsewhere.
The REB500sys would also contain the back-up. While delayed
back-up would be carried out by OCSTD (Phase Overcurrent
Definite Time) and I0INV (Residual Inverse Time Overcurrent)
functions, a fast back-up through the DIROCDT (Directional
Overcurrent Definite Time) is also possible with a carrier
communication scheme. Without the carrier scheme, the
DIROCDT would operate as a delayed back-up protection.
When an external auto-reclosure function is in service, it is
recommended to operate the DIROCDT only as a delayed back-
up in single-pole applications.
Broken c.t. conductor can be detected with the CHKI3PH
function which shall be used to initiate an alarm.

3.1.2. Connections
The connection diagram is shown in Figure 3.1.
For ease of understanding, the texts are indicated for all relevant
Detailed descriptions of all functions are contained in [1].

The optocoupler inputs 01 to 04 (isolator positions Q1 and Q2)
are used for the replica of the BBP function. The inputs 10 to 12
(breaker positions and closing command) are used for the EFP
function, while the BFP function takes in the inputs 13 to 15 and
09 for the starting signals (phase segregated as well as 3 phase)
from both main 1 and main 2 protections.
The back-up protections start the BFP function internally via
dedicated signals through the BP output block.
The ‘Carrier Receive’ signal required for the DIROCDT function
is taken in from input 05 through BP input 03.

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

The outputs 11 to 13 and 14 to 16 are used to activate trip coil 1
and trip coil 2 respectively, phase segregated. Output 02 is used
for interlocking the manual close command to the circuit-breaker.
Outputs 04 and 06 serve the purpose of sending remote trips to
the other end of the line.
Output 05 is used for the carrier send of the DIROCDT function.
While the station level function signals ‘TRIP’ (21110) and ‘BFP
TRIP’ (23105) shall be set in latched mode, the line protection
trip outputs shall be in self reset mode.
All the REB500sys line protection functions shall trip 3-pole.
Further, these are arranged to activate both trip coils since they
share the same hardware as the station level functions, which
have to trip both the coils.

3.2. Variant 2

3.2.1. Purpose and requirements

This variant would be useful where main 2 protection is included
in the REB500sys terminal with main 1 in a separate device.
Auto-reclosure and synchrocheck functions could be in an
independent hardware, for example REC316*4.
The REB500sys would then contain the main 2 distance
protection (DIST) along with the directional ground fault
overcurrent function (DEF).
The REB500sys would also contain the back-up protection.
Delayed back-up would be carried out by OCSTD (Phase
Overcurrent Definite Time) and I0INV (Residual Inverse Time
Overcurrent) functions.
The distance function in REB500sys would operate with an
external auto-reclosure function. Broken c.t. conductor can be
detected with the CHKI3PH function which shall be used to
initiate an alarm.

3.2.2. Connections
The connection diagram is shown in Figure 3.3.
For ease of understanding, the texts are indicated for all relevant
Detailed descriptions of all functions are contained in [1].

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd

The optocoupler inputs 01 to 04 (isolator positions Q1 and Q2)
are used for the busbar replica of the BBP function. Inputs 10 to
12 (breaker positions and closing command) are used for the
EFP function, while the BFP function takes in the inputs 13 to 15
and 09 for the starting signals (phase segregated as well as 3
phase) from main 1 protection.
The distance function in REB500sys starts the BFP function,
phase segregated, while the back-up protections start the BFP
function 3-pole, internally via dedicated signals through the BP
output block.
The ‘Line v.t. MCB Fail’ is taken in via input 16 through BP input
01 to block the distance function, while input 19 through BP input
09 brings in the ‘Prepare 3-pole trip’ signal from the auto-
reclosure function to the main 2 distance protection.
The carrier receive signals required for the DIST and DEF
functions are taken in from inputs 05 and 06 through BP inputs
03 and 04 respectively.
The DEF function takes in the ‘Breaker All Poles Closed’
condition to activate itself from input 07 through BP input 05.
The ‘Manual Close’ command is used for the switch-onto-fault
feature within the distance function, internally taken from input
12 via BP input 02.
The overcurrent function OCSTD is kept blocked when the
distance function is operational.

The outputs 11 to 13 and 14 to 16 are used to activate trip coil 1
and trip coil 2 respectively, phase segregated. Output 02 is used
for ‘Close Block’ interlock purposes. Outputs 04 and 06 serve the
purpose of sending remote trips to the other end of the line.
Outputs 05 and 07 are used for the ‘Carrier Send’ of the DIST
and DEF functions. It is also possible to have a common
communication channel for DIST and DEF functions.
Outputs 08 to 10 are used for interaction with the auto-reclosure
function. The auto-reclosure functionality of the REL316*4 would
necessitate these signals. The signal ‘Start SOTF’ would not be
required if the ‘Manual Close’ command is used to block the
auto-reclosure function.

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

While the station level function signals ‘TRIP’ (21110) and ‘BFP
TRIP’ (23105) shall be set in latched mode, the line protection
trip outputs shall be in self reset mode.
The distance function shall trip single-pole while all other line
protection functions shall trip 3-pole.
Further, these are arranged to activate both trip coils since they
share the same hardware as the station level functions, which
have to trip both the coils.

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd

3.3. Variant 3

3.3.1. Purpose and requirements

This variant would be useful where main 2 protection is included
in the REB500sys terminal with main 1 in a separate device.
Further, an auto-reclosure function would be introduced in both
main 1 and main 2 protection terminals, but without the
synchrocheck function. In some instances, the auto-reclosure is
carried out without the synchrocheck release criterion.
The REB500sys would then contain the main 2 distance
protection (DIST) along with the directional ground fault
overcurrent function (DEF).
The REB500sys would also contain the back-up protection.
Delayed back-up would be carried out by OCSTD (Phase
Overcurrent Definite Time) and I0INV (Residual Inverse Time
Overcurrent) functions.
In order to ensure that at any time, only one auto-reclosure
function is in operation, the following philosophy is implemented:
Normally, the auto-reclosure function in main 1 is active. It
interacts with the distance protections of both main 1 and main 2
terminals. When the main 1 terminal is out of service or is in test
mode, the blocking input on the auto-reclosure function in main 2
terminal is automatically removed.
Only the distance function in REB500sys would then operate
with the auto-reclosure function internally.
Broken c.t. conductor can be detected with the CHKI3PH
function which shall be used to initiate an alarm.

3.3.2. Connections
The connection diagram is shown in Figure 3.5.
For ease of understanding, the texts are indicated for all relevant
Detailed description of all functions are contained in [1].

The optocoupler inputs 01 to 04 (isolator positions Q1 and Q2)
are used for the busbar replica of the BBP function. Inputs 10 to
12 (breaker positions and closing command) are used for the
EFP function while the BFP function takes in the inputs 13 to 15
and 09 for the starting signals (phase segregated as well as 3
phase) from main 1 protection.

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

The distance function in REB500sys starts the BFP function,

phase segregated while the back-up protections start the BFP
function 3-pole, internally via dedicated signals through the BP
output block.
The ‘Line VT MCB Fail’ is taken in via input 16 through BP input
01 to block the distance function, while input 19 through BP input
09 brings in the ‘Prepare 3-pole trip’ signal from the auto-
reclosure function in main 1 to the main 2 distance protection.
The ‘Carrier Receive’ signals required for the DIST and DEF
functions are taken in from inputs 05 and 06 through BP inputs
03 and 04 respectively.
The DEF function takes in the ‘Breaker All Poles Closed’
condition to activate itself from input 07 through BP input 05.
The auto-reclosure function takes in the signal “OCO Ready”
from input 08 through BP input 08 and the signal main 1
‘Healthy/Test mode’ to block itself from input 20 through BP input
The ‘Manual Close’ command is used for the switch-onto-fault
feature within the distance function, internally taken from input
12 via BP input 02. The close command also blocks the auto-
reclosure function. The “CB Open” input to block the auto-
reclosure is also taken internally through BP input 07.
The three inputs “Start”, “Trip CB” and “Trip CB 3P” needed for
the auto-reclosure function are taken internally from the distance
When the auto-reclosure in REB500sys is operational, the zone
extension logic is also available and is controlled by the auto-
reclosure function as shown.
Furthermore, busbar and breaker-failure protection trips also
block auto-reclosure through OR gate 12.
The overcurrent function OCSTD is kept blocked when the
distance function is operational.

The outputs 11 to 13 and 14 to 16 are used to activate trip coil 1
and trip coil 2 respectively, phase segregated. Output 02 is used
for ‘Close Block’ interlock purposes. Outputs 04 and 06 serve the
purpose of sending remote trips to the other end of the line.

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd

Outputs 05 and 07 are used for the ‘Carrier Send’ of the DIST
and DEF functions. It is also possible to have a common
communication channel for DIST and DEF functions.
Outputs 8 to 10 are used for interaction with the auto-reclosure
function in main 1 terminal. The auto-reclosure functionality of
the REL316*4 would necessitate these signals. It shall however
be ensured that the close command is used to block the AR
function in main 1 terminal as well.
The close command from the auto-reclosure function is issued
via output 03.
While the station level function signals ‘TRIP’ (21110) and ‘BFP
TRIP’ (23105) shall be set in latched mode, the line protection
trip outputs shall be in self reset mode.
The distance function shall trip single-pole while all other line
protection functions shall trip 3-pole.
Furthermore, these are arranged to trip both trip coils since they
share the same hardware as the station level functions which
have to trip both the coils.

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

3.4. Variant 4

3.4.1. Purpose and requirements

This variant would be useful where main 2 protection is included
in the REB500sys terminal with main 1 in a separate device.
Further, the auto-reclosure and synchrocheck functions would be
introduced in both main 1 and main 2 protection terminals.
The REB500sys would then contain the main 2 distance
protection (DIST) along with the directional ground fault
overcurrent (DEF) function.
The REB500sys would also contain the back-up protection.
Delayed back-up would be carried out by OCSTD (Phase
Overcurrent Definite Time) and I0INV (Residual Inverse Time
Overcurrent) functions.
In order to ensure that at any time, only one auto-reclosure
function is in operation, the following philosophy is implemented:
Normally, the auto-reclosure function in main 1 is active. It
interacts with the distance protections of both main 1 and main 2
terminals. When the main 1 terminal is out of service or is in test
mode, the blocking input on the auto-reclosure function in main 2
terminal is automatically removed.
Only the distance function in REB500sys would then operate
with the auto-reclosure function internally.
Synchrocheck is only used with 3-pole auto-reclosure. The
operating mode (e.g. dead-bus, live-line) is selected via a setting
parameter in the function. The inputs for remotely selecting the
operating mode are not used here.
Broken c.t. conductor can be detected with the CHKI3PH
function which shall be used to initiate an alarm.

3.4.2. Connections
The connection diagram is shown in Figure 3.7.
For ease of understanding, the texts are indicated for all relevant
Detailed description of all functions are contained in [1].

The optocoupler inputs 01 to 04 (isolator positions Q1 and Q2)
are used for the busbar replica of the BBP function. Inputs 10 to
12 (breaker positions and closing command) are used for the
EFP function while the BFP function takes in the inputs 13 to 15

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd

and 09 for the starting signals (phase segregated as well as 3

phase) from main 1 protection.
The distance function in REB500sys starts the BFP function,
phase segregated while the back-up protections start the BFP
function 3-pole, internally via dedicated signals through the BP
output block.
The ‘Line VT MCB Fail’ is taken in via input 16 through BP input
01 to block the distance function while input 19 through BP input
09 brings in the ‘Prepare 3-pole trip’ signal from the auto-
reclosure function in main 1 to the main 2 distance protection.
The ‘Carrier Receive’ signals required for the DIST and DEF
functions are taken in from inputs 05 and 06 through BP inputs
03 and 04 respectively.
The DEF function takes in the ‘Breaker All Poles Closed’
condition to activate itself from input 07 through BP input 05.
The auto-reclosure function takes in the signal “OCO Ready”
from input 08 through BP input 08 and the signal main 1
‘Healthy/Test mode’ to block itself from input 20 through BP input
Inputs 17 and 18 are the ‘Bus VT MCB Fail’ signals to block the
synchrocheck function taken in through BP inputs 12 and 13
The ‘Manual Close’ Command is used for the SOTF feature
within the DIST function, internally taken from input 12 via BP
input 02. The close command also blocks the auto-reclosure
function. The “CB Open” input to block the auto-reclosure is also
taken internally through BP input 07.
The three inputs “Start”, “Trip CB” and “Trip CB 3P” needed for
the auto-reclosure function are taken internally from the DIST
The voltage selection for the synchrocheck function is done
using the bus isolator positions taken in internally through BP
inputs 14 and 15.
When the auto-reclosure in REB500sys is operational, the zone
extension logic is also possible and is controlled by the auto-
reclosure function as shown.
Further, bus and BFP trips also block auto-reclosure through OR
gate 12.
The overcurrent function OCSTD is kept blocked when the
distance function is operational.

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

The outputs 11 to 13 and 14 to 16 are used to activate trip coil 1
and trip coil 2 respectively, phase segregated. Output 2 is used
for ‘Close Block’ interlock purposes. Outputs 04 and 06 serve the
purpose of sending remote trips to the other end of the line.
Outputs 05 and 07 are used for the ‘Carrier Send’ of the DIST
and DEF functions. It is also possible to have a common
communication channel for DIST and DEF functions.
Outputs 8 to 10 are used for interaction with the auto-reclosure
function in main 1 terminal. The auto-reclosure functionality of
the REL316*4 would necessitate these signals. It shall however
be ensured that the close command is used to block the AR
function in main 1 terminal as well.
The close command from the auto-reclosure function is issued
via output 03.
While the station level function signals ‘TRIP’ (21110) and ‘BFP
TRIP’ (23105) shall be set in latched mode, the line protection
trip outputs shall be in self reset mode.
The distance function shall trip single-pole while all other line
protection functions shall trip 3-pole.
Further, these are arranged to activate both trip coils since they
share the same hardware as the station level functions which
have to trip both the coils.

3.5. Variant 5

3.5.1. Purpose and requirements

This variant would be useful where main 1 and main 2
protections are included in separate device, independent of
REB500sys. However, the auto-reclosure and synchrocheck
functions shall be in the REB500sys protection terminal.
The REB500sys would then have the back-up protection. While
delayed back-up would be carried out by OCSTD (Phase
Overcurrent Definite Time) and I0INV (Residual Inverse Time
Overcurrent) functions, a fast back-up through the DIROCDT
(Directional Overcurrent Definite Time) is also possible with a
carrier communication scheme. Without the carrier scheme, the
DIROCDT would operate as a delayed back-up protection.

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd

When the auto-reclosure function is in service, it is

recommended to operate the DIROCDT only as a delayed back-
up in single-pole applications.
For long line applications, an overvoltage (OVSTD) function is
also introduced.
The inputs 05 to 07 (protection start and trip inputs to the auto-
reclosure) are connected to the corresponding output contacts
from the main 1 and main 2 protection devices.
Synchrocheck is only used with 3-pole auto-reclosure. The
operating mode (e.g. dead-bus, live-line) is selected via a setting
parameter in the function. The inputs for remotely selecting the
operating mode are not used here.
Broken c.t. conductor can be detected with the CHKI3PH
function which shall be used to initiate alarm.

3.5.2. Connections
The connection diagram is shown in Figure 3.9.
For ease of understanding, the texts are indicated for all relevant
Detailed description of all functions are contained in [1].

The optocoupler inputs 01 to 04 (isolator positions Q1 and Q2)
are used for the busbar replica of the BBP function. The inputs
10 to 12 (breaker positions and closing command) are used for
the EFP function while the BFP function takes in the inputs 13 to
15 and 09 for the starting signals (phase segregated as well as 3
phase) from main 1 protection.
The back-up protections start the BFP function 3-pole, internally
via dedicated signals through the BP output block.
The ‘Line VT MCB Fail’ is taken in via input 16 through BP input
01 to block the synchrocheck function.
The ‘Carrier Receive’ signal required for the DIROCDT function
is taken in from input 19 through BP input 03.
The auto-reclosure function takes in the signal “OCO Ready”
from input 20 through BP input 08.
Inputs 17 and 18 are the ‘Bus VT MCB Fail’ signals to block the
synchrocheck function through BP inputs 17, 18 and 19

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

The manual close command is used to block the auto-reclosure

function. The “CB Open” input to block the auto-reclosure is also
taken internally through BP input 07.
The three inputs “Start”, “Trip CB” and “Trip CB 3P” from both
main 1 and main 2 protections needed for the auto-reclosure
function are taken from the inputs 05, 07 and 06 respectively.
The voltage selection for the synchrocheck function is done
using the bus isolator positions taken in internally through BP
inputs 14 and 15.
Furthermore, busbar and breaker-failure protection trips also
block auto-reclosure through OR gate 12.

The outputs 11 to 13 and 14 to 16 are used to activate trip coil 1
and trip coil 2 respectively, phase segregated. Output 2 is used
for close block interlock purposes. Output 08 serves the purpose
of sending remote trip to the other end of the line.
Output 09 is used for the ‘Carrier Send’ of the DIROCDT
Outputs 03 and 06 are used to issue the ‘Prepare 3 Pole trip’
commands to both main 1 and main 2.
The close Command from the auto-reclosure function is issued
via output 04.
While the station level function signals ‘TRIP’ (21110) and ‘BFP
TRIP’ (23105) shall be set in latched mode, the line protection
trip outputs shall be in self reset mode.
All line protection functions shall trip 3-pole.
Further, these are arranged to activate both trip coils since they
share the same hardware as the station level functions which
has to trip both the coils.

4. Documentation

Data Sheet REB500sys 1MRB529291-Uen

Operating Instructions REB500sys 1MRB520292-Uen [1]
Brochure REB500sys 1KHA-000726-SEN
Demands on Measuring
Transformers for REB500sys 1MRB520294-Ade

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd

OC Inputs Variant 1 : HV/EHV, Double Bus, 1-Pole Breaker CR Outputs

01 11530 C 21110 11
02 11530 D
11530 C BBP 12
04 11530 D
10 11530 A 14
11 11530 B EFP Rem TRIP
Q0 Manual Cl. Command
12 11505 24105
Start L1 (Main 1/Main 2)
13 13710
Start L2 (Main 1/Main 2)
14 13720 16
Start L3 ( Main 1/Main 2)
15 Start L1L2L3
09 13740
BFP 02
23110 04

BP Default Output
(In Service)


BP Input BP Configurable Output
Trip CB
214105 01
Start L1
214710 15
19 03 Carr. Rec.
114805 214715 Start L2
Start L3
214720 17
Carr. Send
214805 04 05


212105 07
221105 Trip
224105 09






Figure 3.1 Configuration variant 1

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

Figure 3.2 Bay unit: Connections of binary inputs and outputs

variant 1

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd
OC Inputs Variant 2 : HV/EHV, Double Bus, 1-Pole Breaker CR Outputs
01 11530 C 21110 11
02 11530 D
11530 C BBP 12
04 11530 D

10 11530 A ITT
11530 B SP 14
Q0 Manual Cl. Command EFP Rem TRIP
12 11505 24105
Start L1 (Main 1)
13 13710
Start L2 (Main 1)
14 13720 16
Start L3 ( Main 1)
15 Start L1L2L3
09 13740
13770 BFP 02
13775 23105

13780 23110
BP Default Output
(In Service)

BP Configurable
BP Input 01
Ext Blk Dist Trip CB L1
16 01 111205 211105 01
Manual Close Command Trip CB L2
02 111505 211110 02
05 03 Carr. Rec.
111815 211115
Trip CB L3
Prep. 3 P Trip Carr. Send
19 09 111825 211880 04 05
Dist Blckd
DIST 211405 Start RST
211710 13 08
Trip CB 3 Ph
211320 14 09
Trip CB
211305 15 10
Start SOTF
211780 16

Carr. Rec. Carr. Send

06 04 120805 220815 05 07
CB All Poles Closed Trip
07 05 120505 220105 06

Block O/c
112205 212105 Trip
(Inverted) OCSTD
221105 08
224105 09


Figure 3.3 Configuration variant 2

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

Figure 3.4 Bay unit: Connections of binary inputs and outputs

variant 2

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd

OC Inputs Variant 3 : HV/EHV, Double Bus, 1-Pole Breaker CR Outputs

01 11530 C TRIP
Q1 ON 21110 11
02 11530 D
03 11530 C BBP
Q2 ON 12
04 11530 D
SP 13
10 11530 A ITT 14
11 11530 B EFP Rem TRIP
Q0 Manual Cl. Command
12 11505 24105
Start L1 (Main 1)
13 13710
Start L2 (Main 1)
14 13720 16
Start L3 ( Main 1)
15 13730
Start L1L2L3
09 13740
13770 BFP 02
13775 BFP TRIP
13780 23105 Rem TRIP
13785 23110 04
BP Default Output
(In Service)

BP Configurable
BP Input 01
Ext Blk Dist Trip CB L1
16 01 111205 211105 01
Manual Close Command Trip CB L2
02 111505 211110 02
Carr. Rec. Trip CB L3
05 03 111815 211115 03
Prep3PTrip M1 AR Carr. Send
19 09 111825 211880 04 05
11 DIST Start RST/TripCB 3Ph/
Trip CB
Z Extension AR
111830 211320 OR
211305 09

Carr. Rec. Carr. Send

06 04 120805 220815 05 07
CB All Poles Closed Trip
07 05 120505 220105 06
112205 212105 07
Block O/c
(inverted) OCSTD
221105 08
224105 09
13 08
Trip CB 3Ph
Z Extension
14 09
Trip CB
15 10
Prep. 3P Trip

CB Open
07 118515 218310
Manual Close Command
16 118535 218845
08 08 118505
21110 118205(Ext Blk AR)
M1 Healthy/Service Mode OR
20 10 12

AR Definitive Trip
218315 11
Close Command
Start 218105 12 03
Trip CB 3P
Trip CB

Figure 3.5 Configuration variant 3

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

Figure 3.6 Bay unit: Connections of binary inputs and outputs

variant 3

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd

OC Inputs Variant 4 : HV/EHV, Double Bus, 1-Pole Breaker CR Outputs

01 11530 C
Q1 ON 21110 11
02 11530 D
11530 C BBP 12
04 11530 D
10 11530 A ITT 14
11 11530 B EFP
Q0 Manual Cl. Command Rem TRIP
12 11505 24105
Start L1 (Main 1)
13 13710
Start L2 (Main 1)
14 13720
Start L3 ( Main 1) 16
15 13730
Start L1L2L3
09 13740
13770 BFP 02
13780 23105
13785 23110 04
BP Default Output
(In Service)

BP Configurable
BP Input Output
Ext Blk Dist Trip CB L1
01 111205 211105 01
Manual Close Command Trip CB L2
02 111505 211110 02
Carr. Rec. Trip CB L3
05 03 111815 211115 03
Prep3PTrip M1 AR Carr. Send
19 09 111825 211880 04 05
OR Start RST/TripCB 3Ph/
11 DIST Trip CB
Z Extension AR
111830 211320 OR
211305 09

Carr. Rec. Carr. Send

06 04 120805 220815 05 07
CB All Poles Closed Trip
07 05 120505 220105 06
112205 212105 07
Block O/c
(Inverted) OCSTD
221105 08
224105 09
13 08
Trip CB 3Ph
Z Extension
14 09
Trip CB
15 10
Prep. 3P Trip

CB Open
07 118515 218310
Manual Close Command
16 118535 218845
08 08 118505
21110 118205(Ext Blk AR)
M1 Healthy/Service Mode OR
20 10 12

AR Definitive Trip
218315 11
Close Command
Start 218105 12 03
Trip CB 3P
Trip CB

Permit To Close

Blk Trig L
16 11 117225 217410
Blk Trig B1
17 12 117215 217105
Blk Trig B2
18 13 117220
B1 Act
14 117805
B2 Act
15 117810

Figure 3.7 Configuration variant 4

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

Figure 3.8 Bay unit: Connections of binary inputs and outputs

variant 4

REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen ABB Switzerland Ltd
OC Inputs Variant 5 : HV/EHV, Double Bus, 1-Pole Breaker CR Outputs
01 11530 C 21110
02 11530 D
11530 C BBP 12
04 11530 D
10 11530 A 14
11 11530 B EFP
Q0 Manual Cl. Command Rem TRIP
12 11505 24105
Start L1 (Main 1)
13 13710
Start L2 (Main 1)
14 13720 16
Start L3 ( Main 1)
15 Start L1L2L3
09 13740
13785 23110 08

BP Default Output
In Service

11 SL1L2L3

BP Configurable
BP Input Output
Trip CB
214105 01
Start L1
214710 15
19 03 Carr. Rec.
114805 214715 Start L2
Start L3
214720 17
Carr. Send
214805 04 09


216105 05

212105 07
221105 Trip
224105 Trip

Prep. 3P Trip M1/M2 Prep. 3P Trip M1

CB Open
07 118515 218310 10 03
Manual Close Command
16 118535 Prep. 3P Trip M2
OCO 06
20 08 118505
21110 118205(Ext Blk AR)
Gen Start M1/M2
05 17 118705 AR
3 P Trip M1/M2
07 18 118305 218315 Definitive Trip
Gen Trip M1/M2
06 19 118310 218105 Close Command
13 04


Permit To Close
Blk Trig L
16 11 117225 10
Blk Trig B1
17 12 117215 217105 (Spare)
Blk Trig B2
18 13 117220
B1 Act
14 117805
B2 Act
15 117810

Figure 3.9 Configuration variant 5

ABB Switzerland Ltd REB500sys 1MRB520295-Aen

Figure 3.10 Bay unit: Connections of binary inputs and outputs

variant 5

ABB Switzerland Ltd
Utility Automation
Brown Boveri Strasse 6
CH-5400 Baden / Switzerland
Phone +41 58 585 77 44
Fax +41 58 585 55 77

Printed in Switzerland (0205-0300-0)

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